Repairs Design Furniture

How much material in one Cuba. How many square meters of the board in Cuba: dimensions of products, number of parts, calculation of volume and area. Determining the volume of the Unedte Board

When performing the construction of a cottage or home, the master due to necessity performs many different tasks. It thinks over all construction processes, is the necessary estimate for each of them. Calculate correctly the number of necessary materials is not easy. This requires knowledge of mathematics. He must know: how much in 1 Cuba boards, how much and so on. If he owns such knowledge, it is great! He is a real master!

And for the unfair man "how many boards in Cuba" is the concept of distracted. In order for him to understand it, you should know exactly what construction materials are made of wood. What are they, how are they measured? Not knowing this, he will not be able to adapt in these calculations.

Edged or tipped, as well as other types of lumber

The first thing you need to learn is that it is not so important from what forest was made exactly one or another material. Let the boards are not the same, but their calculations will fully coincide. Let them have different varieties, various sizes, the calculation is made anyway along the same principle. It's still wood, and will measure it equally! Can only define how many in 1 Cuba are boards every time it will be different. Regardless of the edged or tipped, cylindown, etc. The calculation will be the same.

Unfolded lumber - Miscellaneous timber, edged materials, not cutting their analogues, is the case when their cube is calculated quite differently! These products have grooves, spikes. They are intended for docking between units of forests among themselves. These products are counted:

  • blockchasa;
  • floor material;
  • imitation of various timber.

When purchasing such a center, the circumstance should be taken into account. When calculating the cube, you need to take only the working width of the bar. Ship here is not taken into account. And when calculating the blockature of blockhause, which can imitate log, should be taken into account its thickness that he has at a high point.

Examples of calculations using the formulas of 1 m3 of the forest, as well as a price comparison

Any specialist since the times of school is known exactly how to calculate the cube or how much in 1 Cuba boards. To make it necessary to find the product of 3 values: height, length, widths. The same method is used to calculate the cubature of a unit. By making calculations more conveniently, the parameters are immediately transmitted to the "meter".

For example, the cubature unit of a material having a length of 6 m and the cross section of 150x25 is calculated as follows: 0.15 m x 0.025 m x 6 m;

The formula of which we will calculate this - V \u003d L * H * B (where L is Length, H - Height, B - Width)

As a result of calculations, 0.0225 m3 is obtained. This is a cubature of one product. If you want to know the cost, then 0.0225 must be multiplied by the cost of 1 cubic meter. After computation, it will turn out that if you miss - a cube will cost 6,500 rubles. And the price of one of them will be 146 rubles. 25 cop. Here for the intense people a small cunning sellers are lurking.

Usually, the cube can be rounded to 0.023. And this means that the sawn timber will cost for the buyer 149 rubles. 50 kopecks Sometimes unscrupulous vendors can round the cube with a size of 150x50 mm to about 0.05 m3. But if all the calculations from the very beginning to perform correctly, it turns out that with the correct count, the result is only 0.045 m3.

It seems well, and what, someone will say! The numbers are small, but the result is stupid! Such rounding will involuntarily lead only to the fact that the price of the unit will be already 325 rubles. instead of 292 rubles. 50 kopecks And these calculations are performed considering that the price of the Cuba is 6500 rubles.

In addition, it is still necessary to know and take into account that the boards having a nominal length of 6 m in reality have a length of 6.1-6.2 m. With lumber sales, this should not be taken into account! Sometimes customers may ask to find out: how many in Cuba boards. This applies to the acquisition of a larger number of boards.

Everything is perfectly visible on the example of the purchase of boards with dimensions of 150x25 mm, where they are in Cuba 44.4. But after all, only 44 boards are considered most often for the cube. And with the right count, this number is as 0.99 m3. In fact, it turns out for 1 cubic meter overpayment. It is approximately 1% of its initial cost. It will look like this: what instead of 6435 rubles. For 1 cubic meter will cost 6500 rubles.

The volume of the umbered forest is calculated completely differently. If you buy one of them, then the measurements of thickness and length of it are performed as accurately as at the edged lumber. But the width of it takes averaged. That is, it is between the smallest and largest. Example: At one end of its end, the width is 30 cm, and on the other about 15 cm, then to calculate the cube, this parameter will be 22-23 cm.

If you need to find out the volume of a large number of timber or determine how many boards will be in volume, they should be decomposed on the stacks. But so that the greatest of them would not differ from the narrow more than 10 cm. In such a stack, the length of them should coincide. But it is only approximately! After that, the tape measure should be measured the height of the stack and its width. These measurements are performed somewhere in the middle, the same concerns the length.

The resulting calculation result should be multiplied by the coefficient. It is from 0.07 and to 0.09. It depends on the air gap, which is between the material. When performing calculations, the greater the size of the gap, the smaller the coefficient takes. If it has the same size, then you can determine the number of boards in Cuba.

By the way, for such calculations there are special tables in the textbooks of builders. Such tables exist practically for all lumber from and ending. They indicate the cubature of common types of timber or other species. And calculate the volume of boards, for example, for the fence is not difficult! You can use the above formula yourself!

Perform calculation on the table of a standard length of 6 meters

Defines how many boards in cubic volume on a special table

The size Volume of the 1st thing Pieces in 1 m³ m² in 1 m³
20 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.012 m³. 83 pcs. 50 m²
20 × 120 × 6000 mm 0.0144 m³. 69 pcs. 50 m²
20 × 150 × 6000 mm 0.018 m³. 55 pcs. 50 m²
20 × 180 × 6000 mm 0.0216 m³. 46 pcs. 50 m²
20 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.024 m³. 41 pcs. 50 m²
20 × 250 × 6000 mm 0.03 m³ 33 pcs. 50 m²
25 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.015 m³. 67 pcs. 40 m²
25 × 120 × 6000 mm 0.018 m³. 55 pcs. 40 m²
25 × 150 × 6000 mm 0,0225 m³. 44 pcs. 40 m²
25 × 180 × 6000 mm 0.027 m³. 37 pcs. 40 m²
25 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.03 m³ 33 pcs. 40 m²
25 × 250 × 6000 mm 0,0375 m³. 26 pcs. 40 m²
30 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.018 m³. 55 pcs. 33 m²
30 × 120 × 6000 mm 0.0216 m³. 46 pcs. 33 m²
30 × 150 × 6000 mm 0.027 m³. 37 pcs. 33 m²
30 × 180 × 6000 mm 0,0324 m³. 30 pcs. 33 m²
30 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.036 m³. 27 pcs. 33 m²
30 × 250 × 6000 mm 0.045 m³ 22 pcs. 33 m²
32 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.0192 m³. 52 pcs. 31 m²
32 × 120 × 6000 mm 0.023 m³ 43 pcs. 31 m²
32 × 150 × 6000 mm 0,0288 m³. 34 pcs. 31 m²
32 × 180 × 6000 mm 0.0346 m³. 28 pcs. 31 m²
32 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.0384 m³. 26 pcs. 31 m²
32 × 250 × 6000 mm 0.048 m³ 20 pcs. 31 m²
40 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.024 m³. 41 pcs. 25 m²
40 × 120 × 6000 mm 0,0288 m³. 34 pcs. 25 m²
40 × 150 × 6000 mm 0.036 m³. 27 pcs. 25 m²
40 × 180 × 6000 mm 0,0432 m³. 23 pcs. 25 m²
40 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.048 m³ 20 pcs. 25 m²
40 × 250 × 6000 mm 0.06 m³ 16 pcs. 25 m²
50 × 100 × 6000 mm 0.03 m³ 33 pcs. 20 m²
50 × 120 × 6000 mm 0.036 m³. 27 pcs. 20 m²
50 × 150 × 6000 mm 0.045 m³ 22 pcs. 20 m²
50 × 180 × 6000 mm 0.054 m³. 18 pcs. 20 m²
50 × 200 × 6000 mm 0.06 m³ 16 pcs. 20 m²
50 × 250 × 6000 mm 0.075 m³. 13 pcs. 20 m²

Video on the calculation of lumber in Cuba, using formula and tables

The manufacture of such a lumber, like a edged board, use different species of trees. There is no bark on this chalkboard, which makes it suitable for the construction and manufacture of furniture.

The main difference of the edged board from other species is a complete abrasion of obol, the bark, it distinguishes it from non-cut with a reconnaissance

The most popular trees used for the manufacture of a cutting board are usually coniferous species of trees

Type of plaques of the material (raw materials)

Depending on the moisture content in it, the board is raw or dry. On the quality of the finished board, a large influence is a tree. Each tree has its own unique characteristics, but all of them combines natural origin and environmental purity.

The main sizes of edged lumber:

Standard length 6.0 meters (can be 4.0 and 3.0 m.)

As for construction, it is most often used by a piece of coniferous wood. These materials have a denser structure and they have excellent thermal conductivity.

Sorting cutting board:

In addition, the pine board has antiseptic qualities, which makes it an ideal material for interior finishing works. In addition, there is such a board inexpensively, which also attracts developers to use it in the design of the house.

Edged board in the construction of houses from a bar

When installing, the edged board is used for:

draft finish (under siding, plasterboard, etc.)

diseases of the rafter system

basket flooring (on it, finishing spool)

During the production of edged board, different options for cutting it. The highest quality is the radial cut, which uses a durable logs of a groove. As a result, this board is not subject to deformation during drying. The price of such a board will be higher, since for its manufacture use the best part of the log.

With semiradial pickle, material waste is significantly reduced, which reduces the price of the finished cutting board. The thickness of the board during the dissolution is also different. The edged board can be produced 25, 30, 40 mm. The lowest and cheap board is obtained with a tangential pickle. Such material is affected by swelling and drying, but this method of cutting gives the largest output of the material, which significantly reduces its price.

The price of the edged board is taken per cube or 1 meter square

Name Dimensions, mm. Price, rub / m3 *
Edged board 25-200 x.6000
Edged board 25- 200 x.4000 5600
Edged board 25-70 x.2000,3000 5200

The difference in the cost between the edged or non-edged area of \u200b\u200b1500 rubles per cube., Think whether it is worth saving

The edged board is more often used in the production of construction works and in the manufacture of furniture products. When buying such a material, you must choose only a dry board, otherwise it may be subject to strain.

How many cubes in the edged board

25x150x6000. (length - 6000, height - 25, width - 150)

the volume of one board 1pc \u003d 0.0225 cubic meters. meters.

in 1cube \u003d 44.4 pcs. in fact - 44 pcs. Boards.

50x150x6000 (length - 6000, height - 50, width - 150)

volume of one board 1pc \u003d 0.045 cubic meters. meter

in 1cube \u003d. 22.2 pcs. Boards

Board size, mm
Number of boards in 1 cubic meter, pcs

  • 25x150x4000 66.7 pcs.
  • 40x150x4000 41.6 pcs.
  • 20x100x6000 83.3 pcs.
  • 25x100x6000 66.7 pcs.
  • 40x100x6000 41.6 pcs.
  • 50x100x6000 33.3 pcs.
  • 25x150x6000 44.4 pcs.
  • 30x150x6000 37.04 pcs.
  • 40x150x6000 27.8 pcs.
  • 50x150x6000 22.2 pcs.
  • 25x200x6000 33.3 pcs.
  • 40x200x6000 20.8 pcs.
  • 50x200x6000 16.7 pcs.

In more detail in all sizes in the table

By the way, in this way, the number of pieces in the cutting board cube, you can calculate the cost and boards in one thing, it is necessary if you buy a piece or bought, if you did not have enough some amount.

The unedged board has a large run in the width at opposite ends, so when calculating the unedged board in the formula you need to substitute the average width. The average width of the unedged boards is measured in the middle of the length as a half as a width of both plasters (ends of the board) without taking into account the bark and the beam. The measurement result is rounded up to 10 mm, the shadow of up to 5 mm is not taken into account, and the shares of 5 mm are more considered for 10 mm.

Unedged board: what is it

Unedged board are the first board taken from the barrel. Her edges are not torn and have a conversion, which is unacceptable for the edged board. Unedged boards bark on the side edges. The first, removed from the barrel board has the most bark. Standard thickness of unedged boards 25, 40, 50 mm, and length - 6 m. Unedged boards are the cheapest of all boards. Therefore, they are used for forests, sheathing, roof crates, components of carrying structures, flooring, rough floors, on firewood. In order for the unedged boards to start rotes with them, you need to remove the bark, dry and process the antiseptic.

Any construction or repair work with wood requires a painstaking miscalculation of the required amount of this building material. How to calculate how to buy this material, so that the money is superfluous not to spend and have enough for all the intended full? Below is the formula and the rules of the Cubometer Cubeter, which will help even the slightest errors exclude!

What are the sawnasters

What lumber is - perhaps, understands every person. This is already painted on special wood equipment.

The process of preparing sawn timber is always the same:

  1. The forest is brought to the sawmill (round timber, i.e. logs);
  2. The following is the sorting of this primary timber in the subsequent processing directions, as a result, to obtain a building material from the tree of the required size (length) and cross-sectional area (width + thickness).

It should be known that timber and any kind of sawn timber will be measured in cubic meters. According to construction and mathematical standards, the cubic meter is a bulk square, for length, width and height of which one meter is accepted.

To unmistakably determine whether it is enough for wood building materials for a particular construction task, it is necessary to take into account the size of the obtained board of the edged and features of its primary woodworking.

Bar cutting

This is the most popular lumber for construction or repair, which can be different lengths and size of cross-section. If you know these cutting parameters, it is easy to find values \u200b\u200bas how many boards in Cuba.

For example, we received 50 x 150 x 6000 mm boards in an amount of 25 pcs. To calculate how many cubes are, you can use a special table. There are only three graphs, according to the readings of which it is easy to calculate how many boards in one Cuba. Since we have 25 boards, it is easy to find out what kind of cubic meter: divide 25 to the resulting value (how many boards in 1 cube in the table 6 meters).

Planed Bar

Unlike the edged bar, which has a natural humidity, the planed timber is well succeeded. As a result of drying timber, its volumes and weight change slightly (decrease):

  1. If used in construction, unreasonable wooden lumber, then during their drying, the surface can change its shape (twisted or bent the timber).
  2. From how much the building materials weighs, the quality and wear resistance of the structure as a whole will depend.

Another difference between the planed timber from other types of sawn timber is considered a strict pattern in the source sizes: the length of the cross section of the timber must not exceed 2 times in terms of the width size.

Planed Barlock

For construction guests there is a specific pointer, which is distinguished by a timber from Bar. This is the width of the section: if this parameter is more than 100 mm, then we have a bar, and if the width of the section is less (or equal) 100 mm - we are dealing with BR.

Brush edged

The edged bar (by analogy with the edged bar) is a fresh (or without high-quality drying) sawn timber.

The difference between the timber / bar edged or planed is practically conditional, because Change the width of the material by 2 to 3 cm (and therefore change and the status of this material) on the panel can be without problems.

Professionals-builders choose for the target application of the bar, considering only 3 signs:

  1. The breed of wood from which the timber is made;
  2. Drying time of this logboard;
  3. Features of the building structure (weight load), for the construction of which the building material is selected.

Edged board

This is a type of sawn timber with certain dimensions: the width must be 2 times more than the thickness of the section. The carrying capacity of such building materials is less than that of the bar.

Because their purpose is appropriate:

  1. Internal works (floor, roof, walls);
  2. External arrangement (fences, siding, construction of surplus buildings, etc.).

Floor board

On dimensions and intended purpose there are various types of geepar (or clapboard).

To date, the building materials market offers such a variety of lining, which copes perfectly with the trim of any surface:

  1. Parquet - extremely high quality and practical properties of this type of flooring provides internal structure in 3 layers: spruce, wood-fiber from coniferous rocks and decorative from fruit trees, ash, oak.
  2. Terrace - consists of a natural tree + a few polymers. Differs high tolerance to humidity, temperature fluctuations, light.
  3. The floor is normal - it is pure wood material. Pine's lining is used to improve the floor, walls, ceiling coatings in residential premises. The lining from aspen or linden is ideal for the bath, from larch lining are used to arrange street buildings (arbors, terraces, etc.).

In terms of quality, lumber for sex shall be divided into classes:

  1. The highest (or selected) is used only for elite buildings with extremely high wear resistance and reliability;
  2. The first and second apply to the construction of ordinary housing;
  3. The fourth is solely suitable for the supervisory buildings.

How to measure

The calculation of a sufficient amount of sawn timber is a responsible task. To calculate how many pieces it should be bought to perform repair on a specific floor area or wall, a cubic metrar of these sawn timber should be known.

The task is not complicated, but the pedantic, and begins with the calculations on one board:

  1. The width, length and thickness of the lumber unit indicate in millimeters to be translated into meters;
  2. Multiply the obtained values \u200b\u200b(width x length x thick) is a cubic meter of boards / timber.

Now, in order to evaluate how much such boards / bars in Cuba, 1 m 3 is divided into the obtained product of external dimensions of building materials and rounded to the whole value. This will be the desired result.

How many in Cuba boards: timber bar

In order not to spend time on measurements / calculations, you can use the ready-made table. Here, according to the well-known dimensions of the bar, it is easy to calculate how many bar in 1 cube and what volume of one bar.

Timber size (mm) Number of 6 m long bars in 1 m 3 sawn timber Volume 1 timber 6 m long
100 x 100. 16,6 0,06
100 x 150. 11,1 0,09
100 x 200. 8,3 0,12
150 x 150. 7,4 0, 135
150 x 200. 5,5 0,18
150 x 300. 3,7 0,27
200 x 200. 4,1 0,24

How many in 1 cube boards: table board

There is a similar table for boards: Knowing in advance (or measuring its own) source sizes, it is very easy to find out the volume of the unit of this building material and how much of the board is available in Cuba.

Board size (mm) Number of boards 6 m long 1 m 3 sawn timber Volume 1 Board 6 m long (m 3)
25 x 100. 66,6 0,015
25 x 150. 44,4 0,022
25 x 200. 33,3 0,03
40 x 100. 62,5 0,024
40 x 150. 41,6 0,036
40 x 200. 31,2 0,048
50 x 50. 67 0, 015
50 x 100 33,3 0,03
50 x 150. 22,2 0,045
50 x 200. 16,6 0,06
50 x 250. 13,30 0, 075

The formula for calculating the board in Cuba in squares

To calculate the surface area, only two indicators are used: length and width. Consequently, to calculate the desired amount of sawn timber, it is followed by a lumber cube in square, and compare with surface area.

Make it simple: 1 m 3 It is divided into the thickness of the selected unit of building materials.

The formula for calculating the board in Cuba in pieces

To determine how many boards of this size in 1 cubic meter should be:

1 m 3 / Board volume (i.e. length x width x thickness)

The formula for calculating the volume of the board

The volume is a three-dimensional value. To calculate the volume of the board, you should take a product of the width, thickness and lengths. But, the situation is simplified if you take a meter bar or board. In this case, we multiply only the remaining two values: the thickness and width of the section.

How many boards in the cubic meter. Memo developer

Preparing for the construction of a skeleton house, the construction of the roof and assembly of the crown of the church, the developer has to be engaged in the purchase of a bar.
This material is used to make various wooden structures, so its sorting has tens of positions. To exclude errors, you need to determine as accurately as possible how many bar in the cubic meter.

The "mathematical model" of this operation is simple. To calculate the volume of any rectangular item, its length is multiplied by width and height. However, in practice, when buying a large number of timber of different lengths and sections, you can get confused and overpay a considerable amount.

In this article we will talk about important nuances of counting the volume of the sawmill and we will give comfortable in the use of the "Cheat Sheets" table to transfer the brown meters in Cuba.

On the forest warehouse be attentive!

Given the high cost of the edged bar, it is necessary to refer to its purchase. Sellers tend to use the price per 1 m3. Customers when calculating the lines of the roof, the wall frame, the beams of overlapping and the floor receives the route meters. Additional confusion make production standards of lengths that are in the range from 3 to 6 meters (step 0.5 meters).

Eliminate everything "on the shelves" in this matter is not difficult. Suppose that you need a timing of 100x50 mm with a sequence of 100x50 mm, and its total length is 100 rose meters (p / m). To count the volume of edged wood, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bmillimeters is translated into square meters and then multiply them by length: 0.1x0.05x100 \u003d 0.50 m3. We will receive the price of this number of timber, multiplying its volume on the cost of one cubic meter.

And here is another no less important question: how to control the number of a callman who releases you the seller? Here you need to take into account not only the cross section, but also the length of the material.

Suppose that we need a timing of 4 meters long (total length 100 p / m). In this case, the volume of one thing will be equal: 0.1x0.05x4 \u003d 0.02 m3. Dividing the purchased amount of material (0.5 m3) on the volume of one bar (0.02 m3) we will get exactly 25 pieces.

In practice, round numbers are rare, so the required amount of timber is most often obtained by fractional. We will not give the seller to the part of the sawn timber, which remains after the comma. It is better to pay it to the whole number of BRUSEV.

Consider an example. Brous 63 meters are bought (section 100x180 mm, length 6 meters). We consider the volume of purchases: 63x0.1x0.18 \u003d 1,134 m3. We divide it on the volume of one bar (0.1x0.18x6 m / n \u003d 0.108 m3). We get 1,134 / 0.108 \u003d 10.5 pieces. The seller will not cut us half a bar. Therefore, when calculating, it is necessary to supplement it to a whole amount and pick up 11 bars.

With a profiled timber, the cross section of which has a complex form, come in the same way as with the usual one. To determine the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthis material, its total height (the distance from the bottom face with the groove to the top of the spike) is multiplied by the width.

Considering the amount of timber in 1m3 in stock, take the roulette and measure the actual cross section of the purchased material. It may turn out that instead of the 100x200 or 150x150 mm promised by the seller 100x200 or 150x150 mm, a thinner material was delivered. Even 1 centimeter reduction of the transverse size of the sawmill turns into substantial losses for the buyer.

Another important nuance is the technological deviation of the length of the bar. It can reach 5-7 centimeters, since the ends of the logs are not cut in the processing process. Remember that the seller does not have the right to plus these extra centimeters to the total length.

Tables for quick counting volume of timber

Read on the calculator how many pieces of a bar in Cuba is not always convenient, especially when buying a big party. Seller data can be easily monitored by finished tables. Here, for standard sizes of the sawmaker, information is provided in volume of 1 timber and the number of pieces in 1m3.

Table for counting edged timber 6 meters long

Dimensions (mm) Volume 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x6000 0,06 16
100x150x6000. 0,09 11
100x180x6000. 0,108 9
100x200x6000 0,12 8
150x150x6000. 0,135 7
150x180x6000. 0,162 6
150x200x6000 0,18 5,5
180x180x6000 0,1944 5
180x200x6000 0,216 4,5
200x200x6000 0,24 4
250x200x6000. 0,3 3

This table can also be used when purchasing a 3-meter bar. For this, the volume of 1 thing needs to be reduced by half, and the amount of material in one Cuba is multiplied by 2.

Recall that the timber with a thickness and width of 100 mm and more is considered a timber by definition. Therefore, we intentionally did not include in the table the size of wooden blanks of a smaller cross section to comply with formal accuracy.

Let's look at the data on the volume and number of boards of running size in a separate table:

Dimensions (mm) Volume 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
25x100x6000. 0,015 66,6
25x150x6000. 0,0225 44,4
25x200x6000 0,03 33,3
40x100x6000. 0,024 41,6
40x150x6000. 0,036 27,7
40x200x6000 0,048 20,8
50x50x6000. 0,015 66,6
50x100x6000 0,03 33,3
50x150x6000 0,045 22,2
50x200x6000 0,06 16,6
50x250x6000. 0,075 13,3

To count the volume and quantity of 4 meter bar, you can use the following table-crib:

Dimensions (mm) Volume 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x4000 0,04 25
100x150x4000 0,06 16,66
100x180x4000 0,072 13,88
100x200x4000 0,08 12,5
150x150x4000 0,09 11,11
150x180x4000. 0,108 9,26
150x200x4000 0,12 8,33
180x180x4000 0,13 7,69
180x200x4000 0,144 6,94
200x200x4000 0,16 6,25
250x200x4000 0,2 5

As can be seen from the table, almost the entire range of BRUSEV is obtained by fractional. Therefore, for economical purchase, you should take advantage of our advice on the seller to the whole number of timber.

How to make it practically? Let us give an example. Suppose that we bought one cubic meter of a 4-meter bar with a cross section of 100x180 mm (the table turns out 13.88 pieces). The price of 1m3 is 6500 rubles. Up to 14 pieces of BRUSEV, we need to pay 14-13.88 \u003d 0.12. The volume of this "piece" is (0.12 x 4 meters \u003d 0.48 m) x 0.1x0.18 m \u003d 0.00864 m3. I multiply it on the price of 1 m3 and we get 0.00864 m3 x 6500 rubles. \u003d 56.15 rubles.

Remember that the purchased volume of bars should include a supply (loss during cutting during operation). Therefore, the result obtained in the process of the theoretical counting of the rafting system of the roof or other wooden structure must be multiplied by the coefficient of 1.3. After this adjustment, you can start calculations with the seller.

In addition to determining the volume and price of the purchased material, you need to know the weight of 1m3 of the bar, to order the transport of the appropriate carrying capacity.

The weight of the cubic meter of the bar depends on the wood breed and from its humidity. The approximate mass of 1m3 dry pine is 510 kg (raw - 890 kg).

The average weight of one cube of brucks from dry fir is equal to 450 kg (raw - 790 kg).

The weight of the dried oak wood is in the range from 700 to 800 kg / m3, and wet (freshly fresh) - from 980 to 1030 kg / m3.

The dry bar of larch weighs 650 kg / m3. Fresh material of this breed of wood weighs 840 kg / m3.