Repairs Design Furniture

Communications for the bath do it yourself. We offer self-installation options for the device of a simple water supply and secure installation methods of electricians in the bath. Features of laying sewer pipes

For a long time, unscrewed non-zero bath buildings with an arbitrary dirty water flow in "Nowhere" or the nearest reservoir. Today, the sewage in the bath is not a luxury, but the need. The device of a high-quality system of drainage drain is pushing not only the norms of ethics and aesthetics, but also the requirements of laws aimed at ensuring environmental safety of the environment.

The first step to the landscaping of the bath is an assessment of the state of the soil on the site, determining the optimal depth of pipe stacking and the solution of the issue of the septica location. The easiest way to the homeowners who were directly involved in the construction of a bath or were erected on their own independently. For them, it is not a secret type of soil, the point of its freezing (TPG) and the level of groundwater occurrence (AGB).

Without the knowledge of these indicators, it is impossible to build a trouble-freely working sewer system. For those who purchased a plot with a bath built on it, a complex of simple observations and calculations will be required.

To determine the type of soil, an express study can be carried out, which does not require special knowledge and is based on visual inspection and tactile sensations. For this purpose, in the estimated place of the pipe laying, a hole is digging down below the TPG for 25-30 cm. Information about the depth of the soil freezing in this area can be obtained from the neighbors, from reference books, specialized Internet resources.

RegionsDepth of the fruit of the soil, see
Vorkuta, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Salekhard240
Omsk, Novosibirsk220
Tobolsk, Petropavlovsk210
Kurgan, Kustanai200
Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm190
Syktyvkar, Ufa, Aktyubinsk, Orenburg180
Kirov, Izhevsk, Kazan, Ulyanovsk170
Samara, Uralsk160
Vologda, Kostroma, Penza, Saratov150
Voronezh, Perm, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Ryazan, Tambov, Tula, Yaroslavl140
Volgograd, Kursk, Smolensk120
Pskov, Astrakhan110
Belgorod, Kursk, Kaliningrad100
Nalchik, Stavropol60

It is important to take a sample of the soil at the bottom of the pit, since the sewage pipes will be carried out at this level. After that, the sample of the soil is carefully studying visually, rubbed between the palms, rolling into the harness.

And evaluate the results on the table.

If it turned out that the soil is clay or loam, you should know that these soil categories are considered to be severe. In this case, the pipes will need to be laid on a sandy "pillow" by analogy with "floating" foundations. Sand will act as a shock absorber during seasonal soil movements and the integrity of the underground part of the sewer system will not break.

After the safe depth of the pipeline laying is clarified, the question is solved with the septica location (filtration well). The drainage point should be separated from the water intake point of at least 15 m and is not closer to 7 m from the foundation of the bath.

Select the type of sewer system

For the landscaping of the bath, it is possible to use three types of individual sewage:

  • non-pat;
  • pressure;
  • connected to the centralized urban drainage system or to the current sewering of a private house.

Performing system

The proprietary method of drainage removal is otherwise called samotane. This is the easiest and less expensive sewage type for the bath. Its main advantage: non-volatility. Installation of the non-pressure system requires careful observance of the liner of the pipes (1-1.5 cm for 1 mongor meter) and is not possible with a complex area relief.

For drainage of effluents, pipes are needed larger diameter pipes than when the pressure system is pressed. The rectinence of the highway is extremely desirable. If the pipeline scheme includes turnpoints, inspection wells are placed in these places. This rule is relevant for any type of sewer system.

Non-pressure sewage - Pipes from PP

Press system

The pressure sewage system provides forced wastewater transportation, which is provided by a pump or pumping station. The technique can be installed both inside and outside the room. The pressure system of sewage system for the bath is built in the event that for any reason it is impossible to make non-per-free. Features of this type of sewerage:

  • pressure is more expensive non-free;
  • energy dependent;
  • requires insulation technology in winter.

Pressure sewage - pumps

Cutting system sewage

Lesswise laborious, but the most troublesome way is to connect to a centralized sewer network. This method is possible not for all bath owners. Therefore, it does not make sense to consider it in every detail.

More often uses the connection of the flow system to the septic existing on the site. However, in this case, you will have to choose the type of drainage system (pressure or non-per-on).

We design a seasalization scheme for a bath

A single sewer system for greater design is divided into two types: inner and outdoor. The first includes communications indoors, to the second - outside the construction. After reading the basic principles of building a scheme, it is easy to develop independently.

Stages of design

  1. It is necessary to draw the plan of the bath with the thickness of the walls and partitions of the structure. For this purpose, a millimeter paper is best suited, but a regular piece of cell can be used.

  2. Sizes indicate, mark the installation sites of sanitary devices or drain points.
  3. Determine the location of the main pipe.
  4. If a toilet is provided in the bath, take into account the need to install a fan pipe.

  5. According to the most convenient and short trajectory, plumbing devices with the main pipe are connected, striving for the minimum number of rates of the highway.
  6. We summarize the length of the communications with the release of the outdoor wall of the bath.
  7. Go to the construction of an external sewage drawing.

Outdoor design rules:

  • at the place of the joint of the outer and internal sewering include observation hatch;
  • according to SNIP, the viewing wells are arranged at the turning points of the highway, in the places of attachment of a separate side branch of the pipeline, every 15-35 m direct highway with a pipe diameter of 100-150 mm;
  • according to lowering the slope of the outer sewage at the diameter of pipes 110-150 mm - 0.01 (1 cm per 1 meter);
  • the first revision well should be not closer than 3 m and no further than 12 m from the bath;
  • if the site has a large bias and in the room is provided to the toilet, arrange a multi-stage sewage system with darts.

Variants of the hydraulic device

The waterproofing is the most important element of the sewer system, the purpose of which in the clipping of the unpleasant odors coming from the septic (drain pit). Simply put, this is a water plug, which is in the pipe, even if the bath does not use. An example of the simplest waterproof - U-shaped siphon. In the highway from plastic pipes, the water cork is satisfied with the help of three shaped elements: taps.

Hydroatics - example

The complexity is that with rarely use of the sewer system, water in the hydraulic manner has the evaporator property. In this case, experts recommend installing a dry shutter. It is a simple plastic or metal structure equipped with a spring and damper (membrane), overlapping output from the pipe. When water flows into the system, the flap under its pressure is being folded, and after passing the flow again takes in its place.

Dry Hydraulic Scheme

The craftsmen make unique homemade shutter systems for a bath plum. If you wish, you can use one of the following options.

Description of the systemIllustration
In the gap of the sewer pipe, the plastic funnel is set to a slightly large plastic funnel than the pipe cross section, and a plastic ball (for ping pong or other) of this size is placed in a funnel to the funnel, so that it blocks the narrow output. If you get into the water pipe, the ball pops up.

For the device of a dry shutter of plastic sewage with a pipe diameter of 50 mm, a 50/10 adapter will be required, which need to be modified a little: to cut off the corner and consolidate a circle of thick rubber on it. After that, the design is installed at the outlet of the pipe in a septic or drain pit.

Prices for hydroplays

waterproofing for sewage

What pipes to choose

In fact, the selection of pipes for sewage is not so large.

View of pipesDescription

Cast-iron use in our time is irrational: they are expensive, have a lot of weight and uncomfortable in the installation. Ceramic are ideal in any respect, but also have a high cost.

Asbestos-cement - the cheapest of all possible, but often disappoints with their defects. In addition, the device of the non-pressure sewer system requires products with smooth and smooth walls. And asbestos-cement has rough, often digestible deepening, inner surface.

The optimal choice is plastic pipes that are resistant to all types of destructive effects. These products are perfectly suitable for installation of internal and external sewage, podiatilives in processing are manufactured with socket and without that. The warranty period of operation of plastic pipes is 50 years. Long-term products are offered shaped elements (fittings) with which the sewage system is installed.
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PVCH (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride);
  • PP (polypropylene);
  • PND (low pressure polyethylene);
  • polyethylene corrugated.

Any of these products can be used to use in the sewage device. The diameter of the main line is chosen on the basis of the intended intensity of the operation of the construction and the number of drain points. For the average bath with steam, washer and toilet, with a device of the self-e-water system, the pipes are required by a cross section of 100-110 mm. If the toilet is not provided - a diameter of 50 mm is sufficient. SantehoChrudoving is connected to the main line of pipes with a cross section of 50 mm.

Prices for plastic pipes for sewage

plastic tube for sewer system

Installation of an internal bath sewage system

It is necessary to start the sewage device at the battery construction phase. But it is possible to landscaping and ready for a long time, the construction is exploited. The volume of work and their sequence in both cases are different, so each of the options should be considered separately.

Installation of sewage at the construction stage

To perform work, the plan (diagram) of the sewer system is required. In order to unmistakably find the plug-in points of plumbing elements (lamps, shower cabins, toiletz, shells, etc.) to mark up after the construction of the foundation. In the places of laying the main highway dig a trench of the corresponding width and depth.

Important: The bottom of each RVA is aligned with the desired slope towards the septic.

After that, start laying pipes. Experts advise to start the installation of the sewer system from the installation of the main pipe and large (nodal) elements to which the lateral branches of smaller diameter subsequently subsequently.

In the plumbing places plumbing vertical pipes. In order to avoid penetration into the network of foreign objects, each removal is closed with a plug. Mount the ventilation riser.

In the regions with a cold climate, insulation of pipes. For this purpose, fibrous materials are used (minvatu and its analogs), foam half-cylinders, polyethylene foamed. If desired, you can pre-wrap the pipe with a noise absorbing material, which will significantly reduce the volume of the sounds published by the working system.

Fill geotextiles.

Form a sand pillow.

Installation of internal sewage indoor

If the bath is not operated for the first year, it also can also be arranged a dirty water system. To do this, you will need to make a circuit and open the floor in the right places. The installation of pipes is performed at the foundation level, in one of the walls of which the hole for the output of the main line is drilled.

In the washing and steam room installed ladders. The following rules are followed in the performance of work:

  • the ladder must be located in the floor with the floor;
  • the gaps are closed with moisture-resistant grouts;
  • the tile is stacked after installing the ladder.

Prices for drain

drain Drapp for Sewer

Bath outdoor sewage device

The main element of the outdoor wastewater system is septic. If there is no toilet bowl in the bath, there is no need to buy a factory product or independently equip the well with multi-level filtering of wastewater. It is enough to dig a drainage pit. But it is relevant only for soils with a high level of moisture permeability (stony, sandy, sulesa).

Video - Drain pit with your own hands

Installation of sewage with drainage pit

  • according to the scheme, the layout of the site is marked: the location of the point of reception of the drain is found, determine the path of the mains of the highway;
  • digging a hole in the depth below the TPG by 1-1.5 m;
  • 20-30 cm layer of sand and gravel poured onto the bottom;
  • to prevent squeezing of soil walls, in the pit it is possible to install a metal container or a column of automotive tires of large diameter. A more solid design is a frame built of brick.

Getting started to laying a highway. Drop the trench in the depth below the TPG and form a bias towards the drainage pit. Place the pipes and check the compliance of the slope to the SNiP requirements.

At the point of rotation of the pipeline arrange viewing wells. In order for in the cold time in these places, the pipes are freezing, it is necessary to perform insulation and close the holes with double lids.

The injection site into the drainage yam is sealed with a cement solution or mounting foam.

The insulation of the line is carried out in any convenient way: the method of wrapping pipes by minvata or with the help of stacking foam.

Hanging highway

In areas with clay soil for utilization of drains, a capping device located under the floor of the bath is recommended. The presence of this effluent does not exempt the owner from the need to install an external highway transporting water beyond the premises. The veil serves as an auxiliary structure for smooth operation of the sewer system.

Under the floor, a square of a square shape with a length of a rib is not less than half a meter and a depth of 1-1.5 m. At an altitude of 10-15 cm from the floor level, the pipe connecting the veil with external sewers. Observe the slope of 1 cm for 1 mongor meter towards the water removal. The bottom and walls of the pit concrete.


Bath owner must remember that each stage of the sewage device requires careful compliance with the requirements for it. The reliability of the system provides a properly developed scheme and accurate compliance of the liner of pipes by the stands. The comfort of stay in the bath guarantees the presence of a hydraulic or dry shutter.

You should not neglect the device of the ventilation system, as it forms the optimal air exchange and contributes to the weathelation of moisture after the bath procedures. This will help prevent the formation of fungus and mold. For regions with a cold climate, it is extremely important to qualitatively perform work on the insulation of the sewer system.

Video - sewage device in the bath with your own hands

Video - Drain of water in a bath with a hydraulic system

Video is dropped from the bath. Scheme

Wiring in the bath has a number of features. And it is connected mainly with high temperature and humidity in this room, which negatively affect the condition of the wires, as well as with the specifics of the flammable wood material, from which the steam wall consists. Correct the cable to the bath and mount the wiring inside - vital.

The ideal option will be if the bath will be able to carry out electricity from the central distribution panel through the electricity supply line specifically dedicated for this. Make the power cable, you can bring it directly to the bath can be 2 ways: "Earth", when the wire is laid underground, and "air" when it is conducted through the air. Methods should be provided for by the Bath projects.

"Earth" way of laying

This is the most reliable way, but it is not always suited. Previously, all agricultural work should be completed at the preservation site and confirm the fact that the wire does not have to be conducted on the territory of the neighbor. Under the ground, the so-called "cable with armor" of the VBBSHB brand with 4 copper veins, whose cross section is 10 square meters. This cable is quite expensive, costs about 200 rubles / pm. But it is extremely reliable and durable due to steel braid laid between its plastic shells. Accordingly, he will not be able to blame moles, mice and other rodents. The cable is not afraid of an earthwood shrinkage.

It is not recommended for styling cable to use metal pipes, as they are condensate collections, which reduces the service life of the wire. They are allowed to be used only in places where the cable goes on the post or on the wall. In this case, the pipe is not used< 1,8 метров.

Laying cable underground: Summing up to the ban "Earth" way

The sequence of actions when installing cable under the ground is:

1. The trench of the depth is not< 0,7 метров, на дно которой засыпают песок слоем примерно 10 см. Сверху провода засыпаются таким же слоем песка.

2. Cable inserted into the construction through the steel sleeve. It is necessary to protect the wire when moving and full shrinkage of a wooden wall. The wiring to the bath must be taken particularly carefully and carefully.

3. The cable is released from its "armor" immediately before entering into the shield. Only after this cable veins are connected to the machine, making grounding and lightning protection.

Important! When installing an underground cable, exclude the likelihood of hazardous tensions, its mechanical damage in the event of soil displacement: Create a stock by placing the cable into the trench waveform.

Cable gasket "air" way

If you select a more economical way, deciding to carry out the air cable, then consider the following points:

1. If the distance to the bath is more than 25 meters, it is necessary to put the support between the intervals. Air gasket is carried out with the help of the so-called stretch marks, or on porcelain insulators.

2. The cable must be located on a certain regulated height. Over the roadway, it cannot be located below 6 m above the level of land, over pedestrian walkways - 3.5 m (not lower). To the bath the wire is attached at an altitude of 2.75 m above the ground.

Summing up the power cable to the bath "air" way

3. The SIP is usually applied - self-supporting insulated cable. Its warranty service life is 25 years. SIP cable (SIP-4, SIP-3, SIP-2A) have a special polyethylene weather-resistant coating and special bearing elements resistant to overload. Its cross section should not be< 16 кв. мм с пропускной способностью — до 63 ампер. Если подключение однофазное, то мощность будет равна 14 кВт, а если трехфазное – 42 кВт. Главный недостаток СИП состоит в их проблематичном вводе в автомат защиты из-за низкой пластичности, они трудно изгибаются.

4. The SIP is introduced into the room of the bath (but not in the pool itself, since there can be placed aluminum wires) through the metal sleeve. And the parilla is introduced completely different wires - NYM, NG or VG. Well established itself with a VVGng-Ls cable with a cross section of 3x1.5 (it is used to connect the lighting), the IWG-LS cross section 3x2.5 (used to connect sockets). The IWG insulation does not support burning, the level of smoke is in the case of a very low. To transition, use sealed medium-aluminum connectors, SIP must be attached to anchor clips, so-called tensioners.

Installation of wiring in the bath: Main steps

In the process of installing wiring directly in the room, there are such steps such as:

1. Installation of the shield;
2. Wiring from the shield;
3. Connecting lamps;
4. Connect sockets;
5. Connecting the electric furnace.

Rules for installing electrical panel

The battery power system will be powered by the distribution panel. It is important to choose an optimal place to install it, complying with the following requirements:

1. Access to the shield should be free;

2. The place must be well ventilated;

3. The shield is forbidden to have plain and other fire hazardous premises;

4. Good lighting room with shield.

Electrochkol in the bath (placed in the rest room)

Usually the shield is installed in the rest room. It consists of a device of protective shutdown, input, as well as exhaust machines. Its upper part must be 1.4 m - 1.8 m above the floor, no less.

If the wiring in a single-phase wooden bath, a minimum of 3 veins should be present in the feed cable. In accordance with the new GOST, the color of the phase vein should be gray, but there may be a wire from old reserves with white or brown phase residential. This core is placed on the upper terminal of the introductory machine. From the lower terminal, the phase lived with the help of jumpers partially moves to the upper terminals of exhaust machines, or divorces through distribution shoes on automata. Zero lived (blue or blue) is placed on a zero block, protective live (yellow-green) - on a protective block, or on a woven shield bolt. Phase veins of cables departing to the load are connected to the lower contacts of the automata. The withdrawal and input cables fit in the shield very carefully, then output from the shield through the corrugation. Uzo and automata must be installed, taking into account the level of load on the cable.

Calculate the load on the cable, choose the desired section

Know the load is necessary to correctly select the cable cross section. There are special tables selection of wires where its dependence on the intended power of the instruments is calculated. On electrical appliances, their power consumption is usually indicated, so it is worth paying particular attention to it.

1. If only lighting devices are supposed to be placed in the bath, the total power is approximately 1-2 kW.

2. If not to use electric furnace, the total power will be around 5-6 kW.

It is advisable to take into account 20% power reserve. For example, if the total power in the 5 kW bath, then the wiring to count better in size 6 kW. With this power, the VVGNG-LS cable is suitable with a cross section of 3x4, that is, 4 sq. Mm. Cables that are leaving for lighting, it is desirable to choose a cross section of 1.5 square meters. MM (3x1.5), on the sockets - with a cross section of 2.5 sq. M. mm (3x2,5).

Select the entrance machine

To do this, you need to know the total power. Then we calculate the current as a result of dividing the total load on the voltage. For example, 6000/220 will turn out 27 A. But the machine should be selected with a reserve - approximately 32 A. The choice of exhaust machines in groups is carried out, based on the same principle. It is advisable to sign each automatic in the shield, indicating which group of electrical appliances is responsible.

Also next to the shield should be the wiring diagram of the bath. Do not forget to connect the protective shutdown devices that turn off the power sources in the case of their contact with water. This will help save the lives of people in the case of emergency. From the fire will protect the circuit with the cut-off current. Make sure that the cores in the clips of the terminal shoes were well fixed to avoid heating the site due to a loose clip.

Electric cable wiring from shield

Initially, the wiring diagram in the bath should be drawn. When drafting a scheme and with further practical implementation of the wiring plan, you need to consider the following:

1. Wiring of cables that depart from the shield, it is recommended to do a solid piece.

2. If there is wooden walls in the bath, the wiring can be open, conducted on top of the wooden walls. It is forbidden to place wires in PVC pipes.

3. If the walls are bricks - the wiring for the bath will be hidden, hidden behind the layer of plaster.

4. All cables should be mounted in a strictly vertical and horizontal position. Benefits and twisting should not be, which is indicated in the last edition of the PUE instruction. From the dispensary boxes to lay the wires only at right angles.

5. Try to place the wires in the least noticeable places. They should not be laid opposite the doors, closer than 50 cm from metal pipes and batteries.

6. Switches, sockets, like mounting boxes are forbidden to use indoors that differ in high temperature and humidity. Over time, moisture accumulates in them, and a short circuit will be inevitably. This applies primarily by steam room. Therefore, they must be placed in pre-branches or relaxation rooms.

7. Connect wires of wires should be welding or soldered.

8. Use protective protective reassembly.

10. Wires are prohibited from placing in metal shells and pipes.

Installing and connecting lamps

The protection class of lamps for the bath should not be< IP-44 и мощностью не >75 W. Plafones use only glass, and the housing is a metal, connected to the protective core of the wire. The plastic case can be deformed. Do not place lamps on the ceiling, but on the walls, since under the ceiling, the temperature is usually the highest. The pair use usually low-voltage voltage (12V). To this end, we will use lowering transformers that are placed outside the wage. Also in the pair is forbidden to install daylight lamps.

Connect sockets

Outlets can be installed only on the walls in the pre-tribades or a recreation room at an altitude of 90 cm. Their protection class should be not< IP-44. Желательно использовать розетки с крышками.


To connect the electric door, you will need wires capable of withstanding a high temperature (about 170 g) and high power of consumption, which is 4 kW on average). For these purposes, a wiring is suitable in the Cable Channel with single wires of the CBC brands, PMTK, PRKS or RKGM. Copper cable 3 * 2.5 mm can withstand approximately 5 kW load. It is acceptable to stretch the wires of the type of PMTK to the mounting box, which is located outside the zone of high temperature and humidity, and from the box to the shield to maintain a regular cable (3x2,5 VH).

Video: Electrician in the bath and in the sauna

When installing electrical wires, remember that the correct wiring in the bath is the key to your comfortable and safe rest in this room. Before installing, carefully examine PUE (rules of the device of electrical installations) in the last edition - the desktop "Bible" of the electrician. Try to approach the question as responsibly, by mounting the wiring with your own hands, or refer to the specialists.

The place that the bath procedure occupies in Russian culture and everyday life is difficult to overestimate. And it is quite clear that one of the first buildings on any country site in our country almost simultaneously with housing is the bath. However, modern baths are far enough in their perfection from those buildings in which our ancestors loved to bathe.

Of course, today you can often find bath houses in which you have to manually wear water from the well, columns, or just from the river, and they can be trampled exclusively with firewood. However, modern people are already accustomed to comfort in all spheres of life, so various engineering communications in the bath today are almost mandatory attribute.

Yes, many steam and broom fans appreciate the preparation of the wage to carry out a bath ritual, receiving a true pleasure from the rods of firewood, furnace fireboxes or a bucket with water. But still, most of us are accustomed to appreciate their time and does not like to make unnecessary efforts. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out which communication needs in the bathhouse of modern type, about the peculiarities of their laying, as well as other important nuances.

In many ways, the set of communications that is required to bring to the bathhouse is determined by local conditions. In particular, the presence or absence of the nearby centralized engineering networks.

However, it is possible to make a kind of "gentlemanic set", without which it will not use the steam room too convenient:

  • (from a centralized water supply network, an artesian well, from the nearest reservoir or well). Water is the only thing, without anything to wash, nor get across. Well, if the steamer is designed for 2 people. And if on a dozen? Manually then water will have to wear all day. After all, even for an ordinary family of 3 people will need not less than 100 liters of hot water. And does it work out normally wash, if you have to constantly think, whether it is enough for this water.
  • (or connecting to centralized power supply, or from the generator of any type used today - windmill, diesel or benzogenerator, etc.). Pars with candles is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe. Even kerosene lamps do not guarantee good lighting. Therefore, electricity must be at least for the operation of lighting devices.
    If the water supply is carried out from the well, column or river, then the pump that pumps water is also likely to be activated by electric shock.
    Often, there is a TV, a music center, for sure, there is an electric kettle or an electric samovar. And if we take into account the popularity of Tannes for heating and the mass use of electric boilers to heat the water, then the eyeliner to the electricity bath is a necessity.
    True, this will require permission in the relevant instances. The gasket will be extremely carefully observing all the rules. Electric current and increased humidity - a very dangerous combination.

  • Sewage. Of course without it, in principle, you can do or restrict ourselves to the simplest stock. However, with this approach, a very fast platform around the bath structure will be wetched, and the remnants of detergents contained in plum are unlikely to safely affect the ecology of the site. The toilet in the bath will also be completely superfluous. Run in the middle of the bath procedure when necessary in the booth in the yard or in a residential building is not too nice. Therefore, this sufficiently specific communication under the bath must also be recognized as necessary.
    It is installed in all rooms, from where the drains can come from - in the steam room, the wetting room, etc. Typical schemes of autonomous sewer systems of the necessary bandwidth can be found by plumbing specialists.
  • Ventilation is an aggregiously necessary system, and requiring competent preliminary calculations made to the installation of competent preliminary calculations made by professionals. Ventilation is also necessary for the health of bath visitors and to extend its service life: Increased humidity does not benefit the materials from which the bath structure is erected and which serve for its finishing.

A separate question is the need for a liner. Today, gas boilers are often often for heating and heating of water in bath buildings.. The work of them from cylinders, although, theoretically and possible, but valid only in theory. In practice, it will take a removal from the gas highway if there is a possibility. Well, if not, the problem simply disappears itself.

Here, perhaps, all major communications in the bath that provide her visit and full use without additional troubles.

Laying Communications

If the owner of the bath "With Hands", a significant part of the work he is able to do quite independently.

Perhaps only for sewage and wiring it is better to invite professionals.

All nuances should be thought out in advance, calculate the required amount of materials, including consumables, and choose the necessary toolkit. In order not to happen unpleasant surprises subsequently, during the execution of work on the commissioning of communication in the bath, the scheme of conducting with all important details should be drawn up in advance.

It is clear that it is better to engage in the construction period even during the construction period and include the Communications Plan to the General Project. However, it is quite realistic to modernize the already built bath to the desired state. It is clear that in this version it is necessary to competent planning the entire workflow in advance, and not to do the case "on the eyes."

Of course, weighing everything for both opposite, many will agree that communication in the Ban of the modern type is definitely necessary. But what exactly will be determined by concrete conditions and depend on the main position of the host of the bunny building and the availability of technical capabilities.

It is unlikely that there is a person who does not dream of his own bath on the plot. And even more so it will be great if you build such a bath with your own hands. Isn't a dream for a man? In addition to the nuances of construction, which, perhaps, has long been studied and taken into account, it is worth paying attention to various communications for the bath. Bath, communications for which are thought out from the very beginning, will enjoy the owners for many years and will be able to get acquainted with future generations of the family. What it is important to pay attention to:
Cold and hot water supply (water supply).
If water heating should occur with gas equipment, it is necessary to take care of the gas pipeline laying. The easiest way is to communicate for the bath, if there is a house next to it, in which everything you need is already provided. Caliation, water supply, and, when choosing gas heating of water, gas pipeline, should be thought out at the construction stage.

Sewerage is the most important element of the entire communications cycle for the bath. In our case, it is more not about the utilization of waste of life, but about draining water. Options here are a bit:
Ordinary cesspool;
Connecting to a common sewage system.
Connecting the bathing of the bath to the general system to perform with your own hands it will be possible in the presence of special knowledge and experience. If there are no such - it is better to call the brigade of the masters and pay.

Septic is a kind of reservoir located underground. May be single-chamber or multi-chamber. A single-chamber septic tank can be installed with your own hands, but it will be necessary to regularly invite special machines for pumping content. And access to the septic, with this, should be unhindered. The multi-chamber septicch is much easier to operate, but it will not be possible to install it without special skills.
Important to remember! Installation of septicism is not recommended in places where groundwater level exceeds 2 meters.
The cesspool or well-sump does not need a special presentation. This is an ordinary well that is digging away from the bath. Water there can be processed by some bacteria, absorbed into the ground or shimmer into other wells, from where it will "leave" in the drain - a ditch, for example.
No matter how the sewage system was not selected, in the room where the water merges, is installed in the floor of a drain period, which is equipped with a hydraulic device, which will not allow the penetration of garbage into the sewage, and will not allow the smells from the pipe "spill" on the bath.

How will we serve water?

Water supply to the bath can be carried out in such ways as:
Feed from the centralized system;
Autonomous water supply system (well);
In the country villages, water supply from the centralized system can be unstable, so many prefer independent water supply systems. Water supply from the well or well should be carried out by pump. At the same time, it is important to estimate the quality of the mains of the power grid - if the electricity is often turned off, it is worth buying a generator.
Pipes to the water supply bath are carried out depending on the planned time of use of the bath - if all year round, it is desirable to carry out a pipeline underground. Next to the pipes are connected to the pump, check valve, pressure switch and hydroaccumulator. Simplify the task will be able to pump station. Now the time is the organization of hot water supply. Selection of only two - electric heaters or gas boiler. For the latter, it will be necessary to carry out a gas pipeline to the bath and attract specialists, but it will save on electricity.

May the light be!

Electricity in the bath is a separate topic requiring a thorough, thoughtful approach, because the bath is built of wood, and the wiring is an excellent fire provocateur. In addition, in the steam room - aggressive temperature conditions. Wiring in the bath can be hidden or open. It will be more expensive installation of hidden wiring. The open wiring is mounted in a corrugated pipe. With special brackets, the wiring is attached to the walls.
In each room you need to provide a type of plastic. For example, in the steam room, plastic plastic plastones should not hang, it is better to give preference to glass beams with a metal housing. Here you can not mount any sockets nor switches.

What about the air?

It would seem that what ventilation can we talk about if we go to the bath for this - concentrated hot wet air. However, the wet air is not very friendly to the surfaces of the bath, especially wooden. And there are most there. In order to avoid the appearance of mold and other troubles, the steam room and the pre-banner should always be at an optimal level of humidity. How to achieve this?
The scheme of future ventilation is very simple: only 2 holes are required - for supplying fresh air and outflow of wet. Remember physics: warm air always rises up, it means that it is necessary to make a hole at the bottom of the air. Experts recommend doing the window as close as possible to the oven.
The window for the outflow of air should be done on the opposite principle - at the top of the steam, and it is preferably that place where the temperature is maximum.
You can consider ventilation in the pre-tribbon by the same scheme, only air windows may already be smaller.
By fulfilling all the recommendations, you can get at your disposal a bath whose communications will serve faithfully for many years, and will not require interventions, repair or substantial alterations.

Comfortable bathhouse on its plot - a dream, which can always be implemented in reality on their own. One of the key points of its construction is to solve the task of removal of waste efforts.

How the sewage is placed for the bath with their own hands and what moments consider when designing and installing the system, consider in more detail.

Not only aesthetic norms, but the current requirements aimed at maintaining the security of ecology pushed to the device for a competently designed disgrace of waste water.

According to the norms of 30-02-97, the collection and efforts of wastewater from the bath and the shower must be carried out with the help of cleaning and filter structures in which sand-gravel dumps are provided.

Constructive solutions of autonomous sewers, which are erected during the arrangement of the bath can be set.

By type of action, independent systems are divided into two types:

  1. Performing system - involves the movement of wastewater according to it. This effect is achieved at the expense of a properly sustained corner of the tilt of the pipeline.
  2. Press system - Provides forced transportation of wastewater with the use of pumping equipment.

The sewer system for a bath building is built, regardless of whether the water supply is connected or not supplied. In any case, the nature of the object implies the abundant use of water that needs to be disposed of.

When arranging the samotane system is determined by the diameter of the pipes.

Photo Installation Station Photo Guide

If a deep cleaning station is selected for wastewater processing before recycling, the electrical wiring device will also be required to be connected to the sewer system.

Otherwise, the stages of work on the arrangement of all types of sewage points of autonomous sewer systems are manufactured in a similar manner.

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But it can be installed only on soils characterized by a high level of moisture permeability. These include sandy, fine-grinding and large-grass soils.

Deciding with the place of arrangement of the drainage pit, perform the markup of the site and choose the path of the laying to it by the sewer highway

The construction of the cleaning facility is performed in such a sequence:

  1. At the noted area, the cutlery is digging, the depth of which is 1-1.5 meters exceeds the marking of the primer of the soil.
  2. The pits of the pit lay out the 10-centimeter clay layer.
  3. From above, clamzite or crushed stone-sandy, forming a layer with a height of 40-50 cm. It will perform the drainage function.
  4. To prevent the sanding of the earth walls, they are plated by brick, laying out the ranks in a checkerboard order, or ready-made concrete rings.

If desired, the wall of the drainage well can be postponed with auto strokes. To do this, dripped, the diameter of which allows you to accommodate 4-5 paved tires laid on each other.