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Connection diagram of the hydroaccumulator for water supply systems. Water supply scheme of a private house with a hydroaccumulator: a sequence of connecting system elements. Connection diagram of multiple hydroaccumulators to the submersible pump

The water supply system of a private house is simply obliged to be reliable and ensure the house of water uninterrupted under any climatic conditions. With grief in half, it turns out from a centralized water supply system and where there is an opportunity to connect to it, private traders are provided with water year-round. In the same cases, when there is no such possibility, it is necessary to organize the water supply system with its own hands, and the diagram of connecting the elements of the system depends on the mass of factors.

Purpose of modern hydroaccumulator

Durability, efficiency and smoothness of the water supply system entirely depend on the connection scheme. A hydroaccumulator is considered one of the main elements of the system. From the correctness of choosing the scheme of its strapping and will depend on the efficiency of the entire complex. - Assist the stability of water supply, water pressure stability in the system and ensuring the necessary backup volume of water, depending on the model and type of device.

In principle, all hydroaccumulators are arranged at the same type. Their work is built on the interaction of compressed air and water. Compressed air puts pressure on the mass of water by means of a rubber membrane, thereby maintaining the necessary level in the entire system. This can be useful when there are interruptions with electricity or the time dissipation of the water pump when the pressure in the system is unstable.

Types and brands of hydroaccumulators

Connection diagram of the hydroaccumulator for water supply systems directly depends on the type of hydroaccumulator, so we simply must consider them at least schematically. Despite the practically the same principle of operation, all hydroaccumulators may have some design features directly affecting their physical location and, as a result, on the connection scheme:

But the type of location of the hydroaccumulator is just directly dependent on the type of pump feeding. Thus, horizontal models are mainly used for remote, external pumps, and a pair with submersible vertical hydroaccumulators work. From domestic producers of hydroaccumulators the most popular, but not the highest quality is considered hydroaccumulators of the jilex, and from European brands - reflex and cytlemet.

Functions of the hydroaccumulator

It is also necessary to touch the main in more detail, then the connection schemes and the need for each of them will be much clearer.

  1. Stabilization of pressure in the water supply system. Pressure creates a pump, and the hydroaccumulator plays the role of the capacitor in the electrical circuit. It accumulates water, but gives it strictly under the specified pressure, regardless of how pressure creates hydraulic pump and what type it is. It prolongs the resource of an expensive pump, because it does not need to be turned on and off each time the user opens the crane.
  2. Accumulation, accumulation of the minimum stock of water in case of interruptions with energy supplies. Depending on the model of the hydroaccumulator, it can accumulate a certain amount of water and work for some time offline, without the participation of the pump. The minimum volume of the emergency hydroaccumulator is 100-120 liters.
  3. Ahead and damping of the hydraulic man. Very useful function of the hydroaccumulator. The fact is that with relatively unstable voltage on the network, a situation may occur when the pump electric motor will dramatically increase the pressure in the system, which can lead to the failure of household appliances connected to and heating. The hydroaccumulator eliminates the pressure jumps and the occurrence of the hydrowater.

Connection diagram of hydroaccumulator to pumps

Depending on the type of pump, as we have said earlier, the connection schemes of the hydroaccumulator to the pumps may be different. Briefly consider the main of them.

  1. Connection diagram of the deep pump and the hydroaccumulator involves the installation of the hydroaccumulator after the pump. In this case, the installation of the check valve will be mandatory so that water is under pressure created in the device, it is not pushed back into the well. The volume of the hydroaccumulator is calculated based on the level of water consumption. The average number of inclusions of the pump on the passport is about 10, so relying on this data is chosen by the hydroaccumulator of the corresponding volume.
  2. The surface pump with a hydroaccumulator is connected somewhat differently. Exactly the opposite. Water absorbed by the pump is at first through the accumulative capacity, after which the consumer is supplied. This connection scheme allows you to adjust the lower threshold of pressure and upper. To know them, you need to repel in each particular case from the average pressure of the system, which is dictated by the instruments and the number of consumption points. In this chain, it is necessary to consider the diagram of connecting the pressure switch of the hydroaccumulator, on which the border parameters are set.
  3. In addition to these schemes, there are still connections of the hydroaccumulator as part of the pumping station, with a rising pump, as well as a connection diagram for a device of the heating system. They differ slightly, mainly the presence of additional elements, such as an expansion tank, additional electronic valves and regulators.

Knowing these schemes, at least in general terms, you can provide your home with water all year round and in a steadily high level. The main thing is to choose a good hydroaccumulator.

The hydroaccumulator supports the required pressure in the plumbing and smoothes the interruptions in the pump operation.

If there is such an aggregation in the house, then you do not need an archaic tank in the attic.

From the article you will learn how to connect the hydroaccumulator to the well or well.

Use of hydroaccumulator

How does the hydroaccumulator work and work? The basis of the unit is a steel container separated by an elastic rubber membrane. In one compartment, the air, the other is filled with water. The more water, the stronger the membrane stretches, reducing the space of the first chamber. The stronger the second chamber is filled, the higher the pressure in the first. Compressed air presses on the membrane, increasing water pressure. When the consumer uses water, pressure decreases.

Behind the upper and lower pressure boundaries, the sensor is watched by a pump or control unit. When the water pressure in the system is below the installed level (the sensor and the controller are adjusted by selecting the required triggering boundaries), the pump relay is turned on, and water from the well enters the system. When the required pressure is reached, the pump is turned off.

Pros and cons use of the hydroaccumulator

Battery capacity Depending on the model ranges from 5 to 100 liters. Therefore, the hydroaccumulator, as the water storage location, does not withstand any comparison with any tanks. The cost of a 100-liter hydroaccumulator is 10-15 thousand rubles. The cost of plastic tank with a capacity of 2-3 cubic meters 2-4 thousand rubles.

The hydroaccumulator is used in conjunction with the deep or additional pump to create pressure in the water supply required for the operation of household appliances. For example, washing and dishwashers, flowing water heaters (columns) do not work at a pressure below 0.5-0.7 atmospheres (bar).

Depth pumps and pumping stations supply water with a pressure of 3-5 atmospheres. Working with a closed system from which water is not taken, increases the wear of the pump by 15-25 percent. Therefore, the water supplied by the pump is inhibited in a water tank or a hydroaccumulator. The higher the tank is installed, the greater the pressure. Each meter of height increases water pressure by 0.1 atmosphere.

The greater the amount of battery and less water selection, the less the automation includes the pump. The inclusion is more often 6 times in a minute increases the pump wear by 20 percent. When turned on more often 10 times per minute, wear increases by 30-40 percent.

Connecting the hydroaccumulator

Owners of private houses are interested in how to connect the hydroaccumulator to the well. Further you will learn what kind of connection methods exist, and how to choose one or another method in different conditions.

Scheme "Pump - Reverse Valve - Hydroaccumulator - Pressure Sensor". This is the simplest scheme that is used with submersible and semi-duct pumps. The pump serves water into the system to which the hydroaccumulator is attached. Immediately behind the battery, the pressure sensor is installed, which controls the pump.

How to choose a pump for such a system? If you spend more than 10 liters of water per minute, then use centrifugal pumps. They are 40-80 percent more productive, so more water is served in a minute than vibration. If the flow rate is less, use vibration pumps. At depth to water in a well or well, more than 3 meters use only centrifugal pumps. The power of vibratory pumps is not enough for the required water pressure.

Pump diagram - check valve - tank - an additional pump - hydroaccumulator - pressure sensor.

Such a scheme reduces the load on the main pump, because it works in stable mode before filling the tank. Turn on and turn off the pump manually or set the water level sensor in the tank to automatically control the main pump. With such a scheme for the main and additional pumps, use submersible vibration pumps. They are cheaper, and their power is enough to consume up to 20 liters per minute.

At higher consumption, use for the main submersible centrifugal, and for additional surface centrifugal pumps.

Using pumping stations

The pumping station is a finished unit consisting of a surface centrifugal pump, a hydroaccumulator with a capacity of 5-10 liters and a pressure sensor. If the water is more than 5 meters, use the pumping station as an additional pump and the pressure sensor, this is caused by the features of the surface pumps.

For which the station is additional hydroaccumulator? The station pump, like the other types of pumps, reacts poorly to inclusion more often than 5-6 times per minute. The container of the built-in GA has enough for aligning pressure drops when the pump is turned on. By connecting additional hectares, you will provide comfortable pumping conditions and extend the service life.

Vertical or horizontal hydroaccumulator? The device of vertical and horizontal hectors is equally. Therefore, it is better that more suitable for your conditions. If you have a lot of free space, use horizontal. If there is little free space, use the vertical. In the photos of the horizontal hydroaccumulator Aquasystem and vertical REFLEX volume of 200 liters.

Where to buy pumps, station, hydroaccumulator and pressure sensor? These devices are sold in economic and building stores. Also, they are ordered through online stores.

Connecting the hydroaccumulator to the deep pump, in compliance with the safety rules, disconnect the electricity to avoid accidental inclusion of the pump. Pressure in the water supply line 1.5-2.5 atmosphere, connecting the hydroaccumulator or sensor, check all the bump connections.

The use of the hydroaccumulator extends the service life of pumps, increases pressure in the water supply system. Proper use of the hydroaccumulator converts a plastic tank for water, two cheap vibration pumps and an inexpensive pressure sensor into a full-fledged pumping station. In terms of its indicators, such a station is 2-3 times higher than industrial analogues of the same cost.

Device and Purpose Hydrobook

The hydroaccumulator, which is otherwise called a hydraulic tank or membrane tank, is a hermetic metal capacity, into which partially filled with water elastic pear-shaped membrane is placed. In fact, the membrane placed in the hydraulic casing and attached to its body with a flange with a nozzle separating its capacity into two parts: aqueous and air.

With an increase in the volume of water in the hydraulication, the air volume is naturally reduced. As a result, the pressure in the supply supply system increases. When the user specified by the user is reached by the user, it is recorded by a relay that systematically gives the command to disconnect the pump.

The body of the tank is made of metal, but water does not contact it: it is enclosed inside the chamber membrane, which is made of durable rubber butyl. This material resistant to the effects of bacteria helps water not to lose those qualities that are imposed on the sanitary and hygienic standards. Drinking water when interacting with rubber saves all its wonderful properties.

Water into the membrane tank enters the connecting nozzle equipped with a threaded connection. The pressure pipe and the output of the connecting water supply should, ideally, have the same diameters. This condition avoids additional hydraulic losses inside the system pipeline.

To adjust the pressure inside the device, a special pneumoclippan is provided in the air chamber. The air is pumped into the compartment allotted for it through the usual car nipple. By the way, through it you can not only dwell air, but, if necessary, and keep it excess.

Purify the air inside the membrane tank, using a compact car or simple bicycle pump for this purpose. When water entered into a rubber pear, the compressed air has a resistance to it, not allowing the membrane to break through. The pressure inside the hydroaccumulator is also adjusted using compressed air.

Principle of operation of the hydroaccumulator

If the system has just been mounted, most of the internal volume of the hydroaccumulator occupies the camera that is intended for air. By entering the pear-like membrane through the nozzle, the water compresses the air. This happens until that time until the prescribed pressure is reached. Then the relay disables the pump. The operation of the relay can be adjusted.

When we open the valve and use water for your needs, the system is deployed. Air, pressing on the membrane, helps water exit the tank. This process will occur until the pressure in the system decreases to the set minimum -1.5 atm. At this point, the pump must earn water into the tank.

As you know, there are also dissolved air in water. When it accumulates inside the membrane bag, the operation of the hydroaccumulator deteriorates, so it must be laid. On some models there is a special valve for this purpose. If there is no valve, you need to arrange the prophylaxis once every 1-3 months.

It is important to correctly mount the hydroaccumulator into the water supply system. Then, when it breaks, or when conducting preventive work on it, the device can be easily disassembled so as not to completely drain the water out of the entire system.

Role in plumbing network

It would seem that the device simply misses the water. Could you do without it? In fact, it is precisely using a hydraulic paper in the water supply system, a stable pressure is preserved. The water pump is not turned on at its presence, which allows economically to use its operational resource. In addition, the water extraction and transportation system is reliably protected from hydrowards.

If for any reason the voltage in the power grid will disappear, a small "emergency" stock of water in the tank will help solve the priority economic tasks. Clarify the list of advantages that ensures this is a fairly simple device.

  • Premature pump wear. In the membrane tank there is some water supply. She satisfies the priority needs of the owners of the cottage. And only if the stock runs out, the pump will turn on. It should be noted that all pumps have the runt of inclusion for an hour. If there is a hydroaccumulator, this indicator will not be exceeded, and the unit will last longer.

  • Stabilization of pressure in the system. If you simultaneously include two cranes, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, the pressure drops can affect the water temperature. It is very unpleasant, especially for those households who at this point take a shower. Thanks to the hydroaccumulator, such misunderstandings can be avoided.
  • Hydrowards. These phenomena that can harm the pipeline can occur at the time of the pump. With a hydraulicist, the risk of hydroudar is practically excluded.
  • Water reserve. In a country house, the problem of water supply is especially acute. If a sudden turning off of electricity occurred, and the pump cannot perform their functions, then to solve urgent problems no longer need to store the supply of water in a bucket or other tank. In the tank of the hydroaccumulator it is available and regularly updated.

Obviously, the presence of this device in the water supply system independent of centralized networks is not accidental. It is necessary and useful.

Variants of membrane closed containers

The membrane tanks are operated as part of pipelines mounted for different purposes.

  • Cold water supply. The tank is used to accumulate and supply cold water, protects various household appliances from hydrowards when the pressure is changed in the system. Extends the use of pumps by reducing their inclusions.
  • Ensuring hot water. The device used should be successfully operated in high temperature mode.
  • Heating systems. Such tanks are called expansion. They function as part of closed heating systems and are their important components.

Depending on the configuration, the hydraulicocks are horizontal and vertical. However, the principle of their work does not depend on the configuration.

A feature can be called the presence of a special valve for airbag in the upper part of vertical models, the volume of which exceeds 50 liters. This air, as already mentioned above, accumulates at the top of the chamber as the device is working. Therefore, the presence of the batter in this place is a fully reasonable measure.

If the air mass is needed during the operation of horizontal models, it is used for this purpose a drain or a separate crane located behind the membrane tank. To remove the air from the devices of a small size, you will have to completely drain the water from it.

Since vertical and horizontal models are equally effective and functional, then choose the appropriate device follows from the size of the room in which it will be located. Which model is better fit into the room, that takes.

Connection schemes of the hydroaccumulator

This device can be connected to the water supply system in different ways. The selection of the connection scheme of the hydroaccumulator depends on what capacity it will be used, and what functions it is assumed to be assigned to it. Consider those connectivity schemes that are most popular.

For a normal connection to the water supply circuit, the hydraulicular is usually equipped with an angular pipe, which is connected to the flange:

Using the rising pumping station

The rising type pump unit is used to continuously maintain and regulate pressure in pipelines with active water consumption. Usually at such stations there is a pump that works in constant mode. If there is a need for connecting additional pumps, the hydroaccumulator helps compensate for the pressure jumping system in this system.

The same scheme is used if the supply of electricity to the rice pumps in the system is unstable, and water supply, however, should be uninterrupted. During the electricity, the supply of water is used, which is contained inside the hydroaccumulator. In essence, the membrane tank plays the role of a spare water supply source during this period.

The more powerful the pumping station, the larger the tasks that are imposed on it. It must maintain greater pressure, it must also be the volume of its hydroaccumulator.

Application in Schemes with Submersible Pump

In order to maximize the service life of the submersible pump unit, the amount of its inclusions for an hour must correspond to the declared technical characteristics of the device. Usually this figure is about 5-20 times.

If the pressure in the plumbing network falls, when the minimum value is reached, the relay is triggered, including the water supply pump. With maximum pressure values, the relay is turned off, the water supply is stopped.

If the water supply system is autonomous and small, even a small volume of water consumption can run the pump. In this case, the pump operation will be ineffective. And the device itself will last not as long as its owner would like. That reserve of water that is contained in the membrane tank will save the situation. In addition, it will not allow the jump jump at the moment when the submersible pump starts its work.

To select a gypical suitable volume, you need to know the following characteristics: power and frequency of the pump, the estimated water consumption per hour and the height of the device installation.

If a cumulative heater appears in the connection diagram, the hydroaccumulator performs the expansion tank function in it. If water is heated, it will increase its volume. It will expand. For a closed space, what is the water supply system, such a process could lead to destructive consequences if it were not for the hydrobac.

To include in this scheme, it is necessary to choose a hydroaccumulator, considering the following characteristics: the limiting temperature of the heated water and the maximum allowable pressure in the plumbing system.

Choosing a membrane tank with knowledge

Hydrochrobac - Capacity, the main working body of which is the membrane. It depends on its quality, how much time will serve the device from the moment of connection to first repairs. The best are products from food (isobuthenated) rubber. The metal housing metal is important for expansion tanks. In the same place, where water is contained in a pear, the metal characteristics do not have a decisive value.

Special attention when choosing a device is to focus on the flange, which is usually made from galvanized metal. The thickness of this metal is very important. With its thickness, in just 1 mm, the life of the product will be no more than 1.5 years, since the flange metal will certainly form a river, which will disable the entire device.

At the same time, the warranty on the tank is the same year under the declared period of operation in 10-15 years. So the hole will appear just after the expiration of the warranty period. And it will be impossible to spare or brew thin metal. You can, of course, try to find a new flange, but most likely you will need a new tank.

To avoid similar attention, you should look for a tank, the flange of which is made of stainless steel or from thick galvania.

Connecting the hydroaccumulator to the water supply circuit

As it became clear from all written above, the membrane tank is not just a water capacity. This is a special device involved in a continuous workflow. Therefore, the procedure for its installation is not so simple as it may seem. It should be fixed very carefully, given the factors of vibration and noise.

It is fixed to the floor with the use of rubber gaskets, and to the pipeline - with the help of adapters from rubber. And it should also be taken into account that the diameter of the eyeliner cannot decrease at the outlet of the hydraulic system.

With a new tank, please contact a particularly careful, filling it with water under a weak pressure. The membrane from long storage could be locked. A sharp jet of water can damage it and even completely deduce. It is more correct to remove the membrane from the pear all the air before you start filling it with water. The place for installing the hydroaccumulator must be selected taking into account its availability.

The process of connecting the hydroaccumulator is performed in the standard sequence:

Proper configuration of the new device

The new hydraulicum should be checked on what the level of its internal pressure is. It is assumed that it should be 1.5 atm. But in the process of transporting the product from the place of production to the warehouse and during storage could have a leakage, which lowered this important indicator at the time of sale. You can check the pressure by removing the cap on the spool and after performing measurements.

To measure pressure, you can use the pressure gauges of different types.

  • Electronic. These are expensive devices. The result of their work can affect the temperature and battery charge.
  • Mechanical. Produced in a metal case, called differently automobiles. If this device has successfully passed the check, it is better not to find it. To get the most accurate value because it will be necessary to measure only 1-2 atm., It is better to buy a device with a large amount of divisions on the measuring scale.

Cheap pumping stations and pumping pumps are most often equipped with pressure gauges in a plastic case. The error in the testimony of such Chinese models is too large.

If there is a smaller amount of air in the tank than, its place will take water. This will affect water pressure in the water supply. With high pressure and the pressure will constantly be high. Larger pressure will provide a smaller supply of water in the membrane pear, so the pump will have to be more often turned on. If there is no light, the stock of water may not be enough for all needs.

Therefore, sometimes it will be wiser to sacrifice pressure to achieve other important goals. However, below the recommended values \u200b\u200bpressure is better not to reduce, as not to exceed the limit characteristics. The lack of pressure can lead to a contact of the surface of the pear with the body of the tank, which is undesirable.

Optimal air pressure

So that the household appliances worked fine, the pressure in the hydraulication is obliged to be in the range of 1.4-2.8 atm. For better preservation of the membrane, it is necessary that the pressure in the water supply system is 0.1-0.2 atm. exceeded the pressure in the tank. For example, if the pressure is 1.5 atm inside the membrane tank., Then in the system it should be 1.6 atm.

It is this value that should be set on a water pressure relay that works in conjunction with the hydroaccumulator. For a single-storey country house, this setting is considered optimal. If we are talking about a two-storey cottage, the pressure will have to raise. To calculate its optimal value, the following formula is used:

VATM. \u003d (Hmax + 6) / 10

In this formula V atm. - Optimal pressure, and Hmax is the height of the most highly located point of water treatment. As a rule, we are talking about the soul. To get the desired value, you should calculate the height of the soul can be found relative to the hydroaccumulator. The obtained data is entered into the formula. As a result of the calculation, the optimal pressure value will be obtained, which should be in the tank.

Please note that the value obtained should not exceed the maximum permissible characteristics for other household and sanitary devices, otherwise they simply fail.

If we talk about the independent water supply system at home is simplified, then its constituent elements are:

  • pump,
  • hydroaccumulator,
  • pressure switch,
  • check valve
  • manometer.

The last element is used to ensure that you can quickly control the pressure. Permanent finding it in the water supply system is not necessary. It can only be connected at the moment when test measurements are made.

With the participation in the surface pump diagram, the hydrobacom is mounted next to it. The check valve is installed on the suction pipe, and the remaining elements form a single bundle, connecting with each other with a posterior fitting.

Pythyoded device is flawless for this purpose, since it has the conclusions of various diameters. Incoming and outgoing pipelines and some other elements of ligaments can be connected to the fitting with the help of American to facilitate prophylactic and repair work in separate areas of the water supply. However, this fitting can be replaced with a bunch of connecting elements. But why?

So, the hydroacher pump is connected to the pump as follows:

  • one inch conclusion joins the pool itself to the hydraulic pipe;
  • to the conclusions on a quarter of an inches, a pressure gauge and pressure switch are connected;
  • two free inch outputs remained to which the pipe from the pump is mounted, as well as the wiring that goes to the consumers of water.

If a surface pump is running in the diagram, then the hydroaccumulator can be connected to it better with a flexible hose having a metal winding.

To the submersible pump, the hydroaccumulator is connected in the same way. A feature of this scheme is the location of the check valve that does not have anything to do with the questions we consider today.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If, after reading the text, you still do not understand how exactly the hydroaccumulator should be connected, see this video in which all the nuances of this procedure are extremely clearly shown.

Hydrobacom is an important component of the water supply system. With it, a whole range of tasks is solved. And do it yourself a competent connection of the hydroaccumulator, as it turned out, is not at all difficult. But the advantages of its use are indisputable.

What it is?

Any hydroaccumulator is a tank-shaped container, the body of which can be made of steel, cast iron or particularly durable plastic. Inside the membrane is located or as it is often called a pear. The membrane is attached to the housing with a flange with a nozzle through which water flows.

The body provides a technical hole for nipple, through it the necessary air volume is pumped into the tank. For convenience, the hydroaccumulator is equipped with legs and platform at the top of the housing to install the pump.

The automatic control unit with a pressure gauge and pressure switch is mounted on the nozzle - this is the "heart" of the entire water supply system.

Operating mode

The principle of the device is extremely simple and at the same time effective. Using a pump, water is pumped into a pear, causing its expansion. The air, which is under the housing casing (between its walls and pear), creates an outer pressure that pushes water into the water pipes, thereby creating the necessary pressure and water pressure. Also, the air prevents rapid wear and pear gap. The air pressure rate is 1.5 bars.

The pressure control in the system is carried out automatically using the control unit that is responsible for the timely turning on and off the pump. Upper and lower indicators (on shutting down and switching on) can be seen on the pressure gauge. The relay setup is performed according to the technical passport of the pump. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum indicator recommended by the pump manufacturer.

All hydroaccumulators are divided into three varieties:

  • intended for cold water and water pipes (painted in blue);
  • designed for hot water (red);
  • special for heating systems (they are more often called expansion tanks).

It is believed that the hydroacumocumulator due to the correct pressure regulation saves pumping equipment from rapid wear. The capacity of the hydroaccumulator tank, the less often the pump is turned on and the pump. However, the larger the battery size, the higher its value in the market. And this factor restrains many owners when buying a battery for home water pipes. Manufacturers offer today various models, with a capacity from 5 to 100 liters. The largest battery will cost 15,000 rubles. With the help of these devices, you can establish autonomous water supply of a private house.

How to connect?

The algorithm for connecting the hydroaccumulator has small differences depending on the type of installation and the type of pump.

Surface pump water supply

This is the most common engineering solution for a country house. In this case, the pump is always inside the utility, and sometimes a residential premises. Next to it is a hydroaccumulator with an automatic control unit.

Battery Connection Algorithm:

  1. The air pressure check is performed using a car pressure gauge through nipple. Its indicator should be 0.3 bar less than the manufacturer installed on the pressure relay.
  2. Medium and materials for connecting are prepared: a fetzer with five conclusions, a tape of a FMU or a packle, a pressure gauge and a pressure switch (coming in a set with equipment).
  3. The fitting is mounted to the battery using a flange with a bandwidth.
  4. All other elements are fixed. Water pipes for fence and water supply are screwed, connected to the appropriate conclusions of the relay fittings and the pressure gauge.
  5. The pump is turned on and all the connections are checked on the leak.

Watering system for two residential buildings from one pump

This is a rare engineering solution that allows one source to be used for water fence.

Battery Connection Algorithm:

  1. The air pressure check in both batteries method specified above is performed. The pressure should be the same otherwise the water will not come to one of the batteries!
  2. Watering is performed into two separate systems. For this purpose, a tee is installed in the well, connected to the pump and two water pipes in different homes.
  3. The automation is mounted only to one of the hydroaccumulators. The second pipes are connected to the receipt and water supply, as well as a pressure gauge.

A more practical solution will be the installation of one battery into two houses with a tee embedding. This installation requires more powerful pumping equipment, but it does not arise problems with the setting of hydroaccumulators (no pressure synchronization is needed).

A similar connection principle is used to strengthen the pumping station already installed earlier. The second hydroaccumulator will reduce the load on the engine, allowing the pump to turn on less often.

Connecting the immersion or downhole pump

The most important value in such a water supply system is the installation of the check valve, which is mounted immediately behind the pump before the water intake pipe and ensures maintenance of pressure in the system (water arbitrarily does not flow).

The order of work is as follows:

  1. It is measured using a rope equipped with a load, the depth of the well or well.
  2. The pump falls into a mine to a depth of about 0.5 meters from the bottom. The check valve is installed on it!
  3. The water hose or pipe is connected to the pressure relay. This uses a fitting on five connectors.
  4. Pressure gauge and plumbing is connected to the piece. And the fitting itself is attached to the hydroaccumulator.
  5. All connections are checked. It is necessary to use FUM tape to ensure the tightness of the entire system.

Installation of pressure relay

When connecting this most important technical site, you must pay attention to special labels. To do this, the protective cover is removed from the relay. Under it there are contacts indicated by the corresponding pointers. "Pump" is the location of the specified unit, "Network" - a point for the supply of an electric power cable.

If the labels are not detected (such a deficiency is present in some models of hydroaccumulatres), the owner will have to access the electrician, since it is impossible to determine the eye. To seal the place of connection, the relay with the fitting is used technical lyrics (package) with sealant or FUM tape.

Operating Rules

Specialists are recommended when choosing a hydroaccumulator orient to the intensity of water consumption and the number of family members. For a family of two people, there is enough device for 24 liters. Houses with large families and high water consumption need a more spacious battery. When installing a model for 24 liters and connecting powerful household appliances, the head in the system will constantly fall, causing frequent inclusion of the pump and its wear.

The maintenance of the device includes a regular inspection of air pressure using a car pressure gauge. It should alert too frequent inclusion of the pump. This is a sign of depressurization of the hydroaccumulator or the gap of the rubber pear. Both breakdowns are easily eliminated. However, the delay in repair can provoke the failure of the pump.

It is necessarily adjusted by the factory pressure relay settings for a specific water supply system and pump. The optimal difference between the upper and lower pressure indicator (according to the built-in pressure gauge) is one or two atmosphere.

The Battery of the Large volume will prevent the frequent power on and will provide a supply of water in case of an emergency.

Horizontal position batteries are used for mounting surface pumps.

Vertical batteries with greater capacity are perfectly suitable for working with submersible pumps.

Functions, appointment, types

In the water supply system of a private house without a hydroaccumulator, the pump turns on every time the water consumption is somewhere. These frequent inclusions lead to equipment wear. And not only the pump, but also the entire system as a whole. After all, each time there is a jump-like increase in pressure, and this is hydrate. To reduce the amount of pump turning on and smooth down the hydro-groceries use a hydroaccumulator. This device is called an expansion or membrane tank, hydrobac.


One of the functions of hydroaccumulators - we figured out the hydraulic shoes. But there are others:

  • Reducing the number of pump inclusions. The tank has some amount of water. With a small flow rate - wash your hands, it is necessary to die - water flows from the tank, the pump does not turn on. It is included only when it remains quite a bit.
  • Maintain stable pressure. For this feature, another element is needed - water pressure switch, but the pressure is maintained in the required framework.
  • Create a small supply of water in case of absence of electricity.

It is not surprising that in most of the systems of private water supply, this device is present - pluses from its use.


The hydroaccumulator is a tank made of leaf metal divided into two parts of an elastic membrane. The membrane is two species - aperture and cylinder (pears). The diaphragm is attached across the tank, the cylinder in the form of pears is fixed at the inlet around the inlet nozzle.

By appointment, they are three species:

  • for cold water;
  • for hot water;
  • for heating systems.

The heating hydraulic panels are painted in red, tanks for water pipes are painted in blue. Expansion tanks for heating are usually smaller sizes and a lower price. This is due to the membrane material - it should be neutral for water supply, because the water in the drinking pipeline.

By type of location, hydroaccumulators are horizontal and vertical. Vertical are equipped with legs, some models have plates for hanging on the wall. It is the stretched-up models more often using the private house of the private house water supply systems - they take less space. Connecting the hydroaccumulator of this type is standard - through an output of 1 inch.

Horizontal models typically complete pumping stations with surface type pumps. Then the pump is placed on top of the tank. It turns out compact.

Principle of operation

Radial membranes (in the form of a plate) are used mainly in hyroaccumulators for heating systems. For water supply, a rubber pear is installed mainly inside. How does such a system work? While there is only air, the pressure inside is regular is the one that is exhibited at the plant (1.5 atm) or which you exhibited yourself. The pump is turned on, starts to download water into the tank, the pear begins to increase in size. Water gradually fills the increasing volume, more and more compressing the air, which is between the wall of the tank and the membrane. When a certain pressure is reached (usually for one-storey houses, it is 2.8 - 3 atm) the pump is turned off, the pressure in the system is stabilized. When the crane is opened or other water flow, it comes from the hydroaccumulator. It flows until the pressure fell below a certain mark in the tank (usually about 1.6-1.8 atm). After that, the pump turns on, the cycle is repeated again.

If the flow is large and permanent - you dial the bathroom, for example, the pump shakes the water with a transit without pumping it into the tank. The tank begins to closer after all the cranes are closed.

For the inclusion and disconnection of the pump at a certain pressure corresponds to the water pressure relay. In most schemes of the hydroaccumulator, this device is present - such a system works in optimal mode. Connecting the hydroaccumulator Consider just below, but for now let's talk about the tank itself and its parameters.

Big volumes

The inner structure of hydroaccumulators with a volume of 100 liters and is slightly different. Pear is different - it is attached to the body and at the top and bottom. With such a structure, it becomes possible to fight air, which is present in water. To do this, at the top there is a way out in which the valve can be connected to automatically reset.

How to choose the volume of the tank

Tank volume choose arbitrarily. No requirements or restrictions. The larger the volume of the tank, the greater the stock of the water you will have in case of shutdown and the less the pump will be turned on.

When choosing the volume it is worth remembering that the volume that stands in the passport is the size of the entire capacity. Water in it will be almost half less. The second that should be borne in mind is the overall size of the container. A 100 liter tank is a decent such barrel - about 850 mm high and 450 mm in diameter. For her and strapping it will be necessary to find a place somewhere. Somewhere is indoors where the pipe from the pump comes. There are usually all the equipment.

If you choose the volume of the hydroaccumulator you need at least some kind of guidelines, count the average consumption from each water-based point (there are special tables or can be viewed in the passport to household appliances). All this data is summarized. Get a possible consumption if all consumers will simultaneously work. Then count how many and how simultaneously devices can work, count how much water will go in the moment. Most likely, by this time you will come to some decision.

To make it a bit simpler, let's say that the volume of the hydraulic pack of 25 liters is enough to ensure the needs of two people. It will ensure the normal functioning of a very small system: a crane, toilet, washing and a small water heater. If there are other household appliances, the container must be increased. The good news is that if you decide that the available reservoir is not enough for you, you can always install additional.

What should be the pressure in the hydroaccumulator

In one part of the hydroacmulator, there is a compressed air, water is injected into the second. Air in the tank is under pressure - factory settings - 1.5 atm. This pressure does not depend on the volume - and on the tank of a capacity of 24 liters and in 150 liters it is the same. More or less can be the maximum allowable maximum pressure, but it depends not on the volume, but from the membrane and is indicated in the specifications.

Preliminary check and pressure correction

Before connecting the hydroaccumulator, the pressure in it is preferably in it. This indicator depends on the pressure relay settings, and during transportation and storage the pressure could fall, so that the control is very desirable. You can control the pressure in the guide using a pressure gauge connected to a special input at the top of the tank (container from 100 liters and more) or installed in its lower part as one of the parts of the strapping. Temporarily, for control, you can connect a car pressure gauge. His error is usually small and work comfortably. If this is not, you can use a regular for water pipes, but they are usually not different accuracy.

If necessary, the pressure in the hydroaccumulator can be increased or decreased. For this, there is nipple at the top of the tank. Through the nipple, a car or cycling pump is connected and the pressure increases if necessary. If it is necessary to make it, some subtle subject flexion nipple valve, releasing air.

What air pressure should be

So should there be pressure in the hydroaccumulator? For normal operation of household appliances, pressure is 1.4-2.8 atm. To the tank membrane does not rush, the pressure in the system should be slightly more tank pressure - by 0.1-0.2 atm. If the pressure is 1.5 atm in the tank, the pressure in the system should not be lower than 1.6 atm. This value is exposed on a water pressure switch, which works in a pair with a hydroaccumulator. These are the optimal settings for a small one-storey house.

If the house is two-story, pressure will have to raise. There is a formula for calculating pressure in a hydraulicular:

VATM. \u003d (Hmax + 6) / 10

Where Hmax is the height of the highest point of water treatment. Most often it is a shower. Measure (calculate) at what height relative to the hydroaccumulator is its watering can, substitute in the formula, get the pressure that should be in the tank.

If the house is installed jacuzzi, everything is more complicated. We will have to select the experimental way - changing the settings of the relay and watching the operation of the points of water-based and home appliances. But at the same time, the working pressure should not be more maximum permissible for other household appliances and plumbing devices (indicated in specifications).

How to choose

The main working body of the hydraulician - membrane. The life of its service depends on the quality of the material. The best today are membranes from isobutized rubber (it is also called food). The case material has the value of the Tolko in the tanks of the membrane type. In those in which the "pear" is installed, water contacts only with rubber and the material of the body does not have.

What is really important in tanks with "pears" is a flange. Usually it is made of galvanized metal. In this case, the thickness of the metal is important. If it is only 1 mm, after a year and a half of operation in the metal flange, a hole will appear, the tank will lose tightness and the system stops working. And the warranty is just a year, at least the stated service life - 10-15 years. Flange to deteriorate usually after the end of the warranty period. To brew it there is no possibility - very thin metal. You have to look for new flange in service centers or buy a new tank.

So, if you want a hydroaccumulator to serve for a long time, look for a flange of thick galvanizing or thin, but stainless steel.

Connecting the hydroaccumulator to the system

Usually the water supply system of a private house consists of:

  • pump;
  • hydroaccumulator;
  • pressure switch;
  • check valve.

In this scheme, there may still be a pressure gauge - for operational pressure control, but this device is not necessary. It can be periodically connected - for test measurements.

With a posterior fitting or without

If the surface type pump, the hydroaccumulator is usually set near it. In this case, the check valve is put on the suction pipeline, and all other devices are installed in one bundle. They are usually connected using a posterior fitting.

It has conclusions with different diameters, just under the device used for the strapping of the device. Therefore, the system is most often assembled on its basis. But this item is not at all necessary and can be connected to everything using ordinary fittings and pieces of pipes, but this is a more laborious occupation, and there will be more compounds.

One of its inch output is cooled to the tank - the nozzle is located at the bottom. A pressure and pressure gauge is connected to the 1/4 inch outputs. The tube from the pump and the wiring to consumers is connected to the remaining free inch conclusions. That's all the connection of the gyroactor to the pump. If you collect a water supply scheme with a surface pump, you can use a flexible hose in a metal winding (with inch fittings) - it is easier to work with it.

As usual, several options, choose to you.

Connect the hydroaccumulator to the submersible pump in exactly as well. The whole difference in where the pump is installed and where the power supply is supplied, but it is not related to the installation of the hydroaccumulator. It puts in the place where pipes from the pump come. Connection is one to one (see the diagram).

How to install two hydraulic panels for one pump

When operating the system, the owners come to the conclusion that the existing volume of the hydroaccumulator is not enough. In this case, you can in parallel to install the second (third, fourth, etc.) of the hydraulicum of any volume.

It is not necessary to reconfigure the system, the relay will monitor the pressure in the tank, on which it is installed, and the viability of such a system is much higher. After all, if the first hydroacumor is damaged, the second will work. There is another positive moment - two tanks of 50 liters are less than one per 100. The case in a more complex production technology of large-sized tanks. So it is also economically more profitable.

How to connect the second hydroaccumulator to the system? On the entry of the first to turn the tee, to one free output to connect the entrance from the pump (Pythyoded fitting), to the remaining free - the second container. Everything. You can test the scheme.

Traditionally, hydroaccumulators are in demand in the private sector and in settlements with problematic water supply. This device allows you to make any water system more efficient. Installation and operation of the hydroaccumulator is a simple matter, but, as elsewhere - there are nuances here, in which it should be sorted out in more detail.


This device reduces the load on the water pump: when pumping from a well, well, or other capacitance, part of the water falls into the tank of the hydroaccumulator. Thus, water from the reservoir will be used primarily, and the pump will turn on again only when the tank is empty. In general terms, the hydroaccumulator reduces the number of inclusions and turn off the water pump. And this device minimizes the likelihood of hydrowards, which increases the deadline for the unlimited exploitation of the entire water supply system. In heating systems, the hydroaccumulator is used as an "expansion tank": excess of heated water goes into the tank of the hydraulic panel, reducing the overall pressure in the system.

Connect the hydroaccumulator with your own hands, such as passing or deep, is completely simple, if we take into account the recommendations of the specialists.

Device, principle of operation and types

Regardless of the brand, configuration and target use practically all hydroaccumulators have a similar design, including the following items:

  • housing on the rack (legs or reinforcement "shoes");
  • membrane or rubber "pear" for injection pressure, which is located inside the case;
  • nipples for air supply, which are completed with protective covers.

By type of body location (configuration), the hydroaccumulators may be as follows:

  • horizontal models are used to connect to outer pumps;
  • vertical models, as a rule, are connected to the water supply system with submersible pumps.

Depending on the type of purpose, various models of hydroaccumulators may have such additional structural elements as:

  • for excess air, horizontal models are equipped with special cranes;
  • hydroaccumulators for drinking water are equipped with pears from a chemically neutral rubber, which allows not to attach an unpleasant flavor;
  • the housings for heating systems are used as "expansion tanks" and perform an important role in regulating pressure.

The configuration of the hydroaccumulator is determined on the basis of considerations of saving space, intended purpose, local features of water supply.

Criterias of choice

For long-term operation, specialists are recommended to purchase models with a pear. Membrane hydroaccumulators are more susceptible to corrosion, since the membrane is not able to isolate the walls of the housing from water exposure. However, for models with a pear, the repair is more complicated than for membrane analogs. Choosing a drive, also need to take into account the future water consumption.

If the number of permanently residing in the house or apartment is no more than three people, plumbing devices - minimum, then there is enough capacity for 24 liters.

If users are larger, then the hydroaccumulator is required to be appropriate. Before installing, you must consider the following:

  • number of users;
  • the number of waterborne points;
  • number of household plumbing devices;
  • the presence of heating elements.

If the preliminary calculations did not turn out to be final, for example, another person appeared in the family or the number of sanitary devices has increased, the larger tank is set to the best way out or installing an additional tank.

Both procedures have approximately the same complexity and comparable equipment costs.

Installation: Options and Connection Schemes

Depending on the internal features of the plumbing system, installation methods may vary. It is worth considering the most sought-after options.

Pump station connection

In this case, work on connecting the hydroaccumulator to the autonomous water supply system is carried out simultaneously with the installation of automation and adapters. The most common cases of installation involve the presence of the following components:

  • pressure gauge;
  • praigigas fitting;
  • switching hydraulic relay (pressure switch).

If the submersible pump is used to fence the water, the borehole should be completed with the check valve and the dry entry relay. If a simpler - surface centrifugal pump is used to swap water, cheaper and more expedient to buy a pumping station assembly, and not mount individual elements. The second option is preferable for those who have little experience, but there is a desire to install the pump on their own.

Two hydraulic panels to one pump

Connecting two (or more) hydraulicers is a common problem for people who collided with a forced increase in water consumption. If the volume of one tank turned out to be too small, the installation of an additional hydroaccumulator is the case is slightly burdensome.

Install additional elements can be parallel to the current system: it is enough to use another transition fitting, a flexible hose or a tap pipe. The system with two (or more) tanks is a rational solution, and an excellent safety net. If the membrane fails in one of the tanks, then you can still use the pump, but not in intense mode. Such a system will provide enough time to replace the unfamiliar node.

To submersible

You can guess that we are talking about the pump, which is immersed in the aquifer of the well or well. For uninterrupted water supply, such a system must be equipped with a check valve: this device will not allow the grooved water after use to return to the bottom of the well. Accordingly, the pump will not work in good and will serve much longer.

The check valve in most cases is already installed on the pump, the additional installation may be needed during the repair process. In order not to stay without water for an indefinite time, it is recommended to purchase a pump with a spare valve that is sold separately or comes with the pump.

Another important point is the quality of the pressure pipeline: as the pipe runs on a fairly large depth, it is not possible to notice possible breakdown immediately.

The first sign of problems with the pipeline is a sharp pressure drop, the hydroaccumulator gains longer water, over time, this gap can increase.


Connecting the hydroaccumulator to the system with an external centrifugal pump also has its own nuances, namely:

  • first of all, you need to check the internal pressure of the tank: it should not exceed the mark of 1 bar;
  • to prepare for connection, you will need a positive fitting. This small, but very important item combines the hydroaccumulator itself, pipeline, pressure switch, pressure gauge and an external pump. In front of the direct installation process, it is necessary to stock sealing materials (sealant or sanitary tape);
  • to attach the fitting to the tank, you should use a hard hose or flange with a bandwidth;

  • after installing the tank, it is necessary to mount the remaining elements: pressure gauge, relay, water supply leading to a pump unit;
  • before starting operation, you should conduct a series of power and shutdown cycles to identify possible leaks;
  • if something went wrong, you need to find out the cause of the problem and, if necessary, repeat the entire installation cycle again.

To the water heater

The hydroaccumulator in the system with a cumulative water heater performs the function of the expansion tank. Water in the process of heating increases in the amount, which also increases the load on the water supply. Since pressure increases in a closed space, the process can become very critical, while the decrease in temperature is unacceptable. There is a need to transfer this overpressure somewhere. Here to the rescue and the hydroaccumulator comes. Excess the heated water will go into the hydrobic, which will allow to normalize the pressure in the system. Next, water from the expansion tank can be used for household purposes.

Relay setting

To understand the principle of operation of the pressure relay on the hydroaccumulator, you do not need to have special knowledge - everything is quite simple. Up to full filling in the tank with a membrane (or pear), water under pressure is supplied, which causes pressure growth in the system. When it becomes the maximum, the relay and water supply stops. As the pressure, the pressure begins to fall, and upon reaching the minimum threshold, the relay is activated again and the water supply is activated. The cycle described above is repeated until the system is in good condition.

Many people mistakenly imagine the process of installation of the relay with something excellent. In fact, this is not so. Any accommodation owner in the private sector, who has a well or an artesian well, can well cope with this task independently. The main thing is to take it with the mind and patience. In the end, the water supply of a private house is a vital thing.

It is worth understanding that the relay is the "intermediate link" between the plumbing system and the power supply system. Obviously, on this device is a huge responsibility. For this reason, to all nuances (and they are not so much), it is worth considering the highest possible attention. To secure the system, it is recommended to select a separate power line. For connection it is worth using a two-core copper cable. Wires need to be grounded and well isolate: we are talking about the interaction of current and water, and this combination for a person is always dangerous.

The wiring must be connected to the contact block through perforations on the housing. Further, according to the instructions, you should connect the phase, zero wire and grounding with the corresponding terminals. It is necessary to be attentive and careful, the entire process of installing the relay should occur in a de-energized environment. It is necessary to take care of this in advance. In no case should not be neglected by elementary safety regulations.

To adjust the pressure relay on the hydroaccumulator, a high-quality, high-precision pressure gauge, capable of measuring pressure to the tenth longest bar. The more accurate the pressure gauge, the faster the configuration will occur. To avoid errors in further work, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • you must enable the system, fix the indicators of the pressure gauge in the switch-on and off loop cycles. At this stage, you can and need to identify malfunctions of the pressure gauge;
  • it is necessary to adjust the spring pressure springs (it is the largest). For fitting it is worth using an ordinary wrench of the desired size (it is best to have a divorce);
  • it is necessary to test the exposed level. If something went wrong, repeat the previous step;
  • next, you should tighten the nut surface of the top pressure level (it is smaller);
  • it is necessary to carry out full testing of the system. If any shortcomings are revealed, then repeat the entire cycle setting up again.

For home autonomous water, it is important to provide a stable pressure on the network. This will reduce the inefficient operation of the pump. Also during the opening of the crane, water will come immediately, without some delay.

It is impossible to allow hydrowards in the water supply system. Such phenomena destroy not only the water supply system, but also adjacent aggregates, for example, a heat exchanger of the boiler or dismisted dishwashers. To get rid of any negative factors, you need to know how to connect the hydroaccumulator to the submersible pump.

Design of hydraulic batteries

As a rule, the appearance of these devices is chosen in a blue or blue tint to differ from expansion tanks having an outer red surface. Composite parts of the hydraulic instrument are such items:

  • metal case;
  • membrane of rubberized material;
  • cover with valve to fill the cavity liquid;
  • nipple node used to pump compressed air;
  • legs with holes for fastening bolts, providing stability on a flat platform.

The hydroaccumulators are called metal hollow vessels having inside the membrane fixed on the inside of the case. It is a water drive. The membrane cavity is filled with either clean air, or a mixture of inert gases. To know how to choose the right hydroaccumulator for well and water supply, it is necessary to consider that the working pressure inside the filled membrane is about 1.5 atm. This value is supported during the entire period of operation of the device.

Design scheme

Before connecting the hydroaccumulator to the system, it is filled with inert gas or simple air. This operation is done using a standard automotive pump. If the values \u200b\u200boccurred, it is enough to be stirred through the nipple of excess air.

When water intakes inside the tank, a pear break is prevented. It also contributes to regulation of system pressure.

There are three most popular hydraulic batteries:

  • Cold. Applied on highways with cold water. It works efficiently when protected from wear and during the smoothing of the hydrowards.
  • Hot. Performs all the same functions as cold, but is able to withstand an aggressive temperature environment.
  • For heating. This type is relevant only in the heating systems of the closed type.

Battery functioning

Connection diagram of the hydroaccumulator includes a chain from the water supply of the pump, the main pipeline and the battery itself of the liquid. Water supply is carried out directly inside the rubber membrane, located in the cavity of the metal product. The procedure stops after reaching parity in the pressure values.

As a rule, the values \u200b\u200bon the pressure gauge in such a situation are 1-3 atm. Going to the operator's working mode, the automation turns off the pump.

When the consumer opens the crane or launches the dishwasher, accumulated in the battery cavity water moves to the water supply, as the pressure has become less than in the hydroaccumulator. This happens gradually, and at the stage, when the pressure level in the cavity reached a specific set point (the setting makes the manufacturer or consumer of the goods), the relay connecting the fuel pump is turned on. The next filling of the membrane with water occurs through it. Such cycles occur almost constantly. Before you configure the hydroaccumulator and relay, you should familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions.

Interested in how to connect the hydroaccumulator for water supply, many forget about the importance of its volume. Large tank sizes allow less often to use the pump, because with small flows of water every time you do not feed. The pressure difference between the maximum and minimum value is large enough.

Application of surface pump

To know how to properly install a hydroaccumulator in the water supply system, it is worth examining a step-by-step auxiliary instruction:

  • It all starts with inspection of air pressure inside the gas cavity in the battery. The value must be brought to such a digit so that it is 0.2 ... 1.0 less than the minimum relay manufacturer.
  • Works are carried out with a fitting having 5 outputs, since the hydroaccumulator will need to be connected to the pressure gauge, relay, pump. The last yield is relevant to connect the plumbing pipe.
  • The fitting units connected to the procedure with a tank. To do this, you will need a hard hose, which has an overhead air valve in the design.
  • With the necessary effort we drag the rest of the devices so as not to thread the thread.

After installation, the module must be tested under high pressure on identifying possible leaks in connections.

Before you configure the hydroaccumulator and connect a relay to it that is responsible for adjusting the pressure, you will need to get acquainted with the installation marks. Contacts are signed as "network" and "pump". It is undesirable to make a mistake with the connection of the electrician in order not to fail the unit.

Since the vessel works under high pressure, then it is necessary to observe maximum sealing in all threaded connections. This will suit the use of FMU Ribbon or the use of technical flax. They are able to keep the compound to several atmospheres, which is typical for household hydraulic systems.

Select model

On sale there are models of household hydroaccumulators from 24 l to 1000 liters. It is necessary to repel from what kind of fluid flow is needed, as well as whether the system is used for irrigation.

As a rule, capacity of 24 grabs for the needs of two people. The calculation takes the kitchen, toilet and watering a small area. With enhanced requirements, it is recommended to use cavities of 50 liters. In this case, calculate the number of consumers. Capacity can be changed at any convenient time to a large amount by volume, because the connecting nodes in most models have the same threaded parameters.

Using pumping stations

If it is not possible to collect individual elements in the chain, you can purchase a pumping station. This is a fully assembled unit, which includes:

  • superficial centrifugal pump;
  • pressure meter;
  • automatic relay.

When connecting the hydroaccumulator, you must completely de-energize the technique. The operating pressure is 2-2.5 atm, after the injection of which it is necessary to check the equipment for leaks and good inclusion.

Why do you need another hydroaccumulator?

Additional hydroaccumulator provides the most optimal mode of operation. The fact is that in the centrifugal pump, as well as any others, when turned on more often, 6-7 times a minute fails by 3-4 times faster. The built-in hydroaccumulator is designed to align the difference in the pressure between the on and off the unit, while the additional will compensate for the difference, stabilize the operation of the equipment with frequently inclusion and increase the pressure in the system.

Vertical or horizontal?

The design of both the vertical and horizontal hydroaccumulator is absolutely identical, so the choice of any of them is a purely personal question. Which one is suitable for certain conditions, one must be installed. With a small amount of free space, the vertical is preferable.

Where do pumps, pumping stations and components buy?

All elements needed for water supply are sold in construction and specialized stores. It is also fashionable to order them on the network, but carefully check the performance of the equipment.

Be sure to make a guarantee. Complex devices, to the number of which include surface and deep pumps, often fails to be reasons independent of consumer.

Video: Why in the water supply system hydroaccumulator?

The hydroaccumulator for the pumping station is a special metal container, inside which the metal membrane is built and a certain amount of water under pressure is concluded. The device is intended to maintain stable pressure in the water supply system, protection of the water pump, due to frequent inclusion, from premature wear, and the entire system from the action of possible hydrowards.
Having in the water supply system, the pump with a hydroaccumulator of 50 liters, the owner of the house will always be provided with a small margin of water.

Basic functions of the hydroaccumulator

The device in the system of providing the house of water with water hydroaccumulator solves several important problems:

  • Protects the pump from premature wear. The stock of water in the membrane tank allows you to turn on the pump when the crane is opened in the plumbing only in the case when the water supply in the tank completely disappears. Any pump contains a certain amount of inclusions per hour, and the hydroaccumulator device allows the pump to have unused inclusions, which increases its life.
  • Supports constant pressure in the plumbing system, protects against water pressure drops, which can, with the simultaneous opening of several cranes, lead to a sharp fluctuations in water pressure, for example in the kitchen and in the shower. Hydroaccumulator (see) with such unpleasant situations successfully copes.
  • Protects from the occurrence of hydrowards arising when the pump is turned on, which can cause significant damage to the pipeline.
  • Supports water supply in the system, which allows you to use it even when the electricity is turned off. This is especially true in country houses.

Types and device of hydroaccumulators

Before you get acquainted with the types of devices, you need to get acquainted with the peculiarities of its design. It does not differ in particular difficulty.

The main structural elements of the hydroaccumulators are:

  • The body is a hermetic cylinder capable of withstanding with a constant mode of operation 1.5 - 5.6 atmospheres or up to 10 atmospheres if the load is short-term.
  • Membranes. It is an elastic "pear", which is fixed in the neck of the cylinder and placed in its inner space. Only through the flange with the valve fixed to the neck of the battery case, access to the membrane can be opened.
  • Nipple for adapter. The element is embedded into the housing from the side opposite from the neck. Through the nipple in the battery, air injection occurs, occupying the entire space, which is available between the outer surface of the membrane and the inner cavity of the case.

In addition, in the design of the drive, there are legs and a support bracket that serve for mounting the pump. The legs are welded at the bottom of the drive, and the pump is placed on top.
Features of structures allow the range of drives to divide into such species such:

  • Battery tanks for cold water accumulation are used in technical pipelines and for drinking. In this case, the batteries for modern pipelines have only inert membranes that are made of special grade rubber.
  • Accumulating tanks, for storing hot water used in hot water systems. In such storage devices, the membrane is made of a material resistant to high temperatures.
  • Accumulating tanks used for heating systems in a closed medium. The main requirement that is presented to such batteries is the presence of a membrane in their design, which has a high resistance to the occurrence of high temperature and pressure.

At the same time, the batteries membranes in the hot water supply system can withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius, and elements that serve for heating systems can withstand up to 110 degrees Celsius.

How to choose a hydroaccumulator model

When choosing a storage model, you need to pay attention to the design features and operational characteristics of the device:

  • The working volume should satisfy the needs of the owner and correspond to the performance of the station pump.
  • The membranes should be made of a material corresponding to the functional load. For example, one membrane is taken for the drinking battery, and for the "heating" - absolutely different.
  • The battery mounting scheme on the support plane must be acceptable for its owner. The floor tank is sufficiently large sizes simply can not be placed on the bracket.

Tip: Key factor, when choosing a drive model, its capacity is its capacity. It does not matter where and how to install and connect the hydroaccumulator, the main thing is that its volume is enough for all the needs of the consumer.

Basic rules when buying a drive:

  • The minimum amount should be 25 liters. Otherwise, due to frequent inclusions and shutdowns, the pump is extended fast enough.
  • The optimal volume of the hydroaccumulator is considered to be a tank from 50 liters. But it is suitable only for a family of 3-4 people. Bachelor or pensioners can use drives and less capacity, its price is much smaller.

Where to install and connect a cumulative tank

Connection diagram of the hydroaccumulator and pump, their proper operation does not represent a special complexity:

  • Water inside the pear-like membrane is fed through the flange valve.
  • Under its pressure, the membrane begins to expand.
  • The air, compressed and the membrane holds the membrane. As the membrane fills, the air is compacted, which ultimately creates an area of \u200b\u200bincreased pressure between the walls of the body and the membrane, which is ensured by the energy of compressed air.
  • After opening the crane in the housewater, the air will begin to compress the pear-shaped liner and the water starts under the desired pressure to go through the pipes.
  • The pump fills the empty membrane, and its work is controlled by the pressure sensor installed.

Tip: For water supply systems, the location of the hydroaccumulator is determined by the scheme of functioning of this node, which assumes that the drive must be placed between the pump and the "entrance" fitting into the collector of the inner water pipeline at home. An exception can be a hydroaccumulator device in the heating system. In this case, it needs to be embedded in the return on the entrance line to the boiler, behind the pump.

  • The battery is best fixed on the floor or a special bracket, which is fixed on the wall. At the same time, between the legs of the drive and the surface for their installation, it is necessary to install shock-absorbing gaskets from rubber.

When connecting the drive to the plumbing, the structural features of the pumping station are taken into account, the type of pump used in it to be injected into the water drive.
Two types of devices are used in the stations:

  • Submersible, descended directly into the water.
  • Surface, fixed in the hydroaccumulator.

The features of the equipment used depends on the hydroaccumulator. The photo shows an example of installing a device in a rustic house.

The procedure for connecting the system with a surface pump is as follows:

  • Air pressure is measured by nipple with an empty membrane, its value must be 0.5-1 atmosphere less than in the battery minimum pressure, when the pump is triggered. This minimum pressure is specified on the station control relay, to which 0.5-1 atmosphere is added. Its indications of the pressure gauge on the nipple of the tank.
  • Installation of a special collector tank with five outlets to the flange fittings.
  • Connection:
  1. to the first output of the pressure pipe from the pump;
  2. to the second - the nozzle of the household water supply;
  3. the third pressure relay is connected;
  4. to the fourth exit - pressure gauge;
  5. the fifth is already connected a hydrobacing fitting.

Tip: Assembly is performed using a polymer seal, which will be generally accepted for the rules for connecting the elements of threaded connections to ensure their sealing. After assembly, the equipment is considered prepared for operation.

When connecting the device with your own hands using a submersible pump, it is necessary to withstand this procedure:

  • The pump is immersed in water. A pressure hose from the pump is displayed on the surface and connects to the pressure relay, through the same manifold for five connectors.
  • The flow from the collector is given to the hydroaccumulator, while in this area the movement will be bilateral.
  • The plumbing is connected from the collector another nozzle, and the remaining connector is connected to the pump control system.
  • Between the collector and the pump, in this case, another fitting is crashed or a check valve that does not give the water to "merge" back into the well, after the pressure supply is stopped. This valve must be installed directly in the neck of the exhaust pipe installed on the pump.

How to repair and prevent the hydroaccumulator

As well as pumping stations without a hydroaccumulator, the most simple hydraulicers require timely attention and care.
There may be several reasons for this:

  • Corrosion.
  • Education dents on the case.
  • Disruption of the integrity of the membrane.
  • Lack of tank tightness.

There are other reasons that need to be eliminated to avoid possible problems. Despite the fact that the care instruction offers to inspect the device twice a year, this may not be enough.
If during the six months it is not to notice some problem, it can cause a hydrobist out of failure, which requires inspection and repair of the product at every opportunity.
The causes of the breakdown can be:

  • Frequent switching on and off pump.
  • Fluid yield through the valve.
  • Small water pressure.
  • Low pressure, below settlement, air.
  • Weak head after water pump.

The reason for repairing the hydroaccumulator can be:

  • Low air pressure or absence in membrane tank.
  • The membrane received damage.
  • Damaged the body.
  • There was a big difference in the pressure when the pump is turned off and on.
  • The volume of the hydraulic was incorrectly selected.

Need to troubleshoot:

  • Increase air pressure by injection through the tank nipple compressor or a conventional garage pump.
  • The membrane that has been damaged can be restored in a specialized workshop.
  • It also eliminates damage in the housing and its tightness is restored.
  • Correction of the difference in pressures can be made if you set a very large differential so that it corresponds to the inclusion frequency of the pump.
  • The required volume of the tank is determined until it is mounted into the system.

How the pumping station is connected without a hydroaccumulator, separately the hydraulicock shows well the video in this article. The use of the drive in the water supply system of the country house will improve the arrangement of the autonomous source, will create it the necessary amount of fluid during emergency disconnection from the source.