Repairs Design Furniture

Simple shelter. Shelters of the simplest type

The simplest shelters are intended for mass shelter of people from the striking factors of sources of emergencies. These are the protective structures of an open type. These include open and blocked, slit (Fig. 5.), pitched and bulk shelters.

The slots are torn off with earthmoving machines (trench excavators) or manually.

In weak soils for protection from the destruction of coolness cracks, they are delivered by boards, a sealing room or other local materials.

The slots tear off the broken inscription with the length of the fats (rectilinear sites) 10-15 m, the distance between adjacent slits should be at least 10m.

The open gaps dig up a depth of 1.5 m, the width of 1.1-1.2 m and the width of 0.5-0.6 m.

In the equipment of the blocked slot from its open depth is increased by 0.2-0.3 m. The length of the slit is determined from the calculation of 0.5 m per coal.

The entrance to the gap is equipped at an angle of 90 °, make in the form of an inclined step descent with the door. At the ends of the gaps install ventilation boxes from the boards. When shelting in a slit 10 and more people equip two entrances.

The walls of the gap make inclined. The angle of inclination depends on the strength of the soil. In weak soils, the walls of the gap are strengthened with jernye, hill, thick boards, twigs, reinforced concrete structures and other materials. Along one of the walls are arranged by a bench for seating, and in the walls - a niche for storing products and containers with drinking water. Under the floor of the gaps are suitable for a drainage groove with a catchment well.

The order of equipment of the gaps provides for first an excerpt of the open slots for 10-15 hours, and then for 10-15 hours, the addition of open slots of cool clothing and overlapping by their logs (plates, elements of wavy steel, etc.), laying on the overlapping of any Waterproof material and grinding with soil.

The cracks should be placed outside the zones of possible breaks in the explosions, i.e. At distances from buildings not less than half of their heights (but not closer than 7 m), and in the presence of a free territory - even further. At the same time, they should be placed as close to the sites of the people who will use the slits.

The blocked gaps will be protected, in addition, from direct contacts on the clothes and the skin of people of radioactive, poisoning substances and bacterial agents, as well as from the damage to the fragments of the collapsing buildings. At the same time, even blocked, do not provide full protection against poisoning substances and bacterial agents. Therefore, the respiratory system should be used, and in open slots and leather protection.

The protective facilities of a closed type with collective protection are asylum, in which the protection is provided by the supply of purified outdoor air using filter-controlling plants or internal air regeneration.

A closed-type ZS with individual protection includes anti-cancerous shelters (PRU), the air in which is not purified, but, in the event of them in external air, people are used to protect the means of individual protection.

The shelter of the staff of the objects of the economy and the population in the ZS is the main and most reliable way to protect people in emergency situations.

For the shelter of people, asylum and antiragonal shelters are used, which ensure the placement and life support of people. However, the simplest shelter can be used for their short-term protection.

The use of underground and basement facilities to protect the population

Asylum is commissioned only after acceptance by the Commission acting in accordance with the "Instructions for the reception and exploitation of asylum of civil defense".

For each shelter, a passport is drawn up, a plan, a binding card and a scheme of ways to evacuate people from asylum, as well as rules for the content and equipment table.

The shelter indicates:

· Ventilation channels in walls and air intake systems;

· Water pipes, sewage, heating, electric lighting;

· Location of disconnecting devices;

· emergency exit;

· Thickness and materials of the walls and shelters;

· Square and inner cabbage of premises;

· The table of the maximum permissible time of staying with constant (without ventilation) of the volume of air depending on the filling of people.

At the binding card, the place of refuge is shown and located near the unlased guidelines for which you can quickly find the refuge.

The diagram of the evacuation of people is scheduled for several possible ways out from the refuge location area outside the city. One copy of the documentation is stored directly in the shelter, the second is in the object department.

With a periodic examination of the state of refuge at least once a quarter, as well as immediately after filling in the covered it is checked for tightness. The degree of tightness is determined by the magnitude of the airfield, and the check itself is carried out in such a sequence: all input doors, shutters and hatches are closed, overpressure valves; The hermetic valves and plugs on the exhaust ventilation system are closed; The air supply system is turned on to work in pure ventilation mode; The amount of air supplied to the shelter is determined; Measure the side of the air in the shelter.

The side of the air is measured by the inclined pressure gauge type TNZH-1 (liquid tyagoner mode); It must be at least 5 mm of water. Pillars with all refuge ventilation modes.

If the magnitude of the subpora is not sufficient, then the air leakage places are determined to deviate the candle flame.

It is necessary to systematically check the status of the entire shelter equipment, contain it in accordance with the technical requirements and troubleshoot.

The organization of service shelters is assigned to the service of the shelter and the shelter of the object. For each shelter, a service (group) of service consisting of 5-7 people is allocated. The link commander (group) is a shelter commandant. According to the warning signal of the control authorities (group), arrives in shelter and organizes work on receiving those covered. On the signal "Close protective structures" or to fill the shelter, the doors and shutters are closed and the asylum is supplied with air in pure ventilation mode.

In the shelter, it is necessary to strictly observe the established mode and routine of the day. The sheltered should unquestionably carry out all orders of the commandant and duty. The covered is not allowed without the need to walk on the shelters, smoke, independently include and disable lighting, units and systems, open and close the doors. It is forbidden to light the candles, kerosene lamps and homemade lamps.

Food and water reserves are allowed only by order of the commandant (senior) asylum.

The yield of shelled from asylum is made at the direction of the commandant (senior). Before entering the infected area, it is necessary to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Before returning, you need to remove radioactive dust with PPE, outerwear and shoes. Carefully remove skin protection, upper clothes, if possible shoes and leave them in the vestibule.

Yu. G. Afanasyev, A. G. Ovcharenko, L.I. Trutnev

Biy Technology Institute (branch)

Barnaul 2003.


Protection of the population and productive forces of the country from weapons of mass destruction, as well as in natural disasters, production accidents is the most important task of management of civil defense and emergency situations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create at the facilities of the economy and in the settlements of various types of protective structures for the shelter of people. Protective structures can be built in advance and special directions. In advance, build, as a rule, separately or built into the basement structure of the building, designed for a long service life. In peacetime, it is possible to use these structures in various economic purposes as domestic premises, training classes, garages, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of using protective structures in direct appointment as soon as possible.

Currently, the effectiveness of the protection of people from modern means of defeat depends not only on readiness for receiving people and the technical condition of protective structures equipped with complex equipment, but also from training personnel for servicing protective structures. The service personnel of protective structures should be able to make the right decision in various situations and fulfill all the tasks arising from this.

Responsibilities for planning, organizing and ensuring the shelter of people are assigned to the relevant shelter services and shelters. They must develop the main planning documents, distribute protective structures between the workshops, departments, the services of the economy facilities, to outline the routes of approach to asylum or shelters, familiarize themselves with the order of the shelter of all who will use them.

Before drawing up documents, clarify the capacity and protective properties of structures. When they are lack, basements and other rooms are detected, which can be adapted for protective structures. Determine places for the construction of prefabricated shelters. In accordance with the population, protective structures are distributed, while take into account the possibility of their rapid fill in people from nearby homes. The main principle is the minimum time on the approach to protective structures.

To maintain protective structures at the facility formations are created. The personnel of these formations is responsible for preparing the construction of people's facilities, the organization of its filling, proper exploitation during their stay in it and for evacuation of them from asylum in case of its failure.

1. Theoretical part

Protective buildings of civil defense are designed to protect people from modern defeat means. They are divided into shelters, anti-cancerous shelters and the simplest shelter.


1.1.1 Refuge device

Asylums ensure the most reliable protection of people from the shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive infection in nuclear explosions, from poisoning substances and bacterial agents, as well as high temperatures and harmful gases in fire zones.

Modern asylums are complicated construction, equipped with a complex of various engineering systems and measuring instruments, which should ensure the required standard life support conditions for people during the estimated time.

Asylum capacity can be divided into such types: asylum asylum (15-600 people), medium capacity (600 - 2000 people), large capacity (over 2000 people).

At the place of refuge, there may be built-in and separately worth. The built-in refuge, located in the basements of the buildings (Figure 1), and separately standing - located outside the buildings (Figure 2).

In addition, shoes (basements, tunnels), underground mining (mines, mines, etc.) can be adapted to asylum. Asylum (Figure 3) consists of the main premises, the room of a mother and a child, a medical center, gateway chambers (tambours), a filtering chamber, a sanitary assembly, has two outputs. The inputs are equipped with protective and hermetic doors. Built-in asylum, in addition, should have an emergency exit. In one of the inputs there is a room (gateway), which ensures the preservation of the protective properties of the shelter when people pass into it after closing other inputs. In the gateway openings, protective-hermetic doors are installed.

In shelters, filter installations are used with electric or manual drive. With such installations, the outer air is cleaned from radioactive, poisoning substances and bacterial agents and is fed to the shelter.

Water supply, sewage, heating and lighting systems are equipped in shelter, radio and telephone are installed. In the main room there must be benches for seating and naras for lying. People in the compartments are placed on places for seating 0.45 x 0.45 m per person and for lying on tiers of a narrative of 0.55 x 1.8 m per person.

The capacity of the protective structure is determined on the basis of the norm of 0.5 m2 in the compartment per person. The height of the room should be at least 2.2 m, the total air volume per person is 1.5 m3.

Each shelter must be equipped with a set of means for conducting intelligence on infected terrain, inventory, including emergency, and emergency lighting.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the health of shelter equipment.

1 - protective and hermetic doors; 2 - gateway chambers; 3 -Sanitarian node; 4 - premises for people relaxing; 5 - emergency exit; 6 - Filtering chamber; 7 - Medpuncture; 8 - pantry for products

Figure 3 - Built-in asylum plan

1.1.2 Developing protective structures

All protective structures should be contained in constant readiness for people's reception. Asylums in peacetime are used under the business needs of the enterprise (warehouses of workers, labor protection, civil defense class, etc.).

When preparing protective structures, preparatory work is performed. First of all, the fracturing of approaches to protective structures is performed, the inscriptions are set - pointers and light signals "Login". All inputs and outputs are opening for ventilating rooms. All equipment and property stored in peacetime are removed from them. Conducting engineering and technical equipment. The ventilation system, heating, water and power supply, radio and communications, disconnecting devices (cranes, valves, switches, etc.) is checked.

Naras, benches are installed, filled with water drinking tanks, food with a three-day reserve is laid. The diesel power plant is replenished with a three-sufficient reserve of combustible materials. At the same time, the health of the protective and hermetic devices is checked (doors, styling, gate), shelters are replenished with the necessary inventory.

1.1.3 The order of filling the shelters and stay in them

When the headquarters of the corresponding signals about the danger, the population should be organized to go to the nearest refuge. It is necessary to take with you: personal protective equipment, documents on all family members (passports, military tickets, diplomas, birth certificate for children, etc.), money, jewelry, food reserves in the form of dry soldering (for 2 - 3 days) and water (1.5 - 2 liters per family member).

Filling the shelters is carried out organized, quickly and without panic. Sheltered in asylum are placed on benches and garages. Those who arrived with children are placed in individual sections or in the mother and child's room. The elderly and patients are placed closer to the air-sized ventilation pipes. This work carries out links to fill and place the collapsed. After filling the shelter by order of the group commander, the personnel of the link closes the protective and hermetic doors, the shutters of emergency exits.

Lailed fill asylum through a special gatestambar.

In protective facilities, a two-time cleaning of premises forces covered by order of senior groups is held daily. Maintenance of equipment and cleaning of technical premises is carried out by the service of refuge service.

Sheltered asylum required:

Perform the rules of the internal schedule, all disposal of the personnel of the refuge service link;

Comply with calm, prevent cases of panic and public order disorders;

Comply with safety regulations;

Provide assistance to a service group when eliminating accidents and eliminate damage;

Maintain clean indoor.

Sheltered in protective structures is prohibited:

Smoking and drink alcohol;

Give (bring) to the construction of pets;

Bring flammable substances, explosive and having a strong or sharp smell of substance, bulky things;

Noise, talk loudly, walk without a special need, open the doors and get out of the facilities;

Apply open fire lighting sources.

Exit from shelters is made only with permission (commandant (senior) after finding out the situation (radiation, chemical, biological and fire).

Organization and rescue work when defeating shelters

For successful rescue work in the focus of the nuclear lesion, first of all it is necessary to do passes (passages) in the bomb. These works must be carried out as a short time to ensure timely introduction of rescue formations to bewaxed or damaged asylums.

Before starting work on the opening of shelters, it is necessary to turn off the damaged water pipes passing through asylum or near it, the power supply, sewage network, which can create additional hazards for those who also have for the personnel of unnecessied civil defense formations leading rescue work. In case of violation of the operation of the ventilation equipment and the lack of air intake, it is necessary to urgently pierce the shurt in the shelter wall and organize the supply of peeled air compressors purified from harmful substances

Depending on the nature of the destruction of buildings under which shelters are placed, the following methods of their opening can be applied: clearing from the bulk inputs; clearing the headlows (hatches) of emergency exits; the device of openings in the walls or overlapping of lunged shelters; Employing device in the walls of the underground generation.

An opening of shelters clearing the main entrance is made in the case when there are no emergency outputs and when the nature of the destruction of buildings allows you to apply this method. When clearing the entrance first exempt from heavy constructions by car cranes or manually, then from small debris and opened the doors. An opening of shelters with a clearing from the headband of an emergency exit applied in those shelters where there are emergency outputs (Figure 5). Clearing work can be kept using engineering equipment or manually. When you work manually, it is enough to free up the outlet in the ledge or clean the hatch through which the shelter can exit.

In some cases, the evacuation of the covered can be carried out through the punched hole in the shelter overlap.

Depending on the established situation, you can use other ways to save people from lunged shelters. For example, the withdrawal of people through the adjacent basements after punching the opening in the shelter wall adjacent to these premises.

The task of the rescue formation commander is to choose the most appropriate way to open the refuge. At the same time, in the case of shelter or damage, not expecting assistance from the outside, work should be organized to ensure that there are people able to work in it.

Evacuation from asylum produces rescue formations in such a sequence: first, those who cannot leave themselves and children are removed on the surface. Special attention from evacuation is given to children. Then the rest are evacuated. If necessary, the victim is the first medical care in place.

The evacuation of covered from destroyed or rooted asylum, if necessary, is made in personal protective equipment.

1.2 Antiragonal shelters

Antiragonal shelters protect people from radioactive infection and light radiation and weaken the effects of the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and penetrating radiation. They are usually equipped in basement or terrestrial floors of buildings and structures.

It should be remembered that various buildings and structures weaken penetrating radiation in different ways: the premises of the first floor of wooden buildings weaken the penetrating radiation of 2-3 times; premises of the first floor of stone buildings - 10 times; premises of the upper floors (with the exception of the most uppermost) multi-storey buildings - 50 times; The middle part of the basement of a multi-storey stone building - 500 - 1000 times. The internal premises of stone buildings with capital walls and a small area of \u200b\u200bopenings are most suitable for anti-cancerous shelters. In the threat of radioactive infection, these openings close up with infirred materials: bags with soil, bricks, etc.

If necessary, designated anti-cancerous shelters are constructed.

1.3 Simple shelter

The most affordable means of protection against modern means of lesion are the simplest shelter. They weaken the effect of the shock wave and radioactive radiation, protect against light radiation and debris of the collapsing buildings, are protected from directly entering clothes and skin of radioactive, poisoning and incendiary substances.

The simplest shelter is an open slit (Figure 9), which is taken off by a depth of 180 - 200 cm, the top 100 - 120 cm wide, and along the bottom - 80 cm with an inlet at an angle of 900 to the longitudinal axis of it. The slit length is determined at the rate of 0.5 m per coal.

Subsequently, the protective properties of the open slit are amplified by the device of clothing of twists, overlap with the ground sprinkle and the protective door. Such a shelter is called the blocked slit.

In order to weaken the striking effect of the shock wave on the sheltered gap make a zigzag or broken. The length of the straight area should be no more than 15 meters. However, it is necessary, however, to remember that the gaps, even blocked, do not protect against poisoning substances and bacterial agents.

When using them, if necessary, use personal protective equipment: in the overlap slots - usually the means of protecting the respiratory organs in the open slots, in addition, and skin protection means.

A place to build a gap need to be selected mainly in areas without solid soils and coatings. In cities, it is best to build gaps in the squares, on the boulevards and in large courtyards, in the countryside - in gardens, gardens, deserts. It is impossible to build gaps near explosive shops and warehouses, tanks with potent poisonous substances, near high voltage electrical lines, main gas and heat and water pipelines.

Figure 10 - blocked gap

When choosing a place for the gap, it is necessary to take into account, in addition, the effect of relief and precipitation on the nature of the possible radioactive contamination of the area. The platforms for them should be chosen on unlotted ground, flood and stormwater areas, in places with stable soil (excluding landslides). The distance between adjacent sluts should be at least 10 meters.

The construction of the slit should be started from breaking and tracing it - the designation plan of the slot at the selected place. At the borders of the future gap and in the places of her freshers, stakes are clogged, trace cords stretch between stakes, along which the grooves are spoiled. The slot layout should be made with such a calculation so that the surface waters are freely flashing to the side, without falling into the slot. When digging the slit, the ground is thrown over both directions, no closer to 50 centimeters from the edges. This will give the opportunity to subsequently lay the elements of overlapping slots on a solid, stable soil.

One of the walls of the slit at a depth of 130 - 150 centimeters make a seat width of 85 centimeters. The seat is desirable to sew the boards (TESE). In the walls of the gap, the niches (deepening) are rejected for storing food and water stocks. The floor in the slot is desirable to make a board, but it can be limited to earthen.

The inputs in the slit are advisable to make a length of 2 - 2.5 meters with speeds, located at right angles to the slot.

To strengthen the protection of people in the blocked slit, from the shock wave and to eliminate penetration inside the radioactive substances, the inputs should be equipped with doors or close to the pallet shields.

To protect against fire, all open wooden parts of the gaps are coated with flame retardant compositions (lime coating - 62% hawed lime, 32% water and 6% of the cooking salts).

The overlap slits must be ventilated. To do this, the exhaust box is arranged from the opposite side.

The box should be outlined to the height of 150 - 200 centimeters. In the blocked gap should have lighting tools.

Work on the construction of the slots should be conducted at an accelerated pace, in order to ensure the entire population in need of protection in the limiting short time after the danger of the opponent's attack.

1. 4 Protective properties of terrain

The protective properties of the terrain depend on the relief, on the form of local items and their location relative to the explosion.

Better protection provides narrow, deep and winding ravines, careers and especially underground production. Hills with steep slopes, embankments, pitted, low stone fences and other shelters of this type are also good protection against the impact of the affecting factors of the nuclear explosion. Some protective properties have small excavations, hollows, ditch.

Forest arrays weaken the effect of all the striking factors of the nuclear explosion. They reduce the effect of the impact of the shock wave penetrating radiation; Reduce radioactive infection; Weaken the effects of light radiation. However, it should be remembered that the light radiation causes a fire in the forest. The least susceptible to fire is a young deciduous forest; It should be used primarily in order to protect. Since a strong shock wave breaks and crashes trees, it is best to be located in the glades, rogs and cutting covered with shrub.

If at the time of the nuclear explosion you will be out of refuge or shelter, you need to quickly lie on the ground face down, using low stone fences, ditches, cuvettes, pits, stumps, mounds of highway and railway roads (Figure 11). It is impossible to hide in the walls of buildings and structures - they can collapse.

When the outbreak should close the eyes - this can be protected from damage to light radiation. To avoid burns, open parts of the body need to close any cloth. When the shock wave passes, it is necessary to get up and wear personal protective equipment. If they are not, it is necessary to close the mouth and the nose with any bandage (handkerchief, scarf, etc.) and smooth the clothes from dust.

2. Practical work

Topic: Collective remedies

Purpose of work:

Explore the device, protective properties of shelters, anti-radiation shelters, the shelters of the simplest type and the rules of behavior in them;

To work out regulations No. 1 and No. 2;

Material support:

Equipped asylum;

Personal protective equipment (gas mask GP-5);


Completing of the work:

Explore the shelter device, the order of filling and staying in them (p. 1.1.1, paragraph 1.1.3);

We master the skills of rescue work when defeating shelters (clause 1.1.4).;

Explore the device, appointment and rules of behavior in

anti-radiation shelters (p. 1.2);

Explore the device, appointment and rules for using the shelters of the simplest type (1.3);

Explore and master the protective properties of the area (paragraph 1.4);

Operating standards No. 1 and No. 2 (Tables 2.1, 2.2).

3. Control questions

What do you know collective protection?

Give the classification of shelters for capacity.

What are shelters at the location?

Explain the shelter device.

What are the positions of accommodation for seating per person?

What are the location rates for lying on tiers per person?

What kind of objectives are asylum in peacetime?

List the procedure for bringing protective facilities to readiness.

What needs to take with you, heading for refuge?

How to get late in the shelter?

Name the main responsibilities of the sheltered asylum.

What is forbidden to do those who are covered in shelter?

What is the procedure for rescue work when defeating shelter with sheltered?

Name the main ways of opening the affected shelters.

How is the evacuation of shelter covered?

What is the purpose of anti-radiation shelters?

What premises are suitable for anti-radiation shelters?

Explain the device of separate anti-radiation shelters.

Name the shelter of the simplest type.

When in the shelters of the simplest type, do you need to use personal protective equipment?

How will you choose a place for the construction of the simplest shelters?

Explain the device for slots of open and closed types?

How to use the protective properties of the area from the effects of the affecting factors of the nuclear explosion?


1. Safety of vital activity / Ed. S.V. Belova. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1999. - 448 c.

2. Atamyuk V.G. and others. Civil Defense: Textbook for universities. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1986. - 207 p.

3. Rudenko A.P. and others. A teaching manual for conducting civil defense classes with a population not occupied in the field of production. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988. - 192 p.

4. Civil Defense / Ed. E. P. Schubina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 223 p.

5. Semenov S.N. and others. Conducting civil defense classes: Methodological manual. - M.: Higher Shk., 1990. - 96 p.

6. Rusak O.N. , Malayan K.R. , Zako N.G. Life safety: Tutorial for universities. - SPb.: Lan, 2000. - 448 p.

7.kukin P.P., Lapin V.L. and others. Life safety: a training manual for universities. - M.: Higher School, 2002. - 319 p.

b) Built-in asylums are placed under the building with emergency exit beyond the zone of possible dawns;

c) separate shelters;

62. Explain the shelter device.

a) the availability of life support systems and filter installation;

63. What are the positions of accommodation for seating per person?

a) space of at least 0.5 m2 of the floor and 1.5 m3 per person.

b) space of at least 1.5 m2 of the floor and 2.0 m3 per person

c) space of at least 1.5 m2 floor and 1.7 m3 per person

64. What are the location rates for lying on tiers per person?

a) 0.5 m2 b) 0.4 m2 c) 1.0 m2

65. What kind of objectives are asylum in peacetime?

a) to protect against emergency situations: floods;

b) under the economic needs of the enterprise (warehouses of workers, the study of labor protection, class of civil defense, etc.)

c) to protect against emergency situations: storms, hurricane, gathering avalanche, sat down;

66. List the procedure for bringing protective facilities to readiness.

a) clearing approaches to protective structures, the inscriptions are set - pointers and light signals "Login". All inputs and outputs are opening for ventilating rooms.

b) All equipment and property stored in peacetime are removed from them. Conducting engineering and technical equipment. The ventilation system, heating, water and power supply, radio and communication, disconnecting devices (cranes, valves, switches, etc.) is checked.

c) Naras are installed, benches are filled with water drinking tanks, food with a three-day reserve is laid. The diesel power plant is replenished with a three-sufficient reserve of combustible materials. At the same time, the health of the protective and hermetic devices is checked (doors, styled, gate), shelters are replenished with the necessary inventory

66. What needs to take with you, heading for refuge?

a) personal protective equipment, documents on all family members (passports, military tickets, diplomas, birth certificate for children, etc.), money, jewels, food reserves in the form of dry soldering (for 2 - 3 days) and water ( 1.5 - 2 liters per family member)

b) not take anything, everything is in shelter;

c) take bedding and dry ducks

68. How to get late in the shelter?

a) are not allowed;

b) lately issued gas masks and send home;

c) those who are prompted fill asylum through a special sluttambar

69. Name the main responsibilities of the sheltered asylum.

a) no such duties

b) to carry out the rules of the internal schedule, all orders of the personnel of the refuge service link; contain in the readiness of personal protective equipment; comply with calm, prevent cases of panic and public order disorders;

78. When in the shelters of the simplest type, do you need to use personal protective equipment?

a) yes b) no

79. How will you choose a place for the construction of the simplest shelters?

a) the premises of the basements, the basement and first floors of buildings, as well as cellars, basements, underground, vegetable stores and are built in cities and on objects, when there is no sufficient number of refuge in advance.

b) the simplest shelter type of gap, trench, trench, dugout, dugouts

c) the place is chosen near housing or work

80. Explain the device for slots of open and closed types?

a) The gap is a manta 1,5m depth, width at the top 2 m, at the bottom - 1.8 m. Usually, the slot is built on 50 people.

b) the gap can be open and blocked. It is a mockal depth of 1.8-2m, wide at the top of 1 - 1.2 m, at the bottom - 0.8 m. Usually, the slot is built on 10-40 people. Along one of the walls, they arrange a bench for seating, and in the walls - niches for storing products and containers with drinking water. Under the floor of the gaps are suitable for a drainage groove with a catchment well.

c) Scrolls are arranged in the form of straight areas located at an angle to each other, the length of each of which is not more than 10 m. The inputs are made at a right angle to the adjacent area. The slot device begins with its breakdown and tracing. To break the cracks in the places of its fades, pegs are clogged, between which the rope is tightened (tracing cord). Tracing lies in the padding along the stretched rope of small grooves (grooves), denoting the contours of the slot. After that, they remove the turf between the trace lines and postpone it aside. Open the middle part first. As its walls are deepened, it is gradually aligned to the desired dimensions, making them inclined.

81. The zone of flooding caused by the destruction of the hydraulic structure, where the height of the breakthrough wave is from 1.5 to 4 m and more, and its speed is from 1.5 to 2.5 m / s, called the zone ___________ flooding.

a) dangerous, b) catastrophic c) moderate d) extremely dangerous

ü Didactic units - 0.17

Theme 1.12.
Tools of collective protection

4 Educational Question
General characteristics of simple shelters

In the system of protection of the population, the construction of the simplest shelters of the type of cracks is of particular importance. The slot can be open or blocked.

Open and closed gaps are designed to protect from:

  • shock wave of a nuclear explosion;
  • light radiation of the nuclear explosion;
  • penetrating radiation of a nuclear explosion;
  • irradiation as a result of radiation contamination of the area;
  • directly entering clothes and skin of radioactive, poisoning substances and bacterial agents (only overlapping);
  • defeat by fragments of collapsing rear.

The gap is a manta of a 200 cm deep, the width of 120 cm and for the bottom 80 cm. Length is determined by the amount of covered. The gap for 10 people usually has a length of 8-10 m. It is recommended to equip 7 seats and 3 places for lying. The construction of the slot is made in 2 stages: first it is broken and equipped with an open gap, and then it overlaps. The overlap of the slit is made of 18-20 cm in diameter, bars, reinforced concrete plates and from other durable materials. On the top of this overlap, waterproofing from the rubberoid, polyethylene film or a layer of soft clay with a thickness of 20-30 cm, puff a layer of soil 50-60 cm with a crooked (Fig. 4.1).

Along one of the walls, the gaps are arranged by a bench for seating, and in the walls - a niche for storing products and barrels with water.

The gap for 20-40 people is constructed in the form of several rectilinear sites located at right angles to each other. The length of each site is not more than 10 meters, and the length of the slit is determined from the calculation of at least 0.5-0.6 m per coal.

The inputs in the slit are arranged at right angles to the first straight line. In the creams of up to 20 people. Make one entrance, and more than 20 are two at opposite ends.

The entrance to the slot is closed with a curtain of dense fabric.

For ventilation, paint the trim and exhaust box (or one exhaust). Along the floor, the drain groove with a catchment well, located at the entrance to the gap.

Some indicators of protective properties of open and overcelled slots

Reducing the likelihood of lesion:

  1. Shock wave of a nuclear explosion:
    • in the open slit - 1.5-2 times;
    • in the blocked slit - 2.5-3 times;
  2. Light radiation of the nuclear explosion:
    • in the open slit - 1.5-2 times;
    • in the closed slit - 100%;
  3. Penetrating radiation of a nuclear explosion:
    • in the open slit - 1.5-2 times;
    • in the closed gap - 200-300 times (with the thickness of the soil sprinkle 60-70 cm).
  4. Irradiation as a result of radioactive area infection:
    • in the open slit - 2-3 times (after decontamination - 20 times or more);
    • in the closed gap - 200-300 times.

Gaps, including overlap, do not protect against:

  • poisoning substances;
  • bacterial products.

When using them, in the case of chemical or bacteriological infection, the means of individual protection should be applied:

  • in the overlap slots - respiratory organs (usually only them);
  • in the open slots - respiratory and leather organs.

Conclusions on the fourth educational issue

1. The use of simple shelters is extremely important in the system of protecting the population from the striking weapons of weapons of mass lesions, ordinary weapons and emergency situations of a technogenic nature. This is mainly due to the possibility of circumstances in which the use of anti-radiation shelters and the more shelters of civil defense will be impossible (the absence of PRA and asylum, their inaccessibility or population).

2. Since the gaps, including the blocked do not provide protection against poisoning substances and bacteriological means. Finding into them is possible only in the means of personal protection of respiratory and skin organs.

The simplest shelters include slits open and blocked (Fig. 3). The cracks are built by the population themselves using submitted local materials. The simplest shelters have reliable protective properties. Thus, the open slit 1.5-2 times reduces the likelihood of damage to the shock wave, light radiation and penetrating radiation, 2-3 times reduces the possibility of irradiation in the radioactive contamination zone. The blocked slot protects against light radiation completely, from the shock wave - by 2.5-3 times, from penetrating radiation and radioactive radiation - 200-300 times.

The gap originally arranges open. It is a zigzag trench in the form of several rectilinear areas with a length of no more than 15 m. The depth of it is 1.8-2 m, the width is at the top of 1.1-1.2 m and along the bottom up to 0.8 m. The slit length is determined at the calculation 0.5-0.6 m per person. Normal gap capacity 10-15 people, the largest-50 people. The construction of the slit is starting with breakdown and tracing - the designation of its plan on the ground. Initially, the basic line is formed, the total slot length is postponed on it. Then left and right postpone the half sizes of the gap width at the top. In places of breaks, pegs are clogged, trace cords are tightened between them and the grooves are tightened with a depth of 5-7 cm. Digger starts not all over the width, but somewhat retreating inside from the trace line. As depressed, gradually mount the slopes of the slot and bring it to the desired size. In the future, the walls of the gap are strengthened with boards, jerles, reed or other handicapped materials. Then the slot is overlapped with loopholes, splas or small-sized reinforced concrete plates. Over the coating layer the waterproofing layer, applying tool, rubberoid, chlorvinyl film, or lay a layer of mint clay, and then a layer of soil 50-60 cm thick. The entrance is made from one or both sides at a right angle to the slit and equip them Divised by the curtain of dense fabric room for covered. For ventilation, an exhaust box is installed. Along the floor, the drain groove with a catchment well, located at the entrance to the gap.


This paper discusses the range of issues related to the accumulation of the Foundation for the Protective Facilities of Civil Defense, the content, operation and use of them in peaceful and wartime.

The problem of the engineering protection of the population, in terms of providing its protective structures, throughout the period of the formation and development of civil defense has always been relevant. Depending on the type and degree of military threats and dangers, it has undergone certain quantitative and qualitative changes, the categories of the population covered in protective structures and the degree of protection of it in these structures.

The main activities to improve the efficiency of engineering protection of the population for the near future are determined by the "Fundamentals of the Unified State Policy in the field of civil defense for the period up to 2010", approved by the President of the Russian Federation on January 5

2004. RPR-12. These are:

improving the engineering protection of the population, improving the content and use in the peacetime of the protective structures of civil defense;

maintaining in the readiness of protective buildings of civil defense,

providing protection of workers and employees (working shifts) of the most important objects and population from hazards;

device in peacetime and in a threatened period of placed rooms, metro and other structures of underground space for the shelter of the population;

preparation for construction in the threatened period of missing protective structures of civil defense with simplified internal equipment and shelters of the simplest type.

Further improvement of engineering protection must be inextricably linked to the development of new approaches to its organization, taking into account modern conditions and requirements. Today's approaches are based on "basic principles of the protection of the population from weapons of mass lesion" adopted in 1963. More than a 45-year period from the moment of the adoption of these principles, significant changes occurred in the forms and methods of conducting modern wars, socio-economic conditions and the possibilities of our state. This objectively causes the need to revise views on the protection of the population at the place of its work and residence in large cities and outside them, developing new types of protective structures with protective properties adequate to modern threats and hazards.