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What is vibrotembovka. Vibroplitis with your own hands: Technical accessibility and quality assurance device Electric vibrating plates

The vibrating plates do it yourself - it is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance

According to numerous requests, the public process of manufacturing the vibrating plates with their own hands.

The need for this device arose with the arrangement of paths from paving slabs on the household plot.

In 2010, I did not find where to take the vibrating place for rent in my city, and it was obliged to buy 100 square meters of paving slabs for laying 100 square meters, so I decided to make it my own.

Video how the vibroplite is done with your own hands.

The engine (Pluggy IV-98E vibrator (220V)) bought in a local company selling different engines, at a price of about 7,000 rubles. Removing the covers from the vibrator, you can adjust the power of vibration.

For the metal for the platform went to the metal base. Bought a sheet metal with a thickness of 8mm and the size of 80cm to 45 cm. The site cost about 800 rubles. (I do not remember exactly)

On both sides, made an incision in metal with a grinder at a distance of 10 cm from the edge to a depth of about 5 mm and with the help of the hammer, the degrees were drowned at 20-30 so that the vibrating plates were injected into the tramblable material.

Then he took the electric welded and brewed the place of the feet to fix the position of the ends of the vibroplitis.

Welder from me Nikudny, but most importantly keeps! By the way, all attempts to bend the metal without cuts were not crowned with success, so it's better to immediately take a grinder and cut.

After that, cut off two channels for fastening the vibrator to the stove.

At this stage, inability to weld qualitatively, the project did not spit much. While I spent one after another, the electrodes on obtaining high-quality welded seam, the heating site was slightly arched diagonally. Those. If you now put the vibrating plates on a flat surface, two diagonal angle are raised by about 2-5 mm. I think this could be avoided if there would be experience in welding, or offer your options. Maybe it was necessary to weld the chapeller not across, but along? May be.

Drills holes in chapels under the bolts for fastening the vibrator

The vibrator is screwed with M10 bolts.

The most interesting, it is experiments with the fastening of the handle to the vibroplite. The process of selection of the structure was long, costly and not always successful. I will tell only about the option on which he stopped.

They are strong enough to cope with the vibration from the engine, and not much quenching it. But only with them a handle will not hold, or rather the joints in the hands of the hands. Therefore, the search continued. In the network store "Sprocket" I found what you need. Two very soft and elastic pillows, through which and secured the knob to the vibroplite.

The stove turned out to be quite heavy (relatively of course) approximately 60-70 kg. And to carry it on himself hard, so I cut two rings from the pipe, welded them with welding to the base of self-made vibrating plates and insert two armor plastic wheels in them, bought in some store, selling all sorts of carts. And now the process of transporting the vibroplitis has become much easier.

Vibroplitis do it yourself - test your capabilities

The handle made a 120 cm long pipe from the hollow tube.

Now pro exploitation of the vibrating plates made by their own hands.

Recently, the high cost of building equipment encourages the owners of country sites and houses to make it independently.

Having certain technical skills, hard work and perseverance, craftsmen easily cope with such a task.

Why do you need vibratinglitis?

The usual vibration is designed for sealing sand, rubble and other bulk materials.

Due to the effect of vibration, the soil does not seek under the influence of loads. This is especially important for achieving the maximum adhesion of paving slabs, a concrete mixture or paving slabs with the ground surface.

At home purposes, such a type of rambling serves as an indispensable means when carrying out work on a small area, when the use of special equipment is impossible.

Improvement of household territories, including the extraction of tracks and previously broken areas, is carried out exclusively using vibratinglitis.

The construction equipment market granted a huge selection of vibration plates. They differ in weight, power, work surface area and other parameters.

However, the prices for the technique are quite high, and it encourages many to make the vibroplite with their own hands.

Advantages of independently assembled vibroplites

  • Fast assembly. If you wish, you can make vibrating plates in five hours. The work turns on the alteration of the vibration.
  • Safety of work. The owner itself isolates vibration, which allows him to be confident in proper plate.
  • Easy operation. The device makes the tamper independently, you only need to determine the direction of movement.
  • Ability to establish uninterrupted food. With the help of a fan, removed from the unnecessary server, the stove is equipped with a source of continuous energy.

What is the vibrating plate

Before proceeding with the manufacture of vibrating plates with their own hands, it is necessary to draw up its drawing. To do this, you need to know from which parts the technique consists.

Any modern vibrating plate consists of several elements:

  1. Workstop.
  2. Frame.
  3. Vibrosezel.
  4. Engine.
  5. Transmission.
  6. Suspension system.
  7. Control mechanism.

Workstop It is manufactured mainly from the cast iron, and its characteristics are determined by the quality of this material.

Low quality cast iron can be covered with cracks when working with sandy and gravel mixtures.

These types of soil contain small stones, which in the course of the rambling point point to the surface of the slab.

The size of the working surface is also important. When the stove has the right geometry, its playground is capable of self-cleaning, without leaving the remnants of the soil.

The smaller the surface of the working plate, the better the soil will be seal.

Therefore, in the manufacture of vibrating plates, it is better to do the surface of a smaller area, if it does not reduce the vibration properties.

Vibrozel It is attached to the stove, so all connections and attachment nodes must be collected particularly carefully.

All items must be made of high quality and durable materials. High vibration indicator and a certain mass of the product set the level of exposure to the ground.

Stuffing box The vibration node should prevent the flow of lubricating fluid, prevent dust and dirt falling, as well as withstand long loads.

Vibrouzla drive It is carried out by transferring energy from the electric motor.

For better work in vibration machines, an internal combustion engine is used, which has a maximum power and carries out a tamping in any conditions.

What homemade vibroplite will suit you

Three types of vibrating plates - gasoline, diesel and electric - Different with the type of engine used. Each of them creates vibrations of different power and is applied in many spheres.

However, the greatest popularity of gasoline vibrating plates made by their own hands.

The diesel stove is a powerful device with a large working resource. It is used mainly for large-scale road works and is most often not suitable for the arrangement of household and country sites.

The use of electric vibrating plates has a limited radius. It connects to the power source, and therefore directly depends on its location, as well as from the length of the cord.

Therefore, such equipment is used to work in closed rooms. In this regard, the manufacture of electric vibrating plates is not always justified.

Reverse and straight rambling

Vibrating plates differ by where and how they are sent during the work.

The vibrational traam has two strokes:

  • straight;
  • reversal.

Plates with direct progress can only move in one direction, that is, almost play the role of a conventional rink.

If the soil failed to the first time, a systematic repetition of work is necessary, which significantly increases time costs.

Reversable vibratinglitis can move in any directions, which increases the efficiency of vibration and reduces the cost of time. The reversing method is used for heavy slabs weighing over 100 kg.

Expand such a plate for re-tamping is quite difficult, especially if the working surface has limited dimensions.


Before making homemade vibrating plates, it is necessary to analyze the estimated surface of the tamper. If the device will perform work on color surfaces, an increased frequency of vibrations will be required.

Sand, gravel and rubble most effectively trambed exactly such a stove.

If the working surface consists mainly of ground sediments, then the slab with a high amplitude of oscillations will help to facilitate the operation of the operator.

The higher the amplitude, the better and easier is the dumping of the soil. But in this homemade plate there is a significant drawback - the need to install the shock absorption system.

Attention to vibratory strengthening

The degree of sealing of the soil directly depends on the vibration enhancement of technology. The light machine is not intended for sealing asphalt if its weight ranges from 60 to 80 kg.

The vibrating strengthening of the self-made vibrating plates below does not exceed 18-20 kN, which means it is ideal for sealing tiles, rubble, sand and gravel.

Manufacturing homemade vibroplite

Any vibrating plate cannot work without the engine. For small work in the country and the residential area, a conventional area vibrator with a capacity of 220 V.

Ideally, the IV-98 engine should be used: it copes perfectly with the average load, has a vibration-adjustable operator and can work for several hours in a row.

Its value begins from 7000 rubles. But there is always the opportunity to remove the old engine from unused systems.

In order to create a base, a metal sheet is suitable, which can be purchased in any company selling rolled metal.

The thickness of the sheet should be at least 8 mm, and its length and width - do not exceed 80 and 45 cm, respectively.

The surface of the base of the vibroplite should be smooth, weighing at least 50 kg.

A metal plate will also need, which will play the role of the sole. It is fixed on the working base from the bottom.

Do not take too thick soles, - 5 mm is quite enough.

Vibratinglitis should not be buried into the trambly soil, so the edges need to be bent. To do this, with the help of a Bulgarian for 10 cm from the edge, cuts of a depth of no more than 5 mm are made.

The edges of the hammer are rejected, in the inner side about 25-30 degrees. To harden the design of the sections of the sections are strengthened with the welding machine.

Now the engine is attached to the base. To do this, mark the surface of the working plate, selecting suitable places for fastening the bolts.

The holes are drilled, the thread is performed and the studs are screwed. Challier are installed. And only if the engine is installed using a level.

To move and regulate the position of self-made vibrating plates, a handle is needed. It is fixed on the basis of the working plate with two welded bolts. The handle is put on the bolts and strengthen nuts.

To repay the vibration of the handle from the working apparatus, use the usual silent blocks for the car.

For high-quality grinding, two tubes are welded to the base. A tank with water is attached to one of them above the stove, and the hose arrives to the sole. This allows you to make the sole before the start of the traam process.

However, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not spill on the engine, it may be closed otherwise.

Homemade vibrating plates. With it, you can seal the ground to a depth of up to 10 cm and work without a break to three hours.

The use of self-made vibroplites

After assembly, it is necessary to check whether the stove is functioning normally. For this, the device is inspected for damage and chipping, fasteners and all elements are checked.

If there is no visible symptoms of deformation, the device connects to the network and a tribe of the soil is performed.

The vibroplite made with its own hands allows you to save a fairly decent amount: the factory option costs about 20,000 rubles, while the costs of the tool collected independently do not exceed 10,000 rubles.

However, you have to put up with small disadvantages, such as permanent adjustment, setup and maintenance.

The cleanliness of the plate plays an important role. Dirty surface and soil scored sections will contribute to the unwanted heating of the engine.

Therefore, careful and timely cleaning is the key to the fact that the homemade vibration plate will perform a qualitatively work and serves you for a long time.

We bring to your attention a video from which you can find out how with the help of homemade vibrating plates without much effort to seal the soil:

With landscape design, it becomes necessary to produce soil seal. Otherwise, after laying the coating on the soil with an inhomogeneous density, pits and failures will occur. A loose pillow can easily be blurred with underground waters, or simply after a strong shower.

The loose soil does not distribute the load well, and on the road with a weak seal of the substrate will quickly arise a gauze.

On the basis of construction of roads, the problem is solved by staples and groundwater rollers, and how to be in places with limited accessibility for heavy machinery? If you organize the pad under the laying of the tile in your yard, the scrapper do not drive there.

It remains to be trambed manually. However, at the site of 1-2 weaves, such work will take a lot of time and take away the strength.

The output is - the ground of the soil of vibrating

The flat surface with the installed vibrating engineering, the layer behind the layer compacts the soil or laid paving slabs. The work on which the years is naturally used (under the influence of the severity of cars or a person) - is performed using the device in a matter of hours.

Moreover, the seal occurs evenly and with high quality. Sometimes on Earth treated in this way, traces of car tires do not at all.

Especially relevant seal with bulk soil. If you leave the loose foundation, then at any time the mound may fail, destroying the design installed on it.

We all have seen how on a swapped and asphalted trench, with time a deepening arises. This is because when replacing the pipe, the plumbers simply threw the earth, without the use of the vibrator, and the road builders are asphalt on an unstable base.

Therefore, with any earthworks - it is necessary to compact the surface before continuing processing. Well, if you only need to pave a garden track, or compact the ground under the construction of the pool.

You can take a vibrator for renting on the weekend, and perform the work yourself. And if you fully plan a plot of 10-12 acres? Self-made vibrating plates will help.

The principle of action of any vibration mechanism is based on the unbalancement of a rotating element. For some units, this leads to catastrophic destructions, for others it is a working element of construction.

Eccentric for the vibrating plates makes the entire design in a certain rhythm. The operator needs only to move the mechanism on the site, ensuring uniformity of processing. If you leave a fixedly included vibrator - it will deepen in the ground relative to the rest of the area.

Very often, during the construction of different objects, it is necessary to tamper the base of bulk materials under them, and after filling - a concrete solution. For these purposes, the method of vibration seal is widely used. It lies in the fact that fluctuations from the working equipment are transmitted to the rambling layer. As a result of the process of a particle of a compacted material, the most closely moved to each other, and the air is squeezed out of concrete, due to which after it is frozen in the monolith, it acquires its estimated strength due to the lack of emptiness.

To effectively tamper loose soil, crushed stone, gravel or sand use vibrating plates. The flooded concrete solution is smoothed, sealing it with the help of vibration. But such equipment makes sense to buy only with regular and large volumes of construction work. For rare domestic use, it is fairly easy to make a vibrating plate with your own hands, and make a vibration wheel - even easier. To independently implement the project, it should be previously familiar with the designs of the aggregates.

The design of the vibrating plates is quite simple. It consists of four main nodes:

  • engine;
  • plates;
  • frames;
  • vibrator.


As a drive for homemade vibration tools, you can use:

  • electric motor;
  • gasoline or diesel engine of internal combustion (DVS).

The electric motor for the vibrating plates, which is planned to be collected, is recommended to choose with a capacity of 1.5 to 2 kW. At the same time, the rotational speed should be from 4,000 to 5,000 revolutions per minute. If the power of the electric motor is less than the specified value, it will affect the performance of the created unit towards its decrease.

The electric motor is the most costly part of the homemade installation. For home use, it is better to buy single-phase modifications of electric motors, for example, in the composition of IV-99E vibrators or IV-98E, operating on voltage 220 V. The electric motor can also be removed from the old unused technology, for example, from a drilling machine. It is only necessary that it corresponds to power and turnover.

If equipped with a self-made technique with an electric motor, then to improve the safety of work, it is recommended to install separately protection, for example, differential machinery or protective disable device (UZO).

DiffAwtomat, in addition to preventing the lesion of the operator by electric current, also turns off the equipment during overload or short circuit in the chain.

Homemade vibrating plates can also be equipped . If you buy it, it is recommended to give preference to single-cylinder three-dimensional motors from Honda. DVS from chainsaws or a motor-block will also fit.

Plate and Rama

From the engine, the vibrator moves with a belt - it is installed on the pulleys. By changing the size of the latter (diameter), you can set the necessary vibrator speed. For belt transmission is suitable car belt. The stove is made of a steel or cast-iron sheet with a thickness of 8-10 mm. Over it is located the rest of the design. To make a frame, use metal corners 5 by 5 cm or larger.


Vibrator vibrator can be purchased factory manufacture Either make independently different ways. One of the variants of the self-made vibration node will be reviewed in the next paragraph.

Additional structural elements

Light (up to 75 kg), universal (75-90 kg) and moderate (90 to 140 kg Weight) Technique models without the possibility of remote control are equipped handles made of metal pipes. With their help, the operator sets the direction of movement.

For convenience of transportation, the aggregates also equip wheels. They can be removed if necessary. To move the homemade slab, you can take the wheels, for example, with the old car.

Algorithm assembly of vibratinglitis

To make a vibrating plate yourself to seal the soil, the following materials and details will be needed:

  • steel sheet 50 per 80 cm in size with a thickness of at least 8 mm;
  • playing vibrator with an electric motor, for example, YB 98E;
  • 2 slicing of a sewer 45 cm long;
  • fasteners: Bolts M10 and M12 with nuts, washers;
  • shock absorbers;
  • 1.5 m of the metal pipe (with a diameter of 20-25 mm).

From the tools will be required:

  • welding machine;
  • a hammer;
  • bulgarian with cutting circles;
  • electrode with a set of metal drills;
  • spanners;
  • roulette, marker or chalk.

Homemade vibrating plates with an electric motor is collected in such a sequence.

The mass of the collected vibroplitis will be approximately 60 kg. To conveniently transport it, to the stove weld a piece of pipewho will serve as the axis of the wheels.

A more complex version of the creation of vibrating plates involves the use of a separate engine, for example, from a motor-block. In this case, to collect vibration equipment, you will need a homemade or factory vibrator. The rotation of the motor will be transmitted to it with a belt dressed on the pulleys.

The diameter of the latter must be chosen so that the vibrator eccentric rotates with a frequency of about 180 revolutions per minute.

The entire assembly process of the vibroplitis is presented in the photo below.

After painting the final mechanism will look like a photo further.

If necessary, you can increase the mass of self-made vibratinglitis. This is done by additional welding of metal sheets or reinforcement rods. The vibration tooth created by their own hands is quite capable of competing with factory counterparts.

Methods of making vibration

A homemade vibration is a tool having a simple device. It consists of such basic structural elements:

  • drive;
  • rake (frames);
  • control knobs.

At home, the vibration tool is made in two ways:

  • in the form of a mop;
  • in the form of a rigid frame.

Drive equipment serves a gasoline or electric motor. For home use, it is better for the basis of the mechanism to take the electric motor, because it can be used without any problems indoors, for example, when tie a floor.

The engine can be removed from the old power tool or with unused household appliances.

An electric motor with a power of 1.5 kW is enough to compact a layer of concrete solution with a thickness of 200 mm, as well as sprinkle it. If you use the engine with a large value of this parameter, this will lead, in most cases, to the excess consumption of electricity. Only when it is indeed planned to perform a large amount of construction operations in household conditions associated with concrete tamping, you can take a motor of greater power. This will be justified from the point of view of performance, efficiency and safety of work.

If you have to work, mostly on the street or in well-ventilated rooms, then the electric motor is quite possible to replace internal combustion engineFor example, from chainsaws or motocos. Just use it you need to run, together with the clutch.

To make a frame, Suitable steel channel or smooth board. For home use, it is enough to equip homemade vibration equipment to a rail up to 3 m long. Oriented when this parameter is selected, in the general case, it is necessary to build the object that you want to build.

Algorithm of the assembly of vibration

To implement the simplest options, the drawings are not needed. As a drive unit will fit:

  • sander;
  • bulgarian;

  • electrode or screwdriver.

This power tool does not even need to disassemble. Assembly of the self-made unit will take little time.

The following work tools and materials will also be needed:

  • smooth, polished board with a length of 0.5 m, a thickness of about 3 cm, 25 cm wide;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • perflector;
  • bar 5 per 5 cm Long 1-1.5 (2 pcs) to make a handle.

Vibration from the electric drill in the form of a mop Collecting in such a sequence:

  • the surface of the board (if it is not polished) is made smooth using a planer and emery paper;
  • to it, from above, exactly in the center, using a punched and self-tapping screw, fixed along the electric drill;
  • on both sides of the drill, retreating several centimeters, attached at the corner of the handle, cutting the pre-ends of the bars form;
  • fixed in the cartridge of the power tool the nozzle, the center of severity of which is shifted, for example, a clamping key, a curved drill or a piece of reinforcement;
  • include the unit to the network and check its performance.

The cartridge drill must rotate around the axis that coincides with the central longitudinal line of the board. Vibration arises through the use nozzles with a shifted center of gravity.

Vibroreke from grinding, grinder or screwdriver is made in the same way. Only after the compaction and reclosure of the concrete, the power tools will be needed to clean well from the solution so that they can be used in the future. Work homemade vibration tool on the base of the grinding machine Shown in the video below.

If you want to compact and dissolve the concrete layer to 10 cm, the vibrore is suitable from the deep vibrator. It is manufactured as follows:

  • cut from the plywood sheet of a rectangular shape (with approximately 70x50 cm long);
  • perflective or with the help of clamps to it are attached to the mace, while the deep vibrator itself serves a kind of handle.

So that the rake moved freely, the working surface of the plywood rectangle is better to climb the tin hound along the edges.

In the considered options to fix the power tools to the base, other fasteners can also be used. It is opened by space engineering creativity.

Production of universal vibroreke

To collect enough powerful vibration equipment, they will be required (except for the electric motor at 220 V) more materials:

  • steel channel (up to 120 mm width) or profile metal pipe;
  • iron or aluminum corners;
  • a piece of fuss about 500 per 200 mm;
  • bolts with nuts or screws;
  • nozzle on the shaft (coupling) with a displaced center of gravity;
  • launcher;
  • feeding cable;
  • starting device;
  • reinforcement rods or metal tubes.

From the tools you will need:

  • electrode with metal drills;
  • welding machine and electrodes to it;
  • spanners;
  • a hammer;
  • pliers;
  • angle grinder;
  • roulette with marker.

The vibration is collected by this algorithm:

  • celebrated on a channel (or pipe) the desired length;
  • cut off with the help of a grinder superfluous from the workpiece;

  • in the center welded after a certain period, using a welding machine, two corners for mounting the electric motor;
  • drill holes in them;
  • mount the electric motor to the corner, attaching it with bolts with nuts;
  • on the shaft is picked up the nozzle, which will create oscillations;
  • around the self-made vibrator made of tin, protective casing;
  • connect the power cable through the button (instead you can simply do with a plug for a socket) to the electric motor;

  • weld the handles from the reinforcement or metal pipe;
  • run the device to work.

The distance between the corners depends on the design and dimensions of the electric motor. For greater ease of operation of self-made equipment, it is not its handle to wear pieces of a rubber hose or wrap their insulating tape.

To automate the unit and make it more secure, it is recommended to install a starter to start an electric motor and a differential automatic machine.

Vibroreke, assembled on the basis of a motorcycle from a washing machineDemonstrated in the video below.

Make a breaker for concrete with your own hands or vibrating plates for the loss of rubble, gravel, sand can be in different ways. Homemade craftsmen have come up with many options that differ in their design used to create them with materials. To perform a disposable job, you can collect the simplest device for vibration handbuffs. If it is necessary to regularly compact concrete solution or bulk materials, it will take more complex and productive vibration equipment. In all cases, the created design must comply with the elementary safety requirements in order not to get injuries during its operation.

Homemade masters perform construction work as much as possible. In this case, it helps in advance the homemade tool. Accessories for it are usually selected from the primary materials. Recently, in demand is the collected vibrating plates with their own hands with an electric motor. It is used to lay paving slabs, the ramming of small soil, in the process of laying the foundation.

Basic components of the design of vibroplites

Before making the vibrating plain on your own in the garage conditions, you will need to prepare a scheme or even make drawings on a scale to simplify the further assembly. The main components in the design are part parts:

  • frame frame;
  • basic metal platform;
  • electric motor;
  • transmission system;
  • suspension;
  • management block.

The base plate is selected from a thick-walled steel sheet or made of ductile cast iron so that during operation it has not been damaged material. This contributes to the relative viscosity of the metal and the minimum fragility. It is categorically not allowed to assemble cast iron of dubious quality with a large number of cracks or casting shells. When working with sand and gravel mixtures, it will collapse from external influence.

Sheet metal with the biggest thickness will need to make the sole and cargo for eccentric

It is important to have originally the correct geometric sizes of the base, since if you make a vibrating plate with your own hands in accordance with this rule, the site will be self-charge from the soil sticking. The area is also selected optimal, without unreasonable increase. A small working surface contributes to a qualitative sealing platform.

Popular drawings demonstrate a fairly simple device of self-made vibrating plates with an electric motor. According to the kinematic scheme, the vibrator is based on the platform, and the electro motor is mounted above it. To connect these elements, a clinorem transmission or coupling is provided. In fact, the motor ensures the rotation transmitted by the vibrator, and it further generates an oscillatory process.

The resulting energy is given to the stove, and it moves to the sealing soil. During the coupling under the laying of paving slabs or for other purposes, the particle of the material fill the emptiness in the embankment. As a result, a dense smooth coating is obtained.

Types of used vibratinglitis

Homemade structures suggest the presence of a power plant that provides main work. Often three types of motors are used:

  • diesel;
  • petrol;
  • electro 220V.

The diesel engine is appropriate when a lot of effort is required. In living conditions, they are low-excited. Although there is often a vibrating plate from a motoblock with an installed two-stroke motor.

Machines with a gasoline engine, like previous structures, are autonomous, but extremely noisy in operation. The engine for them is selected economical with a power of several watts.

The optimal solution for many it turns out the electric vibrating plate with their own hands assembled. It is enough to spend electricity to the place of work on the site and you can begin to the dump of the soil. A positive factor is the absence of exhaust gases during the process.

By classification, it is customary to divide the products into several groups:

  • light - Weight less than 70 kg;
  • universal - up to 90 kg;
  • moderate gravity - 90-140 kg;
  • heavy group - more than 140 kg.

The first group is appropriate for processing the incoming territory, where the layer is pressed, no more than 15 cm. Universal relevant for processing 25 cm. Heavy devices are designed for 50-60 cm.

The more sealing layer, the hardest must be the car

It is important to competently select the electric motor for the vibrating plates. After all, a weak model on a massive plate will be sinking in the layers of soil. The optimal relationship is considered, at which 5 hp is used per 100 kg of mass. or 3.7 kW.

Preparation of the required set

To make vibrating plates in domestic or garage conditions, you do not need to look for some rare or expensive parts. In the process, such tools will be in demand:

  • welding machine and tutu electrodes 3 mm diameter;
  • half-kilogram hammer;
  • angular grinding with metal discs;
  • set of wrench and screwdrivers.

The components for the device will include such a set:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe engine with the possibility of inclusion in the household power supply 220 V. The new vibrator for the vibrating plates will cost quite expensive, so it is recommended to acquire Soviet devices on disassembly or radio rolls. Sometimes the wizards mount even the engines from the old washing machines, but the lack of the ability to adjust the vibration is the disadvantage of this method.

  • Sheet metal with a thickness of 8-10 mm. The area is selected taking into account the fact that the edges will bend. The optimal parameter for household conditions is 50x80 cm plus a bend allowance. You can find a sheet on metal slides.
  • A pair of chawls for 80 mm or pieces of construction profile that will be welded across the design. They are needed for fastening and retaining the electric motor.
  • Metal tube with a diameter of 20 mm. Its length is calculated based on the growth of the user. The handle for medium height will be optimal 120 cm, so it will be necessary about 3 meters of blanks.
  • A set of hardware for fastening a motor, including M10-M12 bolts, nuts to them, be sure to rapted washers to minimize the effect of vibration.

Reduced the degree of influence of vibration on the operator will be able to use elected dopers. Often for this are used car suspension elements. Without them, too, everything will work, but the operator will become faster.

Video: Production of vibrating plates with their own hands, step by step, with errors and their solution

Step by step algorithm for the assembly of vibrating plates with their own hands

At the initial stage, a base platform made of metal sheet with the help of a grinder and a welding machine is preparing. Measure 10 cm from the front and rear edge and we make a mine on half a sheet thickness of 4-5 mm. With the help of a hammer or hammer, bend along this line the workpiece by about 30-40 degrees. Such salazzas will reduce the probability of breaking the platform into the ground, and also allow you to move the installation in the desired direction.

Cuts should be strengthened by welding. Electrodes form the inner edge of the rigidity fixing the fold in the desired position. We have channels across the running so that the approximate their axis corresponds to the distance of the engine supporting distance. We weld the planks to the inner surface.

There are two ways of fastening the motor. In the first case, drilled holes in a chaserler are used to make bolts through them. In the second case, the bolts weld to chapellers and plant the engine from above. This method is considered more reliable, however, requires a very clear observance of inter-axes.

When installing an electric traffic to the site, it is worth knowing that the Soviet models of the IV-98 have internal eccentric for vibrating plates. It can be adjusted to the optimal parameters of the strength of vibration. Spin the nuts, after throwing Grovers for them.

Responsible stage is the attachment of the handle. To clean the vibration, it turns out to be useful silent blocks from domestic or foreign cars. M-shaped elements weld to the bent part of the site. They wear rubber elements through which the handle will be connected.

At home, it is possible to assemble a model weighing 40-50 kg. This is enough for pressing 10-12 cm of soil.

With a long work of the self-made machine, individual parts of the electrical circuit may overheat, so it is necessary to use the RCD.

Video: How the Germans prepare the platform for laying paving slabs, paving