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Alphabet Mamino Health Auxiliary substances. Alphabet ® Mamino Health Vitamin Mineral Complex. Instructions for the use of alphabet

Good day! You finally found out that very soon your life will change dramatically, because you are waiting for a child! And this means, a period occurred when you need to think about your health twice as much - for yourself and your crumb. That is why during pregnancy it is important to get your body all necessary for the development of the baby components. Very often during this period, many doctors recommend drinking alphabet - vitamins for pregnant women.

This is a whole vitamin and mineral complex, which is balanced and contains very important elements for pregnant women. It consists of vitamins (13), minerals (11) and taurine. What is their role?

  1. Contribute to the normal development of crumbs in the mother's womb (folic acid helps in the creation of the child's nervous and circulatory system);
  2. Reduce the risk of abortion (in the first weeks of pregnancy vitamins of group B and magnesium reduce the risk of miscarriage);
  3. Help your mother to keep health during and after pregnancy (vitamin D and calcium helps strengthen bone tissue, keep teeth and hair).

The alphabet is produced in tablets of three different colors, each of which contains its group of vitamins and minerals.

Tablet №1 pink, it contains:

  • vitamins B1, C;
  • folic acid;
  • beta carotene;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • taurine.

In the blue tablet contains:

  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins E, C, B1, B6;
  • Pp nicotinamide.

White tablet is the largest and includes calcium-D3 +. Namely:

  • vitamin D3, B12, K;
  • folic acid;
  • pantionen acid;
  • N-biotin.

2. How to take

How to take vitamins - twice or three times a day - a woman determines itself. The main thing is that at least four hours have passed from the previous reception of the tablets, then the normal absorption of each component will occur. But the order of reception of the tablets is not important. You can, for example, drink one tablet in the morning, two take the evening. The maximum benefit from the reception of the alphabet can be achieved with a three-time reception.

According to manufacturers, efficiency will become 30-50% higher than when using other vitamins.

3. Side Effects and Contraindications

There were no side effects of the alphabet. Among the contraindications in the instructions there are intolerance between individual components of the drug and an excess of iodine in the body. Despite the fact that vitamins without a recipe are released, nevertheless consultation of the gynecologist will not be superfluous before the reception.

4. Women's reviews

Many women have already tried a vitamin and mineral complex and shared a lot of positive feedback on the Internet. Some notes with a relatively low price at good efficiency.

On average, the 20-day reception of vitamins will cost you from 330 to 390 rubles.

Others on the recommendations of doctors were used by a vitamin complex and before pregnancy to restore the lack of microelements the necessary organism. After all, not all vitamins and minerals can be obtained by eating. And it is quite difficult to do this while having to wear a child.

View a detailed video about vitamins during pregnancy is here:

Cute women, we wish you a happy pregnancy and motherhood! We will be glad to see you again on our blog. Remember your health and share useful information with your girlfriends.

Pregnant and lactating women need an additional intake of vitamins, since some of the most useful substances from the maternal body goes to the formation of organs and kid systems. Complex Alphabet Mamino Health will solve the problem of the deficit of vitamins and minerals, helps to feel the tide of strength and energy, reduces the risk of postpartum depression. When planning pregnancy, communicate with their attending physician about the need to receive a vitamin complex before the course of therapy.

Composition, release form and pharmacological effect of the drug

Vitamins and minerals that are part of the complex are distributed over the combination of three multicolored tablets. This is necessary for better assimilation of all components. Orange tablet includes copper, iron, taurine, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B9 (folic acid), C. The composition of the yellow tablet includes manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine, molybdenum, magnesium, vitamins of groups A (in the form of beta carotene ), B2, B6, C, E, RR. A white tablet contains calcium, phosphorus, chromium, calcium pantothenate, vitamins B12, B9, D3, K1, H (biotin). In the package there is 4 blisters of 5 tablets of each color.

The drug has the following:

  • reduces the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies in the fetus;
  • increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of convulsion;
  • helps in the formation of bones and advent of teeth, cardiovascular and nervous systems in the fetus;
  • fills the deficiency of iron;
  • stabilizes the dream and psycho-emotional background of the future mother;
  • warns the development of depression.

Instructions for use

It is advisable to start preventing avitaminosis at the stage of pregnancy planning. This will ensure the fruit of the necessary macro and microelements, vitamins at the initial stage of intrauterine development. Vitamins for pregnant women help the future mom to carry the baby.

If you take the drug before the conception of the child, most likely, during the gestation period there will be no problems.

Indications and contraindications

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation for extracorporeal fertilization (ECO);
  • breast-feeding;
  • unbalanced food of a pregnant or nursing mother;
  • a pronounced shortage of vitamins or minerals.

Vitamins Alphabet Mom also have several contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the vitamin complex;
  • excess Vitamins A and D (Taking vitamins can cause uterine bleeding and spontaneous miscarriage, especially in the first trimester);
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hypertheriosis).

The diagram of the use of a vitamin complex and dosage

In accordance with the instructions attached to the vitamin complex, the woman should take 3 tablets of different colors in every 4 hours, excluding the night time, and the sequence of colors does not matter. The drug is accepted by courses with a break in 2 weeks. Usually, for preventing the deficit of vitamins or minerals, there are enough 2-3 courses.

Side Effects and Interaction with Other Medicines

Sometimes when taking a vitamin complex, the alphabet of urine can be painted in a dark yellow color. It is not hazardous and occurs due to the fact that riboflavin is included. Also occasionally, a small nausea may be observed. If it is enhanced, you need to consult with your doctor. Most often nausea takes place for 2-3 days.

The drug contains dyes, so it should be used with caution, if the future mothers have a tendency to allergies. The safety of the dyes used is confirmed by the studies, but it is impossible to completely eliminate the likelihood of the occurrence of the organism's response.

Analogs of the drug

At the vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet Mamino Health There are many analogues (Empeteal, Adivit, Vitrum prenatal Forte, Vitrum Folikum, Multimax Prenatal, Elevit Prontash, complivit Mom). However, there is no structural separation by substances and their combinance.

The alphabet designed for pregnant women is a balanced complex that provides a woman and the fetus formed in the womb components for the correct flow of natural processes. When creating this drug, the principles of interaction of vitamins and substances were taken into account, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of the drug and prevent the development of allergic reactions in most cases.

Vitamins are sold in blister pack, which contains 60 multi-colored tablets. Color defines the unique composition of the tablet.

Pink consist of:

  • thiamine, which ensures the right functioning of the nervous system
  • ascorbic acid necessary to maintain the protective function of the body and cellular respiration
  • Taking part in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Reception of this water-soluble vitamin prevents the development of fetal defects
  • vitamin A, important for updating and forming skin cells, bone substances of teeth and bone tissues
  • iron contained in blood hemoglobin. During pregnancy, it is important to prevent the lack of this item to prevent anemia development.
  • copper determining the quality of the process of exchanging iron and cellular breathing
  • taurine participating in the exchange of fat-soluble vitamins

Components contained in blue tablets:

  • beta carotine
  • tocopherol involved in the development of hormones (female), hemoglobin synthesis. Vitamin E enters the group of natural antioxidants
  • ascorbic acid
  • riboflavin, participating in the process of updating the tissues of the body
  • nicotine Acid and Nicotinamide, which are necessary for the exchange of proteins, proper operation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Elements affect peripheral and central nervous systems
  • pyridoxine affecting the process of updating the structure of the tissues of the gums, bones participating in the formation of red blood cells
  • necessary to transmit pulses in neuromuscular tissue, as well as for the mineralization of bone tissues
  • selenium used to protect the chromosomal apparatus and genetic functions of the body
  • iodine, which is the main element of the thyroid hormones, providing the right metabolism
  • manganese, participating in the process of mineralization of bone tissues
  • molybdenum required for the production of puniments and enzymes without which exchange processes are not passing
  • zinc, participating in metabolic processes, synthesis of hormones and leukocyte education

Cheap hair vitamins - the choice of the most effective means

White tablets alphabet contain:

The main features of the influence of the vitamin complex of the alphabet on the body of a woman

This vitamin and mineral complex differs from similar drugs, the excellent balance of the components of the composition, which not only help each other is better absorbed by the body, but also increase the effectiveness of their action in combination with each other.

Developed. Due to thorough studies, the composition of the alphabet increases the digestibility of iron halve, cyanocobaline by 30%, and calcium and manganese by 36% and 34%, respectively.

  1. Food is unbalanced and needs additional sources of nutrients
  2. Engaged in mental labor and often experiences overload
  3. We have passed a course of treatment or recovering after surgery

Where iodine is contained - how to fill the lack of element

Alphabet can be taken not only by young mothers.

Instructions for the use of alphabet

The packaging of the drug contains tablets of blue, white and pink colors. They are taken separately every four hours. Maximum dose of tablets - 3.

Any tablet alphabet needs to be taken during a meal, floating with boiled water. The vitamin and mineral complex usually drink within a month, then take a break for 14 days and again repeat the course of treatment. The duration and necessity of the repetition is discussed with the doctor.

The drug is prohibited from consuming in several cases:

  • hypervitaminosis
  • exceeding the body mineralization rate
  • age under 12 months

Among the side effects were diagnosed with allergic reactions to the components of the preparation in the presence of their individual intolerance.

Reviews of young mothers about the vitamin complex

Feedback 1: Positive

I only chased once the vitamin complex. The choice fell on the alphabet "Mamino Health". I liked their price, which is significantly lower than the Eleute and Witrum, and the course passing system, which assumed the division of the total composition of substances into three tablets.

On a day you need to drink on one tablet of each color. An option with one-time reception of the entire daily dose is not excluded by the manufacturer, but it warns that the efficiency of this will significantly decrease. Difficulties with swallowing tablets did not arise.

Revalide Vitamins: instructions for the drug, testimony and contraindications

The first thing that caused difficulties is the principle of separation of elements on different tablets, where: vitamins in a pink pill, in blue - minerals, and in white calcium. This very complicated the task, also because I saw a course of iodomarine and hormones. Accordingly, all this handy of pills must be evenly distributed for the whole day.

The second is the size of the tablets, especially the one that contained calcium. It was necessary to rush it before taking.

Feedback 3: Negative

Vitamins of the alphabet were bought in order to prepare the body to dry out and the birth of another kid. The budget from our family is average, therefore, I focused on not very expensive vitamin complexes. I first did not buy them, so I knew anything about the drug.

The tablets have a nice appearance, each of them is painted in a pink, blue or white color, so I want to immediately start going through the course of treatment. The first tablet is drinking during breakfast, the second and third during lunch and dinner, respectively. The main difficulty was to not forget about one of them during the day.

The only thing that was not pleased with the study of the preparation was the presence of dyes, which attractive delicate color pills. As a result, because of this, I did not finish the course, I decided to return to the proven complex Vitruum prenatal, despite their high cost.

As for the effect of the alphabet, I did not notice it, maybe because of the interrupted course, it may be due to the ineffectiveness of the means itself.

The vitamin complex has no, but is not suitable for all of the application and size of the tablets.

Aug 31, 2016 Violetta Leak

Being waiting for a child, every woman needs an additional resource of vitamin and minerals. The same applies to the guineans, nursing, taking care not only about the state of health of their children, but also their own well-being. The vitamin complex "Alphabet Mamino Health" will allow to get rid of the problem of avitaminosis, will reduce the risk of developing postpartum depression, helps to feel cheerful and excellent mood during the day.

Before the start of receiving a vitaminated preparation, for example, when planning pregnancy, or when conception occurred, it is worth consulting with a specialist. The composition of vitamins contains a large amount of nutrients, and therefore they are considered an ideal option that allows you to compensate for the lack of useful elements in the specified periods of life of a woman. Information that it is extremely important for them to obtain the maximum amount of nutrient components is not a myth, and therefore it is worth listening to specialists recommending this drug.

"Alphabet Mamino Health" is celebrated by all the leading gynecologists and obstetrics as a drug that allows a woman to forget about the possible problems caused by avitaminosis during pregnancy. Well, nursing mothers are unlikely to face the problem of hair loss, premature aging, if they are used to appoint a specialist.

What form is available?

Alphabet - Vitamins for nursing mothers are offered by buyers in tablet form. In one blaster, there are 30 pieces, in full packaging volume of their two, forty-pills of all covered with a shell, having a property of dissolve, on the remaining twenty not used film coating. Interestingly, the daily dose is three tableted circles: pink, blue and white / cream, each of which is different in composition.

Only the hourly use of the vitamins "Alphabet Mamino Health" will allow a woman to receive 30-50% more of the vitamin substances contained in them. With this use, useful elements will be absorbed correctly, which is extremely important to maintain the excellent well-being of women, nursing or in position.


By creating alphabet vitamins for pregnant women, manufacturers made sure that all useful substances in them were divided into several major groups. In each of them, such vitamin-mineral elements are collected, the combination of which does not harm them to absorb, and on the contrary speeds it. Already a few days after the start of reception of the vitamin preparation, the Alphabet Moms will feel much cheerful, more fun, due to its composition.

Pink Tablet (Morning)

The main elements in the medicine taken in the morning, are:

These components take care of the prevention of abortion in early terms, do not allow such a problem as anemia, and also enrich the body with additional energy.

Blue Tablet (Day)

The main useful substances in the daily component of the vitamin "Alphabet" for pregnant women are:

Given the composition of the "alphabet", choosing his mothers will soon notice the improvement of the state of the skin, normalization of the work of the nervous system, which is so important when the female organism is in constant condition of stress, especially after childbirth and discharge home.

White / Cream Tablet (Evening)

The instructions of the drug "Alphabet" intended for the mother it is indicated that the evening element contains the following vitamins and minerals:

Thanks to the specified elements, the female organism will retain their own health, the bone strength will enrich the D3 vitamin substance, so necessary for it is year-round.

Indication for appointment

  • unbalanced woman nutrition in position;
  • pronounced shortage of vitamin and mineral substances in the body;
  • prevention of the deficit of vitamin and mineral substances in women, nursing breasts;
  • preparation for ECO;
  • planning pregnancy.

The alphabet vitamins used in preparation for artificial fertilization, when planning pregnancy, are generally forced the body of female representatives in advance to tune in to the fact that you have to enter the child. If the tool was used even before the child was conceived, most likely, there will be no problems during its tooling.

Positive impact on the body

Vitamins "Alphabet" for pregnant women and nursing are characterized by such useful properties as:

  • regulation of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening vascular walls, increasing their elasticity;
  • reducing the risk of anemia;
  • participation in the process of forming bone and muscle fabrics of the fetus, advent of its teeth;
  • improving the properties of soft tissue stretchability (help to avoid the need to establish seams after delivery);
  • improvement of emotional state;
  • elimination of insomnia, other sleep disorders;
  • reducing the risk of developing congenital defects in the early deadlines of the baby;
  • improving the work of visual bodies not only pregnant, but also the fetus inside it;
  • food formed cerebral cells in a child in early development.

Vitamins "Alphabet Mamino Health" allow future mothers to relax and not worry about the state of health of the developing fetus. Moreover, balanced nutrition, moderate physical exertion, the reception of the vitaminative will only contribute to its normal physical and mental development. Well, a nursing mother should take care that in its body there are enough useful substances, since together with milk, most of them will go to the baby.

Method of application and dosage

For all women, both pregnant women and already giving birth, nursing, recommended one scheme to follow. In the morning, the pink component is used, the day is blue, in the evening - white or creamy. Additional recommendations explaining how to accept the complex "Alphabet Mamino Health", are:

  • use of at least 100 ml of pure drinking water after receiving a tablet to be powered;
  • compliance with the same time interval between the receptions of three elements, which should be at least four hours, but not more than six;
  • the ability to change the sequence of receiving components (not recommended by experts);
  • the ability to renew the reception of tablets in case of passing according to the scheme proposed in the instructions.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the composition of the vitamins in the Alphabet complex, intended for the mothers, makes it one of the best tools, improper use can cause side effects. These include:

  • urine becomes dark yellow;
  • there is a small nausea in the first weeks of admission;
  • allergic reactions to the food dyes contained in the composition of the tablets are manifested.

In the event of several side effects at once, it is better to turn to the gynecologist leading pregnancy. Most likely, the drug is not suitable due to the individual intolerance of its components.


Basically, alphabet vitamins for mothers, future and nursing, do not have contraindications to use. However, there is the likelihood of non-drug by the drug if it contains substances that it does not tolerate. This is exactly what is becoming the main reason why you first need to consult with a specialist, and then start receiving funds.

It is important that in the composition of the vitamin complex "Alphabet Mamino Health" contains vitamins A and D. If in the body of the future woman in labor of these elements more than enough, the drug intake is not needed, as it can provoke bleeding in the uterus, the threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy .

Similar drugs

The composition and properties of the vitamins "Alphabet Mamino Health" are similar to some vitamin complexes, also intended for women who carry a child or nursing breasts. For example:

  • Emfetal
  • Vitrum Folikum
  • Multimax Prenatal

When observing the individual intolerance to the components of the presented complex, it is possible to replace it with one of the specified. However, before this it is worth consulted with a gynecologist leading pregnancy and observe the state of the mother after childbirth, during the feeding period.

13 vitamins and 11 minerals and taurine.Dosages of vitamins and minerals are designed according to the needs of pregnant and nursing women.

Iron +. Tablet number 1 (pink)

Vitamins % *
C. 50 mg 50/42
B1. 1.2 mg 71/67
Beta carotine 2 mg 40/40
Folic acid 300 μg 50/60
Iron 20 mg 61/111 **
Copper 1 mg 91/71
Amino acids
Taurin 50 mg -

Antioxidants +. Tablet number 2 (blue)

Vitamins % *
Nicotinamide 19 mg 86/83
E. 12 mg 71/63
B6. 2 mg 87/80
Beta carotine 2 mg 40/40
B2. 1 mg 50/48
C. 40 mg 40/33
Magnesium 50 mg 11/11
Zinc 12 mg 80/80
Manganese 1 mg 45/36
Iodine 150 μg 68/52
Selenium 40 μg 62/62
Molybdenum 25 μg 36/36

Calcium-D3 + Tablet number 3 (white with cream tint)

Vitamins % *
B5. 5 mg 83/71
Folic acid 300 μg 50/60
B12. 3 μg 86/86
D3. 10 μg 80/80
K1. 60 μg 50/50
Biotin (H) 30 μg 60/60
Calcium 250 mg 19/18
Phosphorus 125 mg 13/13
Chromium 25 μg 50/50

* - Percentage of the daily need for pregnant / lactating women according to MR "Norms of physiological needs for energy and food substances for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation", Table 5.2. "The norms of physiological needs for energy and food substances for women" and Table 5.3. "Additional energy needs and food substances for women during pregnancy and child feeding."

** - does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption.

*** - Information on the food value of the product is determined by the calculated path of the average value of the content of the biologically active substance in the product.

How to use

Daily dose - 3 tablets of different colors. Taking tablets with a gap in time: for example, in the morning, day and evening, you will make vitamin prevention more efficient

Order of reception
Tablets Nevzazhen

between receptions
4-6 hours

During this time, vitamins and minerals that are part of the same tablet are fully learned and will not interact with the components of the following.

Twice a day

For example, one tablet in the morning
and two in the evening or vice versa -
The effect will be higher than when
receiving one-moleculture

Three times during the day

This method of reception will allow
Get maximum benefits
from taking alphabet -
It will be 30-50% more,
than from the reception of traditional
Vitamin Mineral

Alphabet Mamino Health can be taken throughout the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in preparing for pregnancy.

Remember that the degree of lack of vitamins and minerals is an individual indicator. As a rule, to solve the problem and eliminate the lack of useful substances in the body, it is necessary to spend 2-3 courses, with an interval of 10-15 days between them.

Form release

60 Blisters Tablets

to use

as an additional source of vitamins and minerals (macro- and microelements) for pregnant and nursing women.


Individual intolerance to components, thyroid hyperfunction. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Not a medicine. HRP number RU. dated 09/12/2018


Time when a woman awaits his baby's appearance, surprisingly and unique. Often the question arises: Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period? Most experts consider such a reception necessary. Moreover, since the mother and baby need a large set of beneficial substances, it is convenient to take a full-fledged balanced vitamin and mineral complex, such as the alphabet of Mamino Health. Consider the role of some beneficial substances that are included in its composition:

  • the complex of vitamins for pregnant women must necessarily include folic acid, which is important for the normal development of the circulatory and nervous system of the baby;
  • in a small period, during the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, vitamins of groups B and magnesium are of particular importance;
  • calcium and vitamin D are necessary for the formation of a musculoskeletal apparatus of crumbs, and also help the mother to preserve the health of their own teeth and hair.

After the birth of a child, the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes is no less important than during pregnancy. Vitamins when breastfeeding are prescribed by specialists, taking into account the general state of the mother, with signs of avitaminosis or lack of any substances. The period of breastfeeding is very important, therefore, before taking vitamins for breastfeeding moms, you must consult with your doctor.

Put and remember and remember vitamin support. We wish you health to you and your baby!

Contains a dye that can have a negative effect on the activity and attention of children. *

* - According to TP TS 022/2011 "Food products in terms of its marking" Art. 4, h. 4.4, p. 18

18. Food products containing dyes (Azorubin E122, Yellow Hinoline E104, Yellow Sunset FCF E110, Red Charming AC E129, Punchy 4R E124 and Tartrazine E102) should be applied to a warning inscription: Contains dye (dyes), which (which (which are ) may (may) have a negative impact on the activity and attention of children.