Repairs Design Furniture

Modern sauna insulation: what is the secret and chips? Bath insulation from the inside with their own hands Step-by-step manual Natural insulation for a bath

Is it possible to use the "EUROP" insulation in the bath?

If we talk about the above product, then this option is a completely acceptable solution for bleat insulation. The foil layer gives to Iberize vaporizolation properties. The material itself is characterized as suitable for rooms with a high moisture mode. Such qualities are fully consistent with the requirements caused by the features of the bathroom.

As for the use of a conventional (non-rich) iswater, then in this case we will have to independently lay the foil layer on its own.


The properties of the product that allows it to be positively described as a thermal insulator for the bath, belong:

  1. low thermal conductivity. This indicator is achieved due to the special structure of the fastener;
  2. parry permeability. According to this parameter, the product has similarities with the frontal end, which allows it to be used in conditions of high humidity.

Lack of penplex - It is a flammability and allocation of toxic smoke when burning. Therefore, before installing it, it must be treated with special fire fighting. Also on sale you can find products impregnated with antipirens.


Insulation for Bath "Tehtonikol". Mineral wool from the Russian manufacturer "TechnoNIKOL" comes on sale in a wide range. In private construction, three rules are used: "Rocklayt", "Technobock", "Technoacoustik". All three species are suitable for both for those performed by experts or, (using vapor barrier) and external work under siding.

The Russian bath with a parillery is a guarantee of health and longevity, but that the recovery procedures bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to choose the insulation for different designs of the bath, given the different functionality, the humidity mode of the room is the material of individual elements. In addition, it is necessary to know the technology of the insulation process, the observance of which will allow not only to preserve heat in the bath, but also significantly reduce the consumption of energy fuel. To determine which insulation is better for a bath, you need to know the positive and negative sides of each type of thermal insulation material.

Types of modern insulation

What insulation can be used in the bath

Manufacturers offer a wide range of heat-insulating materials, but do not forget the traditional methods of insulation used for centuries that can be used in the bath and so on. Among the modern insulation of artificial origin are popular:

  • the sheets of extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex);
  • the simplest foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool products;
  • equata;
  • ceramzite gravel and ceramzite-concrete plates;
  • combined insulation in the form of basalt mats or polystyrene material with foil coating.

Despite the high thermal insulation qualities of all these materials, it is necessary to choose that insulation that meets the requirements of security, environmental friendliness and durability.


Polyfoam for insulation ceiling changing rooms, recreation rooms

Polystyrene foam (in the spacious foam) is used for the insulation of the walls of the bath outside, an attic ceiling or floor indoors of the steam room. The advantages of this material refers:

  • high degree of resistance to the impact of the wet environment;
  • immunity to microorganisms and mold;
  • does not support open fire;
  • low share;
  • low cost;
  • simple processing.

Negative characteristics include the "love" of mice to foam, as well as the release of poisonous substances by plastic material in the event of a bathroom fire. Therefore, it is not recommended to use steaming for insulation. Sliding material, mice and rats thereby reduce its thermal insulation characteristics. In relation to the allocation of poisonous evaporation, it can be said that in the steam room, people are not too long, and the use of such a heater is quite acceptable. In addition, the modern industry produces special types of foam, which are allowed by SanPin to use inside residential and public buildings. For example, various decorative elements of the interior are moldings, cartlers, plinth and so on.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

This material has all the properties that are inherent in foam, but with a smaller thickness of the product, it is capable of maintaining the same thermal insulation characteristics. The extruded polystyrene foam is durable than foam, due to a dense structure, as a result of which the duration of its operation increases at times. The material is a non-combustible insulation. If I get sparks of fire, he does not support further burning. The negative factor is its increased value compared to the price of its fellow. However, it is not recommended to use it for insulation the wage from the inside, as well as the foam, since these materials are withstanding the temperature without losing their properties not higher than +75 degrees, and as you know, in the steam room, the temperature can sometimes achieve significantly large degrees.

Polyurene Foolder

Wall insulation polyurethane foam by spraying

Polyurethane foam in the form of a liquid insulation appeared in the building materials market not so long ago. The essence of its application consists in spraying a polyurethane two-component fluid, which, when interacting with air, turns into a foam by 90% consisting of air bubbles. After a few minutes, the foam is frozen, almost ten times increasing in the amount.

Foamed polyurethane has a whole bouquet of positive properties:

  • high heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • strength, flexibility and elasticity;
  • resistance to the effects of deformation processes;
  • environmental safety, since the material is made from pure products, when heated from it, harmful substances and unpleasant odors are not highlighted;
  • the ability to easily withstand sharp temperature regimens from + 100 degrees to -90, which allows the use of material as thermal insulation for a Russian bath or Finnish sauna.

The foamed polyurethane, used as a heater, besides the foregoing, is completely fireproof material, covering all the wooden elements with a dense layer, giving spreading fire. It also protects the wood of buildings from the penetration of harmful insects, which naturally prolongs the battery life.

Compared to other types of insulation, foamed polyurethane is easily and quickly applied to any surfaces, regardless of their configuration. With a skillful action, the thickness of the insulation layer may be different.

The negative factors of using this type of insulation include the fact that it can only be used in the presence of a special spraying device. And its acquisition or rent requires certain financial costs and the skills of handling it.

Mineral wool products

Insulation of the attic overlap of mineral wool

Mineral wools differ in the source material, which can be:

  • fiberglass;
  • the material obtained from the melt of natural rock rock - basalt, dolomite, diabase and others;
  • waste of the metallurgical industry in the form of slag.

Almost all of the specified types of mineral watts can be used as a heater for the wage, washing room and other structural elements of a bath building. However, compared with polystyrene materials, the thickness of the insulation layer of mineral wool increases. Basalt wool uses greater popularity, given its technical characteristics.

Basalt insulation

Floor insulation basalt cotton

The advantage of this material is:

  • high thermal insulation ability;
  • resistance to sharp change of temperature regime;
  • the material is not affected by fire;
  • it has good mechanical strength, low specific weight;
  • basalt wool easily fit on the design of any configuration, eliminating the formation of cold bridges at the joints;
  • the duration of the operational period.

But this material has its drawbacks, which are in fear of water and in the fact that rodents are not completely afraid to make their minks in it. Wet basalt wool loses its thermal insulation qualities, and when the wet material with wooden structures, the rotation process begins in the latter. Therefore, use basalt insulation for a bath, and specifically not recommended to the steam room.


Glass gaming is used outdoors

Glasswater, possessing the same technical characteristics as basalt material, differs from it by the fact that the moisture is not exposed to the exposure. Well tolerates the process of laying and transporting, crumpled fibers are completely restored.

It does not touch the mice and rats, it is well stacked, but its use entails the difficulty of installation due to the released small fibers that irritate the human skin and are dangerous if they fall into the respiratory organs. In addition, the disadvantages of this material refers:

  • short life;
  • a smaller degree of thermal insulation compared to other types of insulation;
  • the presence of some brands of formaldehyde resins.


The insulation is made from a domain slag that does not differ in its environmental cleanliness and safety for people's health. From the advantages of slag should be noted:

  • relatively high ability to maintain heat and extinguish sounds, but to a lesser extent than that;
  • low cost;
  • does not succumb to rodents, the development of mold and other microorganisms;
  • simple and easy styling, comparable with the installation of other types of mineral wat.

From shortcomings:

The large coefficient of moisture absorption. When wetting, an acid can be distinguished, which has a destructive effect on metal structures and fasteners, causing them corrosion.

Low resistance to sharp temperature regime drops, which is characteristic of such rooms as bath.

The difficulty of laying, taking into account the excessive fragility of the fibers, which have the same as the glass gambles are sharp and prickly faces.

The presence of such hazardous substances in the insulation, as phenol, formaldehyde.


Warming with an eco-friendly mechanized method

The material is made from the recycling, which serves the waste paper, flushing and treated with antipirens and antiseptics. It has gray or light gray, loose fibrous structure. The benefits of this, sufficiently new, the type of insulation belongs:

  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • for a long time does not support open fire;
  • it opposes the processes of rotting; Environmentally safe, if not to take into account its impregnation with antipirens and antiseptics. But these substances are small-toxic and not volatile.

The material can absorb moisture, but also easily gives it to the surrounding space when a certain level of dryness is achieved. After drying, the heat-insulating properties of EcoWhat remain at the same level. Before applying to the surface of the insulated design, the material must be slightly moistened. The lignin existing in its composition under the influence of water bonds the fibers between themselves and is well glued to any surface. It can be used to insulate the attic overlaps with a dry method. Inside bath rooms it is not recommended, since the material will not have time to dry after each use of the bath.


Ceramizite as a floor insulation

For insulation of attic floors, floors, filling the cavities in brickwork with the "wells", use clay gravel of various fractions. By thermal conductivity, this material is inferior to many types of insulation, but its main advantage lies in a low price and versatility. In addition to the bulk method of insulation, clamzite granules can be filler for light concrete.

Folgized insulation

Folgized Mineral Wool Heater

Whatever the type of insulation was not selected, when installing it, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film. Foil insulation combines vapor barrier and thermal insulation. But besides this, it still works with a reflector of thermal radiation, without giving heat to go out through various slots, a loose pretty of the structures. The material is manufactured in various versions:

  • from basalt fiber;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • mineral material;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Foil Polyethylene Foam Heater

The finest aluminum foil is pasted on each material from above. The brilliant side of the heat-insulating material must be addressed inside the room. It can be used for all structures and rooms of the bath.

The main essence of the article

Heating the bath, it is necessary to use various types of thermal insulation materials that are as efficient for premises of various functionality and meet certain requirements - durability, low cost, the ability to maintain heat inside the bath building, be safe for people's health.

The walls of the bath built of brick or concrete in insulation need necessarily. After all, high humidity and too sharp temperature differences These materials are not transferred too well. Barbed and log walls are solarded if their thickness is less than 15-25cm. Further in the article and try to figure out how to insulate the bath from the inside, quickly and not too straining.

Necessary materials

For the insulation of the bath, we will need the following material:

From the tools we will prepare: hammer, drill, hacksaw and Dobannik.

Tip: For the trim it is worth taking a board from alder or linden. The wood of this breed is resistant to moisture and does not heat even at very high temperatures.

The polystyrene foam for insulation baths from the inside cannot be used. With strong heating, these slabs begin to highlight poisonous, harmful substances for the body.

It is better to use basalt cotton wool, and as a paro insulation is most suitable for "Penoterm NPP". Its working, the operating temperature reaches the mark in + 150g. The air in the steam room can only warm up to +100 - 120g. In addition, the "foam" is covered outside the foil. This will additionally provide the safety of heat in the steam room and washer.

Warm wall

In order to help the walls in high quality, it is necessary to "fill out" the crate. There are two ways to install the crates - this is the use of wooden plates or mounting aluminum design. It is fixed on wooden walls with nails, on concrete - self-drawing. The aluminum frame will cost more, and it is harder to collect it, but it will last in conditions of high humidity longer.

Important: The shape of the crates is kept so that the cotton can be put by the gun, that is, a couple of centimeters closer to each other than the width of the plates.

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Mounted frame for insulation vertically. This ensures the effective ventilation of the "Pie" walls. The lower elements of the sheath - most often incurious - with this method it is easier to change, since they will be horizontally located.

The technology of insulation baths from the inside is:

  • Basalt wool slabs are inserted into the crate.
  • A steamer is stuffed. Fasten it with racks with a thickness of about 3mm to ensure ventilation. Tensioning the "foam" foil to the room.
  • Mounted trim. The lining is attached to clips or kleimers. The boards are nails on nails (nails are mandatoryly chose galvanized), having the latter in wood Dobochnik. You can't leave the caps are impossible. Under the influence of a hot steam, the metal is heated and the nails on the walls can be burned.

We work on the ceiling

Bath overlap is also necessary to insulate. Usually this procedure is performed outside. However, if a single roof is elevated, it may be difficult. With this scenario, thermal insulation is made from the inside. The casing is performed in the same manner as the insulation of the walls. The only thing - the plates at the overlap will have to additionally consolidate "fungi". The thickness of the insulation should be at least 20 cm, since through the ceiling in the steam room goes much more heat than through the walls. The backstage of the vapor insulation at the junction of the walls and the ceiling, is made about 20 cm.

Floor insulation, windows and doors

It is perfectly insulated with a bath from the inside, only if close attention is paid to the floor. For its insulation, mineral wool and ceramzite is used. The floor itself is made a little oblique and waterproof. The water removal is made by draining the pipe into the receiving well. Wool is also used to insulate the windows. The door is covered with felt around the perimeter. It is not bad to apply a wool and canvas. Of course, no gaps between the boards in the door can not be.

So that in the bath was truly warm and cozy, the Kamenka is installed on its center, usually at the wall, separating the steam room and the pre-banner.

In fact, no particular difficulty work on the insulation of the bath from the inside is no different. The main thing is to choose suitable materials and accurately comply with the order of their installation.

Video on the insulation bath from the inside.:


Bath insulation from the inside: cheap and safe

Step-by-step instructions for different materials of the walls of the bath

Warming from the inside - an inevitable event for most types of baths. It allows you to spend less fuel, faster and better warm the steam room. Competently made insulation protects the walls of the bath from fungus, rotting, prolongs its service life. In this article we will select inexpensive and safe types of thermal insulation depending on the material of the baths of the bath, and consider how to install them.

  • The insulation of the walls of the bath from the inside: we select the insulation;
  • Warming the bath from the inside with their own hands: from the ceiling to the floor;
  • Insulation of a brick bath from the inside with their own hands;
  • Insulation bath from blocks from inside
  • Wooden bath insulation from inside

Warming Baths from the inside: Materials

Different requirements are presented to different bathrooms, we will focus on the steam room and the waxing, the peculiarities of which are high temperature and large humidity. Also, the insulation is selected depending on the material of the walls of the bath.

But, regardless of the material of the walls and destination, the insulation must be:

  • Non-toxic not to cause poisoning under the influence of high temperature;
  • Not hygroscopic to not absorb moisture;
  • High temperatures resistant and pair;
  • Non-combustible;
  • Preserving an uniform even a few years of extreme exploitation;
  • Resistant to fungi and mold;
  • Sold at a reasonable price.

Heaters for baths

Insulation What room is used Note
Natural Materials: Rolled Jute, Felt, Heaters of Canties and Saws, Moss, Pakle, etc. Pregnant, rest room. Natural materials are flammable at high temperatures, so they are not suitable for steam room and oil. But Materials from Jute and flax are the best interventic insulation chopped baths. There are excellent modern rolled insulation from natural materials, but they are very expensive, therefore practically do not apply to the insulation of the bath.
Mineral insulation. They can be insulated any room of the bath. Most often use-friendly slab insulation (mats). Do not rot, serve up to 30 years, fire resistant, inexpensive. Most Russian baths are insulated with such materials.
Polymer materials Forumhouse Masters are not recommended for insulation of the steam. Polyfoam is a wonderful heat insulator, but combustible, and at high temperatures highlights the substances harmful to humans. Use foam in the steam room. Extruded polystyrene foam or penplex is considered safe material (they are insulated by the Banya of Russian polar shoes in Antarctica). But the Master Forumhouse to use this material in the steam room is not recommended.
Heaters based on aluminum foil. It is applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer for a particular room. The principle of operation of such insulation is the effect of the thermos, the reflection of heat from the walls and the ceiling due to the foil. Some types of foil insulation are made specifically for parillas and other rooms with high temperatures, the other at raising temperatures begin to highlight harmful substances. Foil in the bath is used as a vapor insulator.

Bath ceiling insulation from inside

The bath from the inside is insulating in that order: the ceiling - the walls - the floor. The main part of the heat in the bath goes through the ceiling, so

Under the black ceiling, we suspend the insulation at least 10 cm. Best basalt cotton wool, glass gamble and foam in the steam room very much. The insulation can be suspended on the lacing. Then foil, reikas and lining gap.

Regardless of the material of the walls of the bath, the ceiling is insulated equally.

Warming of a frame bath from the inside

For insulation of the frame bath, the rolled mineral insulation is most often used.

For the insulation of the walls of the frame bath from the inside:

  • In the inter binding space, the insulation is laid;
  • The next layer is vaporizolation (foil);
  • Ventzor;
  • Cleaning.

In the photos below shows how the nomad was insulated with its frame bath. Insulation - basalt wool.

Warming a bath from the inside with their own hands: step-by-step instruction.

The foil acts as a vapor barrier, so it is important that even the slightest holes and damage in it are missing, and all the joints were well cleaned with high-quality ribbon. The tape is always sold along with the foil, and its quality must be checked in the store (stick to the ribbon to foil and try to tear off).

Warming Baths from the inside with your own hands: log

Warming a chopped and well-cocked bathing from the inside will be a tragic error. It is not just meaningless and detrimental for the walls, this contradicts the very idea of \u200b\u200bchopped bath.

Frams for the bath make for two reasons:

  1. To get a classic Russian steam bath, which is for a long time attractive and holds the required heat and humidity level. It is the tree that accumulates heat and moisture and gradually "gives it". In this case, from the inside the bath is impossible; You will also have to come to terms with a high consumption of firewood.
  2. For image. No bath looks outwardly as cool as chopped. But I often do not want to spend time and firewood, I want the sauna to sleep in an hour, so insulation, vapor barrier and lining with clapboard. The log house works only as an external frame, the meaning of the material is lost. In this case, it is cheaper and more correct to build a skeleton bath.

It happens that a man gets the ready bath from a log cabin, and for various reasons she can be cold. Such a bath can be inspired, but only outside.

Pie looks like this:

  • insulation;
  • windproof;
  • vertical dorette to create a ventilation gap;
  • external sheath.

And from the inside you can put foil and tinkering with the clapboard, not forgetting about the vent.

  • On the bar we put foil, creating a construction stapler;
  • We glue all the joints with foil scotch;
  • Put vertical rails with a thickness of 1-2 cm;
  • Horizontally pinch the lining, leaving for circulation of air slots from above and below.

If the bang ceiling is made of thick boards, use the insulation is optional, but then the ceiling on a cold attic pour:

  • ash;
  • sand;
  • claymzite (preferably the granules were different sizes);
  • clay coating.

Warming from the inside of a brick bath

Brick is not the most suitable material for the construction of the bath, but if somewhere there is a brick factory, then brick baths begin to grow like mushrooms. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the brick, such a bath needs insulation necessarily. Warming is performed only from the inside, and that the bath is cool to look outside, make a decorative launcher of the seams.

Usually the cake of a warmed wall of a brick bath looks like this:

  • brickwork;
  • waterproofing,
  • insulation;
  • vaporizoation;
  • cleaning.

Waterproofing between brick masonry and insulation is optional: if the walls are built correctly and waterproof from the foundation, they will not dance. If there is no confidence in the walls, then the waterproofing is better to do.

The insulation on the brick walls of the bath is mounted on the frame.

We build on the wall frame from a bar 100 × 40 with a step in the width of the insulation, lay it with a heater, put the vaporizolation, we climb the rails of 20mm and we are wearing the clapboard.

The bath from our user S4SHA is posted in Polkirpich, but it is perfectly steaming at -30. It is insulated with the walls:

  • minvata;
  • vaporizolation (in Folk Parik);
  • ventzor;
  • lining.

Heater thickness - 50 mm.

Insulation bath from blocks from inside

For the construction of the bath, strong and moisture-resistant blocks of ceramzite concrete are preferred. The insulation of such a bath is thought out at the stage of its construction. Here the most important thing is to remove the ice array of concrete from the contour of the heating. There is a technology promoted by our user Zyby.which allows you to solve this problem with the construction of the frame wall from the boards with an indentation of the walls of the bath. It is suitable for the insulation of all baths with stone walls.

To ventive and dry the space between the frame and the walls, in the walls of the bath, at the top and bottom of the outside of the outside. The production is closed at the time while people are harmed in the bath, the rest of the time they are open to drying.

Warming Pie for Parling and Wastep according to this technology:

  • concrete wall with purples;
  • insulation on the frame wall (with a compotion wall seference);
  • frame wall;
  • foil;
  • finishing of the 50th unedged board (aspen, linden or cedar) to get in the steam massif of the tree.

With this approach, you do not have to warm the ice walls. And the insulation will dry out between the guar.

But many owners of the baths from blocks insulate it from the inside traditionally:

  • concrete wall;
  • insulation (attached to the frame);
  • foil;
  • ventzor;
  • lining.

Such a sauna needs insulation and outside.

Floor insulation in the bath

The precious bath heat goes through the floor, so it is also necessary to insulate. For insulation of the floor in the bath, it is recommended to use clamzite as the easiest and eco-friendly material.

Ceramzite poured between layers of concrete so:

  • poured the first layer of concrete;
  • wait for it to completely freeze;
  • clamzit pour (layer thickness - 10 cm);
  • install the reinforced grid.
  • poured a layer of concrete;
  • make a cement-sand tie.


Good sauna - warm bath. And so that it warms well to the desired temperature, it is necessary to choose the thermal insulation and insulate all the structural elements.

Also in the bath from the inside insulate:

  • Windows, doors and all openings - natural sealants;
  • Outdoor door - good natural materials.

In detail, the insulation of the wage, the warming of the ceiling is discussed in detail on the Forumhouse. Find out how to warm the baousee bathing outside. Read our article about the insulation of the floor in the bath. Get acquainted with the travel guide to the construction workers of our users and find the answer to any question on the design of the bath. Watch our video about how to build a full-fledged bath complex.


Warm bath with your own hands

Outdoor or internal bleat bleat is necessary. So reduce fuel consumption and slow down the process of cooling air indoors. If the design is not insulated, then heated the steam room to the desired temperature will have several times longer.

Warm bath with your own hands

Before building the building, it is necessary to calculate the means and forces on thermal insulation. It is best if the insulation process starts during construction, more precisely, from the foundation laying.

Basic requirements for insulation baths

Cheap solutions (impregnations, septics) The role of good thermal insulation will not be performed. Of course, the protection against moisture is necessary in any case, but this is a separate task. It is necessary to warm the bathrooms separately using the materials specially created for this. Most attention is paid to the inside of the wax and steam room. The selection of insulation and thermal insulation is made with the calculation on the draft building material.

One of the most important requirements for insulation materials is non-toxicity. Because in the bath under the influence of temperatures, toxic materials can easily cause poisoning. Ungigroscopicity is also important, the insulation in no case should absorb moisture.

When choosing a specific material, it is necessary to rely on the following characteristics:

  • resistance to steam and high temperatures;
  • good fire prevention properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • small hygroscopicity;
  • the ability to maintain a long-time form.

Types of insulation for bath

All insulation presented in the construction markets are divided into three conventional groups:

  1. Organic. Natural materials are flammable at high temperatures, so you can not warm the steam room. They are well suited for a fellow or rest room.
  2. Mineral. This is a suitable means for internal insulation of any part of the bath. Time proven, mineral plates cannot harm, since most of their composition are cotton. For steam room, a stone wool will be the best option.

Stone Vata meets all the requirements for insulation for a bath, so it will be used even in a steam room

Of course, only 50-60 years ago, only natural materials were used, which brought from the nearest forests. This is a foam, panel or moss. Today it is already partly elite kinds of insulation, they are serious money due to the need for their manual collection. Many fans of natural materials insulate their buildings with rolled jute felt or packles. Such material can be bought in construction stores. As for MCH, there are conflicting opinions regarding its use. It is said that moss is a non-ideal material for insulation, because it provokes the rise of mold or fungi. However, Moss himself does not have such properties, most likely, the fungus is formed due to improper cutting of a wooden structure or poor ventilation.

How work with different types of buildings

The laying procedure and the required volume of work depends on the material from which the bath is built.

Warming of cutters

Working with a bar or a log, you need to take into account the time on the dermistem, which can be 10 cm more. Plus, the cracks are formed between the crowns of such buildings, just in them and plays cold air. It is best to log cabbage or an assembly from a bar to insulate the jute fiber.

Jute fiber on the finish is often cut, but you can punch with a hammer and pantry

This material does not rot and has excellent thermal conductivity. Jute himself is a very continuing material, so manufacturers try to add linen fibers to it. But if there is already a critical material available, you can perform classic constraints. So there will be less work, and the construction will surely keep more heat.

If it is decided to create a bath from wood, then the insulation is laid during construction. It is better to isolate all the problem parts of the log in the process.

Work is performed by such a sequence:

    When building pieces of jute labeled between logs or bar.

Jute canvas are produced in rolls, so it is pretty easy to lay it

Warming of brick or foam block buildings

If the logs are insulated by a primitive way, then with masonry will have to work hard. And financial investments are more on working with insulation. Additional thermal insulation is needed, otherwise the well-heated room will cool for the clock. It is better to work, invested in materials than the remaining time to stock up fuel.

Comable and proven method - this is a mounted ventilated facade. The workflow is not from the inside, but on the outdoor side of the bath. It is necessary to fix the layers of insulation to the walls, and on top to wash siding or clapboard. In the interval between the layers, the space filled with air is formed, due to which the condensate will not be formed on the walls and will not follow rotting and dampness.

The width of the frame under the ventilated facade is made more than the thickness of the insulation, so an air gap is formed, preventing condensate formation

For brick buildings, the following trick is often practiced: indoors are paired from wood. Brick is very long brushed warm, so a small pair of steam room is easier to warm up the natural way, if you use a small frame.

Sufficient bar 10x10 and doomles. The process of insulation of such an improvised steam room inside a large bath is simple:

  1. The lamp is stuffed on the bar, then fix stone wool.
  2. On top of the wool layer fasten a foil insulation.
  3. As the finish layer, the lining is most often mounted.

The base of the bar is hampering the lamp, the stone wool is inserted into it, and then the layer of foil material is fixed

It can be done even easier: do not use the bar, but instead it immediately fasten the insulation on the frame. In this case, an additional layer of waterproofing will be needed.

Calculation and selection of materials and tools

We warm all the surfaces of the steam room, waving and pre-tribades. And for this you will need:

  1. Rolled paper (on the ceiling and walls).
  2. Bar Rake (5x5, for mounting insulation on the ceiling and walls).
  3. Foil.
  4. Insulating tape.
  5. Saws.
  6. Aluminum adhesive tape.
  7. Insulation, calculated on the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, ceilings and gender.

From the tools you will need:

Bath insulation do it yourself

Any insulation steps are always performed on the golden rule - start from the ceiling and finish the floors.

Heat ceiling

Before you start working with the ceiling, you need to understand that in the material steam room you need 2 times more. After all, we are not working on the sauna, but above the Russian bath, where the couples should linger as much as possible.

The ceiling is insulated as close as possible, preferably before installing the furnace

  1. We cover the entire surface of the ceiling with rolled paper paper.
  2. On top of the paper, fix the bars, the insulation will already be launched between them.
  3. Close all this foil. It will become a normal, safe insulator. But mount foil is necessary without savings. It is important that all connections are closed.

The foil layer reflects heat, so the use of such material for the bath is necessary

Tape from the kit you need to glue carefully, because it will be reused to use it very difficult

In the ceiling, the insulation is better laying in two or three layers with overlapping the junction places

For the frame bath, the insulation on the ceiling and the wall must be put in place, but for the brusade and the log can be caught without it. For example, if the bath is made of a log, its ceiling is enough to sew thick boards - not less than 6 cm. Mineral wool is most suitable for the ceiling as a heater - only laying it is needed by a layer at least 15 cm.

Video: Warming and finishing ceiling from inside

Wall insulation

The best solution for the insulation of the walls is a designer from materials that can be easily repaired or replaced.

The structure of the insulation of the walls of the baths is reminiscent of the device of roofing cake

  1. On the wall surface vertically secure rails or a bar. The edges of the lower part must be melted with slices of tape. A narrow strap is going to work, and not a square bar, because the bar is not crowded from the temperature difference. Before mounting on the wall of the panel or board, it is necessary to handle specialized impregnations that are designed for bathrooms.
  2. The rail will also need foil. They work with her the same as when the ceiling insulation. But without this material, the timber gets exactly, and the insulation will turn out to be halur. Applying foil, you will not need to use vapor barrier films. This material is attached to the stapler directly on the bar. Then everything presses with clapboard. But it is important to leave the gap or the gap between the clapboard and thermal insulation. It usually grabs two centimeters.
  3. At the fixed rails, the racks made of thermoderev (lining) are mounted. The finishing part is not screwed up vertically, but horizontally. According to observations of experimental builders, heat loss is so much lower.

The lining of the linden looks great and keeps warm well, and with horizontal laying heat loss even more decreases

Video: Warming and upholstery of the steam room

Floor insulation in the bath

And finally, we will work on the floor. After all, a large amount of heated air is destroyed through it. As a heater for floors, clamzit is most often used - it is an inexpensive and reliable insulation, which prevents the appearance of mold and condensate.

Cheaper, of course, wake up everything slag, but the ceramzite is more environmentally friendly and less weighs. When wooden floors, the material is placed between lags. If the concrete floor is poured, the ceramzite is laid between each concrete layer.

We will analyze the usual cycle of work on the warming of concrete floor.

  1. First poured the initial layer.
  2. Then wait until it is frozen.
  3. Next fall asleep clamzit. The layer is 10 cm.

Between the layers of concrete floor make a subtype of clay

Video: Features of the device of concrete floor in the bath

In addition to the walls, the floor and the ceiling still pay attention to the insulation of doors, windows and window openings. They are treated with silicone sealants. Exterior doors are taken to insulate natural materials. And they are not accepted on them, otherwise in a few years, and even to the future season will have to redo everything.


Step-by-step instructions: how to insulate the bath from the inside

Insulation is an important stage of work in the finishing of any private house, this operation is acquired in the bath. A steam room is a room with special conditions in which extreme temperatures are combined with high humidity. No matter how much the bath was built, if at the stage of finishing, careful thermal insulation was not made, the sauna will not be able to function properly, cold will penetrate into the inner premises, and the heat will dry out. To preserve the necessary temperature indicators, it is necessary to warm it well. In this issue, you can rely on the professionalism and experience of specialists, and you can make the insulation of the bath from the inside with your own hands. The article presents a step-by-step instruction of the heat insulation of a bathroom.

What materials are suitable for internal heat insulation

Today there are quite a lot of high quality insulation on the market, but not all of them are suitable for the conditions of the bath. For thermal insulation of this room, it is necessary to apply materials that meet the following requirements:

  1. Non-toxicity. In the bath, under the influence of extremely high temperatures, there is a rapid extraction of harmful substances contained in the material, so the toxic insulation may cause poisoning.
  2. Non-hygroscopicity. It is necessary to select a material that does not absorb moisture.

The insulation for the bath must be:

  • resistant to elevated temperatures and steam;
  • fireproof;
  • eco-friendly;
  • durable.

There are several groups of insulation that can be used in the bath:

  1. Organic. These are natural materials that can ignite from high temperature, so they are thermal insulation only the rest rooms and the pre-banker.
  2. Mineral. These materials are suitable for the warming of the steam and any other parts of the bath.

In accordance with the above requirements, the best thermal insulators for the bath are described in the table:

Name of material Main characteristics
Mineral wool The structure of the insulation consists of chaotic fibers. The material is not toxic, practically does not absorb moisture, has a small weight. Suitable for insulation of walls, ceiling and wooden floor bath.
Extruded expanded polystyrene foam The structure is closed cells. It has high strength and resistance to compression. Does not contain harmful components. You can use for the insulation of a concrete floor.
Ceramzit It is porous granules that do not pass moisture. Very light and durable, there are no toxic substances. Used for thermal insulation ceiling and floor.

For warming steam room, foil plates of minvati are well suited, as in the photo that work on the principle of the thermos, long holding the heat inside the room. To create a hermetic coating, the mats are fastened with a foil scotch.

If the insulation is performed by a material that does not have a foil layer, it must be coated with a hydropara insulating film.

When using mineral wool for heat insulation, it is necessary to make multi-layered insulation. The first layer is best putting clay, which is not attractive for rodents.

Bath insulation should be done not only inside, but also outside the house. About how to make outdoor warming properly, we described earlier in the article "Thermal insulation of the bath inside and outside - technology and materials". Below we will focus in detail on how to carry out the insulation of the bath with your own hands from the inside. The process consists of several consecutive stages.

Heat insulation

Internal warming operations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. A drain pipe is supplied to the bath, which is usually installed in the center of the room.
  2. Ruberoid, which will prevent the flow of moisture from the soil inside the insulating cake from the soil inside the insulation. The edges of the material should enter the walls at a height of at least 15 cm.
  3. Almost all space under the bath is covered with a thick layer of clay or slag. For ventilation, 20-25 cm are left between the upper edge of the backfill and beams of overlapping.
  4. On the protruding areas of the foundation are set overlapping beams previously treated with antiseptic composition.
  5. The bottom of the beams screw the cranial bars, then the draft floor is fill on them.
  6. The entire design is covered with a steamproof film in such a way that the blackboard boards and wooden beams are closed.
  7. The film between the beams is placed on the plates of mineral wool or fall asleep granulated clay.
  8. From above, the thermal insulator is also closed with a film.
  9. Across the beams mounted lags, then the wooden flooring is placed on them. In the place of the flow in the boards make a round hole for water removal.
  10. On top of the board nail the rails, which will serve as a crate for mounting the waterproof floor.
  11. Between the frames of the frame laid the insulation, the foil layer should look up. Between the plates are connected using foil scotch. To insulate the pipe, it is also wrapped in thermal insulation material.
  12. Through the insulation, the finishing wooden floor is laid.

Wall insulation

Log Bani.

Wall insulation bath

The tree has a low thermal conductivity, and the walls of the logs themselves are perfectly preserved heat inside the cut under the condition of a qualitatively performed carriage of interventical connections. Therefore, it is not necessary to make a multi-layered wall cake, to eliminate heat loss, it is enough to lay one layer of insulation with a thickness of 50-80 mm.

The thermal insulation of the walls is as follows:

  1. Right on the wall are stacked and fastened with fastenings-fungi plates of basalt minvati, the foil layer must be addressed towards the room. Because the log wall is uneven, natural ventilation gaps are formed between the insulation and wood, which will prevent the condensate accumulation.
  2. A wooden lamp is mounted over the minvati.
  3. The wall is triggered with a 10 mm thick wall, which is attached to the rackets of the crate.

Baths from Bruus

Heat insulation walls Baths from timber

Brusade log house, as well as a log, pre-cacked, and then carry out additional insulation. The walls from the bar are smooth and they are much easier to mount the insulation.

Sequence of work:

  1. Mounting the frame of wooden ridges on the wall is made, which are installed at a distance of 60 cm from each other.
  2. Mineral wool mats are stacked between the lattice bars.
  3. The whole design is completely covered with a rolled foil material, which is attached to the framework of the frame. The joints between the canvases are pumped with foil scotch.
  4. A counterclaim is done, the rails are nailed to the carcass bar. This creates an air gap between the insulation material and the finish finish.
  5. Mounted lining.

How to warm the door

Technology insulation door

Large heat loss occurs through the door cracks, so it is necessary to take care of the heat insulation of a wooden or iron door leading to the bath.

As a heater, you can use felt, basalt cotton wool, philizol. There are several ways to insulate the door, below we will give the most common:

  1. The perimeter of the door is mounted a frame from the rails 15x20 mm, which must retreat from the edge of the door cloth by 10 cm.
  2. Inside the frame is placed and attached by a stapler of an organity sheet.
  3. From above, the frame is stretched and fixed with nails of felt or other material, which should be 5 cm more than the frame.

Heat ceiling

The ceiling thermal insulation in the bath without a attic is performed from the inside, if there is a attic, you can warm up both inside and outside the room. Do not forget to insulate the chimney. If it is made of sandwich pipes, inside which the insulation layer is provided, such thermal insulation will be quite enough.

If the chimney is made from one pipe, it must be wrapped with a basalt insulation, and to wear a pipe larger diameter from above.

Ceiling construction insulation can be made in three ways.

Steer ceiling

The thermal insulation of such a ceiling is very similar to the insulation of the walls. The beams of the attic overlap protrude as a frame for a staircase.

  1. From the side of the attic on the beams stelite layer of waterproofing, and then fill the boards.
  2. Between the beams from the inside of the bathroom tightly laid insulating plates.
  3. The insulation is closed with a vapor insulation film or foil material, which is attached to the beams themselves.
  4. Clean the ceiling by clapboard.

Panel ceiling

Such a ceiling consists of special panels, on the inside of which there is already a layer of insulation and vapor barrier. Usually used minvat with a thickness of 10 cm.

The ceiling shields are collected downstairs, and then in finished form climb upstairs. However, the panels have a rather heavy weight, and it is quite difficult to raise such a design yourself. Therefore, they usually rise in parts and mounted on top.

After installing and fixing the panels, gaskets of insulating material are placed between them and the main ceiling.

Flooring ceiling

This ceiling is distinguished by the absence of overlap beams. It consists of 50 mm thick boards, which are placed directly on the walls of the bath or on the bars, navigable around the perimeter of the room at a distance of 10-12 cm below the ceiling.

Thermal insulation in this way is suitable for small rooms not wider than 2.5 m. It can only use a thin insulation with a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

The following insulation scheme is used:

  1. Boards are closed with a vapor barrier film.
  2. The insulation is placed on top.
  3. Then goes the waterproofing layer.
  4. Everything is closed by sheets of plywood or boards.

Taking advantage of the instructions for the internal insulation of the bath, you can independently make thermal insulation not only new, but also the old buildings. But before heating the old building, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the walls, close the slots and cracks, treat the tree by the antiseptic and only after that begin to heat insulation.

If you decide to remake the household or the trailer under the bath, then their insulation can also be carried out according to the following scheme.

The company "Master of Sabov" professionally makes decoration and thermal insulation of wooden houses in Moscow and the region. If you want your Banke to please you with warm and comfort, the debt served you, in the steam room the optimal temperature regime, we are ready to help you.

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When the bath is erected, it is important to make thermal insulation. In order for expensive warmth from the inside did not outward, various seals and insulation are applied. However, unlike a residential building, there are a number of nuances associated with temperature drops and high humidity. This must be taken into account when choosing thermal insulation materials. The domestic market offers a wide range of specialized products. Experts recommend to take into account the following points when buying.

  1. Insulation, which will be mounted from the inside of the bath, are selected with the environment. Humidity and heat dissolve toxic compounds, they are then falling into lungs or on the skin of people.
  2. The next important parameter of the insulation for the bath becomes water-repellent. This primarily concerns such premises as a steam room and washing.
  3. Most often, the baths are separate unheated buildings. The temperature difference inside is from -30 to + 100 ° C. With such a load, not every insulation can cope with such a load.
  4. In any Russian bath there is a furnace. For the warming of the chimney, the heat insulator is selected with high resistance to fire.
  5. Since the bath is built for many years, then the good quality of the insulation will be longevity. Some materials are capable of serving more than 100 years.
  6. The classic of the bath genre is the structure of logs. One of the important stages of insulation will be filling of interventic cracks and voids. The better the work will be made, the less means to heat insulation walls from the inside. It will remain more attention to the floor and ceiling.

Our review fell the best insulation for a bath. In the selection of applicants, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • appointment of material;
  • specifications;
  • price;
  • expert opinion;
  • consumer reviews.

Top 7 best insulation for bath

7 Polyfoam

Best insulation for the pre-banner
Country Russia
The average price: 4 rubles (1 sq. M)
Rating (2019): 4.4

The strong sides of the foam is low price and ease. Therefore, the wizards use this insulator and where it is possible, and where it is impossible. A characteristic example is a bath. Conveniently used polymer material does not absorb moisture, therefore it has the right to qualify for the title of the best insulation for the bath. It is easily cut by a knife, it can be attached to ordinary nails or self-drawing. But there is one significant limitation. At high temperature, the material may be deformed, and even worse, highlight the smell of phenol, unpleasant and dangerous to human health. In addition, the foam is well lit, so that it is not safe to use it near the furnace.

Given all these features of the heat insulator, experts recommend using the material for the warming of the pre-banner. And do it better from the outside. And the junctions between individual sheets will have to be glued with the assembly foam.

6 foamglo

Strength and moisture resistance
Country Russia
The average price: 1 600 rubles. (1 square meters. M)
Rating (2019): 4.5

Every year an eco-friendly material for insulation foam glass is becoming increasingly. Due to the strength and moisture resistance, the material is suitable for the thermal insulation of the bath. Light blocks with a cellular structure carry high temperatures, they are not afraid of acids or organic solvents. The merits of the material experts include exceptional durability and harmlessness for the human body. The foam glass as a heater can be used for the insulation of the inner rooms of the bath. In the insulation, microorganisms are not developing, rodents and insects are not inserted.

Builders celebrate high material strength, ease of installation. At the same time, it is necessary to lay blocks on crosses, similar to the installation of tiles. This is done to exit excess moisture from the room. An alternative option will be drilling holes. The disadvantage of foam glass is still a high price.

5 Mineral Vata.

Universal Heater for Bath
Country Russia
The average price: 760 rubles. (1 square meters. M)
Rating (2019): 4.7

Widely applied in the construction industry mineral wool. With a competent approach, it can become a versatile insulation and for a bath. Strong sides of the material, specialists call an acceptable price, bioscistance and fire safety. And in the convenience of installation, the thermal insulator refers to the best. Since mineral wool loses its beneficial properties during wetting, it is important to use it with pair and waterproofing materials. Then it will be possible to effectively warm the floor, walls and ceiling, both from the inside of the bath and outside. In addition to holding heat, Minvata is an excellent soundproofer.

Builders call mineral wool classic insulation. It can be used at different stages of the construction of the bath. You should only prevent water contact, otherwise, with time, the material will begin to crumble. And in the paired, this insulation is better not to apply.

4 Ceramzit

Available insulation for floors and attic
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rubles. (1 cubic meters)
Rating (2019): 4.7

For the bulk thermal insulator, the ceramisite in the bath also there is an honorable place. This insulation is not afraid of moisture, microorganisms do not develop in it, rodents or insects are not visited. The main applications in the bath are the floor and the attic. But if under the roof, the clamzite is simply scattered between the beams, forming a solid layer of insulation, then there may be some options when the floor is found. In one case, the ceramzite is added to the concrete screed, another way is to fill the space between lags. The advantages of the ceramitis can also be attributed to environmental friendliness, durability and an acceptable price.

Builders call bulk based material with the best heat insulator for the floor and attic. However, when working with it, elementary accuracy should be observed. If the granules are damaged, the thermal conductivity of the material increases sharply.

3 Folgized insulation

Effective heat insulator for ceiling
Country Russia
The average price: 130 rubles. (1kv. M)
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most difficult stages of the construction of the bath becomes the insulation of the ceiling from the inside. The best option will be the use of foil materials. Due to the thin aluminum coating, the heat insulator reflects heat and light. Thus, it is possible to keep the heat in the steam room or the sauna. In addition, the foil becomes a reliable barrier from the penetration of moisture inside the insulation. Fire resistance of the heat insulator can be used when finishing the chimney. Due to the use of a foil insulation, it is possible to reduce the total thickness of the overlap, increase the noise insulation.

Specialists note the light weight of the heat insulator, its high efficiency, absolute environmental friendliness and hygiene. The main disadvantage of users consider corrosion of a metal coating, so it is additionally necessary to process with foil with special protective compositions.

2 Mezenzovy insulation

Reliable heat insulation of a wooden log
Country Russia
The average price: 10 rubles. (1m)
Rating (2019): 4.9

Starting the warming of a log bath is needed at the time of the construction of the walls. Make this work is extremely simple if you purchase an interventic heat insulator. In the classic Russian bath, it becomes the main type of insulation of the walls. Traditional MKU or flax builders prefer a ribbon jute. Material thickness ranges from 4 to 15 mm. Experts identify such advantages of the heat insulator as high density and homogeneity. After shrinkage, the suture logs becomes even more sealed, preventing the imbill of the wind and moisture from the outside. The material is easy to install, it must be rolled over the surface of the bar or logs and fix the brackets using a stapler.

The best properties of the jute interventic insulation manifests itself if its structure is not overwhelmed. Accordingly, the minus of the material will be excessive rigidity of fibers and instability to the resolution.

1 basalt insulation

The most suitable insulator for walls
Country Russia
The average price: 175 rubles. (1 square meters. M)
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the main advantages of the basalt insulation in front of other thermal insulators, experts consider security. Material made on the basis of rocks is not lit, no moisture is afraid of harmful chemical compounds at high temperatures. And given the good heat and sound insulation properties, simple installation and long service life (30 years), the material is optimally suitable for the insulation of walls from the inside of the bath. Neither temperature difference nor strong moisture fluctuations are not able to deform or destroy the rock. Another essential plus is among the basalt, this insulation is absolutely not interested in rodents and insects.

In addition to walls, experts use basalt insulation for insulation of sex, roofing. However, the high price does not always allow the use of an insulator as a universal material. The lack of basalt may become a big weight.

The quality of the steam room depends on many factors. One of the main is the ability to keep heat. It is necessary to take care of this at the construction stage and installation of the furnace. But it does not always work out, and over time, for various reasons, the sauna can lose the heat-saving properties. However, correct the situation is easy. To do this, there are insulating materials specifically designed for saunas and baths.

The most popular bathing furnaces still have traditional wood chambers. But today it is not the only possible option. Many owners choose electric furnaces because of the convenience in operation and the ability to adjust the temperature and humidity. Another modern solution is gas furnaces: the extractor does not require special skills, and the result does not depend on the quality of firewood. But for the purpose of security, only specialists should install such a furnace.

Unlike the bath, the stones in the sauna lie outside, and not inside the furnace. From the number of stones in the furnace depends on the climate, which is created in the steam room: the smallest stones, the faster the oven and the land of the sauna heats. But whatever the oven you choose, the basic requirements for it are safety and reliability. This is especially true of electric furnaces: too powerful devices will require special additional electrical equipment, and poor-quality can be potentially fire-hazardous.

Tip # 2: Consider the requirements for thermal insulation materials

If the thermal insulation technology is broken or unsuitable materials are used, the pair will warm up much longer, and then quickly lose heat. Eliminating errors in the heat insulation device can turn into an almost complete restructuring of the room. There are a number of requirements for thermal insulation materials for the sauna and steam room:

  • Effective heat insulating properties:the stronger the sauna, the higher the temperature difference between the steam room and other rooms. This means that the weight loss will be very fast and significant, and on the path of the air flow should stand a high-quality insulating material.
  • Non-combustible insulation: High temperatures in the steam room are a serious fire hazard, decreased fire-resistant thermal insulation materials.
  • Moisture resistance:high humidity in the bath or sauna can quickly damage the structure of the poor-quality insulation and reduce its properties.
  • Biost resistance: That is, the stability of the insulation to the damage to fungi and bacteria that can be formed in a humid environment.
  • Ecology: All materials for the construction of the sauna, including the insulation during operation, should not be distinguished by harmful substances.

Tip # 3: Choose insulation that meets the conditions of the sauna

In the chemical composition, insulation can be divided into two groups: organic and inorganic. The first during the construction of the sauno and bath is applied more and less: they do not withstand high temperatures and exposed to temperature destruction, change their properties at high temperatures and are easily ignited. There are a number of materials that are better not to use for insulation of the bath and sauna:

  • Polystyrene foam: Products from it have an application temperature only from -50 ° C to + 75 ° C.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam: Always fuel and changes a group of flammability from G1 (weakly combustible) to G4 (strongly combustible).
  • Glasswater:it has a short life in a wet environment.
  • Polystyrene, foam and polyurethane foam and others foamed materials: When heated, they can highlight harmful substances, and their flammability characteristics do not correspond to the pair conditions.

A good alternative as a heater can be a stone wool. Its fibrous structure determines excellent thermal insulation properties. Unlike foam plastic, it is not just a non-combustible, and fire-resistant and withstands the temperature to + 1000ºС. In addition, stone wool is an eco-friendly and safe material produced from natural stone. It is resistant to moisture, is not amenable to rotting and is not a nutrient medium for rodents and insects. Today, rock wool species are presented on the market, specially designed for the insulation of the sauna and bath.

Another advantage of heaters from stone wool - their installation is simple and does not require special skills. Here are some recommendations to be observed to achieve maximum effect:

  • Warming the room start from the ceiling. It is naked wooden guides with a step of 590 mm "in the light", in which stone wool plates are placed by molds. No mechanical fastening is required. It is important to consider that the insulation plates are located with a foil layer inside the pair of room.
  • Install the frame. For thermal insulation of street walls, the sauna is needed a double frame, and for the inner walls - single. When insulating the inner wall of the room, it is enough to install the plates with a thickness of 50 mm. For a wall facing the street, it is necessary to use a thickness of a thickness of at least 100 mm or a combination of materials 50 mm and 50 mm.
  • Seat seams between the plates. The plates are mounted online, while the seams of the foil coating are sampled with a metallized self-adhesive ribbon. You can simplify the problem with the help of aluminum adhesive tape designed specifically for use in baths and saunas. Reliably sealing the joints between the plates, it significantly increases the vaporizolation properties of the insulation.
  • Install the crate. It is needed to protect the stone wool from contacts with drops gathering on the moisture foil. It is installed between thermal insulation and exterior trim to provide air gap in 10-15 mm.
  • Warf chimney. The thermal insulation material is subjected to serious loads under conditions of long-term high-temperature impact. The cost of the error can be a fire. Stone wool allows you to completely eliminate the risk of fire. In addition, there are special types created for the thermal insulation of fireplaces and chimneys.

The floor in the sauna can be performed in two ways: wooden on lags with crate or concrete with a tile on the soil. In the first case, stone wool slabs are stacked in the frame between lags, and the waterproofing is then performed. Rolls of waterproofing are mounted with the adhesive in the joints of the stoves, and the seams themselves are additionally skidded. Then the wooden flooring is stacked, on top of which the finishing floor is satisfied.

For concrete floor, another technology is used. First of all, rigid stoves made of stone wool are mounted and provided by waterproofing. Then the concrete screed is placed on it, to which the tile is glued. And in fact, and in another case, it must be remembered that providing rapid outflow of water from the sauna is one of the most important requirements for the flooring of such a room, so the floor must be slightly tilted toward the drain hole.