Repairs Design Furniture

Nitrafena method of application. Nitrophen for grapes Instructions for use. Yadochirikati to combat mice-like rodents

Spring treatment of trees in the garden - how to spray before the renal dissolve? How to make fertilizers, what are they protecting from?

Cheating of the kidneys, escape diseases, the yellowing of the leaves, focuses on the inflorescence, pests and diseases on trees - a number of problems with which the spraying of early spring is coping. You need to open the season before the blooming of the kidneys. During this period, it is possible to conduct a sanitary or forming trimming of trees, rejecting the crown. Read the spraying establishes the result of our works and gives an additional incentive for further development.

When to spray trees?

Spraying of trees to the dissolution of the kidneys from:

  • Shields;
  • Medyanitsa apple and her masonry;
  • Ticks;
  • Moths;
  • Spotted on the leaves;
  • Flashing;
  • Prevention from lichens and moss;

I need to process all trees on the site, especially apple trees, cherries, pears, plums and cherries. Who grows quince Also take care of timely processing. It will not be superfluous to go on shrubs: Currant , for example, gooseberry. We stimulate the development of trees with extractive feeders of the trees, and we obtain, as a result, the otnarny harvest.

What spray the trees to the dissolution of the kidneys:

Additional effective preparations to spray trees before the start of the development of the kidneys: carbamide or urea (5%), nitrafen (3-4%), "KSM" emulsion, "Abiga Peak" (0.4%).

↓ Write in the comments than you tried or know that you can handle the trees of early spring. What spray recipes approached your trees?

As is known, for the effective fruiting of trees, it is necessary to ensure the correct care for them. In particular, it is necessary to perform a spraying of the garden early in spring and autumn, and in some cases in the summer. In this article, we will consider what purpose spraying is performed which drugs use and how this process takes place.

Spraying seasons

Of course, the timing of spraying is impossible, since they depend on the following factors:

  • The climatic zone in which the garden is located.
  • Vegetative trees processes.

Early spraying is carried out, immediately after the awakening of plants from winter sleep. The last spraying is performed in the fall after the leaf fall. Next, consider the peculiar features at different times.

Spraying can be performed only in windless weather.

The first half of spring

To protect plants from pests and diseases, their spraying is performed before activating the growing processes, i.e. At the beginning of the spring period. The correct selection of fungicides will allow to get rid of most of the pests that could successfully fall into the shoots of trees or the kore.

In addition, this procedure will be reliable prophylaxis from various diseases. Spraying garden trees to the dissolution of the kidneys are carried out by copper vigorous or burgundy liquid.

These drugs serve as prevention against a number of diseases:

  • Flashing;
  • Moniliosis;
  • Spotty;
  • Kokkomicosis;
  • Swasteporiosis, etc.

In addition, these fungicides kill the dedicated larvae from eggs, pest pending. Some types of trees can also be sipped by iron vigor, as it performs the same functions as copper, but also saturates the plants with iron.

In particular, this element is especially important for normal development and growth, which in addition to the apple tree itself includes the following plants:

  • Pear;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Rowan;
  • Quince, etc.

Spraying plant plants during this period is carried out twice:

  • "On the green cone" - before the flowers begin to bloom (unacceptable buds resemble cones). Usually, this procedure is the prevention of diseases such as malievable dew and spot.
  • As a rule, the trees are sprayed the second time in spring urea, during the period of the so-called "separation of buds". This allows you to kill the larvae of most insects.

The following spraying is performed after the plants are swing.

Often, instead of urea use nitrophen to spray the garden.
This drug is also very effective to combat insect pests and some kinds of diseases.

Second half of spring

After all the petals fall out, it is necessary to execute the final spring spraying. Moreover, the drug is chosen depending on the type of tree:

Wood Preparations
Pear and apple tree Preparations against brushes and other spotted diseases are used, for example, you can use:
  • Victra;
  • Rubigan;
  • Impact;
  • Sumps, etc.
Apricot To prevent monilial burns or a holey spottedness, trees should be treated by burgundy liquid or copper vigor.
Peach The greatest danger is -Lesurosporiosis, the curlyness of the foliage and caterpillars of frozhorks. Therefore, plant processing should be made by copper-based fungicides, as well as insecticides, such as Steffesin or Decis.
Plum As a rule, the defeats bring the caterpillars of frozhorsk, as well as the wave and ticks. In addition, polystygum diseases and moniliosis are common. Therefore, for spraying, you can choose the following poisons:
  • COLOR;
  • Dandim;
  • Fufanon.
Cherry and Cherry Such plants are affected by the coccquomskosis and swasteporiosis, as well as some pests. Therefore, processing can be performed by the following active substances:
  • Copper chlorokis with the addition of poisons;
  • Topsin.

Spraying it is necessary to all the garden, and not separate trees.

In addition, for the prevention of fungal diseases and the invasions of the ticks, the gardens are sprayed with a carbamide or a solution of DDT powder.


In summer, as a rule, the processing of the garden is carried out by urea. This fungicide not only kills many insects, but also saturates trees with nitrogen. The procedure in the hot season is carried out several times.

The processing of young plants is usually performed by folk remedies, as they are completely safe. For example, a tobacco tincture or other strongly smelling fluid is used.


Autumn trees spray twice:

  • At the beginning of autumn - urea;
  • After leaffall - special preparations that prevent putrefactive processes.

It must be said that the drugs for the second spraying are not necessary to acquire, as you can do at home.

The instruction looks like this:

  • 300 grams of copper vapor should be dissolved in three liters of water;
  • Then 400g lime-fluffs need to be mixed with 10 liters of water;
  • Having stirring the lime solution, the solution of copper mosper should be pouring into it with a thin jet.
  • The resulting composition must be strain through a miner folded several times.

Regardless of which drug will be used to spray the garden, this procedure must be performed in dry weather.

This solution has a gentle-blue color and for a while paint trees, however, with time the paint will wash. The price of such a drug will be significantly lower than the purchase agent, and efficiency is the same.

Spray technology

By itself, the technological process of spraying is quite simple, however, requiring patience and the presence of the following:

  • Special piston type pump for trees or compressor;
  • Respiratory mask;
  • Latex gloves;
  • Glasses;
  • Substances for treating trees.

In the photo - respirator to protect the respiratory organs

Spray technology looks like this:

  • If the procedure is performed in the spring, you need to handle the trunk of a hard brush tree to remove moss or lichen. This procedure will lead to the activation of cells and the growth of shoots.
  • Before use, the solution must be good enough. This procedure in the process of spraying must be repeated periodically.
  • Then, with the help of a compressor or pump, it is necessary to spray a fungicide evenly on the tree. It is necessary to process all parts of the plant, in particular, the leaves are sprayed from both sides. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the drugs fall uniform dew, for this tip of the tool, it is necessary to keep about 80 centimeters from the leaves at a distance.
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to wash the device. Protective elements (glasses, gloves and respirator) can not be removed.
  • Excellent article 0.

Nitrophen refers to the fungicides of complex effects, which differ in pronounced fungicidal, inseccidal and herbicidal properties.

With this, it is possible to effectively deal with various pests of fruit and berry crops.

Its use will eliminate the fungal and mold diseases of garden crops, ensuring their effective development and fruiting.

Chemical properties

Nitrophen is an insectofunggid, having a sodium salt of alkylphenol nitration products, which are obtained from a resin of coal or slates.

Basically, the agent is used in the form of an aqueous solution and is made by spraying plants.

How to act a tool

Nitrophen for the garden is a contact-intestinal drug, which is also distinguished by a pronounced fumigation effect. After its introduction, it is well preserved on the leaves of plants, providing their long-term protection. When penetrating into the soil, Nitrophen contributes to a decrease in the growth of weeds.

With frequent use, it can lead to minor suggestions of soils.

Since in some cases the drug can lead to the burning of green mass, it is used either early in spring before the kidneys will be dissolved or in the fall after the focus of all foliage.

Instructions for use

Nitrophen is an insectofunggid, the instructions for the use of which involves its use in the form of an aqueous solution. They spray plants or handle soil.

The use of this tool will allow you to get rid of the shields, eggs Tly, leaflerting, fungal pathogens, vegetable ticks, etc. With this drug, you can fight such diseases as a pass, mildness, mildew, etc.

Nitrophenic treatment should be carried out in dry mad weather. Optimal will be the morning or evening.

It cannot be allowed to excess concentrations and norms of the nitrophen consumption provided for by the instructions for use.

Flow measures for different pests and diseases


The composition of Nitrophena is moderately dangerous in relation to man and will not harm him if you use individual protective equipment (respirator, safety glasses, overalls).

After the end of working with the drug, you should well wash your hands and face with warm water with soap.


  1. protects various plants;
  2. has a wide range of efficiency against various diseases and pests;
  3. features high efficiency;
  4. reduces the growth of weeds;
  5. low flow;
  6. low cost.


  • it can accumulate in the ground and plant it.

Video: Treatment of trees and bushes in spring nitrophen

Effective preparation for protecting the garden from pests and diseases. Available in a dark brown paste, well soluble in water.

In addition to protection, nitrafen has a stimulating effect on the growth and development of plants.

It can not be used on green vegetation. Using this means either early in spring, even before swelling the kidneys, or in late autumn - after the appeal of the leaves.

For what is applied nitrophen

On fruit trees: vs. Flash, various letters of leaves, moss and lichens. Effectively destroys Tlya, ticks, shields, caterpillars, leaflerting and other vessel-rodent pests.

For the preparation of the working solution, 200 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

For the disinfection of the soil take 300 grams per 10 liters of water. On 1 adult fruit tree and
The soil under it requires 10 - 30 liters of solution.

On berry shrubs (Gooseberry, Currant, Raspberry): - Against anthraznosis, craze, mildew, as well as for the destruction of phones and other pests.

The bushes and the soil are treated under them after the leaves fell. 150 g of nitrophen on 10 liters of water are diluted.

On strawberry: against letters of leaves and gray rotten berries.

The bushes of strawberries and soil are sprayed with a solution at a concentration of 150 g per 10 liters of water. This is done in spring, before the beginning of the rustling of the leaves.

To combat weeds. Effectively struggles with wetting, reel and other weed herbs. Processing the soil is necessary early in the spring, collecting 300 g of preparation in 10 liters of water.

Also carry out a general spraying of the garden to destroy the infection. soil under the bushes and
Around the bushes of berries and on the prioric circles of fruit trees with a working solution at a concentration of 300 grams of nitrafen on 10 liters of water.

When using the drug, it is necessary to comply with the usual precautions, as when working with pesticides.

If you used nitrafen, please write if you are satisfied with it. Do you advise you to apply this particular drug to protect the garden from diseases and pests?

Your feedback will help many gardeners to evaluate the action of Nitrafen more objectively and decide - it is worth acquiring it or not.
Interesting on the topic:

The best features of the gardeners

    I bought Nitrafen in the fall, but did not have time to handle, so, sprayed the trees today, 04/06/2019. I don't know what happens, the summer will show how she defended her young garden. The drug was produced in Voronezh, Russia.


    I tried nitrophen on peach. After the first application, there was no curly leaf curly.
    This year sprayed the whole garden both at home and in the country. It hurts a lot of mosses and diseases. I hope to help


    Previously, he always used Nitrophen. A good effective tool, but I advise the best - 100 grams of honey. Page 300 g of ammonium nitrate for 10 liters. water. Perfectly dissolve, the effect is excellent and fertilizer.


    I tried nitrofen to currant and I am satisfied. I did not even watched who the manufacturer. The main result is super. Ukraine.


    Last year, I sprayed in the autumn, in the spring to the dissolution of the kidneys, it is still afraid, for a strong poison, a short time before the growing season, and in the autumn the most. For the winter there are even cyanide potassium.
    Note that nitrafen works as a plant growth stimulator.
    On the grapes of such huge leaves as this year has never been. The hybrid currant and many trees broke the branch of the harvest.
    I do not know, maybe just a coincidence or maybe not, especially since the summer was very arid.
    Diseases were certainly, but clearly less than nitrafen.
    This year I missed the autumn weather for processing waiting for windows in December.
    This year I want to make a mixture of nitrafen and the drug "30+" the emulsion is obtained. This mixture is well covered by plants and leaves no chance for dishonest.
    Last year I tried already when almost everything was treated with conventional solution.
    I add to the gram bucket 150-200 "30+"
    It turns out emulsion

For the first time on the processing of the garden, the drug called Nitrafen (the option "Nitrophen") also learned from the journal for gardeners gardeners. In it, the "workshop" colleague was shared by the use of nitrophenas for spraying the garden in the spring. Gardener responded positively about the drug and gave instructions for use. On the Internet information about Nitrophen was not so much, and we decided to fill this gap in the article 😉 We hope you come in handy and we and us 😉

Nitrafen: Application in Gardening

It is necessary to spray the fruit trees with a solution of nitrafena to dissolve the leaves, early in the spring (in March-early April). Treatment of trees and shrubs are enough to spend once. Nitrophen is a very strong chemical, which is successful:

  • Destroys pests wintering in the crust of fruit trees;
  • Destructively acts on ticks, derry, shield, mole, worm, leaflerting;
  • Fights with such diseases such as septoriasis, rust, cracking, cockel, malicious dew, past, other fungal diseases.

Nitrafen in gardening is also used to disinfect the soil around the trees and falling foliage in the fall. Working with the drug, be sure to comply with security measures.

What is nitrafen is, as indicated by the manufacturers of the drug: insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, acaricide, a comprehensive effect.

Cultures that can be processed by nitrophen:

  • fruit trees (apple trees, pears, cherry),
  • berry shrubs (gooseberries, currants),
  • strawberries and strawberries.

Instructions for use

Nitrophen for spraying the garden (from the review "of that very" gardener)

  • The solution for spraying fruit trees in the garden is prepared as: 300 g of nitrophen is bred in 10 liters of water. For shrubs Dosage Other: 200 g nitrophen on 10 liters of water.

Instructions for use with labels (from the manufacturer of the drug "Nitrafen")

  • Trees and shrubs in the garden spray with 3% mortar (300 g per 10 liters of water);
  • Strawberries and strawberries spray with 2% mortar (200 g per 10 liters of water);
  • The soil under fruit trees and shrubs is also treated with 2% mortar. Solution consumption: 20-30 liters per 100 square meters.

Spraying listed crops in the garden are carried out before the blooming of the kidneys and leaves!

Security measures when working with the drug:

Insecticide is poisonous for people, animals and bees. Before applying Nitrophenas, it is necessary to think through the means of individual protection: respirators, glasses, gloves, closed clothes. After spraying the garden, clean the face and hands thoroughly. Flammable.

Reviews of the drug "Nitrophen" ("Nitrafen")

Among the reviews available in the network, such:

  • It is better early in the spring until the trees are sleeping, treat the garden of chemistry than to carry with no less dangerous chemistry when the garden attack pests and diseases.
  • Cheap drugs are always trying to remove from the market, in favor of modern garden chemistry. Reviews against Nitrophenas are all the miscarions of competitors.
  • Previously, an early spring used a folk method for handling shrubs - spraying with hot water, but the effect was bad. Much less pests was after early in the spring before the blooming of the kidnew sprayed the garden by nitrafen.

Gardeners who used the drug in their sites, mark its positive effect in the fight against pests. In families, all alive and healthy, no one poisoned. After all, if you follow the instructions for use and comply with individual protection measures, the use of any chemical action will be safe.

For early processing garden, you can use:

  • concentrated urea solution,
  • copper and iron vigor,
  • bordeaux liquid.

We welcome your reviews about the use of the drug "Nitrophen" (or "Nitrafen") in the garden. Is it worth applying the drug or better replace it with other means?