Repairs Design Furniture

Outdoor sewage - scheme and depth of laying, insulation of the pipeline. The depth of the sewage for the private house is the depth of sewage in a private house scheme

In individual construction, the sewage is a complex complex of engineering equipment intended for an efficient and safe wastewater removal.

Its main purpose is to collect operations in a single highway and their transportation for disposal.

But it is precisely folly preparation and arrangement of sewage to largely depends comfort in the house.

All pipes used in sewage systems are separated by the material of the manufacture, the length of the unit element and the diameter. The largest distribution was obtained pipes made of the following materials.

Cast iron

Despite the fact that cast-iron pipes almost left the building materials market, if necessary, they can be ordered today. The main thing is their dignity - large mechanical strengthallowing you to lay small-breeded sewer highways even under the road.

However, big the strength of the cast iron is very unfortunately combined with high fragility. At the same time, cast iron drains are very quickly stolen, require regular cleaners and have a considerable cost.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

It has cheaper and acceptable performance. The main disadvantage of PVC is a big hardness. As a result, pipelines from this material are very strongly resonated and noisy when the wastewater through them is passed.

With the strength of the material also leaves much to be desired. You can use PVC sewer in a highly compacted soil or inside the protective box.


Pipes from this material are distinguished by such qualities as:

  • elasticity, at the expense of which polyethylene sewage, even after a complete freezer, returns to the initial geometry and can be operated on;
  • insensitivity to chemical reagents;
  • the possibility of laying into movable grounds.

Main disadvantages:

  • softens at 80 degrees, that may entail the deformation of the pipes;
  • big wear When passing abrasive particles.

Therefore, for sewage systems, an embodiment of stitched polyethylene pipes is more suitable. This material is more durable and is able to withstand high temperatures without deformation and destruction.


For sewage in a private house, polypropylene is the greatest interest. It has a lot of advantages:

  • acceptable value;
  • excellent wear resistance, allowing not to worry when entering the sewage system of solid abrasive particles;
  • softens only at 140 degreesx, allowing you how much you like to drain even boiling water into the sewer;
  • resistant to chemical agents. Hanging polypropylene tubes are capable of only large volumes of concentrated acid.

At the same time, with the outer laying of polypropylene sewage, it should be well insulated. At temperatures below -5 degrees, the pipe will lose elasticity and can crack.

The diameter of the pipe in a private house depends on the destination of the plot of the highway:

  • 40 or 50 mm for washbasin, kitchen sink, baths other plumbers;
  • 110 mm for toilet bowl, risers and highways.

The increased diameter of the pipe to connect the toilet is necessary not only to simplify the descent of fecal masses. With full precipitance of the tank through a narrow pipe, the appearance of a vacuum effect is possible, which is fraught with a violation of all siphones in the system.

Channelization scheme

Calculation scheme should be based on such factors, as:

  • expected sewage volume;
  • soil characteristics;
  • climatic features of the area (seasonal temperature differences, the amount of precipitation).

The system should consist of three main elements:

  • internal sewer network;
  • outdoor highway;
  • septic (cesspool).

To calculate sewer systems, several rules are applied.

  1. When the sewage pipe is wiring, it is necessary to minimize the number of junctions., junctions and connections.
  2. If in the house several floors, then premises with plumbing devices cost each other. This will allow the use of common risers.
  3. The kitchen and bathroom are optimally positioned in the adjacent rooms., as close as possible to the sewer collector.

The scheme needs to reflect The exact location and characteristics of the following elements are:

  • sewer pipes indicating material, length and diameter;
  • places of device turns, branches and revision hatches;
  • santechnic instruments;
  • rims and collectors;
  • top highwayb;
  • septic.

The diagram of the sewer system should include the full amount of information required for its installation.


To install the septica, the site will require the preparation of the pit. Its dimensions will be determined by the dimensions of the selected septic pattern and the features of the soil. If the soil is very mobile, then the dimensions of the pit should be increased by 25-40 cm For each measurement.

This stock will pour a concrete box for mechanical protection septic. At the depth of the pit it should be calculated so that the neck of the installed septic is to be flushed with the level of land.

The depth of the trench for the sewering highway must be less than 70-80 cm. This will reduce it from the freezing. This should consider the terrain. If the house is located much higher than the septica, then the trench near the foundation must be deeper. Minimum distance to the foundation of the building - 5 m.

The main pipe should be laid under a small angle toward the septic. To do this, the optimal increase in the depth of the trench should be about 3 mm per 1 m. Such a slope will provide unobstructed passage of wastewater. With a smaller slope there is a congestion.

Exceeding the specified slope can lead to the fact that the water will be too rapidly draining into a septic tank, not having time to carry faecal masses. This is also fraught with a century.

To make it easier to control the depth of the trench, it is worth pre-prepare a wooden bar with divisions. Divisions are applied for certain distances from the foundation. For example, two meters from the house depth should be 800, on four - 806, etc.

As you remove from home, the depth should always increase. Its reduction on any site is unacceptable. Even a small "hump" will lead not only to the difficulty of flow, but also to the appearance of air traffic jam, which will further worse.

Masters turns make it difficult. As far as possible, they should be avoided. If it is impossible to do without bending, you should organize a turn of the maximum possible radius. At the point of rotation, it is desirable to arrange a revision well.

Special attention should be paid to the depth of sewage, if it passes under parking or expensive. In this case, it should be increased by several tens of centimeters.

So that the pipe does not sink in the ground, the bottom of the trench must be sealing the sand pillow. Pillow thickness - 10-15 cm.

For medium and cold climatic zones, the sewer highway must be insulated. Polyurethane foam or foamed polystyrene with a shielding layer of foil can be used as a heater.

Particularly careful insulation requires hatches in revision wells and collectors. With a sufficiently soft climate, the insulation is performed only for the top of the pipe.

Elements of the internal sewage network should be reduced to a common riser that performs the function of the collector. The optimal place of laying horizontal pipes of pipes is in a floor screed. It is desirable to give a small tilt pipe.

Use the knee with a rotation of 90 degrees in sewage systems is not recommended. The turns of the pipe is better to organize with several taps under 30 or 45 degrees.


Effective ventilation for the sewage system in a private house is necessary for several reasons.

  1. This will allow the septic to function in normal mode. In decomposition of the effluents, gases are highlighted, the excess of which is capable of stopping this process. Ventilation will contribute to gas farming.
  2. If atmospheric pressure is maintained in the system, then this improve her work. WITHOUT VENT, hydroudars and the appearance of vacuum zones are possible.
  3. Ventilated sewage can last laste than its hermetic option.

It is easiest to organize ventilation by installing a fan pipe, which is a vertical continuation of the riser. The upper slice of the fan pipe is output above the roof level at a distance of at least 70 cm. Combine the overall ventilation in the house with a fan tube.

Prices for materials and installation

Rates for materials for sewage systems depend on their material manufacturing and linear dimensions. Approximately they will be as follows:

  • PPR tube for internal sewage diameter 110 mm, length 1 m - 830 rub;
  • the same with a diameter of 50 mm - 720 rubles;
  • revision 50 mm - 150 rubles;
  • the plug is 50 mm - 10 rubles;
  • unitaise connection unit 110 × 87 - 200 rub;
  • PVC pipe for external sewage 5 m long - 1200 rub;
  • septic for 300 l (Ecoprom Rostok Mini) - 37000 rub.

The total cost of the system will depend on the number and remoteness of sanitary devices, as well as from the distance to the septica.

If the sewage device is planned to attract third-party workers, then the rates will be approximately such:

  • installation of internal sewage - 175-620 rubles. for 1 pm;
  • connecting plumbing - from 200 rubles;
  • installation of outdoor highway 100 mm - 200-350 rubles. for 1 mp

When performing work with its forces, the installation will be only spent time.

Comfortable accommodation in a private house provides for the mandatory installation of communications systems, the main of which is sewage. Since it provides a permanent removal of water, its device requires special attention.

Locking pipes, it is important to take into account the standards of releasing and adhere to certain technologies aimed at reducing the risk of environmental pollution by drains.

System device

Sewerage in a private house is a complex system consisting of internal, external schemes and septic. In order for all the devices during operation uninterrupted and simply, their installation requires proper design. Inside the construction, the sewer pipeline is carried out, the details of which are connected to one common channel using fittings. It is removed and equipped with a check valve that protects the system from increasing the level of water when the external containers is overflowing with liquid. At the same time, pipes can be installed not only within the house, but also in other extensions placed in the land area.

As for the outer part of the communications, it has a form of a cesspool pit or a biological cleaning station. The outer part is characterized by a different principle of work and can consist of additional devices, as it will depend on the size and complexity of laying a common system. If its performance allows you, then you also pave a storm sewer having a separate stock.

Internal scheme

Design and installation of internal sewage in the country house provides accurate calculations, since the slightest errors can lead to problems in operation, and installation work will have to be performed in a new way. The internal scheme of communications consists of a set of pipes, plastic risers and fasteners, their main task is the removal of used water from plumbing and other devices. The main element of this system is the vertical riser, which accumulates water from all over horizontal wiring. Often, two risers are installed in large buildings, it allows you to conveniently plan the rooms and simplifies the installation work as a whole.

Compared to centralized urban, the system in a private house is much more complicated. This is due to the fact that it needs to be qualitatively servicing not only a residential structure, but also a summer kitchen, barbecue, bath and shower, since all additional extensions need improvement. At the same time, the pipes can be placed both inside and over the walls, as well as in the floor. Many household owners try to hide communications into the walls, but this is a very laborious process, in addition, all connections must be open.

The upper part of the riser, as a rule, output above the roof of the house by 50 cm and equipped with a special valve or lid, it is necessary in order to avoid breaking the watercutter. In many schemes, ventilation ring is also often provided when the horizontal pipeline is attached to the riser slightly above the plum place. The riser is removed from the building to the well through space under the floor or basement. Between the plumbing equipment and fittings, siphons protecting rooms from penetration of unpleasant odors.

In the case when the layout of the internal circuits is performed independently by the owner of the house, not a specialized company, then it is necessary to correctly plan the placement of pipeline wiring, bathrooms and kitchens.

If plumbers are planned to be installed on several floors, the schemes make flooring, noting the placement of all equipment and risers in the drawings.


The outer part of the sewage is a diagram consisting of pipelines transporting drains to the disposal location, waste collection and septic tanks (cesspool). Its design is carried out taking into account the existing standards and standards, since it is properly equipped with a deposit of comfortable and reliable living conditions in the house. Any inaccuracy in the layout of the outer part of the sewage can lead to various problems, including the formation of blockages, in which dirty drainage and waste in place are located near the sources of drinking water. To prevent this, the exterior pipes are complemented by a drainage system and make accurate calculations of the cesspool: it should be located below the pipeline laying. In the case when the delivery of wastewater is carried out using pumps, the scheme is provided by the appropriate pressure.

The main part of the external sewage is a sump, all sequestments come to it through pipes, accumulate and over time seeping into the soil or pass light disposal. After filling the pit with heavy fractions, it is necessary to perform cleaning, using a special assessing machinery.

Shining depth

The process of installing the sewage in the country house is simple, but it is best to trust the specialists. If the work is carried out by their own owners, then it is necessary to thoroughly consider the arrangement of the system and select a qualitative basis for waste collection: often use septic for this. In addition, it is necessary to correctly calculate the depth of the well and trench, it should be minimal. When installing the drain pit near the house, it is recommended to respect the distance of 5 meters away, and the septic tank must be deepened to the Earth for 1.5 m. Thanks to such parameters, it is possible to protect the septicity from the negative effect of groundwater and avoid damage.

To know, at what depth is to lay communication, it is necessary to determine the level of the construction. During the laying of the pipeline from the building to Septics, it is advisable to make the system absolutely straight, avoiding the knees and turns. Pipes are best laid on the depth, which is slightly above the soil freezing point. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that under the venues or roads, where the pipeline is placed, in winter they are possible freezing, as the snow will be cleaned. In such situations, the depth is increased.

Norms according to SNiP

Installation of external sewage is carried out in accordance with the REDU norms, which stipulate the maximum and the minimum allowable indicators of the downstream depth, but they may vary depending on the characteristics of the system and the methods of laying pipes. For structural elements that are used to remove dirty drains, a 30 cm recess is allowed from the surface of the earth, their cross-section is selected no more than 50 cm. Pipes with a diameter of more than 500 mm need to be laid at a depth of at least 50 cm.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the sewage waste at the outlet even in winter have a high temperature, which can be accomplished on average + 18C. Therefore, they never freeze when passing to the collector. By applying this property, you can reduce the depth of the pipeline, but this is most often done when the distance between the output of the system from the construction and the collector is insignificant. It is also worth noting that the minimum cableing of the SNiP standards depends on the type of loads that affect the surface of the soil in the system of system arrangement. If they are high, then the pipes need to be close.

Factors for choice

Selecting the depth of the trench bookmark is important for many reasons. For example, if the pipes are paved at the level of the earth's freezing, then liquid waste can cool, due to this, the jam will appear, and the sewer cannot be used before warming. You can also avoid blockage, setting the minimum number of connections. In cases where during installation of the pipeline, do not do without turns, then the well is installed at the docking points. Access to it must be free.

For calculating the optimal depth of the laying of external communications, the diameter of the pipes must be taken into account, the material from which they are released, and the angle of inclination is 0.03 m for each running meter of the system. A huge role is also played by the point of the sewage from the house and place the placement of the cesspool.

The spontaneous transportation of the effluent will depend on the angle of inclination, if it is wrong to determine if there is clogging during operation of communication.

Decrease options

In some cases it is possible to reduce the depth of the laying of the outer pipes. Most often it is available if pumping stations are connected to the system, they provide quick cleaning of the channels and thereby cleaned the pipes, whether they are cast-iron or steel, from freezing. Such systems are considered not sophisticated, but semi-peripal. Reduction decreases and when the pipes used are made of durable material and have thick walls. It is possible to lower the depth level and due to the insulation of the route, for this section of the earth is covered with a special benchmark, and on top of the decorative hills or flower beds.

Materials and tools

Since the main part of the internal system is considered a common riser, which is used to drain all the effluents in the septic tank, then it is necessary to take it responsibly. It is impossible to save on the material, acquiring a cheap and poor-quality goods.

In addition to the riser, the following elements will also be required to arrange sewage:

  • sewer pipe with a diameter of 30, 50, 75 and 100 mm;
  • taps corresponding to pipe sizes;
  • tees;
  • adapters and gearboxes;
  • plugs;
  • parts for fastening;
  • synthetic sealant.

By purchasing pipes, it is necessary to consider that for the riser they need to choose with the largest diameter, it concerns and remove the drain from the toilet.

As for tools, it is necessary to prepare their minimum set consisting of: before the start of installation work.

  • level;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaws;
  • bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pistol for sealant.

Stages of work

In a private house, sewage installation should be started with the preparation of graphical schemes of internal and external systems. If the work is planned to be performed with your own hands, first of all it is necessary to determine the length of the pipeline and the angle of its slope, then calculate the desired number of adapters, connecting elements and seals. At this stage, it is important to know how the sewage will function, and whether the additional installation of the pumping equipment or the laying of the auxiliary channels will be required.

Internal sanitary work is carried out as follows:

  • initially, the risers are installed, and their ends are removed into the basement or roof;
  • the next step is to submarine toilet to risers;
  • next is preparing a horizontal wiring and connects to the system;
  • upon completion of the plumbing join the siphons.

Any private house must have its own sewer wiring inside the building and a dirty wastewater removal system that directs streams into a centralized sewer pipe or an autonomous septic tank. The sewage is mounted in a private house with your own hands, and the schemes for its implementation are developed by many, so your task is to choose the right sewage device in a private house with your own hands, buy building materials and prepare a tool. The correct calculations of the system of the sewage system will help minimize the costs of building materials, make the sewage system more efficiently and more durable. And how to mount the sewer correctly, read on.

Where to place the sewer in the yard

The sewage is mounted for a private house on established standards and standards, the internal sewage must be operated for a long time, without major repairs and frequent preventive work. In the house, the internal sewage is designed to combine pipes and plumbing equipment - bath, soul, sinks, as well as for the removal of sewage drain, inevitably appearing in everyday life.

Even independent installation of sewage in a private house is obliged to adhere to the SNiP standards and are carried out according to plan compiled before assembling the highway and its components. But the main part of the sewage autonomous system is a sewage septic device or a cesspool, which will fall into sewage.

The main standards for the arrangement of homemade cesspool in the yard:

  1. The distance to the residential building is ≥ 5-12 m. But with an increase in this parameter, it will be more difficult to observe the angle of linker for wastewater.
  2. The distance from the horozpostrokek to the sump ≥ 1 m.
  3. Distance from the fencing of the neighbor section ≥ 2-4 m.
  4. Distance from green springs ≥ 3-4 m.
  5. From sources of drinking water, a cesspool or septic tank must be equipped in 30 or more meters.
  6. The depth of the sump depends not only on the volume of sewage water, but also from the depth of groundwater. At the same time, the pit should not according to the side of being deeper than 3 m.

Storage depth of the main volume of sewage sewage sewage should be calculated in such a way that the reservoir is in charge below the ground freezing level in this geographic region. Before it is properly septic, the rule should be observed: the tank or pit should be filled with no more than 30-35 cm from the hatch cover.

Decisions for external seasalization

What cleaning systems to establish - directly depends on the desire and capabilities of the owner. There are the following types of sewage systems:

  1. Industrial septic - a device that allows you to collect and recycle the drains that supplies the internal sewage system at home into clean technical water and biological fertilizers. In the tanks septica, dirty water is defended and cleaned by biobacteriums and microorganisms that breed organic waste.
  2. Bio cleaning with a special cleaning station, which has high performance and high purification efficiency. The system is not autonomous, depends on electricity, costly pleasure.
  3. Biotales is a solution that ensures the storage of small amounts of sewage drain. For servicing the country house or country house, there is not suitable, as it is able to recycle and store only fecal waste of human life.
  4. The cesspool is the variant traditional and reliable, it is used by centuries. In the conditions of modern construction and development for cleaning of effluents, a cesspool is equipped with a less often. In addition, the pit is harder to equip and maintain in manual mode.

You can independently make the sewer in a private house real for all listed options, except for mounting the cleaning station, which will require the help of professionals and correct calculations.

Homemade cesspools on the plot

More information about how the sewage is arranged using a cesspool. To arrange a cesspool, it is necessary to dug a large pit - the tube of sewage from the house is supplied to it - strokes from the toilet, bath, kitchen, etc. If the soil in the yard is loose or sandy, then the walls of the pit is recommended to put it with a brick or pour concrete on the form of formwork.

The advantages of this solution are the low cost of work and building materials, simple installation and reliability of the structure.

The disadvantages with which the self-made sewage system in a private house with a cesspool:

  1. It is necessary to constantly remove accumulating solid waste from the pit. Since the walls of the pit are styled over time, it will also be necessary to pump out liquid drains.
  2. An unpleasant smell on the plot in case of poor sealing or its complete absence.
  3. Since water over time will soak the soil around the pit, the site will be contaminated.
  4. In violation of the method of arrangement of cesspool pits, pipes can freeze in winter or clog at any time of the year.

Sealed tank

The cesspool can be done with their own hands, on the principle of hermetic reservoir, as in the septic. The tank can be used metallic or plastic, but before making the sewer, the tank capacity should be correctly calculated. Calculations will be shown below. It is necessary to remember only that the metal container is rapidly rust, so it must be carefully protected by anti-corrosion substances.

The plastic reservoir has more advantages:

  1. It does not need waterproofing and an anti-corrosion coating, the container does not react with aggressive substances in wastewater.
  2. The plastic tank is originally sealed.
  3. The low weight of the tank is the ability to mount it yourself, without renting an excavator and lifting crane.
  4. Dimensions and shape of tanks - in a wide range.

Lack Only one - high product price.

Plastic or w / b septic tank with one camera

One chamber accommodates a small volume of wastewater - about 1m 3 for a family of 2-3 people. The calculation of the volume is simple - the daily water consumption on the tenant will be approximately 200 liters. So, for 2-3 people, water consumption per day will be 600 liters, but taking into account the reserve to prevent the reservoir overflow, a volume of 1000 liters is taken. This solution will work reliably, if you do not increase the number of residents and water consumed. Structurally sewage in the house with a single-chamber tank for wastewater is a wiring of sewage in a private house according to the scheme below, and the well-defined water from the chamber is discharged into the ground or pumped into the needs of the economy. To improve the quality of wastewater treatment in the tank, biooduddes can be added in the form of breeding bacteria that destroy the organic.

The advantages of the design:

  1. Low cost and simple installation without attracting special equipment.
  2. Independent execution of all operating operations for installing and connecting the septic chamber to the domestic sewage.
  3. Ecology and tightness - no unpleasant odors from the septica.
  4. And the railway reservoir, and the plastic chamber does not react with aggressive substances in wastewater.
  5. Long time limit operation of the container.

It works a single-chamber septic as follows: Stocks from the house on plastic pipes are moving towards the septic chamber, where the solid debris settles on the bottom of the tank. From the chamber, the drains fall into the soil, where the natural filtration is cleaned additionally.

Autonomous septic tank with two tanks

This is more volumetric sewage for a private house - how to install it correctly? To do this, the sewage diagram is used for a private one-storey house, which includes a septic with two tanks.

  1. The first tank in this scheme is intended for dirty water to be satisted and cleaned. The solid garbage remains at the bottom, the upper layer of fluid in the chamber is purified water, fats and household chemicals.
  2. The second tank is designed to re-purify wastewater. In it, the lower layer is fats and chemicals. Water in the second chamber is additionally cleaned by approximately 60-65%.

When overflowing the second chamber, water begins to move into the ground. This is a permissible norm, since, after cleaning in the second chamber, water has normative indicators for ecology. Autonomous sewerage in a private house, the scheme of which is given above, provides a higher degree of wastewater treatment and safety of people in the house. This scheme works perfectly in the house with 5-8 residents living in it.

Pluses of a two-chamber septica:

  1. Clean water at the exit.
  2. Reservoirs are not subject to corrosion.
  3. Service life of such a cleaning scheme ≥ 50 years.
  4. You can collect and run a septic with two cleaning chambers yourself.


We need periodic and regular cleaning of the walls of the chasing cameras. When carrying out such an operation, all IL is not recommended, since it contains biobacteria that decompose the organic.

Septic tank on bio filtration

An independent installation of sewage in a private house may provide for the use of bio filter. This is a tank with a clay, which is inert inert. Ceramzite acts as a biological filter for wastewater treatment:

  1. Stocks alternately flow across the cameras, where they are cleaned, after which they fall into the bio filter, covered with clay.
  2. The aerobacteria in the biofilter is decomposed and oxidized by the organic present in wastewater.
  3. After complete cleaning, technical water enters the drainage system.


  1. High purification, reduction of drainage field and autonomy of work.
  2. Dirt, garbage, fats and chemicals are removed almost everything. As a result, at the exit - pure technical water suitable for watering or other business work in the yard.


  1. Continuous addition of biobacteria, high cost of construction.
  2. The need to purify the biological filter and pumping excess shocks by assessing equipment.

Costs for independent seating in your home

The cost of plastic reservoirs is available to any owner of private home ownership:

Marking productsPrice in rubles at the beginning of 2019
Plastic pipe 50 cm, ⌀110 mm100
Plastic tube 100 cm, ⌀ 110 mm190
Pipe plastic 200 cm, ⌀ 110 mm350
Pipe plastic 300 cm, ⌀ 110 mm500
Plastic pipe 400 cm, ⌀ 110 mm690
Plastic tube 600 cm, ⌀ 110 mm1000
Pipe plastic 15 cm, ⌀ 50 mm40
Pipe plastic 50 cm, ⌀ 50 mm50
Pipe plastic 100 cm, ⌀ 50 mm60
Pipe plastic 150 cm, ⌀ 50 mm90
Pipe plastic 200 cm, ⌀ 50 mm100
Pipe plastic 300 cm, ⌀ 50 mm140
Clamp ⌀ 110 mm45
Clamp ⌀ 50 mm30
Removal ⌀ 110/450 mm110
Tire ⌀ 50/450 mm30
Tee ⌀ 110 mm200
Tee ⌀ 50 mm40
Cap ⌀ 110 mm80

If we compare with pipes and elements of steel, then plastic products are easier and easier in installation.

  1. By purchasing PVC pipes and details, you should check the presence of rubber gasket in the terminals.
  2. Do not connect the fan tube to the ventilation system.
  3. If the internal sewage is mounted according to the standard diagram (one bathroom, sink and washing, washing machine, shower), then equip the fan tube there is no need.
  4. Autonomous sewage septication for a private house

    All solutions for the assembly of the sewage system should be thought out, calculations and the scheme is reflected on paper. Therefore, when laying a sewage with its own forces, choose this option in which all the nuances of architecture and the geometry of your home will be taken into account. If you are not confident in your knowledge and experience - contact professionals. It is better to spend more money on the right installation than to correct errors, which will cost more.


With the arrangement of the sewage, you need to know how to put the sewer pipes, because they are a mandatory element of any system. There is nothing difficult in this, and there will be a knowledge of the main aspects of this process. About how to lay sewage pipes in a private house, and will be discussed in this article.

To date, the market is replete with materials for the manufacture of sewer systems: various pipes, fittings and other elements that ensure reliable operation and hermetic construction.

Laying sewer pipes in a private house must be performed correctly. There is a trench for the pipes, the bottom of which is laid with rubbed and sand, although sometimes the pipeline is placed directly to the ground. Pipes are usually connected by several pieces at the top of the trenches, after which they are stacked down. Of course, with plastic pipes, such an operation is much easier, but with metal will have to sweat: with your own hands, this design will not be installed, so additional technique will be required.

When laying pipes on the bottom, you need to ensure that they do not have to be in some sections, otherwise there are no problems. Also during work it is worth constantly monitoring the level of pipes: non-compliance with the slope necessarily provokes the problems of the system in the very near future.

The depth on which the laying of sewage pipes into the ground is carried out, is determined by the level of engine freezing in the region. This value will be initial, and the final calculation of the depth of the trench at its entire length is determined by knowing the distance to the sewer collector and the slope. In order to further reduce the likelihood of the freezing of the pipeline, it is worth insulating it: the cost of repairing the pipes of the pipe will be much higher than the cost of insulation of the entire pipeline.

An important aspect in the sewage arrangement is the sealing of pipes (which is especially difficult to perform during independent execution of work). Sealing pipes, it is necessary to observe accuracy, since the system's quality depends on the quality of work: constant flows due to poor compound are able to destroy the sewage and lead to its inability to further use.

There are several ways to seal the joints of sewer pipes. One of them is a zackecan - is performed as follows: The socket of two-thirds is filled with a scenario harness, and the remaining space is fully filled with cement mortar in a ratio of 9: 1 (cement and water, respectively). This method is quite difficult to implement, but it is very reliable. If you wish, you can use the waterproof cement, and then the harness does not need.

Before connecting pipes, they must be carefully cleaned - this is a mandatory preparatory operation, at the expense of which the laying of sewage pipes in a private house is high-quality and reliable. In addition, immediately before connecting pipes or structural elements, it is necessary to lubricate them with glycerol or soap. All the places of compounds in preparation should be placed so that when the pipes are finished, the pipes become accurate to their place.

Pipes for the sewer system in a private house

Given the variety of available materials, there will be no problems with this question. In addition, and with how to put the sewer tube into a trench, there will also be no problem, if you use the tips described in this article.
In the old days, the independent arrangement of the sewer system was considered a very difficult matter. The reason is very simple: laying of sewage pipes in a private house was performed using heavy and uncomfortable cast iron pipes, the weight of which did not give the opportunity to build anything at all.

Now this problem practically does not exist: the sewage has a suitable plastic pipes, which are easier, and cheaper, and are mounted without any problems. Of course, laying pipes of sewage and its repair is quietly performed with their own hands.

Before purchasing materials for the sewer system, it is necessary to prepare a project for which all works will be performed. The project should display all sewage highways, plumbing devices and rooms where they will be installed. It is also important to remember that various pipes and additional devices are required for different devices.

Laying of sewage pipes in a private house is performed with a loan to a predetermined slope, displayed in the project. The magnitude of the slope may differ depending on the situation, but the optimal value is considered 2 cm per meter of the pipeline.

The diameter of pipes for different sites is also important, and before laying the sewage pipes, you need to choose the corresponding segments. For example, 110 mm pipes are used to connect the toilet, and for plumbing, descending only water, sufficiently removing pipes with a diameter of 50 mm. Thread pipes with a diameter of 32 or 40 mm are often used, which are suitable for bidets and washing machines.

To select pipes for connecting plumbing, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis indicator as the diameter of the conditional pass, which determines the inner diameter of the sewage pipes. So, for baths, shells and shower, the value of this diameter is 40 mm, for washing machines and kitchen sinks - 40-50 mm, and for a toilet bowl - from 100 mm. By installing the riser, it is necessary to consider that its diameter should be higher than the largest diameter of the discharge pipe.

Additional sewage elements for pipe styling with their own hands

Laying sewer pipes with their own hands is most often performed by a fusey method: one end of the pipe is inserted into the socket of another, and the sealing and shaped elements are located between them.

The main fittings applied most often include:

  • couplings;
  • knee;
  • adapters;
  • plugs;
  • crosses;
  • revision;
  • clamps.
The coupling allows you to connect the pipes to each other if the socket connection is impossible for one reason or another. For example, if you need to build two pipes that do not hate the system, the coupling will allow such a connection.

The knee is a shaped part that allows you to change the direction of the sewage pipeline. The knee angle may be different: the most common are products with an angle of 90, 45 and 35 degrees.

The transitions are needed to connect to each other of pipes of different diameters. A good example of such a situation is the system in which the main highway has a diameter of 110 mm, and the internal sewage is made of 50 mm pipes.

In order to tightly block one of the sewage passes, plugs are used. Very often, these elements are used in the construction process: for example, if the sink is not yet installed, and the sewage is already working, then the free hole is necessary to close the plug.

The cross is a type of adapter and has 4 channels: three crushes for connecting pipes and one big output. This shaped element allows you to connect several pipes in one node and direct them into one line.

The revision is a tee with two crops and a lid, which is broken off to clean the design or eliminate the troubleshooting. Clamps are fasteners and allow you to fix the design in your place.

Plastic sewer pipes

Plastic pipes manufactured today can be manufactured from different materials.

Raw materials for the manufacture of polymer pipes can be:

  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polybutylene;
  • polypropylene.
The most common are pipes from PVC. Such products are characterized by high resistant to most types of aggressive substances that can get into them or be outside. The advantages of all types of plastic pipes include their low weight, which makes it possible to equip the sewer system with their own hands, without attracting cumbersome technique.

In addition, the inner surface of plastic pipes is distinguished by smoothness, so they are practically not clogged, which speaks in favor of such products. Another weighty argument in favor of plastic pipes is the long service life of their service, which makes it possible to create a reliable system that can work out without complaints of several decades.

Despite all the advantages of plastic pipes, the sewer system can still deliver trouble. Problems most often arise precisely because of the wrong installation, and the result is quite deplorable. That this does not happen, laying sewage pipes in a private house should be carried out carefully, efficiently and in accurately according to the project.

Clogging sewer pipes

The sewage system is often subjected to clouds, whatever high quality it is. Problems arise from a variety of reasons: incorrect technology of laying sewer pipes or other elements, low quality materials used or incorrect operation. However, all these problems can be avoided if we enjoy the generally accepted rules and know some aspects of the sewage operation.

For example, often blockages in the system occur due to too sharp corners of turns or bends. Stamps in such places it becomes much more difficult to move, so they need an additional effort, after which deposits remain on the inner surface of the pipeline. In addition, sometimes tenants are discharged into the sewer various garbage, which is strictly prohibited: solid items in the overwhelming majority of cases are stuck in the first turn and provoke clogging.


Before properly put the sewer pipes, it is necessary to sort out the construction norms, rules and standards. If everything was done correctly, there will be no problems with the sewer system, and it will be able to perform its functions with maximum return.

Sliding sewage - an important stage in the construction of a private house. If there is no public sewage, then to equip a fully autonomous system of drainage, you need to pave a network that delivers wastewater from sanitary and technical and household appliances to the national team. Installation of sewage for a private house is not a quick thing, however, during the independent execution of serious difficulties, it should not occur. Specialist assistance may be required only in the most complex areas of the pipeline.

The distribution system of the private house consists of an internal and external sewage and a team well. In cottages with more than two floors with their own bathrooms, the sewer network is additionally equipped with a fan tube.

Water supply and drainage systems are usually designed and mounted simultaneously, as the same plumbing and domestic equipment are connected to them.

The order of laying sewer network:

  • Prepare a pipeline project taking into account all the devices connected to it, the slope of 2-3 cm on the trafficphone meter, and calculate the number of required building materials.
  • Purchase pipes, connecting elements and fittings.
  • Cut pipes on segments in accordance with the project.
  • Perform an internal wiring and output the sewer tube.
  • Install the fan tube.
  • Lay out outdoor sewers.
  • To equip the team well and connect the pipeline to it.

Inner layout

Outdoor sewers are collected in such a way that its lower point is the output place of the pipeline outward. In order not to make a mistake with the angle of inclination, you can start the assembly from this point.

If there is a project, the connection procedure is not important, but it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for performing the internal wiring:

  • Each device and functional area of \u200b\u200bthe pipeline requires a pipe of the corresponding diameter: for riser and toilet - 11 cm, for shower cabins, baths, kitchen sink - 5 cm, for all the rest is 3.2 cm, but if several devices will be connected to one pipe at the same time. The diameter should be at least 7.5 cm.
  • Since the wastewater moves along the pipes by self, the slope of the pipeline is 2-3 cm on the trafficphone meter.
  • The connection of the pipes should be tightly and not to prevent the free current fluid: the pipes are connected in a stream, there should be no roughness and burrs at the junction.
  • Direct corners should be avoided, since it is precisely most often blocks formed. To perform turn it is better to use several knees with smaller corners.
  • It is necessary to prevent the return seating from the sewage and penetration of the unpleasant smell into the house. To do this, a siphon or s-shaped curved pipe that performs the function of the hydraulic was installed on the nozzle of each plumbing device.
  • If there are several floors in the house and on each of them there is a plumbing, a common riser should be equipped.
  • The toilets set closer other household and sanitary devices to the riser.
  • Pipeline nodes cannot be performed in places of wall or overlap.
  • Holes for passing pipes through walls and floors are cut with a margin, it is desirable to insert special sleeves into them or the segments of wider pipes.
  • Connection places for rising and turning pipelines are equipped with a tee with an audit window, a closed plug. Through these windows, the pipes will be cleaned later in the case of clogging.
  • The riser is located as close as possible to the location of the sewage outward.