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Alcohol muscular dystrophy. Myopathy in patients with chronic alcohol intoxication. Chronic alcoholic Mopathia

Known different clinical syndromes Mopathia: Kirns Sair (Ophthalmoplegia Plus), Melas (mitochondral encephalomyopathy with lactatacidosis and stroke), MERRF (Mirochus Epilepsy with rough red fibers), Luft disease (hypermetabolism with increasing sensitivity to the temperature of an external environment with a combination of muscle weakness with hyperthermia, polydipsey , polyphagia), etc.

Unfortunately, real therapy Mopathia It is impossible yet. Perhaps the exception in this respect is the syndromes of the exchange of carnitine exchange, providing transport of fatty acids with a long chain on mitochondria for their oxidation.

Mopathia It begins in childhood and is characterized by a decrease in the level of carnitine in blood plasma, liver and muscles (generalized form) or only in muscles (muscle form). Progressive muscular weakness is combined with periodic attacks of metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, vomiting; There are hepatomegaly, encephalopathy. With muscle form, the muscles of the fasciocerevical region suffer. A peculiar phenotype: small growth, thinness, lumbar lordosis. Treatment: large doses of prednisia-on and daily techniques of several grams of carnitine. With both forms of the disease, the state of patients can significantly improve.

Metabolic acquisition of myopathy associated with intoxication

Most clinically significant is alcoholic Mopathia. The disease is often developing sharply, under-sharply and chronically.

Acute form of alcoholic myopathy due to heavy mop. The combination of muscular weakness of the proximal departments of the hands, sometimes legs, mimic and bulbar muscles with the sore muscles, thighs, buttocks are characterized. These signs are often combined with other manifestations of alcohol damage - kidney, up to renal failure, and cardiomyopathy. EMG confirms myopathicity of lesions, although the potentials of fibrillation are possible. The level of creatine phosphocaine in the blood is increased.

Macass Developed for 3-5-7 days and has hypocalemic. In debut, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea) are noted. Muscular weakness is manifested mainly in the proximal departments. Clamatine phosphocainase is also raised. It should be borne in mind that with concomitant renal failure, hyperka-limia may be observed. Hypographicalemic forms are well bought by re-administering potassium - inside and intravenously.

Chronic form of alcoholic myopathy It develops slowly - for weeks and months, characterized by the proximal distribution of weakness and atrophy, lesion of predominantly legs.

Treatment of alcoholic myopathy There should be a categorical refusal of alcohol and include symptomatic therapy (antacutic effects, antioxidants, etc.).

Alcohol - pathological conditions that affect human body muscles and some internal organs. These diseases are combined into one group, since they have only one cause - alcoholism.

Ethyl alcohol, as well as the products of its decay toxically affect almost all organs and systems of a person, but the most devastating effects are exposed to muscles. And this happens when the protein and carbohydrate exchange is violated, and this is exactly what is the main impetus for the development of the disease. Against this background, the muscle tissue cells gradually die, and the muscles themselves pass the atrophing process, that is, they become significantly less in size. In addition, in the most muscular fabric, the processes of destruction begins, which looks like necrosis.

Basic symptoms

Alcohol myopathy is two species - acute and chronic. Acute develops during the filing period and is expressed in such symptoms as:

  1. Strong tremor is not only limb, but also voices that becomes prone to hoarseness.
  2. Problems with swallowing.
  3. Implanting urine and feces.
  4. The inability to hold up in a vertical position.

The acute stage comes chronic, which even with the slightest admission of alcohol passes again to Ostly. At the same time, the muscles become very flabby, but their contractile activity is preserved. If there are a lot of days, the cells of muscle fibers appear in the urine - Mioglobin, and the state is called Mioglobinuria.

In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms become a little different:

  1. Fast tired IR's muscles and shoulders, as well as stiffness in the neck area, the appearance of numbness in the fingers.
  2. Muscles become very flabby, their ability to reduce, the patient cannot completely strain the hand or leg. There is also significant loss and lethargy.
  3. Reducing phosphate and potassium levels, which negatively affects the general condition.
  4. Pain, solidity and density of muscular fabric, which is particularly strongly manifested in the legs.
  5. Nausea, vomiting, which gradually lead to dehydration.

All these manifestations require urgent medical intervention, since irreversible phenomena can occur without this in the muscles, it is impossible to cope in the future.

How to get rid of

The first thing to be done at the beginning of the treatment of alcoholic myopathy is a conclusion from the binge. It is not possible to do without the help of not only a narcologist, but also a psychotherapist, or even a psychiatrist. It is desirable to hold all procedures at home.

In addition, patients in this period often occurs such a state as an alcoholic delirium, which is also called white hot. During this state, heart attacks and strokes, epilepsy seizures and full exhaustion of the body can develop.

After the withdrawal from the feed, the question is solved with further therapy. As a rule, it requires a person to premises in a specialized hospital. With the help of intravenous injections, the electrolyte balance is restored. These are solutions such as glucose or sodium chloride. Along with this, sodium thiosulfate, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, cavinton, mexidol, mildonat, sulfocamphocaine, nicotine acid, ascorbic acid, and some other vitamins are introduced. All doses are selected strictly individually and it all depends on the condition of the patient. The duration of treatment will also depend on the general state of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Basic for appointments are considered to be drugs such as magnesia, which prevents the appearance of convulsions, piracetam, which improves brain circulation, Panangin, stabilizing the work of the heart, and vitamins of various groups that have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems.

During treatment, proper full-fledged nutrition with a large liquid content in the form of juices, horses, herbal chains, mineral water is ensured. Treatment should not be held without the participation of narcologist. In this case, drugs such as disulfirama, lidewin, teturam, nitrexone, Antaxon are prescribed.

Such treatment is not directed to the restoration of muscle tissue. All therapy is carried out in order to restore the general condition, which means that the muscular tissue will be in full-fledged state and no symptoms of alcohol myopathy will be observed.

One of the negative points of drinking alcohol is that the muscles hurt after alcohol. In a scientific, this disease is called alcohol myopathy. Such symptoms are found both in a specific area and throughout the body. There are "lubrications" of hands, legs, shoulder belts, backs, the joints are sick, "twist" caviar.

Important! If pain appeared only in shoulders and neck, it is possible, this is osteochondrosis. In this case, muscle pain can be as the result of the feed, and arose after a single drunken.

The reason why the flexors-extensors and sphincters-connectors after alcohol intoxication are sfifters, lies in the whole complex of homeostatic disorders.

Factors caused by the appearance of pains are:

  • dehydration;
  • poisoning effect of alcohol decay products;
  • excretion from the blood of trace elements and nutrients;
  • accumulation in lactate muscles.


Cellular metabolism requires optimal water intake into the body. Any drinks that have in their composition ethanol give a diuretic effect, lead to the removal of vitamins and minerals, dehydration, violation of the water balance and metabolism, which man begins to experience pain, in particular the leg muscles hurt. And in some cases a muscles spasm arises.

In the liver, the alcohol is split into the components, one of which is acetaldehyde. This substance is extremely poisonous, its accumulation causes a number of unpleasant reactions called "hangover":

  • nausea;
  • migraine;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • acidness increase (acidosis).

One of the manifestations of acetaldehyde poisoning effect is muscular pain.

Formula acetaldehyde

Lack of energy and electrolytes

Poisoning of beer, vodka, wine, liquors, etc. It affects the ability of receptors to control the level of glucose in the blood and leads to its decrease, known as hypoglycemia. The drop in the sugar value determines the decline in the flow of energy resources to the muscles, which is manifested by "scob", and the lack of potassium, calcium and magnesium can lead to convulsions.

Lactic acid

Quencing thirst after exercise with alcohol-containing cocktails can also lead to muscle pain. During classes in the gym in the transverse muscles, lactic acid accumulates. Ethanol interferes with its normal splitting and elimination, and excessive accumulation of this metabolite leads to Malgia.

Types of pain

The pain after the cropping feast can be a stupid, novice, "brutal", accompanied by burning, trembling limbs, knees, a decline of muscle tone and preserved a long time. It depends on the number of dried on the eve and frequency of intoxication for a month.

A single dose of ethanol can mediate the occurrence of discomfort and its saving up to several days. If a systematic drunkenness takes place, then muscle pain often has a chronic, not passing character due to the fact that spasmated fibers are constantly under the toxic effects of alcohol.

Help in Malgia

Treatment of malaise from alcohol is aimed at eliminating stressors affecting internal organs and systems, as well as improved blood flow for the delivery of nutrients and removal of alcohol dissociation products.

Refusal of alcohol

If the drinking of alcohol lasts for several days (weeks), first of all it is important to stop entering the ethanol in any option and refrain from drinking. In no case will not "hang out", since the temporary relief received from the "Thymmer Dose" will change even more severe ailments.


A liquid deficiency is required to restore the water balance. To do this, drink 0.5-1 l of water. It is suitable as ordinary, drinking and mineral, with a content of bicarbonates and minerals. Next, every 30-40 minutes for 2-4 hours to drink one glass. Such a drinking mode replenishes the loss of H2O and provides a selection with urine toxic metabolites.

Vitamin and mineral failure

Restore the required level of trace elements after drinking alcoholic beverages can help polyvitamins, including C, B6, B12, PP, and K, MG, CA.

Positive effect apples, dried apricots, nuts, honey, raisins, prunes, legumes, grapes, bananas. You can brew a mug of not strong black or green tea.

Relaxation events

Warm bath, massage or self-massage, light warm-up will help removing pain. These procedures, improving peripheral blood circulation, increase blood flow and removing harmful substances.


To relieve "lobs" can be used to apply painkillers:

  • Nooofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Askofen.

Antiphechmel pills:

  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • Zerax.
  • A good analgesic effect has a dry thermal compress. In a canvas bag, pour salt or sand and heat in the oven. Next, wrap a towel and apply to the discomfort zone.
  • You can also take boiled pushed potatoes, which are laid out in a plastic bag, wrapped with a dense web and muscle tissue warm.
  • As an improvised height, you can adjust a plastic hot water bottle.
  • The elimination of Malgia helps the rubbing of painful areas with apple vinegar.


Any medication therapy and folk methods must be agreed with the doctor. Confined sauna, bath, jogging, classes on simulators, any long exercise, due to the fact that there is a significant risk of developing complications from the cardiovascular system. With a strong, long-term pain shows the appeal to the medical institution.

Pathology is manifested in a minor number of chronic alcoholics - only 1-6%, but if it originated, it will not be as simple as it seems to get rid of it. As the disease is manifested, in which its specificity and threat, consider further in the article.

In the medical practice of alcohol mopathia, the progressive neuro-muscular disease is considered that has become the inevitable result of the regular saturation of the body tissues toxic products of the decay of ethyl alcohol.

It can be:

  • Sharp - Symptoms manifests itself within a week after an individual quantity of alcohol was repelled by an individual: the pain and swelling of all major body muscles, substantial weakness and sharp loss of forces;
  • Chronic - Alcoholic poisons day after day, a glass of wineglass, pedantically and irrevocably destroy muscle fibers and nervous connections.

The last form of the disease is most dangerous, at the beginning of the path the muscular atrophy makes itself felt minor, at first glance, manifestations are a short-lighted numbness and easy tingling. And against the background of others, more striking winds, they are simply lost. But with each new episode, their voice becomes stronger.

At first, essential discomfort appears in the muscles of shoulders and backs. Why is he not alarming fucker? A person writes off this on an uncomfortable position during sleep or injury from an unsuccessful fall and takes for the old one. The precious time to effectively combat the disease becomes missed.

  • the groundless feeling of both weakness and fatigue - a person becomes difficult to make ordinary casual things: climb the stairs, bring products from the store, dress up and even just eat;
  • in their hands and legs, numbness, pain and convulsions of such an intensity appear that they are already impossible to ignore;
  • students twitching and facial ticks;
  • dry and blue skin on hand and ankles no longer reanimize a simple cosmetic agent;
    Significant weight loss - up to 30% of the total body weight.

Most often, the destructive process begins with the legs, but over time also covers the upper limbs. Another entertaining video with a review of a person who was able to defeat the disease:

Another dangerous "bonus" of alcohol myopathy is cardiomyopathy or weakening of the heart muscle, which over time leads to the development of a whole bouquet of heart pathologies.

Doctor's remark. Of course, such a diagnosis should be made exclusively a specialist. But there are a number of external signs that indicate that the hearth muscle of the drunkard is amazed: increased sweating, difficulty breathing, swelling with minimal exercise, constant swelling of the hands and legs.

According to statistics, the sharp form of the disease phenomenon is rare - it is diagnosed by no more than 2% of drinking people, the main percentage of the disease is a chronic form.

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A source of pathological changes in muscles can be various diseases: oncology, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, strong poisoning by chemicals and much more.

But, if the trigger of the neurological disease became ethanol, the following factors contributed to this:

  • the liver dysfunction leads to excessive accumulation in the body of an intermediate product cleavage of ethanol acetic aldehyde, which in every way prevents our body in the process of creating new protein compounds - muscle fibers;
  • a regular disruption of metabolism in the already existing nerve endings and tissues launches the process of their atrophy;
  • poor nutrition and as a result, chronic shortage of major muscle "builders" - vitamins of group B, vitamin E, potassium and phosphorus.

The combination of all the aforementioned factors consistently leads to the development of alcohol myopathy.

Note doctor. In most cases, the chronic stage of cell disease and fabrics, which have been subjected to large-scale necrosis, it is no longer possible to restore neither medications nor physical processes. Timely and full refusal of alcohol is the only way to recovery.

Unfortunately, few of the drinkers ask themselves the question of why his muscles hurt after the next river.

The reasons for this can be a lot. The unpleasant sensations become a consequence of destructive processes, the unchanged catalyst of which is drinking.

How can I cure?

The first step towards the treatment of alcohol myopathy should be a complete disposal of alcohol addiction. After the enemy is defeated, proceed to eliminate the consequences of its occupation - the treatment of the disease. To reduce painful symptoms of the disease, the following tools are used:

  • vazoactive drugs - they have a positive effect on metabolic processes in nerve tissues;
  • taking painkillers nesteroid drugs;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • special ointments and creams for local anesthesia;
  • preparations for normalization and maintenance of the heart muscle;
  • a certain diet or vitamin complexes that are directed to fill the deficit of the necessary trace elements.

Physiotherapy is also an important part of the rehabilitation period. Electrostimulation, massages, mud baths and healing physical culture help improve blood circulation in the limbs and strengthen weakened muscles.

Recommendation of a specialist. The treatment of alcoholic myopathy can have a positive result only in case of timely abandonment of drinking and strictly compliance recommended by the attending physician, therapy course. Independently this disease is impossible to win.

In a short time, the disease does not overcome, so set up for a long and stubborn struggle. To achieve the desired goal, you will have to make maximum strength, stick to the right nutrition and avoid using any alcoholic beverages. In the next video, you can find out if there is a chance to cure muscle dystrophy (myopathy):

The most efficient prevention of alcohol myopathy is a sober view of the world and a positive attitude to life.

But, if you do not want to completely eliminate alcohol from your environment, we will take advantage of it responsibly:

  • learn your face, and do not exceed it;
  • drink only high-quality drinks;
  • watch your diet to be filled not only with delicious, but also useful products.

Dependency is already behind your shoulders - do not despair, many years of experience doctors, treatment and prevention with special means of alcoholism will help prevent the appearance of the disease in your life.

Effective means

Dependence only knocks on the door? You have effective means to defeat it and prevent the manifestation and development of alcoholic myopathy:

  1. . There are many opinions about him, and only one indisputable fact - in terms of the number of sales in the market of special means of alcoholism, it has been holding a leading position for many years. Why? After all, it contains all the best for the treatment of dependence - the most effective natural components and the latest scientific developments.
  2. . This agent works productively in several directions: reliably stops the thrust to alcohol, gently normalizes the operation of the internal organs and systems, successfully prevents breakdowns. One little drop of the drug has a lot of power - gives a second chance for a healthy and happy life at all stages of dependence.
  3. . The action of this fund is simply indisputable. Each component in its composition has long established itself as an effective alcohol champion. Being together, they are complemented, and in the effort to strengthen each other's action.

But medication therapy is only the first step towards the cherished goal.

Each person knows that alcoholic beverages damage the nervous system and cause a number of psychoneurological disorders. However, not everyone knows how strong the negative effect of alcohol on the muscles.

But most people did not even think about why they hurt the muscles in the morning after drunk.

At first, the human shoulder belt muscles and calf muscles hurt, then small tremor and other characteristic signs appear. Over time, the disease progresses, and its symptoms are becoming increasingly pronounced.

Toxic damage to muscle tissue (or alcoholic myopathy) develops in 1-5% of chronic drunks. As a rule, for the first time the disease is manifested after a long binge or stormy feast.

At first, the human shoulder belt muscles and calf muscles hurt, then small tremor and other characteristic signs appear.

Over time, the disease progresses, and its symptoms are becoming increasingly pronounced.

Types of alcoholic Mopathia

Depending on the rate of progression of the disease, two main forms of alcoholic myopathy are distinguished: acute and chronic. Some authors also distinguish asymptomic (not having clinical manifestations) the form of the disease.

Acute myopathy develops rather rapidly - its symptoms appear immediately after the feed, during the abstineent syndrome or with a hangover. The midst of the disease is observed after 5-7 days after the manifestation - which is why it is so easy to diagnose.

For the development of chronic alcohol mopathic, weeks are required, and even months. In this case, the muscles hurt quite a bit, so notice it is difficult.

With asymptomic alcohol myopathy, humans have any complaints. He does not feel pain or tremor.

However, in the course of laboratory research, such people determine the elevated level of KFK in the blood. This enzyme is a marker of muscle tissue necrosis, that is, indicates damage to myocytes.

Acute alcoholic Mopathia

Clinical symptoms

The inflammatory process develops and reaches a peak in just a few days. Paresthesia is formed (the disorder of the sensitivity, which is characterized by numbenation, tingling) and pain in the ionic muscles.

The unpleasant sensations are enhanced when the muscles or nervous barrel is squeezed. Later, the alcoholic envelops weakness and paralysis (complete absence of arbitrary movements) of all limbs.

In most cases, the defeat affects the lower limbs, namely the feet.

In muscles, exchange processes are disturbed or completely stopped, muscle hypotension occurs. The condition is characterized by weakness, apathy, reduced sensitivity and lack of control over the muscle skeleton.

In particularly severe cases, the human nervous system does not withstand the load, and psycho-emotional disorders are added to the general picture of the disease.

Additional symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • edema extremities, change their color / size / temperature;
  • pulse acceleration;
  • breathing disorder;
  • irregular painful convulsions;
  • failures in the work of hair follicles, hair loss;
  • formation of inflammation on the skin.

Painful symptoms grow daily. Pathology gradually applies to new areas of skin and affects more cells.

If you do not seek help in time, the disease will spread to all muscle groups, after which death comes. The growth of symptoms can continue weeks and even months.

If the patient appeals for help, then it is sent to the hospital, after which treatment is prescribed and introduced into the reverse development stage.

The total duration of the pathological process can reach several years. If a person turned to the doctor in time and refused to eat alcohol, then the forecast is usually favorable.

If the patient does not appeal for help and does not adjust its habits, it is waiting for a long and painful death. The combination of polyneuropathy and additional doses of alcohol gradually "turns off" organs and systems.

The cause of death can be anything - for example, suffocation or stop the heart.

Possible forecast

Healing disease, but its side effects can stay with man forever. In most cases, immediately after therapy, the patient is disabled.

It is counted for disabled groups of group II. If the patient and his environment will seriously take for recovery, then able-bodied status may well be returned.

After restoring motor functions, the patient will be able to install the III group of disability, and further rehabilitation will help return to the familiar rhythm of life.

Features of therapy

Treatment should only pass under the strict observation of the doctor. Do not believe in the Internet and photos of people who were allegedly successfully coped with the disease by folk remedies.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is adjusted by a group of specialists who affect several people at once. Folk medicine may forever leave a patient with disabilities or lead to consequences incompatible with life.

Be vigilant and focus on modern medicine.

Treatment begins from the moment of calling the ambulance. The team duty makes a conclusion about the state of an alcoholic, makes the necessary information in the call card and proceeds to minimizing the toxic effect of alcohol.

The body is subjected to cleansing and antioxidant therapy. Also apply a complex of high-active drugs, vitamin therapy and correction of blood glucose.

Important. Successful therapy consists of only 3 factors: timely diagnosis, a complete refusal of alcoholic beverages, a balanced diet.

Further actions of doctors depend on the patient's condition features. For example, the combination of neuropathy and liver damage must be treated with hepatoprotectors.

In general, therapy is aimed at improving the excitability of nerve fibers, correction of pain syndrome and the gradual restoration of the body functionality.

To do this, use such drugs: nucleotides, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, medicines that contain vitamins B.

Patients need to perform exercise, medical gymnastics to strengthen the muscles and prevent possible recurrence of the disease. The training plan is drawn up with the doctor.

Later, when the muscle corset is reinforced, the patient will be able to independently increase the load, focusing on well-being.