Repairs Design Furniture

Rounded log: pros and cons of log houses. Pros and Cons Construction Houses from a rounded log house from a rounded timber pluses minuses

Houses erected from logs are always relevant. Beautiful, durable, cozy buildings are beyond the variability of fashion.

Pros and cons

Why is it worth building from natural, pre-prepared wood? Let's estimate the indisputable advantages and possible shortcomings of buildings. from whole logs.

The main advantages of houses depricted from wood are:

Thermal conductivity

Wood generally has a low thermal conductivity. Therefore, houses deprecated from logs, warmer stone, bricks.

For example, if the log has D 10cm, it is similar to the wall built in two bricks with a thickness of 51cm. Crawling a house from a thick log, you can significantly reduce the cost of heating in the cold season, do not insulate the walls with minvata, analogues.

Saving in the heating period is complemented by the ability of a wooden house to keep the internal microclimate. In the summer, such a house is slowly heated, a pleasant coolness is preserved in the rooms for a long time. Therefore, it is possible to save on the use of the air conditioning system, on electricity, if we build a large diameter log.


Wood has a property of passing air through natural micropores. Therefore, even with closed openings (windows, doors), the house will "replenish" the fresh, clean air, by 20% - without venting!


The humidity indicator in the wired log house will always be at the required level. The tree "breathes" - carries out natural moisture exchange.

Fire resistance

Wood is susceptible to burning. During the construction of log cabins, a prepared log is used, which is impregnated with special, reliably defending, with antipyrenes. These funds guarantee the fire resistance of the material for decades. In addition, the fire protection can always be renewed using impregnations.


Natural wood - the most eco-friendly material from the builders used today. No harmful chemical elements, toxins in logs are not contained. You, your family, close to live in a completely safe home.


Talking about the beauty of the tree can be infinite. Natural naturalness can be improved by a stylish decor. Exclusive houses made of logs -locked, attractive buildings!

You can save the log house in the style of the chalet, you can choose the Finnish project.

In addition, houses from prepared, logged logs do not require mandatory finishing with special materials. Enough processing with antiseptics and paintworks.


Roll out the box at home with dimensions 10x12 or 10x10 can be 2-3 weeks. Houses with dimensions of 6x8, 6x7 can be built for 1.5th weeks.

Buildings are conveniently assembled, as a designer, without the use of cement mortar.

The minuses of log houses include:


The shrinkage process is inevitable. Even if during construction, the prepared log was used, it will be necessary to wait until the shrinkage of the structure ends.

By timing, the shrinkage is different - from 6 months to 2 years. Reduce the process of shrinkage can be bought by a rounded, dried in the conditions of the workshop, log.

The logs of the nonocylized type will require additional labor on cleaning, alignment, surface grinding, drying. Therefore, such a material will slow down the construction, afterwards demanding more time on the shrinkage.

IMPORTANT! Insert door openings, windows, finish the inner, external log houses should be solely after the completion of the shrinkage process! After shrinkage, the structure can suit up to 7cm.

Calibrated log house

Build a house from the prepared, calibrated log, convenient and profitable. This is how the preparation of the material is carried out:

  1. the logs are harvested, persistent conifers: larch, spruce, pine, cedar;
  2. the logs are selected with D the same along the entire length;
  3. in the conditions of the workshop, the brass is cleaned by "Babel";
  4. on the surface of the logs are applied longitudinal grooves;
  5. grinding, alignment of the surface. Work exclusively with a soft layer - zabolov, while maintaining the internal structure of protected;
  6. coloring logs are covered with primer to eliminate surface darkening. In special price, logs are processed by antiseptics, antipirens;
  7. calibrated logs are marked.

Benefits of construction from a calibrated log

Exterior appeal

The appearance of such a building amazes natural beauty. The internal, external finishes of the cut can be excluded.

Lack of large slots

Manual processing of calibrated logs saves the insulation on the interventory (stacked between the logs), because the appearance of large gaps during dosilets is eliminated.

House made of logs hand logging

For the house hand logging requires high-quality log.

Selection of Brene

Here are the main parameters of the logs that are taken into account:

  1. winter blank. The best version of the billet log is winter, when the movement of the juice of the tree is suspended. "Winter forest" more dense structure;
  2. drying. Drying logs can be carried out natural - under a canopy, in the equipped storage facilities. You can dry the forest on special installations;
  3. external features. Do not use logs that have cracks that rotted either an empty core, resin pockets, traces of lesions by treasures, mold, fungal diseases;
  4. thickness. Select logs with uniform D. 1cm deviation is allowed to 1MP. Take into account the climatic features of the region, selecting the thickness of the logs for the house.

IMPORTANT! If the budget allows, it is recommended to use the "dry" wood, which is dried by naturally.

Brevel processing technologies

There are 2 topical handwriting technologies:

  • okorenny log;
  • planed log.

Occured log

Okorened is considered "unreperied" log. Minimal detection of the bark retains the swamp. The layer of natural resin is left, the ability of wood "breathe" is maintained, the durability of the material increases.

Planed Breed

It is processed by electrolabank. There remains a breakdown of the log - the difference between commels and the vertex.

Houses, erected from the brewing logs of the hand logging, are presented in the photo.

Home log video

The video presents amazing interiors that can be applied to your new "natural" home.

Bresh houses prices

The cost of houses trapped from log wood is made up of such elements:

  • project cost;
  • cost of materials;
  • work of builders;
  • delivery, unloading.

The complexity of the project forms the price. An important point is the selection of wood breed. Also taken into account the scale of the construction, the quality of the finish.

For example, the price of the house, the size of which is 10x10m 2 and it will be built from the log from D180mm, ranges from $ 14,000. Finishing works will increase cost from 50%.

During the debate, which broke out after the release of the article "Ours in America", the reader turned to the editorial office, who wished to tell about his personal experience. Vyacheslav lives for four years with his family in a whole log house. And according to him, if he knew all the "nuances" at the time of the choice of material - he would build a house of brick or blocks. Below in the text is its personal "Top reasons why you should not build a house from a log house." To preserve the authenticity, we left the text almost unchanged, adding only light stylistic directions.

Why we wanted a wooden house?

1. Once he saw her eyes from the Srub - I immediately liked it, I looked very beautifully, wanted myself the same.

2. Of the practical considerations: initially it was assumed that we would come on weekends, drowning a solid fuel boiler and quickly warm the house (the concept was changed during the construction process).

3. Ecology: I wanted to make it easily breathing in the house, smelled of a pine forest. In general, I liked the traditional concept of life in a private house: a wooden log house, grass near the house, the forest is nearby, etc.

house in summer

Start of construction

back view

Here I managed to learn about other people's mistakes. My friend, for the purpose of saving, the forest was purchased himself. As a result, a forestry came to him, the splitters were selected by suitable logs, half of the forestry left back ... As a result, 120 cubic meters of wood turned into 200. I worked with contractors, who sorted the tree at home and the site was brought to the site only What really went to work.

view from the yard

For the construction process, I was originally not worried, because I trusted contractors. In the course of the work, they are still in places "okosyachili", but not strongly (about it below). The logs laid on Moss. Dentored and tesned - manually. After they made the "box" with a roof, the house defended a year.

from the entrance

From an interesting in the construction process, I can note the inconsistency of the real size of the rooms by their visual perception until the ceiling coverage. I personally moved a 19-meter kitchen with a tape measure, because it seemed visually that there were 7-8 meters. And so - with all rooms.


The most interesting thing began at this stage. Firstly, home need to polish on both sides. This is the work of this vigorous and notable - the prices for work can be searching on the Internet, four years ago we flew down "in a penny" (375 sq. M. at $ 5 per 1 sq.m.). Moreover, at the rate of work area, the bending of the log is added to the "length height" formula - the area increases.

upper plinth - fitting under bends

Then - impregnation (0.7 $ per 1 sq.m.). Then - painting in one layer. Then - in the second (both - $ 1 per 1 sq.m.). And that the materials lay high quality, dyeing the house is necessary manually (which stretches the process in time). After all these procedures, the question of the "breathable house" and the "smell of pine" was taken out by himself.
We did not do the basement, therefore we have a simple foundation: a PGS-pillow, insulation, concrete. The builders poured the floor did not cut the lower logs to the end of the doorways. As a result, after a year in these places "broke" a gender tile (porcelain stoneware). I had to remove the damaged tile of the whole, to take the logs, fill the new floor. It turned out to be easier than somehow cut laid tiles - not every slab barrel tile.

the crack in the tile remained in the doorway

To the "pleasant" instance of the finish is added regular mAKEkidnapped by birds and melting seams sealant. This work is long, monetary and vigorous. Fortunately, in the Republic of Belarus there is a manufacturer of sealant, offering products by spent prices. If I missed the imported - would have broken to hell.

Laying Communications In the house from the log house also becomes a problem. Cut the outlet in a round log - that more task (and "tariff" appropriate). Pipes inside do not hide. Plinth to the uneven log to attach - the case is not easy, you will have to "twink" and work your hands.

plinth - Plank + Mastic

Due to the long shrinkage at home, doors and windows inserted into the frame of the boards. If you try to put on a "live log" - risks to get a "six-nozzle" significantly increase. Like I. risk damage the door or window. But even this "trick" personally did not help us: for 4 years of operation, the doors were regulated twice. And some windows are still "siffon".

Operation at home

box for kitchen (on the left of the wall)

The house is constantly "breathing." When heating works, when not - everything moves. To hang the cuisine, it was necessary to build a metal frame, to strip it with plasterboard, and only to attach the kitchen. No other way. Sliding cabinets are so beloved with our citizens, it is determined determined - nothing to "attach", and the wall and ceiling live their lives. The staircase, which "tied" to the wall - eventually twisted, the railing broke out.

instead of a wardrobe ...

Any decorative boxes covering communications turn into a work of art - they need somehow combineAnd this process turns into a jewelry fit with a construction cutter in hand.

The joints of the sealing joints tied twice in 4 years. Does not matter - cracks appear. The wooden floor on the 2nd floor also dries, there are also cracks, and it is inevitable.

crack between logs

In autumn mice penetrate into the house, In the slot between the lower log and the foundation. It is not yet possible to block this road, because the pairing line is very uneven. And if on the main "animal trails" this phenomenon can be reduced "to no" with the help of poison and mousetra, then when the mice are frolic between the logs, without entering "to visit" - to do nothing with them. Curser except.

Also between logs every year complece your nests of the wasp. The question is solved with the help of "dichlofos". But he has to decide.

In the fall and at the beginning of winter on the second floor - the Mushinsky Kingdom. First flies clogged into the gap for winter. Then the house becomes warm - and they climb inside. In addition to this brethren, we have not yet come up with a different means.

And we are - the best friends of the sellers of paint "Tikkurila". There need to be tangledHere you need to tint: steps, joints, terrace. The exact metering of products was not led, but the buckets of the paint for 4 years were bought a lot.

In the spring, when pine blooms (and then also birch), all the house is covered yellow dusty. Moreover, a thick layer. On a flat vertical wall, it would have just not accumulated. This question is solved by washing the walls of the jet from the "Karker". But again, it is necessary to decide.


Inside the house dust accumulates on bending logs. There are no more universal funds - the dust can be removed only manually, in the old manner.

Sometimes inside the house there are spontaneous, inexplicable bursts of life - there are some bugs, midges, insects, but I haven't installed any system here.

In the bath, near the bed for guests, some kind of perky creature lives in the log, crisp all night. Find and kill it is not possible.

And finally - about the famous "winter" forest. My house fell from February. Bath - from the August. The difference has not yet noticed.

Question price

Considering all the above - you won't call such housing. House with a total area of \u200b\u200b240 square meters. m. (with a small attic floor) I cost 40 000 $ only in the first stage: the foundation, box and roof. Then the project was growing, we also built a housekeeping, a bath from the same "rounding", set the territory, the street next to the house. All this (along with materials, finishing, windows, doors and geothermal boiler) cost us according to $ 180,000.

shopping to roofs

Conclusion: What we got for these torments is a very beautiful house. And some kind of indescribable words are pleasure from the feeling of a thick, uneven log, his rich species, rich texture ... Families that began to build through a plot from mine, listened to about the same text, my merchants and the Council to build from blocks. And in the end ... they also cut a log house. Here, of course, everyone decides himself. But I honestly warned you.

Conducted: Dmitry Malakhov

From ancient times, wooden huts and a terche were cut in Russia. As the construction technologies improve, other, more modern materials began to appear. However, to this day, the house from the bar is considered the most durable, eco-friendly, reliable and strong. And it is not surprising that this particular version of the material choose the owners during the construction of country cottages. At the same time, many prefer to build their house from a pinned log. Reviews of owners of already ready-made cottages argue that this material is available at a price and convenient to work. In addition, it has good quality and has a long service life.

Wooden houses

Today it is difficult to find such a person who would not dreamed of living in its own cottage, built of environmentally friendly material. And perhaps it is only when using wood. From a long time, people preferred to live in such houses. It was believed that all its premises impregnated with wooded spirit are beneficial for the mood and human well-being. And what can be compared with the facade of such a house? It is impossible to compare the design of even the most super-modern structures.

That is why consumers have great popularity at home erected from the rounded log. And this is despite the fact that their cost of twenty-five percent exceeds the costs of frame buildings.

What is a rounded log?

What is this material? This is a regular log, which was processed on a special machine where the cutting system was installed. Apply such mechanisms for more than a century. However, initially logs on them were processed to install as

After the machine, the material acquires the form of ideal cylinders having the same diameter and shape. The main advantage of such logs is concluded in their surface. After passing processing on the machine, it becomes round and smooth. Material attracts many consumers, despite the fact that wood when processing loses a significant part of the most durable its layer - Collus.

For further use in the construction of rounded logs are tried. Also in them are created vents and grooves. Further mechanical processing of the material surface is possible. So, some logs are left convex on both sides, and in others they make a flat that part that will be located inside the house built. The material further is processed by various compositions to give it fire and antiseptic properties.

Types of rounded logs

The atmosphere reigning in a wooden house will be remembered for the guests who live in a brick or panel cottage. It is characteristic of pure air, which is saturated with essential oils.

Type of wood;

Log diameter;

Building area.

Single-storey rounded log houses will cost cheaper. For them, you will not need to deliver a large number of beams of overlaps.

Sometimes the first two crowns make from the most expensive material - larch. This will allow to protect from rot and moisture house from the rounded log. Prices for bars from larch are quite high, which will immediately raise the cost of construction. In pre-compiled experts, you can familiarize yourself with the prices for the manufacture and installation of the power set of the building. All this will also have a direct impact on the amount that will have to give for a rounded house. On average, at about a hundred square meters, it will be necessary to lay out 1 million rubles.

Pros of houses from a rounded log

The main advantage of such cottages is the use of safe and environmentally friendly materials. Natural wood has a positive effect on human health, creating a favorable microclimate in the premises. An important advantage of using a rounded timber is also the fact that it does not contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Such a house will be fully safe even for young children.

According to the reviews of the wooden cottages, a plus of such a building is a significant savings on the acquisition of climate equipment. The unique properties of wood allow you to maintain the optimal values \u200b\u200bof the level of humidity, and also create coolness in the hottest days and give heat in the cold.

The trees breed used for the buildings are distinguished by their durability, reliability, increased strength and density. In addition, their natural beauty allows not to spend additional means on the inner decoration of the premises.

When building a house for a typical project, the deadlines are minimal. The log house from the rounded log is easy to collect. The construction process greatly simplifies specially arranged in the material of the grooves and bowls.

An important plus of houses from the rounded log is their lower cost compared, for example, with bricks. That is why the wooden structure is considered to be a budget option.

The advantage of houses from a rounded log is their unsurpassed appearance. The design of such buildings will certainly cause the enthusiastic glances of guests. In addition, houses from the rounded logs have excellent heat and sound insulation properties. This saves on the purchase of insulation materials.

Cons of houses from a rounded log

The main disadvantages of such buildings include the construction period. Specialists are recommended when building houses from rounded logs to take a break in works for half a year. This time is necessary to complete the shrinkage process.

In addition, wooden buildings have low-resistant to fire. In order for the house to be most reliable and had a high level of security, the surface of the rounded logs should be treated with special solutions.

Natural tree also needs to protect against the negative effects of the environment. For example, an increased moisture will certainly lead to the appearance of fungi and mold, and will also cause the process of rotting timber. Destroy wood and various pests. That is why the baruses should be treated with special protective equipment.

In the form of winds can lead to bushing logs. It is also a disadvantage of such houses. The deformation of the rounded log may occur under the influence of precipitation and sun rays. In order to prevent these unpleasant phenomena, you need to constantly monitor the material, making the gap with special compositions. Otherwise, moisture will easily penetrate through the gaps inside the house.

Undoubtedly, a log house, unlike the foam block buildings, has a large number of advantages. He, like a brick house, can serve quite a long time, and finding it is useful for human health. But to use it as a country house or dacha undesirable.

Features of a log house

Chopped at home, the design of which can be chosen independently, have a long service life with constant accommodation in them. With daily heating of the house with a furnace, not only the heating of the room occurs, but also its ventilation. The air when burning fire comes out of the room and goes through the chimney. Fresh air comes in his place and thanks to this, raw, stagnant zones do not appear in the house. This process provides such dwelling a long service life.

For this reason, those houses that are not heated or if this happens is irregularly, quickly come into disrepair. One day of visiting a chopped house in winter with a natural furnace with a natural furnace has the same influence as a one-year seaside cycle. If you use it only in the summer, it disappears the need for His Quality.

A ready-made chopped house has traditional writs and connections and, without possessing practical skills, it is almost impossible to perform qualitatively.

Pros and cons of log houses

The tree has already been used with antiquity for the construction of housing. And today it is one of the most popular materials. The benefits of him is enough - environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, and at the moment the house from this material is successfully competing with other materials.

The durability of the log house directly depends on the quality of its erection.

The most popular for construction is a rounded log. Houses from such material are suitable for seasonal accommodation, and for permanent. And the available modern projects of wooden houses allow you to build a building of any category of complexity - from a small structure with a veranda to a solid building with open terraces and balconies.

Energy-saving houses from the bar are distinguished by comfort and warmth. Due to the low thermal conductivity in the hot time in them is fresh, and in winter it is warm. The air in such houses is much "easier" due to the highlighted phytoncides. The main rocks of the tree for construction are pine or spruce. They have sufficient strength and at the same time have a small cost. For the lower crowns at home, a larch is used, which has more than pine or spruce moisture resistance and durability.

To protect wood from pests and negative external influences, it is impregnated with a special impregnation fluid.

In addition to a large number of advantages, this material has. The most basic is his fire hazard. Therefore, the walls of a wooden house are treated with antipirens. In addition, the log house has a shrinkage, because of which its construction time is significantly increased.