Repairs Design Furniture

How to work with siding: basic rules and features. Montage of siding with your own hands (75 photos): Step-by-step instructions for beginners. Tips from professionals assembling siding do it yourself

How to increase all practical characteristics of the house at times and at the same time externally make a house more solid, attractive? It will help to achieve such goals ordinary siding. About all kinds of this facing of the facade of the building and how to correctly perform the installation of siding with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction for dummies will tell in all details.

Required tools and materials

Any construction and repair process begins with the preparation of the necessary tool and building materials. What does Siding Installation Technology require?

Regardless of the type of siding, the master will necessarily need electrical instruments such as portable circular electrolyteel and screwdriver.

From ordinary repair tools will be useful:

  1. Level;
  2. Roulette;
  3. A hammer;
  4. Hoven for metal;
  5. Knife cutter;
  6. Awl;
  7. Screwdriver;
  8. Passatia.

Siding fastening involves active work on a tree or metal, which means it is desirable to protect the eyes and hands from entering small particles. For this, builders advise to wear protective glasses and construction gloves.

What siding is better metallic or vinyl

Depending on the material from which the elements for the objects of the house are made, there are several of the most popular types of siding: it is wooden (block mobile), metal and vinyl. What siding is better?

Let's analyze every type from the Customer's point of view (i.e., according to external indicators and cost) and from the position of the installer's wizard (i.e., what is required to pre-prepare panels, how easy it is to install Siding, how to calculate siding for cost and consumable material, etc.).

Vinyl siding is made from polyvinyl chloride, practically no preparatory work in the installation of vinyl siding does not require. This material is mounted on the wall of the house will be without much effort, since all panels are performed on a clear geometry.

From the positive performance it is worth specifying:

  1. Environmental safety;
  2. High fire safety;
  3. Polymer siding almost completely eliminates the danger of rotting and damage to fungal diseases;
  4. Tolerance to temperature fluctuations (from -50 to +50 s).

The negative indicators of siding from vinyl are attributable:

  1. Low noise and thermal insulation;
  2. The inability to create bright contrasting color solutions;
  3. Re-restore the scorched color will not work;
  4. After installation, the surface of the vinyl requires constant processing and careful care;
  5. The manufacturer gives a warranty period for integrating operation of only 50 years and only if the design is properly installed.

Metal: this is a galvanized steel panel with an additional coating with various coloring substances.

What has:

  1. Excellent resistance to fire, damage to fungus;
  2. There is no need for special care for siding (it is enough to wash water enough);
  3. Metal panels are most convenient for the embodiment of a wide variety of designer ideas: more than 100 color options + decorative coatings;
  4. Before installing the installation, special preparation of the source surface is not carried out;
  5. Installation is performed easily at any ambient temperature;
  6. There is no need to customize the details of the hacksaw.

By cons buyers belong:

  1. The complete absence of sound and thermal insulation, which means that the installation of siding with the insulation will be necessary;
  2. Poor resistance to mechanical damage;
  3. The service life is up to 50 years, too, with competent installation.

Siding installation features Block House even more complex:

  • Here it is necessary to further prepare wood by antiseptic solution and various varno-coloring substances;

  • Requires cleaning of the main surface of the building;

  • Horizontal panels should be fixed on the surface;

  • There is a constant processing of the surface of the siding after installation;

  • Due to the considerable weight of the tree, the design takes the walls of the house;
  • Extremely high fire hazard;
  • The threat of rotting and infection with fungal diseases;
  • Color presentation opportunities: only shades of wood, i.e. Siding brown with shades on halftone.

Given the above mentioned moments, specialists conclude that the duration of using siding under the log is 100% depends on the subsequent processing / care.

But among the particularly valuable characteristics indicate high heat and sound insulation properties, resistance to mechanical and other types of damage, environmentally friendly and useful material for the body.

After analyzing the properties of each of the presented species, it is possible to fairly determine which siding will look better on the facade of the house.

Installation work Crane

The covering of siding always begins with the installation of siding clamp. What is a doome of siding and what is it needed for? The siding doomlet is a frame of metal or wooden (20-40 mm) guides on which the siding fence is attached.

  • Frame horizontal and vertical rails under the crate can be made of galvanized, aluminum profile, CD profile under drywall or other material: It is important that the contacting of building materials on the walls of the house with the craters does not provoke devastating reactions (corrosion, rotting, etc.).
  • What is needed for siding is needed - it is not difficult to understand. First, this design allows you to "correct" the curvature of the walls of the house, hide small protrusions, surface irregularities. Secondly, it repeatedly increases the operational durability of the material due to the created ventilation.
  • If the siding panels must be laid vertically, the doomle is done with horizontal guides. Conversely: Mounting metal siding with horizontal panels requires a vertical clamp.
  • Using the level spend horizontal and vertical markup. From the drawn guides after 30-40 mm attach the frames of the frame on the dowel (for walls of bricks, shells) or on a self-tapping screw (for wooden surfaces). Under the drains, lamps and other practical elements install additional slave racks.

Thermo and moisture insulation

Without additional measures on thermal insulation and moisture insulation, the installation of vinyl siding does not cost. The mounted ceaseplate of 10 cm is placed in plates (or in roll). Insulation is complemented by a hydrobarier. On top of the double layer from the insulation + waterproofer set another crate (in parallel with the first crates), which will be attached to the outdoor siding under the log, from vinyl, metal or other material.

It must be left between the hydraulic / thermal insulation cushion in the cushion and the house wall of the house. This air layer will become an effective help in implementing the functions of thermo- and moisture insulation of the house, which repeatedly increase the performance characteristics.

Installation of guide elements

The correct installation of the facade of the house is always starts with fastening the first strip. This is a special Siding Plank, which in consequences will almost completely hidden by other siding elements. But, on how unmistakably, this plank will be attached, the final result will depend on: beautiful siding will work out or not at all.

What needs to be done? From the bottom of the wall, which is planned to perform the installation of vinyl siding, the distance equal to the thickness of the siding is measured (this is the width of one siding element). From one edge of the wall to the point at the measured distance, a nail is driven and using a level is determined by the place for another nail on the opposite edge of the wall.

Two such guidelines are connected by the line - this is the main guide for mounting siding dek. Through a few attached slave strips on a frame crate, it is worth checking the clarity of the guide to eliminate errors.

Installation of external corner profiles

The external finish of the house necessarily includes work on the basement, i.e. serving part of the foundation. Under the installation of the base siding, the material of a more expressive format is selected and often contrasting color.

For example, under gray siding for the facade of the walls, Siding beige will look quite effectively for the base. The angular elements that must be used for installation of base siding are also used to finish the corners of windows and doors.

As external angular profiles, manufacturers have developed several different forms.:

  1. The J-profile is used to secure end and corner panels (in window openings, doors, angular joints), as well as the finishing bar. Under the starting bar, this type of profile is not advised to be applied, because due to the form (in the form of a Latin letter J) water can accumulate in the profile.
  2. The n-profile is designed to fasten the plates among themselves on a flat section of the walls.
  3. The F-profile closes the slopes.

Between any of the discovering wall elements and the profile, it is necessary to leave a gap of 6 mm - this is the accounting of the maximum expansion of the profile material when changing the temperature. It is this installation scheme that is performed for contact with the basement: between it and the profile indent 6 mm.

Installation of internal angular profiles

The order of installation of internal angular profiles is practically no different from the installation of external corners:

  1. Use j-profile;
  2. Between the profile and the siding panel leave space up to 3 mm.

If the wall of the house is more than 3 m, then when installing alta siding on the profile, the profile splicing should be performed.

There is such a pattern: vinyl or other siding dimensions changes with increasing / decrease air temperature, but you can define in advance the direction of the linear expansion of the material. For this use selflessness.

If you screw the screws in the extreme oval hole of the vertical bar not in the center, but along the upper edge, the material will not be deformed upwards, but only on the sides and down.

Installation of the first panel

As mentioned above, the first panel and the first row is a pointer for all subsequent rows. It must be attached to the starting bar. From this first panel, all the following elements will rise to the top of the wall.

Special attention and diligence, of course, it is worth paying the starting bar. How to correctly fix the starting plank - already described above. After the starting plank is fixed, you can move to the installation of the first siding panel.

Practitioners have identified a number of tricks, thanks to which you can achieve high quality and wear resistance of siding panels.

  1. Strips of siding material have a number of oval holes at the extreme strip, which are designed for fastening elements (nails, screws). These fasteners should be installed only in the center of the oval, since it is possible to avoid damage to the panels, when the width and length increases with changes in the temperature.
  2. A similar rationale has advice and about the density of fitting the hats of the screws to the surface of the panel: the width between these elements should be such that the coin has freely.
  3. In the corners, the mounting of the slats is not performed, because for these structural parts of the house there are its elements (angular planks).

Installation of vinyl siding on the wall of the house is simple, if you carefully follow the recommendations of professionals and have all the necessary materials on your hand / tools.

In addition to siding plates, it is necessary to purchase internal and outer angles, starting and finishing rails, connecting profile, platbands. This design elements will help to perform high-quality installation of siding finish in all complex places of the house (corners, near-room frames, doorways, under the roof, etc.).

From the bottom level of the house from the extreme left corner, we begin to build siding trim:

  • The starting strip is attached;

  • The first siding panel is mounted on the lane under the bottom lock;

  • Above the running rows are fixed by the lock of the lower row;

  • Ends the design of the finish plank.

Montage under the roof

The scheme of execution of works is no different from the above described:

  1. Installation of crates;
  2. Installation of starting rail at a distance of 15 cm from the ends of the walls;
  3. The first siding panel is placed in this starting rail;
  4. Siding-details are jammed, 2 cm. The distance between the mounting plars should be at least 0.5 cm.

Montage of Fronton

The fronton house is one of the brightest details of the design, its appearance rushes into the eyes from afar. Naturally, the design of all mounting siding works should end with a similar finish of the fronton.

It is convenient that, regardless of the selected siding type, the sizes of panels can be changed: The width is usually not adjusted, but the length of the panel edge is easily trimmed with a conventional joinery knife. The accuracy of the entire design will provide the above profile types.

  1. The crate should be made for the fronton. It consists of the same guides as for the wall of the house.
  2. The surface of the front can be stuck vertically or horizontally siding panels. You can use a combined method - the transition from one installation direction to another is possible using a seafing profile.
  3. The work is performed from the bottom up and end with the finish plank. The top panel must be trimmed at the corner of the roof. To do this, it is enough to make a template from a small piece of panel.

How to calculate Siding on the frontoth? There is an easy way to install: from the center of the fronton. A n-profile should be installed on the central vertical axis, starting the starting bands in it and it is already started to mount the panels in both directions.

Installing panels

Outwardly, the siding should be located both vertically and horizontally along the wall or on a different surface. The first siding panel is inserted into the fixed starting bar. Click must be heard - it means that the bar is installed correctly.

The further ranks of the panels are erected up, fasten with self-taverns to the crate, taking into account the above construction technology, and completes the design of the finishing plan, for which the extreme panel will be rented, arming it slightly.

Vinyl siding installation rules do it yourself

To fulfill all the work on finishing the facade of the house by siding panels will be able to anyone. The cost of work during independent installation, of course, is several times inferior than paying for hired masters. If all the recommendations are thoroughly clearly, it will not be mistakes, and the appearance of your home will allow to experience the feeling of pride and joy in full.

  • When mounting siding, with your own hands, step-by-step instructions repeatedly focuses on such a rule: during the consolidation of the siding panel to the wall screws, it is necessary to leave between the screw of the self-press and the wall of the distance of 1-2 mm.
  • This is necessary, because When changing the temperature indicators, the vinyl material of the Siding Docke panels has an extension property, and when fixing "tightly" to the wall of the panel can simply burst or significantly deform.
  • It is for this reason that the siding work in Russia follows only in the summer (i.e. in the warm season). After all, the material of the polyvinyl chloride, from which the vinyl siding panels make, has sufficient linear expansion.

It should be especially close to the installation instructions, because even with minor deviations from the rules, the savings of the panels of this species may be followed.

Metal Siding Mounting Rules

  • Metal siding panels are made of galvanized iron, and this involves the considerable weight of the material. It means that the lamp must be more serious than for vinyl, which will naturally affect the cost of the work of masters and the cost of building materials for the crate.
  • Metal siding M2 at the prices of producers of the Russian Federation is almost twice as expensive than vinyl.
  • Elegant work is also important for metallic siding, since the material requires attention to the state of painting. It means that the cost of work after installation is also considerable.

Conclusion: it is impossible to clearly define a good and bad view of the house of the house facade, because It depends on the individual aspects: the state of the house, taste preferences of the owner, the size of its wallet, etc. is true only one thing: wear your house in a gorgeous dress from siding-design - it is profitable, durable and beautiful!

Installation of vinyl siding with your own hands

Siding panel - spectacular design of the facade of the house. Thanks to modern technologies, this finishing material can imitate almost any surface - stone, wood, brick. The popularity of such decorative panels is due to the low cost, as well as excellent qualitative characteristics. Conduct siding installation yourself. For this, no special skills will be required. It is enough to take advantage of the Siding Installation Instructions with your own hands for dummies.

The sequence of work when installing siding is almost always the same. Here are the main stages of the arrangement of the facade of the house with the help of this technology:

  1. Installation of decorative panels always begins with the installation of the starting profile. Later he will completely hide the first plate. If the starting profile is not fixed by level, then the subsequent panels will fall on the wall unevenTherefore, you constantly need to control the correctness of the installation.
  2. Each siding plate is equipped with a special lock, with which it is fixed with the previous one. Perforation is provided at the top of the panel. It is through these holes that the plate is fixed.
  3. After the wall is fully assembled, it is necessary to complete the installation of the finish plank.

When mounting siding, you should consider the possible linear expansion and narrowing of the material due to temperature drops. In order to damage the panel when changing weather conditions, it is necessary to create temperature gaps. Vertical and angular slats siding should not be inserted tightly. Self-press / nail head, which is attached to the plate, should not press it strongly to the frame. The mounting of the panel should be carried out in the middle of the perforation hole, which will ensure its mobility when temperatures change.

Certain rules, at what temperature to install siding, no. It is desirable that the street is not lower than minus 10 degrees. But the size of the temperature gaps depends on the time of the year in which the installation is made. In the summer, the side gap should be about 10 mm, in the winter it should be increased to 12 mm.

Vinyl siding installation rules do it yourself

Installation of any siding begins with a frame assembly. It can be vertical or horizontal. Most often, the vertical frame is suitable for panels such as a shipboard or block house.

Arrangement of vertical carcass

First, at the corner of the house, a vertical line is carried out with the help of a building level and prepared plumbs. Along the line on both sides, holes for fastening of suspensions or mounting brackets are drilled in which a metal profile is installed. Next, the same guide is attached at the opposite corner of the wall and the construction cord is stretched between them. Holding to the specified level, the rest of the guides are fixed with a step of no more than 40-50 cm.

Around the windows and doors it is required to additionally install the frame from profiles. In these places there will be a missile plank or an offline. Additionally, the framework will be required in those places where in the future it is planned to install lighting lamps or a motor block of the split system.

Assembling panels

After the frame is completed, you can proceed to the process of the trim. Panels of different manufacturers have different designs of challenges and fixing locks. But the instructions for their connection usually comes complete to vinyl siding. However, there are general principles for fastening panels:

  • corner profiles are attached strictly vertically;
  • fix the siding panels start from the middle to the edges;
  • when fastening the plates, the screws or screws do not twist until the very end.

Helpful advice! In order to get a gap between the self-tapping screw and the siding plate, it is twisted until it stops, and then unscrewed by one turn.

The assembly starts with the installation of starting and corner slats. They subsequently inserted ordinary vinyl panels. Since the angular planks are rather flexible, with their help you can equip both stupid and sharp corners. To get a stupid angle, the bar is slightly pressed, and for acute - compress.

For the docking of ordinary panels there is a special n-connector. It is necessary when the length of the plate is missing to completely block the wall. You can do without using this item. Then the plates screw the flashes.

Metal Siding Mounting Rules: Instructions

The principle of the cover of the facade with metal siding is the same as vinyl. For installation will be required:

  • internal and outer angles;
  • start rack;
  • connecting profile;
  • finish rake;
  • platbands.

Mounting metal starting from the corner of the building. The first row of panels is attached to the launch rail. The following rows are recorded by the castle of the previous series. So gradually makes the cover of the whole wall. The top row is fixed with the finish rail.

Helpful advice! If during installation it is necessary to lengthen the corner strips, the upper part must be mounted on the bottom bracket 2-2.5 cm.

Installation instructions for base siding

For the installation of basement siding will also require the arrangement of the crate. It is performed by creating the same frame as for walls. If there is no coating from concrete or tile around the house, then the lower ends are not adjusted to the ground by about 7-10 cm. Additionally, before starting the installation of the base siding, it is necessary to check how lined the foundation. For this, the height of the base is measured throughout the perimeter. If the height is the same everywhere, then the starting profile can be used when cladding. But if there are significant differences, you will have to cut the first panel.

Usually the sides of the base panels are stepped, therefore, the protruding parts near the corners will have to cut. In the angular profile there should be a smooth edge. It is also necessary to match the size of the panels and their quantity with the long wall. The final plate should not be less than 20 cm. The last touch can be considered the fastening of the J-profile throughout the perimeter of the base. It is necessary to protect against moisture.

Photo Instructions for Siding Installation

Siding is used everywhere, but in our country he is only gaining popularity. This is a fairly practical type of facade coating, which combines the quality of the ventilated facade and the beauty of the lining. In addition, the coating price is beneficial from other options, and the installation complexity allows you to work yourself.

Siding is characterized by such qualities:

  • chemical inertness;
  • resistance to solar radiation, both thermal and ultraviolet;
  • lack of biological, chemical and electrochemical corrosion;
  • resistance to temperature drops (from -50 ° C to + 50 ° C);
  • durability - up to 50 years;
  • easy to care - just rinse the surface with water and detergent;
  • low weight;
  • simple installation.

To understand, outdoor siding - installation and advantages, it is enough to know about its physical properties and follow simple rules. Each manufacturer gives its own set of recommendations on the installation of one or another coating, but we will try to highlight universal rules characteristic of most materials.

Physical properties and structure


To produce siding use various materials: wood, PVC, acrylic, steel. However, the most popular and common is polyvinyl chlorideSo we will consider this particular material.

Polyvinyl chloride

The coating from this polymer can serve for more than 50 years. In this case, the care is very simple: it is enough to wash off from time to time dirt with water with detergent.

Effect of PVC Temperature

However, the structure of polyvinyl chloride is that when the temperature changes, its volume is also changed, and quite noticeable. Therefore, the mounting panels should not be tough. It is also important not to lock the panels close to each other, it is necessary to leave the gap or to do it out.

Sealing holes or slots are also allowed between the details of the facade. Siding presupposes a ventilated coating so that the moisture is not accumulated under its sheets and panels.

Details, Accessories and Accessories

Singing sets include many details. However, this is designed to facilitate your work, as the manufacturer tries to take into account all the difficulties and problems.

So, the standard set includes such accessories:

  1. Starting plank.
  2. Inner corner
  3. Drain plank.
  4. Outdoor angle.
  5. Agricon frame.
  6. H-profile for docking panels.
  7. Chamfer or wind board.
  8. J-profile.
  9. Finish plank.
  10. Main panels or self-siding.
  11. Platbands.

All items are easily adjusted for the desired size and architecture. PVC is easy to cut, panels weigh enough enough, so the installation is easy.

Articles on the topic:

Rules for cutting PVC panels

If you intend to mount the coating with your own hands, you need to know some features of the cutting of this material.

So, you can use such tools for work:

  • construction knife cutter;
  • a grinder with an adjustable speed of rotation of the disk;
  • electric saw;
  • shears for cutting sheet tin;
  • hacksaw.

Cutting knife

If you cut a knife, press the panel with one hand to the fixed solid surface, and the second hand make an incision along the planted line. The cutting material should not be cut, it is better to simply spend along the line by pressing with the average force, and then break the piece, bending the part along the cut line.

Tip: Markup is better to produce with the help of the square. It can be done independently: this is a triangle with sides of 3: 4: 5 (so-called Egyptian triangle), where 5 corresponds to hypotenuse, and 3 and 4 - customs.

Work Bulgarian

Cutting with a grinder should be made on small revolutions to avoid overheating of the part and the melting material along the cut line. The disk is used for metal.

Terms of Use Electropolis

Electric saw or a side of siding is also very convenient. You will need a disk with a small tooth. Many put the disk so that the teeth look in the opposite direction, it allows you to cut carefully. When working, the saw should be careful and not allow chipping and cracks.

Scissors for metal

When working for metal scissors, use only ¾ of the length of the knives. This will allow you to cut the material most carefully. It should be started from the top and move to the bottom.

Tip: When working with a grinder and electric copies, use safety glasses. Chip in the eyes can entail serious injuries up to loss.

Why do you need a puncher

You will also need a special perforator For siding. This is a tool for punching holes or expansion of existing nail openings. The fact is that PVC cannot be pierced with nails, it leads to cracks and damage to the material.


Handsaw can only be used with a fine tooth and a metal cutting blade. Work carefully and slowly, otherwise the incision may turn out uneven or with chips.

Rules for fastening panels and fittings

The instruction will be incomplete if you do not mention the rules for fastening the details of the coating. As already mentioned, PVC is subject to considerable temperature expansion.

As a result, certain measures were developed:

  1. Nails and self-tapping screws should not tightly press the hats panel. The clearance must be at least 1 mm.
  2. Nails and screws should be exactly in the middle of the nail hole.
  3. When attaching a vertical part, it is attached to the first nail, which is driven into the top of the upper hole. The item is like hanging on this nail, the rest are clogged in the center of the holes.
  4. There are no less than 0.6 cm between panels and accessories. The docking of the panels is made or a mustache, or through a gap from 6 to 25 mm.
  5. Sealing gaps and holes in the coating are invalid.
  6. The nail or screw must enter at a right angle to the plane of the panel.
  7. The distance between the attachments should not exceed 40 cm, for vertical parts - 25 cm.
  8. If, after attachment, the part shifts from side to the side freely - it means the mount is done correctly.


These simple rules will allow mounting siding without problems. The order of work can be found in typical mounting cards. Also when buying a material should be interested in how to work with it.

Follow the manufacturer's recommendations as accurately as possible, and the success is guaranteed. Also before installing the installation, browse the video posted on the network, it will help to visually submit the procedures that you have to do.

Siding is one of the most inexpensive and practical materials for finishing the facade of the house. Installing such a cladding is fairly simple, even the starting builder can master the installation. The material is distinguished by strength and durability, it is not afraid of rain, frost, wind and sun. It will protect the walls of the house from mechanical damage and prevent their premature destruction.

Another argument in favor of the material under consideration is the freedom of the fantasy of the designer. Wall cladding can be performed in a variety of colors and textures. There is a huge number of options, some of them are designed to simulate natural stone, bricks, woods of various breeds.

Types of cladding siding

Siding is a special casing panel. Products for outdoor cladding usually have a form of lamella, but sometimes larger varieties are encountered. These elements are available in the form of quite large panels.

Siding himself can be performed from different materials:

  1. Plastic. Made on the basis of vinyl or acrylic polymer. The facade finish with the material of this type is the most accessible option. The material is not subject to rotting, resistant to moisture. Plastic in this case does not crack and does not support burning. The disadvantages of the siding siding of this type can be attributed to low blow strength.

  2. Metal. Galvanized iron or aluminum panels are distinguished by absolute fire safety. They are also characterized by high strength. But there are several drawbacks that can deliver inconvenience when installing and operating. Such minuses include increased weight, steel instability to corrosion. To prevent damage, it is better to choose aluminum models, but their price will be tangible above.

  3. Wood. The material is called "Planken" and is characterized by a high cost. Wood capripses and requires special attention and care during operation. But the benefits of such cladding of houses include an attractive appearance, good thermal insulation and sound insulation indicators.

  4. Fibrocement. A relatively new kind that is only gaining popularity. The material belongs to the non-combustible group, is not subject to the appearance of mold and fungus. Also, moisture resistance, strength and durability can also be isolated from the positive characteristics. For mounting there are special attachments.

Outdoor decoration at home siding is easy, but painstakingly. Given the cost of services of professional workers, it will be much easier to fulfill these works with your own hands. This will require only learning technology and carefully view the manufacturer's recommendations for a specific finishing material.

Calculation of material and preparation

The technology of finishing the house siding for all its types is almost the same. To limit the house, you will need to prepare some work tools:

  • universal hacksaw with slight teeth;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • passatia;
  • a hammer;
  • construction plumb;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Full list of necessary tools

It is easier to perform work together. Start with the calculation of the material. This is necessary in order to immediately purchase the required amount and avoid additional transport and time costs during the work.

Calculate the amount of material can be approximately. For this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer walls, the base and cornices is calculated. To calculate the required number of panels, the result must be divided into one element area. In order to think over the location of the joints and more accurately calculate the amount, it is worth performing a sketch of the outer walls of the building. It is recommended to add 5-10% on trimming and various unforeseen expenses to the resulting quantity of siding.

Calculation of the surface area for lining

Wall decoration begins with surface preparation. It includes the following:

  • purification from dirt and dust;
  • removal of plants, dried lime;
  • removal of the rejected plaster and other finishing materials;
  • disassembling drain pipes, windowsill, various decorative elements, which in the process of work can interfere.

Montage Karcasa

If the house is built of brick or light concrete, it is recommended to apply a lung metal profile crate. For a wooden or frame building, it is reasonable to choose a wooden frame.

Wooden crate makes 50x50 mm sizes. To the wall they can be mounted on nails or self-tapping screws. When mounting the wall siding, the crate is vertically. When finishing the base, both vertical and horizontal framework can be used.

Frame rails are installed in 30-40 cm increments, as well as around the openings. At the very bottom of the rails should not be

First of all, the installation of angular elements of the framework. Their evenness is checked with the help level. To secure the frame racks, it is worth using nails with an anti-corrosion coating (zinc, aluminum). The distance between the framework depends on the type of siding. For metal panels, it will be 40 cm, and for vinyl - 30 cm. But this information should be clarified by the manufacturer.

Planning to insulate the facade?

In order for the house to save the ability to breathe, it is recommended to choose mineral wool. This is especially true for wooden buildings. The thickness of the thermal insulator is selected depending on the climatic region.

Warming at home mineral wool implies the presence of a ventilation layer between cotton and siding. If the height of the crates is not enough to provide a gap of 1-3 cm, then provide for a counterclaim.

Installation of insulation with a counterclaim to create a ventzazor

On top of the insulation, with the help of a construction stapler, a hydraulic protection film is attached. The walls of the walls will breathe well if used modern parodiffusion windproof membranes. With insulation, it is worth exercising caution because the wrong choice of materials at this stage can lead to problems with the temperature indoor and ventilation.

How to work with siding

The finish begins with the installation of the starting profile. It is attached to the crate on galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. The second step will be the installation of angular elements and a connecting profile (if necessary). Door and window openings need to be elapsed by a special J-profile.

Installation of start and angular profiles

Installation of the first siding panel is performed on the starting bar. It snaps and fixed with self-draws (or nails). Build facing begin to bottom up. Panels are fixed with a puzzle system.

Attention! When installing plastic, wooden or fibro-cement panels, rigid fixation is not allowed. After proper installation, the element can be moved to the sides. Hard fixation is used only when installing metal siding.

Installation of ordinary, connecting and end elements

When working with plastic between the trim and the hat, the nail or self-press should be leaving a 20 millimeters gap. Dense fastening can damage the material when the moisture and temperature changes (plastic expands).

Facade finish siding is quite simple. Plastic elements have special elongated holes for fasteners. Nails or screws are placed in the middle.

To complete the finish of the house siding, you must install the finishing bar at the top of the wall. The last panel is inserted into this bar below and snaps.

For the final completion of the finish, it is necessary to install all the front elements (eaves, window sills, pipes, etc.) in its place.

Discarded house siding is reliably protected from any weather phenomena!

How to independently install siding with the smallest loss.

Siding installation mainly does not cause special difficulties, but requires strict compliance with the technology of installation of siding and recommendations that the factory manufactures the installation of this finishing material.

The repair of the old and dilapidated building is a rather complicated and time consuming process, especially if we are talking about a wooden house with a long service life. There are two main ways to solve this problem:

  • Cover the house with clapboard. Does not solve all the problems. The facade permanent maintenance will be required: annual repainting, sealing of seamless seams, etc.
  • Finishing with siding. This option is more acceptable, as it allows you to perform work quickly, simultaneously insulate the building, as well as a long time saves a good appearance without the need for seasonal maintenance

Attention! Siding refers to the category of ventilated facades, so wooden walls will not rot under it, continuing to "breathe » .

Selection of siding as finishing material is obvious in this case. It is worth noting that this type of outer decoration can also be used for brick and concrete houses, as it allows you to quickly and easily perform repair work and give the building a beautiful appearance.

Before conducting basic works, it is necessary to determine which you will be suitable.

View photo examples of skin siding with your own hands you can. There are quite a lot of successful samples.

It remains to answer the following few questions:

  • How to calculate the required amount of consumables?
  • Are the preparatory work necessary?
  • What tool will need?
  • What can include surface preparation for siding?
  • How to make a crate?
  • How to start, continue and finish assembly work?
  • What should be considered when?
  • How can fitness help? Etc.

In the order installation instructions, let's try to answer all these questions in order.

Calculation of siding

Most of the owners performing repair with their own hands allow a gross mistake by performing counting the square of the building walls. What's the catch? The fact is that the strips are manufactured standard length, it is a little less than six meters. Then it must be shy. As a result of counting in quadrature, many segments remain and often the material is simply lacking. Therefore, to calculate the total amount of material in order to maximize the overrun, it is necessary, taking into account the length and width of the plank.

  1. Measure the length of the wall. For example, it has 8 meters. Therefore, a whole strip can be installed, and after another cut about 2 meters. In the future, the residues of the cut strip will be further used for the other two rows. It turns out that there are only four planks for three rows
  2. Measure the height of the wall. Walls in a wooden single-storey house before the roof is usually not more than 3 meters. One series of siding has a working surface of 22.9 cm. Three rows, therefore, close 0.68 m. Next, divide the height of the walls to the result and four 3000 cm ÷ 0. 68 ÷ 4 \u003d 11. It turns out that it is necessary for a deaf wall Purchase 11 strips of material
  3. Window openings. It is not worth throwing out the area of \u200b\u200bwindow openings, as it will additionally need a material that can be used for slopes. Additionally, you must calculate the total number of J angles, docking strips, starting slats. They are calculated in strict accordance with the length and height of the building

If there are difficulties in counting, you can use a special calculator, a program that is often on various construction sites.

Preparation for construction work

At this stage, it will be necessary to collect a building tool, to establish forests, and the most important thing to solve whether the work will be carried out independently or with the involvement of a professional brigade. If the last option is selected, then calculate additional costs simply. The cost of services of the brigade will cost 50-75% of the costs of building material. If there is no possibility or desire to spend this amount, then you can install yourself. Compliant with the construction team, you need to consider that all the problems associated with the calculation, preparation and installation will solve employees of this brigade.

You can calculate yourself, think where you can save, and where to add items based on your financial capabilities.
You can get acquainted with siding sizes. And you can find a detailed description of the features of the calculation of siding on the house.

What tool to install siding may be needed?

For facing the building with siding, you will need a standard set of tools. Namely:

  • Corner shlifmashinka
  • Screwdriver and screwdriver
  • Hoven for metal
  • Level
  • Roulette
  • Perforator
  • A hammer
  • Scissors for metal

If possible, you can also use a disk saw, it helps to accurately cut the desired angle and increase the quality of work.

Is it necessary to prepare the surface?

For a wooden house, this is a mandatory part of the installation. For a brick building, it is mainly not required to carry out preparatory work. Wooden house is prepared as follows:

  1. The surface is examined to remove fallen boards
  2. The surface is processed by antiseptic
  3. All decorative and protruding elements are removed.

It is quite important to check the windows in the house in order to determine their compliance with horizontal and vertical planes. Any irregularity will be well noticeable, so it is possible to hang them or replace them with plastic. After the preparatory work, you can move to the arrangement of the crate.

How to install profiles under siding (make a crate) and insulate the walls?

Is it necessary to install the crate for siding? Briefly, yes! The fact is that the fence is a kind of shock absorber between the walls of the building and the material itself. During the shrinkage of the building, the appearance of cracks in the stripes or their deformation can be avoided. To the same, the lamp eliminates the irregularities of the walls. So, she needs! In addition, with its help you can insulate the walls of the building. How is the installation of the crate?

  1. Two profiles are installed on the edges of the building. They exhibit in strict accordance with the vertical and horizontal level. By the way, for installation, a standard profile is usually used, which is used for drywall structures.
  2. The remaining profiles are installed vertically on the thread. The optimal distance between them is about 40 cm. Some, wanting to save, make a step more wider, up to 60 cm. It can be justified if in the area where the building is located, there are no strong gusts of the wind
  3. The insulation is labeled between the profile. For ventilated facades, it is best to use one of the options for soft insulation
  4. We check the end result using the rule

Now you can proceed with siding.

Installation of vinyl siding

Where to begin?

Install the starting strip

First you need to mark up.

And the requirement here is that the lower part of the bar does not lie on the ground. The gap between it and the breakfast of the building should be at least a few centimeters. Strip fasteners are performed using galvanized nails.

Make the installation of the starting slap siding is better at once all over the perimeter of the building. Here it is useful. With it, we place zero, and with the help of a construction cord, we establish a common horizon for four sides. Since the insulation is already lying on the walls, the marks can be made directly on the profile.

Install accessories and planks

The installation process is quite easy, but still the basic recommendations should be followed:

  • Vinyl siding is expanding under the influence of temperature, when installing, it is necessary to take into account this property of the material. The necessary thermal gap is about 5-6 mm.
  • To the crate material is attached so that it can "breathe." Nails are not clogged to the end, leaving a small gap between a hat and a facing material about 1-2 mm.
  • Fasteners are carried out in the center of the hole. Fixing the plank on the side is a violation of the process. The step between the fastener is about 30-40 cm.
  • Fix the bar only after clicking the panel in the lock. This will testify to click

Corners must be protected with special accessories. Are there rules in this regard?

The outer angle helps to increase the strength of the finish and at the same time hide the location of the layers among themselves. Recommendations for the installation of this accessure are as follows:

  • Bottom part. Must perform below 10 mm than the lower level of the plank
  • Top. Should not reach the cornice of 5 mm.
  • Fastening. In this case, the step between the dowels must be less, 20-30 cm is allowed.
  • Additional fittings. If you want to close the ends, you can independently cut the plugs from the segments from J - Strip

How to install J bar?

In order to ennoble door and window openings, it is necessary to establish the so-called J - bar. If the disk saw under hand, it will be much easier to do it.

  1. The horizontal bar is cut into the groove on both sides. Vertical made special ear
  2. On the perimeter of the window, a plank is installed, the upper part of which is trimmed at an angle

For deep slopes, you can use a bilateral J - profile.

[Caution] Siding Planks should be mounted from top to bottom. It is quite important to leave certain gaps during the installation between the shell end and connecting profiles and corners. Siding panels must stand freely. It is necessary to create space for the temperature expansion of the material.

If the strip lengths lack and have to perform its extension, you can use the following tips:

  • Install n profile. The best, but expensive decision
  • Set butt slipperics. In this case, the place of docking must be done in the disintegration

Otherwise, the installation of siding does not represent complexity.
Some owners of private houses prefer to use metallic siding to cover the house. Just like vinyl, easy.

Useful tips:

  • For trimming angles, it is best to use a disk saw. It can be rented in any construction supermarket.
  • Arched J - profile must be fixed without temperature seam. Hats dowels only in this case clogged close

Finishing siding allows you to restore the old house quickly and efficiently with the possibility of additional insulation and most importantly - on your own. All this is possible only if you listen to recommendations regarding its installation.

Video installation of siding do it yourself

Video instructions from a large Russian vinyl and base siding manufacturer.