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Board games with your own hands without printer. Do it yourself: Board games for the company. Board games do it yourself: the best ideas for the party

Board games are a wonderful way to spend time with the whole family. Make such entertainment can be easily and quickly from the girlfriend. The game made by hand from a tree will become an original and memorable gift.

How to come up with an interesting game

In fact, the question of how to make a desktop game with your own hands, should not be missed. In order to come up with it, you do not need to be inventing the bike. There are already quite existing entertainment in order to pass the time in a circle of family and friends. It is necessary to take any classic game as a basis and try to repeat it. The uniqueness of the finished product will give manual performance and the time invested in the thing, the work of the master.

The main thing is to determine the age of the players and their number. If fun is intended exclusively for children, it is worth performing it in the most bright and beautiful shape. The content must be selected for the individual interests of the child, then the baby will be happy to spend time for entertainment.

What you can make the game

Materials for making entertainment take a different one. You can perform children's board games with your own hands from paper and cardboard, and from felt or wood. It turns out very interesting when the materials are combined differently by texture, color.

Good baby fun can turn out of a metal box from under the candy. The bottom of the packaging needs to be punctured with paper pictures, and in the quality of animals, items and buildings you can take fetal figures with seamless magnets. Such toys will be kept on the field, and the box itself is easy to store and take with you on a trip or for a walk with a child.

The photo shows a visual example of how to make a desk game - puzzle with your own hands. You need to take sticks from the pop and stick on them a picture, wait when the glue dries. Then gently cut the drawing with a paper knife. On the opposite direction of the wands, you can stick pieces of fasteners "Velcro", then wooden puzzles will be conveniently secured onto the felt substrate.

Baby board games

There are some simple ways how to make a desktop game of paper for children. They will require only paper or cardboard, pencils, markers, line - stencil, scissors and glue.

To make cards for the game, developing a child's memory, you need to cut the even number of rectangles of the desired size from a dense cardboard and apply pair drawings on them. Such cards can be used not only in the entertainment "Memori". They will also be required for such popular fun, as "imaginarium" or "crocodile". In some games, for example, in the "chest", instead of ordinary playing cards, you can also use children's pictures.

A very interesting entertainment for a child may be entertained is known and understood by everyone, therefore questions, how to make a desktop game with your own hands, it should not arise. If you use self-adhesive multicolored paper, then the chips can be made very quickly. In children's cards it is better to draw multi-colored geometric shapes, so you can teach a child during the game. For those who are preparing to go to the first class, you can make a domino with letters and numbers.

Try to repeat the well-known and simple game "Stairs". To do this, you just need to spread Watman on the squares, numb them. Then each decompose and draw stairs in an arbitrary order. The role of chippers can be performed by small toys from chocolate eggs, figures from the popular designer or just cute baubles.

What can make a game board for board games

To make a desktop game with your own hands, like a unique holiday gift, some needlework, drawing and imagination are needed.

The usual wooden table with due effort, you can turn into a very large and beautiful game field. We recommend to find out the preferences of the perpetrator of the celebration. When creating an original gift, be sure to share the time to study the game rules.

The game can be performed as or any other fabric. Such a format will be very convenient for travel and entertainment on the street. The bag is very convenient to wear and store all accessories in it. Gift will make adults and children.

Table games from wood

Working with a tree requires certain skills and experience. But even with a minimal set of skills, you can make interesting and beautiful games. As a basis, you can take a conventional cutting board.

In the image, the well-processed sheet of plywood is painted in ink and covered with a thin layer of transparent protective varnish. The game is very simple and understandable, even an arch rule is not required, it is enough to find a couple of playing cubes and multicolored figures that play the role of chips.

Make such as in the picture the option of "crosses - zealiks" is harder, but doable. It will take nine the same bars from the tree and the frame exactly by their size. Details can be covered with a veneer or color paint, on one face of cubes to draw talkers on the other - cross. Interesting game - a gift is ready!

The wood carving masters can safely take for more complex projects. In the photo you see the game come from the hot Africa, it is called Kalach or Mankal. Archaeologists believe that it is an ancient chess. For a complete set, a set of bright, multi-colored pebbles, a pair of cubes and a beautiful glass of storage.

Board games have fun and colorfully diverse leisure each family. Do not rush to buy games in stores, and try to make them with your own hands, it will help you create a special game style. In this article we will look at: how to make board games with your own hands.

Everyone knows this game with a school bench. However, you thought it was necessary for it a handle and a leaf, and it can be made of wood, fabrics, magnets, stones, buttons and other figures. Just fantasize and create a playing field, for example, on a refrigerator or a piece of fabric in the shape of a heart.

World Travel Game

In this game can participate from 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a cube and chips. Each player throws up a digital cube in turn, he falls the number and it makes the right number of steps on the map. The one who gets to the finish line is first, and the snag is that the number comes across the numbers that return the player a few steps back, or promote it forward.

The main process is to create a card. Spread 8 sheets of A4 format in 2 rows, leave the gaps by half a centimeter so that in the future it can be folded. Put the load on each sheet so that it does not move, then glue the sheets along each row. Draw a pencil route of strokes and place stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), make a distance of 2-3 minutes. Mix the bonus and penalty steps, indicate the arrows. Fill the drawings empty places on the map. Digital cube can be purchased at the stationery store or make a cardboard. As chips, use small toys Kinder Surprise, Buttons, Little Cookies ...

You can create a geographical puzzle to explore the country. Buy either Print the circuit card, pull out each area with a separate color (in addition you can designate the tips - the sea, mountains, sights ...), then glue the map on a tight cardboard sheet, cut into squares or other figures.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Separate 7-10 sticks from ice cream and cut out the right picture from the magazine or draw yourself. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, cover the picture, wait until the glue dries and cut the sticks. On the reverse side of each stick, attach the velcro to attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name of the game sounds - "Say Other." The essence is simple: play from 4 to 16 people. Participants are divided into teams. The team can be 2,3,4 people. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words is written, each word needs to be explained in other words, you can use sounds (for example: Gav-Gav, meow ...) You can not show and use single-handed words. On 1 card gives 1 minute, you need to quickly guess as many words as possible. You can make supplement cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person should be joyful, or on the contrary sad, and the team additionally should guess emotion and the action that makes explaining. The team wins the team that most of the events of words. This game is perfectly developing logical thinking and increases vocabulary.

Cut out a cardboard card and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, marty, enemy, sweet, photography ... There must be at least 30 cards, on which 10 words are written. Words should not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for alias. On it, designate steps and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game around the world journey. However, you can play and without a field, simply appoint a judge that will consider points and take stock time.

This is a very fun game in which 2 people participate. On the edge of the beans, I press the coin and it bounces like a flea. The main task to get the flesh to the opponent's gate, then the point is counted and the fleece is removed from the field. If the flea gets on his field, you can pick it up and the next time it takes it to use it if the flesh falls on the enemy field - the point is not read and it just remains to lie until the next turn. If the flea falls into his gate - the point is counted the enemy. The game is underway until someone has a flesh.

To make a playing field Take a box from sweets, colored paper and a dense fabric. Plug with colored paper inner side of the box, make fires from the fabric so that the fleece is not flying away. As a flea, take the beans and do not forget about large coins.

This game involves 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are manufactured. On every two cards there are identical images. One person folds the card with a square in a chaotic order. Picture up, at the same time a person who will play standing back. It turns exactly 5 seconds and is trying to memorize images. It turns out and turn the cards on the other side. Now he must turn the cards and find pairs for a minute. The person who gave birth to the largest number of couples with the same drawings wins. Cards can be made from cardboard and draw any drawings.

To create this game you will need a cardboard box from candy, cocktail tubes and a small ball, you can use a bead. Think over and draw a labyrinth. Stick cocktail tubes. Put the ball and start the game.

You can use covers, butt, stitched fabric mugs, various figures and even plasticine as a checkers. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chess that will not walk, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the title. Detailed master class how to make a jumping frog from paper, is described

For dominoes, create 28 chips, they can be made of coloring pebbles, sticks from ice cream, sew from felt ...

By creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think over the colors of the areas, print almost "real" money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: pay utility bills. Create your fascinating original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. She is perfect for a big company. Make cards, drawing them with your own hands, or simply print it out of the Internet, then cut them out.

Master - Class for the manufacture of board games - Walk "Walk with funny monkeys"

Chukmarova Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU Pustish kindergarten number 2, p. Push, Udmurtia
Description: Bright monkeys will definitely like reoxoites and adults. This game - the set will allow you to arrange a comic competition for identifying the fastest and attentive player.
Purpose: Master class will be useful to teachers, caregivers, parents, children of preschool age from 4 years. An exciting play-set game with bright heroes will become an excellent entertainment for the whole family.
Purpose: Making a board game with your own hands.
- Call the desire to make a desktop game with your own hands;
- to acquaint children with numbers and teach them a sequence account;
- develop thinking, fine motility of hands;
- develop creative imagination, Competitive Spirit.;
- to educate accuracy, preferabity.

In this master class, I propose to make a desktop game - a bow, which will be interesting to all family members from Mala to Great.

For the manufacture of the game, we will need the following materials:
- Watman;
- colored paper;
- PVA glue;
- carved monkey figures, New Year's pictures;
- scissors;
- simple pencil;
- markers;
- wax crayons.

This game is easy enough and easy! Surely you have remained colorful booklets and packaging from New Year's gifts. They need us! Cut the bright pictures, monkeys that you like.

A simple pencil is drawing a future "track".

Next, on the "path - the track" without glue, lay out the carved figures and pictures.

From the colored paper, cut out small circles and lay them on the "track".

Before gluing the figures, draw wax shallow colored background - it will be more colorful and more fun.

Next, all the finished elements are glued.

Red felt-tip pen draw arrows between circles. By the same felt-tip pen, we sign the word "start" and the word "finish" with a green felt-tip pen.

Then draw the red arrows from the blue circles that make it possible to jump a few circles ahead and green arrows from yellow circles that move the player for several circles back. Arrogos can be drawn where you want.

Before the game you need to discuss regulations:
The advantage will be the one who is faster than the rest of the participants get to the finish line, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles in its path.
- At the same time, up to 4 people can take part in each game.
- The players are thrown in turns of the cube and move forward their chips. If the chip falls on a blue circle - the player gets the opportunity to climb over the red arrow forward, and yellow - rolls the participant of a fun race on a green arrow on several circles down.
- At the end of the game, the winner can ask the most recent player who has come down to the finish line, do some simple task.

You can start playing!

Merry family leisure you!

Alexey Kolmakov and Marat Sabirov chose a good time to run their own board game. By the fall of 2013, this market in Russia has already ordered, an audience appeared, while everyone has already managed to play in most of the world hits. In the Ecologic, invented by two Petersburg ecologists, players sell and buy oil towers and deposits. Under the Mishury classic market mechanisms of enrichment, the creators of the game hid the educational component and the value installation that they want to instill with the playing. Leitmotive game such: This benefit is to earn money without prejudice to the environment.

Alexey Kolmakov

Creator of the game

Marat Sabirov

Creator of the game

Alexey Kolmakov:It all started a boring Friday evening when we decided to take the beer.

Marat Sabirov: We went to the ecologists with Leash five years, and then our paths were separated. I went to the Magistracy of St. Petersburg State University, then a researcher in one of the academic institutions, there I am engaged in modeling evolutionary processes.

BUT.:And I worked for three years in the Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Territories in the Department of Natural Management. He was a leading specialist of the operation of the functioning - somehow it was called. He was engaged in work with contractors, followed how they fulfill the obligations, gave the coup, revealed violations. Then he was a laboratory assistant in the medical laboratory, he worked on a closed grant of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, our work began on the game. It began to take so much time that I quit, now I am the director of the LLC, which we created to formalize our ties with the world.

M.: LLC is called "Ruba and a guy" It all started with the fact that Lesha played in board games and decided to come up with his game so that she was not just a brain gum, but with an idea. The mechanics developed, I helped find mistakes and inconsistencies in meaning, connected when it was necessary to correctly name environmental initiatives. We complemented each other well.

BUT.: People now think the categories "profitable or not profitable", "I'll get something or not from this." We solved this feature of the consumption society to send to the right track. The mechanics of the game built so that people come to the thought of "maintaining the environment - profitable". It is fundamentally important that people understand, the preservation of nature is not noble, not plus to karma, but it is a long-term investment, the right of their children to live in peace with a favorable environment.

M.: Balance is important in our game: you need not only to keep the environment, but also make money. We were repelled from the Forrester model, which underlies the game SIMCITY.. Gradually began to improve the game mechanics - to the final version we had four others. In the second version of the mechanic funeral - the game became monstrously heavy, many calculations, it was necessary to memorize a lot of numbers.

BUT.: Despite the educational and educational goals, we wanted the game to still be available to a wide circle, we tried to simplify it and optimize.

M.: The further evolution of the game was on the path of simplifying mechanics without losing two aspects - environmental and economic. As a result, we realized that the game turned out not only interesting, it can be commercially successful.

But we are much better inventing the game mechanics than design. They threw the cry on acquaintances, two people responded, who were ready to work for the idea. This is an artist Andrei - he painted us warm cartoon drawings for the game, and Ira, who made the design.

When the issue of money arose for the circulation, we filed a project to the Russian BOOMSTARTER portal - an analogue of English-speaking Kickstarter. This is a portal for public financing projects. The idea is this: you declare the time for which you want to collect some amount to your project. The project can be any - a book, handmade, something social. The description should show the importance of the project for society, its prospects (that this is a living thing and will develop) and its uniqueness. If during the specified period it is possible to collect the planned amount, you take it. People look at your project if they like - donate money. You adequate them for this thank you: for example, for five thousand we gave the game and held a master class. And if you failed to collect money on time - everything, you do not get anything, the money is returned to the sponsors. Popular financing is not only the collection of money, it is a socialakaz in miniature: you understand how important your project is important how interesting are your ideas.

Five percent of the assembled amount takes themselves boomstarter, and deservedly: they really help to promote the project. Five more percent - the commission of transfers of electronic payments and 13% - income tax. That is, almost a quarter of the amount is cut, so we laid 100 thousand rubles in the residue. We managed to collect money, and 40% we have collected in the last few days.

BUT.: In addition to collecting funds and understanding, as far as the project is successful, BoomStarter charges to tell about the project. Marat wrote big target letters, and I was engaged in spam - once wrote even the society of beekeepers.

Collecting money, we did not really understand how much the circulation costs. We continued master classes on games made from cardboard, during which feedback received. As a result, the number of chips, the field - everything changed, and this affected the cost of the circulation.

Then we were looking for a typography for a long time. Many were too expensive for our small circulation, others did not work with recycled cardboard, were not certified by the Forest Steewardship Council, FSC). As a result, we found everything in Moscow - Publisher "Green Book" and typography "Polygraph of Media Group".

The audience

BUT.: We recently held a master class for teachers in St. Petersburg, they purchased a game of games for schools. Now we are invited to Altai, in Karelia, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Voronezh. There was a master class for employees of one of the POPT in you in the city, now we want to cover the entire Directorate of the PAs in Moscow. There was a tour with the game in the Caucasus: Minvory, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk. They played in Moscow with the Organization of Ecostandard Group, it was perceived with a bang.

M.: Summer public organization "Environmental Committee" invited us to the youth forum. We spent several master classes there for university students from the whole republic. After that, they won a small grant of the Ministry of Education, purchased twenty of our games and now conduct master classes in schools.

In Moscow there will be a conference for teachers, we are invited there too. For the teacher, our game is a find: with its help you can take children, and even useful.

we are in the minus, but the demand is growing, so we plan to go to zero from the second circulation.
if a new game goes over the year
in zero, is a miracle

The game has an educational aspect: you can find out, for example, what is a remode. For students in Ecologic, not a meaningful part, but socialization, knowledge of themselves, interlocutors, modeling some aspects of the personality of partners. For adults - training business skills: the ability to negotiate, the flexibility of thinking, the ability to formulate their suggestions.

BUT.: Teachers of universities sometimes illustrate their course for ecologists game. And in St. Petersburg at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the teacher plays with his students-economists in our game.


M.: The best game is best for sale through master classes on which it tells how to play it. Since the Ecologic product is unknown, buyers have doubts and fears. Recently, we gave an announcement of the search for people who will hold master classes, because we have no enough hands. Our game is everywhere in different ways, on average 1,000-1,400 rubles. Educational institutions we make a discount. Now we are in the minus, but the demand is growing, so it is planning to go to zero from the second circulation. But in general, we were told that if a new game for the year goes to zero, is a miracle.

BUT.: First of all, this is a social project for us, in the second business. We don't get much from this how much exactly is the incorrect question. The first circulation was 500 copies, he was almost over. The second want to be twice as much more.

M.: Let's try to search for him sponsors, plus will accumulate from the implementation of the first circulation. Current trips require money, but something remains for attachment. First, each individual trip was in minus, now - full compensation or even with something already remain.

The most difficult thing in such projects is not to lower your hands. To postpone the pleasure now to get the mountains of bread and the abyss of the power then, relatively speaking. All the time to save, tighten the belt, so that it fits later. Another motive is a sporting anger.

BUT.:Some treated our project skeptically, for example, environmentalists who studied for a couple of years younger than us.

M.: There was still some skepticism from those who play board games. There is your professional snobbery. They asked us: Where are the beautiful worlds, where dives? Or: Well, I'll buy it - what, the penguins will be better?

Theme of the game and its relevance

Ecology is only the content of our game. If we came up with an uninteresting game with ektymatics, there would be no success. In addition to the fashionable topic, we still optimized the game for a year and a half, listened to feedback. On average, on the development of the Board, the pro is spent four to five months, provided that you want to create a selling game that does not claim to become a hit, and not carrying bright ideas in the masses.

About the market of board games
and your way

M.: The author of the game "Monopoly" Publisher immediately suggested buying a game from him, but he decided to do it himself. We also offered to sell the game to the publisher and get a percentage from sales. But sales would be no, as the game would be one of the set, brick in the wall. And we have it the only thing, and we make a lot to promote it.

BUT.: For example, in St. Petersburg, the network selling board games, we stated us: to be sold there, you need to conclude an agreement with their subsidiary, which buses small authors for a stable percentage. As a rule, it is also a refusal of property rights: it is written on the box that the author you, but no one except them can make your game.

It is easier to surrender, but I was hurt. Getting five to ten percent of sales - it's as if the wife went to the hospital to give birth to the hospital, and he sentenced to the foot from there. The most important thing is that they will not brand your game in the right way. We are against selling in stores a la. We are not another track, but a more interesting product. I want a person to come and deliberately bought what he really wants, and not so: "Whiskey, toilet paper, Oh - and" Ecologic "." We chase not for massibility, and for quality and sincere interest.

Future plans

BUT.: We plan to develop additions to the game under the conventional name "Socium". We were not able to include a society in the game for a long time: she agreed greatly, but recently we managed to come up with a successful mechanics. In addition, "Socium" will be simulated such processes such as satisfaction / discontent of people, migration, unemployment. In addition, it will be possible to conduct social initiatives and periodically encounter diseases or baby bubbles. I hope the development before the release does not take more than three or four months.

The game itself we want to translate into digital look - make a mobile application and a computer version that can be monetized. But it will not be the same as the board game - there will be a hardest thing, more functions.

M.: I am engaged in science, I hope that this will someday can be combined with something game and popular. To move the science to the masses through new forms. This can be said, the goal of my life.

BUT.: We can not be able to live without knowing the project with the game. But we started with enthusiasm, and I still do not consider Ecologic with some serious thing. Will bring income - great, no, no. Enthusiasm It does not unbaunt.

How Desktop is arranged
ecologic game

M.: There is a playing field, it consists of hexagons, they need to be uploaded before each beginning of the game randomly, it makes the game unique. The player is invited to try himself as the head of the enterprise engaged in energy or mineral resources. We pushed out of the raw material model of the economy, which is typical of our country. The task of the player is to, develop its industry, make money and maintain the environment on its territory. In many games, there is a single Victory Parameter, we need to follow in the game immediately for two - ecookes and money. Strategies can be different. It is possible, for example, earning super-profile and stretching the entire game on minimal ecology, to invest in it only at the end.

Game elements are chips of industrial facilities, for them there are auction according to the auction rules. This is a classic economic mechanism, which is interesting to people: who is more and getting.

The second type of elements is environmental initiatives. They are bought for money and allow you to compensate for environmental damage. Damage is always: it is impossible to build something that would not be harmful. There is such a concept - the presumption of environmental danger, here it is reflected in the game. Well, the auxiliary elements are money and ecocoes. And there is still a set of events - this is an imitation of random events: flooding, financial crisis.

The game is designed
on the 4 agents -
for each chip
can play
and several people

You can play
from 14 years old, Duration of Round
may be
from 1.5 to 4 hours

Environmental initiatives are also bought at bargaining. We have come up with names and meanings that are reflected in the real world: planting trees, cleaning filters, environmental education.

Photos: Ecologic /