Repairs Design Furniture

Roof roofing roof with your own hands installing. Construction of an attic roof with their own hands. Material for the manufacture of the rafter system

Modern attic is a room with inclined or partially inclined walls, and sometimes the ceiling. Due to the presence of attic in the house, heat loss is significantly reduced, and any residential premises cannot be excessive. So, the attic usually serves as a wonderful guest room, a library, workshop, a working office and a spacious dressing room.

Moreover, the design of the bantal attic roof can be both classic, with straight rigs and its separate view - broken, more comfortable and modern. And each of the option is their advantages!

You will be surprised, but under the concept, the bartal roof is capable of hiding amazing discoveries in the form of a displaced center, different angles and other architectural tricks. The potential is huge, whereas, for example, single-sided and tent roofs for the arrangement of the attic are less common.

To speak in general, then the main types of bantal attic roofs are only two:

Option # 1 - Attic under the classic duplex roof

Here is the easiest example of the design of the attic roof. So, along the bearing walls attached the lower part of the skate, represented in the form of rectangular triangles. They collect them like sprinkling rafters, and additionally bind the fights. Moreover, one of the lateral sides is the future frame for the walls of the attic room and, at the same time, the reference rack. And connect the top of the roof hanging rafters, with a tightening.

In general, a conventional duplex roof with frontones is suitable for the devices of the attic room. Then what is the constructive difference between the conventional duplex roof and the broken banta roof, which is still called the attic? The fact is that when calculating and designing a rafter system, such parameters are taken into account:

  1. Weight roofing material.
  2. Weight of the rafter system.
  3. Climatic features of the terrain.

But when designing an attic roof of these items - as many as five:

  1. Weight roofing material.
  2. Weight of the rafter system.
  3. Weight of materials that are included in roofing pie: heat, hydro and vaporizolation.
  4. The weight of all elements of the internal finishing of the attic.

"Right" mansard windows

A little complexity in turn bring the mansard windows - without them in any way. In the case of broken mansard roof, everything is easier, the windows are made direct and especially during construction do not interfere. But at the classic duplex roof, they will have to construct the inclined, which gives a lot of trouble.

Mansard windows are good in that the light from them spread evenly throughout the room and there are no deaf side compartments. Depending on the form of the roof itself, such can be direct, inclined and in combination.

How to remake the usual roof in the attic?

Often an existing batch roof is reworked into the attic. All because even at the construction stage, they decided to save money and finish the cherished guide housing over time. Moreover, many really do that and everything turns out.

Let's say this: after all, it is better to design an attic roof at the stage of the design of the foundation, it is technologically literate, and more reliable, even if you insulate and finish it this season. But since I decided to redo the ready-made double - and this is possible. For example, another option will not work if you have purchased a ready-made home.

So, when reworking the first thing, calculate the weight of the future attic roof and the carrying ability of the existing foundation. Speaking by a simple language, you should make sure that the foundation was built with a margin and is ready to withstand a little more weight than now.

The second step you need to invite a specialist to look at the attic overlap. Is it calculated that there will be furniture on it and people will walk? And the fact that you are without fear of going to the attic does not say anything about anything. Most of the roofing types are also calculated that from time to time there will be a human foot on them - repair something needs to be done, but not constantly. Is everything designed and can be processed to construction work? Then go on.

The most important task is now in front of you - to decide whether you will change the shape of the roof. Yes, sometimes you have to raise the rocks and make from the classic duplex roofing - broken. The process is this time consuming, but everything is implemented. Strengthen the standard scope roof using triangular rafting farms, which are conveniently fixed to the roof, and as separate items.

And, the most responsible moment of reconstruction is the redistribution of the load. So, the beams and rafters are reinforced with overlays that are binding to racks. Then the tightening and reinforced rafters are fixed. And if the load from the roof goes on the beams of overlapping dispersed (this often happens when the rafter farms are located with a small step), then all these changes will help to change the direction of load of the entire roof.

What is interesting, in the design of modern attic roofs there are open elements: beams, parts of internal rafters and elements similar to them. All this effectively fits into the selected style of the interior, and it is not necessary to worry for construction, no matter how it is not in appearance after decoration.

What kind of interior? First, we are talking about this style as the French Provence. It is welcome to the naked beams of wood with a combination of gently white ceiling and walls, natural fabrics in fine flower and the same eco-friendly wooden furniture of dark tones. Now in fashion! And even a huge beam in the middle of the attic is not capable of damaging this style. After all, as you remember, it is the French architect that came up with the use of a subcoase space as a residential, and therefore, similar structural trifles are quite harmoniously combined with olive style, and sometimes they also speak the main style accents.

The second is no less popular style - High-tech. Here, the phase can and it is necessary to boldly set any elements of the rafter system made of metal. The main thing is that only the metal itself is brilliant and high-quality, with the same fastening. Additional leave in sight of the tube of the ventilation system and any other engineering elements, if they look quite aesthetically. After all, this style of the interior is technical. Who likes this? The current teenagers, programmers and any young people who are already turning from the showing classics in the interiors or the concerned rude minimalism.

Here is a small excursion to the world of modern design. Do not be surprised, but such a habitual attic is such a story - initially creative people and bohemians lived in such premises. And partly this tradition is preserved until today. And therefore, if you design a house with an attic roof, and worry about the presence of additional supports, beams or racks - of course leaard, we are not talking about the living room.

But what is often forgotten when designing an attic roof. This is a staircase! No matter how funny it sounds, but it happens that already in the construction process you have to do a double work. Do not miss this moment!

Mansard with her hands photo

The expansion of residential space in a private house after completing construction will cause a lot of problems, including redevelopment and related costs. But if it urgently needed an extra room, there is a way out. An attic roof with her own hands, erected over the house, allows you to increase the living area without completing an additional floor.

The roof is somewhat different from the usual. Its design is focused on obtaining the desired volume and height of the room. To achieve this goal, the attic is most often done on a two-bone broken diagram.

On the shape, the angle of inclination and the design that the broken roof has such factors:

  • the height of the snow cover and the maximum level of precipitation in your area - than it is higher, the more should be the angle of slope;
  • the calculated thickness of the sound and thermal insulation - the thick layer of the insulation has a decent weight that entails the need for additional fasteners;
  • in some cases, the montage of the attic roof provides for an extension of the outdoor staircase, which can also affect its design.

Technical terms and safety rules

The broken roof is collected from the elements, most of which have their own historical names:

  • The bar placed along the walls, which plays the role of support for rafters, is called Maurylalat.
  • Wooden bars forming roofing races are called rafters.
  • The elements of rigidity connecting individual rafters and distributing the load force between them form a suspension.
  • Flat boards, plywood, chipboard plates and other materials on which the tile is stacked, professional flooring or similar roofing material is called a crate.

When working at height, it is very important to follow your own security. This follows:

  • use fastening belt;
  • carefully fix the forest during installation;
  • do not leave unattended, especially on, electrical and other tools;
  • monitor when lifting and moving heavy cargoes for assistants and is desirable to always be in the zone of their visibility;
  • do not leave loose parts on roof rope;
  • try not to be distracted by third-party business when working at height.

Mansard do it yourself photo: construction frame

Children's roofs begin to build from the base - Mauerlat. It is stacked along the top of the walls for binding the box of the house and the roof design. If the house is not brick, but made of wood, or its last floor is crowned with a wooden part, then Mauerlat can serve as an upper log or bar.

The connection of the wall and base in this case is carried out at the expense of large brackets, powerful linings, nails or screeds. In the old brick masonry or concrete wall, the studs or anchors, which sits down the Mauerla Bar, is driven by tightly, and when building a new wall is mounted during the masonry process.

Mauerlat is made only from coniferous wood. The bar has a cross section of 100 - 150 square centimeters. Softwood is distinguished by its durability, stability to loads and higher resistance to humidity.

Between Mauerlat and the wall should be waterproofing.

This may be a layer of thick rubberoid or durable waterproof membrane. Due to the waterproofing, the roof with the attic will be protected from excessive moisture and damage to wood. When installing, Mauerlat needs to provide a strict horizontal surface. It will be the basis for setting up verticals and horizontals of the roof design.

The ceiling beams are stacked on the base so that their ends appear for the wall line by 30-50 cm. They are made from coniferous wood, from a bar with a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The mounting of the beams to Mauerlat is made by steel corners, brackets and other and durable methms.

For greater strength at the site of the junction of BRUSEV, you can choose the pockets of the recesses and lay them with one layer of rubberoid. To ensure horizontal, it is better to first lay two extreme beams, and the rest of the strained cord. Alignment is done by pose and bubble under the bars of small wedges, wooden gaskets.

According to the accepted standards, the step between the beams can range from 50 to 100 cm. In practice, the construction of an attic roof is tied to the size of the materials used with their own hands, and the step between the beams is adjusted under the width of the inter-storey sheet sound-insulating material, for example, - construction wool. Ends protruding the wall limit are treated with water-repellent protecting drugs.

Racks that laugs will be based vertically installed on the beams of overlapping. They are made from a bar 100x100 or 100x150 mm. The vertical position of the racks control the level or plumb. The construction of the attic requires mandatory control of the placement of the upper ends of the racks in one horizontal plane.

Fixing is made by temporary or constant shapes, both in the longitudinal and in the transverse direction, in relation to the axial cross section of the roof. Any, sufficiently durable boards or trimming of a thin bar are taken for streaming. As a result, two rows of racks are equal in height and parallel to each other.

From above on them, in one line with Mauerlat, the runs are stacked - boards with a cross section of 50x150 mm. Usually they account for the roof breakfast. There are other constructive solutions, but such a broken attic roof is most simple in implementation.

Runs of parallel rows are connected to the tighters. The tightening system-run-beam forms a rigid skeleton of rectangular residential premises. Tightening work on stretching and do not bear the transverse load. Therefore, for them you can take the thickness of the boards 50 mm, and the riglel is 150 mm. To exclude the sagging, it is installed on the edge.


The construction of the roof of the attic type begins with the stage of the construction of the rafter system. With sufficient experience, the rafter is better to collect on Earth and submit to the top for their consistent consolidation on runs and Mauerlat. A simpler, but labor-intensive way - to collect them on the place right above.

At the same time, each board of the lower rafters is applied and trimmed at the place, after which it is mounted at the bottom to the base and protruding parts of the beams, and at the top - to runs. The horizontal installation is monitored by a stretched rope. The mount is performed by nails, wood screws, steel overlays and brackets. The lower part of the rafter foot should go beyond the walls of 30-50 cm. It will be the basis for chopping the kills forming a hanging part of the roof.

The upper part of the rafter system is formed by hanging rafters. They can also be collected on Earth and feeding up the finished angle. After joining the lower rafting legs, the lines of each angle through the grandmother is rigidly attached to the central part of the tightening.

Under its weight, the upper part of the rafter system forms a solid self-regulating system similar to an expanded umbrella. Due to this, any roof oscillations will be compensated by spring. If the hrysard width is large enough - over the upper connection, the sling is bother. With low width - its role can play extreme top boards of the crate.

Plumber of Frontton

Trimming of frontons can be made by any sheet material or boards. When they are laid, they leave places for window and, if necessary, doorways. They equip the amplifying frame, corresponding to the size of the window or door frame. At the same time, foals are be charged to the lower parts of the rafter feet - extension boards forming the sinks of the roof.

The type of crate depends on the characteristics of the selected roof type. If it is a soft roof or bitumen tile, the design must be solid or with minimally possible gaps. For solid coating, their size and shadow step is indicated by the manufacturer of specific roofing materials.

Under the base for fastening the tiles, waterproofing is mounted. The boards are desirable to be thickly treated with moisture-proof drug. Plywood and other conifer sheet materials must be waterproof.


The broken attic roof removes the insulation of the residential premises from above and on the sides. At the same time, the lower part of the roof will be well ventilated, which will not give to accumulate moisture and condensate. Due to the inferior emptiness of the attic, with their own hands, will be protected in summer from overheating, and in winter - from supercooling.

Inner casing of mansardes

For the inner lining of the attic room, wooden or plastic lining, plywood, thin sheets of chipboard or fiberboard are used. It should not use heavy facing materials, since the entire load from their weight falls onto wooden beams.


Mansard, built with his own hands, will most fully meet your requirements and will maximize the use of an attic area for the organization of residential premises.

Children's roof with your own hands step by step video

Attic is that room in your home, which can carry the most diverse functional load: from the workshop and office, to the bedroom and the living room. Mansard arrangement will cost you much cheaper than a full-fledged second floor. Yes, and its construction technology is more accessible to execution.
In this article, consider the views of the attic, as well as the stages of the construction of the attic with their own hands.

The attic is a premises limited to the bottom of the inter-storey overlap, and on top and on the sides of the roof skates. Depending on the shape of the attic of the attic may be:

  • single-level symmetric with a bone roof (a, b);
  • single-level symmetrical with broken roof (B);
  • single-level asymmetric (g);
  • two-level asymmetric (D).

Slingers of mansard roofs

If it is not, or the distortion of the walls from the edge of the attic is more than 7 m, the rafters of the hanging type are mounted. They are composed of the top of the roof of the roof, and the attic beams are limited to the coffe beams.
Installation of the rafter system is the first stage of the construction of the attic. Therefore, before starting it, it is necessary to calculate and take into account all the subtleties of this construction. For example, the possibility of arranging the attic floor instead of the already existing attic room will depend on the quality of the underlying surface, on the type of foundation and its bearing ability, as well as from the state of the whole construction as a whole.

However, before you need to get acquainted with the terminology presented in the construction drawings.

Stages of construction of a rafter frame

Initially, the upper bar is placed, which can be a cross section of 0.1x0.1 m, and better than 0.15x0.15 m. It is attached to the racks, it is fastened with specialty, iron brackets or self-draws. This bar is a substropsy frame.

  1. We produce Maurolat Mount. It is this element that is the "foundation" of the whole roof. It prevents the roof overline with a strong impact wind, and also shifts the load from the attic on the bearing walls of the house. For mounting, Maurolalat is used: boards (thickness of at least 5 cm) and bars (with a minimum cross section of 10x15 cm). The bars are laid out around the perimeter of the entire roof and are attached to the wall with long screws or metal brackets (and better and the other at the same time).
    It will not be superfluous to be another method of fastening Mauerlat to the wall - with the help of thick wire, which is mounted in advance to the top row of brick wall masonry. Remember that the stronger you will connect Mauerlat and the wall, the stronger the entire design of the attic. And yet: under the bars of Mauerlata, it is necessary to pave a layer of waterproofer, and the boards themselves or bars to handle the antiseptic and waterproof impregnation.
  2. which most often acquire ready (although they can be made with their own hands if desired). Before assessing these elements of the design, you need to apply tags to Mauerlat, which will indicate the place of the foot mount (the distance taken between the legs is 15 cm). Application of labels will simplify and speed up the implementation of this stage.
  3. We put the edge rafters to the frontoth. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the edge edge and the top of the rafter should be one line. Also, pay attention to the quality of the board used under the rafter: it must be without much marriages (no more than 3 flaws on 1 m), the thickness is about 4 cm, the width is about 15 cm after the edge rafters are installed, They are connected by a level rope, which are mounted all the other rafting legs.
  4. It's time to combine all the plumbing together. This is done at the top point of all rafters using a run. Then an installation of a skunk beam is made, which, in principle, is not a mandatory element of the frame (it is erected in the case when the roof is longer than 7 m).
  5. Do not forget that at the stage of the construction of the rafter design, the window frames under the attic windows should be laid.
  6. If the roof is below 7 m, then the upper part of the rafter is mounted stretch marks that perform a double function: serve as ceiling beams of the future attic, strengthen the skeleton of the attic roof.

The solo system is ready. It remains only to make a crate, fasten the hydrobaric material, lay the layer of insulating material, as well as roofing. Mansard roof is ready. We proceed to the internal work that we will talk about.

The importance of insulation of mansard roofs is indisputable, because The walls of the attic room make up unity with the attic roof, or it is close as possible. Because of this, the indoor placing the attic of the attic is faster, and in the summer heated significantly.

The laying of Minvati is produced in an interconnection space. In this regard, the basic sheets of the insulation are dismissed under the size of the gaps between the rafted. Minvati sheets are stacked at a pair-insulator layer in advance, and the layer of hydropara insulator is attached over the sheets. In this multilayer design, air gaps are formed, located between the layers of the paрosolytor-minvat and minvat - hydroparizedtor. These air channels will consequently contribute to the ventilation of the entire design, and therefore they must be discovered in the skate zone. This will improve the quality of insulation.

Warring attic, remember that the microclimate of the attic room and the comfort of your stay will depend on the quality of insulation and availability of ventilation.

The attic design of the attic room allows not only to increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house, but also to make the structure unusual, beautiful. Moreover, the building with such a type of roof can be performed almost in any style. The roof of the attic type, the options for the execution of which can be the most different, occurs in the city feature, and in rural areas. Consider how to create such a design yourself, and find out what its features are.

Dersighted Roof - Options

Such a roof has a special design of the rods, usually consisting of the upper gesture and coolest bottom. Thanks to this form inside, a fairly spacious room appears, which can be used as an attic or even turn into a very cozy room room.

The History of the Mansard began in the 19th century, the architect of Francois Mansar came up with such a design - it was derived from his last name that such a roof was named. But this Frenchman was far from the first to implemented the idea of \u200b\u200beconomical use of an attic floor at home. For the first time built a roof of Pierre Lesko, also a Frenchman who worked on the construction of such famous buildings like Louvre and Notre Dame de Paris.

On a note! In the nineteenth century, people poorly lived on the attic floors, but now this floor may appear in housing and sufficiently well.

Now the attic is quite often constructed during the construction of country houses or small two-storey cottages, but the idea can well be implemented and when creating other types of buildings. Mansard has a number of benefits:

  • build a house with an attic cheaper than with two full-fledged floors and roof;
  • the cost of the foundation in the construction of such structures is also reduced;
  • the attic can significantly increase the living area of \u200b\u200bany structure;
  • she comes home an unusual and beautiful view;
  • the design is easy, work can be finished quite quickly;
  • mansard is always associated with comfort;
  • the house with an attic is warmer due to the reduction of heat loss through the roof.

But the mansard has several drawbacks. The attic room of this type has bevelled ceilings, which is why the height of the wall is small, which makes it difficult to choose the furniture. Also, the roof must be well mounted so as not to leak not to produce heat from the house - you will have to spend money on good hydro and thermal insulation materials. Yes, and build the attic is still more difficult than, for example, a conventional two-tie roof.

Design features

Mansard - universal element. It was used for ordinary homes, and for the construction of country houses, often such a type of attic room was chosen even for the construction of palaces. Of course, she could decorate workshops, shopping buildings, etc. And despite the fact that various materials were used for her structure, various styles were selected, the attic was still a mansard - it has certain design features.

So, this building can have a different geometric shape - triangular, broken, having symmetrical or, on the contrary, geometrically complex and non-standard skates. It can be located both through the entire width of the structure and only one side of it relative to the longitudinal axis.

Prices for bar

On a note! If the roof of the broken shape, then the lower part will have very steep slots with an inclination angle of about 60-70 degrees, and on top of the skates, on the contrary, will be gentle (about 15-30 degrees).

But no matter how attic, it will be within the walls of the main building. Regarding the outer walls of the attic may be somewhat wider, but then it relies on the removal of overlaps. If the removal is large, then you will have to install additional supports (for example, columns, walls, etc.).

The height of the attic roof can not be less than 2.5 m, otherwise, to make the spacious room will not work under it. Windows, which also need to be provided here, will be manufactured by special technologies using hardened durable glass and a reliable frame. They will cost several times more expensive. And the supporting structures can be made from reinforced concrete, metal or wood. But in the case of the latter, it is important to carefully consider fire safety measures.

The roof is a multi-layered structure that complicates the installation. It can be insulated completely or only in the area of \u200b\u200bhaving a living room - where there is heating. But in any case, the design of the attic implies the presence of rafters, a skate, directly roofing material, heat and waterproofing, a vapor insulating layer. An intestine overlap will perform as the base under the roof.

Springs for the attic roof should have a good bearing capacity. The cross section of the materials used will depend on the corner of the roofing of the roof and cannot be less than 5x15 cm in step 100 cm. If the angle of the slope is 45 degrees, then step 140 cm is withstanding.

Attention! In areas where snowfalls often go and the amount of precipitation is great, it is recommended to install rafters in a step of no more than 80 cm.

If the attic will be used as a residential premises, it is important to take into account that in this case there is a risk of formation of a large number of condensate under the roof. Because of this, inside the design, foci of mold may appear, develop fungus, etc. The presence of a large amount of moisture will negatively affect the insulation properties of the material. That is why it is important to comply with all the rules for mounting the attic roof, and the thermal insulation material should be reliably protected from moisture from entering not only from the outside, but also from the inside, that is, from this side, it is also located a layer of vapor barrier material.

Important! Do not forget about the creation of roofing, which will allow the air to calmly circulate inside the roof design and help remove condensate.

Types of mansard roofs

There are 4 main types of mansard roofs, which differ from each other with constructive features. They can be divided into monoloral and two-level. The first are the most simple in performance, usually combined with a broken or two-tie roof with an angle of 35-45 degrees. The second suggests the arrangement of two rooms at different levels. The mixed support system is used here.

On a note! During the construction of the attic under the two-tie roof, the height of the walls may be no more than 1.5 m, then there are bevelled ceilings. With the roof of the broken form, the height of the ceiling around the perimeter at the walls is obtained up to 2.5 m.

During the construction of the house, it is possible to stop at one of the types of attic - single-level attic when arranging a two-tie roof, single-level with a roof of a broken, with remote consoles or a two-level with a special mixed type of support.

Table. The main types of mansard.

A typeDescription

In this case, the attic has one level and is placed under the usual two-tie roof. The easiest option, when designing which you can not use complex calculations. The sediments with a two-tie simple roof come in themselves, no need to equip some additional elements.

In this case, the attic also has one level, but the rafter system is performed differently. Four roofs are formed. Under it can fit a much more spacious room, but it is more complicated to create such a roof.

From single-level attic it is the most difficult version. Here the room under the roof is still spacious. Usually in this case, the indoor indoor is shifted to one of the edges of the house. This design allows you to make large vertical windows with one of the sides. The main disadvantages are a complex form, the complexity of construction. But under the edge of such a attachment, you can make a functional canopy, where a terrace, a garage or another extension can be located.

The most difficult site of the attic, as there is a minimum of two rooms under the roofs located at different levels. This design in the design of the house immediately enters its structure.

A mansard roof can have a balcony. It is created on the principle of construction of the window. The main thing is that the bearing ability of the walls allowed to equip it. By the way, the balcony can be written and columns, but in this case it is constructed on the entrance.

Types of rafters for mansard

Stropil farms can be of two types - and ulissions. You will have to choose between them depending on the method of fastening to the walls of the house. Hanging are simpler and usually used for houses that do not have a medium carrier wall. The rafters are based on the main walls of the house, without having intermediate supports. The width of the span between the walls can not be large - it usually does not exceed 6 m. If the span is more (over 9 m), it will take the arrangement of the troops, and grandmothers.

The rafters are usually used when creating houses with two spans, that is, those that have a carrier wall in the middle. In this case, the rafters have three points of support - directly this wall, as well as the main perimeter of the house.

Material for the manufacture of the rafter system

The rafters can be made of metal, reinforced concrete or wood. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. The rafters of wood are environmentally friendly, they are easy to work, easily adjusted under the desired size. But wooden structures are afraid of the excess moisture and are subject to mold and fungus on them.

On a note! Before construction, wooden materials are recommended to handle protective compositions that will prolong their service life.

Metal and reinforced concrete structures can not be covered with such compositions - fungus and mold do not appear on them. Due to this, they are considered more reliable and durable. But the main disadvantage is that if necessary, it will be difficult to adjust them to the desired size, and the slightest error in the calculations may result in the roofing. Also, a master working with reinforced concrete or metal rafters may also face with other difficulties - this is a large mass of products that force the use of special equipment even to lift the elements.

Complexity and features of the arrangement of the attic roof

When designing and building an attic roof, a number of design features should be taken into account, based on which a number of rules of work are formed. For example, Mauerlat must be fixed very reliably anchor bolts. It is he who will experience the maximum load, which means, to keep all the roof. Anchors are additionally recommended to climb the cement mixture if the main walls of the house are made of stone, bricks and other similar materials.

It is also important to remember the correct design and layers of the roof. For example, mansard roofs can not be covered with metal roofing materials. They are very heated and on the upper floor in the summer will be too hot, no reason for the comfort of residence of speech can simply be. As a waterproofing material, it is not advised to use the runneroid - when heated, it begins to specifically smell. Cover the roof is best with a slate or soft tiles. For thermal insulation, it is usually recommended to acquire mineral wool that is paved with waterproofing film on both sides.

An attic roof is one of the best ways to increase the total area of \u200b\u200byour home, with minimal financial costs. Establishing a similar design, you get an additional enough spacious room that can be a good children's or your personal account. You can also simply invite guests there, in general, the mass options for your choice. Holding it, you need to be prepared that everything is important to do right and step by step. The mansard roof itself is a converted attic, its creation requires a structural approach to the overall redevelopment, roofing and thermal insulation. The construction of the roof of the attic type of a country house is almost no different from the construction of a conventional roof. Below we carefully examine how our own hands properly to build an attic roof.

First of all, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a roof, in order to finally solve whether it is necessary to start it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic roof

The advantages of mansard roofs include:

  • additional room. As we have already considered above, the main advantage of the attic is an additional extensive room that you can equip as you like your taste;
  • moderate financial costs. The second factor of such a floor is the relatively small costs of its construction. Really the construction of the attic will cost you much cheaper than an extension to the house of additional rooms due to the overall expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house;
  • view from the window. A beautiful view from the monsard window will not leave anyone indifferent, as the view of the world around the world from a height is always beautiful.

For disadvantages of the attic floor, it is possible, it is possible to calculate the need for an additional heating. On the video you can visually see the construction process:

Types of mansard roofs

If you decide to engage in the construction of the roof attitudes, first of all, you need to start with the design of how your work will look like in the final result, and what exactly to accomplish it. Basic solutions regarding the type of roofs, you need to take taking into account the design features of the house.

The main types of roofs include:

On the video, you can see how the attic roof is erected:

Below, consider the device of this roof, which can be built my own

Mansarda device

Children's roofs are very similar to simple pitched roofs. Each type of similar roofs has its own characteristics in the design, but in general they all have common elements, consider them:

  1. Roof. The surface of the roof, which is located outside, serves to protect against rain, snow and other bad weather;
  2. Obsek. Basically, it is boards from the tree, the roof is attached to them;
  3. Ski run. The outer part of the entire roof design;
  4. Rafters. These are urban or hanging ribs of the stiffness of the entire design. For the attic used precisely the urban rafters;
  5. Internal supports. Vertical beams serve to ensure the strength and stability of the roof;
  6. Insulating layer. A insulating pie of several layers is placed between the walls of the premises and the roof, which allows to observe the temperature regime throughout the indoor indoor. Insulation includes noise insulation, vapor insulation, as well as a thick layer of thermal insulation. Of course, the preservation of the roof itself directly depends on the proper insulation of the roof.

Video that will help when working:

Construction of mansard. Technology

Frequently often architects, designing the roof, overlook the essential errors in ventilation and isolation. These errors are fraught with the fact that the mold appears on the roof, the fungus and, in general, it begins to leak literally in two years. This is because the construction technology of the attic is violated. Because of the fact that he is strongly pressed against the wall indoors, it is very difficult to achieve a good heat exchange. The entire design of the attic should include good ventilation, thermal insulation, as well as a rafter design, which will be made of wood-processed wood.

The thickness of thermal insulation should be at least 20 cm, since the climate in our edges in winter is cold enough, and in the summer it is quite hot. The main minutes of the design of the attic concludes that in the winter there is a lot of heat, and in the summer in the attic it is very hot. Proper thermal insulation is able to fully solve this problem, it will hold heat inside in the winter, and will not allow a large amount of heat into a strong heat in summer.

It is also necessary to equip the roof ventilation. In the summer at a sufficiently high temperature, the roof has a property to heat up much, this process significantly increases the temperature inside the attic. Properly laid ventilation guarantees comfortable room accommodation, as well as protect the roof from destruction in winter. Sound insulation is necessary in order to reduce the noise level inside the attic when there is a hail on the street, rain or severe gusts of the wind.

Important! To lay the laying of any kind of insulation preferably in a pair with a person with experience in this business.

Step-by-step construction of mansardes

Well, it's time to consider how to step by step to build this roof itself personally. For the construction of the attic, some experience will be required in such works. Build a attic is much harder than the ordinary roof, since you need to observe the angles of the rods. What would learn to manage such a floor correctly, you need to carefully examine the work plan:

Start, of course, it follows from the development of the floor itself. In this you can help a specialist or if your computer knowledge is at a sufficient level, to do everything yourself in a special program. Further, you need to correctly calculate the slopes of the roof angles, load, etc. To do everything unmistakably, you need to carefully examine such a book as "load and exposure."

Tip! Correctly understand everything, the book "Load and impact on buildings and structures" will help you. Pererrmutra A.V. 2007 or ed. Gordeeva V.N. et al., 2008 or 2009, which can be downloaded

How to make rafters will correctly help the video:

How to build a rafter frame

At this stage, you will have to work well and for the qualitative performance of the task, you need at least 3-4 employees. The construction of the roof is beginning with the fact that they are placed and fix the Mauerlands throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. This uses a timing of 100x100 mm.

This should be installed the framework of the room, its racks will be used as backups for the entire rafter design. The cross sections of the bar must correspond to the cross sections of the longitudinal beams, because the racks will be relying on them. To begin with, on the two sides of the building you need to install vertical racks. They need to be consolidated to longitudinal beams, using self-tapping screws and metal corners.

Tip! The screwdriver will greatly facilitate the process of working on fastening.

So, we got two arches, between them the cord should be stretched, if its direction is strictly horizontal, it will mean that everything is done correctly, if not, then one of the arches will have to shorten a little. Next, with the desired step for the rafter, we put the following arches strictly on the cord. Using jumpers fix the arch, and to secure the jumpers themselves, we use special stamped corners.

Next, the installation of the upper rafters should be set, and this is a rather difficult job. They must be installed under certain angles and centering, in this and consists of all complexity. Make a template of two boards, they must fully match the connected rafters that we plan to do. When using this template, it should be trimmed with rafters that are on Earth, and then put them in the right place. Installation of the rafter occurs in this way, as when the indoor room is erected.

Setting the rafter design ends with the fact that you need to kill the crate. The material from which it can be executed is plywood, chipboard or simple boards.

How to equip the room under the roof, you can look at this video:

How do they warm the roof

After the installation of the crate and the rafters will be completed, we can proceed to the insulating layer. Steam barrier is placed on the inside of the roof, for this we attach it with brackets to the rafters. Then the installation of thermal insulation. It is necessary to closely, so that the layer of thermal insulation is tightly laid on the surface of the rafter. There should be no cracks, otherwise it will lead in the future to very negative consequences. The peel is mounted on thermal insulation 50 cm steps.

Waterproofing is stacked outside the rafted, its direct function: protection against moisture ingred. Roof is put on the surface of waterproofing.

Attention! When conducting construction work, it is necessary to strictly follow safety.

How to personally build a attic can be viewed on the video:

I think you have noticed that the construction of an attic is a fairly serious event. The durability of your creation depends on how responsibly you come true.

There is a considerable number of examples, as the attic roof may look. Among her varieties, everyone can choose something their own. If you need enough daily lighting, you can set a large window. Mansard forms can be rounded or with strictly straight corners and lines. Whatever choice you do, the approach to this case should be serious and well thought out.