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Service express delivery in the world. International Sending parcels: types, rules of dispatch and cost

If you wish to send an international parcel, you need to know a number of additional restrictions and prohibitions associated with it, as well as filling the accompanying documents, including the customs declaration.

Types of parcels of international shipment

Among all cargo of postal international communication, there are their following division:

  • panderols - paper items represented by manuscripts, photographs, books, letters, etc.;
  • parcels - things and objects that may have a value established;
  • small package - used to forward small objects or goods;
  • bag "M" - selected when sending printed papers to the same address.

The sending of international parcels by Russian Post is carried out only to countries hosting such postage, and it is necessary to fill in the basic set of documents - forms with addresses, declarations from the customs point, additionally can be filled: inventory form form (if documents are sent) and notification if the notifications are sent) Presenting parcel to the recipient personally.

The parcel with related completed documents should be provided to the postal service operator. Customs authorities, in addition to the design of postage, also monitor its delivery from the place of postal exchange to the destination. Send and make up such goods can only certain organizations and only from special places of international postal exchange.

The rules for sending international parcels are registered in regulatory and legal acts on the movement and taxation of postal goods. This is so allowed to transport no more than 30 kg through the border with a total custom value of no more than 200 euros.

Tariffs for sending international parcels

Depending on the type of goods sent, its weight, as well as the type of transport that carries out its transportation, tariffs for sending international parcels are different.

So the fee for a small package is calculated within 100 g and 2000 g and is taken into account by terrestrial or air transport, transportation will be transported. Tariffs for a special bag "M" are installed on the weight of up to and over 5 kg, the country is taken into account to be taken into account where the postal cargo is delivered, the type of transport that carries out transportation, and the additional weight fee for each kg.

How to calculate fee for the package yourself

Summary tables with installed payment standards for sending international parcels can be found in the postal exchange point, and they are also presented on the Internet. But it is possible to calculate the cost of precisely its international delivery. This requires only access to the network and a special program - a tariff calculator. Fields of Calculator sending international parcels should be filled in by the following information:

  • specify the sender's country;
  • choose the recipient country;
  • determine the type of cargo (documents or not documents);
  • slide the size of the size of the cargo;
  • specify the amount of the announced value;
  • mark additional services (delivery in duty or weekend, express delivery, personally in hand, etc.).

By filling out all the fields, you must click on the calculation button and within a few minutes the program will display the final result that is the value of the parcel.

Do you need to send a parcel, letter or parcel, and there is no time to go to delivery service? It's not a problem. You can order courier to the house.

During everyday affairs, it is often not possible to do what has been planned for a long time or needed due to circumstances - send a letter to parents, sending children or make any other shipments. If you used to spend a lot of time to spend a lot of time, the main part of which took the road to the courier service, now you can make a call to the courier and calmly do our own business. Would spend time on the road, and not you.

Courier order from - courier service focused on the convenience of its customers, that is, you. We provide convenient conditions for cooperation to free your time. We invite you to use our courier call service. With our employees you can send anything: as a letter to another city, and any subject in the neighboring area. We will also help you to deliver you all that you want: a parcel from the post office, ordered by goods and so on.

Having made the Courier order, you will receive the following features:

  • Saving time on the road to send parcel or letters.
  • Perform the unplanned affairs, without separation from the main work or houses.
  • Order part of the work to the courier - the delivery of goods, transportation of a cargo.
  • Save your strength and have everything planned for the day.

Our courier service functions without days off, 24 hours a day, you can make an order on Friday night or night on Wednesday - and we will deliver it without losing time.

The advantages of our company guarantees high quality and responsible service. Cooperation with us has its advantages:

  • Affordable prices for the provision of any types of courier services.
  • Fast Courier Courier on the appointed address: no matter, in an office building or private house.
  • Extensive range of services for the delivery of any cargo, parcels, letters.
  • Fast delivery in the city and area.
  • Qualified cargo registration and other parcels for long-distance shipments.
  • 24-hour work: Early in the morning or in the night, we are ready to accept your call and deliver.
  • Always polite and competent couriers: no matter what you need, they will explain the order of delivery and provision of services.
  • The possibility of payment for services in various ways.
  • Work inside the city (Moscow and St. Petersburg) and in the surrounding area.

Working with us, you get convenience, reliability and professional approach. You can call the courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg - to any areas.

Call courier in Moscow

"" serves all the districts and districts of Moscow, so you have the opportunity to call the courier where you want. As one of the largest megacities, our capital has not the simplest routes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the city well to get to the point of destination as quickly as possible. Our couriers own the city map perfectly, can get around the sudden and regular traffic jams to reduce the time on the road and promptly accept the order.

Coulue call in St. Petersburg

"" works in the northern capital of our country. By doing urgent courier call, do not doubt that he will come to you so quickly as possible in the conditions of this city with its complex intersections of the streets. Our couriers choose the shortest paths and slides of traffic jams, unscheduled works and other obstacles and seek to quickly come on call. Our goal is to provide you with timely and fast service.

Express sending EMS is the fastest and most convenient way to deliver a letter or package in Russia and abroad. The courier will take the departure at a convenient place for you and takes it to the addressee home or to the office. Express departure is registered, its delivery and delivery can be tracked using the track number.

In the cities where there is no EMS courier service, send and get express departure through the Russian Post Office. To calculate the term and shipping cost, as well as find out whether courier delivery is available, you can use or.

You can also familiarize yourself with the tariffs for the delivery of express shipments EMS:


  • Weight: up to 31.5 kg - in Russia, up to 20 kg - in Australia, England, Argentina, Aruba, in Bahrain, to Bermuda, in Vanuatu, Guyana, Gibraltar, Dominica, To Israel, Spain, Kazakhstan, Malawi, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Caledonia, Poland, Syria, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, to Equatorial Guinea, up to 10 kg - in Gambia, on Cayman O-Va, Cuba, Terks and Caicos, up to 30 kg - To the rest of the country.
  • The amount of the length and perimeter of the greatest side is no more than 300 cm
  • Length, width, height - no more than 150 cm

How to send

  1. Make sure that you do not send anything
  2. If you send a letter or a small parcel, courier or an employee of the post office will provide you (maximum size - 60 × 70 cm). Or you can pack the departure yourself according to.
  3. Or give a depart of an employee.
  4. To transfer or cancel the courier call, call the EMS 8 800 50 55 service.
  5. To order additional services of declared value, cash on delivery, inventory options or SMS notifications, refer to the courier or post office employee.
  6. Keep the check with the track number, which was issued an employee of the post office or an instance of the address form, which issued a courier.

How to get a

  1. Get the departure can addressee (upon presentation of an identity card) or its trusted person (upon presentation of a notarized power of attorney).
  2. On the day of delivery, the courier will call the addressee.
  3. If you failed to get through to the addressee or it was not on the spot, the courier will leave a notice in the mailbox.
  4. The addressee may arrange at a convenient delivery time by calling the EMS 8 800 50 55 service, or take the departure from the post office.
  5. You can order delivery to another address in the same settlement, it will add 2 days to delivery.

Additional services

  • Inventory inventory. You will receive a confirmation of the contents of the parcel and the date of its sending.
  • C.O.D. To get a parcel, the destination will have to pay the amount you specified. The amount of the cash on delivery cannot exceed the amount of declared value.
  • Declared value. Your parcel is insured. If something happens with the parcel, you can get full or partial compensation. The maximum amount of declared value for EMS parcel is 50,000 rubles.
  • SMS notification On the arrival of departure to the department and sending the addressee. Only for parcels in the Russian Federation.

How to send a parcel abroad: 4 General Councils + 4 Stages of Mandrel Message through Russian Post + 5 Recommendations, if you act through Ukrpocht + 5 private services in Russia and Ukraine, which are engaged in international delivery.

International shipments are a useful thing, and for someone - and vital, if many relatives live abroad or there is a business with which business is conducted.

It is not surprising that both public mails of different countries and private companies offer this service to their customers.

You only need to figure it out, if you want a person living in another country quickly and without wires got what he needed, and you would not overpaid too much.

The reasons for which a person wants to send a parcel or a parcel abroad exists abound.

This desire may arise as as a result of personal preference (for example, in another country you live relatives) and because of business interests.

If international shipments have to do quite often, then your task is to find the most convenient, reliable and cheap resource, with which the sending of parcels will be aware of the border.

Worst of all beginners who really do not know what they do and where to go, if there was a need to send parcel to another power.

Useful tips on sending parcels abroad:

    Make sure that you are not going to send abroad something from the prohibited list. To prohibited belong:

    1 Weapons of any type as well as its parts
    2 Poisonous and chemicals
    3 Drugs, including "grass"
    4 Food products that quickly deteriorate
    5 Money (and domestic and foreign currency)
    6 Poisonous plants and animals
    7 Any subject or substance that represents a danger to people or can dye other parcels in the process of transportation
    8 Live animals
    9 Cultural values \u200b\u200band jewels
    10 Pornographic or extremist materials that violate legislation, both your homeland and that country where the parcel is sent.

    As you can see, the list of prohibitions is not so big and quite justified. Everything else can be sent abroad, reliably packing.

    Select how you will send your product.

    For example, if the weight and size of your package is small (up to 2 kg and not more than the A4 sheet format), then it can be sent as.

    Maximum length and weight to send parcel - 90 cm and 5 kg. All that is more is already a parcel.

    Pack your package in advance.

    In order for employees of mail or a private company, there are no complaints about packaging, it is better to purchase an envelope or a box directly from them.

    Make a purchase better in advance and carefully pack all at home.

    If you send fragile things abroad, then take care that they are not damaged during the transportation process. They can be protected, for example, with the help of pumped cellophane.

    If the shipment is damaged during the delivery process due to the fact that you have poorly packed and did not mark the "careful", the company's employees will not bear for this responsibility.

    BUT! If you send a message with the description of the attachment, the packaging is not necessary in advance, because the mail officer must come with your list.

    Pay for sending the parcel and do not forget to take a check.

    In the check there is a code, thanks to which you can track how to send your parcel.

    This service is offered as public mails of Russia / Ukraine and private companies.

Public mail will assist in sending parcels abroad

Many people have a question, and whether it is possible to send a parcel over the border through Russian Post or Ukrpochta (it all depends on the country of residence) or only private companies.

Not only.

And Russian Post, and Ukrpochta today provide a service for sending goods abroad.

The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the algorithm of actions and the rules so that there are no problems already at the shipment stage.

1) How to send a parcel abroad by mail of Russia?

In principle, you can send a product of any weight and size abroad, but if we are talking about, then the Russian Post will not help you in this case, since among its rules there are specific requirements for maximum weight and sizes of parcels:

It is advisable to come to the mail to come with a packaged product so that it is not to waste time in place, do not delay yourself or others worthy in line.

If you want to correctly pack the parcel to send it abroad, follow the following rules:

  1. If we are talking about a small package (up to 3 kg), in which there are no fragile things, then a plastic or paper bag is suitable for packaging. You can even do the usual paper.
  2. If we are talking about more severe messages (from 3 kg and more), then the box is already needed (its maximum size is 42.5 x 26.5 x 38 cm) or a tissue bag so that the package does not break when the parcel is transported.
  3. Use only new packaging materials (without traces of scotch or old addresses).
  4. Packaging must meet the following rules:
    • be durable and intact;
    • take place for writing the address;
    • respond the contents of the parcel, for example, if you send fragile items, then the box must be rigid;
    • be sealed, if we are talking about liquids;
    • have ventilation holes if you want to send some seedlings or seeds.

If you send something that has a new factory packaging without traces of damage and it is quite suitable for its qualities, then you can not buy an additional envelope or box.

Be sure to complete the CN23 customs declaration.

This can be done right in the mail, because if you have any questions, you can always contact your employee for help. And you can and in advance download the form here at this link:

Immediately you can download and print the blank for the accompanying address of the CP71.

The customs declaration is filled in the official language of the country of destination. Specify the truthful data to avoid problems.

After payment of shipment (the exact cost is difficult to call - it all depends on the size of the parcels and the country of destination) take the check:

2) Ukrpochta will help send the parcel and so on abroad.

Ukrpochta does not lag behind the neighbors and also provides services for sending packets and boxes abroad.

Actually, the rules for packaging and sending the same as Russian Mail.

If you want, you can use additional services, which offers Ukrpochta.

For example, "notification" (you will be informed when the addressee receives a message) or "courier delivery" (the recipient will not have to go to the post office, and will be able to wait for the courier at home).

These and other services are provided for a fee.

How to send a parcel abroad: 5 private services

If you are not satisfied with the duration of the delivery of parcels abroad by Russian Post or Ukrpochta, you can use private services, which in each of the countries it is plenty.

I bring to your attention the 5 most popular private companies with which you can send a parcel abroad:

    The company, which was founded in the distant 1989 by representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora.

    The main office is in Canada. Almost 1,000 representative offices in different countries, including in Ukraine.

    More detailed about the conditions of sending parcels and letters abroad can be read here

    "New Mail."

    The leader among Ukrainian companies, which are engaged in delivery and transportation of goods. Works on the market since 2001.

    With this company, you can send a parcel in 200 countries. Here you will help pack shipment, issue accompanying documents.

    With the tariffs and terms of delivery of "New Mail" can be found here

    This is a global leader in logistics services, which has its own representative offices in more than 200 countries.

    In order to send a message, you do not need to come to the office. You can call the courier to the house and even - order online departure.

    More detailed information can be found at

    The Russian company operating in the market since 2001. Delivery of parcels, both through the territory of Russia and abroad.

    Provides a number of additional services: paperwork, courier call, SMS notification, delivery of cargo to the recipient house at any time, etc.

    Information on international shipments - by reference

    One of the Russian leaders among logistics companies. Founded service in 2000.

    There are representative offices in almost all major cities of Russia. In addition to delivering abroad, has many useful additional services.

With sending parcels abroad figured out!

And how to send things from Russia with Ukraine?

See the details in the video:

So we figured out in the question, how to send parcel abroad.

You can use either one of the private services or official mail services in order to please relatives abroad or fulfill their obligations to foreign partners.

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