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What do long nails mean women. What they say about the man his nails. What do the furrows on the nails say

In the form, the length of the nails, their appearance, you can tell a lot about the person and its character. Chirromants and doctors have long taken into account the appearance of human hands, fingers and nails in particular. We are talking about natural form, and not the one that turned out as a result of extension or manicure. Now it became easy to give a new appearance to its fingers, but the essence of the character does not change.

A good doctor in shape and color can easily determine the human disease, while not taking any tests.

From aesthetic point of view, beautiful and well-groomed nails always show a man, like a neat, who follows their appearance individual.

What are there forms

Short. A man with short nails is characterized as a disciplined, prone to the leadership of people, loves order and knows how to think logically. If they are very short, then the person is more aggressive, and the location on thick fingers, talks about the backwardness of man and its reluctance learns.

Nails of medium length, represent a person with a good side. They are easy to find a common language with others, love to think adequately and are realists.

A person who has long nails is always discreet and calm in any situations. It is evidence in his actions. If they are very long, then it is very difficult to understand such a person, and sometimes almost impossible. His character is very secretive, he is not sure of himself, rarely, when he trusts people.

If in nail width, more than in lengthWe are talking about a person with a very versatile character. It can sharply chase or negate inadequately. There are few people who love, but they will not cause evil. They still love to argue.

If there are irregularities on the nails or they are curved their owner - a predator who can rush to his sacrifice. If your fingers are thin, you deal with an embitting and unpleasant individual. And rather, everything with his health is not all right.

People who do not miss the opportunity to quarrel, have nails short and hard. They are also prone to long-life.

Ingrown nails in people who are not inclined to empathy and kindness. Their sensitivity is almost on Nola.

Weak and robust belong thin, but at the same time long nails. They are rare, it turns out to find a common language with others. And often become the subject of ridicule.

Little rounded and long - Specify the presence of a great mind. They are always neat, logical and responsible approach to the tasks set.

Immoral person, evil, gloom and cunning person belong thick and curved nails long. With such people should not be born, it is better to bypass them.

If a person suffers from problems with the heart, then he will have nails long, with blue tint At the ends.

Soft palms combined with short and pale nails speak of a false character, such a person is capable only for criticism. Weak as a person.

Wide and square - appear in good, sincere capable empathy. They always have a glass full of half.

Weak health possess people with thin nails. They do not show much interest in life.

Sociable can be a person with little and square nails. At the same time, it can be aggressive and hot-tempered.

A person who often experiences nervous loads and easily succumbed to them is the owner nail in the form of a fancy. As a rule, everything is very nervous and take everything close to heart.

As a rule, people who seek to change the shape of their nails, not only want to look better, but also subconsciously hide their true nature. Personality with weak health in every way trying to hide it so that they will not stand out against the rest of the rest and not to show all their weaknesses. Sensitive and thin nature, most often, try to change to a more hard and aggressive. This is done so that no one can enjoy confidence and did not use such people for their mercenary purposes. Thanks to the study of the psychological behavior of individuals, it became possible to distinguish their features and in individual parts of the body, facial expressions and gestures. In modern society, everyone tries to adapt to the environment so as not to be rejected. In the world where the strongest winners, weak try to pretend and go to the rapid acts, which in the future do only worse and still give out their true face. New studies of the human body allow you to easily determine the real essence of any individual. Such sciences are rapidly developing with each day.

We are all different. There are distinctive features that are immediately noticeable. For example, hair color, eye, leather. And there are little things to which they look later. These are faces, nails. But all these features are combined with one common genetics. And all of them are not good to every particular person. For example, you can define a character in the form of nails. Some relate to this skeptically, but folk wisdom and knowledge is not a joke, but the truth, based on specific facts.

Scientific point of view

If you read somewhere that scientists confirmed this information, do not believe. And the character of a person is undoubtedly interrelated. But this is confirmed by folk observations, not science. The essence is not how truthful data is. This can be easily traced. Truth - in sources. And in this case, science is not an indicator.

Before finding out the nature of the nail form, you need to determine what happens the plate. Usually allocate only five main species (and sometimes only four). But we will expand this list to not deprive anyone. To begin with, we will tell you what the oval shape of the nails. Let us also analyze the round, square and rectangular version of the plate. This characteristic will suit people who are clearly expressed by one of the species.

Oval shape of nails

Oval nails are found in people with long, aristocratic fingers. Both also testifies to the romance of personalities. Their ideal world is difficult to smash brutal reality. For their values, they will stand to the end, constantly putting justice only in the first place. In addition, such personals are often nervous, thoughtful, depressive. Sometimes they are weak spirit, have an unstable psyche.


The form of nails is defined in this case very precisely. Being a strict geometric figure, the square gives the same qualities of character and its owner. Usually, such nails can be seen on the fingers in people with decisive, calm, purposeful and judicial. Immediately draws the image of a practical person. He firmly stands on Earth and knows what he wants. Such an individual rarely shows emotions and feelings, however, this does not mean that he does not have them. Under the mask of composure is often a fiery passion. People with square nails are leaders and defenders.


Such plates on the phalanges are no worse than the remaining character. On the form of nails, it is possible to name the main features inherent in a person. And in this case, this innovation, which is manifested literally in everything. It also adds curiosity from which the thirst for traveling, sociability, responsiveness and kindness flows. Maximalism is also inherent in them: in work, attitude towards people. Because of him, they sometimes suffer. After all, giving a lot, you do not always get as much in return.

Round nail shape

These people are energetic and positive. Their plates resemble a circular sunshine. The same individuals having a similar shape of nails are. They are creative nature. But not melancholy-sublime, as in the case of oval, and subversive, tireless and creative. Such people can be bolded to call stubborn adventurists. Thanks to this "nuclear" combination, such personalities are achieved by everything that only takes into mind. And believe me, they will not even stop their tank on the way.


Sometimes nails, having sharp angles, narrow up, forming a trapezoid. People who possess such a form are very proud, and sometimes arrogant at all. But it does not overshadow their pure mind. On the contrary, they always look at things from a rational point of view, they know how to make the right and logical conclusions. They are big connoisseurs of art, although themselves are rarely his creators. But it is often possible to become inventors. Their dream is to serve in good science.

"Fan" or "Shovel"

We move away from the usual geometry and deal with how to determine the nature of the nail form if they do not fit into the canons. "The shovel" or "fan" is called nails, which, in contrast to the previous species, on the contrary, narrow down the book. Those who have exactly those who carefully relate to family values, keep home comfort, gently love their loved ones. These are people with emotional, impressionable, and sometimes very vulnerable. Philosophy they are not alien. To reflect on the night of the meaning of life, such personalities love more than others.

Nail length

Beautiful impertons of centuries are considered long nail plates. They seem more elegant, beautiful and therefore aesthetic. But in fact it turns out that the shape of the nails and the character of a person is interrelated. It turns out that people with short nails are more kind, soft-hearted and responsive than "aristocrats" with their long and well-kept plates.

Unusual nails

Girls are worried about their manicure much more than men. Therefore, unusual nails can become their shame. At the very least, the ladies themselves think so. But analyzing the nature of the nail form in women, in this case we also come to the conclusion that such girls are extremely extraordinary personalities. After all, an unusual form, which is even difficult to describe with any figure, means that both the person she got, the same non-standard, bright, unique. He avoids all the usual, and even more so banal. From him you can expect anything!

Triangular nails are also rare. At least, no more than familiar to many oval or rectangular. Their owners are full of courage and determination, are not afraid of hard work. Their costs often pay off and will be redeemed by the storm. Such personalities reach all goals. These are volitional people who know what they want from life.

Very wide and flat

Some people have very short nails - real rectangles. They can be curved into some kind of wrong side. Such wide and flat plates are more common in men than in women. People with such nails are perfectly understood in human psychology. Tips are rarely given, but if something they say, it is better to listen to them, because on their intuition you can only pray. Although, perhaps, this is not a premonition at all - just the correct conclusions, a clear mind and the ability to look at the situation, it is right to assess the situation. Thanks to the desire to benefit from everything, people with wide and flat nails are often able to solve complex tasks with which others could not cope.

Master's business

Genetics gives us a natural shape of nails. But many girls and women change it, trying to lengthen. Sometimes they feed the plates to their taste, growing them. What kind of choice they do, can also tell something about their character. So, the power people who love luxury are striving. They are very touched if someone is better than them. And make themselves passionate, and rounded - romantic nature, dreamers. Briefly soften the nails of the girl's merry, energetic, not loving sit in one place.

Other features

It is worth saying about some other features:

  • fuck people with pale nails - they are distinguished by cunning;
  • low-depleted nails - the difference between single people in life;
  • small - observed in sensitive, easily apartments;
  • thickened nails - inherent to people who are easy to hurt.

Nails are an important tool in the matter of assessing the state of our health. They grow up from the finger, completely replacing about once every six months. Because they grow so fast, their color, shape and fortress reflect what happens in your body, in addition, they indicate which diseases nest in your genes.

It is these problems that will be given themselves to know when you reach a mature age or when your body will give failures for any other reason, for example, due to stress, pregnancy or inadequate diet. In this article we will tell you how the shape of the nails and the character of a person are connected.

Normal nails have a healthy pink color, a little more intense than fingers. The shortest nails, the stronger health.

What does the color of the nail mean

So, let's try to determine the character of the color of the nails.

  • Bright red nails indicate blood pressure, physically passionate nature, no control and pronounced character.
  • Reddish-purple color speaks of blood pressure in combination with narrowing arteries. The darker color, the worse the state of the person.
  • The yellowish shade of nails, which appears on the edges, indicates jaundice or on problems with the liver, kidneys or by some other internal organ that cleans the function in the body. This body began to function well, and allocation products accumulate in the body.
  • Dark red nails speak of raising blood pressure, very pale or bluish - about reducing blood pressure, problems with blood circulation and heart disease.
  • If yellow color covers the nails, the position is very serious and it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. If the nails take bright orange, it means that the organ can be fused or have a serious deterioration.
  • The gentle-blue shade of nails indicates a recent illness, as a rule, about bronchitis or viral disease. This color issues a weakening of the immune system and exposure to further diseases. In this case, you can advise rest, vitamin C and fresh fruits.
  • How to determine the nature of nails if they have a more intense blue color? It indicates poor blood circulation, sometimes on hormonal imbalance or trouble with the reproductive system. Such a color is often observed in girls approaching puberty or in women during menopause.
  • The gray-blue color along the edges of the nails, where they grow out of the finger, warns that the reproductive system is not in order, and the examination is necessary. If your nails cried simply because you frozen, do not worry.

Nails on your fingers, in essence, are transparent and act as windows for the flesh under them. White nails are a sign of anemia. This is the overall lack of force in combination with predisposition to colds and numbness. People with white nails quickly get tired and feel drowsiness. Drugs may be additional iron consumption, strengthening vitamins and diet-rich minerals. Intensive physical exercises are also needed to enhance blood flow and many fresh air.

How nail shape affects the character

In people with long nails The character is less critical and more impressionable compared to people having short nails. They are more calm and polite. Long nails show greater humility and calm in everything. As a rule, it all gets very easily for such people. They are big idealists. Such nails also indicate the artisticity of nature, and their owners, as a rule, love poetry, painting and all kinds of fine arts. However, people with long nails are more prone to dreaminess and avoid watching the facts in the face, especially if these facts are unpleasant.

People with short nailsOn the contrary, they are very critical, even in those issues that relate to themselves. They analyze everything that come into contact. In contrast to dreamy people with long nails, such people are prone to logic and mind. Personality with short nails - excellent critics. They are smart, promundant; As a rule, they love debate and never surrender to the dispute, continuing to defend their opinions until the very end; Compared to the holders of long nails, have a thinner sense of humor; They differ in a sharp character and more or less skeptical in relation to things that they do not understand. When the width of the nails is greater than their length - this is a figurative character, as well as inclinations to worry, interfere and interfere with other people. Some people have shorts short because of the habit of getting it. Such people have a nervous, restless temperament.

How to find out the nature of the nails

  • Long, thin, brittle - weakness.
  • Long, thin, curved - distorted attitude towards love.
  • Long, thin, narrow - timidity and foolishness.
  • Long, wide, rounded - healthy judgments.
  • Long, curved, thick - cunning and immorality.
  • Long, pink, sharp - good health, artistic tastes and emotional stability.
  • Long, wide on the tips, bluish at the base - heart disease.
  • Long with large arcs - too fast blood circulation.
  • Short, flat, in the shape of a sink - signs of paralysis.
  • Short, flat, recessed in the skin - diseases of the nerves and trends in paralysis.
  • Short, arcuate - bad blood circulation.
  • Short, solid - peep character.
  • Short with a soft palm - a born critic.
  • Short, pale - false and weak.
  • Red short nails character - cruel.
  • Short, square, bluish - heart problems.
  • Short, triangular - tendencies to paralysis.
  • Short, narrow, curved - problems with the spine.
  • How to determine the nature of nails if they are wide, short? Their owner has love for controversy and disputes.
  • Wide, medium - perseverance.
  • Wide, square at the base - sincerity, simpleness, optimism, self-confidence, calm temperament.
  • Wide, solid - impermanence, endurance.
  • Thin, very small - weak health, lack of vitality and energy.
  • Thin nails, white spots - sensitivity and nervousness.
  • Thin, long curved - distorted attitude towards peace.
  • Thin, medium, curved - timidity, foolishness.
  • Square, average - aggressiveness, but sociability.
  • Square, long - realism, diligence, reliability.
  • Narrow, medium - diplomatic abilities.
  • Narrow, soft - subtitle constitution.
  • Narrow, thin nails - elegant appearance, inclination to nervousness and stubbornness.
  • Cougage, medium - courage.
  • Cup-shaped, solid - perseverance and perseverance.
  • Curgy, thin - the ability to quickly make decisions.

What do white spots mean nail stains

White spots or spectacles on the nails are visible expression of internal stress or anxiety. Many small marks on the nails show that you are often worried about the small and variety of unrest. One big spot talks about a significant only care that overshadows your life. The fact that stress is expressed in physically similar way, says that the problem underlying it is not solved. On the nails can be quite accurate to calculate the time.

Because the nail grows in six months, the white spot in the middle of the nail indicates stress in three months earlier. The speck that arose at the base indicates that stress occurred recently.

The horizontal abnity passing through the nail can have a different look, from the bare line to celebrate, similar to the scar, which remains when you try to cut the burr. Each horizontal feature on the nail speaks of a strong shocking of the body, serious illness or injury. The more noticeable the abnity, the more serious the blow for the body. Dates, speaking vertically up on the nail, point to pulmonary, bronchial and throat problems that manifest themselves in the form of bronchitis, catarettes, asthma and allergies. The more noticeable these dashes, the more serious.

Nail hole value

The wells are small marks on the nails, white crescents at the base of the nails - are associated with blood circulation and heart. The normal well covers from one fifth to a quarter of the nail surface. The nails without wells are a sign of hereditary predisposition to high blood pressure, heart weakness or heart disease. Exploring the wells, do not pay too much attention to the wells of large fingers. Even if there are no wells on all other fingers, they usually come on large fingers. If they are not there, the problem with blood pressure is very serious. Wells that are more common, are a sign of low blood pressure and are sometimes observed in athletes.

This head is marked with tiny hair lines, of which some rose up, and others are downward.

This is due to headaches or migraines, or with any pain in the head, which is strong enough to influence the ability of a person to function normally.

This does not mean that normal life will be impossible, but at certain days, due to this problem, it is impossible to work.

These islets may relate to headaches, but usually they symbolize phases of spiritual weakness and inability to focus, the reason why migraines and diseases of the head are sometimes.

Points on the heart line indicate a tendency to severe heartbeat.

People with such dots are often emotional and prone to anxiety.

If these points are black or bluish, they can mean malaria, rheumatic inflammation and other diseases accompanied by very high temperatures.

Mugs represent a more serious reason for concern, as they suggest heart disease. If this is your hand, then you need to eat healthy, natural food and find time for rest.

What do the furrows on the nails say

Consider various disorders on the nails of a person - furrows on the nails, stains, etc. Nails can say a lot about the general physical condition of the person. To determine the nature of the nails, you should examine them carefully. Nails grow at different speeds - on an active hand faster, on passive slower. The nails on large fingers grow faster, slower - on the maizins. Healthy nails have a pale pink color, there are no grooves, white spots or grooves. The surface of the nail should be glittered. Nails have a natural roundness and a clear well. Any marks on the nails acquire the value if there are more than one finger. Otherwise, we are dealing with damage to the nail bed on a concrete finger. White spots on the nails are quite common. They testify to the deficiency of minerals, the decline of forces, and sometimes about insomnia. Most often, white spots are found in nursing mothers, novice doctors, workers working shifted, in adolescents leading the night lifestyle, as well as those who recover after severe illness.

  • One horizontal groove on the nails or more (Lines of Bo), which resemble wrinkles, suggest that a few weeks ago a nail growth process was broken. Typically, Bo Lines talk about temporary disease, but sometimes are associated with a strong impact on the system - with an accident, surgery or emotional injury.
  • A number of thin vertical lines - a sign of anxiety, excessive activity of the nervous system, adrenaline stress. Such lines are an early symptom of rheumatic disease or arthritis.
  • Small point recesses on the nails - a symptom of a long-standing skin disease (dermatitis or psoriasis).
  • Brown spots at the upper edge, talk about the accumulation of uric acid in the body and about the problems with the kidneys. Check out the condition of the skin groove under the nameless finger.

How to determine the character of a person

Nails on the fingers - an exceptional indicator of the state of human health at the moment. They have a certain information about the character that is easy to read. The descriptions below suggest that the subject does not suffer from any physical or mental illness.

Wide short nails

How is the form of nails and character of a person? These people have a very large energy supply, the energy quickly goes back down into the finger. Such a person has a very hot-tempered character, but it is easily afraid. It quickly responds to events, wit and self-esteem may be oster in tongue. Sexually and emotionally aggressive, prone to jealousy and proprietary quality. He loves to argue and can be very angry with critical. He is not interested in feelings of others, especially in rivalry. When he is wrong, it becomes gloomy and is not able to transfer criticism to his address. If the nails are very small, then a person can be not far away and fanatical (especially when the heads and heart lines are very close from each other).

Wide long nails

The energy flow makes a long way to reflect from the edge of the nail - this is a sign, feeling and secrecy. Such people can be nervous, but they have an open and good nature. They cause sympathy, emotional and constant in their attachments, prefer to engage in practical activities and seek to achieve success in sports. These are usually thinkers, but they lack the spirit of rivalry and intellectual power.

Wide round nails

Nail has about equal length and width, rounded in a nail bed. The energy flux flows into such a nail. Such serene nature prefer calm discussions with stormy disputes. They can worry, but rarely come in breeding or angry. Try not to be unfriendly or hurt someone pain. The stream of energy reflects their soft and sensitive manners. They are able to become dreamers, to get away from reality, if they have a long smooth line of mind.

Short vopota nails

Energy streams quickly flow around the nail. There are two bright types of nature that are inherent in this type of nails. One is a serene, who lacks vitality, he can have some kind of prolonged disease. If he is angry with someone, then it is rather a consequence of his tightened disease. Hands are usually small and soft.

If the hands are solid and strong, with a dense layer of subcutaneous fat, with deep open nail lies, white or bluish nails, then temperament can be explosive. Such a person is extremely ambitious, he seeks to be loved and surrounded by adoration from others. He is intolerant, his mood is often changing. From time to time solely unpleasant, but maybe completely charming in the right situations. Such a person is eagerly engaged in sports in order to remove excessive tension and satisfy its need for the Competition. If the nails are at the very top of the finger (as if fragile to him), then such a person loves to complain and too lazy to exercise sports.

Long narrow nails

Similar nails are usually only in women. Energy flows flow rapidly around the nail. A large layer on both sides of the nail indicates egoism. Such people can be charming and even time from time to time to behave like children. But do not let yourself be deceived: they are ambitious, owners and materialists, love all the good, but do not spend a lot of effort to receive pleasant benefits. The narrower nails, the more happily having a bad man. The nails are longer, especially a person, especially when there is still curls on the fingers of Jupiter and Apollo.

Now you know how the shape of the nails and the character of a person is associated.

Is it possible to just look at the nails of the interlocutor and decide, continue with him to communicate or smile and wave a handle? We found out that the form of nails can say a lot about a person, but by their state the doctor will easily determine the state of your health. There is even a fortune-telling on the nails - one God. What exactly speak nails, you will tell you Peopletalk..

Square short

The owners of the square shape of the nails are very thoughtful, their mind dominates the feelings. These are witty, resourceful and attentive people. But they are quick-tempered, although quickly depart. This is a sexually aggressive and extremely jealous person. With such a person you are waiting for awesome, passionate relations, but they will always be on the verge. These are leaders in life, bold and independent, which always achieve the appointed goal.


Holders of rectangular nail shape are real workaholics. Some nervous, but very sincere and kind people. They are to some extent naive and tend to idealize everything around. They always know what they want from life, and achieve everything themselves. Such a person will never ask for help, and he himself is always ready to support. Because of his gullibility, it is often deceived, but never ceases to believe people. They fall in love, and they are constant in their affections. This is the perfect partner in life. With such people, it is always interesting, cozy and calm.


Rounded nail holders - creative nature. They are very emotional and sentimental. Their life is their rules! Such people are often volunteers. They want to make the world better and strive for justice. The slightest manifestation of rudeness can scare them badly, and they immediately turn away from you. They enthusiastically belong to the world - these are dreamers. Such people are often artists, fashion designers or musicians. They are very in love, but also quickly late. With such a person, a passionate novel can light up just a few days, but he will remember for a long time.

Long and narrow

Holders of narrow nails with a large layer of skin on both sides are very selfish. They are very calculating and mercantile. It looks like these naive and defenseless people who resemble children. Such a person is very touching, he will revenge, without feeding. "Keep a friend next to you, and the enemy is even closer" is their life credo! They love luxury very much, but do not want to work for this.

Vopotoxic nails

Holders of vopotoxic nails are very ambitious. They need them to love and recognize. This is a kind of jack. They do not like to wait, because they have no patience completely, and the mood changes every minute. They are often athletes, because their tension can only take off the heavy physical activity. This person has a very developed feeling of rivalry, he competes in everything with others and does not know how to lose.

Other features

  • Long nails grow off the incredulous, unpredictable and mnicious personalities who seek to luxury and comfort.
  • Short-cut nails inherent in combat people, energetic and versatile. They always achieve their goal. These are logical and consistent people. If a person really triggers the nails, then it speaks of his conflict.
  • Nails are gnawed by nervous individuals who all take close to heart and often nervous.
  • Uneven and curved nails are inherent in greedy and consistent people.
  • Pale nails indicate a cold-blooded nature, prone to cruelty.
  • Pink nails - a sign of faithful and permanent people.

You see, a lot of information can be said about a man on the shape of nails, but it is best not to dwell on it. Watch the interlocutor in the eye and trust your feelings.

About the character of a person can tell his appearance - hair color, style of clothing, hairstyle and even manicure. It is nails that will tell you how neat it is, which prefers and loves in everyday life. A knowledgeable person is enough just to look at your hands to learn about you much, because they are the first to come into tactile contact (handshake) when you meet. Let's deal with you how to read the character of a person in his manicure.

The shape of nails and their length will tell a lot about their owner. However, it is worth noting that it is necessary to read character in the form that the girl prefers to wear most often. It is also important to take into account the sphere of human activity, since due to aspects of some professions, the girls are forced to do without varnish for nails and wear a short length (for example, a medical worker, cook, etc.)

Long nails

Long nails typically prefer girls capricious and slightly bitch. They love to indulge themselves and always receive from others what they want. They have no lack of attention, for themselves they always choose the best, and this rule refers to absolutely all areas of life.

If nails pointed That girl has a rather complicated character, it is selfish, very often arguing with others, it is important for it to be always and in everything in the first place. As a rule, such a manicure is perceived by the surrounding people rather aggressive and predatory, just as possible to describe the character of its owner. In addition, the pointed shape of the nails speaks about the artistism of the girl. She knows how to find a common language with people (when she needs it) and there is an excellent companion.

Long rectangular nails Prefer girls confident in themselves. They know how to produce the desired impression on others and always know how to get the desired. The owner of such a manicure will never spend his time on people who are not worthy of her attention.

Long rounded nails Speak about a straightforward character. Such a girl can easily solve any conflict or dispute, which often begins to itself. She always achieves its goals and goes a step forward to its competitors. She is pretty and conflicting, since it always fights femininity and the power of the Spirit.

Short nails

Short nails, as a rule, indicate a discreet character. If the nails are not covered with varnish or the girl uses only transparent and nude shades, then, most likely, she is shy and not confident. But it should be a little disclosed and an interesting, feminine manicure will appear on the marigolds, and the nail length will become a little more.

The owner of short nails is usually sufficiently purposeful, they are not distracted by anything slowly, but confidently go to the goal. At first glance, girls who prefer such a manicure may seem rude and bully on emotions, however, it is not at all. They are very miles and gentle, but due to their modesty carefully hide this fact.

Nails of medium length

Nails of the medium length about the character of the girl can tell not much, since most of the most prefers most of the most beautiful sex representatives. That is why, in this case, you should pay your attention to the design of the nails and their color.

Manicure color

French manicure in classic tones Indicates self-sufficient and self-confident girl. She gets great with the surrounding, loves communication and leads a fairly active lifestyle. The girl preferring a French manicure is distinguished by a good sense of style, it is always well dressed and looks tidy.

Green and blue shadeschoose people with an excellent sense of humor. They look positively on the world around the world and rejoice in every day. As a rule, ladies with a rather bright green manicure are not deprived of men, because And they themselves are very bright, temperamental people.

Red or burgundy manicure Choose confident women, women vamp. They are not afraid to show themselves to the world and boldly declare their desires. These are passionate, bright nature that know the price. Sometimes they are impulsive and demanding to others, but, nevertheless, it is often very fond of playing the role of obedient and affectionate cat.

Manicure in purple shades Prefer calm, responsible girls. They are guided by the mind and go well with the surrounding people. As a rule, purple tones in the manicure choose executives or women with a strong enough, pragmatic character.

Light tones of varnish (gentle pink, celestial blue, etc.) They talk about gentle, romantic nature. She is sweet, shy and waters. It is not bad to get along with people, but often perceives all actions and words too close. Manicure in gentle shades - the choice of a real girl who will never be scandaling on the street or in a restaurant, she will be attentive to his beloved, hears and prompt if necessary. Also, this manicure says the duality of character. Under his mask shy, such a girl very often hides the rapid impulse of a wide variety of feelings, which shows only the closest people in their surroundings. However, not always bright shades of varnish point to the character of the girl, very often the business women are resorted to such a manicure and those who wish that the manicure looks 100% luxuriously without further effort, since such tones are very careful and resting.

Manicure in black shadesit may indicate a poor mood of a girl or depression. However, many choose this shade for their manicure in a completely different reason. Black tones, despite its inappropriateness, look very stylish and effectively. That is why, if the girl wears a manicure in black tones, it does not mean that she has something happened. This color most often choose the powerful girls who love all the order and clarity. They are despotic and even cruel, but always achieve the goal.

Yellow, orange colors in manicureprefer active girls who often lack patience to bring the work started to the end. They are positive and see everyone in everything. Such girls are easy to deceive or mislead, they are bright, active and always have a soul company.

Bright pink color Choose those women who dream to stand out from the crowd. They are extravagants and cannot live without attention. The lover of the bright pink manicure is capricious and selfish, but if necessary, turn into gentle, caring and slightly naive girls.

Gold - the choice of real professionals in the field of fashion. Such women are perfectly disassembled in trends and often give advice to others. The appearance for them is the most important characteristic of a person, relying on which they often make erroneous conclusions.

Neutral shades close to natural (beige, light brown, milk, etc.), choose practical Operations for which everyday worries are much more important than choosing a varnish or thinking design for manicure. Their motto is the easier, the better. They have their own rules of life, which often not everyone is understandable.

The manicure color does not always reflect the character of a girl 100%. If she prefers to change the color of the nails every week or more often, it is quite difficult to talk about its strengths or weaknesses on the manicure. However, if the color of the marigolds is stable and it gives its preference as a rule in one color, but in different shades, then you feel free to explore our "forecast". Also, special attention is paid to how the girl combines the color of the selected varnish with clothing and accessories. If there is no unity and harmony in the image, then most likely it is scattered and still "did not find himself," she is inconvenient and most likely does not know what to strive for. The same rule refers to the design - the oversupply of decorative elements speaks of the absence of taste and feelings of the girl.

Nail and hand

From how often the girl makes a manicure directly depends on the state of her nails. If you met a girl with flawless marigolds, know, she is confident in himself and knows for sure what he wants from life. She has a plan on everything, it is active and cheerful, and most importantly, confident in itself, because the more often the girl does manicure, the more feminine she feels herself.

If the girl has negleous nails (the absence of a manicure, an uneven edge, bursting, etc.), but she herself looks very neat and attractive, then in this case, most likely, she simply lacks time to manicure. For her, nails care does not apply to the necessary necessities, which is why it can for months to walk without nail polish or not to care for them. But despite this, she is confident in himself and knows that it looks flawless, even if her nails are not covered with varnish. Such a girl loves the case that he does, she strives to be everywhere and have time to have much more than planned, but it is worth relaxing to her and afford a small rest, as a bright, beautiful manicure appears on her marigolds.

The complete absence of a manicure is the cracked lacquer, abandoning nails or the uneven edge of the nail testifies that you met the lady not particularly careful about your appearance. Most likely, it does not matter what it looks, especially if the slope is reflected in all its appearance. Multiple complexes simply do not give her to open as a woman, she is not sure and most likely very indecisive.

Does the design of nails reflect?

Monophonic manicure It suggests that the girl is quite restrained, she clearly goes to his goals and has an excellent sense of style. Such girls do not like change, stability for them is the best that can be.

Images of flowers On the marigolds open a girl from a romantic and gentle man. She loves to dream and avoids negative.

Coating each nail to its color. You are a feast person who is used to see in all the best. Such girls are quite impermanent, they are great friends, love noisy companies and fun. However, very often, there are unreliable and can forget about something very important.

Geometric figures. Girls preferring geometric shapes in the design of nails, straightforward, clarity and specifics are important for them in absolutely in all - in relations, at work, in plans for the evening, etc. They are responsible and appreciated in all.

Manicure depicting animals or unusual fictional characters.Lover of cute designs, such as this - good-natured, devotees. They are excellent friends who are always ready to help. Also girls, preferring images of animals in nail design, very wounded and gentle. They are easy to offend and just also deserve forgiveness.

How to pick a manicure to reflect not only character, but also the mood?

All girls know that the manicure not only tells about the characteristics of its owner, but is an excellent tool to raise the mood. That is why it is necessary to afford to be different. Going to a meeting with girlfriends Cover your nails with bright varnish or beloved color, which causes only pleasant emotions in you. For a business trip or work, choose a simple design with a minimum number of additional items, so you will not be distracted from affairs. And on a romantic date, cover your nails in red - let your beloved will understand that you are a real woman who will not miss his. Creating an image, do not forget about the details. Manicure - It is the detail that will tell others who will surround all your secrets and give out your strengths or weaknesses. That is why, always pay special attention to the nails to produce in the surrounding good impression and be in harmony with yourself.