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Mad Evdokia and other stories and stories listen online, download. Audiobook Anatoly Aleksin. Mad Evdokia and other stories and stories listen online, download and meanwhile somewhere audiobook


Mad Evdokia (Anatoly Aleksin)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 128 KBPS, 44 KHZ
Anatoly Aleksin
Year of release: 2011
Genre: Children's Literature
Publisher: you can't buy anywhere
Artist: Svetlana Repina
Duration: 12:55:00

Description: Writer and playwright Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin (real last name - Goberman) was born on August 3, 1924 in Moscow. His father, George Platonovich Goberman, a party worker, in the past participant of the Civil War, was repressed in 1937. Even before the war, in school years began to be published in the journal "Pioneer" and the Pioneer Pravda newspaper, where his early poems were published. During the Great Patriotic War, she worked at the evacuation at the construction site, he was the editor of the factory minor newspaper. The first prosaic works of Alexina - essays, stories and journalistics began to appear in the middle of the forties. After the war, he entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, who graduated in 1950. In the same year the first collection of his leader "thirty-one day" came out.

Numerous Tale of Aleksina, such as "Unusual adventures of Seva Kotlov" (1958), "says the seventh floor" (1959), "Kolya writes Ole, Olya writes Kole" (1965), "Late child" (1968), "My brother playing On the clarinet "(1968)," very terrible story "(1969)," Call and come! " (1970), "in the country of the Eternal Vacation" (1970), "Return Address" (1971), "Tenty-graders" (1974), "Third in the Fifth Row" (1975), "Mad Evdokia" (1976), "Let's go to Movie "(1977)," Heart failure "(1979), addressed primarily to teenagers, brought him the glory of one of the best authors of the literature for the youth. Peeling with youth romance, sometimes a little sentimental, but at the same time reliable thanks to recognizable situations and the realism of the characters, these works have gained Alexin the love of young readers and recognition of professional critics.


- "The third in the fifth row"

- "Meanwhile, somewhere ..."
- "Tale Alik Detkin"
- "Acts and performers"
- "My brother plays on the clarinet"
- "Late Child"
- "The day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow"
- "Call and come! .."
- "Property division"
- "In the rear as in the rear ..."
- "Heart failure"
- "In the country of the Eternal Vacation"
- "Sasha and Shura"
- Stories.


Evdokia (Vera Panova)

Posted by: Vera Panova
Year of release: 1980
Genre: Drama
Publisher: Gosselradiofund
Artist: Victor Khokhryakov, Nina Glyaeva, Athanasius Kochetkov, Mikhail Pogorelsky, Alexander Lenkov, Svetlana Bondareva, Svetlana Radchenko, Tatyana Kupriyanova
Duration: 02:41:15
Description: In a small provincial town, a worker named Evdokim and his wife - Evdokia live. They do not have their children, they raise the receptions. Their life may seem at first glance an uncomplicated, ordinary - but in fact it is full of strong passions, bright and important events, stamping ...


Mad Star (Terry Pratchett)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 128Kbps
Posted by: Terry Pratchet
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Eid Union
Artist: Alexander Klocein
Duration: 08:02:17
Description: After falling over the edge of the land, Rinsvind and the twice latches are reappearing on solid disk, in the magic forest of speaking trees, where they get acquainted with Leprechauns. But it fails to relax and relax. The planet is approaching a bugger, capable of completely absorbing the disk. Only a mysterious spell can save a small piece of the universe, but it is in Riesvind's head and now he is threatened with danger. Slash ...


Magic color. Mad Star (Terry Pratchett)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 128 / 160Kbps, Joint Stereo
Posted by: Terry Pratchet
Year of release: 2008
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Sidik
Artist: Diomid Vinogradov
Duration: 09: 10: 30 // 09: 02: 30
Description: "Color of Magic" - the first novel from which the "Flat World" best-selling cycle has begun, which now has more than 20 books. In the Ank-Corpor, the largest city of the flat world, the first tourist appeared. In this event, there would be nothing special, but the ruler of the city ordered to accompany his Renswind, the most cowardly and a tangious wizard on the disk.
So, Meet: Rinsvind - Sa ...


Literary lapsus. Mad fictionalism (Stephen Batler Likkok)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 96Kbps
Posted by: Stephen Batler Likok
Year of release: 2011
Genre: humor
Publisher: Ast Astrel
Artist: Petr Isaikin
Duration: 10:18:44.
Description: Fascinating humorous stories - and brilliant parodies on base detectives, template ladies novels and primitive adventure literature. Ironical articles, poisonous critical essays - and satirical novels. Literary jokes - and funny stories from the life of the inhabitants of the provincial towns or representatives of the Metropolitan Bohemia. That is Stephen Likok - brilliant and unusually witty! Content 00 ...

We with our father with the same names: he is Sergey and I am Sergey.

If it were not for this, it would not happen, probably everything about what I want to tell. And I would not hurry now on the airfield to pass a ticket to a regular flight. And would not refuse to travel, which dreamed of the whole winter ...

It began three and a half years ago, when I was still a boy and studied in the sixth grade.

"You will overturn all the laws of heredity with your behavior," the teacher of zoology often told me, our cool leader. - It's just impossible to imagine that you are the son of our parents! " In addition, the actions of the disciples he put in direct dependence on the family conditions in which we lived and grew. Some were from disadvantaged families, others from prosperous. But only I was one of the family of exemplary! Zoologist said so:

"You are a boy from an exemplary family! How can you suggest in the lesson? "

Maybe this zoology taught him to remember all the time about who the family belongs to?

I suggested to my friend Anton. The guys called him by Anton-Baton for being full, doubt, pinkish. When he was embarrassed, his whole major ball head pove out and even it seemed that the roots of whitish hair were highlighted from somewhere from the inside with pink color.

Anton was monstrously accurate and conscientious, but leaving answer, died from embarrassment. In addition, he stuttered.

The guys dreamed that Anton was more often called to the board: at least half a lesson went on it. I rode, moved his lips, did conventional signs, trying to remind my friend what he knew much better than me. This is annoyed by teachers, and in the end they settled us both on the "emergency" desk, which was the first in the middle row - in front of the teacher's table.

Only those students, who, according to Zoo, "Breeding the team" were put on this desk.

Our cool leader did not break his head over the cause of Anton Failures. Everything was clear to him: Anton was an outdated from a disadvantaged family - his parents divorced a long time ago, and he had never seen his father in his life. Our zoologist was firmly convinced that if the parents of Anton did not divorce, my school friend would not be embarrassed by vapor, I would not have been at the board and, maybe I didn't even stutter.

It was much more difficult with me: I violated the laws of heredity. My parents attended all parent meetings, and I wrote with spelling errors. They always ranked in the diary on time, and I ran away from the last lessons.

They led a sports circle at school, and I suggested to His friend Anton.

We almost never called all fathers and mothers in our school by the name, and they talked like this: "Baraban's parents", "Parents Sidorova" ... My father and mother were assessed by themselves, regardless of my actions and cases That could sometimes throw a shadow on their reputation of social activists, senior comrades and, as our zoologist spoke, "True friends of the school team."

So it was not only at school, but also in our house. "A happy family!" - They talked about father and mom, without putting them in wine, what I tried to hit the window of the third floor in the day before. Although other parents would not have forgiven. "Exemplary family! .." - with a sigh and unchanged, in someone's address spoke neighbors, especially often women, seeing like mom and father in the morning in every weather make a jog around the yard, as they always together, go on hand work and come back home together.

It is said that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other. My parents were similar.

It was especially noticeable in color photography, which hung on our sofa. Father and mother, both tanned, white, both in cornflower training costumes, gazing forward, probably for a person who photographed them. It was possible to think that Charlie Chaplin removed them - so unrestrained they laughed. I even seemed sometimes that it was a sounding photo that I hear their cheerful voices. But Charlie Chaplin was nothing to do with it - just my parents were very conscientious people: if they declared a resurrection, they came to the yard themselves the first and left the most recently; If on the demonstrations on the day of the holiday, the song was sunk, they did not move silently with lips, as some do it, and loudly and clearly sang the whole song from the first to the last couplet; Well, if the photographer asked them to smile, just to smile, they laughed as if they watched the filmcom.

Yes, everything in life they did as if with over-fulfillment.

And it was not annoyed by anyone, because all of them did naturally, as if otherwise could not be.

I felt my happiest man in the world!

It seemed to me that I had the right to misconduct and mistakes, because my father and mom made so much right and conscientious how much could be scheduled for five or even ten families. I had easily and carelessly ... And whatever trouble, I quickly calmed down - any trouble seemed like nonsense in comparison with the main thing: I have the best parents in the world! Or at least the best in our house and in our school! ..

They can never part, as happened to the parents of Anton ... No wonder even other people, people do not pose their alone, but only close to them, together and call them a common name - Emelyanov: "Emelyanov said so! Emelyanovy say so! Emelyanov went on a business trip ... "

On business trips Mom and father traveled very often: they together designed the plants that were built somewhere far from our city, in places called "mailboxes".

I stayed with my grandmother.

My parents were similar to each other, and I looked like a grandmother - my mother's mother. And not only externally.

Of course, the grandmother was happy for her daughter, she was proud of her husband, that is, my father, but, like me, then the case overturned the laws of heredity.

Mom and father tried to temper us, to make rid of colds and infections (they themselves did never even hurt the flu), but we resist my grandmother. We did not want to hide with ice water, get up on Sundays even earlier than on weekdays to go skiing or go to tourist hiking.

My parents are also accused of both in fuzziness: we were fumbled at the time of the gymnastics, fuzzy reported who called mom and father on the phone and what was transmitted in the last news, fumbled on the day.

After conducting a mother with his father to another business trip, my grandmother and my grandmother, as conspirators, were going to the Emergency Council. Low, dry, with short-trimmed hair, grandmother resembled a cunning, mischievous boy. And this boy, as they said, greatly brushed at me.

- Well, how much money do we put on the movie? - the grandmother asked.

- more! - I said.

And the grandmother put out more, because she loved to go to the cinema as much as me. Immediately we took another important decision: dinners and dinners do not prepare, but to go to the dining room, which was in our house, on the first floor. I loved to dinner and dinner in the dining room. There, and my grandmother, too, completely found a common language.

- Well, with, we do not take the first and second? - sometimes the grandmother said.

In the dining room, we often managed without soup and even without a second, but it was invariably taken herring and two portions of jelly in metal molds. We were tasty, and we saved money on the movie! ..

End of a familiarization fragment.

The text is provided by LLC LITRES.

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We with our father with the same names: he is Sergey and I am Sergey.

If it were not for this, it would not happen, probably everything about what I want to tell. And I would not hurry now on the airfield to pass a ticket to a regular flight. And would not refuse to travel, which dreamed of the whole winter ...

It began three and a half years ago, when I was still a boy and studied in the sixth grade.

"You will overturn all the laws of heredity with your behavior," the teacher of zoology often told me, our cool leader. - It's just impossible to imagine that you are the son of our parents! " In addition, the actions of the disciples he put in direct dependence on the family conditions in which we lived and grew. Some were from disadvantaged families, others from prosperous. But only I was one of the family of exemplary! Zoologist said so:

"You are a boy from an exemplary family! How can you suggest in the lesson? "

Maybe this zoology taught him to remember all the time about who the family belongs to?

I suggested to my friend Anton. The guys called him by Anton-Baton for being full, doubt, pinkish. When he was embarrassed, his whole major ball head pove out and even it seemed that the roots of whitish hair were highlighted from somewhere from the inside with pink color.

Anton was monstrously accurate and conscientious, but leaving answer, died from embarrassment. In addition, he stuttered.

The guys dreamed that Anton was more often called to the board: at least half a lesson went on it. I rode, moved his lips, did conventional signs, trying to remind my friend what he knew much better than me. This is annoyed by teachers, and in the end they settled us both on the "emergency" desk, which was the first in the middle row - in front of the teacher's table.

Only those students, who, according to Zoo, "Breeding the team" were put on this desk.

Our cool leader did not break his head over the cause of Anton Failures. Everything was clear to him: Anton was an outdated from a disadvantaged family - his parents divorced a long time ago, and he had never seen his father in his life. Our zoologist was firmly convinced that if the parents of Anton did not divorce, my school friend would not be embarrassed by vapor, I would not have been at the board and, maybe I didn't even stutter.

It was much more difficult with me: I violated the laws of heredity. My parents attended all parent meetings, and I wrote with spelling errors. They always ranked in the diary on time, and I ran away from the last lessons.

They led a sports circle at school, and I suggested to His friend Anton.

We almost never called all fathers and mothers in our school by the name, and they talked like this: "Baraban's parents", "Parents Sidorova" ... My father and mother were assessed by themselves, regardless of my actions and cases That could sometimes throw a shadow on their reputation of social activists, senior comrades and, as our zoologist spoke, "True friends of the school team."

So it was not only at school, but also in our house. "A happy family!" - They talked about father and mom, without putting them in wine, what I tried to hit the window of the third floor in the day before. Although other parents would not have forgiven. "Exemplary family! .." - with a sigh and unchanged, in someone's address spoke neighbors, especially often women, seeing like mom and father in the morning in every weather make a jog around the yard, as they always together, go on hand work and come back home together.

It is said that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other. My parents were similar.

It was especially noticeable in color photography, which hung on our sofa. Father and mother, both tanned, white, both in cornflower training costumes, gazing forward, probably for a person who photographed them. It was possible to think that Charlie Chaplin removed them - so unrestrained they laughed. I even seemed sometimes that it was a sounding photo that I hear their cheerful voices. But Charlie Chaplin was nothing to do with it - just my parents were very conscientious people: if they declared a resurrection, they came to the yard themselves the first and left the most recently; If on the demonstrations on the day of the holiday, the song was sunk, they did not move silently with lips, as some do it, and loudly and clearly sang the whole song from the first to the last couplet; Well, if the photographer asked them to smile, just to smile, they laughed as if they watched the filmcom.

Yes, everything in life they did as if with over-fulfillment.

And it was not annoyed by anyone, because all of them did naturally, as if otherwise could not be.

I felt my happiest man in the world!

It seemed to me that I had the right to misconduct and mistakes, because my father and mom made so much right and conscientious how much could be scheduled for five or even ten families. I had easily and carelessly ... And whatever trouble, I quickly calmed down - any trouble seemed like nonsense in comparison with the main thing: I have the best parents in the world! Or at least the best in our house and in our school! ..

They can never part, as happened to the parents of Anton ... No wonder even other people, people do not pose their alone, but only close to them, together and call them a common name - Emelyanov: "Emelyanov said so! Emelyanovy say so! Emelyanov went on a business trip ... "

On business trips Mom and father traveled very often: they together designed the plants that were built somewhere far from our city, in places called "mailboxes".

I stayed with my grandmother.

My parents were similar to each other, and I looked like a grandmother - my mother's mother. And not only externally.

Of course, the grandmother was happy for her daughter, she was proud of her husband, that is, my father, but, like me, then the case overturned the laws of heredity.

Mom and father tried to temper us, to make rid of colds and infections (they themselves did never even hurt the flu), but we resist my grandmother. We did not want to hide with ice water, get up on Sundays even earlier than on weekdays to go skiing or go to tourist hiking.

My parents are also accused of both in fuzziness: we were fumbled at the time of the gymnastics, fuzzy reported who called mom and father on the phone and what was transmitted in the last news, fumbled on the day.

After conducting a mother with his father to another business trip, my grandmother and my grandmother, as conspirators, were going to the Emergency Council. Low, dry, with short-trimmed hair, grandmother resembled a cunning, mischievous boy. And this boy, as they said, greatly brushed at me.

- Well, how much money do we put on the movie? - the grandmother asked.

- more! - I said.

And the grandmother put out more, because she loved to go to the cinema as much as me. Immediately we took another important decision: dinners and dinners do not prepare, but to go to the dining room, which was in our house, on the first floor. I loved to dinner and dinner in the dining room. There, and my grandmother, too, completely found a common language.

- Well, with, we do not take the first and second? - sometimes the grandmother said.

In the dining room, we often managed without soup and even without a second, but it was invariably taken herring and two portions of jelly in metal molds. We were tasty, and we saved money on the movie! ..

End of a familiarization fragment.

The text is provided by LLC LITRES.

You can safely pay the book by the Visa, MasterCard, Maestro bank card, from the mobile phone account, from the payment terminal, in the MTS salon or connected, via PayPal, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi wallet, bonus cards, or other ways to you.

Seryozha - a cheerful boy and the protagonist of the story of Anatoly Aleksina: "In the meantime, somewhere." The work describes the life of his family, in which the father and son have the same name - Sergey. One day, when the boy was one at home, he found a sealed letter on his father on the table, thinking that this letter was addressed to him, read it.

The letter wrote a lonely woman who saved the father of the boy in the war, she asked for help from him, as it was no one else to turn. Her reception son leaves the house, because it found his biological parents and leaving them to live. Since Serge's parents were in a long business trip, he continued to chat on correspondence with a woman. With her kind heart, he tried to console her and cheer. After a long correspondence, Seryozha went to visit the stranger. He finds out that Nina Georgievna is the first wife of his father, but he threw it and went to his mother. A woman says that her son wants to leave home, she was afraid to stay alone and no one. Seryozha made friends with Nina Georgievna and replaced all men betrayed this woman.

When parents arrived from a business trip, they brought their son a gift. It was a ticket to the sea, which he dreamed of childhood. But at the same time a letter came to him from a woman, it turned out that she refused his vacation to spend time with him. Before Sergey became a difficult choice: to go on vacation, which he had long been dreaming, or meet with a lonely woman, and brighten her unhappy life. The boy became sorry for her, and he decided not to upset the woman, and refused to be a ticket to the sea.

Soon the boy's parents were passing to work in another city, but every year in the summer of Serezha comes to Nina Georgievna, it became a real grandmother for him, which he loved with all his heart, as well as she.

This is a work of nobility. It teaches that it is always necessary to understand someone else's pain and help not only a good word, but also a good thing.

Picture or drawing and meanwhile somewhere

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