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Distinctive features of the artistic style speech. Artistic style: concept, features and examples

The artistic style of speech, as is clear from the title, is characteristic of the language of fiction.

Literary critics and linguists call it one of the most important means of artistic communication. It can be said that it is a language form of expression of figurative content. Do not forget that when we consider the artistic style of speech, we argue at the junction of literary studies and linguistics. It should be noted that the norms of the literary language are just a peculiar point of reference for qualitatively other language norms.

Features of the artistic style speech

This style of speech may include both spacious, and spoken, and stationery, and many other styles. Each writer has a language obeys only the laws that the author himself creates. Many linguists note that in recent decades the literary language gradually removes restrictions - it becomes open for dialects, jargon, spoken vocabulary. The artistic style of speech suggests primarily the freedom in the choice of words, which, however, should be associated with the greatest responsibility expressing in a sense of contrast and complicity.

Artistic Style Speech: Basic Signs

The first sign of the described style is the original supply of the word: it seems to be broken from schematic connections and put in "unusual circumstances". Thus, such a supply of the word arises, at which it becomes interesting in itself, and not in context. Secondly, it is characterized by a high level of language organization, that is, an additional ordering. The degree of organization of speech in prose is to divide the text on the chapters and part; In the dramatic work - on acts, scenes, phenomena. The most difficult level of the language organization in the poetic speech is the metric, stroke, and the use of rhymes. By the way, one of the most vivid properties of artistic speech in the poetic product is a high degree of poloremia.

In the artistic prose, as a rule, the usual human speech is put forward to the fore, which is one of the means characteristic of characters (the so-called speech portrait of the hero).


A comparison is of great importance in the language of almost any work. This term can be defined as follows: "Comparison is the main way to form new ideas." It serves mainly for the indirect characteristics of the phenomenon, and contributes to the creation of completely new images.

Language of artwork

Summing up all of the above, it can be concluded that for the artistic style, the speech is primarily characterized. Each element is aesthetically significant: not only words, but also sounds, rhythm, melodiousness of the language are important. Examples of artistic style speech you can pick up by opening any literary work. Each writer seeks primarily to freshness, the absence of the image - this explains the widespread use of special means of expression.

The style bundle of speech is its characteristic feature. The basis of this bundle lies several factors, of which the main - sphere of communication. The sphere of an individual consciousness - life - and the informal situation associated with it is generated by the spoken style, the spheres of public consciousness with their concomitant officials nourish book styles.

The difference in the communicative language function is also significantly. For the master is for book styles - the message function.

Among the book styles, the artistic style of speech is especially highlighted. So, his tongue protrudes not only (and maybe not so much) but also a means of exposure to people.

The artist summarizes his observations using a specific image by the skillful selection of expressive details. He shows, draws, depicts the subject of speech. But to show, you can draw only what is visible, specifically. Therefore, the requirement of concreteness is the main feature of the artistic style. However, a good artist will never describe, let's say, the spring forest is straight, so to speak, in the forehead, on the manner of science. He will select a few strokes, expressive details for his image and will create a visible image, a picture.

Speaking of imagery, as the leading style feature of artistic speech, it is necessary to distinguish "the image in the word", i.e. Portable meaning of words, and "image through words". Only albeit both, we will get the artistic style of speech.

In addition, artistic style of speech has such characteristic features:

1. The scope of use: artwork.

2. Tasks of speech: Create a live picture depicting what the story goes about; Transfer the reader with emotions and feelings experienced by the author.

3. The characteristic features of the artistic style of speech. The statement mainly happens:

Figurative (expressive and alive);

Concrete (it is described by this person, and not people, in general);


Specific words: do not beasts, and wolves, foxes, deer and others; I did not look, but I drew attention, looked.

Frequently used words in a figurative value: the ocean of smiles, the sun sleeps.

The use of emotional-estimated words: a) having diminutive stabular suffixes: bucket, swallow, white; b) with suffix -Evat- (-OVAT-): loose, reddish.

The use of verbs of the perfect species, having a prefix, denoting the beginning of the action (played the orchestra).

Using verbs of the present time instead of verbs of the past time (went to school, suddenly I see ...).

Use of questioning, motivating, exclamation proposals.

Use in the text of proposals with homogeneous members.

Speech can be found in any artistic book:

Shone forged milk

Study jet river.

Done was terrible

Hoodie horses,

And blood was foaming Zaton ... (V. Fetisov)

Tiha and Blessed December night. Deeply dreamed Stanitsa, and the stars, like the guards, Zorko and the frequently followed, so that the way was on Earth, so that the troubles and discord, without bringing the Lord, did not disturb his brief agreement, did not benefit people to new Swarpes - and so the Russian side is fed. A. Ustvenko).


You must be able to distinguish the artistic style of speech and the language of the artistic work. In it, the writer resorts to different functional styles using the language as a means of speech characteristic of the hero. Most often, in the replicas of characters, the conversational style of speech is reflected, but if it requires the task of creating an artistic image, the writer can use the hero and scientific, and business, and the indiscretions of the concepts of "artistic style of speech" and "the language of the artwork" leads to The perception of any passion from the artistic work as a sample of the artistic style of speech, which is a gross mistake.

On school literature lessons, we all studied speech styles at one time. However, few people have something in mind anything on this issue. We offer to refresh this topic together and remember what the literary and artistic style of speech.

What is speech styles

Before talking about the literary and artistic style of speech in more detail, you need to understand that it is generally such a style of speech. Briefly touch this definition.

Under the style of speech, it is necessary to understand the special speech tools that we use in a certain situation. These speech tools always carry a special function, and therefore they are called functional styles. Another common name is Language genres. In other words, this is a set of speech formulas - or even clichés - which are used in different cases (both verbally and writing) and do not coincide. This is a speech manner of behavior: on the official reception of high-ranking persons, we speak and behave like that, and having met with friends somewhere in the garage, cinema, club - quite differently.

Total allocate five. Briefly describe them below before proceeding in detail for the question of interest.

What are the styles of speech

As mentioned above, speech styles are five, but some believe that there is also the sixth - religious. In Soviet times, when all the styles of speech were allocated, the study of this issue was not carried out for obvious reasons. Be that as it may, formally functional styles five. Below will look at them.

Scientific style

Used, of course, in science. Its authors and addressees are scientists, specialists in some particular area. In writing this style can be found in scientific journals. This language genre is characterized by the presence of terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary.

Journalistic style

As it is not difficult to guess, lives in the media and is designed to influence people. It is people who the population is the addressee of this style, which is characterized by emotionality, conciseness, the presence of common phrases, often - the presence of socio-political vocabulary.

Spoken style

As can be understood by his name, it is a style of communication. This is a predominantly oral language genre, it is necessary for us for a simple conversation, expressions of emotions, exchange of opinions. For him, sometimes even vocabulary, expressiveness, liveliness of dialogues, colorfulness. It is in conversational speech that, along with the words, the facial expressions and gestures appear.

Formal business style

Basically is a written speech style and is used in the official environment for paperwork - in the field of legislation, for example, or office work. With the help of this language genre, various laws, orders, acts and other papers of this nature are drawn up. Learn it easy to dry, informative, accuracy, the presence of speech cliché, the absence of emotionality.

Finally, the fifth, literary and artistic style (or simply - artistic) is the subject of interest of this material. So about him more details later and talk.

Characteristics of literary and artistic speech style

So, what is it - an artistic language genre? Based on its name, it can be assumed - and not mistaken - that it is used in the literature, specifically in artistic. This is true, this style is the language of the texts of fiction, the language of Tolstoy and Gorky, Dostoevsky and Remarik, Hemingway and Pushkin ... The main role and purpose of the literary and artistic style of speech is to influence the minds, the consciousness of readers in such a way that they started Reflective to remain afraid even at reading the book, so that I wanted to think about it and come back to it again and again. This genre is called upon to transfer the reader the thoughts and feelings of the author, help see what is happening in the work of his creator, to penetrate them, live together with the heroes their life on the pages of the book.

The text of the literary and artistic style is also emotional, as well as the speech of his conversational "fellow", but these are two different emotionality. In conversational speech, we release our soul, your brain with the help of emotions. Reading the book, we, on the contrary, drinking it with emotionality, which acts here as a kind of aesthetic agent. More information about those signs of literary and artistic style of speech, according to which it is absolutely difficult to recognize, we will later discuss, but for now we will dwell on the listing of those literary genres, which are peculiar to the use of the above-mentioned speech style.

What genre is inherent

The artistic language genre can be found in Basna and Ballad, Ode and Elegy, in the story and novel, fairy tale, in the essay and the story, epic and hymn, in a song and sonnet, poem and epigram, in comedy and tragedy. So and Mikhail Lomonosov, and Ivan Krylov - all equally can serve as examples of a literary and artistic style of speech, despite how different works they wrote.

A little about the functions of the artistic language genre

And even though we have already voiced above, what task is for this style of speech main, still we will give all three functions.

  1. Affecting (and the strong impact on the reader is achieved with the help of a well-thought-out and prescribed "strong" image).
  2. Aesthetic (the word is not only the "carrier" of information, but also constructs an artistic image).
  3. Communicative (the author expresses his thoughts and feelings - the reader perceives them).


The main style features of the literary and artistic style of speech are:

1. Use a large number of styles and their mixing. This is a sign of copyright style. Any author of the Waves to use in its work as many language products of various styles - spoken, scientific, officially business: anyone. All these speech funds applied by the author in their book are addressed to a single author's style, according to which it is possible to easily guess one or another writer. That is how Gorky is easy to distinguish from Bunin, Zoshchenko - from Pasternak, and Chekhov - from Leskov.

2. Use words that are multi-valued. With the help of such a reception, a hidden meaning is embedded in the narration.

3. The use of various stylistic figures - metaphor, comparisons, allegories and the like.

4. Special syntax structures: Often the order of words in the proposal is built in such a way that it is difficult to express in oral speech by a similar method. Without difficult, on this basis, you can find the author of the text.

Literary and artistic style is the most flexible and borrowing. He absters literally everything! You can meet in it and neologisms (newly formed words), and archaisms, and historians, and swiss words, and various Argo (professional speech jargon). And this is a fifth feature, the fifth distinguishing feature of the above-mentioned language genre.

What else needs to know about artistic style

1. It should not be thought that the artistic language genre lives exclusively in writing. This is not at all. In oral speech, this style is also quite functions - for example, in the plays, which were first written, and now read out loud. And even listening to oral speech, you can easily imagine everything that happens in the work - in this way, it can be said that the literary and artistic style does not tell, but shows the story.

2. The aforementioned language genre is perhaps the most free from any restrictions. In other styles there are prohibitions, in this case, it does not have to talk about the forbids - which limitations may be if the authors are allowed even scientific terms in the canvas of their narration torsion. However, the abuse of other stylists and to issue everything for his author's style is still not worth - the reader must be accessible and understandable what he has before his eyes. The abundance of terms or complex structures will make him get bored and turn the page without reading.

3. Composing an artwork, it is necessary to be very attentive in the selection of vocabulary and take into account what situation you describe. If we are talking about a meeting of two officials from the administration - you can screw the couple of speech clichés or other official-business style representatives. However, if the story is about the beautiful summer morning in the forest, such expressions will be clearly inappropriate.

4. In any text of the literary and artistic style of speech, three types of speech are approximately equally used - a description, reasoning and narration (the latter, of course, occupies most). Also in the same proportions in the texts of the aforementioned language genre, the types of speech are also applied - whether it is a monologue, a dialogue or polylog (communication of several people).

5. Artistic image is created at the expense of all the means of speech, affordable to the author. In the nineteenth century, for example, the reception of the use of "talking surnames" was very widespread (remember Denis Fonvizin with his "affordable" - cattlein, spacecraft, and so on, or Alexander Ostrovsky in the "thunderstorm" - Kabaniha). A similar method allowed the first advent of the character to identify that this hero represents. Currently, the use of this reception has been somewhat departed.

6. In each artistic text there is a so-called author's image. This is either the image of the narrator, or the image of the hero, the conditional image, underlining the identity with it of the "real" author. This image of the author actively takes part in all taking place with the characters, comments on events, communicates with readers, expresses its own attitude to situations and so on.

Such is the characteristics of the literary and artistic style of speech, knowing which can be completely at a different angle to evaluate the works of fiction.

Literary and artistic style serves the artistic and aesthetic sphere of human activity. Artistic style - functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. The text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, speech concreteness. The emotionality of artistic style is significantly different from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs aesthetic function. Art style involves a preliminary selection of language funds; All language facilities are used to create images. A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech can be called using special speech figures, so-called artistic trails that give narrate colorfulness, the strength of the image of reality. The function of the message is connected to the function of aesthetic effect, the presence of a picture, a set of various means of the language such as general-language and individual copyright, but the basis of this style is outstanding language products. Characteristic features: the presence of homogeneous members of the proposals, complex proposals; epithets, comparisons, rich vocabulary.

Lasts and genres:

1) Prose (Epic): Tale, Story, Tale, Roman, Essay, Novel, Essay, Faken;

2) dramaturgical: tragedy, drama, comedy, farce, tragicomedia;

3) Poetic (Lyrics): Song, Ode, Ballad, Poem, Elegy, Poem: Sonnet, Triolet, Quarters.

Styrene-forming features:

1) figurative reflection of reality;

2) artistic and figurative specification of the author's plan (system of artistic images);

3) emotionality;

4) expressiveness, evaluation;

6) Speech characteristics of characters (speech portraits).

General linguistic features of literary and artistic style:

1) a combination of linguistic means of all other functional styles;

2) subordination to the use of language means in the image system and the author's plan, figurative thought;

3) Performing aesthetic function with language means.

Language agents of artistic style:

1. Lexical means:

1) rejection of template words and expressions;

2) widespread use of words in a figurative value;

3) intentional clash of distinct vocabulary;

4) the use of vocabulary with a biblan-stylistic color;

5) the presence of emotional-painted words.

2. Frameological means - spoken and book character.

3. Food formation:

1) the use of a variety of means and word formation models;

4. Morphological means:

1) use of the word forms in which the specificity category is manifested;

2) the frequency of verbs;

3) the passivity of uncertain-personal forms of verbs, forms of the 3rd person;

4) minor consumption of medium-sized noun compared to noun male and female;

5) forms of the plural number of distracted and real nouns;

6) Wide use of adjectives and inferior.

5. Syntaxes:

1) the use of the entire arsenal in the language of syntaxes;

2) Wide use of stylistic figures.

8.The main features of the spoken style.

Features of conversational style

Spoken style - speech style having the following signs:

used in conversations with familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere;

the task is to exchange impressions (communication);

the statement usually happens relaxed, alive, free in the choice of words and expressions, it usually reveals the author's attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor;

the characteristic language means include: conversational words and expressions, emotional - estimated funds, in particular with suffixes - Point - - PHEK-. - IK-, - K-, - ovat. - Evan-, the verbs of the perfect species with the prefix for - with the value of the start of action, circulation;

intelligent, questioning, exclamation deals.

opposed to book styles in general;

inherent in the function of communication;

forms a system that has its own characteristics in phonetics, phraseology, vocabulary, syntax. For example: phraseology - to escape with the help of vodka and drugs today is not fashionable. Lexica - Kayf, in an embrace with a computer, climb on the Internet.

Spoken speech is a functional variety of literary language. It performs the functions of communication and exposure. Conversational speech serves such a communications sphere, which is characterized by the informality of relations between participants and ease of communication. It is used in everyday life, family atmosphere, in informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, with trust conversations of colleagues, head with subordinates, etc.

The topics of colloquial speech are determined by the needs of communication. They may vary from narrow-to-professional, production, moral and ethical, philosophical, etc.

An important feature of colloquial speech is its unpreparedness, spontaneity (lat. Spontaneus - spontaneous). Speaking creates, creates his speech immediately "score." According to researchers, language spoken features are often not realized, not fixed by consciousness. Therefore, it is often when their own conversational statements are presented for the normative assessment, they estimate them as erroneous.

The next characteristic sign of colloquial speech: - the immediate nature of the speech act, that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of speakers regardless of whether it is implemented in dialogic or monologic. The activity of the participants is confirmed by statements, replicas, interjections, simply published sounds.

The structure and content of spoken speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication is greatly influenced by extrallinguistic (non-language) factors: the identity of the addressee (speaking) and the addressee (listening), the degree of their acquaintance and proximity, background knowledge (total knowledge of speaking), speech situation (statement context). For example, to the question "Well, how?" Depending on the specific circumstances, the answers can be the most different: "Five", "met", "got", "lost", "unanimously." Sometimes instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a hand gesture, give your face the desired expression - and the interlocutor is clear what a partner wanted to say. Thus, the off-language situation becomes an integral part of communication. Without knowing this situation, the value of the statement may be incomprehensible. Also playing and mimicaries are also played in colloquial speech.

Conversational speech - the speech has been selected, the norms and rules of its functioning are not fixed in different kinds of dictionaries and grammar. She is not so stronger in compliance with the norms of the literary language. It actively uses forms that are qualified in dictionaries as conversational. "The litter is not purified, - writes a well-known linguist M.P. Panov. - Laying warns: the person with whom you are in strictly official relations, do not call the dove, do not suggest him to shove him, do not tell him that He is launch and times of grumbling. In official papers, do not eat words, noise, the ravis, a penny. After all, reasonable tips? "

In this regard, the conversational speech is opposed to a codified book speech. Conversational speech, as well as book, has oral and written. For example, a geologist's scientist writes an article for a special magazine about the deposits of minerals in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. With a report on this topic, the scientist is at the international conference. His speech is book, but the form oral form. After the conference, he writes about his impressions a letter to a colleague for work. Letters text - conversational speech, writing.

At home, in the family of the family, the geologist tells how he performed at the conference, with whom the old friends met, what they were talking about, what gifts brought. His speech is spoken, her form is oral.

The active study of colloquial speech began in the 60s. XX century. They began to analyze the tape recorders and manual records of the relaxed natural oral speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of spoken speech in phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, vocabulary. For example, in the field of vocabulary for spoken speech, a system of own methods of nomination (naming) is characterized: various types of depressions (evening - evening newspaper, the motor is a motorboat, to act - in an educational institution); Intracted phrases (there is something to write? - Pencil, handle, give how to hide - Blanket, Plaid, sheet); Challenge derivatives with a transparent inner form (opener - canning knife, taurachtelka - motorcycle) and others. Conversation words are characterized by high expressiveness (porridge, okroshka - about confusion, kissel, smear - about sluggish, non-scattered person).


The study of the stylistic bundle of the Russian language is engaged in special science - stylistics, which studies various issues related to the rules and features of the purposeful use of various words and forms of the nationwide language in various kinds of statements, in speech. Its appearance is quite natural, since the definition of the boundaries of a functional style, its features has always been very important for linguistic science, since the definition of the rules and laws of the language has always pasted next to the definition of the use of certain elements of the language in specific speech contexts. According to language scientists, regulatory grammar and stylistics, lexicology, lexicography and stylistics are related to each other long and firmly.

Among the works of domestic linguists, research and articles on the issues of Russian stylistics are noticeable. Here you can allocate such important works as articles by Academician L.V. Scherbi (especially the "modern Russian literary language"), and numerous large and small research, monographs and articles Academician V.V. Vinogradov. Various research and articles of A.M. Peshkovsky, G.O. Vinokura, L.A. Bulakhovsky, B.V. Tomashevsky, V.A. Gofman, B.A. Larina and others in these studies were for the first time on a theoretical basis questions about the allocation of artistic style in a separate category, about its specifics and the peculiarities of existence.

However, linguists have not yet discovered consent and unity in understanding the essence of the "language" of fiction and its place in the system of styles of literary speech. Some put the "style of fiction" in a parallel with other stylistic varieties of literary speech (with a style of scientific, journalistic, official-business, etc.), in one row with them (A.N. Gvozdev, R.A. Budagov, A.I. Efimov, E. Rizel, etc.), others consider it a phenomenon of other, more complex order (I.R. Galperin, G.V. Stepanov, V.D. Levin).

But all scientists recognize the fact that in essence, the "language" of fiction, developing in the historical "context" of the literary language of the people and in close connection with it, at the same time, as it were, a concentrated expression. Therefore, the concept of "style" in the application to the language of fiction is filled with other content than in relation to other functional styles of the Russian language.

Depending on the scope of application of the language, the content of statements, situations and objectives of communication, several functional-style varieties are allocated, or styles characterized by a certain system of selection and organization in them.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious kind of literary language (its subsystem), which is functioning in a certain sphere of human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use in this area of \u200b\u200blinguistic means and their specific organization.

At the heart of the classification of styles is the extrallingest factors: the scope of the language determined by it themes and the purpose of communication. The applications of the language correlate with the types of human activity, relevant forms of public consciousness (science, right, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are considered scientific, business (administrative-legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they are allocated and official speech styles (books): scientific, official-business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). They are opposed to the style of informal speech - colloquially household.

The literary and artistic style of speech is in this classification by a mansion, since it has not yet been resolved the question of the legality of its allocation in a separate functional style, since it has enough blurred borders and can use language tools of all other styles. The specifics of this style is also the presence of various fine-expressive means in it for transmitting a special properties - image.

Thus, in linguistics, the specificity of artistic style is noted, which determines the relevance of our work.

The purpose of our study is to identify the features of the artistic style of speech.

The object of the study is the process of functioning of this style in Russian literary language.

Item - specific linguistic agents of artistic style.

Consider the general concept of "speech style";

Identify the distinctive signs of the artistic style of speech;

Analyze the features of the selection and use in this style of various linguistic agents.

The practical significance of our work is that the material submitted in it can be used both when studying the general course of the stylistics of the Russian language and in the study of a separate topic "Art style of speech".

CHAPTER…General concept about speech styles

Functional style is a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. Therefore, styles are called functional. If we assume that the style is characteristic of five functions (there is no unanimity among scientists about the number of features inherent in the language), then five functional styles are distinguished: colloquially helpful, scientific, official-business, newspaper, journalistic, artistic.

Functional styles determine the stylistic flexibility of the language, the diverse possibilities of expression, varying the thought. Thanks to them, the language turns out to be able to express a complex scientific thought, philosophical wisdom, draw the laws, reflect the multidimensional life of the people into the epic.

The performance of a function of a function is aesthetic, scientific, business, etc. - imposes a deep peculiarity for the whole style. Each function is a certain setting on a one or another representation - accurate, objective, specifically visual, informative-business, etc. And, accordingly, with this installation, each functional style is selecting those words and expressions from the literary language, those forms and designs. which can best carry out the internal task of this style. So, scientific speech needs accurate and stringent concepts, affected by generalized names, art prefers concreteness, images.

However, style is not only a way, the manner of the presentation. Each style is enshrined and its range of topics. Conversational style is limited, as a rule, everyday life, household plots. Official-business speech serves the court, right, diplomacy, relations between enterprises, etc. Newspaper and publicistic speech is closely related to policies, propaganda, public opinion. So, you can distinguish three features of the functional style:

1) Each functional style reflects a certain side of social life, has a special scope of application, its own circle of topics;

2) each functional style is characterized by certain conditions of communication - official, unofficial, relaxed, etc.;

3) Each functional style has a common installation, the main task of speech.

These external (extrallinguistic) features define the language appearance of functional styles.

The first feature is that each of them has a set of characteristic words and expression. So, the abundance of terms, special vocabulary mostly characterizes the scientific style. Conversational words and expressions indicate that we have a conversational speech, colloquial style. Artistic speech is replete with figurative, emotional words, newspaper and publicistic - socio-political terms. This does not mean, of course, that the functional style is completely consisting of the characteristic words specific for him. On the contrary, in quantitatively, their share is insignificant, but they constitute the most significant part of it.

The main mass of words in each style is neutral, interstile words, against the background of which the characteristic vocabulary and phraseology is distinguished. An interstile vocabulary is the keeper of the unity of the literary language. Being overwhelming, it combines functional styles, not allowing them to turn into special, difficult languages. The characteristic words constitute the language specificity of the style. They define its language appearance.

Community for all functional styles are grammatical means. Language grammar is one. However, in accordance with its installation, each functional style in its own way is used by the grammatical forms and structures, providing preference in one way or another. So, for official-business style, which is repelled from the entire personal, very characteristic of vaguely personal, return structures, the suffering turns (the reception is produced, certificates are issued, the exchange of money is carried out). Scientific style prefers direct order of words in sentences. Rheistral figures are peculiar to journalistic style: anphors, epifi phyphors, parallelism. However, in relation to vocabulary, and especially in relation to grammar, it is not about absolute, but about relative consolidation of one-style one. Characteristic for any functional style of the word and grammatical structures can be used in another style.

In language relations, functional styles differ in terms of imagery, emotionality. Opportunities and degree of imagery and emotionality in different styles of unequal. These qualities are not characteristic in principle for scientific and official-business styles. However, elements of imagery, emotionality are possible in some genres of diplomacy, in polemical scientific essays. Even some terms are shaped. For example, a strange particle in physics is called this because it really behaves unusual, strange.

Other functional styles are more favorable to emotionality and imagery. For artistic speech, this is one of the main linguistic features. Artistic speech is due to nature, entity. Another character is painted in journalism. However, here is one of the important styles. It is quite predisposed to imagery and especially for emotionality and speaking speech.

Thus, each functional style is a special influential sphere of a literary language, which is characterized by its circle by its set of speech genres, specific vocabulary and phraseology. Each functional style is a peculiar language in miniature: the language of science, the language of art, the language of laws, diplomacy. And all together they make up what we call the Russian literary language. And it is the functional styles that determine the wealth and flexibility of the Russian language. Spoken speech introduces a literary language, naturalness, ease, ease. Scientific speech enriches the language of the accuracy and severity of expressions, publicism - emotionality, aphoricity, artistic speech - image.

Characteristic of artistic style

art Speech Stylistics Russian

The specificity of the artistic style of speech, as functional consists already that it finds use in fiction, which performs a figurative and informative and ideological and aesthetic function. In contrast, for example, from abstragated, objective, logical and conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech, artistic literature is inherent in a specific-figurative representation of life. For artistic work, perception is characterized by feelings and rewarding reality, the author seeks to transfer his personal experience primarily, his understanding or understanding of one or another phenomenon. But in the artistic text we see not only the world of the writer, but also a writer in this world: His preferences, condemnation, admiration, rejection, and the like. Emotionality and expressiveness are connected with this, metaphoricity, meaningful multi-artistic speech style.

The main objective of the artistic style is the development of the world according to the laws of beauty, the satisfaction of the aesthetic needs, as the author of the artwork and the reader, aesthetic impact on the reader using artistic images.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs nominative-visual function. In the words that make up the basis of this style, first of all, enter the figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that implement their value in context. These are the words of the wide sector of use. Luxury-specific words are used to a small extent, only for creating a fracture in describing certain parties to life.

Artistic style is different from other functional styles in that it uses language tools of all other styles, but these means (which is very important) act here in the changed function - in aesthetic. In addition, in artistic speech, not only strictly literary, but also extralectric agents of the language can be used - spaticral, jargon, dialectic, etc., which are also not used in the primary function, but obey the aesthetic task.

The word in the artistic work is bothering: it has the same meaning as in the general literary language, as well as the added, incremental associated with the artistic world, the content of this work. Therefore, in the artistic speech, the words acquire special quality, some depth, begins to mean more than what they mean in the usual speech, remaining externally the same words.

So there is a conversion of the usual language into the artistic, such, one can say, the mechanism of action of aesthetic function in the artistic work.

The features of the language of fiction should include an unusually rich, diverse dictionary. If the vocabulary of scientific, official-business and colloquial speech is relatively limited thematically and stylistically, then the artistic style vocabulary is fundamentally unlimited. It can use the means of all other styles - and the terms, and official expressions, and speaking words and turnover, and publicism. Of course, all these diverse means are exposed to aesthetic transformation, perform certain artistic tasks, are used in peculiar components. However, principal prohibitions or restrictions relating to vocabulary does not exist. Any word can be used if it is aesthetically motivated, justified.

It can be said that in the artistic style, all language products, including neutral, are used to express the author's poetic thought, to create a artistic work system.

A wide range of voice resources is explained by the fact that, unlike other functional styles, each of which reflects one specific side of life, an artistic style, being a kind of reality mirror, reproduces all spheres of human activity, all phenomena of public life. The language of fiction is fundamentally deprived of all stylistic closets, it is open to any styles, any lexical reservoirs, any language means. Such openness determines the diversity of the language of fiction.

In general, the artistic style is usually characterized by figurativeness, expressiveness, emotionality, author's individuality, concreteness of presenting the specificity of the use of all linguistic funds.

It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and senses of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by imagery, emotionality, speech concreteness. The emotionality of artistic style is significantly different from the emotionality of the colloquial style, since the emotionality of artistic speech performs aesthetic function.

A broader concept is the language of fiction: artistic style is commonly used in the author's speech, and other styles may also be present in the speech of characters, for example.

List of fiction - a peculiar mirror of the literary language. Literature is rich - it means rich and literary language. Great poets and writers create new forms of literary language, which then enjoy their followers and all speakers and writing in this language. Artistic speech appears as a vertex achieving language. It has the ability of the national language in the most complete and clean development.

Chapter ... To the question of the allocation of artistic style

All researchers speak a special position of fiction style in the style system. The allocation of this style in the overall system is possible, since the style of fiction occurs on the same basis as other styles.

The scope of artistic literature style is art.

"Material" of fiction is a nationwide language.

He depicts the words of thought, feelings, concepts, nature, people, their communication. Each word in the artistic text is subordinate not only by the rules of linguistics, it lives according to the laws of verbal art, in the system of rules and techniques for creating artistic images.

The concept of "Art Language" includes the entire set of funds that the author uses to reproduce life phenomena to express their thoughts and views, convince the reader and call back in it.

The addressee of fiction is the reader.

Style's purpose is the self-expression of the artist, the artistic understanding of the world by means of art.

Artistic literature uses equally all functionally - semantic types of speech - description, narration, reasoning.

The form of speech is predominantly written, for texts designed to read out loud, a pre-registration is required.

Artistic literature also uses all types of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylog. Communication type - public.

Genres of fiction are known - this is a novel, story, sonnet, story, fables, poem, comedy, tragedy, drama, etc.

Features Hood Art

One of the features of the fiction style is that all elements of the artistic system of the work are subordinated to the solution of aesthetic tasks, the word in the artistic text is a means of creating an image, transmitting the artistic meaning of the work.

In artistic texts, all varieties of language funds existing in the language are used (we have already talked about them): the means of artistic expressiveness, stylistic or rhetorical figures, and can be used as a means of a literary language, as well as phenomena standing outside the literary language -

dialects, definition

jargon, definition

brangny vocabulary

tools of other styles, etc.

In this case, the selection of language units is subordinated to the artistic design of the author.

For example, the image creation means may be the surname of the hero. This reception was widely used by writers of the 18th century, introducing into the text "talking surnames". To create an image, the author can within the same text to use the capabilities of the meaning of the word, Omonimov definition

Synonyms Definition and other language phenomena.

Repeat the word, which in scientific and official-business styles emphasizes the accuracy of the text, in journalism serves as a means of enhancing the impact, in artistic speech may be at the heart of the text of the text, create the artistic world of the author.

Artistic means of literature is characterized by the ability to "grow meaning", which makes it possible to various interpretation of artistic texts, and its estimates. So, for example, critics and readers were evaluated differently and readers: many artworks:

Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" N. Dobrolyubov called "the ray of light in the dark kingdom", seeing in its main heroine - a symbol of the revival of Russian life. His contemporary D. Pisarev saw only a drama in the family chicken coop, modern researchers A. Genis and P. Wail, comparing the image of Katerina with the way Emma Bovarie Flaubert, saw a lot in common and called the "thunderstorm" of the "tragedy of the blessing life." Such examples can be given by many: interpretation of the image of Shakespeare Hamlet, Turgenev Bazarov, Dostoevsky's heroes. For example, the example of Shakespeare must

Artistic text has an author's originality - the author's style. The style of the author is the characteristic features of the language of the works of one author, which consist in the choice of heroes, composite features of the text, the language of heroes, the speech features of the actual copyright text. For example, for the style of L. N. Tolstoy, the reception is characteristic of the famous literary critic V. Shklovsky called "removal". The purpose of this reception is to return the reader a living perception of reality and expose evil. This technique, for example, uses a writer in the scene to visit Natasha Rostova Theater ("War and Peace"): Initially, Natasha, exhausted by separation from Andrei Bolkonsky, perceives the theater as an artificial life, opposing it, Natasha, feelings, then, after meeting with Helen Natasha looks at her scene with her eyes. Another feature of the style of thick is the constant dismemberment of the item depicted on simple components of the elements, which can manifest itself in the ranks of homogeneous membership members. At the same time, such dismemberment is subordinated to a single idea. Tolstoy, struggling with romantics, produces his own style, practically refuses to use actually figurative means of language.

In the artistic text we meet with the image of the author, which can be represented as the image of a narrator or the image of the hero, the narrator.

The image of the author is the conditional image. He attributes to him, so to speak, "reports" the authorship of his work, which may contain information about the personality of the author, the facts of his life that do not correspond to the actual facts of the writer's biography. This writer emphasizes the identity of the author of the work and his image in the work. The image of the author actively participates in the life of heroes, enters the plot of the work, expresses its attitude to what is happening, heroes, comments on the action, enters the dialogue with the reader. Author's or lyrical retreat - reflection of the author (lyrical hero, narrator), not related to the main narration. You are familiar with the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", Roman in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", where the image of the author is a vivid example of the expression of the conditional image in creating artistic text.

The perception of artistic text is a complex process.

The initial stage of this process is the naive realism of the reader (the reader believes that the author directly depicts life to such as it is in fact), the final stage is the dialogue of the reader and writer (in this case, the "Congenalen reader", as a wonderful philologist of the 20th century Yu.M, Lotman).

The concept of "Language of Artwork" includes the entire set of artistic funds that the author uses: Multivality of the Words, Omonimi, synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, historons, neologisms, foreign vocabulary, idioms, winged words.


As we have noted above, the question of the language of fiction and its place in the system of functional styles is resolved ambiguously: Some researchers (V.V. Vinogradov, R.A. Budagov, A.I. Efimov, M.N. Spelin, A. N. Vasilyeva, B.N. Golovin) include a special artistic style in the system of functional styles, others (L.Yu. Maksimov, K.A. Panfilov, mm. Shansky, D.N. Shmelev, V.D. Bondalets) that there is no reason for this. As arguments against the allocation of fiction style of fiction, the following are given:

1) the language of fiction is not included in the concept of a literary language;

2) it is multiple, unlocked, does not have specific adoption that would be inherent in the language of fiction in general;

3) The language of fiction is a special, aesthetic function, which is expressed in very specific use of language means.

It seems to us very legitimate opinion M.N. The skin that "the removal of artistic speech beyond the limits of functional styles is depleting our idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions of the language. If we derive artistic speech from the number of functional styles, but it is necessary that the literary language exists in a variety of functions, and this cannot be denyed, it turns out that the aesthetic function is not one of the functions of the language. The use of a language in the aesthetic sphere is one of the highest achievements of the literary language, and it does not cease to be such a literary language, falling into an artistic work, nor the language of fiction does not cease to be a manifestation of a literary language. " one

The main objective of literary and artistic style is the development of the world according to the laws of beauty, the satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of both the author of the artistic work and the reader, aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

It is used in literary works of different clans and genres: stories, poses, romance, verses, poems, tragedies, comedies, etc.

The language of fiction, despite the stylistic inhomogeneity, despite the fact that the author's individuality is clearly manifested in it, it still differs in a number of specific features, allowing to deliver artistic speech from any other style.

Features of the language of artistic literature are generally determined by several factors. It is inherent in a broad metaphoricity, the image of the linguistic units of almost all levels, is observed the use of synonyms of all types, meaningfulness, different stylistic layers of vocabulary. In the artistic style (compared to other functional styles) there are their laws of perception of the word. The meaning of the word is more determined by the author's target installation, genre and composite features of the artwork, the element of which is this word: first, it can acquire artistic meaningfulness in the context of this literary work, which is not fixed in the dictionaries, secondly, retains its Communication with the ideological and aesthetic system of this work and is assessed by us as beautiful or ugly, elevated or low-lying, tragic or comic.

The use of language funds in the artistic literature is ultimately subordinate to the copyright, the content of the work, creating an image and impact through it to the addressee. Writers in their works proceed primarily from the time to correctly convey the thought, feeling, truthfully reveal the spiritual world of the hero, realistically recreate the language and image. The copyright, the desire for artistic truth is subject not only to the normative facts of the language, but also deviations from overhangivers.

The latitude coverage of the artistic speech of funds of a nationwide language is so great that it allows the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fundamental potential for the inclusion in the style of the fiction of all existing language funds in the style of the artistic literature (the truth.

The listed facts indicate that the style of fiction has a number of features that allow him to occupy in the system of the functional styles of Russian language, special, place.

1 skin M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1983. P.49.