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Flag of wobs buy from itself. Wok Noodles: History, Recipes, Interesting Facts. Varieties of frying pan wok, selection criteria

Wok frying pan is a unique tableware that allows you to cook almost without butter, which came from Asia

The main difference between this type of kitchen utensils from the usual roundwely of the casserole or other deep capacitance used to prepare hot food, is a cone shape and a bottom, having a convex or flat surface. For the view of Europeans, a similar appearance closest to the traditional bucket, because with a minor area, the bottom of the frying pan gradually expands upwards, increasing in diameter. On the sides of this bowl are handles. It can be one long handle or two small frying pan and better cooking.

The classical form is a cone, which allows to obtain a large area of \u200b\u200bthe heating surface.

A similar form is not chosen by chance - thanks to the increased plane of the sides, the walls are heated, which allows you to quickly deliver the necessary food.


The Wok frying pan is the best choice, along with the Central Asian Casual for the preparation of dishes on an open fire. The flame covers all the walls that warmly warm up, which leads to a reduction in the time of the roasters.

There is an opinion that the first who began to use a deep shape frying pan, became poor Chinese who had to save on high-quality fuel (coal or tree). The main source of heat in these families was straw or manure. But they have a serious disadvantage - rapid combustion with the release of a small amount of heat.

Therefore, it was necessary to use fuel rationally. The result of this confrontation of poverty and expansion was the invention of a certain type of dishes for cooking, the distinctive feature of which was the small area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom and thick metal for the walls. This allowed to quickly heat the pan and for a long time to keep warm.

Flashing frying pan - not uncommon in street cafes in the countries of the Asian region

Despite the fact that no one century has passed since the inventive frying frying pan, it has not lost its popularity, and the principle of operation remains unchanged. An exception can only be the shape of the bottom.


Flat bottom is used if the frying frying pan is used for a fire or cooking on an open fire. For a kitchen, where the heat source protrudes the plate, frying pan, which have a flat and smooth bottom of operation.

Why need a frying pan Wok: advantages and disadvantages

The main purpose of this object of the kitchen utensil is to obtain the possibility of cooking using the minimum amount of oil. It is believed that food that is prepared without adding oil is healthier, since cholesterol and other harmful components formed during the combustion of the plant product are deprived.

The unique form and the process of constant mixing makes it possible to achieve uniformly toasting food

But this is not the only one positive feature. Numerous positive feedback on the issue, for which the frying frying pan needs, allow you to distinguish the following advantages of this form and type of kitchen utensils:

  • improving food preparation speed;
  • versatility allowing to use a frying pan for frying, extinguishing, smoking and even soup cooking;
  • the ability to prepare food for a couple due to the accompanying accessories in the form of a lattice;
  • preservation of productivity of products, because they are subject to minimal heat treatment time;
  • ease of use, expressed in preventing loss of pieces when stirring due to high walls.

One of the weak points is the side handles that are heated, but the manufacturers have learned them to do also heat-resistant

Despite the prevalence of pros, frying pancakes have a number of shortcomings that are more affected by the convenience of using them:

  • the larger size, in comparison with the usual flatware for frying or extinguishing, does not allow you to place some wok skillers in the oven;
  • handles tend to heat up, especially on the side walls;
  • mandatory use of a wooden blade for mixing the prepared food, since the use of metal can lead to the appearance of scratches, which is especially "sensitive" for Teflon anti-stick coating.

These minor inconvenience belonging to the disadvantages, do not spoil the overall positive impression on the use of frying frying frying in the economy, which is confirmed by the growing interest of many housewives to this subject kitchenware.

Stainless steel - this is a strong and durable product that has its drawbacks and advantages.

Frying frying pan - cast iron, metallic or ceramic: features of materials

When deciding to become the owner of frying pan wok on the forums, you can see the criteria for which it is necessary to choose one or another utensil. The first factor is the material of manufacture:

Ceramic frying pan features no burning, but they weigh no less cast iron samples

What is good frying pan wok: features of the bottom and sizes

The classic variety of this dishes has a convex bottom. It was exactly the form of the form initially when creating a kitchen object. The use of such a cone-shaped form was dictated by the need - preparation of food on open fire. Models offered for home use are supplied with a flat bottom, which simplifies their placement on the stove or in the oven. A similar form of the bottom makes the product as sustainable as possible and ensures uniform warming up of the entire surface.


Use cone-shaped classic frying frying frying pans if there is a gas stove, but in this case it will take the purchase of an additional accessory in the form of stability rings.

In restaurants and cafes diameter, frying pan can reach 2 meters, but for the house, such a giant will not fit

A distinctive feature of this type of pan is a wide variety of diameters. For homemade cooking, no one, of course, will not acquire dishes, the size of which is 2 meters (although such frying frying systems exist and are applied in catering establishments in Asia). The most acceptable option is 15-38 cm. Everything will depend on the amount of portion. If you take a size from 15 to 28 cm in diameter, then at such a frying pan can be prepared at the same time to cook for 2 people. When choosing 30-38 cm, it will be possible to prepare a full-fledged lunch or dinner for 5 people.

Wok frying pan with grille: what are the accessories

One of the useful accessories that frying frying pan can be equipped with a special lattice. It is made in half the upper diameter and has special mustache to fasten on the walls. The assignment of the grid is to preserve the temperature of the finished products with parallel roasting the rest. Preferably, this accessory is used in the process of cooking in deep fryer.

On the grille that comes in the kit, postpone ready pieces of food so that they do not cooled

Also included with the frying pan most often there are covers that simplify the preparation of stewed dishes. When it is presented, this item turns into a conventional skeleton or bucket and can be used even for cooking soup. Some manufacturers are invested in a set of wooden spatulas for mixing the prepared food. But this subject is very cheap, so if it is absent, you can always buy the necessary shovel. The canonical models of China can additionally have a special bamboo double boiler, which is installed on the walls, and the frying pan is covered with a lid.

What is needed frying pan wok: Features of recipes

Many hostesses when buying this item up before a logical choice - what can be prepared using frying pan. The list of dishes that can be "depiction" with this kitchen object is very extensive.

A variety of recipes for frying pan wok will depend on the fantasy of the hostess

Ideal for cooking on such a pan are considered stew, roast, pilaf, all kinds of meat, fried vegetables. At the same time does not play any role, what kind of meat use. Through the wok, it is possible to make chicken, pork or beef. The most important thing is to follow the rules of cooking:

  1. The first principle of proper cooking in the Wok frying pan is the implementation of continuous mixing.
  2. It is desirable all ingredients that require roasting, cut the strip or small cubes. The stripped vegetable, the thinner there should be cutting.
  3. For cooking, it is recommended to use peanut, sesame or sunflower oil.
  4. Previously before placing the products in the pan of products, it should be heated, and during the frying the flame is not reduced.
  5. There is a certain order of bookmarks: meat, carrots, onions, pepper, greens, spices, noodles.
  6. The mixing procedure itself is carried out from the center to the edges. This allows you to achieve uniformity of the roasters and preventing the burning.
  7. If you plan to prepare rice or vermicelli, then they are best boiled in advance.
  8. It is desirable when cooking formed the ingredients of the same size. Such a way it is possible to achieve uniformity of the roasters.


Another recommendation from cooks using the frying pan is cooking portion. A large amount of food leads to a decrease in oil temperature, which will result in a boiled, not fried dish.

Modern models are equipped with long handles that can even be removable

How to choose the frying pan

When choosing, you should pay attention to parameters such as material, size, bottom type. Additionally, it will be useful to decide with the handles. Canonical versions had two handles that were placed on the sides. Externally, it resembles a traditional saucepan. Such a location was dictated by the need to remove the pan from a fire or open fire.

Modern models are equipped with some other varieties of handles. It can be one long handle, like a conventional frying pan, and a small rounded holder. Also on sale you can meet models having removable handles.

Another important selection criterion is the wall thickness. Experts recommend to give preference to models, this parameter in which starts from 4 mm. Thin thin walls can simply crack in the cooking process. Thick will lead to an increase in the heating time and improving the weight of the product.

Wok: frying pan for gas stove

The main feature of WOK frying pan for gas burners is the presence of a flat bottom. If it is decided to buy a traditional subject, then it will be necessary to praise the acquisition of an additional accessory - the rings to hold the frying pan in the process of frying. The optimal material for the gas stove will be aluminum and ceramics. Among the models offered on the market, which are suitable for use among the best, it can be noted that the frying pan of the Wok - Lessner Ceramik Line Omega LS88471-26, made of aluminum and having a three-layer ceramic coating. Also among the advantages - a relief flat bottom, an elongated pen from the bakelite and a heat-resistant lid. The cost of the product is 800 rubles per model with a diameter of 26 cm.

Frying pan for induction plates

If there is a need to buy the frying pan for the induction slab, you should consider the features that the product should have. Not every material is suitable for cooking. The optimal is the cast iron and stainless steel. In the presence of an induction plate, there is no difference, which and how many pens will have a product, because the heating occurs on the localized area, which does not give the handles on the sides to heat. Among the models that are popular with buyers, Calve CL-1906 can be noted.

This is a frying pan made of carbon steel and having a non-stick coating Exdura Super. Of the additional features, you can highlight the presence of a heat-resistant cover, a long removable handle, a grid and two blades in the kit. The cost of the product is 1,500 rubles.

Wok: frying pan for electric stove

When the WOK is selected for the usual electric stove, the only limitation will be the impossibility of using a cone-shaped form. Otherwise, there are no certain requirements for focal frying frying, which can be used for traditional plates. The optimal will be the choice of products that have a non-stick coating, since it will not be possible to get a significant temperature that the open fire can give, and the food can start burning. Abundant adding oil will lead to the leveling of the principle of Wok.

It is best to stay on cast-iron objects, as they can keep warm for a long time. From the Biol 0528c model presented in the market is popular. This is a round frying pan having a glass cover and wall thickness of 4 mm. Can be used for a brass cabinet. The cost of the product is 2 200 rubles. For a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm.

Stores offer a wide variety of products for every taste and wallet. The most expensive are cast iron frying pan, the cost of which can reach 20,000-30,000 rubles. The most cheapest can include aluminum and steel models, the price of which varies from 500 to 5,000 rubles. The determining factor for pricing is not only material, but also the company producer, equipment and quality of non-stick coating. For more information about the choice of frying pan, you can learn from the film presented.

In the Asian cuisine, to quickly cook various dishes, use the frying pan. They prepared on it even 2,000 years ago, and since then she does not lose their relevance. Second dishes are prepared for counting minutes. In addition, it can be used as a helper when cooking for a couple. Before purchasing it, you need to figure out which frying fisks are better. They differ in the quality of the material, dimensions, form, additional handles and other attributes. Consider in more detail what is this frying pan and what to pay attention to when buying.

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What is the frying pan?

Such a frying pan in the traditional form is a large-sized metal bucket having a round bottom. It increases in diameter, and on its sides there are handles. Because of such an unusual form, cook on it, on open fire is very convenient. All walls of the dishes are covered with a flame, therefore food is spruce quickly and evenly. It is different from ordinary frying pan.

Modern dishes have a flat bottom, and they are very convenient for cooking on home stoves. Due to this, such a frying pan stands steadily on the burner and is well in contact with the heat source.

Wok frying pan - what is needed, its advantages and disadvantages

Many hostess, seeing frying pan in the store shelves, wonders: what is it needed for? Her pros and cons will help to determine the right choice.


Usually about the frying of the Wok feedback only positive. But some hostesses found in it and disadvantages. For example, because of its dimensions, it does not fit in, and wooden or plastic handles are heated. But after all, such dishes are much more.

How to choose to choose the frying pan?

You are not so easy to choose such dishes, because the models may differ in many characteristics: the type of handles, coating, manufacturing material, external form, complete set.


When choosing a frying pan The material of manufacturing plays an important role, since it depends on how long such dishes will be heated. They produce it from the following materials: stainless or carbon steel, aluminum, cast iron, ceramics.

Carbon steel frying pan has a relatively low weight, it is distinguished by strength and durability, as well as excellent thermal conductivity. So that food does not burn, you need to properly care for this product. Cheapest Voky may be deformed.

For characteristic long heating, but it keeps the temperature longer, it has non-stick qualities and evenly distributes heat. Products are thin-walled (3 mm) and thick-walled (9 mm). Thin sometimes can crack on fire, and thick is very massive. It is undesirable to leave ready-made food, and from a long-term contact with water metal is able to pray.

Stainless steel wok frying Resistant to high temperatures and practical. But they have no coverage, so food can be burned.

Aluminum frying pan usually have a Teflon anti-stick coating, so that the likelihood of food burning is reduced. They have a relatively small weight. The disadvantages include: the impossibility of using such a product at high temperature, as this can destroy the coating, and the teflon spraying is scratched very quickly, reducing its protective properties.

The advantages of ceramic pans:

  • the ability to prepare food at high temperatures;
  • the presence of a non-stick coating;
  • easily use.

The disadvantages include the severity of dishes.

Form of the bottom

The classic version of the frying frying pan has a convex bottom and invented it was especially for open fire. But modern manufacturers adapted it to the plates and now produce it with a flat bottom. Such frying panities are perfectly suitable for both electrical and induction plates. A smooth bottom allows them much more stable to be on the surface and evenly warm. For gas stove, you can use both options. The only flaw - When using a frying pan with a convex bottom, it is necessary to use an additional ring for stability.

Types of handles

Initially, such a product was produced with two handles located on the sides. It was more convenient to get a fishery from the furnace, where there was an open fire. The handle in modern models of Wok is one, like a regular skillet, can sometimes be a small rounded holder. Recently, the popularity of dishes with a removable handle.


When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to how it is diameter. If the family is small, consisting of two or three people, then it is best to purchase a frying pan with a diameter of less than 35 cm. When the family is large or in the house often come guests, then the pan must have a larger volume, for example, 40 cm.

What are cooking in a frying pan and how to do it?

Such a product can be used to implement a variety of culinary ideas. But best of all it prepares the following dishes in it:

Meat, according to reviews, you can use any - beef or chicken fillet, and seasonings and vegetables are combined to their taste.

How to cook on such a frying pan? The main principle of cooking is fast frying with continuous stirring. This method is pretty simple if you use some secrets.

All ingredients should be cleaned and cut into small stripes or cubes. Solid vegetables are cut more thinly. The meat should be gentle to manage to spike well. For the preparation of dishes use sunflower, peanut or sesame oil, and the olive and creamy are not suitable for this.

Frying to roll, add oil and warm it up. With frying fire is not reduced. The order of the introduction of ingredients depends on the duration of their preparation. It may look like this: first put meat, carrots, onions, and then - Bulgarian pepper, greens, sauce, spices, vermicelli.

During the cooking, the contents of the frying pan need all the time to stir from the center to the periphery, since the maximum fat concentration accumulates in the center of the dishes. But at the edges of the frying pan ingredients are not roasted, but only heated. To mix products, use a special blade.

Spaghetti, noodles or rice boiled in advance. Prepare dishes follows portionoh, that is, one meal. If you put too many products into a frying pan, they are boiled, and do not fit.

In order to prepare juicy and roasted meat on such a pan with a crispy crust, specific nuances should be known:

As soon as the meat acquires an appetizing crust, it needs to be removed by shovel, otherwise it is reroxed. It is best to throw it on the grille Or paper towel.

What frying focus is better?

You can know a lot about the Wok frying pan, and still choose not the best option. Therefore, it will be useful to list those producers whose products have proven themselves only from the best side. Among them can be allocated:

  • Tefal;
  • Fissler;
  • Bork;
  • Swiss Diamond.


"Bought focus on your fear and risk, because the consultant could not answer me, whether it is suitable for induction plates. But I still decided to acquire it and did not regret it. It does not burn and wash well in the dishwasher. Dishes in it are preparing for our entire big family consisting of 5 people. The only drawback is large in size, and so everything suits me in it. "

"Relatively recently acquired a cast-iron frying frying pan. So that it serves as long as possible, I had to perform certain manipulations: wash with detergent, pour salt into it and rolling well. Then I smeared the inner surface with vegetable oil and put in the heated oven for an hour. After that, a new life began for the frying pan. What only dishes I did not cook on it. The taste they are wonderful. Although she is heavy, but it does not strain me. "


I liked the "frying focus I liked at first glance. Holding the product in the hands and carefully examined, I immediately decided on the purchase. Such a pan is quite rather size and takes a lot of space in my small kitchen. But she fit into the stove and is now stored in this place. Despite a rough surface, nothing burns on it. Dishes that are preparing on it are preparing quickly and are very tasty. Especially wonderful is the pilaf. I am very pleased".

Thus, the frying pan, the photo of which is presented in the article, is a universal product, with which you can prepare a large number of a wide variety of dishes. This is the perfect option for the preparation of such a national Uzbek dish, like a pilaf. It is very important to choose such a product correctly to subsequently enjoy delicious dishes.

Pokki wok.

Frying pan

Focus frying products: 9.

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Shown 1 - 9 of 9 products

Frying pan Biol

Skin wok. - This is a relatively new trend in our culinary support. This dishes have long been known in the Asian region, moreover, enjoys tremendous popularity. On the expanses of the former USSR, the casting frying pan appeared relatively recently, but immediately turned close attention, both fans culinary and professionals.

And in many respects it was promoted by the promotion of the Biool brand. The company has long and successfully operates in the production of dishes. Its cast iron products are in demand and popularity.

Buy frying pan in Moscow

It should be noted that in the conditions of an open market economy and the ubiquitous development of the Internet, it is not difficult to find suggestions from such goods. However, many residents prefer to buy focus in Moscow in our online store. And there is a number of objective and subjective reasons:

  • economically sound prices based on direct deliveries from the manufacturer and minimum trading supplies (such an approach is beneficial to all: both to us, both sellers, and, for understandable reasons, customers);
  • whether it is a cauldron or frying pan - quality will always remain at the highest level (the company values \u200b\u200bits reputation, therefore it works honestly, purely and open);
  • in the capital, we have our own warehouse, which allows you to maximize the process of delivering the selected product to the end user;
  • guaranteed quality of all the dishes, since the online store works directly with the manufacturer.

Attractiveness of Biol products

The WOK frying pan has a number of advantages that benefit from its competitors:

  • Durability. The surface does not scratch, does not damage, even with strong mechanical loads, including dynamic type.
  • Practicality and unpretentious care. Special technologies or means for washing are not required.
  • Safety from an ecological point of view. At such fryingrs, you can cook food for all categories: healthy and with chronic diseases, adults, children, people of the older generation.
  • A wide range of. The manufacturer offers through our online store a variety of commodity positions, both in design, appearance and size. Each person will find an optimal option.

Contact, you will certainly be satisfied with the choice.

The frying pan is a universal cooking means, which is used in Asian countries for many generations. With it, you can make any dish in the shortest possible time. Cooking has never been so pleasant, fast and tasty.

The frying pan is traditional Chinese utensils with a round bottom and wide edges.

This dishes will make it possible to embody all your most bold experiments. If you are a lover of oriental dishes, then you definitely should experience the possibilities of such a unique invention.

We will try to figure out what kind of frying pan. Simply put, this is one of the most popular support for cooking in Asian countries. In shape, it looks like Kazanok. It is characterized by thin walls. Such a feature allows you to warm evenly every section of the dish, which cooks food instantly. Such a feature is used in instant institutions.

The bottom of this appearance is made in the form of a hemisphere, so it can not smoothly stand on the surface of the slab. Because of this, special adapted forms with a flat bottom were created, which ensures the necessary level of stability.

Incorrectly call this type of dishes is only a pan, it is more saucepan wok.

Wok is a universal dishes that can almost completely replace most of the modern kitchen utensils. Dishes prepared in this way are characterized by special taste and appearance. Among the features of prepared dishes in such a vessel should be noted as follows:

  • a small amount of fat - for cooking enough one tablespoon of sunflower oil, which allows you to prepare food for a couple, eliminating unnecessary calories;
  • use - food is processed by a pair at high speed, so the dish does not have time to lose its beneficial properties, as it happens during frying or cooking;
  • unusual taste - all dishes are characterized by spicy aroma and pleasant taste in comparison with traditional cooking methods.

Multifunctional and universal wok acquires greater popularity, especially among oriental cuisine lovers.

Note! Cooks even invented a special way of cooking in frying fishes, which lies in frying and constant stirring.

There are special types of dishes intended for a fire and gas plates. They allow you to prepare a variety of dishes - from vegetables to meat or fish. At the same time, it should be carefully choosing such a dishes in order not to evoke to the fake. Now it is clear why the frying pan is needed. It should be sorted out in the nuances, how to choose such dishes.

What does "wok"

The wok is a special frying pan that is used in the countries of the East for two thousand years. In ancient time, the peasants were prepared in open bons. Sudine with thin walls allowed to significantly speed up the cooking process. Now this tradition has emerged far beyond the limits of modern China and other Asian countries.

In response to demand, a proposal appeared - in the shelves of dishwashes are increasingly appearing voks in all their diversity.

Note! The market are common models with a flat bottom. They are convenient for use on induction plates, in furnaces, in open bony.

The advantages and disadvantages of Chinese frying pan-wok

Asian Audine for cooking is characterized by such advantages.

  1. Product processing speed. Due to the convex form of the bottom and thin walls, the heat is evenly distributed over the surface. This allows you to significantly increase the speed of cooking and save time.
  2. Universal properties. This dish can be used to prepare different products - ranging from vegetable food and ending with meat dishes. If the kit also includes the lattice, you can prepare a pair of dishes.
  3. High quality food. During cooking, you do not have to use a lot of sunflower oil, which is an example of a healthy eating. Due to the thin walls, food is prepared in a matter of minutes, keeping useful trace elements. Such dishes are an excellent solution for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Multifunctionality. You can escape vegetables or any other side dish, and cook meat on a pair on the grill. Significantly reduce cooking costs. You can also save a little on electricity or gas.
  5. Modifications. Depending on the configuration and availability of additional functions, you can embody a variety of culinary experiments.

Initially, Wok frying pan is really intended only for frying.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted the following.

  1. The size. Such a frying pan is large enough, so it is inconvenient to use on small plates.
  2. A pen. It is usually right above the burning center, so it can cause a burn. It should be extremely neat during cooking.

Varieties of frying pan

The modern market presents various models, among which you can choose suitable for certain functions. Usually they differ in dimensions, the presence of additional equipment, production materials.

The functionality of utensils allowed us to expand the sphere of ordinary use.

Diameter and dimensions depend on what you are going to cook inside. The wall thickness is also varied, which has a significant impact on the cost of the product. The bottom is also different - it can be flat or convex depending on which cooking surface you are going to use the dishes.

What materials make frying pan

This type of dishes are manufactured from different materials, which should be considered. The quality of cooking, as well as the durability of the product depends on it.

Carbon steel

This is the most common type of product on the market. Lifetime usually depends on the quality of execution and manufacturer. It should be noted such advantages of such kitchen utensils:

  • suitable for different surface treatment surfaces;
  • features high heating rate;
  • has a small mass;
  • enough long service life.

Durable, durable material will serve in the kitchen for a long time.

Pay attention to the minuses:

  • at high temperatures, low quality material is deformed;
  • if the coating is low-quality, food is burning or is not processed sufficiently.

Note! When you buy a product, study the coating material. Your quality directly depends on its quality. Some materials can highlight toxic substances that spoil your food.

Stainless steel

This is one of the best purchase options, which is characterized by high operational properties:

  • does not be corrosion;
  • has an attractive view;
  • differs long service life;
  • not damaged;
  • not deformed or melted.

The main plus of the in the steel is a long service life.

Important! On some models there is no non-stick coating, so it should be carefully followed by cooking.

Cast iron

Such products are distinguished by large sizes and impressive weight. At the same time, the material is characterized by such advantages:

  • preservation of heat;
  • high preparation speed;
  • uniform heat distribution;
  • strength;
  • resistance to damage and scratches.

Cast iron pans are better to take thick, otherwise the heated thin material will crack from a strong blow.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted the likelihood of rust with improper care. Usually such products are customary to use for quick cooking meat or vegetables.


Affordable and easy option. It has a slight weight and high speed of cooking. In this case, the cast aluminum alloy is characterized by a tendency to deform and low temperature stability.

The main plus is equipped with teflon coating, excluding food burning.

Non-stick coating pan-wok

The quality of cooking also depends on the coating. The following materials are usually used.

  1. Teflon. Such a coating provides protection against burning. To damage it, it is recommended to use special cutlery.
  2. Granite. It is characterized by high strength and reliability. Provides rapid heating of food. It is characterized by simplicity in care.
  3. Ceramics. Differs reliability. It is possible to use different cutlery. It is not necessary to test the product for strength to temperature.
  4. Enamel. An extremely fragile coating that does not withstand shocks or temperature regime drops. At the same time it has non-stick properties.
  5. Titanium. Differs on high security and stability. It has non-stick properties, which allows you to prepare different foods.

Food can be prepared on high heat.

Type of Form DNA

The bottom form affects some cooking properties. In general, the quality and speed of cooking are no different.

Convex form

Recommended in those cases where the house is a gas stove. Traditional Chinese utensils are perfect in such cases. If you have an induction stove, you can buy a special holder to simplify the task during cooking.

The frying pan wok is designed only for frying with constant stirring.

Furious bottom

Usually used on modern electrical or induction plates with a flat working surface. Such a solution allows you to ensure the necessary stability.

Sizes frying-wok

When choosing dishes, it is important to pay attention to the diameter. What it is more, the more food you can cook. It is not recommended to buy too large products for everyday needs, as they are very uncomfortable and occupy a lot of space.

Oriental cuisine in all its variety is often prepared on open fire.

Eliminate such types of pans depending on the dimensions:

  • up to twenty centimeters - portion;
  • up to twenty eight - several servings;
  • up to thirty eight - up to five servings;
  • up to fifty - about ten servings.

Variety of pens for frying pan

There are several types of designs depending on how the handle is located. This affects the use of the product.

Cantonese style

A classic version with two handles, which provides the ability to cook for a large company. So it will be easier to mix the food in the cooking process and serve meals on the table.

Wok resembles a large plate with open edges and two handles.

Northern style

This is the most convenient option for residents of the West countries. It looks like a classic frying pan. Differs in small sizes.

Materials of grinding handles

Pens can also be made from different materials. It depends on the ease of use of dishes.


A classic option that is convenient to use under high temperature conditions. Usually such handles are not melted, so they can be used for cooking in the oven. Usually, in this case, the housing of the ink is also made of metal.

The bowl form allows you to prepare both in the center, and on the side, at the same time making several dishes at once.


Modern material that provides reliable overheating protection. Usually used as an additional coating of the handle.


It is often found on the handles and is used to handle the handles on many products. Available material that reduces the technology of a frying pan.

The bottom in the form of a circle will prevent complete contact with the heating element.


A variety of plastic. It is characterized by high strength and temperature stability. Not subject to physical damage. Scratches do not appear on the surface. It is not recommended to use inside the ovens, as such a handle is most likely charred.

What is included in the pan

Many different models are presented on the market, which include various additions. Note that the kits are more expensive. It is best to buy a ready-made kit, since you will have everything you need to start creating culinary masterpieces. This allows you to increase the functionality and operational characteristics of the product.

It is better to buy louds with a flat bottom, they are adapted to use on a gas stove.

To the standard kit must include such items:

  • vacuum cover - allows you to create conditions in order to prepare stew or stewed vegetables for a pair;
  • the grille - increases the functionality of the vice, allowing you to simultaneously prepare several different dishes inside.

In addition to classic models, electric. They are characterized by multifunctionality, as they do not require the presence of a stove. Therefore, you can use the device even on the way when there is no normal stove for cooking.

The walls are thinner, therefore food is prepared for an order faster than in a regular scenery.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • fast warm-up working surface;
  • convenient fixation that allows you to mix products inside without problems;
  • retains heat for a long time;
  • the device does not overheat, because there is a control panel to adjust the temperature mode;
  • there are several different settings, which allows you to simplify the cooking process for beginners.

Important! In such devices you can prepare different dishes. There is a set of special modes for this.

What is the difference between the wok from the skeleton and the usual frying pan

Wok is special dishes that allows you to quickly cook food. The peculiarity lies in the constant stirring of the ingredients, so there is no need for a lot of fat for cooking. Such food is considered more useful and dietary. The dishes are distinguished by multifunctionality and the possibility of making several dishes at the same time.

In the center it is convenient to fry meat, and in the sides of vegetables - with the same cooking time they will not burn.

The use of a skeleton, frying pan, pan or thumbs are characterized by both merits and disadvantages. The difference lies in the preparation.

How to choose high-quality wok

When buying, such parameters should be taken into account:

  • manufacturer's company;
  • material manufacturing material and handles;
  • coating;
  • the presence of additional functions;
  • form of the bottom;
  • diameter;
  • fastening the handle.

It is believed that the food cooked in wok is characterized by taste and naturalness.

How can you cook in wok

To prepare in wok, follow these rules:

  • prepare products in advance;
  • cut the ingredients with the same thin pieces;
  • preheat the surface;
  • use vegetable oil;
  • observe the order of processing products;
  • always interfere with the dish.

The heat treatment time is much smaller, the products retain more vitamins.

Rules of care for professional frying pans-wok

To wok served longer, follow this recommendation:

  • after cooking, wash the frying pan;
  • do not use aggressive detergents;
  • do not use the frying pan on high fire;
  • use the recommended appliances to be stirring.

To date, the dishes on the type of blades are made from a variety of materials.

Rating of the best models of skille-wok

Many different models are presented on the market. Below is a list of the most popular among buyers.

Neva Metal dishes

The dishes are characterized by high quality and lack of toxic impurities in the composition. Responsible quality standards and has world quality standards.

Such dishes weighs little, because simple use.

TVS Mineralia.

Suitable for cooking any food on different heating surfaces. It is characterized by convenience, since there is a temperature indicator on the housing.


High-quality product, which consists of only safe and environmentally friendly materials. Differs in functionality, ease of use and attractive appearance.

Western models are available with flat, or close to the flat bottom.


One of the most popular manufacturers. The product is distinguished by multifunctionality and quality. There is a temperature indicator that allows you to control the cooking process.

Rondell 114.

A popular product used by professional chefs. Different with simplicity and functionality. You can prepare different dishes in any quantity.

They are suitable for use on modern induction and electric stoves.

Among other well-known manufacturers are highlighted by Granchio, Stahlberg, Gipfel. They are characterized by high quality and advantageous operational properties.

Wok is a comfortable tableware that allows you to prepare a variety of dishes for every taste. This is an excellent solution for those who do not like to be happy with cooking. It is important to choose a quality product so that it serves longer.

Video: How to prepare in the Wok frying pan.

Fiberglass wok came to Russia from Asian countries. Wok has an original form and externally resembles a large bowl with a narrow convex bottom. At the same time, the upper part of it is significantly expanded. Designed for the preparation of traditional oriental dishes.

However, with the arrival of popularity, the form of the product was improved and changed to a flat bottom, thanks to which the dishes began to approach various cooking surfaces. Nevertheless, its initial qualities of the pan saved - it can be prepared with minimal oil adding.

With the help of the wok, you can carry out a lot of thermal processing variations, namely:

  • fast hot fry fry;
  • quenching;
  • frying fryer;
  • cooking (including a couple);
  • smoking;
  • cooking first dishes and pings.

Now the frying frying pan is widely used both on east and in Russian cuisine.

The advantages of the Chinese frying pan

Before choosing a frying pan, compare its advantages and disadvantages with other oven cooking facilities.

Comparison Wok frying pan with similar frying dishes.

W. Normal frying pan Sawsee. Kazan.
Requires a minimum of time on heat treatment, due to the original form with a narrow bottom, which is quickly heated.

With it, you can not only fry products, but also use other methods of cooking dishes.

The unique structure allows you to prepare with the minimum possible amount of oil with frying.

Ideal for roasting in the technique of styrene-fry (frying with constant stirring).

Designed only for frying and passing products. It happens different shapes and sizes. Products can be made of cast iron, aluminum or stainless steel. The coating can be made of titanium, teflon or ceramics. It serves to more evenly warming up products, thanks to the deep shape and thickness of the walls. Suitable for both traditional frying or cooking in fryer and cooking various dishes. It is a saucepan with very thick walls. Mainly used for tomturation. Traditionally serves to prepare a pilament.

Also, the advantages of the wok can be attributed to the convenience of operation (high boards will prevent the spreading of food pieces) and excellent quality dishes, which is achieved by instant roasting with the maximum preservation of their useful properties.

Varieties of frying pan wok

Before choosing a Chinese frying pan, decide on the type of material and coating, as well as a form that will be suitable for your stove.

By type of material

The Chinese frying pan is made of various materials. You can find iron, steel or aluminum wok on sale.

Cast iron

The original skils who came to us from China were cast iron.

Please note that a frying pan made of cast iron should be severe. If the mass of the product is small, and the walls are thin, the skillet will serve very long, but it is perfectly cope with a quick roasting.

At the same time, an adhesive fryingkin is not suitable for processing the products using the styrene-fry, since its surface will be warm for a long time, and the culinary process will be difficult to control. Cast iron utensils are perfect for cooking soups and traditional Asian dishes.


Suitable for gas or electrical surfaces. Aluminum quickly heats up and weighs very little. The product is perfect for a quick roasting method by Styr-Fry. Typically, aluminum Chinese frying pan cover with a non-stick coating from Teflon, which in turn does not allow it to be used on highly hot furnaces, since such a coating is capable of collapsed.


There are two types:

  • carbon steel;
  • from stainless steel.

Wares made of carbon steel have a reasonable price, light weight and excellent thermal conductivity. Its surface heats up evenly and quickly. However, the use of the container is very neat. You need to care for the surface. In another case, food will stick to the coating, and the gridder will quickly come into disrepair.

Stainless steel utensils are very durable and practical. Wow from high-quality steel wok with the addition of nickel and chromium is usually used on professional kitchens. The material behaves perfectly on various surfaces, withstands high temperatures and is not deformed. Products treated on a similar surface are quickly prepared and retain the maximum of useful properties.


Different with good resistance to high temperatures and ease of care. Food does not stick to the walls and coating, and also not impregnated with outsiders. Ceramics dishes are more massive and heavy, so it is not suitable for frying in the technique of Styr-Fry. Basically, such a device is used to prepare traditional Asian and first dishes.

By type of coating

Service life The frying pan and the quality of the products of the products also depend on the type of surface of the product.

Types of coatings, their advantages and disadvantages.

Type of coating pros Minuses
Enamel. Prevents metal oxidation during the preparation of products. Relatively unreliable, since it is deformed from mechanical effects and comes to disrepair from temperature drops.
Granite. It has all the positive qualities of the cast iron. Sufficient and reliable. It works well, due to which products are quickly roasted. Requires the careful relationship and use of only wooden appliances when frying.
Teflon. Conduct itself as a reliable non-stick coating. The material does not affect acid and alkalis. For cooking, it is necessary to use only special plastic or wood instruments. Also, the coating can be spoiled under the influence of very high temperatures.
Ceramic. Does not absorb fat and steadily to external damage. It is well in contact with metal devices and does not require special care. Does not add an unpleasant taskus food. It does not withstand sharp temperature differences, as a result of which it may be damaged.
Titanium. It has maximum reliability and environmental friendliness. Well withstands the temperature drops and is not exposed to mechanical effects. Need to care is not welcoming. High price.

Wok frying pan for different plates

In addition to the classic grouping, the type of material and the type of coating frying pan wok differ in relation to the type of cooking surface.

For gas

Voks for gas plates have an improved smooth bottom. The best options for such a slab will be stuffing from aluminum or ceramics.

If you have already bought a classic Wok with a round bottom, take care of purchasing a special rings to hold the product on the cooking panel.

For induction

The Chinese frying pan for induction plates should also have a flat bottom. When choosing, give preference to cast iron or steel vocations. The characteristic advantage of induction surfaces is the lack of heating of the parts of the housing, so you should not worry about the fact that the handles will overheat.

For electrical

The choice of pan for electric boards is very diverse. There are no special recommendations for the appropriate type of material, so during the purchase, repel from your own preferences. The only thing to pay attention to is the presence of a flat bottom and non-stick coating.

Electric Wok.

It appeared in the assortment of kitchenware not so long ago, however, has already proven itself as an indispensable device. The design of the device is directly from the frying pan and a small electrical burner suitable in shape and size. Device has a lot of advantages:

  • the possibility of warm-up dishes to the desired specific temperature and its constant maintenance;
  • ease of operation, as the container does not require moving during cooking;
  • it is not only for frying, but also for other culinary techniques.

In addition, the device is equipped with several cooking modes, so even a newcomer is suitable.

How to care and use wok

So that the frying pan served you as long as possible, before exploitation, make a preparatory procedure for processing its surface.

Before manipulating, open the windows in the kitchen or turn on the hood.

  • Thoroughly wash the product from dust and other contaminants. For guaranteed surface cleaning, clean water can be boopted in a pan.
  • Turn on the strongest fire on the stove and carefully learn the frying pan before changing the color of its surface (the coating will be given a blue tint).
  • Similarly, turning the device over fire, learn the walls.
  • When the coating completely changed the color, add about half a glass of vegetable oil to the pan.
  • Circular movements dispense the oil over the entire surface and walls, without removing from the fire so that the frying pan does not cooler.
  • Take the container and after 3 minutes, turn off the fire on the stove.
  • Wait a few more minutes and follow the external first, and then the inner part of the product with cold water.
  • Reinstall the frying pan on the stove and turn on the maximum heating.
  • Wait until the moisture is not completely evaporated from the coating.
  • Again, add and distribute the glass of vegetable oil on the surface.
  • Warm the device until smoking appears from the oil.
  • Turn off the heating.
  • With the help of paper towels or napkins, cover the oil into the surface and walls of the frying pan.
  • Leave the product on the stove to the full cooling.

Such a way helps to create a protective film of oil on the surface of the surface, which will prevent the burning of food and damage to the coating.

Please note that after the procedure it is forbidden to use detergents for dishes, since their components dissolve the protective layer. After cooking, we will immediately wash the Chinese frying pan with warm water using a soft sponge.

What to cook in wok

Before cooking in a wok frying pan, read the principles of its use:

  • to achieve maximum benefits, when roasting in the technique of styrene-fry products, it is necessary to constantly stir from the edges to the center;
  • before the hot frying pan with oil, it is necessary to warm up well before the appearance of the haze, otherwise it will not fulfill its main functions;
  • the components of the future dish must be cut into small slices or pars;
  • it is not worth throwing too many ingredients into the container;
  • use only certain frying oils (sunflower, sesame or peanut).

With the help of a Chinese frying pan, you can prepare original dishes, for example:

  • noodle wok with chicken fillet and zucchini;
  • rice paste with seafood;
  • beef with bell pepper and tomatoes;
  • udon's noodles with asparagus and carrots;
  • fried shrimps;
  • rice noodles with pork clipping;
  • rice with seafood;
  • noodles with oysters;
  • vegetables and meat fried in deep fryer;
  • classic first dishes;
  • steamed vegetables.

If you want to prepare delicious and useful East Asian, as well as traditional Russian dishes, you should take care of buying frying pan.

What to pay attention to before buying

In order for the use of the pan is practical and correct, pay attention not only to the main selection criteria, but also on the bottom configuration, the size of the product and its complete set.

DNA configuration

After you decide on the frying pan and the type of coating, pay attention to the bottom form. Traditional Wok with a cone-shaped bottom is only suitable for the gas stove. At the same time, you need to take care of buying an extra rings to install a frying pan on the burner. For any other cooking panel (electrical or induction), a flat base product is suitable.

Dimensions of the frying pan

On sale there is both small containers from 15 cm in diameter and huge up to 76 cm. For home use, it is not worth buying a large frying pan, which will be bulky, inconvenient and not suitable for the ordinary plate. The optimal size of the frying pan for the house is from 28 to 35 cm in diameter. In such a dish, you can cook from 1 to 5 servings, while it is compact and convenient to operate.

Varieties of handles

Pens is also one of the most important criteria when choosing. In the assortment of the Vokov you will meet a container with one or two handles that can be both licensed and removable. Before buying, be sure to hold the device in your hand and think about which configuration of the handle you will be more convenient to mix products during cooking.

Also pay attention to the material of the handles. Professional cooks preferred wood handles that are not heated when used.


Some Wok models are completed with additional accessories. A pleasant bonus will be included in a set of lid, grille and wooden spatula. On the grill you can prepare dishes on a pair or deep, and with the help of wooden devices, save the non-stick coating.


In the assortment of dishes for the kitchen, you will meet many models of Chinese skille from foreign and domestic manufacturers.


The company specializes in the production of inexpensive kitchen appliances. Its assortment includes electric wok frying pans manufactured in accordance with international norms and standards that are distinguished by practicality and long service life.


The company produces dishes for the kitchen of the luxury kitchen. One of the favorites is the frying pan wok with a granite coating, which is distinguished by excellent quality and a large variety of forms and sizes.

JSC "Neva Metal Dishes"

Domestic manufacturer, launched a line of dishes "Natural materials". Wok frying pan is distinguished by a worthy appearance, maximum environmental and practicality.


The company has proven itself as a reliable manufacturer of kitchenware. Chinese frying pan no exception. Like all products from Tefal, the voks are equipped with a temperature indicator that helps keep track of all cooking processes. Also, the owner of such products note the presence of a high-quality handle that does not heat and excellent non-stick coating.


Vinzer products are perfectly coping with their functions and differ long service life and ease of care and operation.


The German manufacturer specializes in the manufacture of traditional products of the classic stainless steel form, which perfectly behave in use and care.


In addition to high-quality materials, the Chinese frying pan from IKEA is equipped with wooden handles, which simply simplify cooking. All products have appropriate certification, convenient and durable.


The thick-walled WOK frying pan from Kukmara is distinguished by maximum strength and durability. The housing is made of aluminum, so the container is quickly heated, despite the weight and thickness of the walls of 6 mm. At the same time, the non-stick five-layer coating does not give food to the mercy during frying.

Wok frying pan has a lot of advantages. With it, you can quickly fry products, while retaining the maximum of beneficial properties and vitamins. When choosing the appropriate, pay attention to the material of the case and coating, as well as the bottom form and the size of the container. Properly selected wok will become an excellent assistant in the kitchen and will serve for a very long time.

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