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How to build a frame-shield house with your own hands, photo report. How to build a panel house with your own hands: We understand in a step-by-step instruction frame-boiled houses construction technology

Most dacities live outside the city in summer and do not need expensive capital homes. They want to have a roof over their heads and a living area, sufficient to accommodate family members. For these purposes, the country's countertile houses are optimally suitable.

Advantages of summer frame-shield houses

Shield houses are popular thanks to the following advantages:

  • High rates of construction - 2 - 6 weeks
  • Low cost - 3 - 8 thousand rubles / sq. m against 18 thousand rubles / sq. m for houses with brick walls
  • Low weight, which allows you to apply cheap finely brewed foundations
  • Frostable resistance
  • The possibility of making parts in the factory conditions, which improves the quality of construction and simplifies the assembly
  • No shrinkage
  • Large selection of architectural solutions
  • The possibility of insulation and device tool for year-round residence

Shield house design

The house consists of a wooden or metal frame, covered with shields. Metal frame is made of rectangular pipes, wooden - from a bar. For outdoor shelling, apply:

  • Cold
  • Professor
  • Moisture-resistant faeer
  • Asbian sheets
  • Siding

Internal lining can be made of less moisture-resistant materials. If the house is supposed to live all year round, insulation is laid into the walls.

One of the most popular materials for lining houses is siding. Proper will help protect the walls of the house from external influence. When installing, be sure to take into account possible changes in size due to thermal expansion compression.

Before mounting siding, you need to warm the walls. The insulation under siding is considered. The article contains information about the types of insulation, as well as on the installation process.

Construction of panel houses

Construction companies offer services for the construction of shield dachadble houses or a set of details for self-construction. The first option frees the developer from most problems, the second - allows you to build a panel house for giving with your own hands and save.

Choosing a project

A qualitative project is the basis for the construction of the house. Serious companies engaged in the production of kits for shield houses and turnkey construction offer several dozen typical projects and offer individual design services.

Individual projects are quite expensive, so rarely apply for economy class homes. Construction according to a typical project allows you to save on design, and a wide selection of ready-made architectural solutions - choose the design and layout of the house to your liking.


Under the light panel houses, fine-brewed columnar and ribbon foundations and screw piles are used.

  • Small-breeded columnar foundations make it possible to reduce costs and reduce the construction time. The columns are installed in a pitch of 1.5 - 3 meters under the outer walls and seals, at the corners of the building and in the places of interior walls with outdoor. They are made of logs, concrete, red brick, concrete and foundation blocks. The depth of the embedding is up to 40 cm, the cross section should exceed the thickness of the walls. To increase the stability of the pillars are connected by wooden or reinforced concrete beams.
  • Star foundations do not allow to equip a warm basement. If its construction is provided for by the project, under the outer walls, a small-breeding belt foundation is performed, and under the internal - column. The depth of the attachment and the ribbon width is the same as in a bar foundation. Ribbon foundation is performed from concrete, boob stone or foundation blocks
  • On weak soils apply foundations on screw piles. Their use allows you to open the house on durable soil, located deeply from the surface. The foundation on screw piles can be built in 1 - 2 days without the involvement of heavy machinery


The frame of the panel cottage house can be built from a kit made in factory conditions or from purchased materials, on its own or contractor. The construction of the house turnkey removes from the developer most of the problems, except for controlling the contractor, check the quality of the frame assembly after its skin becomes impossible.

With independent installation of the framework from the details made in the factory conditions, you need to be guided by the instruction and the assembly scheme attached to the kit. The work reminds the assembly of the designer and quite by the forces of the developer having construction experience.

The cheapest, but troublesome option is the construction of sawn timber on their own. Depending on the size and floors of the house, the framework is built from a bar 100x100 - 150x150 mm or a cutting board with a thickness of 50 mm.

Mounting the framework lead in the following sequence:

  1. On top of the foundation laid waterproofing from Ruberoid
  2. To the foundation using mortgage parts or anchor bolts, the base of the frame is fastened with the base of the frame (bottom strapping) - the bar, stacked around the perimeter of the house and under the scenes
  3. Lagged lags and fill the draft floor. Lags rest on the edges of the foundation or beams strapping
  4. Install the vertical frame racks - first at the corners, then - along the walls in 0.6 m. The racks are installed in the grooves that are sufficient in the lower strapping are fixed with construction brackets and nails and fix first time, then constant ships. At the same time, their vertical and location in one plane are constantly monitored. The angular racks are performed from the bar, for the intermediate you can use the edged board of the same width of 50 mm thick
  5. On top of the racks perform the top strapping. Frame door and window openings

All wooden structures should be soaked with antiseptic compositions.

Usually in summer houses live in summer. But what if you want to live in such a house in the winter? Must be reliably insulated from the inside and outside.

Regardless of the season of residence, it is unlikely that what country house will cost without a manga. About the construction of the arbor with the brazier do it yourself, read. The conversation is not only a great place for family pastry, but also an excellent element of landscape design. Another element of landscape design can serve a canopy of polycarbonate. In review of the step-by-step installation of polycarbonate with their own hands.

Overlap and roofing

Wooden overlap beams are placed on the upper cutting of the frame and fasten with construction brackets. With a width of a span 3 - 4 meters, a 50x150 mm board is used, with a greater amount of the span - the timber 100x150 - 150x150 mm. The step of laying beams is 0.6 m. In this case, shields (modules) with a width of 1.8 m are used to overlap the ceiling.

The rafting farms are made on the ground on the template from the board 50x120 - 50x150 m. First, the extreme rafters are installed, then intermediate, controlling the location of the rafting boards in the same plane. Next make the crate and fill the roof. Roofing materials for a shield house should be light, such as:

  • Bituminous tile
  • Metal tile.
  • Professor
  • Bituminous slate

Plumber of walls

The width of the shields should be equal to the steak of the framework of the framework, and the length is the height of the walls. Shields are made according to the template on the workbench in the following order:

  1. From the boards collect frame
  2. Steamed polyethylene film laid over the frame
  3. Perform the internal framework of the frame
  4. Rama turn over, insulation insulation insulation insulation
  5. Close the insulation of the windproof membrane
  6. Perform an outer trim

The sheathing must be behind the frame on half the width of the BRUSEV frame to hide them. The frame of the shield around the perimeter is frown to the insulation and tightly insert between the frame racks. Mounting is carried out by nails. When using sheet materials, you can do without frame. Cut panels are fixed directly to the frame, and the insulation is inserted between the racks.

As can be seen from the description, the construction of a cotton panel house forces by a brigade of two or three people of secondary qualifications. The use of factory modules significantly speeds up the assembly. In just a few weeks after the start of the frame assembly, you can sit down in the country house and enjoy the rest in nature.

Video about dacha shield houses

Simple country house

How to insulate a panel lodge with your own hands before lining siding

Today, many people are interested in the ability to independently build a frame-panel house. Why do people want to build a house with their own hands? First of all, this will be not so expensive as the services of professional workers. Secondly, rare companies can "as for themselves." In this situation, the technology of independent construction of houses will help you. The panel house requires a minimum of time, means and effort. Among the main advantages of a similar house can be distinguished by relatively low cost, the possibility of construction in winter, high energy saving, environmental friendliness, construction deadlines, the possibility of architectural expressiveness, fire safety, high performance indicators, as well as the construction of the design without construction equipment.

Project preparation

Frame houses are constructed from flat components with subsequent strengthening finish. For example, in Canada, almost every owner personally takes part in the construction of his home. They have this happens like this: the family hires a professional who controls all stages of construction and manages work. Nevertheless, construction operations are performed by the future owners of the house. Practice shows that this approach justifies itself. The construction costs are reduced, and the quality of work under the guidance of a specialist is increasing.

That's right - it means to significantly alleviate work and reduce the requirements for the qualifications and the number of builders to a minimum. You can resort to the help of professional workers, but now it is quite difficult to find a company that would have been working long enough (more than 50 years) so that you can objectively assess the results of its work. Frame houses are perfectly erected and without attracting specialists. If you decide to build a similar home yourself, you need to clearly follow the technology and consistently undergo all stages of construction.

The first thing you need is design. If you do not have such skills, it is better to trust this work to architects. However, if you have time and desire, you can try to master the architectural programs.

The house must be convenient for the family, and when it designs it should take into account the desires of all its members. After drawing up the sketch, you need a detailed project. It can be ordered from an architect or take advantage of a specialized program.

The foundation and carrier elements of the frame-shield house are manufactured at the construction site, and its assembly is made, as in the children's designer - from the production of modules. It should not be confused with other rapid buildings of the frame-panel house. Owners show that the technology of construction here is completely different and requires high professionalism. Finished modules can be in the form of small panels or individual sections of the factory assembly. This makes it possible to even faster and high quality build frame-boiled houses. The photo below shows how the finished wall is installed.

What to pay attention to the construction of the house

First of all, before the construction of the house, it is necessary to determine its purpose. Building for seasonal and permanent residence differ significantly. All characteristics are laid in the design, and to redo the future will be difficult and obligated.

Before building a frame-shield house, you need to study its features. The main one is the assembly of the finished structure without any suites and fitting.


Reviews about frame-shielded houses with sandwich panels show the possibility of acquiring decent housing for a reasonable price. The material is quite complex in the manufacture of at least a three-layer element with a rigid shell and inner thermal insulation of polystyrene foam, fiberglass or mineral wool. The outer portion is made of fibreboard, metal, polymer, and even drywall. Light products are used to mount the roof, and from the heavier walls and ceilings.

Depending on the design features of the sandwich panel are mounted in two different ways. In the first case, they are installed between the finished frame racks.

If the rack is included in the body of the panel, it is mounted, consistently attached to the adjacent and semi. In their sites outside the city you can quickly collect frame-boiled houses (photo below).

Builders receive a ready-made set, from which the whole building is created, ranging from wall shields and ending the roof. The package may include heating, pipes, lighting and finishing materials.

What is better to choose a frame-panel house? Owners reflect all their advantages and disadvantages. For each building, the foundation always remains an important indicator.

Choosing foundation

The construction of frame-shield houses is carried out in 1-2 floors. Often the upper floor make a mansard type. For such a house, a powerful bellped foundation is not required. It may be needed if it is planned to place a basement or an underground garage below. The most common options for the foundations for light houses are the most common: a ribbon small-breeding, columnar or collected from reviews about frame-shield houses show the reliability of the pile-screw foundation. It can be mounted in a few hours using the technique and immediately begin construction.

In all cases, it is necessary to create a rigid frame as a base. For this, the ribbon foundation is reinforced, a monolithic scarlet is used in the column, and the lower strapping of the house is firmly attached to the blocks. For construction standards, such a connection must be in all cases.

On screw piles immediately pin down the lower strapping from the wooden bar.

Frame device

The wood frame (as a practical and acceptable at the price) is most often applied.

Metal design is easier, but it is more expensive by 35-45%. For a frame, the best material is oak. Other wood species are also suitable if the quality is good. The design will be reliable with the minimum number of metal fasteners. To do this, the Corners use a connection of the "hardworth" or "spike-groove" and wooden brazed. All connections are laid by Jute so that there is no

For spatial stiffness in the house, at least three squeezes are installed.

Construction Technology: Frameless House

The technology includes the preliminary construction of the foundation, which must be done in all the rules, despite the small load.

Construction of foundation

First of all, a flat site is prepared and marking by spicks in dimensions and internal carrier walls. Then the well drilling is performed below the level of ground freezing. The bottom layer is embanked and trambed the sand layer, after which the bunch of reinforcement pillars is made and install them in the pit. The scatter formwork is then mounted, and the reinforcement frame is laid. It must be associated with rods located in the pits. Accept the formwork should be laid short pipes for thought, and vertically install studs so that after fixing with their help strapping. Pile and screaming concrete is best to produce at the same time to make a monolithic connection. It is also necessary to prepare places for lag support columns in advance and the remaining concrete remains for their manufacture.

With a small-breeding foundation, communication will be held through ground between pile. In this case, the mortgages are not needed. For water pipes must be lower than the level of freezing. To winter, they do not move when the level is higher, they should be insulated.

After soaring the concrete, the woodlock is aligned with a screed. From above, waterproofing is made by molten bitumen and two layers of rubberoid.

The frame is made in the following sequence: lower strapping, lags, vertical racks, upper strapping, overlap beams, a rafter system.

Installation of lower strapping

On the aligned foundation coated with waterproofing of two layers of rubberoid, the square of the square cross section (120 mm or 150 mm) is stacked. Wood is covered with antiseptic. With its absence, a 10% copper or iron cunery is suitable. Fastening the strapping to the foundation is made through 2 m threaded studs, in advance in concrete. It must withstand the weight of the whole house and can be more powerful in accordance with the calculations of the loads. At the corners, the connection is applied in the trip or spike groove. The horizontal strapping is checked by level. In addition, the dimensions of the diagonals are determined.

Laying Lag.

Lags are made from boards, which are installed on a rib through 0.6 m. The columns can be flooded in advance. If there are no, then you need to drill the pits to a depth of 1 m, in which short pipes insert with a diameter of more than 100 mm and poured with concrete, after which it is lifted by controlling the height along the stretched cord. The distance between adjacent supports is 1.2 m. Lags are stacked on a ribbon foundation. Then the floor completely closes the entire lower frame. With a bar foundation, lagows have to lay on the strapping. Also, their connection is possible to ensure position at one level. The upper part of all lags should be located in one horizontal plane, which is controlled by the level. Wooden designs are made from one material to be the same expansion coefficient.

Installation of racks and top strapping

Racks are placed through 0.6 m, so that it is convenient to mount the wall panels.

At the corners of the rack make more powerful, installing the timber 100x100 mm. It is fixed with brackets and nails 120 mm. In the intervals put boards or bars. Window and doorways are formed in advance in sandwich panels.

Racks are connected on top of another strapping. Its material and the attachment method is the same as the bottom.

Overlapping beams

The length of the beams is limited to 6 m. A small span on 3-4 m is overlapped with 50x150 mm boards. They are installed by an edge on the upper strapping. When expanding the span, the thickness of the beams increase to 100 mm. They are often attached to the rafting roof system.

Installation of walls

The walls are erected depending on the selected panels that are inserted into the frame or collected with it. The height of the rooms should be made at least 2400 mm so that there is no discomfort from low ceilings and there was more air. The width of the panels is about 1.2 m. They are installed manually on the self-tapping screw and the verticality of each panel is checked. The dimensions of the structure must be monitored, for which they use a plumb and roulette. With this installation of the error must be minimal. After assembling the facade, partitions are installed. On the attic ceilings will be tilt. The planning of the house is already laid at the factory and will turn out in accordance with the order. Therefore, in order to ensure the necessary comfort for the whole family in the rooms, you need to choose the skeleton-board house correctly. Reviews of the owners are contradictory, but the overall picture of the quality of a particular model is possible.

The windows take up to 20% of the wall area in which they are located. In the openings that are made in advance in the sandwich panels are placed boxes, and frames with double-glazed windows are installed in them. Under the door is also provided space.

For summer accommodation will suit any window. The frame-panel requires the installation of double-glazed windows in several layers. Windows can also be built into roof raids.

Construction of the rafter system

The rafting beams are roasted and installed on the ends of the ceiling, overlooking the walls. First they are collected and mounted on the ends at home. After the twiners are stretched and the internal rafter pairs are installed on 0.6 m. For structures from a bar or double board, the installation step increases to 1 m. Strengthening the carrying capacity of the structure is achieved by using runs, ducts and racks. Perpendicular to the rafters nailed a doomer, which is better to do from the edged board.


The roof is selected in advance, depending on the climate, the design of the house, taste and the capabilities of the owner. Materials for the manufacture of the rafter system, roofing and drainage can be supplied complete. Finished frame-boiled houses coming from the plants already contain everything you need.

A solid doome can be made in the form of shield panels, which speeds up the installation.

Waterproofing is laid under the facing material. Conditions must be created to ventilate roofing pie.


Facing the house is produced when construction has already been completed. The facade must be ventilated. For the frame-shield house here, there can be no other options. Inside, it is separated by ordinary technologies: Painting, plaster, wicker, with panels, tiles.


And for an acceptable price allow modern technologies and materials. For any domestic region, a frame-panel house is suitable for any domestic region. Owners' reviews about the quality of this novelty are talking for themselves. The building is going in a short time and after moving it immediately becomes warm and cozy.

These houses are almost fully created at the factories, and the task of the owner is that the selected option consists of all its requirements. In addition, it is important to find experienced professionals for assembly.

Frame-panel house - an inexpensive alternative to buildings from a bar or a rounded log. An endless person may seem to build such a building difficult. In fact this is not true. There are many nuances, without taking into account which you can not do in any construction. In general, it is absolutely realistic to build a skew panel house with your own hands.

What is a frame of shield construction

Framework has become relevant due to an increase in demand for inexpensive houses that can be used as cottages. These buildings are not so powerful and solid, like brick, but also the goal is different. The main requirements that carcase construction is answered is low cost and speed. All advantages of panel houses can be expressed in the following set of characteristics:

1. The construction of a one-story building takes 3, maximum, 4 months.

2. All materials cost several times cheaper compared to the similar scale of building a brick house, glued timber and other materials.

3. The construction erected for such a short period, however, is distinguished by sufficient strength and stability to deformities. They do not give shrinkage and can withstand an earthquake in 6-7 points.

4. All communications are easy to hide behind the shield design.

5. The frame-shield house is very light, in connection with which it does not require a powerful foundation.

A more complete picture of how to build a frame of a panel house with your own hands, can give our step-by-step instructions with video lessons. It is always necessary to start with planning, drawing up a building scheme and calculating the necessary materials. The photo below shows a diagram of such a structure from the basement columns and base jumpers - to the roof and chimney.

The overall idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a panel house is, you can get from its layout.

At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account some drawbacks of these structures. For example, a frame-shield house cannot be rebuilt. It is a single system that cannot be changed. In addition, it is better not to do the second floor. A small cozy attachment will be a good access from the situation. And most importantly, the frame-panel house is calculated on the standards of only 75 years. More from him is better not to demand.


The construction under consideration by us is very easy. Pouring such a serious foundation as under a two-story brick building, it just no meaning. Under the frame-shield residential house or the cottage you can make a pile or ribbon unheard of the foundation. The first option is considered even more preferable because it allows you to lift the construction a little over the ground. It will save wooden overlaps in greater safety and will prevent the spread of mold. Look at the photo, as it looks live.

Installation of floor video

The frame of the panel house is equipped with a specific type of base. The floors in it have 2 levels. For the construction of the first one can use untreated bars. Seen them will not be anywhere. The boards on the base frame are stacked according to the marking of future walls of the rooms. So that the boards are not rotten, they only make them lift them over the ground, you need to process the entire wooden material with a special composition - an antiseptic.

It is very important that the floor is laid perfectly smoothly. The quality of this stage of construction depends on how even all the other walls and the design in general will be. Be sure to use the level and is generally responsible to this stage. How to put the floor from A to Z, described in detail in the video master class.

The foundation of the board and overlap is mounted with anchor bolts. The lags are laid on top, between which the insulation is located. The cheapest and high-quality material is Minvat, but can also be used foam. Then the second layer is then equipped: 50x150 mm boards are nailed to lags. They are attached to the sheets of OSP, on top - a substrate under the laminate and the laminate itself itself.

Shield house wall video

A skeleton panel house is characterized by a special design not only the floor, but also walls. Actually due to the features of their device, frame-shield construction and got its name. Very detailed, step-by-step instructions for the construction of the walls of such a building with a lot of useful tips is set out in the second video. In the overall features, it is possible to describe it as follows:

1. First mounted the construction framework. For this purpose, it is best to use a very durable bar with dimensions of 150x150 mm. Ideally, it should be oak. For fastening it is better to use wooden brazed, and not metal fasteners that will oxidize and worsen the condition of the frame.

2. Then the disclosure is made. They are needed to provide stiffness of the structure.

3. Mounted shields and the walls of mineral wool are insulated. What does the shield look like in a section, you can see in the photo. Note how windproof, heat and vapor barrier is provided.

To insulate the frame-panel house, traditionally use Minvatu. From the inside the wall building can be separated by a clapboard or vertical tank board. The floors can be covered with laminate, parquet or linoleum, depending on the budget of the construction and purpose of the rooms.

Window openings should be no more than 20% of the entire wall area on which they are located. If the house will be used as a cottage, it is worth installing a single glass. For permanent residence, it is better to use double. Such windows are better isolate the inner space of the building from noise from the street and cold.

You can use vinyl siding as an outdoor coverage of the walls. It is easy to install, differs by practicality and long service life. In addition, this material will contribute to the safety of the walls of the shield house. Sometimes the walls are covered with metallic siding. If you have chosen this coverage, do not forget about the protection of metal from corrosion. Use a special solution for this purpose, which can be purchased at building materials stores.

Another option of the external coating is a block house. This is a more expensive material, but it looks like the most real log. Before painting, be sure to treat it with flame retardant and antiseptic solution.

Roofing and Communication Shield House

Detailed instructions for assembling the frame roof is presented in our third video lesson. It is possible to build the base for the roof from a thick bar, which is called Mauerlat. The bars with a cross section of 150x50 mm are connected to each other at an angle of 50 °. The rafters are fastened with a cross-board with nails. The lamp is performed from the boards 100x25 mm. Distance between boards - 10 cm.

Then the fence is covered with rubberoid. Blood is better to cover with metal tile, starting from below and moving up to the skate itself. Sheets of roofing material need to lay a mustache! The skating part is fixed with self-draws. Roof covered. You can proceed to the installation of communications.

If you decide to build a frame-shield house, you will have the following expert recommendations. First, the building structure should not be too complicated. The shield technology is designed for the most simple architecture of the construction. Since the walls themselves are very thin, it is extremely important to choose the correct insulation for them. It is not worth saving on this.
Choose the shields not too large sizes, otherwise you will have to rent a heavy construction technique. And this is already additional - and considerable - expenses. The small shields will allow building a house literally naked hands. Shield panels make special companies. Before making an order, curly, what is the quality of the products produced by them. Ask the addresses where the buildings from the company's shields were built, and personally talk to their owners.

Using all this material, you can independently build a cottage or a house for permanent residence. But reinforce the construction process very responsibly. Very much depends on this: how long will your construction weigh, whether it will look properly and fit your expectations. Be sure to explore our video. In it you will get a lot of useful tips for the construction of a frame house.

Shield houses are built in the world for more than half a century and are quite suitable for use in climatic zones corresponding to the conditions of the middle strip of Russia. Especially widespread we got frame-boiled houses and frame houses from the panels.
With the introduction of these technologies, it became possible in the factory setting to produce ready-made domocallets that are collected at the construction site, the maximum reducing construction time. In our country, the frame-boiled houses become most popular in the cheap housing segment.

By destination the technology of the frame-shield house is suitable for the construction of country buildings.
However, let's see if it is possible to use frame-shield Houses for permanent residence, given the technical and operational parameters of the structural elements of such a house?

The frame-panel house is a quick-scale building collected from the finished elements of industrial manufacture. Domocomplies are manufactured on specialized enterprises and are a kind of designer with cut-out and components of the house elements. The growing demand for these structures is due primarily to the cheap, technologicality and small expression periods.

The main difference between carcass-shield structures in the separation of installation stages at the place of assembly operations. Shields are manufactured in the factory conditions in accordance with the order made and already in the assembled form are delivered to the construction site, where the final assembly of the structure is performed.

Wall shields combine all the main functions of building structures: carrying, enclosing and heat insulating. The panels of the shield house differ in purpose: external and internal (partitions), as well as on structural features: deaf, window and door. Dimensions of shields are determined by the height corresponding to the project size. Details with linear characteristics can be freely transported by long-term roads.

The wall panel for the construction of a frame-shield house consists of the following parts:

  • Wooden bars acting a power element;
  • Thermal insulation material;
  • Outdoor and inner lining with a stove of OSP.

Technology of manufacturing and building frame-shield houses

The production of wall elements is carried out from materials that meet the requirements of technical regulations. The technology of manufacturing panel panels provides the following sequence of operations in the manufacture of items:

  • Wooden frame is made, corresponding to the size of the panel;
  • The framework of the heat insulating material is stacked;
  • A frame panel from two sides is trimmed with an OSP slab or another sheet material;
  • Domocomplekt is formed from the panels.

The cutting details of the frame house from the shield panels are made at the factory in strict accordance with the architectural project. It is necessary for the correct docking of the elements among themselves so that in the process of mounting the wall shields, large gaps have occurred.

The assembly of the frame-shield house is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Mounted facilitated foundation, mainly on screw piles;
  • The strapping bar is stacked;
  • Mounted base overlap;
  • On the perimeter of future walls, the guide board is attached by self-drawing;
  • Wall panels of external walls and internal partitions are assembled;
  • Connections nodes between shields are filled with mounting foam;
  • Mounted rafter system;
  • Roof insulation;
  • The roofing coating is stacked;
  • Windows and doors are installed;
  • Internal engineering communications are laid in the open way;
  • External and interior decoration at home is performed.

The main advantages of the carcass-shield house technology

A frame-free house for permanent residence due to low prices is characterized primarily, its availability for a wide consumer. Low cost is due to a decrease in costs in serial production and the use of low-cost materials. Construction of a house of shield panels is the best option for those who strive to get their own housing, but has limited financial opportunities.

Frame-shield houses have the following technological advantages:

  • Light weight overall design. A small specific load on the foundation makes it possible to use lightweight base options. As a rule, frame-shield houses are erected on a pile-screw foundation;
  • Easy installation of panels. During construction, special skills and equipment are required. House assembly requires only the presence of panels, screws, mounting foam and a set of basic tools;
  • Short deadlines for the construction of the house complex on the site. Constructions from finished panel panels are erected at the facility in a matter of days. Building a skeletal house until the experienced brigade is full of readiness for 1.5-2 months;
  • There is practically no shrinkage of structures. This is the "suffer" the buildings from the bar or logs. In the frame-shield house, immediately after the completion of construction work, you can install windows and doors, laying communications, produce external and internal finish;
  • Construction work can be conducted at any time of the year. In the absence of "wet processes" at the frame-shield house there are no restrictions. However, the use of mounting foam in the winter period is possible up to -10 ° C;
  • Frame-shield structures without disrupting integrity coped with climatic manifestations. The houses are well withstanding the gusts of the wind of the average power and are not susceptible to the consequences of the shifts of soil reservoirs;
  • Low energy consumption of houses. The premises of the frame-shield house can be quickly heated and quickly cool, which helps reduce costs;
  • Good noise insulation walls. Despite the small thickness of the panel, the external walls are not bad prevents the penetration of street noise;
  • For external finishing, almost any finishing material can be used. This allows you to erect different household houses on a single project;
  • The ability to build a frame-panel house yourself. This is due to the unusually light technology and the presence of an assembly instruction.

Basic Disadvantages frame-shield houses

However, the minuses of frame-shield houses should be taken into account, which may be forced to think about the future owners about the feasibility of building such a house for year-round residence.

Frame-shield houses have the following technological disadvantages:

  • To reduce the cost, the unification and simplification of wall panels occurs. It is extremely difficult to achieve diversity with a limited set of architectural elements;
  • After agreeing the project of the frame-shield house and the transfer of documents into production, any changes in the details are already impossible. The manufacturer makes the panels on the equipment, therefore the slightest adjustment of one element leads to the need to remake the entire house;
  • To build a home complex, you will have to use lifting techniques, since the panel has a lot of weight and even a few people most often cannot raise it on the upper floors. Rental techniques leads to additional costs;
  • The application of a short-lived pile-screw foundation is at times shortens the service life of the shield house. In addition, the first floor floors in the winter are always cold;
  • In view of the low cost in the panels of a frame-shield house, inexpensive, less qualitative and not always eco-friendly materials are used. You can build a house with a high formaldehyde content. Living in such a house is constantly unsafe for health;
  • In the finished panels are possible defects for laying insulation. Control the filling of the shield with a warming material without panel panel panels. Marriage in production leads to freezing in the walls;
  • In places docking panels and in the corners over time, gaps are formed. This leads to drafts and reducing the thermal insulation properties of the enclosing structures. The use of polyurethane foam for sealing gives a slight effect, it quickly dries and peeling;
  • Frame-panel houses do not have sufficient strength. This is due to the small cross section of the power frame, disadvantage of horizontal connections and weakness of the strapping;
  • If a polyster is used as a heater in the panels, damage to the heater with rodents, which leads to an increase in heat loss;
  • Elevated fire hazard shield house. In the event of ignition, the fire quickly spreads through the interconnected wooden structures. And when using polystyrene foam in air, a high concentration of styrene is formed in the air, which is very dangerous for humans;
  • In houses built from shield panels, an open gasket of engineering communications is assumed, which makes it impossible to apply copyright decisions;
  • The small thickness of the outer walls and the possible formation of the slots increases heat loss, so when the heating is disconnected, the house quickly cools. To use a frame-free house for permanent residence requires additional thermal insulation of external walls.

The technology of the frame-shield house came to us from Europe and North America. For the production of panel household complexes in these countries, large enterprises operating on modern equipment have been created. Build shields at such plants
automated and performed with high accuracy. There is no doubt about the quality and environmental friendliness of materials, production culture and the level of assembling frame-shield houses.

In Russia, enterprises of such a level, in view of the high cost of equipment, are still very little. At our plants, the panels are collected, as a rule, a semi-automatic way, and even manually. Accordingly, the quality of the household complexes, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. We have carcass-shield houses have been widespread exclusively thanks to a low price.

The objective assessment of the frame-shield structures produced in our country, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages, indicates low operational characteristics of the panel houses. The use of cheap building materials, poor build quality, and, as a result, insufficient energy efficiency and durability of houses does not allow to fully use frame-boiled houses for permanent residence. As long as the data of the buildings are mainly in category of typical and more in demand for the construction of country settlements "Economy class".

If plans for the construction of a frame house for year-round accommodation, then pay attention to the patented 3D framework technology. This technology allows you to build houses with unsurpassed strength, energy efficiency and fire safety parameters. The house from a triple frame, unlike the shield, withstands any load, superbly keeps the heat even with emergency shutdowns of power systems, has fire resistance, which are analogues of which among frame and wooden houses does not exist in the world.