Repairs Design Furniture

Garden tracks from wood: features of arrangement, examples in photo and video. Walkway Woodwood Walkway with their own hands on the cottage from hemp do it yourself

Improvement of the household territory includes creating tracks. The markup for unhindered movement in the area may be different - in the form of cryvized paths or solid tracks designed from the spikes of a tree.

Such tracks perform not only a decorative role, but also functional. After all, you will not move on the site, jumping out of the flower beds on the flowerbed - so long and plants damage, besides, such movement is inconvenient.

From this article, you will learn how to create a garden track or a path of wood spils with your own hands - with photos and examples of successful options for the site.

Advantages and disadvantages

If each trifle is thought out in the design of the household territory, the work of the site owners becomes much easier. For example, when the crop assembly time comes: how can you move on the site, not having breaking the nearby culture and plantations, if there are no paths?

Woodwood tracks with their own hands. Photo

It is possible to design them from various materials, but it is important to take into account, from which raw material is a country house and economic buildings are made, and take into account the features of the style chosen for landscape design. Guided by these moments, you can proceed to the choice of materials.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of country paths designed from saws of wood.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • cutting the trees, large branches and firewoods are available at the price of the material;
  • from various wood breeds, you can make an unusual path. Each tree has its own unique pattern;
  • walking tracks from wooden sleeps easily lay, for this not need special tools and services of specialists. With the task of laying the paths, it is easy to cope with your own;
  • such trails need minimal care;
  • after heavy precipitation on the tracks, water does not accumulate, and in the garden for harvesting can be passed, bypassing the puddles.
Garden paths from wood with their own hands, photo

By cons of such tracks belongs to a short service life. The tree is a natural material, it is subject to the rotation process, therefore, after some time, the restoration will be required to the paths.

The wood is prone to ignition, and after rains, such paths greatly slide, so it is necessary to move on them with caution. To eliminate this disadvantage, the surface of the path should be treated with coarse sandpaper.

Tools and Materials for Work

Despite the fact that the work related to the installation of paths on the nursery territory is considered a simple matter, one with this task will be difficult to cope.

Woodwood Walkway, Photo

Before starting work, you need to prepare consumables. The paths can be created from simple stumps of small height, from dies, lane or end parts of the logs.

So, you will need:

  • spike trees;
  • level;
  • olife and brush;
  • kiyanka;
  • vacopa and bucket;
  • sand and rubble;
  • water;
  • material for waterproofing in rolls.

After preparing everything that is required, you can take on the preparatory stage - to prepare wood, decide which your path will be (determine the optimal shape and size.

Spike wood for tracks, photo

An important step is the choice of material to implement your idea.

Tip! Do not save and purchase solid varieties. For example, the service life of pine is about 7 years, oak - about 10, and the most durable deciduous rocks will last about 20-25 years. But if you failed to find the desired breed, you can use that wood, which is available at your disposal, or the one that suits.

As for the cost of sleeps from wood, which are a suitable material for creating tracks in the country, then the cheapest birch blanks are cheaper - about 700 rubles. for 100 square meters. m, above all the cost of sleeping from hardwood - about 3,700 rubles.

Naturally, the update of individual sections will be required after a few years, and maybe the complete alteration of the track. The need for restoration work occurs in about three years from the moment of laying the track, but the term again depends on the variety of sleep chosen by you. But all this is not as scary, because you will have experience in designing a trail, and in the future you can take into account all the nuances and make a more durable path.

What else needs to take into account? First of all, the dimensions of all parts separately. The maximum height of the wooden billet can reach 20 cm, but also the paths of 10-centimeter sleeps are not a very appropriate option, as they will not be safely held in the soil. Even with a slight load, they will come out of the line.

Garden paths from wood, photo

It is recommended to choose a sleeve, identical in width, and the height must be adjusted by themselves. After the completion of the work, you will only remove the bark with each heap. It needs to get rid of it, since it is poorly adjacent to the tree and insects appear in it; Because of this, wooden blanks and rot.

Important! Inspect each of the sleeps: it is important that the blanks are solid, without damage. If at least one billet will be bad quality, then the likelihood of violation of the whole structure is great. Just post the work in this matter!

Wooden spell track, photo

Processing billets

Extend the life of the tracks will help the processing of wooden blanks with Olifa.

There is nothing difficult in this matter:

  1. Heat Olifu, and as soon as it starts to pour out - remove the container from the stove.
  2. All wooden surfaces should be soaked with a heated oliff - so you protect the blanks from water and insects.
  3. Give the spil to dry completely, placing them in the place protected from moisture.
  4. After that, make the processing of the site that will be in the ground, bitumen. This measure will protect wood from rotting. Thanks to this, paths will serve for a longer period. Processing bitumen is optional, but desirable.

Recommendation: If you want a path to look old, it is possible to achieve such an effect with the treatment of wooden billets with a solution prepared on the basis of copper sulfate. But note that after processing the shade of wood will change somewhat. In this situation, it is easy to achieve the flawless color of all the sleeps, due to which the path will look in the landscaped landscape more harmoniously.

All preparations subjected to the processing should be dried and then take the next step.

Wood track. Photo

Creating markup

Best of all on a paper sheet to make a scheme, designate the locations of the paths with the configuration, length and other parameters. If it seems difficult to you, just make the usual markup. Decide: What number of tracks you want to create in the country.

If you are going to do just one trail, it should be thoroughly thinking about that it can be easily moved along the site, not bumping into obstacles in the form of a bed. On the same remoteness should be all buildings, including a country house, a shed, bath.

The optimal width of the path for the summer cottage is 35 cm: in this case, one person will be able to move freely on it. But if there are enough space, increase this value by 15 cm. 50 cm wide width will be more spacious and perfect for walking in the garden.

Tracks on the cottage from wood, photo

Everything is considered, the route is determined - it's time to begin to solid actions. To perform markup, you will need small pegs from the tree. Place them at the beginning of the trail at a distance of 30 cm and at the end. Lock the pegs by lifting them into the ground, and then pull the thick thread between them or the rope.

If the path is winding, then on each of the turns you need to knock the pegs for easier orientation and the fulfillment of the intended.

Preparation of the foundation

Materials are cooked, markup is made, now you need to prepare the platform for the location of the pegs. One must be identical to the markup and dimensions of the future path.

It should be taken into account:

  1. Patterns of the path - the site should not be larger than the size of the track (only when mounting the side of 5-10 cm) or less.
  2. The deepening markup should be equal to the length of the spell plus 20 cm. This is enough for the path to withstand a certain load without changing the location of parts.

With the help of improvised tools, make a trench:

  1. Waterproofing, paving the foundation for waterproofing (thick cellophane film to create greenhouse complexes) along the bottom of the established base.
  2. Stacking the film is recommended to do with a minimum reserve, and on top of it pour out the rubble shallow fraction.
  3. Thoroughly distribute the drainage layer and make a sand pillow.
  4. Check the level of surface with a level.

How to equip a garden track from transverse spins of the trunk

At the stage of creating country paths from transverse spins, it is necessary to put fireers performing a protective function. But this is not a mandatory measure: proceed from your idea and the material used.

Borders form from bricks, small pebbles, wood bars, wood, they can also be plastic or iron. Choose the material at your discretion, but remember that the fences will rush into the eyes. So that the path looks harmoniously, it is better to apply materials of natural origin.

Walkways and paths from sleeping wood, photo

Having finished with the sides, put a "sandy" pillow. Due to this material, the height is slightly raised. Make sand intake sequentially, and for the seal moisturize it with water.

Read about how you can use during the arrangement of flower and tracks in the garden: the installation nuances are described, the choice of sizes, the installation recommendations with their own hands.

How to equip beautiful Rabata from perennials along the track, read.

Creating a digital footpath

After completing the preparatory work, proceed to the most important stage. To perform everything competently, it should be solved: how the installation of wood blanks will occur. Pictures options Very much: By changing the position of the parts, you can create the desired pattern.

Stacking options: closely or at low removal. The lumens can be left or used to fill fine crushed stone.

The principle of laying is very simple and does not need a detailed description: choose one workpiece, lay it on the cooked base, plunge, apply a slight force and then clutch the rubberized hammer.

After a certain distance, be sure to check: how qualitatively you performed work on laying wooden sleeps. To do this, use the level, with it you can align all the details. The path should be perfectly smooth - of course, in terms of level, and not an eye.


Little just perform laying billets from a tree to make beautiful paths. It is also necessary to ensure the correct care for them. In the first year, it is recommended to fill out emptiness between wooden blanks. For filling, it is possible to apply a crushed stone fraction or sand.

A good option is to allow nature to fill the cavities. In a year between the billets there is a grass.

Tip! To prevent the growth of weed herbs, fill the cavity with fertile soil and drink lawn grass. Decorative plants in a short time will fill emptiness, and such a path will look even more unusual.

Wood can be left untouched, to form artificially or paint the stumps in motley colors. You will have an original track: such a cheerful design will certainly appreciate the children.

Care features:

  • annually allocate one day for the prevention of the state of garden tracks - with the help of an iron scraper, clean the wipe curlers;
  • after cleansing, cover the workpiece with a loop or paint;
  • inspect the wooden blanks: if there are cracks on them - this indicates the process of rotting, damaged parts will have to be replaced.


From this video you will learn how to make a beautiful walkway in the garden or on a plot of spille logs do it yourself:

Garden tracks from wooden blanks is a simple and affordable option for designing country sites. Such paths look original, and create them quite actually on their own. Improve and you are your household plot with the help of presentable woodwood tracks.

Gallery photo

Below we made a small selection of photos with the options and ideas of the tracks for the garden from the spikes and logs, which can be equipped with your own hands:

If there is no possibility and time to lay pavement tile or natural stone in the country, but there is a desire to build original paths, it is worth paying attention to the wood. A garden track is built from the spirits of wood with their own hands as soon as possible, does not require the skills of the builder and the purchase of expensive materials.

Obvious advantages and hidden shortcomings

Products made of natural wood durable and eco-friendly. For the price they, as a rule, are available to well-secured segments of the population. But the paths from the hemp and the remains of BRUSIV, which will be found in any farm, can afford every third consumer. In addition, it is possible to lay out a track of old sawn timber and fallen trees in the country. To other advantages of this technology, experts include:

  • expressive wood texture with intrinsic, strokes and multi-colored spots;
  • simple installation, possible without any skills and special equipment;
  • the thin layer structure of the material contributes to the manufacture of large and small products with embossed thread;
  • the suitability of sawn timber to fast and high-quality processing of cutting tools and the leading positions here are occupied by a pear and alder.
Spille tracks log - environmentally friendly, attractive, easy to mounted

The tracks from the spons of the tree equally look good on large and small-sized sites. The only minus is low resistance to moisture, insect attacks and mold. But this problem is solved. Building material It is necessary to process with antiseptic tools from time to time, twice as increasing strength and stability of wood to natural destruction processes. With regard to the service life of such coatings, 30 years is the minimum indicator.

Video "Track from Oak Penkov with their own hands"

From this video, you will learn how to make a reliable track of oak penes.

Preparatory stage

It happens that already laid elements of the garden path fail or worse - thrust over weed grass. These are the consequences of improper preparation of the foundation. To avoid such errors, you need correctly:

  1. Make the markup of the future path. To do this, in the smooth area you need to install stakes and designate the boundaries with tightly stretched cords. At the same time, the distance between the carriages should not be less than 2 m.
  2. Drop the pit in a depth of 20-25 cm within the markup. It is better to do in dry weather, because the trench-filled trench can weaken the strength of the base.
  3. Tamming the sand for the subsequent installation of borders.
  4. Fulfill the bottom geotextile so that the track does not sink and bless weeds.
  5. Prepare a drainage layer of stones of small fraction or sandy-gravel mixture in proportion 7: 3.
  6. Stay on the drainage sand pillow of the same height.

When counting the number of billets, experts recommend making 15 percent resister to the initial number of hemp. After all, some chocks can simply not fit into the overall picture of the site or crack when processing cutting tools. As for the location of the tracks, the starting point of planning should be a house. It is important that the main routes are not interrupted by bending, and the main paths connected the most important objects: the entrance to the main construction, gazebo and garage.

Prepared Spikes of wood can be without any problems in a construction store

Where to get ready-made spears

Finished spiles can be ordered at any construction store. Many manufacturers offer well-dried and already treated with antispectics products. The consumer remains only to establish them, taking into account the size of the site and the width of the future coating. However, such a purchase may pour out a substantial amount.

Ready-free lindens with a length of 40 cm and a width of 14 cm is not less than 70 rubles. Large oak with a thickness of 3.5-4 cm - from 900 rubles and higher. Spice Karagach the size of 7x8 cm and 2 cm thick will cost buyers in 20-25 rubles. And since for one track with a length of 8-10 meters, no less than 70 spells will be required, for all about everything will be necessary to give 10,000-15,000 rubles. And it is not even the limit.

How to make himself

If there are old and almost unwanted trees on the site, the billets will get almost free. In another case, you will have to buy a big rounding. The larch is perfect for sleeping. This material is well tolerates physical exertion. Its advantages should include good compression and rocking rates along the fibers in the tangential direction. According to the last parameter, the larch is at times bypass and high-strength oak.

For track, it is best suited to sleep from larch

Spiles from pear, apple, acacia and grab are characterized by good quality. In the choice of materials it is important to remember: pre-processing of hardwood requires special knowledge. The amateur builders will more conveniently work with walnut or Karelian birch. These breeds are better amenable to carpentry, and the structure resembles a pink tree and a rosewood.

It is important to use dry materials. Otherwise, the sleeps quickly crack, and the walkway will fall apart a week after installation. In the work you will need pencils, templates for marking, electric saw and roulette.

Getting Started with the manufacture of sleep with your own hands, you need:

  • remove branches from the trunk;
  • thoroughly treat the surfaces of materials with stubs or babes;
  • make the markup of the barrel with the rules: the more the log thickness, the greater the height of the sleep;
  • in order for the track to serve at least 3 years, their height should not be less than 18-20 cm;
  • dismiss the main material on the marks.

Preparing a speech for the track, they must be placed and stabbed

Technological sequence

Softwood lumber - low-budget option. Of course, if you can, it is better to choose a beech or oak. With proper processing, such surfaces do not absorb moisture and serve as decades. Antiseptic solutions protect wood from the harmful effects of insects. If you need to increase the stability of the material to mechanical effects, it is better to use varnish or paint.

When using one-piece boards, preference is given to the products of the same length. For complex tracks with differentials, combinations are suitable for solid dimensions. In working with wood, you will need a rupture, nails, hacksaw, self-tapping screw and grinding machine.

For processing coarse surfaces, the tape grinder is suitable. It can be as accurately embossed from the markup items. Due to the wheel surface rotating in a circle, you can give any shape.

Preparation of the foundation

Depending on the type of soil and the intended load on the track, the depth of the trench varies in the range of 20-25 cm. In this case, its width must match the width of the path. A polyethylene film can be used as a waterproofing material. This material has high tensile strength and elasticity. Polyethylene is better to lay a solid layer. If one part of it is not enough, you will have to glue several film cloths with an adhesive 30 cm. To do this, it will be necessary to use the construction scotch or tape.

The depth of injection logs depends on the type of soil

So that the wood does not swollen from moisture, on top of the waterproofing layer it is better to fall asleep fine gravel. Sand backing and rubble must be produced in a building level. Otherwise, instead of a planned straight track, it turns out wave-like.

Processing billets

It is best to soak logs in an antiseptic solution. This is the most economical way to prepare compact billets. The surface of the larch or oak can also be covered with a protective composition with a roller. It is advisable to apply 4-5 layers of the substance, and make it already processed material into a well-ventilated place. The minimum drying time is 48 hours. In the presence of a larger number of protective layers - 72 hours.

Cutting logs need to be sorted by size, clean from the crust and discard the destroyed parts. Qualitative material can be treated with oil. To this end, it is better to use a boiling substance, clutching wood pores. This treatment will prevent the attack of pests, and the ability to absorb moisture will not exceed 2%.

Wood can be treated with antifungal agents using a spray gun. If you do not like her natural color, try creating material with artificial ways, for example, paint the light spikes of alder copper vitrios. After that, they will take a dark shade. The lower part of the products need to be soaked with hot bitumen.

Laying paths

At this stage, the logs can be laid in accordance with any pattern or in an arbitrary order. Usually they are installed on the sandy basis. Then a little tamper and level up. The gaps between sawn goods are hidden by rubble. Wipers and moss are suitable for processing seams.

In the laying of the track there is nothing complicated, the main thing to adhere to simple rules

In order for the garden track for no less than 5 years, it is important to adhere to the rules in the installation process:

  • along the entire length of the paths first lay large sleeves, and only then small;
  • small trimming of pear branches will help hide emptiness;
  • stone fences will make the contours more clearly and with their help the construction trash will remain in the depths of the seams, and will not be distributed throughout the site;
  • the optimal distance between the sleeves is 1-1.5 cm, since in this case the path will make a more natural view, which is especially important for the territories equipped with eco-style.

Plugging paths from the board provides for pre-waterproofing of trenches, strengthening the frame and installation of flooring. At the same time, building materials can be laid not only on the perfectly level basis, but also on the elevation.

Exquisite decor

Along the tracks you can plant Jasmine, Lilac or Wegel. A unique feature of the last shrub is the riot of paints and aromas during flowering period. The discontinuished whites are changing colors ... once a few hours! Targets with ashes, red and beige bells are becoming greater popularity of gardeners. Coniferous and bulbous plants can also be used as decor. For a grassy border, the Blue and Seetari of Italian, a better known in the people called "Chumis".

Along the tracks can be planted flowers, shrubs, put garden figures

Given that the tree is perfectly combined with sea pebbles, glass, boulders and plastic, you can implement the most unexpected decor options.

Care for extending service life

Over time, any materials and coatings come into disrepair. However, with proper care, irreversible processes really stop. To do this, wooden surfaces should be cleaned every six months, process protective compositions and varnish. So you will be able to increase the shelf life of materials almost 2 times.

The basis of the coating is often destroyed by weeds. That this does not happen, you need to use the poison from the coolant on time and Toris. On the sides of the track is better to break through the ditch. So you will save the coating from the destructive action of melt waters. In winter, paths need to be cleaned from snow in a timely manner.

Thinking about how to unusually separate exclusive chopped at home, pay attention to the floor of the sleep. This is not a new solution, in antiquity, such a floor decorated both rich houses of merchants and small lackers of the poor.

Today, the masters returned to such a finish again, the spiers of natural wood use for the design of floors and walls, to create decorations and "paving" paths in the garden.

Advantages of the flooring of the floor with spikes of a tree:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Savings on additional finishing materials;
  • High strength;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Easy to create.

Disadvantages of flooring with sawd wood:

  • High consumption of high-quality wood;
  • Preventive coverage inspection every two years.

Choosing wood

To finish the floor, you can choose any breed of wood, but it is desirable to avoid using breeds with a dense texture. This is beech, walnut, rhine and oak.

All wooden chumbas should be well sucked, no wet material is applied.

Seeing the blanks you need in vivo: in dry weather in the open sky. During precipitation, the tree is covered with polyethylene.

Floor finishing technology with wood

There are several methods, each of which can be applied by issuing exclusive chopped at home.

Method number 1

We need end sleeve logs thick up to 12 cm. It is allowed to use sleeps of different sizes, which will make the floor even more unusual and original. But it is more difficult to work with billets of different diameters.

Place trimming As a mosaic or sidewalk, making small intervals between the elements (1-1.5 cm). Before assembling on the base, mound (up to 10 cm) from sand and gravel with small fractions are made. Sometimes instead of sand-gravel embankment used liquid cement.

Mounted wooden "ovals" so So that they are slightly pressed in the sand. When installing it is important to control the height of the "flooring" using a level - it should be even. To align the surface is used wooden or rubber xiank. It is necessary to knock on the tree caution so that cracks do not appear.

The gaps between the spikes are filled with a mixture consisting of:

  • melted sludge or animal fat;
  • wood sawdust;
  • lime;
  • moisturized clay.

Close up seams Very neat and leave for a few days to dry. The paste is introduced into the seam and is tricious, so that the emptiness is not filled with air. The presence of "air pockets" leads to cracking due to moisture back.

The same composition Close up of cracks in the wooden blanks themselves. After drying, the seams check the surface on the absence of new cracks. If cracking appeared, the defects are again filled with the composition and allow for a few days.

After polymerization Paste floors with a typewriter, before that, the residues of the mixture of the seams are preferably scratched. After the end of the grinding is once again verified for the presence of cracks, when new defects appear, this place is filled with paste and after drying it is grinding manually.

How to prepare a mixture for filling the gaps

We indicate the proportions for processing one square meter of the surface. We need 3 liter capacity (not metal and not plastic, ideally glass). In the container, 0.2 kg of melted sludge, 0.2 kg of lime, 1 kg of sawdust, 0.4 kg of wet clay.

Ingredients It is thoroughly mixed, after which the agent of pasty consistency is obtained. To obtain moisture-proof "Grouting" to the paste, you can add marble dust.

Method number 2.

Logs are sawing On the workpiece of the same thickness using the ribbon saw. After that, the billets are glued with construction glue on a flat base of plywood or chipboard. The gaps between the "ovals" are filled with a solution in which at least 1/5 sawdust.

After drying The surface is grinning until a smooth surface is achieved. After the end of the grinding, the tree is covered with sealant.

Finish treatment

After all procedures, the semi give another day to dry out and proceed to polish. For natural sex, it will be logical to use natural materials as the finishing finish. Most often it is beeswax and flaxseed oil.

Es in demand And transparent varnish. If desired, the transparent polyurethane-based cash floors can be used, but such a solution worsens the environmental characteristics of the finish. Paints can also be applied, but the feasibility of such a decision is doubtful, because all the beauty will be hidden.

Exclusive minced houses with such unusual floors will look very impressive! But sometimes the owners scare away the price - wood needs only high-quality! And for quality you always need to pay more than the consumer goods!

The floors are currently separated by the most families. However, in the overwhelming majority it is a laminate or linoleum. People with money can also use a parquet board. However, how about a much more interesting version of the finishes, which will surprise everyone who stops on such a floor? It is this option that the floor is from the spikes of a tree whose popularity is growing with high rates.

Transverse cutting logs leads to the appearance of a rigle, a thickness of several centimeters. It is them that we will lay on the floor, creating a unique surface. To secure the result, a fill is made, which can be the most different. A bright example is bulk floors. By the way, in this way, not only floors can be created, but also a variety of interior details, ranging from wall decoration and ending with countertops.

Advantages of floors of wood

  • Such floors are most eco-friendly;
  • Extremely low rates. The material for decoration can be found literally under the legs. The only condition is the smooth thickness of the fragments;
  • Rich opportunities for design. You can use spikes from thick logs with a pronounced layer of the cortex, you can use the same fragments or different in the diameter, or different, to create an underlined irregularity of the pattern. Fragments may differ not only with dimensions, but also forms (spins of timber), as well as flowers. All this opens the widest opportunities for design. Even cracked logs can be taken into dealing, bringing their visual charm;

Important! It should be understood that the logs containing signs of disease should not be used.

  • The original approach that will be able to surprise is still very and very long;
  • Universality. This method of finishing can be used not only for the floor.

Unnecessary shortcomings

Those people who are engaged in such floors argue that the process is not at all as folded as it seems. But here it all depends on the size of the fragments and the floor area. Sometimes you can take quite a long time;

With good pouring and processing, such floors are pretty strong structures that do not need additional processing. However, in case of errors, such a floor can deliver a lot of trouble. Therefore, the requirements for attentiveness and compliance with all rules here are very high.

Does your logs fit in such a role?

In fact, in addition to the "painful" logs already mentioned above, they are also not suitable for those that have too much softness. Try to pick up a tree from solid durable rocks. If we take specific examples, then soft woods such as spruce, pine, fir, cedar, aspen, linden, poplar. They are better not to use. But the oak or walnut is suitable for this just right.

You need to focus on your financial capabilities. After all, such floors can be not only cheap, but also quite expensive if the workpieces you buy, but do not do it yourself, and also if expensive wood species are used to finish the floor.

Installation of floors for plywood base with glue

As part of this method, plywood sheets are stacked on the floor, the thickness of which should not be less than 10 millimeters. At the same time, the fragments themselves are better not to do too thick, especially if you have low ceilings in the apartment. You can get thin cuts using a tape saw capable of processing wood very accurately.

The logs in this case are stacked on the construction glue, and, after drying it, it is best to close the seam with a solution having the following recipe:

  • 5 kilograms of sawdust;
  • 2 kilograms of wet clay;
  • 1 kilogram of fat (you can use the same amount of linseed oil);
  • 1 kilogram of lime;
  • Marble dust. It is added if it is necessary to provide semi-resistance to water, as well as visual reasons.

Usually after this surface is given to dry for about two days. As soon as the gap for the gaps hardened, it is necessary to carry out a grinding, and on top of the lacquer, a transparent sealant, or a mixture based on an epoxy resin, having a self-leveling function (the above-mentioned bulk floors, often used in non-residential premises).

Laying the log on the surface of sand

It should be started with the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bwork is limited, after which the surface of the floor is covered with the sand of river or maritime origin. The sand layer should be a thickness of 5-10 centimeters. So this approach is relevant more for apartments with a fairly height of the ceiling.

Further, in fact, the process of laying a log surface begins. Laying should be carried out by the method of severe indulgence of fragments in the sand base. At the same time, you must try to work on the level of laid logs to be approximately the same.

Regarding the way that it is precisely to carry out the laying - one can focus on the floor covering tiles. Someone starts from the distant viewed angle, someone from the threshold, and some do it from the middle. Be that as it may, on the sides of the floor, we usually cost plinths that can hide irregularities. In addition, using options with different diameters, you also unleash your hands the opportunity to fill in the "trifle" edges of the floor. Of course, without mounting can not do, so cook also a drink.

As soon as everything is laid, we turn to the step of filling the emptiness of pasta, the composition of which was voiced in the previous method. The ending work is identical - fix the design of the bulk floor, or choose the polishing with natural bees wax or linen oil.

"Monetary" alternative to Spila Log

Along with the tendency to lay fire fragments, the floor from coins also acquires greater popularity. Work in this case is much more, but the visual is sometimes striking the imagination. We will talk about this method of finishing the floor in one of the following articles.

The process of developing landscape design of the site includes the arrangement of garden tracks. There are many materials used to lay passage zones. One of the original and aesthetically attractive is the option using the spikes of a tree.

Pros and cons walk of sleep

Before choosing a spikes as a material for coating tracks, it is worth familiar with all the advantages and minuses of the tree. Significant information will help avoid mistakes when laying, and not to experience disappointment associated with unpleasant surprises during the operation of wood coating.

Pluses of the spell tracks:

The ability to carry out the installation personally due to simple technology;

The arrangement of the tracks with the selected material takes a little time and does not require large labor;

The original design of the wood coating, which is due to the beautiful natural pattern of drinking a tree;

Combinability of wood coating with any land landscape;

The material is led by restoration, with severe damage, the fragment is easy to replace with a new drink;

Cleaning logs can be used further as a mulch or component for the compost pit;

In case of precipitation, the coating does not hold moisture on the surface, which provides comfortable movement over the site, even in bad weather.

See also: Stainless Steel Washing Shells (Photo) - Convenience and Practicality in the Kitchen

Disadvantages of wood are equally important. Among the main:

Exposure material to rotting;

The need for regular processing and restoration of the protective layer;

Wood is sensitive to temperature differences.

It is also worth adding that after falling out the walkway, the track becomes slippery. But this deficiency can be prevented if the coating is used to use special compositions.

Woodwood Woodwood Walk

For a spell track, it is better to choose a tree of solid rocks, it will prolong the service life of the coating. Oak billets will preserve in Earth for more than 10 years, pine bush will last slightly - about 7 years. But the favorite is the larch, the track will retain a presentable view and functionality of more than 25 years. In fact, the farm uses more often those materials that were at hand, so it is important to give preference to the material without signs of rotting.

Before starting installation work, a speech should be prepared. For this, the log is cut into separate fragments. The height of the billets ranges from 15 to 25 cm, depending on the diameter of the log (than it is greater, the higher should be speaking).

In order for the material for a long time to retain its structure, you need to get rid of the bark. It is also recommended to refuse to use billets with cracks, with mechanical load and under the influence of atmospheric factors, deformation will increase.

See also: We make a panel on the wall do it yourself

Peeled spears are processed by an antiseptic to increase moisture resistance and fungus. Do not forget about waterproofing. For this, the lower parts are birled by bitumen. Capture follows the bottom circle and the part of the height that will be broken into the trench. Preparatory works are completed by applying protective coverage (paint, varnish).

Installation is performed in such a sequence:

At the designated points to install pegs and stretch the twine;

To dig in the trench of the height of the height of the spins plus 5-15 cm (the increase depends on the type of soil and the relief of the site);

Easy the bottom of the pit with geotextiles;

Fill the sand trench (layer thickness 2-3 cm);

Add a gravel or crushes layer (2.5-5 cm) for drainage;

Seal the sand-gravel pillow with a trimmer (but not overdo it in this case, so as not to break through Geecan), for convenience, the sand can be moistened;

Align the subtype with the help level;

Install a border, if such a track element is provided by the plan;

Lay out a speech on the designed design;

Fill the intervals between the sleeves with sand either by the screening (it is possible an earth, mixed with seeds of low grass or meadow flowers).