Repairs Design Furniture

Units of measurement of physical values. Physical quantities. Thermodynamic temperature scale

State security system
Unity of measurements

Units of physical quantities

GOST 8.417-81

(ST SEV 1052-78)

State Committee of the USSR on Standards


Designed State Committee of the USSR on standards Performers Yu.V. Tarbeyev , Dr. tech. sciences; K.P. Shirokov, Dr. tech. sciences; PN Selivanov, Cand. tehn sciences; ON THE. Yeruhin Made State Committee of the USSR on Standards Member of the State Standard L.K. Isaev Approved and enacted Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR on the standards of March 19, 1981 No. 1449

State Standard of the SSR Union

State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements

Units Physical Values

State System for Ensuring The Uniformity of Measurements.




(ST SEV 1052-78)

Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on the standards of March 19, 1981 No. 1449, the deadline is established

Since 01.01 1982

This standard establishes units of physical quantities (hereinafter - units) used in the USSR, their names, designations and rules for the application of these units The standard does not apply to units used in scientific research and when publishing their results, if they do not consider and do not use the results Measurements of specific physical quantities, as well as on units of quantities estimated by conditional scales *. * Under the conditional scales are understood, for example, Rockwell and Vickers hardness scales, photosensitivity of photographic materials. The standard corresponds to ST SEV 1052-78 in terms of the general provisions, units of the international system, units that are not included in SI, the rules for the formation of decimal multiples and dolly units, as well as their names and designations, the rules for writing the designations of units, the rules for the formation of coherent derivatives of SI units ( See Reference Appendix 4).


1.1. It is subject to mandatory use of the units of the international system of units *, as well as decimal multiple and dollars from them (see Section 2 of this standard). * International Unit system (International Abbreviated Name - Si, in Russian Transcription - SI), was adopted in 1960 by the XI General Conference on Measures and Weighs (GKMV) and clarified on subsequent GKMV. 1.2. It is allowed to apply on a par with units according to claim 1.1 units that are not included in C, in accordance with PP. 3.1 and 3.2, their combinations with SI units, as well as some of those who are widely used in practice decimal multiples and dollars from the above units. 1.3. It is temporarily allowed to apply on a par with units of claim 1.1 units that are not included in C, in accordance with paragraph 3.3, as well as some of those who have spread to the practice of multiples and dollars from them, combinations of these units with si, decimal, multiple and dollane from They are with units of claim 3.1. 1.4. In the newly developed or revised documentation, as well as publications, the values \u200b\u200bshould be expressed in units of SI, decimal, multiple and dollars from them and (or) in units allowed to use in accordance with paragraph 1.2. It is also allowed in the specified documentation to apply units according to claim 3.3, the period of seizure of which will be established in accordance with international agreements. 1.5. In the newly approved regulatory and technical documentation for measuring instruments, their graduation should be provided in units of C, decimal multiple and dollars from them or in units allowed to use in accordance with clause 1.2. 1.6. The newly developed regulatory and technical documentation on methods and means of calibration should include verification of measuring instruments, progressive in newly administered units. 1.7. SI units established by this standard, and units allowed to use PP. 3.1 and 3.2, should be applied in the learning processes of all educational institutions, textbooks and textbooks. 1.8. Revision of the regulatory, technical, design, technological and other technical documentation, which uses units that are not provided for in this standard, as well as bringing into compliance with PP. 1.1 and 1.2 of this standard of measuring instruments, graded in units to be seized, are carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.4 of this standard. 1.9. With legal relations on cooperation with foreign countries, with the participation in the activities of international organizations, as well as in the exporting products supplied with export products (including transport and consumer containers) of technical and other documentation, international designations of units are used. In the documentation for export products, if this documentation does not go abroad, the Russian designations of units are allowed to apply. (New edition, change No. 1). 1.10. In the regulatory and technical design, technological and other technical documentation on various types of products and products used only in the USSR, preferably Russian designations of units are used. At the same time, regardless of which the designations of units are used in the documentation for measuring instruments, when specifying units of physical quantities on signs, scales and panels of these measuring instruments, international designations of units are used. (New edition, change No. 2). 1.11. In print editions, it is allowed to apply either international or Russian units. At the same time, the use of both types of designations in the same edition is not allowed, with the exception of publications on units of physical quantities.

2. Units of the International System

2.1. The main units of C are given in Table. one.

Table 1








Length The meter is the length of the path passing by light in vacuo for the time interval 1/299792458 S [XVII GKMV (1983), resolution 1].


Kilogram is a mass unit equal to the mass of the international prototype kilogram [I GKMV (1889) and III GKMV (1901 g)]
Time Second is a time equal to 9192631770 Radiation periods corresponding to the transition between two ultra-thin levels of the main state of the Cesium atom-133 [XIII GKMV (1967), resolution 1]
Electric current power The amp is the power equal to the power of an unchanged current, which, when passing along two parallel straight-line conductors of the infinite length and a negligible area of \u200b\u200bthe circular cross section, located in a vacuum at a distance of 1 m one from the other, would cause a length of 1 m in each portion of the interaction, equal 2 × 10 -7 N [MKMV (1946), resolution 2, approved by IX GKMV (1948)]
Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin is a unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to 1/273,16 parts of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water [x III GKMV (1967), resolution 4]
Number of substances Mol is the amount of a substance of the system containing as many structural elements as containing atoms in carbon-12 weighing 0.012 kg. When applied, praying structural elements should be specified and can be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other particles or specified particle groups [XIV GKMV (1971), resolution 3]
The power of light Candela is an power equal to the power of light in a given direction of the source emitting monochromatic radiation with a frequency of 540 × 10 12 Hz, the energy force of which in this direction is 1/683 W / SR [XVI GKMV (1979), resolution 3]
Notes: 1. In addition to the temperature of Kelvin (designation T.) It is also allowed to use the Celsius temperature (designation T.) determined by the expression T. = T. - T. 0, where T. 0 \u003d 273.15 K, by definition. The Kelvin temperature is expressed in Kelvin, Celsius temperature - in degrees Celsius (the designation of international and Russian ° C). In size, degrees Celsius is equal to Kelvin. 2. The interval or difference of Kelvin temperatures are expressed in Kelvin. The interval or temperature difference Celsius is allowed to express both in Kelvin and in degrees Celsius. 3. The designation of the international practical temperature in the international practical temperature scale of 1968, if it is necessary to distinguish between the thermodynamic temperature, is formed by adding to the designation of the thermodynamic, the temperature of the index "68" (for example, T. 68 or T. 68). 4. The unity of light measurements is ensured in accordance with GOST 8.023-83.
(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3). 2.2. Additional units of C are given in Table. 2.

table 2

Name of magnitude





Flat corner Radine has an angle between two circle radius, the length of the arc between which is equal to the radius
Solid angle


Steeradian is a bodied corner with a vertex in the center of the sphere, cutting on the surface of the sphere area equal to the square of the square with a side of the radius of the sphere
(Modified edition, change No. 3). 2.3. The derivatives of the SI units should be formed from the basic and additional units of the SI according to the rules for the formation of coherent derivatives (see required application 1). Derivatives of SI units having special names can also be used to form other derivatives of SI units. Derivative units that have special names, and examples of other derivatives of units are shown in Table. 3 - 5. Note. Electric and magnetic units of C should be formed in accordance with the rationalized form of the electromagnetic field equations.

Table 3.

Examples of derivatives of SI units whose names are formed from the names of the main and additional units








square meter

Volume, capacity

cubic meter


meter per second

Angular velocity

radian per second


meter for a second squared

Angular acceleration

radian for a second squared

Wave number

meter in minus of the first degree


kilogram on cubic meter

Specific volume

cubic meter per kilogram

ampere per square meter

ampere per meter

Molar concentration

mole on a cubic meter

Flow of ionizing particles

second degree

Flow density particle

second in minus first degree - meter in minus second degree


candela per square meter

Table 4.

Derivatives of SI units having special names






Expression through basic and additional, units


Strength, weight
Pressure, mechanical voltage, elastic module
Energy, work, amount of heat

m 2 × kg × s -2

Power, energy flow

m 2 × kg × s -3

Electric charge (number of electricity)
Electrical Voltage, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Difference, Electrical Force

m 2 × kg × s -3 × a -1

Electrical capacity

L -2 M -1 T 4 I 2

m -2 × kg -1 × s 4 × a 2

m 2 × kg × s -3 × a -2

Electrical conductivity

L -2 M -1 T 3 I 2

m -2 × kg -1 × s 3 × a 2

Magnetic Induction Flow, Magnetic Flow

m 2 × kg × s -2 × a -1

Magnetic Flow Density, Magnetic Induction

kG × S -2 × A -1

Inductance, mutual inductance

m 2 × kg × s -2 × a -2

Light flow

m -2 × CD × SR

Nuclide activity in a radioactive source (radionuclide activity)


Absorbed dose of radiation, Kerma, indicator of the absorbed dose (absorbed dose of ionizing radiation)
Equivalent dose of radiation
(Modified edition, change No. 3).

Table 5.

Examples of derivatives of SI units whose names are formed using special items shown in Table. four






Expression through the main and additional units


Moment of power


m 2 × kg × s -2

Surface tension

Newton on meter

Dynamic viscosity

pascal Soon

m -1 × kg × s -1

cubic meter pendant

Electrical displacement

square meter pendant

volt on meter

m × kg × s -3 × a -1

Absolute dielectric constant

L -3 M -1 × T 4 I 2

farad on meter

m -3 × kg -1 × s 4 × a 2

Absolute magnetic permeability

henry per meter

m × kg × s -2 × a -2

Specific energy

joule per kilogram

System heat capacity, system entropy

joule on Kelvin

m 2 × kg × s -2 × k -1

Specific heat, specific entropy

joule on kilogram Celvin

J / (kg × k)

m 2 × s -2 × k -1

Surface power flow density

watt per square meter

Thermal conductivity

watt on meter-koblenn

m × kg × s -3 × k -1

joule on Mol

m 2 × kg × s -2 × mol -1

Molar entropy, molar heat capacity

L 2 MT -2 Q -1 N -1

joule on Mol Celvin

J / (mol × k)

m 2 × kg × s -2 × k -1 × mol -1

watt on Steradian

m 2 × kg × s -3 × sr -1

Exposure dose (X-ray and gamma radiation)

pendant per kilogram

Power absorbed dose

gray per second

3. Units that are not included in C

3.1. Units listed in Table. 6, allowed to be applied without limitation on a par with units of C. 3.2. Without limit time, the relative and logarithmic units are allowed to use relative and logarithmic units with the exception of the unit (see paragraph 3.3). 3.3. Units shown in Table. 7, temporarily allowed to apply before adoption of relevant international solutions. 3.4. The units whose relations with SI units are given in the reference application 2 are removed from circulation within the time limits provided by the programs for transition activities to the SI units developed in accordance with RD 50-160-79. 3.5. Based on the sectors of the national economy, the use of units not provided for in this Standard, by introducing them to industry standards in coordination with Gosstandart.

Table 6.

Introduction units allowed to use on a par with units

Name of magnitude




SO ratio



atomic unit of mass

1,66057 × 10 -27 × kg (approximately)

Time 1.

86400 S.

Flat corner

(P / 180) RAD \u003d 1,745329 ... × 10 -2 × RAD

(P / 10800) RAD \u003d 2,908882 ... × 10 -4 RAD

(P / 648000) RAD \u003d 4,848137 ... 10 -6 RAD

Volume, capacity

astronomical unit

1,49598 × 10 11 m (approximately)

light year

9,4605 × 10 15 m (approximately)

3,0857 × 10 16 m (approximately)

Optical power




1,60219 × 10 -19 j (approximately)

Full power


Reactive power
Mechanical stress

newton per square millimeter

1 It is also allowed to apply other units that have gained widespread, for example a week, month, year, century, millennium, and the like. 2 It is allowed to apply the name "Gon" 3 is not recommended for accurate measurements. With the ability to displace the designation L with the number 1, the designation L is allowed. Note. Time units (minute, hour, day), flat angle (degree, minute, second), astronomical unit, light year, diopter and atomic mass unit is not allowed to apply with consoles
(Modified edition, change No. 3).

Table 7.

Units temporarily allowed to use

Name of magnitude




SO ratio



nautical mile

1852 m (exactly)

In marine navigation


In gravimetry


2 × 10 -4 kg (exactly)

For precious stones and pearls

Linear density

10 -6 kg / m (exactly)

In the textile industry


In marine navigation

Rotation frequency

turnover per second

turnover per minute

1/60 S -1 \u003d 0,016 (6) S -1

Natural logarithm of the dimensionless ratio of physical quantity for the same physical size adopted for the original

1 NP \u003d 0.8686 ... B \u003d \u003d 8,686 ... DB

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4. Rules for the formation of decimal multiple and dolly units, as well as their names and designations

4.1. Decimal multiple and dollane units, as well as their names and designations, should be formed using multipliers and consoles shown in Table. eight.

Table 8.

Farmers and consoles for the formation of decimal multiple and dolle units and their names



Designation of the console



Designation of the console



4.2. Joining the name of two or more consoles in a row is not allowed. For example, instead of the name of the microcrofrad unit, picoparad should be written. Notes: 1 Due to the fact that the name of the main unit - a kilogram comprises the "kilo" console, for the formation of multiple and dolly units of mass, a dolly unit of gram is used (0.001 kg, kg), and the consoles must be attached to the word "gram", for example, Milligram (MG, mg) instead of microcilograms (M KG, ICCG). 2. The dolly unit of mass - "gram" is allowed to be applied and without attaching the console. 4.3. The prefix or its designation should be written in a unit with the name of the unit to which it joins, or, accordingly, with its designation. 4.4. If the unit is formed as a product or relationship of units, the prefix should be attached to the name of the first unit included in the work or in relation. It is allowed to use the console in the second multiplier of the work or in the denominator only at substantive cases when such units are widespread and the transition to units formed in accordance with the first part of the item is associated with great difficulties, for example: a ton-kilometer (T × km; t × km), watt per square centimeter (W / CM 2; W / cm 2), volts per centimeter (V / CM; V / cm), ampere per square millimeter (A / MM 2; A / mm 2). 4.5. The names of multiple and dollane units from the unit erected into a degree should be formed by attaching the console to the name of the source unit, for example, to form the names of a multiple or a dollar unit from a unit of a square meter, which is a second degree of a number of length - meters, the prefix should be attached To the name of this last unit: a square kilometer, a square centimeter, etc. 4.6. The designations of multiple and dolly units from the unit erected into a degree should be formed by adding the corresponding indicator to the designation of multiple or dollar from this unit, and the indicator means the construction of a multiple or dollar unit (along with the prefix). Examples: 1. 5 km 2 \u003d 5 (10 3 m) 2 \u003d 5 × 10 6 m 2. 2. 250 cm 3 / s \u003d 250 (10 -2 m) 3 / (1 S) \u003d 250 × 10 -6 m 3 / s. 3. 0.002 cm -1 \u003d 0.002 (10 -2 m) -1 \u003d 0.002 × 100 m -1 \u003d 0.2 m -1. 4.7. Recommendations for the selection of decimal multiple and dolly units are shown in the reference application 3.

5. Rules for writing designations of units

5.1. To write values \u200b\u200bof values, apply the designations of units with letters or special signs (... °, ... ¢, ... ¢ ¢), and two types of letter notation are installed: international (using Latin or Greek alphabet letters) and Russians (using the letters of the Russian alphabet) . The units set as standard are given in Table. 1 - 7. International and Russian designations of relative and logarithmic units are as follows: percentage (%), PROMILL (O / O), a million share (RR M, MUD -1), Bel (B), Decibel (DB, DB), Oktawa (- , Oct), Decade (-, Dec), background (phon, background). 5.2. The alphabetic designations of units must be printed by direct font. In the notation of units, the point as a sign of reduction does not put. 5.3. The designations of units should be applied after numeric: values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200band placed in a string with them (without transfer to the next string). There should be a space between the last digit number and the designation of the unit, equal to the minimum distance between the words, which is defined for each type and size of the font according to GOST 2.304-81. Exceptions are notation in the form of a sign raised above the string (clause 5.1), before which do not leave the space. (Modified edition, change No. 3). 5.4. If there is a decimal fraction in the numerical value of the value, the units designation should be placed after all numbers. 5.5. When specifying values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200bwith limit deviations, numeric values \u200b\u200bshould be concluded with limit deviations in brackets and designations of the unit after brackets or to put out the designations of units after the numerical value of the value and after its limit deviation. 5.6. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the headlines of the graph and in the names of the strings (sides) of the tables. Examples:

Nominal flow. M 3 / H

Upper testimony limit, m 3

Price division of the extreme right roller, M 3, no more

100, 160, 250, 400, 600 and 1000

2500, 4000, 6000 and 10000

True Power, KW
Overall dimensions, mm:
Pitch, mm.
Luxury, MM.
5.7. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the explanations of the designations of values \u200b\u200bto formulas. Placing the designations of units in one row with formulas expressing the dependencies between the values \u200b\u200bor between their numerical values \u200b\u200bpresented in the letter form is not allowed. 5.8. The alphabetic designations of units included in the work should be separated by dots on the midline, as signs of multiplication *. * In typewritten texts it is allowed not to raise the point. Convenient designations of units included in the work, separating spaces, if it does not lead to a misunderstanding. 5.9. In the letter notation of the relationship of units as a sign of division, only one trait should be applied: oblique or horizontal. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the form of a product of the designations of units, erected to degree (positive and negative) **. ** If for one of the units included in the ratio, the designation is established in the form of a negative degree (for example, S -1, M -1, to -1; C -1, M -1, K -1), apply oblique or horizontal trait not allowed. 5.10. When applying the oblique feature of the units in the numerator and the denominator should be placed in the string, the product of the designations of units in the denominator should be included in the brackets. 5.11. When specifying a derivative of a unit consisting of two or more units, it is not allowed to combine alphabetic designations and names of units, i.e. For one units, give designations, and for others - names. Note. It is allowed to apply the combinations of special signs ... °, ... ¢, ... ¢ ¢,% and o / oo with letternal designations of units, for example ... ° / s, etc.



Rules for the formation of coherent derivatives of units

Coherent derivatives of units (hereinafter - derivative units) of the international system, as a rule, form with the help of the simplest equations of communication between the values \u200b\u200b(defining equations) in which the numerical coefficients are equal to 1. To form derivatives of units of magnitude in the communication equations, they are taken equal to units of C. Example. The velocity unit is formed using an equation that determines the speed of a straight and evenly moving point

V. = s / T.,

Where V. - speed; S. - the length of the traveled path; T. - time movement time. Substitution instead S. and T. their units si gives

[v.] = [s.]/[t.] \u003d 1 m / s.

Consequently, the unit of SI is a meter per second. It is equal to the speed of a straightforward and evenly moving point, at which this point for the time 1 S moves to a distance of 1 m. If the communication equation contains a numerical coefficient other than 1, then for the formation of a coherent derivative unit to the right-hand side, the values \u200b\u200bare substituted with values \u200b\u200bin units of C, which gives the number 1. Example to the coefficient to the coefficient. If an equation is used to form an energy unit

Where E. - kinetic energy; m - mass of material point; V. - the speed of the point, then the coherent unit of the energy of the C form, for example, as follows:

Consequently, the energy unit is a Joule (equal to Newton meter). In the examples given, it is equal to the kinetic energy of the body with a mass of 2 kg moving at a speed of 1 m / s, or a body weighing 1 kg moving at speeds



The ratio of some non-system units with si units

Name of magnitude




SO ratio





1,00206 × 10 -13 m (approximately)

Solid angle

square degree

3,0462 ... × 10 -4 SR

Strength, weight


9,80665 N (exactly)



9,83665 × 10 -3 N (exactly)


9806.65 N (exactly)


kilogram-power per square centimeter

98066.5 RA (for sure)

kilopond per square centimeter

millimeter water column

mm waters. Art.

9,80665 RA (exactly)

millimeter mercury pillar

mm RT. Art.

Voltage (mechanical)

kilogram-power per square millimeter

9,80665 × 10 6 RA (exactly)

kilopond per square millimeter

9,80665 × 10 6 RA (exactly)

Work, Energy


Dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity

om-square millimeter per meter

Om × mm 2 / m

Magnetic flow


Magnetic induction


(10/4 p) a \u003d 0,795775 ... and

Magnetic field tension

(10 3 / p) a / m \u003d 79,5775 ... a / m

The amount of heat, thermodynamic potential (internal energy, enthalpy, isochloro-isothermal potential), heat of phase transformation, heat of chemical reaction

calorie (interddet)

4,1858 J (exactly)

thermochemical calorie

4,1840 j (approximately)

calorie 15-degree

4,1855 J (approximately)

Absorbed dose of radiation
Equivalent radiation dose, equivalent dose rate
Exposure dose of photon radiation (exposure dose of gamma and x-ray radiation)

2.58 × 10 -4 C / KG (exactly)

Nuclide activity in the radioactive source

3,700 × 10 10 bq (exactly)

Angle of rotation

2 P RAD \u003d 6,28 ... RAD

Magnethodific power, the difference of magnetic potentials


Modified edition, meas. Number 3.



1. The selection of a decimal multiple or a dollar unit from a unit is dictated primarily by the convenience of its use. From the variety of multiple and dollane units that can be formed using consoles, choose a unit leading to numerical values \u200b\u200bof the value acceptable in practice. In principle, multiple and dollane units are chosen in such a way that the numeric values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bare in the range from 0.1 to 1000. 1.1. In some cases, it is advisable to apply the same multiple or dollar unit, even if numeric values \u200b\u200bare out of range from 0.1 to 1000, for example, in the tables of numerical values \u200b\u200bfor one value or when comparing these values \u200b\u200bin the same text. 1.2. In some areas, one and the same multiple or dolly unit are always used. For example, in the drawings used in mechanical engineering, linear dimensions are always expressed in millimeters. 2. In tab. 1 of this Annex are presented to the use of multiples and dollane units from SI units. Presented in table. 1 multiple and dollane units from SI units for this physical quantity should not be considered exhaustive, as they may not cover the ranges of physical quantities in developing and newly emerging areas of science and technology. Nevertheless, the recommended multiple and dollane units from the SI units contribute to the uniformity of the presentation of the values \u200b\u200bof physical quantities belonging to various fields of technology. In the same table, there were also widespread multiple and dolly units from units applied on a par with units. 3. For values \u200b\u200bnot covered by Table. 1, you should use multiple and dolle units selected in accordance with clause 1 of this application. 4. To reduce the probability of errors in calculating decimal, multiple and dollane units are recommended to substitute only to the final result, and in the process of calculations, all values \u200b\u200bto express in units of C, replacing the console of the degrees of the number 10. 5. In Table. 2 of this Annexer shows the propagation of a unit of some logarithmic quantities.

Table 1

Name of magnitude


units S.

units that are not incoming and si

multiple and dollars from units that are not included in si

Part I. Space and time

Flat corner

rAD; Rady (radians)


... ° (degree) ... (Minute) ... "(second)

Solid angle

sR; CP (Steeradian)


m; m (meter)

... ° (degree)

... ¢ (minute)

... ² (second)

Volume, capacity

l (L); l (liter)


s; C (second)

d; SUT (day)

min; Min (minute)


m / S 2; m / s 2

Part II. Periodic and related phenomena

Hz; Hz (Hertz)

Rotation frequency

min -1; Min -1

Part III. Mechanics


kg; kg (kilogram)

t; T (ton)

Linear density

kg / m; kg / m

mg / m; mg / M.

or g / km; g / km.


kg / m 3; kg / m 3

Mg / m 3; Mg / m 3

kg / dm 3; kg / dm 3

g / cm 3; g / cm 3

t / M 3; T / m 3

or kg / l; kg / l

g / ML; g / ml

Number of traffic

kg × m / s; kg × m / s

Moment moment

kg × m 2 / s; kg × m 2 / s

Moment of inertia (dynamic moment of inertia)

kG × m 2, kg × m 2

Strength, weight

N; N (Newton)

Moment of power

N × m; N × M.

Mn × m; MN × M.

kn × m; KN × M.

mn × m; MN × M.

m n × m; MKN × M.


Ra; Pa (Pascal)


Dynamic viscosity

Ra × s; PA × S.

mPA × s; MPa × S.

Kinematic viscosity

m 2 / s; m 2 / s

mM 2 / S; mm 2 / s

Surface tension

mn / m; MN / M.

Energy, work

J; J (Joule)


Gev; GeV MEV; MeV KEV; keV


W; W (watt)

Part IV. Heat


TO; K (Kelvin)

Temperature coefficient
Warmth, the amount of heat
Heat flow
Thermal conductivity
Heat transfer coefficient

W / (m 2 × k)

Heat capacity

kj / k; KJ / K.

Specific heat

J / (kg × k)

kj / (kg × k); KJ / (kg × k)


kj / k; KJ / K.

Specific entropy

J / (kg × k)

kj / (kg × k); KJ / (kg × k)

Specific heat

J / kg; J / kg

MJ / KG; MJ / kg kj / kg; KJ / kg.

Specific heat transformation

J / kg; J / kg

MJ / KG; MJ / kg

kj / kg; KJ / kg

Part V. Electricity and magnetism

Electric current (electric current)

A; A (Ampere)

Electric charge (number of electricity)

FROM; CL (pendant)

Electric charge spatial density

C / M 3; CL / m 3

C / MM 3; CL / mm 3

Ms / m 3; Μl / m 3

C / s M 3; CL / cm 3

kC / M 3; Kl / m 3

m C / M 3; μl / m 3

m C / M 3; μKl / m 3

Electric charge surface density

C / M 2, CL / m 2

Ms / m 2; Μl / m 2

C / MM 2; CL / mm 2

With / s m 2; CL / cm 2

kc / m 2; Kl / m 2

m C / M 2; μl / m 2

m C / M 2; μKl / m 2

Electric field tension

MV / M; MV / M.

kv / m; KV / M.

V / MM; In / mm

V / cm; V / see

mV / M; MV / M.

m v / m; MKV / M.

Electrical Voltage, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Difference, Electrical Force

V, in (Volt)

Electrical displacement

C / M 2; CL / m 2

With / s m 2; CL / cm 2

kc / cm 2; CCL / cm 2

m C / M 2; μl / m 2

m C / M 2, μKl / m 2

Flow of electrical displacement
Electrical capacity

F, F (Farad)

Absolute dielectric permeability, electric constant

m F / M, ICF / M

nF / M, NF / M

pF / M, PF / M


C / M 2, CL / m 2

C / s M 2, CL / cm 2

kc / m 2; Kl / m 2

m C / M 2, μl / m 2

m C / M 2; μKl / m 2

Electric moment dipole

C × M, CL × M

Electric current density

A / m 2, a / m 2

Ma / m 2, Ma / m 2

A / mm 2, a / mm 2

A / C m 2, a / cm 2

kA / M 2, ka / m 2,

Linear electric current density

ka / m; ka / m

A / mm; A / mm.

A / s m; A / cm

Magnetic field tension

ka / m; ka / m

A / MM; A / mm.

A / CM; A / cm

Magnethodific power, the difference of magnetic potentials
Magnetic induction, magnetic flux density

T; TL (Tesla)

Magnetic flow

WB, WB (Weber)

Magnetic vector potential

T × m; TL × M.

kt × m; KTL × M.

Inductance, mutual inductance

N; GN (Henry)

Absolute magnetic permeability, magnetic constant

m n / m; ICGN / M.

nH / m; NGN / M.

Magnetic moment

A × m 2; A m 2.


ka / m; ka / m

A / mm; A / mm.

Magnetic polarization
Electrical resistance
Electrical conductivity

S; CM (Siemens)

Specific electrical resistance

W × m; Om × M.

G w × m; Gom × M.

M w × m; Mom × M.

k W × m; com × m

W × cm; Om × cm

m w × m; Mom × M.

m w × m; MKOM × MK

n w × m; NOM × M.

Specific electrical conductivity

MS / M; MSM / M.

ks / m; KSM / M.

Magnetic conductivity
Module of full resistance
Active resistance
Module full conductivity
Reactive conductivity
Active power
Reactive power
Full power

V × A, in × a

Part VI. Light and associated electromagnetic radiation

Wave number
Energy radiation
Radiation stream, radiation power
Energy power of light (radiation strength)

W / sr; W / cf.

Energy Brightness (Bindness)

W / (SR × m 2); W / (cf × m 2)

Energy illumination (irradiated)

W / m 2; W / m 2

Energy luminosity (nerd)

W / m 2; W / m 2

The power of light
Light flow

lm; lm (lumen)

Light energy

lm × s; LM × S.

lM × H; LM × C.


cD / M 2; CD / m 2


lM / M 2; lm / m 2


l x; LC (Suite)

Light exposure

lX × S; LK × S.

Light Equivalent Radiation Flow

lM / W; LM / W.

Part VII. Acoustics

Frequency of the periodic process
Sound pressure


Speed \u200b\u200bof particle fluctuations

mM / S; mm / S.

Speed \u200b\u200bspeed

m 3 / s; m 3 / s

Sound speed
Sound Energy Stream, Sound Power
Sound intensity

W / m 2; W / m 2

mW / M 2; MW / m 2

m w / m 2; μW / m 2

pW / M 2; PVT / m 2

Specific speaker

PA × S / M; PA × S / M

Acoustic resistance

PA × S / M 3; PA × s / m 3

Mechanical resistance

N × s / m; N × s / m

Equivalent absorption area with surface or subject
Reverb time

Part VIII Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics

Number of substances

mol; Mole (mole)

kmol; Colol

mMOL; mmol

m mol; Mkmol.

Molar mass

kg / mol; kg / mol

g / mol; g / mol

Molar volume

m 3 / Moi; m 3 / mole

dM 3 / MOL; dm 3 / mol cm 3 / mol; cm 3 / mol

l / MOL; l / mol

Molar inner energy

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Molar enthalpy

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Chemical potential

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Chemical affinity

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Molar heat capacity

J / (mol × k); J / (mol × k)

Molar entropy

J / (mol × k); J / (mol × k)

Molar concentration

mOL / M 3; Mol / m 3

kMOL / M 3; Komol / m 3

mOL / DM 3; mol / dm 3

mol / 1; Mol / L.

Specific adsorption

mol / kg; Mol / kg

mMOL / KG; mmol / kg


M 2 / s; m 2 / s

Part IX. Ionizing radiation

Absorbed dose of radiation, Kerma, indicator of the absorbed dose (absorbed dose of ionizing radiation)

Gy; GR (Gray)

m G y; μgr

Nuclide activity in a radioactive source (radionuclide activity)

Bq; BK (Becquer)

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

table 2

Name of logarithmic size

Designation Unit

The initial value of the magnitude

Sound pressure level
Sound power level
Sound intensity level
Power level difference
Strengthening, weakening
Attenuation coefficient



Information details of GOST 8.417-81 ST SEV 1052-78

1. Sections 1 - 3 (PP. 3.1 and 3.2); 4, 5 and mandatory Appendix 1 to GOST 8.417-81 correspond to sections 1 - 5 and annex to ST SEV 1052-78. 2. Reference application 3 to GOST 8.417-81 complies with the information application to ST SEV 1052-78.

For a quantitative description of various properties of physical objects, physical systems, phenomena or processes in the RMG 29-99 (recommendations on interstate standardization) a concept has been introduced values.

Value - This property, which can be allocated among other properties and is estimated in one way or another, including quantitatively.

Values \u200b\u200bare divided by idealand real .

Perfect values Mainly refer to the field of mathematics and are a generalization (model) of concrete real concepts. They are calculated in one way or another.

Real values are divided into physical and non-physical.

Physical quantity In general, it can be defined as a value peculiar to some material objects (processes, phenomena) studied in natural (physics, chemistry) and technical sciences. Physical size can be attributed to mass, temperature, time, length, voltage, pressure, speed, etc.

TO non-physical The values \u200b\u200binherent in social (non-physical) sciences - philosophy, sociology, economics, etc. Nephysical values \u200b\u200bfor which a unit of measure cannot be entered can only be estimated. Examples of non-physical quantities: Assessment of students on a 5-point scale, the number of employees in the organization, the price of goods, the tax rate, etc. The estimation of non-physical quantities is not included in the tasks of theoretical metrology.

Physical quantity - One of the properties of the physical object, in common with a qualitative relation for many physical objects, but in quantitatively individual for each of them (the high-quality side determines the "genus" of the values, for example, electrical resistance as the total property of electricity conductors, and quantitative - its "size ", For example, resistance to a specific conductor).

Distinguish physical quantities measured and estimated.

Measured physical quantities You can express quantitatively in the form of a certain number of established units of measurement.

Estimated physical quantities - The values \u200b\u200bfor which for any reason cannot be introduced a unit of measure, and they can only be estimated.

Evaluation - Operation of attributing this physical size of a certain number of units adopted for it, conducted according to the established rules. Evaluation is carried out with scale.

To express the quantitative content of the property of a specific object, the concept of "physical size" is used, the estimate of which is set during the measurement process.

Physical size size (size size) is a quantitative determination of the physical quantity inherent in a specific material object, system, phenomenon or process.

For example, each person has a certain growth, mass, as a result of which people can be distinguished by their growth or mass, i.e. in size of the physical quantities of interest to us.

The size is an objective quantitative characteristic that does not depend on the choice of units of measurements.

For example, if we write 3.5 kg and 3500 g, then these are two options for representing the same size. Each of them is meaning physical quantity (in this case - mass).

The value of physical quantity - This is an expression of the size of the physical value in the form of a certain number of units adopted for it.

The value of physical quantity Q. obtained as a result of measurement and calculated in accordance with the main equation of measurement:

Q \u003d Q [Q], (1)

where q is an abstracted number called numerical meaning, and [q] - unit sizemeasurements of this physical value.

Numeric value of physical quantity - a distracted number expressing the ratio of the value of the value to the corresponding unit of this physical size.

Numeric value The measurement result will depend on the choice of a unit of physical quantity. (An example about the drove from the cartoon).

The numbers 3.5 and 3500 are distracted numbers included in the physical value and indicating the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the physical size. In the example above, the mass of the object is given by numbers - 3.5 and 3500, and units are kilograms (kg) and grams (g).

Value values \u200b\u200bshould not be mixed with size. The size of the physical value of this object is real and regardless of whether we know it or not, we express it in any units or not. The value of physical quantity appears only after the size of this object is expressed using any unit.

Unit of physical size - The physical quantity of fixed size, which is conditionally assigned a numerical value equal to one. It is used for the quantitative expression of homogeneous physical quantities.

Uniform physical quantities are physical quantities that are expressed in the same units and can be compared with each other (for example, the length and diameter of the part).

Physical quantities are combined into system.

System of physical quantities(System of values) is a set of physical quantities formed in accordance with the principles adopted when some values \u200b\u200bare taken for independent, and others are defined as the functions of these independent values.

All values \u200b\u200bincluded in the system of physical quantities are divided into maintenance and derivatives.

Basic physical amount - The physical quantity in the system of magnitude and conditionally adopted as an independent of other values \u200b\u200bof this system.

Derivative physical value - The physical quantity in the system of magnitude and determined through the main values \u200b\u200bof this system.

Formalized reflection of high-quality differences in physical quantities is their dimension.

The dimension of the physical size - This expression reflecting the relationship of this value with physical quantities adopted in this system of units for basic with a ratio of proportionality equal to one.

The dimension of the physical size is indicated by the DIM symbol (from the lat. Dimension - dimension).

The dimension of basic physical quantities is indicated by the corresponding capital letters:

length - Dim L \u003d L.

mass - dim m \u003d M.

time - Dim T \u003d T.

electric Current Power - Dim i \u003d I.

thermodynamic temperature - Dim Q \u003d Q.

number of substance - dim n \u003d N.

light power - Dim J \u003d J.

Dimension dim X.any physical size derivative h.determine through the equation of communication between values. It has a type of product of the main values \u200b\u200berected to the appropriate degrees:

dim X \u003d L A M B T G i EQ I. N v j t,(2)

where L, M, T, I ... - the conditional designations of the main values \u200b\u200bof this system;

a, b, g, e ... - indicators of dimension, each of which can be a positive or negative, integer or fractional number, as well as zero.

Dimension indicator - The indicator of the degree in which the dimension of the main physical quantity is elevated in the dimension of the physical size derivative.

According to the presence of dimension, physical quantities are divided into dimensional and dimensionless.

Dimensional physical size - The physical value in the dimension of which at least one of the main physical quantities was erected into a degree not equal to zero.

Dimensional physical size - All dimension indicators are zero. They do not have units of measure, that is, nothing is measured ( For example, the friction coefficient).

Scale measurements

Evaluation and measurement of physical quantities is carried out using various scales.

Scale measurements - This is an ordered set of physical values \u200b\u200bthat serves as the basis for its measurement.

Let us explain this concept on the example of temperature scale. In the Celsius scale, the temperature of the ice melting temperature was taken as the main interval (reference point) - the boiling point of water. One hundredth of this interval is a unit of temperature (degrees Celsius).

Distinguish the following main types scaling measurements: Names, order, differences (intervals), relationships and absolute scales.

Name scales reflect quality properties. Elements of these scales are characterized only by equivalence ratios (equality) and similarities of specific qualitative manifestations of properties.

An example of such scales is a classification scale (estimates) of the color of objects by name (red, orange, yellow, green, etc.), based on standardized colors atlases systematized in similarity. Measurements in the color scale are performed by comparing with a certain illumination of color samples from the atlas with the color of the object under study and the establishment of equality (equivalence) of their colors.

In the names of the items, there are no such concepts as "zero", "Unit of measurements", "dimension", "more" or "less". The name scale may consist of any signs (number, name, other conventions). Numbers or numbers of such a scale - no more than code signs.

Scale The name allows you to draw up classifications, identify and distinguish objects.

Scale order(rank scales) - Organize objects with respect to any of their properties in descending order or ascending.

The ordered row obtained is called ranked. He can give answers to questions: "What is more or less?", "What is worse or better?". For more information, how much more or less, how many times better or worse - the scale of order cannot be given.

An example of a scale of order is a group of people who are built by growth, where each one follows all the previous ones; Palkal assessment of knowledge; place athlete; The scales of the wind scores (scale of the Beaufort) and earthquakes (Richter scale); Scale of numbers of hardness (Rockwell scales, brinel, Vickers), etc.

In order scales, there may be no zero element ( for example, ranked instrument accuracy classes (0.1 and 2)).

Using the scale of order, high-quality, not having a strict quantitative measure, indicators can be measured. Especially widely, these scales are used in humanitarian sciences: pedagogy, psychology, sociology.

Difference scale (Intervals) contains the difference between the values \u200b\u200bof the physical quantity. For these scales, they make sense of equivalence ratio, order, summation of intervals (differences) between quantitative manifestations of properties.

This scale consists of the same intervals, has a conditional (adopted by agreement) a unit of measurement and an arbitrarily selected start of reference - zero.

Physical value One of the properties of the physical object (phenomenon, process) is called, which is generally qualitative for many - physical objects, differing from this quantitative value.

Each physical value has its own qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The qualitative characteristic is determined by what the property of the material object or what particular nature of the material world is characterized. Thus, the "strength" property in quantitatively characterizes materials such as steel, wood, cloth, glass and many others, while the quantitative value of strength for each of them is completely different. To express the quantitative content of the property of a specific object, the concept of "size of physical quantity" is used. This size is installed in the measurement process.

The purpose of measurements is to determine the value of the physical value - a certain number of units adopted for it (for example, the result of measuring the mass of the product is 2 kg, the height of the building is -12 m, etc.).

Depending on the degree of approach to objectivity, the true, real and measured values \u200b\u200bof the physical quantity are distinguished. True meaning of physical size - This value, ideally reflecting the corresponding property of the object in a qualitative and quantitative relationship. Due to imperfection of funds and measurement methods, the true values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200bcan not be obtained. They can only be imagined theoretically. And the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bobtained during the measurement are only more or less approaching the true value.

The actual value of the physical size - This value of the value found experimentally and is so approaching the true value that for this purpose can be used instead.

The measured value of the physical quantity is the value obtained by measuring using specific methods and measuring instruments.

When planning measurements, it should be strive to ensure that the nomenclature of the measured values \u200b\u200bcorresponds to the requirements of the measuring task (for example, when controlling the measured values \u200b\u200bshould reflect the corresponding product quality indicators).

Requirements should be followed for each product parameter: - the correctness of the wording of the measured value, excluding the possibility of various interpretation (for example, it is necessary to clearly define, in what cases the "mass" or "weight" of the product, "volume" or "capacity" of the vessel, etc. .);

The certainty of the object properties to be measured (for example, the room temperature is not more ... ° С "allows for various interpretations. It is necessary to change the wording of the requirement so that it is clear whether this requirement is set to maximum or to the average room temperature, which will be in Further taken into account when performing measurements)

The use of standardized terms (specific terms should be explained when they are first mentioned).

There are several definitions of the concept of "measurement", each of which describes some characteristic feature of this multifaceted process. In accordance with GOST 16263-70 "GCI. Metrology. Terms and definitions" measurement - This is the foundation of the physical value by experimentally with the help of special technical means. This widespread measurement definition reflects its goal, and also eliminates the possibility of using this concept out of connection with the physical experiment and measuring equipment. Under the physical experiment, the quantitative comparison of two homogeneous values \u200b\u200bis understood, one of which is adopted for the unit, which "binds" measurements to the size of units reproduced by the references.

It is interesting to note the interpretation of this term philosopher P.A.Florensky, which included the "technical encyclopedia" of the publication of 1931 "Measurement - the main cognitive process of science and technology, through which an unknown value is quantitatively compared with the other, unrignery with her and considered known."

Measurements Depending on the method of producing the numerical value of the measured value are divided into direct and indirect.

Direct measurements - Measurements in which the desired value of the magnitude is directly from experienced data. For example, measuring the length of the line, temperature thermometer, etc.

Indirect measurements - measurements in which the desired

the value of the values \u200b\u200bis found on the basis of the known relationship between this magnitude and values \u200b\u200bsubjected to direct measurements. For example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle is determined by the results of measuring its parties (s \u003d l.d), the density of the solid is determined by the results of measurements of its mass and volume (p \u003d m / v), etc.

Live dimensions were most common in practical activity, because They are simple and can be quickly completed. Indirect measurements are used when there is no possibility to obtain the value of the value directly from the experimental data (for example, the determination of solid body hardness) or when the instruments for measuring the values \u200b\u200bincluded in the formula is more accurate than to measure the desired value.

The division of measurements on direct and indirects allows you to use certain methods for estimating the errors of their results.

The study of physical phenomena and their patterns, as well as the use of these patterns in human practical activity associated with the measurement of physical quantities.

The physical quantity is a property, in a qualitative relation to many physical objects (physical systems, their states and what is happening in them processes), but in quantitatively individual for each object.

Physical size is for example, mass. Miscellaneous physical objects are mastered: all the bodies, all particles of the substance, particles of the electromagnetic field, etc., in qualitative terms, all specific mass implementations, i.e. the masses of all physical objects are the same. But the mass of one object can be at a certain number of times more or a minor than the mass of the other. And in this quantitative sense there is a variety of property, individual for each object. The physical quantities are also length, temperature, electric field strength, period of oscillations, etc.

The specific implementation of the same physical quantity is called homogeneous values. For example, the distance between the pupils of your eyes and the height of the Eiffel Tower is the specific implementation of the same physical size - length and therefore are homogeneous values. The mass of this book and the mass of the satellite of the Earth "Cosmos-897" is also homogeneous physical quantities.

Uniform physical quantities differ from each other. Physical size is

quantitative content in this object property corresponding to the concept of "physical value".

The dimensions of homogeneous physical quantities of various objects can be compared between themselves, if you determine the values \u200b\u200bof these values.

The value of the physical size is the assessment of the physical quantity in the form of a certain number of units taken for it (see p. 14). For example, the value of the length of some body, 5 kg - the value of the mass of some body, etc. The abstract number included in the value of the physical quantity (in our examples 10 and 5) is called a numerical value. In the general case, the value of x is some values \u200b\u200bcan be expressed as a formula

where the numerical value of the magnitude, its unit.

It should be distinguished by the true and actual meaning of physical quantity.

The true value of the physical value is the value of the value that the corresponding property of the object would ideally reflect in a qualitative and quantitative relationship.

The actual value of the physical size is the value of the value found by experimentally and so approaching the true value, which for this purpose can be used instead.

Finding the value of the physical quantity by experimentally by special technical means is called a measurement.

True values \u200b\u200bof physical quantities are usually unknown. For example, no one knows the true values \u200b\u200bof the speed of light, the distance from the ground to the moon, the mass of the electron, proton and other elementary particles. We do not know the true meaning of our growing and mass of your body, we do not know and cannot recognize the true value of the air temperature in our room, the length of the table, for which we work, etc.

However, using special technical means, you can define valid

values \u200b\u200bof all these and many other values. At the same time, the degree of approximation of these valid values \u200b\u200bto the true values \u200b\u200bof physical quantities depends on the perfection of the technical means of measurement.

Measurement tools include measures, measuring instruments, etc. The measurement means is understood to reproduce the physical size of the specified size. For example, a weight gain - a measure of mass, a line with millimeter divisions - a measure of length, measuring flask - measure of volume (capacity), a normal element is a measure of an electromotive force, a quartz generator - a measure of the frequency of electrical oscillations, etc.

The measuring instrument is a measurement tool intended to generate a signal of measuring information in the form available to directly perceive observation. Measuring instruments include a dynamometer, an ammeter, pressure gauge, etc.

There are dimensions direct and indirect.

The dimension is called the dimension at which the desired value of the magnitude is directly from the experimental data. Direct measurements include, for example, measuring the mass on the equal transfer scales, temperature - thermometer, length - a large-scale ruler.

An indirect measurement is a measurement at which the desired value of the magnitude is found on the basis of the known relationship between it and the values \u200b\u200bsubjected to direct measurements. The indirect measurements are, for example, the density of the body by weight and geometric sizes, finding the specific electrical resistance of the conductor by resistance, the length and the cross-sectional area.

Measurements of physical quantities are based on various physical phenomena. For example, to measure the temperature, the thermal expansion of the tel or thermoelectric effect is used, to measure the mass of bodies weighing - the phenomenon of gravity, etc. A combination of physical phenomena on which measurements are based called the measurement principle. The principles of measurements are not considered in this manual. Studying the principles and methods of measurements, types of measuring instruments, measurement errors and other issues related to measurements, metrology is engaged.

In science and technology, use units of physical quantities that form certain systems. The basis of the combination of units established by the standard for mandatory use, the units of the international system (SI) are laid. In theoretical sections of physics, units of SGS systems are widely used: SGSE, SGSM and symmetric Gaussian SGS system. Certain use also find units of the Technical System of the ICGSS and some non-system units.

The international system (C) is built on 6 major units (meter, kilogram, second, Celvin, Ampere, Candela) and 2 additional (radians, steradian). In the final version of the draft standard "Units of physical quantities", the units of the system system are shown; Units allowed to use on a par with SI units, for example: ton, minute, hour, degrees Celsius, degrees, minute, second, liter, kilowatt-hour, turnover per second, turnover per minute; Units of the SSS system and other units used in theoretical sections of physics and astronomy: light year, parsec, barn, electronof; Units temporarily allowed to use such as: angstrom, kilogram-power, kilogram-power-meter, kilogram-force per square centimeter, millimeter of mercury post, horse force, calorie, kilocaloria, x-ray, Curie. The most important of these units and relations between them are given in Table P1.

The abbreviated designations of the units shown in the tables are applied only after the numeric value of the value or in the headlines of the column graph. You can not use abbreviations instead of complete items of units in the text without numeric value. When using both Russian and international designations of units, a direct font is used; Designations (abbreviated) units, the names of which are given by the names of scientists (Newton, Pascal, Watt, etc.) should be written from the capital letter (H, PA, W); In the symbols of units, the point as a sign of reduction is not used. The designations of units included in the work are separated by points as signs of multiplication; As a sign of division, we usually apply oblique features; If the denominator includes a piece of units, then it lies in brackets.

Decimal consoles are used to form multiple and dollane units (see Table. P2). It is especially recommended to use consoles representing the degree of number 10 with an indicator, multiple three. It is advisable to use dollane and multiple units formed from SI units and leading to numerical values \u200b\u200blying between 0.1 and 1000 (for example: 17,000 Pa should write as 17 kPa).

It is not allowed to attach two or more consoles to one unit (for example: 10 -9 m should be written as 1 nm). For the formation of units of mass, the console attach to the main name of the "grams" (for example: 10 -6 kg \u003d \u003d 10 -3 g \u003d 1 mg). If the complex name of the source unit is a product or fraction, then the prefix is \u200b\u200battached to the name of the first unit (for example, KN ∙ M). In the necessary cases, it is allowed in the denominator to apply dolly units of length, area and volume (for example, V / cm).

Tablep3 shows the main physical and astronomical permanent.

Table P1

Units of measurement of physical quantities in the SI system

And their ratio with other units

Name of quantities Units Abbreviated designation The size Coefficient to bring to units
Ghs. ICGS and non-system units
Main units
Length meter M. 1 cm \u003d 10 -2 m 1 Å \u003d 10 -10 m 1 SV.G. \u003d 9.46 × 10 15 m
Weight kilogamm kg 1g \u003d 10 -3 kg
Time second from 1 h \u003d 3600 from 1 min \u003d 60 s
Temperature Kelvin TO 1 0 C \u003d 1 to
Tok Power ampere BUT 1 SGSE i \u003d \u003d 1/3 × 10 -9 A 1 gsm i \u003d 10 a
The power of light Kandela CD
Additional units
Flat corner radian glad 1 0 \u003d p / 180 Run 1 ¢ \u003d p / 108 × 10 -2 Run 1² \u003d p / 648 × 10 -3
Solid angle Steradian cf. Full split corner \u003d 4P Wed
Derived units
Frequency hertz Hz C -1

Continuation tab. P1

Angular velocity Radian per second Rad / S. C -1 1 RF / C \u003d 2P Run / s 1b / min \u003d \u003d 0.105 Rad / s
Volume cubic meter m 3. m 3. 1cm 2 \u003d 10 -6 m 3 1 l \u003d 10 -3 m 3
Speed meter per second M / S. m × s -1 1cm / s \u003d 10 -2 m / s 1km / h \u003d 0.278 m / s
Density kilogram on a cuby meter kg / m 3 kg × m -3 1g / cm 3 \u003d \u003d 10 3 kg / m 3
Force Newton N. kg × m × s -2 1 din \u003d 10 -5 n 1 kg \u003d 9.81n
Work, energy, amount of heat joule J (n × m) kg × m 2 × s -2 1 erg \u003d 10 -7 j 1 kgf × m \u003d 9,81 J 1 eV \u003d 1.6 × 10 -19 J 1 kW × h \u003d 3.6 × 10 6 J 1 Cal \u003d 4.19 J 1 kcal \u003d 4.19 × 10 3 J
Power watt W (j / s) kg × m 2 × s -3 1ERG / C \u003d 10 -7 W 1l.S. \u003d 735W.
Pressure pascal PA (N / m 2) kg ∙ m -1 ∙ s -2 1 Din / cm 2 \u003d 0.1P 1 AT \u003d 1 kgf / cm 2 \u003d \u003d 0.981 ∙ 10 5 Pa \u003d 133 Pa 1ATM \u003d 760 mm.RT. \u003d \u003d 1.013 ∙ 10 5 Pa
Moment of power Newton-meter N ∙ M. KGM 2 × C -2 1 Dean × cm \u003d \u003d 10 -7 N × m 1 kgf × m \u003d 9.81 n × m
Moment of inertia kilogram meter squared kg × m 2 kg × m 2 1 g × cm 2 \u003d \u003d 10 -7 kg × m 2
Dynamic viscosity Pascal Soon PA × S. kg × m -1 × s -1 1P / PUAZ / \u003d 0.1P × C

Continuation tab. P1

Kinematic viscosity Square meter for a second m 2 / s m 2 × s -1 1st / Stocks / \u003d 10 -4 m 2 / s
System heat capacity Joule on Kelvin J / K. kg × m 2 x x s -2 × to -1 1 Cal / 0 C \u003d 4.19 J / K
Specific heat Joule on kilogram Celvin J / (kg × k) m 2 × s -2 × to -1 1 kcal / (kg × 0 s) \u003d \u003d 4.19 × 10 3 j / (kg × k)
Electric charge pendant CL A × S. 1SGSE Q \u003d \u003d 1/3 × 10 -9 CL 1SGSM Q \u003d \u003d 10 CL
Potential, electrical voltage volt In (W / a) kg × m 2 x x s -3 × a -1 1SGSE U \u003d \u003d 300 in 1SGSM u \u003d \u003d 10 -8 in
Electric field tension Volt on meter V / M. kg × m x x s -3 × a -1 1 SGSE E \u003d 3 × 10 4 V / m
Electrical offset (electrical induction) square meter pendant CL / m 2 M -2 × C × a 1SGSE d \u003d \u003d 1 / 12p x x 10 -5 kl / m 2
Electrical resistance Oh. Ohm (in / a) kg × m 2 × s -3 x x a -2 1SGSE R \u003d 9 × 10 11 Ohm 1SGSM R \u003d 10 -9 Ohm
Electrical capacity Farad F (CL / B) kg -1 × m -2 x with 4 × a 2 1SGSE C \u003d 1 cm \u003d \u003d 1/9 × 10 -11 f

Ending tab. P1

Magnetic flow Weber WB (in × s) kg × m 2 × s -2 x x a -1 1SGSM F \u003d \u003d 1 μs (Maxwell) \u003d 10 -8 WB
Magnetic induction tesla TL (WB / m 2) kg × s -2 × a -1 1SGSM B \u003d \u003d 1 GC (GAuss) \u003d \u003d 10 -4 TL
Magnetic field tension Ampere per meter A / M. M -1 × a 1SGSM H \u003d \u003d 1E (Ersted) \u003d \u003d 1 / 4p × 10 3 a / m
Magnethodoving force ampere BUT BUT 1SGSM FM.
Inductance Henry GN (WB / A) kg × m 2 x x s -2 × a -2 1SGSM L \u003d 1 cm \u003d \u003d 10 -9 Gn
Light flow {!LANG-1ba1746dd9a56dd327a17deac4cd5038!} {!LANG-00e43f67592c84258d92dcaef34bd756!} CD
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