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The peculiarity of the Petzyrian poems as romantic. Poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYR" as a romantic work. Poem "MTSYRY" as a romantic work

In the Poem Lermontov "MTSY" as a romantic hero is shown by a young man who escaped from the monastery. The author develops in his work the idea of \u200b\u200bprotest and courage. Mikhail Yuryevich almost completely eliminated a love motive from his creation, who played a big role in his poem "Confession". This motive in the "MTSYR" was reflected only in the passing meeting of the main character with the Georgian that occurred at the mining flow.

By defeating the rush of his young heart, McSi for the sake of ideal freedom refuses personal happiness. In the poem, the patriotic idea is inextricably linked with the theme of freedom. This is also observed in the work of the Poets-Decembrists. Mikhail Yuryevich does not share these concepts. In his work in the "fiery passion" thirst for will and love for the debris merge. Misry's very attractive as a romantic hero. The analysis plan for this character should include its attitude towards the monastery. We will talk about it now.

The attitude of the MTSERS to the monastery

The monastery for our hero is a prison. It seems to him with stuffy cells, and the walls are deaf and dusk. Guardians-monks are represented by the main character with miserable and cowardly, and he is a prisoner and a slave. Introduced to freedom due to his desire to find out why we were born on the light, "for will Ile prison." For the young men, the Will turn out to be several days spent in the world after escape from the monastery. Outside the deaf walls, he lived in a full life, and did not bother. The hero calls time. It is in the days carried out on freedom that the image of the MTSER will be fully revealed. As a romantic hero, he manifests himself behind the walls of the monastery.

Patriotism of the main character

Less than all the freedom-loving patriotism of the main character looks like a love of expensive graves and beautiful native scenery, although Mczyry and whips about them. He truly loves his depression, wishes to fight for the acquisition of freedom. With undoubted sympathy, Mikhail Yuryevich chants these youthful dreams. The work does not reveal the aspirations of the main character to the end, but in the hints they are quite tangible. The young man remembers familiar and his father mainly as warriors. This hero does not accidentally show off the battle in which he turns out to be the winner. No wonder in the world of battles and the alarm attracts his dreams.

The character of the main character

Mcsi as a romantic hero is shown brave and courageous. He himself is convinced that "in the edge of the fathers" could be one of the "Udaltsov". And although it was not destined to make a battle of this hero, he is a real warrior in a warehouse of his character. From the young years, Mcsiry was distinguished by severe restraint. By proud of this, the hero says that he never knew tears. Only during the escape, the young man gives tears to the will, since no one sees them. The will of the main character hardered loneliness in the monastery walls. It is not by chance that it was in the thunderstorm night that McIrs decided to escape: the fearful monks frightened the female elements, but only the young man. He had only a sense of fraternity.

Stability and masculinity of a young man

The durability and masculinity of the MTSERS manifests itself with the greatest force in the episode of the battle with a leopard. The grave did not scare him, as he understood that the return to the monastery would be a continuation of suffering. The tragic finale created by the author shows that the spirit of the hero does not weaken due to the approach of death. His winsted patriotism before her face does not disappear. Mcyri do not force the admonition of the monk. He says that he would have trained eternity and paradise for several minutes spent among the loved ones. There are no guilt of MTSYS in the fact that circumstances could not be overcome, and he could not get into the ranks of the fighters. The hero was in vain trying to argue with his destiny. He turned out to be defeated, but internally not broken. Mcsyri is a positive hero of Russian literature. His integrity, masculinity, the courage was a reproach to the lackless and childish representatives of the noble society, modern Lermontov.

The role of a landscape in character disclosure

The Caucasian landscape serves to disclose the image of a young man from the poem "MTSI". As a romantic hero, despised the environment, he feels the relationship only with nature. Grown in the walls of the monastery, he compares himself with a greenhouse leaflet. Blowing out to freedom, he raises his head along with flowers at sunrise. Being a Datamus of Nature, MTSYS gets to the ground and, like a hero of fairy tales, learns the mystery of the belly of the birds, the riddles of their songs. It is clear to him by the thought of thirsty meetings of disconnected rocks, a dispute with strengths of flow. The exacerbate of the young man's eyes: He notices how the bice wool casts silver, as the scales of the snake sees, sees a pale strip between the land and the sky and the progress of distant mountains. McSi as a romantic hero of the poem thinks that he could see the flight of angels through the blue sky.

Traditions of romanticism and new features of the poem Lermontov

Of course, the poem Mikhail Yurevich continues the traditions of romanticism. This is evidenced, in particular, the central image of the work. Full of MTSI's fiery passions as a romantic hero, lonely and the gloomy, in the story, the confession reveals his soul. In this, Mikhail Yuryevich followed the tradition. All this is typically for romanticism. Nevertheless, Lermontov, who wrote his poem in the years, when he worked on the realistic work of the "hero of our time", in the "MTSY", made a feature that did not characterize earlier poems. Indeed, the past of the heroes of "Boyarin Orsha" and "confession" remains unknown to us. We do not know what social conditions affected the formation of their characters. And in the work of "MTSY" we find the strings that childhood and adolescence of the main character were unhappy. It helps us deeper to understand his thoughts and experiences. It should be noted that the form of confession, so characteristic of poems in the style of romanticism, is connected with the desire to "tell the soul", that is, to reveal it as deeply as possible. Such detailing experiences, the psychology of works is natural for Lermontov, since he created at the same time a socio-psychological novel.

The combination of numerous metaphors having a romantic character (flame images, fire), with a poeticly stingy and accurate speech of the entry, characteristic of realism, is very expressive. The poem begins rows: "Once the Russian general ..." The work, romantic in its form, testified that in the work of Lermontov became increasingly distinct realistic trends.

Innormance Lermontov

So, we revealed the topic "Mcsi as a romantic hero." Lermontov entered the domestic literature as a follower of the Decembrists and the traditions of Pushkin. However, he also contributed new to the development of the Russian artistic word.

Belinsky spoke that it was possible to talk about the so-called Lermontic element. The critic explained that under it is implied primarily "distinctive live thought." Of course, it is felt in the creation of such an image like a Mc. As a romantic hero, briefly this young man was characterized by us. You saw that there are some realistic features in the work.

To this day, the brilliant work of M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY" delights and excites the minds of readers. The freedom-loving hero is striking imagination by his desire to live full life, love, mistaken, but feel.

The romanticism of the work is easily revealed by such an artistic technique, as the secret of confession, told from the first person. The reader seems to be in the role of the confessor of the young miner-sympathize and compets him, hesitates his love for life, without condemning and does not reproach him. For the romantic hero, the rebirth of his inner world is characterized through the tragedy of the situation.

The work describes the experiences of a young obedient. It seems he is ready to take a tonsure, having resigned with the fate of the prisoner orphan. He has no home or relatives. What is waiting for him there, behind the walls of the monastery? The rebellious troubled world, to the life in which it is not adapted. The strong call of the blood of freedom-loving ancestors does not give him peace. He is ready to die, just to taste with full breasts at least for a moment:

Lived and my life
Without these three blissful days
It was sad and gloomily ...

he says Mtsyri to his confessor and, in the end, tragically dies. In this death there is no grief, it has a feeling of acute, experienced by the young and passionate heart of happiness.

Only reading a brilliant poem to the end, the reader understands that young man needs to not sympathize, but to rejoice at him. For three days, spent away from the walls of the hated monastery, which became a prison for him, he learned love, the joy of struggle and the free spirit of freedom. The romantic boy did not accept the slave philosophy of monks living a long and fresh life devoid of sharp sensations.

Is the main hero ready to exchange these days on a calm, measured, long life? Not! The Spirit of the Free Howse does not give him peace and drives into his native edges ...

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8220 MTSIRY 8221 as a romantic poem

Romanticism as a literary direction has developed at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. The foundation for his formation was preceding him the current - sentimentalism. It was his basic principles that were borrowed, and in the future they were developed in romanticism. Speaking about this direction, it is impossible not to mention the "masters" of romantics, such as V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov. Romantic motifs were reflected even in the literature of the XX century. - at A.M. Gorky in the old woman iszergil. The works of all authors of this area are combined by several common provisions, without which romantic creativity is impossible: first, the author of such a work concentrates on the main character, its inner world, experiences, and the external world reader sees the eyes of this hero; secondly, there are certain features of the character inherent in the romantic hero; Thirdly, the production of this direction is characterized by the image of situations of unreal, fictional, too distant from reality, and the chief hero usually have to make a complex moral choice; Also, deepening in the description of the senses, the author little draws attention to the facts.

All these principles can easily be found in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY", which, along with his "demon", poems V.A. Zhukovsky, Pomoya A.S. Pushkin "Caucasian captive", as well as some other works are recognized as a true model of romantic creativity.

Proof of what "MTSI" is a romantic poem, it is worth starting with the image of the chief hero. His biography before the time of the story is distinguished by a breth and some sentimentality: His, six-year-old, captured, but he "Zalemog" and, when death, was left in the monastery, on the care of the monks; At first glance, the young captive was accustomed to his "Okobam" - he even gathered to accept the monastic vow, but once disappeared, was found in three days wounded. With a suicide confession actually begins the poem. Such a situation is indeed somehow contresented, although history and notes such cases when the children of the horses captured, but for their health, from pity or due to unnecessaryness, left in monasteries. The MTSI, who, at the time of the story, is hardly there are twenty years, you have to choose: whether to live in the monastery and take the incomprehensible and squeezing it to the mockery of Christianity or run, leave the walled walls. But where to run? After all, he actually does not exist for his relatives - they have long been padded and forgotten, and in the monastery he cannot live - silence in his walls presses on the young captive. Why he cannot endure the stuffy atmosphere of Celi, it seems, I don't understand exactly and he himself. At the sixth age, he could hardly remember a lot, free life is associated with his parents, whose faces he also, most likely, do not remember - only vague images correlated with some better life, by defining romantics - the life of "there." Thus, the reason for his flight can be called not a rush somewhere, but the desire from somewhere, that is, from the monastery. This movement is rather instinctively and some way resembles the irresistible desire of the beast break out of the cell. McSi - as a truly romantic hero - the so-called romantic maximalism is inherent, for him there is a division of the world only on the "black" and "white", therefore life, according to his conviction, is possible only at freedom.

In general, speaking in freedom, it is impossible to consider it unequivocally. This concept is deeply personal, and sometimes it can take the value opposite to generally, which can be proved by the example of the poem V.A. Zhukovsky "Shilon Prisoner". The man, almost all his life lived in the dungeon, after many years released on the so-called freedom, with regret "sighs" about his prison; For him, the paradox was born: his freedom was in prison. Thus, the question is that there is freedom for MTSIRY, controversial. In the poem there is a fact pointing to the confusion of this term related to the Shilon prisoner, - McSi, having been outside the monastery for several days, dies and, dying, turns out to be in the same cell from which he fled. This suggests that nature herself prevented his free gust that he was unnatural.

However, the escape is perfect. The MTSYRI was on the wake of the wild nature, which he had previously seen only from the Celi window, and she appears in front of the reader with new, awakening feelings of the hero. The mountain ranges visited him the image of a father's house, sisters who have swung his cradle ... Each tree, bird, every sound and smell excited incomprehensible, leaning heart sensations, longing reached its highest point after the McSi saw a young Georgian with a jug. Of course, she was not one of his sisters, but probably it was dreamed of him in a stranger.

After the "explosion" of the feelings, the "explosion" of the spirit of the Spirit - the struggle with Barz. The duel of a man with a beast is not worth perceive literally: he, like the whole poem, is symbolic. This is not only the confusion of the mighty spirit and physical strength; This is a picture of the soul of MTSI, where two starts are fighting: an instinctive desire for freedom and the habit of grown in the dungeon "flower." Mcsury has congenital and reinforced with a rebellious spirit during imprisonment; He, the prisoner, looking for communication, pulls him to young Georgian, to the distant smoking Aulu.

Do not assume that his attempt to contact the outside world failed. He found a common language - with him, he understood, tried his life; His death turns out to be in a sense and victory - he still escaped from the world of "Keels of Stuffy and Prayers". And, although, in principle, he is defeated, there is no winner - the monastic gesture stagged because of the possibility of running out of imprisonment. It is quite interesting that the poem opens the image of a destroyed, empty monastery. Thus, the confrontation of the two worlds - the world of "poultry and prayers" and the wonderful world "Anxiety and Batifa" - the confrontation ending with nothing, is a central action in the poem, and the McSyri is considered not as a specific hero, but like anyone in general; The monastery, where the sun's rays do not penetrate, it seems, of course, not just a building, but the symbol of the capture in a wide sense, his walls cover the world of the human soul from nature. If the monastery itself can still release MTSI (after all, in any monastery there are doors), then the old man of the monk seems to complement the dungeon, making it a formidable, the last refuge of the included. It was against this that the rebellion of MTSYRO raised - against the reigning silence, because even a monk, like the stones of the monastery, keeps silence and does not give the rebellious spirit of the hero to break out the "homeland", find the lost "paradise".

This desire from unnaturalness to naturalness is one of the main features of romanticism. Emphasizing the natural beginning of a person, romantics claimed that the soul born in the wild could not tolerate any restriction of its flight; Hence such a hostility of writers (respectively, their heroes) to everything that makes the person of man dependent on anything, whether society or everyday life.

Poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY" refers to romantic works. Let's start with the fact that the main theme of the poem is the freedom of personality - characteristic of the works of romantics. In addition, the hero, the novice of MTSI, characteristic of exceptional qualities - freedom and proud loneliness, an unusually strong sense of love for his homeland.

The main part of the work is preceded by a small introductory part in which the history of the life of the MTSYRY is briefly transferred: the boy, being the "son of the mountains," he was captured to the Russians, who identified him into the monastery. From that moment on, Mcsry never went out of his walls. But, at a young age, he runs away from the monastery and spends three days at freedom.

The whole poem is a lyrical confession (a favorite reception of romantics) hero, still returned to the monastery. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis confession is as follows: "There is never a challenge to the homeland." Therefore, Mciry asks to bury him in the place of the monastery garden, from where the Caucasus is visible.

It is planned in the poem and the love line. When Mcsiry goes down to a mountain stream to quench thirst, he sees a young beautiful Georgian. Her "darkness of the eyes was so deep, so full of love mysters that my Duma was embarrassed ...". The girl is very soon disappearing, and Mcsyri falls asleep and sees her in a dream. Beautiful Georgian is associated with his homeland.

Waking up, the hero continues his way, he has to enter the battle with the leopard. In this unequal fight, due to the strength of his spirit, the person wins. The description of the battle is also a purely romantic episode in the poem:

I was waiting. And here in the shadow of the night

The enemy hurt he, and howl

Long, lighted, like moan,

Suddenly came out ...

Fighting with the leopard, Mtsyry himself becomes like a wild beast, there are unknown forces: "As if I was born in the family of Bars and Wolves." The body of the MTSERI is amazed by claws of Barça, so he understands that he is no longer reached by his home home and he is destined to die "in the color of the years, barely looking at God's light" and "to take into the grave for melancholy in Holy Homeland."

But this is only the external cause of the failure of the MC. The inner is much deeper. I lived all my life in the monastery, not knowing life and will, the hero turns out to be unable to exist in the wild: he himself unconsciously returns to the walls of the monastery, where soon and dies.

But, despite the tragic final, the MTSERS is not spiritually broken, the approach of death does not weaken his spirit. Such an outcome only indicates that the circumstances were insurmountable, and he argued in vain with fate. And this is another sign of romanticism in the poem: challenge the natural forces and fate, which ends with the death of the romantic hero.

The romanticism of the poem is expressed in the image of the unity of man and nature. All the action of the work unfolds against the background of the Caucasian nature, magnificent and luxurious, which in itself is the personification of freedom for MTSI. Moreover, the author emphasizes the merger of his hero with nature: "Oh, I, like a brother, would be happy to hug with a storm," I watched the eyes of clouds "," Hand Lightning Catching. "

The blooming garden, which Mcyri saw his freedom in the first morning, gave the hero the immensity of the surrounding world, his harmony and beauty. The storm who walked on the night of the escorts of the novice, and the mountain stream near the wonderful garden - they all became friends of Mc. Lermontov shows that nature gave the young man what the monks and monastic walls could not give. Only on the will of McSiry felt unity with the whole world, only here he felt truly proud and free.

Although the Freedom of McSi was long ago, these three days became the strongest memories in his life. Before death, the young man sees green hills, dark cliffs, lush meadows and snow covered by the mountains of his distant homeland. And among the memories of the Father, about his weapons, about the stories of old people, the songs of their sisters arise from MTSYR and the picture of how the boy he played near the mining flow:

In the gorge there a stream fled,

He was shumen, but shallow;

To it, on golden sand

Play I left at noon.

Interestingly, the river here is referred to as a living person, about each other, with whom I want to communicate and play. Only nature, unlike people, never offended, will not hurt and will not limit your freedom.

Feces of romanticism in the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY"

Romanticism is a ideological direction in art and literature, the main ideas of which are the recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual and creative life of every person and its right to independence and freedom. Very often in the works of this literary flow, heroes possessing a strong, rebellious temper are depicted, the plots are characterized by bright passion of passions, nature is depicted in the spiritualized vein.

Poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY" includes such features of romanticism as Dwellemirie, an atypical hero in atypical circumstances, elevated motifs and actions of the character, the tragic doomes of the hero, the exotic scenery of the Caucasus, a fusion style of the work, as well as a vertex composition, which Practices the mysteriousness of the plot.

The work of Lermontov describes the history of the captive boy left in the monastery.

Immediately, it is possible to note the principle of romantic dwellemic, which is built on comparison of ideal and real life, dreams and reality. The unattainable dream is freedom, the native land in the understanding of the hero, and the oppressive reality - the monastery:

I knew only the Duma power,

One - but a fiery passion:

She, like a worm, lived in me,

I greeted the soul and burned.

She dreams of my ranks

From puff and prayer keys

In that wonderful world of anxiety and battles

Strong thirst for freedom and pushes Mcsi to run. Mczyri is revealed as a romantic hero-rebel, not understood by the world around (in this situation - monastery). His sublime motives are the knowledge of the life of her ancestors, of the edge, "where people are free as eagles."

It is worth noting that the desperate courage, deep patrioticity, freedom-loving temper, faith in a dream and recklessness characterize the young man as an atypical character. Even having lost in the forest and having lost all hope, the hero does not want to accept human assistance: "But, believe me, I did not want to help ...". In the mysterious exotic forest, which first seemed to him close and relatives, the MTSYR will weaken due to fatigue and hunger. Its energetic and hard movement to the target show the spiritual masculinity of the character, and the heroism of his personality is visible in the battle with wild leopard (atypical circumstance). The half-season young man finds the strength in himself in order to fight the beast:

And I was terrible in this moment;

Like leopard desert, evil and dick,

I famed, squeal like him;

As if I was born

In the family of bans and wolves

It is necessary to add that the fantastic victory of the hero above the wild animal generates many assumptions about the possibility of such a fight. For example, according to E. G. Babayev, the Battle of Barz is just a dream of McSi, as it personifies the inner struggle of the hero. However, the young man dies not because of the wound received, but because of the thirst for freedom, expressed in the poem in the form of a flame: "And he burned his prison." Although Mcsi spent only three days in the wild, he managed to know the cruelty of nature and the difficulties of human life, was overtaken by the liberty provided by fate, despite its short moment. About the tragic junction can be found already from the epigraph to the poem "Tracker, taste, little honey, and CE AZ Diyia" (1st book of kingdoms). It is necessary to allocate that the doomeship of the fate of the main character is one of the principles of a romantic work.

I saw through the fog,

In snow, burning like diamond,

Sedoy unshakable Caucasus

Mountains for Lermontov, as for his compatriots, was a symbol of liberty, freedom (remember the other poem of Lermontov about the Caucasus: "Perhaps, for the ridge of the Caucasus, I will render from your kings, from their all-seeing eyes, from their surviving ears"). It is to this freedom and seeks the main character. It is fair to note that the mountains, along with the sea, are one of the most characteristic landscapes for romanticism.

In addition, the poem is filled with a huge number of speech expressive means. So, epithets ("flaming breasts", "dusk walls", "fiery passion", "foggy embroidery", "proud voice") transmit the state of the hero's soul and the beauty of its environment. Comparisons ("As Sulna, Mountains", and Dick "," weak and flexible as a reed ") emphasize the spiritual state of the MTSI. Speaking to help Metaphor, the author transfers the experiences of the MTSERS, thirst for freedom (the death of them forever heales, the fight boiled). With the help of anphore, the rhythm is discharged. Rhetorical questions, circulation and exclamations are often used.

It is also impossible not to allocate the vertex form of a invertive composition, which gives the plot of the work of mysteriousness and saturation. The narrative is focused on one, the most important episode from the life of the MTSI in the form of lyrical confession of the hero (invertive composition). The form of confession is a classic reception for romantic works. Attention deserves and the episode of the fight against Barz, which critics allocate as a key in the poem, as he reveals the brave and courageous character of the hero.

Therefore, the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY" has the main features of romanticism. However, the principles of realism can also be seen in the work: for example, the poet accurately defines the chronotope of the poem. So, the action takes place in the monastery, which is located near Mtzhete, at the fusion site of two rivers: Arags and chickens.