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Images of children in the story and. from. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Bezhin Mead". The spiritual world of peasant children

In the collection of stories "Notes of the Hunter", the narration is conducted on behalf of the hunter, who is found in his campaigns with different people. In one of the beautiful July days, he was lost during the hunt and unexpectedly came to the Bezhin Meadow. Here he saw the children who erased herd horses. "Clear before the evening and adjusted the Tabun in the morning dawn - a big holiday for peasant boys." The hunter stayed overnight near the guys and unwittingly watched them.

All boys were five. From their conversations, the author found out the names of children. The older was called Fedya, he was fourteen years old. It was a handsome boy. For all the signs, he belonged to a rich family and "went out in the field not in need, but for fun." He was dressed in harder clothes. Pavlusha "Was Nekazy", but this boy attracted the attention of the narrator: "He looked very cleverly and straight, and his power sounded in his voice." The third boy was called Ilyusha. The author notes in his insignificant face "some stupid, painful caring." Kostya excited the curiosity of the story "with his thoughtful and sad eyes", his black eyes seemed to want to express something for which there were no words in the tongue. Vanya lay on Earth under Hergear, so it was difficult to immediately notice. He was only occasionally exhibited his blond crispy head from under Rogozh. Pavlushe and Ilyusha had no more than twelve years, the crossed is ten years old, and Wana is only seven. All children, with the exception of Fedi, were poorly dressed.

The boys sat around the fire, on which the potatoes were cooked in the bowler, and slowly spoke. Over them stood dark, the starry sky "with all his mysterious magnificence." The night was filled barely catchy rustles and unclear sounds. The guys talked about house, mermaids, ghosts. The stories told by them were the same mysterious and poetic, as well as the herself the July night, overlooking them. Most of all spoke Ilyusha, Pavlusha, Kostya. Fedya "said little, as if fearing to drop their dignity," he just pushed other boys to the story. Vanya, in all night, did not tend a word. There were friendly relations between the boys, it is clear that they are not the first time to go together into the night. Their stories testify to the fabulous perception of the surrounding world, but at the same time they speak about the uneducation of children. It is unlikely that they studied at school.

Turgenev with great warmth spoke about the peasant children. For each boy, the author had special words with which he created unique images.

The story "Bezhin Mead" ends with a symbolic description of the awakening day, when night chimers and steppes were scattered in the streams of the rays of the rising Sun, "a rested herds rushed." So the writer expressed his faith in the fact that the Russian people would come to bright life.

In the collection of stories "Notes of the Hunter", the narration is conducted on behalf of the hunter, who is found in his campaigns with different people. In one of the beautiful July days, he was lost during the hunt and unexpectedly came to the Bezhin Meadow. Here he saw the children who erased herd horses. "Clear before the evening and adjusted the Tabun in the morning dawn - a big holiday for peasant boys." The hunter stayed overnight near the guys and unwittingly watched them.

All boys were five. From their conversations, the author found out the names of children. The older was called Fedya, he was fourteen years old. It was a handsome boy. For all the signs, he belonged to a rich family and "went out in the field not in need, but for fun." He was dressed in harder clothes. Pavlusha "Was Nekazy", but this boy attracted the attention of the narrator: "He looked very cleverly and straight, and his power sounded in his voice." The third boy was called Ilyusha. The author notes in his insignificant face "some stupid, painful caring." Kostya excited the curiosity of the story "with his thoughtful and sad eyes", his black eyes seemed to want to express something for which there were no words in the tongue. Vanya lay on Earth under Hergear, so it was difficult to immediately notice. He was only occasionally exhibited his blond crispy head from under Rogozh. Pavlushe and Ilyusha had no more than twelve years, the crossed is ten years old, and Wana is only seven. All children, with the exception of Fedi, were poorly dressed.

The boys sat around the fire, on which the potatoes were cooked in the bowler, and slowly spoke. Over them stood dark, the starry sky "with all his mysterious magnificence." The night was filled barely catchy rustles and unclear sounds. The guys talked about house, mermaids, ghosts. The stories told by them were the same mysterious and poetic, as well as the herself the July night, overlooking them. Most of all spoke Ilyusha, Pavlusha, Kostya. Fedya "said little, as if fearing to drop their dignity," he just pushed other boys to the story. Vanya, in all night, did not tend a word. There were friendly relations between the boys, it is clear that they are not the first time to go together into the night. Their stories testify to the fabulous perception of the surrounding world, but at the same time they speak about the uneducation of children. It is unlikely that they studied at school.

Turgenev with great warmth spoke about the peasant children. For each boy, the author had special words with which he created unique images.

The story "Bezhin Mead" ends with a symbolic description of the awakening day, when night chimers and steppes were scattered in the streams of the rays of the rising Sun, "a rested herds rushed." So the writer expressed his faith in the fact that the Russian people would come to bright life.

Shurebetovskaya OshI-III Steps

Conduct lesson with staging elements

in the 7th grade

"Image of peasant children

in the story I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Mead" "

Teacher Levina L.P.

Subject : Image of peasant children in the story I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meads".

purpose : Cause students interest in the image of Turgenev peasant children. Show how with the help of a direct and indirect artistic characteristic, the author reveals to us inquisitive, curiosity, impressionability of children. Match the image of children by artists and writers of the 19th century. Relieve the feeling of kindness, compassion.

Equipment : Cool Board, Portrait I.S. Turgenev, reproductions of paintings by V.G. Perov Troika and V.G. Makovsky "Date", books L.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Nekrasova, I.S. Turgenev.

"Oh, cute pluts! Who often saw them

He, I believe, loves peasant children,

In their life, so many poetry is fused ... "

(N.A. Nekrasov)

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Work on the lesson.

The word teacher . Many writers and poets of the 19th century have devoted their artistic works of peasant children. Recall the famous poem N.A. Nekrasov "Peasant children." What love describes the poet of rustic children, their fun and labor in winter and summer, autumn and spring. What warmth is it depicts children's curiosity, love for nature, children's friendship, carelessness and skill of having fun. With sympathy describes N.A. Nekrasov blond children heads, calls them "cute plows."

Peasant children joined their abilities, talentedness and L.N. Tolstoy, who in 1859 discovered them in his estate a clear clearing school. L.N. Tolstoy admired the writings of his students, even writes an article on the topic "Who who has to write to: Peasant children or we have peasant guys?"

The famous Russian writer "Writes Azbuka", according to herself, "all children from royal to Menietic will be learn."

His wonderful "stories for children", among whom Favorite Filipples beloved since childhood are still very popular among small readers.

Can not leave us indifferent and the story of A.P., Chekhov "Vanka". The story about the boy-sirote Vanka Zhukov, who was given "in the apprentice" to the city shoemaker. Oh, and suffered there Vanka troubles and suffering! In the 10th grade, guys, we will explore the creativity of F.M. Dostoevsky, namely his immortal work "Crime and Punishment". In this novel, the author is also affected by the author, the hungry and hopeless fate of the "poor children" of the marmalades.

Russian artists of the 19th century: V.G. Perov, V.M. Vasnetsov, V.G. Makovsky also did not disregard this topic. Take, for example, the picture of the Troika Perov. It depicted three children, which from the last forces pull on the sled's hillock, loaded with a heavy barrel with water. Touching from gravity and wind, children strain all their silenks. The painting "Troika" was exhibited in Paris and awarded the gold medal. Perov Academy of Arts assigned the honorary title of academician painting for her.

Story I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Mead" is also dedicated to peasant children. He was published in 1851 in the magazine "Contemporary". At first, the genre of this story was determined by Turgenev as Rosskazni, then as legends, and then as believing. Modern folklorists call this genre by eligible. The story "Bezhin Mead" is included in the book "Notes of the Hunter".

Question to students : Why is the book named this?

Answer : The book is named, because in each of the 25 stories there is a story-story story, who came to the forest not to kill birds and animals, but only to admire the beauty of nature.

Question to students : What descriptions do we observe in the story?

Answer : Descriptions of Nature (morning, day, evening, night of one July day). Description of boys, fire fires, horses, dogs.

Let's read the start of the story with you. (Reading the start of the story.) Quietly sounds music, symbolizing the onset of the morning (R. Shchedrin, "Musical Offering")

In this passage, we note the artistic means of the image that the author draws pictures of the onset of the "beautiful July day", the appearance of "many round high clouds, golden-gray, with delicate white edges" around noon and their slow disappearance in the evening. We note the comparison "Scarlet radiance, as carefully carrying a candle."

There are no sharp paints in these pictures: tender, caressing tones prevail. Behind this inspiration should be a story about the hunter, lost in the forest and in vain looking for the road.

Let's guys find a description of the impending night. (Description of the night.) Finally, the hunter wandered on the bezhin meadow. There he saw the peasant children sitting near the fire, who with caution let him be at the fire until the morning.

Now try to answerquestion : What role does the landscape play in the story?

Answer : Landscape is, first of all, a place of action. He helps us learn more about the peasant children who grew up on the "Nature Lon".

The hunter admired the boys. We will get acquainted with them. (Pre-prepared students give portrait characteristics of boys, allocate details characteristic of each of them.)

- Story about Fed.

Fedya does not tell anything. It holds a little mansion, not merging with the children of the poor. Fedya incredulous, does not really believe in Rosskazni guys.

- Story about Pavlushe.

There is something attractive in Paul. He has a clear intelligent look, a strong voice, he is calm and confident. Even more in it attracts his activities. All the guys sat, and he cooked potatoes for them, watched the bone. And Pavlushi stories differed from the story of the guys. He always said that he saw himself, in his stories was humor, all the guys laughed from the soul. Pavlusha saved from the wolf of other people's horses. Desperate courage led him to death.

- Story about Ilya.

Ilyusha sincerely believes folk legends, beliefs about houses, mermaids. He is most convinced of the existence of anything of the unclean. He has a limitless fantasy.

- Story about the coste.

Kostya best describes nature in their stories. Sees in the life of the forest, the fields something fabulous. In his speech manifests a dream, poeticity. But Kostya is a panty. He is scared of all incomprehensible, even shouting frogs.

- Story about Vana.

Vanya is low-effective overnight. He sleeps under the chore. Only a deep night, when the sky brightly covered with the stars, Vanya exclaims: "Looking down, guys, on God's asterisks - that the bees are pioneering!"

Conversation with students .

Question: How many stories told boys? Who are these stories?

Answer : The boys told 13 pierchili stories. These are stories about houses, led, water.

Question : Why were the boys were superstitious?

Answer : These mysterious and terrible creatures in some very distant of us and from these boys are embodied the formidable and incomprehensible forces of nature. They believed adults, and even more so children are the most trusting and impressionable.

"Stories told by the fire." (Pass in the form of a stage)

Boys sit down at the improvised "fire" and tell terrible stories. In the lesson we present some of them.

Conversation With students after watching the stage.

Question: What attracted your attention in this stage?

Answer: Poetic, bright, figurative speech of narratives, revealing the inner world of every child, gamut of his feelings, beliefs, experiences.

    The outcome of the lesson.

    Today, we met with direct characteristics, copyright and indirect (speech of heroes, their actions, attitude to each other).

    Saw as I.S. Turgenev skillfully artistic words gives the characteristics of peasant children, shows their inquisitive mind, an active attitude towards life, reasonableness, delete, solid determination. The writer closely connects the life of peasant children with nature.

The story "Bezhin Mead" left a lot of experiences in our souls: love for nature, interest in your life, guys, peers in the distant 19th century, and most importantly - the ability to sympathize, empathize.

The story I. S. Turgenev about the beliefs of peasant children who are the main characters of the story "Bezhin Mead", first printed in the journal N. A. Nekrasov "Contemporary" in 1851.

Lost Hunter

Realizing that he lost the right path, our hero was mistaken until the night, which descended fragrant, warm and dark. Suddenly, he noticed two little lights, and hurried to their light, to people.

It was the peasant boys who let go to the mouth at night of the horses. They are the main characters of the story "Bezhin Mead".

At the Koster

There was a sullen darkness around. The hunter quietly lay down under the bush. The kids, and there were five of them, decided that he was tricked, and began to lead an interrupted conversation. Meanwhile, our hero looked at each. Fedya, about 14 years old, Pavlusha and Ilyusha, 12, Kostya is about 10 years old, and the youngest one who had seven years old, Vanyusha, is the main characters. Bezhin Meadow, on which they graze horses, was near the river and very far from the hunter's house.

Fedya and Pavlusha

Fedya is the most eldest boy, slim and beautiful, with blond curly hair and blond eyes, clearly grew in a rich family. The clothes on it was beautiful and new, and the boots belonged to himself, and not his father. He drove into the night for fun.

His position obligated to keep significantly. Pavlusha with unwitted hair and gray eyes was a squat and clumsy. His ripple face was smart, and the voice sounded significantly. He couldn't boast of clothing, but it was not the main one.

That's how the main characters looked like. Bezhin meadow, on which they were, at night became mysterious. Pavlusha will play a special role in the story. Four other boys (they are also the main characters, "Bezhin meads") I. Turgenev characterizes not so bright as Pavlush.

Ilyusha, Kostya and Vanya

Ilyusha possessed a face insignificant, he constantly pucked on the fire and pulled a hat on almost yellow hair. It is dressed, he was tidy in new lapties and onuchi and a black scroll. Kostya, sad and thin, as if something wanted to tell, but it seemed that he had lacking words. Vanya, lying on the ground and covered to a curly head by a chorod, as it turns out, was a poetic and kind boy. That's all the main characters. Bezhin meadow combined different boys this night. They all loved to listen to terrible stories that Ilyusha told the most. The main characters ("Bezhin Mead") Turgenev - children with unequal characters. Now we will consider in detail each of them.

The main characters ("Bezhin Mead"), their characteristics

Fedya - the provision obliges him to behave a little and important, so as not to drop their dignity. He tries to keep a patronage view in relation to all boys.

Pavlusha is the brightest of all the guys, despite its urgency. The terrible stories from which everyone captures the spirit and pour out. Pavlusha can tell the infinitely uncountable number of terrible stories. He is the only one who heard houses at night, rearranges the items at night on an old paper factory. He explains to those present that it is impossible to see the brownie.

Dark night, his bikes become completely plausible. Pavlusha himself is not frightened. When it seemed to him that the wolves attacked her herd, he shot at the horse, the dog flew over him, and only it was seen. When he returned, saying that wolves, fortunately, was not, everyone was amazed by his courage and determination. No less brave, he went to the water river. Everyone was frightened that it could be dragged by water. But Pavlusha returned, as if nothing had happened, bringing water. All his behavior shows the reader of an intelligent boy with a strong character. At the end, the author says that Pavlusha died in the same year. He fell from the horse and crashed to death.

Characteristic Ilyushi

Ilyusha - the peer of Paul, he also knows the local beliefs well, but tells them with a siplastic voice. Ilyushi's story about the drowning also captures the imagination of boys, and they listen to him with unrelaxing attention, because the story turns around the appearance of a bean-washing, which can speak in human language. Ilyusha is pleased to be ready to tell the story about the rebel the dead man, which at night is looking for a rupture-grass.

His surprise is asked about this story and in general when you can see the dead. He even knows how to explore, who will die this year. All are amazed. In general, Ilyusha, unlike all the children, already works together with his brother in the factory. This causes respect for children, as well as his deep knowledge. These are the main characters ("Bezhin Mead") Turgenev.

Kostya and Vanya

Kostya is a weak and slender boy, on the sight even painful, told the story with a mermaid with a thin voice, which he heard from his father. The carpenter from Sloboda Gavrille was lost in the forest, and he met wildly wondering: a silver mermaid with green hair shakes on a branch and calling him to himself.

Gavril really really wanted to approach her, but put on his own cross. And the hand was heavy, barely rose. The little mermaid was saddened and said Gavril that he would now always be gloomy and disappeared. So she walks Gavril forever sad. But in general, Kostya is coward. He would not dare, like Paul, to go across the wolves, and the cries of her heron over the river were frightened.

The youngest and imperceptible is the curly vanya. He lay all night without getting up, so that the author did not see him first.

He says, slightly kart, a very childish voice. He only listens to his senior comrades, and does not tell anything himself. When a hotel is offered, he, a good and caring boy, asks to give his sister, because Annie is a good girl.

That describes all the main characters of the story "Bezhin Mead". The characteristic shows us the spiritual beauty of children with their small weaknesses. I. Turgenev is probably the first of the Russian writers who stayed in such detail on the theme of children's psychology.

Show us the life of simple peasants. We will learn about their fate from the hunter, who is the main character. Each story is a separate story, and this is just a bezhin meadow to introduce us to the peasant children. On the Bezhian meadow, where peasant children were located, the hero of the work was randomly summer in the evening, when he was worn during the hunt. So he was asked for the night to the guys. Watching the boys and listening to their stories, the hunter was able to create images of children of peasants and now let's try to describe the images of peasant children from.

When the hunter went down to the children, he met five guys. They silent herd of horses and sat by the fire. The boys were entertained, telling each other uncompressed fictional stories. The hunter did not participate in the conversation, he pretended to be sleeping. He himself listened carefully and watched the children.

Bezhin meadow Images of peasant children

The story acquaints us with Feda, Pavlom, Ilya, Bones and Vanya. So Fedor was the oldest. He was fourteen. Vanya is the youngest herd shop, which was just seven. If you judge the conversations and clothes, then they were all the peasant children. True Fedor was distinguished. According to the signs, he belonged to the family of rich parents and he had to go to the children only to get the thrill, adventure, for fun. Fedor was dressed in good clothes, while other children were dressed much easier.

Creating images of children depict Fedor a beautiful slender child, with a half-way smile. He rarely participated in conversations, preferring more to listen more than telling. Paul, though he was with the harmless hair, but had a smart appearance, and power was felt in his voice. It was a bold boy who was not afraid to run on the rustling, checking the horses. He is fearless and not afraid of alone go for water. Ilya had an inconspicuous person, a barrel, elongated. The bone had a small face, slender in freckles, but his big eyes were very alive. It seemed that they were talking more than the boy expressed in words. Ilya and Kostya create the impression of cowardly children, maybe therefore they tell the scary stories most of all, believe in an unclean power and fear it. Vanya was almost no visible, because he slept on earth occasionally raising his born curly head.

The guys were good friends, and fun spent time under entertaining stories. The stories were attended by mermaids, houses, debt and other representatives of unclean power. Stories, though there were fiction, but the guys believe everything.

In his work, Turgenev creates a rich spiritual world of children, the author showed us how subtle these children can feel the beauty of nature. A sympathetic attitude towards children of peasants gives us the opportunity not only with respect to treat the guys, but also allows you to think about their future fate.

Images of peasant children in the story are wanders with sadness and sympathy. Turgenev imbued with fate and the inner world of children, understood their joy, problems, anxiety.
But, the morning comes and our hunter says goodbye to the guys. He leaves, however, we have a good impression of peasant children and very proud of what at the end of the story we will learn about the death of Pavlushi, who most liked the author.