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Is it true that. Who is Saint Valentine - is it true that he walked men and himself was gay? True, that Cesarevich Alexey died the last

Someone from the US Congress rolls out a welcome van for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The image is posted by the author.

Someone with access to a computer in the US Congress has a habit of tricking Wikipedia users. Last week, the Wikipedia Administrator for 10 days killed the IP address of the Congress for "prohibited" edits to several articles, including the "plot of landing on the moon." Since the legislators were associated with hands, Wikipedia users did not expect any sight from Congress at least until August 2. The moratorium on the anonymous Wikipedia edits from the IP address of the Congress concerned, however, only articles in English.

July 31 Twitter Bot with @CongResSedits login, which automatically enters Wikipedia from the IP addresses of the American state. organs reported About the correction to the Russian article about the Russian national anthem. Someone, using this IP address, replaced the music record of the present hymn with words and layout of the popular Ukrainian crurch, ridicuing Vladimir Putin (see below).

Translation: "Putin Mudak!". Music work, popular antiputin crurch in Ukraine. Wikipedia.

The name of this little song "Putin Khuilo! "That approximately" Putin asshole! ". This antipucleon song has grown in popularity from the beginning of the Russian intervention to Eastern Ukraine, which has become an international news in mid-June, when Andrei Church, who was then the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, repeated the words of this song in an attempt to calm the crowd of protesters in Kiev. After this incident, Russian politicians refused to cooperate with this Ukrainian diplomat, and the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev even suggested that a detection, perhaps mentally unbalanced. Five days after the incident with "Putin Khuilo", the detection was replaced.

Although it provoked confusion, thanks to the user @CongRessedits, the knife "Putin Khuilo" never appeared on the Wikipedia pages, since it did not receive the approval of Russian moderators. (Public recording o Attempts to change is still present in the history of editing posts.) In fact, Russian moderators rejected the changes proposed from IP addresses and banned this IP address for one day, forbidden to make anonymous edits in Russian-language articles. This means that employees of the Congress staff (or someone in the US legislative power with such a zeal for publications in Wikipedia) must again get anonymous rights for editing and Russian-speaking, and English-language articles on August 2.

In other words, August 1, 2014 - a special day, as English-speaking and Russian-speaking citizens are free from Wikipedia Trolling on the part of the US Congress for one day. But the anonymous edits from the Congress will be restored in approximately 24 hours. Enthusiasts of the study of the moon and musical arrangement, get ready.

Natalia Shkuleva commented on incredible facts that then and then appear in the media about her spouse

The private life of Andrei Malakhova is the most popular TV host Russia - as it always happens to people who know the whole country, is surrounded by a variety of myths and speculations. Today, January 11, he celebrates his birthday, and we decided once and forever dispel or confirm some of them. Birthday's loved friends know that no one knows the better wife of this exemplary family man. Therefore, we could not resist the temptation and asked Natalia with 20 questions about its famous spouse.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei, still a high school student, led all school concerts and events?

Natalia Shkuleva: Yes it's true. He studied at the music school in the class of violin, but did not like these classes. Therefore, when it comes to the time to give reporting concerts, Andrei failed to the role of the lead instead of the performance of solo parties. The role of school showman liked him most.

Elle: Is Andrei finished school with a silver medal?

N. Sh.: It's true. He graduated from school with a silver medal, and Zhurfak MSU - with a red diploma.

Photo @NataShashKuleva / Instagram

Elle: Is it true that the relationship with Andrei has started from the service novel in the walls of our company, and before that you were not familiar?

N. Sh.: Truth. We met here when Andrew became the chief editor of Starhit magazine. It was a service affair in his classical understanding.

ELLE: Is it true that your first date with Andrei took place in the Bryansk colony?

N. Sh.:Yes, everything was like that. He calls me and says: "Will you go with me?" I ask: "Where?" - "It's a surprise. We meet in an hour on Paveletsky. " I come, as agreed at the station, and there I am already waiting for Andrei with flowers. A date was late in the spring, I had a chasel jacket, beautiful pants, on my feet - ballet shoes. We go to St., and in our coupe, Candles are burning Jo Malone and covered the "table" with French wine and cheeses. Where this train goes, I still did not know. We spoke all night long! So there began our first date. And then we really were in Bryansk, in the men's colony of a strict regime, where Andrei removed the television plot.

ELLE: Is it true that Andrei made you a proposal in the Florentine Palazzo, where did Angelina Jolie stayed with Brad Pitt and all his family?

N. Sh.: No, everything was wrong. True, we stayed with Andrei in this palace in Florence, when I went through Italy, and it was one of the most romantic travels in my life. But he did a proposal in New York, in the November holidays. We were in one of the most fashionable at the time of restaurants of the city of Bagatelle, everything happened there. At some point, Andrei rose on one knee and asked: "Will you marry me?" And I answered in a joke: "I'll think about" and cried. It was a classic offer scene in the restaurant - everything was watched on us. Of course, I agreed! We were applauded all - and guests, and waiters. And then the unimaginable began - we all started dancing on the tables, and the champagne was raised by the river.

Photo @NataShashKuleva / Instagram

ELLE: Is it true that Andrey collects brands?

N. Sh.:Truth. But he collects only special brands - those related to Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. He has a huge collection, it has copies from all over the world. Every time we come somewhere, the first thing that he does - goes into antique shops or to local mail and buy Christmas stamps there. For him, still the best gift is the Christmas mark, which he still does not have.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei tolerate can't stand cats?

N. Sh.:Not. He loves all animals, including cats, and dogs. Every year we rest in Italy, and in the house where we stop, a cat lives. They have mutual love: he communicates with her, playing, strokes, and she - in every way demanding attention. We do not have pets, but Andrei is not exactly the person who can say that he does not like animals.

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Shkuleva

ELLE: Is it true that in 1996 Andrei during the filming of "Good Morning" in Rome took into a police station?

N. Sh.:Yes, this is a truthful story. It was one of his first foreign business trips as a journalist. He told that he was so impressed with Rome that, being at the Fountain of Trevi, remembered Fellini's film "Sweet Life" and plunged the water. After that, he was taken to the police. He paid a fine - it was a very decent amount at that time.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei always carries a cross?

N. Sh.:Yes. Andrei is a believer. And the cross is always with him - and day, and at night.

ELLE: Is it true that Andrei paid the construction of the church in the hometown of Apatity?

N. Sh.:Yes it's true. Last year I was the first time in Apatity and visited this church. It is very beautiful, cozy and homely. It feels that the soul was invested in her. There is a very warm pacifying atmosphere. This is the serious contribution of Andrei to the life and history of the hometown.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei sometimes go to the Valaam monastery for solitude?

N. Sh.:It's true. Usually, he leaves for his birthday in holy places. There he spends several days alone with himself, God, soul.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei rides regularly in the subway in sunglasses, having granted a hood?

N. Sh.:Yes, it periodically descends in the subway. But it does not go there in sunglasses! Andrei and so wearing ordinary glasses, and the hood will put on, only if winter is in the yard, and he is in a hooded jacket. During the rest of the time it is usually in a suit.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei is fraught as a shoemaker?

Elle: Is it true that the favorite performer Andrei is Nina Simon?

N. Sh.: Not. But I admit that it is one of the few.

ELLE: Is it true that Andrei started instagram thanks to Nick Belotserkovskaya (a well-known blogger Belonika)?

N. Sh.:Yes, truth. She pushed him to this, at some point Andrei realized that he could not avoid this social network.

Elle: Is it true that Andrei is trained four times a week?

N. Sh.:Yes it's true. But four times a week - this is the minimum that he installed himself. But if such an opportunity, would have trained every day.

Elle: Is it true that in the courtyard you constantly doubt his fans of 14-15 years old, in the hope of seeing him?

N. Sh.:Not. For seven years of our marriage, I only saw the girls on duty at the entrance. Otherwise - everything is very calm, the crowds of fans under the windows are worth.

ELLE: Is it true that Andrew is the main entrance?

N. Sh.:Yes it's true. He is the main activist, a person who maintains an entrance in order and invests its own money and forces to repair: paints the walls and railing, changes the doors, windows. At the entrance along the wall goes huge ivy. Andrei cares for him, watering, thanks to which he scratched and became a real decoration of the courtyard. We can say that my spouse does the work that the HOA should perform.

After all, the laws of spiritual life are just as real as the physical, chemical, and biological, and any other laws in force in this world. Jumping a man from the balcony - broke his leg. He put his hand into the fire - got a burn. I spent a spot on ice - the kidney frosted.

Exactly the same thing happens with a violation of spiritual laws. Condemnation of other people, envy, false, pride, indifference to other troubles - all these and many other sins would have won us, if it were not for the interference of God, stopping their deadly effects. And the small part of them, which he still pops to survive us, we call the test. And very worried that it will violate our peace. Approximately the same person, drinking a glass of sulfuric acid, borrowing his pair of arsenic spoons and remaining after that unharmed, can worry: Will the Lord will send him a runny nose or a migraine for spiritual growth.

Of our flour

But there are situations where the suffering of a person is not a consequence of his own sinful life. We all interact anyway with each other, our fate is intertwined in a bizarre pattern and in some cases they become so common that the consequences of someone else's sin accepts a person to this sin. Nobody say in temptation: God tempts me; because God is not tempted by evil and himself does not tempt anyone, but everyone tempts, getting fonding and deducting his own lust(Jacg 1 : 13-14). These words of the Apostle James simply and intelligibly explain the cause of disaster comprehensive, as well as the degree of involvement of God to these disasters. This degree is zero. God does not tempt anyone. Under the lustry here is meant any movements of the human heart towards sin.

Rev. Mark Devotee writes: "Wines of every sorrowful case, occurring with us, the essence of the thoughts of each of us; Could I say that both words and cases; But since they do not occur first thoughts, because I attribute all the thoughts. The thoughts preceded, and then through words and affairs, it is formed between us and the near our neighbors. Communication is two births: one comes from the malice, and the other of the love. Through communication, we perceive each other, even those who do not know, and for the adoption of themselves (near), it is necessary to follow the grief, as Divine Scripture says: check for your friend, the enemy betrays his hand (Proverb 6 :one). So everyone suffers from him not for himself only, but also for the neighbor - in what he accepted him. "

About these two types of making sorrow for other people's sins - on malice and love - it is worth telling more detail.

In the adoption of malice there is a spiritual law, which Mark devotebla formulates as follows:

"Take care of the near, originating from the Evil,it happens unwittingly. And it happens like this: impassing something near his neighbor, although it does not want, takes on temptations of the deprived; Also slandering - the temptations of the slandered, stipulating - stipulated, despised - despised, lingly takes on the temptation of the one who he wrapped, and not to list the whole spit, I will say briefly: anyone offended by the neighbor commensurate with an offense takes upon himself the temptation of them "

This is one of the amazing revelations of God, about which the world does not know outside the church. It can be said that when we deliberately causing an evil to another person, simultaneously with this - we translate the arrows on the rails, sending the wagons of the consequences of the sins of this person in their direction. And let them do not seduce themselves with the hope of impunity of fraudsters of all stripes and varieties, unclean on hand officials, gangsters, hooligans and ordinary chams that enjoy the humiliation of other people. Even sowing to bypass all legal laws, they will not be able to avoid rejection by the law of the spiritual. And to the sorrows for their own sins, there are also sorrow of all people offended by them.

The second option to accept the troubles and suffering of the neighbor - by love. Here, the essence of the spiritual law is already more understandable. Having loved a person, we take it entirely, with all sins and disadvantages. His problems become ours, his grief - our grief. A simple example - a young man marries his beloved girl and suddenly finds out that she has an overdue credit, which the bank has already counted Draconian interest. Will he tell her: "You know that, cute, sorry, but these are your problems. Has herself hung, herself and release "? Or will it help solve these problems, selling your new car and removing all the money from your own bank account?

Love introduces us to the territory of the life of loved ones, in their circle of events and circumstances, making this life - part of ours. And, unfortunately, there are not only beautiful blooming gardens on this territory, but the dense thickets of all sorts of weeds and barns, which can be hurt much. The consequences of the sins of the people we love, inevitably become our sorrow. However, in this case, we are not talking about any spiritual improvement, but only about the fulfillment of the main law of love, without which it simply dies: We carry each other, and taco perform the law of Christ(Gal 6 :2).

People are pleased with the heart

Sometimes the causal relationship of specific sins with disaster comprehensive disasters is quite obvious. But in general (given God's mercy and two ways to make sorrows for other people's sins) The general picture of all spiritual reasons and consequences in the life of a person it turns out so difficult that it is trying to "read" her - the case, knowingly doomed to failure. And yet, the denying this connection will not take, probably even the most convinced atheist or agnostic.

Rev. Amvrosy Optina wrote: "No matter how hard the cross, who carries a person, but the tree from which he was made, grown on the basis of his heart."

He also has a more detailed explanation of this aphoristic thought:

"When a person ... goes directly, there is no cross. But when he retreats from him and starts to rush into one, then in the other direction, then there are different circumstances that pushed him again on a straight path. These shocks and make up a cross for a person. They are, of course, are different to whom they need. "

Feeding that God interferes with our lives and will deprive her peace, we have a lot of sins every day. And we do not see that only the intervention of God save us from crushing fall and injury, carefully picking us - sometimes at the very Earth. Of these human stumbling blocks and divine protection against their consequences, it is usually formed that we used to call a calm, quiet life in harmony, peace and joy for their relatives and loved ones.

And, by the way, in his liturgical texts, the church repeatedly appeals to God with a request for this silence, peace and harmony. So, in the Great Sectation, Christians pray "... on the foolishness of the air, about the abundance of the fruits of earthly and the time of peaceful, ... about getting rid of us from all sneak, anger and needs " And finally - "... about the world of the whole world." These prayers are repeatedly sounded at all worship. But in no one of the numerous church prayers you will not find even a hint of a request for God about the message to us tests and suffering. With these bitter fruits of sinful life, we will reduce themselves. And so as not to die under their weight, please: "... Get out, save, humbly, and save us, God, your grace."

Such prayers indicate a fairly simple and obvious truth: peace, peace, joy and harmony are not a natural background of human life, affected by sin. All this is the gifts of God, the result of his intercession, fertile care and permanent participation in our destinies.

Here we came close to the most important point, which is just determining the Christian attitude towards suffering and troubles. Lord Jesus Christ does not just protect us from suffering. All the consequences of human sins, he took over, having accepted terrible torment and death on the cross. And when Christians talk about the need to participate in the suffering of Christ, it's not about any spiritual improvement or growth. Standing for us, in no guilty of Christ suffered for our sins, accepted our guilt and pain. Therefore, participating in his suffering, we just accept the small part of the responsibility for our sinful life, which he found for us. All his life hide from suffering for the cross of Christ, probably it would be comfortable, but dishonest even by human standards. Conscious that the sin - we, and the Lord suffers for us, we will eventually would simply hate themselves for such a shameless life. And God gives us another opportunity - taking your cross, follow him. Pay attention - it offers to take, not someone else's. And not fully fully, but only what can really be incurring without having decorated. And he himself is always next to each of us, in case of case of catching weakened, consulting the desperate, strengthen the unimustal.

And about the spiritual growth and perfection, St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) said in very brief words said all the most important:

"There is no perfect between people in virtues of human: the Cross of Christ leads to the perfection of Christian ... Humility erected the Lord on the cross, and the students of Christ, the humility takes way to a cross, which has holy patience, incomprehensible for carnal minds, as an incomprehensible silence of Jesus for Herod, Pontic Pilate and Jewish bishops.

We will pray to the Lord, so that he opens the sacrament and gave the love of his cross, so that all the griefs would be able to undergo properly, which will pop up to us all-grade God's time for the salvation of our and bliss in eternity. The Lord promised us: Pushed to the end will be saved. Amen".

One of the human rights in accordance with the legislation is the right to truthful information. Including concerning religious life, the important role of which sociologists have long recognized in society.

It's no secret that such a phenomenon like religion may have not only a positive, but also a negative side. After all, there are so-called "totalitarian sects" carrying a threat to society. Of course, a person should know about the dangers emanating from such religious organizations, in this case "warned means armed." However, information about them should be as reliable and objective as possible, otherwise it will not benefit, and harm, configuring people against each other without good reason.

Unfortunately, such inaccurate information appeared on the site and was copied by other sites and reprinted with some media. We are talking about the ranking of the "10 most dangerous sect of the world", in which, along with really dangerous sections of the type "AUM SINICON", the seventh-day Adventists were included.

What did the author (or authors) of the rating told the readers about Adventists? We will quote this publication (on various sites, the text is slightly different, but the main content is the same): "The Church of the Seventh Day Adventists originated in 1844 in the United States. In the modern heresy and sects in Russia, Seventh-day Adventists are defined as a sect of American origin, which adjoins the Baptists and has a special craving for the Old Testament.

The founder of Adventism was the usual farmer William Miller. Studying the Bible, he concluded that the end of the world would soon come. In 1818, he determined the year of the death of the world: according to Miller's calculations, they were supposed to be 1843. At the same time, the hence of the Adventist sects were not embarrassed at all, when he was reminded of the words of Christ that no one could know a day or an hour of his second coming.

In the 1990s, a tragedy occurred in the United States, when about a hundred sending sectors died. The drama occurred in 1993 in the Texas Place Waco, where the leader of Adventism's branch "David branch" David Koresh was equipped with a group of his followers. He suproed the close end of the world for too long, and the prophecy "had to come true" ... But the failed Messiah, naturally, did not want to leave himself, so blew himself together with the flock. When the fire ended, about hundreds of corpses were found under the ruins, among which at least 25 children. "

Not only is that in this ranking, one of the world-recognized Protestant churches - the Seventh Day Adventist Church is unreasonably ranked towards the "most dangerous sects of the world", but also that the author of the publication is rudely distorted by facts. It can be assumed that for a person who is not familiar with the history of Adventism, an example with David Koref will become a sufficient reason to negatively refer to the Seventh-day Adventists. Therefore, we subjected to the statement of publication critical analysis.

Of course, the reader is primarily interesting to find out what actually happened in the town of Waco and whether Adventists are informed in this case, but we will leave this incident "for dessert", and first we are looking for answers to other equally important questions. After all, the picture must be objective. So:

How did the ASD church arose? Is she sect?

To answer this question, first you need to figure out what sect is.

So, according to the sensible dictionary, V.Dal, the sect is the "Brotherhood, who accepted his, a separate doctrine of faith; Consent, sense, split or heresy. " "Sects (from lat. Secta - teaching, direction, school), is a religious group, a community, whipped from the dominant church. In a figurative sense, a group of persons who closed in their narrow interests "adds a great encyclopedic dictionary. He also characterizes the ASD not as a sect, but as a church: "Adventists (from Lat. Adventus - coming), Protestant church." According to some authors, many sects develop over time to church, so the word "sect" is unlikely to apply to organizations that are more than 100-200 years. From this point of view, the ASD cannot even be said that it was a sect at the beginning of his occurrence, since it was not originally an organization broken from any other, "dominant" denomination. Adventist movement (the movement of those who expected the close coming of Christ, thanks to the preaching of William Miller originated simultaneously in many denominations, and therefore the first Adventists cannot be historically considered as a sect. William Miller himself said: "My works have never been aimed at creating any new teaching or exalt one doctrine over another ... Most addressed, thanks to my labor, joined the various operating churches" (cited by E. White "Great Fight", from 272). When this movement was not supported by the denominations to which the first Adventists belonged, only then there was a need to create a new organization, which was subsequently called the Seventh-day Adventist Church (which means "the Church, who expects the Second Coming of Christ and who keeps the seventh day - Saturday"). Thus, the ASD can be described not as a sect who awaited from another church, but as a Protestant church, formed on the basis of the movement of Christians, who were waiting for the Second Coming of Christ in the middle of the XIX century.

Do Adventists speculate on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "end of the world"?

It's no secret that many destructive religious organizations intimid people by the rapid end of the world. And how do Adventists belong to this event?

They are confident that Christ revealed the disciples of the future not to scare them, but in order for them to be ready to come true to come true and, on the contrary, they were not afraid: "Also hear about wars and military rumors. See, do not worry, because it should be, but this is not the end: for the people of the people will rise, and the kingdom to the kingdom; and there will be glads, marines and earthquakes in places; Yet it is the beginning of diseases "(Matt. 24: 6-8). It seems that in the light of events around the world, about which the media report daily, the words of Christ do not need anyone in the commentary and hardly anyone will deny the need to be morally ready for these crisis.

As for the beliefs of William Miller, who considered that Christ should come to the time computant, then it was before the seventh day Adventist Church as an organization that was subsequently never prescribed the date of the Second Coming and condemns such a practice.

In the book E. White "Great Fighting" Miller's mistake, which correctly computing the date, but incorrectly interpreted its importance, compared with the deceived expectations of the disciples of Christ, who believed that he should take the royal throne in Jerusalem, and instead of his crucifixion instead. In the same way as the mood of students before the entrance of Christ in Jerusalem - it's not a reason to reject Christianity and the mistake of Miller - not a reason to reject the Adventism as the news about the proximity of the second coming. That is why Adventists did not disappear after the disappointment of 1844, and formed the ASD church, preaching about the imminent return of Christ to Earth.

Is it possible for any signs to calculate the ASD to the "most dangerous sects of the world"?

In the reference book "New Religious Organizations of Russia destructive and occult nature" (information and analytical messenger № 1. Ed - E 2, recycling, and additions. - Belgorod, 1997. - 459 p.) The authors spend a clear difference between the concepts of "sect "And" totalitarian sect ":" Sections can be called most of the new religious movements as immigrants from (branches from) any traditional religions, and this word does not carry the characteristics of such an organization as bad. On the contrary, religious sects can have a cultural impact on the traditions of peoples, gradually turning into powerful religious positive movements, differing from the maternal religion with some kind of dogmas. An example here can serve as Protestant. " In this reference book, published on the blessing of the historical John, Bishop of Belgorod and Staroscol, the chairman of the missionary department of the MP RPC, a negative attitude is discussed only to those religious groups that are characterized by destructiveness and cause moral, psychological or physical harm to their followers. And since the publication about the "10 most dangerous sects", Adventists are called "adjacent to Baptists", then allow one more quotation from the same reference book: "No one will deny that it is impossible to equid, for example, Evangelical Baptist Christians and such an organization As the "Church of Scientology", followed by ... all over the world the loan of litigation stretches. "

So, neither Evangelical Baptist Christian, nor the Church of ASD under the definition of "totalitarian sects" is not suitable, and not included in the directory of organizations of destructive and occult nature.

What kind of seventh day sexuality differs from the teachings of the "totalitarian" sect?

It is this aspect that is important for those who do not want to delve into the study of church dogmas. After all, dogmas can be proclaimed any, but the fruits of the teachings are always evident. "Stamput" whether the organization of belligent zombies, or forms a healthy intent person, capable of working for the benefit of society.

Seventh-day Adventists, unlike adherents of destructive cults, do not deify their leaders, believing that religious venerations are worthy only God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Based on the words of the Bible "God is one - one and the mediator between God and Persons - the man of Christ Jesus" (1 Tim 2: 5), Adventists are convinced that no religious leader is entitled to hold the position of the Messiah, or an intermediary between God and fluff, so that Access to God was only through him. To communicate with Christ, quite sincereness ("come to me, all who are more worried and burdened, and I will calm you" (Matt. 11:28)), therefore, the rescue given by Christ is not considered by Adventists as the privilege of exclusively members of the ASD church (this is very important The difference from destructive cults, which are taught that you can escape, only being their supporters).

In the Seventh Day Adventist Church, independent work of thought when studying Scripture is encouraged, and not the adoption of dogmas exclusively on faith. Such an installation contributes to the formation of independent critical thinking capable of opposing attempts to give human ideas for the divine. Adventists have no ban on reading the literature of other denominations or to communicate with those who are not a supporter of Adventism. The principle of verification by Scripture ("Contact the law and revelation. If they do not say, as this word, then there is no light in them" (Is. 8:20)), acts in relation to any person, no matter how an outstanding religious leader is neither. On the contrary, in destructive cults, it is forbidden to question any words and ideas of leaders who are considered infallible apriori.

In the "totalitarian" sects, it is often the right thing that it is profitable to sect, regardless of whether it is moral or not. According to the same Adventists, the demands of the moral law of God - the Ten Commandments - are unchanged, both in the Old and in the New Testament, so the violation of the commandments in whose interests is a sin. The seventh day of the week - Saturday - Adventists are observed for this reason: "For it is a love for God, so that we keep him commandments" (1 in. 5: 3). In the law of God, all the commandments are equally important, and it is obedience to them forms a healthy member of society.
Also, the seventh-day Adventist Church opposes the occultism, spiritualism, magic, hypnosis and all sorts of psychotechnics, with which the leaders of destructive organizations hold control over their members. The person is created free, and no one has the right to enslave.

If we talk about the social side of the seventh-day adventist cree, Adventists highly appreciate family and friendly bonds that are not destroyed, but, on the contrary, are strengthened if a person follows God's will. Adventists can be friends with Inactive, and not only with representatives of Protestant churches, but also with Orthodox and Catholics, despite the difference in views. This is the commandment of Christ: "As I loved you, so you love each other. According to Tom, you will find out all that you are my students if you have love between sobody "(in. 13; 34.35).
The ASD Church is not a closed organization, but actively participates in the life of society, helping people through medical and social ministry, as evidenced by many thankful letters from citizens.

What does the David branch and David's incident with David?

We approached the most interesting point in the publication about "10 dangerous sects". The fact that is easy to check. So, who is such David Koresh?

As mentioned in many sources, the leader of the cult of the branch of Davidov (real name Vernon Hovell) claimed the role of the Messiah, and his pseudonym David Koresh means the desire to become like a powerful king of antiquity - David and Kiru. Members of the "Davidov branch" sects in anticipation of the end of the world became weaponed, which is why in 1993 in the American town of Waco was the possible armed confrontation of adherents of the sect and the state authorities, which ended in the tragedy - the explosion of the residence of Davidova's branches. But is this sensational sect identical to Seventh-day Adventists, as stated in publication?

Turn to sources. In the Directory of Dmitry Taevsky "History of Religion" "Davidov's branch" is defined as "American Christian Sect. He originates from Sauzkottitis. At the heart of the creation of the sect - waiting for the rapid end of the world and as a result of this suicidal trends. " Sauskottitis, in turn, "Christian sect. Based on the English propheted by Joan Sauzkott, who gave himself for the "wife clothed in the sun" and "wife of the Lamb" from the Apocalypse. In 1814, Sauskott declared her pregnant from the Holy Spirit. When the pregnancy was false, she died of shock ... "(ibid.)
It is easy to see that neither the "branch of Davidova" nor Joan Sauzkott at the Church of the Seventh-day Adventist Church there is nothing truly common, despite the seeming similarity of ideas about the proximity of the end of the world. If the members of the "David branch" were reserved with weapons, which already testifies to their aggression, then the Seventh-day Adventists are convinced that the preparation of the second coming is not physical, and the spiritual struggle requiring the applications of the same moral efforts that John Baptist preached in due time : "Create a worthy fruit of repentance." Any extremist ideas and moods associated with the end of the world are condemned by Seventh-day Adventists. In addition, the leaders of the above-mentioned religious cults treated themselves until the deification, urging to believe the fabrications, in no way consistent with the Scriptures and common sense. About such, and the like they warned Christ: "For the false christry and false prophets rise and give signs and miracles to close, if possible, and elected" (MK 13:22).
Attentive study of the signs of the second coming contained in the Gospels, as well as in the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation, in the opinion of Adventists, just will allow the Christian to not get on the hook of false christians and the newly related messasics, will help avoid the networks of "totalitarian" sects and the influence of demonic cults.

As for false sensations, the greatest of them, according to Adventists, will not be a regular unverified rating of "terrible sects", and the coming of Satan himself under the guise of Christ, accompanied by supernatural phenomena, not in vain the destruction of the souls for centuries, " Taking the appearance of angel of light. " And here, without an understanding of what Christ taught in fact, the deceiver does not expose. Trust but verify…