Repairs Design Furniture

We make a proper chimney on the roof of the brick. Brick chimney - device and sequence of installation of a brick tube independently

Masonry pipes made of brick - the process is quite painstaking. If you did not make masonry just brick, then you should not try.

It will be better to contact the specialists. But if you kept Kelma in your hands, then it can be done with your own hands. How to post a pipe from a brick - today we will consider in detail. Videos will also be presented in this article, where you can see everything clearly.

Stoves: Classification

By design, chimneys are divided into:

  • Prefabricated;
  • Nazadny;
  • Brick indigenous;
  • Wall

The masonry of the brick tube is determined by its design. There are generally accepted positions that need to be performed when choosing any design.

  • Bricks are a peculiar massive assembly that hangs over the oven masonry. The optimal thickness of the masonry is not less than half the click. Brick root is an assembly that stands separately in the form of a riser. The assembly is constructed from the Azbesto-cement pipe having a diameter of about 150-250 millimeters.
  • The design team is constructed using heat-resistant concrete in the form of detached blocks. But the walls are mounted in the capital wall of the house in order to save the volume of the building, its area.
  • The chimney, which is built into the bearing wall, should be indoors.

ATTENTION: The chimney is not advised to be installed in the outer walls, because the outer air is able to cool the flue gas, reduce the craving and form condensate on the inner walls.

  • As a result, it becomes impossible to obtain a high efficiency from the furnace with this pipe. If you do not come up with another method of the wall of the wall pipe, then install a pilaster with a protrusion towards the building. When installing this assembly, an important condition should be observed: the work is carried out necessarily with the holding of the main distances from smoke to the outer wall. The distance can be 1.5 bricks, 2 bricks and 2.5 bricks.
  • The location of the pipe is only vertically, without departing in the inner region.
  • If there is an exploration in the assembly, then it must be more than one meter.
  • The internal section of the pipe should fluctuate in the range of 140x140 mm. In order to create optimal traction, the pipe height is recommended at least five meters.
  • If the height is less than 5 meters, a deflector-diffuser is used to create thrust. With a one-time application of the fireplace and the furnace in the building, the installation of two chimneys is carried out, since with different traction one of the foci can start smoking.
  • If the building is constructed from a tree, then in the plots of the pipe adjoints, thickening is erected in approximately 1 or 1.5 bricks.
  • The structures from the chimney, subject to light fire, are covered with sheets made of metal or asbestos-cement sheets. To eliminate the possibility of driving pipes with snow, her height should be somewhere half a meter above the roof. If a pipe is destroyed, it can happen exactly as a result of this, because moisture can get here. Therefore, do not neglect by it.
  • The end of the pipe chassis can be protected edging from steel either with a metal cap.
  • In the place where the chimney comes out, they carry out the installation of the passage through the roof, in order to minimize the risk of moisture in the attic.
  • A passage node can be made of proprietary steel.
  • The deflector on the pipe performs the function of preventing tipping the thrust in the opposite direction. If there is no deflector, then the tip of the pipe is likely to be bevelled.

Pipe laying

Now consider how to fold the pipe from the brick and all foresee. Here the sequence of performance is quite important. Also must observe the technology of masonry. Everything is done in the following order.

It will be needed tool

To build a chimney quickly with your own hands, you will need some tools and devices.

These should be attributed to:

  • Master OK;
  • Measurement devices;
  • Iron sheets;
  • Clamps for brickwork;
  • Podny, red, as well as chamotte brick;
  • Sand-lime mortar;
  • Asbestos cement plate;
  • Hammer-kirk;
  • Celma;
  • Capacity for solution

Procedure for performing work

The main component of any furnace either the fireplace is a chimney. It serves as eliminating gases and harmful substances formed as a result of fuel combustion.

There are several basic types of chimney:

Traction and location

Of course, the chimney must certainly be in a vertical position, and inside it should be immaculately smooth and without indents.

  • The optimal inner cross section of the chimney is more than 14x14 cm. Only in this case all harmful gases, the pairs will be freely output. The height should be at least five meters from the level of the grate.

ATTENTION: If it is not possible to bring the pipe to the desired height, it means that you can install a deflector-diffuser, which is significantly improving the traction.

Pipe: its device

The chimney of the furnace consists of concrete elements.

These need to include:

  • Riser;
  • Neck;
  • Smoke valve;
  • Metal cap;
  • Head board;
  • Masonch

ATTENTION: It is worth noting that the chimney laying must be made as close as possible.

  • As a rule, a special chimney brick is selected for the chimney, based on red clay, full and refractory chamotte brick.
  • But perfectly fit and double silicate brick M 150, endowed with high frost resistance, and it is this property that we need when we take the pipe to the roof.
  • We turn again to the solution. Since hazardous combustion products pass through brickwork, the joints between bricks should not be so sealed.

Attention: due to the fact that a conventional solution passes carbon dioxide, it is recommended to resort to a solution based on sand and clay.

So, proceed directly to the masonry.

Brick for chimneys is described above, but here you can do a combination. For example, the headband of the brick tube is to make brick and inside apply an insert from the metal.

In this embodiment, it will only be possible to do with good sealing of a brick chimney.

The pipe made of brick is done in the following order:

  • First, lay out several rows without the use of the solution, customize the brick. Now you carefully look after, whether the protrusions were not formed and everything normally falls.
  • The next step will be applied to the surface of bricks of the solution. Here we will need to be needed. Using it, check the horizontal masonry guide. But the suspension is measuring the vertical guide. A more reliable hitch is guaranteed if you mix brick in water before applying a solution based on sand and clay.
  • After we posted five rows, the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe masonry is slightly wiped with a damp cloth. By this we will ensure the complete strengthening of the brick tube from the inside, which guarantees the tightness and density of the interlets.
  • A faithful geometric shape is achieved thanks to a conventional rectangle made of metal, with which we check the smooth masonry. The same method is applied in the pillars of the pillars and provides significant assistance when working.
  • The most optimal option for the output of combustion products is rectangular masonry. This form is convenient to work. In the chimney device, the main thing is to keep the vertical direction and try to lay it out so as to avoid slopes. If it is neither possible, the slope should be in the range of 60 degrees. It is in the slope that the highest air resistance is achieved.


Note the fact that in the furnace pipe is provided with a plug, which is radically affecting the magnitude of the natural thrust of the air. It must be made in the first rows of the chimney.

  • Right near the pipe removal on the roof it will take another window required for easy cleaning of the pipe from pollution: dust, plaque.
    Takeaway to the roof
  • This stage will seem to many too complicated and cause a storm of fears. Do not worry so much. Due to the presence of accurate instructions, the pipe removal is a fairly easy business, to cope with which will not be much difficult.
  • To implement the conceived, we will need the material that we will lay between the roof and masonry. In most cases, the minvatu in the form of a plate is taken for these purposes. Next, in the roof, we do the hole of the rectangular shape. It should be wider with a pair of centimeters.
  • Then between the roof and masonry install Minvatu. It serves for good sealing and is a mandatory fireproof rule, since the chimney can easily warm up hot gas.
  • As it was above, the deposit is possible to produce from another type of brick. The cost will not change significantly, but this fact will significantly affect the technical parameters.
    First, it is possible to avoid condensate, due to the use of bricks with frost resistance.
  • The question can be successfully solved if you set the transition from the tube to the sandwich. Oh, namely, Sandwich will eliminate any troubles related to the formation of condensate.

But here you already need to proceed from your own tastes and designer preferences.

The next step is the waterproofing of all the joints of the roof and chimney. For these purposes, you can apply mastic. Then we put the headband. The chimney on the brick tube can be done or purchased in a specialized store.

All is ready! Our chimney can function!

The chimney is laid out in the same way as the oven. You can apply a masonry of 4.5 or 6 bricks.

  • Pipe laying in the attic should be carried out on a bearing. For this, after laying out the three first rows in the attic, we release a plumb from the roof plane to the corner of the masonry, completely any. Where the plumb is located, score a nail. To the place where the masonry is dropped or in the seams of the corner, clog a nail, and between them tie a thread from silk between them. The masonry must be carried out at the control angle, be sure to check with the activation of the coal every three rows.
  • If the pipe laying is performed above the roof, then for greater reliability, the assembly is recommended to be purchased instead of cement-sandy clay - cement. To do this, in the clay-sand mixture, which was used to masonry the oven, we include ten liters of water one liter of cement. The mixture is thoroughly mixed by using a mixer in operation.
  • Pipe title is more scenery, it means that it does not need it. If you still have given your choice in favor of the fabrication of the manpiece with your own hands, then in no case change the inner section. If it is changed, then the smoke twigs in the channel is inevitable.
  • In order to protect the pipe from atmospheric precipitation in the upper area, it is necessary to establish a cap made of galvanized iron. The cap will help protect the canal from moisture.

Brick tube part of the work can not be done by one material, and the second one. This is a complex structure and therefore it is necessary to consider everything initially.

The instructions for the rules of its manufacture are there, you should not make a retreat, listen to the recommendations and then everything will be at the highest level.

There is no oven without chimney. Carbon monoxide and smoke from the furnace is a necessary condition for the proper work of the stove. What makes the pipe and how to arrange it so that it serve for a long time and did not create additional problems? An experienced cook without thinking will answer - from the same material as the oven itself. This is due to the fact that different materials differ in the thermal expansion coefficient. And if during the furnace simultaneously heats up brick and metal, then at the point of their connection, the slot is formed over time. The smoke begins through the gap, it violates the well-coordinated work of the furnace, and also presents a serious threat to the life and health of households. Therefore, if you want to build a chimney for a brick oven, it is also necessary to do it from the brick.

What is a chimney of a brick and where it is used

Chimneys serve to remove gaseous combustion products in furnaces, fireplaces and heating boilers. Smoke, carbon monoxide and soot under the action of traction are made from the furnace to the pipe and are outward. In the course of the movement, they cooled, giving heat into the walls of the chimney.

To remove combustion products from a brick oven, you need to build a chimney from the same material, that is, from brick

Unlike metal pipes, from the brick has:

But a brick chimney also has a rather significant minus. In summer cottages and country cottages, there is no possibility to put the pipes of the cylindrical shape, which are ideal for the passage of polished gases. Internally, the cross section of a square or rectangular shape creates obstacles to the expiration of smoke.As a result, a Nagar layer is quickly formed on the inner walls, which reduces the traction. Accordingly, they have to be cleaned more often than metallic.

The design of the chimney pipe and the principle of operation

The classic design of the chimney is the vertical tower, inside which is located through a hole connecting the furnace furnace with an open space outside the house. According to the laws of physics, air pressure decreases as the earth is removed from the surface. As a result, the pipe arises inside the pipe - the desire of the air mass to the movement from the bottom up. If the access of air from the bottom is blocked, the thrust disappears. Therefore, the chimney necessarily a smoke flap or a view is installed, with which it is possible to adjust the thrust.

Using the damper, you can adjust the size of the smoke channel, and therefore the craving

Since the pipe is operated in residential buildings, it should not be dangerous in the fireplace, so the masonry is carried out taking into account maximum protection against possible fire. A certain terminology has established among the liveshists, which reflects the structure and functional purpose of individual elements of the pipe.

In some cases, the combined pipe design is practiced. The brickwork ends in the attic and then the metal or asbestos pipe flowing to the roof is mounted. In this case, it disappears the need for otter, cervical and the head, which significantly saves time and means. In this case, it is impossible to forget that the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe metal pipe should not differ from the cross section of the brick in a smaller side. A combination of stainless steel pipes invested in an asbestos pipe has proven well.

In the upper part of the chimney, where the temperature of the flue gases is not so big, you can make the transition from the brick pipe to the metal

And in the other option, the top hole must be closed using an umbrella (or deflector), which will prevent the direct hit of rain and snow inside the pipe.

Calculation of the main parameters of the pipe

All calculations for chimney must be carried out at the stage of development of the furnace project. The project must perform a qualified engineer or a master who works well in all chimney nuances. It is impossible to plan the sizes of the pipe in the separation from the size of the furnace and heat exchanger. Everything is interconnected and must correspond to one goal - the well-coordinated work of furnace equipment.

If there is no "body" of the furnace during the construction of the fireplace, and the furnace is connected directly to the chimney, then heating moves are additionally present in the Russian stove, and it is impossible to make an amendment. The presence of moves changes the thrust and lengthens the path of flue gases several times. Accordingly, the chimney must create a greater discharge so that the movement of the gases is accelerated, and the soot has not seen inside the stroke. A separate theme can be the calculation of the chimney parameters in the bath furnace. It is important here that the thrust is not excessive, and the combustive fuel managed to give the heat inside the steam.

The Mickey's task includes accounting not only internal, but also external factors - the location of the pipe in relation to the roof, the peculiarities of the local climate and even the influence of the landscape.

On the chimney craving can affect the high buildings and trees located nearby, as well as the wrong selection of the height of the pipe

For gas heating systems in connection with their elevated fire hazard, the calculation of the parameters of the chimney is carried out by specialists who develop a boiler. Dimensions are indicated in a technical passport and mandatory to execute.

In private construction, where the firebox is mainly in solid fuel (firewood, coal, peat or fuel briquettes), you can follow the following rules that will ensure the correct operation of any furnace:

  • the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe smoke of the smoke of the rectangular shape in the chosen-type furnaces should not exceed the cross-section area;
  • the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe cross section in open-type furnaces and fireplaces is calculated in a ratio of 1:10 with respect to the furnace.

It is believed that if the chimney structure has a rectangular shape, the short side ratio to the long should be 1: 2. At the same time, the minimum allowable amount of channel section - 14 x 14 cm.

The size of the wall of the brick chimney can not be less than 14 cm

An important factor is the height of the pipe. The correct calculation allows:

  • optimize the work of the chimney and achieve the best indicators of the efficiency on heat transfer;
  • ensure the safe operation of the heating device, to exclude the leakage of harmful gases due to weak load;
  • ensure fire safety - with an excessive traction, it is possible to depart the sparks and sheaves of the flame from the pipe.

In general, the height is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91:

  • the minimum distance from the grate grille to the top point of the chimney (excluding a protective umbrella) is 5 m;
  • the optimal distance is 6 m.

Such parameters provide stable thrust, i.e. the design of the chimney allows you to create a pressure drop sufficient for the operation of the furnace at any time of the year. But in each particular case, it is also necessary to take into account:

There is such an unpleasant phenomenon as the reverse thrust. This term indicates the movement of smoke in the pipe in the opposite direction - from the chimney channel inside the room. There may be several reasons for this, but the main one is the incorrect position of the chimney. As a rule - understated.

Error when choosing the height of the chimney often leads to the appearance of reverse thrust

Excess thrust can always be eliminated by adjusting the air flow in the ash splash and smoke valves. Insufficient thrust is enhanced in several ways:

  1. Building pipes.
  2. Cleaning the inner surface of the chimney channel.
  3. Installation of the deflector.

The deflector not only increases the thrust, but also protects the channel of the chimney from moisture, garbage and settlements in it of birds and volatile mice.

According to the calculations of specialists using the installation of the deflector on the chimney, you can increase the craving for 15-20%

Video: How to calculate the height of the chimney

About what pipe is better to choose for chimney, as well as about the advantages and disadvantages of materials, learn in our material :.

Making a chimney of bricks with their own hands

Knowing the features of the chimney device and having a ready-made project on the hands, you can proceed to independent erection of the chimney.

Materials and tools required for the construction of chimney

The following tools will be needed for self-containing chimney pipe:

  • mask and Mason's hammer;
  • hydraulic level, plumbing (or construction laser level);
  • construction bucket for mixing the solution;
  • construction rule, extending;
  • electric mixer (you can an ordinary drill with a nozzle);
  • measuring tools - Roulette, line.

For the construction of the chimney requires standard tools from a set of bricklayer

In the process of masonry, you need to make smaller building elements from bricks - brick plates, a quarter of bricks, half, etc. The experienced bricklayer copes with the task with one-titled hammer blow. Beginner Look, who does not have such skills, can take advantage of a grinder with a diamond disk. With its help, the cutting of any necessary form becomes easily accessible, although accompanied by a large amount of dust.

Some live shops are successfully used for masonry pattern made of wood or metal. The template allows you to strictly adhere to the sizes, which is especially important for the inner hole of the pipe.

In addition, we need materials:

  • brick red (in no case is not white - silicate) full, hollow, chamoite, clinker;
  • cement mixture (can be finished or prepared independently from sand, cement and clay);
  • smoke valve or view kit;
  • metal sheet or roofing.

Preparatory work before making chimney

Before the immediate start of work on laying a brick tube, certain preparatory work must be carried out:

While working hands come into contact with chemically aggressive solutions - to protect them, it is recommended to use protective gloves.

When performing work on the roof it is necessary to follow personal safety measures, as well as the use of scaffolding and cable insurance.

At the construction site should always be a first-aid kit with the means of providing first aid during wounds and bleeding. Sometimes the chimney is not located in the center of the room, but in contact with the bearing wall. This situation is often observed in the construction of fireplaces. In this case, you can use the wall structure of the chimney. It is mounted in advance during the construction of the capital wall. It is appropriate to note here that the classification of chimneys according to constructive features has been adopted among the liveshists:

  1. Brick oven. Chimneys installed directly on oven masonry.
  2. Brick indigenous. Pipes located apart from the oven facing on a separate foundation. Have a riser form.
  3. Prefabricated. Custom blocks made from refractory concrete, which are folded on the installation site of the chimney.
  4. Wall. Embed into the carrier wall, significantly save the area and the volume of rooms. However, it should be borne in mind that wall pipes are undesirable to mount in the outer walls. Contact with cold outer air dramatically reduces the efficiency of such a chimney from the point of view of heat transfer.

In wooden houses, the places of the pipe jams to the combustible elements of the building are accompanied by a thickening of 1-1.5 bricks. In order to avoid ignition, the joints are additionally paved asbestos or felt sheets. Felt is pre-pulled out in a liquid clay solution.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a chimney of brick

The construction of the chimney consists in carrying out brickwork in strict accordance with the location of the material in each row, the order. This plan must be compiled in the manufacture of the project the structure of the chimney channel.

Each row of chimney masonry has a strictly defined location of bricks.

One can only add that for the best bonding bricks, it is recommended to adhere to the following mounting settings:

  1. The solution is applied with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, the brick is wetted and destructed with a solution. After installation, the brick is pressed down to the placement, the brick is pressed down with such a calculation so that the final seam thickness is 1 cm.

    When laying each brick, it is necessary to check its position on the horizonal and vertical, as well as to withstand the seam thickness of 1 cm

  2. In the course of the masonry (through 5-6 rows) it is recommended to make a mop - grouting seams between bricks inside the chimney channel. The smooth inner surface will provide a good passage of exhaust gases, reduce the risk of planting from soot. Grout can be made of wet rag.

    Internal seams are aligned and rubbed with a solution along the laying

  3. The installation of smoke valve is made, as a rule, between the second and third near the bricks. But the rule is not a hard - you can adjust the installation site in terms of the situation. Immediately after installation, the valve is closed so that the cement solution does not fall inside the furnace.

    For each smoke canal put a separate catch

  4. In the outer masonry - on the roof - a solution with elevated characteristics of strength and moisture resistance is used. For this, the proportion of the knead is changed by increasing the cement content (instead of 1/4 make 1/3). Moreover, the cement is selected by the brand M 500 or M 600. For the head, it is often not cement-sand composition, but cement-clay. It is made by the addition of 1 l cement on 10 liters of sand-clay solution, which is used to masonry the furnace.

    When using hollow brick, internal cavities are filled with cement mortar

  5. It is important to comply with the purity of the solution. It is unacceptable to get into his garbage, especially organic origin.
  6. Straight areas of the chimney lay on the plumb. To do this, in each corner, durable silk threads stretch and align them vertically. The straight angle is controlled with the help of a kit through every 4-5 rows.

    Control the vertical position of the chimney walls is conveniently using cords stretched in each of four corners.

Video: Chimney for the fireplace do it yourself

Features of the operation of brick chimneys

After the erection of the chimney is completed and the pipe has been successfully put into operation, it is advisable to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of using a brick stove. In order for the heating unit to serve for a long time and without accidents, simple, but important rules must be observed.

  1. The main enemy of the brick is sharp temperature differences. Heat better more often, but short time. For one furnace, it is not recommended to do more than 2 fuel bookmarks. This is especially true of coal, the combustion temperature of which exceeds 1000 degrees.
  2. Timely cleaning of the pipe from soot unlimited extended the service life of the chimney channel.
  3. In the event of cracks on the housing of the furnace and chimney, in particular, it is necessary to immediately take measures to eliminate them. Launched cracks tend to quickly progress and pose a threat not only for the integrity of the brickwork, but also for the health of people. Through the small gaps in the residential premises penetrate the carbon monoxide, which does not have colors and odor, but is a poisonous for all living things.
  4. The slightest challenges in the furnaces of the furnace or pondered (the ash chamber) at first significantly reduce the heat transfer of the furnace, and then lead to avalanche-like saving accumulation on chimney channels. Having found a loosely closing door, a view or a valve, you should immediately repair or replace them.
  5. At least once a year it is necessary to carry out the prevention of the furnace. It is best to do this at the end of summer, before the start of the heating season. A daily preventive procedure refers to opening the door attended by 15-20 minutes. This simple action will allow you to briefly create a maximum craving that will exhaust on the walls on the walls into the outer environment.
  6. The use of raw firewes adversely affects the purity of smoky channels, especially in winter. More rationally use fuel briquettes whose humidity is significantly lower. Firewood should be harvested ahead - wood drying in a natural way - the process is long (from year to two).

Chimney cleaning and repair

To clean the pipe, both traditional methods and modern, based on achievements of technical progress are used.

The time of the ages of the furnaces were engaged in people, the profession of which was called a pipeline. Today, find a professional pipeline is problematic. To replace them, they were chemical funds, which, however, are also often called a "pipeline".

Find a professional pipeline today is very difficult, this profession went into the past

So, it has proven itself a remedy called "Poultrychik". It consists of salts of copper sulfate and other active chemical compounds. Burning in the furnace, pairs of these substances come into interaction with Nagar, located on the walls of the pipe. Under the influence of heat, the reaction lasts several weeks and leads to the fact that the solid structure of the soot is crumbling and, falling into the furnace, burns. As manufacturers are stated, the use of "Miracle-Polyn" twice a year allows you to completely remove soot from the pipe. The consequence of this is a good thrust and a high percentage of heat transfer furnace.

Manufacturers "Polyneck Pedenvil" manufacturers declare that its application twice a year allows you to completely clean the chimney from soot

Of the folk remedies, such effective methods of prophylaxis can be noted as combustion of salt or soda once every 2 months (approximately 0.5 kg per furnace). Powder falls asleep in the flue chamber at the time when the firewood flared well and the temperature is maximum. After that, you need to tightly close all the doors, since the reaction can be quite violent.

Well helps to clean the chimney dry aspen firewood. The fact is that the aspen is burning with high heat release, the flames are long and deeply penetrate inside the moves.

If there is no aspen or soda, you can use potato cleanings. To do this, you need to accumulate about half a bucket of potato peel. When burning in the furnace, the released substances are associated with soot and force it to burn to the end.

The combustion temperature of aspen firewood reaches 800 degrees, so the soot on the walls of the chimney burns

Performing chimney installation work, especially on the installation section of the neck, otter and the head, should be carefully followed by safety standards. If you work carefully and comply with the necessary instructions and technologies, the brick chimney can be quite folded with your own hands.

Is chimney. If everything is done in accordance with the technology, the smoke will go up - outward, and heat - spread around the room. The process of masonry chimney from the brick will perfectly be able to execute a master or an experienced builder. If you wish to save time and money to build a chimney from a brick, you can also be a non-specialist, for this it is enough to adhere to several recommendations.

During the chimney masonry, it is necessary to adhere to some rules and rules, due to which the operation of the heating system will be absolutely safe:

  1. To eliminate the presence of horizontal sites, since the spent gases will be detected.
  2. If the roof has a flat shape, then the outer part of the chimney should have at least 1 m of height.
  3. In cases where the roof has a scuttle form, it is necessary to calculate the distance from the spot for the chimney to the skate, if it is less than 150 cm, then it should rise 50 cm in height, if about 300 cm - at one level.

For the correct calculation of this parameter, a specialist consultation may be needed to follow all the rules and rules of fire safety.

Calculate the size and configuration

Before proceeding with the masonry, it is necessary to make some calculations. With this process, it is quite possible to cope yourself. With the right calculation, the qualitative chimney will be released, and it means that the amount of fuel for heating will be minimized, all waste from combustion will be outwarded without difficulty, and in the room will circulate fresh air.

Properly calculated chimney height parameter will allow to organize a good craving, which means that the combustion process will be as high quality and effective as possible.

Fire safety should be calculated depending on the thickness of the walls: wide - they will warm up long, while one layer of brick warms up in just an hour.

Make calculations of each parameter is individually depending on the room, roof, as well as the type of heating system.

The second important preparatory stage is the choice of building material. During the styling of the chimney, only brick and cement mortar will be needed. It is very important to correctly pick up the kind of brick. You have to choose the refractory and the highest possible type, in which all parties are as smooth and smooth. The form of each element must have identical dimensions.

Then it is necessary to proceed to the selection of components for the solution. The composition should include: sand, clay, water, cement. Each component affects the quality of the chimney: a small fraction of sand, high-quality cement, clay without impurities. Having similar source materials can be independently built any chimney.

The tools for chimney masonry:

  • bulgarian (for cutting brick of a certain size);
  • line;
  • marker (for data accuracy).

Before posting the chimney of the brick, it is necessary to take into account one important point - the layer of the solution must be small to get a strong and reliable design. The process of masonry is standard - as for the construction of any building: each row should be shifted at half the bricks to get the maximum clutch.

When forming a cutting and otter, experts recommend using metal rods that need to be built into brickwork, but the reinforcement should not cross the smoke channel. How to make the stratability of the chimney minimal so that soot inside practically did not settle on the walls? It is necessary to smooth the walls of the structure using plaster.

During the construction of the walls of the chimney, one should leave small holes so that the cleaning process does not bring inconvenience.

The riser must be folded in the attic (roof), while it should be completed close to. The hole is done directly in it (or the roof is partially disassembled), through which the pipe will be carried out. The height of the riser should be higher than the height of the skate.

After about 10-15 rows, it is necessary to perform a chimney neck, the parameters of which are performed at will. At the very end to equip the headband, on top of which you can install a cap or fluger.

To complete the construction, you need to make fastening and heat insulation, ensuring the efficient operation of the heating system.

As can be seen, it is possible to build a chimney from bricks yourself, if we take into account the recommendations of specialists and comply with technology. To familiarize yourself with visual processes, it is enough to view a special video, which takes into account all the little things. If you have questions about the topic, then write them in the comments to the article.


After reviewing the video, you can familiarize yourself with the bracket chimney laying technology for the fireplace:


Thanks to these schemes, you can carry out high-quality brickwork:


The technology of the chimney of the chimney from the brick itself is quite simple and understandable, since, unlike the brick furnace itself, the pipe usually does not have difficult to configure internal channels. However, despite the relative uncomplication of the structure, it is impossible not to take into account the tremendous significance of this furnace department, since the quality of the heating of the house and the safety of both the structure and the people living in it directly depend on it. Therefore, in order for all the work to be crowned with success, it is necessary to approach it with maximum accuracy, with a support on the recommendation of the experienced masters and on the designed and tested design schemes.

Removing the chimney tube, it should be remembered that the evenness of the inner walls of the channel is no less important than the aesthetics of the outer masonry. Not only the sustainability of the necessary thrust in the furnace depends on this circumstance, but also the duration of the smoke of the chimney without purification, since the smoke rising through the pipe leaves on smooth walls, without a protruding solution and in-depth seams, a much smaller amount of fuel burning waste, and the canal over Much slower.

What are brick chimneys?

Chimneys of brick furnaces can have different types, depending on the place of their installation, furnace designs, as well as how many heating devices will be connected to the pipe. So, there are three main varieties of smoke-sized brick pipes: these are nozzle, indigenous and walls.

  • Hoody chimneys . The most widely used structures are housing pipes. They are good because they are compact and not at all occupy an additional area indoors, but simply are a vertical continuation of the furnace.

They are erected on top of the last, overlapping the furnace of the brick row, around the left hole. Then the pipe is passed through the attic overlap, the attic, the rafter system and rises above the roof.

  • Indigenous chimneys . This type of pipe is set in cases where it is planned to connect a metal furnace to it, or several heating devices located on one or even several floors.

In addition to metallic, brick furnaces can be connected to such a pipe. This type of chimney is especially convenient, if there are two furnaces in neighboring rooms in the house. For example, for the kitchen, you need a stove with a hob, and for the next room - only heating. In order not to lay out for each of them a separate pipe, the indoor chimney is built between the rooms, and both heating instruments are connected. Not only two can be connected to the pipe of this type, but also three - four furnaces located on different floors at home. In any case, it is necessary to very accurately calculate the size of the internal channel of the chimney, otherwise there may be no normal traction with the simultaneous operation of several devices. The answer to the question why can be different.

  • Wall chimneys stands up near capital (external or internal) walls or embedded in them. They can be used, just like the root, for connecting several furnaces located on different floors of the building.

The convenience of this design lies in the fact that it is like outside the residential premises, without occupying their square. For example, on the first floor of the house can be built and connected to the wall chimney the fireplace (there will be more like a pipe on the principle of the structure), and in the second floor it is embedded with a chimney of a metal furnace (in the same as an embodiment).

The disadvantages of this variant of the chimney is the considerable cost of the project and the complexity of the performance of work. First, it will take a much larger building material to build this design. Secondly, the chimney, if it partially turns out to be on the street, requires serious insulation measures, otherwise in the winter period, when temperatures drops, condensate will be formed in the internal channels, which will significantly reduce the efficiency of the heating device. Therefore, if this variant of the chimney is chosen, it will be more good to sacrifice the area indoors and bring the pipe along the inner wall of the house.

Parameters of brick chimneys

The main departments of the brick chimney pipe

The brick chimney is divided into departments that have an owner purpose and are referred to in different ways. These features need to immediately clarify that in the future it was easier to understand the description of the construction of the pipe.

1 - Pipe title. Laying this part of the chimney, bricks are shifted in the outdoor side, so that a peculiar "visor" appears, as if hanging over the lower departments, partially preventing the walls of the pipe from atmospheric precipitation.

2 - The cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bimmediately under the head and in its entire height has the same perimeter, without protrusions, extensions or seasons.

3 - "otter" has a more complex pattern of masonry, since it is assigned a protective function. First, the laying "Otters" hanging over the lumen formed at the junction of roofing material and the walls of the pipe, closes it from the penetration of precipitation, and forms space for the installation of the waterproofing material. Secondly, its extended walls become a security deposit - at the place of passage through the roofing coating due to the increased thickness, the required level of thermal insulation is created.

4 - Metallic or other sheet (apron), mounted in the bottom of the otter, forms a peculiar damp, which closes the bog of the brick wall of the pipe and roofing material.

5 - "Flap" - this extended part of the pipe located in its passage through the attic overlap. The walls of the "roller", like "Otters", have a greater thickness than other smooth sequid areas - this is necessary for fire safety, since the attic overlap is very often from marked materials, and it is impossible to allow their overheating.

6 - Roofing design.

7 - The riser is a direct section of the pipe, having a smooth masonry all over and is located in the attic space from the "Flap" to "Otters".

8 - attic overlap.

9 - The cap-umbrella is very often fixed on top of the head, which will protect the inner channel of the chimney from the water and garbage from entering it.

You may be interested in information about what is

The main function of the chimney lies in the effective removal of combustion products from the furnace chamber into the atmosphere. For this, the chimney tube is connected to the numerous channels located in the furnace structure with which it must interact harmoniously. If the furnace and chimney are built correctly, in accordance with the developed parameters, the operation of the heating device inside the channels should create a good thrust that will contribute to the timely removal of smoke into the street. However, at the same time, it should not lead to the fact that it will be literally "into the pipe" to fly from it warmly. In a word, everything is needed "Golden Middle."

Song section of chimney

To select the correct parameters of the chimney channel cross section, you need to take into account the power of the furnace, as well as the size of the coil chamber. The chimney channels will remain pure longer if their inner walls are made smooth, without protrusions and influx of the solution.

For this reason, during the brickwork, the surplus of the masonry solution in the seams should be considered not only with the outer, but also from the inner walls. Some owners of houses equipped with fireplaces or furnaces are used and another way to achieve the smoothness of the channel walls - inside the brick chimney, is installed a ceramic pipe called tab.

The advantage of such a design consists not only in the fact that the tab has absolutely smooth inner walls. She is a round in a section, that is, it does not have corners, which means that the flue streams will not meet in their path of obstacles and at the same time will not be created unnecessary twists and the effect of "reverse thrust".

On the right, the illustration shows the "perfect" movement of the flux of hot gases, which in the round of the circular cross section are twisted into the correct helix and do not meet resistance.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the chimneys having a greater width, which are still installed in old houses, often have a bad burden. This is due to the fact that the air heated in the oven in a large space inside the pipe is quickly cooled, which leads to the formation of condensate, which contributes to the decrease in the thrust, also smoke the premises, the rapid overhang of the soot channel. To heat the oven with this design of the chimney pipe, you will need to use too much fuel. Therefore, the most rationally corrected them, having dismantling the wide top of the chimney, then narrowing the mine and installing a round or square with rounded corners, a ceramic, metal or asbestos insert.

Now from the form - to linear parameters. The size of the internal cross section of the chimney channel is one of the most important characteristics, since it directly depends on the efficiency of the furnace. The correct ratio of the power of the heating device and the size of the pipe cross section should be respected. Another guide to determine the correctness of the channel size can be the opening of a puffy door - a cross-section of the pipe in any case should not be less than the subdivoile hole.

The cross-section of the chimney shaft, relative to the size of the winding chamber window, can be defined so. For fireplaces having an open firek, the size of the chimney hole is an average of 1:10. However, depending on the cross section and the height of the pipe, this indicator may vary in one direction or another. The approximate values \u200b\u200bof the channel cross section (in percent) are shown in the table below.

Ratiof /F in% (f - the cross section of the chimney channel;F - Floor chamber window area)

Pipe height, mSection of the internal channel of the chimney pipe
Round Square Rectangular
5 11.2 12.4 13.2
6 10.5 11.6 12.3
7 10 11 11.7
8 9.5 10.5 11.2
9 9.1 10.1 10.6
10 8.7 9.7 10.2
11 8.9 9.4 9.8

It is clear that in addition to the sizes of the flopping window, it is necessary to repel from a reasonable height of the pipe - completely ridiculous will look, for example, a huge 10-meter pipe on the roof of a small squat country house.

Calculation by itself - Neshes. According to the table, on the basis of the height of the pipe and the form of its internal channel, the optimal ratio of F / F is determined. Then, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe flue window, it is not difficult to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney channel. Well, then, using the geometric formulas, it will only be left to bring the value to linear dimensions - the diameter for a round tube or the length of the sides for the rectangle.

This calculation algorithm is implemented in the calculator located below.

Smoke pipes serve to drain the products of burning and formation of thrust in the furnaces. According to the design and location relative to the furnace, smoke pipes are indigenous, lightning and in the form of a canal in the overhaul. Nazadnaya call pipes installed on the furnace. This is actually the continuation of the smoke channel of the furnace; They are convenient because they do not take place indoors. The indigenous flue pipes are arranged in the form of a furnace separately on its own foundation of a pipe riser.

The use of them is especially justified in wooden houses with the group location of heating devices. In brick buildings it is better to arrange smoke channels in the inner capital walls.

Wall smoke pipes do not occupy living space and do not require the cost of materials.

Determination of the section of the flue channel of the pipe is carried out depending on the heat transfer of furnaces. The size of the transverse section of the channels must correspond to the number of smoke gases flowing along them and be at least 130x130mm for furnaces with heat transfer to 3500W. For furnaces with heat transfer more than 3500W, the pipe cross section is 130x250mm. For Russian ovens and fireplaces with a large portal, chimney cross-section - 260x260mm.

Depending on the size of the channel, the masonry lead in different ways: four bricks "Chetverik", five bricks "Pinikek" or six chamother's bricks.

The chimney consists of the following parts:

The masonry of the smoke tube is not different from the masonry of the furnace.

The difficulty represents the laying of it at the place of transitioning it through the attic overlap and the device of broadening above the roof. The main requirement is the vertical of the array, tight filling of the seams, achieving the smooth surface of the flue channels.

The masonry of the housing tube is a continuation of the masonry of the furnace, as it is installed on the overlap of it and before the transition through the attic overlap is carried out on the same solution.

In the place of the pipe transition through the ceiling, a horizontal cutting is arranged - the wifth of the walls. Horizontal cutting is made for fire safety.

The cutting and pipe is put simultaneously with the dressing of the seams, the outer wall gradually expands, and the inner channel is one cross section.

It is achieved by fascinating outdoor masonry by 4 cm in each row.

Between the cutting and wooden beams, you need to make non-combustible thermal insulation, such as basalt mats.

In a wooden freshly dredged house, the cutting should be made taking into account the shrinkage of the walls, lowering it below by 4% of the height of the walls.

The laying of the riser within the attic room is better to lead along the bearing.

For this, 2-3 rows of pipe are laying over the cut. One of the corners are lowered with a plumb from the roof plane.

Brick chimney laying

To the point on the roof shawl, from which the plumb is omitted, clog the nail. The nail is tied by a kapron thread, and the lower end of the threads are tied to the nail to the chimney clogged in the seams in the corner. The masonry leads at this corner, checking through the 3-4 rows of the coal or the diagonals.

The largest complexity represents the laying of the pipe above the roof.

There, the masonry leads on a complex clay-cement solution. I do the solution like this: to the grinding solution from which the furnace is serviced, add 1 liter of cement, a little water and thoroughly mixing the mixer.

If the pipe is put without adding cement, it may turn out so.

The riser of the pipes are displayed above the lower edge of the roof on 2 rows and proceed to the masonry of the otter - the broadening of the pipe that protects the riser from atmospheric precipitation.

Put it with careful dressing of seams. The first row increases the bunch of bricks on a quarter one way for the formation of a sweep over the roof towards the skate. The second side of the sides from the side of the sides begin the second side and make it a quarter of the brick on both sides.

The inner walls of the channel lead strictly vertically. Since the pipes can be of different sections, and the roof has a different slope, then the otter is put on every time individually. Here is one of the options for the cooler of the otter and the coach of the roller.

The masonry of the roller - the work is quite laborious and takes a lot of time. To increase productivity, you can flush from reinforced concrete. For reinforcements, 5-7 mm fittings are used at the rate of 4-5 rods per side of the slab.

Two rods of reinforcement must lie on a brickwork.

The slab for the roller can be made on the place of their finding or separately with the subsequent laying. In both cases, it is necessary to make a formwork. In the manufacture of on-site, the formwork is fixed as fast as possible. The width of each side of the formwork should be at least 250mm from smoke. Between the flush and the ceiling, it is necessary to put the heat insulating material. In this photo, these are two layers of 5mm asbestos.

When the ceiling is passed by a double-circuit metal pipe, a hole in the ceiling is closed by a galvanized iron sheet, which is put on the basalt insulation and turns around the pipe.

Sometimes to simplify masonry instead of masonry otter, I make such a lope.

Above the otters are bare pipes of the same section like a riser.

Finish the laying with the headband. To protect the pipe from atmospheric precipitation, it is desirable to install a hat from galvanized iron or other material. The cap protects the upper part of the pipe and prevents the penetration of moisture inside the canal.

The tip of the pipe plays only a decorative role, it can not be done.

If the pipe is made by the head, then the inner section should not be changed in this place so that there is no smoke currency in the pipe.

In order for the water to be stored on the horizontal surfaces, the otters and the head board are simplified with a slope.

A significant impact on the work of the furnace has a height of pipes above the roof.

If the pipe is located in the zone of the winddrop, then in windy weather smoke can go to the room. That this does not happen to put the height of the pipe relative to the roof skate according to the drawing.

If you do not adhere to this rule, it may happen.

After the end of the pipe laying so that the precipitate does not fall into the attic and damaged the pipes, it is necessary to close the gap between the pipe and the roof of galvanized iron or other material.

Here is the variant of the pipe without otter.

So that the water does not flow through the pipe under the roof over the pipe is made with a brilline to a depth of up to 10mm.

Then the tin is inserted and the groove is filled with sealant.

You can learn more about the roofwork of flue pipes and work on the roof from the video guide "Furnaces with your own hands".

Here are photos of finished pipes.

Protective materials of wooden structures
Furnace Pipe Isolation: Heat Health
You can wrap philisol chimney
To help - Sandwich pipes
Insulation pipe in the original Russian bath
Furnace protection from fire

If you decide to build a bath, do not forget about high-quality insulation of the furnace, chimney, walls and ceiling. Otherwise, you may have serious problems with fire overlapping. Therefore, we will try in more detail to dwell on topical to date the problem is the insulation of the pipe in the bath with your own hands.

Protective materials of wooden structures

Due to the fact that the chimney and the furnace are rapidly increasing, fire can occur. Moreover, according to the tradition, wood performs material for the bath.

Back in the old days, it was taken to isolate the walls, ceiling, a furnace, chimney asbestos layer, clay and other available materials, quite poorly conductive thermal energy and resistant to elevated temperatures.

So what to set the pipe from the stove today? The dehum design isolation is necessary for the purpose of fire safety, and protection against condensate so that the cooling happened slower, and the smoke system served longer.

It is erroneous that there will be several metal sheets for isolation from the fire, which are frowning around the chimney. After all, the metal is also quickly heated, so it will not protect from the fire, and as a heat insulator it is also not suitable.

Not always to cover the pipe, you need a red brick, although it is endowed with excellent thermal insulation properties.

The reason is that such a design is not for each bath in design.

To better understand what to wrap the chimney pipe from fire, consider two options for insulating materials in the form:

Furnace Pipe Isolation: Heat Health

This unique material, in the structure of which includes foamed polyethylene, which is between a pair of foil sheets.

With the help of thermal insoles, you can produce a high-quality chimney, and - on your own.

The heat insole thick varies from 2 to 10 mm, and the material is thicker, the greater its resistance to high temperatures.

The top layer of foil serves as a reliable protection of the pipe from significant overheating. With the help of wire or the tape of the metal master fasten the heat heap, which then wipe the chimney.

You can wrap philisol chimney

Modern material includes two layers: heat insulator and foil. The second - plays a reflective function and can save up to 90% of thermal energy in the construction. Folgoisol - harmless material compared to other analogs, as a compacted food is served as a foil. The material is resistant to ultraviolet and elevated temperatures within -65 to +175 degrees Celsius, a good insulator.

Who else does not know how in the sauna make isolation of the chimney pipe, we recommend to cover the ceiling of the steam, walls and a chimney ceiling. As a result, you will receive the room, the design resembling a thermos. In the sauna heat will remain, and the bath quickly drops the temperature, and then slowly cool.

To help - Sandwich pipes

For those who wish to equip a safe chimney in the bath, we offer to use the sandwich tube.

This design includes several sections, easily placed in each other, i.e. Looks like a multi-layer pie.

Lay a chimney of brick

Here are the main components of the sandwich pipe:

  • stainless steel layer (from within);
  • insulation in the form of wool basalt / mineral (in the middle);
  • steel with zinc coating (outside).

This creative design represents the isolation of the chimney embedded in the general system, and is intended for solving two tasks at the same time:

  • protection against soot clusters inside;
  • maintain the optimal temperature outside.

Sandwich pipe is easy to assemble independently and apply for a sauna with an iron oven or bath.

What to do if they built a Russian steam room with a brick stove? Below will look at what to hold the pipe in this situation to protect it from ignition.

Insulation pipe in the original Russian bath

At elevated temperatures, refractory red brick retains its operational properties, so in demand when erecting the chimney in a bath with a stove of stone. In this case, you are guaranteed to protect the pipe from fire and long-term conservation of heat.

From how correctly a brick tube is folded, the life of the structure depends. Do not save on materials during the construction of the chimney, because

then the repair will be released much more expensive.

Let's analyze in detail how to isolate the pipe in the bath from the ceiling:

  1. With the help of asbestos, set down the plug on the ceiling and through the roof.
  2. Using galvanized material, isolate walls on the inside of the pipe.

    Standard iron sheets for this purpose are not at all suitable due to their inclination to corrosion.

  3. Run the box around the pipe in the places of its passage through the ceiling.
  4. Pump inside the box of the ceramzite to preserve heat and protect overlap of the tree from ignition.

You professionally wrapped the pipe, but on this work on the arrangement of the chimney did not end.

The next step is the interoperability of the furnace, the ceiling and walls of the bath.

Furnace protection from fire

Modern metal stoves are mounted on the foundation, having crushing the sheets from the same material behind the back and side of the wall. If you independently defeat the furnace with metal, then its appearance will not be very aesthetic. It is better to perform an outdoor masonry with a red brick, which isolates the oven from the fire and will retain heat in the bath.

Due to the fact that asbestos at elevated temperature allocates poisonous substances, it is not recommended to use it in the steam room.

Natural felt is considered harmless, which, moreover, is a good insulator. For the price, this material is more expensive than asbestos sheets, and when it allocates a specific smell (felt does not light up), which can be immediately felt.

If you intend to install the furnace on the wooden floor, then first it is better to shoot the felt material in a couple of layers, then lay out a brick in three rows. For walls and floor as an insulator, layers of metal, whose height varies from 50 to 70 cm.

And you will no longer have any questions than wrapping the chimney pipes.

Before starting construction work, smoke brick canals must be prepared, corresponding to the special design of the furnace, the features of the internal planning of the premises, the structural differences of the roof.

Next, while they do not cover the neck of the cut (blanks). It should be noted that regardless of the external size of the inner section, the vertical smoke along the entire length is the same and amounts to approximately 140x270 millimeters (average parameters, but in fact it can vary depending on the power of the heater and smoke size).

After five rows of doors, the adhesion of the cut with the external dimensions of the first row of approximately 590 x 450 mm, which is achieved by inserting half and quarter of bricks. To avoid deviations in the smoke channel section, insert 60 mM brick plates inserted inside. In the third row, the sizes of the brick chimney are changed again and are already 510 × 650 millimeters.

Brick plates are also inserted inside. The external dimensions of the fourth row are made of 570 × 710 millimeters, and inside - bricks with a thickness of 90-100 millimeters. The fifth and sixth lines are made of solid bricks and strictly follow the rules of clothing. If necessary, cutting can be continued for another type.

After the wall is completed, the brick design of the brick moves to the attic where the tal is arranged.

To achieve it out, there must be the first hole on the roof. The fund is built very quickly and easily, since it involves the implementation of ordinary masonry and does not require manipulating pipe size.

When it comes to the roof, all the work moves to the roof. The vortex scheme continues to climb one or two rows above the roof, after which the construction of the otter begins.

This chimney segment consists of nine types, while it is located so that the external size of each subsequent row exceeds the previous quarter of the brick.

At the same time, the size of the smoke channel must remain unchanged, so carefully select the internal panels with which it is configured. At the beginning of the bricks are stacked in such a way that only one slot is formed in front, and the external size of the chimney does not change around the edges. In the third row of the otter becomes wider because of the advanced bricks, which means that the front protrusion gradually begins to appear on the sides.

In the fourth line, the side protrusions increase in length. The more their length increases in the fifth string, the greater the difference between the chimney and the roof overlapping. In the sixth order, this clearance overlaps almost completely, and in the seventh case, the formation of side surfaces is completed.

As a result of all transformations described above, the front and two lateral projections are formed, the last protrusions remain.

As you can see, at the moment there is nothing that even many experienced builders would ask the question of how to build a chimney of a brick, because it is quite difficult and requires the greatest attention and compliance with all technological requirements.

The last fourth projections are formed in the eighth order. Of particular importance is the observation of bricks and careful selection of brick plates, which allow the smoke channel to remain unchanged with a constant change in the external dimensions of the pipe.

Chimney of bricks - we build a reliable structure independently

Finally, the ninth type of otter is determined similar to the eighth, and at the same time the neck of the chimney is already beginning at this stage. Its size may vary depending on the height of the chimney. At this stage, you must adhere to the rules and provisions that apply to the height of the chimney over the roof, as this will have serious consequences for drafts in the process of operation of the furnace (see "Chimney with Hands").

So, how to build a chimney of bricks, we found out, but you need to look for some nuances and the problems that you have to face in the course of work.

During the implementation of the wall, it is necessary to control the care of ligation of bricks with each other, especially half, quarters and other parts and brick plates.

A qualified worker with stoves will not be a big problem for the distribution of part of the desired size of the whole brick, but for those who have insufficient experience, it can be very difficult.

The best way out of this position will be the purchase of a special grinding machine. This makes it easy to obtain brickwork elements for the chimney of the desired size, which is especially important if the panels are necessary for the formation of the smoke channel between the cutting device or the otters.

It is important to remember that the seam thickness directly affects the strength of the brick, and since it is thinner, the chimney will become stronger.

In this regard, you must thoroughly measure the location of the future installation, in accordance with these data, use the cutting line of knives and only after that you cut. Sometimes it can even be necessary that some bricks are wrong in shape, so the error here can cost broken bricks and waste time.

To summarize all of the above, it is easy to understand that it is very difficult to establish a chimney from brick with your own hands on a person who has no sufficient experience.

But do not give up, because this is an easy way for newbies to take advantage of the building. Also read: "Spirit Chimney do it yourself."

Alternative design of a brick chimney

If the above method of laying the chimney seems to someone too complex and impracticable task, then do not give up and do not give up. There is an alternative way to install a brick chimney, which has the smallest skill. This means performing a normal masonry, in which the entire chimney arising from the pipe and ending with the head will have the same size.

There is a logical question: what does it cut in this case? They will also be, but will also be made from concrete. Also read: "The chimney scheme for a gas boiler."

Brick brick for gas boilers and ventilation, detailed video instruction:

Before starting work, it is necessary to pre-arrange metal rods, wire or fittings with a diameter of 5-7 millimeters.

When installing the chimney in places where you need to cut the otter, parts of the envelope must be installed in the brick. It is important to ensure that metal elements do not cross the smoke canal. After the chimney wall is completed, it is only necessary to install the support in the right place, prepare a cement solution and fill it (see also: "Cleaning chimneys with their own hands - methods").

As you can see, even without much experience and with minimal knowledge of brick bricks, your hands for the construction of a chimney, without resorting to the help of builders, and instead have chosen the installation of metal pipes that are much worse than brick chimneys.

If you have something that does not work immediately, without panic, it is enough to study the scheme more carefully, see the advice of experienced masters, try to find out what causes problems, the next attempt will certainly be successful.

The award for hard work and inertia will be a good and functional chimney that will work for more than a decade and will ensure the proper operation of heating equipment.

Also read: "The chimney in the bathroom".

The technology of the chimney of the chimney from the brick itself is quite simple and understandable, since, unlike the brick furnace itself, the pipe usually does not have difficult to configure internal channels. However, despite the relative uncomplication of the structure, it is impossible not to take into account the tremendous significance of this furnace department, since the quality of the heating of the house and the safety of both the structure and the people living in it directly depend on it.

Therefore, in order for all the work to be crowned with success, it is necessary to approach it with maximum accuracy, with a support on the recommendation of the experienced masters and on the designed and tested design schemes.
Removing the chimney tube, it should be remembered that the evenness of the inner walls of the channel is no less important than the aesthetics of the outer masonry. Not only the sustainability of the necessary thrust in the furnace depends on this circumstance, but also the duration of the smoke of the chimney without purification, since the smoke rising through the pipe leaves on smooth walls, without a protruding solution and in-depth seams, a much smaller amount of fuel burning waste, and the canal over Much slower.

What are brick chimneys?
Chimneys of brick furnaces can have different types, depending on the place of their installation, furnace designs, as well as how many heating devices will be connected to the pipe. So, there are three main varieties of smoke-sized brick pipes: these are nozzle, indigenous and walls.

Natural chimneys. The most widely used structures are housing pipes. They are good because they are compact and not at all occupy an additional area indoors, but simply are a vertical continuation of the furnace.
Nozzle chimney is, in fact, the continuation of the furnace is up. Very often, the furnace deaches include immediately and the layout of the initial portion of the pipe.
They are erected on top of the last, overlapping the furnace of the brick row, around the left hole.

Then the pipe is passed through the attic overlap, the attic, the rafter system and rises above the roof.

Indigenous chimneys. This type of pipe is set in cases where it is planned to connect a metal furnace to it, or several heating devices located on one or even several floors.

The root chimney allows you to connect to it with metal stoves. As well as several heating devices located at different levels of the building.
In addition to metallic, brick furnaces can be connected to such a pipe. This type of chimney is especially convenient, if there are two furnaces in neighboring rooms in the house.

For example, for the kitchen, you need a stove with a hob, and for the next room - only heating. In order not to lay out for each of them a separate pipe, the indoor chimney is built between the rooms, and both heating instruments are connected.

Not only two can be connected to the pipe of this type, but also three - four furnaces located on different floors at home. In any case, it is necessary to very accurately calculate the size of the internal channel of the chimney, otherwise there may be no normal traction with the simultaneous operation of several devices.

Wall chimneys line up near capital (external or internal) walls or embedded in them. They can be used, just like the root, for connecting several furnaces located on different floors of the building.

The convenience of this design lies in the fact that it is like outside the residential premises, without occupying their square. For example, on the first floor of the house can be built and connected to the wall chimney the fireplace (there will be more like a pipe on the principle of the structure), and in the second floor it is embedded with a chimney of a metal furnace (in the same as an embodiment).

The disadvantages of this variant of the chimney is the considerable cost of the project and the complexity of the performance of work. First, it will take a much larger building material to build this design.

Secondly, the chimney, if it partially turns out to be on the street, requires serious insulation measures, otherwise in the winter period, when temperatures drops, condensate will be formed in the internal channels, which will significantly reduce the efficiency of the heating device. Therefore, if this variant of the chimney is chosen, it will be more good to sacrifice the area indoors and bring the pipe along the inner wall of the house.

Parameters of brick chimneys
The main departments of the brick chimney pipe
The brick chimney is divided into departments that have an owner purpose and are referred to in different ways.

These features must immediately clarify that in the future it was easier to figure out the description of the pipeline work (Figure 5).
1 - Pipe title. Laying this part of the chimney, bricks are shifted in the outdoor side, so that a peculiar "visor" appears, as if hanging over the lower departments, partially preventing the walls of the pipe from atmospheric precipitation.

2 - The cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bimmediately under the head and in its entire height has the same perimeter, without protrusions, extensions or seasons.
3 - "otter" has a more complex pattern of masonry, since it is assigned a protective function. First, the laying "Otters" hanging over the lumen formed at the junction of roofing material and the walls of the pipe, closes it from the penetration of precipitation, and forms space for the installation of the waterproofing material.

Secondly, its extended walls become a security deposit - at the place of passage through the roofing coating due to the increased thickness, the required level of thermal insulation is created.
4 - Metallic or other sheet (apron), mounted in the bottom of the otter, forms a peculiar damp, which closes the bog of the brick wall of the pipe and roofing material.

5 - "Flap" - this extended part of the pipe located in its passage through the attic overlap.

The walls of the "roller", like "Otters", have a greater thickness than other smooth sequid areas - this is necessary for fire safety, since the attic overlap is very often from marked materials, and it is impossible to allow their overheating.

6 - Roofing design.
7 - The riser is a direct section of the pipe, having a smooth masonry all over and is located in the attic space from the "Flap" to "Otters".
8 - attic overlap.

9 - The cap-umbrella is very often fixed on top of the head, which will protect the inner channel of the chimney from the water and garbage from entering it.

The main function of the chimney lies in the effective removal of combustion products from the furnace chamber into the atmosphere.

How to build a chimney from a brick: a storehouse of useful tips for independent construction

For this, the chimney tube is connected to the numerous channels located in the furnace structure with which it must interact harmoniously. If the furnace and chimney are built correctly, in accordance with the developed parameters, the operation of the heating device inside the channels should create a good thrust that will contribute to the timely removal of smoke into the street. However, at the same time, it should not lead to the fact that it will be literally "into the pipe" to fly from it warmly.

In a word, everything is needed "Golden Middle."

The scheme of the correct ratio of the height of the chimney pipe depending on the location on the roof (Figure 6):
If the chimney goes through the roofing coating at a distance L1, not exceeding 1500 mm from the skate (when measured horizontally), then its upper end deterrence will be raised over the skate at least 500 mm.
The chimney tube passing through the roof at a distance from 1500 to 3000 mm from the skate (L2 in the diagram) must be at least at the level of the skate.

The chimney, mounted from the skate, more than 3000 mm (L3), should settle down with its upper crop on the conditional line, spent through the point of the skate at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizontal.

In any of the listed cases, regardless of the distance to the skate, the height of the pipe over the roofing coating can not be less than 500 mm. This fully applies to all flat roofing.

At the end of the theme of the chimney parameters is an important remark. Independent calculations are great, but the role of a properly designed and folded chimney is so large (and for the effectiveness of heating, and to ensure security) that professional design will always be the optimal option.

Amateur in such responsible matters - the case is very risky.

The brick chimney is a classic solution that has already been used for quite a long time in everyday life and does not lose its popularity, despite the fact that today's increasingly modern solutions are being implemented.

This design is erected at the object build stage and may have a different configuration.

  1. Features of brick chimneys
  2. Brick types used for chimney
  3. Pros and cons of brick design
  4. Preparation for work
  5. Phased description of work

A little bit about chimneys made of bricks

The heating system and the outflow of combustion products in the house must be organized at mandatory.

For this purpose, in particular, a brick chimney is used, through which the spent air is removed during the functioning of the heating devices. Usually, the discharge design of such material is activated for single heating and heating devices.

By configuration, the brick chimney can be square or round form.

But the second option will cost more due to the complexity of the masonry. The discharge design is erected in parallel with the construction of the walls of the construction. Today, the chimney is allowed, the length of the side of which is at least 140 mm, and if the round configuration, then the diameter should be 140 mm. In the previous times, the allowable limit was 150 mm.

We look at the video, a little about the installation work of the chimney of the brick:

The thickness of the walls is also regulated by certain norms.

It is not recommended to disturb the integrity of the design by holes under the cable and so on. The brick chimney must be solid, and in addition to this, the inner surface of the pipe should be as smooth, without brick protrusions and seams in the seams.

View of bricks for chimney and their features

Gas heating determines the type of material used in the construction of the discharge design.

The difference between them is the meaning of the temperature withstanding.

So, in the first case we are talking about 800 degrees, and in the second - about 1,000 degrees.

All other options, for example, lightweight, porous or void material is prohibited. Unlike the walls of the house, brick differentty chims can not be placed from the inside.

The construction of different parts of the structure is noted by the use of cement mortar, which is different in composition.

For that part of the chimney, which is located above the roof, is used by the cement-sand-sand.

Brick chimney - what you need to know

For laying below the roof level, a cement-limestone or lime solution should be applied.

If you compare brickly differentty chimneys with other structures, for example, with a sandwich chimney, then in this case a single solution is used. "Sandwich" is a two-way version, that is, it is assumed that the chimney consists of two pipes: a larger and smaller diameter.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick design

The high degree of popularity brickly dummy chimneys acquired thanks to a number of features that will be discussed below:

  • Increased resistance to high temperatures, as already mentioned, chamoten brick withstands the limit of up to 1,000 degrees, while burning products from the furnace and the fireplace reach the border of 750 degrees;
  • The increased degree of thermal conductivity provides a high efficiency of heating equipment, since brickly differentty chimneys do not contribute to the rapid outflow of heat;
  • The cost of construction from this material is low;
  • Aesthetic value is no less important, especially in cases where the construction is erected, designed in a certain style.

But besides the advantages, a brick square chimney has a number of significant minuses:

  • The corners of the design contribute to the formation of vortex flows, which in turn are a factor of countering the outflow of combustion products;
  • The walls of the discharge design are not always perfectly smooth, which contributes to sedimentation on the rough surface of the soot, and this will over time lead to a decrease in the working space, as a result of which the thrust deteriorates;
  • The regular effect of aggressive media and temperature drops, which contributes to the formation of condensate, leads to the fact that chimneys for red brick furnaces are gradually destroyed.

Taking into account the foregoing, as well as, taking into account the features of other types of discharge designs, the user decides for itself, which of the options is preferable.

But still the most frequently found today is the laying of chimney of bricks.

Preparation for work

The beginning of construction work of any type is to draw up a project. To effectively function effectively, it is necessary to consider a number of rules:

  1. Dimensions of the pipe, namely, its height and diameter are determined by the characteristics of the heating equipment. But the brick different format pipe for the chimney cannot be less than 5 m.

    The relationship between these parameters and the force of thrust is obvious, since the greater the pipe cross section with insufficiently powerful heating equipment, the weaker the air outflow. And if the pipe diameter is too small, even if there is a sufficient height, chimneys for red brick furnaces will be "challenged."

  2. Construction of a discharge design in rooms that are well heated is made without the insulation of the pipe.

    But on the site adjacent to the overlap (up to 60 cm of length), the "Sandwich" design is mounted.

  3. Construction of a chimney of brick implies the need to provide free access to service. For this, the stool seams are located at different levels with ceiling overlap. Otherwise, in the event of difficulties in the work of the system, it will be very problematic to get to the desired section of the pipe.

We watch the video, the beginning of the pipe:

It is important to imagine well, from which elements the construction of a chimney of bricks is developing.

So, the main components nodes:

  • Naddsadnaya pipe - is conducted from the oven itself;
  • The roller is so called the laying of a brick chimney pipe, which is produced with broadening to 300 mm, but at the same time the initial inner diameter of the pipe is preserved;
  • Riser - towers in the attic and is underway until the roof;
  • The otter is a smoking pipe laying, which is carried out with broadening to 100 mm and is an obstacle to the penetration of precipitation into the room;
  • Neck - built on the principle of riser and is being built immediately after the otter;
  • The head board is the last plot with broadening that crowns the pipe.

Description of work

About how bricks are placed different format chimney, above mentioned.

Having understood with the stages of work, you can start closing:

  1. Truck is built. The laying is carried out through the dressing method. At this stage should be stopped, without reaching about 6 brick rows before the overlap.
  2. Chimney with their hands from red brick is further built with broadening, which is called the rush.

    Recommended dimensions of this element: 140x270 mm via the internal perimeter of the pipe, and the 590x450 mm values \u200b\u200bare selected outside. Construction is carried out using plates to get the desired result. The following series has parameters: 510x650 mm, while also plates with a thickness of 60 mm. The result is a series with dimensions of 570x710 mm. When the broadening is ready, another number of the same sizes are erected, taking into account the dressing.

  3. The brick different format chimney for a metal furnace is based on the size of the adsadd tube, but above the roller.

    This part is called the riser. At this stage you need to pre-prepare a pipe outlet in the roof.

  4. Chimneys for red brick furnaces are built after the output of the riser outside the roof is not higher than 2 rows. Then the otter laying begins. This is another broadening. In height, this site is equal to nine rows, each of which is wider than the previous one half of the brick. Brick plates are still installed inside the broadening. As can be seen, a brick variance chimney for a metal furnace and other heating equipment is really built on their own, but the main complexity is precisely these sections with broadening.
  5. Thinking on how to build a red brick chimney as high quality, the need to cover the hole formed between the roof and the pipe should be taken into account.

    This is done by increasing the width of the rows of bricks.

  6. Choosing which brick is suitable for the chimney, you need to take into account the aesthetic side of the question. Since the construction of the neck is desirable that its quality and color harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the house.

    The head board is based on the principle of the roller.

Facial facilities

Additionally, it should be chosen for chimney, pay attention to the thickness of the seams. What they are thinner, the more durable design can be obtained as a result. If it was not possible to give a beautiful form of broadening, you can fix the flaws by concrete mixture.

We look at the detailed video, stages of work:

Suggesting of a brick different format chimney is not a prerequisite.

But such a measure allows you to get a fully sealed pipe, which will increase the reliability and efficiency of the structure. Suggilzovka implies the installation of a stainless steel pipe inside the brick walls of the chimney. This option is possible only in rectilinear areas.

Thus, in addition to the main stages of work, there are also a number of nuances, which also need to first know that the design of the chimney turns out without flaws and served as long as possible.