Repairs Design Furniture

Awning canopies for cars and cottages. Prefabricated and folding canopies for giving folding canopies

Marquises and canopies are installed on the outside of buildings and do not give the sunshine to heat the room. With the help of such devices, it is possible not to simply shadow the room, but also not to give heightened the window block and transmit it heat into the room. So it is possible to achieve a decrease in temperature in a room for 5 degrees. Marquises are made of dense mesh fabric based on fiberglass. In this case, the product management is carried out from the room manually or automatically. The models controlled by the remote control can eat from the network or be on solar panels.

Classification of Marquis and Sports

All marquises and canopies are constructed on folding frame. As a rule, this frame is attached to the walls of the building in the area of \u200b\u200bwindows, terraces or balconies. And the frame itself is made in such a way that it can be omitted, to learn or move away. This allows you to regulate the degree of room shading throughout the day. Typically, the frame is attached to the walls of the structure for a long time, and in the autumn-winter period it simply develops.

Marquises and sun canopies perform not only practical functions, but also aesthetic. Through the use of beautiful bright fabrics for canopies, you can give romanticism and carelessness to any building, whether the usual cottage, hotel, office building, mansion or a multi-storey residential building. By themselves, such structures seek thoughts about the summer, resort, rest and serenity.

Depending on the purpose of the Marquis, they are divided into several types:

  • balcony;
  • window;
  • terraced;
  • vertical;
  • pergole.

You can buy marquises and canopies for balconies in Moscow. They serve as a kind of roof. For the Marquis and canopies over the balcony, tissue of larger tension is used, which does not give them so much after the rain.

Window marquise or canopy have the most affordable prices. Their design is most simplistic. In fact, it is the same visor, providing good protection against sunlight. But at the same time the window canopies leave a good viewing angle from the windows. This type of products can be mounted over the doorways. As a rule, the frame of the visors is attached from the edge of the window of the window at a distance equal to or more than half of the height of the window. From lateral slopes, no less than 150 mm from each edge are retreating. The canopy himself performs forward from the wall plane by 600-900 mm. But canopies or marquises for the cafe can also perform for a greater distance so that the tables for visitors can be placed under the awning.

Marquises for the terraces perform the functions of a peculiar roof, so in this case the retreat from the wall comes up to 3500 cm. Since the tent area is very large, the construction has a high sailboat. In this regard, the framework for terraced Marquis is done more durable and reliable. Depending on the length of the terrace, the width of the marquise can reach 1200 cm. If there is a need to perform marquises and canopies for the terraces of larger length, you can combine several canopies into one structure.

Vertical marquises are lateral partitions. When they are disclosed, the construction protects you both from sunlight and outsiders. In this case, this type of marquis can be made up one of two ways:

  • on the principle of fans;
  • harmonica (Pliste).

The first folding method is obtained due to the use of vertical rods rotating at one point. When adding on the principle of harmonica, the rod is riveted on vertical or horizontal guides. They fold awning as Plistes, gliding on the guides. Sliding canopies and marquises are very mobile and can be installed anywhere.

Pergole awnings, unlike other types, have two legs that allow them to perform the functions of canopies. Such marquises are used as summer canopies. Typically, these awnings are adjacent to the walls of buildings or structures.

Also visors, marquises and canopies can be classified by the mechanism of addition on such types:

  • rolled;
  • lever-rolled;
  • baskets;
  • markisolets.

You can buy marquises and canopies for the terraces with a lever-rolled folding device. Usually they are equipped with assembly brackets. In addition, the kit comes the drum to wind up the awning. To reveal such a marquis, you need to rotate the drum. As a result, the brackets stretch the fabric and leaked to the degree you need. If you twist the drum in the opposite direction, the fabric of the canopy wound on it, and the brackets will be in a vertical position.

You can also buy a rolled carport. Its price is lower than that of the previous version, since such a marquise acts as a simplified version of the leaf-rolled devices. The main difference is the lack of side brackets, and the similarity is the presence of a drum for wreating fabric.

Both of the above-described type of marquis can be equipped with a ribbon or worm device of folding. The cheapest worm version of the assembly starts into the work of the drum handle. Rotating the handle in one direction or another can be wound or unwind awning. You can also buy a canopy with an automatic ribbon drive. Such marquise will be more expensive, but also functional. The folding mechanism is activated due to the electric motor. By clicking on the button, you can run the rotation of the drum in the desired side.

Sheds with basket mechanism of folding are very similar to baskets. The framework frame is made of several arcs having one axis of rotation. Frame configuration can be any: round, rectangular or oval. This canopy or marquise is ideal for giving, especially since the price of it is quite acceptable. Through all arcs passes one cord, which is fixed on the bottom arc. That is why this device of folding is also called lard. If the cord is weakened, then the carport under the weight of the RAM itself will be revealed.

Another extendable canopy marquise - Markisolet. The principle of addition in such structures is also rolling-lever. Marquis can descend, rise and bend under the desired angle, which makes it possible to achieve optimal shading of windows. All the construction is very similar to the visor. Since the design allows you to flexibly adjust the position and tilt the tent, it can be considered the most successful sunscreen. Such a canopy or marquise for giving will allow to achieve a high degree of shading in a hot day or hide from the curious eyes of the neighbors. These structures can be used on vertical facades. The construction itself does not destroy the harmonious design of the building, but at the same time it allows you to take advantage of individual shading. Retractable canopy marquise is very popular because the price of it is quite acceptable.

The price of marquises and canopies for the terraces more depends on the dimensions of the structure, but from the mechanism used in the design. No less influence on the final value of the structure is provided by the type of fabric, its heyday, as well as the presence of all sorts of additional impregnations.

The advantages of Marquis

Tissue visors, canopies and marquises have many undeniable advantages:

  1. Optimal indoor shading. Since the marquises not only do not give the sunshine to penetrate the room, but do not allow to heat the glazing itself, the air indoors becomes more cooler than when using ordinary curtains.
  2. Energy saving. Due to the efficient cooling of the room, electricity costs are reduced when using air conditioning.
  3. Protection of furniture from burnout in the sun. In the offices, Marquise allow you to get rid of glare on monitors or TVs in private houses.
  4. Additional useful space. Under the marquise from the outside of the building, a cozy shaded space is formed, which can be used to accommodate a table in a cafe or bench for recreation at the cottage.
  5. Marquises although they give good protection from the Sun, but they do not interfere with the efficient ventilation of the room, as in the case of dense curtains.
  6. Additional protection against rain and wind is also the advantage of the Marquis.
  7. The durability and beauty of such structures cannot be assessed.
  8. The framework of the Marquis is performed from anodized tubes that have durability, ease and resistance to weather effects.

How to make Marks do it yourself?

Selection of material for awning

For the manufacture of good marquise you need to choose the right fabric. It is better to use acrylic material. This type of fabric has a lot of advantages:

  1. fabric is very durable;
  2. she misses the air well;
  3. the product has water-repellent capabilities;
  4. the fabric does not change its coloring under the influence of sunlight;
  5. acrylic fabrics give good protection against ultraviolet radiation.

It is better to choose a fabric of light coloring, then in the room will not be dark. The most optimal coloring option is monophonic fabrics, striped products or fabrics with a printed pattern. In addition, you can choose the texture of the fabric. It can just be smooth or have a textured surface.

What makes a frame?

Want to get dacha canopy cheap? Then the marquise do it yourself - a great solution. The frame for the future structures should be durable and easy. The best option is hollow tubes from aluminum. When using steel tubes, it is better to give preference to those that have an aluminum coating. So you reliably protect the frame from corrosion. It is equally important to consider the mechanism of addition and fastening the framework.

Marquis dimensions are directly related to the size of the window opening, balcony or terrace. The main thing to take into account the main differences of the marquise from the usual canopy, which are as follows:

  • marquis necessarily one face mounted on the wall of the house;
  • the construction can be folded and at the same time not to dismantle the framework itself;
  • well, if the folding mechanism is automatic.

The most accessible version of the marquise for self-making is an inclined window product. The price of sliding canopies of the factory marquise will be much higher. For the manufacture of such a marquise, you will need to stock:

  • tubes for the manufacture of frame;
  • mechanism for folding marquise;
  • a strand of durable, non-burning fabric.


After buying a mechanism for folding and making a frame, you can start the installation of the structure. To do this, on the wall of the building in the right place fasten the purchased tent mechanism. Usually, the brackets that are included in the product are used for mounting.

If you bought a mechanism with an awning, then it is necessary to just fix on the frame opposite side. If the coaching mechanism was sold without an awning, then you will need to separately buy awning and consolidate it on the drum of the mechanism of folding one side, and another to attach to the frame. Instructions for fixing the awning on the reparation mechanism drum usually goes complete to the mechanism itself.

The frame itself is performed from aluminum tubes in the form of the letter "P". Its height should be such that it was not lower than the middle of the window passage, but not higher than it for more than 30 cm. To the brackets fixed to the walls of the building, the frame was mounted on the axial hinge mechanism. The opposite from the drum edge is fixed on the frame. Thus, if you turn on the twisting mechanism, the drum will start rotating and wind the awning, and the frame after the awning will start tightened to the building wall.

The folding canopy uses unprecedented popularity among tourists and summer residents, because if you think about it, then there is nothing better for the cottage. The "country season" opened, collected a canopy and enjoyed, closed the country season. The collapsible canopy can be dismantled and removed for storage in a safe place for the entire winter. On the pros and cons of such canopies, about their varieties, the peculiarities of manufacture and assembly, let's talk within the framework of the article.

Varieties of prefabricated canopies

Before starting a conversation about the prefabricated and folding canopies for cottages, private household, rest, it is necessary to decide on the criteria of the collection. What is it about? In principle, any canopy, if desired and the presence of heavy equipment can be dismantled, but not everyone can then collect back. However, the possibility of disassembling and assembling a canopy does not attribute it to the category of prefabricated or folding. The folding canopy can collect and disassemble the average person without special knowledge and a specific tool.

If the canopy disassembles problems, has very heavy elements, stationary supports, it cannot be considered collapsible. Taking into account the above, let's talk about the varieties of prefabricated canopies. And let's start with ready-made, factory canopies.

The list of examples can be continued infinitely, because the range in the market of such canopies is huge. For the most part (approximately 70%), prefabricated canopies have awning roof, you can read more about awesome canopies in the article. The awning roof is easy, it is quite simply controlled with it, which is why it often becomes the basis of the collapsible canopy.

Important! If you are thinking about to purchase a finished collapsible awning canopy, keep in mind that sellers call such products in different ways, for example, a tent garage or awning tent.

In addition to the collapsible awning canopies, there are prefabricated structures with roofing from cellular polycarbonate. If it is necessary to remove the roof and dismantle the frame of such a canopy, then it can be done very simple. The frame disassembled into separate small parts and folds into a special bag, and the roof is disassembled into small segments of polycarbonate, each segment twists in the tube and stacked one to another.

The situation with homemade collapsal canopies from the rain is about the same. They are based on lightweight materials that can be compact when disassembly, and these are steel tubes and corners, fabric or polycarbonate.

How and from what is manufactured?

Hands of collapsible type have a lot in common. They can be distinguished by the material of the manufacture, shape of the roof, the design of the frame, but still the collection canopy is very difficult to confuse with stationary. Separal type canopy distinguishes:

  1. a collection framework that must consist of a variety of small fragments;
  2. very easy and robust design;
  3. compactly folding roof.

Note! There are not so many materials that meet such strict requirements, mainly polycarbonate, fabric and metal profile.

Rigid requirements for lightness and strength are metallic corners, tubes, screeds. They are most often used in the manufacture of a collapsible carcass frame. For example, a canopy for a summer cafe like "Marquise" has several vertical supports consisting of metal tubes and a roof frame consisting of tubular segments. The roof of the "Marquise" canopy fabric, on the roof they let a special "breathable", but waterproof fabric, which will save from the rain and midday heat.

For the manufacture of the "Marquise" canopy, the steel tubes for support are cut into several parts, and to then collect them together using steel ties. Many will say that all-metal welded design is more reliable and will not argue with it. But on the other hand, if the collapsible carcass can withstand a strong wind and rain, while having a bunch of other advantages, why should we generally welded construction.

In the manufacture of the collapsible canopy frame, quite a lot of screeds are applied. In one design, it can be up to hundreds of connections, and each connection is securely fastened by the screed. Created a ribbiness that makes the design is quite strong.

The roof of the collapsible canopy is made of tarpaulin, tent tunic, cellular polycarbonate. Fissure roofs are made solid, fixing them to a frame using carbines and other special fixtures. Ploves are cut around the edge, inserting steel mounting rings between the seams.

The roof of the polycarbonate canopy is the design of the national team consisting of several sheets bonded among themselves. The jack of each sheet is mounted for a special mount connecting all sheets with each other and attaching them to the frame of the collapsible canopy.

How to assemble yourself with your own hands?

If you in your hands got a great prefaborn, and the task got up to collect it, then you need to perform some series of actions, without which you cannot do when assembling any attachment. Whether it is a simple little cottage canopy to protect against rain or a large canopy for a summer cafe. The procedure for approximately the same.

  • We choose a flat steady and preferably a solid platform.
  • We declare all the elements of the frame and make sure that everything you need is available.
  • We mount the supports by connecting the segments among themselves, without forgetting about the grooves (a simple treacherous canopy can have 4 supports, and a large canopy for a summer cafe can be 12 or more supports).
  • We connect and tighten the longitudinal frame segments.
  • We connect and tighten the transverse segments of the frame.
  • We collect together and carefully tighten the roof parts.
  • Fresh bumps to the ground.
  • Next, we stretch the awning or polycarbonate roof and secure it.

If you are collecting not separate, but a used design, you will also have to additionally install the side mounts of the frame to the wall, drill the corresponding holes and screwing into them the fasteners.

For your information! At the end of the summer season and, accordingly, the operating time of the street cafe, the lateral wall mounts can be left, so that next year, the installation of the canopy was even easier.

In conclusion, we note, currently collected canopies in comparison with other types of canopies are the most popular in consumers. Perhaps, thanks to this, manufacturers offer a wide range of such canopies: light, durable, simply dismantled and relatively inexpensive!

Marquis or retractable canopy - foldable sunscreen design for protection against bright sun.
The cloth made of painted fabric is stretched between the parts of the metal frame, turning the platform or room from the straight scoring rays. At the time of cloudy rainy weather, the canopy is easily and quickly folded.

What is retractable marquises?

Sunscreen structures are used on terraces, summer cafes, outdoor venues, balconies, windows.

Automatic visors unfold if necessary, protect against ultraviolet rays, create comfortable conditions. Produced from acrylic tissue. Dense awning canvas reliable, safe, wear-resistant. The design is controlled by an electric motor or mechanical levers.

Types of retractable canopies

  1. Cassette. Sunscreen, durable, durable, reliable. It has a casing to protect the awning canvas, which extends the service life. Used as Sun protection terraces of summer institutions, country houses.
  2. Open type. The principle of action, like a cassette marquise. Does not have a protective casing. Therefore it is cheaper, it serves less.
  3. Bilateral. Marquises on our own metal supports. Consist of two awning canvases, frame, fasteners, control elements. Used on terraces, open areas.
  4. Show-windows. Tissue visor on metal construction. Simple, inexpensive, practical option. Used in summer restaurants, windows of shops, houses. Withstand rain.
  5. Pergole.
  6. Bilateral.
  7. Dome.
  8. Models for the Winter Garden.

All described models will find in the directory above.

Retractable sheds for the terrace

The terrace is an open area, a common option for the use of canopies. The place is protected from ultraviolet, create comfortable conditions. Buy cassette, bilateral and open-type marquises.

Sun design for cafe

Summer cafes - common institutions. Being on the street, need a canopy. It will protect from the Sun, create comfortable living conditions, food intake. Cafe is installed cassette, double-sided and open-type designs. Beautiful, practical, inexpensive, safe.

Buy retractable canopies in Moscow

Moving details of modern retractable canopies are accurate and reliable, resistant to wind loads. Additionally, a vestion offers many options: remote control, sun and wind sensors, built-in backlight and much more.

Synthetic cloth is durable, does not rot, not covered with mold and does not fade in the sun. Cassette Marks additionally has a casing to protect the rolled canvas.

Retractable canopies are not only protected from the sun, but also is an element of style, decoration of the outdoor setting. To your disposal, extensive catalogs of patterns and colors of fabric, painting the metal part of the marquise in any tone according to the German color standard RAL.

Our company in Moscow you can buy retractable canopies with delivery for cafes, restaurant, terraces, balconies, windows, showcases inexpensive. Short time of manufacture, selection of fabric shades for the interior. Installation on any facade, Italian, Spanish, German components, low prices.

Retractable marquises for the balcony, shop windows, cafes, restaurant, country houses, sunscreen, which absorbs ultraviolet, creates comfortable conditions, becomes part of the design of the complex.

Advantages of retractable marquis

The advantages of models especially appreciate owners of country houses. Even the hottest summer is more pleasant to sit in the shade of the courtyard, than to escape from the heat inside the stuffy room.

Conducting more outdoor time, you save health and save electricity: after all, being on the street, you do not need to include air conditioning.

If you live in the apartment, and your windows and a balcony are located on the sunny side, vertical marquises will help adjust the lighting. For windows of small floors, small vertically folding marquies are suitable for windows.

Owners of salons, restaurants and entertainment business use in the design of facades, loggias and summer sites. The choice of structures is very diverse: relatively simple open-type budgetary marquises, elegant dome (basket) marquises, double-sided beams with extensive coating, pergole canopies for glass ceilings, showcase marquises.

Special marquises for the Winter Garden will not give decorative plants to fade under the scorching sun, help create a cozy shadow inside the glazed public buildings or private cottages.

Selection and installation of retractable canopies

If you are going, the company "Pergola-Marquis" is at your service. We will help find a beautiful solution according to your style, perform all the work on measurements, assembly and installation of the finished product.

The Marquises we offer are designed in Belgium, Germany and Italy. All models are tested by time and meet high European quality standards.

We carry out orders exactly on time, we give a guarantee of the reliability of all parts and structures. The main thing in our work is that you are satisfied with the result.

Folding canopies are complex structures consisting of a frame, fixing the wall of the building from heavy-duty canvas or standing independently. The devices used in dachas and urban buildings today entered the usual way. The law of supply and supply increases the types of summer systems, accordingly increasing their functionality.

Design of folding canopies for giving and house

Modern protection devices may vary by:
. Installation method - wall and detached,
. Management - manual or automatic,
. used canvas - fabric or other materials,
. dimensions and tones.

Folding canopies differ from other marquies with their convenience and mobility. With their help, you can not only protect yourself from bad weather anywhere, but simply create a comfortable space for a full-fledged rest without hiding the review.

Sunscreen devices (including pergolas) are installed in a variety of places: above the balcony, door, roof, window, porch, balustrade. In folding canopies, thanks to the folding frame, the popularity is incredibly large. Such its feature allows you to install and remove the construction when it is necessary for the owner.

We can buy marquises you can use a variety of models, species and types. A large range of products allows each buyer to choose your ideal protection option that will fit into a common style picture, emphasizing all the advantages. At the same time, a canopy is quite realistic to disguise some shortcomings and shortcomings of the building, a plot or platform.

The framework of the folding systems is most often done from durable aluminum rails or tubes. In addition to reliability, this material is resistant to squeezing, not subject to corrosion and is sufficiently easy. The device is done so that it allows the construction to spread, omit, leaving, etc. To remove the canopy, it is not necessary to remove the entire design at all. It is enough to remove the awning and leave it folded in the cassette until it may need again.

Folding canopies can be equipped with remote control, telescopic elements and other options that make management of structures comfortable and simple. Buyers attracts an elbow type device capable of creating the necessary shadow in large territories.

Different transformations allow folding facilities to be used in areas for organizing indoor sites, terraces, as well as in urban conditions for balcony shading and summer cafes. The design of the marquise, its dimensions, shape, the color is selected depending on the size of the shaded area and the stylistic solution.

The ideality of folding sunscreen is their possibility of scenario and assembly in minutes without complex manipulations. That is why they are used everywhere today.

Buy retractable marquises of different variations we are quite simple. Even if you practically do not understand their features, and are not sure which model will fit in a particular case, the purchase will still be pleasant. And all because our experts will help solve all the problems with the choice and purchase the variation that will fit perfectly into the exterior, emphasizing all its advantages.

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Sheds and marquises for the terrace and verandas are placed from the facade sides of the buildings. These are special devices that protect the room from sunlight. Such a design in hot periods allows to reduce the temperature in the main room for several degrees. A variety of marquises are created mainly of soft materials that are mounted on a frame basis. They can be folded. Sheds most often have a stationary device and are performed from materials such as polycarbonate or metal tile.

Marquises help to create a cozy atmosphere in the house

The use of canopies and marquises for the terrace and veranda is characterized by an extensive spectrum of application. They are needed in the following cases:

Such models are open or closed. Open models consist of a shaft, according to which the tissue canvas is distributed. Closed products have a housing that protects against bad weather conditions.

Fabric marquises have the following advantages:

  • the sun rays do not penetrate the room, and also do not heat the glass.
  • provide furniture protection from burnouts under the influence of ultraviolet.
  • creating an additional shaded territory.
  • wind protection and rain.

Products are featured ease and beauty. Frame elements are made from light tubes.

Helpful information!To extend the service life, it is recommended to remove it with very bad weather conditions.

Article on the topic:

How to choose the material?

For the manufacture of marquise for the terrace, it is necessary to pick up high-quality material. Acrylic fabrics are most often used. Such matter has the following properties:

  • strength structure;
  • excellent water repellent properties;
  • resistance to solar rays.

For suburban structures, one-photon and light shades are used. You can also choose matter in a strip or with printed patterns. The value of fabric is important. The strength of the canopy depends on the material frame system. It is better to use hollow pipes from aluminum. Such materials will help prevent corrosion. In the manufacture of marquises, there will be pisses, folding mechanisms and an awning from the non-burning material.

Helpful information!Fabric cloths are recommended to clean with a dry brush. For this, it is used, and with severe pollution, a weak soap solution.

Varieties of Marquis and canopies for terraces

The dimensions of the Marquis depend on the dimensions of the window openings, the veranda or terraces. Such models differ from canopies in the following parameters:

  • marquis one side is attached to the wall of the house;
  • the design consists without a general dismantling;
  • it can be equipped with an automatic folding mechanism.

Marquises and canopies for the terraces can be equipped with keyboard switches or devices with radio signals. The folding mechanism can be manual or automatic. The following varieties of products are distinguished:

  • retractable can close most of the area. A similar system can develop in winter. This is a universal device that protects against sunlight and precipitation;

  • the dome shape of the canopy looks unusual. Such models are equipped with plastic guides;

  • window products are often used for balconies. Different color palette. Differs the simplicity of installation;

  • vertical products are made of strong material. They are distinguished by practicality. The length of the canvas can be adjusted;

  • horizontal models are used for large-scale areas;

  • sectional models are suitable for locality with large wind gusts. Such system relies on stable columns;

  • pergole models are at once two settings, connected in one: retractable and vertical. When creating a wall frame and a tent fabric is used. Suitable for the arrangement of loggias and veranda.

Options for veranda and terraces

All attachments are mounted on folding frame. In this case, the mechanism is mounted to the walls next to the balconies, windows or terraces. The frame is made with a folding or sliding mechanism, which allows you to create the desired shading parameters. Marquises are also classified according to the method of addition. Vertical products are laid out by two ways on the principle of fans and accordion. The first applies special bars that rotate at one point. When collecting in the harmonic, the twigs are riveted on the planks with different direction.

For your information!Constructions with manual mechanism are wound down from top to bottom.

Article on the topic:

Video: How to properly approach the choice of marquiz

Marks designs

Marquises have various structural features. The easiest option is the direct marquise. It is used as a standard flat visor, and also protects the room from sunlight. Similar marquis are placed above the door or window. The canopy is easy to fold and in the folded state looks like a role story. An interesting option is the rolling-lever model. Its width can be more than 10 m. With a similar system, you can quickly arrange a dining area. The design is equipped with a special mechanism that resemble two bending elbows. The fabric straightens under the influence of special springs. Also in the design there is a shaft on which matter is wound. The disclosure is made due to the rotation of the shaft.

Excellent shadow creates pergole design. It is equipped with racks that allow mounting vertical fence. The rigidity of such a design does not allow the deformation during wind load.

In the labeling marquises, special systems of compounds and profiles are used. Used arcs can have a different form.

Helpful information!It is worth contacting the specialists if necessary for repair work on the wall, where the device is located. Also in failure in the mechanism, it is worth stopping the use of a canopy and contact the master.

What are the options for controlling the marquise?

Marquises and canopies for terraces, photos of which are presented in this review, have different control mechanisms. It is worth considering the following control devices:

  • armchair - rolled mechanisms are equipped with brackets. To reveal the canopy required to twist a special drum. In this case, the brackets stretch the material. This device is called worm;

  • the activity of the Marquis provides an automatic ribbon drive. The design creates when the electric motor is operating;
  • the basket of folding mechanism is performed from several arcs, through which the special cord is passed. When weakening the cord, the design is revealed;

  • roller-lever options are labeled marquisole. It is used for long designs.

Helpful information!The use of automation in sheds allows you to adjust the assembly process using the buttons, and also provides the ability to manage several devices at once.

How to care for the design?

The main care is required for the construct cloth. Do not use chemical preparations for this material that are intended for washing floors and dishes. Aggressive tools may damage the surface of the product. The following substances are used to clean the design:

  • soft fabric or a special sponge, wet in warm water will help remove water spots;
  • fat stains can be eliminated using a soap solution;
  • with the help of a vacuum cleaner, large garbage particles are removed;
  • a soft brush and a small water pressure will help from the impaired pollution.

Important information!With each cleaning, the durability of the material to ultraviolet radiation is reduced. To restore sunscreen properties, a special means is applied to the surface.
