Repairs Design Furniture

How to align uneven concrete floor. How and how to align concrete floor: modern technologies and materials. Preparing the basis for different types of coatings

Currently, in almost all buildings, regardless of their destination, the fill with a monolithic metal grid is used as the base under the flooring of the first floor. However, after pouring the screed on the surface of the monolithic concrete, it remains almost always unevenness in the form of waves, influx, shells or protruding particles. Therefore, in front of the owner of the building often the question arises: how to align the concrete floor under the tile, laying the laminate or other finishing flooring.

Alignment of a concrete tie

In order to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bworking with concrete, this article will explain the question of how the concrete floor can be aligned and the most common ways to perform this work are proposed.

In addition, detailed instructions for applying various leveling technologies and processing methods will be provided here.

Dry screed

This method is the most simple, does not require the use of special equipment and large labor costs, therefore it was widely widespread during the arrangement of the final sex with their own hands in residential and commercial premises.

Such a technology completely eliminates the use of water in the process of work, so it is often used in cases of flooring of a finite floor from laminate and other wood fiber materials.

  1. The surface of the monolithic plate after complete pouring and drying care is thoroughly cleaned from the construction trash and dust.
  2. On the prepared slab, lay waterproofing from a thick constructional polyethylene film, wrapping its edges on the walls to a height of at least 100 mm.
  3. If necessary, under waterproofing you need to pave electrical or plumbing communications. For the passage of walls and inter-storey floors, you can apply diamond drilling of holes in concrete using special tools.
  4. On the entire surface of the floor, pour out a dry granular leveling mixture and distribute 50-80 mm thick with a uniform layer.
  5. To control the correspondence with the horizon using a long construction level and tamper using a manual tamper or vibration.

After the sealing of the granular pillow on the surface, the substrate is placed on which the piston floor covering is mounted.

Note! The positive features of this method can also include good thermal insulation, which is ensured by the porous structure of the components of a dry granular mixture.

Cement-sandy solution

This method is classic and due to the high strength of the finished coating can be used both in residential and commercial or industrial premises.

  1. Before performing work, the surface is cleaned from the construction waste and dust, after which it is covered with one layer of penetrating primer.
  2. With the help of a gypsum solution on a laser or water level, fasten the racks-beacons with a distance between them at least 1000 mm and leave until complete drying of the fixing solution.
  3. Prepare a cement-sandy solution in proportion 1: 3 not very thick consistency and start filling from far from the corner.

  1. Purchase a solution into the space between the two lighthouses and, by moving the rule by lighthouses evenly distribute it throughout the site.
  2. Thus, step by step must be filling the entire floor area. If possible, the alignment of one room in one working day should be performed.

After the solution hardens to such an extent when it can become, it is necessary to carefully remove all the lighthouses from the finished floor, and the resulting gaps to lure the fresh solution.

Due to the low cost of materials and performing work, this method has the most advantageous price / quality ratio.

Tip! To prevent cracking of the leveling scroll after filling, the surface of the floor is recommended to cover with a polyethylene film and periodically moisten it within one week.

Self-leveling mixes

The composition for alignment of the floor is a dry fine mixture of a binder and filler, which is immediately before use, it is necessary to dissolve with water and thoroughly mix with the help of a building mixer or an electrode nozzle.

The finished mixture of a thin layer spreads along the floor, and after drying it forms a smooth homogeneous surface of high quality, suitable for the arrangement of the finishing gender using all types of household flooring.

  1. This method is suitable for a relatively flat floor, so if there are significant irregularities, they need to be eliminated in advance. To remove protrusions or inlets, cutting reinforced concrete diamond circles can be used, and deep depressions and cracks need to be lined with cement-sandy solution.
  2. Carefully remove all dust and construction trash, after which it is impregnated with the surface of the penetrating primer.
  3. In the clean dishes to dissolve the required amount of dry mix in exact accordance with the instructions specified on the package.
  4. The finished solution is distributed across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor and give it on its own spread over the entire surface, after which it is left to full frost.

After the fill, such a coating is frozen after half an hour, but it is possible to carry out any work in the room not earlier than 3 days later.

Tip! Such a floor preparation is only suitable for subsequent laying of the final coating. The solidary surface can not be painted or used as an independent final floor.


After reading this article, it becomes clear how to align the concrete floor in the garage or any other placement of your own home ownership using the simplest technologies and inexpensive building materials. For more information on this issue, you can watch the video in this article or read similar materials on our website.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to fill and align concrete. Consequently, you need a few tools that you can buy or make yourself. Generally speaking, there are many finish options You can use your concrete slab or foundation, but the simplest-use of a large formwork made of 2 × 4 boards. Nevertheless, make sure that you finish the fill of the concrete slab or the foundation as soon as possible, otherwise the concrete can dry, and you will not have time to smooth its surface. The decoration of a large interval of concrete is a more complex project, for this you need a few friends to help you, and several methods to make a job correctly.

For finishing concrete slabsYou need the following:

  • concrete
  • boards for formwork
  • 2 × 2 Form mounting boards


  • protective gloves
  • protective glasses
  • roulette
  • mops Brush for alignment of concrete slabs


  • before working, wear special clothes and shoes so that you will not get dirty in concrete
  • clean your tools thoroughly after completing the work.


  • from a few hours to day, depending on the surface area

How to pour concrete

In order to fill the slab of the desired level, you need to create a basic formwork. The formwork is usually made from the boards, but you must make sure that the design made is durable and withstand the weight of concrete.

When building a formwork, you must make sure that it is made on the same level. It is important to make it at the same level, from all sides, as in most cases you must use ties (long straight slices of wood or metal) to keep the concrete surfaces flat.

If your yard is large, then the machine with concrete can pour concrete directly into the formwork. However, there are cases in which the truck can not get to a certain place, so you have to use 4 "hose. If so, make sure that you poured the concrete as evenly as possible over the entire surface, otherwise it will be difficult for you to align it.

Remember that actually pour the concrete into a formwork from the hose is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. On the contrary, the person who deals with this operation should have the experience of such work, otherwise it can even be wounded during the process.

During the fill of the concrete slab, the hose will be very heavy, so you will not prevent the help of friends.

Do not forget to wear rubber boots and protective gloves otherwise concrete can cause irritation on your skin.

Smart Tip:make sure that you pour concrete as evenly possible, so as to facilitate the work on the finishing of concrete slabs. Usually, if the concrete has the correct mixture recipe, you will notice that the concrete has a property to align in itself. Nevertheless, you still have to level the surface.

How to align concrete

You can make a simple tool to align the concrete from a long stick and a wooden board. Tip: The board must be a width of 1.2 - 1.5 m, but it should not be very heavy. In hot weather, you must hurry, otherwise the concrete can dry and you will not be able to finish the work.

Smart Tip: To align the concrete can be used a shovel with a flat bottom or homemade tool. Just put it on the concrete, holding it at an angle of 15º from the surface, start to pull it smoothly.

Continue to pull the concrete until you get a smooth, beautiful surface. As you notice, in the photo, you still have to wear rubber boots to be able to reach the farthest surface parts.

Smart Tip:for final finishes, you can use a spatula or a large brush over the entire surface, just do not press too much, otherwise you risk damage to concrete.

Thanks for reading our article.

Before the finish finish of the floor, it is necessary to conduct it alignment, for which they arrange the screed. At the same time, the operational characteristics of the floor coating laid on top of it depend on the quality of the fulfillment of the screed. If errors will be made in the process of execution of work, they will necessarily make it difficult to lay the linoleum, laminate or carpet, will reduce the operating deadlines of floor coverings. However, there is nothing more complicated in the fulfillment of the screed, so if you wish and the availability of free time, the floor will be able to align the floor with your own hands, who have no experience in the decoration.

  • cement-sand;
  • gypsum;
  • self-leveling mixtures (bulk sex).

2. Dry (team) screed, running from construction stoves.

Cement-sand tie

1. This method is chosen if the floor level difference in the room exceeds 5 cm. To determine this value, the zero level of the room is found using a water construction level. With this tool at an altitude of about one and a half meters from the floor, points on the wall are measured, which are connected to a single line. After that, the distance from this line to the floor is in several places. The smallest distance will serve as the highest possible floor height. At the bottom of the walls, there are several points, which are also connected in one line, which will play the role of the virtual edge of the screed. At the same time, remember that the minimum thickness of the cement-sand screed is equal to three centimeters, and the maximum - 7 cm.

2. Next, proceed to the preparation of the surface of the concrete base of the floor. The surface is carefully releasing, and the dust is removed using a vacuum cleaner. Next, the base is ground, poured with waterproofing solution. After that, the priming procedure is repeated again. This will provide the best coupler with the base of the floor.

3. At the next stage, lighthouses will be exposed to make the floor perfectly smooth. Lighthouses (T-shaped metal guides) are attached to a concrete base using adjustable screws or simply put a thick cement-sandy solution on the slide lined slides. Instead of a solution, you can use the Rotband - high-quality plaster plaster produced by the German company Knauf. Lighthouses need to be aligned with the help level and stretched cord in height. The first guide is located on an angle at a distance of 20 cm. The following guides are placed in parallel with the first, while withstanding the distance between them, which is less than 40 cm of the length of the rule.

4. As a material, a mixture of sand and cement M-300 or ready-made dry mixes intended for the floor screed device can be. When adding water, you should adhere to the proportion specified by the manufacturer on the packaging of the mixture. When mixing the screed, a building mixer is used, in the absence of which it is capable of a special nozzle, put on the drill. The solution interferes to the consistency of the thick test, while it should not be lumps. The prepared mixture should be a bit broken on the smooth surface, but not spread. A solution is preparing for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room immediately and is used within one and a half hours a maximum.

5. The portion of the mixed solution is poured between the two lighthouses, after which it is moving along the lighthouses by moving towards itself. Start from a long corner of the room, gradually moving towards the doors. Floor tie, performed by your own hands, is better to spend with an assistant. One person will level the mixture, and the second is to stir the next portion of the solution. In the process of filling the screed, professional builders recommend to "punch" freshly composed sand-cement mortar with a thin metal rod. This will avoid the formation of air emptiness in the thickness of the concrete screed.

6. To dry, the screed is required for several days, after which it can be walking. However, complete drying occurs only in 2-3 weeks. So that the screed is not covered with cracks, it needs to be covered with a plastic film at this time. Instead of flooring, you can conduct uniform wetting of the screed twice a day.

7. Check the quality of the floor screed can be used in several signs:

  • color should be gray and homogeneous throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • a smooth screed when verifying the rule forms a gap that does not exceed two millimeters;
  • the horizontal deviation should not exceed 0.2%, an example can be given for a visual representation of this value: in the four-meter room, the deviation may be no more than 8 mm.
  • same sound, published when climbing a wooden bars.

8. The selected flooring can be laid on the finished screed.

How to Align Concrete Gender: Video

Equaling mixtures - bulk floors

In the case of a small drop in the floor levels, which is no more than 3 cm, use aligning mixtures for gender, which are divided into two types. Some are able to spread over the base surface on their own, so they are called self-leveling mixtures. Another type of mixture requires human intervention, which with the help of a spatula smear it manually on the floor.

Self-leveling mixtures designed to finish the floors, otherwise called bulk floors, levels for floors, self-confined mixtures, etc. The main purpose of these mixtures is the preparation of floors made from various building materials (concrete, wood, plaster) under the finishing finish with floor coverings, such as :

  • linoleum;
  • carpet;
  • PVC materials;
  • bung;
  • ceramic tile.

Dry self-leveling mixtures on a cement basis containing special modifying additives that increase the plasticity and fluidity of the released solution. In some compositions, fibrous reinforcing additives, deterrent to the development of microcracks. The bulk floors after drying form a rather dense and durable layer. However, for use without flooring, they are not provided, since the unprotected surface can "dust", absorb moisture, oil, etc.

There are thin-layer self-leveling mixtures that are designed for finishing finish. You can also buy special mixtures suitable for rough leveling of the base having significant irregularities. These mixtures are applied by a layer, the thickness of which can reach up to 30-40 mm. At the same time, on the perimeter of the room lay a polystropal tape, which removes the voltage created by the bulk floor. Since the data of the mixture has a reduced fluidity, then it is not possible to get a perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, the fine-layer finishing finish is usually applied from above.

Pouring self-election floor

1. Works start with the preparation of the base, which should be dry and durable. In the room where the fill of the floor will be carried out, it is necessary to eliminate the appearance of drafts and air thrust. Requires and to the temperature of the floor, which should be no less than 5-10 degrees Celsius. The base is purified from various kinds of contaminants that can reduce adhesion. Weak and peeling sections of the old coating are removed. Close up all cracks and holes through which the mixture leak can occur. Dust is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, one sweeping surface is not enough.

2. Next, the processing of the purified base is carried out by primer, otherwise called the primer, which is applied by a thin layer with a brush, roller or sprayer. The use of primer must, as it increases the ability to set the leveling composition with the base of the floor. Also primer prevents bubbles, limiting the adsorption of water from the released mixture during its solidification. It is desirable to choose those primer compounds that are recommended by the manufacturer of the leveling mixture.

3. At the next stage, the mixture is proceeded. This operation is carried out in accurately in accordance with the instructions, not allowing any amateur performance. For intensive stirring, an electrode with a nozzle is used, which allows to achieve homogeneity of mass, deprived of lumps and clots. The mixture is prepared by portions, since its qualities are saved for 10-20 minutes. The exact time is indicated on the factory packaging.

4. Immediately after the preparation, the alignment mixture is applied to the floor as a strip, the width of which reaches 30-50 cm. A wide steel spatula, mounted on a bar, distribute the solution along the base surface. I should not hide at the pouring, because it is impossible to dry the edge of the strip applied earlier. It is advisable to pour the floor to the room at one reception. If its area is large, the fill is carried out with stripes, while achieving the perfectly smooth surface of the floor, it is possible to professionals that have skills with bulk floors. Many companies involved in the filling flooring device have special pumping equipment, which makes it possible to apply self-leveling mixtures with greater performance.

Sliding bulk floor: needle roller

Important! It is impossible to change the thickness of the bulk floor layer, recommended by the manufacturer of the leveling mixture. Since this can lead to a decrease in the performance of the screed.

5. Drying time and complete solidification of the bulk field depends:

  • from the thickness of the applied layer;
  • from temperature indoors;
  • from humidity level.

Usually begin to walk along the surface of the bulk of 6-12 hours, and the full load is possible only after three days. Before sticking the finish flooring, control the humidity of the leveling layer. The result is compared with the level of humidity selected for finishing material, a valid manufacturer.

GVL - Dry "Clean" Alignment

A dry band screed involves the use of gypsum fiber sheets (GBL) for floor alignment, which are stacked on a layer of claympsite, which has thermal insulation properties. Instead of clay, you can use other bulk building materials, having similar qualities.

When choosing this technology, the alignment of the floor is faster and cleaner, but in quality it is inferior to the monolithic concrete screed.

Dry tie device: work work

1. On the purified base surface, the waterproofing material is settled, which can be the usual polyethylene film, the thickness of which is 50 microns. Put the strips of the film with an adhesive, reaching 10-20 cm, and make a decade -antime membrane and on the walls. Also around the perimeter of the room lay the edge ribbon made of porous material. They have a ribbon so that it is between the film and the layer of the ceramzite, the saturated a little later.

2. Lighthouses in this technology are not provided, however, some people who perform a dry screed have their own hands, they use them. It makes it easier for them to pour clairzit evenly and facilitates movement on its layer. For beacons, P-shaped metal profiles are chosen, which are placed by the base down, align and secure. The emptiness in the profile is covered with clay.

3. Clamp clamzit, roll up in accordance with the beacons.

4. Then proceed to laying the gypsum fiber sheets that have edges for which they are combined and fasten with special cone-shaped self-draws. Additionally applied on the edges also PVA glue. This ensures a reliable lips of the sheets among themselves, turning into a single level floor. So here are the sheets stacked from the wall, this edge is cut into to provide a double layer of material. When laying sheets, they can not move them through the layer of clay, so you have to try, despite their decent weight, put immediately to the right place.

5. At the final stage, the joints of the joints of the GVL sheets and the attachments of the screws are carried out. Then subjected to the processing of the primer the entire surface of the dry screed. Excess the polyethylene film and the edge tape are neatly cut down the level of the screed.

Important! Unlike concrete screed, work can be carried out in several techniques, which is very convenient when performing work.

How to perform a dry tie: video

Now you have learned several ways to align the floor in the room, so you can choose the most suitable option. The main thing is not to hurry and follow the technologies of performing each operation, then the result will be brilliant. If you think that you will not cope with your work with the scope of work, then invite professionals.

Outdoor materials, for example, linoleum or ceramic tiles, require an absolutely smooth base. Defects of surface and irregularities usually adversely affect the operational characteristics of the coating and its durability. Therefore, many are interested in how to align the concrete floor.

How to align concrete floors

There are quite a lot of floor leveling technologies. However, all of them can be divided into two main groups:

  • Wet method to which the use of cement-sandy solution or self-leveling mixture;
  • Dry - on lagows, which involves the use of plywood, chipboard, etc.

Choosing how to align the concrete floor, take into account:

  • What condition is the floor;
  • maximum difference of base heights;
  • Type of decorative coating.
  • The bulk floors will become an ideal solution when the floor surface has minor irregularities. The height difference must not exceed 3.5 cm.
  • When aligning the large layer of screed, the alignment option for beacons will be more suitable. This is an estimated level of the height of the new concrete base. It is also used, if it is supposed to be made through the floor any communications and hide them under a solution-level solution.
  • Lagam alignment is ideal for cold floors, in particular, in its own house or the first floor in an apartment building, since the space remaining between the floor and stove is effectively used for the heat insulation device. Through it can be carried out ventilation, stock, as well as other overall communications.

Preparation of the base for alignment

At the first stage it is necessary to conduct preparatory work. A large indicator of thermal losses through a cement screed is the main disadvantage of this type of floor. Therefore, it is pre-insulated, and only then choose how to solve the concrete floor.

Pre-selected the type of insulation and is installed according to the technological scheme. To do this, you can use basalt wool, polystyrene foam or clay. However, on this work does not end. After pouring the draft floor and its final cooling is formed a number of defects.

  • Regardless of the selected technology, the base should be carefully cleaned from the old coating, the plinth and the other and, of course, from the formed garbage.
  • Defects available on the old screed: tubercles, chips, depressions or other irregularities need to be aligned. For pouring, a concrete mixture is used, various mastic or grouts.
  • As already noted, one of the important points of alignment of the concrete base is considered the magnitude of the height difference, which is quite simple. The existing surface irregularities are determined using two levels: long and small.
  • The floor surface is ground to increase the tie adhesion with the floor. This is especially true of the technology of bulk floors. Thus, you can lower the likelihood of cracking in a layer of the future screed, as well as waterproof the floor. If the surface strongly absorbs moisture, the priming procedure is desirable to repeat.

Preparation procedure:

  • Removing cracks. We visually determine their location. Then it is necessary to expand them with a hammer and chisel. To fill the formed cavity, cement mortar or special building formulations can be used;
  • High bumps. They are recommended to be removed using a cutting tool - perforator or angular grinding machine. In the latter case, a disc on concrete is required;
  • Pits. To remove them, you do not need to do a completely new screed. After the treatment of the floor, the baccoon, the resulting containers are covered with fine dry rubble. Then the solution of two-component epoxybetone is prepared. The height of the repair screed is usually from 2 to 6 mm. The final drying time is about 50 minutes.

In such ways, you can fix defects locally. But how to align concrete floors if the level of the height difference is significant? There are several effective ways to help solve this problem.

All work must be performed only after the final drying of the concrete screed. This process can take from 20 to 60 days depending on its thickness and volume of water.

How to align concrete floor in the apartment

With significant irregularities that exceed 10 mm per 1 mp. It is recommended to make a new screed. But you need to be prepared that this process will take a lot of time. This method is used to align the floors in the economic premises: garages, private boiler rooms, also possible to fill on the first floors of buildings.

We will analyze step by step, how to align concrete floor under linoleum, under laminate and other sought-after flooring.


Lighthouses are laid along the room, which are metal rails, perforated corners or other similar material. In fact, they divide the floor to the stripes. The distance between them depends on the area and the configuration of the room. As a rule, the step is about 1 m. The CPS mixture is poured between the strips and "disappear." Next, the solution is aligned using the rule. Move it on four sides: on the parties, to himself and from themselves, leaning on lighthouses. Each aligned site should be less than less than a meter. To dry out this sex, it will take at least three days.

The main disadvantage is the increase in the mass of the inter-storey overlap. The weight of the screed is predefined and the possibility of fillings is checked. The technology is no different from the standard. Since it is necessary to align the concrete floor in the garage as correctly - preparatory work is carried out. The room is fully released, the preparatory work described above.

Stages of execution.

  1. Setting the fill level. This is done using the construction level. The optimal option is to use a laser instrument.
  2. Installation of reinforcing grid.
  3. Using a galvanized profile for drywall are installed. They are attached at the desired height of the cement mixture.
  4. Preparation and fill of the solution. It must evenly fill the entire volume without going beyond the profile.

After the end of the work, you need to make the surface with water within 2-3 days. This will prevent the appearance of cracks. The final drying time is usually about 25 days.

Self-leveling solution

Not always the above technique will be relevant. In particular, it concerns apartments where additional loads for inter-storey floors are unacceptable. The alternative way is to fill the self-leveling mixtures. This is one of the modern ways to align the base under floor finishing materials. Leveling mixtures are supplied as a dry powder. They may differ in composition: the basis, additives or fillers. It is important to choose the type and composition correctly. If the difference is more than 3 mm - it will be necessary to use two types of mixtures. The first will be formed a rough surface that will eliminate obvious defects. The second, finishing, designed for final processing. For this reason, the preparation of the mixture to use may differ and is performed in full compliance with the instructions on the package. However, they are combined by general moments:

  • The mixture is prepared immediately before use, since the solution dries around after 30 minutes. For its breeding requires a container. Experienced masters recommend a plastic bucket, since it is so much more convenient to pour the mixture.
  • The solution is poured under certain conditions. In particular, the door and windows in the room should be tightly closed to eliminate the possible drafts. Some restrictions also have a temperature regime, above 10 °, which must be maintained not only during operation with a mixture, but also when drying in bulk sex.

  • If necessary, you can organize additional heating in the room.
  • Although manufacturers argue that in bulk sex can be walking in a couple of hours, however, practical experience shows that it will be more reliable to wait for the two-three days.

Manufacturers offer two main types of self-leveling mixtures. Under the laminate or other coating use the option for coarse alignment. If we are talking about how to align the concrete floor in the garage or other similar rooms, they are additionally covered with a mixture for finishing alignment, which you can apply paint, varnish and more.

How to align concrete floor with a clayzitobetone, plywood without lag and other ways to align

Another black floor alignment technology is a dry screed, which simultaneously serves as thermo- and sound insulation. This is the perfect option for surfaces with significant height differences. After preparing the base, polyethylene spread over it and set profiles-lags. A granular material is covered between the guides, the excess of which is shifted in the direction of exit.

Special sheets of superflares are placed on the flowing material, securing them with the guides using self-tapping screws. Shakes are sickling with scotch.

Ceramzito-concrete floors

By the same technology, the floor is equalized by a ceramzito concrete. The difference lies in the solution. During its preparation, the grainsite of the shallow fraction (up to 5 mm) is additionally added. As a result, the specific mass decreases, since the mortar components will be present in the solution - clamzite granules. At the same time, the pressure on the rough surface is reduced.

The disadvantage of this method is small mechanical strength. It can only be used for private houses or apartments. If the critical pressure is exceeded, local destruction of the floor will occur.

A tie with clay can be performed in other ways:

  • The entire surface of the base is covered with a layer of clay height of 80-100 mm, aligned and poured with a layer of PCS.
  • Scatter clayzit on the floor surface, align and watered cement milk. They give the time to "grab" and poured a sandy-cement tie, which is then aligned.
  • Initially, the concrete base is placed in the ceramzit-sand-cement layer of the required thickness. After about a day, the hardened layer is poured with aligning PCS.


It is impossible to fill under negative temperatures. Water is crystallized, which will lead to the destruction of the leveling layer.

Using plywood

A feature of this method is increased requirements for the foundation. The height difference level should not exceed 1.5 cm. However, in contrast to the described methods of Plywood, has several positive qualities.

The main one is a good level of thermal insulation. Together with the insulation installed earlier, they will reduce the thermal losses in the room, also plywood has sound insulation properties. After its installation, the noise level in the room should decrease.

Before aligning the concrete floor of the plywood without a lag, it is necessary to choose the appropriate material. It should have moisture resistance and sufficient mechanical strength.

To protect against moisture, the cement base is covered with polyethylene film. Previous floor drying. Then you need to do the following.

  1. Prepare a scheme for the location of plywood sheets. According to the plan, the procurement of the material is performed.
  2. Installation of sheets is made by jack. For sealing seams, you can use construction tape.
  3. Fastening to the base is done with the help of a dowel. Installation on glue is not recommended, since the cement gender and plywood have a different meaning of thermal expansion.

After final installation, it is necessary to check the level of the plane again. If the height difference remains the same - you should apply another level of alignment technology. It lies in the installation of the lag, which will be fixed by plywood sheets.

After installing the leveling coating, it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of moisture to the concrete surface. For this, plywood shields must be most sealed.

In practice there are many ways to align the concrete floor. But the above are most effective and less labor-intensives.

Look at how to solve the concrete floor video.

If you decide to make repairs in your apartment, whether it is the overhaul of the entire space or repair of sexual coating, then without aligning the floor, you can hardly do. Even in the new apartment, the base of the floor from concrete slabs is very often uneven, especially in the places of joints. In the old apartments, where people live for a long time, the state of the upper part of the concrete floor is not just bad, but we can only dream about high-quality repairs in the apartment.

Before aligning, it is necessary to carefully measure all the irregularities of the concrete floor.

Floor preparation for alignment

To determine the method of alignment of the floor and purchase the necessary materials, it is necessary to pre-perform the floor level measurement. To do this, first need to dismantle the floor covering and conduct a study of irregularities.

For measurements, a long level is used, with which they determine the evenness of all sections of the floor. The surface of the concrete floor becomes uneven or due to the erase and appearance of Shcherbinok during operation, or due to the laid crooked at the construction stage of concrete slabs. Often there are cases when both reasons are present.

Using the level, checks the planes of the plated plates and the highest point of the floor is noted. Then the elevated and erased parts of the plates are studied and the deepest sweep is observed. The preliminary determination of the desired height of the floor level raising is extremely important, since with a significant lift of this level, serious difficulties are possible: doors will not be able to open or interfere with the operation of the heating battery. Often, time and means to eliminate these troubles are more than the alignment itself.

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Floor alignment methods

Usually, the floor covering is the last, which is dismantled during preparation for repair work, and the first thing is restored. Simply put, the floor must be aligned until the walls and the ceiling. To date, 2 methods of alignment of concrete base are known:

  • by lighthouses;
  • device of bulk floor.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small, and the difference in the minimum and maximum points of the plane of the floor does not exceed 35 mm, then the optimal version will be a liquid floor device. If the differences between the points are large, then it is possible on the beacons exhibited.

By stopping your choice on one of the options, it is important to understand that the ideal way to align the concrete floor has not yet invented, and each of the ways has its advantages and cons. And it is very important before you begin to align, understand them so that in the future do not do nonsense in the process.

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Lineama alignment

This method today is the most common among lovers every home to do with their own hands. It is best suited for floor alignment in large rooms: halls, living rooms. By applying this method, initially on a concrete basis, you need to put and fix special lighthouses - metal rails, which are in the future serve as a guide for the device of a new floor tie.

The main advantage of this method is a device of high-quality and durable screed, including on large surfaces, with minimal costs of funds and time to work. But it can be stuck such a surface from 10 to 30 days, depending on the thickness of the screed layer and the room temperature. If you need to align the concrete floor to quickly, then this method will have to abandon.

To fulfill the alignment you will need tools:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • perforated corners;
  • master OK:
  • rule.

Before aligning the floor, its base is needed thoroughly, and even better - we swap to remove the accumulated dust and dirt. Metal perforated corners are most often used as lighthouses. Lighthouses need to be installed along the room: the first and last - at a distance of 30 cm from the side walls, the rest - at an equal distance from each other, while the step between them should not exceed 1 m.

Installation is performed in this order. Having made the markup of the floor, strictly along the lines "split" in a step of 20-25 cm with pellets of a predetermined cement or gypsum solution. These cakes are placed in a vertical line and aligned in the level of beacons, deepening them into the solution or lifting and lining the bottom of the smaller sizes.

Floor screed tools: metal beams, construction level, construction mixer, large capacity.

When the solution grab slightly and fixes the beacons, the empty space remains under them is filled with a solution. At this stage, there is still an opportunity to correct the lighthouses, achieving the most flat horizontal. After that, beams should be given time to firmly fix in solution and only then go to the alignment of the floor.

For alignment, a freshly prepared cement solution is used. The optimal thickness of the solution resembles a thick sour cream. A thicker solution will be difficult to dissolve, and too liquid will not be durable enough, and it will dry for a very long time.

The leveling process must be started from the far from the inlet door of the angle, moving to the door. The first and second row are poured at the same time. Then the fill of the last and the penultimate row is also performed. Then the fill is performed by one row on each side, converted to the central one.

The cement mortar is poured between the mounted beacons and roll up a trowel to fill out all the remaining emptiness inside the screed. After filling in a solution of a row on the lighthouses, a rule is set and carried out 2-3 times, leveling the solution in a healer with lighthouses.

The fill and alignment of each subsequent row must be performed very carefully, constantly controlling the thickness of the solution, since it cannot be absolutely the same, and in places of contact with the already laid solution there may be influx, which reduces the effort to create a smooth surface.

The last row is filled and lines in small portions, the space actually filled with solution should not exceed the length of the elongated hands. This is the most complex and time-consuming part of all work to equalize the surface of the concrete floor. Then the laid tie need to give time to dry. Only after complete drying can be processed to further repair.