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What to do if the phone does not turn on. Samsung Galaxy does not turn on - restore the smartphone

When the beloved Android tablet won't turn on- It's definitely very annoying. But do not get upset prematurely, because in most cases the problem can be solved independently. So today you will find out what to do if the tablet does not work.

What are the causes of failure

Why won't my tablet turn on? There are two main reasons for its failure: hardware and software.

The term "hardware failure" means that your tablet does not turn on due to physical impact on it, mechanical failure some of its details.

A software failure means that your tablet has stopped functioning properly due to a software problem. For example, due to viruses, a failed system update, or exposure to an application.

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Hardware breakdowns

If tablet won't turn on, then first of all you need to hold down the power button for 10-15 seconds. If nothing happened, you will have to remove the battery, then insert it back and turn it on again.

It is also possible that your battery is completely dead, so you should put the tablet on recharging. If after 10 minutes you cannot turn it on, then there is a chance that either your charger is broken or the power button is not working.

A possible reason for not turning on the tablet is a breakdown of the screen matrix. In this case, you definitely need to take the tablet to a service center. It is also possible that some components burned out.

If the tablet stopped working after physical impact (fell, hit against something), then you are unlikely to be able to fix it yourself. In this case, you will have to contact the service center.

Do not forget that your device has a warranty (provided that you took the tablet not abroad) for a certain time, so if you have something wrong with the tablet during the first 6 months after purchase (many stores have 1 year ), then you should fix the problem or replace it with a new device for free.

If you brought a tablet from abroad, then it may be covered by a manufacturer's warranty, so you need to contact your brand's service center to find out more about this.

Software malfunctions. What to do with them?

If your android tablet does not turn on, then there is a high probability that the problem is related to software problems.

It is possible that your device has stopped working properly due to exposure to any installed application. If your tablet is still on, but freezes or does not work properly, then you need. Read about it in a separate article on the site.

Another option is tablet firmware. I have already told.

Briefly talk about the reset. Better read full version instructions in the link above.

To reset your Android tablet, you need to enter Recovery mode. Since all devices are different, the way to get into this mode is different. To do this, on a completely turned off device, you need to hold down one of these key combinations (almost certainly the first or second):

  • Volume Up, Volume Down and Power Button
  • Power on / Lock (Power), Home (Home) and Increase the volume (Volume Up)
  • Volume Down and Power Button
  • Volume Up and Power Button
  • Volume Up and Volume Down

Once in Recovery mode, find the item "wipe data / factory reset", select it and click on "yes - delete all user data". After you need to select the item "Reboot System". Move with the volume keys, and confirm your choice with the power button or the context menu button.

For more information about resetting settings on Android, see the instructions at the link above.

In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine a person's life without a phone. Every person has this little helper. It makes it easy to contact the desired subscriber. But imagine that your Android phone does not turn on. What to do in this case? Of course, without a smartphone it will be quite difficult. If you do not have a spare gadget, then you need to quickly fix your device. In this article, we will look at why the Android phone does not turn on.

Mobile check

If the phone has stopped turning on, then you should not immediately disassemble it and see what could happen there. Of course, if you do not have certain knowledge, all these actions can be disastrous for a smartphone. Subsequently, repairs can only become more complex and costly. Why won't my Android phone turn on? What to do in this case?

Before proceeding with cardinal actions, it is necessary to check - maybe it did not break at all. First, you should find out if the battery is charged, or maybe the reason is a software failure of the device.

Mobile device battery check

As we have already found out, the phone may not turn on due to low battery. We put the smartphone on charge and wait about 30 minutes. After that, we try to turn it on. If the phone was able to "revive", then the problem is high charge consumption. How can this be fixed? It is enough to turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi after use. These elements are constantly working to find a possible network in order to inform the user about it. If you turn off these elements, you can more long term save charge. You should also reduce the brightness on your smartphone, as a bright screen consumes a lot of energy.

If you have a function on your mobile phone that allows you to change the brightness automatically based on the light in the room, then you should turn it on. Let's get back to the problem. If the phone was able to turn on when it is charging, then let it stand for about 4 hours. It is worth checking the expiration date of the battery - it may be time to change this component. If the phone does not turn on, but the Android is charging, you need to consider other possible situations.

Smartphone power button

The phone may flash but not turn on. This may be due to a malfunction of the power button. The reasons why it may not work may be different:

  • If you have just purchased mobile phone, and it does not turn on, the power button may be faulty, and the reason lies in the factory marriage. What to do in this case? You need to contact the store where you purchased the smartphone and ask for a refund, replacement or repair of the phone. The seller must do something in this case.

  • Another reason is also possible, which is already associated with your carelessness. If you spill liquid on your mobile device or drop it, there may be various reasons why the phone will not turn on. In this case, do not disassemble the device yourself. Of course, if you have a warranty, you can try contacting a service center. Otherwise, you will also have to resort to the help of a professional. Unfortunately, even he is not able to fix any phone.

Memory card

So, your Android phone does not turn on. What to do? The reason may lie in the SD card. Your phone may not support a particular memory card, causing the mobile device to freeze or not turn on at all. You should choose a memory card in specialized stores, having previously learned that it will fit your smartphone. If different memory cards cause the same effect, then the problem is in the phone. In this case, you need to reflash the mobile device. You can do it yourself, but you should be careful, as you can only do harm.

Phone won't turn on after Android update

Sometimes situations happen with smartphones when it does not turn on after the update. As a rule, new gadgets are more prone to this. Various updates come to the mobile device, which, unfortunately, are not safe. Usually smartphones that have constant access to the Internet are affected by this. After such updates, the phone may randomly turn off and turn on after a while.

Another situation is also possible: you are trying to turn on your phone, and Android lights up there and nothing else happens. Reboots bring the phone back to this problem again. So, your Android phone does not turn on again. What to do? In this case, it is worth trying to turn off the device and stick out the battery for a few minutes, then turn it on and reset the settings. If the problem was not serious, then you will succeed, and after a while the phone will return to its previous state.

If it refuses to work adequately, then you should use a hardware reset. This will clear your phone of updates and all information. But, most likely, it will return to working condition. Of course, all personal information will disappear from you, but returning the phone to its former life will probably be more important. This reset will be done differently for each smartphone. You need to find suitable way for your model. Phone won't turn on after factory reset? "Android", unfortunately, may not be suitable for such a solution. In this case, you will need to reflash your device.

After flashing the phone does not turn on (Android)

If you unsuccessfully flashed your device, then it may not turn on or hang on the Android logo. What to do in this case? Of course, you will have to reflash again.

First, we go to the manufacturer's website and look for the necessary firmware that will fit your model. You should not look for firmware through a search engine, as it will give out a lot various programs which most likely won't work. So you can only aggravate the problem and bring your smartphone to a “brick” state.

After the firmware, the phone does not turn on. "Android" can still be brought back to life. You will need to properly install the new firmware. If you do not know how to do this, then you need to contact the service center. So you can be sure that everything will be fine with the phone.

Mechanical damage

The most common cause of smartphone failure is mechanical damage. If the phone has been dropped or you have spilled liquid on it, then this is already a serious problem that cannot be dealt with so easily.

If the fall was not serious, then you can try to stick out the battery, SIM card, SD card. After a while, we return everything to its place. If the phone worked, then you were lucky, and his contacts just went away. Otherwise, the problem is more serious. If you don't have necessary knowledge, then you should not try to disassemble and repair the mobile device yourself. In this case, contact the service center.

Modern smartphone devices are complex and quite delicate. One "beautiful" morning, you may find that the gadget that was put on charge refuses to work. Today we will figure out what to do if the phone does not turn on and does not boot, as well as how you can fix this problem at home.

There are not so many answers to the question why the phone does not turn on, what can be the reason for its rapid discharge and what to do in such a situation. Consider the most common options and solutions.

Adapter failure or no contact

The most common reason why the phone does not boot up or is quickly discharged is a charger malfunction. To verify this, you need to connect the gadget to another power supply. If it started charging, then you found the cause and the problem was in the charger. You can do the opposite, connect a known-good phone to a suspicious power supply. Thus, you are guaranteed to be convinced of its malfunction.

If the smartphone is not charging from a working power supply, check the contact connector. A clot of dust or pet hair can get into it. Carefully clean the connection jack on the phone with a wooden or plastic toothpick and try again.

If your phone has a removable battery, check the contacts for tightness and condition. There is a possibility that they oxidized from moisture or bent when the battery was inserted after being dropped.

Another way to "revive" the battery or make sure it is working is to use a universal charger. Colloquially, it is called a “frog” and is capable of charging any removable battery from a household electrical outlet.

SD card

One of the reasons why the Android phone does not turn on is the use of an SD card with a larger capacity than stated by the manufacturer. The craving for experiments is in the blood of users. If the specification says that only 32 GB can be used, they will definitely try 64. With a high degree of probability, the device will recognize the card. It will work normally until the recorded amount of information exceeds the amount declared for support.

If, after a software failure, the phone stops turning on or does not boot, it is enough to remove the problem card memory. A forced reboot will bring the smartphone to a working state.

System errors and failed updates

System bugs, or a resource-intensive application not completely unloaded from RAM, can cause the battery to drain rapidly, causing the phone to turn off and not start again. Malware can behave similarly. The virus, if its task is not extortion, works in the background. At the same time, he tries to use all available resources as quickly as possible. If the Android phone, being in a standby state, is discharged faster than usual, you should check it for infection and perform a forced reboot. Further actions depend on the results of the antivirus scan.

If the smartphone is clean and charged in the normal mode, there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, if the device does not start or the phone is quickly discharged again, a full reset and reconfiguration will be required.

An unsuccessful software update may result in the phone not responding to user actions or simply turning off. Usually, this behavior is easily "cured" by a reboot.

In the event of a firmware failure new version OS, things are a little more complicated. When the phone starts but the boot doesn't get past the splash screen, recovery mode can save the day. What to do and how to enable Recovery Mode for a specific phone is best found on the manufacturer's website or in the documentation for the device. When this is not possible, try generic methods. The vast majority of Android-based smartphones support turning it on by pressing the power and volume keys. Whether it is the Up or Down button depends on the manufacturer of the device. You can try both options in sequence.

Hidden Defects

Some users believe that physical damage is when the phone is dropped on a hard surface and shattered. Up to this point, he also fell twice, but only “slightly” scratched and crumpled. Meanwhile, it cannot be ruled out that hidden defects from impact on the body of the gadget. Damage to the internal contacts will cause the Android phone to not turn on or charge, and sometimes work and suddenly turn off. So if your phone has fallen, it is impossible to fix the system board malfunction on your own and you will have to contact specialists for a complete diagnosis and possible replacement of components.


If the phone does not turn on even after you have gone through all the possible reasons, you should contact the service center. By not showing excessive initiative in trying to resuscitate it, you will save yourself time and nerves for specialists.

The modern telephone is a rather complex, and sometimes capricious technical device, which can fail, for example, stop turning on, when the user least expects it.

Before you start to panic and look for the nearest repair shop, it is worth finding out why the phone does not turn on. Very often, the owner of the gadget can fix problems in the mobile phone on their own, without contacting specialists.

Common causes of problems with turning on the smartphone

The phone may stop working and turn on when its battery life is exhausted. As a rule, this problem is relevant for older models. It is possible to recognize it in advance: before the device finally stops turning on and responding to pressing any buttons, the battery starts to drain quickly, and it takes a lot of time to charge.

Possible problems with turning on also occur when the phone's battery is oxidized. If this is really the cause of the breakdown, the most the best solution- get rid of the mobile as soon as possible (there is a possibility that the battery will catch fire). An oxidized and swollen battery is very often noticeable from the outside, from under the phone case.

Often the phone cannot turn on due to hardware problems, which are not always easy to solve, and it is not a fact that the user can handle this at home. The reasons given above require the battery to be disposed of and replaced with a new one. All other problems are subject to correction.

Mobile does not turn on

So, the main reasons for a cell breakdown, due to which it may not turn on:

  • worn out or defective battery;
  • charging problems;
  • faulty power button;
  • errors in software;
  • moisture getting into the device;
  • virus in the system;
  • various mechanical damage.

Faulty battery and its check

If the device does not respond in any way to pressing the power button, the first thing the user can do is to check if the battery is working.

Mobile phone battery usually has one of three problems:

  • insufficient charge level;
  • swelling, oxidation or other damage;
  • banal wear and tear.

For example, if the owner of a cell phone is wondering why the phone does not turn on completely, the answer may be simple: he has run out of battery. Depending on the level of charge, the device may either not respond at all to user actions, or do so weakly. The difficulty is solved by connecting the phone to the charger.

dead battery

You need to know that some cell models, after being completely discharged and then connected to charging, may not turn on instantly. In such a situation, they just need to be left to charge, and within one or two hours the functionality will be restored.

If charging does not help, you should open the back cover and see what condition the battery is in. A swollen battery must be disposed of and replaced immediately.

Swollen battery

Another common problem is battery wear, however, in this case, the phone usually turns on, but after that it sits down very quickly. There are two options for checking here:

  • measurement of voltage and current in the battery;
  • installing the battery in another similar device, if it works in it, the reason lies somewhere else.

Charging problems

If the phone is already connected to the network, but does not charge or turn on, it may not be the battery that is to blame, but the charger.

What to do to fix charging problems:

  • measure the voltage in the outlet;
  • change the cable of the device;
  • use another charger.

First of all, you should understand whether there is current in the outlet to which the charging is connected. This is a fairly common problem when charging mobile devices. The question of whether the user has verified the presence of voltage in the outlet is the first of those that are asked by the employees of the service center of any large company.

The charger cable may also suffer, for example, if it has been operated rather carelessly or pets have access to it. This is an easily fixable problem, since almost all modern gadgets are charged through connectors - or -, and the cable in this case can be replaced separately from the adapter.

Damaged charger cable

Important! You can find out if charging is working by trying to charge your phone from a computer. If after that the device starts charging and turning on, the problem is in the adapter that needs to be replaced.

Charging socket problems

This is also a common problem, especially for devices that have been used for a long time. Sometimes it can be identified in advance, before the device finally stops turning on, for example, if it is set to charge, but the process does not go, or it goes, but slowly and jerkily.

The reason may be the accumulation of debris in the phone's charging port. It is carefully removed from there using cotton pads and sticks (they should not be wet - this can lead to a short circuit and a complete breakdown of the gadget).

Cleaning the charging port

Faulty power button

If the user finds that his mobile phone does not turn on, the power button may have broken. Typically, devices that are actively used for a long time are exposed to such a malfunction (an exception may be a phone that was defective initially).

The user has two choices in this situation:

  1. Persistently try to turn on the phone. Sometimes it works and after two or three attempts it starts to function. The disadvantage of this method: if there was a similar problem before, the number of attempts will gradually increase
  2. Take the phone to a service center. A broken power button is not a significant problem, fixing it quickly and inexpensively (especially when the device is still under warranty).

Power button repair

When identifying the described problems, do not delay visiting the service center. The fact that the power button does not work too well is also indicated by the fact that it does not turn on the sleep mode on the phone immediately, but only after several attempts. If the button gets stuck or damaged, it is better to take the device to specialists, without waiting until it stops turning on and fully working.

Software crashes and problems after updating

Software failures can also cause the mobile phone to not turn on. The first thing to do is an emergency reboot, and this process can be done in one of two ways (depending on the phone model and its parameters):

  • Take out the battery. Easy method - you just need to remove the back cover of the cell, remove the battery, and then put it back in place. For phones with removable batteries, the process is almost identical. Any person can handle this.

Removing the battery

  • It is worth acting differently if the battery removal of a particular phone model is not provided. In no case should you disassemble the whole body of the device yourself - you still won’t be able to remove the battery, and the performance will be impaired. For such cases, manufacturers leave a hole in the body of the device where a small knitting needle or needle, usually included in the kit, is stuck.

Emergency reset hole

In the second situation, you should also carefully read the instructions that came with your smartphone - it should describe this process in detail.

Important! As a rule, the hole with which you can perform an emergency reset of the phone is located either on the top or on the bottom side of the case. It is also often covered with a removable plate.

Updates are released to fix problems with smartphones, but the consequences of installing them are sometimes unexpected. If the user wants to install updates on his own, he must be aware of all possible risks. For example, Android phones may start to consume battery power faster after a system update.

Android firmware update

Sometimes an update causes the device to stop turning on. The last time Android users faced this massively in 2015, they decided to update the OS to the latest version.

How to solve problems with turning on the phone that occurred after the update:

  • rollback updates or OS version;
  • install another version;
  • restore the phone using a special mode.

If it is impossible to use at least one of the above options, you must take the device to a service center.

The system got a virus

There are rare situations when a virus that has entered the system completely disables the phone, but this is also possible. There are samples that prevent the device from turning on, in which case the user must understand the following: after restoration by resetting the settings, all personal data will be lost. It is impossible to avoid the implementation of such a procedure, since without this it will not be possible to turn on the cell normally.

How to proceed:

  1. Press the power button and volume button at the same time. Depending on the specific phone model, it is determined which volume key should be pressed - upper or lower. Such information is usually displayed in the instructions.
  2. Hold the buttons like this until the phone starts to respond. The Recovery menu appears on the display. Here, the item “Wipe data / factory reset” is selected.

Sooner or later, every owner mobile device encounters a situation where it freezes and does not turn on. In this guide, we will tell you what to do if your Android phone does not turn on. Consider several ways to fix this trouble.

1. First of all, connect your phone to the charger. There is a chance that you simply did not notice how the battery ran out. Wait a few minutes, then try turning on the smartphone without unplugging it from charging. If this attempt is unsuccessful, then proceed to the next step.

2. Your phone may not turn on because it is frozen. In this case, a forced reboot can help, which can be done by simultaneously holding the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons for 10 seconds until a characteristic vibration appears. If that doesn't help, try holding the Power and Volume Down buttons. This scheme allows you to restart almost all Android phones.

3. Try removing the battery, wait about 10 seconds, and reinsert it. Of course, this can only be done on smartphones with removable batteries. As a rule, if there are no serious problems with the device, this method always helps.

4. Try turning your smartphone into recovery mode and doing a factory reset. Its disadvantage is that after a reset, all data will be deleted, and the phone will appear before you in its “original” form, in which you turned it on for the first time after purchase.

Starting recovery mode depends on the brand of the device:

  • Samsung and many other phones: Press and hold the Power, Volume Up, and Home buttons at the same time.
  • Nexus, LG, Motorola - Press and hold the Power, Volume Down, and Home buttons at the same time.

Keep holding the buttons until the menu appears android downloads. Use the volume up and down keys to navigate through the menu. Select "Recovery" and press the Power button to confirm your selection. Next, you need to select the “Hard Reset” item and wait for the recovery to finish.

If none of the above methods helped, and your Android phone does not turn on, then bring it to the service, most likely there is a problem with the hardware, which you cannot fix on your own.

We hope we were able to help you. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.