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What will be in a dream beats the late father. What dreams of a deceased father is the appearance of the parent. The late father complains about

If a long-dead father had dreamedled, he foreshadows a dream in the future some changes. They must be used. And in order to understand why this plot dreams, it is necessary to carefully analyze its feelings, the behavior of the parent, its appearance. It is necessary to collect all parts of the whole into a single image, impose it to events in everyday life, and only then choose the appropriate interpretation of sleep.

Die father in a dream

In the event that the late dad very often visits you in dreams, then in accordance with the people's beliefs it is necessary to remember. To do this, it is enough to put a candle in the church and distribute candy or any other treats to colleagues and just familiar. In addition, the parent can ask something. For example, come in night gold with a specific object in hand. In this case, you should buy a seen thing and attributed to his grave.

Another version of the interpretation of such an episode is possible. The dream can torment the conscience for their actions towards her parent in the past. Here only conscious and sincere repentance will help. In this case, it is better to resort to confession, which will allow you to break out of the captivity of negative emotions, aimed at both your father, and on the surrounding dreams of people in reality.

Often, the deceased father comes in a dream when the dream is tormented by a subconscious desire to return the past and correct all his mistakes in relations with a close person. In addition, such an episode symbolizes the time of change. So, you must try to achieve new heights in real life, using in practice all your experience.

What dreams of the recent dad dad? A similar dream signals about your longguard for a parent. You still can't accept the loss. Or subconsciously feel guilty for your past actions or inattention.

Many interpreters believe that what dreams of a deceased father in a dream - a favorable sign. And in line with the interpretations of sleep, a dream will expect pleasant changes in the near future. Or the circumstances will be chosen in such a way that a person will be able to extract some benefit for itself. But this will happen only in the case of the right interpretation of sleep.

Miller claims that a dream in which, marks the most important event in life. It was him for so long I was waiting for the dreams. It was to him sought him. You need to be extremely attentive and not to miss the only chance in everyday life. In case, in a dream, you hug a parent, then an unexpected income and well-being awaiting you.

According to the interpretation of a family dream room, see in the night's night's parents alive, it means to catch a good luck by the tail in reality. So, the dream will accompany the luck in all his endeavors. Therefore, he should be taken even for hopeless at first glance. Or go to distant wanderings alone. But if, dad is calling you in a dream with you, you can not go to his call. After all, joint walks will actually have a heavier disease or even death.

According to the interpretation of the dreams of Vanga, such an episode is nothing as a warning. Perhaps the girl deceives her lover. And from relationships with her, he needs only the benefit, not love. Men Such a dream is a career growth. But in, then, the same time warns about the goats and intrigues for his back. It is only for a moment to lose vigilance, as the enemies immediately take advantage.

Whose relative dreamed

What dreams of a deceased father comes in a dream to his daughter, then such a vision dream is interpreted as a signal about the approaching danger. It is necessary to comply with extreme caution, be attentive in all its affairs. Exercise prudence in actions. So, a young girl in reality can surround ridiculous rumors and slandering, which will destroy relationships with the beloved or spoil relationships with the boss in service. Such a dream can also talk about the insincerity of your partner, about lies in a relationship with you.

If the dead parent of a friend dreameded, then the dreams threaten in the future different difficulties in which this acquaintance will be involved. It is necessary to stay with your friend nearby and in difficult times to substitute your shoulder, give advice or simply cheer.

What dreams of the deceased father of the spouse (spouse)? Dream Interpretation says such an episode foreshadows tests and for you, and for your second half. It is best to try not to argue in trifles. And try to come to mutual understanding. Indeed, in the near future you will need both support.

If the deceased dad of a distant relative is dreaming, then in reality a dream is not worth neglecting related relations. It is necessary to maintain in all each other. For such a dream symbolizes the reunification of the genus. In another interpretation of the dream room, your family may soon be replenished with a new member.

External appearance dad

Reflect on what dream of a deceased father drunk? Most likely, you should change your moral principles and rethink of life priorities. After all, it is possible that your worldview does not give you the opportunity to achieve new heights. Dream Interpretation recommends to look into my internal reflection, understand what you want to achieve in life. And only then develop a further line of behavior.

See in the dream of the deceased dad sick? In this case, the dream book insists that you are tired of the bustle of weekdays. You should pay a full-fledged stay for some time. And only after complete recovery you can start work and achieve the necessary results.

What dreams of the deceased father dirty and broken? Such a dream is deciphered as the need to engage in its unpleasant affairs. You will have to give them a lot of time. Spend a lot of strength on their permission. It should not be forgotten about his close surroundings. They also need your care and understanding.

In case the deceased parent dreamed in her neat appearance, then a similar dream promises a dream only good. You can no hesitate to take on any endeavors. So, in the near future, you will feel that you have reached the second breathing, as if physical and moral forces appeared nowhere for further victories. Ultimately, you will conquer all the vertices that outlined.

What is the dream that the late dad comes in the image of the animal, then I should not wait for trouble. Such a vision promises only good. Sleeping man and his family in the future is waiting for only peace and quiet existence.

If you see the deceased father sleeping, then in reality it is guaranteed to discard the cargo of current affairs and relax to relax. You should restore all your strength. Dream Interpretation claims that in your life there was a white band, you are waiting for stability in all areas. In addition, a similar episode suggests that the dreams are a person who is self-confident and can achieve all the goals.

Actions with the deceased father

Went in night gold, what did you happen to go in the car with the late dad? Try to remember who of you led the car. If the parent car managed, then in real life you should fear different obstacles to the way. Although many of them will bypass you. If driving were you, then such an episode is interpreted as a sign of large changes that will mostly be positive.

Reflect on what you dream to embrace your late dad in a dream? Such a vision predicts a lot of good in the future for a dream. You can successfully complete your affairs, get an unexpected profit, open up new features and expand horizons for your activities.

Want to know what to dream about in a dream the conversation with the dead dad? To get the right interpretation of sleep. It is necessary to recall the details of the conversation. Most likely, he walked about the problem and ways to solve it in real life. Surely in a dream, the parent gives you a faithful hint. For example, a woman such an episode can signal an incorrectly selected path or ridiculous purposes. Or, that her incorrect behavior will bring it only tears and failures in the future. In any case, it is necessary not only to keep track of your words, but also stop communicating with people, which inadequately react to others.

If, in a dream, you had to kiss the late dad, then in everyday life you have to establish a family relationship or achieve recognition among colleagues in the service. Lonely girl like an episode promises acquaintance with the new beloved and a quick marriage.

If the deceased dad had dreamed of calling, then the remedy needs help and sympathy. The dream is worth relaxing among your relatives. A man like a picture may impose a situation in which he will need help from all these people.

What dreams to swear with the deceased father, then in reality a dream will have to be tight. A herself is waiting for trouble in all areas, to get rid of which will be very difficult. You can cope with the tests, it is only at the meaning of your character and listening to different opinions.

I had to beat the deceased father in a dream? Dream Interpretary says that such an episode symbolizes the inner protest of the sleeping, directed against others. Most likely, he wants to defend his point of view, get psychological satisfaction and benefits from communication with some persons.

To be frightened by his deceased parent - says that the sleeping is irresponsible in reality, it does not want to fulfill his obligations to the family, trying to throw off this burden. A man like a similar vision is trying to say that he shifts his problems on others, which is unacceptable in reality.

But if you happened in a dream to have fun and steal with your dad, then in everyday life you have a dream book or even a disease. It is worth more attentively to their own health and take security measures in terms of their loved ones and relatives.

The behavior of the deceased in a dream

What dreams of a deceased parent in a dream gives you money? Most likely, and in reality you will need material support. In addition, such a vision warns of a possible conspiracy against you. Business people should carefully look at their partners.

Dreaming in which the late dad hugs a dream, is interpreted as a favorable sign. So, in the future only success is waiting for him. A girl is such a vision promises new relationships, a married lady - stability and well-being in the house. A man - confirms his capabilities and predicts financial well-being, allowing him to contain all his family.

To see the late dad smiles, then it is also a good sign. Sleeping such a plot promises happiness and peace. So, the parent expresses his attitude towards the success of his child. A woman in reality will be able to achieve understanding with her husband and relatives. A man will be successful in the service, most likely he awaits career growth.

Dreamed how the deceased parent beats his daughter on the face? There is no unambiguous interpretation of such sleep. Carefully analyze the situation and circumstances in general. If the plot picked up his daughter, then the parent condemns her behavior in everyday life. Most likely, she does not understand all the consequences of his actions and not to avoid serious difficulties. Need to relate to their mistakes attentively.

What dreams of a woman is that her deceased husband raised his hand on his daughter, then she probably gives little time to raising her blood blood. Such indifference will lead to the deposits in the future. Mother should be more attentive to her child.

Reflect on what dreams of how deceased dad crying? Dream interpretation treats such a plot as a warning. It is necessary to show extreme caution in reality. After all, most likely the deceased crying because of the wells and disassembly in the family, your cheeks with colleagues. For business people, such an episode foreshadows "failure" of all possible undertakings. It is best not to take any attempts to expand your activities and enjoy the strengthening achieved.

The location of the departed dad

What dreams the late father lying in the coffin or in the cemetery? The interpretation of such sleep will not delight sleeping. In the future, he is waiting for troubles and trouble. Certain with them can be only by accepting help from your loved ones. Their support will help to wait for the black strip in life.

Did the late father, who is in your home or yard? Such a dream indicates that in real life you do not pay due attention to your loved ones. Perhaps it is worth visiting them, to arrange a joint celebration even without a visible occasion. Women such a plot is trying to say that they are too docked on their careers. The family also needs constant care and attention.

Went a dead parent alive in any room? According to the interpretation of sleep your family in the near future, misfortunes and failures. See how the parent wanders in the garden or the garden and will be worse, it means that the dreams did not find his true vocation in life. It follows in reality to deal with its ambitions.

There are many interpretations of sleep, what is the deceased father at home. Some talk about nostalgia of sleeping for their childhood. Others foreshadow calm and dimension in matters.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

Next night is important for those who are interested in personal life more than work. Sleep from Thursday on Friday prophetic. The thing is, ...

Deadly close years continued to live in our memory and are often in dreams. The people say that the dead will take off to the change of weather, and many of us had to make sure that this is true. However, in addition, there are many interpretations of such phenomena. What dream of a deceased father? It depends on how the parent, as well as behaved, and from other circumstances.

Recently deceased father

People who went to the world are different not so long ago, quite often are close in dreams. Such vision is due to the psychological state of a person who suffers from loss, and may feel the feeling of guilt before the dead.

As a rule, dreams of people who left us not so long ago, do not have a clear interpretation. This is just the game of the subconscious, based on reluctance to put up with a loss, especially if it happened suddenly and unexpectedly.

In such a situation, it remains only to wait for the stress that emerged due to the tragic events will pass, and try to come up with a loss. We will not go to the temple, and put a candle for the rest of the soul, as well as order a pack.

On a note. The dreams in which we are dead relatives are subject to interpretation no earlier than a year after their burial.

Dream Interpretation: What does the deceased father dream?

The dream with the participation of a deceased parent is usually a call to any action. It may be necessary to analyze your life and make efforts to correct the errors made earlier. As well as similar dreams encourage the accumulated experience in practice and achieve good results.

There are other interpretations, here are some examples of a dream book about the dead father:

  • the past parent warns of possible troubles that can deliver enemies and envious;
  • sleep about the deceased father says, about danger, calls for not to make serious decisions and refuse long journeys in the near future;
  • if the dead appears in dreams with joyful and satisfied life, it promises positive changes, but the patient and empty parent is in anticipation of trouble;
  • when the parent gives you something, such a dream can bring trouble;
  • if the father called with him, it is not possible to take care of his health, it is possible that such a dream warns of the development of any disease.

Did you know? There is a belief that the deceased doned does not need to "back up". To do this, you can visit the church and pray for the past, to arrange a familiar day of the family or distribute sweets familiar with a request to remember a loved one.


When a son or daughter has a hug with a deceased father, it promises a long life. And if at this moment a person is sick, then recovery is no longer around the corner.

Sometimes close people leave us earlier than we expected it. What are our favorite relatives who have left lives?

Dream Meridiana

The dream in which the deceased father is present, reminds of the sleep that the deceased needs to be given attention: to light the candle in the church, mention in the family dialogue or treat familiar candies in memory of him.

If you dream that he holds a certain item in his hands - he is trying to say about his need. Check and bring it to him in place of its rest.

Such a dream occurs in a young daughter if for certain moments, the missing, quarrels and other it torments conscience. It's time to sincerely reassure in the deed.

See him again alive - an important warning of danger. Be careful in any choice and careful with new acquaintances.

Other interpreters regard such a dream as the anticipation of an important event. Do not miss the chance to learn something new, because it will lead to great success.

If you dream that my father hugs you - wait for profits in any of its expression.

Live image of the father can be foreshadowed by success in new developments, things will go uphill.

If he calls you for me - manifest attention to your own health, an unexpected disease is possible.

What dreams of a conversation with dad? To the fact that it is worth paying attention to his suggestions and ideas. In reality, his tips will give you the right direction in your goals and tasks.

To see the deceased father symbolizes the care and protection of the actions that you can regret.

Autumn dream book

To see the deceased father is alive again - to deep repentance about something you have been doing.

Summer Dream

Such a dream recalls the importance of commemoration of the past people. Hold them a couple of minutes of their time, removing tea with candy or spend another similar ritual.

Female interpreter

What is the dream of a female dream book? To solve difficult problems, you will need someone's wise council.

If you dream of father's death - your affairs will be difficult, be careful and persistent in your direction.

For the daughter of young age, see the deceased father - to deception from your half. Be vigilant in your feelings and emotions.

Small Velezov Sonnik

To see Father's dream - to joy, smiles and happiness.

To argue with the Father - to decline for forces and initiative, do not fall into apathy, keep your mood at the height.

To see a patient dad - to a grief that will bring you an unprecedented inheritance.

See him dead - to trouble and family disorders. Be tolerant and avoid small quarrels.

Interpretation of the sorcerer of Medea

What dreams of a deceased father, if you contact the sleepy of Medea?

This is a symbol of what you are always looking for a patron. You do not want to make serious solutions and take responsibility.

The dispute with his father symbolizes confusion in the affairs and the absence of a single right solution.

To see him alive - new sources of inspiration will open in you. The new wave of forces and ideas will paint your life.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Such a dream foreshadows a long dependence on your bosses. Your initiatives will be used without giving you growth and further promotion.

Communicate with the dead - you will find yourself in a difficult life situation in which without a council from an experienced person will be unbearably difficult.

Erotic interpreter

Look at Erotic Dream Interpretation: What is the deceased father?

In love romance should be as cautious as possible. It symbolizes what your personal life is far from perfect.

If the conversation leads to something serious - it is possible for your current half of you unworthy.

Interpretation of the esoteric of flowers

To see such a dream - to the soon happiness: unexpected profits or stormy novel, which will turn into a strong marriage.

The deceased relative is to serious change in your life; Life will turn 180 degrees.

For her daughter, see Father - to a happy marriage and great offspring.

See two parents - to great luck in all endeavors.

Interpretation of a wanderer

What dream of a deceased father? This is the manifestation of power energy, someone overly seeks to control you.

For women, such a dream speaks of a weak will and suppressing a man in personal relationships.

If the deceased relative is drunk or dressed in rags - threats from health to business reputation.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller

See the dream with the presence of the deceased father to the difficulties in affairs in which no help will not cost. What is surprised if you are accustomed to solve problems with other people's hands.

If dad dies in a dream - underwater stones in affairs can bring a lot of trouble.

Such a dream for a young girl is a love relationship in doubt, it is possible to treason and other betrayal from the beloved.

Interpretation of the psychologist Loffe

See the shadow of the deceased father - you can not find prestige among your environment. You put yourself above the rest, perhaps with this reasons.

The second commemoration may be a lack of discipline in your life, strict routine and the intended path to your goal.

If other people are present in a dream - it talks about the warmth to them or, on the contrary, their absence, if you feel confused or irresistible rejection.

The sick relative dream of the intention to solve an important category of issues that you postpone the long box.

Our close relatives who are no longer with us are often to us in dreams.

In some such dreams cause pain and longing, others wake up with feeling that they talked with their native man.

But each such sleep has its own value. Now we will look at what the deceased father dreams.

See his image

If in a dream you saw how your deceased father sits at the table, wait for the news from distant relatives. And if he lies on the bed, it speaks of a quick trip to the next city.

If you dreamed of your deceased dad, walking down the street, then your efforts will not go out. And if he hugs your mom, you can safely count on supporting the best friend.

  • The deceased father in a suit - to jealousy from the spouse.
  • And catching fish - to the good Wests.
  • Angry - to passionate feeling.
  • If he sleeps - to pride for his partner.
  • See dad alive in friends - to fruitful cooperation.

Large, pure love is what dream of a father playing football. And the disputes and disagreements in the family will prophete the late dad, which sits behind the wheel of the car.

If he dreamed of you sitting in an airplane, a pretty man thinks about you. And see him in a dream alive in the train or train - it means to get rid of old complexes.

If you have dreamed of a dream in which your late father shaves, then soon there will be sudden changes in your personal life. And bathing dad is a sign that you need to go to your goal, even if something does not work.

As Dream Interpretation, father, washing dishes, dreams before celebrating a significant event. And if he prepares food, you will soon smile good luck.

If you are talking

The dream in which you tell the late dad, as spent the day, talks about your tendency to dream. And to share with him its secrets - it means to take too much responsibility.

If you dreamed, how he hugs you, wait for pleasant news from the best friend or girlfriend. And it means to kiss it - it means to successfully hold the upcoming meeting.

  • Hold your hand - to long, mutual love.
  • Dad tells you the story of life - to the rapid decision of the accumulated problems.
  • It strokes you on the head - to the appearance in your life of an influential patron.
  • Sit with the dead dad at one table - to a surprise from relatives or friends.
  • He gives you a gift - to the valuable, right acquisition.

If you have dreamed of a dream, where your late father beats or calls you, you can count on a premium or wage raising. And if you are waiting for it, and a completely different person comes, then soon you will be offered a new job.

Trust communication with a close friend is what the Father is dreaming, who dresses you small. And indecisiveness and skewing will tear dad playing with you.

If the daughters dreamed of a dream, where she was dancing a slow dance with the late father, then she would marry shortness. And if you saw how he would braid a braid, then wait for the new victories on the love front.

The late dad, presenting you a bouquet of flowers, is a sign that you love a kind, reliable man in you. And if he asks to wash things, then carefully look at your fan - perhaps he deceives you.

In a state of intoxication

As Dream Interpretation says, a drunk father comes in night visions quite often. If drunk dad behaves aggressively, then you can easily reach the goal.

And if he sits quietly or sleeps, then you will need several tips that only a close person can give.

  • Drunk father hugs someone else's woman - to a new acquaintance.
  • Seeing him alive with a glass of vodka - to a serious conversation at work.
  • Drunk dad sings lying loudly - to an unexpected, lightning solution.
  • Lead him home - to clarify the relationship in the family.
  • A drunk father, who lies on Earth, is to calm in the soul.

If in your dream, a drunken deceased dad fell under the car, but remained alive, you will have the opportunity to relax well. And if he died under the wheels of the car, then before the vacation you will have to work well.

The late father hugs his best friend - to a large surprise. And the gift from the secret fan foreshadows the father in a dream, who sticks with an outsider man.

Other dreams

Interesting, memorable journey is what the father is dreaming, sitting in the company of deceased relatives. And if at the same time he shouts loudly and gesticulates, then you will go on a trip with a better friend or girlfriend.

The deceased dad, looking at your eyes, dream of a serious test on loyalty. And the dad speaks about the devotion and trust of the partner, who kisses your mother in a dream.

  • The late father in the coffin is a deliberate, weighted solution.
  • See his silhouette in the sky - to the joy and restoration of moral forces.
  • To laugh with him - to groundless jealousy.

If you dreamed of the late father holding a breast child in the hands, then you want to see a close person. And dad trying to tell you something, is in a dream before a noisy holiday in your home.

If he wants to touch you, but he can't do it, you need to be more attentive to the desires of your loved one. And if you pushes you in a dream, get ready for a meeting with school friends.

What else can mean such a dream? What dream of a father who has already died? Perhaps he wants to tell you something important. Posted by: fractional vera

As a rule, the deceased relatives who dreamed of us symbolize any warning. Today we learn about what the deceased father dreams.

General value of sleep

First of all, you need to try to remember exactly how your dad looked, what did you do in a dream. Well-known is the interpretation that the deceased father comes to sleep then to tell you how to behave in a particular situation in order not to block unnecessary firewood.

What dreams of a deceased father will dream. Dream Miller

  1. If you see the late father in your dreams, then you know that in real life some important event awaits you, which you expected quite a long time. The most important thing here is to take seriously this situation and try not to miss the possibilities that you will soon have.
  2. If in a dream you hug your deceased father's father, then you know that your work started is very successful! Perhaps some profit awaits you.

Family dream book

  1. Did the deceased father, who for some reason come to life? Life will promise grandiose success! Boldly beat for any work, go on long trips.
  2. Bad sleep is the one in which you see a dead father in a coffin or in a cemetery. If so, then you are waiting for troubles, failures, losses ...
  3. If the father calls you with you - do not go! Sleep is also considered negative and foreshadows some disease or accident.

What dreams of a deceased father will dream. Dream Khasse

What dreams of a deceased father will dream. Dream Vangu

  1. In your life there will be a black strip exactly at that time when you start swearing with the late parent. Troubles will affect both work and personal life.
  2. If you dream how the late dad gives you money, be careful in reality. You want to fool.
  3. The late father, who dreamed of a girl, suggests that her chosen one is not honest with her. Soon he deceive her.
  4. If you saw the deceased father on the night of your birthday, then you know that you are coming the completion of one cycle of life and the beginning of another - new.
  5. If the dad says to you, try to hear it and make a metaphorically shifting on real life. He tells you.
  6. See dad sleeping - to his own soothing. I would not hurt after such a dream to go to church and put a candle for rest, as well as visit his grave.


Dream Miller

See in a dream - Means that you will hardly avoid difficulties in matters, and you will need someone's wise advice to solve the problems that have arisen.

This means that things will go with difficulty and you will have to be careful in their jurisdiction.

For a young woman to see in the dream of his deceased father - Means that the lover is deceiving or will soon deceive it.

Sonniest Medea

Father - The sign of what you are under the influence of any authority or yourself strive for some patron.

Dispute with father - Disorder of cases.

Seeing his patient - To your illness.

See a living dead father - gain new forces.

See in a dream "This is a dream, meaning that he loves you and will always be delicated to you."

Dream of Freud.

The presence of a father in a dream - Says about the presence of the dream of Oedipova or the father's complex.

If a young man or a man dreams that his father is making love or retires with his mother or any other woman - he has a clearly expressed ediph complex. He hates his father and sees his main sexy opponent in it. It can reach the point that in his unsuccessful sexual experiments he can blame his father.

If a girl or a woman dreams that she has sex with his father, she became a victim of the father's complex, that is, she cannot choose a partner to themselves, since everyone compares them with their father, but cannot find anything like that.

If you in a dream is your father - You are tormented by the complex of guilt, for not paying or not paid to him enough attention.

Dream lovers

A girl who dreams of her deceased father - In reality, the beloved will be deceived.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Strict father in a dream - A sign that you launched or abandoned some important things.

Patient Father, if the dream is not related to real disease - It is a sign of difficulties that can badly affect your well-being. Perhaps, in reality, you did not provide for or allowed a tragic mistake that threatens to cross your plans.

If the father is saddened or crying - Such a dream indicates a very bad current. If you do not feel any particular reasons for anxiety, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn around the big trouble.

Happy, joyful father in a dream - Explain success.

Jewish dream book

See father - with difficulty avoiding difficulties in affairs, the wise council will be required; talk to him if the deceased - should commemorate; talk with father - happiness; sick - to trouble or full changes in life, inheritance, chagrin; says to you - soon happiness; healthy - care; dead - disease or loss of inheritance; silent - to trouble or full changes in life; arguing with father - decay in affairs.

Dream D.Luffa

Father - An interesting figure of dreams. It appears in a dream in different hypostasis, causing contradictory feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, from how you feel about your father, how to perceive it, the perception of higher-order creatures depends in many ways, in which you may believe. As a result, the dreams with the advent of the father often belong to the issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, the strength and authority of the concepts, which first associate with the Father.

Father - The person is all-knowing and all-seeing, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens, the Father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can cause feeling that not everyone in this world is well equipped. The appearance in a dream of a father can symbolize warmth, strength or, on the contrary, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, the patient's father usually dreams of any unresolved issues (how other dreams will help to answer this question.) The most important and defining dreams with the participation of the father are the following points: circumstances of his appearance, other participants of what is happening Relationships with the Father and the features of relationships with him in a dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See in a dream - It means to get into dependence on the higher authorities.

Chat with father - You will fall into a difficult situation, and you will need a wise advice to avoid complications.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Father - Care and trouble.

Talk with father "If you get into a difficult situation, do not be afraid to ask the advice from who you can trust."

Die father - His health is in perfect order, and you need to be careful and attention.

New family dream book

Father-visited - Recalls you so that you take advantage of someone's wise advice and solved the problems that have arisen.

Do not obey the Father - Stop with great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father died - You are more careful, otherwise you have to be very difficult.

Young woman sawing his deceased father in a dream - Must be ready for the fact that the beloved is deceiving or will soon deceive it.

Modern visible dream book

Sleep in which you saw the Father - It warns that you will fall into a difficult position, to get out of which the wise council will help you.

If you dreamed of a dead father - Your commercial affairs will be with difficulty, and you need to be careful when conducting these cases. Young woman like sleep - predicts that her beloved leads a dishonest game with her.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Talk - to the need for material and moral support; with dead - The passage will come, use it with benefit.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

If you dreamed of a long dead father - We must remember him and put a candle in the church.

You committed in a dream otceubiy - To the moral duty in front of their parents.


See in a dream of your father - To repentance.

If you accuse you in a dream is that you killed your father - This is to the fellowship to parents.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

See in a dream father - to despair, see the Dead Father - To peace.

If in a dream you killed your father - So you live as many years as your father lived (or live).

Dream Khasse

Father see or talk to him - happiness; dying - misfortune.

Father of becoming - Happy married.

The father of the godfather being - new commitments; to see him - present.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep in which you have brew your own father - foreshadows happiness in the family and marriage, if he lives in real life and live himself; if it is no longer alive - That dream means that you are hard to avoid obstacles in affairs, resorting to the help of friends and the closest relatives.

See your Healthy Father Patients in Sind - predicts chagrin because of the failed or deferred meeting with a loved one.

If a dream dreamed, in which your father died and you buried it - So, in reality, an accident will fall.

Right father - An unexpected gift.

Talk in a dream with your father - Test the joy from the meeting with the long time not visible buddies, arguing with father - Incidentally, it is stolen and you will have to invite a consultant to deal with the reasons for this.

See in the dream of your godfather - Means that new responsibilities are taken on you, from which you will not be able to refuse for a number of personal causes. Having dreamed of Holy Father - It means that relatives are misled.

Female dream book

See in a dream - Means that you will hardly avoid difficulties in affairs. You will need someone's wise advice to solve the problems that have arisen.

If you dream that your father died - This means that things will go hard and you will have to be very careful in their jurisdiction.

For a young woman see in a dream of a deceased father - Means that her deceives or soon deceive his beloved.

Total dream book

If you dreamed your father alive - Risk to make a stupid act.

See in a dream father dead - To the danger.

If you dreamed of your father cheerful - You can get sick.

If you dreamed that your father is sad - Be relatives, trouble can happen.

You dreamed that your father walked like - In the near future, you can lose your position.

In a dream, your father went to the bug - In your family it can break.

If you dreamed that your father asked alms - Wait for trouble.

Sleep in which your father got sick - Soon you will get a lot of money.

See in a dream father dying - To wealth.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Father - This sign can symbolize God.

Heavenly father - It can be a symbol of defender and breadwinner. Do you need in a defender or can you protect yourself? This sign can also refer to your own father's feelings or to your biological father. Examine other surrounding signs.

English Dream

If your father has long been not on Earth - This dream is a warning: Be careful to the instructions of fate, in order not to cool down!

Medieval dream book Daniel

Father see - Promises security.

See your father to see bearded - To increase.

Mythological Dream

Father (as archetype) - Associations: patronage, professionalism, skill, pride, significance, strength, rudeness, will, power, self-affirmation, protection.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Shivananda

Father - Certificate that father loves you.

If the father is no longer alive - This is the sign of your sadness.

Dream Interpretation Martina Zadaee

Father dead to see - Lost, loss.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Father - Figure is an embodiment of authoritarianism, law, order, social customs, patterns of behavior related to society as well as male protection.

Sonnik Interpretation of dreams

Father see yours - means great joy and pleasure; To see him dead foresaw disorder in family matters.

Dream Stranger

Father - manifestation of power (karmic) strength and will, patronage. Depending on the type and behavior: for men - Success, recognition or failure, failure in the main thing. For women - Personal situation.

Patient, drunk or poorly dressed - treason; threat to health and authority; Decline of affairs and vitality.

Beautiful, satisfied, tidy - fateful undertakings, blessings for happiness and health in person; Large change for the better.

Sex with father - to serious illness; Classes of black magic.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Father see - Profit.

His sick or deceased to see - Diseases (heads).

With him to argue - Disorder of cases.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Father - joy, happiness, profit; to argue with him - decline; sick - inheritance / grief; dead to see - trouble, in the family disorder; dead to see - Shame, bad, trouble.

Father see dead - disease or loss of inheritance; patients see - chagrin; with the dead talk - should commemorate; to argue with him - Decline of affairs.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If you dreamed of a native father - You should have caution in love adventures, father also - Warning that in your personal life does not work well.

If in a dream your father leads a serious conversation - Get better look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

Esoteric dream book

Father - Live you need support, support. In your life lacks reliability, stability.

If the Father gives advice, teaches - We must listen to this.

Ukrainian dream book

Father - Happiness.

Father deceased - Do not hope joy.

Dying father - Shame.

Dream of flowers

Father speaks with you - soon happiness; silent or sick, dead - to trouble, full changes in life; for the maiden, see Father or Mother - happy marriage; see both parents - To good luck.

Collection of Sonnikov

Father - Defender and feeder. Can mean a real father or your father's vision.

Father - Righteous way.

What dreams father, father's dream book see in a dream what means?

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams father in a dream?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Father is another name of God, the creator; Creator; defender; authoritative figure; The big father - personifies the guide, which emerges from the inside wisdom, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Father - old relationship, especially if the sleeping is a man; supporting part "I"; advising part; decision-making area; Authority or the symbol of the highest "I".

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream father in a dream?

To see the father means - father. See in a dream of a deceased father who left the life of the Father - to the disease, loss of rights to inheritance; see the late father patients in a dream - to failure; talking to the late father - he asks you to remember him; argue with him - to decline affairs. To see in a dream of a father (living in reality) away from you - to difficulties, the need for a loved ones interested in your well-being. See that the father died (in fact he is alive), - complications in affairs. For a young woman to see in the dream of the late father - to deception; To see the living father of the patient - to inheritance, healthy - care, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Dream interpretation housewife

Father what dreams in a dream:

By the dream, the father see what means - father - a sign that you are under the influence of any authority or yourself strive for some patron. The dispute with the Father is a disorder of affairs. Patient father - to your illness. To see the living deceased father - to gain new forces. If your father died and you bury him - you will bend an accident. Become a godfather - you will take on new commitments

Old grandmother's dream book

Why dream father What does this mean?

To see Father: Died - to the disease, loss of inheritance; see him sick - to failure; talking to the deceased - should be remembered, they believe that he is asking for this through your dream; Arriving with him - to decay of affairs, so dream book interprets the dream that you dreamed.

Modern dream book

By dreams Father What does dream mean:

To see the father in his dream - the father-ghived in his dream will remind you to you that you take advantage of the wise council and solved the problems that have arisen. Do not listen to the Father - come across great difficulties. If you have dreamed that your father died, you are more careful, otherwise you have to be very difficult. A young woman who saw his deceased father in a dream should be ready for the beloved deceive or soon deceive her. D. Lofoff wrote about dreams, in which we see the Father: "Father is an interesting figure of dreams. It appears in a dream in different hypostasis, causing contradictory feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, from how you feel about your father, how to perceive it, the perception of higher-order creatures in many ways, in which you believe. As a result, the dreams with the advent of the father often belong to the issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, force and authority - the concepts that first associate with the Father. Father is a man of all-knowing and all-seeing, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens, the Father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can cause feeling that not everyone in this world is well equipped. The appearance in a dream of a father can symbolize warmth, strength or, on the contrary, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, the patient's father usually dreams of any unresolved issues (what? Other dream elements will help.) The most important and defining dreams with the participation of the father are the following points: circumstances of his appearance, other participants of what is happening, your usual Relations with the Father and the features of relationship with him in a dream. "

Summer Dream

What to see Father in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Father - If you dreamed a long deceased father - you need to remember it and put a candle in the church.

Steph - if the children dream of stepfather is to suffering.

Autumn dream book

Why see Father in a dream?

What dream of the father is to see in a dream of his father - to repentance.

Steph - if you dreamed that you have stepfather and it offends you, - to marriage with a person who is much older than you and will wash you.

Spring dream book

What to see Father in a dream?

By the dream of my father, what means in a dream - father - to see in his father's dream - to despair, see the dead father - to peace.

Stepfather - see the stepfather in a dream - to the patronage of a person who wishes you to good.

Dream S. Karatov

Father in Dream:

If you have dreamed that you talked with your father - then you will soon become a happy person.

If in a dream your father was silent - then you may have trouble.

If your father is sick or died in a dream, then you are waiting for big changes in life.

If the young girl saw his father in a dream - she would successfully marry.

See also: What is the dream of a Pope, what dreams of a native mother is dreaming, what close relatives are shot.

Pocket Dream

See father in a dream:

If you have dreamed of a father, then you will soon need the advice of a close friend.

If you saw in a dream of a deceased father - then you may have problems in affairs.

If the girl saw in his father's dream - then her beloved she was not true.

Dream Interpretation A.Vasiliev

If the father is dreaming, for what it is:

To see in a dream. If you dreamed of my father - then you will soon help your parents.

Dream Interpretation V. Melnikova

If you dream of a father, what is it for?

In a dream to see if your father is alive and he dreamed of a father - then you will have a happy family life.

If your father has already died and you saw it in a dream, saw in a dream of the late father - then your loved ones will help you solve complex life problems.

If you dreamed that your father died and you were at his funeral - some trouble awaits you.

If you saw in the dream of the late father, who suddenly came to life - you will soon be presented with a nice gift.

Dream Interpretation Huggy Die Father

What dreams of hugging a deceased father in a dream by dream book?

If you dreamed that you would like the deceased father, you probably miss your parent. Surely, an uneasy situation took place that forced to remember the dad.

In addition, the deceased father, who hugs, foreshadows the permission of all the main problems at the moment. Do not rely in case: make efforts - and obstacles will fall.

what to dream of the deceased father's live daughter?



To change the weather

Juliana Dymchenko

Perhaps thought about him, it lacks him. In general, from sin away after such dreams say where night there and sleep. And never go to the dead in a dream when they are called you. Not to good it

Alexey Rovenkov

when the late relatives, the scenery, the dialogs are always different, and the meaning of one, you need to remember about their good deeds, that's all, you don't need to go to the grave, put the candles, make the fences, to care for the graves, it's not necessary for the graves, they are not needed the minds are completely indifferent where and how they are buried, even though they are reworked for fertilizer, it is important to them what memory about them remains, people are kindly remembering about them, whether anyone will do

If in a dream you died relatives say that they want to eat some kind of dish, ask food, money, then this is a question "why don't you work, don't bring income?" For they have income in the invisible world from us if we honestly work, but If you ask salts or see salt, then this is a question "Do you have a conscience?"

Fall, fall in a dream means losing a reputation in the invisible world for incorrect actions, for remorse of conscience, for tune


See the deceased person in a dream alive foreshadows changes in your real life.

The deceased father hugs

Dream Interpretation Die Father hugs Dreamed what dream of a deceased father hugs in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased father hugging in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Die Father

Warns about the intrigues plotted by someone against you, illness (heads), from what then you are ashamed.

Dream - Hugging

If in a dream you hugging with your relatives - it means that soon you will have the opportunity to assemble them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

Hotly hugging from afar after a long lack of friends foreshadows the brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging unfamiliar men - to get acquainted with the future chosen one. Love arms with women - you will be suspicious in committing a dishonest act.

Hugging her husband - get a gift from him if he hugs you - will drink a salary. Hugging in a dream of children - a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they wrap you up with their handms and kiss - you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, without giving free tears. Desired, affectionate arms mean success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the adhesions of the postponement of obsessions or davenly donjuans - in real life will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream - Hugging

It is believed that with a sense to hug in a dream of a close person, a good sign and promises trusting relationships with this person; Hug a stranger man - a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream says that an unexpected guest will come to you. Hugging the opposite sex or lover in a dream means that you will soon learn about treason and betrayal. After such a dream, be prepared to part with him forever. Spouses such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will be not explicit, but reconciliation in the shower. Hug dead man in a dream - a sign of death for the patient, if only it is not your close person. Healthy people such a dream predicts obstacles in matters.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father-ghived in a dream will remind you so that you take advantage of someone's wise advice and solved the problems that have arisen. Do not listen to the Father - come across great difficulties.

If you have dreamed that your father died, you are more careful, otherwise you have to be very difficult.

A young woman who saw his deceased father in a dream should be ready for the beloved deceive or soon deceive her.

D. Lofoff wrote about dreams, in which we see the Father: "Father is an interesting figure of dreams. It appears in a dream in different hypostasis, causing contradictory feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, from how you feel about your father, how to perceive it, the perception of higher-order creatures in many ways, in which you believe.

As a result, the dreams with the advent of the father often belong to the issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, force and authority - the concepts that first associate with the Father. Father is a man of all-knowing and all-seeing, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens, the Father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can cause feeling that not everyone in this world is well equipped.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father is an interesting figure of dreams. It appears in a dream in different hypostasis, causing contradictory feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, from how you feel about your father, how to perceive it, the perception of higher-order creatures depends in many ways, in which you may believe.

As a result, the dreams with the advent of the father often belong to the issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, force and authority - the concepts that first associate with the Father. Father is a man of all-knowing and all-seeing, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens, the Father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can cause feeling that not everyone in this world is well equipped.

The appearance in a dream of a father can symbolize warmth, strength or, on the contrary, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, the sick father usually dreams of any unresolved issues (how other elements of the dream will help to answer this question.)

The most important and determinants for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of the Father are the following points: the circumstances of its appearance, other participants of what is happening, your usual relationship with the Father and the features of relationships with it in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - Father - Happiness. Father deceased - do not hope joy. The dying father is shame. "The father is dreaming - this is damn"

Dream Interpretation - Father

Sleep, in which your own father was breeding, foreshadows happiness in the family and marriage, if he lives in real life and live himself; If it is no longer alive, it means such a dream that you can hardly avoid obstacles in affairs by resorting to the help of friends and the nearest relatives.

To see his Healthy Father Patients in a dream predicts disappointment due to the failed or deferred meeting with a loved one.

If a dream was dreamed of a dream in which your father died and you buried it, "it means that the accident will blow you up.

The coming father is an unexpected gift.

Talking in a dream with his father - will experience the joy from the meeting with the long time not seen buddies, arguing with the Father - the appearance of the case will be flooded and you will have to invite a consultant to deal with the reasons for this.

To see in the dream of his godfather means that new responsibilities are taken on you, from which you cannot refuse for a number of personal causes. The Holy Father dreaming means that relatives are misleading you.

Dream Interpretation - Died, Deader

To see in a dream living of her deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother-to deliverance from difficulties and problems. Seeing live close people dead, meaning that their life will last. A dream in which the dead beats a dream, means that he made some sin. Who will see that he found the dead man, he will soon grow rich. If the dead you see in a dream makes something bad, then he warns you from doing this. Seeing idle deceased to marry, and married deceased-to separation with relatives or divorce. If the deceased you saw in a dream did some kind of good thing, then this is a sign for you to and you do something like that. To see in a dream of a deceased person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is well-indicated by a very good position of this person on the world. In the Qur'an, it is said: "No, they are alive! It's a lot of His Lord." (Sura-Imraran, 169). If the dreams hugging and talking to the deceased, then the days of his life will continue. If the dreams in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, will receive the blessing and wealth from there, from where he did not count. And if he does it with a familiar deceased person, he will acquire the necessary knowledge or money left after him. Who will see that he enters into a sexual connection with the dead (dead, will achieve what has long lost hope. Who will see in a dream that the deceased woman came to life and entered into a sexual connection with him, will be successful in all his endeavors. To see In the dream of a deceased person silent, it means that he treats a favorably to a person from the world who saw this dream. The one who will see that the deceased gives him some good and clean thing, will receive in life something good and pleasing on the other side From where it does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may make a bad act in the future. To see the dead rich in a dream, it means everything is fine in that light. Welcome in a dream deceased, to get a favor from Allah. If the deceased In a dream, Nag, it means, in his life he did not commit good guides. If the deceased notifies the dream about his ambulance, he will soon die. The blackened face of the dead in a dream, says that he died without faith in Allah. In the Qur'an it says: "And those whose individuals Follow up, (sound): "Are you not renounced faith that you were accepted?" (Sura-Imraran, 106). Who will see that he, together with the deceased enters the house, does not come out from there, he will be on the hairs from death, but then will be saved. See yourself in sleep sleeping on one bed with a dead person, to longevity. Who will see in a dream that the deceased calling him to himself, dies like the deceased died. To see in the dream of the deceased Mazaz in the place where he usually performed him during his lifetime, means that he is not very good in the afterlife. To see his namaz not in the place where he performed him during his lifetime, means that in that light he was prepared a big reward for the earth affairs. A dream in which the dead is in the mosque, reports that he is deprived of torment, for, a mosque in a dream, mean calm and safety. If in a dream, the deceased leads the prayer for those who far live, the life of these people is shortened, for they in their prayer follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream, as in some place, some of the dead righteous people came to life, it will mean that the people of this place will come good, joy, justice from their ruler, and they will go to the way of their leader's affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Strict father in a dream: a sign that you have launched or abandoned some important things.

Patient Father, if a dream is not related to real disease: is a sign of difficulties that can badly affect your well-being. Perhaps, in reality, you did not provide for or allowed a tragic mistake that threatens to cross your plans.

If the father is saddened or crying: such a dream indicates a very bad current.

If you do not feel any particular reasons for anxiety, then perhaps some of your plans threaten to turn around the big trouble.

Happy, joyful father in a dream: foreshadows success.

Dream - Hugging

Hug your husband - foreshadows a happy event.

Hug your spouse - foreshadows a joyful situation.

Hug a son or daughter - foreshadowed.

Deceased father calling daughter

Dream Interpretation - Death People (Shown in Sind)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our mind. In the folk summary "see in the dream of the dead to change the weather." And this is the proportion of truth as a result of sharp drops of atmospheric pressure in the image of the closest people who died in the dreams of people most easily penetrate either the phantoms of dead familiar, or lucifagi from non-physical measurements of the Earth's Nonosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in conscious dreams. And since the energy of Luciphages is alien (inhuman), then it is quite simple to determine their arrival. And although the lucifagi is very often "hiding" under the images of our favorite who went into the world of other loved ones, at meetings with the allegedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason, are experiencing special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, from the access to a straight destructive energy contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces, we save us the absence of a full-fledged day consciousness, etc. Non-awareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. Nevertheless, we often often be "genuine", "real" biodowers who have once living with us close people. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more confidential, intimate, sophisticated and friendly. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can get both a good farewell, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual energy support and protection (especially if the dead were Christian believers). In other cases, the dead people in a dream are our own projections showing the so-called "unfinished gestalt" unfinished relations with this person. Such non-surgical ongoing relations are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, proximity, understanding, resolving past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feeling sorrow, guilt, regret, repentance of spiritual cleansing.

Dream - Daughter.

Unpleasant events will prevent the execution of conceived.

Imagine that this is not your daughter, but, for example, the daughter of neighbors. You just designated.

Dream - Daughter.

If you have seen your daughter in a dream, I will not have any unpleasant events that eventually open the way to pleasure and harmony.

He dreamed that the daughter was not careful in relation to you, wait for trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If your father had dreamed, soon you will need advice to solve a difficult issue, and it is best to contact family traditions.

If the father speaks with you - this is a quick fortune.

To see him in the patient - to grief.

Dead or dying - to family grain grains, complications in affairs.

For a young woman - to treason of lover.

Talking in a dream with the dead in fact, the Father is to remember him.

Argued with him - to decline in affairs.

To see the father and mother together - to luck.

Dream - Daughter.

In any case, symbols relatives and relationships.

It does not matter to whom she brought the father or mother.

If you are in real life with my daughter in a long separation (namely, it is the strongest motive for a dream) and the daughter you dreamed: nothing special dream means.

You miss, think about my daughter, worry about how it is there without you, because you dreamed of such a dream.

Perhaps he promises an ambulance meeting.

If you dreamed your daughter who lives with you and you have the opportunity to see her every day: sleep can warn about the danger that threatens your daughter.

Dream - Daughter.

Daughter - Daughter If you have it - to spent.

If not - to a date.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Actually an existing father of each contributes to the formation of an ideal father's image.

The grandfather can take on this role.

Giant cannibal.

Ipoity an ambivalent father.

Ownership father threatening individual.

Any problems related to discipline during disobedience, when it should be submitted as a result of punishment concerns.

These ideas can be transferred to a real father relationship, but in the case when the individual does not recognize the existence of an archetype of the father.

If he is able to see problems in itself (including the potential of the Father), it is able to translate the negative and destructive aspects of this archetype into something positive.

Corresponds to Saturn, devouring his children.

The family circle is associated with the colors of the Earth: black, brown, green.

The basic experience is sensation (affect), that is, a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances.

The response of sensation behavior is also wearing a flare character.

It is also characterized by an increased interest in sensational incidents.

The need for sensation is important for the foresight of unexpected events - the quality is important for the family.

Nuclear forms of such archetypes are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, as well as affective psychosis.

The symbolism of this circle includes a tree, land as such, house.

Colors green and brown.

The main element is the Earth.

Dream Interpretation - Father

If your father is still alive, someone is worried about you very much. To reassure a person, visit the Father.

If your father is already dead, you can spoil someone to someone. To avoid it, drink every morning warm salted milk.

Dream Interpretation - Father

Father - care and trouble.

Talking to your father - if you get into a difficult situation, do not be afraid to ask for advice from someone you can trust.

The deceased father is its health in perfect order, and you need to be careful and attention.

Dream - Daughter.

To see his daughter in a dream - means that some unpleasant events will open the way to pleasure and harmony.

If in a dream you feel its negligence in relation to yourself and lack of care, then I will be waiting for trouble.