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Buryats are the most ancient people of Baikal. Buryats

Welcome to you, dear readers.

In our country there are three Buddhist republics - this is Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva. However, Buryat and Kalmykov have relatives - Mongols.

We know that the bulk of the Buryat population is focused on the territory of Russia. To this day, disputes do not subscribe about how Buryats differ from the Mongols and how similar they are among themselves. Some say that this is the same people. Others tend to believe that there is a big difference between them.

Maybe truths and those and others? Let's try to figure it out! And for a start, of course, turn to the origins.

The origins of the Mongolian peoples

Earlier, the territory of the current Mongolia was a wooded and swampy, and the meadows and the steppe could be found on the plateaua. Studies of the remains of ancient people have shown that they lived here about 850 thousand years ago.

In the 4th century BC e. Hunny appeared. They chose the steppe near the Gobi desert. A few decades began to fight the Chinese, and in 202 BC. e. Created the first empire.

Hunna was underestimated up to 93 N. e. Then the Mongolian, Kyrgyz, Turkic, Uygur Khanate began to appear.

The origin of the Mongolian Power

The tribes have repeatedly tried to unite in the general state. Finally they succeeded, though, only partially. Education, in fact, presented a tribal union. In history, it entered the name Hamag Mongol.

His first leader was Heid-Khan. The tribes that are part of the state were distinguished by militancy and often entered into bouts with neighbors, in particular, with residents of Jin Empire districts. In case of victory, they demanded tribute from them.

ECIA Baatar, father of the future legendary ruler of Mongolia Genghis Khan (Temed) participated in the fights. He fought until he fell from the hands of Turks.

Tempezha himself at the very beginning of the path to power was enlisted by the support of Wang Khan, the ruler of the Keertites in Central Mongolia. Over time, the army of supporters grow up, which allowed the future of Genghis Khan to begin active actions.

As a result, he began heading the most significant tribes of Mongolia:

  • nimanov (in the West);
  • tatars (in the East);
  • comeites (center).

This allowed him to get the title of the Supreme Khan, which all the Mongols conquered. The corresponding decision was made on Kurultai - the congress of the Mongolian nobility. From this point on, Tezuchean became referred to as Genghis Khan.

Vladyka stood at the steering of the state for more than two decades, he conducted military campaigns and thus expanded its borders. But soon the power began to slowly disintegrate due to the variety of cultures of conquered lands.

And now let's turn to the story of Buryat.

Formation of the Buryat Ethnic Sheet and Culture

Most researchers are inclined to the idea that the current Buryats are immigrants from different mongony-language groups. Their initial homeland is considered to be the northern part of the Khanate Altan-Khanov, which existed in the period from the end of the XVI and to the beginning of the XVII century.

Representatives of this people entered several tribal groups. The largest of them are:

  • booles;
  • honlerators;
  • horins;
  • echirites.

Almost all of the commissioned groups were under the strong influence of Khalha-Mongolian Khanov. The situation began to change after Eastern Siberia began to master the Russians.

The number of settlers from the West is constantly increased, which led, ultimately, to the accession of coastal Baikal territories to Russia. After entering the group of the group and the tribes began to get closer to each other.

This process looked natural from the point of view that they all had common historical roots, talked to the similar dialects. As a result, not only cultural, but also economic community was formed. In other words, ethnos, which finally formed by the end of the XIX century.

Buryats were engaged in breeding livestock, hunting for animals and fishing. That is, traditional fisheries. At the same time, settled representatives of this nation began to handle land. Basically, these were residents of the Irkutsk province and Western territories of Transbaikalia.

The entry into the Russian Empire also affected Buryat culture. Since the beginning of the XIX century, schools began to appear, over time there was a layer of local intelligentsia.

Religious preferences

Buryats - adherents of shamanism and, that relates them to the Mongols. Shamanism is the earliest religious form, called "Hara Shazhan" (Black Vera). The word "black" here personifies the mystery, the unknownness and infinity of the universe.

Then the Buddhism came from Tibet among the people. This is about . It was already the "ball of the Shauhan", that is, the yellow faith. Yellow here is considered sacred and symbolizes the Earth as a primarylement. Also in Buddhism Yellow means the jewel, the highest mind and out of.

The teachings of Gelug partially absorbed the beliefs that existed before the coming. High-ranking officials of the Russian Empire did not mind this. On the contrary, they recognized Buddhism as one of the official religious directions in the Power.

Interestingly, in Buryatia, shamanism is more common than in MNR.

Now Mongolia continues to demonstrate to the commitment of Tibetan Buddhism Galuga, slightly adjusting it with local characteristics. There are Christians in the country, but their number is insignificant (a little more than two percent).

At the same time, many historians tend to believe that at present it is religion that acts as the main binder between Buryats and Mongols.

Separate nationality or not

In fact, such a statement of the issue is not entirely correct. Buryat can be viewed as representatives of the Mongolian people talking on their dialect. At the same time, in Russia, for example, they are not identified with the Mongols. Here they consider them to nationality, which has certain similarities and differences from the Russian citizens.

On a note. In Mongolia, Buryat recognize their own, picking up to various ethnic groups. Also come in China, pointing them in the official census as the Mongols.

Where did the name itself, the name is still not clear. There are several versions on this. According to the main one, the term may occur from such words:

  • Storms (on Turkic - Wolf).
  • Bar - mighty or tiger.
  • Storms - thickets.
  • Burich - shy away.
  • Brother. Until our times, written evidence came that during the Middle Ages in Russia, Buryatov was called fraternal people.

However, none of these hypotheses under itself a solid scientific foundation.

The difference in mentality

Buryats who visited Mongolia recognize that they differ from local residents. On the one hand, agree that they relate to the common Mongolian family and act as representatives of one people. On the other hand, they understand that they are still different people.

During the years of close communication with the Russians, they penetrated with another culture, partly forgot about their heritage and noticeably bliss.

Mongols themselves do not understand how this could happen. Sometimes in communicating with visitors, they can behave disdain. On the household level it does not happen often, but still happens.

Also in Mongolia are surprised why most of the inhabitants of Buryatia have subsided their native language and ignore the traditional culture. There are not perceived by the "Russian manner" of communicating with children when parents, for example, may be publicly in public comments.

So come in Russia, and in Buryatia. But in Mongolia - no. In this country, it is not customary to shout on small citizens. Almost everyone is allowed to children. At that simple foundation that they are minors.

But as for the diet, it is practically identical. Representatives of one people living on different sides of the border are mainly engaged in cattle breeding.

For this reason, as well as in connection with climatic conditions, there are mainly meat and dairy products on their tables. Meat and milk - the base of the kitchen. True, Buryats eat more fish than Mongols. But it is not surprising, because they get it out of Baikal.

You can argue for a long time how close the inhabitants of Buryatia to Mongolia citizens and can they consider themselves one nation. By the way, there is a very interesting view that under the Mongols are meant those who live in the MNR. There are Mongols of China, Russia and other countries. Just in the Russian Federation they are called Buryats ...


The initial place of settlement of the protoburyat tribes is obviously, should be considered a pre-biccale, although the point of view was quite popular that the Buryat tribes are arrived from Mongolia. Today's data allow us to talk about the existence in the late Neolithic (about 2500 BC) Protoburyat tribes of Shono and Noah.

These names are totem, and are translated as a wolf and a dog. Some researchers consider the Schono tribe to the ancestors of the Bujales and Echirites, and Noke - the ancestors of Horinsev. Probably, in the course of the long processes of movements of the tribes, a new way to the eastern side of Baikal, where the Gunnov Empire was entered. Shono were in denuncial addiction.

Starting from the third century to n. e. The population of the current Baikal and Transbaikalia consistently was part of the Central Asian Turkic states - Hunnu, Xianby, Juani, and others. In the VIII-IX centuries, the Baikal region was part of the Uygur Khanate. The main tribes who lived here were smoking and burgutes (Bayerka).

More detailed information about Buryat ancestors belong to the IX-X centuries of our era. It is believed that the Western tribes of the ancestors Buryat were consisted at that time in the structure of the Ucharical Tribal Union, and the Eastern was a strong Khori-Tumati Union. There is a point of view that there were long military collisions between the Kuryan and Chori Tumatsky unions, which lasted more than 100 years with different intensity. After the defeat from the Hori Tumats, the protoburyat tribes of the pre-bicolary remained, and the Kurykan (the ancestors of Yakuts and Tungusov) left part to the north, part west. Other researchers consider Tumatov Kurrykan ancestors, and reject the assumption of war. However, the influence of ancient Turks on the formation of Buryat nation is undoubtedly.

Later, in the "Collection of the Chronicles" of the Persian scientist Rashid-Ad-Dina, it is mentioned about the forest tribes of the Boublerins and Caremucin, who lived to the west of Baikal. Obviously, we are talking about the ancestors of Echirites and Bujdatov. These tribes were part of Rashid-ad-Dina to the country Moglistan, inhabited by Mongolian-pagan tribes. Also refers to the terrain of Bargudzhin-Tukum. By this term, Mongols were designated an extensive area on both sides of Baikal. It was entered, apparently, judging by the Barguta, Chori, Boubler and Caremucins and other small tribes or living separately from their companions, Mongols, Merkites, Kiden Migrants. During the Mongolian rule in the area, the echyritis tribes, Bujdatov and Hongodorov were formed. Hori was formed earlier, and by the time of the emergence of Russians lived in Transbaikalia. Their initial residence still causes hot spores from historians, ethnographers, archaeologists. According to many scientists, the fact of the joint residence of the three main Buryat tribes in ancient times. Apparently, in the process of further development, Hori was in the territory of Transbaikal, and then from the 10th century were again in the pre-corner, and during the time of Genghis Khan, some of them went back to Transbaikalia. This is evidenced by the residence of several chorin births in the territory of the current areas of the Ust-Orda district.

In Russian documents, Bujlags, Echirites and Honagrators are called "big braoty people" and referred to the existence of the tribe of rams, by whose behalf there were other pre-bicolay tribes.

Starting from the 15th century, Baikalia and Transbaikalia were included in the zone of influence of the Mongolian tribe tribes, and from the XIII century - directly to the Unified Mongolian Empire. It is by this period that the first mention of the words "Buryats" belong to the Mongolian essay of the "intimate legend" (1240). After the decay of the empire in the XIV century, Transbaikalia and the Baikal region remained in the Mongolian state, and a few later were a northern outskirts of the Khanate Altan-Khanov.

Social organization Buryat Mongolian period - traditional Central Asian. In the Baikal, which was in denunciation depending on the Mongolian rulers, the features of the generic tribal relations were larger. Subdivided on tribes and childbirth, Pribaikali Buryats were headed by prince of different levels. Transbaikal groups of Buryat were directly in the Mongolian state system. After rejection from the Mongolian ethnos, Buryats of Transbaikalia and Baikalia lived with separate tribes and territorial-generic groups. The largest of them were Bujales, Echirites, Horins, Ikinati, Honlerators, Tabanguits.

By the XVII century, the main form of public relations, Buryat remained a generic connection. The hijacking of livestock, disputes due to pastures and hunting grounds led to bloody conflicts. Among the Buryat, there were cases of blood revenge.

During the arrival of the Russians, the pre-Bicaal Buryats were often faced with their detachments, went to the ostera, so in 1631, Buryati was burned by the fraternal progress.

The instigators of the speeches of Buryat advocated the generic noions, dissatisfied with the loss of full influence on their people, but also the Cossack leaders were often given the soil for response actions, at the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries, there were cases of unification of Buryat and ordinary Cossacks against Voevod-Lihychim residents.

In the middle of the XVII century, Buryatia was attached to Russia, in connection with which the territories on both sides of Baikal separated from Mongolia. In the context of the Russian statehood, the process of consolidation of various groups and tribes began. As a result, by the end of the XIX century, a new community was formed - Buryat ethnos. In addition to the actual Buryat tribes, there are separate groups of Halha-Mongols and Oratov, as well as the Turkic and Tungusky elements. Support.

Buryats were part of the Irkutsk province, as part of which the Trans-Baikal region was allocated (1851). In the XVIII - early XX centuries. The lowest administrative unit was a ulus managed by a senior. The combination of several uluses was a birth control led by Shulenga. The group of childbirth formed a department. The minority of departments were controlled by special securities, and large-step-by-step ideas under the primacy of Thai. From the end of the XIX century, the volost government system was gradually introduced.

Buryats were gradually engaged in the system of socio-economic life of Russian society. Part of the Trans-Baikal Buryat carried military service - the protection of state borders. In 1851, as part of 4 regiments, they were translated into the estate of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops. Buryat-Cossacks on the occupation and lifestyle remained their cattlemen.

As the edge of the Russians, the growth of cities and villages, the development of industrial enterprises and the burialness increased the process of reducing the wort and the transition to settling. Buryats began to settle more compact, forming often, especially in Western departments, significant settlement in size. In the steppe departments of Transbaikalia, the swelkels were made from 4 to 12 times a year, the housing was the felt yurt. The log houses of Russian type were little. In the southwestern Trans-Baikalia, they were 2-4 times, the most common types of dwellings were wooden and felt yurts. Felt Yurt - Mongolian type. Its cores made up the lattice sliding walls from the ventilation branches. "Stationary" yurts are log, six- and eight-grained, as well as rectangular and square in terms of, frame-pillars, roof is domed with a smoke hole.

Pribaikalkali Buryats, who occupied the forest-steppe zones, moved 2 times a year - in winter and seasons, lived in wooden and only in part in the felt yurts. Gradually, they almost completely switched to settling, under the influence of Russians built log houses, barns, surviving buildings, sheds, kelves, surrounded the estate of the hedge. Wooden yurts have acquired auxiliary value, and the felt is completely out of use.

By the prevailing industry of traditional farm, Buryat in the XVII-XIX centuries. There was a pasture cattle breeding, mainly nomadic type. Divued horned cattle, horses, sheep, goats and camels. Hunting and fishing had auxiliary importance. Later, under the influence of Russian peasants, Buryats became more and more to engage in pasty agriculture. With the development of commodity-monetary relations, Buryats started improved agricultural tools, mastered new forms and methods of agricultural production. From the crafts were developed for blacksmithing, processing of leather and skins, highlighting felt, manufacture of discharge, clothing and shoes, joiner and carpentry. Buryats were also engaged in smelting iron, mining of mica and salts.

In the Soviet period, Buryats completely switched to settling. Up until the 1960s, most Buryat remained in the agrarian sector, gradually involving in the diversified industry. There were new cities and working villages, the ratio of urban and rural population, the socio-professional structure of the population has changed.

After the October Revolution, the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Region was formed as part of the Far Eastern Republic (1921) and the Buryat-Mongolian autonomous region as part of the RSFSR (1922). In 1923, they united in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR as part of the RSFSR. In 1937, a number of districts were derived from its composition, of which the Buryat Autonomous District were formed - Ust-Ordinsky and Agin. In 1958, Buryat Mongolian ASSR was transformed into the Buryat ASSR, from 1992 to the Republic of Buryatia.

Currently, the number of Buryats is about 550 thousand people who stay mainly in the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk region (Ust-Orda Buryat district), the Trans-Baikal Territory (Aginsky Buryat district), etc. They speak the Buryat language of the Mongolian group of the Altai family. Russian and Mongolian languages \u200b\u200bare also common.

Religion Buryatia

By the time of the coming of Russians in Transbaikal, there were already Buddhist idols (dugs) and miners of the cult (Lama). In 1741, Buddhism (in the form of Lamaism of the Tibetan school Gelugpa) was recognized as one of the official religions in Russia. At the same time, the first Buryat stationary monastery was built - Tamchinsky (Gusinoozersky) Datsan. Datsans and buildings with them are the most important social structures at Buryat. The overall appearance is a pyramidal, reproducing the shape of the sacred mountain Sommer (measure). Buddhist stups (sombugans) and chapels (boomhans), built from logs, stones and boards, were located on tops or slopes of mountains, hills dominant over the surrounding area.

Buddhism has become an important factor in the formation of lifestyle, national psychology and morality. The second half of the XIX is the beginning of the XX centuries. - The period of the rapid heyday of the Buryat Buddhism. Theological schools worked in Dácans; here were engaged in typography, various types of applied art; Theology, science, translation and publishing, fiction, developed. In 1914, in Buryatia, there were 48 datsans with 16 thousand Lam.

By the end of the 1930s. The Buryat Buddhist church ceased to exist, all datsans were closed and looted. Only in 1946 2 Datsan were renovated: Ivolginsky and Aginsky.

The genuine revival of Buddhism in Buryatia began with the second half of the 80s. More than two dozen old Datsans have been restored, lamas in the Buddhist Academy of Mongolia and Buryatia are being prepared, the Institute of Young Non-Monasteries has been restored. Buddhism has become one of the factors of national consolidation and spiritual revival of Buryat.

The spread of Christianity U Buryat began together with the advent of the first Russian landlords. The Irkutsk Diocese, created in 1727, widely unfolded missionary work. Buryat Christianization intensified in the second half of the XIX century. At the beginning of the 20th century, 41 missionary mills, dozens of missionary schools operated in Buryatia. Christianity has achieved the greatest success in Western Buryat.

Folklore and Culture Buryat

The main genres of Buryat folklore are myths, legends, legends, heroic epos ("Gaser"), fairy tales, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings. Were widespread from Buryat was the epic legends - Uligers, for example "Alami Maran", Altan Shargai, "Aidurai Maran", "Shono Bator" and others.

Music and poetic creativity associated with Ulierers, which were performed accompanied by a two-string of a bow tool (Hur). The most popular dance is Horovoda Ohor. There are dancing games "YARSHA", "Iceuhai", "Yagaruukhai", "Guugul", "Ayarzon-Bayarzon" and others Sur, etc. The special section is the musical and dramatic art of cult destination - Shaman and Buddhist ritual acts, mystery.

The most significant holidays at Buryat were Taigan, who included prayers and sacrifices of patron spirits, a common meal, various contest games (struggle, archery, horse racing). Most Buryat existed three mandatory Taivelantan - Spring, Summer and Autumn. With the approval of Buddhism, the holidays were distributed - hurals, arranged at Dácanov. The most popular of them - Maidari and Tsam, come on the summer months. In winter, the white month is celebrated (Cagan Sar), which was considered the beginning of the new year. Currently, Tsagalgangan (New Year) and Surkharban are from traditional holidays. Revant to full Tajaked.

In folk art, the bone carving, wood and stone, casting, metal chasing, jewelry, embroidery, knitting from wool, manufacture of appliqués on the skin, felt and tissues are taking a big place.

For several centuries, Buryats live side by side with Russians, being part of the multinational population of Russia. At the same time, they managed to preserve identity, tongue and religion.

Why are Buryats called "Buryats"?

About why Buryats are called "Buryats" scientists are still arguing. For the first time, this ethnonym meets in the "innermost legend of the Mongols", dated 1240. Then, for more than six centuries, the word "Buryats" is not mentioned again, appearing again in written sources of the late XIX century.

There are several versions of the origin of this word. One of the main builds the word "Buryats" to the Khakassky "Pyryat", which dates back to the Turkic term "storms", which is translated as "Wolf". "Buri-Ata" is translated accordingly as a "wolf father".

This etymology is related to the fact that many Buryat gifts consider the wolf with a table of animals and their progenitor.

Interestingly, in Khakass language the sound "b" is muted, pronounced as "P". Cossacks called the people living to the west of Kyryat Khakasov. In the future, this term Russified and became close to the Russian Brother. Thus, "Buryats", "fraternal people", "Bratsky Mungals" began to be called all the mongil-speaking population, inhabiting the Russian Empire.

Interesting is also presented to the carriage of the origin of ethnonym from the words "bu" (gray) and "Orat" (forest peoples). That is, the Buryats are indigenous for a given area (Baikalia and Transbaikalia) peoples.

Tribes and childbirth

Buryats - Ethnos, formed from several mongony-language ethnic groups living in the territory of Transbaikalia and Baikalia, who did not have the same self-discharge. The formation process was walking throughout the centuries, starting from the Hong Empire, into which the proto-robs were entered as Western Hunn.

The largest ethnic groups that have formed the Buryat ethnos were Western Hongehors, Boujnitis and Echirites, and Eastern - Horins.

In the XVIII century, when the territory of Buryatia was already part of the Russian Empire (under contracts of 1689 and 1727 between Russia and the Qing Dynasty), Khalha-Mongolian and Oirat's childbirth also came to South Transbaikalia. They became the third component of the modern Buryat ethnos.
Until now, among the Buryats, a tribal and territorial division has been preserved. The main Buryat tribes are buclands, echyritis, chori, honodors, Sartulas, Zongoli, Tabanguta. Each tribe is also divided into childbirth.
On the territory of Buryats are divided into the Lower Support, Horinsky, Aginsky, Shenghean, Selenginsky and others, depending on the land of living.

Black and yellow faith

For Buryats, religious syncretism is characterized. The traditional is a complex of beliefs, the so-called shamanism or Tengrianism, in the Buryat language called "Hara Shazhan" (black faith). From the end of the XVI century, the Tibetan Buddhism of the Galug School - "Shazhan Ball" (Yellow Vera) began to develop in Buryatia. He seriously assimilated Dobddian beliefs, but with the arrival of Buddhism, Buryat shamanism was not completely lost.

Until now, in some areas of Buryatia, shamanism remains the main religious direction.

The arrival of Buddhism was marked by the development of writing, diplomas, typography, folk crafts, art. Tibetan medicine also received widespread, the practice of which exists in Buryatia today.

On the territory of Buryatia, in the Ivolginsky Dacan is the body of one of the devotees of Buddhism of the twentieth century, the heads of Siberia Buddhists in 1911-1917 of the Hambo Lama ITIGELOVA. In 1927, he sat down in a lotus pose, gathered students and told them to read prayer-prosperity for the deceased, after which, in Buddhist beliefs, Lama went to the state of Samadhi. He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, having bought a sarcophague in 30 years before his departure. In 1955, Cuba was lifted.

The body of Hambo Lama turned out to be awesome.

In the early 2000s, the study of Lama's body was conducted by researchers. The conclusion of Viktor Zvyagina, the head of the personality identification department of the Russian Center for Jewelpertze became sensational: "For the resolution of the Higher Buddhist authorities of Buryatia, we were provided with approximately 2 mg of samples - this is hair, skin particles, sections of two nails. Infrared spectrophotometry showed that protein fractions have a lifetime characteristics - for comparison we took similar samples from our employees. ITIGELOVA analysis, conducted in 2004, showed that the concentration of bromine in the Lama body exceeds the norm 40 times. "

Cult struggle

Buryats are one of the most fighted peoples of the world. National Buryat Fight - Traditional Sports. Competitions for this discipline since ancient times are held within the framework of Surban - a folk sports festival. In addition to the struggle, participants also compete in archery and horseback riding. Buryatia is also strong Wolniki, sambists, boxers, athletes, skaters.

Returning to the struggle, you need to say about, perhaps, the Buryat Buryats - Anatoly Mikhakhanov, which is also called Satoshi orora.

Mikhahanov - Sumyist. Oraora Satoshi translates from the Japanese as "Northern Lights" - this is a Sicon, a professional pseudonym wrestler.
Buryat bogatyr was born quite a standard child, weighed 3, 6 kg, but after the genes of the legendary ancestor of the kind of plant, which, according to legend, weighed 340 kg and drove on two bulls, began to appear. In the first class, the Tolya has already weighed 120 kg, at 16 years old - under 200 kg with growth 191 cm. Today, the weight of the famous Buryat sum is about 280 kilograms.

Hunting for Hitlerovtsev

During the Great Patriotic War, Buryat-Mongolian ASSR sent more than 120 thousand people to the defense of the Motherland. Buryats fought at the fronts of the war in the composition of the three rifle and three tank divisions of the Trans-Baikalian 16th Army. There were Buryat and in the Brest Fortress, the first to resist the Hitlerians. This is reflected even in a song about Brest defenders:

Only stones about these fights will be told,
How to death heroes stood.
Here Russian, Buryat, Armenian and Kazakh
For his homeland, life was given.

37 Natives of Buryatia during the war years were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 10 became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Especially glorified in the war Buryat snipers. Not surprisingly - the ability to shoot was always vital for hunters. Hero of the Soviet Union Zhambyl Tulaev destroyed 262 fascists, a sniper school was created under his leadership.

Another famous Buryat sniper, Senior Sergeant Zendashi Dorzhiev by January 1943 destroyed 270 soldiers and opponent officers. In June 1942, the Sovinform Bureau summary in June 1942: "The master of the super-like fire Comrade Dorzhiev, who destroyed 181 Nazis, taped and brought up a group of snipers, June 12, Snipers-students of Comrade Dorzhiev shot down a German aircraft." Another hero, the Buryat sniper of Arseny Etobaev during the war years destroyed 355 fascists and hit two enemy aircraft.

Buryats ( BuryiaududeBariat) - Mongolian people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (286,839 people). In total, in the Russian Federation, according to the preliminary data of the All-Russian Census 2010, 461 389, Buryat, or 0.34%. In 77,667 people (3.3%). In the Trans-Baikal Territory 73 941 Buryat (6.8%). Also live in the north of Mongolia and the Northeast of China. Buryat language. Believers - , .

Buryats. Historical Overview

Archaeological and other materials allow for the assumption that individual proto-workry tribes (Shono and Noah) have developed at the end of the neolithic and in the bronze era (2500-1300 years BC). According to the authors, the tribes of the farmers - farmers were then adjacent to the tribes of hunters. In the late bronze age, on the territory of all Central Asia, including the Baikal, the tribes of the so-called "Tilenikov" - prototumes and protonongols lived. Starting with the III century. BC. The population of Transbaikalia and Predagical is drawn to the historical events that turned in Central Asia and Southern Siberia, related to the formation of early non-state associations of Huns, Xianby, buzz and ancient Turks. From this time, the spread of mongony-language tribes in the Pribaikal region and the gradual mongoization of the aborigines begins. In the VIII-IX centuries. The region was part of the Uygur Khanate. The main tribes who lived here were Bayarka Bayek.

In the XI-XIII centuries. The region was in the zone of the political influence of the actual Mongolian tribes of the tripers - Onon, Kerulene and Tolol - and the creation of a single Mongolian state. The territory of modern Buryatia was included in the state's indigenous lot, and the entire population is involved in the Promotional Lreamgal political, economic and cultural life. After the breakdown of the Empire (XIV century), Transbaikalia and Predagical remained as part of the Mongolian state.

More reliable information about the ancestors Buryat appears in the first half of the XVII century. In connection with the arrival of the Russians in. During this period, Transbaikalia was part of North Mongolia, which was part of Sessen-Khanovsky and Tushetu-Khanovsky Khanni. The dominance of them occupied the Mongolian-speaking peoples and tribes, divided into actually Mongols, Halha-Mongols, Barguts, Daurov, Horins, and others. Pre-Bicaalier was in denuncial dependence on Western Mongolia. By the time of the arrival of Russian Buryats consisted of 5 main tribes:

Buryats, or Buryad - the most northern Mongolian people, the indigenous people of Siberia, whose closest relatives, according to the latest genetic studies, are Koreans. Buryats are distinguished by their ancient traditions, religion and culture.


The people were formed and mastered in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal, where ethnic Buryatia is located today. Previously, the territory was called Bargudzhin-Tocum. The ancestors of this people, Kurykans and Bayrica began to master the lands on both sides of Baikal, starting from the 6th century. The first were taken by the pre-corner, the second settled the Earth east of Baikal. Gradually, starting from the 10th century, these ethnic community began to interact more closely with each other and for the period of creating the Mongolian Empire formed a single ethnic group called Barguta. At the end of the 13th century, due to the civilian wars, Bargutam had to leave their lands and go to Western Mongolia, in the 15th century they switched to South Mongolia and became part of the UNHIEBO Mongol Timet. Burga-Buryats returned to his homeland only in the 14th century, after part of the eastern Mongols moved to the west to the lands of Oratov. Later, Halhi and Orata began to attack them, as a result, part of Barga-Buryat was influenced by Khalha Khanov, the part was part of the Oratov. During this period, the conquest of Buryat land by the Russian state began.

Buryats are divided into ethnic groups:

  • sartula
  • noses
  • transbaikal Buryats ("Black Mungals" or "Brotherly Yasashny Tour Tabuna")
  • shosholeki
  • corynts and Baturini
  • sharanuy
  • tabandi
  • sagenuta
  • ikinati
  • honodory.
  • bujalats
  • gotols
  • ashibagata
  • echirites
  • kurcuts
  • khatagins
  • tERTE
  • alagia.
  • sharai.
  • shurtosa
  • atagans

All of them inhabited the territories of ethnic Buryatia in the 17th century. In the late 17th and early 18th century, from other regions of internal Asia, the Songola ethnic group moved to them.

From the second half 17 at the beginning of the 20th century, ethno-terminational groups of Buryat existed, which were also divided depending on the place of residence.

burguta (Buryats) of the Qing Empire:

  • old Barguts or Chipchin
  • new Barguts

transbaikal Buryats living in the Trans-Baikal region:

  • horinsky
  • barguzinsky
  • aginsky
  • selenginsky

irkutsk Buryats living in the Irkutsk region:

  • zakamensky
  • alar
  • okinsky
  • balagan or Unginsky
  • kudinsky
  • idinsky
  • olkhonsky
  • vosselnsky
  • nizhneudinsky
  • kurinsky
  • tunkinsky

Where live

Today, Buryats inhabit the earth, where their ancestors were invoking: the Republic of Buryatia, the Transbaikalsky region of Russia, the Irkutsk region and the Hoolun-Buyr district, located in the autonomous region of the inner Mongolia of the People's Republic of China. In countries where Buryats live, they are considered separate independent nationality or one of the ethnic groups of Mongols. On the territory of Mongolia, Buryats and Barguts are divided into different ethnic groups.


The total population of Buryat is about 690,000 people. Of these, about 164,000 live in the territory of the PRC, 48,000 - in Mongolia and about 461 389 - in the Russian Federation.


Until today, the origin of the ethnonym "Buryad" is controversial and not fully found out. For the first time, he is mentioned in the "secret legend of Mongols" 1240, the second time this term was mentioned only at the end of the 19th century. There are several versions of ethnonym etymology:

  1. from the expression of Buru Halyadg (looking to the side, third-party).
  2. from the word bar (tiger);
  3. from the word Burich (shy);
  4. from the word storms (thickets);
  5. from Etnonym Kurykan (Kurican);
  6. from the word bu (ancient and old) and the words of Outrov (forest peoples). In general, these two words are translated as indigenous (ancient) forest peoples.
  7. from the word of the Khakassian origin, Pyryat, which dates back to the term storms (wolf) or Buri-Ata (Wolf Father). Many ancient Buryat peoples worshiped the wolf and thought it was an animal with their progenitor. The sound "b" in the Khakass language is pronounced as "P". Under this name about the ancestors, Buryat, who lived east of Khakasov, learned Russian Cossacks. Later, the word "Pyryat" was transformed into the word "brother". The mongolo-language population living in Russia began to call brothers, Bratsky Mungals and fraternal people. Gradually, the name was accepted by Hori-Buryats, Bukladov, Hondogira and Ehirithi as a general self-sustavance "Buryad".


On the religion of Buryats, the influence of the Mongolian tribes and the period of Russian statehood was reflected. Initially, like many Mongolian tribes, Buryats confessed shamanism. This complex of beliefs is also called pantheism and Tengrianism, and Mongols, in turn, called Hara Shashin, which translates black faith.

At the end of the 16th century, Buddhism began to spread in Buryatia, and from the 18th century, Christianity began to actively develop. Today, all these three religions exist on the territory of living.


Buryats were always especially related to nature, which was reflected in their ancient faith - shamanisme. They worshiped the sky, considered him the Supreme Divine and called the eternal blue sky (Huha Munha Tangri). At nature and its strength - water, fire, air and the sun they considered animated. Rituals were performed outdoors in certain objects. It was believed that so it is possible to achieve unity between man and air, water and fire. Ritual holidays in shamanisama are called taolennyThey were spent near Lake Baikal, in places that were especially revered. Buryats affected spirits through sacrifice and compliance with special traditions and rules.

The shamans were a special caste, several characteristics were combined in them: patients, healers and manipulating psychologists' consciousness. Only a man with shaman roots could become Shaman. Their rites were very impressive, sometimes a large number of people were going to look at them, up to several thousand. When Christianity and Buddhism began to spread in Buryatia, Shamanism began to be impaired. But this ancient faith deeply lay down the formation of the Buryat people and cannot be completely destroyed. To this day, many traditions of shamanism have been preserved, and spiritual monuments and sacred places are an important part of the cultural heritage of Buryat.


Buryats living on the eastern shore, began to confess Buddhism under the influence of the Mongols living in the neighborhood. In the 17th century, one of the forms of Buddhism appeared in Buryatia - Lamaism. Buryats brought the attributes of the ancient faith of shamanism to Lamaism: spiritualization of nature and natural forces, reverence of brazers. Gradually, the culture of Mongolia and Tibet came to Buryatia. Representatives of this faith were brought to the territory of Transbaikalia, which were called Lama, Buddhist monasteries, schools were opened, applied art developed and books were produced. In 1741, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree, which recognized Lamiam with one of the official religions in the territory of the Russian Empire. The state of 150 lamas was officially approved from paying taxes. Dacans have become in Buryatia the center of development of Tibetan medicine, philosophy and literature. After the revolution of 1917, all this ceased to exist, the datsans were destroyed and closed, Lam was repressed. The revival of Buddhism began again only in the late 1990s, and today Buryatia is the center of Buddhism in Russia.


In 1721, the Irkutsk Diocese was created in Buryatia, with which the development of Christianity in the republic began. Western Buryat has become common for holidays such as Easter, Ilyin Day, Christmas. Christianity in Buryatia greatly prevented the commitment of the population to shamanism and Buddhism. The Russian authorities decided to influence the worldview of Buryat through Orthodoxy, the construction of monasteries began, the authorities also used such a method as delivered taxes subject to the adoption of the Orthodox faith. Marriages between Russian and Buryats began to be encouraged, and at the beginning of the 20th century, 10% were from the total population were metis. All the efforts of the authorities were not gone and at the end of the 20th century there were already 85,000 Orthodox Buryat, but with the beginning of the 1917 revolution, the Christian mission was eliminated. Churches, especially the most active, were exiled to camp or shot. After World War II, some Orthodox churches were revived, but the Orthodox Church was officially recognized in Buryatia only in 1994.


As a result of the era of globalization in 2002, Buryat language was listed in the Red Book as an extinction. Unlike other Mongolian languages, Buryat has a number of phonetic features and is divided into groups:

  • westoburyat
  • easternoburyat
  • starobargutsky
  • novobargutsky

and dialect groups:

  • alaro Tunic, widespread to the west of Lake Baikal and is divided into several dialects: Ungin, Alarsky, Transmanny and Tunkino-Okinsky;
  • nizhneudinskaya, this dialect is distributed in the Western territories of living Buryat;
  • horinskaya, spread east of Lake Baikal, says most of the Buryat living in Mongolia, and the group of Buryat in China. It is divided into dialects: Severginsky, Aginsky, Tugnisky and Horine;
  • sELEGINSKAYA, spread in southern Buryatia and is divided into dialects: Sartulsky, Hamnigan and Songolsky;
  • the Echirit-Bujalak group prevails in the Ust-Orda district and territories of the Baikal. Dialects: Barguzinsky, Bochhansky, Echit-Bujalats, Baikal-Kutinsky and Olkhonsky.

Buryats used Staromongol writing until the mid-1930s. In 1905, Lama Agwan Dorzhiev was developed writing under the name Vagindra. It is worth noting that Buryats are the only indigenous people of Siberia, who owns literary monuments and founded their own historical written sources. They got the name Buryat chronicles and were written mainly in the 19th century. Buddhist mentors and clergymen after themselves left a rich spiritual heritage, their works, translations in Buddhist philosophy, tantric practices, history and Tibetan medicine. In many Dacahn, Buryatia were typography, in which books were printed as xylographic way.


The traditional housing of Buryat is the yurt, which many Mongolian peoples call GER. This people had portable yurts made from felt, and yurts from wood, which were built in one place.

Wooden dwellings were made of logs or cutters, were 6 or 8 coal, without windows. In the roof there was a hole of large sizes, intended for lighting and exiting smoke. The roof of the dwelling was installed on 4 pillars, which are called Tengi, labeled large pieces of coniferous bark in the inside down. Toppers superimposed smooth pieces of turf.

The door to the yurt has always been installed on the south side. Inside the room was divided into two halves: the right was the male, left female. On the right side of the yurt belonging to the man, onions, arrows, saber, rifle, giving and saddle on the wall. On the left side were kitchen accessories. In the middle of the housing is the center, along the walls stood benches. On the left side stood chests and a guest table. On the entrance was a regiment with ongrones and scorans - Buddhist sculptures. Before the housing, the Buryats installed a cowance (SERGE), which was made in the form of a pillar with an ornament.

Portable yurts have a slight weight, they are easy to collect and disassemble, thanks to the design. It was very important for nomadic Buryat, which moved from place to place in search of pastures. In winter, the focus was divorced for the heating of housing, in the summer it was used as a refrigerator. The lattice coax of the portable yurt was covered with felt, impregnated for disinfection with a mixture of salt, tobacco or sour milk. Buryats were sitting around the hearth on Steghan Felt.

In the 19th century, the rich Buryats began to build horses who borrowed from Russian immigrants. But in such breaths, all the decoration of the elements of the National Residents of Buryat was maintained.


In the kitchen, Buryat is always an important place occupied products of animal and animal-plant origin. The acid milk (Kurunga) was harvested by an approximation and dried pressed curl mass. Drinking green tea with milk, in which the salt, fat or oil was added, prepared alcoholic drink from the distillation of Kuruny.

In Buryat cuisine, fish, grass, spices and strawberries and cherry berries occupies a significant place. Very popular dish of national cuisine - Smoked Baikal Omul. The symbol of Buryat cuisine is a bud, which Russians call poses.


By the nature of Buryats are distinguished by secrecy, usually they are peaceful and meek, but vengeful and evil, if they are offended. Compassionate towards relatives and never refuse to poor people. Despite the rudeness, external, love, justice and honesty towards the neighbor in Buryat is very developed.


The skin color is brown and bronze, the face is flat and wide, the nose is flat and small. The eyes are small, there are space, mostly black, mouth big, beard rare, hair on black head. Growth is medium or small, the physique is strong.


Each Buryat family has its own national clothing, which is distinguished by a great variety, especially in women. Zabaikalki Bikaiti DEGEL's national clothing is a view of a caftana, sewn from the selected sheepskin. Upstairs on the chest, the published triangular shape clipping. Founded and sleeves, narrowed by the brush. Fur for the input used different, sometimes very valuable. In the waist, the caftan was tightened by the belt. A knife and accessories for smoking were hung on it: a tobacco brushes, a light and ganza - a small copper tube with a short allowance. Three stripes of different colors were stacked in the breast part of Degal: the bottom is yellow-red, in the middle of black and at the top of a variety of: green, white, blue. The initial option was yellow-red, black and white embroidery.

In the bad weather from above, Degal was put on Sabu, this kind of coinles with a large fur collar. In the cold, especially if the Buryats walked on the road, they put on a wide daha bathrobe, which was sewed to the wool out of the selected skins.

In summer, Degal was sometimes replaced by Kaftan from the cloth of the same cut. Often in Transbaikalia in the summer wearing bathrobes, which sewed at the poor Buryat from paper matter, rich from silk.

Buryat pants wore long and narrow, sewn out of rough skin, shirt sewed from blue fabric. In winter, a coat of foals were worn as shoes as shoes, in the spring and autumn they put on boots with a pointed up to the toe, which are called Gutals. In the summer, shoes were knitted from horse her hair, with leather soles.

As a headdress of a woman and men wearing a circular shape caps with small fields and a red brush at the top. The color and details of the Upora have their meaning and symbolism. Pointed top of the caps is a symbol of well-being and prosperity, silver screwed Danze with a red coral on the top of the caps symbolizes the sun, which illuminates the entire universe with its rays. Brushes denote the rays of the sun. Waving on the top of the heads of the hall means an invincible spirit and a happy fate, the SOMPI nodule symbolizes the fortress and strength. Buryats are very loved blue, for them it is a symbol of the eternal and blue sky.

Women's clothing from male was distinguished by embroidery and decorations. Female degal circle is twisted with a cloth blue, at the top in the back area, it is decorated with embroidery in the form of a square. Degal sequins from copper and silver buttons and coins are seen. Women's bathrobes consist of a short sweater sewn to the skirt.

As a hairstyle, the girls wear pigtails, they braid them in an amount of from 10 to 20 and decorated with plenty of coins. On the neck, women wear gold or silver coins, corals, in the ears - earrings of huge sizes that are supported by a cord overhead. Behind the ears put the pendants of the Polt. The hands are copper or silver bugs - bracelets in the form of a hoop.

Men belonging to the spiritual title triggered their hair on the front of the head, rear wore a pigtail, in which horse hair often woven.

A life

Buryats were divided into nomadic and settled. The economy was based on cattle breeding, they usually kept 5 species of animals: rams, cows, camels, goats and horses. Engaged in traditional fisheries - fishing and hunting.

Buryats were engaged in processing wool, skins and animal tendons. From the skins seized bedding, shortware and clothing. Falls made from wool, materials for clothes, hats and shoes, mattresses. The tendons were made by a thread material, which was used in the manufacture of ropes and onions. From the bones produced toys and decorations, used in the manufacture of arrows and onions.

The meat was used to prepare food, processed it by waste-free technology, made delicacies and sausages. Animal spleen was used by women when sewing clothes as a sticky material. Milk made various products.


Folklore Buryat consists of several directions:

  • legends
  • uligera
  • shamanic calls
  • sayings
  • fairy tales
  • puzzles
  • legends
  • proverbs
  • cult hymns

Musical creativity is represented by various genres, some of them:

  • epic legends
  • dance songs (especially popular dance-dance Ohor)
  • lyrical rituals

Buryats sing various songs of lyrical, domestic, ritual, rolling, dance and dance character. Improvisation songs are called Buryat Duunoud. The bulky base relates to an angeliton pentatonic.


The only public holiday in the Republic of Buryatia, when the entire population is officially resting, this is the first day of the new year on the lunar calendar - the holiday of the White Month called Sagalgangan.

Celebrate in Buryatia and other holidays in accordance with religious and national traditions:

  • Altargana
  • Surkharba
  • Jerdy Games
  • Day of an ancient city
  • Ulan-Ude Day
  • Baikal Day
  • Gun New Year
  • Zura Khural

By tradition, Buryats invite close neighbors to fresh, when the ram, bull or horse cut. If a neighbor could not come, the owner sent him pieces of meat. The days of the swinging are also considered solemn. On this occasion, Buryats were prepared for milk wine, cut the rams and sat down a walk.

Children occupy an important place in life Buryat. Always revered largeness. Parents who have many children enjoy great reverence and respect. If there were no children in the family, it was considered a punishment over, to remain without offspring, means stopping the genus. If Buryat died childlessly, they said that he was flooded. Families in which children often hurt and died, appealed to shamans and asked them to become a godfather.

From the small years, children taught the knowledge of the customs, the native land, the traditions of grandfathers and fathers, tried to instill labor skills. The boys taught shooting out onions and ride the riding, girls were taught to take care of the kids, wear water, to dry fire, mive belts and sheepskin. From an early age, children became shepherds, learned to worry cold, slept under the open sky, went hunting and days were at the flock.