Repairs Design Furniture

Remote glazing balcony is a unique way to expand space. Increase the balcony with your own hands: Master Tips Removal of the balcony and installing double-glazed windows with their own hands

The glazing of the balcony with the removal is an excellent solution with a lack of space in the apartment. As a rule, such a room is used to relax, work, storing various things or plant growing, so it is important to make it comfortable and safe. The advantage of the removal is that the existing stove or parapet is strengthened during the installation work, which will allow a balcony or loggia to serve for a long time.

The procedure for expanding the balcony includes certain difficulties with which you can cope, carefully examining the mechanism for performing data.

Any work on the expansion of the area is regulated by law and are issued legally. The glazing of the balcony with the removal is performed without documentary consolidation only if the planned expansion of the plate is no more than 30 cm.

Coordination of the Balcony Glazing Project with departure is carried out in several services, including:

  • architecture management;
  • gas service;
  • sanEpidemstation;
  • fire Department.

After the installation work, a commission is collected, which conducts examination. If the extension result complies with the previously granted project, the act of receiving the construction of the construction is drawn up.

Takeaway options balcony

There are two ways with which the balcony is carried out: on the windowsill and on the floor. The selection of arrangement depends on the characteristics of the room and the desired result.

  • On the windowsill. The mechanism of removal in this method is based on expanding the existing concrete parapet or metal frame. This type of assembly allows you to strengthen the balcony.

  • By half. This assembly is quite laborious and requires high costs than the previous option. However, this type of expansion will allow you to get a tangible increase to the square.

Conducting preparatory work

Before working from the balcony, extrany things are taken out, plinths remove and remove the lighting tools. Next, the grinder is cut off with a metal fence, parts of which are used during welding. At this stage, it is important to pay special attention attention:

a removable fence must be consolidated with a rope, and the territory is lower to the tape.

Building remote construction

In the event of an end-between windowsill, the installation begins with the installation of metal brackets treated with an anti-corrosion composition. A welded fastening or anchor bolts is used depending on the material from which the parapet consists.

Metal tube, reinforcing brackets, gives rigidity to the assembly. If the room is unreliable, then additionally strengthen the design with metal, or create an additional welded structure, which will firmly attach parapet to the building wall. A window sill, which performs inside a decorative function, protective - outside is laid onto the brackets.

Diagram of the design of the windowsill

When removing the floor, the same heavy-duty metal chawliers are used. Such an assembly is distinguished by reliability and serves over the years.

Dealer design circuit

Order of installation work

Work on the removal of balcony or loggia primarily require accurate design calculations. In the absence of experience in building work, it is better to turn to professionals. Regardless of the selected method, it is important to remember about the law and security. Before work, it is necessary to estimate the reliability of the balcony plate.

Procedure of work when removing the windowsill

  1. Pickling with parapet is removed.
  2. It carries out the carrier plate on the ends.
  3. Jumpers are attached to parapet railing (using welding).
  4. Jumpers are boiled on all railing or frontal (depending on the project). The selected element length determines the width of the windowsill.
  5. The external contour profile is welded to the ends of the jumpers.
  6. Between the bearing plate and profiles of the external contour of the struts are fastened with welding.
  7. The outdoor side is sidding.
  8. To increase the space on the windowsill, double-glazed windows are beyond its boundaries. This method visually expands the space. And the wide window sill is convenient for plants.

It is possible to grow a balcony or three sides. To a balcony with a removal carried out by this method, a warm glazing can be approached, and cold. The undoubted advantage of the deposit on the windowsill is a relatively inexpensive cost of work.

Procedure of work when removing on the floor

  1. Welding works are based on a corner, which is used by the perimeter of the floor. Usually the extension is 50 cm from all sides. If the required deposancy size is greater, additional backups are used below.
  2. The backups are created from a round-shaped pipe. One end is attached to the beam, the other - to the wall of the structure. There should be a design in the form of a triangle.
  3. Next takes place the profile in the places of the future floor. In the width of the plate placed a profile tube using anchor dowels, then the same profile is installed on the sides of the plate. It is important that the side profiles are in a strictly horizontal position.
  4. An additional pipe is applied, which is welded to the ends of the side profile pipes.
  5. On top of the already installed profiles, another one, which performs the function of the temporary support, is then grabbed by welding.
  6. The hole in the profile wall is drilled, after which the structure welding is produced.
  7. Set several profiles between the closed and outer, then the bands are welded in the intervals.
  8. The resulting frame is applied to a few layers.
  9. The final stage of the work is the ending of the external side for the aesthetic species of the facade.

For clarity below, various options for metal frame designs are presented.

Balcony design to improve the appearance of removal and moisture protection. With a metallic parapet, PVC siding is used, with a concrete - galvanized iron sheet with a coating.

The glazing of the balcony usually use aluminum windows. The sump is installed outside, and the design is fixed by using metal strips. From above, you must attach a visor that will protect the construction of precipitation. The calculation of the brackets requires a thorough check of the strength of parapet and accurate glazing weight.

It is important to choose high-quality materials to install a visor. This will avoid freezing and condensate indoors.


With proper reconstruction, the balcony will be functional, comfortable and aesthetic. The service life always depends on the quality of the materials used in the work, and the competence of the master.

The walls are glued with thermal insulation materials. Next Design and you can choose to your taste, however, you should pay attention to the recommendations of the specialists. The most successful and inexpensive materials for the floor balcony are marmoleum and linoleum. Walls can be: they are quite simple in care, resistant to moisture and their cost is low.

If necessary, the electrical wiring is installed, install sockets and lamps.

Installing light can be open or closed. Open wiring is easy to implement, but its kind can spoil the designer decoration. Therefore, this method is recommended when taking a balcony panels. A closed method requires styling cable into a stride.

If the balcony is used for recreation, the ideal illumination option can be LED backlight. Such lamps will give dynamic and efficiency of the interior.

When using the room for work requires more vivid lighting, so in this case, wall scaves or lamps are usually installed. Halogen luminaires can become an excellent solution, as they are practical, long-term and give an intense light stream.

After reading all the features of the glazing of a balcony with a removal, you can proceed to action.

The apartment with a spacious balcony is a dream of many city inhabitants. There are a huge variety of options, how to use this additional space with benefit, and all these options are easily embodied. But what to do if there is not enough space on the balcony even for storing things, not to mention the recreation area or the desktop?

Modern building technologies even for such cases allow you to find a solution. One of them is the arrangement of the remote balcony. This design will allow you to expand the available space, make quality repair and ergonomically to equip the balcony. The most important thing is to take the belief of the balcony most often can be independently.

What is a remote balcony

Similarly, you can make the expansion of the balcony up to 50 centimeters around the perimeter with each of the parties. Outside, remote structures look atypically: they are more voluminous, the form them often leaves from rectangular.

Looking at such a balcony, it may seem that work on its expansion was carried out in vain - too small value comes out in the end. But the appearance in this case is deceptive, since the effect needs to be observed from the inside.

Even 15 centimeters of space will significantly increase the possibility of using the balcony. And the added 30-50 centimeters will allow you to exhibit small-sized furniture here or organize spacious shelves!

Another plus of an extended balcony or loggia - if you register the reconstruction in BTI, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment will increase officially, and therefore its market value will become more.

When you can enlarge the balcony

The first thing to think about how to study the question of expanding the balcony or loggia is whether it is possible to carry out such works in your particular case. There are several nuances associated primarily with the safety of the balcony design.

So, it is impossible to carry a balcony or loggia if:

  • the base plate of the balcony has cracks, its edges crumble or digging;
  • metal parts of the structure are damaged by rust;
  • the wall adjacent to the balcony is in emergency condition - cracks, dropping bricks, etc.;
  • the maximum possible load on the bearing wall is less than the planned weight of the increased balcony;
  • the work carried out harm or inconvenience to other residents of the house (for example, a shadow will appear or the load on the lower balcony).

First of all, it is necessary to think about the issue of security. If the house is old, and the balconies or loggias in it were not repaired several decades, they will have to start the strengthening or replacement of basic structures.

Emergency balcony must be replaced

In the remainder cases, there are no special limitations for expanding the balcony area, except for those situations where the prohibition by the architectural bodies of the city is obtained.

As far as you can expand the balcony

The maximum value for which you can "move" each of the three free walls of the balcony - 50 centimeters. This gives a significant increase in the useful area and allows you to repair a balcony or loggia for a residential premises. The only problem with which you can encounter - in some cases, the balcony will have to put supports.

However, there is another restriction. It is connected with the permissions for the reconstruction of the balconies. If the removal is scheduled to do more than 30 centimeters - you will have to contact various instances and collect the necessary documents.

Without a special permission, it is possible to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony at a distance of 30 centimeters!

In order to get the required resolution, it is necessary:

  1. Collect written permits for the reconstruction of the balcony from those neighbors whose balconies are directly next to yours;
  2. Take care of coordinating construction with operational organizations;
  3. Apply for the reconstruction of the balcony to the architectural bodies of the city;
  4. Develop a reconstruction project (or contact a specialized construction company);
  5. Coordinate the project in SES, management of architecture, BTI, fire and gas services, etc.

The easiest way to get the necessary paper is to immediately contact the construction company involved in the reconstruction of the balconies. Specialists will quickly and competently solve questions in the state institutions, and you will save time and nerves.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that you only need to trust such work, you only need qualified specialists who have permission to carry out projects for the reconstruction of balconies and loggias.

Balcony or Loggia Expansion Options

Increase the balcony or loggia space in several ways. Each of them has its own characteristics and is suitable for the specific goals of the owner of the apartment.

Balcony removal options:

The first option is suitable for those who are going to organize a home greenhouse on the balcony or. There will be no magnification square here. But the second way is perfect for those who want to attach the balcony to the residential premises or make a separate room out of it.

Takeaway balcony on the windowsill

The first thing to check is the strength of balcony or loggia fence. Since this method implies expansion of the area together with glazing, the load on the fence will increase, and it is better to replace it with a new or enhanced by foam blocks.

The procedure in this case is approximately as follows:

All actions should be clearly thought out, and all the designs are fitted in size. It is necessary to calculate the necessary dimensions in advance, while taking into account the load on the overlap.

On the extended windowsill, you can organize a workplace, install lockers and shelves for storage, place indoor plants.

Balcony removal by floor

Most often, this method is not practiced for balconies, but for loggias. This is due to the fact that the loggia is easier to repair under residential space, and its design is several times the stronger balcony.

It is worth considering that the increase in the area on the base plate will cost more, and the process itself is more complicated. In addition, it is for such a removal that will require a formal permission to reconstructure.

The procedure for such:

You can independently perform work on creating a solid outlet frame for overlapping a balcony or loggia - the task is not easy. It is better to entrust this business to specialists who can not only competently approach the embodiment of the project, but also pick up durable materials and fasteners.

There is an option when two of these methods of the balcony are combined, and then the area of \u200b\u200bthe room increases by 70 centimeters.

But this reconstruction carries a serious load on overlappings, and therefore the design has to support supports (for the first second floors of the building) or reduce the weight of other structures and materials.

Tips for glazing and insulation of the remote balcony

Depending on which a remote balcony will be used, glazing can be different. The same applies to insulation and insulation of the room.

For example, high-quality insulation and insulation of walls, gender and ceiling must be done if the balcony or loggia is joined to the residential room. The same works need to be carried out if this room will be used as an independent room - the office, the bedroom the choice should be done on the basis of the destination of the balcony or loggia, as well as financial capabilities. But it is worth considering that many owners of balconies advise to overpay for high-quality insulation and glazing than to leave the balcony to the unused during the cold season.

The area of \u200b\u200bexpansion of the area in the apartment can be resolved by an increase in the balcony. In this article, we will consider two work options: on the removal of glazing and the base of the slab with a step-by-step instruction.

Glazing Method: Instruction

Not every person can increase the area in the apartment, but sometimes, a completely constructive way is to increase the balcony. Using some forms of conversion, you can easily do repair work. As a result of the expansion, you will get a cozy and multifunctional area for a whole family. There are two options for expanding area:

  • capital or expansion of the balcony based on the base;
  • remove the windowsill.

Two ways are pretty simple and affordable if you panic expanding an object within 30 or 35 cm. With a larger increase in area, you must contact the appropriate instances to obtain permission to carry out work. The expansion of balconies, which helps to estimate the most acceptable option to increase the area.

To start work, all that is necessary is the availability of available materials, tools, as well as skills. The only interference can be welding work. At a minimum, they require the presence of equipment and skills to use this device. For those who own these skills, the increase in the balcony is not problematic. Otherwise, it is better to call for help from specialists who will help to do welding.

Such a method is still referred to in the windowsill. The essence of the work is to exhibit the device of the window frame beyond the balcony, with the use of brackets made from durable materials.

So, consider step-by-step instructions for expanding the balcony according to the method of deposancy of glazing.

Work is proceeded with the establishment of metal brackets. They are made of welded corners, which represent the design of steel and strips. All items are installed on the parapet. First of all, the brackets are important to securely secure, and their angular part falls into the parapet, and the slopes support the degree of load on the entire design.

The process of attaching brackets to Parapet:

1. Brackets are processed by an anti-corrosion agent.

2. Attached with a welded mount if the whole design is metallic, and if concrete, then anchor bolts are attached.

3. Installing the metal pipe helps strengthen the brackets, which determines the stability of the structure. Next, it is used as a profile installation under the base for glazing.

4. When necessary, the design can be enhanced by metal fastening, in such a way:

  • instead of an old metal fence, weld steel corners and profiles;
  • the formation of the design, which binds the entire parapet, and is attached to the wall.

Work on the expansion of the balcony can be done in two ways: the first foresees an increase in the front edge of the balcony, and the second is an extension throughout the perimeter.

Next, the installed brackets should put a plastic window sill. It performs a decorative and protective function. In the first case, it is intended to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe inside, and in the second - protects the entire completed design.

Procedure for conducting work:

Balcony expansion technology is complex stages of work to obtain a high-quality design.

List of working tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • electric drill with a set of necessary drills;
  • a hammer;
  • level for construction;
  • mounting (can be replaced by a sliced);
  • anchors - 4 pieces, sizes from 20 to 25 cm;
  • profile pipe with dimensions 40x40;
  • primer and brush;
  • pencil or chalk for tags and designations.

1. The total length of the profile is calculated. To do this, the length of the side walls is added to the length of the parapel, as well as the distance between the jumpers and all calculations double.

2. With the help of a grinder, it is necessary to cut all the old railing, leaving only the columns. After that, the profile is prepared in accordance with the length of the balcony. If the length is too big, then the profile can be divided into two parts and work out separately, after which it is welded.

4. The profile must be put on the end of the balcony plate, and it is welded by welding from one side by the labels.

5. Then, with the help of the construction level, putting it in a horizontal position, also stick and weld on the reverse side.

6. It is important that the entire profile is smooth. For confidence, it is checked by the level, and if there are irregularities or bends, correct the situation using the mount or hammer.

7. All parts must be professionally welded. This is necessary in order for the entire design to withstand the falling load, and this is determined by the quality of the welded seams.

9. Chalk need to designate jumpers attachments.

10. They are welded from all sides: on the side, bottom and top. Formerly of this work, the lines are also checked on evenness, and if necessary, adjust.

11. To make an external frame, you need another length of the profile. It is located on weight, so the total length should not be long.

12. The profile attach to the ends of the jumpers.

13. In jumpers from the side, which are located to the wall, drill two holes and are attached to the base with anchors.

14. In the absence of side sides, corner backups must be installed at the end of the frame.

15. After welding, the entire slag in the places of welding elements must be departed. At the end of the work, the design is uploaded.

The second way of expansion based on the base: Step-by-step instructions

This method is also called the expansion of the balcony on the stove. This technology helps to increase the space about one and a half times. All work performed with the help of chapels made of heavy-duty metal. Such an extension is a reliable design that is practically not worn. In this process, as well as in the previous version, you must resort to the help of the welder.

Preparation for work:

Metallic fencing must be cut off with a grinder, and leave for the workflow only the base of the plate. To save, some elements of the old fence can be applied to welding certain parts. Some use fittings and stripes.

Before, proceed to work, the workspace at the bottom it is worth protecting the ribbon, and the fence that was cut into the rope. All this is necessary to ensure security measures.

The list of necessary tools remains the same. Only for work is worth adding new materials:

  • corners with dimensions 50x50 and 40x40;
  • profile pipe of such sizes: 20x20, 40x20, as well as 100x50;
  • galvanized tin;
  • band;
  • professional flooring.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. It is necessary to make a corner with dimensions of 50x50 around the perimeter of a concrete base. This design will create the expansion of the base of the balcony for subsequent steps. The most reasonable way will increase the area of \u200b\u200bapproximately half the meter from each edge.

2. If an increase in the base involves more increments, then it is necessary to make backups from the bottom of the structure. Another option is the boiling of heels along the wall plane, which are attached using anchor dowels. The work process is carried out by setting the beam under the floor through the base of the wall, which is welded with a thickness of 1 cm from sheet iron.

3. Backups under construction should be made from a solid pipe. One edge, which is fixed in the hole in the wall, and the second is welded with the beam. In general, the score should turn out a triangular design.

5. The same profile must be welded to the wall with the side parts of the slab. One end is attached to the cloth, the sides are attached to the corners, and the second end of the pipe must determine the new length.

6. All profiles attached through the sides should be horizontal.

7. The front pipe with dimensions is 100x50, must fit the trim. It is attached to the side pipes placed on the left and right side of the plate. Such work should be done by two people, which facilitates the task. One person must hold his hand to the profile, and the second weldings it. Ends of both pipes must coincide with each other, forming a triangle shape.

9. Using the cutter, a hole for a profile of 100 millimeters is done. The work is carried out on the same base with the trim tube. The hole must be completed with the help of a chisel, which will allow the side profile exactly the coincidence with the trim and front. In order for the design to be stable, you need a hole in the wall to make at least 30 centimeters in depth. Next, the pipe is clogged into the hole and fasten with welding.

10. It is necessary to draw several profile pipes between the space of the onset and external, which will become as a lag. So that the whole design has a rigid support, you can cook parts from a balcony fencing, leaning on the main stove.

11. To separate the free space and stove, you can weld the profile with dimensions 20 to 20 at the ends of the plate.

12. To the profile tube to weld the strip in the resulting empty rectangular form.

13. Fasten the bottom of the floor, you can attach to the base of stainless steel sheets or galvanized.

14. The entire frame, after performing welding, is covered with primer in several stages.

Paul for balcony

How to expand the balcony on the ground we have already learned, it remains only to make fences, the floor and if you wish to glazate the loggia. A simple option for the floor is to process its primer. If it is necessary to make the base of the balcony to make concrete, then you need to do the triangular connoissems that are located on the design to the wall. To fill the concrete floor, fittings can be used as fixing materials.

Fencing for balcony

We looked at two options for expanding the balcony, whose video works can be seen at the end of the article. The last step is the construction fence for the balcony. Follow the following steps:

1. The fence is constructed from the profile pipe with dimensions 40 to 20. Her height of the daj is about a meter. Best of all, the whole design is made on the floor, and after welding to the outdoor profile.

2. The side elements of the fence must be attached to the wall, use dowels and pieces of stripes.

3. The fence should be placed on the same level with the bottom of the profile.

4. The length and perimeter of the floor profile must coincide with the perimeter of the railing in any position.

Glazing balcony

The process of glazing the balcony is not a mandatory element of the tuning of the balcony. But if you decide to completely protect the balcony, then you should take care of the heating. As a rule, glazing elements is PVC profile - this is an affordable material of good quality and an acceptable price.

To purchase the windows, you need to contact the company to the manufacturer and make an order in accordance with the standards. Best, invite experts in this area. They will accurately measure the parameters of the window frame, this will avoid difficulties when installing the installation.

Before attaching double-glazed windows, it is important for the base of the RAM to attach extenders, made from PVC, which adjust the size of the entire design. This will strengthen the frame and give it hardness. The upper extender can be the basis for the upholstery of the roof of the balcony. All frames join the railing and the wall of the house. They help fix the front and side part, creating a one-piece design. Next, you can install a glazed frame for special flows.

All work on expanding the balcony in Khrushchev or in a regular apartment should be carried out with regard to safety regulations. Welding work is better done with those skilled in the art, so that the design is tight and stable.

It's no secret that most people use a balcony as a place to store unnecessary things. However, in recent times, an increasing number of inhabitants of our country are trying to make a loggia place in which it is pleasant to be. To do this, you need to make a balcony with a removal, which can be an excellent extra room.

Balcony's removal can increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthis room.

Increase the balcony with their own hands has become quite real, if you know how it is done. Removal of the balcony allows you to add additional meters to your living space and use them as you want. Is it possible to do it all on your own? Sure! The main thing is to know some rules.

Types of deposancy balcony

To begin with, it is necessary to remember that you can endure the loggia in various ways. The first is the removal of the balcony, which starts from the windowsill. Its essence is that the installation of windows starts not before the windowsill, but for him. That such a design is reliable, it is necessary to use special channels that are distinguished by strength. This option is distinguished by the fact that it does not require large financial investments. Increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony using this method, by using the place in front or on the sides. If you increase the three sides of the balcony, the places will be much more. However, it is worth remembering that the area will remain the same. What are the advantages of the balcony from the windowsill?

The increase in the balcony due to the removal does not require large financial costs.

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia increases not only visually, but in fact. All this place can be used to put beautiful flowers, make a table from a wide window sill and so on.
  2. Such a balcony expansion allows you to strengthen the design thanks to reliable chambers. This is particularly relevant for residents of old houses that need to strengthen the design.

You can also render. This restructuring requires more time and effort, but the balcony will become more on dozens of centimeters. For such a removal of the loggia, reliable channels will also need, because the load on the design will be considerable.

The rare way to expand the balcony is its frameless removal. Thanks to this, the balcony looks very easily and spacious. I also want to note the fact that such a design weighs is much less than a balcony with frames. This option is not inferior on noise insulation and protection against dust and water to the end of the loggia. The disadvantage is the fact that a lot of light passes through the glasses, and therefore it can be hot on the balcony. However, this can be solved by acquiring curtains or blinds over the entire height of the balcony.

What needs to be done in order to make a balcony yourself

Before you begin to make a balcony with your own hands, you need to remember that its length should be limited. It means that it is impossible to expand the loggia as much as you want, because there are extremely permissible norms. The expansion of the balcony is allowed 20 centimeters without resolving special services. If you want to make a loggia more than half the meter, you will have to collect all the necessary paper. It is also worth remembering that the balcony with its own hands, which will increase by 50 centimeters and more, should be reinforced from below with steel farms.

It is also worth remembering that even with an increase in the balcony for 20 or 30 centimeters, you must first make sure that the wall of the house will be able to withstand a new load. Therefore, safety technician should be above all.

For takeaway the balcony by more than 20 centimeters you will need special permissions.

How to make a balcony's removal yourself

In order to expand the loggia, it is necessary to prepare. First, make sure that you have all the tools. These include: corner, channel, anchor, mixture, knitting wire, soil for metal, marker and gun for knitting wire.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the channel with the help of a grinder. They must be outside the tile, where the balcony will be expanded. The front of the channels should be the same length as the stove itself, and the side chapelle in short.

Installation of chawls for the belocity of the floor

On the wall of the house it is necessary to note the places where the design will be deepened. Using the perforator, it is necessary to cut holes. Their depth should be 2/3 of the thickness of the wall, but in no case is no less.

Slices of chapellers are inserted into the holes, and after weld along the entire length. Knitting wire fixed fasteners to fittings. It is not recommended to use welding here. When this item is executed, you can concrete strengthening in the wall.

Installation of balcony fences

Now it is necessary to assign an extension throughout the perimeter of the balcony. To the floor of the balcony, it is necessary to welcome the metal stripes so that they cover the gap between the strapping and the edge of the expansion. If you need to expand the balcony, which has a base destroyed, you must first additionally pour it. New fittings are attached to the chapels and a new layer of concrete is poured. Remember that drying all this is necessary at least two days.

External balcony finish is required to glazing

When the stove is expanded and strengthened, you can start the installation of the fence. It must be collected and clean all the seams from the slag. In the necessary places you can make holes for anchors. The design must be welded in several places and check whether everything is fine. Side parts are attached to anchors. On the perimeter it is worth making markings for the future glazing of the balcony. After all, in any case, you need to install double glazing. You can read about the glazing in detail in this article.

Installing window frames on a balcony with removal

During these processes, you can produce. Now most often people prefer siding, which is distinguished by practicality, low cost and ease of care. At this stage, it is too early, because you must first glazate it.

Scheme expansion of the balcony on the floor and on the windowsill

Double-glazed windows on the balcony may be different. Now very popular. They differ in that they allow saving a lot of space on the balcony. However, do not forget that they are not so sealed as plastic windows. Therefore, if you want to protect the balcony from dust and noise as efficiently as possible, then choose plastic double-glazed windows. However, remember that they are heavy, and therefore, it is worth making sure that the design will withstand the load.

After you take a balcony, it will not look perfectly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct finishing works inside. After all, all metal chalkers after the end of the loggia will be in sight that spoils the appearance of the balcony. You can hide them using materials such as wood, plastic and so on. Such work is better to trust the professionals that will make it promptly and efficiently. Also, the masters are always at hand the necessary tool, so they can easily turn the balcony in a beautiful room.

Original balcony design with removal

Thus, it can be concluded that a removal balcony is a great solution that will allow you to make an apartment as spacious and comfortable. After all, from the loggia you can make a room in which the summer will be pleased to drink tea and admire the surrounding landscapes. Some people decide that no one distracts them.

If your apartment has a small balcony, then you should not despair. You can always expand it with your own hands and surprise your neighbors! Thanks to the takeaway of the balcony, you can make it modern, beautiful and spacious!

Useful video on the topic: how to increase the balcony area due to the removal with your own hands

There are several ways to expand the useful area in apartments with very small balconies. One of them is a balcony with a removal of the windowsill. In this case, the glazing of the balcony occurs as follows - the frames are set not at the level of the fencing of the balcony design, but are taken out by a distance of its limits. Due to this, the space increases. The distance of the removal mainly depends on the wishes of the owners of the apartment, but does not exceed the half-meter.

Methods of device of balconies with removal

For the arrangement of balconies with removal mainly use two ways:

  • takeaway balcony by floor;
  • removal of balcony on the windowsill.

Takeaway on the windowsill

Scheme of the balloon on the window sill

With this method, the remote balcony is equipped without changing the floor area. In this case, there are such moments:

  • apply the method of increasing the volume of the balcony due to the expansion of the space at the level of the window sill behind the line of its previous border;
  • thanks to the use of chawls, the design is very stable and safe;
  • visually expands the area of \u200b\u200bthe room at the expense of the removal and expansion of the window sill by 40 - 50 cm, which is very pleased with the practical hosts;
  • when performing work, the entire balcony construction is made, which is very important in old houses where overhaul is required.

Takeense on the floor

Balcony takeaway on the floor is much more complicated performed

This method is much more complicated, but the advantage of it is an increase in space is not visually, but in real. Balcony with removal by floor is inherent in such characteristic features:

  • an increase in area is achieved up to 50 cm;
  • materials such as metal plastic, aluminum or wood are used;
  • needs an additional strengthening of fencing with metal structures or foam blocks;
  • it is necessarily a proper insulation that condensate is not formed on the windows.

Conducting preparatory work

Tale of the balcony

Before proceeding with the arrangement of a balcony or loggia with a removal, it is necessary to make a drawing device. This will make it possible to correctly calculate the number of materials and various parts. First of all, we define with the glazing project and choose the type of glass package. When performing work, you will need tools for a balcony device with your own hand.

First of all, it can be attributed to them:

  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • bulgarian; Mounting;
  • a hammer;
  • level.

The installation of a belocity with a removal is made of metal profile pipes, which have a cross section of 40 mm, steel corners and anchor mounts 200 × 250 cm.

Optimally, if the entire balcony device is strengthened before installing the metal structure.

Mounting process

You can make a balcony with a removal of the window sill with the help of a metal structure, which must be made by the already prepared scheme:

  1. For a start, two metal blanks of equal length are harvested. They will be used for mounting the frame. In accordance with the thickness of the glass packs, leave the necessary space between the jumpers of the windows. It usually is at least 40 cm. Then remove the old design, while trying to leave all carrier elements.
  2. After welding of the balcony, with new pipes, which are fixed on the joints with the welding machine.

When performing these works, the following points should be taken into account:

  • it is necessary to constantly monitor the horizontal and vertical levels;
  • be sure to perform all security measures when performing welding;
  • the jumpers are equipped with a width in accordance with the width of metal products.

Finish the installation of metal structures by the manufacture of the outer frame. An example of a balcony takeaway, see this video:

After all the works performed, the metal elements are purified from rust and produce primer with a special solution for external work.

All residual structures are performed after the work of all test work.


In the case when the balcony's removal is placed during PVC glazing, it is necessary to prevent the metal structure. In this embodiment, it should be used inexpensive, but high-quality material. Such can be attributed siding or professional flooring. Required during the trim in the space between the casing material, the insulation is stacked. Do not forget about vapor barrier and waterproofing.

In front of the construction of the design, the installation of the root. How to make a proper doom? To do this, use wooden slats or metal profile. The step between them should be at least 50 cm. The elements of the root of the metal structures are attached, thereby increasing its rigidity. For details of the trim, see this video:

Then work should be done on this algorithm:

  • outside, the casing material is attached;
  • then the insulation and insulation is stacked;
  • cleaning from the inside;
  • the glazing of the balcony in the way of the windowsill is starting with dismantling double-glazed windows from window profiles;
  • next, the installation of profiles in the prepared pasumes is made, and they fix them with self-draws;
  • produce adjustment of the details of windows and assemble the molding from the outer and windowsill on the inside;
  • the process of installing double-glazed windows and embedding the slots and seams by mounting foam is completed.

Performing any refreshing work, be sure to place the appropriate documents. Unauthorized implementation of expansion of space by changing the planning is fraught