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Tiaprid instructions for use. Tiaprid - instructions for use, doses, side effects, contraindications, the price where to buy is a medicaire's medicine reference. Synonyms of nosological groups

This is an antipsychotic drug with a sedative, analgesic and sleeping pills. It helps with pains of different etiology and suppresses aggression, irritation and other psychomotor disorders, especially in alcoholics and elderly patients.

International non-proprietary title

Tiaprid (Latin Name - Tiapride)

ATH and registration number

N05al03. R№: LSR-007835/08.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Neuroleptic antipsychotic drugs

Mechanism of action

The tool has a pronounced analgesic effect and allows you to get rid of the exteroceptive, and from interoceptive pain. The blockade of receptors of the mesocortic and mesolimbic system provides an antipsychotic effect. Pharmacodynamics of sedative action is associated with the blockade of adrenoreceptors of the trunk of GM.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug standard. It is metabolized in the liver. The duration of half-life is more than 3 hours in men, less than 3 hours - in women. 70% of the medication is excreted by the kidneys.

Composition and form of Tiaprida

The medicine is sold in 2 forms: injectable solution and tablets. Pills of classic shape, white color, are sold in dark cans from glass or cellular packs placed in a cardboard pack.

The solution is transparent or a little painted. It is packaged in 2 ml ampoules, which are in packs complete with a scarifier or an ampumen knife.

The active component of the medication is a thiaprid hydrochloride. The auxiliary substances include the following:

  • in tablets: magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, starch (potato), poverant;
  • in solution: Injection water, sodium chloride.

Indications for use

The tableted form of the drug is prescribed in the presence of such states:

  • intense and chronic pains;
  • increased nervousness;
  • different forms of chorea;
  • syndrome Gilles de la Turnetta.

Teenagers are sometimes discharged by teenagers in case of behavior disorders that are accompanied by aggressiveness and award.

Injection solution applies in the following cases:

  • psychomotor excitability;
  • tremor;
  • headaches having neurogenic origin;
  • pain during oncology;
  • soreness of neurotic origin;
  • nervous ticks;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • abstineent syndrome (during drug addiction and intoxication with alcoholic beverages);
  • senile behavioral disorders;
  • alcoholic psychosis;
  • senile dementia;
  • brain diseases;
  • stressful states after surgical interventions.

Contraindications Tiaprida

Both forms of the drug have such restrictions on use:

  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • feochromocytoma;
  • acute form of lack of liver and kidney;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • increased sensitivity to the drug.

Additional contraindications for tablets are:

  • age under 6 years;
  • combination with sutrodium;
  • tumors (prolactin-dependent);
  • combination with dopaminergic agonists.

Relative contraindications to the use of both forms of medicine are:

  • bradycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hereditary increase in the Qt interval;
  • combination with alcohol-containing means.

Tiapride Application and Dosage Method

The drug is taken inside (tablet) and injecting method (solution).


  • in chronic pains (for example, headache of a stressed type): from 200 to 400 mg per day;
  • increased excitability and aggression: from 200 to 300 mg per day adults and 50 mg 2 times a day to older patients;
  • behavioral disorders in adolescents: 100-160 mg per day.


Initially, the drug should be taken in a minimum dose, after which it should gradually increase.

The solution is injected intravenously or intramuscularly in the following doses:

  • unknown pain syndrome: 200-350 mg per day;
  • deliosis and preyryosis: 350-1200 mg per day with equal parts with an interval of 5-6 hours.

The maximum daily dose is 1800 mg.

special instructions

Patients with hypokalemia therapy must be adjusted in advance. When treating the drug requires careful control of the course of the disease, ECG indicators. It is also necessary to monitor violations of electrolyte equilibrium.

With the appearance of extrapyramidal syndrome, dopaminergic medications need to be replaced with anticholinergic.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women use a medicine to minimal doses and only after the doctor's appointment. Children whose mother used this medicine during their toasting, it is desirable to examine the tract and CNS.

In childhood

The effect of the drug on the growing organism has no official confirmation. However, it is undesirable to give it to children under 6 years old.

In old age

The instructions for use say that older patients should carefully use the medicine. At the same time, the doctor prescribes them minimal dosages.

When violations of the liver function

In the presence of hepatic, it is not sufficient to use the drug tool undesirable.

With violations of the kidney function

When problems with these bodies, the drug must be taken carefully and in minimal dosages, and with the development of adverse reactions to immediately contact the doctor.

Side effects

The tableted form of the drug may cause the following side effects:

  • soreness in the chest;
  • cleaning arrhythmia;
  • hyperprolactinemia, amenorrhea, breast swelling, galathery, ejaculation violation and impotence;
  • apathetic states, fatigue, enhancement of blood pressure, tremor, dizziness;
  • dystonia, acactic, spastic curve;
  • neuroleptic syndrome (malignant).

The solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration is capable of calling:

  • late and early dyskinesia;
  • reduction of muscle tone;
  • increased psychomotor excitation, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • hyperprolactinemia and gynecomastia;
  • hyperthermia;
  • rash and itching the skin.

Impact on the management of the vehicle

When treating medicine, it is unwanted to engage in activities that involves an increased concentration of attention. This applies to the management of auto and other mechanical equipment.


The excess of the recommended doses of the drug can lead to the oppression of consciousness, arterial hypotension, drowsiness and extrapyramidal disorders. Therapy in such a situation is aimed at eliminating symptoms and begins with washing the stomach and cancellation of the medication.

Medicinal interaction

Increases the effectiveness of medicines overwhelming the work of the central nervous system.

With the simultaneous use of anti-parkinsonic drugs, consult with the doctor.

Compatible with alcohol

With simultaneous reception with alcoholic drinks and drugs with ethanol, the sedative effect of neuroleptics increases. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to combine the medication under consideration.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released exclusively on a medical recipe.


The cost of the means varies from 1050 to 1260 rubles for 1 pack depending on the region and point of sale.

Storage conditions

The medication should be stored in the place protected from moisture and light, the temperature should not exceed + 30 ° C.

Shelf life

The drug retains pharmaceutical activity for 5 years from the moment of production.

Manufacturing firm

Product Pharmaceutical Corporation "Organizer" is manufactured.


If there is no contraindications for receiving the means or it was not in the pharmacy, then the replacement can be synonyms (drugs, in the composition of which there is the same active ingredient):

  • Solian;
  • Betamax;
  • Sulpin;
  • Thiapridal;
  • Sulpirid.


The Tiapridal preparation is a neuroleptic with sedative, antipsychotic, sleeping pills and painkillers. This is a product from the French producer, which in our country is represented by synonymous called "Tiaprid". Medicines have almost similar characteristics and are able to replace each other without affecting the quality of therapy. Before starting the medical course, you should obtain the recommendations of the doctor and familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of Tiapridal. The neuroleptic is represented by two dosage forms, each of which has its own characteristics.

The Tiapridal preparation is a neuroleptic with sedative, antipsychotic, sleeping pills and painkillers.


Basic acting component of drug-thiapride hydrochloride. In a tablet form, cellulose, mannitol, povedium, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate mean as auxiliary components. In solution "Tiaprid", additional substances are distilled water and sodium chloride.

Form release

The drug "Tiaprid" in the form of tablets is represented by round elements of white or cream color with chamfer. On one surface, the engraving "T100" is applied, on the second - cross-risk. From the products can proceed a weak drug smell. One tablet contains an equivalent of 100 mg of the main substance.

The thiapride solution is transparent, colorless, packaged in 2 ml glass ampos.

The solution "Tiaprid" is transparent, colorless, packaged on glass ampos volume in 2 ml. One container contains an equivalent of 100 mg of the active component. Each ampoule is equipped with two labeling rings and a break point.

pharmachologic effect

"Tiapridal" (or "Tiaprid") enters the group of neuroleptics - psychotropic drugs intended to combat psychotic disorders. The medication has a pronounced anti-theft action, is able to remove pain and dyskinesia of the central genesis.

Separately, it is distinguished by sleeping pills and sedatives, the ability to coagulate the vomiting center in the brain, to stop signs of alcohol intoxication.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Therapeutic effect of the composition is achieved due to its selective blocking effect on dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus, limbic and cortical sectors of the central nervous system. With all this, the medication does not oppress the patient's consciousness, does not have a detrimental effect on its level of intelligence. Accepting the composition on the contrary is capable of returning the clarity of thinking to the elderly.

Therapeutic effect of the composition is achieved due to its selective blocking effect on dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus.

After intramuscular administration of the drug in the volume of 200 mg of active substance, the maximum concentration of thiapride is fixed after half an hour. With oral administration of the same amount of means in the form of Tiapridal tablets, time increases to 1 hour. In parenteral administration of the composition, its content in the blood plasma is two times higher than the indicator characteristic of drug use inside.

In the case of using Tiaprid tablets, the bioavailability of the main component is 75%. Data can be increased to 95% if you drink the medicine right before meals. This technique also increases the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma by 40%.

The distribution of the composition in the body takes less than an hour. Tiaprid penetrates the placenta and the hematorecephalic barrier, in theory he falls into the milk of a nursing woman. The active substance does not accumulate in the tissues. It is weakly recycled and excluded mainly kidneys. Up to 70% of the main component is found in the urine in the unchanged state. In women, the half-life of the medication is about 3 hours, men are 30-40 minutes more.

The medicine is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Indications for use

The remedy is prescribed to adults and children. The dosage form is selected depending on the age of the patient, its well-being, diagnosis, the severity of the problem. The drug can be used as part of monotherapy or an integrated approach.

Tiapridal tablets are prescribed with such states:

  • unmotivated aggression, extreme degree of psychomotor excitation. The medicine helps to cope with such manifestations against the background of senile dementia, chronic alcoholism;
  • severe chronic pain pain that are not bought by other medicines;
  • various forms of chorea;
  • syndrome Gilles de la Turnetta;
  • late or spontaneous type dyskinesia;
  • increased aggressiveness and attachment in childhood.

Tablets are prescribed with unmotivated aggression.

The Tiaprid solution is more suitable for the relief of intensive states with a bright clinical picture. It is usually used to combat behavioral disorders in older people and persons with chronic alcoholism. The tool shows a good effect if used to reduce the power of persistent pain syndrome.


Before the start of reception, it is necessary to make sure that there are no prohibitions for therapy. The tool is forbidden to use with some states and need to be extended to be increased with others. Due to the peculiarities of chemical interaction with other Medications "Tiapridal", it is necessary to introduce into combined approaches to combined approaches.

Contraindications for the use of drug Tiaprid:

  • intolerance to the components of the means;
  • the presence of prolactin-dependent tumors or suspicion of the possibility of their development;
  • feochromocytoma or suspicion of it;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • reduction of liver functionality and / or kidney in severe;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester, lactation;
  • the patient's age is underly 6 for tablets, younger than 18 years for a solution "Tiaprid";
  • reception of "sort shirt", antagonists of dopamine receptors and means capable of causeing a heart rate failure;
  • benign or malignant formations in the brain, adrenal glands.

With caution, treatment with Tiaprid is carried out in the presence of a patient's epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage. In chronic kidney pathologies, the dose of the medication may need to be prescribed.

Therapy requires medical control if the patient suffers from Parkinsonism, bradycardia, hypokalemia, takes medicines with ethanol as part. Treatment of children and older people is usually carried out according to an individual scheme.

Side effects

Usually "Tiaprid" and "Tiapridal" are transferred to patients well. The risk of developing a negative response of the body is increased by prolonged use of the means or when it is used in maximum permissible volumes.

Types of adverse reactions that are possible when treating the Tiaprid medicine:

  • neurological - up to 10% of patients noted the increase in fatigue against the background of drug intake. Sleeping can also be observed in daytime sleepiness, psychomotor arousal, dizziness, apathy, headaches, tremor hands;
  • endocrine - impotence, problems with erection and ejaculation in men. Failure of the menstrual cycle, frigidity, swelling of the mammary glands in women;
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system - flickering arrhythmia, a decrease in blood pressure, a change in the ECG pattern;
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system - the relaxation of the muscles, the reduction of their tone;
  • metabolic - noticeable weight gain.

Up to 10% of patients noted the increase in fatigue against the background of drug intake.

In single situations, the patient develops malignant neuroleptic syndrome. In the event of an increase in the patient, the body temperature without adequate causes of the drug "Tiaprid" stop and conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Instructions on "Tiaprid": method and dosage

At the start of therapy, the patient is prescribed minimal doses of the drug in accordance with age and diagnosis. If necessary, they are gradually raised, reaching the lower limit of the effectiveness of treatment. Any changes to the medical scheme are made by a doctor.

  • violations of the behavioral pattern against the background of chronic alcohol intoxication - 200-300 mg per day. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 months and, if necessary, repeats after a break established by the doctor. For elderly patients, the dosage can be reduced by 30-50%;
  • violations of the behavioral pattern as a result of senile dementia - begin with 50 mg of active substance twice a day. In the absence of positive dynamics, the volume increases every 2-3 days by 50 mg before the emergence of persistent therapeutic effect. Limit daily dosage - 300 mg;
  • pains that are not bored by other drugs - up to 400 mg per day depending on the response of the body to the medicine;
  • the housing syndrome de la Turnetta, Chorea - for adult patients starting dose is determined in 25 mg of the active substance. It is smoothly increased, reaching the minimum healing volume. Usually the therapeutic dose is in the range of 300-800 mg of the component. Children from 6 years old, the amount of medication is selected individually according to the formula 3-6 mg per 1 kg of weight per day;
  • anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness in childhood - from 100 to 150 mg of Tiaprid's preparation per day. The number of approaches is established by the doctor.

In the absence of the result from the use of oral medication, or in the case of patient, swallowing problems go to the injection solution. This product is prescribed only for adults. Manipulations are conducted under medical control. The composition is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, adhering to the minimum effective dose.

Features of the use of the solution "Tiaprid":

  • delia or the state preceding it - up to 1200 mg per day. Intravenous or intramuscular injections are performed every 4-6 hours. If necessary, the amount of drug can be brought to 1800 mg. Therapy should be carried out in hospital under the control of Creatinine clearance;
  • therapy in the elderly - up to 300 mg per day. One-time dose should not exceed 100 mg. The minimum interval between injections is 6 hours.

In other cases, they adhere to those dosages that are characteristic of tablets. The possibility of a combination of two dosage forms is established by a doctor.

Intravenous injections are performed every 4-6 hours.


Violation of the rules for conducting therapy may lead to overdose. In the case of a solution and tablets, the risks of the emergency development of the urgent state are approximately equal and equally dangerous. The clinical picture of medicinal poisoning is characterized by pathological drowsiness, a fall in blood pressure. The patient is experiencing a too pronounced sedative effect of the drug, obviously a change in motor activity against the background of problems with muscle tone. The victim is oppressed by consciousness, coma can develop.

Antidot substances thiaprid not detected. Hemodialysis does not help on a background. Treatment is to cancel the medication, washing the stomach in the case of taking tablets. Next, symptomatic assistance is subject to the patient, intensive disinfective measures are carried out.

All manipulations are performed under the control of vital performance of the body. With violation of motor activity, anticholinergic agents are additionally prescribed. The patient must remain in the hospital until the overdose symptoms have completely disappeared.


The use of the Tiaprid medication in comprehensive treatment approaches requires increased caution. Before taking any medicines during the course based on neuroleptic, it is recommended to obtain a permission of a doctor.

When using medication, you need to remember that thiaprid:

  • it may be caused by flickering or ventricular arrhythmia when combining with a number of neuroleptics, antiarrhythmic agents, antibiotics and vasodilators;
  • it becomes very aggressive and toxic under the influence of ethyl alcohol;
  • it is the "Levodopa" antagonist. The use of the Tiaprid medication in Parkinson's disease is possible, but under medical control and with mandatory adjustment of doses;
  • in combination with hypotensive products can be addictive. Increases the likelihood of falling blood pressure during the transition of the body from the horizontal position to the vertical;
  • enhances the properties of substances that have an oppressive effect on the CNS.

The drug enhances the properties of substances that have an inhibitory effect on the CNS.

On the appearance of any disturbing symptoms against the background of the combination of the Tiaprid medication with other medicines, it is necessary to inform the doctor. In most cases, it is sufficient to adjust therapeutic doses to get rid of the negative consequences and the normalization of the treatment of therapy. Take independent actions in the form of symptomatic treatment of problems is categorically prohibited.

Terms of sale

"Tiaprid" and "Tiapridal" are released only by recipe.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The medicine must be kept out of an inaccessible for children, dry, cool, dark place. The air temperature should not exceed 25. The shelf life of the composition in closed ampoules 3 years, tablets - 5 years.


There are dozens of drugs that have similar properties similar to medicine. For his replacement, doctors recommend "Solian", "Betamax", "Sulpirid", "Sulpin" and other products. The Russian "Tiaprid" is a direct synonymiron of the composition of Tiapridal. Their instructions for use are similar.

Tiaprid (in the form of hydrochloride) (TIAPRIDE)

Composition and form of release of the drug

30 pcs. - Dark glass banks (1) - Cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Antipsychotic means (neuroleptic) from the group of substituted benzamide. The antipsychotic action is due to the blockade of docking D 2 receptors of the mesolimbic or mesocortical system. It has an analgesic effect during interoceptive and exteroceptive pain. It has a sedative action caused by the blockade of adrenoreceptors of the reticular formation of the brain barrel; the action associated with the blockade of dockamine D 2-receptors of the trigger zone of the vomit; The hypothetermic action due to the blockade of dopamine hypothalamus receptors.


After taking inside, it is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. C Max in the blood is achieved after 1 h. Binding with plasma proteins is low. Penetrates through the BC. T 1/2 is 3-4 hours. Excreted by the kidneys mainly unchanged.

In renal failure, the removal of thiapride from the body slows down.


Astemation, aggressiveness, especially in chronic alcoholism, in elderly people; Resistant to therapy, expressed pain syndrome; Chorea, ticks in turbulent disease, severe behavioral disorders accompanied by aggressiveness and award.


The presence or suspicion of prolactin-dependent tumors, feochromocyth; Increased sensitivity to thiaprida.


Individual, depending on the testimony, the age of the patient and the dosage form used.

Side effects

From the CNS: drowsiness, sleep disorders, assessment, indifference, dizziness, headaches, Parkinsonism syndrome; rarely - spastic Krivoshoye, Okulo-boiled crises, acactic, late dyskinesia; In some cases - ZNS.

From the endocrine system: Rarely - symptoms caused by hyperprolactineia (amenorrhea, galathery, increasing the mammary glands, pain in the milk glands, impotence, disorders of the achievement of orgasm.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: an increase in Qt interval, orthostatic hypotension; In some cases - arrhythmias like "Pirouette".

Medicinal interaction

With the simultaneous use of funds depressing the CNS (including opioid, antihistamine, barbiturates, benzodiazepines), it is possible to strengthen the oppressive effect on the CNS.

With the simultaneous use of antihypertensive agents, it is possible to strengthen the hypotensive effect.

special instructions

Special care is used in patients with epilepsy due to a possible decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness.

With caution to apply with severe cardiovascular diseases, parkinsonism, renal failure, as well as in elderly patients.

Parenteral administration is carried out under the control of the doctor.

During the treatment period, Tiaprides should not be used by Leveodopa, dopamine receptor agonists (, apomorphine, bromocriptine, cabergoline, entakapon, lizuride, pergolid, pyribedyl, pramipexol, chinagolide), sortder; Drugs capable of calling the type "Piroet" type (antiarrhythmic agents Ia and III classes, levomepromazine, thiuridazine, trifluorzine, sutroduction, droperidol, haloperidol, pimozide, bipridyl, cisaprid, diphemanyl, erythromycin for in / in administration, Vincamine for in / in administration, as well as halofantrine, morphloxacin, pentamidine,).

Do not use alcohol.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Caution is used in patients whose activities require the concentration of attention and high velocity of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

In pregnancy, Tiaprides apply only in absolute indications in minimal effective doses. Newborn, whose mother in pregnancy received thiaprid, it is recommended to monitor the functions of the CNS and the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not known whether thiapride stands out with breast milk. If you need to use during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

With violations of the kidney function

With caution to apply with renal failure.

Application in old age

With caution to apply in older patients.

The preparation includes an active ingredient - Tiaprid hydrochloride.

Additional components: lactose, potato starch, pose, magnesium stearate, water for injection.

Form release

Tiapride is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions. 100 mg tablets are packed in 10 pieces in contour cells 3 in a bundle or 30 tablets in a polymer jar. The solution is packaged in ampoules 2 ml, 10 pieces in a bundle.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a neuroleptic effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Tiaprid is an antipsychotic drug - atypical neuroleptic . This medicine has an impact on dopamine receptors, which are already sensitized to When using other antipsychotic agents that exhibit an anti-disskinetic effect. In this case, the reception does not form a physical or psychological dependence.

Therefore, the effectiveness of thiapride is manifested with numerous disorders, for example, hyperadopharmiergic states - or psycho resistant disorders which may be observed in patients with or alcohol addiction , with a smaller number of neurological side effects, if compared with typical neuroleptics. Also, for thiaprid, a pronounced analgesic, anti-ansulous and hypothermic action is typical.

Finding inside the body, the drug is subject to fast absorption. When admitting 200 mg of the drug, its maximum concentration in the composition of plasma is achieved within an hour.

The bioavailability of the substance is 75%. Reception of medication before meal increases it by 20%. In elderly patients, absorption is somewhat slowed.

The active substance is rapidly distributed in the body, the penetration is noted through the hematorecephalic barrier and the placenta.

Connection with plasma proteins is not installed, with - Fute enough. As a result of insignificant Formed inactive . The elimination of the body occurs with the help of kidneys, almost unchanged.

Indications for use

Tiaprid adult patients and children from 6 years for treatment are prescribed:

  • different shapes khorey. ;
  • casual Disorders aggressiveness and agriculture ;
  • housing syndrome de la turretta .

Only adult patients for:

  • the relief of aggressive states and psychomotor excitation, for example, in old age or in chronic alcoholism;
  • removing persistent intensive pain syndrome.


The drug is not prescribed at:

  • high sensitivity ;
  • diagnosed or suspects prolactin-dependent tumors ;
  • feochromocytoma or suspicion of her;
  • age of patients up to 6 years;
  • , .

Side effects

In the treatment of thiaprides, various violations may develop affecting the activities of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and other systems. Therefore, they may arise: , and associated symptoms, or , agitation, , Failure of cardiac rhythm and so on.

The development of common disorders is not excluded: Asthenia , high fatigue, increase body weight.

Instructions for thiaprid (method and dosage)

As indicated by the instruction on the use of thiapride, the drug is intended for the treatment of patients from 6 years.

Usually therapy begins with a minimally effective dose, which, if necessary, gradually increase. At the same time, the daily dose is divided by 2-3 reception. Treatment of different disorders requires the appropriate dosage appropriate. The therapeutic course may continue 1-2 months.


In cases of overdose, it is possible to develop redundant sedation, significant oppression of consciousness arterial hypotension Extrapyramidal symptoms.

Treatment implies the abolition of the drug, symptomatic and disinfecting therapy, monitoring the functions of the body and so on.


Combination S. , and Hinagolide May lead to mutual antagonism.

Simultaneous use of S. beta-adrenoblocators, for example, or, as well as , Guangfatin and drugs Digitalisa able to lead to development bradycardia . Potassium-withdrawing diuretics , glucocorticosteroids, TetracoCactide Often cause hypokalemia.