Repair Design Furniture

Pyramid from boards for flowers. We make a garden pyramid for strawberries with our own hands: dimensions, drawing. Preparatory work and drawings

Vertical flower beds are considered one of the most beautiful elements of the backyard decor. Often they are used to save space. They amaze with their unusualness and diversity. There are several types of such flower beds. The choice is determined by preferences, capabilities and the availability of the necessary materials. It is important to remember that the vertical flower bed must support the chosen style of the site.

Types and design of vertical flower beds

Fans of combining flowering plants with non-flowering plants can recommend an alpine slide. To build it, you will need a small hill of earth and stones. Stones do not need to be placed in size, it is important to maintain the shape of the pyramid when installing them. Plants are arranged randomly. Low-growing flowers can easily coexist with tall ones. Of the undersized flowering, the most common are viola, primrose, forget-me-not. Check out interesting options.

Varieties of the Alpine slide are considered a cascade and a pyramid. They consist of an odd number of tiers. Their difference lies in the fact that the upper layer must be completed with stones: at the cascade - flat, at the pyramid - sharp. Stones can be replaced with bricks (even incomplete ones) and tree cuts.

One of the most common options is a flower bed in the form of a screen. It is made with the help of climbing plants and decorates the fence, porch, gazebo.

A three-dimensional figure is a kind of flower bed-screen. With the help of metal or wooden rods, any desired figure is created. Climbing plants are planted at the base of the flower garden, which then wrap around the entire figure.

Raised flower beds leave a lot of room for the gardener's creativity. They can be made from any improvised material. They consist of individual flower beds, each one rising above the other, creating a multi-level space.

As a material, you can use tires, buckets, flowerpots, baskets, chairs. Flowering plants of different heights look very impressive in them. The shape and size of the raised flower bed can be anything.

Hanging flowerpots are considered the easiest to perform. They are attached to the fence, walls. Only flowers intended specifically for flowerpots can grow in them (only they can bloom in a limited amount of land).

The main advantage of vertical flower beds is that they do not need to select plants by color and height. It is not necessary to follow the rules for their placement. So, all your favorite types of flowers will decorate them, delighting the owner of the site.

How to make a petunia flower bed

The owners certainly ennoble the private courtyard with flowering crops. According to aesthetic rules, not even beds, but decorative garden plants serve as decoration for the courtyard. So that they do not spread all over the site and do not take up too much space (it is a pity to uproot the cherished beauty!), They are limited to flower beds. It turns out such bouquets, blooming from early spring until late autumn. It depends on what crops to plant them.

To make the flower beds in front of the house look bright, it is worth using flowers in their creation - people from hot countries. That's where the real feast of colors! And it’s not for nothing that petunia, a native of South America (more precisely, Brazil), is so fond of growing as a flower ornamental crop. Its flowers are painted in rich shades of red, pink, orange, lilac and spotty white ... The size of the cup of petals is small, but there are also large ones. Why not suitable planting material?

So, having decided on the type of flower, select the floral range. A flower bed can be one-color, or maybe with a gradient of transition from a dark color to a lighter one. What form of drawing to choose? Concentric circles, contrasting stripes, "petals" of a large flower, geometric shapes and, in general, fantasy patterns invented by you personally. The main thing is that the pattern is clearly visible from the side.

Although petunia is found in nature and perennial, an annual form of culture is common in floriculture. So even better. Every year you can create different patterns. In different color schemes.

Along with erect stems, some varieties of petunia have curly stems. Such mini-vines are also beneficial to use in flower beds. For a multi-stage design in combination with even stems, creepers will come in handy as well as possible.

The root system of petunias is such that it does not need large spaces or containers. It will take root perfectly in small flower bed forms. Even in the hollow of an old tree or in a hollowed out stump. Landscape designers recommend unusual solutions! The petunia also feels great as a flowerpot.

Petunia goes well with other plants. Compositions in combination with gillyflowers, snapdragons, marigolds, begonias will look spectacular.

Petunias are not afraid of heat. They have immunity. But, as plants of a subtropical climate, they prefer abundant watering (by no means a swamp). It is better to plant these flowers in seedlings and in sunny areas, but they will also accept partial shade.

Petunia is one of the most suitable and not whimsical plants for vertical flower beds.

A small plot often does not allow gardeners to deploy chic flower beds. But after all, everyone wants to decorate their site so that it becomes the pride and decoration of the yard. In this case, it is advised to build vertical flower beds.

Of course, if you contact a landscape designer, they will create chic multi-level compositions of often bizarre shapes with the perfect combination of colors for you.

But you can create it yourself with very little effort.

1. The easiest way to create such a flower bed is as follows. Take two or three plastic or wooden poles of different heights. In the second case, the wood must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting agent.

You will also need old plastic buckets, from which the handles are removed and mounted on posts in different places. Make sure they are securely fastened. The next step is extremely simple. Fill buckets with earth and plant flowers. As a rule, it is worth choosing climbing plants that grow to cover the entire composition, creating a waterfall of color.

2. Another interesting way to create a flower bed involves the use of flower pots. If there is an old tree in your garden that does not bear fruit, do not rush to get rid of it. Treat its trunk by removing dry branches and bark. You should not touch the still living branches of the tree, they will also be useful in creating the composition.

To fix the pots, we need self-tapping screws or special strips. Pots need to be purchased light, plastic. They are placed in random order along the entire tree trunk and on its branches. After that, they are filled with earth or substrate and a variety of plants are planted. The closer to each other the pots are located and the brighter the flowers are in them, the more spectacular the composition itself will look.

3. An ordinary pipe, which is used for sewerage, can also become your assistant in creating an original flower bed. There are several options for its use. The first simple one involves cutting the pipe lengthwise, resulting in two equal parts with a gutter.

Restrictive elements are installed on the edges, which will not allow the earth to spill out of the structure, and our “bed” is suspended with the help of ropes in any convenient place. For example, on the visor of the threshold, on a horizontally located tree branch, at the entrance to the gazebo. In such a flower bed you can plant both curly flowers and small bright ones. It is possible to create several tiers by placing such flower beds on hangers of different lengths.

4. The second way to use plastic pipes is even easier. You need to bury the pipe in the ground for one third of its length in a place convenient for you. Further, small holes are made in the pipe, and its cavity is filled with a substrate, into which plant seeds are preliminarily mixed. After a short period of time, the plants will sprout through the holes, and you will get unique colorful vertical flower beds.

Vertical flowerbed master class step by step

For this vertical flower bed, we take a plastic barrel and make such holes. Then we plant ready seedlings of petunias, as shown in the photo.

The result is such a multi-colored vertical flower bed.

Video tutorial - how to make a simple vertical flower bed from plastic bottles

Vertical flowerbed photo gallery

Once upon a time, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a wonder of the world, glorifying the beauty of nature. Today, only a legend remains of this miracle, which we can bring to life with only a little effort and imagination.

Landscape designers often decorate their work with hanging flower beds. It looks really beautiful, stylish and unusual. In addition, this design saves garden space. And if desired, hanging flower beds can become an ornament not only to the garden, but also to a house or even an apartment. After all, they can be hung, for example, on a loggia, on a terrace or on balcony.

But before decorating your site in the likeness of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, you need to know a few design features of such hanging flower beds, which the Dream House will tell about today in this publication.

Choosing a flowerpot for a hanging flower bed

Planting any indoor plant begins with a choice pot . But if the choice of a flowerpot for traditional plants is extremely simple and depends only on your own taste, then when choosing a flowerpot to create a hanging flower bed, you need to take into account some features:

  • firstly, you need to initially determine where the flowerpot will hang, and calculate what approximate weight it is safe to install there;
  • secondly, since hanging flower beds are a very bright and noticeable decoration, the flowerpot should be in perfect harmony with the exterior or interior. For example, massive ceramic containers will look majestic, perfectly complementing austere classical or antique styles. Lightweight plastic flowerpots by themselves are unlikely to become a designer decoration, but they are the best suited for decorating flower beds with long hanging plants.

Hanging flowers in the garden

Those who love naturalness and want to focus on the beauty of flowers should choose a variety of wicker flowerpots. Baskets made of vines look very nice, which can be made in a wide variety of shapes, for example, in the form of a ball, cone or rectangular box.

Perhaps, flowerpots made of wire or forged metal will become a harmonious decoration of any landscape design. This option is especially attractive in that it creates the feeling of a certain complete "flight" of the flower bed.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition to the fact that the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable, especially on ceramic models, it must also rotate freely 360 degrees. This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from the sun's rays.

The specifics of planting suspended flower beds

Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots, reminiscent of potted plants, that is, those that have only one open surface, the plants are planted as usual.

It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is designed to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots. Then, in those places where the plants should subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, and the soil should be poured into the flowerpot and the plants should be planted at the top.

Having planted flowers to create a hanging flower bed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose plants that are unpretentious in care and do not have special requirements for the condition of the soil. In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to consider the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot. For example, petunia roots grow very quickly, and if the pot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then its root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, due to which the plant may die.

A do-it-yourself hanging flower bed will have a very beautiful design when planting luxuriantly blooming annuals in flowerpots, for example, pansies, petunias, verbena, marigolds, etc. Almost all domestic plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, rejuvenated, stonecrops, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging planter or flowerpot.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always be a worthy decoration of any garden or interior, but you should not think that only flowering plants can be used in the design of hanging flower beds. For example, flowerpots with herbs - mint, rosemary, etc. look very beautiful and stylish.

And for those who love originality, we can advise you to make a very unusual, but very useful decoration - a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, for example, strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or balcony.

Specific care for hanging flower beds

Caring for hanging plantsplanters, depends on whether they have pallets. Baskets without a pallet prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, since it slows down the decay of the root system of plants, and on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flower bedlocated in a sunny area. If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds must be periodically fertilized, because. during watering, minerals in it are washed out.

In all other aspects, caring for plants in hanging garden beds is no different from caring for plants planted in open ground - they also need to be watered regularly, eliminate dried leaves and fight pests.

Vertical gardening ideas are gaining more and more popularity, and for good reason - for a small area, this is a great option to add bright floral colors and save space, and for large areas, such flower beds can serve as an element of delimitation or just an original decor. Let's go over the photo ideas and see what kind of vertical flower beds you can make for a petunia with your own hands.

Cozy homemade: do-it-yourself vertical flower beds for petunias

Everyone probably has a couple of interesting thoughts on this matter, because the concept itself is so vast that the number of types of structures and methods of arrangement depends only on our imagination. We will focus on several options for vertical flower beds with petunias, which you can easily build with your own hands using improvised materials.

Container vertical flower beds

Vertically oriented flower beds, depending on the design solution, can be ground, suspended, wall-mounted and wall-mounted. Let's work with the first two types.

arched structure

Any garden arch looks much nicer if plant branches are woven along it. Decorating arched structures is not new, but perennials are mainly selected for this purpose, which create the same look from year to year (like our climbing roses). But what if we diversify the annual landscape with new colors? Petunia will perfectly cope with this task, it will become a fresh and lush frame. Especially such an idea would be good for a garden in a picturesque or country style.

How to attach containers to the arch depends on its design and personal preferences, they can be installed and fixed on the connecting rails or use hanging planters.

Vertical flowerbed-pyramid

This idea is unlikely to appeal to the owners of a small area, although in principle the pyramid is a conditional figure, and you do not have to imagine it in terms of volume, you can take only the front outlines as a basis or come up with something of your own. Let's consider two options:

  1. You can install several pots on top of each other and fasten them together or make a multi-tiered flower bed from several containers of different sizes without a bottom;
  2. With the second option, you will have to work a little more, it involves a wooden or metal structure, with hanging or built-in planters.

There are no requirements for the height, size and position of the structure (ground or elevated), the only thing that needs to be carefully thought out in advance is the secure fastening of all parts and a convenient approach for caring for flowers.

Vertical flower bed-tower

Let's move on to the most interesting version of vertical gardening - a flower tower, it can be the central decoration of the entire garden, part of a horizontal flower garden, as well as a connecting or separating decor element.

Flower tower from individual pots

This design will require flower pots, a strong metal peg, drainage, soil and petunia seedlings. The lower container, for the stability of the entire tower, should be chosen in a large size. The process of creating a masterpiece is simple - you should fix the support peg in the ground and alternately put pots on it, fill the containers with earth and plants.

Flowerbed-tower from an old barrel

Old, worn out things can always be used, especially bulky containers!

  1. Make drainage holes at the bottom of the barrel, then cut rounded holes 7 or 8 cm in diameter along the sides of the container in a spiral or checkerboard pattern at a distance of 10–15 cm.
  2. Prepare a pipe (with a diameter of 10 cm or more) for watering and fertilizing, make holes in it. The pipe should be slightly higher than the structure.
  3. We put the barrel in the chosen place, put a layer of gravel on the bottom, and install a pipe in the center, we also pour gravel into it.
  4. Now we lay a dense layer of earth to the first holes, plant a row of plants, water it. We do the work to the very top and plant several petunia bushes on the last layer of soil.

Classic flowerbed-tower

For the classic version of a vertical flower bed, we need a large plastic container for flowers (you can take a bucket), a wide plastic pipe, a garden net (wire), building tape, expanded clay or crushed stone, a dark garden film or burlap, a knife, scissors, soil and petunia seedlings.

  1. We insert a segment of the grid into the container, the edges can be fixed together. At the bottom we pour a layer (1 or 2 cm) of drainage material.
  2. We make holes in the plastic pipe and seal one end with tape. In the future, the pipe is used for irrigation, water is drawn into it to the top, which will gradually be absorbed into the soil.
  3. Place the pipe in the center of the container (sealed side down).
  4. We wind the film along the inner side of the mesh, fix it and fill the space between the polyethylene and the pipe with soil.
  5. The homemade flower bed-tower is ready, it remains to make holes in the film and plant seedlings.

Such a design can do without a container, it can be placed directly on the surface of the earth, for this it is necessary to drive in several pegs, wind a net around them, etc.

Choosing a petunia for a vertical flower bed

The choice fell on petunia, because this ornamental plant develops beautifully at home in early spring through seedlings and blooms in open ground from spring to late autumn with large bright flowers of various colors. About 40 plant species are bred in the world, two of them are suitable for vertical gardening:

  • Strong, flexible and long shoots cascading petunia grow in different directions, an adult bush creates lush thickets. The most common profusely flowering and resistant varieties of the species are Cherry, Ramblin, Typhoon and Rose;
  • ampelous petunia forms shoots directed downward. Especially popular are Rambler, Opera, Surfinia, Lilac Surf, Waterfall, Pearl Surf and Wave of Fortune.

The rules for operating a flower garden are based on petunia care, let's start from the very beginning and talk about planting material. The best option would be seedlings, because the seeds may not sprout and the vertical flower garden will acquire unattractive bald spots. Choose high-quality planting material or plant petunia seedlings yourself, following all the rules. When choosing containers, keep in mind that one plant needs a container with a volume of 3 to 10 liters. From here it is easy to calculate how many pieces to plant ampelous petunia bushes in a pot.

The soil for petunias should be light, loose, nutritious and retain moisture well. But the plant does not like stagnant water, so any design and each container should have holes in the bottom and good drainage, and watering should be moderate.

You can prepare such a mixture of soil: add 2 shares of leafy soil to 1 part of the turf, dilute with peat and humus (1 part each). For looseness, perlite is introduced. And to retain moisture in the middle of the planter, you can throw a handful of soaked hydrogel. Petunia in vertical structures needs frequent feeding, at the initial stage with nitrogen (a solution of weed or bird droppings), then phosphorus and potash fertilizers (a solution of wood ash).

Often, a vertical flower bed involves the cultivation of annual plants, since not every perennial will survive in such conditions, and it is rather difficult to bring the structure into the room. Although we, having built a self-made pyramid-bed, insulated its sides, and remontant strawberries calmly winter there. And the idea, by the way, was taken precisely from vertical flower beds for petunias, and after a little fiddling with the calculations, they made it with their own hands. Such extraordinary structures as vertical flower beds have many advantages - here are the variety of shapes, compact designs and, of course, the incredible simplicity of the device.

Make pilot holes with a diameter of 2.8 mm before driving in the screws. Clamp the beveled pieces to make assembly easier.

Refine the position of the crossbars by sliding them up or down to align with the legs. If the top ends of the legs come together, trim them to create a 3mm gap.

Slide the frame to the edge of the workbench for access from below. Pressing the parts with your hand, make a pilot hole and screw the screw through the leg into the crossbar. Fasten all the crossbars from the bottom side.

Press the leg on top, not allowing it to move. After drilling a hole and securing the leg with a screw, do the same in the remaining places where the crossbars are located.

After aligning the edges of the boards, circle the short end wall F to copy its contour to the medium and long end walls G, H the appropriate number of times.

Marking and drilling will take 2 times less time if you make holes in two parts at once. With a scrap piece underneath, align the bevels and edges of the two end walls and drill holes at each point.

Firmly press the longitudinal walls I against the end walls F, G, H so that they do not move from the marking lines when you screw in the screws.

Using a planer, remove the protruding ribs on the edges of the longitudinal walls I, aligning them with the top of the end walls F, G, H.

Align each box in the center of the grate at the appropriate level. Drill pilot holes through the end walls I and attach them to the legs E with countersunk screws.

Pyramid for flowers: drawings

Csja Gold Color Tree of Life Wire Wrap Water Drop ...

One way to spruce up your garden is to plant a bed of beautiful flowers. To enhance the effect and make a flower bed a kind of object, and not a simple garden bed, you can make a flower bed in the form of a pyramid.
I will show you a very simple design, where there are no unnecessary elements. Usually flowerbeds - pyramids are built like this: first the frame is mounted, and then it is upholstered with sides.

A huge plus is that the entire pyramid is collapsible. It does not have connecting fasteners, nails, screws, self-tapping screws. For the winter or at any other time, it can simply be disassembled and folded until better times.

In this pyramid design that I present, the frame and sides are one. Therefore, the whole design is simple and uncomplicated.
Also, the pyramid can serve not only as a flower bed, but also as a bed, say, for growing strawberries. In this case, strawberries will be much better to collect.

What do you need to build a flower bed?

Boards only. I dismantled old pallets to assemble such a pyramid.
Depending on the size, the pyramid can have any number of tiers. At first I took 3, and then I decided to add a very small one - the fourth tier.

Pyramid flowerbed assembly

Decide on the sizes. It will be a square of 1.8 x 1.8 meters. Berm 4 boards 1.9 meters long. We retreat from the edges by 5 cm, we make grooves. Grooves long 1/3 the width of the board. Measure and drill a hole. We saw through until we get a groove. Due to the fact that the grooves are not made on half the board, but only on one third, the structure rises in height.

Then, in the same way, we make more grooves, stepping back 20 cm. These are the poses for the second tier. Immediately we collect and check that they were not mistaken. I think the technology is clear, we continue to do until we have done all 4 tiers. It took me two hours to do everything.