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Heroes in the work after the ball. Composition “The image of the protagonist in the story of L. N. Tolstoy “After the ball




The story is narrated on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, who, answering the question of what is needed for personal perfection, shares an event that changed his life.

While studying at the university, he was in love with a girl named Varenka. Once, on Shrove Tuesday, at a ball at the governor's, he saw her father, Colonel Pyotr Vladislavovich, who aroused real admiration in him. Ivan Vasilievich himself danced at the ball only with Varenka, and when the hostess of the evening asked the colonel to walk in the mazurka with her daughter, he, along with other guests, enthusiastically watched them.

After the ball, Ivan Vasilyevich could not fall asleep in any way, so he decided to take a walk around the city. Somehow it happened that he ended up near Varenka's father's house. Not far from the house, he saw a crowd and went closer to see what was happening there. It turned out that it was the soldiers who drove the deserter through the line. Varenka's father watched everything that was happening, who demanded that the soldiers do not spare the deserter and forcefully lower the sticks on his back. When the colonel saw Ivan Vasilyevich, he did not show that they knew each other.

This event could not get out of the narrator's head. He thought for a long time about how to relate to what he saw. And it was precisely this that influenced not only the fact that he could not enter the service, but also his feelings for Varenka, since, seeing her, he immediately recalled the scene of the punishment he had seen.

The main characters of "After the Ball:"

Ivan Vasilievich - the story is being told on his behalf, the protagonist

Varenka is a girl with whom Ivan Vasilyevich was in love.

Petr Vladislavovich- Varenka's father (colonel).

A short retelling of "After the Ball" in abbreviation was prepared by Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

To the question Characteristics of the three heroes in the work after the ball (Tolstoy L.N.) given by the author Andrei the best answer is

From love for her, I.V. “was happy, blessed, ... was ... some kind of unearthly creature, not knowing evil and capable of one good. The hero feels that he loves all people. They are all so wonderful: the hospitable leader and his wife, and the plump-shouldered lady, and Varenka's father, who danced with his daughter so touchingly and caringly. The young people spent the whole evening together.
After that, under the influence of impressions, IV goes to wander around the city. In the morning, on the first day of Great Lent, I.V. comes across a terrible picture. He sees the punishment of the fugitive Tatar. He is passed through the line of soldiers, each of whom whips the Tatar's bare back with gauntlets. The back of the Tatar turned into a mess: “variegated, wet, red.” The unfortunate Tatar begs the soldiers for mercy: "Brothers, have mercy." But Colonel B., Varenka's father, strictly followed so that "the brothers would not show mercy." He walked with a "firm, trembling gait" paired with a Tatar. One of the soldiers “smears”, weakens the blow, for which Colonel B. hits him in the face. IV was horrified by what he saw. He thought that the colonel probably knew something that allowed him to behave like that both at the ball and on the parade ground. But the hero himself is not capable of such hypocrisy. He refuses military service and from marrying Varenka.
Source: who else do you need?

Answer from interlayer[newbie]

Answer from Ѐuslan Shikhaliev[newbie]

Answer from Neurologist[newbie]
Pyotr Vladislavovich is a military commander of the type of an old campaigner of the Nikolaev bearing, handsome, stately, tall. He has a ruddy face, a white mustache and sideburns, "an affectionate joyful smile ... in sparkling eyes and lips."

Answer from Help[newbie]
Ivan Vasilyevich is the main character of the story. The story is told from his perspective.
The story takes place in a provincial town in the 1840s. At that time I. V. was a student and lived enjoying his youth. At Shrovetide, the hero was invited to a ball to the provincial marshal. The “lady of his heart” was also present - Varenka B.
From love for her, I.V. "was happy, blessed, ... was ... some kind of unearthly creature, knowing no evil and capable of good alone." The hero feels that he loves all people. They are all so wonderful: the hospitable leader and his wife, and the plump-shouldered lady, and Varenka's father, who danced with his daughter so touchingly and caringly. The young people spent the whole evening together.
After that, under the influence of impressions, IV goes to wander around the city. In the morning, on the first day of Great Lent, I.V. comes across a terrible picture. He sees the punishment of the fugitive Tatar. He is passed through the line of soldiers, each of whom whips the Tatar's bare back with gauntlets. The Tatar's back turned into a mess: "variegated, wet, red." The unfortunate Tatar begs the soldiers for mercy: "Brothers, have mercy." But Colonel B., Varenka's father, strictly followed so that "the brothers would not show mercy." He walked with a "firm, trembling gait" paired with a Tatar. One of the soldiers “smears”, weakens the blow, for which Colonel B. hits him in the face. IV was horrified by what he saw. He thought that the colonel probably knew something that allowed him to behave like that both at the ball and on the parade ground. But the hero himself is not capable of such hypocrisy. He refuses military service and from marrying Varenka.
Pyotr Vladislavovich (Colonel B.) is the father of Varenka, Ivan Vasilyevich's lover. He is "a military commander of the type of an old campaigner of the Nikolaev bearing." P.V. is handsome, stately, tall. He has a ruddy face, a white mustache and sideburns, "an affectionate joyful smile ... in sparkling eyes and lips."
P. V. was accustomed both in the service and in society to do everything “according to the law.” Dancing with his daughter, the colonel observes all the rules of etiquette. On the parade ground, he, with skill, controls the execution of a fugitive Tatar. Holding a suede-gloved hand on the daughter's waist and hitting a soldier's face with the same suede-gloved hand does not make much difference to P.V. In Ivan Vasilyevich's imagination, the image of Colonel B. splits into two: the angelic features of the hero (his appearance at the ball) begin to intertwine with demonic features (the scene of the punishment of the Tatar), showing the true appearance of P.V.

Answer from Keraneko[newbie]
Pyotr Vladislavovich (Colonel B.) is the father of Varenka, Ivan Vasilyevich's lover. He is "a military commander of the type of an old campaigner of the Nikolaev bearing." P.V. is handsome, stately, tall. He has a ruddy face, a white mustache and sideburns, "an affectionate joyful smile ... in sparkling eyes and lips."
P. V. was accustomed both in the service and in society to do everything “according to the law.” Dancing with his daughter, the colonel observes all the rules of etiquette. On the parade ground, he, with skill, controls the execution of a fugitive Tatar. Holding a suede-gloved hand on the daughter's waist and hitting a soldier's face with the same suede-gloved hand does not make much difference to P.V. In Ivan Vasilyevich's imagination, the image of Colonel B. splits into two: the angelic features of the hero (his appearance at the ball) begin to intertwine with demonic features (the scene of the punishment of the Tatar), showing the true appearance of P.V.

One of short stories Leo Tolstoy's "After the Ball" leads to sad reflections. Let's talk a little about the history of creation. The work was written in 1903, however, it was published only in 1911. Based on real events (it is known from historical archives that the story happened to the author's brother, Sergei Nikolaevich), this story will not leave readers indifferent, because what is described here shocked Leo Tolstoy himself.

The main characters of the story:

Ivan Vasilievich- a storyteller who shared a story about his own strong love and what caused its sudden extinction. A person who is not indifferent to beauty, who wants to see good features in his neighbor, but who cannot tolerate violence against a person. He is disgusted by the oppression of poor, unfortunate people. Pity for the crippled soldier, albeit a guilty one, who continues to be inhumanly mocked, despite pleas, without showing any mercy, introduces the hero into a state of despair, even to the point that he decides to get drunk with a friend to unconsciousness. The young man is especially struck by the fact that the colonel, the father of his beloved Varenka, is in charge of the execution process. After that, he decides never to be a military man, although at first he wanted to.

Varenka- the daughter of Colonel Peter Vladislavovich, the bride of Ivan Vasilyevich, the object of his great love. A very beautiful, graceful girl with an affectionate look.

Varenka's father, Colonel Pyotr Vladislavovich- at first he made a good impression on Ivan Vasilyevich, such that he even experienced an "enthusiastic tender" feeling towards him. However, the charm was dispelled when the narrator saw the colonel directing the process of beating the guilty Tatar fugitive, whom, on the orders of Peter Vladislavovich, each soldier in the ranks beat with sticks. No pity, no compassion, only cruelty and malice - this is how Varenka's father really turned out to be.

Beginning of the story: Ivan Vasilyevich expresses his opinion

In one house there was a leisurely conversation, the essence of which was that a person's behavior in most cases is influenced by the external environment. Ivan Vasilievich categorically disagreed with this, and, deciding to prove his case, he began to tell a story that happened to him once.

Love for Varenka

“I was deeply in love” - this is how Ivan Vasilyevich begins a sad story about an episode in his life. The object of his sighing was Varenka, the daughter of the colonel, Pyotr Vladislavovich, very beautiful girl- at eighteen, graceful and even majestic. An affectionate smile did not leave her face, and this captivated Ivan Vasilyevich even more. He describes himself as rich young man, fond of balls and enjoying life. And then one day, on the last day of Shrovetide, he had a chance to get to the ball to the governor's marshal.

At the ball…

That day everything was wonderful: the narrator danced only with Varenka. “I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blissful, I was kind, I was not me, but some kind of unearthly creature that knows no evil and is capable of only good ...” - this is how Ivan Vasilyevich describes his condition. Love for the colonel's daughter grew more and more in his soul. After dinner, the hostess persuaded Pyotr Vladislavovich to go through one round of the mazurka with her daughter, and everyone was delighted with this couple.
The hero was happy, and was afraid of only one thing: so that something would not overshadow the bright joy that reigned in his soul. Unfortunately, his fears soon came true.

“My whole life changed from one night…”

Arriving home after the ball, Ivan Vasilievich was so excited that he could not fall asleep. He did not know then that in a few minutes he would make a decision that would turn out to be fateful. And it seems to be nothing special - driven by insomnia, the young man in love decided to walk around the city in the early morning. If he knew what this innocent walk would result in. The soul of the young man was filled with beautiful music, to which he danced at the ball, but suddenly completely different sounds were heard: hard, bad.

Approaching, he saw a terrible picture: “a man, bare to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers who were leading him,” was walking towards him.

It was a captured deserter who was led through the line, and each soldier was obliged to hit the fugitive. Sometimes human cruelty knows no bounds, and this is in bright colors tried to convey the author.

Disappointment in Varenka's father

The terrible spectacle was forever imprinted in the mind of Ivan Vasilyevich, who a few hours ago considered the colonel a rather nice person. Now he was cruel, merciless, terrible. “Will you smear, will you?!” - Pyotr Vladislavovich shouted at the soldier who did not hit the deserter hard enough ... Nobody listened to the quiet request of the poor sufferer, who whispered inaudibly: "Brothers, have mercy." And Ivan's pleasant feelings towards Varenka's father disappeared in an instant, leaving room for bitter surprise, disappointment, even shock. No wonder the young man got drunk that morning with a friend.

"Love has faded..."

From that time on, Ivan Vasilievich could no longer relate to Varya, as before. Meeting her, each time he remembered the colonel in the square. And love gradually melted away.
“So this is why a person’s fate can change,” the narrator concluded. Alas, to the greatest regret, it happens.

The author's intention when creating the story "After the Ball"

Inhuman treatment of people, unfortunately, was the norm in those days. And this was clearly understood by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who, although he was a count, sympathized with the suffering people with all his heart.

Throughout the story, the author gives the reader a reason to reflect on the question: so what makes a person cruel or, conversely, kind? Where does he live? Or is it still something else? But can there be an unequivocal answer to such complex issue? And what is the opinion of the author himself?

Position of Leo Tolstoy: on the side of moral principles

Throughout his life, Leo Tolstoy was tormented by the fact that a person lives as an atheist, and this cannot but affect his behavior and views. The oppression of the poor by the rich, the obvious vices of the nobility and those who managed to occupy some position in society - all led the writer into confusion. Having an amazing gift for putting thoughts into words, Lev Nikolaevich became the author of novels, stories, stories that reflect the essence of his experiences. He was convinced that in man, despite all the evil, some “higher rationality” is stored, laid down by the Creator. But is it? Trying to fulfill the Christian commandments, Leo Tolstoy did not realize the main thing: the whole world lies in evil, and vice cannot be overcome by one's own efforts. This simply requires the power of God.

When people talk about Leo Tolstoy, they immediately recall the wonderful epic works of the Russian classic, such as War and Peace or Anna Karenina. But Lev Nikolaevich is also good in small forms. When he takes on a story or story, his talent does not change him at all. The focus is on "After the Ball". This article will consider the characteristics of the heroes of "After the Ball".


The reason for the story is old story, the eternal question: the environment makes a person or a person creates his environment. There is a conversation between familiar people, and it concerns personal improvement.

The protagonist Ivan Vasilievich, a man respected by everyone in the circle where the conversation is being conducted, tells a story from his life that refutes the fact that a person is shaped by the environment.

It was a long time ago, one of the main provincial officials held a ball in honor of last day Shrovetide. The entire provincial beau monde came to the ball.

Ivan Vasilievich was then a university student from the same city. There was nothing to do, and the main entertainment was visiting such events. At this ball, he saw a girl - Varenka B. and fell in love with her without memory. I only danced with her. Varenka was the daughter of Colonel Pyotr Vladislavovich, who, together with his wife, honored all those gathered with their presence at the celebration.

Father had to go home. And in parting, he danced with his daughter, and so famously that everyone was absolutely delighted. Seeing this, young Ivan Vasilyevich was imbued with warm feelings for the old man. The colonel left, but the young people (Varenka and Vanya) were still dancing. In the morning everyone left. Here the events of the work “After the Ball” subside. The heroes of the story cannot yet be suspected of something bad.

The hero could not sleep, and he went to stagger around the city. Unintentionally, unconsciously, he came to the house of his sweetheart. On the field adjacent to the house, there was a formation of soldiers. To the beat of drums and the sounds of a flute, they let a fugitive Tatar through the ranks. He was beaten with sticks all over his back. His back had already turned into a bloody mess, and he himself only repeated: “Lord, brothers, have mercy.” He said it quietly, because he no longer had the strength to scream.

The torture was supervised by the "dear colonel", who recently danced with his daughter at the ball. After this event, Ivan Vasilyevich's love for Varya passed. Every time he looked at her face, he saw the Tartar and his back.

Perhaps the reader is tired of the excessive detailing of the plot, but its consideration is absolutely necessary in order to understand which characterization of the characters in "After the Ball" best suits them.

Ivan Vasilievich - a man whose conscience woke up

What then happened to Ivan Vasilyevich? Then, after the ball, his conscience woke up, and he himself woke up from sleep. Yes, so much so that it seems like he was whipped with a whip, so sudden was the realization of the baseness of the general, the “light”, which is no different from darkness in the moral, moral sense. So, we can already say that the first characterization of the heroes of "After the Ball" is ready: the main character can be defined as a person who has a conscience.


Here everything is already a little more complicated. It cannot be said that the colonel and his daughter are unscrupulous people. For them, just the hierarchy that existed in Russia in the 19th century is normal. It is also normal that after the holiday they can warm up or calm the excited nerves by torturing a person. There is nothing out of the ordinary in this.

The reader can rightly say that if you really think about what the characteristics of the heroes of "After the Ball" are (meaning specifically the colonel), then only the old soldier should be blamed for everything. Oh no, that won't do. The colonel's women are to blame for his fanaticism no less than he himself. After all, they did not prevent him from doing them.


Nothing bad can be said about the daughter of a fanatic, but nothing good can be said about her. She is a faceless character in the story. Only one memory will remain of her: she was stunningly beautiful, but it is difficult to determine her content if we are talking about the disclosure of the topic "Characteristics of the heroes" After the ball "".

Moral questions raised in the work

So, here in the center of the work is an eternal dispute about the confrontation between the individual and society. The author also focuses his attention (and the attention of the reader) on the abomination of human duplicity and duplicity.

L. N. Tolstoy in this story even indirectly gives an answer to the question of why, in fact, the Russian revolution happened: because the “tops” allowed themselves such treatment of the “lower classes”, and the “lower classes” took revenge. Such is the brief moral content of "After the Ball." In fact, this story may open up with a fan of other moral problems, but that's a completely different story.

"After the ball" the main characters of the story are representatives of the 19th century.

"After the Ball" main characters

Ivan Vasilievich- the story is being told on his behalf, the main character. Youth from rich family, impressionable and enthusiastic, faced with terrible injustice, dramatically changed his life, abandoning a military career.

Varenka- the girl with whom Ivan Vasilyevich was in love. She had a thin body, but at the same time the girl had a regal appearance, always kept herself majestically. When she smiled, her eyes smiled too. She had plenty of admirers, but she only liked Ivan Vasilyevich.

"tall, slender,rational, in a white dress with a pink belt, in white kid gloves, in white satin shoes, a radiant face, affectionate, sweet eyes.

Petr Vladislavovich- Varenka's father. Served as military leader.

The colonel was a very handsome, stately, tall and strong man of about fifty. Affectionate, unhurried speech emphasized his aristocratic essence and aroused even more admiration. He was so sweet and amiable that he won over everyone, including the main character of the story.

In the dance he was graceful and when he danced with his daughter, everyone could not take their eyes off them. He was courteous, attentive. He was shod in old boots, as he saved for himself so that his daughter would buy more new dresses.

After the ball, in the scene of the punishment of the soldier, not a single sweet, good-natured line remained on the face of the colonel. There was nothing left of the person who was at the ball, but a new one, formidable and cruel, appeared.

The transformation of a tenderly loving father and a good-natured colonel into a cruel and ruthless tormentor shocked Ivan Vasilyevich so much that his feelings for Varenka quickly cooled down, "love from that day began to wane."