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Why the front camera does not work on the phone. What to do if the main or additional camera does not work on the phone

Nowadays, a large number of users with all sorts of electronic gadgets prefer the Android operating platform.

The choice of this software is based on taking into account certain important criteria, but in most cases the key role is plays the opportunity for a relatively small cost to obtain a practical camcorder or a camera.

But, in practice, there are often situations when the device is working on one day not as it should, in other words, a certain failure occurs in the source code of the platform.

Probable reasons

Usually, camera does not work When several main reasons occur, for example:

    The process of updating the current gadget firmware. It is known that the system update is automatic and does not depend on the will of the user, but it can easily become a catalyst for abnormal situations in the correct operation of the chamber. To solve the problem, you should roll back the version of the system after the next Android update;

    CameraAndroid May fail with mechanical shock. For example, when tilting the gadget, the module responsible for settings of the camera may fail;

    Casting dust on the sensor. A number of portable devices have rendered modules, therefore, their surface is easily contaminated;

    "Land" cache module.

Customize the correct camera on Android

Camera setting can be made one of the three known methods:

    Manual reset of a mobile gadget system to factory settings. In order to implement this, you should perform subsequent operations - open the Gadget Settings menu, go to the tab "backup" and mark the configuration "Reset to factory settings";

    Antivirus download and subsequent "cleaning" Systems. To date, many antivirus programs are developed and effectively implemented, which can be viewed and downloaded to Google Play;

    Clear module cache. To execute it, you need to go to the settings, select the menu "Applications", column "camera" And downstairs click on the string "clear cache";

    Gently wipe the camera protective lens by a cleaned napkin;

    Download an alternative application. There are a certain amount of such on the net as paid and completely free. After you install a similar application, its icon will be available on the desktop.

At the end, it should be noted that the camera on Android has a property incorrectly, and working with her has its own characteristics.

In mandatory, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements of the right operation, and you will not have problems with the work of the camera module and the OS!

In the modern world, the camera in the phone has become a thing, life without which it is almost impossible to imagine. To capture a particularly important point, scan the text, make a video call to loved ones. This is not a complete list of ways to use the camera on mobile devices. In many modern gadgets, manufacturers put two (or even three) cameras at once - frontal and rear. The first is primarily used to communicate or create selfie. The second - for shooting the surrounding world.

Although today's technologies allow you to create high-quality, reliable "iron" for smartphones, which should be stable and long, users can still meet with those or other problems. When the ordinary user detects that the camera of his device ceased to work, he usually does not know what to do. Honestly, fault options can be a lot. With this article we will try to disassemble each.

Restarting equipment is the first thing to be done by facing incorrect work of the camera. In the gadget, I could simply fail to experience an application hanging. Sometimes such errors are treated by simply turning on-off the device. After clamping the lock button, the context menu should appear, where you need to select "Reboot". If the usual reboot did not give any positive results, it is worth the patience and try other methods, which will be discussed below.

Memory card

If the application for shooting does not start, there is probability that the problem is hidden not even in the phone itself. Check the integrity of the memory card by which the photographs with videos are automatically saved. Be sure to try to insert another memory card and start the camera again.

The second stage is to make sure whether there is enough free space to write in the internal or external storage, because modern smartphones create pictures of very large permission, and this negatively affects the weight of the media files.

Mechanical damage

There is always the likelihood that the camera module itself received mechanical damage (that is, the problem is hardware). Lens lenses are the most vulnerable and fragile component of mobile devices. The mobile device can stop making pictures after the fall - with similar circumstances, the module is usually broken down or the loop cracks, the lenses are fighting or the light sensors are damaged.

But other mechanical damages are also possible: a loop that connects the module from the lenses with the motherboard could burn, moisture or dust could get into the lens, the gadget was deposited by a significant physical damage, after which the failures and errors begin one after another.

In such a situation, an attempt to cope with the breakdown can independently lead to new negative consequences for the device, therefore, it remains only to turn to the master or company that perform certified repair of mobile technology. Fortunately, there are many such today - in any major shopping centers you can find several "islets-workshops", where for counting minutes will be diagnosed with the performance of your smartphone.

Special programs

Of course, it is not necessary to quickly hurry with mechanical repair, because the reason may still be software. To begin with, try to install an alternative camera utility instead of a regular to test the workability of the old module on it. If in a new application, everything works as it should, then the beginning of the inoperability, most likely, the cached cache of your device began to fix it, you just need to remove the old cache from the settings of your favorite application. To remove the cache you need

  • go to "Settings";
  • choose "Memory";
  • open "Application data" and find the very utility for the camera among many others;
  • now it remains only to click on "Erase Data";
  • confirming your choice.

Return to factory settings

The second of the most common software malfunctions is the automatically installed update containing certain bugs that prevent the user for various reasons to start the chamber. In this case, we return to the factory settings.

  • open the "Settings";
  • we are looking for the item "Restoration and Reset";
  • leaf menu to Niza himself, after which go to "resetting settings";
  • we choose "erase everything."

Please note that after resetting the settings to the factory all files, passwords, contacts will be forever removed from your device, so you will pre-back up the stored important information.


Sometimes a faulty gadget should be checked for viruses. Perhaps they were the cause of all the troubles: Open Android OS code has its own vulnerabilities that attackers can take advantage of, for example, block the work of the mobile camera. On Google Play, there are many proven anti-virus software (by the way, there is also enough free). Download your favorites, start checking, wait for the result.

It must be borne in mind that malicious files on the gadget itself has the ability to prevent the correct operation of the protective software, so it will be useful to connect the smartphone to the desktop or leptop to produce a more thorough check of viruses using computer programs.


The following method is the flashing of the device that should absolutely help with the hardware inoperability of the smartphone. You can perform it yourself, but it is worth it to be careful: a malfunction failure or non-compliance with the user of all items of this operation can completely output the telephone. You can download the firmware only from official sites, only this guarantees the real signature of the new software license. Please note that after flashing your smartphone (even if you even bought a few days ago) deprive of mandatory warranty service from the service center.

Service center

When none of the above tips brought the desired effect, you should not despair: contact a qualified specialist for help to a qualified specialist or hand over your phone for help to a service center, where full diagnostics of the device will be performed free and when the software malfunction is detected by the manufacturer.

Also, if the device has a factory marriage, interferes with the correct operation of the camera, a faulty device will be replaced with a new one. It is important to understand that the warranty does not apply to mechanical damage to the mobile apparatus, which happened due to the owner itself, that is, you have the full right to refuse to repair or exchange.


So, this article lists all possible causes of the phone camera malfunction. You should never despair and indulge in a panic: as you could see for yourself, there are no hopeless situations - there is always a chance to return the full performance of your favorite phone. We hope that this material will remain no more than the introductory and you will never personally face the problem of the problem of the camera on your gadget. Successful pictures!


Modern smartphones are high-tech devices that combine many different functions. Today, most smartphones from well-known manufacturers have two cameras at once, one of which is frontal, as well as many other multimedia features. Despite the usually high quality assembly of various models of multifunctional phones, during operation, the operation of a function can be crashing. Most often, the owners of smartphones face such faults as a breakdown of the charging connector and failure in the work of the front camera. If in the first case, the iPhone repair does not constitute anything difficult and can be performed in any service, then when the front camera breaks, you must first find out the causes of its malfunction.

The main reasons for which the front camera may not work

The front or front camera is a function that needs people for self-shooting themselves and to communicate through video links. The lens of this device is located on the front panel of the smartphone, and therefore it can be accidentally damaged. In the event that for some reason the front chamber does not start, it is necessary to make sure that its lens is not damaged, that is, to carefully examine it for the presence of scratches, chips and other defects.

If there are no obvious defects on the front camera lens, then a failure in its normal operation can be caused by such reasons as:
Software update smartphone. If the default firmware is updated in the phone settings, then the loading of more fresh software can cause a failure of some functions of the smartphone, including the frontal chamber.

See also:

  • What to do if the sensor does not work on the phone?
  • What should I do if the sound does not work on the phone?

The presence of viruses in the smartphone. With the active use of the Internet via the phone, you can download and use the dangerous virus with important data that fails to work in the work of some functions. In this case, it is recommended to attribute the phone to the service to remove viruses.

Damage to the inner plumes as a result of the fall of the phone from the height. If there is no damage to the front chamber, it is quite possible that the reason for breakage lies inside.

Front camera sensor contamination. Since the lens is located on the outer side of the smartphone, dust can accumulate in it. To restore the normal operation of the front camera in this case, it is enough to carefully clean the sensor with a cotton stick.

One of the easiest ways to establish the work of the front camera is to reset the phone settings to factory, and then restart the device. If this measure did not help, then it is better to contact a specialized telephone repair service, where not only can find out the cause of the camera malfunction, but also to eliminate it in a short time. The cost of repairing such a breakdown depends on its cause and the degree of difficulty of troubleshooting.

There are several possible causes of breakage.

  1. One of the most frequent problems - viruses (read), which often suffers from the rapidly developing level of the system. A visit to unfamiliar resources on the network and the absence increases the risks of gadget infection.
  2. Updated firmware. One of the common options why the camera does not work on android(Read). The procedure can lead to malfunctions in important application settings, respectively, the camera stops working correctly. A good option to solve the problem is a system rollback after the platform update, reset the android to the factory settings.
  3. Damage to mechanical nature. For example, the decline of the device may disrupt the operation of the module responsible for the camera.
  4. Dust and dirt on the sensor, contamination of the module cache.

Front camera does not work on android

The work of this application is also very important for a modern person. The range of use of such a camera is very extensive. Sometimes, the launch of the utility gives a failure. The following signs may occur if the camera does not work on android:

  • enlightenment of the gadget during the launch of the front chamber;
  • the application displays only a black display;
  • chops the error while turning on the camera.

What to do when the camera does not work on android smartphone

You can try to independently eliminate this kind of malfunction. First you need to restart the device, then check the camera operation. Next, you should check the charge of the battery, since on some devices the resource threshold is less than 30%, it may contribute to the appearance of such a bug. The next step is to create a backup of information and cleaning the cache memory. Such manipulations help when the black screen is displayed when the camera is started or when it is freezing. If the performed manipulations did not led to anything, it is better to contact the specialists in the service center.

Smartphone with a good camera can buy yourself everyone. Currently, it is no longer need to pay big money. Budget copies are equipped with photomodules, which are comparable to "soap boxes" according to the characteristics. Now, no one memorially passes by any memorable moment, but will be perpetuated by the camera on the smartphone. Developers provided users with different applications with which you can edit pictures, impose effects on them. Taking such a smartphone into hand, you can immediately notice how progress has advanced.

However, the more functions assigned to the phones, the more often the failures of the system are manifested. It happens that without visible reasons cannot be connected to the camera. With this problem, the owner of the smartphone of any brand may be encountered. What to do in this situation? Let's deal with.

Main chamber problems while working

Modern smartphone - a storehouse of various elements. The chamber can be attributed to the most vulnerable. Any careless action increases the likelihood that the message "Camera failed to connect to the camera" appears on the screen. Camera error makes the user nervous. It's amazing that it may be spontaneously. Problems with the performance of the module are manifested in the form of lack of clarity or display of defects (light spots, strips). With a more serious malfunction, the smartphone may disable access to the application or simply hang. Some users write out that their gadgets are generally turned off. And that the worst thing when the device writes "failed to connect to the camera", and the owner still repeats attempts, it can lead not only to the blocking of the application, but also to the black screen. If the phone was in such a state, then there is enough chances to rehabilitate. It is advisable to immediately contact the service center. There, with the help of special equipment, they will diagnose and accurately determine the cause of the fault.

Failed to connect to the camera: Causes

Each user must understand that any problem of camera performance does not appear unless. Why does the device gives you to activate the application? Let's consider the most common causes.

  • Firmware. If the user independently updated the system forcedly by downloading the file from the Internet, that is, the high probability that important settings will be affected, and this will lead to incorrect work.
  • Infection with viruses. The wide opportunities of smartphones made them quite vulnerable. If you cannot install a special program for protection in a timely manner, I cannot avoid infection with viruses.
  • Damage to the gadget. If the device fell from height or fell into water, then there is a chance of damage to the module. If it is in a non-working condition, then on the screen the user will see "failed to connect to the chamber." "Android" is all equipped with the option of the self-diagnosis of the system, so the user sees this inscription when malfunction.
  • Pollution. In all devices, the camera is located on the back of the housing. As a rule, it is not covered with a shutter. For this reason, dirt may accumulate on the lens, which also leads to incorrect work.

Software malfunctions

The system of smartphones can malfunctions, so the root cause with a non-working chamber is looking for in it.

  • Settings. If the parameters incorrectly set, the application may be observed. For example, an external media memory is selected in the settings for saving the photo. But subsequently it was extracted. This can cause a failure. To correct the problem, it is enough just to restart the device.
  • Memory is full. In the phones in which there is no free space to save the pictures, the camera will not start. In order to eliminate the problem, it is enough to clean the memory or install the carrier with a greater container.
  • Viruses. As mentioned above, this reason is the most common. Halfing the malicious code, the device can interrupt the application of the application or not to give it to run. Return the initial state is easy by downloading good antivirus. After checking, delete affected files and restart the phone.
  • Cache memory. When using applications on the smartphone, the system automatically sets temporary folders that accelerate their operation. However, over time, when they accumulate, failures in the system of the phone itself appear. In order to eliminate the likely cause of the camera problems, it is recommended to clear all temporal files.

First diagnostics

If you failed to connect to the camera on "Android", you should not rush to the service center. Sometimes the problem can be so banal that the user can cope with it alone. The first thing you need is to check the memory card. Sometimes it may not read by the device, therefore, the application error is knocked out. First you need to check whether information opens on the carrier. If not, then the problem is with the card itself. You can try formatting it. If the carrier is worker, then simply reinstall it. After you open the application.

If it does not help, then continue the diagnosis. Now check the settings. In the menu, go to the appropriate item and select the correct parameters, observing the sequence of the action algorithm.

In order to eliminate all the banal causes of the camera breakage, you need to check the lens for pollution or damage. In the first version, it simply wipes, and in the second - it needs to be replaced.

Could not connect to the camera - what to do?

After the user has done all the above manipulation, but there is still no access to the camera, then most likely will have to seek qualified help. Although before this you can try another way - reset settings to factory. Before you activate this action, it is recommended to make backup. With it, the user does not have to configure the phone again.

In most cases, return to the factory settings helps to get rid of the problems that do not allow to start the camera application. But if this did not happen, you still have to contact the service center.

Reboot in safe mode

Some advanced users if you cannot connect to the camera, you can try to return the application to the application by rebooting in safe mode. This option is perfect in cases where it is necessary to find the cause of the fault. The fact is that in this mode the device launches only basic applications, limiting to a minimum function.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Turn off the gadget.
  • Press the power key until the shutdown menu appears.
  • Select secure mode and confirm.
  • Activate the camera application and view pictures.
  • Repeat actions again in order to make sure the performance.

If in safe mode the application functions correctly, then the range of possible causes narrowed significantly. The problem must be sought in the conflict of third-party applications.

What do specialists say?

In a situation, if you cannot connect to the camera, experts recommend checking applications for compatibility. Some utilities can conflict among themselves, resulting in frequent failures. The user needs to delete all third-party applications that are actively able to take pictures. It is about whatsapp, snapchat and others.

Removal must be done sequentially, after each checking the camera operation. If the error has disappeared, the system support is cleaned from the conflicting utility. During testing of the camera application, you must switch between all modes, this will allow you to carry out the deployed diagnosis and, as a result, restore the work in full.

Also does not prevent make sure the updates are installed. This is often the cause that causes an error. If the program permits, it is desirable to remove them and re-establish.

Access rights

Can not be connected to the camera? It is necessary to check the access rights. As a rule, such an error appears in the Marshmallow version of the Android operating system. The factory firmware provides a personalized system that provides access to the main application. The user must confirm that the set application is allowed to access the chamber.

Access rights check:

  • Through the main screen log in in the menu.
  • Go to "Settings".
  • After that, through "applications", open the "Camera" tab.
  • Click on the link "Permissions".
  • Show the slider to the right (position is on).


If all of the above methods did not help correct the error, then, most likely, the problem is hidden in the hardware "stuffing". Without special knowledge and equipment, the owner will not be able to fix it. In this case, you will have to contact the repair shop or in the service center if the device is still on warranty.