Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the pan from the solar carpent: cast iron, aluminum, ceramic. How to clean the pan from Nagara using a soldering lamp

Turning solar stains during heating are isolated toxins and cooked food, poisoning the body. That is why it is so important to consider Nagar and solar stains from frying pan. It is possible to consider a thick layer of nagar and fat quickly and just at home by folk remedies that are always in the kitchen. It is necessary to draw attention to what material the dishes are made: not all cleaning tools are suitable for delicate surfaces.

Cleansing the outer side of the dishes is much more complicated to clean the dishes on the inner surface. Cooking on open fire contributes to drying the organic residues on the walls of the dishes. The inconvenience of the location of the cleaning plane complicates the task. There are several ways to successfully cope with the cleaning of the bottom and the outer walls of the frying pan.

For washing frying pan, it is necessary to prepare a large spacious metal pelvis or bucket. When using aggressive cleaning tools, removable frying pan elements and covers (knobs, holders) before the procedure is recommended to remove.

Open flame

The fire contributes to the melting of fat and helps to dry the Nagar, therefore the solar pollution, which appeared from the long-term use of frying pan, are significantly easier. To use this method, it is better to turn on the burner and go out into the street or in the cuisine, provide access to air, draft. Heating surface outside, melting fat, the fire contributes to the rejection of the nagar, which will disappear by pieces.

Mechanical method cleaning

Manually metal brushed without additional means to remove solar pollution is problematic.

A proven method tested by time is the use of a rigid brush as a drill nozzle, a grinding machine or a different electrical device that will help ensure high bristle friction and frying pan.

With mechanical cleaning, the tag comes with small pieces, so you should take care of safety in advance: put on safety glasses, tight gloves.

Universal Cleaning Suspension

Cast iron or metal dishes are permissible to clean with almost any aggressive way, but with delicate dishes and special coating you need to do carefully. Modern dishes are distinguished by the original design and specific coating, therefore it is recommended to use solutions and suspensions.

When cleaning modern dishes, give preference to special solutions, suspensions from components available in the household.

Required components:

  • a bucket of water;
  • 500 grams of food soda;
  • economic soap, just one bar is 72%;
  • 2 packs of silicate glue.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Heat on the stove water in the bucket, add a household soap into it chopped on a shallow grater, then the calcined soda and silicate glue.
  2. Mix the composition thoroughly. Wait to completely dissolve soap.
  3. Place in a hot solution of the pan. If there are removable parts in the design of the frying pan, it should be removed before cleaning.
  4. Boil mortar with a frying pan in the bucket for about 15 minutes.
  5. After the time turns off the plate, close the bucket with the lid. For deep dissolution, softening complex contaminants should be left in the solution with a cleaning dishes for several hours or even at night.

Such procedures allow so soften the solar stains that they can easily be removed by the sharp blade of the knife.

After any method of cleaning to remove the cleaning composition with dishes and subsequent cooking on a clean surface, it is recommended to boil it in clean water for 30 minutes.

Cleaning the inner surface depending on the coating material

Cleansing the inner part of the frying pan should not affect the quality of the surface, otherwise the products will burn. Therefore, the means of cleaning dishes should be chosen depending on the material from which it is made.

Using aggressive tools in the cleaning of the frying pan, take care of safety: rubber gloves will help save the skin of the hands, well ventilated premises will help dispel harmful toxic evaporation and smoke.

Aluminum Skovoroda

A delicate surface for which the purification of metal brushes is dangerous. The use of alkalis and acids can lead to the appearance of spots and spoil the coating.


Heating the frying pan to the residual temperature is not always possible at home. It is necessary to ensure sufficient air circulation.

You can raise on the stove for 2 hours or shake fine sand for 2-3 hours.

Soda and silicate glue solution

It will take spacious dishes: an iron economic bucket or large pelvis. A frying pan should be fully immersed in the container.

Loading the household soap to grate. Polkylogram of soda calcined, 100 gr silicate glue dissolve in boiling water. Place a frying pan and boil it for 30 minutes. Wash off a soft sponge.

Teflon coating

Teflon fears powdered products, abrasive substances, therefore requires the use of more sparing devices.

Soda Calcined

It is permissible to use a solution of soda calcined and the usual detergent. In boiling water, dissolve soda and liquid soap, put the pan on it for a while to destroy the old strata of pollution.

After cooling, the soluble tag is considered from the surface of the soft sponge.

Summer Alcohol and Boric Acid

In a glass of water, dissolve on one teaspoon of ammonia and boric acid. In the resulting mixture, rub the frying pan and leave for some time for the action of the composition.

After time, wipe and washed with warm water.

Economic Soap and Soda

In terms of grater of 200 grams of soap, add 4 tablespoons of soda, dissolve the components in water, fill with a frying pan with a solution. Boil the solution for an hour, leave until complete cooling.

Believe a soft brush and washed with warm water.

Silicate glue

Original and effective method of cleaning frying pan with glue. In 2 liters of water, there are two tubes of silicate glue, 100 grams of dishwashing liquids, 200 grams of soda calcined. The resulting solution is boiled in a pan for about an hour. Wait for a complete cooling.

After the time expires, drain the solution and wash the frying pan with a soft sponge liquid for washing dishes.


To dissolve the solar sucking spots, the removal of Gary is convenient to use toothpaste.

It must be applied to the pan and leave for a while. Describe a soft sponge from frying pan.


The tool will help to cope with stains that appeared recently.

Water with alcohol the surface of the frying pan, wash off a soft sponge and liquid soap.

Sour apple

You can consider new fresh spots to help the acidic apple juice environment. Cut the apple in half, the inner part of the thread for greater allocation of juice. Grate the inner surface of the frying pan with apple halves. Leave for auxiliary environment for a while, after which it is possible to remove the contamination with a soft sponge and dishwashing liquid.

Cast iron dishes

Singing the cleaning of the cast-iron frying pan, you can over time to get such a tag at the bottom and walls of the dishes, which will be layered on the surface and crumple with small pieces.

Regular high-quality cleaning of such dishes will prevent the emergence of complex, difficult pollution.


Pour a liter of water in the cast-iron frying pan, dilute in it a glass of vinegar. The resulting solution to bring to a boil and turn off. The room should be well ventilated. Insist during the day.

After these procedures, you can launder the tart with a brush with a rigid bristle or metal washcloth with a liquid soap for washing dishes.


Pure sand has long been used to clean the dishes inside with fat and nagar.

First you need to provide fresh air access to the kitchen. Dry peeled sand heat in a frying pan to a hot state, keep it on a small fire for about 3 hours.


Clear cast-iron dishes can be cleaned with a soldering lamp heating. Sequencing:

  • put a brick on a small face;
  • place a pan on a brick upside down;
  • burn the bottom of the burner until it decides (must pass at least 15 minutes);
  • remove the remnants of the soot with a metal brush.

Ceramic coating

Due to its bright appearance, frying pan with ceramic coating is very popular.

However, the dishes with such a coating are not cheap and requires special delicate care.

Soap mortar

The method is convenient for softening the solar stains and does not require the purchase of additional funds.

It will help boils in a frying pan with grated economic or liquid soap.

Melamine sponge

Successfully helps to cope with an unsaturable ceramic coated frying pan.

It is necessary to moisten a sponge in warm water, not smile it, and rub the solar spots of Nagara.

Stainless steel

The chromium in the composition of the steel contributes to the creation of a protective film that protects against the appearance of rust and difficultly wired spots.

However, it is important regularly, after each cooking on a steel frying pan, it is carefully soaked.

Baking soda

It is necessary to carefully wash the frying pan. Full-table soda Divide a small amount of water, it turns out a cleaning paste. To smear this pan and leave for several hours to softening strong contaminants.

After time, rub the surface dry, removing the soda, wash.


Pour enough water so that all stains are filled. Boil. Add salt and leave for several hours to soften contaminants.

Adding salt in cold water negatively affects the state of metal.

After two hours, clean the surface with a soft sponge. If there are preoccupied spots, the procedure is repeated. It is not desirable to remove to remove them, which will be damaged, which will lead to greater adhesion of food during cooking.

Activated carbon

The proposed tool is found in each home first aid kit. Coal helps to cope with stains from the burnt milk.
In a small amount of water add crushed activated carbon. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash the pan thoroughly.

Aclest medium

Vinegar or lemon juice successfully softens the most solar, burnt stains. Soak frying pan in vinegar and leave for 10-15 minutes, wash off with liquid soap.

When using lemon juice into a glass of water, a tablespoon of juice is added and soaked in it dishes.

Stationery Glue with Food Soda

If the method using soda did not give the desired result, it can be applied together with the stationery glue.

In the pelvis or metal bucket of sufficient capacity pour water, add the specified components in such a proportion: on 5 liters of water polls of soda and 100 ml of glue. To obtain a higher result, you can add liquid soap, and preferably - grated economic soap.

Place in a bucket with a solution of dishes, boil 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, turn off the slab and give the dishes to cool in the solution. Wash the frying pan with the familiar way.

Coffee grounds

Stainless steel frying pan is permissible to clean with grinding coffee beans. The residues of coffee with a thick merge on a sponge for washing dishes and wipe the pan. This method helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor. After cleaning the frying pan you need to rinse with warm water.


The material from which a frying pan is made, determines the method of cleaning, removal of solar stains, a long-term burnt layer of fat. The use of various methods for cleansing the frying pan helps to cope with the most complex nagar, without damaging the surface and not attaching great effort to this.

Avoid difficultly wired spots in a pan will help timely washing dishes. If Nagar still managed to form, pour the frying pan with hot water for a while for softening pollution, then wash the rigid kitchen brush.

Reading time: 1 minute

Any frying pan is teflon, aluminum, steel and even ceramic, still over time is covered with pushing on the view of Nagar. Alas, its unsightly appearance is only the "pinnacle of iceberg." Gare, accidentally falling into food, may well provoke the development of stomach cancer. The scale of metal, the firing fat, with harmful microorganisms breeding in this medium, are not very useful for our health. But how to clean the pan from Nagara, we will try to disassemble in detail in this article.

All methods for efficiently cleaning in pan can be divided into three large categories - chemical, thermal and mechanical. Let us talk in detail about each - and you choose what you most like. In addition, they will prompt how to clean the pan from Nagara, video in this material.


Mechanically clean the frying pan will help the following.


Our distant ancestors cleared their frying pan with water and sand. Nowadays, there is a pretty comfortable alternative - sand blasting, the best answer to the question "How to clean the pan from a strong Nagar?" Sand, energized with compressed air, will clean up any skill from Nagar and Polluts. That's just one minus - it is possible to carry out such a procedure only in a tire workshop.

Tip! Please note that sandblasts are able to damage the integrity of the surface of the frying pan.

Motherwise fashion - you need a petal end circle. Full cleaning even a large pan will take no more than 5 minutes. Alternative - Drill with a suitable nozzle.

Metal brushes

You can buy such a tool in any hypermarket. Well, then - clean the pan from Nagara. To help yourself, from time to time heated the pan over the burner on. Alternative - bonfire, soldering lamp. And the metal brush can be replaced by a knife or a sharp scraper.

Tip! Mechanical cleaning is good for cast iron, but is not allowed for Teflon and ceramics.


For this method, stock:

  • Gas-burner ( as an alternative - soldering lamp);
  • Brick;
  • Wire urine;
  • Cold water pelvis.

Conduce the procedure or on the street, or in a well-ventilated room. Put the brick on the vertical line, and on it are peeled, in order to clean the frying pan from dirt and nagar. Treat the bottom until it looks like it. It is possible to achieve this effect after 15-20 minutes. Then lower the frying pan in a cold water basic. Due to the effects of the temperature difference, GAR is easy to peel off from the pan when cleaning it with a metal washcloth.

Tip! Be careful - the cast iron frying pan can burst when applying such a method.


The method is the most common and acceptable at home. But when it is used, do not forget about the elementary safety rules: work only in well-ventilated rooms, put on dense rubber gloves and, for a number of cases, respirator. Consider private methods.

Ideal for cleaning even the oldest scenery. Therefore, this is the most suitable answer to the question. " How to clean a strongly contaminated pan from Nagara?"However, the remedy is very aggressive, so do not start working without rubber gloves. Strong Nagar is cleaned at the time of exposure to the means of 1-2 hours.

Household chemicals

What is most efficient:

  • "Pemiolux";
  • "Mr. Chister";
  • "Fairy";
  • "Chateter";
  • "Sanita";
  • "Anticar hedgehog" and so on.

"Anti-Bank Hedgehog" line of "Sanita" "Zepter"
"Mr. Chister" "Pemiolux"

The funds mentioned in the photo are well coped with pollution of weak and moderately. Well, without mechanical impact, of course, it is not here.

Tool for cleaning sewer pipes

The liquid must necessarily have in its composition sodium hydroxide ( pure spoof). Naturally, you should produce work in dense rubber gloves. How to clean the frying pan from Nagara in this way? Fill a solution ( 500 g tools for 1 liter of water) In the non-metallic bucket and leave a frying pan in it.

Alkali in this case is added to the water, and not vice versa! In other cases, a stormy chemical reaction will go. After the pan is enough, it will be enough to lose from Gary's residues. After cleaning, you must immediately get rid of toxic fluid in the bucket.

Tip! This method can lead to rust formation.

Acetic acid

If the frying pan does not have strong damage on the surface, it is enough simply for several hours to soak in a basin with acetic acid solution. Otherwise, it is imperative in gloves, wipe the frying pan with a sponge, generously moistened in vinegar.

In order for the dishes does not smell with vinegar, after cleaning, boil it in a container with the addition of soda.

Food soda and hydrogen peroxide

The safest way. Mix both of these components before the formation of the marsh. Heat the frying pan and apply this mixture on it. After 5-10 minutes, you can proceed to mechanical cleaning - the NAG should be noticeably easier to move away from the surface.

Lemon, acetic acid and soda

If you are looking for how to clean the pan from Nagara folk remedies, this is a tool for you. Find suitable basic or chan, put a pan in it, fill it with water so that the sudine completely disappeared into the liquid. Add lemon and acetic acid, taking into account the 1/4 cup of the first and ½ the second one per liter of water. When all this mass boils, reduce the fire.

After 15 minutes, you will already see the first fruits of this process. Remove the frying pan and spend it with a manual sponge - it is not necessary to fully wash the mud, your task is to disturb the integrity of the Gary layer. Return the pan in the pelvis on the plate, adding a pair of tablespoons of soda. Leave it to boil for 15-20 minutes. Then he will remain a metal sponge to remove the softening greed.

Salt and soda

Slightly heat the frying pan, moisten its surface, which then dear soda or soda layer. Then return the ass on the turned off, but the heated burner and leave the hour tomorrow. Then it will only remain erased by the Gar Iron Wash.

Oven cleaning agent

To begin with, the pan should be washed with conventional dishwashing fluid. Then abundantly treat the means to clean the wind wardrobes and wrap the bag overnight. The next day you have to do a little hard sponge.

Silicate glue

Now we will tell you how to clean the frying pan from Nagar with silicate glue. You will need:

  • two bottles of silicate glue;
  • one piece of household soap;
  • 500 g soda;
  • large container for peculiar " ware»Frying pan.

Before the process, be sure to remove wooden and plastic handles. Then act according to the algorithm:

  1. Fill the tank with water, put on fire.
  2. Stodit soap on the grater and pour into the water. There, add glue and soda. Mix all the components and wait for their complete dissolution.
  3. Now lower the pan in the container.
  4. Boil the ass for 15 minutes.
  5. Turn off the burner, close the capacitance with the lid and leave for 2-3 hours.
  6. At the end, the exfoliate sings of Nagar rigid sponge or scraper.

You can clearly meet this process in the video in this article.

Activated carbon

The method is good if something has recently burned something in a pan. 10 coal tablets rack, scattered on the surface of the pan. Then add some water, soak for 1-2 hours. Next, just wash the dishes.

Summer and Bura

How to bother the pan from Nagara yet? This method will clearly cleanse the contamination not only a scenery, but also the rest of the dishes. The method is simple enough: Mix 1-2 drops of "amazing" and 10 g of stools in a glass with warm water. Apply a solution to the pan, leave for a while to mock. After you need to clean it thoroughly.

Sunflower oil and washing powder

We will tell how to reveal the pan from Nagar, and imagine the perfect means for cleaning corrugated surfaces. In Chan with water, add a little powder and 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Then place in the Scrop solution, and the Chan put on fire. Bring to a boil, give the dishes a little to mock and wash it in the usual way.


Fans of experiments we propose to use the electrolysis installation. To your attention instruction:

  1. Pour 4.5 liters of water into the plastic basin, add 1 tablespoon of soda there and lower the frying pan. Place the steel plate into the water ( the baking sheet is perfect).
  2. The red clamp is fixed on the contrary, and black - in the pan. Turn on the device for 10 amps.
  3. Only that part of the pan will be cleaned, which is immersed in water and addressed to saying. The closer it is located to him, the way the impact on Gar. But they should not touch - otherwise the effect comes to " not».
  4. Once bubbles appear in the water - the process is launched!
  5. After such an impact, you will only have to scrape easily now the feeding nagar.

Frequent cases

Now is the time to consider tips to help clear the specific types of pans.


Imagine two methods prompting how to clean the steel frying pan from Nagara.

Required components: Description of the method:

Throw off the pan from all sides of hot water and generously shivering all its surfaces with soda.

Watch, accompanying strength, plots with Nagar, and then leave the saxician in soda for half an hour. Then rinse with water and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Salt Pour half a glass of salt in the pan and put it on fire. Heat 15 minutes. Then leave the pan with salt for several hours. In conclusion, spend the surface of the sickness of the sponge.

Cast iron

You can wash such a frying pan in two ways.

Required components: Description of the method:

Laundry soap,


PVA glue

Take a big saucepan, iron basin or chan, place a pan and fill it with water. Audine must be completely immersed in liquid.

Grind into this container on a grater piece of household soap, add 500 g of soda and 200 ml of PVA glue.

Bring to a boil and keep on fire until the Nagar will be squeezed. Do not forget to air the kitchen.

In the end of the procedure, spoil the walls of the frying pan with a metal washcloth.

Helding in the oven But now - how to clean the grill pan from Nagara. Remove all plastic elements from it, split the oven to 250 degrees and place the frying pan. During the procedure, the kitchen should also be well ventilated.

Now consider how to clean the softest and " capricious»Metal.


We will tell at the same time and how to clean the pan from a stainless steel from Nagara. A mechanical way to clean aluminum should not be inflicting quite effective and the digestion of the ass.

Required components: Description of the method:


PVA glue,


Listed can be replaced by 300 g of cook salt

Pour ten liters of water into the large iron container, add the "Ingredients" and, actually the pan - it should be completely hidden in water. Put the Chan on fire and boil at least 2 hours.
Sand - to remove a carbon inside the frying pan Pour sand to the very edges in the pan, put it on fire and split 2 hours. Then it will only be left to throw off the sand along with the Gary layer.

And now a frying pan from an atypical material.


Ceramic frying panities are very comfortable in the farm and are almost indispensable in the preparation of fast breakfasts - pancakes, scrambled eggs. However, Nagar may form and on this easily cleansing coating. In no case do not try to remove it with abrasive products - you are guaranteed to spoil the coverage of things. Better contact the following methods that we placed in the table.

Required components: Description of the method:
Alcohol How to clean the pancake frying pan from Nagara if it is ceramic? Watch your cotton disk in a nagar spot - a few robust movements and it will quickly come down from the surface.
Boiling - if food burned in the pan

Pour the water frying pan on the bottom - so that it covers it. Then put the saucepan on the burner. Leave boiled about 15 minutes.

In most cases, after that, it is easy to remove the hub with a soft sponge. If it did not help you, then repeat the procedures by adding a lemon acid powder package into water.


How to clean the non-stick frying pan from Nagara quickly and safely? Clean such a "capricious" material will help one effective method.

After breaking, how to clean the pan with a non-stick coating from Nagara, we turn to the next question.

Restoration of oily coating

If the frying pan is not a ceramic and non-teflon, then such an effective cleaning will deprive its oily layer, and food on such a vessel will be burned. So that this did not happen, you can return it in two ways, the price of the distilled funds to which is very symbolic.

With salt

Act on this simple algorithm:

  1. Generously pour salt the bottom of the frying pan and roll it within 15-20 minutes. As soon as you hear a crackle, start stirring the salt, taking the bottom of the pan. Pour it for a while 20 minutes.
  2. As soon as the frying pan cools, remove the salt and rinse the saucepan.
  3. A quick warm frying pan again - when it becomes hot, lubricate its surface with a tassel, dipped in vegetable oil.
  4. Once the oil begins to burn, quickly remove it with a paper napkin and pour a new portion. The procedure described to achieve the effect you have to repeat three times.

In the oven

This method at the same time and excellently cope with rust. Stick up the next algorithm:

  1. Less a frying pan in the oven preheated to 120 degrees.
  2. Lubricate the oil pan with sunflower, rapid or olive, and return to the oven. However, this time the temperature must be 230 degrees. So that the oil does not spat the oven, protect it with the walls and the bottom of the foil.
  3. After the frying pan cools, it will again need to lubricate with oil.

It is much easier to prevent the appearance of Nagara than to delete it. Share with you simple recommendations that will help you keep frying pans in a presentable form for a long time:

  • Take the rule to wash polluted dishes as it appears. From soaking " for tomorrow»The first fat layers appear, which appeal later in Nagar.
  • Use the economic soap that is effectively fought with fat.
  • Wipe after washing a frying pan with a hard towel - it will help remove the remaining fat particles.
  • Teflon frying pans are best washed with a household soap, and when cooking use special wooden blades.
  • Later remains a clean cast-iron frying pan, it will help her periodic calcination before cooking.
  • The cast iron is "afraid" dishwashers - it's better to wash such a pan manually so that it does not appear rust.
  • In no case do not clean the aluminum with a metal washcloth or the "sandpaper" - to eat food cooked in such a dishes, is dangerous! Damaged aluminum is strongly oxidized. Oxide, falling into the human body, is postponed in bone tissue, releasing calcium, which makes bones fragile.
  • If you decide to clean the aluminum frying pan with abrasives, then abundantly lubricate it with soap solution and leave in such a state at night. During this time, a film of aluminum dioxide is formed, which will stop the formation of harmful connections.
  • The safest and easily washing utensils are ceramic. But such a frying pan has a significant minus - it is quite fragile.

Now you know exactly how to clean the frying pan from Nagara - a mechanical, thermal and chemical method. But any problem is easier to prevent than to decide - therefore, do not dismount our care tips for this kitchenware.

That came the moment when the question " How to clean the pan from Nagara?"Does not give you peace. Nagar and a fatty raid in the pan remains the global problem of all owners who love to cook at home, but we will tell you and show you on the video, how to deal with him.

Cleaning the frying pan from many years of Nagara is not the most pleasant occupation. It is so difficult to get rid of the thick layer of the burnt fat that sometimes I don't want to spend time on meaningless "friction" by a scraper, and a strong desire arises simply to throw a frying pan. However, not any mistress agrees to say goodbye to his beloved "assistant", which so wonderfully fry pancakes.

Modern frying pan furnaces are equipped with a teflon or ceramic coating, on which the NAGA and the fatty falls are not formed. Dishes with such a spraying is almost impossible to "sweep". It is very convenient for everyday life due to its non-stick coating. Plus, it is much easier to wash such a frying pan than the cast iron, because modern dishes are much easier for cast-iron grandmother's pylon and saucepan.

However, such "contemporaries" have its drawbacks. On pancakes with a non-stick coating, the taste of the cooked dish is not as good as on old cast iron. In addition, there are constant disputes about "harmlessness" of this unique coating, on which nothing burns. Therefore, most owners continue to prepare cobblets and pancakes on proven cast iron frying pans, which over time turn the "black fur coat".

Therefore, let's figure it out how to clean the pan from Nagara. Detergents and cleaning products will well cope with the problem of light nagar. Dishwashing liquid "Fairy" effectively struggles with a fatty rode in pan. The detergent is able to cope even with a thick layer of fat soot, but it is better not to bring it better.

It is important to wash the pan after each cooking, and not wait until it covers the thick black layer of soot.

There are many analogues actively destroying fat. For example, "Mr. Muskul Antizir" will be able to destroy even the old fat with a moralery frying pan. Removing the top layer of fat, you can quickly clean the frying pan from Nagara. Even the cleaning cream "Sanita" will help you clean the burnt frying pan, of course, using a metal scraper.

Before cleaning frying pan from Nagara, be sure to wear rubber gloves in order to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of aggressive chemistry. The respirator does not hurt. Do not forget that it is still chemicals that, to put it mildly, do not affect human health very well.

Before proceeding to clean the frying pan with chemicals, think twice. After all, then in it you will prepare food for the whole family, including for children.

What to clean the frying pan outside?

What to clean the frying pan from Nagar outside, know a few. Clean the dishes within much easier, but how to remove the wiggy fatty falling on the outside of the favorite cast-iron pan - this is the question.

Nagar, which is formed under the influence of direct flame, after a while ceases to wash off by ordinary cleaning and detergent. Over time, it is already impossible to wash it. But do not despair, the hostess, and do not think that the time came to say goodbye to the frying pan.

There are several methods that are already checked for years. They used our grandmothers and grandparents, and in modern life they did not forget about them, because it is possible to get rid of many years of Nagar with their help.

1. Fire flame.

Driving on the metal surface of the frying pan, the fire begins to dry the nap and melting fat. It is possible to heat the burnt peak at home above the open burner, on the bore or with the help of a gas burner. If you decide to clean the grief in such a way in the apartment, open all windows, and better make a draft. The smell in the destruction of the fatty plaque will not be the most pleasant. Therefore, it is better to take a gas burner, frying pan - and straight to the street.

In order to do everything correctly and no longer aggravate the situation, it is necessary to put the frying pan on the metal stand and burn open fire from all sides. If your frying pan has a wooden handle, then act as accurately as possible or give up this cleaning method at all.

If the aluminum frying pan was covered in Nagar, then it is not recommended for it for a long time, since it can be easily deformed.

You will notice how in the process of heating the nagar will be picked out and disappear. You can speed up this process, if you hide a snap-on to the nagar with a knife.

2. Mechanical impact.

Caigar can be removed using an iron brush using a drill with a metal nozzle and grinding machine. Now it uses modern techniques for this, and our grandmothers used other rebound fixtures.

Clean the tag from a frying pan using a metal nozzle for a drill. Your beloved husband will help you. Let be be sure to put on glasses and respiratorSince small particles of the collapsed Nagar will fly in all directions. In the house it is not worth this cleaning, Better let your man go to the garage or on the street, otherwise you will still find small "black Nagar Flakes" for furniture or kitchen appliances.

The following method is similar to the previous one, it is only necessary to use a grinding machine for cleaning a car with a frying pan. The ribbon, eccentric or vibration grinding can most effectively cope.

It is necessary to grind the frying pan as long as the entire nagar does not completely come down. In this case, it will have small particles, so you must wear a protective mask and glasses. About grinding in the apartment and speech can not be. Cleaning the pan from a car with a grinding machine only in the garage or outdoors.

3. Universal solution.

A special solution that can be prepared at home will clean the net from the frying pan of any material. Such a remedy is suitable for delicate modern dishes. The burnt saucement can also be cleaned from Nagara such a folk agent.

In order to prepare a special solution correctly, you need to stock such components:

    • 500 grams of ordinary food soda;
    • 72 percentage soap bar;
    • two packs of silicate glue.

If you are all found, you can proceed to the preparation of a universal means, adhering to such a sequence of actions:

After such "water procedures", even the oldest nagar can easily be cleaned with a knife.

Whatever from the methods you choose, shot after cleaning need to rinse well under running water. In the case of the use of a special solution, it is advisable to boil the frying pan in clean water for half an hour.

In conclusion, I want to say that you will not break your head over what to clean the pan from Nagar outside, if you can wash it regularly after each frying.

How to clean the cast iron, steel, teflon and ceramic frying pan?

Cleaning frying pan from Nagara has its own characteristics depending on which material it is made of. For example, to purify the Teflon frying pan of those with which the cast-iron was cleaned, it is impossible, since a gentle teflon or ceramic coating will not withstand a rough aggressive impact. In this article, you will find all sorts of cleaning options for your frying pan.

In order to correctly clean the dishes from the fatty burnt plaque, it is necessary to understand what he represents. Nagar. - This is a combination of fatty components and oxides, which are allocated to any metal surface in the process of exposure to high temperatures. From this it follows that it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, since the ingress of burnt units in food has a negative impact on human health.

It is better to prevent the critical moment when the black-ingore pieces will begin to flap and fall into food. From Nagara to get rid of it immediately. But do not forget that different alloys require an individual approach. What to clean exactly your skillet inside and outside from Nagara, we will look at the table below.

Features cleaning

Tool for cleaning

Preparation and use of cleansing

Teflon Plant Frying

contraindicated powdered agents containing abrasive particles

a solution of calcined soda and detergent

  • pour on the bottom of a little water and put it warm;
  • after the water boils, turn off the fire and leave it for 40-45 minutes;
  • in order to the Nagar rather collapsed, you can add a few drops of a dishwashing tooth or a tablespoon of soda into a frying pan;
  • in complete cleaning, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a soft sponge;
  • in order to wash the remnants of the detergent well, boil the pan with clean water

Frying pan

apply rough abrasive agents and metal scrapers are categorically prohibited.

Rock salt

  • pour the stalk salt to the steel frying pan and put on fire;
  • heating salt for 15 minutes;
  • after that, turn off the fire and leave the pan for several hours;
  • a few hours later, you quickly clean the burnt dishes from fat and nagar using a tight sponge

Soda Calcined

  • wet stainless steel frying pan inside and outside hot water;
  • abundantly sprinkle the entire surface of the soda soda;
  • purit well with a porous sponge, paying special attention to the burnt plots;
  • leave the soda on the surface of the frying pan for half an hour;
  • rassate the remains of soda and nagar with hot water;
  • if in some places, the tag was poorly cleared, then the procedure can be repeated

Table Vinegar and Lemon Acid

  • pour several cups of table vinegar to the steel frying pan and put heightened;
  • immediately open the window in the kitchen, because the vinegar will evaporate during heating, and the room will be an unpleasant smell;
  • after the vinegar is slightly heated, pumped there as citric acid;
  • when the vinegar starts to boil strongly, you can turn off the fire under the frying pan;
  • leave a burnt offense with vinegar and lemon acid for half an hour;
  • at the end of the specified time, the burned residues can be easily cleaned with a brush;
  • be sure to flush the dishes after cleaning with cold running water

Cast-iron pan

not afraid of coarse abrasives and even a metal scraper, you can clean even a grinding machine

Stone Salt, Table Vinegar and Soda Calcined

  • pull the bottom of the frying pan with a layer in a layer of several centimeters;
  • fill with vinegar;
  • let it stand so much 30 minutes;
  • after half an hour, put it on the fire and pour five tablespoons of soda (it is slightly less than a glass);
  • boil mixed components for 10 minutes and remove from fire;
  • rinse the pan with plenty of water

Vegetable oil to create an opponent coating

Drinking cleaning cast-iron frying pan from fat and nagar, do not overdo it. No need to thoroughly flush the cast iron from oil residues, as a thin bold layer is a certain opponse coating.

If you still cleaned it to shine, then garb the frying pan for the first time with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil and rinse with cold water.

Ceramic frying pan

clean only a soft porous sponge or fiber cloth;

avoid sharp temperature drops;

you can not use abrasive cleaning products and metal scrapers

Baking soda

In the case of an insignificant car, wash the ceramic frying pan with a small amount of food soda.

We hope you found in the list it is our frying pan and chose the most optimal way to clean it from Nagara. Believe that at home with the help of pricks, this can be done no less efficient than using expensive treatments for a specific surface type. But the most important thing I want to say, dear hosyrats, - take care of your pans and clean their surface on time in order to prevent the formation of Nagara.

Cleaning old fat and Nagara folk remedies

The purification of old fat and nagar from the folk folk agents is more and more hostesses. In modern life, we do not always have time to clean the dishes from the burnt fat. Therefore, after some time we notice that on your favorite pan that you still gave you, a thick layer of black soot was formed.

But then we grab the head and mind do not put it, how to clean it from this terrible layer of fat and nagar, which is impossible to remove the metal washcloth.

But it is not worth upset, because for solving this unpleasant problem, I have several secrets. Believe that after applying any of them, Nagar and old fat will quickly leave your favorite frying pan.

1. Economic soap.

If the fat layer in your pan has eaten to such an extent that all priderable funds do not help, an ordinary economic soap will help you to cope with this problem:

    • sutter half of the 72 percentage soap on a large grater;
    • fall off the chip in the pan and fill with water;
    • boil the soap solution for half an hour;
    • now you can turn off the fire and retain the dishes aside for another 40 minutes;
    • at the end of the specified time, it is pretty worn by the frying pan with a rigid sponge or washcloth;
    • carefully rinse and boil it with clean water.

2. Vinegar and citric acid.

Lemon acid and table vinegar will help you remove old fat from the walls of the frying pan or the saucepan:

    • pour some water into the container and put on fire;
    • wait until it boils, and pour the chamber of the table vinegar there;
    • practice a tablespoon of citric acid;
    • turn off the fire and give a fat vengeon to stand up for about 45 minutes;
    • the reaction of vinegar and citric acid will destroy even the oldest fat that you hardly tried to scrape with a knife.

This means contraindicated for aluminum dishes.

3. Silicate glue.

In order to clean the frying pan from Nagar using silicate adhesive, it is necessary to perform such procedures:

    • in a large saucepan or other capacity, pour 10 liters of water;
    • add 100 grams of silicate glue or PVA and 150 grams of sodium bugger;
    • immerse the frying pan and boil for half an hour;
    • turn off the boiling solution and leave cool;
    • after full cooling, the frying pan remove the old Nagar with a metal scraper.

In addition to all the above folk remedies, it is possible to effectively cope with fat, which thoroughly affected with your frying pan, will be able nylon sponge and dishware. It is enough to apply a small amount of detergent on a cold frying pan and rub all over the surface, and then with the help of a nylon sponge and hot water, clean the pan inside and outside. Due to its dense texture, nylon effectively removes any contamination.

To achieve the maximum effect, apply to the fat venue to clean the brass cabinet and put in a plastic bag, tie tightly and leave overnight. In the morning you can wash the frying pan with a sponge of nylon.

You will not believe your eyes, but there will be no trace from fat. Even on the touch of the Sudine will "creak" from purity.

Frying pans differ varieties. They are different in functionality, in diameter, thickness and height of the walls. But the choice of means and methods of cleaning the product are directly related to the characteristics of the materials from which the dishes are made. Mostly frying pan make from:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • of stainless steel.

Modern frying pan can wash, they do not require a lot of oil, and food does not burn due to high-tech coating:

  • teflon;
  • ceramic;
  • enamelled;
  • marble.

Popular household chemicals

Modern frying pan will delight purity for a long time if after each application you will immediately give them in order. In order to launder a pan and pan from a thick layer of dirt, there are effective cleaning products for this. Here, what brands on the hearing:

  • "Fairy";
  • "AOS";
  • "Gala";
  • "Silit".

There are several drops enough to wash the non-stick frying pan from the inside even from the old fat. When working with household chemicals, there are four important rules:

  • carefully graze - Many cleaning products are poorly washed away;
  • work in gloves - They protect the skin of the hands from allergic reactions;
  • provide air flow - You need to open the window or turn on the exhaust;
  • jump respirator - especially if you use "nuclear" cleaning agents.

How to quickly extort the frying pan: 2 "nuclear" means

Sometimes the nagar on the dishes is so strong that ordinary cleaning is simply powerless. Then the hostesses seek help to aggressive means. Some of them are initially not even intended for dishes. Technology is unsafe and requires special accuracy. Basically, two drugs use two drugs to remove the emerged layer of fat from the frying pan.

  1. Greasedeller "Shumanit". The remedy is sold in the form of cream, gel and liquid. It acts quickly and dissolves even the burnt and long-term fat on the surfaces. The peculiarity is that the drug acts literally in minutes. But some mistresses to achieve flawless purity, leave the tool longer. But it is important to take into account that "shumanit" toxic. Therefore, it is not suitable for continuous use and all manipulations must be carried out in gloves and a protective mask.
  2. Liquid for cleaning sewer pipes. The most aggressive, but effective are chemical solutions for cleaning sewer pipes. Funds should be stored in a place protected from children. Anyone, even the oldest and thick layer of Nagar comes down, if you place the frying pan in a solution consisting of a half-liter of such a means and five liters of water. Keep until you see that the dirt is completely behind. Mandatory condition: Pour the reagent into water, but not the opposite, otherwise you will not avoid an active chemical reaction.

To the Nagar does not appear: Preventive care

So that the frying pan serve longer, and the coating did not form a hoist of the solar fat, follow the recommendations for care and operation. For different skils - their advice.

  • Cast iron. It is better to warm up well before cooking. So it will burn less. Wash utensils will be easier, there will be less in Nagara.
  • Aluminum. In order not to look for a way to wash the aluminum frying pan from the old fat, use the right detergents during daily operation. It is best in this case soda with warm water and a soft sponge. Abrasives are prohibited.
  • Stainless. Easy to clean the bottom of the stainless frying pan from scale and remnants of burnt food will help salt or soda. Distribute half a cup of one or another substance along the bottom, wet slightly, leave for two or three hours. Stainless steel products can also easily clean the activated carbon. Grind ten tablets, mix with several water drops, treat problem areas, leave half an hour. Rock the remnants and slightly clean the brush.

Be careful with any non-stick coating. Even one scratch is dangerous. Also harm the change of tempera: it is impossible to wash hot utensils. Do not use aggressive cleaning products and metal scrapers. It is possible to boil the product for half an hour in the following solution: to 500 ml of water, add 200 ml of washing and three tablespoons of soda. While cooking, use wooden or silicone blades. After washing, wipe the frying pan.

Cast iron skille

The food prepared in them is especially fragrant and tasty. Therefore, do not rush to throw out the inheritance dishes. It serves a long time, distinguished by practicality, in many cases is indispensable. Large minus - heavy frying pan, quickly covered with soothed fat and soak, especially outside. Clean the cast-iron frying pan from the perennial car can be both mechanically influenced and using folk remedies.

Remove the flare outside ...

From the outside the cast-iron dishes are better to clean mechanically, without chemistry. The occupation is time consuming, because a man will be engaged in it. You can select seven ways.

  1. Metal scraper. If utensils are old and running, you will have to make a lot of effort. It is better to pre-hide it at high temperatures.
  2. Open fire. Before using the scraper, hold the frying pan over the open fire of the gas burner or place in the oven heated to 250 ° C. Big minus - the smell of Gary and Chad. Open the window or do it outdoors. For example, over the fire in the garden plot. Pre-remove wooden handles or protect them from flame.
  3. Blowtorch. A man having this tool will easily clean even the old dirt, simply guiding the flame on the surface for five minutes. It is necessary to do it on the street, dacha, in the garage.
  4. Sander. The nozzle must be the end petal. Purge spend on the street, defending itself with a respirator, protective glasses, overalls.
  5. Electric drill. Need a nozzle, at the end of which a piece of emery paper is attached. Applying some efforts can be cleaned the fattest layer of burnt fat, and then polish the frying pan with sandpaper to shine.
  6. Sandblast. This installation is available at the car repair station. Cleans with sand and compressed air. Auto mechanic quickly clean the kitchen utensils from dirt and rust. Disadvantage - you can disrupt the integrity of the cast iron.
  7. Sand. To remove the NAARCH should be filled with sand and hold for at least three hours on a small fire. Be sure to ventilate the room. If necessary, processing time to increase. Then mechanically in any convenient way to remove the remains of the car and rinse well with water.

In the firing process, pieces of old nagar will disappear with pieces. It is recommended to periodically use a knife to hide the treated layer. It accelerate the process.

... and inside

From old and proven ways, recipes can be remembered, such as dishwash the dishes where hydrogen peroxide is used, vinegar, household soap, salt, soda, lemon, stationery or silicate glue.

Silicate glue

  1. In a wide container of metal, for example, in a pelvis or tank for digestion of linen, pour 10 liters of water.
  2. One bar 72% economic soap rubbed on a coarse grater or grind in any convenient way.
  3. Add 200 g of silicate glue and 0.5 kg of food soda, mix, dissolve.
  4. Fully immerse dishes in the container.
  5. Open a window or window.
  6. Boil and keep on a small fire so much time so that the dirty layer soften. It will take from half an hour to five hours.
  7. Cool, remove, thoroughly slide under running water.
  8. Use a metal brush if necessary.
  9. If the dirt remained - to handle "noise" for half an hour, well to slip.

Lemon Acid

  1. Take two teaspoons of acid on a liter of water.
  2. Boil mortar in a frying pan 20 minutes.
  3. Cool, get.
  4. Dirt residues remove with metal brush.


  1. Mix water and vinegar in proportion 1: 3.
  2. Pour into dishes, boil five hours, pouring water.
  3. Provide fresh air access.
  4. The smell of vinegar remove, cleaned the inner surface after boiling by food soda.

Calcinated soda

  1. Purchase to the bottom, distribute salt evenly, pour half a glass of acetic acid.
  2. Leave half an hour.
  3. Add five tablespoons of soda calcined soda.
  4. Enable fire.
  5. Rush ten minutes.
  6. Rinse thoroughly under a stream of fresh water.

Hydrogen peroxide

  1. Mix soda and hydrogen peroxide, so that Cashier is.
  2. Heat the dishes.
  3. Lubricate the cooked mixture for ten minutes.
  4. Carefully rinse.
  5. If necessary - use the brush.
  6. When unsatisfactory a result, repeat the procedure.

Vinegar and citric acid

  1. Pour two liters of water into a wide container.
  2. Dissolve a layer of lemon and 200 g of vinegar.
  3. I bring the solution to boil.
  4. Dip the pan completely.
  5. Hold on fire for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove, cool, pre-clean the brush.
  7. Put into the solution again, adding four teaspoons of soda there.
  8. Keep on a small fire for about 15 minutes.
  9. Cool, remove, clean the surface with a metal brush.
  10. If necessary, the procedure is repeated to the full shine.

Economic soap

  1. Half the bar rubbed on the grater.
  2. Scroll into the bottom of the frying pan.
  3. To fill with water.
  4. Hold on half an hour.
  5. Rinse under water.

Washing powder with vegetable oil

  1. In a wide pelvis pour water.
  2. Add a handful of powder and several spoons of oil.
  3. Invest in the pelvis frying pan.
  4. Bring to a boil, wait half an hour.
  5. Wash thoroughly with water.
  6. It is better to take a powder for manual washing to avoid abundant foaming.

Ammonia alcohol and drow

  1. Mix a glass of water, 10 g of boras and two drops of ammonia.
  2. Pour into the bottom of the frying pan.
  3. Wait half an hour, wash off with water.

Do not wash pig-iron frying pan in dishwashers. This will lead to the formation of rust and mites the oil layer inside, which will cause burning food.

Take the rust

Sometimes dishes after the removal of Nagar remains rusty. What to do in this case? Remember that it is possible to solve the problem of rust only after the complete removal of the fatty plaque. To get rid of rust on a cast-iron frying pan, follow the next order of action from 12 steps.

  1. Mix the table vinegar with water in the ratio of 1: 8.
  2. Pour a solution into a wide and deep container.
  3. Immerse utensils in a container with acetic solution and leave for half an hour.
  4. Heat the oven to 130 ° C.
  5. Pull out the pan from the tank, remove rust residues, wash with hot water with detergent, dry.
  6. Place in the oven upside down.
  7. Leave for 30 minutes.
  8. Increase temperatures up to 230 ° C and hold for about an hour.
  9. Turn off the oven and remove the frying pan.
  10. As soon as the frying pan cools, treat the inner and outer surface with a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil.
  11. Napkins often change, removing excess fat and achieving the desired shine.
  12. The last stage is to put in the cooling chandeliment, periodically reaching and rubbing again, until the oven cools.

We restore the protective layer

So that food does not burn, and the frying pan is well laundered, it is necessary to warm it with the usual salt. For this you need to take the following six actions.

  1. Distribute salt to a smooth layer on the bottom.
  2. Get warm for half an hour.
  3. All this time interfere with salt so that the bottom of the bottom.
  4. Pour salt into a metal container, and after cooling - in the trash can.
  5. Frying to cool and rinse.
  6. Roller well again.

Aluminum Skin

It is inexpensive, this is their only plus. Quickly and uneven warming up, food in them is burning, especially oil. Metal highlights the compound harmful to the body. It is difficult to clean, it is impossible to use products with an acid and alkalis content, as well as metal scrapers.

Remove the flare outside ...

For complete cleansing, digestion or incandescent with sand is used. If you need to clean only the board and the bottom of the outside choose the following recipes.

With silicate glue

  1. Mix silicate glue (half-table), household soap (bar) and calcined soda (half a compound).
  2. Dissolve in 10 liters of water.
  3. Obtain a frying pan in the dish with a wide bottom to complete cleaning.
  4. After slipping, grate with a soft cloth.

With salt

  1. Prepare a solution: 10 liters of water 300 g of salts.
  2. Fully dip the dishes into the solution.
  3. Boil at least two hours.

With sand

  1. Fill them the dishes to the top.
  2. Ecruce, leave for two hours.
  3. Removable removes with a knife or cut.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with a cleaning agent.

... and inside

Aluminum kitchen accessories began to be applied among the very first. During this time, the mass of efficient and inexpensive methods of cleaning is invented. Try the following six.

  1. Baking soda. Treat the dishes with a soft sponge or boil with soda solid half an hour.
  2. Apple. If the inner surface is not very dirty, cleaned with the help of half of the apple.
  3. Dentifrice. Perfectly clean the aluminum coating inside. And if you heat the product, handle it with powder and leave for the night, then in the morning, after washing and rinsing, the dishes will glisten like a new one.
  4. Onion. Several bulbs, peeled and cut in half, must be put on the bottom, pour water, boil two hours on slow heat.
  5. Table vinegar. He will remove dark spots. Just treat contamination by this product.
  6. Detergent and water. Clean the frying pan from the smell of Gary and vinegar will help the next reception: boil the water in a pan and wash the dishes with the detergent.

Daily careful care and observance of non-good rules will help keep your aluminum assistant in perfect cleanliness. Take another three recommendations.

  1. Sandpaper. Do not clean the dishes from aluminum sandpaper. You will spoil her appearance and make harm to health. In the process of processing, the metal is oxidized. Oxide, falling into the body, destroys bone tissue.
  2. Washing powder. Do not use alkali, acid and chlorine tools. For example, washing powder. They will leave the dark spots that will spoil the appearance.
  3. Dishwasher. Do not wash often in the dishwasher, the frying pan will become dim and dark.

To prevent the ingress of oxidation products in food, leave soap foam overnight in aluminum dishes. In the morning, wash the foam hot water and dry the product. So the product forms a protective film.

Stainless steel pans

Such metal keeps the heat for a long time, so it is better to use it for the preparation of stewed dishes. Of the advantages - stainless steel frying pan do not emit harmful substances, so safe, fully retain the flavor and taste quality of products, are not covered with rust, resistant to mechanical damage. But food often burns. From other minuses - in the process of operation, ugly stains are formed, which can not be washed with means with solid abrasive particles. Stainless steel is the most capricious in caring, not tolerating cleaning agents in the form of powder and rigid rockets. Clean such dishes in the following ways.

Rock salt

  1. Distribute salt by the bottom evenly.
  2. Heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Let stand a couple of hours.
  4. Purchase salt.
  5. Rinse with gel.
  6. Rinse with clean running water.

Food or calcined soda

  1. Wet down the inner and outer sides of hot water.
  2. Fly soda abundantly.
  3. To lose particularly dirty places with a porous sponge.
  4. Leave half an hour.
  5. Wash off hot water, slip cold.
  6. The procedure can be repeated.

Vinegar and lemon acid

  1. Pour two glasses of table vinegar in the pan, heat heat slightly.
  2. Open the window or turn on the hood.
  3. Purchase of citric acid.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn off the fire.
  5. Hold under the closed lid for 30 minutes.
  6. Clean the remnants of Gary with a soft sponge.
  7. Thoroughly slip.

With teflon coating

Teflon coating is applied to aluminum and stainless steel frying pan. Main advantages - resistance to high temperatures and aggressive environments when cleaning. Effective way to clean such a frying pan - dishwasher. If there is no special equipment in the house, then it will help to clean the Teflon frying pan from the perennial car. A simple boiling method with detergent will help. You need to act six steps.

  1. Pour water into frying pan.
  2. Add a drop of detergent or slightly calcined soda.
  3. Bring to a boil, turn off the fire and wait for about an hour.
  4. Pour water, remove the dirt with a soft cloth from the microfiber.
  5. Boil once again with clean water.
  6. Water pour out, dishes wipe dry with a soft kitchen napkin.

To wash the anti-stick frying pan from the old fat from the inside can be the same way, but replacing the washing powder, the stationery and food soda. And in order to cleanse Teflon, including a pancake, frying pan from many years of Nagar not only inside, but also outside, there are two more simple ways.

Boiling in coca-cola

  1. Pour into a large metal pelvis coca-cola.
  2. Lower the frying pan in the drink.
  3. Put the container on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Opener until the dishes become clean.

Boil with soda

  1. Prepare a solution of three liters of water, 50 ml of calcined soda and a glass of any detergent.
  2. Pour a solution into a container with a wide bottom.
  3. Place the frying pan in the container.
  4. Boil to continue no more than half an hour.
  5. Then dishes, carefully rinse, wipe the soft napkin.

With marble coating

Marble frying pan has become popular. Marble crumb has been made of light aluminum, marble crumb has been added for strength to a non-stick coating. When forming in Nagara, marble products are clean up as any other non-stick coating.

In order for the surface for a long time for a long time, it should be carefully flushed before first use, dry, treat vegetative oil. No need to glow.

Such pan is much longer than Teflon or ceramic, but subject to the four simple rules of operation.

  1. Do not abuse dishwasher. It is allowed to wash in the device, but it is better not to part and do it manually.
  2. We use soda. To remove the burnt food to pour some water with soda, wait ten minutes, the remains are riveted with water using a soft sponge.
  3. We protect from temperature drops. It is better to wash immediately after use, but let cool, protecting the temperatures from jumps.
  4. Do not scratch. When cleaning, you need to use a soft sponge or a rag from the microfiber.

With ceramic coating

Ceramic coating is applied to aluminum or cast iron products. Different with high strength and security. It warms it evenly, cools long. Big minus - serves relatively long. After a few months, the coating begins to deteriorate and loses non-stick properties. To extend the service life, before the first application, the product is recommended to wash, dry, slightly wipe with vegetable oil, better olive. And after the first use of the ceramic frying pan, rinse it with a salt solution and thoroughly swing the kitchen napkin. Put the subsequent cleansing with a soft cloth. Can be cleaned by any means. But it is afraid of temperature drops, so before you need to give a frying pan to cool.

What can be cleaned of a burnt ceramic frying pan? Try to start just soak. If you feel that simple soaking does not help, then put the dishes on the fire, adding water and a little gel to sprinkle the remnants. Then they will easily remove them. Take more five more ways.

  1. Alcohol. With old spots, you can easily handle usual alcohol. Moch them with a mob, wipe the surface. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Means for cleaning ovens. If the Nagar spoils the appearance, boldly use the tool for cleaning ovens, which should not include citric acid and bleach. Treat dishes outside, leave for a while. Then remove the dirt with a melamine sponge, which in no case cannot be used for washing the inner surface.
  3. Baking soda. Mix it with water before the formation of the casket, gently wipe the surface.
  4. Mustard. Adding water to the water powder, make a cleaner, which will perfectly cope with the burnt fat outside and inside.
  5. Bura and ammonia. On 200 ml of water, several spoons of the borants should be added, three drops of ammonia. Pour the frying pan with a solution, leave for an hour. Rinse with a soft cloth, rinse with clean water.

With enameled coating

It reached the market again and returns former popularity. But now with improved non-stick characteristics. Minus one - the coating is easily chips when shuffles. The rest is only the advantages: products in such frying pan do not oxidize, so safe for health. The dishes are easy to clean, the thick layer of enamel protects against scratching. Enamel warmly warms up for a long time he is warm. It basically covers products from cast iron. It is better to use such dishes to extinguish. Cleaning agents - citric acid, soda, vinegar.

Ways than cleaning the pan at home, a lot. Basically, they are kept and easy to implement. But it is better if you follow the cleanliness of the dishes daily and deal with the residues of fat and Nagar immediately after use. So you save the health of your family members, and the pan.

Honestly, it is often very difficult to clean the frying pan from Nagara and fat, especially if she is old or burnt. But there is also good news: with most stable pollution, it is still possible to cope with penny means that you already have at home (or at least significantly alleviate the task). The main thing is to choose the way that is suitable for your skillet. After all, the fact that the cast-iron skeleton will save, Teflon Pinnitsa may hopelessly destroy.

In this article, you can find almost all traditional and non-standard methods for cleaning in a pan of any type: from cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum with a non-stick coating (teflon, enamel, ceramic, marble) and without it. Simply select the recipe that suits you.

12 methods for cleaning frying pan

Method 1. How to clean the frying pan with vinegar and soda (universal method)

This method is the fastest and efficient, and besides the universal - it is suitable for removing most contaminants (naiga, soot and dyeing fat) from the frying pan of any type besides those that have a non-stick coating. It does not require the use of aggressive chemistry, so you will not even need rubber gloves. Just relax and follow the instructions!

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water (or more if the frying pan is large and deep);
  • 1 cup of 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of food soda.


Step 1. Put the frying pan on the stove, then pour into it on the glass of water and vinegar.

Step 2. Bring the solution to a boil (at this stage, part of the Nagar should already be removed).

Step 3. Remove the frying pan from the fire and pour into it the food soda. The mixture should be sick!

Step 4. Empty the skillet and wash away in the usual way with a sponge.

  • Places with super stable pollution can be processed additionally soda or soda paste (soda + pair of water drops) and leave for a while.
  • Socially, the reaction of soda with acetic solution is obtained strong and the contents of the pan can "escape" for its walls and stain the plate. To avoid this, you can first merge a little solution and only then pour food soda.

Method 2. How to clean the frying pan with vinegar and soda outside and inside without boiling

  1. Pour soda into a polluted area.
  2. On top of soda, paint the frying pan with 9% vinegar and give the resulting hip foam to work for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Wash the frying pan as usual with a rigid sponge.

Method 3. Boil with soda (for cleaning all types of pans, except aluminum without non-stick coating)

In most cases, clean the frying pan inside and outside it is possible by boiling it with soda. This recipe is very simple and suitable for utensils of any type.

  1. If you want to clean the pan only inside, pour into it near the liter of water and add approximately 100 soda. If you want to clean the dishes and inside, and outside, then use a large metallic pelvis or bucket and fill it with a soda solution from the same calculation - 1 liter. Water / 100 soda.
  2. Put the pan / pelvis with a frying pan on fire, bring the solution to a boil, and then forget about cleaning for another 20 minutes.

  1. Remove the utensils from the fire and let it cool, then wash away in the usual way, in complex places to fly a rigid sponge or scraper (if there is no non-stick coating). During the cooking, the frying pan soda solution soften and removes the most part of the fat, in a row, the rest of the burnt food.

Tip: Boiling boiling time can be increased to one or two hours.

Method 4. Boil according to the Soviet recipe: Economic soap + soda + silicate glue (to remove nagar with cast iron, steel, aluminum or dural frying pan)

This old and proven method works in the most hopeless cases when it is necessary to remove a long-term nagar layer from the outer part of the cast iron or aluminum / dural frying pan.

You will need:

  • Metal basin or a bucket of suitable size (for example, 10 L);
  • 1 piece of household soap 72% (optional);
  • ½ cup of silicate adhesive (he is a stationery or school glue and liquid glass);
  • ½ cup of soda calcined (sold in household goods) or polls of food soda;
  • Scraper (can be a table knife);
  • Grater (medium) and metal sponge.


  1. Fill the pelvis / bucket water and bring it to a boil on high heat.
  2. While the water is heated, soda on the grater is soap (optional).
  3. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire, pour out all soap shavings in the pelvis, stir them, and then add the shell's shell and half-clad / food soda. At this stage, do not forget to open the window and turn on the hood!

  1. Finally, lower your skillet into the resulting solution, after removing the handle from it. If the handle is not plastic / wooden, then omit it into the basin. Now it remains to be patient and cook the pan 1-4 hours depending on the degree of pollution. During this time, part of the nagar and fat will stretch out of the frying pan, and the rest will soften.

  1. After boiling, rinse the pan, transfer it into the sink or pure basic (can be plastic), then proceed to remove car balances with a metal sponge / scraper / knife. Do not overdo it with tools so as not to remove the enamel on the outer walls - if you remove it, the frying pan will quickly cover the new layer of Nagar.

Tip: Conduct the boiling procedure in a few approaches (cooking time can be reduced to 30 minutes), updating the solution and removing the softened bloom with a scraper and metal sponge.

Method 5. Boil with washing powder and oil

According to many users, this method is more efficient than others removes Nagar both outside and inside.

  1. Fill a large pelvis with water, add several spoons of sunflower oil into it and a little washing powder.
  2. Put the pelvis on the middle fire and immerse the dirty utensils into it. Bring the solution to a boil, then wash the frying pan as usual.

Method 6. How to clean the boiling frying pan (except for non-stick frying pan)

  1. Put the frying pan on the stove and turn on the middle fire.
  2. As soon as the frying pan is warm enough (check the water drops), pour 1 cup of water into it and a little more approved (add some dishwashing fluid, if you want).
  3. Then use a wooden spoon or silicone blade to scrape the Gar on the burned areas.
  4. Wash the utensil in the usual way.

Method 7. Soaking with a cleaning solution for weak and medium pollution

  1. Singing a few drops of liquid for washing dishes in a frying pan, add hot water and let it stand for several hours or leave for the night.
  2. Then clean the utensils as usual with a sponge.

Method 8. "Scrabble" by food soda (not suitable for Teflon and Aluminum Spags!)

  1. Make pasta from equal parts of food soda and warm water.
  2. Treat Paste Nagar, Sauce or Fatty.
  3. Rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Method 9. Boil with economic soap (for all types of frying pan except aluminum)

This method is well suited for removing fat and nagar from a pan of any type.

  1. Sattail the quarter of the piece of economic soap (72%) on the middle grater.

  1. Put soap shavings in the pan and fill with water, then heat the mixture, without bringing to a boil.
  2. Remove the frying pan from the fire and retain it to be soared for a couple of hours.
  3. Rinse a frying pan, then wash the sponge with the dishwashing agent.

Method 10. How to clean the frying pan from rust

Rust is easily removed by dry cooking salt. Just spend troubled places, then wash and dry.

Method 11. We clean the frying pan with powerful chemicals - Top 3 Super Effective Tools

In our opinion, powerful household chemicals are indispensable if it is required to quickly and with minimal efforts to clean the pan from car and fat. The main thing is to comply with precautions, use rubber gloves, work with an open window and not to handle dishes for too long. They say, if you cover a frying pan with noise and leave for the night, a hole may form on it.

  1. Oven cleaner from AMVEY - It costs expensive, sold only through the Internet or dealers, but removes even the old nagar and fat in a few minutes, while economically spent, it is flushed to the easier of its analogues and practically does not stink. If you have animals and children, then this means is indispensable in the farm.

  1. Shumanitis Bugi - it is cheaper than amvea and sold in many cozotes of hypermarkets. A little less effective than AMVI (for example, very old frying pans can not always wash), but still very effective. The main disadvantages are the caustic smell, which is felt even with the open window, and the complexity of flushing the means.
  2. Sparkling Kazan. - From low-cost sparkling cauldrons - the most powerful.

And here is the general instruction:

  1. We treat the means of problem areas, wrap the pan in the package (so the smell does not spread all over the room) and leave it for 15-60 minutes depending on the degree of pollution.
  2. We remove the dirt and carefully rinse the dishes two or three times. For loyalty, the pan can be wiped with vinegar to remove the remnants of the means.

Tip: Instead of a package, you can use the nutritional film.

Important! All listed greasedellers are not intended to clean the aluminum and teflon pan.

Method 12. Mechanical cleaning method

Mechanical cleaning methods are relevant for old steel, aluminum and cast-iron pans, when folk methods and chemicals do not help remove a long-term layer of nagar and fat. But all mechanical methods have one significant disadvantage - removing the dirt layer from the external walls of the dishes is almost always removed and the top layer (enamel, anodized layer), and therefore in the future the skillet will be faster and more covered with fat and soak. After such a radical cleaning, the bottom of the cast-iron / aluminum skillet needs to be calcined with salt and oil.

Here are some traditional mechanical ways to clean pan:

  1. Cleaning sandblasting. To update your hopeless assistant, you need to pass it for a small fee into the nearest tire shop. The car mechanic will place the utensils in a special camera, where, at the expense of compressed air and sand, the Nagar raid will be removed in a matter of minutes.
  2. Cleaning with grinders. This method of cleaning can be checked in the country independently with a grinder or a grinder with a petal end circle.

Rules for cleaning pan, depending on the material and prophylaxis tips

Different types of metals and coatings react differently to acids and alkalis, prolonged soaking and heating. Getting Started with my frying pan. Find out contraindications (if you see the table on the smartphone, turn it into a horizontal position - so the entire table will enter the screen).

Cast iron dishes Teflon dishes Stainless steel Aluminum dishes without non-stick coating and enamel
Wash in dishwasher It is impossible (the frying pan covers rust) Can Can It is impossible
Use abrasive cleaning products, brushes, scrapers and hard sponges Can It is impossible Can It is impossible
Use of soda, household soap and other alkaline cleaning products Can Can Can It is impossible
Use of acids (vinegar, citric acid, etc.) Can Can It is impossible (permissible short-term impact)
Prolonged soaking It is impossible Can Can Undesirable
  • You can wash aluminum pans (without coating) with cleaning agents for glass and porcelain dishes, soap solutions with the addition of ammonia alcohol.
  • Any dishes need to be washed only after it cooled naturally. If you dramatically transfer the hot frying pan into cool water, it can be deformed. This is especially true of cast iron, aluminum (coated and without) and ceramic frying pan.
  • Before soaking or boiling, the frying pan do not forget to remove the wooden / plastic handle or simply do not immerse it into the water.

And one more very important point ...

After washing the cast iron, steel and aluminum skillet, it needs to be carried out with oil and salt to restore the natural anti-stick film. Teflon frying pan must heat on low heat for about 30 seconds, then turn off the fire and lubricate the bottom and the inner walls of a teaspoon of vegetable oil with a paper towel or clean vet.