Repairs Design Furniture

The oven does not pull. How can you increase the thrust in the boiler heating. Ways to enhance the thrust in the Russian oven


Heating devices in which liquid or solid fuel is used correctly function only when the smoking pipe device is properly correct. The thrust in it should be sufficient and in no case tip over. About what to do if the reverse thrust arises in the chimney, many users of heating stoves are conceived (or those who are only going to install it).

The thrust occurs in the channel, due to the difference in the temperature of the outer and internal air. If it is not enough, or the channel is too short, there may be a reverse thrust that is very dangerous to human health. Indeed, in this case, all combustion products fall into the room.

What to do if there is no thrust in chimney

The main criteria on which the quality of thrust in the chimney pipe depends:

  1. The pipe cross section (it must be correctly calculated for each specific stove, because if it turns out too little, despite the sufficient speed in the pipe, the number of removable combustion products will be insufficient for the maximum heat transfer of the furnace; on the other hand, if a person decided to be reinsured and installed the pipe too A large diameter - the air in it will be very quickly cooling and condensate can be formed, which adversely affects the traction).
  2. The height of chimneys (minimum length - 50cm, however, many factors affect this value, the detailed calculation and norms are written in SNIP41-01-2003 and SP 7.13130.2009).
  3. Smooth or rough inner surface (irregularities inside the pipe reduce cravings, as they create obstacles to air movement path, and therefore increase pressure loss in length).
  4. The difference in the outdoor air and air temperature inside the stove (hot air rises through the pipe up, gradually cooling, why the thrust appears).
  5. Supply ventilation (for maximum furnace efficiency, a sufficient influx of air is needed, because the combustion products are ejected together with air through the chimney to the street, and therefore the same amount of air should be included in the room to maintain stable burning).

Causes of bad traction

First you need to figure out why bad thrust in the furnace. Problems may occur from the very beginning, and during operation. Below are the most common causes.:

  1. Channel clogging (soot on the walls or all of the garbage fell from the street).
  2. Errors at the construction stage (a large number of taps and horizontal sites entails an increase in the pressure loss along the length of the channel; in addition, the pipe must be one diameter over the entire length for uniform speed, which depends on the formation of stalls).
  3. The leaks of the pipeline joints (it may occur both at the construction stage and over time, so it periodically needs to check the quality of the channel).
  4. The winddrop (often precisely because of the wind occurs temporary tipping of thrust, so it is desirable to very carefully choose the installation of the chimney pipe).
  5. Incorrectly selected channel diameter relative to the stove power.
  6. Lack of supply air.

Causes of reverse traction

To control the purity of the smoke channel, on the vertical part of the pipe, you can mount a piece of pipe with a plug, removing periodically, which, you can get rid of most of the accumulated garbage.

Design of chimney

Important! The top of the chimney can get into the winddow zone, such an opportunity to consider when choosing a pipe outlet on the roof.

The location of the chimney on the roof of the building is very important for the work of the furnace. Earlier in the article it was already mentioned that the height of the chimney should be at least 500 mm. But these are only general instructions regarding a flat roof, in fact, the height of the chimney depends on the distance to the skate and high nearby buildings. Below are a few main rules in the height of the chimney.:

  • If the distance to the skate of the building is less than 1.5 meters - the height of the chimney should also be a minimum of 0.5 meters.
  • If the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters from the skate - it does not lower the skate, regardless of the height.
  • If the smoke pipe is more than three meters from the skate, then there must be no lower line spent from the skate at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon.
  • If higher buildings are attached - the pipe must be displayed above them.
  • If the exhaust channels are located near the chims - the height of the hood should be taken at least the height of these pipes.
Optional installation of chimney
Important! According to the requirements of SNiP, steel pipelines can only be used at a temperature of the air moved less than 500. In coal ovens, the use of metal pipes is prohibited!

Violation of ventilation

On ventilation it is worth stopping in more detail. If the rest of the problems most people know or guess, then they usually forget about ventilation. Often problems arise due to the second floor in the bath, for example, when the release of combustion products is located too close to the windows of the second floor. The occurring air flows create overpressure, which prevents normal thrust.

Ventilation canals in the chimney

Often forget about ventilation in the boiler room. Now there are plastic windows everywhere, which are very sealed and no outdoor air. If they are closed and there are no surplus holes, then when burning the stove after some time a period of time in the room there will be a critical discharge, and small air flows will periodically break through the pipe. This phenomenon is extremely unpleasant and take care of sufficient ventilation in advance. In some cases, natural ventilation is not enough and required to install the fan, because with a mechanical motivation, the air exchange is active and the lack of oxygen will not be.

External factors

If you do not use the oven for a long time (for example, in summer), the poultry nests can be reserved in the pipe or build a hun. Such a phenomenon is very common, so it is important every time before the start of the heating season check the chimney. With visual inspection of the inner side of the chimney, you can also detect a large amount of sage, which creates additional resistance. Unfortunately, the chimney channels are not eternal, and over time they are able to collapse, which is also necessary to periodically control.

Check and cleaning chimney channels

Often the reason for the deterioration of the thrust becomes changed weather conditions, such as fog, rain or sharp gusts of wind. Swimming of air flows next to the yield of the chimney creates additional resistance. Such phenomena not only worsen the thrust, but can also cause its tipping.

Solving a problem with the return right

Now you need to check the craving. You can use a special device that measures the speed of the air flow - anemometer. Often there is no such device, then you can use folk methods, for example, bring a burning match or sheet of paper and see the direction of air movement. Moreover, the quality of thrust can be determined by flame color in the furnace:

  • white or very light color - sign of insufficient thrust;
  • if a flat golden color flame is normal;
  • dark shades of orange color - insufficient.

Golden Flame in the oven - Normal traction

If the furnace is inside the house - the thrust will be better than if it is located at the outer wall.

Basic ways to solve problems with:

  1. Improving the quality of the chimney.
    First of all, to improve the chimney craving. To do this, it is necessary to check the entire channel for sticking the soot and the leakage of the joint joint. Everything needs to be cleaned and fixed. If it does not help, go to the next way.
  2. Installing a deflector at the end of the pipe.
    The method is good when the air flow around the pipe is constant and strong. The deflector increases perfectly with traction, however, without wind, the deflector is useless. In some cases, it can even reduce cravings due to the creation of additional resistance to the movement of air from the channel.
  3. Increase the length of chimney.
    Simple and quick solution. The main thing is the correct calculation of the location of the channel relative to the skate of the building, as well as the analysis of the likelihood of airflows at the installation site. After all, even the chimney is 10 meters long, installed in the wrong place will not solve the problem.
  4. Setting the traction regulator.
    The device compensates for the disadvantage or excess of internal pressure in the channel relative to the external one. The regulator allows you to maintain the optimal temperature in the furnace by controlling the air supply to the furnace. With it, the speed of the air flow is constant, which means that the thrust is stable and does not depend on external factors (wind, pressure changes, etc.).

Types of deflectors for chimney
Metal chimneys are quickly heated and quickly cooled, why cold air is often lowered to the stove. There are no such problems in the brick channels, so they are more reliable.

Another important concept is the reverse thrust. It occurs when resistance in chimneys is too large (due to the proximity of the skate of the building standing near the high houses, etc.). In this case, the air from the fire goes along the path of the smallest resistance, that is, to the room, that is, the necessary thrust disappears at all. There is also a term "tipping thrust" - moving air changes its direction only for a certain time. The first signs of perhaps the emergence of tipping the thrust is the formation of a large amount of smoke when burning, which, when opening the stove, breaks into the room. This means that the thrust has worsened, which means that it can become the opposite.

Methods for eliminating reverse thrust are the same as to improve traction. In fact, the inverse thrust is the extreme and most unpleasant degree of bad thrust, the smoke of the room is unpleasant and even dangerous. Therefore, in a critical case, it makes sense to refer to the specialists. They will quickly analyze all factors and eliminate the problem.

The safety and efficacy of furnace heating depends on sufficient thrust in chimney. If there are still minor problems, it is necessary to fully check the system to identify the causes and search for methods to increase the craving. Most of the repair and restoration work can be held with their own hands, but if there is no confidence in their forces - you need to invite a specialist.

SOBRATE (Moscow)

In some cases, the fireplace installation may not work correctly. How to understand that there is no thrust in the chimney, what to do and how to fix this problem, you can learn from this article.

Checking cravings

Important: The thrust limiter can be a consequence of the presence of poor ventilation.

If you do not know how to check the thrust in the chimney and learn about whether it works or not, pay attention to the following features:

  • Combustion products during ignition and in the process of heating do not leave the chimney;
  • Smoke and a large amount of soot goes from the reverse side;
  • The furnace or the fireplace installation is badly warmed;
  • The device does not flash the room.

Important: If you are not sure about the furnace's health, it is recommended to call a specialist who will not only call the exact cause of a malfunction, but also eliminates it at a professional level.

Why not traction

If you want to find an answer to the question: why there are no thrust in chimney? - We recommend paying attention to a number of most frequent and common reasons:

Cause of malfunction



There is arises when the flue channels are strongly or partially littered with soot and other combustion products.

Wrong use

During the installation, it is necessary to carefully follow all rules for use, leave the flap open.

Error in calculations

Even at the design and installation phase, the incorrect calculation of certain elements can be made. Often, this problem may be due to the incorrectly selected diameter and the shape of the pipe, with a plurality of bends that complicate the passage of smoke.

The thrust can deteriorate due to bad weather conditions, strong wind, snow or rain.

The removal may have insufficient length in the roof area from the outside.

Pipes with a visor can prevent the exit of smoke and proper circulation of air inside the design.

Availability of other facilities

One of the most common reasons is the presence of other buildings in the immediate vicinity of other buildings.

Bad ventilated room

If in the main room in which the heating structure is located, the windows are constantly closed and regular ventilation is not performed.

Second floor

Due to the presence of the second floor, a large influx is carried out and air accumulation, which significantly worsens the quality of the thrust.

Tip: If you know the reason, why the thrust in the chimney disappears, you can try to solve this problem yourself, taking advantage of the advice and recommendations posted in this article.

Detailed photos will help you solve the problems of traction and find the best solution.

Clean chimney

If you do not know why bad thrust in the chimney, in the first stage, it is necessary to clean the pipe (how to clean the chimney: the means and tips), which may well be able to solve this problem quickly and on their own.

Methods for cleaning the chimney pipe:

  1. The use of potato cleaning. In order to use this method, it is necessary to prepare about 500-600 grams of potato cleaning, which is pre-recommended to add a little. After which the fireplace or furnace installation and minor portions add this product;
  2. Length. The most effective option for cleaning is the use of aspen firewood, which when combustion allow you to achieve maximum heating, temperature. As a result, all soot and other contaminants begin to move away from the inner surface of the walls of the chimney pipe and outward themselves;
  3. If the contamination is minor, it is possible to use a conventional large salt, which is also added to the fire, in the process of combustion and molding the fireplace, in small portions. The price of salt is one of the most affordable, with proven efficiency, in emergencies.

Tip: If you want to clean the flushing hands and do not trust people's methods, you can use such specialized and adapted chemicals for cleaning, compositions, like: "comungiles", "Petrychist".

Chemicals can be produced in the form of powder, lane, capsules. Each of which has its advantages and method of application, to familiarize themselves with which special instructions with important advice and recommendations from the manufacturer will help.

Mechanical methods of cleaning

If you know why thrust in chimney disappeared and this reason is not due to the weather or flaws of the design, cleaning can be made independently and using mechanical methods.

Cleaning Rules:

  • Using special fucking. Cleaning can be made both from the side of the house and from the roof. Cleaning the chimney from the roof side is made in the event that polygonal tubes sandwich are used. Yarshik can be used in any specialized store, and do it yourself. Special attention in self-making, it is necessary to give a handle, which should exactly repeat all the bends of the chimney;
  • Cleaning should be made exclusively in dry and favorable weather. This is necessary for security;
  • Before this manipulation, it is necessary to close all flaps and valves well and well, if they are missing, the flue chamber must be isolated independently;
  • Any roof work should be carried out exclusively using the safety cable;
  • South need to push down, after which it is possible to remove it through special channels or holes.

In order to get acquainted in more detail with the cleaning process, we recommend viewing the video in this article.

Other ways and causes of lack of traction

Now you know what the thrust in the chimney depends on how it can be improved independently. If all previous ways do not help you, we recommend paying attention to other points:

  1. Check the height of the pipe above the roof level. Its height from the skate must be at least 60 centimeters. If the indicator is lower, due to the presence of trees and other buildings, it will have to raise it. To do this, it is easy to get the missing element of a smaller diameter inward and make sealing;
  2. If the cause of the malfunction is the presence of poor channel geometry, it is recommended to replace the pipe to a simpler with a round cross section, which will significantly improve the permeability and ventilation;
  3. Increase the influx. Provide good ventilation in the house. Install the fans or valves on the plastic windows. The optimal influx of air in the living room should be at least 1-2 meters per second;
  4. Installing a deflector. Install the special tip on the top of the chimney pipe. It will improve air circulation and ventilation, both inside and outside the house;
  5. We produce the installation of the turbine. Such a device in the presence of wind allows you to rock the installation and thereby air well and constantly blows out of the pipe to the street;
  6. Using electric fans. Such elements allow automatic mode to monitor air flow and ventilation. If necessary, such a fan can be turned on and off. The installation allows pressure drops, which allows the pipe completely, quickly and evenly warm up.

Specialized Service and Help

Perform any installation and other work on improving thrust (

Cleaning chimney with special equipment and cable

If you do not have thrust in chimney, and the reason you are unknown, you must definitely turn to a professional master. Before solving the problem, the specialist should make a thorough assessment of the state of the furnace installation, reveal the cause and only after that begin to perform work. When choosing a wizard, give preference to exceptionally proven companies and organizations with experience, positive reviews and a large staff of professional employees.

Now you know about the most common causes of troubleshooting and ventilation and using the above-set advice and recommendations can find the right solution and eliminate the problem.

Despite the fact that it has long been the XXI century, and gas or electric heating has become affordable for most people, the Russian oven in some of the homes continues to occupy a central place. It not only heats the housing, but also is a "feed" of the family - in it and bread can be baked, and any dishes to prepare. In addition, its laying is a warm berth, and not even for one person. She is also "People's Healler": with the help of a Russian furnace, many illnesses were previously treated, and also dried her grasses for decoctions. And if suddenly the oven failed, it became a real misfortune.

Possible problems are the appearance of smoke, sluggish burning and incomplete roasting of firewood, insufficient heating. All this indicates the absence of normal thrust. And such a deficiency is required to "treat" immediately, as there is a considerable threat to health and even the lives of people. In this case, the question arises about why there is no traction in the Russian oven , And what needs to be taken to restore its normal functionality as soon as possible.

Russian oven and her design

One of the causes of insufficient thrust may well be weather conditions. This applies to all wood stoves, regardless of their design.

It now seems implausible, but the oven for many village families was not only a "cormal", but also a "meteorologist." In the direction of the column of smoke, the burning of coal, the sounds that occur during the furnace, experienced owners with a sufficient degree of reliability were determined only by the weather for several days.

For example, if the atmospheric pressure is low, the furnace flashes for a long time, and the firewood burns sluggish, as the thrust in the chimney becomes weaker. In this case, smoke going into the chimney from the fuel chamber often overlaps on the croup of furnaces.

If, with a bad thrust that occurred due to low pressure, raw firewood are used, then the caustic smoke can fill the entire room. All these manifestations in the complex say that the next day will be rainy and windy weather, and if outside the winter window, then we should expect a blizzard that will bring a thaw with a very high probability.

But the experienced hosts, however, always knew how to distinguish the phenomena of an external nature from malfunctions arising in the design of the furnace. There are a lot of other reasons that directly affect the level of thrust and, accordingly, on the effectiveness of this heating structure.

And in order to deal with them, it is necessary to know the inner device of the furnace, at least schematically. Otherwise, repair work will be difficult.

The structure of a Russian furnace is somewhat more complicated than many other heating brick structures and, by the way, there is no single, "dogmatic" scheme - even one master-baked, different stoves can be quite seriously different. For example, the furnace can have an additional furnace located under the main mouth or from the side, or to do without it, to have a different amount of cookur, differ in size and location of the bed and the like.

In order not to get confused in the furnace departments, you need to know their location and names:

So, the design of the Russian furnace consists of the following elements and departments:

1 - a master or a valve, overlapping chimney pipe.

2 - Driving - the second wall in front of the camera inlet, located under the arch.

3 - bake - the surface of the oven, turned to the wall of the house.

4 - damper - removable steel or cast iron door, closing the mouth of the oven during the protest, cooking dishes or baking bread. It is pressed against the walls.

5 - Mirror is the front surface of the oven reflecting the heat into the room.

6 - Lena - Sleeping, heated from the inside, from the hob of the cooking chamber.

7 - Opening - the lower part of the oven located immediately on the foundation.

8 - Cubicles - deaf holes-niches, allowing you to save and distribute heat around the room, for a longer time. They are often installed kitchenware to maintain cooked dishes in a preheated state.

9 - under the base of the hob. Usually done with a slight bias to the mouth.

10 - Sleep - Wooden extension to the outside of the furnace - the mirror. It is used as a staircase for lifting on a sun bed, as well as a shelf for drying shoes.

11 - Vault is the ceiling of the cooking chamber laid as an arch.

12 - lower part of the chimney pipe.

13 - The mouth is a source area located in its front part, which can perform the role of a cooking chamber.

14 - Man-end, i.e., the bottom of the hob.

15 - Shelks - a part of the submission protruding from the total surface of the wall.

In addition to the details listed above, the "classic" of the Russian oven is usually a sub-space, which is called - SUN. It stores the necessary inventory, as well as leanted from the streets of firewood.

The principle of the emergence of oven traction

With the right structure of the furnace and clean channels, the thrust should be formed naturally, since the necessary conditions for its occurrence are laid in the very design of the heating structure.

The main thing in this process is chimney, according to which the smoke is removed from the functioning furnace. When burning the fuel mass, the region of discharged air is formed, due to the difference in the height of the aircase, chimney channels and the mouth (outlet) of the chimney pipe. Thus, exhaust force arises, which contributes to the removal of gaseous combustion products.

Another significant factor is the temperature difference in the heat chamber and in the atmosphere, since the heated air strives up to lower temperatures.

It would seem that the principle of the formation of thrust is simple, however, there are enough moments that can complicate the process of removal of combustion products.

Often, the traction is absent under the influence of external factors. But it may depend on the incorrectly calculated parameters of some sector sectors. In any case, if such a problem arose, first of all it is necessary to find its cause, and then search for ways to eliminate it.

Causes of absence of thrust in the furnace

As mentioned above, the thrust in the Russian furnace may be absent for various reasons. It is very important to correctly understand - when the phenomenon of failure of thrust occurred: at the first tests of the heating structure, or in the process of its operation, despite that earlier the furnace was completely normal.

There are no traction when testing a new furnace

Before testing just a built oven, it must be dried. In the wet structure, not only maybe there may be no traction, but it is capable of going to crack the solution, and sometimes brickwork itself is even deformed and crap.

The clay mass used as a solution should be sacrificed at natural temperatures, without sharp jumps in the direction of increasing or, on the contrary, decrease.

The drying of the furnace in vivo passes within 5 ÷ 7 days, while all the doors and valves must be open. At this first stage of drying, it is allowed to speed up the process using a powerful incandescent bulb, for example, 200 W. It must be kept covered throughout the drying of the furnace. The lamp will not give a strong heat, it will slightly warm the walls and create an upward flow of warm air.

Another option that is allowed to accelerate the evaporation process of moisture is the installation of a fan heater or an infrared heater pointing to the open door of the furnace chamber.

For these purposes, the furnace opposes three - four times a day, with an approximate duration of one and a half hours. This can use paper, thin chips or a twig, in the amount of two - three kilograms per bookmark. This fuel will not give a large heat, but will speed up the masonry.

If, during the second stage of drying, the smoke went into the room, it can be caused by several reasons:

  • Violation of the erection scheme of the chimney or its channels. For example, if the length of horizontally located channels is greater than permissible dimensions of 1500 ÷ 2000 mm. Another incorrect option when gas channels have an insufficient bandwidth. Smoke does not have time to go into the chimney, he has nowhere to go, and he begins to leak into the room. Another "side of the medal" - when the channels are too wide, it creates too much thrust, so the efficiency of the furnace is significantly reduced (and it is not particularly great from the Russian classic oven).

In order for the process to be balanced, the furnace laying should be carried out exclusively on the drawing developed and proven in practice. In it, the parameters of the channels are calculated depending on the volume of the main focus, as well as from the purpose of the furnace and the presence of additional flue chambers.

  • Wrongly equipped exit to the well of the chimney. The dimensions of this furnace must exceed the cross section of the gas channel or, in the extreme case, they must be the same. In addition, the top edge of the exit to the well must be located above the upper edge of the door of the fuel chamber. Otherwise, when opening this door, smoke will enter the room.

When laying the furnace if the outlet is equipped above for any reason there is no possibility, then an additional partition is drawn along the back wall, which is binding to the chimney with an exit. This space also becomes an obstacle to the chimney of non-corrosive solid particles of products of combustion of firewood.

  • If the chimney is guilized with a metal pipe, its diameter must be the same throughout. Thus, in places of pipes, there will not accumulate a large number of soot deposits, which can also prevent the creation of normal traction.
  • The subductive hole, located at the bottom of the furnace under the furnace or under the sixth, should have certain parameters that are determined by the size of the fuel departments. Otherwise, air flow will be not enough to create a normal thrust.
  • A protective cap is not installed on the piping of the pipe that prevents the moisture in the hole of the chimney of moisture from precipitation, as well as dust and other garbage. This factor may also cause reverse thrust.
  • When erecting the furnace of the laying seams between bricks or around the metal elements were not sealed enough. That is, air penetrates into the flock chamber from the outside, and the smoke appears the opportunity to find a way out besides the chimney pipe.

  • The chimney pipe has an insufficient height relative to the rod of the roof. In this regard, in chimney there may be a curvature that create obstacles to the formation of normal traction. As can be seen on the above scheme, the height of the chimney depends on the distance (in the horizontal projection) between the skate and the location of the pipe:

- When removing the pipe from the skate to 1500 mm, the pipe must rise above the level of the skate at least 500 mm.

- if the pipe is removed from the skate to the distance from 1500 to 3000 mm, then a coincidence of height with the line of the skate is allowed;

- When the distance between the skate and the pipe is over 3000 mm, the tube's headpoint should be located at least the conditional line spent through the point of the skate at an angle of 10 ° to the horizon.

  • Incorrectly equipped air ventilation or even its absence can also lead to the occurrence of reverse thrust. If it is impossible to create a normal system of supply ventilation, then it is necessary to create air inflow by opening the windows or doors at the time of the furnace. But here too, there may be negative nuances. So, violation of normal thrust can be noted in the following cases:

- The room opened windows that are located much higher than the coil door;

- when in the room there are strong drafts, which also disturb the normal movement of flue gases in chimney channels;

- If a strong wind on the street.

  • If the Russian oven has several departments, then there are several flue chambers in its design. The partitioning partition can be built incorrectly or the chimney cross-section is insufficient, therefore it has a low bandwidth - these two factors also contribute to the reduction of thrust.

In order to prevent the room smoke when testing the furnace, you can check the craving, and, without inciting firewood in the furnace. Enough, bring a burning sheet of paper or match to the open door and trace the direction of the flame. If the flame is directed toward the furnace, then there is a traction, if in the direction of the room, then you need to look for the cause of its absence.

Lack of thrust in the old oven

If the traction disappeared in a previously well-working Russian oven, the reasons for this phenomenon may differ significantly from those listed above.

So, if the furnace worked fine, but once, when it was incited, it was discovered that the smoke to fumble into the room, the following problems could be the reason for this.

  • During the period of operation, the chimney was depressurized, that is, in the masonry under the influence of atmospheric factors and temperature drops, cracks were formed. Such damage is able to weaken the thrust in the furnace, long-term commissioned.

In this case, there is another serious danger - it is a sparks and particles of burning soot, which can penetrate the holes formed in the walls of the chimney. Split, sparks can get into combustible materials both the roof of the house and neighboring buildings, which can lead to fire.

  • The narrowing of the inner space of the chimney due to blockages caused by plant sediments. In this case, the problem can be solved only by clearing the inner surfaces of the chimney pipe, as well as the channels and the heat chamber.

If even during the period of operation, preventive cleaning of the smoke removal system is performed, then in the first place, as a rule, easily accessible straight parts of the structure are affected. However, the accumulation of seasal sediments arises on the corners or bends of the channels, where the smoke changes its direction.

Due to insufficiently well purified chimney, the thrust will definitely decrease. If it is not possible to perform the cleaning of the chimney yourself, then an experienced specialist should be invited for this work.

If it is decided to clean it yourself, then for this purpose the following methods are used:

- Starch or dried potato cleaning, which are burned in the heat chamber. They are able to partially clean the pipe, they are also used in preventive purposes.

- Vertical sections of the chimney system can be cleaned with a special hero, to which a heavy item attracts, capable of pulling the brush light weight by weight. She will gather from the walls of soot deposits, some of which will fall into horizontal channels or firebox.

- From horizontal channels, the creaked soot is fused through the cleaning winds or the holes laid down by the brick, which is temporarily removed.

- Clean the chimney can be used using well-dried aspen woods that have a low resin content caused by soot formation. This method has long been used by the owners of the furnaces. When burning aspen firewood, thought should be fully open, so that the smoke is fluent in the tube, even if there is a blockage.

- Today, you can find special powders for removing seasal sediments. They are intended for burning them in a firebox with firewood. After burning such a bookmark, the chimney remains clean, it remains only to clean the furnace from ash.

Using methods for cleaning with aspen wood or starch, it is necessary to follow safety rules, as the soot starts to burn directly in the pipe. The thrust becomes more intense when the space from the soot is released, while the pipe is very heated, and the sparks begin to break out the outside. Therefore, most often, such methods are used in cases where the wall thickness on the walls is about 3 mm. If the chimney is scored in Nagar thoroughly, it is first worth applying a mechanical method of purification, and then burn one of the above substances in the furnace.

  • Long pause in the operation of the furnace. If in a summer period, the furnace is not used, moisture can be accumulated inside the channels, which, evaporating, forms in the inner space of the pipe air plugs (dense air layers). They interfere with the free output of flue gases outside. However, this problem should be solved by itself through several "sessions" of the furnace. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the oven to the heating season in advance until the cold has come, and the room can be used without compromising comfort. In order not to have such problems, it is best to choose cool days in preventive purposes in summer cool days and protruding the oven two - three kilograms of firewood.
  • Violation of the tightness of the masonry of the oven itself. This can occur during deformation of poorly prepared foundation, due to too wide seams in masonry, incorrectly selected ingredients or consistency of the solution. All these factors can lead to cracks that reduce cravings. In addition, carbon monoxide through the formed gaps can penetrate into the room or under the roof, which is extremely dangerous, since there is a possibility of fire. The carbon monoxide itself is extremely dangerous to human health and life - causes an extensive toxic damage to the body.

Ways to enhance the thrust in the Russian oven

When preventive measures for cleaning channels and chimneys from plantal sediments, revision for the integrity of the design will be made, you can use some methods for optimizing traction. However, it is only worth doing this if after cleaning the thrust remains weak. You can strengthen the thrust without resorting to the help of specialists or complex electrical appliance devices, as well as using the latter.

  • Deflector or fluger. This device is a modified version of the cap, which was previously used to install on chimneys. The deflector rationally uses the wind to create an exhaust traction of the furnace.

  • The ventilation turbine at its work uses the energy of wind streams, creating the desired air loss in the chimney mine. This increases the thrust that intensively removes the combustion products, the effect of the reverse thrust is excluded. This device also protects the mouth of the pipes from atmospheric precipitation and various garbage.

The deflector is the thrust regulator in chimney.

  • The traction regulator is another option of a deflector, which not only normalizes the intensity of the removal of combustion products, but also serves as protection for the chimney from water and garbage. At the bottom of this device, resembling an umbrella, there is a free space zone for passing air flow. There are models of regulators equipped with special sensors that are capable not only to increase the craving, but also adjust its intensity. For example, with a bad rush of a Russian oven, exiting gases, acting on a thermal sensor, will contribute to its strengthening, respectively increase the efficiency of the furnace. With a weakening of burning, the sensor will reduce the intensity of the thrust.

  • Electric smoke fan. Install this device on the chimney pipe, of course, will cost much more expensive. However, it will absolutely provide normal traction, regardless of weather and atmospheric pressure. The device will pull almost all combustion products, so the chimney clogging is unlikely. Such fans have a sufficiently high power. Therefore, some models are installed in complex structures of multi-level chimneys and ventilation systems of multi-storey buildings.

Elements of the furnace and the need for their regular prevention

For the furnace function normally, and the thrust has always been optimal, you need to know how to properly produce preventive work. Therefore, in this section, the furnace areas will be described in detail, which should be monitored and subject to regular cleaning.

On the above scheme of the Russian oven, the departments that require regular revisions and cleaning are numbered.

1 - Rolnik. This furnace department is usually cleaned every time before the start of the next bookmark of firewood and furnace fireboxes.

2 - pissed. Cleaning this chamber from the ash dust is performed periodically. Infused regulates the air intake into the fuel chamber. It should be noted here that in most structures of the furnaces, the Asolnic stoves are combined with a confusion, and in this case, cleaning is understandable, it is performed before each use of the furnace.

3 - a confusion door. The melting oven, the door pondered must be kept open, and in the process of burning fuel, it is left a row. Thanks to such an adjustment in the smoke removal system, the thrust of the required intensity is created.

4 - grate (grate grille). This element of the design is cleaned before laying fuel to the fuel chamber.

5 - the fuel chamber should be examined before each fuel laying. When you appear on the walls of the hugger, it should be removed periodically.

6 - Zev fuel chamber (loading tunnel) after the fuel laying should be free. Therefore, when the furnace is filled with firing from the tunnel, you should remove all the elements that interfere with the dense closure of the door.

7 - The fuel chamber door opens only when loading fuel, as well as during preventive work.

8 - the mouth of the furnace (Higho) is used to disrupt combustion products into smoking channels. This zone is cleaned simultaneously with the heat chamber.

9 - vertical channels, at the same time are the heat accumulating area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace. This zone can be maintained in a normal state by periodic burning in the starch furnace or chemical cleansing powder. However, the capital annual cleaning of this department, as well as the chimney pipes, most often carries out a pipeline.

10 - Front wall of the furnace (man). According to the brow, above the furnace, approximately 600 mm, is determined to the touch, whether the operation mode (stroke) is optimal.

11 - Bind. When the oven and its functioning is fully opened. When caring fuel, it can be a little covered to save the heat. A view is closed only after complete fuel exercise when the separation of carbon monoxide is guaranteed.

12 - Sewber is designed to adjust the thrust in the chimney. This element in the complex with a subpend door is established optimal furnace operation.

13 - The clean door is used to discharge air in the chimney at the start of a long-haired oven stove in the cold, as well as for additional control over the force of traction.

14 - The chimney shaft is the main channel, discharged fuel combustion products. It is its integrity and regular cleaning that special attention should be paid.

15 - Woodwood or camera for drying firewood is not related to any of the furnace departments in which the open fire or fuel combustion products fall. The Space of the Wrong is well warmed so that the wood prepared for the next bookmarks get rid of the extra moisture accumulated during storage on the street. In a Russian oven, this department is usually located at the bottom of the brow in the sixth.

The presented design can be somewhat different from the structure of the Russian oven, but the main controlling elements are identical to all furnaces. The Russian oven may differ in the design of heat accumulating departments, as they are a common space located between the core of the main fuel chamber and the surface of the sun bed.

* * * * * * *

Now, knowing how the oven is arranged, and in which departments there may be a problem of traction failure, you can solve it using various ways of cleaning. In order not to encounter a decrease in efficiency again, the overseas audit should be performed regularly and the implementation of preventive measures. And do not regret the means to call, an experienced specialist who will tell you what nuances of operation of a specific model should pay increased attention.

You probably heard the phrase: "Bad thrust in chimney." We hope that this bowl passed your oven. Those who encountered this phenomenon, we will try to help him get rid of times and forever.

Returning thrust in chimney

Practically synonymous with the first concept is the concept of reverse thrust. In fact, these are two sides of the same medal. First you need to figure out what is this phenomenon? How to check the chimney cravings?

  • The first sign of bad thrust of the chimney pipe is the appearance of the smell of Ugon. Although they say that carbon monoxide does not smell - it is not. The avgar is similar to the smell of smoke, only more pronounced, as if, just the gross head poured sharply water.
  • The second feature is visual. When opening the furnace, the furnace can be seen how the smoke is pulling out of it.

Without melting oven, it is possible to determine whether the thrust in the chimney is sufficient. To do this, it is necessary by opening the furnace flap (Sewber), bring the burning lady, a candle or a piece of paper to the cast door. If the flame is dismissed into the firebox - the thrust in the chimney of the boiler or ovens is sufficient. The deviation of the flame from the furnace means that the inverse thrust in the chimney is pronounced. There is a lawsager question: "What to do?". To begin with, we will deal with the cause.

Causes of reverse thrust

The thrust is formed thanks to two factors: the pressure difference and temperature difference. The lower the pressure at the top of the chimney and the smaller the temperature there - the better the thrust will be. Of course, the state of the chimney is quite strongly affected. If the boiler or oven is always good, then suddenly became the opposite, then the question arises: "How to increase the thrust in the chimney with your own hands?" A simple answer: "You need to clean the pipe."

There is still a couple of factors affecting the traction. It is noted that the thrust in the chimney of the gas boiler or the furnace is somewhat better in the chimns of the circular cross section than square, and even more rectangular. This is due to the densitivity of air flows in the angles of chimney, impede the yield of smoke.

Pretty weighty can be the factor of the placement of the chimney pipe on the roof. For a pipe located below the roof of the roof while non-compliance with the distance, the likelihood of reverse thrust becomes greater.

Another important factor arising directly from the requirements of the pressure difference is the height of the pipe. The minimum size of this value is 5 meters, counting from the ash bar to the umbrella. When adhere to the height, you will be guaranteed a good thrust. In the case of removal of traction, remove extra turns, look for barrels in chimney and check whether oxygen comes into the furnace enough. Check the chimney for tightness.

If these manipulations have not led to anything, the question "how to increase craving in chimney" requires more thorough analysis and adopting additional measures to eliminate this unpleasant situation.

Oddly enough, but the coming in our life of plastic windows, quite complicated life in terms of maintaining good thrust in chimneys. This is due to the fact that plastic windows are well sealed and do not give the possibility of pulling up air from the external environment. In high-quality windows there are special slots to create the right microclimate in the room and, accordingly, supplying enough air to ensure combustion. This creates a normal traction. In the absence of slots, try on the furnace slightly open the front door. Helped? So the problem is in the shortage of air for burning and creating thrust.

Another reason for which smoke "does not want" to rise up is too big or too small temperatures. With a too big difference of warm home air and frosty external, heavy outer air presses on light warm air and does not give it to rise up, being a kind of cork. This happens when your chimney is led to the street directly through the wall and then rises up on the outer wall of the building. Such chimney is pretty quickly after the protrusion is filled with cold air completely, and the oven is quite problematic. In this situation, you can advise:

Before starting the protood, burn a couple of newspapers in the furnace. They warm the chimney and further extracts must pass without problems.

Stabilizer traction

If the previous actions have not led to a positive result, it is possible that a special device will help - a stabilizer of thrust in chimney. In fact, this is not one device, but a number of devices and talk about them more.

The first of the devices is a deflector. It is very common and you probably saw him:

It deflects air flow raising up, forcing these streams to bypass artificial obstacles. When they flow around them, the pressure is reduced, which, in fact, we need. The pressure difference is one of the most important factors for the occurrence of traction and we talked about it above.

The second device is a traction stabilizer. It is very similar to an umbrella. Below we bring its drawing to which it can be made independently: The meaning and principle of action is about the same as the deflector, is displayed on the presented figure. The most complicated device is a rotary turbine:
It is installed above chimney and rotates all the time in one direction, creating a sparse atmosphere at the top of the chimney (again decrease in pressure). She rotates from the wind, so when there is no wind - it becomes useless. Also, during rotation, precipitation can fall into it, so it did not receive a special distribution.

Increase the height of chimney

But nevertheless, the most effective way to increase the thrust, of course, is an increase in the height of the chimney pipe. Just do not overdo it - too high pipe leads to the opposite effect - too good pull. You define it according to the characteristic sound. With such a traction in the "Pipe fly" can up to 50% of useful heat. Therefore, with a good pull, it needs to be adjusted either by a schiber (valve) or a ash bar door or combining these devices to achieve the desired goal.

A sign of properly installed thrust is considered the absence of "wrestling" in the chimney and bright, yellow color of fire. White fire speaks about thrust redundancy, dark red about her lack.

Periodically check the craving, remember that this will ensure not only the material preservation of your property, but also protects your life and health. Be careful and careful.