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Frameological projects project in Russian. Project work "The sources of origin of phraseologism." What is phraseologism

I. Introduction ________________________________________________ 3.
II. Phraseologisms - the wisdom of the people _____________________________ 4III Sources of origin of phraseologism1. Sources of invoking Russian phraseologums _____________________ 52. Sources of borrowed phraseological units _____________________ 6a) borrowing from Slavic languages \u200b\u200b___________________________ 6b) borrowing from non-Slavic languages \u200b\u200b_________________________ 6IV. The role of phraseological units in Russian __________________________ 7
V. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 7.
VI References _________________________________________ 9

I. Introduction
Phraseologisms are unchanged satellites of our speech. Speech is a way to communicate between people. Often, to achieve a certain speech effect of ordinary words, it is not enough. Irony, bitterness, love, mockery, your own attitude to what is happening - all this can be expressed by much more efficient, more precisely, emotionally. To do this, in everyday speech, we often use phraseological units, sometimes even not noticing - after all, some of them are simple, familiar, and familiar from childhood. Phraseologisms decorate our speech, make it expressive and figurative. The richer the vocabulary of man, the more interesting and brighter it expresses his thoughts.

The study of the topic "Frase units" in the Primary School program is not provided for and all information on this topic has to be mined independently, and sometimes many phraseological turnover remains for many riddles.

Novelty my work is that no one has investigated this problem within our school, and no conclusions in this area are formulated by anyone before me. Purpose: Consider the sources of origin of the phraseologism of the Russian language

To achieve the goal were deliveredtasks:

1. To explore the literature on this topic.2. Read the history of the emergence of phraseologism.3. To identify the role of phraseologisoms in our speech.

Object of the study: Russian phrase units

Research methods:

collection of information, observation, study, analysis, generalization of results

Stages of work:

1. Observation of phraseological units, their interpretation;

2. Study of the theory (what phraseological units, their origin);

3. Acquaintance with phraseological dictionaries, visiting the library;

4. Conclusion

II. Phraseologisms - the wisdom of the people

Phraseologism , or frameological unit - Sustainable on the composition and structure of lexically indivisible and holistic phrase or proposal for the value that performs the function of a separate vocabulary unit. In other words, phraseologism cannot be dismembered into separate words, to explain it as conventional phrases explain.

The phraseologisms in their own way reflect the life of our people from very distant times, they are expressed in the spirit of the people, his story, customs.

Phraseology is fabulously rich. The words are kept in her storerooms from the most ancient to just born. There, the grains were gathered in the grains - the wisdom of the Russian people. Phraseologisms are one of the best decorations of speech

III Sources of origin of the phraseologism of the Russian people

Interesting the history of the origin of phraseologism. Why we say"Beat eggs", "crocodile tears"?

Beat egglush. What is bumps? It turns out that initially this phrase meant: to split aspen chumbs on chocks (eggs) for the manufacture of spoons, cooks and other small products from them. It was a simple thing that did not require much effort and skills, therefore the expression "beat the bumps" turned into phraseologism.

Crocodile tears. This phraseology means a feigned, hypocritical pity, insincere regret. The expression occurred from the widespread in the older belief that the crocodile allegedly cries, eating his sacrifice.

From the point of view of the origin of the phraseological units of the Russian language, they are divided into invariably Russians and borrowed.

1. Sources of invoking Russian phraseologism The overwhelming majority of Russian phrases arose in Russian itself or went to the Russian language from the languages \u200b\u200bof ancestors: "We will not overcome water", "what mother gave birth". A number of Russian phraseological units are associated with the life, customs, traditions and beliefs of the ancient Slavs. These include:1) superstitious representations of our ancestors: the black cat has moved the road (a quarrel happened, taking a break between anyone); Neither the Pooh is not a pen (wish to succeed, success in any business) - initially: the wish of good luck with the hunter, expressed in a negative form, so as not to "smooth" if you wish it right away;2) Games and entertainment, for example: alive, smoking (anyone exists, acts, manifests itself) - from an old folk game, in which with the exclamation: "Alive, alive, smoking!" transfer to each other a burning rachin until it goes out; Play Biryulki (engage in trifles, gift, spend time spending time); nor into the tooth leg (absolutely nothing to know, not understand); 3) the ancient customs of the punishment of criminals, for example: to shorten the language (make someone less chatting, talk, be less daring); on the forehead is written (noticeable enough);4) Details of Russian life, for example: to carry out sorny from the huts (disclose quarrels, lazies originating between loved ones); easy to mesh (appears at the moment when they think or say)5) historical events in the life of the Russian people, for example: shout in the whole Ivanovo (very loud); long drawer (for indefinitely for a long time); As Mamay passed (the complete disorder, defeat) - from the historical event - the devastating invasion of Russia (at the 14th century) Tatars under the leadership of Han Mamay. Professional speech of artisans is also the most important source of Russian phraseology. Almost every craft in Russia left his mark in Russian phraseology. For example: Sapozhnikov -two of a Kind - "the same"; from hunters and fishermen - withmilk fishing rods - "hastily leave",throw a rod - "Carefully find out something", samend traces - "hide something "; from musicians - play the first violin - "Primary"; from sailors -throw anchor - "settle" , on all sails -"Quickly", get stranded - "Get into the extremely difficult situation." Oral folk creativity is a rich source of Russian phraseology. From folk fairy tales came phraseologisms:megillah - "The infinite repetition of the same", with Tsar Pea - "a long time ago",Fox Patriyevna - "Very cunning man",Koschei the Deathless - "Very thin and terrible person" and others. 2. Sources of borrowed phraseologism Borrowed phraseological units are sustainable combinations, winged expressions that have come to Russian from other languages. Two groups of borrowed phrases can be distinguished: borrowing from Slavic languages \u200b\u200band borrowing from non-Slavic languages.but) Borrowing from Slavic languages Old Slavonic phraseological units entrenched in Russian after the introduction of Christianity, most of them behave from books, the Holy Scriptures, including. Most often they have a book. For example, "Parable in Languages", "Looking for and unite", "throw beads in front of pigs" and others. These are outdated phraseological units (archaisms). Oldly Slavic phraseological units are most often expressions taken from biblical and evangelical texts translated into Staroslavansky:in the sweat of the face - "Very much (work)",the Forbidden fruit -"About something tempting, but forbidden",stumbling stone -"Hope, difficulty",holy Saints - "The most expensive, cherished",daily bread - "what is needed for existence. "b) Borrowing from non-Slavic languages A significant group of Russian phraseology is made up phraseological units borrowed from other languages, among them - phraseological units that have become international. This is primarily an expression from ancient Greek mythology:achilles' heel - "The most vulnerable place",gordiyev Uze. l - "confusing confluence of circumstances",sword of Damocles - "On constantly threatening danger",dragon laws - " brutal laws "and others. Part of the phraseologism came from Western European languages \u200b\u200band literature. These are proverbs, winged expressions, quotes, sayings:storm in a teacup - "excitement of trifles",princess on the Pea - "Winged, spoiled man",not in its plate - "in a bad mood",after us at least a flood - "If only we were good," etc. A large number of borrowed phraseological units in Russian are phraseological tracks, i.e. such foreign language expressions that are surrendered alternately, although some of them are used and without translation from the Latin language. By literally transferring a foreign language expression, the phraseological units arose from English:time - money, blue stocking, flying plate; From German: straw widow, so here is where the dog is buried;from French:honeymoon, Black Market, Fix Ideaand etc.

So, phraseologists are the creation of the people, the manifestation of his wisdom and linguistic faint. In many phraseologizs of the Russian language, traditions, customs, are reflected. and believing the Russian people.

From a long time in our language, many words and expressions have been preserved in our language, which we are easily, without thinking, we use in a conversation, but often do not even guess about the true meaning, meanwhile their story is interesting and instructive. IV. The role of phraseologisoms in Russian The role of phraseologism in Russian is large. Often they express wise sayings of people who have become resistant phrases. Each phraseology is a brief expression of long human thought. It's easier to say, "you can not pull out and fish out of the pond" rather than describe it in several sentences. It can also be noted that phraseologism is a particle of life of our ancestors, because they first used them, it means that this is part of our history. To a greater extent, of course, the history of the Russian language. Beautiful proper speech is undoubted dignity, both adults and children. Lack of figurative expressions, such as phraseologisms, especially enrich it.

V. Conclusion Russian language is very rich in his words and expressions. Often the same meaning can be expressed in different ways. This is done using synonymic expressions. But as you know, the synonyms are only close to the value, which means its thoughts with one of them can be expressed shorter and more accurately. This often comes to help us phraseologism. Phraseologisms are not a very large phrase, as a rule, it is figuratively. The winged expression is the expression that the author is definitely not known, but it is so much in our speech that we sometimes forget the name of the author. The richness and strength of the Russian language is determined by inexhaustible capabilities that are hidden in each word or phraseology, because by expression A.S. Pushkin "Mind is inexhaustible in the consideration of concepts, as a language not to exist in the connection of words." Russian phraseologists are our priceless cultural and national dignity.

VI Bibliography. Bulatov M. A. Wilty words - M.: Detgiz, 1958.Introducted by L. A., Baranov M. T., Gvozdarav Yu. A. Methodical instructions to the Optional course "Lexica and phraseology of the Russian language" - M., 1991.Volin V. V. I will know the world. Children's encyclopedia. Russian language - M.: Publishing House AST, 1997.Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, M.: LLC "A Temp", 2008.Fomina N. D., Bakina M. A. Phraseology of the modern language - M.: Publisher of the University of Friendship of Peoples, 1985.The phraseological dictionary of the Russian language edited by A. I. Molotova - M.: Russian, 1987.

You can hang on a nail
Towel and cane
Lamp, cloak or cap.
And the rope, and a rag ...
But never anywhere
Do not hang nasal in trouble!

In the lessons of the Russian language we met some Russian phraseologists. I was interested in this topic. I decided to learn more about such sustainable combinations, their meaning, origin, the appearance of phraseologism in Russian.

The following was set target: Study of the origin and the meaning of some phraseological units

To achieve the goal were determined tasks:
explore theoretical information about phraseological units;
Learn the story of the origin of some phraseological units;
find out the values \u200b\u200bof the most frequently used phraseological units;
Create a phraseological dictionary of the values \u200b\u200band origin of the most frequently used phraseological physicism;
Develop and choose interesting tasks for schoolchildren

Hypothesis Research:in life, we are very often faced with phraseologists. Sometimes they help to clearly express thought, give speech imagery. And sometimes it makes it difficult to communicate, because they are not always and not everyone is understood by their meaning. I suggested that the value of the winged expressions is associated with their origin. Having learned about the origin and importance of various phrases, I can discover the language history pages unknown to me.

- search (work with information sources: books, internet);
- analytical (observation, analysis of information, data generalization);
- Creative (creating your own project).

What is phraseologism
Russian language is very rich in labels and shaped sustainable combinations of words. Such stable combinations are called phraseological circulation. The word "phraseology" comes from two words of the Greek: "phrasess" - the expression of the turnover of speech, "Logos" is a concept, teaching.
Dictionary of Ozhegova gives the following definition:
"Phraseologism is a steady expression with an independent value."

Phraseologists are stable combinations that can be easily replaced by one word: to circle around a finger - to deceive, beat the bumps - idle.
Phraseology is a section of science about words studying sustainable combinations and revs. Frameological revs are used in the language in the finished form. They cannot be replaced by in other words or insert some word. For example: to postpone affairs in a long box (it is impossible to speak "Long Box").
Phraseeological turnoves make our speech shaped, bright, expressive. With the help of such sustainable combinations, you can say briefly. For example: about a person who was in a ridiculous position, they say that he "came to see." It sounds much more than a long time and more expressive than long and in detail how it was in an uncomfortable position on its naivety or ignorance.

With sustainable figurative expressions, we often meet in everyday life. "Find a common language", "Head on the shoulders", "Soul does not make up", "Time has expired", "Long Language", "we will not overcome water" ... We use each of these phrases in cases where we express our attitude - approving disregard or ironic to this fact.

The origin of phraseologisoms in Russian
By the origin of the phraseology of the Russian language, they are divided into original Russians and borrowed.

A number of Russian phraseological units are associated with the life, customs, traditions and beliefs of the ancient Slavs. These include:

1) superstitious representations of our ancestors, for example: a black cat ran the road (a quarrel happened, tapping between anyone); Neither the Pooh is not a pen (wish to succeed, success in any business) - initially: the wish of good luck with the hunter, expressed in a negative form, so as not to "smooth" if you wish it right away;

2) Games and entertainment, for example: Play Biryukhi (engage in trifles, gift, spend time spending); From the name of the ancient game, which was in the fact that from randomly scattered turquish (tiny freckles) it was necessary to pull out with a small crochet one after the other Biryulki, but so as not to hurt the rest; shut up for the belt (surpass in something); nor into the tooth leg (absolutely nothing to know, not understand);

3) the ancient customs of the punishment of criminals, for example: to shorten the language (make someone less chatting, talk, be less daring); on the forehead is written (noticeable enough); Details of Russian life, for example: to carry out sorrows from the huts (disclose quarrels, lazies that occur between loved ones); It's easy to risen (appears at the moment when they think about it or say).

4) Historical events in the life of the Russian people, for example: how Mamay has passed (the complete mess, defeat) - from the historical event - the devastating invasion of Russia (at the 14th century) Tatars under the leadership of Khan Mamaya.
Almost every craft in Russia left his mark in Russian phraseology. For example: the stoles begin the beginning of the phraseological units without a bitch without a zadyrinka - "Gladko", an ax, "rough work"; from shoemakers - two pair boots - "the same"; From hunters and fishermen - wasting fishing rods - "hastily leave", the traces - "hide something".
Oral folk creativity is a rich source of Russian phraseology.
From the folk fairy tales came phraseologisms: a fairy tale about the white bull - "the infinite repetition of the same", with Tsar Gorokhe - "For a very long time," Lisa Patriyevna is "very cunning man" and others.
From the proverbs and sayings there were phraseologisms like: the grandmother was put in half said - "an indefinite answer" from the proverb: Grandma wondered Yes, she said: either a rain, or snow, or no; I regretted the wolf of the mare - "On imaginary pity" from the proverb: I regretted the mare's wolf, left the tail yes mane; Without a king in the head - "not a serious person" from his mind - the king in my head.
Many phraseological units appeared from literary works: for example, from Basen Krylov: to ripe as a protein (be in constant troubles); Bear service (service that brings not benefits, but harm); The cuckoo praises a rooster for praising a cuckoo (mutual praise). From the works of A.S. Pushkin, for example: to stay at the broken trough (to remain with nothing).
Borrowed phraseological units are sustainable combinations, winged expressions that have come to Russian from other languages.
Some phraseologisms appeared from the Old Slavonic language. Most often, they are expressions taken from biblical texts translated into Staroslavl language: in the sweat of the face - "very much (work)", the forbidden fruit - "About something tempting, but forbidden", Holy Saints - "The most expensive, Covenate ", urgent bread -" What is necessary for existence ".
Sustainable expressions from ancient Greek mythology: Achilles Fifth - "The most vulnerable place", Gordiyev Knot is a "confusing confluence", the sword damocles - "On the constantly threatening danger" and others.

Practical work
I noticed that many phraseologisms in Russian are associated with parts of the body. I picked up such groups of words and made a small dictionary.

We have developed several interesting tasks for schoolchildren who can be used in lessons or classes.
On the Internet, I found an interesting mystery: not flowers, but wither, not hands, but they clap, not underwear, and they hang them, they have the walls and sometimes they are cracking ... Of course, it's ears! I decided to try to make such riddles using phraseological units:

They can be dragged, there are no truth in them, they can buzz, damn it will be broken, they will braid (legs)

He is full of trouble, you can gain water in it, there is a porridge in it (mouth)

There are no milk on them, they inflated them, she is not a fool (lip)

They can be on a wet place, they are running out, they can be dusting in them, they can be rapped and smeared. (eyes)

"Find a couple" phraseological units with the opposite value:

Run by spending tongue - moving with a small
Language is brazed - the language is well suspended
Yastty Children - Shooting Sparrow
For thirty lands - hand
Keep Egor Egor - To Fall in the Clouds
bite the language - dissolve

Distribute phraseological units into groups according to their value (phraseological units with a close value)
Raven count, ripe as a squirrel in the wheel, not in the hands, to drive the loan, spit into the ceiling, lie on the side, folded hands, beat the fruit, to fool, not to hit the face, in the sweat of the face, break the back, through the stump - deck , pull strap. (Work - idle)

Water in the mouth to dial, keep the tongue behind the teeth, to sharpen the lasies, keep the tongue on the riser, dissolve the language to swallow the language, scratching the language. (silent - chat)

Bearing his head, foot leg, like a tremendous, in all the blades, per hour along a teaspoon, pull the rubber, only the heels flashed, in the whole spirit, pull the cat per tail. (fast slow)

Phraseologist in english
I think that people studying Russian as a foreign language have difficulty in understanding such combinations, because Phraseologists are associated with history, culture, traditions of Russia.
I suggested that in other languages, there are also such expressions. We turned to our English language teacher Elena Alexandrovna, as well as I learn information on the Internet. In English, there are also stable expressions. The meaning of many of them we studying the language, without special training, is also not always understandable.
Some of them are similar in meaning to the Russians, but the literal translation can surprise us:
We say: to be someone under the heel
In English there is an expression with the same meaning:
To be under someone's thumb, but literal translation: be under someone thumb

We: to fool a fool, in English - PLAY THE FOOL. Literally: Play Donkey.

We: rain pours, like from a bucket, in English: it Rains Cats and Dogs. (Rain pours cats and dogs).

We say: in someone else's monastery does not go with his charter.
British: You Can't Teach An Old Dog New TRIKS. (You can not teach the old dog to new tricks)

Many expressions can not be simply translated into Russian, not knowing their exact value. In this case, they will be incomprehensible to us.

For example, the expression: Wear The Trusers, literally translates: Wear trousers, but it means to lead (be chapter) in the family

We have an expression: you can't buy for money, and in English Money Talks - money decide everything.

In phraseologizams, the history of the people, the originality of his culture and life is reflected. The study of phrases largely helps to understand the culture and life of peoples, master a foreign language.

Introduction Phraseologisms exist throughout the history of the language, they concluded the centuries-old experience of the people, which is transmitted from generation to generation.

I suggested that the value of phraseologism is associated with their origin. Having learned about the origin and importance of various phrases, I can discover the language history pages unknown to me.

I was interested in this topic. I decided to learn more about such sustainable combinations, their meaning, and origin in Russian. Therefore, chose the topic of your project work: "The sources of origin of phraseologism".

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in everyday life, facing phraseological circulation, many people do not even notice this. They do not know how to properly use phraseologisms both in writing and oral speech, because they do not know their values \u200b\u200band sources of origin. Phraseologists are a special reservoir of the Russian language, which enriches our speech and is part of the culture of the Russian people.

The purpose of my work: 1) Find out the sources of origin of phraseological units;

2) to use phraseological units in their speech.

Object of study: myths, spiritual literature, Russian folk fairy tales and works of Russian writers-classics.

Research subject: phraseologism.

Project tasks:

    search for the necessary language information about phraseologizams; Find out the sources of origin of phraseologism;

Hypothesis: I assume that phraseological units can be combined into a group of origin.

Research methods:

    learning and analysis of literature; collection of information; Poll - Questioning; observation; study

Main part

1.1. What is phraseologisms?

Exploring various information sources, I met the concept of "phraseological" and learned that phraseological units are sustainable combinations of words close to the lexical meaning to one word. Therefore, phraseological units can often be replaced by one word, less expressive. Let's compare: on the edge of light (land) - far; Nature the neck - teach, punish;

1.2. Sources of origin of phraseologism

In the course of my research, I drew attention to the fact that all phraseological units can be combined by groups by origin.

The phraseologisms who came from myths appeared very interesting.

    Augiyev stables - strongly clogged, contaminated or littered room. Ariadnin thread - what helps to find a way out of a predicament. Achilles Fifth is a vulnerable place. Damocles sword - hung, threatening danger. Two-faced Janus is a two-room person. Golden fleece - gold, wealth that seek to master. Cook in the fly - forever disappear, be forgotten. Olympic calm - calm, noctime tantalum flour - "the suffering caused by the contemplation of the desired goal and consciousness of impossibility to achieve it", the apple of discord - "reason, the cause of a quarrel, disputes, serious disagreement," Colossus on clay legs - "Anything with sight Majestic, and essentially its weak, easily destructive ", etc.

Cornucopia. The father of the gods of Zeus after his birth was hidden in a secret place, in a grotto, where the sacred goat of Amalfy won his milk. It was not in vain. The father of Zeus, Titan Kronos, wanted to destroy his son and the heir, devour him, how he devoured already from his other children. Female Zeus, becoming the main god, asked the Amalfoy on the sky; There and now everyone can see her between the constellations. And with your teachers, the nymphs, he presented one of the horns of the goat: everything from this horns, everything was rave, in which the Nymph had a need. This is a horn, becoming a symbol of an inexhaustible treasure source, and has been null of abundance. The expression "how from the horns of an abundance" means: with extraordinary generosity, in a huge amount.

I get acquainted with Russian folk fairy tales, I found the following phraseologisms:

    And I was there, honey beer drank the hut on the bitter legs of the Koschei's immortal fox Patriyevna either in a fairy tale say nor the pen to describe in the king pea - done, the fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of a fairy tale about white bull, three days and three nights .

And phraseological units who came from the Bible:

Make your contribution - about a person who has accepted his sidewall participation. The word "leptos" in Greek meant: thin, small; "Leptha" was called the smallest ancient coin.

In one of the Gospel Proverbs, he tells about the poor widow, which during the collection of donations in the temple put in the sacrificial bowl next to the rich gifts of noble people, everything that she had - two miserable lepts. But God, says in parable, these lepts of the widows were more pleasant than the remaining treasures.

"The widowes" call any modest donation made from the pure heart. The expression "Make Your Lept" means: make your own, let a small, mortgage contribution to the common cause.

The voice of blatant in the desert is in vain appeals remaining unanswered.

Doptop times - prehistoric times.

Easy talent in the ground - about a person who does not develop its natural abilities.

Manna Heavenly - unexpected luck, wonderful help.

And what phraseologists used our classics writers? In this academic year, we studied the work of the Basinista Ivan Andreevich Krylov. It was investigated by his fables. They found 9 phraseological units:

- "Donkey and Solovy": for a thousand wards, for the thieves of land

- "Trishkin Kaftan": Trishkin Kaftan;

- "Two dogs": walk on the hind legs;

- "Monkey": Martyshkin labor;

- "Cat and cook": And Vaska listens and eats;

- Demianova Ear: Demyanova Ear;

- "Protein": like squirrel in the wheel;

- Larchchik: And the Lark just opened;

- "Wolf on Psarn": and I know your wolf for a long time;

Finding out the sources of origin of phraseologism, I began to pay attention to them when reading fiction.

I really like the works of the children's writer Nikolay Nosov. And especially I highlighted his book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" and in his stories found 20 phraseologisms:

    Run in the whole acne, beat the bumps to rush the southwest in two bills, in three pines they got lost, take a tug on the tug to clean water, look into all eyes, drossing the sleeves and the case with the end. As in the water looked like in the water omitted, as the moon fell out, you can't hurt the neck with Kalach, it's not to see the neck of the neck, it's not a dead neck, go to the edge of the lights to pour

As a result of working on this issue, I became interested, and what phraseologists are most often used by our school teachers? Of the 30 teachers surveyed by MBOU SS No. 8, the most popular phraseological units were - "with grief in half", "to blame in the clouds", "borrow on the nose", "like a chicken paw", "finger in your mouth do not put", " Shave "and less" pull for the tongue "," Eggs chicken are not taught "," to climb ahead of the Batki in Peklo "," swallowed the tongue. "

2. In the clouds (18)

3. To wear on the nose (19)

4. The factors in the mouth scored (6)

5. Kak chicken paw (15)

6.Yang swallowed (6)

7. Nut for language (4)

8.Things in the mouth do not put (14)

9.And fish in water (14)

10.Yike chicken does not teach (3)

11. Forward the Battiki in Peklo (8)

12.And from the moon fell apart (12)

13. Like a protein in the wheel (11)

14.So legs to fall (13) Grief Popolas (22)


In the course of my research, I received a more complete picture of phraseologiza, about their origin and meaning, learned to find them in the text. I concluded that the main sources of phraseologism are myths, fairy tales, the Bible, Basni, that it is necessary to know the values \u200b\u200bof phraseologism in order to properly use them. They help to make our speech alive, beautiful, emotional. I also learned to work with dictionaries, use information from the Internet.

The tasks that were delivered before work are made, the hypothesis is confirmed confirmed - phraseological units can really be combined by the source of origin.

MKOU "Asmolovsk Secondary School"

Tutorial: Russian.

Project Type:

practical - oriented,

individual, long-term.

Prepared: Tsarlev Margarita (Grade 6)

Leader: Pokavina M.V.


Project passport.

    The name of the project: Interesting phraseology.

    Academic subject: Russian language.

    Project Type: Practically - oriented, individual, long-term.

    Objective of the project: Using dictionaries, encyclopedia, popular science literature and other sources, collect the necessary information about the history of the occurrence, the meaning, use of phraseological units in Russian and literature, create a reference book of phraseologis.

    Project tasks:

    • Development of the ability to work with the phraseological dictionary of the Russian language and with the encyclopedia "I will know the world" (Russian)

      To interpret the large group of the most consumed phraseologisomes.

    Project Manager: M.V. Pyadavina

    The age of the project participant: 12 years old, grade 6.

    Annotation of the project: This project is focused on the study of phraseologism. Working on the project, the study teaches the skills of finding information, learns to extract, select the most important and necessary, and most importantly - meets the history of Russian linguistics.

    Estimated product: Directory or Tutorial: "Why we say so", the presentation "Interesting Phraseology"

    Stages of work on the project:

    • Detection of the problem. When studying the topic, it turned out that we can express only some of the most common phraseological units, it was difficult to tell about the history of the appearance of phraseologism. When you got the task - find information about the history of the appearance of phraseologism, I could not cope with it. Search for information takes a lot of time. In the phraseological dictionary, it is mainly the interpretation of phraseological units, and very little about the history of the appearance of phraseologism.

      Selection of titles, definition of goals and object tasks.

      Development of a project work plan

      Project implementation:

    Quiz "Experts of Phraseology"

    Summing up the quiz. Conclusions.

    Collection of information, selection of the most important and necessary.

    Collection of information about the history of the appearance of phraseologism.

    Making a textbook with illustrations "Why we say so"

    Work on the presentation

    Comprehension and evaluation of the project.

Explanatory note . (Justification of the topic selection).

In Russian language 6, there is such a section "phraseology. Culture of speech, "and in this section the topic" phraseologisms ". I really liked this topic. Such expressions were studied in it:

Sit down in a bow, led behind the nose, insert sticks in the wheels, shout in all Ivanovo, etc. .

We studied that they denote these combinations of words. I was interested in the question: why do we say so?

The relevance of the problem:

    When studying the topic "Frase units", it turned out that we can express only some of the most common phraseological units, it was difficult to tell about the history of the occurrence of phraseologism. When you got the task - find information about the history of the appearance of phraseologism, I could not cope with it. Search for information takes a lot of time. In the phraseological dictionary, it is mainly the interpretation of phraseological units, and very little about the history of the appearance of phraseologism. I became interested in the question: "Why we say so", as phraseologisms appeared. It turned out that the occurrence of many phraseological units is associated with Russian history. Acquaintance with phraseology helps us deeper to understand the history and nature of our people. This was fascinated me, and I decided to collect information about the history of the occurrence of phraseologism, and also learn what they denote.

Objective of the project: Using dictionaries, encyclopedia, popular science literature and other sources, collect the necessary information about the history of the occurrence, meaning, use of phraseologism in Russian and literature. Create a manual: Directory of phraseologism

Project tasks:

    Development of the ability to work with the phraseological dictionary of the Russian language and with the encyclopedia "I will know the world" (Russian)

    To interpret the large group of the most consumed in oral speech and artistic literature phraseologism.

    Collect material about the history of the appearance of phraseologism.

    Show that phraseologisms are one of the artistic-insulating funds of the Russian language.

Project move:

1. Preparatory stage: choose the topic, goaling, problemation.

2. Planning your work.

3. Determination: What will be a project product, which should be the results of the work.

4. Project implementation: preparation and conduct of quiz, collecting information, selection of the most important and necessary, processing of information.

5. Preparation of the presentation, presentation and protection of the project.

6.Instation, reflection, self-analysis.

Project implementation.

    Studying the topic, good possession of theory.

Phraseology - This is the section of the science of language in which the sustainable combinations of words are studied, solid in their meaning. The value of phraseological units are explained in the phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language. The most commonly used phraseologisms are found in the intelligent dictionaries of the Russian language, or in such dictionaries are denoted by Rhombic.

Phraseological units - These are stable combinations of words equal to the value of either one word or a whole proposal. for example, blow up the nose, beat the bumps, take yourself in hand, a turtle step, work after the sleeves, shout in the whole Ivanovo, Filkina gram, put in a long box, Curling Kalach, Money Chickens do not peck, row a shovel, hang noodles on the ears, the cat applied etc.,

Many phraseologisms are easy to express in one word:

Draw the nose - come to

Beat eggs - idle

Inherent step - slowly

In the whole Ivanovo - loud

Chickens do not peck - a lot

Cat has been cut - little

Hang noodles on your ears - deceive.

Dial in the mouth of the water - silence.

On a wide leg - richly, magnificent.

Z. arup on the nose - remember;

Hang your head - disappear;

Like snow on the head - suddenly.

"I got lost in three eats," "He got used to make whale from the sprat" - isn't these suggestions strangely? And the suggestions "he lost in three pines", "he got used to make an elephant from the fly" do not cause surprise. So they say.

This is discoveredfirst feature phraseologism: They cannot be arbitrarily replaced with words, i.e. they have constancy of the lexical composition. This feature distinguishes phraseological units from free phrases.

In phraseology, it is impossible to randomly replace words, because they lose their semantic independence. This can be confirmed, for example, by the fact that there are words that are not understood as part of such expressions. They say, for example, goof, Although not everyone knows what isfaith orsharpeck, ask stringly, Although do not know whatlyasi. orstream.

(Wordwrong It happened from wordsin andloska ( So called the mill torsion rope. Hence the meaning of the expression: getting hair into such a camp was very unpleasant. Wordlyasi. (bales) meant "accurate columns to support the railing." The origin of this expression is associated with a slight and fun profession of people, pulling these columns, to talk to, chat during work. Wordstringy meant "escape".)

Taking advantage of some phraseologists, speaking not even suspect that the word in their composition is unfamiliar. So, in two phraseologizs -stay with nose andnose speakers are Omonyms.Nose In the first example, it is preserved in the composition of phraseologism and non-free word from the verbcarry i.e., what once brought the bridesmaid parents as a ransom. In expressionnose wordnose It is related to the name of the part of the person: the expression itself arose, apparently, from comparison with bears, whom Gypsies led to the ring for the ring, which has been thorough in the nose, and forced to do different tricks, deceiving the promises of the hand. Thus, words in the composition of phraseologism lose their semantic independence, and hence the second feature of phraseological units, which distinguishes them from free phrases, is the integrity of the value of phraseologism. In its composition, not separate words have meaning, but only the expression as a whole. This means that phraseologisms, like words, are used in speech ready, that is, they must be remembered, to know in the form, in which they were installed in the language, and with the meaning that has been fixed behind them.

Many phraseological units arose on the basis of proverbs. Usually, part of the proverb, which is independently in speech and acting as a member of the sentence becomes phraseologism. Without the knowledge of the proverb itself, such a phraseology is incomprehensible. For example, understand the image of phraseologismdog in the manger can only know the proverbThe dog on the Seine lies, he does not eat it itself and cattle does not give. From the proverbs there were such phraseologisms:old Sparrow (Old sparrow in the little thing you will not spend), hunger is not aunt ( Hunger is not aunt, the puppet will not appear), regretted the wolf of the mare (regretted the Wolf mare, left the tail and mane) and etc.

The origin of the phraseologism of the Russian language.

Despite the seeming originality of individual phrases, their education is based on certain samples, formulas. In phraseology, as in other tranues of the language, there are patterns.

Features of the formation of phraseological units are associated with the type of material on the basis of which they are created. In Russian languages, five:

    separate words of the Russian language;

    free phrases of Russian speech;

    proverbs of the Russian Language;

    4) phraseological units from Russian literature

    5) foreign languagephraseologism.

From individual words phraseologists arise quite often. You can learn about the unusual combination of words (there are no such free combinations in Russian), for example:brains Wheel, shower, a man in a case. This also includes so-called periprases likeship desert - "Camel",black gold - "Oil",fifth ocean - "Heaven", etc. As part of these phraseologism, most often one of the words is free and the other is a phraseologically related, that is, this, which is found only in the composition of phraseologism. This value is figurative. For example, in combinationsoul Naraspyu (cf.the door is latch), brains (cf.hat runner) figurative characternapaushka, racing well aware of the expressionsoul Naraspyu Determines the character of a person who does not hide his thoughts, "opening the soul" to people.

In some phraseological units formed on the basis of individual words, all components have a phraseologically associated value for example:drop in the sea, make an elephant fly.

The largest number of phraseologisov is formed on the basisfree phrases Often found in speech. Such phrases receive a new meaning carrying on them to the similarity of phenomena or their connection.Head Often compared to S.kotelik, boiler Hence the transfer to the free combinationboiler cooks The new meaning is "the head consists of anyone." Toto go with the flow no need to spend a lot of strength. This situation reminds that when a person lives as living, he does not try to change the lifestyle. Hence the transfer of the meaning "to act, how to force circumstances, not trying to confuse" for a combinationto go with the flow.

Sources of Russian phraseologism

All Russian phraseologisms can be divided by origin into two groups: phraseological units of Russian origin and borrowed.

The overwhelming majority of Russian phraseologism arose in Russian itself or received the Russian language from the ancestor. Suchwater do not distort - "very friendly",disservice - "Ineptive service, bad help",climb "Take something risky, knowingly doomed for failure",seven spans in the forehead - "very smart",man in a case (From the story of A. P. Chekhov) and many others.

Phraseological units from the history and life of the Russian people. Each craft in Russia left a trace in Russian phraseology. From carpenters, phraseologicaltop \u003cbr\u003e from speeds -heaven with Sheepskin seemed - "Furious." New professions gave new phraseologisms. From the speech of railway workers, Russian phraseology took expressiongreen Street - "free way; Successful promotion of something ", from the speech of mechanics -" twist nuts "-" raise the requirements ".

In phraseology, different directions of the life of the people are reflected. The successes of our country in the development of outer space contributed to the emergence of phraseologismgo to orbit - "To achieve good results, success."

Many phraseological units arose on the basis of proverbs. Usually, part of the proverb, which is independently in speech and acting as a member of the sentence becomes phraseologism. Without the knowledge of the proverb itself, such a phraseology is incomprehensible. For example, understand the image of phraseologismdog in the manger can only know the proverb« The dog in the Seine lies, he does not eat it, and the cattle does not give. "

Copyright phraseologisms: They came from fiction. So, for example, phraseologismtryshin Kaftan originated from Basny I. A. Krylova, published in1815 G. . in the journal "Son of Fatherland"; In it, the landowners launched their estates into the guardian council several times. Already in the composition of the fable, this expression has become a phraseology with the meaning "case when the elimination of some shortcomings entails new flaws."

Borrowed phraseologisms They are divided into borrowed from the Old Slavonic language and borrowed from Western European languages.

Old Slavonic phraseology Passed in Russian after the introduction of Christianity. Most often they have a book. Such, for example,parable in Languages \u200b\u200b- "Subject of universal discussion",looking for and unite - "Looking for and find",throw beads in front of pigs - "In vain to prove something to people who cannot understand and evaluate this," etc.

Phraseologisms borrowed from Western European languages, includes the most ancient borrowing from Latin or ancient Greek languages \u200b\u200b(for example, from Latin:terra incognito - "Something unknown", literally - "Unknown Earth"). Later are borrowing from French (have a tooth against anyone) german(split off the head), English(Blue stockulock - "A woman who has lost femininity engaged only by scientists") languages.

Among the borrowed phrases, borrowing "clean", without translation, and phraseological traps are distinguished. When borrowing without translation, the genuine sound of phraseologism in their native language is preserved(Terra incognito), When calculating, a single transfer is used by the corresponding words of the Russian language, therefore such phraseological units appeared externally differ from the original Russians, for example:blue stockulock (from English),keep silence (from Latin language).

Borrowed phraseologisms, as well as arising in Russian, are also created by either individual people or the people as a whole. An example of borrowing a copyright phraseologist (phraseological tract) is the expression "and the king is naked " (about a person whose merits were greatly exaggerated) - the literal translation of the famous expression from the fairy tale G.-H. Andersen "New Dress of the King".

The expression attributed to the author's borrowed phrase units belongs to Caesardie is cast. Roman commander passed the River Rubikon, located on the border between Gallia and Italy. He did it contrary to the prohibition of the Senate. Crossing with the river's army, Caesar exclaimed: "Lotting broken!". This historical event gave rise to another phraseology -cross the Rubicon - "Decide on something serious."

A significant number of phraseologism is borrowed from ancient Greek mythology. With Greek myths are connected, for example, such expressions:

Pandora's Box. Allegorical - "Source of misfortunes, troubles." The phraseology is associated with the myth of Pandore, who received a closed box filled with all earthly disasters and misfortunes from God. Curious Pandora opened a box, and human misfortunes flew from there.

Augean stables. ABOUT Launched room or about disorder. Related to the mythom of Hercules, which cleaned the huge stables of the king of Avgii.

Procrustean bed. An allegorical expression is "a sample given in advance which you need to prepare something." In one of the Greek myths, it is told about the robber of the progress (tester). He caught passersby and caught up under his bed: if a person was longer, his legs cut off, if shortened - they pulled out.

Many phraseological units can not be interpreted in one word, and some is not easy to express, say that they indicate. Of interest is the question, and how such expressions appeared, what sources they have, why we say so.

    Conducting extracurricular combine events:

"Frameology connoisseurs"

Description and analysis of the activities carried out:

1 task For participants it was called:

"What phraseologiza are we talking about?"
1 team. What you can't cut the ax? What legs hut?

2 team. Who writes a paw? Who is pulled by the tail?

3 team. What beat the loafers? When chickens believe?

It was necessary to guess, aboutwhat phraseologiza are we talking about. Each team needed to guess 2 phraseologism. With this task, the team coped.

What you can't cut down the ax - what is written in pen, do not cut down the ax.

But what legs of the hut - the hut on the bitter legs

Who is drawn behind the tail - the cat pulls behind the tail.

Who writes a paw - writes like a cat's cat.

What beat the idlers - a broken hour

When chickens believe - chickens are considered to be.

2 Competition was called "Collect phraseologism"
Two boots (not walking) - two steam boots
Simply steam (mountain) - easier for steam turnips
Not in the eyebrow (pair) - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye
Cut around (turnips) - Cut around a finger
Crocodile (fingers) - crocodile tears
Sing the gold (tears) - to fill the golden mountains
Komar of the nose (and in the eye) - the mosquito of the nose is not pushed.

With this, the task of the team also coped.

3 . Explain the value of phraseologism.

The value of many phraseologism could not be explained.

To contribute

Pull one

Stay with nose

Play the first violin

Put one's teeth

Cast pearls before swine

On the forehead is written

Panic fear

Shito white threads

Demyanova Eha

Pyrrhic victory

Output: The participants of the game know nicely phraseologisms, may be called them, collect, continue, find phraseologism in the proposal. To give interpretation was able only to the most famous phraseologism; Difficult to tell about the history of the appearance of phraseologism.

4. Study of the origin of phraseologism.

Beat egglush.

Beat egglush - idle. And what is bumps? After all, this word should have his own meaning. Yes of course. When there is a bunch of porridge in Russia with wooden spoons, tens of thousands of shores Biili Bucklocks, that is, the colites of the lime wood chuck as blanks for the wizard - a lipkar. This work was considered a trifling, it was usually performed by the apprentice. Therefore, she became a sample is not a matter, but idleness.

Of course, everything will also know in comparison with the religious peasant labor.

And it's not that everyone will get well baked eggs.

Long drawer.

The petitioners who dropped their petition in the box should have been waiting for a response for a long time, bow to the Boyars and Deaks, bring them gifts and bribes to get an answer to their complaint. Tied with this Volokita was the usual phenomenon. That is why the unlimited glory for many years survived a long box. The expression does this mean: to safely tighten the case.

Know the izubok.

What is the point in these words - children know no worse than adults. To know the izubok means, for example, it is excellent to learn a poem, to harden the role and in anything to understand.

And there was a time when you know the izubok, check the izubok was understood almost literally. This saying originated from the custom to check onto the tooth authenticity of gold coins, rings and other products made of noble metal. We bite the coin to the teeth, and if not left on it dents - it means genuine, genuine. And then it could crawl fake: inside a hollow or cheap metal.

The same custom called for life and another bright, figurative expression to greet a person, it means: to thoroughly learn its advantages, disadvantages, intentions.

Nor zgi is not visible.

ZGA - an old word. It happened from the stitch (stitch, path, path). Therefore, the expression nor ZGI seems literally means: there are no paths, roads, paths.

There is another opinion that this expression happened from the word ZGA (Metal ring on the horse's arc to which the reason is attached). In the old days of the cart in the summer, and Sani in the winter were the only way of movement. There was no man who would not know what kind of ZDA is: just as there are no people who do not know what a car is. In a blizzard, a blizzard, a dark, when, sitting in a sleigh, you won't even see the ring on the arc, the yammer usually said: "Here is a dark! Neither zgi is not visible! "

Nowadays, the expression nor ZGI is not visible also used when they want to determine the most impenetrable darkness, thick fog.

Red thread.

When some one thought or one mood permeates the speaker's speech or literary work, they say: "This thought he passes with a red thread." Why red, not yellow, blue or green?

This expression came to several peoples from English sailors. From 1776, in all ropes of the English military fleet in the factories began to climb in full length a red thread. It was done in order to prevent embezzlement. Now whatever small piece from the rope is cut off, you can always find out: he is a fleet.

Points rub.

This expression means: to inflate, deceive. How is it to rub glasses? Very ridiculous would look like this picture. But it's not at all about those glasses that you thought.

There is another meaning of the word glasses: it means red and black signs on playing cards.

Unfair players to deceive others, started on all sorts of focuses. They were able to, by the way, to lose glasses imperceptibly, turn the seven in the seven or eight, gluing the desired number of signs with a special sticky white powder. It is clear that wiped the glasses began to mean "cheating." Then it was born a special word odoring. So began to talk about destructors who know how to embellish their work, to give bad for good.

Close to the rag.

In the old Russian language (and now in some diallas), the Rogon is pointed from one end of the count, Six, Rogatina. Out in front of him a stake - hunters walked on the bear. Flooding up on the Rod, the beast died.

An omission, rocking for a bear, furious and blinding going to death, formed the basis of the saying to climb on the Rogon. Its meaning is as follows: take actions, knowingly doomed to failure, (navigate) in their will on major trouble.

Pill to keep (sweeten, swallow, bring).

What is a pill, everyone knows: a small ball strolled from the medicinal substance (this is a Latin word and means "ball"). But it is unlikely that any of you seen someday "gilded" pills.

Medicines taken in pills are not always pleasant to taste. Therefore, the pharmacists sometimes covered them with a sweet substance of a beautiful golden color, hoping to fool by this, mainly small children. Being attractive in appearance, pills did not lose bitterness.

From here there went a lot of mocking images: let's keep pill (write an attractiveness or harmlessness of something unpleasant); sweeten the pill (twisted bad messages with sweet words); swallow the pill (test the trouble, hear the bitter truth); Saving a pill (deliver a sudden disadvantage to another person, to express something unpleasant and poisonous).

Break a leg.

This "wish on the contrary" went to us from commercialists. Breaking the forest perfumes that protect the inhabitants of forests from hunters, people invented a verbal formula "neutralizing from the evil eye. Unfortunately expressed uncomfortable words were to sleep the vigilance of spirits and accompany success. And the meaning of the disguised position was as follows: "So that you bring more fluff and feather", in other words: "Big luck to you when you hunt a bird and beast."

Separate under nut.

Meaning: Collap, criticize - this turnover arose on the basis of the older - to do (anything) is very thorough and good.

In its initial meaning, phraseologism was born in professional speech of the joiners and cabinetries. Making furniture for a nut tree from other varieties of wood demanded great work and good knowledge of the case.

From the speech of the carpentry and the cabineturs, the expression is cut under nut and penetrated into the Russian literary language. From there, the turns were reached by turnover (initially about the work of carpenters) and without a bitch and zadorinka (literally without any flaws).

How to drink to give.

According to the customs of the ancient Slavs, no one had the right to refuse to man in the water. Since then, expression has come to how to drink in value: accurately, undoubtedly.

Where raks are winter.

It turns out that the expression is closely related to the history of our people. Many landowners loved to be enjoyed to fresh crayfish, and in the winter it is very difficult to catch them: cradles are hiding in courts, dig holes in the shores of the lake or river and there. I was sent to catching cancers in the winter they sent the defeated peasants who were supposed to get cancers from ice water. Much time passed before the caress of crayfish. Wars in a dilapidated clothes, standing up his arms. And often after that a person was seriously sick. Hence the way, if they want to seriously punish someone, they say: "I will show you where the crayfish is winter."

Seven Fridays in the week.

This is a figurative expression of human impermanence. So they say about who often changes solutions, constantly retreats from his word, does not fulfill promises, that is, a person who cannot be reached and cannot be trusted.

And why from seven days is the name of Friday?

There are several versions. But, in our opinion, the explanation lies in the following. Once Friday was (and not only from the Slavs) to the bazaar day, and then the day of the fulfillment of various trade obligations. On Friday, receiving money, they gave an honest word to bring the goods ordered next week. On Friday, receiving the goods, they promised to give money relying for him next Friday. On violating these promises and it was said that they have seven Fridays for weeks.

Willows on the water written.

Expression This means the following: It is very doubtful, it is unclear. The initial meaning of the word:

crucies - "Circles", not the type of agricultural tools.

The word came out of use, and the expression, however, remained. It means something inaccurate, unclear, momentary, disappearing as quickly as circles on the water.

Time is up.

Why do we burn so much? But listen. Over 2.5 thousand years ago in Babylon, and later in Greece and Rome, water watches appeared. They were a high narrow vessel with a hole in the day. The time was measured by water flowing from the vessel, that is, the time flowed.

From here, such expressions, as how many water since then are. Current go, etc.

From the board to the board.

This expression is connected with the book. At old books, the bindings were massive. They were made of a whole piece of wood and tightened the skin. The books had a great value, after reading, they were locked on the clashes.

Read the whole book from start to the end - it means to read from the board to the board, from the crust to crust.

Swear swing.

Nowadays, porridge is just kind of food. And before, this word had another meaning: wedding feast, wedding.

To brew porridge meant to start a troublesome and complicated business, but to break the porridge - to unravel this troublesome and complicated business.

The porridge himself was brewing, it's a breakdown himself: he himself started something - either troublesome, and release himself.

So, at first, the word porridge was used in the meaning "called lunch, a holiday about the christening, weddings," and then in the meaning of "mess, turmoil, sonachas, confusion."

Nor cola or cola.

In some localities, a bar of arable land was called a band of arable land in two soils (about 4.5m).

Do not have a cola meant: not to have a small block of land. The expression nor the cola of the yard means the highest degree of poverty.

He is written on his forehead

Sometimes innocent and constantly falling in our speech, the combination of words tells us if finding out of its origin, about such terrible things, which becomes somehow not in itself. When they say: "He is written on his forehead," they mean: everything is clear to the expression of the face. And this is a combination of words from the ancient custom, branding a face or forehead of criminals hot iron, leaving indelible ugly signs. Thus, these unfortunate and in fact there has always been and the forehead is written their bitter past.

On big leg.

Do you know that in the XIV century in Western Europe, the knowledge is determined ...... Length of the shoe?

The shoe nobleman was one and a half feet, Barona - two feet, prince shoe - two and a half feet (1 foot \u003d 30cm)

You can see, the shoe could have known the most notable.

Subsequently, instead of living on a large leg, they began to say: "live on a wide leg", that is, richly, not counting money.

Chicken on laughter.

Since time immemorial, the chicken people had the subject of humorous ridicule. It does not fly, although it has wings, does not go into the nest, it is afraid of water, does not see in the dark, buggy, stupid. No wonder they say that cancer is not a fish, but a chicken is not a bird. From here and expressions: quarrels on laughter; Wet chicken, scared, like a chicken paw, chicken memory, began to have learned how chicken, roam like chickens.

Lyko does not knit.

Old Rus could not do without a lip - lime punish. Boxes, Tueski and the main shoes of the Russian peasants are flew from the scroll - Napti. Each peasant was supposed to be able to not weave, then at least repair them. To say about a person that he does not knit, he meant that he was either not in his mind, or was drunk to the limit. It is in the last sense and this expression has been preserved.

But at the same time, the lapties, the skiing shoes were a faithful sign of poverty, peasant origin. That's whynot a scroll shield Previously meant: he is not simple, and then it began to mean: not such a simple, he is on his mind.

Mix bones.

The phraseological turnover of stamping bones is synonymous with verbs gossiping, glooming, to seek about com.

It turns out that this turn is connected with the rite of so-called secondary burial existing in antiquity. A few years after the funeral of the deceased for cleansing him from sins and removing the spell of his remains (that is, the bones) digged and shoved. This rite was accompanied by memories of the deceased, the estimates of his character, actions, cases, thoughts, and the like.

Without a bitch and without a zadyrinka.

Without any interference and complications, easy and smooth.

The expressions arose in the professional speech of the joiners, in which the smooth decoration of the tree was an indicator of high quality work. Initially, it was the meaning of "without a bitch. very smooth "

White crow.

A person who dramatically stands out with something among those surrounding people, unlike them.

In a large noisy city, a rustic resident feels like a white crow.

Expression - tracing with Latin. Goes back to the 7th sir of the Roman poet of Juvenal. Rock gives the kingdom of slaves, delivers / prisoner triumphs. However, it became international and found in many languages. His spread contributed to the idea of \u200b\u200bbirds and other animals - albino as something is unique, dramatically selection of the XVIII century.

White spot

Unexplored territory, land; region, district, so far remaining unexplored,

Despite the mountains of research, in the pre-war history of our country there are many "white spots". They require careful study. From the press.

The expression of their own. Russian Initially - geographical, cartographic term: when creating cards, the white spot was left where the territory was not yet investigated. In the future, the white color began to be associated with something unknown, mysterious.

Beat as a fish about the ice.

In vain, to no avail to try, make every effort to get out of a distressed material situation, from poverty.

Expression will take. Russian Its value is explained by the fact that when the water freezing in the fine reservoir, fish lacks oxygen and it beats about the ice to break. In the phraseologist with such a fish, a person who makes every effort is compared with a metaphorically. To get out of a difficult financial situation.

Large "important" bump.

The expression of their own. Russian Apparently goes back to the speech of burlakov. Bid called the most experienced and strong burlaka going to the strap first. As Yu.P. Sologub suggests, the expression close to the disgraceful painted turnover of the bump in an equal place is a person who is unreasonably highly appreciates himself, its capabilities.

Take a bull for the horns.

Perhaps tracing with fran. The expression meets in other European languages. The value of phraseology is explained by long-time in many countries to plow on bulls. If the bull running in Plow began to stubbornly, he was taken for the horns and dragged into the furrow. Horn at the bull is a very painful place, especially if you press them, as if trying to move them aside.

Take from the ceiling.

Disappropriate To assert something without any reason and evidence, without relying on documents and facts.

The expression of their own. Russian The origin of it may be due to the old custom of the innkeepers to record or cut the marks about the money debt of visitors on a wooden wall or a special plank - "for memory" tag. It was impossible to fix such debt on the ceiling. This, obviously, could be the basis of the portable value of the phraseologist. The influence of the "eyes to the ceiling" gesture was influenced on phraseological importance, expressing indecision, ignorance, meditation.

Throwing pebbles into a vegetable garden.

Critically, ironically hint at someone in conversation.

The expression is likely to tracing with Franz. "Talking the knuckle, ulcery" or with it. "Keep harm, reading room." In the old days, some threw stones into the garden or the garden of their offender to make it land uncomfortable for processing.

Throw words to the wind.

Disappropriate To speak wasted, to give unreasonable promises without thinking about the consequences.

The expression has a very ancient origin and is found in many European languages. By origin, it is connected with the rite of wind worship as one of the natural elements. Traces of such superstitions are observed in a new time: in Germany, for example, the peasants during the storm throws a spoon or a handful of flour against the wind to die. You can also allow the influence of the witchcraft conspiracy, when a person was harmful to "pesting words", let down in the wind.

Spin like squirrel in the wheel.

Being in indifferent troubles, concerns, continuously engage in different matters, often without achieving the desired results.

The expression goes back to the Basne I. A. Krylova "Protein" (1833), where the protein runs inside the suspension wheels, leading it in motion, and at the same time without moving forward. However, the existence of similar figurative expressions in other European languages \u200b\u200bindicates antiquity of the image underlying this phraseologist.

Hang on the hair.

To be in an extremely dangerous position, be at risk of death, collapse, failure.

The expression is likely to go back to the ancient Greek myth of the Damocloma sword. The king of Dionysius Senior planted his envious Damocla during a feather in his place. Among the fun Damocl suddenly noticed that a heavy sword was hanging on his head on his head on his horse hair, ready to break at any time. Then he realized that the happy life of the rulers was always conjugate with the deadly danger.

That's where the dog is buried.

That is what the true reason is the essence of the problem.

Expression - tracing with it.

Eyes on a wet place.

Iron. Anyone often cries, ready to cry for the slightest occasion.

Expression East Slavic, Ellipsis of the original phraseologisteyes on wet location inserted (Ellipsis - skip the grammatically necessary word).

Gross Price.

Presenter. It is not suitable anywhere, no value is worth anything.

The expression of their own. Russian Gross - an old copper coin in 2 kopecks, however, from the 19th century, a penny began to call a coin of even less dignity - in the Polkheki. Ground - the standard of the minimum amount of money.

Money chickens do not peck.

Simple. Anyone is very rich.

The expression of their own. Russian Apparently, it is originally connected with the soda divisions. In the chicken coop or hollow, the gold, silver and copper rings, other items; According to the fact that the chickens were predicted, how rich will the future groom girls are. Cf. Option of chickens Gold do not peck away from anyone. The formation of phraseologism also influenced the observation of the behavior of chickens: they cease to peck grain when it was much and they were saturated.

Hold in heroic mittens.

Educating anyone in great rigor, maintain in complete submission.

The expression is known from the XIX century. "Help mittens", i.e. made from hedgehog, never existed. Initially, hero mittens are workers leather mittens without lining and fur, which served to protect hands from damage when working.Sh the impressive image of phraseologism can be considered as a kind of "formula of the impossible"

Hold a stone for the sinus.

To hide angrily against anyone, to prepare to make a nastiness, dirty.

The expression of their own. It was formed by the truncation of the proverb to be friends to be friends, and keep the stone for the sinuses. The proverb itself was forgotten with time, and the phraseology began to be actively used.

Day with fire to find, find.

With very great difficulty.

The expression dates back to the legend of the Diogen, who was looking for a man with a lit lantern and did not find it.

Short flashes.

means: talk, chat.

On the Volga has long been famous Semenov Balaasniki. From the aspen plates they highlighted figuredbalaasins for decorating railings, balcony handrails, window frames.
This work was considered relatively light and frivolous: pull the columns, cut the baubles, the heads of animals, cocks, vases, aids, - this is not a house.
The baleasniki decorated with their intricate motley carvings, fantastic snakes, dragons and Volzhsky ships. Gradually, this fishery disappeared, but the memory of the baleasnikas remained in a lively speech. Merry were govorunov:
sharpened bales(orlyasi. ) And sang, led a brisk fun conversation.Frameology "Show Lyasi"

Conclusions: Assembled material about the occurrence of more than 40 phraseological units.

I made a reference book "Why we say so" with color illustrations, which included 22 of the most famous phraseologism.



    A.G Vastevich "Russian. Projects? Projects ... Projects "

    N.V.Basco, V.I. Zimin "Frazological Dictionary of the Russian Language"

    V.V.Volina "I will know the world. Children's encyclopedia. Russian language"

Project - Presentation on the topic: phraseological units fulfilled the student 6 "g" class of Scheglov Alexander Teacher: Scheglova Natalia Aleksandrovna

Goals and objectives. Objectives: 1. To get acquainted with the concept of phraseologism. 2. Consider their origin. 3. Analyze the value of phraseologism in various languages, find general features and differences. 4. To determine what role the phrases are played in Russian.

The basis of this project lies:

Introduction The goal is to explore the winged expressions; Tasks - find out the history of the winged expressions, from where they come from; Problem: Increase the level of knowledge of phraseological units, study their history of origin, find out whether phraseological units are divided into some subgroups. Object of the study: the phrase units of the hypothesis - the reason for the popularity of the winged expressions lies in the fact that they are an interesting means of communication, a kind of intellectual game. The topic of the winged expressions in Russian I chose, because I wonder their origin, value and region of their use. Practical significance of work. This work allows you to support interest in the Russian language and literature.

Word! Great Russian Word. How many shades in it are like a lot of paints and depths! It is just necessary that our richness of Russian "color words" wanted smart and sensitive people. M. Ladur.

The origin of phraseological formations of phraseological units Despite the seeming originality of certain phrases, their education is based on certain samples. Features of the formation of phraseological units are associated with the type of material on the basis of which they are created. In Russian languages \u200b\u200bof such types, five: 1. Independent words of the Russian language; 2. Supplied phrases of Russian speech; 3. Proverbs of the Russian Language; 4. Frameological units of the Russian language; 5.INE-language phraseologisms. From individual words, phraseologism arise quite often. For example: a shower of a lap, a man in a case, etc. The largest number of phraseological units is formed on the basis of free phrases. Such phrases receive a new meaning to be transferred to them in the similarity of phenomena or their connection. The head, for example, is compared with the kittelet, hence the bowler cooks - "Heads". Many phraseological units arose on the basis of proverbs. Typically, phraseology becomes part of the proverb used by independently in speech, without knowledge of such a proverb phraseology is not impaired. For example, an old sparrow (the old sparrow in the punching will not spend.) The phraseology is often becoming the basis for the formation of new phraseologism. Such a path is used in the formation of phraseological units based on terminological combinations: second breathing, chain reaction, zero cycle, etc. A special type of education of new phraseological units based on existing existing is such when the composition and the value of phraseologism changes. It is like the development of phraseological units, for example, with the word green - "free": the green light is "free passage". Based on the phraseological units of other languages \u200b\u200bformed borrowed phraseologisms.

Sources of Russian phraseologisomes All phraseologisms of the Russian language can be divided by origin into 2 groups: phraseological units of Russian origin and borrowed. The overwhelming majority of Russian phrases arose in Russian itself or went to the Russian language from the ancestors: do not overcome water - "very friendly", in which the mother gave birth - "without clothes" and many others. Each craft in Russia left a trace in Russian phraseology. From the carpenters leading its beginning "Top", from the speeds - "Sky in Sheepskin". New professions gave new phraseologisms. From the speech of railway workers, Russian phraseology took the expression "Green Street" and so on. Set the time and place of the arbitrariness of the multiple phraseologism is difficult, so there is a proposal only about where they arose and on what basis. It is much easier to determine the source of copyright phrases. For example, "kvass patriotism" - false, showing in the letter of the famous Russian poet and Critica L.A. Izzemsky. More accurately, it is possible to establish the origin of phraseological units that have arisen in the work of fiction with the same title. The phraseologist "Trishkin Kaftan" originated from Basny I.A. Krylova. Already in the composition of the Basni, this expression was a phraseology with a value: the case when the elimination of some disadvantages entails new flaws. Borrowed phraseological units are divided into borrowed from the Old Slavonic language and borrowed from Western European languages. Old Slavonic phraseological units entrenched in Russian after the introduction of Christianity, most of them behave from books, the Holy Scriptures, including. Most often they have a book. For example, "Parable in Languages", "Looking for and unite", "throw beads in front of pigs" and others. Phraseologisms borrowed from the Western European language include the most ancient borrowing from Latin or ancient Greek, for example, "Terra incognita". Later are borrowing from phraseology ("to have a tooth"), german ("break off the head"), English ("blue stocking") languages.

Classification of Russian phraseologism V.V. Vinogradov allocated three main types of phraseological units, which were called "" phraseological splicing "," "" phraseological unity "," "" phraseological combination ". Frameological fusion phraseological sobbing - absolutely indivisible phrases, "" The value of which is completely independent of their lexic composition, from the meaning of their components and is also conditionally and arbitrarily as the value of an unmotivated cl. sign "". For example, a dog ate, sharpened, beat the bumps and the like. Frameological unity Frameological unity - phrase, in which "" The value of the whole is connected with understanding inside the shaped rod of the phrase, the potential meaning of words "." For example, "" Keep a stone for the sinus, to carry out litter from the hut, the shooting sparrow "" and the like. Frameological combinations Frameological combinations - V.V. Vinogradov called the phrase, "" formed by the implementation of non-free meaning words ". He noted that most of the words of words are limited in their connections by intrasantic relations of the language system itself. These lexical values \u200b\u200bcan only manifest themselves in connection with a strictly defined circle of concepts and their verbal designations. For example, you can say "" "fear takes", "" Tosca takes ", but it is impossible to say:" "Joy takes" "," "pleasure takes" "and the like.

Antique phraseological uniforms of alpha and omega. A special group of phrase units are revisted, which their roots go into the depths of the ancient era. Myths of ancient Greece, the heroes of the ancient literature - many phraseological units can not be understood and unraveling, not knowing the prehistory of their appearance. The source of such phrases is history and mythology. Knowing the cause of the appearance of phraseologism, it is very easy to solve its meaning, well and at the right moment insert into speech. Antique phraseological units can serve as an excellent emotional charton, transmit feelings, emotions, personal attitude, to serve as a means for a subtle hint. The phraseology "Alpha and Omega" The value "Alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning the sound "A", "Omega" (sound "O") - the latter: "Ya Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last" , "God speaks about himself in the Bible. Such expressions are in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. For example, we say: "Learn everything from A to Z," and in the royal times they spoke "from Aza to Izhitsa." Az is the first letter of the Old Slavonic alphabet, Izica, respectively, the last letter. The phraseological "from Alpha to Omega" means "all entirely", "from beginning to end."

The phraseological phrase of Tantalal Tantalum - the mythical Friegian king: Some said that Tantals allegedly made some divine secrets of the public. Others argued as if he had kidnapped nectar and ambrosia from the Olympic table - heavenly food and drink, which endowed the gods of immortality. She finally was such a rumor: a bold king, who wished to check how all the insecners, destroyed her son and was going to feed his gods with meat. In any case, his crime was revealed, and retribution was truly terrifying. Tantalum is forever contained in the kingdom of the dead, standing on the throat in the transparent water of the lake. Over his head hangs juicy fruits. But as soon as he leans, the water goes down; Rises a hand - the wind boils the branches. Towardly permanent hunger and thirst, the unfortunate tantal is biting his hands, but everything is in vain. "Tantalov Flour" is the suffering from the inaccessibleness of the desired things that seemed to be an elongated arm.

Biblical phraseological biblical phrases are often present in our speech, bringing high spirituality and instructive tint into it. The Bible is the most popular book of mankind, repeatedly read and repeated in church services, on family readings. It is not surprising that many sayings and quotes became covered and are often used in everyday speech. Bible phraseological units are distinguished by a high moral component that is familiar and understandable to many people. Well-known biblical events have a clear pronigibility, the meaning of which is expressed by phraseological units.

Phraseologism "The prodigal son of the prodigal son is the expression comes from the biblical plot. In the Gospel there is a parable, in which he tells about his son, who left his father's house and gone all his state. Returning back to his family with anything, he falls on his knees in front of his parent, who, showing mercy and kindness, forgives the negligent offspring. This touching scene is also captured on the Rembrandt Picture of the same name. Over the centuries, the "prodigal son" is called a man who has been whipped from their family and his home.

Egyptian executions phraseologism Egyptian Pharaoh did not want to let people go to freedom, former slaves in Egypt - this is said in the Bible. According to the legend, God was angry with Pharaoh and lowered to Egypt ten cruel punishments, and Staroslavlyansky - "executions". Among them were, the invasion of terrible insects and reptiles, and the transformation of the water of the River Nile, terrible diseases of both people and animals, various natural cataclysms, and, in the end, the death of the firstbots not only in people, but also in animals. Of course, the frightened ruler of Egypt let go on the will of all slaves. And now "Egyptian execution" we call any flour or scary disasters

The phraseological "lawyer of the devil" in the Catholic Church has been preserved from the Middle Ages such a custom. When the church is going to recognize the new saint, that is, canonize, arranged the dispute between 2 monks. 1 Monk praises the deceased, martyr. And it is called - "lawyer of God". But another monk must prove that the new holy sinry very much, and the fact that he is not fit to have such status and should not receive this title. It was called the devil's lawyer. Over time, such a ritual disappeared, but people began to continue using this expression. Now the devil's lawyer is called people who are evident about others, and who always try to find their bad parties, disadvantages, cons.

Victorian phraseologisms. These are phraseologisms of England, the time of the Victorian era. Victorian phraseologists, for the most part, have literary origins, but are actively used in everyday, colloquial speech. Some Victorian phraseological units have historical roots, taking the beginning in well-known events. They came from another language, another temporary segment, they, nevertheless, perfectly fit and are widely used. They bring into live speech emotional color, a subtle hint, irony, mockery, have an instructive character.

Antique phraseologisms a special group of phraseological formations are revisted, which their roots go into the depths of the ancient era. Myths of ancient Greece, the heroes of the ancient literature - many phraseological units can not be understood and unraveling, not knowing the prehistory of their appearance. The source of such phrases is history and mythology. Knowing the cause of the appearance of phraseologism, it is very easy to solve its meaning, well and at the right moment insert into speech. Antique phraseological units can serve as an excellent emotional charton, transmit feelings, emotions, personal attitude, to serve as a means for a subtle hint.

The phraseological "Hugging Morpheus" The value of a strong sleeping pills "Morphy", obtained from the poppy heads, has one origin with our. If you once again contact the myths of ancient Greece, then we will find a small god there, which is all littered with poppy flowers and never revealing your eyelids: this is the god of sleep - Morone. More than ancient times, "getting into the arms of Morphheus" meant to "fall asleep". Even now the meaning of these words has not changed at all, the truth is now it is used with a somewhat ironic tint.

The relevance of the topic is that the winged expressions among young people are consumed less often than the oldest generation the winged words make it a clear, concise, meaningful and tank. With their help, you can describe and describe a person or some kind of situation and express your attitude towards it. A human speech that correctly uses winged words in his vocabulary will always be rich and accurate. Many of the winged phrases used in everyday life and expressions came to us from the literature, popular films of past years and modernity, but some have deep roots that go in long-standing times. On the meaning of many words, we have long been forgotten and when they are not thinking about how real meaning is behind these all familiar sustainable phrases.

Use of winged expressions. Winged words are used: remember - on a specific occasion - the winged verbal expression gives the name of the situation or the phenomenon arising in the primary reality. The situation on a variety of main, undoubted characteristics would seem to be marked and pronounced well-defined winged word. The spectrum of reasons for the metaphorization of the "current" surrounding reality is truly unlawed. The metaphorization of reality is a paradoxical transfer of the signs and properties of one row (in our case, the intellectual-shaped semantics of the winged words and expressions) to another, originating with us or around us - "actually".

From the oral speech of people of various professions: many phraseological units were created in the oral speech of people of various professions: - in the speech of the joiner (ax, without a bitch, without landing) - in the speech of railway workers (put in a dead end, green street) - in the speech of musicians (ask Tone play the first violin).

Where else use the winged expressions? Winged words in journalism and journalism are widely used to describe what or human situation. For example: "I got into the enemies and the Smen's actor ... daring his own judgment to have." (The newspaper "Change") should also be mentioned that in business documentation, business and scientific style speech, the use of winged words and expressions, at least not appropriate.