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Horoscope Fish Feature Full Characteristic. Fish on the zodiac sign, Fish characteristics, Fish compatibility

Compatibility horoscope: All about the sign of the zodiac fish is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Planet fish

Neptune is considered a patroness-patronage of fish - the god of naval depths. This planet symbolizes the region of the unconscious, manages the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Born under this sign are characterized by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to someone else's pain and compassionate. But they are too fond of their dreams and ideas about events that they, in their opinion, should be.

To say that they look at the world through pink glasses, it will not be too big exaggeration. Many fish are immersed in art and other types of creativity, considering it as a way to achieve equilibrium, and at the same time there are quite a few talent.

Element of fish

Fish bind with water. They are able to feel much, but just as often inclined to make a mistake. Pisces are subject to strangers and are able to pour you tears if circumstances will allow.

They are romantic and can give the beloved by non-existent perfect features. These are good and sociable people, although restrained shy. They are modest to extremes. They like to live in their fictional bright world.

Fish - limit and eternity sign, Since this is the last, twelfth, zodiac sign and carries a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, his symbol is two fish floating in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from contradictory desires.

These are selfless, spiritual and concentrated people in their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they get them inherited.

Help neighbor - the main instinct of fish. They rarely occupy responsible posts and rarely delay in one place. They do not seek power. Fish are born with tired, they have no energy to eliminate obstacles, for daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Fish are very good-natured, calm And quite indifferent to reality. They are peculiar to the carelessness about tomorrow. Fish in life is rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently, but despise hard work. In any start, if you want to succeed, you deliberately encourage yourself for difficulties. Fish is instinctively looking for an easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome the resistance of the medium, so they go along the path of least resistance. Prefer to sail downstream, and not fight him. But there is no lack of talents from fish. Among them are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to the opinion of other people. And in general, this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, fish have a character. If they are derived from themselves, they can be peeled and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Fishes are easiest to meet in the center of the company surrounded by admirers. People attract their charming manners and unobtrusive benevolence. As scorpion and cancer, fish love alcohol. Many of them drink more norms, so among fish a large percentage of alcoholics.

A fish Prefers to live in its water greenhouse world. Many consider fish dreamers and mysterious people, and they are right: the fish born under the sign cozy feel in the world of fantasies.

When they are pursued by failures, instead of actually look at the situation and make a right decision, they are trying to hide deep into their ghost illusions.

They have a gift to attract people. They are susceptible and often see people are not as they are, and what they would like to see them. Their character is not amenable to a distinct description. It is difficult to understand their strange plans and emotions.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult for them to see reality, so they are assessed by the situation incorrectly and distorted. Fish idealize a person who loves, and will put up with many, because they do not see his negative sides.

Very little that can bring them out of themselves. However, this does not mean that they are not able to indignant. Fish do not tolerate any criticism in their address, no hostility. They become prolit, sharply sarcastic, irritable, although not long.

Fish have the ability to predict. They often see strange dreams, which, as a rule, come true. They have faithful premonitions. Therefore, if the fish say you should not fly by plane or go by car, believe them.

They express subtle observations. They have excellent memory. They are stronger and wiser than they suggest. So it is desirable to listen to their advice.

Typical fish never care about themselves. They spend most of their energy, helping relatives and friends.

Fish has internal resistance to diseases. But they are gentle and are subject to all diseases that can affect them unexpectedly and seriously. Therefore, they care about their health. Like the Virgin, they take precautions in time and begin to look for symptoms of the disease at the very first influenza news. However, thoroughly studying medical journals and benefits, they often mislead themselves.

Since they have a slow metabolism, they often walk half and eat little, which sometimes causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They do not have a very good liver and weak lungs. They are prone to colds and inflammation of the lungs. However, if necessary, fish can mobilize and overcome their ailments.

Humor is one of the secret fish guns. It can be both warm and harmless and cold and hard. They smoke to hide tears.

Often they say evasively without any reason. Those who are associated with them never know how they relate to it. In the end, you understand that they do not have big beliefs. They are ready to listen to you with genuine attention, but in fact their mind is busy with something completely different, most likely distracted dreams. But this is not given to anyone. Fishes love to hide their essence, playing the public.

The main advantages of fish - their devotion and generosity. These people love to help others and know how to do it. It is these traits of character especially attract people.

Fish men

He may be all what you would like, and, all that you would not want. Fish sign can be called the most complex sign of the zodiac.

Fish men are difficult to concentrate on something one. They, as a rule, are engaged in several activities at once. Someone is expressed in the fact that they work in several works, and these works are not related to each other.

However, this is not a weakness, but rather a dream of fish. They are dreamers, and all the dreams are unreal. Fish breaks between reality and unreality with their prone to the self-analysis of nature. The travel between conscious and dreamily unconscious is associated with their intuitive, almost telepathic nature. That is why the fish are difficult to lie down to the wall.

They have a bright imagination. At the same time, they extremely rely on intuition. Therefore, many consider fish dreamers and mysterious people.

But when they are seriously accepted for business to make money, their intuition combined with the mind can also bring recognition, and wealth. However, if a man did not succeed to mature age, then, speaking, frankly, his future is not too promising.

Most of these men live as they believe quite worn. All they need is lazy dreams, a glass of wine and loaf of bread. And they are quite happy. There is only one way out: to live easily with such a husband, you need to be a very rich heir. Or work for two: for yourself and for him.

All male fish are big romance. They are emotional and unstable. Any surprises are possible with them.

But if a man-fish found his luck in life, this is a real find for a woman. He has a lot of opportunities. He can become a truly great man.

If you attracted their attention, any ways give fish to take a conversation in your hands. If you are unfamiliar with this topic, they will gladly help you figure it out. This is their favorite lesson.

Male fish should relax next to you. It is very sensitive, it is easy to offend. But it is almost impossible to imagine it deeply offended, like, for example, the Taurus.

However, it needs long rest periods. His soul at times should remain alone to free themselves from all troubles and gain peace of mind. Never scold your fish when they plunged into silence. They simply need such moments.

Male fish robes comes from a painful understanding of their limited opportunities. Soothe his bright imagination and constantly encourage it.

Be very careful with him eternally changing emotions and, moreover, try to constantly have an impact on it. Fish rarely overlook, but it happens. However, their anger quickly passes, and life becomes peace again.

Male fish easily disassembled in other people, it is difficult to fool, he sees you through. However, he can fool you if he needs it, because he knows how well to hide his feelings and thoughts.

He is not a supporter of marriages. A joint life with such a man can be very happy or, on the contrary, very unhappy, depending on whether it will be able to "settle" the crest of the wave or turns out to be on the mel. If he sees his chance, he will show a decisiveness at the right moment and for a while will forget his unreal dreams and dreams, it will really reach big heights. The same who will miss their wave, it remains only to affect yourself.

You will not wait for jealousy explosions from him. If he is even jealous, he will be able to pretend that nothing notes. But do not count on too much devotion. This is not his style. He is too susceptible and easily succumbed to someone else's influence.

You will have to teach it to be economical and careful with money. Fish money is inclined to treat non-serious. They can easily spend the entire salary on some kind of belonging, and then live in debt.

Create him a cozy nest, and you will be happy all my life. In order to suit in everyday life for fish, it is not necessary to give a particular importance to small importance. Often they inspire that they are comfortable, just because they like it. They can move the habit or empathy.

Children with him will be very fun. For them, it will be a live book of fairy tales. They may even adore him. You will punish them, and he to listen to their problems and develop their mind.

His hopes and dreams must be met with understanding. It needs to be supported by a happy family life.

Fish usually understand everyone and everyone, except for themselves. All my life, he can look for his own "I", moving to the touch and cooling, not knowing how to perceive my "I". Fish leads and manages the hidden side of life.

Fish is a sign of relaxation. Perhaps it is nervous and scares you, but it is so. You can help him get together.

Fish woman

She has, of course, and negative features, but at first glance, this is a woman who dreams every man. She is managed Neptune, a planet of beauty and mystery. It is very feminine, sensual, susceptible, with good intuition. It is femininity that hides all its flaws, and most often it is soft and dreamy.

She rarely tries to overshadow a man, being married to him or not. She does not have the slightest desire to dominate him. However, this is a very dependent nature. She will greatly be tied to a person who will play a major role in her life, and will hear all his trouble.

She believes that any man can turn the world. And this confidence is transferred to men, and they feel as they would like.

Female Fish -At, calm, quiet harbor for a proud man. Quite a simple conversation with her, and the man is instantly relaxing. But this is a mystery to others. No one can say with confidence, what step she will do. Although she does not try to be a mystery to others, a lifestyle that female fish is elected, very individual. Walking on his way, she seems to say that he is for her one is the only possible. It is difficult to understand in which direction it moves. However, hidden and sometimes deceptive, this woman can be strong enough inside, keeping the kind of defenseless and gentle.

After marriage, it will require a lot, sometimes can be stinging, and sarcastic. But still it will be gentle than scandalous. Never try to fool it. She has an extraordinary gift to see you through.

Fish love to tease and use all women's spells to interest a man. It helps her feel more confident, conscious of his appeal. She has a supernatural skill to surround himself with influential, right people. Since she looks and feels helpless, she draws strengths.

She always has a somewhat thoughtful and duplicated appearance. Experience taught her that premonitions are often justified. She often change moods. She is too easy to fall in love and often in indecision bursts between two men. At the same time, she is terribly sentimental.

Sometimes it covers depression. If her fears come far away, it is removed from everyone. At such moments, you must tell her compliments, maintain her good word. She constantly needs to repeat that she is loved. She, in turn, thanks the partner to the devotion of his sensual soul.

The most difficult for her is to overcome his timidity and doubts. From time to time, she covers its vulnerability to sores and acunts.

But this is only a curtain.

Fish are good loving wives. They possess an amazing gift to make everyone around themselves happy. Good mistress, she loves children, although it is inclined to spoil them. She gives all his heart to children, but due to the lack of hardness can not establish discipline.

It is impractical and dismantled in monetary issues. People with a complex of inferiority attract it, because they need understanding and help.

Perhaps these are the most dedicated and affected people from all the signs of the zodiac. You want to take them with you, softening them pain, help them find themselves, take them by the hand, take out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do it.

They flas down to their sufferings that are mistaken for reality.

Mutual compatibility

Aries dominates, but it is precisely the fish. Nevertheless, this pair needs mutual tact. Fish is very sensitive to criticism, and Aries often happens too cutting. If they manage to smooth these contradictions, marriage can be successful.

Fishes need special attention that does not always have to show the earthly taurus. Fish may suffer if they are treated too prose. If these problems succeed in overcome, the marriage will be happy.

Gemini are too inconsistent, and the fish are too sensitive. Genets carelessness will insult fish. Both are too egocentric to take the efforts and adapt to each other. But it is possible to completely calm marriage.

Cancer assumes a leading role and makes major solutions. Despite individual quarrels, in general, they satisfy the emotional needs of each other, mutually care about feelings. Excellent compatibility.

None of them oriented to another. Sensitive fish begin to play on the nerves of a lion and thus force it to look for entertainment on the side. Communication will be difficult, marriage will not bring satisfaction.

Fish will not receive satisfaction from the restrained Virgin. Virgo rejects excessive fish attractions, becomes too critical and picky. Virgo builds plans, while fish act under the influence of inspiration. Perspective of constant quarrels, weightless marriage.

Scales will not provide leadership, the necessary fish. Both adore luxury, but no one wants to work to buy it. Communication will disappoint, the marriage sooner or late will fail.

Scorpio strength comes to help fish. Fish will not initiate the jealousness of scorpion, and the proprietary instincts will receive complete satisfaction. Excellent connection, wonderful marriage.

The sluggish behavior of the fish causes boredom among an active firing, which is still looking for something new. Sagittarius will rush over the sentimental torment of fish. Communication is unsuccessful, marriage is unpromising.

Strong, domineering Capricorn can give fishes feeling a security. Fish, in turn, contribute to the in-depth, emotional life of Capricorn romantic note. They complement each other, without which there is no harmonious marriage.

The individualism of the fish has a little common with the company, the open character of Aquarius. Independent aquarius will not work in vain to spend their efforts to give hardness to fish. Aquarius tries to solve logically, fish - expansive. Marriage is simply as planning.

Combines their mutual sympathy and excellent understanding of each other. Sometimes they can be one of the best couples in the zodiac. But they will gradually destroy the initial romanticism with mutual claims. Calm and happy marriage duby.

Born under the Fish Sign

John Steinbek, George Washington, Victor Hugo, Enrico Caruso, Michelangelo Buonotti, Albert Einstein, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Auguste Renoir, Elizabeth Taylor, Frederik Chopin, Peter Ershov.

Fish zodiac sign:

horoscope, value and description

Today you are more busy with other people's affairs than your own, but it is not so bad. You will have the opportunity to help others or give a good advice to a person who produced in a difficult situation. The day is suitable for communicating with influential people, there is a chance to find both business partners, and powerful patrons.

You are prone to suicide, provocative behavior, do not refuse from bold experiments. Today it does not have a sad consequence; At the same time, the more decisive you act, the better the result is.

Sign element: water

Color: purple, purple

Sign stone: opal

Metal sign: silver, tantalum

Good luck day: Thursday

Difficult day: Wednesday

Happy number: seven

Fish Zodiac Sign: Horoscope

Under this sign, the zodiac is born the most spiritual and sensual representatives of the genus of human. Pisces on the horoscope have the most bright abilities in various fields. But natural modesty often leaves these geniuses unrecognized.

The complete absence of ambitions, even some shyness does not allow them to expose their achievements and talents. That is why the horoscope of the fish promises him unrecognizance, underestimation. (More ...)

The lack of desire to explain and defend their position and the need for permanent support give rise to a closed circle from which it is difficult to get out.

The same lack of aspirations causes sign of zodiac fish to go with the flow. They have no incentives, they are not interested in money and glory, they are important for the absence of pressure and interference. This water sign has a special passion for fluids, can abuse alcohol, thereby trying himself with unsatisfactory reality.

Love horoscope fish is as complicated. They attract the opposite sex to themselves, giving their sensuality and tenderness, but they do not need to keep anyone else.

The fish are gorgeous in bed, caring spouses and good parents, but their need for self-affirmation makes them strive to conquer other vertices, and they often step on the path of treason.

Another amazing characteristic of fish is the desire to help weak, sick and weak. It can be said that they have at the level of instinct. In difficult situations, this sign of the zodiac saves a strongly developed sense of humor. Often, they are joking to hide disappointment, grief, insult. Their smiles beat exactly in target. Such humor is able to treat and is able to hurt.

First decade (February 20 - 28 (29) February)

Fish of the first decade often hide their true good face for a harsh mask. They rarely recognize anyone that they really bothers, prefer to demonstrate skepticism and irony.

Among them are beautiful designers, artists, fashion designers, thinly feel harmony in color and shades. However, due to its criminality and immunity to criticism, creativity avoid. (More ...)

Second decada (March 1 - March 10)

The patroness planet of fish born in the second decade is the moon, which greatly affects the mood. Therefore, these people often frighten the mood surrounding sharp drops. Passionate and fervor today, tomorrow turn into inert cold people. (More ...)

Very love animals and understand them.

Third decada (March 11 - March 20)

Of all the representatives of this sign, these people possess the fighter in nature. The dominant features of such people are perseverance, courage and determination. They are also very observant, smart and talented. (More ...)

In love, these are wonderful and sensitive partners. However, the passion for romance, gentle and trembling feelings pusals their new acquaintances, which often leads to several marriages.

Fish marriage and compatibility

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Fish - characteristic of the zodiac sign

Like other representatives of the water element, fish have developed intuition and enjoy it competently. People born under this sign of the zodiac are well versed in psychology and delicately feel change in their loved ones. They may not always argue his alarms, but it is not necessary - just so fish are not panic. Feeling that someone from the nearest environment got into trouble, they earlier than all come to the rescue before it was reported about what happened. Among the fish there are a decent number of famous psychologists, astrologers, psychologists and outstanding teachers.

Fish is the most dreamy and wounded sign of the zodiac, inclined to idealize other people, and sometimes life itself. Starting a new thing or getting acquainted with an attractive representative of the opposite sex, they are so keen on that they refuse to notice the futility of their classes or the disadvantages of the elect. Fish is not a stupid sign of the zodiac, they see the essence of the problem, but because of the character, they do not want to recognize their pre-invented optimistic scenario irrelevant. The troubles remain not eliminated and grow like a snowball, and a person loses control over the situation. Depressed by a feeling of hopelessness, the representative of the sign of the fish itself brings himself to depression. In the most difficult cases, such people prefer to address the problems escape from reality with alcohol and drugs.

Fish dream of a stable satellite of life, but rarely limited to one marriage. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe "ideal person", with whom they would like to create a family, but faced with the first difficulties in relations with the chosen one, are instantly disappointed in it, after which they renew the search for their ideal. Thoughts that the beloved person comes from the same planet as they themselves, and therefore endowed with all the most important advantages and disadvantages, it seems to them terrible. For this reason, many of the fish are unhappy in marriage, believing that they created a family not with that man, or have an excavatory amount of marriage and love alliances, alternating with extraordinary speed.

Fish is a rather secretive zodiac sign, so even close people often know about them quite a bit. For his spouse, fish throughout the life remain unreadable book. Representatives of some other signs of the zodiac feel tensely near the fish, because they do not understand the true relationship with their part. The highest level of mutual understanding of the fish can achieve with the signs of their element - cancer and scorpion.

See Fish compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Man Fish

A man born under the sign of the fish, calm, smart and causing. It is pleasant in communication, is not inclined to the manifestation of rudeness, attentive to someone else's opinion. In a conflict or controversial situation, he will not prove his right point, but rather stop unpleasant communication. He is friendly and caring, but prone to lies. It is unlikely that there is an evil intent in it - most often it comes in this way, not wanting to upset someone, or just for the sake of the "beauty of the moment."

Most often, the man's fish has a creative occupation, which does not always bring him a stable income. He spends its irregular earnings with a special speed, without worrying about tomorrow. Fishs do not see the meaning in the accumulation - for them the money acquires value only when already invested. They are not so much plenty of earnings, how many purchases are delighted, even if the family budget acquired to the detriment.

Male Fish is afraid of difficulties and tries to avoid responsibility. For women who want to find a reliable shoulder in the satellite satellite, such an alliance is not the best solution. A man of fish really knows how to love, romanticized and unconsumed, is able to empathize and surround care, but it is often not ready for the volitional actions and to make serious decisions. He will wait patiently when everyone decides for him.

Fish woman

Fish is one of the most feminine signs of the zodiac. Fish woman gentle, sexy and attractive. She has an incredible tact in communication, the problems of loved ones perceives close to heart and surrounds the concern for those who love. It can be reliable and sincere friend, but it is unlikely to be able to offer something more, except for understanding and sympathy. She tends to exaggerate their own trouble, preferring to escape from problems with their solution.

Fish woman loves her home, and trying to maintain in it, though peculiar, but still, order. She likes to surround himself with beautiful things, acquiring which, she forgets about their real financial opportunities. She managed to earn money with great difficulty, with the exception of a favorable coincidence when she has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity.

In the choice of a satellite of life, she is picky, but if in his youth she dreams of unearthly love, then over the years it is increasingly attracted by secured life and stability. Fish woman stretches to men with a volitional character to feel like a stone wall, but at the same time she more representatives of other zodiac signs need care and tenderness. Of course, such qualities of nature can be combined in one person. The moment comes when she has to choose between an indecisive intelligent and courageous, but prone to manifestation of rudeness. For work on their own internal contradictions, it can go for many years.

Planet fish

Neptune is considered a patroness-patronage of fish - the god of naval depths. This planet symbolizes the region of the unconscious, manages the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Born under this sign are characterized by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to someone else's pain and compassionate. But they are too fond of their dreams and ideas about events that they, in their opinion, should be.

To say that they look at the world through pink glasses, it will not be too big exaggeration. Many fish are immersed in art and other types of creativity, considering it as a way to achieve equilibrium, and at the same time there are quite a few talent.

Element of fish

Fish bind with water. They are able to feel much, but just as often inclined to make a mistake. Pisces are subject to strangers and are able to pour you tears if circumstances will allow.

They are romantic and can give the beloved by non-existent perfect features. These are good and sociable people, although restrained shy. They are modest to extremes. They like to live in their fictional bright world.

Fish - limit and eternity sign, Since this is the last, twelfth, zodiac sign and carries a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, his symbol is two fish floating in opposite directions, so such a person constantly suffers from contradictory desires.

These are selfless, spiritual and concentrated people in their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they get them inherited.

Help neighbor - the main instinct of fish. They rarely occupy responsible posts and rarely delay in one place. They do not seek power. Fish are born with tired, they have no energy to eliminate obstacles, for daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Fish are very good-natured, calm And quite indifferent to reality. They are peculiar to the carelessness about tomorrow. Fish in life is rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently, but despise hard work. In any start, if you want to succeed, you deliberately encourage yourself for difficulties. Fish is instinctively looking for an easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome the resistance of the medium, so they go along the path of least resistance. Prefer to sail downstream, and not fight him. But there is no lack of talents from fish. Among them are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to the opinion of other people. And in general, this sign is indifferent to MNA-GIM important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, fish have a character. If they are derived from themselves, they can be peeled and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Fishes are easiest to meet in the center of the company surrounded by admirers. People attract their charming manners and unobtrusive benevolence. As scorpion and cancer, fish love alcohol. Many of them drink more norms, so among fish a large percentage of alcoholics.

Characteristic of the sign

The image dates back to the Greek Miph of Aphrodite and Eros, which turned into fish in order to jump into the river and slip away from the monster by name Typhon.
The symbol denotes two fish that keep the "silver thread" in the mouth. Usually fish draw looking in different directions, which means conflict in man between body and soul.
Sympathy, versatility, self-denial. This is a super-sensitive sign, reacts very strongly to the thoughts and feelings of other people. Fish tend to unconsciously absorb other people's ideas and presentations. Fish has a very strong will, they depend on the circumstances. It is useful for them to learn how to stand on their legs.
Duality sign. Fishes are hard to make decisions, they are often tired, it prevents them in sports, to perform hard work. Fish is not fighters. Their disgust for disputes makes them timid. For them, it is better for injustice than forced struggle for their rights.

If the patience of fish is bursting, they can get angry so that they are not able to calm them for a long time. Fish charming, their charm, humor and participation open with many doors in front of them. They can be diligent and accurate as fish floating upstream. The mood of fish fluctuates from the extreme optimism to black melancholy.
Fish do not seek to material benefits, as instinctively understand that the search for their own I will be successful for them only if physical needs are not for them the source of worries. Often, fish are useful to learn how to handle and with your own and with a stranger is more good.

Fish well feel thin flows in human relationships and tend to hold onto others. They protect their individuality, carefully listens to their inner voice. Love live dreams. If this ability to develop and control, you can develop excellent acting abilities. Under this sign poets, musicians, sculptors are born.
Music is a congenital quality of fish. Among them are a lot of singers. Often, fish are characterized by more than rich imagination. Thanks to this, someone else's painful response to words and cases feel well. Different with sincere sympathy.

Many fish are ready for everyone in the name of facilitating the suffering of people, in particular, to work in bad conditions. They devote themselves to sick and desperate and do not require any remuneration. If they found themselves, they are kind, disinterested, devotees, selfless. Their feelings are gentle and sincere, they close their eyes to the shortcomings of their loved ones.
Lack of fish - fatalism. They must learn to understand that they are not powerless in their fate, look at themselves realistically, to use all the possibilities that are at their disposal. Fish not aware of their fatalism, they are confused and lost. The awareness of him gives them the possibility of development.
The motto is "I believe."
Most of all combined with: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo
Average compatibility with: Gemini
Less than all combined with: Aries, Leo
Under this sign Born: Michelangelo, Rossini, Chopin, Handel, Einstein, Renoir, Hugo, Caruso, Washington, M. Gorbachev, Roman-Korsakov, Elizabeth Taylor, Steinbeck.

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Children's horoscope

You have a quiet, peace-loving and friendly child. He dreams of a lot and often confuses fantasy with reality. Kids can confuse time: will sleep when you need to wake, and vice versa. Child disease diseases occur atypically: the windmill can be like allergies, and allergic to the windmill. Only an experienced children's doctor can understand this. As for food, they may have strange sympathies and antipathy. Mother should not be upset and especially screaming to the child. It is better to calmly remove the food that the child does not want to eat. But they are mixed. If you want the child to certainly ate the food you have proposed, come up with some funny game. Child welcing and imperceptibly make what you want from him. These children love playing with water, magical fairy tales with wonders and reincarnations. But they do not endure noise, screams, violence. Violence leads to horror. They should not look before bedtime TV, they should not listen to sad or gloomy music. In general, these children are easily upset and upset. They may be sick because of this.

The most important thing for them is a quiet, peaceful situation. It is difficult for them to communicate with noisy or cruel children. Invite to the house only those they love. Children willingly come into contact with your child, everyone likes his peace-loving character and ever readiness to laugh.
Sometimes you may seem that you lose contact with your child, he is in some kind of dream of a dream. You need to develop a sense of reality in it, practicality. It is difficult for a child to focus on something one, it is difficult for him to take a certain decision. Sometimes it cannot solve even such a simple task: put on a coat or cloak, shoes or shoes. Develop in it the ability to make a decision independently and insist on it. These children, as a rule, do not understand anything in the money. Let the child pocket money and learn how to contact them.

It is difficult to understand what the child is talent. Most often, the fish born under the sign are capable of everything in the world. It is useful to engage in art, they have improved mood from it. The child is also useful and pleasant to have pets.
As a rule, fish at all there are no ambition and develop it is useless. Learn these children is easy. But they sometimes lack self-confidence, and they can miss a favorable chance. Ships, screams, punishment never reach goals in communicating with fish. But they are easily amenable to peaceful influence.
Take them to class a certain time and place. The child must have its own corner, space and sizes should be thought out and like a child.

Claim time must be observed strictly. The solid routine of the day will benefit your child. These children easily absorb any influences: both bad, and good. This is their strength and weakness. While the child has not learned to distinguish bad from the good, he can get under a bad effect. Despite the external softness and compliance of the child, it is difficult to fall from a bad company, if he has already fallen under its influence. Therefore, parents must follow the one who is his friends. Try to establish emotional contact with your child. It is important to choose the right moment: it is best to sincerely talk to him in a calm, quiet atmosphere before bedtime.

Diseases in these children proceed atypically, as mentioned above. The overall viability of the child is not very high. Parents must take it from chagrin, since it can get sick with any disease (possible diseases of the throat, lungs, disorders of digestion, diseases associated with the mucous membrane and the glands of the internal secretion). Fish sign symbolizes feet feet. Pick your child carefully shoes, it can have corn, flatfoot, curvature of the fingers on the legs. There is also a tendency to somnambulism and hypochondria. Watch your child to be not sad, did not be upset, not nervous. Then the likelihood of diseases will be much less.

What is contraindicated to your child?
Scary stories on TV, scenes of violence, sad music. Company of noisy or cruel people. Any screams, noise, nervousness. The company of adults or children affecting a bad influence.

What does your child need?
In a quiet peaceful atmosphere. In class art, in domestic animals. Teach it to make decisions and insist on it, distinguishing dreams from reality.
Be able to focus. If possible, teach how to handle pocket money.

Temperament and character

This is the last of the zodiac signs. Fish usually understand everyone and everyone, except for themselves. All my life can look for your own "me", moving to the touch and cooling, not knowing how to perceive this "I".
Fish leads and manages the hidden side of life. They are difficult to associate in each moment for them their truth, they are like drowning gas. Fish are born with tired, they have no energy to eliminate obstacles, for daily efforts to overcome petty worries. Their life is like a house without window glass, through this house blows any wind.
Any pain, heat, cold - everything affects them and immediately affects, making the poor inhabitant of this house even poorer and tired. Others, on the contrary, have a nervic energetic nature that can keep them in a wakefulness state of days, weeks, during which most of them exhaust themselves, starting a lot of unaffebled cases, projects, plans, laying them on tomorrow, etc. Employed, strong fish type, managing, but more convictions, persuasion than power.

Fish - citizens of the Universe, not belonging to themselves, they are nowhere and everywhere. Rarely feel desirable, they must be said at least twice that you want to see them or treat, before they think that you may really want to see them.
Fish are interested in all and all, but very specific, there is nothing really worth it for them, but there is no potentially more internally rich man than developed fish. But those are rare, since it is necessary for work on themselves concentration, efforts, willpower, fish somewhere halfway between zero and infinity. They fluctuate between the bad and majestic, between the monastery and the prison, from the innocent agreement to the masochist destroy, from compassion to human unfortunately before the swamp in pity.
Fish - the victims of themselves and others. Fish - sinless children who can keep calm in the face of real danger and go into panic from nonsense.

Perhaps these are the most dedicated and affected people from all the signs of the zodiac.
You want to take them with you, softening them pain, help them find themselves, take them by the hand, withdraw their fog, but they rarely allow you to do it. They flas down to their sufferings that are mistaken for reality. Usually their "reality" wins and delays despair helps to the deserted land. That is why there are many fatal women among fish. Mysticism and fantasy prevail with them when choosing clothes, they little care about fashion requirements, can even be careless in clothes.
A woman is easier to be fish than men, as society considers a languid, a dreamy, indecisive woman charming and does not approve of these traits in men.

Psychosxual characteristic

Of all the 12 signs of the zodiac, the most difficult to describe fish. If there are any keys to their sex. Life In general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the highest Octave - Venus, which makes farchhy and spiritual fish. Fish will prepare will agree that finding a person with all the virtues, which they are practically impossible. Therefore, they are not even trying.

Another way to describe their sex. Life is to study various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers 12 house of the horoscope to which fish rule (it is called the house of secret enemies and death). It deals with mental diseases, sexual deviations. He also manages unforeseen tragedies in a person's life, damage to senses, solitude. Therefore, they are often compatible with people know. Virgin and scales, especially in the spiritual emotional region, because These signs also have their difficulties regarding the physical side of love.
Fish prone to the relationship between a man and a woman type "slave - owner", they themselves often act as a slave. Their desire is to be under whose power, makes it look for people with a strong will, who rule over them with almost military severity in all areas of life.

Unfining maneuces
Fishes, of course, with some exceptions, are among the most cunning and unfortunate people in non-smart maneuvers. Neptune makes them masters of deception of other people. They use all unworthy means to achieve well-being and emotional discharge. But in defense of the fish, I can say that in most cases they themselves do not suspect that their behavior is not honest.
Most fish reaches their goals, trying to manipulate the emotions and sexual desires of others.

How to satisfy fish
Most fish live in the world of illusions. No matter how liberals are not in sex. Relationships with them need to play pretense. They often behave as if sexually actually does not matter or as if their participation, even the most hooked, only the gesture to meet the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to resolve them to treat sex with indifference.

Many female fish sexy frigid and with any man behave tricky, powerfully, rudely, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sex passion. Such people most often wear a mask virtue and self-sacrifice.
Fish men are not typical of this behavior. They are usually romantic, attentive and loyal lovers, husbands wishing to make a pleasant partner. If incompatibility revealed in their marriage, they are rarely bred. Instead, they strengthen the positive aspects of their relationship.
Since fish is a water mark, they are extremely emotional. Fish fully depend on their loved ones. They constantly arrange checks to their partners so that they have proven their love and prove that fears and suspicions of fish are only fantasy. Fish should beware of paranoia and feelings that they were betrayed. They must develop their positive qualities: sympathy, hospitality, generosity. They also need to beware of hypersensitivity and infrequently chatter.

Positive features
Fish has many positive features, but because of their exposure to self-dispersion and negativity, they have to fight more than others to show their good qualities.
Their intentions are usually honest, and they do not expect to meet them in other people. They are indulgent to errors. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge subconsciously and often state the facts and truths that they have not fully understood, but which will still be true. They have a strong sense of humor. They are often too conscientious in the work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They should also believe in themselves and in their abilities, trust their intuition. They sympathetically relate to disadvantages, they cannot see or even hear about the suffering of others.

Negative traits
Perhaps the greatest lack of other people will not be called a disadvantage, but for fish it is negative quality: they are more likely to be removed into their invented world, which will meet face to face with real life. They would be calmer if they learn to live today.
Fish should try to stabilize their identity and confront winds that inflate them in all directions. They should also try to be not scattered in their thoughts and take a certain position. Sometimes they may feel that their moods suddenly changed dramatically and that they will then regret the wrong choice. But it is even better than their constant indecision.

Economy love
If all I have said about fish in this regard will make you think that they are weak and helpless, then I misled you. They are listed among the most skillful players in the economy of love.
Because of the feeling of uncertainty and the fluctuate mood, they will learn even in early childhood about the power of money. If they do not always know how to make them many themselves, they skillfully manipulate those who can make money. If there is a person who has an excess of money, and he does not know how to spend them, he must come into contact with the fish that has luxurious art and help get rid of extra money quickly and in good style.

The most appropriate partners
Up to 29.5 years old, the most suitable partners should be sought among the signs of cancer and scorpion. All three - watermarks and up to 29.5 years of their relationship are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In his youth of fish attract the powerful identities of Scorpio and childishly impractical crayfish.
After 29.5 years, they can be compatible with a sign of scales. Scales attract fish calm grace and a sense of equilibrium. Mature fish attracts aquatic, which expand their world of communication helps to suppress their super-emotionalness.
After 41.5 years, the fish have already acquired greater stability and closely approached their best partner and a friend - the Virgin, the opposite sign of the fish. Both signs - birds of one flight, under the sharp astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.
In conclusion, I urge fish to try each of the 12 characters, as for fish the most difficult to find a partner.

Evaluation of loyalty
Usually fish are very faithful people, especially in youth, when they are deep and long-term connections with strong personalities who will direct their relationship and rule. But the latter should make a modest and shy nature of fish.

Erotic horoscope

Her world is the world of actors, artists, writers, the world of Bohemia. She lives in the designer of dreams and hopes. Her erotic is implemented in adoration, love "drama", the game, but not in physical intimacy. And although she tries in his rich imagination to turn a partner in a prince, a low temperament does not bring her complete satisfaction from proximity. Her life is waiting for a miracle, hoping to meet the one who beats up with her roses. As a rule, men are not returned to it, because they do not really like romantic tears at the time of intimate caress. The misunderstanding of the fact that in sex should be able to not only take, but also to give, turns it into the state of Melancholy. By nature, it is good, and many young men acquire their first experience in her arms. In marriage, she often makes treason, which is not able to not be able to nor her husband.

Born under this constellation is endowed with great sensuality. His rich inner world is full of experiences and contrasts, and erotic motives occupy in it not the last place. His sensuality excites women and delivers them a lot of pleasures. But any of their attempts to penetrate his soul, he gently, but correctly rejects. When such attempts become persistent, it is unnoticed, giving a woman to understand that he is "a cat that walks in itself." He understands that the truth that the woman "loves the ears", and is able to reduce their speeches crazy. Even the best friends do not know about his intimate relationships. He is enough to worry his victories alone. In the soul he is a collector, but a collector who knows how to appreciate his acquisitions. Marriage comes in perfectly consciously, although it does not have the needs of nor in his wife or in children. His married life is quite stable, but his wife will not have enough sincerity.


The attitude to work is rather intuitive than rational, they need to work in their own rhythm. They react well to these circumstances, do not impose their power, "do not press" and deviate from pressure over. Important and personal work are devoted to self-sacrifice.
Extremely talented fish are writers, artists, actors, musicians, i.e. Art people.
For them, areas of activity are suitable: medicine, pedagogy, research work, shipbuilding, shoe, fisheries, stock business, and among them Schulers, fraudsters, plows.
Many of them show interest in all unusual: yoga, astrology, chiromantia, theory of rebirth and other occult sciences. Of these, good mediums are obtained.
Some succeed where others suffer failure, and fall there themselves where other easily cope. Attitude towards money varies depending on their views.


So many variations, how many fish in the sea. A man in the range from Don Juan, thirsty to give himself to all women (shark in the ocean of love) - to the silently suffering sacrifice of love.
Women from a romantic, mystical, fatal woman - to a soft, devotee, although not very submissive wife belonging to a whole man entirely and forever, which seems too good to believe it.
There are and adores her "deity" at a distance and no one who does not open up his feelings, especially the object of passion. Love takes an honorable place, they can love at the highest exalted level, or do not like to reject love to the lowest level - it may be paradise or hell.

There is no more complex heart than the heart of the fish - it is wide, mysteriously, incomprehensible as the sea. It is inhabited by diverse gusts. Love comes to the fishes secretly and grows unnoticed. They themselves rarely know where she began and where he ended. The apparent indifference is explained by internal stiffness or fear to tie itself for a long time. Can support Platonic relations and experience their passion alone, without obvious needs, their sensuality is strong and infectious.
They are not conquerors, but prefer to be chosen, but it should be seen that you prefer them, and anyone else. They do not fight the opponent, it will be better to leave the way, wish you happiness with another person. Prefer to bring a difficult sacrifice than to arrange a scene of jealousy. The main difficulty - do not know how to start, tie relations with a person, but also do not know how to break them.

Hesitate - leave, leave or return. Silent gloomy, many fall in love with the detrigorous people, moral and physical horses who are trying to save their love, as love for many fish means help, they should feel desirable, understanding, be happy without a doubt. If so, then there is no more dedicated, stop-up, goodbye partner.
Fish lesson: learn not to sacrifice the blue in the hands of the caravel in the sky.
Fishes are happy with the Virgin, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn, understand without the words of scorpion. They should avoid scales and twins.


Usually care about your health. Like the Virgin, they begin to take precautions and look for symptoms of the disease. At the very first influenza news - to read all types of medical journals and benefits, sometimes not the most popular. Often they are misleaded.
Fish are gentle and are subject to all sorts of diseases that may affect unexpectedly and seriously. Fish is picky in food and love delicacies. There are many vegetarians among fish.
Weak points: feet, heels, limbs, they are often subject to edema, especially in the ankles, veins of veins, rheumatism, rumbers, tumors, polypam, colds. More other zodiac signs are predisposed to schizophrenia.
Measures: warm, dry climate, avoid raw rooms. Exercise, frequent holidays, vacation on the temperate sea coast, in open mountain areas. Keep your feet in dry and warm. Regular foot bath and nasal hygiene by marine salts.


The last sign of the zodiac, and therefore they are all so different. Mentally mobile, but very variable. Some too badly, other moving, but all the fish have a large inner force. A big sensitivity, emotions and passions strongly affect their mental state. In metabolic processes, fish with a weak link are neutralizing and removing poisons and slags. Therefore, they are so important diet and products containing potassium sulfate, iron phosphate, iodine and sulfur.
Recommendations. Avoid roasted, oily food, sharp sauces and gravy, caustic spices, as well as strong alcohol, nicotine, drugs. Fishes are most suitable for porridges from extradition grain and rice. Of the fruits, it is best to choose grapes, apples and grenades. To eat nuts and seeds - sunflower and pumpkin. From early vegetables - radish.

Your stones


Color-light greenish blue, less often bluish green.
Mineral-transparent variation of beryllaxilicate beryllium and aluminum.
Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - fish, in the Middle Ages, Astrology attributed a stone to the weights.
It is recommended to wear only in the daytime.

Stone properties. Aquamarine has positive energy, improves mood. Absolutely not effective for liars, stone does not tolerate deception. It makes it easier for dental pain, pain in the stomach and liver, and also stores from the seaside disease. Created to calm the storm, including and cool the passion. The stone is a symbol of faithful friendship, contributes to eloquence and prudence. Revives the mind and cures laziness. Helps clairvoyant.

From the history of stone. Named at the beginning of the seventeenth century from the Latin Words "Water" and "Sea". Used like a talisman and as a jewelry. The largest stones produced in the Brazilian deposits are known as the crystals weighing up to 110kg and 49.5 cm long. In Russia, a similar stone weighing 82kg was found at the end of the eighteenth century. In the face-shaped form, the largest Aquamarine belongs to a jewelry firm in California, a size of 14.6, by 4.7 and 3.8 cm, weighing 518.8g, i.e. 2594 carat!


The color is diverse with a rainbow game.
Mineral solid hydrogel silicon oxide.
Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - fish.
It is recommended to purchase on the eighteenth day of the lunar month.
Stone properties. It is recommended to carry people, a very strong spirit that, by changing the gloss and color of the stone, can determine the approach of danger. The stone is able to cause illusions and deceptive hopes. People of weak and insecure opal can be seduced from the true path and to give the power to the Black forces. Divated opal can embroider a man with a stone donor. It excites the fear of darkness and develops phlegmatic.

From the history of stone. The name of the stone comes from Sanskrit "Upala" - "precious stone". In ancient Rome, it was customary to decorate the wips of military leaders, it was believed that it brings victory in battle. Until the second century AD. Doctors attributed to opal ability to stimulate heart activities, prevent heart disease and fainting, save from tumors. In the Middle Ages, adverse properties began to attribute a stone. He was proclaimed a stone of thieves, for his alleged ability to hypnotize the sacrifice of robbery. In the sixteenth century in Italy, the ability to cause the plague epidemics was imputed. But in England, the times of Elizabeth first Opal was valued very high. Queen Victoria gave all his daughters to the wedding rings with opala, and none of her daughters died untimely. In 1909, a skeleton of a small reptiles was found in Australia to be found in Australia. In length, completely opalized. All skeletal details are preserved, they were replaced by opal with a magnificent flower game. Now this rarity is in the private collection.

Eye cat

Color- has a greenish handling or light strip, changing its position when turning stone. Such an optical effect is very similar to the rainbow feline eye.
Mineral-precious variety of chrysoberilla or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is a diverse stone.
Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - fish, cancer, scorpion.

Stone properties. Stabilizes the health and spirit of man, prevents alien impacts and contributes to the strengthening of the family.
From the history of stone. Stones with similar light phenomena were always considered magic and used for the manufacture of amulets- guard. The largest cat's worst of 313.2 karat is stored in the London Tower. Yellow cat eye, named "Chrysoberill Houpa", has a mass of 45 carats and is exhibited in the British Museum. Gems are most famous in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. For example, a gray-green stone from Sri Lanka weighs 1715 carats, and yellow-green from Brazil is 114.3 carats.

Compatibility Horoscope: March Zodiac Sign Fish Characteristics Briefly - the most complete description, only proved theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Stubborn, but too good fish. They are ready to take out the last shirt. It is difficult, the zodiac sign may be triggered by manipulation, provocations.

March 20, what zodiac sign - fish

The desire to be delighted reaching the absurd. But here you can not do anything. March 20, soon will escape to the friend, they think of their interests last. Drops in the mood on March 20 are often happening.

And they can seriously affect the psyche of man. But the born individuals of March 20 never think about the consequences. They have no golden middle. Clear face between positive and negative. And what is bad, and that they are well solved by themselves. These are precisely those for whom laws are not written.

Also on March 20, in our light, celebrities have come in , William Hurt, Tatyana Firsov. See also: March 19 Zodiac sign - Fish.

Fish nature born March 20

In addition to mercy, they possess such a feature as capriciousness and quieter. What exactly spoil life to others. But on March 20, my own thought about this. They would now say "not like, do not communicate, no one is holding anyone." In addition to their errors, they are gifted by severeness, the subtle perception of the world.

March 20 is in full harmony with nature. Such people are often worried about environmental ecology, global warming, garbage emissions, not equipped with landfills.

But here's not the task, for this, everything happens, they themselves do not pay attention to the fact that they threw a label or bottle on the street. See also: March 21 Zodiac sign - Aries.

Do not try to surpass what you are clearly not on the teeth. Better learn how to manage the fact that you get the best from childhood. Do not hide your skills. Do not be afraid to seem stupid and obsessive. If you always stay in the shade, then you are hardly noticed or praise.

There are things that humanity is impossible to train.

By the way, there are 2 wonderful proverbs in the temperament.

Smoke without fire does not happen. BUT! Nothing just appears, and does not disappear to nowhere. True will always be a friend to you, if you honor and respect it. Cook can be achieved a lot, but you will not be deceived.

March 14 Zodiac sign - Fish. Characteristic

The whole life of such people on March 14 goes to search for her meaning. They do something that they are looking for themselves and calling in this world. The sign of the zodiac and its absolutely not gray everyday life ... The fight against their own consciousness and thoughts is the main occupation and calling on March 14 zodiac sign.

14 martha, what zodiac sign - fish

Fishes are always in some ways. It is difficult for them to keep our eccentricity and pride in your hands. Only thanks to good friends and training on self-defense, they can safely sleep. Hold, fight, break in fluff and dust - there is nothing to do for them. In addition, they love to prove that their words are true of everything. How painfully falls to them when they are wrong. But not for these on March 14. They are angry in such cases stronger, the case can reach the quarrel.

On March 14, the Day of Rivers is celebrated. No wonder your constellation refers to the element of water. A actress Sasha Gray, Nelly Uvarova, Writer Pavel Volya, director Kate Mabers, producer Eva Angelina, celebrate his birthday at the same time with you on March 14. Read more: March 13 Zodiac sign - Fish.

Fish nature born March 14

"Why do I need other people's recommendations," they think on March 14. In part, they make sense. Since you will blame you in your troubles, "and rightly nothing to climb into someone else's personal life." They consider it. What is already talking about family relationships with a representative of this element. Their relatives clearly not to decrease. But even insane individuals as March 14, it is possible to re-educate. It is difficult to succeed. But there is always a solution. If they put pressure, shouts, crying, hysterics. Then you take the top over them tenderness, care, love, compliments. Read more: March 15 Zodiac sign - Fish.

These intelligent fidgets do not understand the primitive rules of etiquette and behavior. March 14, it is certainly necessary to know everything that concerns their health, good luck, happiness.

You see that with money, things are bad, and all fall from hand, then do, Feng Shui eat. (Teaching about harmony, prosperity).

14 martha Try to give more time to what you can't work, and do not be the boat in different scams. Smaller criticize and give in reproach and manipulations. Provocators seek what they act like a red rag on the bull. Do not look for similarity with someone or an example to imitate. Your choice and your fate depends on the adequacy of decisions, and the extent possible. And we always have time to become like someone or repeat someone else's mistake.

Ingenuity comrade young people. Choise on the nose.

Fish zodiac sign - Characteristic (February 21 - March 20)

The nature of the fish is very controversial, only the one who knows and loves them can understand them. For most people, fish remain a mystery, which is why they are so attractive to the opposite sex. Although the mood of fish is changing at the speed of sound, they rarely shared or grumble. Golden heart beats in their chest. It is worthwhile to give themselves will, how the crowd of fans are going around them. However, the fish often cause envy.

Very sensitive, fish perfectly understand the feelings of other people and listen to their opinion . At the first meeting, they may seem shy, but in fact the fish are very sociable and have a real spectrum gift. Before you judge them, try to know them closer. The ability to talk helps the fish get out of trouble in which they can easily fall. The main thing for fish in the people around them is the heart and soul. They know how to see the inner world of a person better than other signs of the zodiac. Fish is very sensitive to the opinions of others, and in this their main weakness. They are easily affected by someone's influence and neglect their own opinions. It is a pity, because it is their opinion that it is often the most faithful. Fish is rarely arrogant and egocentric. "Well, enough about me," they say. - Tell me better about yourself. What do you think about me?"

Artistic, impressionable, original fish achieve great success in design, although they do not like to work hard to bring their wonderful ideas to life. Patience and concentration are not their bumps. They are quickly distracted by something more interesting and fresher. Fish possess excellent taste. They are always well-keeped and beautifully dressed. Fish possess an amazing gift to ennoble everything that they wear. The taste rarely changes them.

In the love of fish - real devils, however, in the good sense of the word. If they believe that they can help you, they will do it. They want to awaken strong emotions in man, they like the process itself. Sometimes you may seem that they bend a stick. Think as it should. These people always know where to stay. And they lead you exactly where they thought. If the fish wants to make you part of your family, think about it, because you can hardly resist our fish. And if you have already caught, leave attempts to resistance. Fish will not release you for any rugs.

Do not hurt fish . They all take close to heart. Yasitive remark can deeply offend this sensitive nature. Sensitive, but inconsistent. Fish change with sound speed. If you planned an intimate evening, do not rely too much on a pre-developed plan. It is likely that at the last moment your fish will lead you to the local passion, and not in a romantic restaurant.

Fish love to drink and delicious eat. They easily acquire bad habits - whether it is love for chocolate, alcoholism or drug addiction. Moderation - such a word is not included in their lexicon. If you have read that fish are faithful partners, you probably thought, but how do they manage it. How can such contradictory characteristics get along in one person? The truth is that in the fish you will find a friend, partner and family member, which will always make your life special. Fishs seek to make the life of their loved ones unusual and wonderful.

Think about two fish that float in different directions, but make up a pair. This character sign symbol exceeds their dual nature. Fish is capable of seeing the sunny side of life, but they are not afraid to look into the darkness. They are interested in the questions of life and death. They know how to joke over death, but rather stupid. Death attracts them and scares at the same time.

In the sex sense of fish - very passionate partners. They are looking for adventures everywhere. To resist the passion of fish is almost impossible. Fish will look at you that you will go to them on the edge of the world.

They are not afraid to show their love and friendship in humans. And sometimes the fish get cold as ice. Do not be afraid. Expressive fish are easily amenable to mood drops. Most likely they influenced something external, and not at all your way. If you offended fish, then you will learn about it very quickly.

Fish can arrange a cute nest anywhere. They do not need almost nothing for it. But the excessive accuracy is not peculiar to them, and in an ideally closed apartment, the mountain of unlightened underwear may well. Yes, yes, our sensitive, dreamy fish are great in short.

Fish always strive for changes when their partners expect much of all. Pisces can go to some business with their heads, and then in the blink of an eye to quit everything and do something completely different. Life experience allows the fish to make decisions, they are not afraid of anything. As a rule, the fish achieve success, even if for this they need to put their own life on the head. Trust their intuition, it rarely fails. The fish are very artistic, and those changes that they contribute to their partners always serve only for the better.

Characteristic of other zodiac signs:

Fish (February 19 - March 20) - man

Fish-man - This is a man of large abilities, opportunities and talents in both science and art.

but Fish-man Not from those who act. He prefers to wait for something from fate, and not to go to meet her. He will dream of a good life, about the successes, while not hitting the finger of the finger to turn the dreams into reality.

Often his dreams are so utopy, that he looks like a man not from this world. He needs a person who would support him, would patronize him. By the way, the patrons of the fish are pretty easy.

For success, they need to learn to disconnect from their fruitless dreams, and it is important to identify their talent as soon as possible. If this man has not found his only thing for up to twenty-five years, his future may be an incomb.

The man of this sign is sensitive, having offended, it is easy to upset, take out: he has a thin, wounded nervous system. But he quickly leaves, no evil tait.

Thanks to its sensitivity Fish-man Able to compassion, maintain in a difficult moment anyone. Therefore, he has many soul friends. This person is not able to dismiss those who need help, he is not from those who will listen to complaints on the go. He is attentive, kind, absorbs other things, penetrates deep sympathy. Friends love to come to him to cry and know that he will retain the conversation in secret. At the same time, the fish are delicate, modest and do not climb into other people's affairs.

Giving up soul conversations Fish-man The same time then comes to itself. Its friends and relatives need to know that he needs a rest, it is necessary to privacy, which can not be overcome by his endless walking for sympathy. Relaxing next to him, shifting the cargo of his trouble on him, people get to the soul easily. But a men's fish also need relaxation and also needed faithful comrade, who in turn will help him cope with his problems, although in general the man of this sign is not a weak. It is necessary to understand his changeable mood, from which his successes and defeats often depend.

To marriage Fish-man Not particularly seeking. He does not feel necessary in the family or in his wife, nor in children and rarely finds happiness at the family hearth. He will slow down with a proposal, and then he needs an impetus from the outside. It is possible that this push will give him a future wife, having prompted that it would be time for and to arrange their relationship.

In his family, the wife should take the initiative in his hands, to dominate and lead her husband, pushing him and direct him, in the end - to persuade and ask him to do anything. My husband's fish will not prevent the active, powerful wife, will not rebel and demand independence, will not pull the initiative from the hands. He will gladly subjugate the role of the second, and not the main performer, would prefer to be in the shade.

Such a husband is impracticious, uneconomical, does not look at the future, it is not able to plan anything and carry out these plans. He just lives today, the present, and he does not care that tomorrow they will also need money and that they should not spend them all before a penny as soon as they started in his pocket.

Just as he needs support and support, so he needs to constantly see love in his eyes. He is waiting for his friendliness, mental subtlety and warmth, selflessness, loyalty and devotion to appreciate all those whom he loves. He needs every minute confirmation that it loves.

The wife must understand him and not to scold for care of dreams and contemplation, but gently and patiently return it to Earth, directing his rich imagination and his fantasy on specific things.

For kids Fish-father Interesting: He introduces them to the fantastic world, composes the fairy tales to them, invents unusual classes, selflessly play with them. He animates in their presentation subjects, teaches children to sharpen the surrounding children, to understand the souls of others, puts them with their gift of mercy and sympathy with a weak, scored, as well as animals. Children love to talk with such a father, trust him their secrets and problems, and he is good heart friend for them.

Such an emotional, thin, vaniard person has to hide these qualities so as not to seem feminine and weak. So that Fish-husband - Beautiful actor. He is able to hide his feelings, ideas, actions. But it will not be able to hide this: he has the flair on deception, he is permeable and the smart, it is well versed in humans, in their psychology. In addition, he always has his intuition in his assistants.

If his wife is safe for their relationship flirting, it will not attend him, because he understands and feels well that she is just playing. It will be jealous only when he sees that there is enough reason to this.

If this man understands others well, it can be said that there is no such woman who could fully understand him: he remains a mystery all his life, because it does not allow anyone to do anyone whoever try to do this and whatever soft, Careful these attempts were. A woman who lived all his life with a man of this sign of the zodiac is never sure that he learned him completely. He escapes the study, closes, retires and gives her to understand that he is in itself.

Despite the fact that he needs a patron in life, he is hidden and with him. The image of this man in the eyes of others is always a little foggy and slightly false than in reality.

Fish-man Holds his intimate relationships in secret, even from close friends, does not boast of his successes and victories. In this sense he is a reliable lover. But he is no less wonderful partner and in all other aspects. Thanks to its sensitive nature, his ability to penetrate out of the souls, he perfectly knows what it is necessary for a woman. He can drive crazy with his affectionate speeches, as it is aware that the woman "loves ears." Fish-man Erotic, sexually rich, knows how to deliver a woman a lot of pleasures, and she remains unforgettable impressions of this man for life.

Fish Zodiac Sign: Zodiac Sign Characteristics

February 21 - March 21

Among all the signs of the zodiac fish are mysterious, passionate people. They are ready to sacrifice everyone for the benefit of others. Fish is a very romantic and dreamy zodiac sign.

If a person was born under the sign of the zodiac fish, then such people, in essence, very soft, sensitive individuals, with a psychological warehouse of mind and character. Their consciousness of reality is always on the verge of possible with incredible. Therefore, it is difficult for them to distinguish, where reality, and where fiction. They possess the psychological gift of penetration into the depths of the subconscious and the essence of things.

All about sign zodiac sign fish

Fish Zodiac Sign: Brief Description of the Zodiac Sign

Fish sign characteristic woman and man

Because of its sensitivity and sacrifice, the fish often make stupid and rash actions, sometimes forgetting about themselves for the benefit of other people. In this, deep insight, intuition, and some mystery, which paints their life in the paint of secrets, mysteries is helped. This zodiac sign is very sensitive to changes in the environment. Fish is also painfully reacting to actions, feelings of loved ones and just familiar people.

Fishes are very difficult to understand their actions, figure out why and why they do or say. Perhaps all this is explained by the fact that they see through people and act at the intuitive level. Follow the representatives of this sign is difficult. Their softness often makes them conscientiously, but in connection with the difficulties that arise, inevitution to choose the right tactics, they refuse their good intentions due to the lack of willpower and hardness of nature. They need to follow their condition, learn how to stand firmly on their feet.

Fish Zodiac Sign: Key Features

Positive qualities of fish

The positive qualities of the sign of the zodiac fish should include their spirituality, sympathy and mercy to the people around them. Their versatility helps them in difficult life situations, they are ready to help people who need their help, with all their dedication they remain disinterested. Pisces believe in love, in relationships they are soft and gentle, romantic nature. We strive for comfort and comfort in the house. All the mystery of the sign speaks about the talents of the fish, their dreamy personality, the breadth of views. They are friendly and kind with the surrounding people, hospitable.

Negative qualities of fish

The minuses of this sign should include the changeability of their mood, frequent stay in a state of melancholy. They are unsure in their actions and often go on other people. Pisces have a weak power of will, they are lazy and impractical. Their excessive dreaminess and fanaticism sometimes makes them bore and unsavoral people.

We present you a range of 12 zodiac signs.

Fish Zodiac Sign: Love Compatibility Horoscope

  • Compatibility:

Fish and Aries

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Taurus

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and twins

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and cancer

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Lev.

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Deva.

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and scales

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and scorpion

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Sagittarius

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Capricorn

  • Compatibility:

    Fish and Aquarius

  • Compatibility:

    Personal horoscopes Zodiac

    © 2011-2017, limitations on materials 18+.

    Sign of zodiac fish

    Fish is the last, twelfth zodiac sign. Pictographic symbol - floating in different directions of fish. This zodiac sign personifies sensitivity and passion.

    Planet: Jupiter, Neptune

    A rock: Moonstone, Chrysolit

    Mascot: Narcissus, Knot

    Color: White, green

    Characteristic of the sign

    Fish - experts of human souls. They understand people well, listen to their adversity and with joy help the Council. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac do not tolerate loneliness and try to spend as much time as possible in the company of close and relatives. Especially they need a society when they unexpectedly poured trouble. They are very sensitive and prefer not to deal with problems, and to "lose" them.

    Fish is a sophisticated zodiac sign in communication. They are very wounded, intolerable belong to criticism. Often come up with your own world and live in it, only in order not to touch with reality. Their soul is closed for other people, fenced by a wall of showing indifference or even rudeness. Fish - creative personality from nature. Often it is through its hobby that they get the most positive emotions.

    Female fish

    Female female - charming and romantic personality. She looks like a child, vaniard and living in its own world. The representative of this sign of the zodiac is sensitive and has an excellent taste. Its delicacy and tenderness allow us to achieve the result wherever the scream and pressure would have achieved anything. Female female becomes a caring and soft wife and mother.

    Male fish

    In man-fish great potential. He is able to achieve a lot in life. But often prefers nothing to do, leaving everything "on samonek". If a patron appears, who sends and supports it, the case shifts "from the dead point". Negative features of the representative of this sign of the zodiac - soft-grateful and vulnerability. The male fish does not see happiness in the family, so it seems late to bind himself to marriage.

    Love and family

    Fish is not the most selfy sign of the zodiac. But when they fall in love, they attribute to the partner the perfect character, which is not really. The first love of the representative of this sign of the zodiac is a romantic and soft nature, like he himself.

    Fish is not solved for a long time to create a family, without seeing happiness for themselves in a quiet family focus. They often associate themselves for marriage with their patrons. Show themselves impractical and too soft spouses. Therefore, you need to "take the patronage" in family matters. Creamers are capable of treason, at the same time cannot explain their motives.


    Fish feel well next to cancer, scorpion and Capricorn. The difficult relationship is folded with twins, weights, lion.

    Career and profession

    Fish fully show their poetic nature and humanity in the field of creativity and help people. They are capable of scrupulously and carefully perform any task and become indispensable employees, especially as subordinates. It is important that work liked it, otherwise they fulfill their duties.

    Fish rarely can be seen on the leadership position, because they are non-commissive and do not seek to make a career. If they become chiefs, they always listen carefully to the subordinates and never apply pressure or criticism.

    Representatives of this sign of the zodiac approaches the profession in the field of culture and art, health care, design. Fish is undesirable to do purely practical activities without creative vein.

    Due to the increased anxiety and sensitive nature, the fish often suffers from the nervous system and the associated diseases appear. They need to learn to switch negative emotions to creativity: for example, draw or play on a musical instrument in minutes of anxiety and excitement.

    Fish prone to colds and infectious diseases. Therefore, at the time of the flu epidemics, it is important for them to engage in prevention: for example, use oxolane ointment.

    From food to representatives of this sign of the zodiac, it is recommended to eat carrots and containing iodine products. It is advisable not to abuse tea and coffee.

    To strengthen the nervous system of fish, swimming is perfect. For rest, they are better to choose sea resorts.

    Fish. Characteristic sign.

    Fish zodiac sign character (19.02 - 20.03).

    Stone - Chrysolite, Lunar Stone, Aquamarine.

    Colors - green, white, steel, sea wave, turquoise, blue, purple, purple.

    Happy days - Monday, Thursday, Friday.

    Unfortunate days - Wednesday.

    Fish mentally unstable personalities and can quickly change their opinion under the influence of a more authoritative person. Such a trait of the character prevents the sign and often becomes the cause of turmoils arising on their life.

    Fish know about their weaknesses and get tired of their changeable mood. But permanent excitement and uncertainty in humans they are trying to hide behind the mask successful and satisfied with the life of a person. In other situations, they will rather depict indifferent. Often, humor becomes such a mask and the main salvation from a feeling of anxiety.

  • Fish closes the zodiac circle, representing a sign of water element. These are wise and susceptible people whose responsiveness often leads them to communicating with manipulators. Exposure to someone else's influence, the highest adaptation ability among the signs of the zodiac, resistance to everyday difficulties is distinguished by typical fish. Well-developed intuition from nature allows the fish to adapt to any public order, to be their own in any environment, find the best outputs from difficulties and establish business connections with the constant benefit for themselves.

    Character character

    Talented in everything, fish often realize themselves in painting and composer art. The best performers, the musicians, undoubtedly, the Virgin, but the special delicate sound of heavenly areas is open to fish. The tendency to laziness, acting and striving for risk often make fish in adventurists, fraudsters or thieves. At the same time, the fish are idealists, they are inherent in the complex Robin Hood, the defender of the poor and disadvantaged. Often beautiful athletes, they love to help other people are ready for disinterested ministry for their ideals. Love for risk leads fish in automotive sports, field hospitals of rescue detachments, intelligence, as well as to mystical teachings and spiritual search for the meaning of life. Fish - inborn psychologists and psychics, perfectly manipulate others. So that cooperation with them is fruitful, to have personal relationships and general ideals. Fish is a very strong sign, representatives of this sign always find a way out of any critical situation not only for yourself, but also for others. Fish can be both very secured people, and beyond the principle of equality and universal fraternity.

    Strong and weaknesses of fish

    Decisitancy and perseverance are not the strong parties of this sign. Evolla, lack of self-discipline, indulging in their own and foreign weaknesses, the tendency to avoid responsibility for their actions, as well as the absence of moral borders, often leads fish to the denial of reality with alcohol or drugs. But if you bring fish to high ideals in time, then such a person will always imperceptibly facilitate the suffering surrounding, helping close compassion and sympathy. The gift of Neptune, the symbolic ruler of this sign, is a gift to love disinterestedly, truly. But in search of this sublime pure love, the fish often disappear in the meager euphoria of mass entertainment.

    Personal life and compatibility of fish sign

    In love, the fish are open to complete self-denial, which turns into a painful gap at least once in life. This sign, and men and women often attracts infallible people to themselves - either unhealthy physically or with bad habits and dishonest in hand. They themselves love passionately, skillful lovers, guess the mood is always responsive, although passive. It requires a special approach - it is good to give the opportunity to take care of fish about you, not to rush the events, give to develop true feelings. Loyalty, although it is not the strong quality of this sign, but it often meets, like love a couple of two swans. It is the person of fish that is able to carry the first love throughout his life. If the fish do not want to continue the relationship, then they can safely put the cross. The fish will slip out of any unwanted relationships, deftly notice the traces, often leaving a partner in debtors - material or ethical sense. Partners of fish should be attentive to the mood, not giving depression time for rooting. Fish is needed to rest in solitude. So the fish are cleared of other people's moods.

    The best compatibility with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. Conflict relationships with twins, Virgin and Arrel. Often loners and bachelors, prefer independence in personal life or are looking for their ideal for a long time.

    Men fish

    Always support in a difficult moment, but are not capable of daily self-sacrifice family relations. Often fall in love, excellent lovers, generous, but incorrect. Their infidelity comes from an excessive susceptibility to the beautiful, the need for a constant influx of new sensations of beauty, new images and impressions. It makes a novel with them unforgettable, but in the household it makes it difficult for the procedure and budget planning.

    Women fish

    For a woman will be born under this sign meaning to be happy and beloved. It is believed that the female fish has already lived all women's fates in past embodiments, if using the concepts of Eastern philosophy. The most difficult for female fish is to decide on the choice. The choice concerns both the profession, and a satellite of life, and place of residence. Women of this sign rarely need money. They are nice to pamper, sensitivity and responsiveness make representatives of this sign popular in men. Often they harm themselves, refusing good in search of the best.


    Must be able to learn music, vocals, painting, play football. Its feelings are needed discharge, so watching movies, care for pets or younger children will create your child a psychological foundation for protection and ministry. Examples of good deeds of parents and honesty in communicating will help develop a healthy psyche of the child. Hardening, discipline and day mode are very useful for the physical health of small fish. Pershing the psyche can be compensated by diverse sports or a chance to play on stage. So the fish live their most casual fears, fulfilling the role in the play of theatrical mug.

    Health sign fish

    The vulnerable immune system of fish is sensitive to poisoning and allergies. The cause of all diseases is either supercooled feet legs or nervous overvoltage. The medicine is the music, contemplation of the beautiful, forgiveness of themselves and others and good deeds. Often they do not notice overloads, bring themselves to exhaustion, prone to depression and self-deception. Important pure mineral water, it is necessary to observe hygiene .

    Interesting countries: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore

    Significant cities: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg

    Celebrities, born under the sign of the fish:Rihanna, Kurt Cobain, George Washington, Oleg Yankovsky, Steve Jobs, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor, Natalia Vodyanova, John Tatourro, Pavel Artemyev, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Justin Bieber, Mikhail Gorbachev, Deniel Craig, Vyacheslav Malafeev, Antonio Vivaldi, Tatyana Bulanova, Valentina Tereshkova, Andrei Mironov, Noize Mc, Chuck Norris, Sharon Stone, Lisa Minnelli, Albert Einstein, Pavel Volya, Maria Shalaeva, Evgeny Tsyganov, Nadezhda Babkin, Luc Besson, Alexey Yagudin, Bruce Willis, Valery Leontyev, Kurt Russell