Repairs Design Furniture

Infrared bantal contraindications. Infrared sauna: benefits and harm, emitters and contraindications. Scientists about the benefits of infrared sauna

In this article, we will talk about the infrared sauna, which the Japanese therapist of Tadashi Ishikawa invented. For more than a decade, this device is enjoying great popularity around the world - this is a mandatory part of the equipment of medical centers and beauty salons.

The infrared sauna can be installed at home, but only before this you need to explore the rules for use and contraindications. What is the feature of the infrared sauna? What does it differ from the ordinary wage? Can an infrared sauna harm health?

Differences of the infrared sauna from ordinary bath

The principle of the infrared sauna on the body is such as in a simple room: improving with heating. The difference lies in the method of warming the body. In the traditional bath, hot and humid air affects the body, in the infrared sauna - electromagnetic radiation of the infrared range. At the same time, 80% of its energy penetrates directly into the body, and only 20% dissipates. In the classic sauna, on the contrary: almost all energy goes into the airspace.

With bath procedures, the body warming occurs to the depth of only a few millimeters from the skin surface. Infrared rays having a length of 5 microns are similar to electromagnetic waves emitted by living beings, so they are able to penetrate the skin into 4 cm, but at the same time are completely safe. Such intensive warm-up affects the body with the most beneficial manner: accelerates metabolism, strengthens immunity, improves blood circulation and oxygen over tissues, stimulates muscle growth, burns excess fat.

Traditional sauna is a large room with parilots and shower cabins. Infrared sauna is a compact wooden cabinet with seats and glass doors. Inside it can fit from one to five people. Ceramic emitters are built into the seats and in the walls of the cabinet. The fact that the cabin device is made of natural wooden panels, mostly from the cedar, is not by chance: a tree, heating, highlights phytoncides - volatile substances that kill pathogenic microorganisms.

The benefits of infrared sauna

Infrared radiation has improved effects from the first minutes of hitting the body. The temperature rises to 38 ° C, from the extended pores of the skin begins to take offered sweat, pulling out toxins and decay products. Sweet glands work more active than with ordinary bath procedures, but moisture from the body evaporates less. If, after staying in the bath, the body loses 95% water and only 5% of slags and pathogens, then the infrared sauna helps to get rid of 20% of harmful substances, while taking 80% of the fluid.

Such an effect strengthens health, warns the development of diseases, improves well-being and mood, contributes to rapid slimming.

Taking an infrared sauna, you can cure from the following diseases

  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels, cholesterol plaques;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • weak immunity, viral infectious diseases;
  • chronic problems with hearing and respiratory authorities;
  • violation of kidney functions;
  • pain in the muscles, back and joints of the limbs, migraine, menstrual spasms;
  • hematomas, wounds;
  • nervousness, consequences of stress and overwork, insomnia.

Infrared rays not only heal the body from the inside, they are also deeply cleaned skin covers, eliminate them from burned particles and dirt, accelerate blood circulation in capillaries. Due to this, the skin is noticeably rejuvenated, becomes smooth, fresh and elastic.

Diseases that treat infrared sauna

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis of various nature;
  • some types of psoriasis;
  • acne, acne rash;
  • dandruff;
  • cellulite;
  • alpine scars.

Infrared sauna is very useful for weight loss. For one procedure, a patient who has problems with weight loses so much calories as it would take place when running for a ten-facular distance. Especially good in obesity to combine the sauna with a diet. It is recommended and professional athletes, both both intensive training and after them.

Before starting the exercise, infrared rays warm muscles, prepare them for loads, and after classes they reduce the amount of lactic acid in muscle tissues, thanks to which the athlete is not so tires.

How to go to infrared sauna

Infrared sauna will be useful only if it is correct to use it. The session should not exceed 40 - 45 minutes. During this time, there is no negative effect on the heart and lungs, as the air is dry, and the temperature is comfortable for the body. You need to sit in the booth straight, putting your feet on the floor and stretching your hands along the body. To quickly leaving excess fat and cellulite, you can periodically massage problem areas. Staying in the sauna should be continuous, otherwise the entire effect will be minimized.

It is better not to overeat before visiting the infrared sauna, but also hungry should not go to her. Otherwise, the discomfort is provided. You can also drink sweet drinks and gas. In order not to feel thirst and compensate for the loss of moisture with a strengthened sweating, you can capture mineral or simple drinking water into the cabin. The skin in the course of the procedure should remain dry so that infrared waves penetrate it unhindered, so you should take a towel for wiping sweat.

After receiving infrared baths, it is not necessary to immediately become a contrasting shower, enough body rinsing with warm water. Overheating in the sauna is not possible. Having finished the session, you can lubricate the skin with any suitable cream or therapeutic ointment if infrared radiation was used as a therapeutic remedy for skin diseases. Cannot use creams inside the cabin. It is not recommended to leave the sauna immediately after completing the procedure. Turning off the emitters, you need to sit a little, cool. Get out of the cabin, drinking a cup of green tea well. It will restore the balance of fluid in the body.

Harm from infrared sauna

Infrared lamps are completely harmless to humans. They are used even in maternity hospitals for heating premature children.

Diseases in which visiting the infrared sauna is prohibited:

  • malignant and benign tumors, suspicious moles;
  • myocardial infarction, stroke, angina, heart failure;
  • flu or high temperature cold;
  • hypertension, open and internal hemorrhages;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infection and purulent foci in the internal organs;
  • helmintosis, fungal lesions of skin;
  • menstruation;
  • alcoholism.

Contraindications for visiting infrared sauna

Restrictions on the number of medical procedures do not give. For a good recreation result, it is advisable to sit in the sauna regularly, but, of course, not several times a day. It is allowed to take infrared baths with old men and children. Only kids can not be in the booth for more than 15 minutes, as their skin is thinner and tender than adults. Children's head can be closed with cotton panama. Pregnant women before visiting the infrared sauna it is better to consult with the attending physician.

In spa and fitness clubs, clients are offered such a service as an infrared sauna, the benefits of which are actively discussed by scientists. An unusual way to warming up of some people fears. Others are convinced that thermal radiation cannot harm and relax in the sauna after training or hard working day.

Ik-sauna invented the doctor from Japan. The specialist was looking for an alternative version of the heating of body tissues for patients whose health status was not allowed to be in a hidden bath.

The device is a decorated boards from environmentally friendly wood cabin. Along its walls, emitters that allocate safe waves are mounted, providing gradual heating of the body.

During the session, the moisture content in the air changes. The initial values \u200b\u200bare 40%, and as the emitters are heated, the indicators are approaching 60%. The temperature in the cab does not exceed 55 degrees, it is enough to improve blood circulation, getting rid of toxins and excess fluid.

At the same time, 80% of energy is directed to a uniform heating of the surrounding items and the human body, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200b- to heat the air.

Due to the fact that IR heaters do not make noise during operation, you can relax and relax. Many are taken to the sauna magazines and even a tablet, but it is better not to do this to provide free access to the body to the waves.

Principle of work of the invention

The infrared sauna consists of the main building, interior decoration, seats, a glass door that saves the sensation of a closed space, as well as several heating elements operating from the network. The size of the standard cabin is designed for comfortable ones inside it of one person in a sitting position. Average sauna parameters 95 × 95 cm.

The benefits of infrared sauna lies in uniform heating of IR rays of objects, but this is at the same time harmful if it is under their impact. The convection method heats up air masses, so warm air rises up, and the cold remains downstairs, and so as long as the temperature is not aligned!

Thanks to the special design of the system, a stable microclimate is created inside the cabin without sudden temperature drops throughout the area. In order for the body to warm evenly, the heaters are placed at a certain distance from each other. Two elongated IR elements are attached to the front wall, two others have behind the back of the person and one are placed under the bench.

Some models of infrared saunas are able to accommodate up to five visitors at the same time. In this case, the amount of heating elements increases.

Varieties of emitters

IR elements are classified by the length of the rays produced by them:

With medium and short waves, the room with a large area is heated, designed for the simultaneous presence of several visitors.

For the manufacture of infrared emitters, materials are used as:

  • stainless metal;
  • zinc alloy;
  • incla - alloy from nickel, iron and chromium;
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

Use of procedures

Infrared sauna, benefit and harmful to many fans of a healthy lifestyle, ensures a significant improvement in well-being, coming after several procedures.

You can also notice the following positive changes:

  • getting rid of toxins and excess fluid;
  • improving the work of the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • getting rid of dead scraps of epidermis and rapid growth of new cells;
  • removal of migrain, relief of menstrual pains;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • improving the mood, restoration of the nervous system;
  • easy falling asleep and strong sleep;
  • heart travelery without excess load on the muscles and the vascular system.
  • improving the production of dopamine and endorphine, responsible for the feeling of happiness, confidence and well-being;
  • prevention of most diseases.

Therapeutic effects of the sauna

The infrared sauna, the benefits and the harm of which are described in this article, is included in the complex of preventive measures. With increasing body temperature up to 38.5 ° C, pathogenic microorganisms die, the body begins to actively fight viruses and infections.

Regular visits to the cockpit contributes to the rapid cure of many pathologies:

  • acceleration of resorption by hematoma, wound healing and abrasion;
  • normalization of blood flow and blood pressure;
  • maintaining the vascular system in tone;
  • removing pain in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • decrease in blood cholesterol concentration;
  • disappearance of manifestations of chronic diseases of hearing and respiration;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys.

Cosmetic action

IR radiation effectively reveals the pores and deeply cleanses them from the accumulated pollution and skin saline. Due to the stimulation of blood circulation, the blood sticks to the skin, saturating the epidermis oxygen and the useful substances.

A visit to the sauna allows you to cope with the following problems:

Infrared sauna for weight loss

Infrared sauna, the benefits and harm of which are the cause of the growing popularity of the procedure, launches the processes of the liberation of the body from toxic substances and partial combustion of fatty sediments.

After the first visit, you can notice positive changes. Session duration of 15-30 minutes is sufficient for losing 1 kg of body weight. This effect is achieved due to the removal of excess fluid.

In case of subsequent procedures, the result may not be so noticeable, but the skin continues to smooth out, the stretch marks decrease, the cellulite disappears. It is estimated that one procedure in the IR Cabin burns the same amount of calories as a run to a distance of ten kilometers.

It must be remembered that for the full correction of the figure, a thermal impact with regular physical exertion and proper nutrition should be combined. It is also important to monitor the maintenance of the water balance.

Harmful properties of an infrared sauna

Despite the many beneficial properties that IR radiation possesses, some people may encounter a negative effect of waves:

Rules for visiting saunas

In order to achieve maximum health impact, such recommendations should be followed:

If the infrared sauna was acquired for home use, before its operation, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions. To connect the device to the network, a socket in 250W is suitable. Cabin cooled during transportation to a temperature is below 0 ° C, it is necessary to let it stand in the warm room 1.5-2 hours and only then wrestle with a wet cloth from cellulose and turn on.

It is not recommended to remain inside the new cab. You need to leave a working device for a couple of hours with a door open to ventilating.

In order to avoid the emergence of a fire, you can not allow:

  1. Touch wires and heated surfaces.
  2. Removal of a protective lattice or zooming it outsiders.
  3. Fluid getting into IR heaters.
  4. Ignoring the smell of Gary and smoke. In this case, you must leave the cab, and then de-energize it.

Infrared Sauna for Children

Infrared sauna, benefit and harm to which for children, comparable to the health effect on the body of an adult, is actively used in pediatrics. With regular sessions, the child's body is strengthened, resilience to infections increases.

In order for the procedure to bring only benefits, the precautions must be observed:

  • the session should not last more than 15 minutes;
  • to protect the child from a heat strike, you need to wear a panama to his head;
  • the optimal radiation power is 65%.

For children who often sick, salt IR saunas are useful. In such cabins, the walls are lined with plates from the Himalayan salt.

Is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy

Women carrying a child must observe special caution when visiting infrared saunas. The radiation affects the whole body, including the lower back and belly, so the benefits and harm from the procedure must be carefully weighed.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the sessions should be refused to not provoke bleeding. For a period of more than 12 weeks, visiting the sauna with moderate heating and low humidity in the absence of contraindications not only will not hurt, but will benefit.

You can not conduct sessions in the following cases:

  • malovodie;
  • genital infections;
  • rash on the skin;
  • low placentating;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • red-brown selection;
  • complete attitude of chorion.

After the birth of the child, it is necessary to wait 6 weeks so that the body can recover, and only then continue the course of procedures. Otherwise, the general condition may worsen, to open bleeding.

There are no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but under the influence of high temperatures, the taste of breast milk is changed, so you need to monitor the level of heating of the cabin.

Infrared Sauna with colds

Unlike other medical procedures: mud appliqués, physiotherapy and inhalation, IR cabin provides uniform impact on all organs and systems. Facility of flu symptoms can be seen for 2-3 days.

The waves heated to 38 ° C warm the deep layers of tissue, creating a detrimental condition for pathogenic bacteria. From then there are harmful substances and toxins, which is problematic to achieve when taking medicines.

Procedures are useful and already recovering patients. They reduce the likelihood of recurrence, allow the patient to feel significantly better. Improving blood circulation and lymph movement eliminates congestive processes. To enhance the effect, it is possible to simultaneously carry out aromatherapy with natural essential oils.

Sessions before or after training

The benefits of IR radiation know both novice athletes, and those who do at the professional level. The sauna visited before training contributes to the heating of the muscles without a long workout. Thanks to this athlete, it is possible to maintain the forces to perform exercises with burdens and ensure rapid increase in muscle mass.

Finding in the IR Cabin after a workout contributes to the conclusion that has accumulated in the muscles of lactic acid causing painful sensations. Relaxation allows you to get distinguished from heavy physical exertion and prepare for the next approach.

Duration of sessions

Like any therapeutic procedure, an IR sauna benefits only under the condition of a reasonable attitude towards it. In order to check the reaction of its body to the thermal impact, it is necessary to limit the duration of the first session 15 minutes. The maximum stay in the cockpit is 35 minutes.

If there are health problems close to contraindications, but not yet included in the risk group, it is worth making several goals for 5-10 minutes to reduce the impact on the body.

To obtain a health effect, it is enough to carry out 1-2 sessions per week. If the goal is active weight loss, it is allowed to visit the sauna 3 times a week in the absence of health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared sauna

Dignity Negative moments
Small duration of the procedure.The presence of contraindications.
For a session, any time of the day is suitable, the morning visit to the IR cab is charged with energy for the whole day.The impossibility of holding cosmetic procedures during warming up.
The device consumes the minimum of energy and is so compact that it can be installed at home.It is possible to exacerbate hidden diseases.
Positive effect after several sessions.
Suitable for all age groups.
After the procedure feels a tide of vigor.

Contraindications to procedures

In order for the health procedure to not harm, it is necessary to consider that in some situations it is not recommended to be in an IR sauna:

Advantages of IR saunas in front of a classic bath or steam

The effect on the body of infrared radiation is fundamentally different from the usual thermal exposure. In a traditional sauna, a person warms up to 110 ° C with wet air, and in the infrared cabin, emitters are working, guiding the bulk energy to the tissue warming up. In this case, the temperature inside the cockpit does not rise above the mark at 55 ° C.

Infrared rays ensure body heating to a depth of up to 4 cm. They are similar to the radiation emanating from living organisms. This makes the procedure not only efficient, but also safe. Flying in the classic bath, it is easy to overheat or scream with boiling water. In conditions of high humidity, to transfer heat is much more difficult.

Infrared radiation takes less moisture from the body than the hot steam room, but it acts more efficiently. In the battery, after finding in the bath, the sweat contains 5% of harmful substances and 95% of water, and a session in an IR sauna takes 20% toxins and 80% liquid.

The difference between IR saunas from others

The IR cab is not accidentally manufactured from natural wood. The heated tree highlights special substances - phytoncides that kill bacteria and viruses.

The benefits of infrared sauna are indisputable. But it is important to remember that there are a number of contraindications in which thermal radiation can harm. It is possible to get from the sessions of the recreation effect only when all the rules for visiting the cabin and monitoring the state of its body.

Article clearance: Vladimir Great

Infrared sauna video

Pros and cons of IR Saunas:

Just finding out in detail that it is infrared radiation, it is possible to fully appreciate all the possibilities of the infrared cabin.

Infrared radiation is a thermal radiation similar to that comes from a heater or a hot furnace. But it is not necessary to be confused with X-ray or ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radiation is not only safe for the body, but also very useful. We will talk about the benefits below.

The most important task of the infrared cabin is the heating of the human body, which has a wellness effect. An infrared cab is made of natural wood, inside the cabin there is a shop on which a person sits. Infrared emitters scatter the rays of a wide range. Only a slight amount goes to heating air, and the main flow enters the human body. That is why there is no stuff in the infrared sauna, since there is no oxygen burning, unlike conventional saunas, and temperate air temperature, about 45-50 degrees. Humidity is also supported at a constant level. Thus, the conditions in the infrared bath differ significantly from the usual, they are definitely comfortable, due to the fact that the sweating is more, and this is achieved by the highest effect of recovery.

Before taking the infrared sauna, it must be prepared to begin with, creating a certain microclimate. At first, the air temperature should be at least 35 degrees, and humidity is not more than 45%. Gradually, the temperature in the infrared sauna will rise and the moment of active sweating will come, when a person starts to sweat actively and, together with then all the unnecessary organism of the substance will come. Then the sweating will gradually slow down. Throughout the time in the infrared cabin, the humidity will continue to grow to reduce it, you can simply ventilate the cab by opening the door.

Why do you need to raise body temperature?

Temporary increase in temperature has a beneficial effect on our entire body. Increased temperature enhances blood flow throughout the body. In the blood, the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin, erythrocytes delivering to cells of oxygen increases. Due to these mechanisms, the resistance of the human body to infections increases. Heat increases the hidden energy in the cells of the body, of which water begins to leave, the activity of cellular structures increases, enzyme activity increases, the level of immunoglobulins increases, and other biochemical useful changes occur. This is true for all types of cells in the body. The thermal rays emitted in the infrared sauna have anti-inflammatory, absorbing, painkillers, anticbandsmatic and other actions. They perfectly dry the skin, and therefore can be used to treat burns and some other skin diseases.

Increased blood flow in muscles improves the metabolism, which in turn enhances the supply of tissues with oxygen, increases the effect of the body's immune system, improves muscle nutrition. An increase in blood flow on the periphery leads to the fact that blood pressure decreases, the emotional and muscle tension goes, the person begins to experience relaxation and calms down. After such a session in the infrared sauna, stress and muscle tension leave, a sense of psychological comfort and peace comes to replace them. Also, IR saunas helps to normalize sleep.

The thermal radiation also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. It brings the highest benefit with pains in the joints, muscle stretching, neuritis, radiculitis, mositis and other diseases. Deep heating of tissues causes a response active response of sweating. Moreover, in contrast to the infrared cabin in this regard is colossal. This is due to the fact that the composition of the sweat released in the IR sauna differs significantly in the composition of the sweat allocated in Russian baths and Finnish saunas. The sweat highlighted in the infrared cabin is 80% of water and 20% of solids, unnecessary to our body, such as cholesterol, slags, acids, toxins, fat, and the like. Whereas in ordinary baths sweat consists of 95% of water and 5% solids. Natural sweating at a comfortable, pleasant temperature will rejuvenate, clean and revitalize your skin.

The IR Therapy session is charged with useful energy and will bring excellent well-being. In addition, the body temperature in the infrared sauna increases to 38.5 degrees, which artificially recreates the conditions for increasing the reaction of our immunity, overwhelming the activities of pathogenic microorganisms.

Differences of IR Saunas from a conventional sauna

Unlike the conventional sauna, in which the air heats up, the infrared sauna air does not heat up, and passing through it, penetrates into a person's body to a depth of about 4 cm, having warmed all the tissues of the body, and in a conventional sauna the body is heated only superficially (3-4mm) .

It is due to this body in the infrared cabin actively sweats in gentle atmospheric conditions. The temperature in the infrared sauna is only 45-60 degrees, whereas in the usual sauna - 90-110. Thanks to such soft conditions, the session in the infrared sauna can be extended to 45 minutes, the optimal time of location is 30 minutes, unlike time in the sauna - just 10-15 minutes. In this case, the body will not experience such a load on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system, as in the usual pair. With the pair, we usually fly out with shortness of breath, tachycardia and dizziness, in the IR sauna you will not feel anything, but on the contrary, only lightness and relaxation. That is why the conventional sauna exists age limitations. The Finnish sauna and the Russian bath is not recommended to attend to persons over 50 years old, as well as persons suffering from cardiovascular (arterial hypertension of 2 degrees and above, CDS, heart attack or stroke), nervous, tumor, acute infectious diseases. Unlike them, the infrared sauna is suitable for all ages, and health restrictions are minimal.

Therapeutic properties of infrared saunas

The reactions of the body when visiting the infrared sauna:

  • activation of the immune system;
  • raising metabolism;
  • an increase in blood flow in tissues;
  • activation of hormones;
  • stimulation of muscle elasticity and fabrics.

Positive effects and benefits of infrared sauna

Psychological effect:

  • stress removal;
  • creating a feeling of rest;
  • raising mood.

Therapeutic effect:

  • pain relief;
  • circulatory stimulation;
  • stretching muscles;
  • elimination of arthritic, menstrual pain, cramps, radiculitis, rheumatism;
  • infrared radiation can be used to treat the throat diseases, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, as well as when bleeding from the nose;
  • elimination of tightness in the joints;
  • expansion of blood vessels;
  • stimulation of recovery with inflammatory processes.

The effect of infrared rays on the digestive system:

  • improving the blood supply to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of infrared radiation on the cardiovascular system:

  • regular visit to the infrared sauna leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduced negative consequences of varicose veins;
  • an increase in heart rate;
  • acceleration of venous blood flow;
  • an increase in the number of functioning capillaries;
  • gymnastics for vessels.

The effect of infrared radiation on the body's immune system:

  • strengthening immunity and protective forces of the body;
  • elimination of clinical signs of allergies;
  • if, during the incubation period, a person will visit an infrared sauna, it will reduce the time of the disease or eliminate it at all.

The effect of infrared rays for metabolism internal secretion:

  • an increase in metabolism, from then in one hour a larger amount of unnecessary substances stand out than kidneys in 24 hours;
  • enhanced selection of sodium chloride salts, phosphorus, urea, nitrogenous substances.

Visiting an infrared sauna, you burn from 800 to 2500 calories per session. Regular visits to the infrared sauna will help in the fight against overweight. Deep penetration of rays helps to split cellulite, which is then displayed in the form of sweat.

Infrared sauna reassuringly acts on the nervous system, eliminating nervousness, insomnia, stress, nervous ticks. With regular visits to the infrared sauna, the metabolism is stabilized, the body's resistance at the cellular level increases.

Infrared waves are the only protector from sunburn, and also compensate for the effects of ultraviolet.

With regular visits to infrared saunas, the following problems and diseases can be eliminated: weighing, high and low blood pressure, rheumatism and arthritis, sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, colds, chronic muscle pains, digestive disorders, convulsions, inflammation joints, renal failure, skin diseases, cellulite.

In addition, a number of effects that have not yet received their statistical confirmation are reported: increasing insulin production, the increase in cancer cell growth, resorption of kelide scars, neutralization of the effects of radioactive irradiation, treatment of dystrophy, psoriasis, destruction of certain types of hepatitis virus, reduction of hemorrhoids, neutralization of harmful effects Electromagnetic fields.

Contraindications for visiting infrared sauna

If you are not sure if you can visit the infrared sauna, then you'd better read the list of contraindications:

Do not neglect contraindications, take care of your health correctly!

Hello! In this article, we will tell about what is an infrared sauna and what it differs from the Finnish and Russian bathhouse, in which its benefits, and in what harm, and also usually visit the infrared sauna.

Infrared radiation sauna: work principle

All people have different preferences. Someone loves to visit the saunas and hiking to the bath turns into good traditions. And someone is hard to endure heat and he avoids such places. Most likely, the opponents of the Saun are not aware of the existence of infrared saunas. They would probably change their opinion against the procedures of this type.

Infrared Sauna (IR Sauna) - This is a small room made of natural material, such as a tree where infrared emitters are mounted. Under the influence of emitted waves, heating bodies, which fall under their impact.

Most often it is small cabins for 1-2 people who can be found in fitness clubs, beauty salons or even some people at home.

In order to understand the principle of operation of such a sauna, you need to know what infrared waves are.

IR waves - This is part of the light spectrum that can heat objects. Such radiation cannot be seen, but they can be smelted to the skin. The strongest source of infrared radiation is the sun. If you are in direct rays, you feel warm. This is the IR waves.

It should be noted that any bodies emit or transmit infrared radiation, including the human body.

All baths unites one feature. They are heat transferred from one object to another. There are several ways to transfer heat:

  1. Contact - When you touch the cold subject, then convey your warmth, that is, infrared radiation comes from you, which is absorbed by the subject to which you touch.
  2. Convection- This is an option when one item is heated due to intermediate coolants. Most often it is air or water. In the traditional bath, the human body heats up due to warmed air.
  3. Wave - When the items are heated using infrared waves.

The principle of operation of the infrared sauna is next. A person who accepts this procedure is exposed to safe IR waves. They penetrate inside the skin by 4 cm and warm it up, as well as joints, organs, etc. Man begins to sweat very much, despite the fact that the air does not heat the air. Therefore, the temperature in the sauna itself does not rise above 50 ° C (in conventional saunas it reaches 110 ° C).

Types of emitters

The most important element of the infrared sauna is the emitters. They are different, depending on whether the waves are produced. In turn, the waves are divided into:

  • Long - from 50 to 200 microns;
  • Average - from 2.5 to 50 microns;
  • Short - up to 2.5 microns.

The shorter the wave is, the stronger it heats the items.

The safest waves are long. All because they are as close as possible to radiation, which comes from a person (waves of 70-200 microns from our body). Therefore, the human body does not perceive radiation in this range as hostile.

Average and short waves are used for heating large areas of premises.

So, we found out that long waves should come from the emitter in the infrared sauna. Now we will understand the material from which the main element is manufactured.

The following materials are used to produce infrared emitters:

  • Ceramics;
  • Metal (stainless steel, chrome or galvanized metal, inkla);
  • Quartz glass.

Incole is a special alloy of chromium, iron and nickel. It is most often used in the manufacture of emitters for infrared saunas.

Features Impact on the body

If you do not like hot baths, then infrared sauna will definitely like. All because the air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 50-60 ° C. But despite this, the rays are deeply penetrated into the body and warm the body better than in the usual bath.

To compare, we note that in the Russian bath the body heats up by 3-5 mm, and in the infrared sauna - up to 4 cm.

All due to the fact that the length of infrared waves from emitters has the same length as thermal waves emanating from person. Therefore, our body perceives them as their relatives and does not interfere with their penetration. The human body temperature rises to 38.5. This allows you to kill viruses and malicious microorganisms. Such a procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Therapeutic effect from infrared sauna

In addition to the comprehensive prevention and general recovery of the body, the infrared sauna helps to treat various diseases. Naturally, the main method of treatment is not used, but doctors include this procedure into complex therapy.

Infrared radiation contributes:

  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • Arterial pressure stabilization;
  • Strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • Healing of wounds, various injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocation, etc.);
  • Strengthening the protective properties of the body (increase immunity);
  • Improving the work of the kidneys due to an increase in blood circulation;
  • Treatment of chronic ENT diseases;
  • Reducing and removing pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • Rapid resorption by hematoma;
  • Reducing the pain of menstrual and headaches;
  • Fixing stress;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, acne, dandruff, etc.);
  • Healing scars and scars.

Cosmetic effect

In addition to the health, therapeutic and rejuvenating effect, the infrared sauna helps solve many cosmetic problems.

Staying under the influence of IR waves, a person begins to sweat very much. Along with then cleans the skin, burned cells are rejected. Such procedures are recommended to people with acne and acne.

Very often infrared cabins can be found in sports clubs. All due to the amazing properties of the infrared sauna to help in the fight against extra kilograms and cellulite.

30 minutes of such a thermal procedure in the number of calorie spent can be compared with a 10-kilometer jogging.

But if you decide to lose weight only with such a sauna, it is unlikely that the effect will be noticeable. Reset extra kilograms will be able if you combine regular sport, proper nutrition, sauna visits and the use of special cosmetics.

Athletes know another feature of the infrared sauna. Rays emanating from emitters contribute to the resorption of lactic acid in the muscles, after which pain disappears, and the body is restored faster.


Any recreation procedure has its own contraindications. Infrared sauna is no exception. In order not to harm your health and not aggravate the course of any disease, you need to know about situations under which the sessions in the IR sauna are contraindicated.

  1. With exacerbation of skin diseases.
  2. During the reception of drugs (radiation can provoke the occurrence of side effects from medicines).
  3. Oncological diseases, all sorts of tumors.
  4. With monthly or other types of bleeding.
  5. With any diseases of the prostate gland.
  6. When mastopathy.
  7. After surgical interventions.
  8. In gynecological diseases such as: endometriosis, fibroma, mioma, etc.
  9. With a cold and other infectious diseases.
  10. Heart failure, too high or very low pressure, tachycardia, anemia.
  11. During the exacerbation of cystitis and jade.
  12. With inflammation of the articular bags, the development of diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
  13. If there are any implants in the human body.

Features of the procedure

A visit to the infrared sauna is much different from the traditional procedure.

  1. FirstlyThe duration of the session is 30 minutes. It is so much time it is necessary to get the maximum effect. At the same time, it is impossible to get out of the infrared cabin. You can open the door (this will not affect the quality of the procedure).
  2. Secondlystaying in such a sauna is very important to take the necessary posture. You must sit on a bench, lowering legs on the floor. The back remains straight. Emitters are mounted both in the walls and under the seat. Therefore, it is in the pose sitting that you can get the maximum effect from the infrared sauna.
  3. Thirdlyduring the procedure and after it you need to drink plenty of water to prevent the body's dehydration.
  4. Fourth, not standing after visiting the IR sauna to take a cold shower. The body does not perceive such a session as overheating. Therefore, it is enough just to take a warm shower to wash off the sweat and moisturize the skin.

With the help of the table, consider the main differences of the usual sauna from infrared sauna.

Pros and cons of IR saunas

Based on the features of such healthcare procedures, it is possible to highlight its following advantages:

  1. Easy tolerability by man. Due to the fact that the temperature in the infrared sauna is not very high, most people feel good enough throughout the session.
  2. The procedure takes quite a little time. If the usual sauna involves several short occasions, after which it is necessary to restore time, then the infrared sauna needs to be included 1 time.
  3. Sessions can be carried out even in the morning. After the sauna you will not feel "broken" and tired. On the contrary, such a procedure will give you strength and energies for the whole day.
  4. Compactness. Such a sauna can be installed even at home. It takes a minimum of space and consumes little energy (less than an electric kettle).

The disadvantages of this procedure are sufficiently difficult. Disadvantages may appear if it is incorrect to operate the booth or ignore the rules of stay in it.

Advantages of IR saunas compared to traditional baths

The actions of all baths and saunas are directed to warm up the human body. The difference between the types of baths in the resulting effect.

While a person is inside the sauna, he actively sweats. From then it turns out water and solids, such as sodium, copper, lead, etc. When visiting an IR sauna, 80% of water and 20% of toxins and solids are included in the prepaid. While in the usual bath sweat consists of 95% of the water and only 5% make harmful substances.

In addition, with infrared wave effect, there is a deep heating of tissues and organs, which cannot be said about the Russian bath or Finnish sauna.

Rules for visiting infrared sauna

Infrared sauna has a positive effect on the human body. But in order to get the maximum desired result from being under IR waves, you need to know how to visit such saunas.

We present the basic rules of stay in the infrared sauna.

  1. Before taking therapeutic procedures, it is necessary to wash off the whole cosmetics from the face and rinse in the shower. In no case cannot be used to visit the sauna to use any cosmetics (creams, lotions, scrubs, etc.). This can lead to an allergic reaction and even burns.
  2. In order to visit the sauna brought a maximum benefit, it is not recommended to eat food before going to the sauna and immediately after it. Better if you eat 1 hour before entering infrared cabin. At the same time, we recommend eating something easy.
  3. While in the infrared sauna, wipe the sweat dry towel. The released fluid on the skin prevents heat penetration and slows the heating of the body.
  4. After the procedure is completed, drink a lot of fluid. Having warmed your body, infrared rays are strongly dehydrated by the body. Therefore, to restore the water balance, we recommend drinking clean water or warm green tea.
  5. After the adoption of the sauna, you can rinse under the warm shower. We will not relax for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after the adoption of water procedures.

The benefits and harm of the infrared sauna

Infrared sauna unequivocally brings maximum benefit to the body. But if you do not adhere to the rules of stay in the bath and neglect the tips, which we will tell below, you can harm the body.

  1. Follow the wavelength and radiation power. Otherwise you can get burns.
  2. Take into account the individual features of your body and get out of contraindications. If necessary, consult your doctor.
  3. Calculate individually for yourself , what time is it located in an IR sauna. For an adult 1 session lasts 30 minutes, and for a child - 15 minutes.

Infrared Sauna for Children

Infrared waves have a positive effect not only on the organism of an adult, but also for children. With the right stay in such a sauna, the child is healing, it becomes calmer and its general condition is improved.

But in order to stay in the sauna brought the desired result, you need to know about the precautionary measures at the moment when children are located there.

  • The time of finding a child in an infrared sauna should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The radiation power should be 65%. This indicator for women is 75%, and for men 85%.
  • Children need to wear Panamka, so that they did not get a heat blow.

Infrared Sauna for pregnant and nursing mothers

With pregnancy, no one forbids such health procedures to conduct. But in an interesting position you need to be particularly cautious to infrared saunas. All due to the fact that the rays warm up absolutely the whole body, including the belly and lower back. No one can say how the body of a pregnant woman will react to such procedures.

If you really want to soak under infrared waves, it is necessary to visit the doctor about your intentions of your intentions.

There are also no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but you should understand that in the sauna, the body temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, and this may lead to the fact that the milk "overrigent".

If you gave birth to a baby, and do not feed the breast, you can be sent to the infrared sauna no earlier than 6 weeks after delivery. Otherwise, this can lead to the appearance of bleeding and deterioration of your condition.


The infrared sauna is very useful for both adults and children. But it is necessary to approach this procedure, if necessary, consult with the doctor and be sure to adhere to the rules of stay inside the cabin with infrared emitters. Only in this case can be calculated on the maximum wellness, rejuvenating, therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

How does an infrared sauna treat

A sauna with an additional heat source - infrared radiation, first appeared in Japan. It was created by the Tadashi Ishikawa doctor to ensure treatment of various diseases by deep heating the human body. A little later, such a bath has become widely used in cosmetology centers, which are useful to visit with cellulite, skin problems, for weight loss.

It is advantageous to use the IR Cabin and when there is a training, as the heat flows well warmed the muscles. They are appropriate after exercise, since they reduce the level of lactic acid produced in tissues twice. This contributes to the rapid passage in the athlete.

IK-sauna is not a room, but only a separate infrared cabin, in which thermal energy is produced, no different from the one that comes from the sun and batteries. A person is not able to perceive this phenomenon with the eye, it is only physically felt. The material for creating such a cabinet is environmentally friendly raw materials. It is made of glass, walls and floors - of wood (linden, aspen, cedar, pine, gemlock, cambars).

Infrared heaters are built into benches for seating and lateral planes. These are heating electrical appliances, by means of which heat exchange occurs between the cold object (human body) and the warmer (emitter). The radiation turns into heat when absorbing the surfaces that appear on its path, as a result of which the air in the cab is heated to 45-50 ° C. For this reason, this process of energy propagation is often called thermal.

In the IR Cabin, depending on its size, can simultaneously accommodate up to 6 people. To take a heat bath to a person whose body has already got used to its effects, you can safely be up to 40 minutes for one session. During such a short time, electromagnetic waves with a length of 4.5 to 5.5 microns are not able to negatively affect health. In medicine and cosmetology, devices with selective or long rays are common.

Infrared radiation affects the body as follows:

  • enhances immunity;
  • inhibits the activity of fungi and microbes;
  • restores the hormonal balance;
  • improves blood flow in the head;
  • eliminates pain;
  • renewing the water-salt exchange;
  • cleans the liver and intestines from metals, salts and toxins;
  • reduces increased pressure and increases reduced;
  • it has a bright anti-inflammatory effect.

In the IR sauna, the temperature rises gradually. In this case, the fabrics are heated to a depth of up to 4 cm. It takes up to 80% emitted energy radiating devices. Obtaining good results from such a procedure ensures that the heat waves penetrate directly into the body, passing through the air and heating it is very slightly slightly. This happens in rather soft climatic conditions.

What is useful to visit an IR sauna?

What health problems will help to cope with infrared sauna

A visit to IR saunas contributes to solving the following tasks:

  • restore the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminate painful sensations in the joints and bones, headaches;
  • defeat insomnia and nervousness;
  • remove stress;
  • reduce cholesterol in the body and thereby prevent the development of heart pathologies;
  • heal wounds and to recover faster after fractures, injuries and bruises;
  • rather get rid of the hematoma;
  • cure from ENT diseases;
  • restore the elasticity of the walls of the vessels and normalize blood circulation;
  • improve the work of the kidneys due to strong sweating;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of pathogenic microorganisms perishing at temperatures over 39 degrees;
  • according to some scientists, visiting the infrared sauna has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, without giving them to grow.

Infrared radiation affects a person multifaceted. Therefore, it is not only therapeutic, but also cosmetic.

The doctor tells about the minuses and pros of infrared sauna:

Undocable use of IP for appearance

Overweight is one of the indications for the use of IR rays, giving a slimming effect. In the cockpit with such an additional source of heat, the sweating increases sharply. As a result of this energy, it is consumed several times greater than usual, which leads to the active combustion of calories. Experience shows that in one session they are lost approximately as much as with a 30-minute run without obstacles. And this is over 600 calories. In view of this, walking into such a sauna is especially useful if weighing, spoil all the beauty.

Infrared radiation can also have such a cosmetic effect as deep skin cleansing. With elevated body temperature, abundant sweating is accompanied by the disclosure of the pores, of which the dirt comes out. Together with this, the removal of dead particles of the dermis occurs. As a result, she begins to look more healthy.

It is important here and the fact that when receiving heat baths in an IR-cockpit, the skin is saturated with nutrients by improving blood flow to its cells. As a result, it acquires natural color, becomes an elastic, smooth, shining and elastic. Older people also note that after several sessions, wrinkles on the face are slightly smoothed. You can double the effect using creams with nutrients from the sauna exit.

If you regularly use the infrared cabin, it will get rid of a number of skin problems, such as:

  • not keloid scars and scars that are often absorbed when wearing fabrics;
  • dandruff;
  • acne;
  • scaly deprived;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • fat shine.

Is the infrared sauna harm?

Waves emitted by IR Heaters in the Cabinet are absolutely harmless to humans, if you adhere to all the rules of their visits and not to close the eyes on the existing contraindications. This is connected with a small power of such household appliances, which does not exceed 1.9 kW.

If it is for a long time to sit in such a sauna, more than 40 minutes, it can lead to overheating of the body and a thermal impact. It is extremely adversely affecting health, since against the background of increased sweating is a risk of dehydration. Among the possible consequences of a prolonged passage and loss of liquid, as well as valuable substances for the body. At the same time, due to the acceleration of the inflow of blood to the skin, it has every chance to redden.

Contraindications for visiting IR sauna

In order for infrared radiation to benefit, and not harm, you can not attend the sauna in the following situations:

  1. When menstruation go. During this period, the risk of opening bleeding is great under the influence of thermal flows.
  2. If malignant and benign formations are found, which when heated can begin to grow even faster.
  3. When the doctor diagnosed the ARVI or flu. Infrared waves complicate the course of these diseases.
  4. At elevated body temperature, which accompanies cold.
  5. In the event of a recent surgical intervention.
  6. Such radiation may pose a threat to pregnant.
  7. Contraindications for a hike in an IR sauna are also alcoholism in chronic form, kidney pathology and liver problems, open and closed tuberculosis, clinical symptom complex and diabetes mellitus.
  8. Against the background of the exhaustion of the body, which is manifested in the absence of an appetite, general weakness, a sharp decline in body weight.
  9. If there are signs of exacerbation of any disease.
  10. With purulent processes.

Attending a bath with IR radiation for a comprehensive recovery is recommended from 11 to 13 times. If it is aimed at combating extra kilograms and cellulite, it is possible to take thermal baths every 2 days. The same applies to athletes who are often resorted to an infrared sauna after training.

Children and Infrared Sauna

Doctors are unanimous in his opinion that the child only wins from the visit of X. But specialists are extremely recommended to use heat flow as the main method of treatment. They are considered a good preventive tool and have a bright effect. only as an addition to other medical methods. And it is important that the children with infrared radiation can be used regularly and correctly.

It is known that the thicker the skin of a person is the easier it perceives the heat transmitted from the heated bodies. The skin of the child is much thinner than an adult. This leads to a decrease in its ability to regulate this process. For this reason, the baby must be under IR rays a short time - Maximum 15 minutes. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, his head is covered with a panama of cotton fabric. Before such a procedure, parents should necessarily visit the pediatrician, so as not to harm the baby's health.

Especially useful for the children's body is an IR Cabin made as a salt sauna. To do this, the floor in it is laid out with a tile from the Himalayan salt, well conductive thermal flows. In aggregate with infrared radiation, it gives a bright therapeutic effect - produces a cleaning of the body from toxic substances and slags. Against this background, a weak immune system is significantly strengthened, as a result of which it can successfully resist viral and infectious diseases.

Instructions for visiting infrared sauna

To get the maximum effect of such a thermal procedure, it is necessary to follow some rules.

What to do before the start of the session?

  1. Since during your stay in the IR Cabin there is a loss of fluid through an increased sweating, it is important to fill it up before the procedure. For this, 60-90 minutes before the campaign to the sauna, you can drink green tea, non-carbonated water or take a warm shower.
  2. The last meal should be held no later than 2 hours before the session.
  3. It is necessary to enter the room only after it is proper ventilating and raising the air temperature in it to 45-50 ° C.
  4. Walking on the procedure, with you several terry towels should be taken.

Those who first visits the infrared cabin, the recommended stay in it is 25 minutes. The air temperature inside should not be higher than 50 ° C. Increase the duration of a session up to 40 minutes, as the body is addicted to thermal radiation.

What to do during a session?

If a visit to IR saunas is planned with a cosmetic target, then to improve the effect, skin cover is recommended to lubricate with any body cream. So that it is irradiated with infrared rays as evenly possible, you need to sit down, without clouding about the back of the bench, the back should be in a flat position.

Legs need to bend in the knees, and put the hands on them on top of the palms of the book, holding them straight. Then you can relax and periodically stroke the problem areas with your hands, as if making a massage. It is useful in parallel with this drinking liquid (water, warm tea), since all organism systems are actively working at this time.

What to do after the procedure?

After the session time expires, IK-Cabin cannot be left immediately. Staying in the lying condition, it is recommended to rise slowly and then sit after that. And those who initially did not lie down, it is important to remain in the current position for another five minutes. After that, it is useful before reaching the fresh air to gain strength behind the walls of the sauna - you can look into the shower, drink mineral water or tea. This is especially necessary to do when it's cold outside.

If you approach the infrared sauna with the mind, it will become an excellent tool to get rid of various problems with appearance and health!