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How to make the lining manual milling. Cutlery milling and their application cutter for manual milling steer to make lining

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Wooden lining with your own hands - 3 ways to independently manufacturing

Wooden lining is a claimed finishing material with a single disadvantage: it is expensive. However, a high price is not yet a reason to abandon the use of wooden lining, because if desired, the material for finishing the house can be made. I will tell you how the lining is made with your own hands on the affordable woodworking equipment.

What you need to know about the material

The lining is a complete board, designed for the facing of various construction objects outside and for decoration of the room from the inside.

Illustrations Varieties of fasteners

Milling board with a connection "Schip-groove". This is the most common variety of material. On the one hand, the bar is located milled groove - longitudinal recess, and on the other hand, spikes. During the installation, the spike moves in the groove, there are assembly staples. As a result, the facing is obtained with minimal gaps.

Schip-groove connection (where spike is a separate element). In the manufacture of such a lining, a quarter is selected from the boards on both sides. Neighboring boards in the facing are connected by a separate spike - rail, which is inserted into the grooves.

Such a profile of the planks is characteristic of the lining made by the handicraft.

Cutting board for laying mustache (American). In essence, this is a simple board treated with circular saw and missed through fugalok.

The board is attached to the shap on top of mineral wool with nails. Nails are driven into the upper part of the board, and the next plank is installed on top of it. As a result, the transverse cut of the finish looks like a Christmas tree.

A significant advantage of such lining is its small cost due to ease of processing.

Illustrations Varieties on the type of profile (relevant for milling modifications)

Standard. The transverse cut is made in the form of a trapezium. The angle of the edge of the trapezium is 30-40 degrees. A distinctive feature is a small depth of the groove.

EUROPHILL. The Eurovant's profile is distinguished by neat processing, increased spike size and wide ventilation gambles from the wrong side.

Calm. This same profile as "Standard", but the edges are not bevelled, but the rounded.

Block house. The board is distinguished by a rounded surface that imitating a log. This is the most expensive profile of all previously listed options.

How lining is done in production

Illustrations Stages of industrial production

Sawing log on boards. The forest is sorted by the degree of curvature logs. The least curves of the logs with a minimum amount of marriage are served onto a sawmill where the longitudinal is cut.

Drying. Lumber are dried.

There are several drying methods, including autoclave and infrared processing. Regardless of the method of drying wood, the moisture content of sawn goods in the end should be 12%.

At the same stage, the blanks can be processed by antiseptic impregnations.

Profiling and cropping. At this stage, lumber is driven through the machine for the manufacture of lining, which combines the function of the milling and fuganka. As a result, the board acquires the necessary profile. Also, the board is cut down in length according to the standard.

Sorting. Finished lumber are sorted in class and mind, and then packaged.

Selection of industrial materials

In addition to wooden lining, plastic and MDF panels are presented. Given the specifics of production processes. The only material that can be processed at home is wood.

The following requirements are made to wood from which the lining is made:

  • Humidity in the range of 12-18%. At the production of lumber before final processing are dried. This is done so that when operating the finished lining does not dry and not cracking;
  • Lack of defects that will lead to wood damage. The presence of pigment spots on wood testifies to the beginning of putrefactive processes that can negatively affect the operating resource of the lining;
  • High density. The denser of wood, the more resistant to mechanical damage and rotting will be finished lining.

What kind of wood breed meets the listed requirements? Taking into account the attractive cost, for the manufacture of the wallboard, it is preferable to use wood of coniferous rocks. If the facing board is made for premises with high humidity, the best option is to use sawn timber from aspen.

Equipment for production in a home workshop

The choice of production tools depends on what exactly you decide to do. If the plans to make a block for packing a mustache, there will be a fairly circular saw and a fugance. The same equipment is enough if you decide on the boards to do not grooves and spikes, and the steps cut down in trimmed, as shown in the photo.

If you plan to make the lining with the spin-groove compound, in addition to the circular saw and the Fugank, a milling table with a cutter selected under the thickness of the longitudinal groove is required. For sampling groove on standard lining with a thickness of 20 mm, we select a thickness of the groove cutter 10 mm.

Is it possible to make the profile of the lining manual milling? Theoretically, this is possible, but keeping the milling mill in your hands more difficult than performing the same work on the milling machine.

Method 1: Production of lining on the belt sawmaker

This method is traditional for the USA and Canada, where people who have an opportunity to buy a forest to buy a boll with a ribbon saw, and the bar in turn is cutting on the boards with a beveled or rectangular profile.

Such a profile allows you to make the wall cladding more accurate. However, the task in the manufacture of the clap can be simplified and make the profile of the boards by the usual rectangular.

Such a technology does not imply mandatory grinding, since already in this form the board can be screwed down over the mounting frame. Nevertheless, if you need a more accurate facade of the house, the finished planks can be skipped through the fugars and make them smooth.

Method 2: Production of lining using a circular saw

At the initial stage, billets with a cross section 202 × 22 mm are cut from the already finished edged board. The stock in 2 mm is left in order to drive the blanks through the fugars and get boards with a cross section of 200 × 20 mm. Since the manufacture of finishing material is performed with their own hands, select the length of the blanks at its discretion.

In the course of the production process, the workpiece passes the longitudinal side through the sawmill, so that the step is in half the thickness of the workpiece from each edge. The protrusions on the same side are located mirror, that is, from one edge - at the top, and from the other - below.

Installation of such slats is performed so that the board, located on top, step, came to the board below. As a result, moisture will not fall for a wooden trim.

Method 3: Production of Lining Using Milling Tables

For the manufacture of lining on the milling table, a planed board is pre-prepared on a circular saw and a figned chalkboard. All the following operations are performed on the milling table with the possibility of tight fixation of the cutting tool and blanks.

Illustrations Step-by-step instruction

Adjusting the clamping clamp. At this stage, setting up in the horizontal plane. The workpiece is located close to the limiter and is fixed by clamps from the reverse side.

Installing and adjusting the cutter. The milling cutter is adjustable at the height of the spindle.

The height of the installation for the first and second cutter should be the same. Settings errors will make lining unsuitable for use.

Processing of the workpiece. The billet is driven along the cutting tool of the milling machine, first one side for the formation of the groove, and then the other side with the pre-replacement of the cutter for forming a spike.

Let's summarize

Make the lining to cover your home is easy, the main thing is to have a necessary tool and follow the proposed instructions. If you have questions, ask them in the comments when independently manufacturing the lining.

May 14, 2018.

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At leisure, I always wanted to do something useful for myself and some spend this time to decorate your home or apartment, because creativity always brings joy. One option is an independent manufacture of facing material for which milling cutters will be needed on the hand milling mill.

Make the most wooden panels to linger them - it is very interesting and exciting.

Manual Molding Manual


  • Hand cutters on wood can be divided into bearing (or edge) and selfless. The first are used for the manufacture of lining, and the second are used for one-time processing of any part, but they need auxiliary equipment.

  • Milling cutters for manual milling can have diameter ratio (D) to radius (R) PAZ on the panel: 9.5-4.8 mm, 12.7-6.35 mm, 15.8-7.9 mm and 199.5 mm. The diameter of the shank will remain 8 mm. For the lining, such cutters can be used, but uncomfortable.

  • This cutter for lining, as in the photo at the top can be used both with a manual milling machine, and with a milling machine, which is equipped with cols. Diameter cutters in this case 50 mm and 35 mm - respectively with the diameter of the shank 8 mm.

  • This milling cutter makes it possible to make panels with any type of tongue. The most basic is to adjust the machine and select the size of the cutter in depth and diameter.

Making clay

  • For the manufacture of lining with your own hands you need to make smooth fumed blanks from the unedged board. In the first queue, make a cut on one side, and then define with the width of the future panel.

  • To determine the width, pay attention to all available boards, so that the panels are the same. Of course, the strict instruction with the instructions is missing here, but the most optimal size of the board will be from 7 then 10 cm.

  • When fugging boards, be very careful, because most of the injuries are carpenters at the same time. A hand or a finger here, of course, will not cut off, but the wounds are very bleed and heal for a long time, although at the first moment they don't even feel pain. So that the thickness of all the boards is the same - consider the number of passes on the cutter - millimeter accuracy you, of course, do not achieve, but no one will notice the difference.

Council. For processing it is better to choose boards not more than 2m long, as it is longer difficult to hold and the dimensions are inaccurate. Also, shorter boards will be easier to handle a manual milling.

  • When spilling a review sometimes remains quite a lot of wood and it should not be thrown out. From these waste, you can drink thin decks for the connection, and the lining is made with grooves on both sides.

  • When the board is cropped and fugovan, you remains to make a spike and groove, that is, it is splashing it around the perimeter. Install the cutter on the machine and, lowering or lifting the table, adjust the depth of the groove. The line is moved to the desired distance and make sure that during processing the board has always been tightly pressed to its edge.

Wooden lining is a thin facing board with special cutouts that provide ease of installation that is consistently high demand in the market.

This is a universal material, with it, you can create an exquisite interior, bind the outer wall. The tree is completely harmless, the lining will be suitable even for the children's room. A plate of any form can be bought in a construction store, and it can be done on your own, for this you will need a machine for the manufacture of lining, material and, of course, desire.

Should I buy

Buy lining is not difficult. The various types of it come on sale, they differ in wood used, color, texture, outdoor surface form, so you can choose a material that is ideal for any project. With all this, the lining has a significant drawback - a high price.

Street major repairs, it will be useful to consider the version of the independent manufacture of lining. It is worth noting that even the easiest machine of this type will have a high price, and, before you decide on the purchase, it is necessary to estimate its profitability.

Need to the home workshop similar machine or not - to solve the master itself, you can only bring several arguments in favor of the purchase:

  • the production of lining in the domestic workshop will significantly save on the construction material;
  • made with its own hands, products will be deliberately higher quality than a similar coming on sale;
  • the machine can be the source of additional earnings due to a tangible price difference between the edged board and the finished lining.

Also, you can not forget that this machine is multifunctional. The scope of its application is not limited to the production of lining. With it, you can make a number of other profiled products from wood, among other things: platbands, plinths, curly rails for all kinds of frames.

Principle of operation of the machine

The process of manufacturing lining includes processing of the workpiece from four sides. First of all, the board passes disk saws that create smooth edges. Further, the reysmaus is calibrated the workpiece. The last step is milling, as a result of which chamfer and elements of compound (spike and grooves) are formed.

In principle, all these actions can be performed on different machines, but it is inefficient. It is much wiser to use one machine that will allow you to get a completely finished product at the exit, besides in one pass.

The operation of this machine is possible due to the simultaneous installation of several (from 4 to 7) spindles on one tabletop. Adjusting the distance between the saws is easy to designate the geometric dimensions of the obtained board, changing the cutters, - to flexibly adjust the product profile.

In manufacturing enterprises use powerful machines with working surfaces up to 12 m, for the manufacture of lining at home, you can choose a portable device. At the same time, the power of a small household machine with more than enough for the needs of current repairs.

Composite parts of the homemade machine

Machine for the production of lining can be made independently, but it must be borne in mind that it has a complex design. You can take for such work only if there is experience and the corresponding knowledge.

The drawings of a simple machine for a domestic workshop is easy to find on the Internet. It consists of several main devices collected on a shared frame.


The axle of the machine is a massive steel structure, which ensures the stability and reliability of the attachment of all nodes and aggregates. The bed must be fixed, for this its center of gravity is located as low as possible. Composite parts of the island are combined with welding.

Table top

The best material for the desk of the homemade machine is grilled steel plate. It makes technological holes for the output of the cutting tool, it is installed on it. The countertop is made narrow and stretched in length, its task is to support the workpiece during processing.

For a small machine, the countertop can be made from wood-based sheet materials. Laminated plates or fat plywood are suitable. Best of all, a similar design to climb the metal or wake a solid plastic.


All rotating devices are driven by the electric motor. Even for a small machine, its power must exceed 2 kW. Rotation transmission is carried out using belts. For the efficient operation of various cutting devices, a different rotation speed is needed, it is achieved by using pulleys of different diameters.

Clamping mechanism

The task of this mechanism is to accurately orient the workpiece and hold it during processing. It is implemented by a set of rollers fixed on the tabletop. They are taken removable, which allows the use of a machine for making associates of various widths.

Cutting tool

Circular saws and cutters form a product profile at the output. The quality of the resulting lining depends primarily on the quality of this node. Changing the cutting tool and its parameters, you can adjust the machine for the production of various products.

Creating a homemade machine, it is important to ensure the safety of its operation. All rotating parts must be closed with metal casing. The inclusion unit must be located in the immediate vicinity of the operator. The shutdown button must be red, it is easy to press and in no case be recessed into the housing of the switch.

Circular lining

Often there is a situation where there is no aesthetics of the material on the foreground, but solely its practicality, for example, it is necessary to separate the walls or ceiling of the utility room, the cellar, the workshop. For these purposes, simple and reliable, made with your own hands on the circular wallboard, is perfect.

First of all, you need to prepare lumber. We will need boards with a thickness of 15-20 mm, a width of 8-10 cm. It is reasonable to assume that the wider the board, the less it will be needed, the faster work will be performed. This is true, but only partly. Large width plus a primitive connection, the groove for which allows you to perform a circular, guaranteed to be laughed in the boobing of the board, thereby briefness of the coating.

Billets need to be aligned in width. For this, the lateral stop of the circular saw is set using a ruler, fixed. Alternately handle each plank, bring the width to a single value.

Note! In the process of work, the workpiece should be carefully examined. Do not try to make lining from the board, in which there are many bitch, or a little of them, but they are large. At home, they will definitely not be able to lock, they will soon fall.

After the plank was leveled, they are circular. It is best for this that a fugoval machine is suitable, but the factory circular can also perform this feature. Of course, you can handle the board with a manual or electrical plan.

Next, you need to create a groove and spike for fastening the clapboard. The easiest way to make mirror samples in opposite ends of the board. Their accuracy and symmetry is achieved by adjusting the height of the disk exit and the distance from the saw until the stop.

With the thickness of the board in 20 mm, the output of the disk must be 10 mm, the distance to the ruler is also 10 mm. The first pass is plaffing. Climbing the board to the side stop, they do the groove on half the thickness in it. Next, the board put on the edge, repeat the operation. The same actions, but in the mirror reflection are performed from another end.

As a result of the described actions, it turns out a rough version of the lining, which is easy to mount, it creates an attractive smooth surface.

Use of milling machine

The presence of a milling machine on a tree will make it possible to make a high quality lining. It can be safely facing not only utility rooms, but also residential rooms. Using cutters of various configurations, it is possible to make with a milling milling of any type with a milling milling, with their own special demand for EuroNoga.

The advantages of Euro woman:

  • more reliable connection;
  • duties on the reverse side, allowing the coating to breathe;
  • abundance of profiles to create a unique surface;
  • high durability.

Before work, it is necessary to prepare material. Schemes should be smooth, smooth. Billets with bitch on the side edges immediately rebel - high probability that during the milling process they will fly out. Also rebel a plate with darkening, longitudinal cracks, having a visible curvature.

The best milling tool for the manufacture of the wallboard is a vertical spindle machine. It is put on it a milling mill for making a groove with simultaneous removal of decorative chamfer. The cutting tool is exhibited depending on the required processing depth and is securely fixed.

It will be more convenient to work if the machine improves a little, namely, set several metal rollers on the table top, which will fix the rail, adjusting the depth of processing, allowing it to move along the knife.

Note! Before you take for the manufacture of lining, it is worth trying the machine. To do this, it is necessary to draw a short rail, check and, if the result suits, move directly to work.

After one side is treated, the mill change. It is convenient to work with a typical tool, cutters collected from several knives. By changing the configuration of the cutting edge, you can make various types of lining.

You can also do the grooves and on the inside of the lining, for this, the workpiece is put on the edge, pressed with rollers.

Requirements for lumber

You can make high-quality lining only from the corresponding sawn timber. There are several rules about this:

  • it is better to take the wood of the bottom of the tree. It has a good texture, there are fewer bitch;
  • the billet should be smooth and smooth. The presence of cracks, rot, traces of the activities of the Coroeda;
  • the boards from which the lining will be made must be dried, moisture is allowed not more than 12-16%. Otherwise, the lining can be a story, and one low-quality board will easily spoil the entire wall.

The tree breed is chosen depending on the purpose of the wallboard. To work, use the most different wood, most often it is pine, cedar, larch, oak, ash.

The most popular is the right of coniferous wood. It is perfect for both interior decoration and exterior walls. In the room, it creates a special coin, filling the air barely with a resinous aroma.

Lipa, due to its softness and advantage, allows you to make the lining of the most complex profile. Excellent consumer characteristics and high durability has an oak and larch. The only drawback is the complexity of processing, it is necessary to use cutters from solid alloys.

Design of premises with wooden lining is a reasonable classic. Exquisite and safe interiors, beautiful and functional exterior - all this can be done. The mini-machine for the production of lining will save on the construction material, and the full stationary - will help to earn well.

It is time for vacations, and at the same time the frequency of country trips in the cottages increases. There there is always a master person to make hands, giving the will creative beginning in construction and repair. An indispensable material for finishing the walls is the practical lining made with your own hands.


The choice of cutting cutters is caused by industrial tasks and economic feasibility. The milling equipment has different power, therefore, it is equipped with different types of models that differ in the diameters of the shank 8 and 12 mm.

All types can be divided into several groups:

  • prefabricated with mechanical fastening of knives;
  • with attack knives;
  • monolithic.

Prefabricated models have a number of advantages, however are the most expensive. Changing plates on carbide or high-speed steel and using the same kit, it becomes possible to work with wood different density. Knives are dragging, and when the production resource is exhausted, the knife itself is to be replaced, and not the entire cutter completely.

The so-called holled plans are most popular among the attacked plates models. They have a smaller cost in comparison with the first. Thanks to the process of hiddening on the front face, the working profile does not change when the worker does not change. This is the main advantage of such copies along with the simplicity of the flow. In addition, their teeth have increased strength. In case of a blow, the size of the grooves for the withdrawal of wood chips increases, which is convenient in operation.

Most often in the holded models used attack plates made of high-speed steels.For example, P6M5 (HSS). The high-speed alloy of foreign production is marked in accordance with international HSS abbreviation standards (High Speed \u200b\u200bSteel).

For the production of the casing material, soft or medium in the density of wood is chosen. Coniferous - spruce and pine, wide-linden, alder. Therefore, the choice of high-speed alloy is not accidental.

A more expensive class has naughty plates on hard tungsten alloy discs. In particular, the domestic alloys of VK8, VK15 (tungsten and cobalt). Solid foreign production alloys have the designation in accordance with ISO as HM (Hard Material), which means "solid metal". Another name is Solid Carbide. This type perfectly behaves with a cutting of large volumes of solid wood - oak, ash, beech.

The typical milling mill consists of the following elements:

  • axis design with fastening nut;
  • two disks with knives;
  • bearing, located between cutting knives.

Often they are advisable to disassemble in order to replace any component. Knives from solid tungsten alloy VK8 (tungsten and cobalt) can be housing up to 4 times.

Proven manufacturers

To date, hundreds of small and large firms are numbered in the construction industry. Experts are recommended to carefully study all the nuances before contacting any of them.

Set of terminal cutters "Globus"

The company has proven itself as a conscientious manufacturer of professional tools. The terminal mills of the company "Globus" are intended for the manufacture of products such as clapboard, a block house, Eurovantia. The kit includes two combined elements, furnished profile. This set is good because it allows for two passages to make a full-fledged eurvagon rail, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of time and labor.

At all levels between bearings, discs and nut, installation pads are located, thanks to which it is possible to easily adjust the clearance between the discs. This will help adjust the gaps or the tension of the spike groove. Carbide attacks are soldered very qualitatively, without influx, leakage of brass, are accurately made.


The company manufactures cutter cutters with carbide attacks for more than 20 years. One of the latest developments of the company is a kit for the manufacture of Euro-making or simply lining. The kit consists of two elements. One cuts the front part, and the second makes the response part.

Completed set in two types of configuration.The first variety is with a shank of 8 mm. The second is 12 mm shank. This is done to work both on low power cutters and more powerful equipment - milling machines. Collapsible design. You can unscrew the fastening nut and remove the components, replace the bearing or sharpen the knives. Carwide knives, alloy VK8. Run to the shaft with brass. They are easy to sharpen their own diamond instrument on the back of the knife.

"Slavic Dvor"

This manufacturer launches options for four-sided and milling machines.

The company "Slavyansky Dvor" delivers a wide range of models. They are intended for the production of all types of trim board (under the bar, lining, eurvagra, and american, block house). You can find a suitable type in a set or separately. With interchangeable or naught knives.

Manufacturing process

The lining is a well-processed board-cutting board, on one side of which there is a groove, and on the other - spool / spike for the connection. The design is quite simple, so there is nothing possible in making it yourself.

To do this, you will need:

  • milling manual or machine;
  • milling cuts;
  • boards.

For the production of lining, we need stripped fugged boards. Such blanks can be made independently or purchased ready. By making personalized blanks, it is better to take short-lived boards (up to 2 m). It will be easier to manage with them and the result will be more accurate. First, you need a raw board to cut on one side, and then from the smooth edge to measure the desired size. The optimal width is considered to be 7 - 10 cm, although all this is at the discretion of the wizard.

To get the same thickness of the future lining, you need to withstand the number of passes in the mill. The resulting difference in several millimeters will be visually invisible.

Prepare a tree in this way, proceed to the next stage. It is necessary to cut a spike and groove on the perimeter of the board.

On the machine it takes place in several stages.

  • The selected milling cutter is installed on the machine.
  • The depth of the groove is adjusted by lowering or lifting the table.
  • A ruler is installed at the specified distance. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the workpiece fits tightly to its edge, otherwise the size will be accompanied.

For the production of lining manual milling, you need a calibrated board. It will not be possible to make it on the manual fresher, a flight is required. The width of the ridge must be 4 - 6 mm. Thinner will be clouded, and thicker will not take a kleimer. It is made by the end cutter. Then the viper pass on top and remove the residue so that the smooth area is at least 5 mm. On the other hand, the chamfer of a smaller size is removed. It is also necessary to monitor the material thickness to get an even product.

Working with a milling mill can be traumatic, so it is necessary to clearly know and follow the rules of operation of the equipment. And then the manufacturing process will not bring unpleasant surprises, and will be in joy.

Manufacturers give simple tips to extend the resource of the cutter.

  • When working with a tree, smiling deposits accumulate, which leads to premature wear. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the tool from the plaque daily.
  • Do not start working a blunt tool. The absence of sharpening can provoke the burning of the cutting edge and the occurrence of an incorrect defect on the working surface.
  • Observe the rules of sharpening. In the rolled models, it is performed on the front edge of the cutting tool with SM1, CM2, with the graininess of A25 or A35. The sharpening of the knives of carbide materials make diamond circles. Do not forget to monitor the edges not arise.

The market gives truly limitless opportunities for creativity and expressing emotions in the tree, stone, and even in creating furniture for home and family, because without this tool it is difficult to do something worthwhile.

In the age of advanced technology cutters, there is a great set, it is hardly possible to describe all their diversity, in this article we will touch on the most sought-after requests.

What are the types of cutter cutting on the hand mill?

To understand this issue, it is necessary to understand what the lining is. It varies in appearance (profile) and material.

Of course, everything is made of wood, but the size and humidity of the tree are different, since the Euro-making is manufactured according to DIN 68126, and the domestic version, in the life of the lining, according to GOST 8242-88. The photo demonstrates the manifold processing of the board.

different configurations of the appearance of lining

That is, the lining is essentially a qualitatively treated board, which, no matter which external outline on it, has a groove and spool for docking the boards.

Tool with two disc discs

And consequently, the cutters for the manufacture of sheets and the groove of the lining have strictly defined dimensions and appearance. On the first photo, the sample for the manufacture of the tongue, on the second for the manufacture of the groove.

as two-way, but for the groove

The cutters are made in two versions, with an 8 mm shank and 12 mm for the possibility of working them on different power mills. Consist of two disks with knives, bearing between them and axis with a fastening nut. Knives are made from the hardwly material of the VK8, which can be coated independently up to 4 times. It was understood.

For stone work

A lot of artificial cutter cutter, it all depends on the specific operation produced when working with the surface, profile, radius, overtaking or intended for inlay.

It is made from a hardwater material that has been sold for steel base, but there are more expensive options, for example, collapsible with interchangeable knives or diamond spraying.

Since the fantasy of a person is limitless, the formative cutter is very diverse and constantly improving their forms. The leader in the production of a variety of cutters, including on artificial stone, is Ceratizit.

diamond cutters for stone work

Diamond cutters are sintered and electrocalvanic. In the sintered, several layers of diamond crumb is baked, which increases the life expectancy of the tool due to the wear of the same layer and the manifestation of the following, exposing new diamond grains. This tool requires careful care. Since the grains are reliably sintered among themselves, then the cleaning of such cuts is carried out precisely the abrasive bar, which is extremely negatively affected by the usual diamond instrument.