Repairs Design Furniture

Cutting and rectilinear processing of glass edges with their own hands. Glass edge processing: All about the process tools for work

When processing glass, closer attention is paid to the edges. This is largely due to the importance of this process. After all, competent processing of the edge of the glass is designed not only, to give the glass the highest aesthetics, but also prevent the appearance of chips and cracks, which significantly affects the safety of glass.

Of course, there are many ways with which the glass edge processing is carried out, the choice of a specific method of processing is entirely depends on the conditions of using the glass product. For example, there is no need to apply high quality processing for glass that will be used with the frame, it will be more than enough to remove irregularities and brute sharp edges.

What actually does not contradict security requirements. But for products from the tempered material, high-quality processing of the edge of the glass is extremely necessary. In addition, the processing process of edges is largely dependent on the properties of the glass itself, as well as the presence and size of all sorts of holes.

Glass Edge Types

1. Technical grinding. The purpose of such grinding is to dull the sharp edges of the glass.

2. Grinding the edge. Fully eliminates all sorts of cuts, and the edge surface becomes matte or rough.

3. Polishing the edge. In this case, the glass edge becomes smooth and transparent.

4. Facet. This type of treatment is directed to the mirror's beserved side facet.

5. Purget corners. Pursuits goals to improve safety, such as tabletops or glass doors.

Glass edge processing equipment

For such a process, specialized equipment, with which can be performed, both grinding and polishing is used for such a process. Such operations are performed after the glass fault. The end result of these actions is to obtain a direct eurocrome, as well as the champers, with an angle of 45 degrees.

Standard equipment equipment on which glass edge is processed, includes:

1. Stannin (the largest element of the design).
2.. The conveyor belt serves to safely supply glass.
3. Feed drive.
4. Feed rate regulator. It is worth noting that it is stepless.
5. Mechanism that provides configuration and regulation of the feed conveyor.
6. Guides. Mostly used roller guides.
7. Snap for grinding.
8. Electric motor. Of course, its main task is a spindle drive.
9. Control panel.
10. Cooling system.

The design of the glass processing equipment is designed to meet the most stringent safety requirements. The control panel provides remote access to all important assemblies of the device. The glass edge processing should be carried out in full compliance with the established technological and technical standards, with the mandatory compliance of the workflow safety rules. Only with strict fulfillment of all the requirements of glass processing actions, it is possible to obtain high quality results.

Products made using special equipment is quite in demand in the market. Of course, it is largely due to a wide range of use of highly treated glass. Such glass finds its use in the manufacture of double-glazed windows, both with wooden frames and with plastic. Also, such glass is very actively used and when. It is very relevant to the use of high-quality treated glass and in the manufacture of various kinds of showcases.

Glass, as one of the most expressive and beautiful materials, has always attracted designers and interior designs. The glass surface has two serious disadvantages - high fragility and hardness, so the glass processing at home is always associated with significant difficulties. However, the material is successfully cut, grind, polished and even drilled.

Methods for processing a glass surface

Manual glass processing requires the use of special techniques and technologies. The special tool for glass processing and precisely selected modes, overheating or uneven load leads to cracking and destruction of the material.

For home conditions, glass processing is limited to several methods:

  • Cutting sheet glass on straight fragments;
  • Drilling holes and engraving reliefs in sheet material;
  • Matting and sandblasting glass;
  • Processing of glass edge;
  • Polishing glass surface.

For your information! In addition to mechanical, chemical polishing, grinding and engraving are also used. But the use of such methods requires the use of toxic and hazardous reagents, so it is practically no applied for homework.

Hand cut glass

At home, cutting and grinding operations are usually used. More complex techniques are not used for two reasons. First, to obtain high quality surfaces requires a special snap, glass processing machines, secondly, with mechanical sprinkling, grinding and drilling is a large number of smallest glass dust, extremely harmful to health.

The cutting of sheet glass with a diamond or carbide roller is performed for a thickness of no more than 6 mm. Thicker sheets are cut on special devices and machines.

The cutting of a glass sheet with a manual diamond is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The glass is laid out onto a smooth and clean surface, usually shined soft packaging paper used to collect glass fragments. The sheet should most closely fit to the lining material;
  2. The steel line is applied to the cut line and gently, with a minimal pressure, in one movement is carried out with a diamond tip, without taking the tool and without stopping its movements;
  3. The glass is lifted and carefully climb the cutter line from the reverse side with a rubber or wooden hammer. When tapping on the line, a large number of microscopic cracks are formed, strongly weakening the strength of the material, and as a result, the glass bursts exactly along the diamond motion trajectory.

For your information! When cutting thick sheets, do not use carbide rollers or tips, such a tool gives a large amount of marriage.

At the same time, the diamond glass cutter placed on the ballerina, you can easily cut arcs, circles and even round holes in the glass.

Manual grinding glass

Cut fragments, as a rule, have sharp edges and edges, which can be easily damaged by hand or fingers. Therefore, it is necessary to process the edges of the glass with a machine or by smoothing on the edge circles. Most often, the device for wiping edges is a low-speed engine with a special abrasive circle or a wooden blank, which is pasted small sandpaper.

Processing is performed with periodic wetting edges with water and abrasive paste. The result is smooth, slightly rough surface. If instead of the abrasive mass, use a diamond paste or machine for processing the glass edge, you can get absolutely smooth edges. Similarly, with the help of highly labor precision rollers and a diamond suspension on polishing equipment, glass and mirrors are machined.

Non-standard glass processing methods

The most complex glass processing operations include drilling. For these purposes, drills with diamond and carbide tips are used. High hardness and bad thermal conductivity of the glass surface leads to the fact that under the load of the cutting edge of the carbide tool, the drilling point is instantly overheated, and the glass cracks.

Drilling holes in glass sheets

You can drill at home only with the help of a guide tool on rotation revolutions of no more than 200 rpm, with drip cooling with water-oil emulsion. When passing 90% of the thickness of the sheet, the load on the drill and rotation turnover is reduced to a minimum so that when "output" from the hole, the tool is not split down the glass. For the same principle running drilling equipment for glass processing.

At home, to process the glass surface of the glass can be using a copper rod and an abrasive suspension, prepared from the smallest carborund emery powder for the processing of solid materials. If drilling dry powder is performed, glass sheet can warm on a sandy pillow to 200 o C.

In the old days, the glass was successfully drilled, polished and polished with the help of ordinary bars and rods from the moraine oak with the addition of a powder from a burning and ground clay. Of course, this processing occupied a large amount of time, but the percentage of marriage was minimal.

Industrial machines are treated and drilled with glass abrasive circles made of copper-aluminum bronze with diamond powder applied in the working edge. Most of the heat is effectively discharged into the coolant, so the processing performance is an order of magnitude higher than home options.

Sandblasting and glass engraving

Often the glass surface is subjected to relief processing and matting. To remove the shine and make the material translucent, with a uniform matte surface, used sandblasting glass processing. In this case, the plane is blown by high-speed air flow with a 10% content of retalicated quartz sand. Normal washed sand is not used, since risks and scratches appear on the treated surface.

A device for sandblasting on the device resembles a paint peeling and is easily manufactured even at home. But if in an industrial version the quality of the surface being processed is controlled by a machine, then at home will require a certain skill and practice, before the glass will purchase a homogeneous surface texture.

One of the most complex and interesting methods of processing is the engraving pattern on the glass surface. Manually relief can be reproduced using engraving machine and diamond drills. After such processing on a transparent basis, a drawing of matte strokes appears.


Engraving works in glass array or thick tiles with a thermal laser look most effectively. High energy density and ability to penetrate the predetermined depth allows you to create very beautiful spatial drawings, which are practically impossible to be made in a different way. In addition, the laser beam allows drilling, milling and even welding the sheets of material, so that in the near future, furniture and glass interiors will become an ordinary phenomenon.

Glass - material is very fragile, but from it you can make a lot of useful and beautiful. In addition, without it, it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bit is in the windows, the dishes are made from it and much more. And how does the manufacturer? If you do not know yet, we will reveal how the processing of glass is performed at home, because it consists of several stages. With the help of information from this article you can try your strength in this direction, creating decorative items for your home.

Tools for work

At home, it is usually performed by grinding and polishing of this material. For high-quality execution of these stages, you should get the following tools:

  • Drill.
  • Glass cutter.
  • Pliers.
  • Fire.
  • Bulgarian with the ability to change the speed of rotation. This is very important, since it is necessary that the fragile material does not overheat.
  • A velcro nozzle with which grinding circles will be fixed.
  • Grinding circles of different graininess. The surface of them should be emery, stealing moisture.

Important! Glass is not only expensive, but also unsafe material. In order to avoid injury, protective glasses are put on their eyes, and on the hands - cotton gloves.

First stage of processing

When the primary, rough processing of the edge of the glass is performed, it will not only be even, but also safe. However, the surface still remains sufficiently rough.

The processing of the edge of the glass with their own hands is performed using conventional pliers or side excavation of glass cutter:

  • The glass needs to be captured by small sections, blocking pieces of two or three millimeters.
  • Pliers are used to remove smaller protrusions. In this case, it is necessary to firmly capture the material and smoothly surpassed the tool.

Final edge processing

The choice of finishing method depends on the required profile. It can be flat, shaped, trapezoidal, etc.

Important! Using the straight-line method, the possibility of setting the desired angle to 45 degrees. Thanks to the curvilinear method, the edge attached a figure profile.

How to treat glass edge at home?

  • Initially, a file is used for finishing. If the glass is thin, use velvet.
  • You can also use grinding bars. They can be carborundum and essay. To make the process easier and faster, kerosene or turpentine is used for wetting the tool.
  • For filling glass, especially thin, smooth movements are applied.
  • If there is an opportunity, the processed surface is placed under a water jet.
  • If it is necessary to obtain the rectilinear edge, the material needs to be installed vertically, and then move it back and forth on a sharpening bar.

Polishing glass

Thanks to the grinding glass, the surface becomes more perfect, the product becomes not only more beautiful, but also safe. The edge turns into a matte, slightly rough, greenish shade. Nevertheless, the appearance of it remains not very attractive, besides, the appearance of microcracks and small scratches. To eliminate all irregularities, the edges are polished.

How to polish the glass at home, we already know, but polished differs from this process, but slightly. The most important thing is not abrasive materials, and soft fibers are applied to the edge processing. As a result, the edge turns into a smooth and transparent, and glass looks very aesthetically.

Solid glass products always have a polishing edge, as the design is even brighter. In addition, polishing is also performed in the event that the glass will be hardened, since then the material is then impossible.

Important! Remember that glass is a very fragile material that poorly transfers overheating. Therefore, when working should not be in a hurry, you need to perform all actions carefully.

Polishing is performed after grinding is performed, using the fine-grained abrasive. This is necessary to do, since the polishing tape will not be able to cope with the removal of large defects.

Important! After you learn to point glass at home, you will notice that the residual voltage on the surface comes down to a minimum. That is why in the process of transportation will significantly reduce the risk that the glass will be damaged.

  • When you perform finishing processing, it is better to use old instruments, since their surface will deteriorate much.
  • Instead of a grinding stone, you can use a tree bar on which sandpaper is attached.
  • Initially, the tools with a coarse-grained surface are used, then moving to fine-grained.
  • It is not necessary to hurry, because due to the scoring of the tool, the appearance of deep scratches on the surface is possible.

Processing of the end of a glass sheet or mirror on the finished product is required. Cut leaves on the border of the cut of irregularities, shells and microcracks. It is not even in the absence of aesthetics, but in elementary safety.

The unprocessed product may cause injury. Grinding or polishing the edge of the glass will remove sharp protrusions, limit the ends and makes them. Without this you will receive only a semi-finished product.

As it were, the product was not called in the catalog, in reality, his unprocessed edge will turn the most refined thing into a sloping craft.

In addition to the aesthetic side and security issues, the edge processing is necessarily needed if the glass will be hardened. Without a processed edge when quenching, it will cause the destruction of the product, since any microcols will not withstand accumulated stresses on it.


Grinding the edges of glass and mirrors are a simpler version of "finishing" works. Its essence in the effects of the abrasive tool on the shear end.

Each of us ever engaged in grinding. It is made manually or on special equipment. Industrial machine gives the highest accuracy and purity.

Therefore, it is not worth counting on self-tapping products somewhere in the garage. Most likely, instead of saving on the order budget, you will spoil almost the finished project. And also dig.

Industrial grinding storms the edge of the glass without changing the initial size of the cutting. The machine will remove the thin layer of material with the strumies and micropicks, without violating the specified perimeter of the product.

Grinding neutralizes only major irregularities. To the touch, the edge remains rough, on the view of the matte. Although completely safe. On ground edge, small lenked and defects are possible - it is not a marriage.

But the noble, restrained mattability is in demand in design. For example, in the manufacture of separately suspended shelves, large mirrors or decorative elements of furniture and interiors. Therefore, edges are sometimes limited to grinding.

Polishing the edge of glass and mirrors

Edge polishing is the best of processing options. It forms an absolutely smooth edge of a glass panel or mirror. If the grinding refers to technical operations, polished is already clean aesthetics.

The form of the glass is important. In most cases, you will be offered such polishing patterns:

eurocroma (trapezium)

"Pencil" (hemisphere)

polishing edge under 45 degrees


The Eurocrome meets more often than others. It is the perfectly smooth polishing of glass end with small chamfer in the upper and lower sheet plane under 45 degrees. The chamfer width is usually a few millimeters. Eurocromic - a universal solution. Suitable for everything.

When processing a "pencil", the end curls. As if the entrained eraser on the blunt end of the pencil. So make on the mirrors and glass details of the furniture.

The edge under 45 degrees is less common, but in some cases it is not necessary to do without such treatment. For example, in the manufacture of some types of shower doors, for a normal opening, on the inner edge of the door (side with hinges), it is necessary that SCOS. Also, this processing is found at UV gluing. Well, aesthetically, she looks non-standard and beautiful.

The edge of the "Cascade" is used for countertops and designer products. It looks great in decorative headsets. Cascade is a smooth rounded SCO with two radii, with a "sleeper".

In Polished Next, no defects are allowed.

Glass and Mirror Edge Polishing Technology

Polishing is made on special machines with soft abrasive circles. Depending on the settings, the machine forms the edge of the necessary form.

For all the clear polishing operation, it requires accurate equipment and high personnel qualifications. The quality of treatment is influenced by:

Only the alloy of all 3 components will give the perfect result. And it is this alloy that we give!

Features that need to be considered

Processing of ends for hardened and mollar (curved) glass is carried out before. That is, first grind or polished. And only then bend and harde. Reverse order will destroy the sheet.

Polishing the triplex edge has a number of its features. The glasses can be processed before gluing separately or can be processed already ready triplex (polishing in a package).

In the first case, a certain discrepancy between the layers and the edge will look like 2 docked treated end.

With batch processing, the tryplex end looks the same as if the triplex was just a sheet of ordinary glass.