Repairs Design Furniture

Simple rules for the device of the compost pit in the country. Comportant Human Hand Options: Independent Manufacture With Photo and Video Instructions Aids for Waste At Duc

If you have a country or household plot, and you constantly buy manure or fertilizer, then this article is for you. In it, I will tell you how to make a compost yam and turn waste, which is usually thrown into a good fertilizer. Select the most suitable design type and make it on your site. It does not take much time and does not take a lot of strength, but it will give an excellent result.

I will talk about four versions that you can implement:

  • The simplest pit on the plot;
  • Wooden box;
  • Brick structure;
  • Ready plastic container.

The main features of the design of the design

First you need to deal with the location of the compost heap, since there is a number of requirements:

  • A source of drinking water or a water branch should be at least 30 meters. At the same time, the pit should be located not on the elevation so that the precipitation from it does not flush to the well;
  • In order for the unpleasant smell did not disturb you and neighbors, it is better to have a construction in the far corner of the site. Do not put it near the road;
  • A pit for compost cannot be placed in a sunny place. It should be in the shadow or half to improve the process of overheating components.

Option 1 - the simplest pit

We'll figure it out how to make a compost yam in the country:

  • To begin with, a suitable place is selected, taking into account the requirements described above. Then the pit is digging with a depth of 50-60 centimeters, 1 meter width and 3-5 meters long. You can make a smaller option if you have little organic waste;

  • Then the walls are enhanced by the old slate or rubberoid. You can leave them and so, but over time they will begin to crumble, and many nutrients will go around the perimeter. Old slate is simply put around the perimeter so that he keeps, you can drive from the inside to a couple of pegs. Bursts can be made by 30-50 cm above the soil level to increase the capacity of the pit;

  • You can use other technicians: pieces of tin, plywood, etc. It is important to make the container so that everything that will be folded is not collapsed;

  • The finished structure can be filling in waste. On the bottom it is best to lay a layer of branches or straw with a thickness of 15-20 cm for drainage, and then layer layer laying materials for compost. The optimal laying scheme is shown in the figure below.

Option 2 - Wooden box

A more practical type of construction. Production options can be very different, I will talk about the easiest of them.

The instructions for carrying out work with their own hands looks like this:

  • To begin with, it is worth finding a place on the recommendations specified above. After that, you need to decide on the design of the box. Since the compost matures 2 years, then a reasonable solution will be the construction of 2, and better than 3-section. Its length can be 3-5 m depending on the number of compartments;
  • Created a drawing of construction. It does not need accuracy, the main thing is to specify the width and length. As for height, it should not be more than a meter. But if you do a folding door or put the boards on one side in the groove, you can do the design and higher;

  • The compost pit is done simply and quickly. Put bars in the corners. You can collect the design separately, and you can insert the elements to the ground, it will make the work even easier. After that, the boards on the height you need are stuffed between the side walls;

  • The upper part is made in the form of the door so that you can open them if necessary. The front walls are clogged to half a height. Next, the doors are made, which are attached to the curtains and recorded by spinages. There are no special requirements, do how it turns out, the cracks are not scary, it will allow the air to penetrate the container and accelerate compost maturation;

  • Lastly, the design is processed by an antiseptic from the inside and outside, and then stains. Inside the recess is made by 40-50 cm, it increases the capacity of the design and facilitates the penetration of rainworms, which are an important link of the process of ripening fertilizer.

The three-section option allows you to get ready-made compost every year. One compartment is filled with fresh content, the second matures, and the third is used. Everything is very rational and competent.

Option 3 - Brick Design

This type is characterized by high reliability, but it will be harder to build it. The materials required for work are listed in the table.

We'll figure it out how to build a compost yam in the country with your own hands:

  • First of all, you should dig a hole of the size you need. Its depth must be 50-60 cm, and the width from one to one and a half meters;
  • Then the walls of brick or blocks are being built. They are displayed to a height of up to 1 meter above the level of soil, no longer need, as you will be inconvenient to get compost;

  • If you wish, you can make walls under the tilt to simplify access to the pit. On top of the design you can lay the lid from the board or grid, there is no special difference.

You can make the front wall of the boards, which are inserted between two slats. It is convenient to the fact that if necessary, you can quickly remove the partition and remove the compost.

Option 4 - ready-made designs

If you do not have a place on the site or you want to solve the issue easier, you can use ready-made containers for compost. They are made of plastic and have a very light weight. In addition, this material does not decompose and maintains strength over the years.

  • The volume of the design can be different, choose those containers that fit you;

  • For fertilizers you have constantly, you need to put 2-3 tanks;
  • An important advantage is the presence of an unloading hatch below, through it you can get the finished composition quickly and easily;

  • The cost of structures is 2-3 thousand rubles, which is not so much. And if we take into account their durability, the benefits of such an acquisition becomes obvious.

Regardless of what option you will implement, you need to remember several basic rules for the preparation of high-quality compost.

To begin with, we will analyze that you can add to the pit:

  • Weeds that fallen leaves, plants stalks and;
  • Wood waste, rods, sawdust;
  • Manure, peat;
  • Paper waste;
  • Residues of tea, coffee, food;
  • Vegetables and fruits, including those who have fallen.

As for restrictions, it should not put the rubber, plastic, polyethylene and other in-section components. Do not pour fluids with detergents and chemicals.

In order for the composition as much as possible, it is worth it to periodically, and lay the layers to peat or manure. On a dry season, the contents of the pit must be periodically watering so that the components do not swap.

If you do not want to wait for 2 years, you can use special preparations that are called a bioactivator for compost. They quickly decompose organic waste and allow you to get high-quality fertilizer in just a couple of months.

In order for the bioactivator to work with maximum efficiency, the mass must be constantly mixed and water warm water.


Using the reviews from the review, you can easily make a compost yam with minimal time and money costs. The video in this article will clearly show some points discussed above. If you have any questions - write them in the comments below.

For those who have a non-fermented land for landings, vegetable blanks is a real choice - to equip a compost pit.

This solution will make it possible to make a nutrient soil mixture yourself. After performing a pit on recommendations to those skilled in the art, observing some basic rules, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant "aroma" in the site and unsanitary conditions.

Principles of the device of the compost pit

To form in the future of high-quality and rich compost, the necessary consistency, properties must be performed in compliance with the following features:

  1. It is required to maintain a high temperature, for this, the useful volume of the pit is better to choose about 1 m 3.
  2. So that the inner layers of humus constantly blocked the air flows, it is necessary to leave the gaps in the side sections of the pit.
  3. Products should not be overwhelmed, for this you need to build a roof or part of the folding section in the pit.
  4. To face it is convenient to pour the finished result for laying on the beds, the front wall must be made retractable, removable.

How to choose a space for a compost yam on the plot?

Initially, it is worth a particular attention to pay the determination of the optimal placement of the pit for self-making compost.

This is best for this:

  • Backyard houses, shed.
  • Hozdvor.

Thus, neither appearance nor the fragrance of the pits will not spoil the subtleties of the landscape design.

Choosing a place, you need to carefully trace where and how the water flows during the abundant rains and the occasion of snow in the spring. It means that the compost pit should be located below the well or water well on the site so that even with abundant rains, rotting products did not get into the water.

How to make a compost yam with your own hands?

To independently perform such a design on the site, you can use any technicraft materials, such as slate, professional flooring, iron or plastic barrels and much more. More capital structures are those that are based on the use of bricks, concrete.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. After selecting the desired place for the pit, it is necessary to determine the dimensions, for example, the pits area can be 1.5-2 meters.
  2. Remove the shovel top layer of the soil, a depth of about 0.5-0.7 meters.
  3. Run a small sandy pillow at the bottom of the pit to prevent the penetration of water into compost.
  4. After that, you can on the perimeter of the pit, install walls from slate with backups.
  5. Place the layers of the compost material, speaking them with peat, ground and watering water. To do this, use fresh pc, sawdust, manure, weed grass, dry leaves and branches, food waste.

Important! To speed up the process of compost processing, obtaining a finished result All compost components can be finely chopped by a shovel.

The finished result will be suitable for use after 2 year old season.

A similar design of the compost pits is considered the most preferable, has a mass gain:

  • Due to the thick walls, the pit will be maintained to maintain the desired temperature inside the mixture.
  • Durability and reliability of the compost pit.
  • The lack of exposure to adverse environmental factors.

Important! Capital compost pit from concrete is recommended to do on 2-3 compartments.

To perform this design it is necessary:

  1. In a place selected for compost, to dig a yum at least 1.5x3.5 with a depth of 70-100 cm.
  2. Formwork from a bar and boards, aligning 15-20 cm from the edge of the pit. It should be above the ground level by 40-50 cm.
  3. Run inside the formwork reinforcement from the metal grid, flood with rubble and pour the formwork with concrete.
  4. The formwork concrete in the pit will capture the overhaul of 1.5-2 weeks, after which the boards can be removed.
  5. Inside the pit lay a compost material, put the roof of wooden shields from above.

It is worth considering: That in the concrete nam, the decomposition process will occur quite slowly to speed up this process can be used by special chemistry.

The pit made of roofing material is distinguished by durability. To implement this idea, construction material of any shape and length is suitable.

The compost pit can be performed simply (sheets are plugged into the ground around the perimeter) or capital (slate is attached to the laid frame from BRUSEV).

It all depends on the need to build a temporary or capital form. It is also worth understanding that the tree is not a durable material, or from time to time it will be treated with antiseptics or change it.

The lid of the compost pit can be made of wooden shields, covering material.

If a temporary solution is needed for a compost pit, you can use the design of the boards. This pit can be disposed of or postpone if there are any landscape changes. In this case, it is recommended to use the size of the box - 1.5-1 meters.

Step-by-step manufacture instructions include the following actions:

  1. In place, which was allocated to the pit, make the perimeter markup.
  2. Remove the shovel of the upper layer of the earth to 10 cm deep.
  3. At the corners of the pit to install and drive metal pipes, insert the timber in them and secure everything with concrete solution.
  4. Pre-bar and boards for pit must be treated with a protective solution that prevents the appearance of rotes, the destruction of the frame.
  5. To improve air exchange inside the design, the board and the bar do not need to lay tightly to each other, the recommended gap can be 3-5 cm.
  6. To reach raw materials without barriers to air from the bottom, you can leave a place from the lid up to 30-50 cm. It will be a good solution to lay the material into the pit and pick up the prepared compost.
  7. For greater amenities you can build a lid for the pit with a handle and loops.

Space Pit from Profile

For the manufacture of pit with the use of professional flooring, it is recommended to choose sheets with a special coating with anti-corrosion properties.

The work plan includes the following actions:

  1. In place, which was selected for the manufacture, to build a metal base.
  2. For the selected size, select the length of the sheets, it is better to make a pit with 2-3 compartments.
  3. Make a typical frame for the pit, outside the profile fixed by self-drawing.
  4. After that, the basis is based on each sheet around the perimeter of the pit. But, it is worth knowing that the sheets on a hot day are very heated.

Metal Mesh Computer Basket

Having a little extra, for example, a metallic or galvanized chain challenge, you can build an effective form of the pit. A small cylindrical container is performed from the grid, which will be well and efficiently ventilated, the substrate for fertilizer will be ready for use quite quickly.

For such a pit, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Curlerate the required grid size, based on the dimensions of the compost pit, adding 20 cm for the adhesion of the grid.
  2. On the dimensions of the grid get a cut of burlap or a simple film.
  3. In the thickness of the grid to invest the selected protective material.
  4. On the perimeter of the pit, consolidate wooden bars for greater stability, be sure to burst into the ground 50-70 cm.

Note! Instead of standard materials, you can use a spacious package for garbage. The advantage of this design is that it is easy to collect or dismantle, to transfer to any convenient place.

Other materials for compost pits

The compost pit is a universal solution, to execute which any material can be used, it is only necessary to attach a little imagination.

Brick Space

For the manufacture of a compost pit with the use of red, white or chamotte bricks, it is desirable to choose a structure in 3 walls, it is advisable to make small gaps between bricks to ensure air flow.

If you lay out the brick without the use of cement, later, if necessary, the design can be easily moved via the site.

Note! In such designs, it is recommended to provide an additional compartment used to throw and turning the compost. From any existing material to make a comfortable cover with handles.

Concrete rings

Having created the improvisation of the well on the soil surface, you can easily add the grass, waste from the table, dry leaves, etc. It will be high-quality fertilizer without excess costs.

If you wish, the ring can be shuffled into the soil or not to do this, the cover is made of wood or film material.

Note! The only minus of this design is the complexity of the compost recess process, due to the fact that there is no possibility to make a removable front panel. But it is worth noting high strength, reliability and durability of the design.

Compost in Iron Barrel

Many gardeners for economies are used to create an old metal metal tanks. This will require:

  1. In the prepared design for the pit, cut both bottoms and put on a prepared, crumpled soil.
  2. Treat the tank of dark (black) paint to attract straight UV rays and maintain the optimal conditions for "maturation".
  3. In order to pour out the finished fertilizer in the future, it will be necessary to raise a barrel with a lomik.

Computer pit out of automotive tires

To form a compost pit, you can also use old vehicle tires:

  • Remove the side of the tread with the use of jigsaw, so that it turns out a small well made of rubber elements.
  • There will be enough 4-5 tires to form a spacious and comfortable cylinder.
  • For the unimpeded circulation of air inside the design, plastic tubes can be placed on the side walls.

Compost pit on Finnish technology

If there is no time or opportunity to independently make a form, it can be bought in online stores, shopping farm and garden companies - a composter on Finnish technology.

The design is a unique apparatus on the principle of the dry lad. It includes the basis of 2 compartments, with a capacity of 80 liters.

When the container is fully loaded, the compartment opens, changes to the new one.

What can be put in a compost pit?

In the capacity of the compost yam, gardeners can throw away any organic elements, for example:

  • Straw.
  • Fresh grass.
  • Branches.
  • Weeds.
  • Long husk.
  • Egg shell.
  • Food residues.

For the fertilizer to be more saturated, you can mix the compost with peat, manure, litter.

Prohibited ingredients for compost heap

  • Plastic.
  • Polyethylene.
  • Construction litter.
  • Life waste.
  • Cardboard.
  • Printing products.
  • VEYN, Dress, Osay.

Note! Speakers need to be applied quite carefully, because They are poorly decomposed and take nitrogen from fertilizer. Do not apply human feces and vital products of four-legged pets for the future compost.

Drugs for compost pits

For stimulation and activation of the work of biological organisms, the following preparations based on pathogenic microflora can be used:

  1. In this case, "COMPOST BOOST" will be effective.
  2. "Biocompostin" or "eco-compost".
  3. The preparation "Baikal Em" based on natural microorganisms.
  4. The doctor "Doctor Robik" processes the basis of humus, fights with larvae and insects, prevents the presence of an unpleasant odor.
  5. Natural Bioactivator Green Master, as well as Green Universal Preparations, Comfort One Season.

Note! Each particular preparation must be used according to the manufacturer's instructions, it will be possible to form a final result after 3-4 months of use of special stimulants.

Committee Operation Rules

In addition to the basics of compost pits at home, it is very important to comply with the recommendations for the proper operation of the structure.

For this, experts advise:

  • To prevent dryness of fertilizer, reducing its active properties, in the warm season it is necessary to process additionally compost with water.
  • No less often 1 time in 7-10 days should be turned over and loosen compost to ensure a sufficient influx of air in all layers.
  • To make the process more operational in the root mixture, pour ready-made compost.
  • The presence of the upper lid or overlap is mandatory in the design of the pit. If it is originally not provided that you can tighten the pit with a black polyethylene film.

Making such a design does not carry anything difficult in itself, it is only necessary to fulfill the prescriptions and advice of specialists. It is important that an effective compost pit can be made of various, budgetary materials.

As a result, it will be effective and inexpensive fertilizer, which is able to significantly increase the yield on the household plot.

Compost - This is a fertilizer from organic raw materials, suitable for enriching the soil on flower beds, beds with vegetables and under fruit trees in the garden. It breaks out clay soil and delays moisture in the sandy soil.

Usually gardeners buy compost in garden stores. But with some efforts and the share of patience, you can get a "home" compost.

High-class compost is made of organic garbage:

Than a variety of organic waste, the better the compost will turn out

  • unsuitable in food (rejuvenated), but not affected by diseases of fruits (berries, fruits, vegetables, cereals);
  • used tea welding and coffee grounds;
  • straw and healthy plants (herbs, colors);
  • foliage, branches, bark, roots and ash trees and shrubs;
  • sawdust;
  • needles;
  • small pieces of waste paper (napkins, chopped newspapers, packaging, cardboard);
  • fragments of natural fabrics (cotton, flax, wool, silk);
  • the second year manure of herbal farm animals (cows, horses).

To the compost hole is forbidden to throw:

  • excrement of dogs and cats;
  • bones;
  • insect pests (for example, beetles - dung and colorado);
  • potato and tomato tops;
  • bOTS, treated with chemical fertilizers;
  • perennial rhizable weeds;
  • coal ash;
  • synthetic garbage (rubber, plastic and cellophan, scrap metal).

Waste can be simply added in a bunch of inconspicuous corner of the site, and you can prepare a neat hole for them, which will not even see guests.

Make such a compost pit does not represent much work. For this, quite everywhere available materials and some patience.

How to independently build a dog booth, read in.

Tools and Materials for Work

The compost container is often built from boards or bars.

To do this, you will need:

  • circular saw, electrolovka, circular saw or ordinary hacksaw - for sawing wood;
  • chisel;
  • rifted;
  • roulette;
  • waterpas (or level);
  • garden shovel or drill;
  • hammer and nails;
  • screws (ideally galvanized);
  • metallic profile;
  • boards from any breeds of trees;
  • paint;
  • door handles and spingalets.

To protect wood from exposure to moisture and insects:

  • moisture-resistant enamel;
  • varnish with anti-grapple impregnation.

Long serve you with faith and truth pit with poured concrete walls.

For the manufacture of concrete, it will be necessary:

  • river sand;
  • crushed stone or gravel;
  • cement;
  • water.

Sometimes it does not want to spend a lot of strength and time to make a compost pit. In this case, it is easier to acquire ready-made containers and barrels for compost compost. Such composters have an attractive appearance, but it will be more expensive.

Advantages of a plastic composter:

  • the hermetic container does not allow leaks and, as a result, drinking water pollution;
  • thanks to the ventilation system, water is not stored in the container.

When installing a plastic tank, be sure to add drugs to raw materials, accelerating the process of decomposition of the organic or can be calculated in future humid rainwoods.

Step-by-step instructions for creating pit

Deep compost yama

Compost in such a pit matures longer, and it is more complicated to mix it, but sometimes it is the only possible option.

The dig of a compost pit follows where the water will not flock to the well after abundant rains. Products of rotting, getting into the water designed for drinking, will affect its taste and health safety.

Deep pit is better because compost will not spoil the general view of the site, but in such a pit it is preparing longer

In order for the organic mass, the amount of oxygen required for decomposition is necessary, the pit is digging as follows.

Step 1

Remove the soil not more than 1 m in the depth, 2 m in length and 1.5 m wide. If you move to the pocket from the depth, then it will be difficult to extract the ripening humus.

Step 2.

From each wall of the pits, 20 cm are retreating and bought in the corners of four columns.

Step 3.

The columns connect to the skins that are fixed in 5 cm from each other so that all the compost layers are freely supplied with oxygen. It turns out the inside wooden box.

Review of the species of small architectural forms for landscape design see.

Want to land flower beds to zoning the site? Learn to choose plants for.

Step 4.

The finished pit is divided by half with a wooden shield to fill in only one half.

Step 5.

On the bottom of the pits lay a layer of thick branches (10-15 cm), bark or straw. The resulting drainage will take extra moisture and will allow raw materials at the bottom of the pit to ventilate.

The bottom and sidewalls of the pit do not cover anything so that earth worms could freely penetrate into it, helping to form humus.

It is important to maintain a certain level of humidity in the pit. To do this, do not forget as it dry out watering a compost bunch of watering can and periodically loose humus. Cover a bunch of film to create a sauna effect.

Now it remains to immerse the suitable raw material, from which first-class fertilizer will later get.

Organic waste is discharged into one part of the compost pit. After some time they are recking on the other half. This contributes to the saturation of the contents of the pit oxygen.

Booted compost yama

The most durable compost pit is made of concrete. In such a pit, the cement mortar is poured the side walls, which increases its value.

Bettered compost pit is a durable structure that will serve not one dozen years

Step 1

It is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil and dig a rectangular deepening with a length of 3 m, a width - 2 m and a depth of 60-80 cm.

Step 2.

Now we make a formwork and pour the walls with a solution of rubble, sand and cement.

To do this, suck in the declined bucket of gravel and gradually pour water into it. If the bucket was fitted 5 liters of water (half of the volume of buckets), then it is necessary to adhere to the 2: 1 ratio (on a complete gravel bucket - 5 liters of sand).

It is not necessary to remake with water, otherwise numerous pores are formed on the surface of the concrete. When pouring walls, concrete should be borne in mind that the most convenient compost pits are obtained by separating the space into two sections.

Step 3.

We cover the compost yam with a chain mesh or a metal frame cover.

If you decide to make a wooden cover, you can drill a few holes in it for ventilation.

The main thing is that the lid is easily shot - the contents of the compost pocket will have to be mixed at least once a week. One wall is also definitely easy to do. Otherwise, it will be difficult when extracting the finished compost.

Sometimes the pit does not dig for compost, but prepare it in special boxes.

Three-section compost box

The most rational embodiment of the compost will be the box, divided into three specialized sections:

  • department for laying waste;
  • branch for turning overcoat;
  • department for ripe compost.

You can make such a box from wooden boards yourself in all in several stages.

Step 1

We heat 8 wooden bars to the ground. To prevent wood from drunking, we pre-lubricate to death, old engine oil or fuel oil, those parts of the pegs that will be in the soil.

We establish eight wooden columns, having previously treated them

You can attach four side bars to the fence - then you will not need to dig for four pits, and the rear wall of the box can not be done.

Step 2.

We make partitions, connecting pegs with boards. The whisk of the board is necessary so that the gaps for free air passes are provided between them.

The front part of the first two compartments of the future drawer need to be seen by the boards until the middle of the height, to then make small doors in them. In the last section of the door will be big, so you nourish only one board from the bottom.

Step 3.

Partitions and end parts of the front and rear walls are strengthened, navigating crossbars. Attend the doors that are simultaneously lid.

In the front of the box inspired two small doors and one big.

So that the box itself has not started to decompose and does not become part of the future fertilizer, wooden parts must be predetermined by the impregnating solution that protects against moisture and insects. Impregnation can be bought in the store. You should choose a non-toxic agent.

Step 4.

The impregnated drawer is coated in two layers of paint (second - after complete drying of the first). The color of the paint can be chosen to their taste - you just need it to be combined with a common landscape design.

Choosing paint, consider that the box will constantly affect the sun's rays and temperature differences. Paint is needed in 2 layers

Step 5.

Attend accessories to the box - handles and spinages. Box ready.

Compost storage facilities are usually as a rule for several years. Therefore, it makes sense to concrete the bottom of the box, and on top to fasten it with drainage. You can put on the bottom of the plastic shields.

You will appreciate that the efforts to make a compost pit or box are not in vain, when you feel that you have ceased to spend the physical strength on the export of large garbage volumes from your household site. Now organic waste is enough to add to the refined compost pile.

If you watched the compost jam with the mind (to sink fertilizer in time, add new raw materials to it), then the fresh compost will have year-round, and you will not be forced to cook start-up.

Vintage depends on the quality of the soil. This is known to all gardeners. But not always the garden land is rich in useful substances. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize it additionally. You can use ready-made compositions or organic fertilizers. But the best option will be the construction of a compost pit. Thanks to her, there will be a go-off grass and food waste. And the fertilizer from it will turn out nothing worse than the store compost. It's small - choose a comfortable design and appreciate it.

Choosing a place for compost pits

Before you begin to build, it is necessary to determine the place for the compost heap. This will help compliance with some rules:

  1. 1. The compost pit needs to be located at a distance of at least 30 meters from wells, wells and other reservoirs.
  2. 2. Observe the distance from residential buildings. The unpleasant smell from the compost should not deliver the inconvenience of the neighbors by the country, nor to you.
  3. 3. If the site has a slope, then the pit is better at the lower level.
  4. 4. In the sun, waste decomposes more slowly. It is better to choose a place in the shade.

The pit must be an accessible passage to pass or drive on a garden wheelbarrow.

General requirements of the device

The compost box must function as necessary. Microorganisms and bacteria that recycle plant waste must actively multiply in it. To do this, create comfortable conditions. Just dig a hole or make a box not enough. On the normal life of microorganisms, the following factors affect:

  1. 1. Free oxygen access. Thanks to him, waste will not rot, highlighting an unpleasant smell, but to decompose under the influence of bacteria and earthworms.
  2. 2. High humidity rather high.
  3. 3. A certain temperature is + 60-70 degrees.

In the compost pit it is possible to put: residues of raw or spoiled vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as various grains, grass, hay, ash, foliage, cheeu, bark, branches, plant roots, sawdust, crushed paper, manure of herbal animals.

It is impossible in any way: bones, potato and tomato tops, treated with seeds, seeds of weeds, synthetic waste, BOTS infected plants.

If all the conditions are observed, then compost will be correct and high-quality.

You can allocate basic requirements for the construction of the pit:

  • for free access of oxygen, the compost container must be higher than the soil level;
  • if the pit is located in the soil, it is not necessary to dug over the distance more than half a meter;
  • one of the walls of the container is better to make removable or in the form of a door to make it convenient to get ready-made compost;
  • the box size should be chosen based on the amount of fertilizer required. The optimal size is 1 to 2 meters. If the plot is large and requires a lot of compost, it is better to make several containers with dimensions of 80 per 100 cm;
  • the height of the container should be such that the person can comfortably loosen the contents. The optimal height is no more than 1 meter;
  • do not close the bottom. It should be earthen for free movement of worms and maintain humidity.

Based on the basic requirements, you can start searching for a suitable design of the compost hole.

Production options

You can make a compost pit with your own hands in several ways. They differ in size, design device and materials.

Outflowed compost yama

One of the fastest and most simple ways to equip a compost pit is to divert the groove in the ground. But this option will suit more as temporary, since the quality of raw materials will be low.

Due to poor access of oxygen, waste will not be detected in such a compost, but rot. To obtain a normal humus, they must often loose and mix. Otherwise, the smell of rotting waste attracts a lot of flies.

The recess for the pit must be 40-60 cm. The size of the parties can be made any, but up to 70 cm. At large sizes of the soil will begin to crumble.

If you need a big pit, then its walls need to strengthen. To do this, boards or slate are suitable.

Surface design

No less simple, fast and low-cost way - to add vegetable waste in the form of a small stack. True, there are significant disadvantages. For example, it will be very uncomfortable to loosen it. And get ready-made humus from below is also problematic.

If there is no other option, then before laying out waste, you need to lay a layer of the soil branches for better air circulation. The place is desirable to choose in the shade. From above, stack to cover with an opaque material, for example, a rubberoid. Surface compost will be ready after 1.5-2 years.

With a large number of waste, you can organize several coup. And so far one greater, in the second folding waste. You can arrange a compost bunch on a garden that rests. And the next year to plant zucchini or cucumbers on it.

From the board

Common option for making a compost - box. It may consist of 1, 2 or 3 sections. Experienced gardeners recommend a box with three sections in Finnish technology. It is convenient because the finished compost is kept in one compartment, in the second it matures, and the third waste is laid.

It can also be made stationary or mobile. For a rolling version, it is enough to make a bottom with small click and attach the wheels.The height of the box should be no more than 1 meter in height. For sections, the optimal width of the parties is 0.5-0.7 meters. With such sizes, it is convenient to lay and loose waste, as well as get ready-made compost. The plaques for the construction of the composter should be treated with a protective composition, which will protect them from moisture and insects.

In order to make a box for three sections you need:

  • insert 8 processed bars to the ground;
  • at a distance of 0.5-1 cm attach boards-partitions;
  • the bottom can be made of boards or put large branches.

If you wish, you can add each compartment with the doors over. For the construction of the walls will be nice to use pallets.

Computer basket

This option can be made even inexperienced gardens. Special tools and special efforts for the manufacture of a basket is not required. Necessary materials:

  • a welded metal grid with cells of 50x50 or 40x40 mm, 3 m long, from 70 to 100 cm wide (this is the future height of the basket);
  • black geotextile or polyethylene film 3.5 meter long and 75-105 cm width;
  • clips large stationery - 10 pcs.;
  • wire knitting or plastic clamps for fastening a metal mesh.

From the tools to prepare scissors for metal and ordinary, roulette and pliers.

Grid Expand, straighten and measure the length of 3 meters. Collapse in the cylinder and connect ends with an overlap approximately 20 cm. Wired or clamps fix the grid from both edges.

Measure and cut off the desired film size or geotextile. Collapse it with a roll and set inside the basket. Well distribute material on the walls. Top edge to complete outward and secure stationery clamps. Basket for compost ready. It can be placed in the old pelvis, and it will become mobile.

When filling the basket, the first layer needs to put branches. Vegetable and nutritional waste is suspended with a small amount of soil. After that, shed the contents with water, cover top with a film on top and leave for ripening.

From slate

A sufficiently affordable and easy way to make a compost yam from slate. Especially if there are unnecessary sheets of roofing material. And even if they are with damage, the compost will benefit. Through the cracks will be air, which will have a favorable on Gumus. And Slate will perform the role of a waste limiter so that they do not sprawl into a large area.

To build a box you need to do the following:

  1. 1. Note the drawing of the future composter. If you plan to make a box into two sections, then their size should be 0.8 per meter or 1 per meter. The height of the three walls is optimal - 70-100 cm, and the front - 30-50 cm for a more convenient layout laying and removing the content.
  2. 2. Select a place to locate the pit and remove the top layer of the soil by 20 cm. So earthworms and moisture will fall into compost freely.
  3. 3. To fix the slate to install wooden or metal columns around the perimeter.
  4. 4. Put slate sheets in such a way that 20-25 cm gap remains between the lower edge and the soil. This will allow the best oxygen flow.

Concrete design

More expensive and time-consuming design - from concrete. If it is built below the soil level, it will be inconvenient to use.

Work on the construction of a compost pits from concrete consists of the following steps:

  1. 1. Note a place where the construction will be placed. Part size can be from 1 meter and more if a lot of humus is required.
  2. 2. Drop the pitual depth of 0.5 m.
  3. 3. Set the depth of plywood or boards to the entire depth.
  4. 4. Between the soil and wood, it is desirable to lay a reinforcing grid.
  5. 5. Mix the cement solution (1 part), sand (2 parts) and gravel (4 parts).
  6. 6. Pour the resulting solution into the prepared formwork and pierce repeatedly to the bottom of the reinforcement or thin pipe. This will avoid air emptiness. Leave to sleep for 1-1.5 weeks.
  7. 7. From bricks to build walls of the compost pit over the soil. Do not do it solid. It should have holes for air circulation. The height of one of the walls is 0.5 meters for the convenience of folding waste and getting ready-made fertilizer. Three others - the size of 1-1.5 m.

In such a design, plant waste will be processed at least two years. To accelerate the process, you can use special solutions and regularly shed content.

You can also make a composter to one or two compartments. In one will be stored ripened fertilizer, and the second is constantly replenished. The bottom must be left earthen for the free movement of worms.

Decorating a compost heap

What kind of design does not build for compost, it is unlikely to be attractive outwardly. Therefore, it is desirable to think about the way to decorate it. This is especially true for small sites, where all the buildings are in plain sight. You can hide the composter using the following techniques:

  • to plant high plants or a living fence near it;
  • fall around the perimeter curly plants;
  • decorate with artificial materials, for example, a masking grid;
  • making a decorative fence, followed by a bunch completely hidden.

Thus, the compost yam will be not only a source of environmentally friendly and useful fertilizers. It will decorate the garden.

The purpose of the compost pit is the transformation of household waste into excellent fertilizer for the soil. That is why compost pits are widely used by summer houses and gardeners: the compost yam solves the problem of disposal of organic waste and at the same time makes it possible to improve crop yields.

In order to make a compost yam in the country, first it is worth choosing the location:

It is not necessary to have a pit in a sunny place, direct sunlight and cutting should be avoided;

It is better to equip the pit on a flat surface or an elevation so that water in the rainy weather is not delayed.

How to make a compost yam correctly, it is quite difficult to say, because there are many different variants of the device and each of them has certain advantages.

The simplest compost pit at the cottage is not even a pit, but a bunch. Many dackets do not bother themselves with the construction of any structures, but simply dump the source material in a bunch, where the process of compost maturation occurs. Often such a bunch is covered with a film and enriched with special drugs - bioactivators.

In order to understand how to arrange a compost yam in the country, it is necessary to understand how compost maturation occurs. Dry foliage, branches of trees, weeds, earth and manure - the main elements for the formation of compost. All these components impregnate each other, influence air and moisture decompose, rot, and the result is excellent fertilizer.

This whole process takes about two years, which is why the most common design of the compost jam has become two-section. Two-section compost pits has two compartments. The first separation is filled with components, it is left for ripening or after two years is actively used, and the second is regularly updated with fresh waste.

Computer Materials

Only decomposing substances are suitable for creating fertilizer, such as:

Any vegetables and fruits, fresh and boiled;

Tea, coffee, compote;

Grass, hay, leaves, weeds;

Bark of trees, branches, roots;

Wood ash;

Paper products;

Wood waste;

Very often, the residues of cooked food are thrown into the compost pit, which is quite acceptable if all components of the dish are able to recycle, rot, decompose.

It is impossible to use plastic, rubber, bones, iron, artificial tissues for composite.

Make an open-type compost yam

For the device of such a pit, it is enough to do several simple operations: to divert the pit of the required size (depending on the expected amount of compost) and a depth of about 50 cm. The walls can be set in rubberoid, linoleum or slate. At the bottom of the pit, lay out branches, foliage, weeds and other vegetable components, and on top to fall asleep waste. It is covered with her grass or a tarpaulter.

We make a compost pit of a closed type

Such a pit is the most difficult structure of all possible, as it requires some of the construction skills.

First, it is necessary to make the markup of the future design and remove the top layer of soil with a thickness of 25 cm over the entire area.

Then the pit is digging up to 50 cm deep, on the perimeter of which the wooden frame is made. The height of the drawer should not exceed one meter, otherwise it will be very hard to get the prepared compost. The frame can be attached to a column foundation for strength, but you can not do that. Next, the frame is trimmed by boards. The bar used for the frame is desirable to be treated with something to prevent rotting, and the walls of the box are linoleum or rolled roofing material.

From above, the design is necessarily equipped with a lid with fairly large slots to improve air circulation in the box.

You can use as walls of the compost pit, the remains of old buildings: foundations and walls.

If you are not satisfied with the compost yam with your own hands, you can buy a ready-made composter - plastic container. The best maturation of the compost in it is achieved by adding drug decomposition drugs.

By building such a simple adaptation on its site, you can provide a rich harvest without any financial costs for fertilizers.