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Ivan Turgenev Title Hunter's Notes. Edition of the "Hunter Notes" in the Soviet Union. I. S. Turgenev. Malinic water. Audiobnig


1852 (separate edition)

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Notes Hunter - The cycle of the stories of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who printed in 1847-1851 in the magazine "Contemporary" and issued by a separate publication in 1852. Three stories are written and attached by the author to the collection much later.

List of stories

The final collection was received only in the publication of 1874: the author included three new stories written on the basis of early plans, in their time remaining unrealized.

Below after the name of the story, the first publication is indicated in brackets.

  • Chorine and Kalinich (contemporary, 1847, no 1, separate "mixture", p. 55-64)
  • Ermolai and Melnichikha (Contemporary, 1847, No 5, Dep. I, p. 130-141)
  • Malinovaya Water (Contemporary, 1848, No2, Dep. I, p. 148-157)
  • County Leak (Contemporary, 1848, NO 2, Dep. I, p. 157-165)
  • My neighbor radar (contemporary, 1847, no 5, dep. I, p. 141-148)
  • Ovsyatannikov monodilk (contemporary, 1847, no 5, separate I, p. 148-165)
  • LRV (contemporary, 1847, no 5, dep. G, p. 165-176)
  • Bezhin Meadow (Contemporary, 1851, NO 2, Dep. I, p. 319-338)
  • Kasyan with a beautiful swords (contemporary, 1851, no 3, dep. I, p. 121-140)
  • Burmister (contemporary, 1846, no 10, separate I, p. 197-209)
  • Office (contemporary, 1847, no 10, separate I, p. 210-226)
  • Biryuk (Contemporary, 1848, No 2, Dep. I, p. 166-173)
  • Two landowners (hunter's notes. Writing Ivan Turgenev. M., 1852. Ch. I-II. P. 21-40)
  • Lebedyan (Contemporary, 1848, No 2, Dep. I, p. 173-185)
  • Tatyana Borisovna and her nephew (contemporary, 1848, no 2, separate I, p. 186-197)
  • Death (Contemporary, 1848, NO 2. Dep. I, p. 197-298)
  • Singers (Contemporary, 1850, NO 11, Dep. I, p. 97-114)
  • Peter Petrovich Karatayev (Contemporary, 1847, NO 2, Dep. I, p. 197-212)
  • Date (Contemporanik, 1850, NO 11, Dep. I, p. 114-122)
  • Hamlet Schrygovsky County (Contemporary, 1849, NO 2, Dep. I, p. 275-292)
  • Chertophans and Naughovykin (Contemporary, 1849, NO 2, Dep. I, p. 292-309)
  • End of Chertophanova (Festnik Evropy, 1872, NO 11, p. 5-46)
  • Living relics (Folding. The literary collection, compiled from the works of Russian writers in favor of hunger victims in the Samara province. SPb., 1874. - P. 65-79)
  • Fucking! (Essays I. S. Turgenev (1844-1874). M.: Ed. Brothers Salaev, 1874. Ch. I. - P. 509-531)
  • Forest and steppe (contemporary, 1849, no 2, separate I, p. 309-314)

Another 17 intentions of Turgenev belonging to the "Hunter's Notes" cycle, but remaining for different reasons are unfulfilled. The development of one of them Turgenev began in 1847-1848, two fragments were preserved: "Reformer and Russian German" (6 pages of text in the modern collected works) and "Russian German" (1.5 pages of the text).

In the era of the USSR, the "children's" editions of the collection were widespread, which only selected stories were included (less than half of the canonical composition). Textological analysis has never been conducted. In full of its composition "Notes of the Hunter" were published only in the collections of the works of Turgenev (published, however, with colossal circulations).

Two Soviet academic editions of "Hunter Notes" are the most meant of texture.

  • Turgenev I. S. Complete collected works and letters in twenty-eight volumes (thirty books): writings in fifteen volumes. T. 4. Notes of the hunter. 1847-1874. - M.: Science, 1963. 616 p. 212 000 copies.
  • Turgenev I. S. Full collection of works and letters in thirty volumes: writings in twelve volumes. Edition Second, corrected and supplemented. T. 3. Notes of the hunter. 1847-1874. - M.: Science, 1979.



  • 1935 - Bezhin Meadow - film S. Eisenstein, lost
  • 1971 - the life and death of the nobleman Chertopkhanov (based on the stories of "Chertopkhanov and Nedochkin" and "End of Chertophanov")


  • Notes of the hunter in the library Maxim Moshkov

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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"Hunter's Notes" is a cycle of 25 small stories in which the life of a small nobility and a simple people of the middle of the XIX century is bright and picturesquely presented. It is based on the story of the impressions received by the writer himself, and the stories of people encountered during hunting wrap.

Consider the most popular stories, which are often called essays, and which most clearly characterize the entire cycle of the Hunter's Notes.

Comparing the two provisions, Kaluga and Orlovsk, the author comes to the conclusion that they differ not only by the beauty of nature and the variety of the beast, which you can hunt, but also by people, their appearance, character, thoughts. Acquaintance with the seatman semi-shit, who invited the hunter to stay in his possessions for a joint hunt, led the author to the man's house of the man. It is there that there is a meeting with two such different people like a chorine and Kalinich.

Horing is a guise, severe, stubble man. He lives in a strong aspen house in the swamps. Many years ago, his father's house burned down and he threw away from the landowner the opportunity to live away, on the swamps. At the same time, they agreed to pay for the year. Since then, a big and strong family of the Horrel is inhabit.

Kalinic - cheerful, tall, smiling, with an easy temper, a misambicious man. On weekends and holidays are engaged in trading. Without him, a little strange, but a passionate hunter, the penis semi-shorty never went hunting. In all life, Kalinich did not build a housing, did not have a family.

Being so different, the choir and Kalinich - dusty friends. The author with amazing accuracy, draws all the features of their characters to the smallest detail. They are happy to spend time together. For three days spent by Khoria, the hunter managed to get used to them and left them with reluctance.

In one day the author gathered on hunting with Yermolam - a fortress neighbor, who constantly got into the grill, although it was laid out of them and unharmed, and was not suitable for any work. Since the main responsibility of the man was the delivery of game to the landlord desk, he knew the surroundings perfectly.

After spending a day in a birch grove, the heroes decided to spend the night on the mill. The owners were allowed to stay in a haymaker, under a canopy on the street. Among the night, the author woke up from a quiet whisper. Listening, I realized that Melnichikha Arina tells Yermola about his life. She was a maid at the Countess Slavkova, which was distinguished by a cruel character and a particular requirement to ensure that her maid was unmarried. Having served 10 years, Arina began to ask, to let her marry Peter, Lacey. The girl was denied. And after time it turned out that Arina is pregnant. For what the girl was blinded, referred to the village and issued for Melnik. The child died her. Peter was sent to the army.

The beautiful August Day hunting took place near the Esta River. The tired and exhausted hunter decided to relax in the shade of the trees near the spring with the beautiful name of the raspberry water. The story is about the fate of the three men.

Steakhm, is unknown from where the person who appeared, whom no one asked about anything, and he himself prefer to be silent. He lived at Mitrofan, the gardener, helped that by the farm in return to receive only food.

Mikhailo Savelyevich, on nicknamed fog, was freely and for a long time served by the butler at the ruined count at the courtyard; Bright and colorfully described the fog of peers that rolled out the graph.

The peasant Vlas appeared in the midst of the conversation told that he went to Moscow to Barina, asked him to reduce the amount of the longer; Previously, the lifts made a son of Vlas, who recently died, to which Barin was angry and kicked out a poor fellow.

And what to do now, the peasant did not know, because he had nothing to take from him. After half an hour, satellites diverged.

The story was drawn up with the words of the county Lekary, who told about how many years ago called him to the patient who lived in the family of poor widow, rather far from the city. Doctor saw that despite the disease, the girl is very beautiful. At night, he could not fall asleep and spent most of the time with the patient's bed.

Having experienced the location to the family of a girl whose members, though were not hot, differed in readiness and education, the doctor decided to stay. The mother and sisters of the patient with gratitude were accepted, as they saw that Alexander believes to Dr. and performs all his instructions. But with each day the girl was getting worse, and on broken bad roads did not receive a timely medicine.

Before his death, Alexander opened a doctor, admitted to him in love and announced his mother about the engagement. They spent the last three nights together, after which the girl died. Later, the doctor married the daughter of a wealthy merchant, but she turned out to be lazy and evil.

My neighbor Radilov

Once, hunting in one of the launched gardens of the Orlovskaya province, the author with Yermolam met with the landlord Radilov, who invited them for lunch. At the table attended: the mother of the landowner, a small sad old woman, who ruined Fedor Mikheich and the sister of the late wife of Radilova, Olga. During the lunch, a relaxed conversation was conducted, but it was noticeable that the landowner and his sink were watching each other.

By visiting Radilov in a week, the hunter learned that the landowner, together with Olga, left, leaving the old woman's mother alone and sadness.

Ovsyannikov Ovsyannikov

With the elderly noble oathannik, the author met Radilov's landowner. In his 70 years, Ovsyannikov deserved a reputation as a smart, educated and decent person. Conversations with him were distinguished deep meaning. Especially according to the author of the author were the arguments of the One-Novorsa about the comparison of modern morals and the mains of Catherine times. At the same time, the conversation side was never coming to the unequivocal conclusion. Previously, it was more cure more weak in front of prosperous and strong, however, it was quieter and calmer.

The modern ideas of humanism and equality, promoted by the "best people", such as the nephew of Ovsyannikov Mitya, frighten and embarrass the elderly nobleman, because there are many empty conversations, and no one is taking concrete action.

Once the author suggested hunting for ducks, on the lake, near the big village of Lgov. The hunt for the overgrown lake was rich, but it became difficult to get prey. Therefore, it was decided to take the boat. During the hunt, the author meets two interesting people:

Freely published, named Vladimir, was distinguished by literacy, reading, previously he served as a valetor and even studied music;

The elderly peasant of the bitch, who has changed many owners and works for his long life.

During the work, the proceeded boat bitch begins to sink. Only in the evening, tired hunters manage to get out of the lake.

Bezhin Mead.

During the hunting on Tether in the Tula province, the author lost a little. With the onset of the night, he went to the meadow, wearing the name of Bezhin. Here the hunter meets the group of peasant boys who grazed horses. Having settled by the fire, the kids are breeding talking about any of the unclean, laid in the district.

Children's stories were about houses, allegedly settled at the local factory; Mysterious Mermaid, who touched the carpenter Gavril; About the talking white lamb, living on the grave of the drowned man, who saw Psar Yermil and many other things. Everyone tried to tell something unusual and mysterious. The conversation about the unclean lasts almost until dawn.

Kasyan with beautiful swords

Returning from the hunt, Kucher with the author meet the funeral procession. Understanding that this is a bad sign, Kucher hurried to overtake the procession, however, the clergy broke the axis. In search of a new axis, the author follows the judice of the excavation, where it meets with Kasyan's dwarf, a migrant from a beautiful sword, whom the people considered as an oarodie, but they often turned to him for the treatment of herbs. He lived with the adoptive girl Alyonushka, loved nature.

The axis was replaced, the hunt was continued, but unsuccessfully. As Kasyan explained, it was animals away from the hunter.


The next morning together decided to go to Shipilovka, which was not far from Ryabovo, where the author had to hunt. There, the landowner proudly showed the estate, house and surroundings. Until the Burmister Safron arrived, which began to complain to an increase in shavers, a small amount of land.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe entire collection of "Hunter's notes" is a desire to show the lives of different layers of society, its culture, aspiration, morality, high-impaired. Stories give a complete picture of the life of the landowners and their peasants, which makes the works of Turgenev not only literary, but also historical masterpieces.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Notes Hunter

Chore and Kalinich

To whom it happened from Bolkhovsky County to move to Visdarsky, it was probably hit a sharp difference between the rock of people in the Oryol province and the Kaluga breed. An Orlovsky man is small as an increase, narrowing, sulfur, looks soaked, lives in tray aspen elections, walks on the bargain, trade is not engaged, eats bad, wears lapties; The Kaluga fault man dwells in spacious pine slices, high growth, looks boldly and fun, face clean and white, sells oil and tar and on holidays walks in boots. Orlovskaya village (we are talking about the eastern part of the Oryol province) is usually located among the plowed fields, near the ravine, somehow turned into a dirty pond. In addition to few rakit, always ready for services, yes two-three skinny birches, a tree on the milestone around you will not see; Izba is lytered to the hollow, the roofs are crying rotten straw ... Kaluga village, on the contrary, the biggest part is surrounded by the forest; Izbi are free and straight, covered with tease; The gate is firmly locked, the woven on the backyard is not stated and does not fall out, it does not call any passing pig ... and for the hunter in the Kaluga province better. In the Oryol province, the last forests and the square will disappear in five years, and there are no swamps and in risen; In Kaluzhskaya, on the contrary, it will be trapped on hundreds, the swamps for dozens of miles, and no longer the noble bird of thermyev was not translated, a good-natured swelling, and the hassle of the partridge will be fun and scares the arrow and the dog.

As a hunter, visiting the Visitarian county, I came up in the field and met one Kaluga small landowner, a semi-kin, passionate hunter and, therefore, an excellent person. Love behind him, however, some weaknesses: he, for example, was woven for all rich brides in the province and, having received a refusal of hand and from home, with a crushed heart trusted his grief to all friends and acquaintances, and briefs continued to send acid peaches as a gift And other raw works of your garden; He loved to repeat the same anecdote, which, despite the respect of Mr. Semikinin to his merits, did not mix anyone strongly; praised the composition of Akim Nakhimov and the story Pinna;stuttered; called his dog astronomer; instead butsaid overand he started the French cuisine in his house, the mystery of which, according to the concepts of his cook, was fully changed by the natural taste of each eats: the meat of this art was responded by fish, fish - mushrooms, pasta - powder; But no carrot fell into the soup, without taking the form of a rhombus or trapezium. But with the exception of these few and minor flaws, G. Semikin was, as already mentioned, an excellent person.

On the first day of my acquaintance with the city of Semiykin, he invited me to his night.

- Before me, there will be a fire, "he added, - walking away on foot; Comerate first to Khorosh. (The reader will allow me not to transfer it to Zaicania.)

- And who is such a fervor?

- And my man ... He is from here.

We went to him. In the midst of the forest, on the cleared and developed glade, a lonely manor of the Korea rose. It consisted of several pine log cabins connected by fences; Before the main, I resulted stretched a canopy, undercapped with thin columns. We entered. We were met by a young guy, twenty years old, tall and beautiful.

- A, Fedya! Household houses? - asked him Mr. Semikin.

"No, the choir went to the city," the guy answered, smiling and showing a number of white, like snow, teeth. - Trolley laying orders?

- Yes, brother, cart. Yes, bring us kvaas.

We entered the hut. No Suzdal picture flashed clean log walls; In the corner before heavily in the silver salary there was a lamp; The lime table was recently screamed and washed; Between the logs and on the shoals of the windows did not wandering frisms, no thoughtful cockroaches were hidden. A young guy soon appeared with a large white mug, filled with good kvass, with a huge wheat bread chopper and with a dozen salted cucumbers in a wooden bowl. He put all these supplies on the table, leaned against the door and began to look at us with a smile. We did not have time to do the achieve our snacks, as already the cart grown in front of the porch. We went out. A boy of fifteen years old, curly and redish, sitting by a kucher and hardly held the renewed foal. Circle of carts stood six young giants, very similar to each other and Fedy. "All Children Horing!" - Semikin noted. "All ferrets," Fedya picked up, who came out after us on the porch, "Yes, not all: Potap in the forest, and Sidor left with the old Horie in the city ... Looking, Vasya," he continued, turning to the Kumor, - the Spirit Somchi: Barina is carrying. Only on the impetus, look, hide: and the cart is sort, and the Barsky Cherevo is concerned! " The rest of the ferrets grinned from Fedi's rest. "Spring astronomer!" - solemnly exclaimed Mr. Semikin. Fedya, not without pleasure, raised the dog to the air a forced dog and put it on the bottom of the cart. Vasya gave horseradish horses. We have shown. "But this is my office," said Mr. Semikin suddenly, pointing to a small low house, "Want to go?" - "Issue." "She is now abolished," he noticed, peeling, "and everything costs everything." The office consisted of two empty rooms. Watchman, an old man, came running from the backyard. "Hello, Minaiy," Mr. Semikin said, "where is the water?" The old man's curve disappeared and immediately returned with a bottle of water and two glasses. "We taste," Semikin told me, "I have good, key water." We drank a glass, and the old man bowed to the belt. "Well, now, it seems, we can go," I noticed my new buddy. - In this office, I sold the merchant Allyluweigh four decades of the forest for the favorable price. " We sat down in the cart and after half an hour already went to the yard of the Lord's house.

"Tell me, please," I asked half a kin at dinner, "why did you have a choral one separately from the other guys?"

- But why: I have a smart man's man. Twenty-five years ago, His Izba burned out; So he came to my deceased father and says: Say, let me, Nikolai Kuzmich, settle in your forest in the swamp. I will pay a good marriage to you. - "Why do you need to settle in a swamp?" - "Yes, so; Only you, Batyushka Nikolai Kuzmich, do not help me in any job, and put the interpretations that you know. " - "Fifty ruble a year!" - "Issue." - "Yes, without arrears, see!" - "It is known without arrears ..." So he settled on the swamp. Since then, hearing him and nickname.

- Well, and rich? - I asked.

- Greater. Now he pays me a hundred cells, and I also, perhaps, Nakin. I told him more than once: "Purchase, Horing, hey, whipped off! .." And he, the besting, assures me that there is nothing money, they say, no ... yes, no matter how! ..

Another day we immediately went to hunt again. Driving through the village, Mr. Semikin ordered the Kumor to stop at the lowest hut and soundly exclaimed: "Kalinich!" "Now, the father, now," there he had a voice from the courtyard, - we climb the lap. " We went to step; For the villages caught up with us a person of forty, high growth, thin, with a small back head ago. It was Kalinic. His good-natured dark-minded face, in some places marked by Ryabins, I liked at first glance. Kalinych (as I learned after) every day I went with Barin on the hunt, I wore his bag, sometimes a gun, I noticed where the bird sits down, I took the water, I took the strawberries, I got a shala, ranging over shivers; Without him, Mr. Semikin could not step in step. Kalinych was the man of the merry, the most meek lava himself, indiscriminately caught in a low voice, carelessly looked at all directions, spoke a little in his nose, smiling, squinting his light blue eyes and often took his hand for his liquid, wedge-shaped beard. He walked not soon, but large steps, slightly painting the long and thin stick. During the day, he has repeatedly spoke with me, it helped me without Rabilities, but he watched Barin as a child. When an unbearable half-sow made us look for refuge, he brought us on her apiece, in the wildest of the forest. Kalinic took us a hut, hung with bunches of dry fragrant herbs, laid us on the fresh hay, and himself put on the head of a bag with a grid, took a knife, a pot and head and went for an hourk cutting us honeycomb. We washed the transparent warm honey with a key water and fell asleep under the one-eyed buzzing bees and a chaty leaf leaf. "A light gust of the breeze woke me up ... I opened my eyes and saw Kalinich: he sat on the threshold of a semi-walled door and cut a spoon with a knife. I have long admired his face, meek and clear, like an evening sky. Mr. Semikin also woke up. We did not immediately stood. It's nice after a long walk and deep sleep lying still on Seine: the body is inappropriate and languishes, the face is breathing with a slight heat, sweet laziness is closed. Finally we got up and again went to wander until the evening. For dinner, I spoke again about the choir yes about Kalinic. "Kalinich is a good man," Mr. Semikin told me, - a diligent and helpful man; The farm in the serviceability, one way, cannot contain: I pull it all. Every day, with me for hunting walks ... what is the farm here, - sudge for yourself. " I agreed with him, and we went to bed.

On another day, Mr. Semikin was forced to go to the city in the case with a neighbor Pichukov. Pichuki neighbor smelled from him the earth and on the smelled land heights his own Baba. I went to the hunt alone and in the evening wrapped to the king. On the threshold of the hut met me the old man - bald, low growth, shoulder and tight - the chorny himself. I looked at this Korea with curiosity. The warehouse of his face resembled Socrates: the same high, lumpy forehead, the same little eyes, the same smoky nose. We entered the hut together. The same Fedya brought me milk with black bread. The choir sat down on the bench and quietly stroking his curly beard, joined me in a conversation. He seemed to feel his dignity, said and moved slowly, occasionally laughed from under his long mustache.

We interpreted with him about the crop, about the crop, about the peasant life ... He was with me everything as if agreed; Only then I became conscientious, and I felt that I was not saying that ... so it somehow it was strange. The chorine was sometimes wise, should be out of caution ... Here is the sample of our conversation:

"Listen, a chorny," I said to him, "Why are you not paying off your Barin?"

- And why should I get off? Now I know my Barin and I know my female ... Barin is good.

"It's still better at freedom," I noticed.

Horing looked at me on the side.

"Vastimo," he said.

- Well, why don't you get off?

The choir twisted his head.

- What, the father, to pay off?

- Well, full, old man ...

"He fell to the fervent people," he continued in a low voice, as if about herself, "who lives without a beard, he church and scorched."

- And you yourself scourge sampling.

- What is a beard? Beard - Grass: You can throw.

- Well, so what?

- A, know, the chorine directly falls into the merchants; The merchants are good life, and those in beards.

- And what, because you are also engaged in trade? I asked him.

- We trade with little oil and a desert ... What, cart, father, do you order to lay?

"You are on the tongue and a person to yourself on your mind," I thought.

"No," I said out loud, "I don't need trolleys; I look like tomorrow about your estate tomorrow and, if you allow, I will stay spending the night in Sen Saraj.

- Welcome. Is it late for you in Saraj? I will order the women to post you a sheet and put a pillow. Hey, women! - he cried, rising from the spot, - here, women! .. And you, Fedya, are like them. Baba After all, the people are stupid.

A quarter of an hour later, Fedya with a lantern spent me in the barn. I rushed to the fragrant hay, the dog curled my feet; Fedya wished me good night, the door creaked and slammed. I could not fall asleep for quite a long time. The cow went to the door, the two times dyed two times, the dog was buried with dignity; Pig went past, thoughtfully hrying; The horse somewhere in the proximity began to chew hay and snort ... I finally zapar.

At Zare Fedya woke me up. This cheerful, the brisk guy I really liked; Yes, and how much I could notice, at the old chorus he was also a favorite. They both are very kind on each other underwent. The old man came out towards me. Is there anything that I spent the night under his blood, after another, what is the reason, only the chorine is much gentle by yesterday cost me.

"Samovar is ready for you," he said to me with a smile, "let's go drink tea."

We sat down near the table. Healthy Baba, one of his daughters, brought a pot with milk. All his sons alternately entered the hut.

- What is your dear people! - I noticed an old man.

"Yes," he said, biting a tiny piece of sugar, "I have nothing to complain about me on my old woman, it seems."

- And everyone lives with you?

- Everything. They themselves want, and live.

- And all are married?

"Won one, started, not marrying," he answered, pointing to Fedy, who still leaned against the door. - Vaska, he is still young, you can easily.

- What should I marry? - Prize Fedya, - I feel so good. What is my wife for me? Blowing with her, or what?

- Well, you ... I know you! Silver rings Wear ... You would like to sniff with yard girls ... "fullness, shameless!" - continued the old man, angry maids. - I know you, Belorichka you are so much!

- And in the babe something good?

- Baba - a worker, - I did not know the fervor. - Baba man servant.

- What am a worker me?

- So that, strangers you love the fever. We know your brother.

- Well, I fed me, if so. BUT? what! What are you silent?

- Well, full, full, balagen. Hit, Barina we are worried. Zhenya, I suppose ... And you, Batyushka, are not angry: Dietyatko, you see, small, I did not have to gain reason.

Fedya shook his head ...

- Household houses? - A familiar voice rang out behind the door, and Kalinich entered the hut with a beam of field strawberries in the hands, which he narrowed for his friend, Khoria. The old man welcomed him warmly. I am amazed looked at Kalinich: I confess, I did not expect such "tenderness" from the man.

On this day I went hunting for hours to four later than the ordinary and spent the next three days from Khoria. I was occupied by new my acquaintances. I do not know what I deserved their trust, but they ridicked with me. I enjoyed listening to them and watched them. Both buddies did not like each other at all. The choir was a positive person, practical, administrative head, rationalist; Kalinich, on the contrary, belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, people enthusiastic and dreamy. Horror understood reality, that is: renovated, accumulated a moneyman, Ladil with Barin and other authorities; Kalinich walked in the lapties and interrupted something like. Horing broke a large family, submissive and unanimous; Kalinic had once a wife he was afraid, and the children did not happen at all. The chorine was seeing Mr. Semikin; Kalinych was taught in front of his lord. Horing loved Kalinich and provided him with a patronage; Kalinich loved and respected Horing. The chorus spoke little, laughed and intended to himself; Kalinych was explained with the heat, although she did not sing a nightingale as a brisk factory man ... But Kalinich was gifted by the advantages that the choral himself admitted; For example: he spoke blood, fright, rabies, drove the worms; The bees were given to him, his hand was light. The chorine asked him to introduce a new horse in a stable, and Kalinich with good importance performed the request of the old skeptic. Kalinich stood closer to nature; Heart - to people, to society; Kalinych did not like to reason and believed everything blindly; Horing even towered even to an ironic point of view. He saw a lot, he knew a lot, and I learned a lot from him; For example: I learned from his stories that every summer, before the bow, appears in the villages a small trolley of a special kind. In this cart sits a man in Kaftan and sells braids. On cash, he takes a ruble of twenty-five kopecks - one and a half rubles by assigning; Duty - three rubles and virgin. All men, of course, take the debt. After two or three weeks, he appears again and requires money. The peasant Oats has just begged, it became to pay to have anything; He comes with a merchant to the Kabak and there already pays. Other landowners attended to buy the braids themselves to cash and distribute men at the same price; But the men turned out to be dissatisfied and even fell into despondency; They were deprived of pleasure to click on the spit, listen, turn her in her hands and once twenty to ask the rolled carriage-seller: "And what, small, braid is not hurt? »The same tricks are also taking place when buying sickles, only the difference in the difference that the women live here and sometimes bring themselves to the very seller before necessary, for their use, to beat them. But most of all suffer to women with what way. Material suppliers on paper factories entrust the purchase of rags of a special kind of people who are called "eagles" in other counties. Such an "eagle" receives from a merchant of rubles in two hundred and departs for mining. But, in the opposition of a noble bird, from which he received his name, he does not attack openly and boldly: on the contrary, the "eagle" resorts to tricks and sv. He leaves his trolley somewhere in the bushes near the village, and himself goes on the backyards yes according to the tasks, as if some kind of or just celebrating. Baba a little guess his approach and steal towards him. Communions performed a trade deal. For a few copper pennies, Baba gives "Orlo" not only any unnecessary rag, but often even the man's shirt and his own pans. Recently, the women have found favorable steal from themselves and thus to sell hemp, especially the "spray", is the important distribution and improvement of the industry "Orlov"! But then the men, in turn, were pretended and at the slightest suspicion, with one remote hearing about the appearance of an "eagle" quickly and vividly proceed to correctional and safety measures. And in fact, does not disagree? Hemp to sell their business, and they sell it accurately, - not in the city, it is necessary to drag himself to the city, and we visit Torgasham, who, for the absence of a denunciation, consider PUD in forty persuasion - and you know what a handful and what's the palm Russian man, especially when he "learns"! - I, inexperienced people, and in the village is not "alive" in the village (as we have said in Orel), I could have given a widow. But the choir did not say everything, he himself asked me much. He learned that I was abroad, and his curiosity was blocked ... Kalinich did not lag behind him; But Kalinich more touched the descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls, extraordinary buildings, large cities; Korea occupied administrative and state issues. He went through everything in order: "What, they have it there in the same way as we, al otherwise? .. Well, tell, father, how? .." - "A! Ah, Lord, Your will! " - exclaimed Kalinich during my story; The chorine was silent, frown thick eyebrows and only occasionally noticed that "they say, it would not go with us, but this is good - this is a order." I can not pass all his questions, and there is no need; But from our conversations I made one conviction, which, probably, do not expect readers, - convinced that Peter the Great was at the advantage of a Russian man, Russian in his transformations. Russian people are so confident in his strength and fortress that he is not away and breaking herself, he is doing a little engaged in his past and boldly looks forward. What is good - then he likes that it is reasonable - to him and give him, and where it goes, "he doesn't care. His common sense willingly undergo a German reason over the shredder; But the Germans, according to Korea, curious folk, and they learn from them is ready. Thanks to the exclusivity of his position, his actual independence, the choral spoke with me about many things, which from the other lever do not drive, as the men are expressed, they will not extend the pickle. He really understood his position. Intenuing with the Horie, I first heard a simple, smart speech of the Russian man. His Poznan was pretty, in his own way, extensive, but he did not know how to read; Kalinich - skill. "This sall grades was given," said the fervor, "he did not merley and the bees." - "Did you learn your children with a literacy?" Horing paused. "Fedya knows." - "And others?" - "Others do not know." - "What?" The old man did not answer and changed the conversation. However, as he was a smart, there were many prejudices and prejudices behind him. Bab he, for example, despised from the depths of the soul, and on a faded hour was kept and mocked them. His wife, old and grumpling, did not go all day with the oven and grumbled and grown and scared; The sons did not pay attention to her, but she contained the daughter-in-law in the fear of God. No wonder in the Russian song, the mother-in-law sings: "What kind of son you are, what a family man! You do not beat your wife, do not beat the young ... "I thought it was up to getting up for the daughterfoot, I tried to excite the compassion of the Korea; But he calmly objected to me that "Hunting de For you ... to engage in the trifles," let the women quarrel ... there is no worse, and it's not worth it. " Sometimes the evil old woman got out of the oven, caused the yard dog out of Seine, saying: "Here, here, a dog!" - And he beat her on a thin back of the Kocherga or became under the shed and "hit", as the Horing was expressed, with all passing. She's her husband, however, was afraid and, according to his order, was removed to her oven. But it was especially curious to listen to Kalinich's dispute with Hori when it came to Mr. Semikin. "You're, choir, I don't touch him," Kalinich said. "And what does he not easily save your boots?" - objected the one. "Eka, boots! .. What is my boots? I'm a man ... "-" Yes, here I am a man, and you are ... "At the same time, the Word of Horing raised his leg and showed Kalinyu Bogog, the tailored, probably from mammoth leather. "Eh, yes, you are our brother!" - answered Kalinich. "Well, at least I gave the napty: after all, you walk with him to hunt; tea that day, then lapties. " - "He gives me a lapti." - "Yes, last year the Grivennik complained." Kalinych with annoyance turned away, and the Horie fell by laughter, and his little eyes disappeared completely.

Kalinich sang quite nice and played on the balalaica. He listened to the chorus, he listened to him, visiting the head of the side suddenly and began to pull up with a plaintive voice. He especially loved the song: "Share you are mine, share!" Fedya did not miss the case to undergo over the Father. "What, the old man, deemed?" But the choir pierced his cheek with his hand, closed his eyes and continued to complain about his share ... But at another time there was no man more active than him: he always digs about something - a cart, he supports the fence, reconsistently. Of particular purity, he, however, did not adhere to my remarks I once answered me that "I needed to smell a housing."

"Look," I objected him, "as Kalinic is clean at the apiary.

- Bees would not live, Batyushka, - he said with a sigh.

"And what," he asked me another time, - Do you have your own patrimony? " - "There is". - "Far away from here?" - "Marsh Stream." - "What are you, Batyushka, live in your victoban?" - "I live." - "And more, tea, rifle are trying?" - "Confold, yes." - "Well, the father, do; Shoot yourself on the health of the Tetherov, and the headlight is changered more often. "

On the fourth day, in the evening, G. Semikin sent for me. It was a pity to part with an old man. Together with Kalina I sat down in the cart. "Well, goodbye, the chorine, be healthy," I said ... - Goodbye, Fedya. " - "Farewell, father, goodbye, do not forget us." We went; Zarya just flared up. "Nice weather will be tomorrow," I noticed, looking at the bright sky. "No, the rain will go," Kalinich objected me, "the ducks are splashing, and the grass hurts very much." We entered the bushes. Kalinich fell in a low voice, bouncing on the irradiation, and everything looked yes looked at the dawn ...

Another day I left the hospitable shelter Mr. Semi Syukin.

« Notes Hunter"- Collection of stories of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who printed in 1847-1851 in the magazine" Contemporary "and issued by a separate publication in 1852. Three stories are written and attached by the author to the collection much later.

Researchers have no consensus on the genre affiliation of works included in the book: they are called essays and stories.

"Hunter's notes" is a cycle of stories I.S. Turgenev about peasant life issued by the collection in 1852. Turgenev in his stories managed to show the beauty of the soul of a simple peasant man, and it became the main argument of the writer against the disgraces of serfdom. Turgenev wrote the truth about the peasant life, without embellishing her, and this was discovered for readers a new world - the world of the handican. In the "Notes of the Hunter", they also found their reflection and the plight of the Russian people and the glorification of his talentedness and vitality.

History of creation and publication

Summer and part of the autumn of 1846 Turgenev spent in Spassky-Lutovinov. The writer almost did not touch Peru, but a lot hunted; His regular companion was the Henge of the Black County of Athanasius Alifanov. Leaving in mid-October to St. Petersburg, the writer found out that there were changes in the contemporary: the magazine was acquired by Nekrasov and Ivan Panayev. The new edition asked Turgenev "Fill the mixture department in the 1st number".

The story "Horing and Kalinic", written for the first number, was released in the January issue of the "Contemporary" (1847). The subtitle "From the notes of the hunter", which gave the name of the entire cycle, was proposed by Panayev. At first, Turgenev was not too clearly seen the angle of the future works: "crystallization of the plan" was gradually:

"The observations made by the writer during their stay in the village were so abundant that it was enough for this for several years of work, as a result of which a book that opened a new era in Russian literature was. "

In the summer of 1847 Turgenev And Belinsky left in Salzbrunn. There, work on the "notes of the hunter" was continued. When Turgenev I read your friends a story "Burmister", Belinsky, on the memories of Annenkov present in the premises, responded to one of the episodes with an emotional phrase: "What a bastard with subtle tastes!" This story was the only one under which the author indicated the place and time of writing: "Salzbrunn, in Silesia, July, 1847."

In 1852, the "Hunter's Notes" came out with a separate book. An official of the censorship, carefully referring the graves prepared for printing with the texts placed on the "contemporary" pages, wrote in the conclusion that "the content of the stories everywhere is the same", after which he gave permission to issue a collection. Later, the censor was removed from office.

The book opens an essay "Horing and Kalinich", in which the author talks about two men who met in the Silansky district of the Oryol province. One of them - a chorine - after a fire settled with his family far away in the forest, produced trafficking, regularly paid Barina the lifts and was heard "administrative head" and "rationalist". The idealist Kalinich, on the contrary, Vital in the clouds, even his own wife was afraid, he threatened before Barin, the temper had meek; At the same time, he could divert blood, saved from fears, had power over bees. New acquaintances were very interested in a storyteller; He gladly listened to the conversations so disliked on each other of people.

A barley hunter ("Yermolai and Mellenchikha") Barin allowed to live anywhere, provided that he would bring two couples and partridges into the kitchen to the kitchen. The storytellor happened to spill together with Yermolam in the house of Melnik. In his wife, Arina Petrovna could guess the yard woman; It turned out that she lived for a long time in St. Petersburg, served the maid in a rich house and was at Baryni in a good account. When Arina asked the master of permission to marry the lacquer parsley, the lady ordered the cracker and send to the village. Local miller, bought out beauty, took her in wives.

Meeting with the doctor ("county leak") allowed the author to record the story of hopeless love. Arriving once on call to the house of a poor landowner, the medic saw a girl in her fever. Attempts to save the patient did not be crowned with success; Having held with Alexandra Andreevna all its last days, the doctor and years later, the years could not forget that desperate impotence, which arises when you can't keep someone else's life in my hands.

The radar landowner ("my neighbor radar") performed the impression of man, the whole soul of which "left for a while". For three years, he was happy in marriage. When his wife died of childbirth, his heart "as if frank". Now he lived with Mother and Olga - the sister of the deceased wife. Olga's gaze, when the landowner shared with his memories with his memories, seemed strange: on the face of the girl were written and compassion, and jealousy. A week later, the narrator learned that the radars along with Cola went to an unknown direction.

The fate of the Orlovsky landowner by the surname Lyugeni ("Ovatovikov Oatmeals") made a steep turn during the Patriotic War. Together with the Napoleonic army, he entered Russia, but on the way back he fell into the hands of Smolensky men, who decided to drown "Franzize" in the hole. Lyulya saved passing by the landowner: he just searched for his daughters of the music teacher and French. Heaving and stealing, the twentieth moved to another Mr.; In his house, he fell in love with a young pupil, married, entered the service and went out in nobles.

The guys who went to her tool at night ("Bezhin meads"), told stories about the houses, which is found in the factory; about the Slobodsky carpenter Gavril, who became unlikely after meeting with the mermaid; About mad aculin, "spoiled water". One of the teenagers, Paul, went for water, and on his return, he said that Vasi's voice was heard - a boy, drowned in the river. The guys decided that it was bad sign. Soon Paul died, falling from the horse.

Melkind nobleman ("Peter Petrovich Karataev") attracted the serf girl, belonging to the rich landowner Marie Ilyinichna. Attempts to buy a pretty singer did not led to anything: the old lady, on the contrary, sent the "Holopkaya" to the steppe village. Having found the girl, Karataev arranged for her escape. Several months beloved were happy. Idilly ended after the landowner learned where the faded was hiding. Complained complaints, Petr Petrovich began to be nervous. In one of the days of Matrön, realizing that there would be no longer a quiet life, went to the lady and "betrayed himself."

Images of heroes

According to researchers, the peasants of the chorine and Kalinich are carriers of the "most typical characteristics of the Russian national character." The prototype of the Korea was a fortress peasant, distinguished by power, insight and "extraordinary height." He knew a diploma, and when Turgenev sent him a story, "the old man was proud to re-read it." About this peasant mentioned Athanasius Fet; In 1862, during the aunt hunt, he stopped in the house of the Korea and snapped there:

"Interestedly interested in the essay of the poet, I was greatly attended by the personality and home life of my host. Khorosh now for eighty, but his colossal figure and Hercules team addition to the summer. "

If the king is "a positive person, practical", then Kalinich refers to the number of romantics, "people of enthusiastic and dreamy". This is manifested in its careful attitude towards nature and sincere songs; When Kalinich fought, even a "pragmatist", the choir could not resist and after a short pause she picked up a song.

Peter Petrovich Sokolov. Illustration 1890s to the story "Peter Petrovich Karataev".

Arina, the heroine of the story "Yermolai and Melnichikha", is not trying to cause pity among the guests who kept the evening in her house. However, the narrator realizes that the landowner who did not allow the girl to marry Prunce, and the "Melnik", who bought it, became for a woman the cause of bitter experiences.

For Matrius, a fortress girl, the love of the landowner becomes a serious test ("Petr Petrovich Karataev"). Loving and regret Karataeva, she first decided to escape from Baryni, and then back to her and returned. In this act, Matrius, seeking to save Peter Petrovich from the hosted personnel of the hostess, researchers see the "feat of selflessness and selflessness."

In the sketch of "Bezhin Mead", folk poetic fictions about the houses, mermaids, ledgers were recorded; The author does not hide the surprise of the adaratence of peasant children, in the oral stories of which heard legends heard and fairy tales are harmoniously intertwined with impressions of nature. As an equally strong mental response called the voice of Yakov ("singers"): they were heard "both passion, and youth, and power, and some exciting and careless, sad grief" were heard. "

Analysis of the cycle of stories "Notes of the Hunter"

It presents a holistic picture of Russia, lit by the loved, poetic attitude of the author to his native land, reflections on the present and future of its talented people. There is no scenes torture, but it is the ordinary pictures of serfdom that testify to the anti-human essence of the entire social system. In this work, the author does not offer us bright plot strokes with an active action, and much attention pays to portrait characteristics, manners, habits and tastes of heroes. Although the overall plot is still present. The narrator commits a voyage in Russia, but his geography is very unstable is the Oryology region. He meets along the way with various types of people, as a result of which the picture of the Russian life is evoked. Turgenev attached great importance to the location of the stories in the book. So there is a not a simple selection of thematically homogeneous stories, but a single artistic work, within which the patterns of the figurative interrelation of essays apply. " Notes Hunter »Opened by two thematic" phrases ", each of which includes three stories. First, variations are given on a folk character - "Horing and Kalinich", "Yermolai and Melnichikha", "Malinovaya Water". The following three stories develop the topic of the ruining nobility - "county led", "My neighbor of Radimov", "Ovatsynikov". The following stories: "LRV", "Bezhin meads", "Kasyan with a beautiful sword" - again develop the thesis of the people, but they appear in them and more persistently sounds the motives of the decaying adverse effect of serfdom to the soul of people, it is especially felt in the sketch " " In the stories of the Burmistra, the "office" and "Biryuk" continued the topic of the nobility, however, in a sharply updated version. In the "Burmist", for example, a typewriter type of a new formation is presented, the Bark servant is given here. In the "office" there are curious results of the transfer of old nobility habits of economic entity for new forms of public institutions and new types of office servants from peasants. In the sketch "Biryuk" described a strange, mysterious person who personifies the mighty natural forces, which still unconsciously roam in the soul of the Russian man. In the following eight stories, thematic phrases are mixed, and a peculiar thematic diffusion occurs. However, at the very end of the cycle, the elegic note of the two stories about the nobleman Chertopkhanov is replaced by the folk theme in the essays "live power" and "knocking". In the "Notes of the Hunter", provincial Russia is depicted, but there is a dead pressure of those life spheres that are over the Russian province and dictate their conditions and laws. The first story of this cycle is called "Horing and Kalinich". The author-narrator gets acquainted with the landlord semi-tier, a passionate hunter who invites him to his estate, where he introduces his peasants who are quite highly appreciated. The first character is a chorine, in the form of which a certain type is laid, quite common in the people. The choir was well acquainted with the practical side of the case, a common sense is visible in his actions and work. He is in the position of a serf peasant, although he has the opportunity to boot from his Barin. His buddy Kalina is full of his opposite. He came his wife, and now alone lives. The hunt was the meaning of his life, giving him the opportunity to contact with nature. Heroes look at life in different ways, perceive various situations, even their manners are completely opposite. The author does not idealize the peasants. Turgenev saw in folk types of people common sense, the tragedy of which is that they cannot realize their talents and opportunities. He seen the choir, knew and well understood the psychology of human relations. "Intenuing with the Horam, I first heard a simple smart speech of the Russian man." But he didn't know how to read the choral, and Kalinich was able, but he was deprived of common sense. These opposites in real life do not contradict each other, and complement and thereby find a common language. Here the author performed as a mature Master of the National Story, there was a peculiar serfdom of the entire book, which portrayed the strong, courageous, bright folk characters, the existence of which turned the serfdom into shame and humiliation of Russia, in a public phenomenon incompatible with the national dignity of the Russian person. In the sketch "Horing and Kalinich", the character of the semi-tier landlord is painted only by light strokes, casually reported his preferences to French cuisine, and also mentioned the Barski office. But this is not accidental to be this element. In the sketch of the "office" are presented similar French addictions in the form of a foaming landlord, and the destructive consequences of this element are shown in the "Burmister" story. In this product, the destructive economic consequences of the so-called civilization activities are mercilessly exposed. Their business manner undermines the foundation of the farm of the peasant on Earth. In the essay "Two landlords", for example, it is described about the economic activity of one important St. Petersburg dignitorn, who decided to sing through the whole of his fields, "since he is more expensive than rye, so it is more profitable to sow it." With the activities of this dignitarily, the management of the landlord of Pantelee Eremeevich Chertopkhanova is echoing, which began to rebuild the peasant huts by the new plan. In addition, he ordered all his subjects to numbered and sew each of his number on the collar. In such increments of the provincial landlord, other actions of the All-Russian, state scale are visible. Here the author hints at Arakcheev - organizer of peasant military settlements. Gradually, the book develops an artistic thought about the absurdity of the age-old serfdom. For example, in the story of the "Ovatsyman Oatmeals", the story of the transformation of the illiterate French drummer of Lenzhenia in Music Teachers, Gutener, and then in the Russian Nobleman. In the "Notes of the Hunter" there are stories that are closer to satire, since they sound an anti-refrete topic. For example, in the story of "LRVA" it is said about the peasant in the nicknamed a bitch, who for his life served by the Lord Kucher, a fisherman, a cook, an actor in the home theater, a buffeton Anton, although his real name was Kuzma. Having several names and nicknames, the personality turned out to be completely impersonal. Different fates, combining and relenting with others, are involved in creating a monumental image of a fortress yoke, which has a destructive impact on the life of the nation. This image complements and strengthens nature. Through the entire book, the red thread passes a lifeless landscape. For the first time, he appears in the essay "Horing and Kalinich", where it is mentioned about the Oryol Village, located next to the ravine. In the story "Singers", the village of Kolotovka dissected a terrible ravine directly in the middle of the street. In the sketch of the "Bezhin Mead" the lost hunter is experiencing a "terrible feeling", hitting the hollow like a boiler with gentle glasses. The image of terrible, damned by people, repeatedly appears in the story. Landscapes of this kind are concentrated in itself age-old folk misfortunes and adversity associated with Russian serfdom. This work is devoid of patriarchal positiveness, as the All-Russian social conflict will be raised in it, and two national images of the world will face and argue with each other, the official, dead life, and peasant, lively and poetic. In addition, all heroes are to two different poles - dead or alive. In the creation of a holistic image of living Russia, nature also plays an active role. The best heroes of this work are not just depicted against the background of nature, but also act as its continuation. Thus, it is achieved in the book the poetic feeling of mutual communication of the whole living: man, rivers, forests, steppes. The soul of this unity is the identity of the author, merged with the life of the people, with the deep layers of Russian culture. Nature is not indifferent to a person, on the contrary, she is very stronger in his relationship with him, as she will twist him for too unceremonious and rational invasion of her secrets, as well as for excessive courage and self-confidence with her. The peculiarity of the national nature is revealed in the "Death" story, where tragic stories about the death of the Contractor Maxim, Peasantine, Melnik Vasil, the intellectual-intelled festival Avenir Sokolumov, the old mansmen are listed. But all these stories are united by one common motive: heart strings are manifested in Russian man in a Russian man. All Russian people "die surprisingly", since in the hour of the last test they do not think about themselves, but about others, about loved ones. This is the source of their courage and mental endurance. Much attracts a writer in Russian life, but also pushes a lot. However, there is one quality in it that the author puts very high, is democratism, friendliness, lively talent of mutual understanding, which was not destroyed from the folk medium, but on the contrary, the centuries of serfdom, harsh tests of Russian history. There is another leitmotif in the "Notes of the Hunter" - the musical gifting of the Russian people, which is first declared in the "Chorean and Kalinic". Kalinych sings, and the businesslike fervent feeds him. The song combines in the general mood even such opposite animals. The song is the beginning that brings people in joys and sorrows of life. In the sketch "Malinovaya Water" the characters have common features: they are all losers. And at the end of the essay on another bank, an unfamiliar singer dragged the sad song, which brings together people, because through separate fate leads to the community-based fate and thus relates to the heroes among themselves. In the story "Kasyan with a beautiful swords", among the fields, sorrowful entanglements are heard, which calls in the road, away from the ground, where it is not true and evil, promised to the country, where all people live in contentment and justice. In the same country calls the heroes of the song Yakov from the story "Singers". Not only the singing of Yakov, but also the spiritual relationship, which his song establishes in very different on the position and origin of the characters. Jacob sang, but with him sang and the souls of people surrounding it. The song lives the entire proposed zucchini. But Turgenev is a realist writer, so it will show how such a gust is replaced by spiritual depression. Next follows a drunk evening, where Yakov and the whole world in zucchka become completely different. The collection has stories imbued with special lyricism. For example, "Bezhin Meadow" on grace is sharply different from other novels of this cycle. The author pays a lot of attention here the elements of nature. Traveler closer in the evening I got off the road and decided to choose myself overnight. It goes to the fire, burning near the river, who has peasant children, grazing horses. The hunter becomes a witness to their conversation. He is delighted with those folk stories with which he met at the same time. The story of the bone of Gavril, Slobodsky carpenter, who collided with the mermaid. He went to meet her, but the inner force stopped him, he put the cross, after which she stopped laughing and cried, saying: "To kill you until the end of the days." Here, the Satanic power is defeated by the procession, but it is able to introduce sadness in man. "Hunter's notes" essay "Forest and Steppe" end. There are no heroes here, but there is a subtle lyrical description of the natural elements, the beauty of nature and the life of a person in it. These two opposites are not crowded, do not interfere, but mutually complement each other. And the forest, and the steppe cause delight among the traveler, they like him at the same time. A person must also harmonically fit into nature. Essay will penetrate the life-affirming optimistic mood, as all this is important for the healthy existence of people. Thus, the central conflict of this book is complicated and deep. Undoubtedly, social antagonisms here are quite acute. Of course, the burden of serfdom lies first of all on the shoulders of the peasant, because it is he who has to endure physical tortures, hunger, need and spiritual humiliation. However, Turgenev looks at the serfdom with a wider, nationwide point of view, as a phenomenon, painful at the same time for a barrina, and for a man. He sharply condemns the brutal destroyers and sympathizes the nobles that themselves turned out to be victims of serfish yoke. After all, it is not at all by chance that the singing of Yakov Turka calls out of the eyes of the wild Barin "heavy tear". Turgenev nationally with Russian features are endowed not only by peasants; Russians by nature are some landowners who avoided the fastened influence of serfdom. Peter Petrovich Karataev is no less Russian man than peasants. National character traits are emphasized in the moral appearance of Chertophanov. He is a landowner, but not a serpent. Such is Tatyana Borisovna, the patriarchal landowner, but at the same time a simple creature, with a "straight purulent heart." The author sees the living forces of the nation both in the peasant and the noble environment. By admiring poetic gifting or, on the contrary, the businesslikeness of the Russian man, the writer comes to the conclusion that the serfdom is contrary to national dignity, and all living Russia, not only the peasant, but also noble, should take part in the fight against it.

Notes of the hunter. Summary

by chapters

Bezhin Mead.

An excellent July day, one of those days when the weather was established for a long time, the narrator hunted on the alerts in the Chernsky district of the Tula province. He shot quite a lot of game, and when it became dark, I decided to go home, but I was getting lost. A long enough hunter, meanwhile the night approached. He even tried to ask his hunting dog Dianka, where he wandered and where he was. The "smartest of four-legged creatures" was silent and only wisered the tail. Continuing to join, the hunter was found over the scary abyss. The hill on which he was located, descended with a pickled cliff. On the plain near the river burned and two lights glowed, people again were again.

The narrator learned where he went. It. The place was known as the Bezhin Meadow. The hunter went down and was going to ask people about overnight stay near the fire. He was met by the dogs evil lamin. Children's voices ran around the lights, and the hunter from afar answered the children. They drove dogs who were particularly struck by the appearance of Dianka, and the man went to the fire.

The hunter said to the boys, which was lost, and fell to the fire. The boys who were sitting by the fire was five: Fedya, Pavlusha, Ilyusha, Kostya and Vanya.

Fedya was older than all. He was fourteen years old. It was a slim boy with blond eyes and a permanent cheerful half jelly. He belonged to all the signs, to a rich family, and left the field for fun. Pavlusha was a non-pieces. But he said cleverly and straight, and his power sounded in his voice. Ilyushi's face expressed stupid, painful caring. He seemed to be pushed from the fire. He and Pavlushe had twelve years. Fourth, Kostya, a child of ten years old, excited curiosity with his thoughtful and sad eyes. Vanya was only seven years old, he dreamed on a lodge.

The kids talked about the fact that Sez, but suddenly Fedya turned to Ilyusha and asked him, as if continuing the interrupted story, Whether Ilyusha saw the house. Ilyusha replied that he had not seen because it was impossible to see him, but heard in the old role, in the factory. Under the house night the boards were crack, suddenly the wheel could get, the boilers and the adaptations on which they made the paper were moved. Then the house seems to go to the door and suddenly coughed and choked. The kids, spent the night at the factory, fell from fear and climbed into each other.

And Kostya told another story - about Slobodsky carpenter Gavrile, who is always awesome, because I saw a mermaid in the forest. Mermaid lacked all the time and called the guy to himself. But the Lord was supervised, and Gabril signed himself a cross. The mermaid burst into trouble and disappeared, having posted that it was not necessary to be baptized a man. She now all the time cry, they say, will, but she wished him to be killed until the end of the days. After these words, the unclean power disappeared, Gavrile became clear how to get out of the forest. But since then he walks awesome.

The next story was Ilyushin. It was a story about how Psar Yermil picked up a white lamb at the grave of the White Barashka, who at night scolded his teeth and spoke with Yermil a human voice.

Fedya continued to talk about the story about the late Barina Ivan Ivanich, who all walks on the ground in Kaftan by Dolgopol and is looking for something. Grandfather Trofimich, who asked the deadman that he was looking for, Ivan Ivanovich replied that he was looking for a rupture. Gives him grave, and I want to wander.

Ilyusha picked up a conversation and told that the deadman could be seen in the parent Saturday, if you sit in the church on Peniti. But you can see the living, to whom this year a queue to get. Grandma Ulyana saw Ivashka Fedoseeva, a boy who deceased in the spring, and then his own. And in it from this day the soul barely keeps, although it is still alive. Ilyusha told about Trishka, an extraordinary person, legends about which were very similar to legends about Antichrist. The conversation went over to Water, and from him and on sharul-fool, which was crushed since he tried to bother in the river.

In the same river drowned and boy Vasya. His mother sigled the hay until the son played on the shore. The boy suddenly disappeared, only a hat on the water swam. His mother since then is not in his mind.

Paul came with a full waters of the water in his hands and said that the case was wrong, his called the house. Fedya, at the same time, Izvestia added that Paul called the drowning vassalka.

The hunter gradually dream smoral eyes, and he woke up only at dawn. All the boys slept near the fire. One Paul woke up and looked closely at the night guest who nodded his head and went along the river.

Unfortunately, Paul did not become in the same year: he fell from a horse and killed.

Chore and Kalinich

The narrator gets acquainted with the landlord semi-shit, a passionate hunter who invites him to his estate. They come to spend the night to the peasant Khorosh. Horing had a strong farm and possessed a practical warehouse of the mind. He was a serfs semi-shit, although he had the opportunity to boot from his barin. But it was unprofitable to Kore, so he refused such thoughts.

Horner's manners are leisurely, he does not embark on business, without considering and not having calculated everything, he does not think abstractly, his dreams are not attended.

His buddy Kalina is the opposite. He once had a wife, whom he was very afraid, but it was a long time ago. Now he lives alone and often accompanies semi-kin on the hunt. This lesson became the meaning of his life, as it gives him the opportunity to communicate with nature.

Horing and Kalinich are friends, despite the fact that they look at life in different ways. Kalinych, as a man enthusiastic, dreamy, not quite disassembled in humans, was revealed before Barine. The choir saw semi-kin, so heronically treated him somewhat.

The choir loved Kalinich and provided him with a patronage, because he felt that he was wiser. And Kalinic, in turn, loved and respected Horing.

The choir knew how to hide his thoughts, slander, said little. Kalinich was explained with heat, enthusiastically. Kalinych was familiar with the secrets of nature, he could stop the blood, tall the fright. All these skills did not possess practical chorine, which "stood closer to society, to people," while Kalinich, - to nature.

Ermolai and Melnichikha

The narrator tells about how one day they went with the hunter Ermolam to "craving" - evening hunt for Valdshnepov.

Then he introduces readers with Yermolam. "Yermolai was a man of the obstrine: disabled, like a bird, rather talked, scattered and awkwardly." At the same time, "no one could compare with him in art to catch in the spring, in the hollow water, fish, to get crayfish with their hands, find out the face of a little game, lick the quail, to enter the hawks, to extract Solovyov ..."

Having stood on the thrust around the hour by killing two pairs of Waldshnepov, the storyteller with Yermolam decided to spend the night on the nearest mill, but they were not allowed, but allowed to spend the night under the open canopy. Melnik's wife Arina brought them meals for dinner. It turned out that the storyteller knows her former Barin Mr. Zvezkova, the wife of which Arina served the maid. Once she asked Barina permission to marry a lacquer parsley. Verkov and his wife considered themselves offended by this request: the girl was exiled to the village, and Lakely was given to the soldiers. Later, Arina married a miller who bought it.

Malinovaya Water

The action takes place in the heat in early August, when the narrator went on hunting and went towards the key known as the raspberry water.

At the river, he meets two old people, catching fish, - Shumyikhinsky Steakhku and Mikhail Savelyeva nicknamed fog. Next follows a story about their life stories.

County tech

Once in the fall, returning from the departure of the field, the narrator witrated and fell ill. It happened in the district city, in the hotel. Called the doctor. The county leak, trophone Ivanovich, discharged the medicine and began to talk about how one day, during the game in the preference at the local judge, was summoned to the house of one impoverished widow. It was a landowner who lived in twenty versts from the city. In the note it was said that her daughter was dying, and she asked the Doctor to come quickly.

Arriving, the leakage began to provide medical care for her daughter, Alexander Andreevna, sick with hot. Trifon Ivanovich remained for several days to care for the patient, feeling "the location of it". Despite all his efforts, the girl was not corrected. Once at night, feeling that he would die soon, she confessed to the doctor in love. Three days later, Alexander Andreevna died.

And the doctor after - entered into a legitimate marriage, taking a merchant daughter Acouulin, evil, but with a family of thousands of dowry.

Oveseynov Ovsynikov

Here, the narrator introduces readers with Ovsynikov. It was a full, high, seventy years old, with a face resembling a few Krylov's face, with a clear and intelligent eyes, with an important posture, a measured speech and slow gait. All the neighbors he was extremely respected and worshiped for honor to be found with him. Oveseanov lived one with his wife in a cozy, tidy house. He kept a small servant, put her people in Russian and called workers. "He read for sin to sell bread - God's gift, and in the 40th year, during a universal hunger and terrible high cost, distributed the surrounding landlords and men all his stock; They fell their duty to the next year with gratitude to him. From the books of the busticians read only spiritual. It often came from neighbors for advice and help, with a request to judge, reconcile them.

One of the neighbors of Ovsynikov was Franz Ivanovich Lajon. In 1812, he went to Russia with the Napoleonic army drummer. During the retreat, the hedgehog caught his hands to Smolensky men who wanted to drown it. Passing past the landowner regretted the Frenchman. He asked if he plays on the piano, and brought home as a teacher for his daughters. Two weeks later, Lena moved from this landowner to another, a man rich and educated, who loved the Frenchman for a kind and fun temper and married his pupil. Liezhalan entered the service, became nobleman, and at the end - the Russian landowner. He moved to live in the eagle and started friendship with oatmeal.


The narrator with Yermolam goes to shoot the ducks in the flags - a big steppe village. Once from the banks of the river, they find the boat of Fisherman Kuzma, the nickname bitch. Who was not only in his life: Cossack, Kucher, Cook, County, Actor, Forether, Gardener, Daezzychim, and now he is the Lorskie Fisherman, who for seven years has been attached to fish in the pond, where the fish is not found. He had several names and nicknames during life.

Kasyan with beautiful swords

The narrator returns from the hunt for a sorty summer day. The wheel of their cart breaks the axis, and Kucher Erofey blames in this funeral procession. It is believed to meet the dead man - bad sign. The narrator learns that the Martyn-carpenter is burying, who deceased from the hot. Kucher, meanwhile, suggests to go to the judin evicted to get a new axis for the wheel. On the erases, the narrator meets Kasyan - Dwarf of the age of fifty with a small, dark and wrinkled face, sharp spout, Karimi, barely noticeable eyes and curly, dense black hair. His whole body was extremely punish and bad, and the look was strange and unusual.

Kasyan says that the new axis can be requested from merchant cuzzles in the oak grove, which is cut down for sale, and agrees to accompany the hunter there. He decides to hunt in the grove. Kasyan asks to take it with him. After a long wandering, the storytellor manages only Korostel.

"- Barin, and Barin! - said suddenly Kasyan with his sonorous voice.

I am surprised raised; Until now, he barely answered my questions, and then suddenly spoke himself.

- What do you want? - I asked.

- Well, why did you kill Ptashka? He began, looking at me right in the face.

- How for what? The corrider is to game: it is possible.

- Not for that you killed him, Barin: You will eat it! You killed him for fun. "

Kasyan argues that all forest creature is sinful to kill, and the person has a friend - bread and "Creator manual from the ancient fathers." He says that "against death is neither a person nor the creatures not to discuss. Death and does not run, and you will not kill it; Yes, it should not help her ... "

The narrator learns that Kasyan knows the medical herbs well, at one time he walked "and in Simbirsk is a glorious hail, and in the very Moscow - golden poppies; I went to the OKU-Kormilitsa, and on the Mother Volga. " "And not one I, sinful ... Many other horstians go in the noodles, roam the world, they are looking for ... Yes! .. And the fact that at home, eh? There is no justice in man - that's it ... "

Kucher Erofephy considers Kasyana with an octive and stupid man, but admits that Kasyan cured him from the gold. "God knows him: it is silent as a stump, then suddenly speak," and what he speaks, God knows him. " Is this a manner? This is not a manner. Uncoated person as it is. "


A young landowner lives in fifteen from the estate of the narrator, the Guards Foam officer in the resignation of Arkady Pochochkin. It is built according to the plan of the French architect, people are dressed in English, the economy is engaged in great success. Pammygne writes French books, but practically does not read them. It is considered one of the most educated noble and enviable ghenykh provisions. In winter, travels to Petersburg. The narrator is reluctant to visit him, but one day he has to spend a night in the estate of Pammy. In the morning there was breakfast to the English manner. Next, they go to the village of Shipilovka, where they stop in the wabble of the local Burmister Sofron Yakovlevich. That all the questions of the foam of affairs about affairs in the economy answered that everything is very well due to the orders of the Barin. On the other day, Pammy, together with the narrator and burmist of the Sofron, went to inspect the estate where an extraordinary order reigned. Then I went to hunt into the forest, and returned, went to watch the Iron, recently discharged from Moscow.

Going out of the barn, they saw two men, old and young, kneeling. They complained that they were completely tortured by the burmist, which the old man was taken to recruits, and now and the third takes. He took the last cow from the courtyard and beat him his wife. They argued that the burmirm is not alone ruining. But Preamau did not listen to them.

Two hours later, the narrator was already in the village of Ryabov, where he talked with a familiar man with an antpasist about Shipovsky peasants. He explained that Shipilovka is only listed for Barin, and his sofron owns it as his good: the peasants should be around him, they work for him, like bars, and the burmarterates the land, horses, cattle, tar, butter, hemp, so rich very, but Peasants beats. The men are not complaining of Barina, because the foamnu is still: the main thing is that there is no arrears. And on the antipa, the sofron walked out due to the fact that he quarreled with him on a gathering, so now he will take revenge on him.


The action takes place in the fall. The hunter wandered with a gun on the fields and suddenly saw a low slut, in which the old man was sitting, who gave him the road. So the narrator was in the estate of Losnyakov, Elena Nikolaevna, in the main dominance of the office, where the Contverter Nikolai Eremeev is disposed of. The narrator, being in the next room and pretending sleeping, finds out

about him and about life in the estate a lot of new things.


The hunter returned home one, on bearing trembling. The thunderstorm came, and suddenly the streams were raining. Suddenly in the dark, with a brilliance of lightning, a high figure rose near the yeast. The person demanded a strict voice to call himself and, having heard the answer, calmed down. He himself turned out to be a local forester and suggested a hunter to wait for his rain in his hut. The forester took a horse under the coziness, and soon the hunter's eyes appeared a small hut on a wide yard. On the threshold they met a girl of the twelve, in a shirt, spiderman, and with a lantern in hand. The forester went to put the tremors under a canopy, and Barin entered the hut. Terrifying poverty appeared in front of him. In the cradle lay a child who was hard and often breathed. The girl was kicked by his hand, correcting Luchin. Forester entered. Barin thanked the forester and asked his name. He replied that his name is Thomas, nicknamed Biryuk.

A hunter with double curiosity looked at the forester.

About honesty, integrity and power of Biryukka went legends.

Barin asked where the hostess. The forester first replied that she died, and then recovered, saying that he ran away from passing his traded, throwing and barely born baby.

Biryuk suggested Barina Bread, but he said that he was not hungry. The forester went on the courtyard and returned to the news that the thunderstorm passes, and offered a guest to spend it out of the forest. He himself took a gun, explaining this by the fact that the end of the ride the tree is chicted, SHAYAT - he heard from the courtyard.

At the place of a barbecue with a forester did not have time. The hunter rushed to the place where the noise of the struggle came from, and saw the Lesnik, who twisted the Warm of his hand with a scat behind his back. The thief turned out to be a peasant in rags, with a long beard. Barin mentally gave the floor: by all means to free the poor man. The man was sat on the shop, and dead silence was established in the house.

Suddenly the prisoner spoke and asked Kuzmich's fomet, that is, Biryukka, free it. Thomas was adamant, and after a long provers, the man had threats to the forester. Biryuk got up, in a rummy anger approached the man. He was frightened that he would beat him, and Barin stood up for the prisoner. Biryuk ordered Barina to fall behind, dried out the Kushak from the elbow of the man, hacked him the hat on his eyes, grabbed the collar and pushed out of the hut.

Barin praised Biryuk, they say, he is like small. The forester from him dismissed and asked only anyone to tell anyone.

Then he spent the Barin and said goodbye to him on the edge of the forest.


The narrator tells about how five years ago he got into Lebedyan in the very collapse of the fair. After lunch, he goes to the coffee shop where they were playing billiards.

The next day, he went to choose his horse, looked for a long time, finally bought. But she turned out to be swammed and chrome, and the seller refused to take it back.


The action takes place in a small village of Kolotovka. Here it is told about the competition of two singers from the people - Yakova Turk and a row from Syno. A row sang the "Highest Falletet", his voice was "quite pleasant and sweet, although a few sipile; He played and wiely with this voice like a Yulia,<…> I was silent and then suddenly picked up the former entanglements with some kind of barustic, driving delete. Its transitions were sometimes quite bold, sometimes quite fun: they would have taken a lot of pleasure. "

Jacob "Sang, completely forgottening his opponent, and all of us, but, apparently, raised, like a vile swimmer with waves, our silent, passionate fate. He sang, and from every sound of his voice was immersed by something native and unaware wide, as if the familiar steppe was revealed<…>, leaving for endless distance. "

"Not one in the field of the road ran", "Peel Yakov, and all those present became terribly. In his voice was a genuine deep passion, and youth, and power, and sweetness, and some exciting careless, sad grief. "Russian, truthful, the hot soul sounded and breathed in him and so grabbed you for the heart, grabbed right behind his Russian strings."

Resting on a haymaker and leaving the village, the hunter decided to look into the window of the propheted zucchini, where a few hours ago was a witness of wondrous singing. His eyes introduced himself to "awesome" and "Pestray" picture: "Everything was drunk - everything, starting with Jacob. With a naked breast, sat on the shop and, singing with a husky voice, some kind of dance, street song, lazily tried the strings of the guitar ... "

Overlooking the window from which the non-stroke sounds of Kabatsky "fun", the hunter quickly walked away from the path.

Peter Petrovich Karataev

The action took place in the fall, on the road from Moscow to Tula, when the narrator spent almost a day due to lack of horses in the postal house, where he met with a small nobleman Peter Petrovich Karataev. Karataev tells his story to the narrator. It is almost ruined - due to the lambroids and its own inability to manage the economy, and now goes to Moscow to serve. Then he remembers how Matren's beautiful serf girl fell in love, decided to buy her away from Mrs.. He was accepted by the relative of Baryni and told him to leave in two days. Having arrived at the specified period, Peter Petrovich found out that Matrena is sent to the steppe village, as the lady does not want to sell a girl. Then Karataev went to the village where Matoren was exiled, and he took her secret, at night. So they lived five months in joy and harmony.

But one day, riding in the sleigh, they went to the village of Matrenina Baryni, where they saw them and learned. The lady filed a complaint to Karataeva that a runaway girl lives with him. He came by correction, but this time Peter Petrovich managed to pay off. However, he was not left alone. He got into debt, hid Matrena, but that spraul Karataeva, went and gave herself.

A year after this meeting, the narrator came to Moscow, went out there in a coffee shop where he saw a boring

Peter Petrovich. He told that he had not served anywhere, it was sold to the village from the auction, and he intends to remain in Moscow until the end of his life.


Gently loving Akulin comes to the grove on a date with the spoiled Barsky Cameryman and finds out that he leaves his master in St. Petersburg, perhaps leaving her forever. Victor leaves without the shadow of the disorder or repentance, and the poor deceived girl indulgesed without sobs.

Nature here is a subtle lyrical commentary to a painful, hopeless state of the girl: "... Through the impossible, although a fresh smile of fading nature seemed to have rushed a dull fear of a nearby winter. Highly above me, hard and, dramatically cutting the air with wings, flying a cautious raven, turned his head, looked at me on the side, wrought down and, who dismissed me, disappeared after the forest ... "

Living detergents

The narrator, together with Yermolam, goes for the tetherov in Bellevsky County. The rain did not cease from the morning. Then Yermolay suggested to go to spend the night in Alekseyevka - Khutorok, who belonged to the Mother of the narrator, the existence of which he used to and did not suspect.

The next day, he went to wander through the wild garden. Having reached apart, I saw a braided Saraike, where a small figure was lying like a mummy. She turned out to be Lucher, in the past beauty. She told her story as seven years ago fell off the porch and began to root. The body is worse, and she lost the ability to move. The gentlemen first tried to treat her, and then sent to the village to relatives. Here Lucker nicknamed "live power." She says about his present life that everyone is happy: God sent a cross - he also loves her. Tells that he sees dreams: Christ; parents who bow to she and say that she is suffering with their sins; The death that Luchery wakes up pick her up with him. The suggestion of the narrator to take her to the hospital is responsible for refusal - the medical procedures do not help her, causing only extra suffering. She asks the Barin to say to his mother, so that she slowed down the marriage to the local peasants - they have the poor, harvests are bad.

A few weeks after their meeting, Luchery died.

Year: 1852 Genre: A tale consisting of short stories combined by the main character

Main characters: the narrator

In the work of the Hunter's Notes, the full picture of Russia is presented, the author shows the attitude towards the Earth on which he has grown, the reflection of the author about the present and the future of the people is shown. The main topic is the show of protest against serfdom, which does not allow to reveal the talent and the mind of the Russian people.

"Hunter's notes" is a collection of stories, the total number of them is equal to twenty.

The first story is "Horing and Kalinich"

The story is about meeting with the semity, this man was a baryon and an amateur to spend time on the hunt. The narrator semitkin offered the night in his house. Since the road was long there, they drove to the landowner Khorosh, but it was not at home. The chorine had six sons and one of them met and accepted the arrived guests. The next day, the narrator and semitkin went on hunt, on the road they captured with them another familiar Kalinic. Its author describes a cheerful, simple person. After the hunt, Kalinich brought to show his apiary and feed the honey. The next day, the narrator went for hunt, since the semitykin went on his affairs. Further, the author shows a comparison between how people live from the Kaluga and Oryol province. So, the first type has large and spacious estates, if you describe appearance, it can be seen that these people are high growth, bold, in rich clothes. An Orlovsky man also has a little height, a sullen look and lives in ordinary skews from Osin, his legs have a paw.

Ermolai and Melnichikha

the story about the Yermolaya hunter, who was 45 years old, he was thin and high, wearing a caftan and blue pants. He was a man who did not take any job for any work, the only thing he could, to catch and bring to the kitchen of a landowner of partridges and thermis.

County tech

he tells about the doctor who was called to the house not a particularly rich landowner. There he should have saved a young girl who was seriously ill, but in the end he did nothing. After this incident, he still could not forget about it.

Radils ("My neighbor radar")

the story of the landowner who lost his wife when she gave birth. It was a very big blow and after this incident he was very difficult. But then he leaves his wife's sister and as it turned out, he was in love with her long ago.

Oveseynov Ovsynikov

The story about the so-called "Russian French" who is the name of Lyugene. He served in the army, which at one time entered Russia. But the peasants wanted to take revenge on him and drown him into the hole, but saved him passing by a person. This landowner took the fuck to work as a French teacher. Soon he goes to work towards another landowner, where he falls in love with his pupil. As a result, they got married, Lyugee went to the service and became nobleman.


it is described about how the narrator and his friend Yermolay go to the village of Loen to hunt. This village was famous for a big pond, where it was possible to find a lot of ducks and hunt well. They take the boat and go hunting, on the road they meet and get acquainted with a guy by Vladimir. He in turn tells them the story of his life, complementing his story with special expressions. In conclusion, they float from the hunt, but the boat did not stand them and began to sink. As a result, the hunters were chosen from the pond for a long time.


The story is underway about the life of Preamau Arcadia. He is still a young landowner and a retired military. He is very smart if you compare it with the rest of the nobles. Arkady goes to Ryabovo to meet with the Burmistrome Sofron. When meeting, the burmart complains that he allegedly has little land. But, as it turns out to be in the end, the village of Shipilovka, according to the documents is the ownership of the Sofron, and not the Pammy.


The narrator rides a hunt, where it will cause it to rain, in the end he decides to wait for bad weather in the near village. There, he sees a large building in a reference header. Nikolai Eremeich was there the main thing. The author accidentally observes a quarrel of Ereyich and Feldscher Paul. The essence of the quarrel was that Feldsher wanted to marry Tatiana, and Yeremeich prevented this. Later it turned out that they could not get married, because Tatiana was sent to the link.

Picture or drawing hunter note

In the story of Yevgeny Nosov "Varca" there is a spectacle about the schoolgirl called Varka. She spends all summer holidays on a collective farm party and helps in cultivation of ducks

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