Repairs Design Furniture

Metal doors in a private house. The right choice of home protection: what should be wooden entrance doors for a private house. What functions perform entrance doors to a private house

What basic requirements are presented to the entrance doors? First, they must be durable and insulated. There are several features of choosing such products. Usually, many apartment owners buy entrance doors based on a good advertising offer, or a favorable price. Some also sews a beautiful exterior design of the product. However, if the entrance door to a private house is selected in accordance with these criteria, you can only purchase large problems.

Before going to the store, it should be understood which entrance doors have a lot of advantages, how to better install them, on what rules for choosing. This will help you buy a high-quality product that will protect the dwelling from the effects of the external environment and penetration of uninvited guests. The article presents a variety of photo entrance doors for a private house.

Varieties of doors

Metal-plastic and metal structures are very popular. They deserve attention because they have many advantages. Wooden doors are usually not used. This is due to their low fire safety. They are also not distinguished by high strength characteristics.

Most often owners of apartments face such problems:

  • the appearance of a land door for the house;
  • rust;
  • changing the appearance of the input structure.

With these questions, it is better to figure it out in detail.

Metal doors

Most apartment owners of multi-storey houses choose metal structures. Such products are characterized by high fire safety, as well as less susceptible to weather impact and mechanical damage.

However, it should be found with the features of the design of such products, as well as characteristics of various models. Ate the door was performed qualitatively, it can protect the property of the apartment owners from the embezzlement. It is necessary to take care in advance about the possible prevention of product freezing.


For more details, it is worth thinking about choosing a warm entrance door for its apartment in terms of reliability of the design. Many factors affect the strength characteristics. Among them, the manufacturing technology is occupied by a special place. It is better to choose the doors that are made of steel blades having a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The thickness of the sheet is directly related to the rigidity and durability of the door.

Important! Inside the door should be enough rigidity, ensuring the preservation of the design geometry.

Stiffness ribs can be different:

  • transverse - when only horizontal elements are present;
  • longitudinal - with vertical edges;
  • combined - As it is clear from the title, both vertical and horizontal elements are installed in such doors.

Ribs located vertically are intended to confront the closure of the canvas. Thanks to this, the door corners cannot be bent. Horizontal are performed to prevent the canvas or push it from the box.

The most optimal option is to purchase a door with combined ribs. This will fully protect the door from possible mechanical deformations.

Entrance doors to a private house can be equipped with a metal blade not only outside, but also have a metal sheet on the other side. Construction elements are attached to each other using a welding machine.

You can only provide an increased level of security when buying an armored door. Such models are produced by technology to create safes. In the design itself, concrete is poured. It provides a bulletproof product. Typically, entrance doors for a private house of this type are also equipped with special locking mechanisms for increased strength.

It is not recommended to buy a door made of a metal sheet with a thickness of less than 1.2 mm. Often such products are sold under the brand of Chinese production. Such tin can be cut with a conventional knife.

The strength and reliability of the design is also determined by the structural features of the box. Better if the box is made of steel with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 cm.

Additional Elements for Protection

In addition to a reliable and durable door frame, it is necessary to ensure high protection against hacking thanks to the installation of reinforced loops. They can have a different shape and be ball, safes, ordinary. The greatest strength and efficiency are models with a support bearing.

On the number of loops affect the design door. It is necessary to take into account its size and exterior material, the number of insulation. Even with small door sizes, it is necessary that it is equipped with a minimum of 3 loops. This will ensure maximum protection. Better if the loops are internal.

Metal entrance doors to a private house are equipped with pins that ensure opposition when trying to remove the structure of force. Usually they are located in the door of the door. Such elements are capable of fixing the design closed. Even with a successful attempt to cut the loops and locks by an attacker, the door will not open anyway.

Heat insulation

In the harsh weather conditions of the Russian climate, special attention should be paid to the reliable thermal insulation of the entrance door. If there is no external decorative finish, it appears on the metal canvase every winter. However, even if the door is equipped with double facing, and before entering the apartment there is a vestibule, the room is not protected from the penetration of cold air.

In order for the temperature to be optimal, it is necessary to insulate the door with special materials. Usually use polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Such materials have a low degree of thermal conductivity. To make thermal insulation maximum, the insulation should be placed in a special framework. When choosing an input door, it is necessary to clarify it.

The engine freezing is excluded in several ways:

  • Installation of a cold tambour. The second door that will go directly into the heated room must be made of metal plastic. This will maximize the premises from serious heat loss.
  • The cold door at the same time will not come into contact with warm air masses. This method of exclusion of freezing is more effective, therefore used by many owners of apartments or individual houses.
  • Use insulated entrance doors for a private house with thermal separations. Special insert is placed in such products, which is performed from polyamide. Material has many advantages to effectively prevent the design of the design. For example, if from the street side the air temperature is -25 degrees, from the inside the design will have an indicator + 10 degrees. Usually such doors model are quite expensive.
  • Installation of electrically heating doors. By contour of the design, a heating cable is installed. This eliminates the formation of condensation. Electricity is spent in the range of t 2 to 8 kW per day.

Regardless of the selected option, it is necessary to equip the door with a double or triple insulation circuit. So the road to the room will be blocked by cold air masses.

Exterior finish

Before choosing a specific model of a street door, it is important to take into account the features of the architectural style of the entrance. If it directly contacts the street, it is necessary to carry out a facing of a material that is not afraid of temperature differences. It is also worth considering that the upholstery will experience the impact of various atmospheric phenomena and precipitation.

For input street doors, it is not recommended to use various chipboard as an external upholstery. This rule also concerns products having PVC coverage. Such products are not able to endure increased humidity, they quickly come into disrepair under the influence of rain and snow, as well as high humidity.

Effectively protect the door from moisture will help hammering. This type of coating is used for locality with a harsh climate.

If cladding is selected from the vinylplast, you should consider several features of the material. Such a coating does not have good frost resistance. After a decrease in temperature to -20 degrees, the coating becomes more fragile.

To give the door exquisite appearance, waterproof ship panels can be selected as a facing material. They are usually made from such breeds like oak, pine, alder.


An unambiguous answer, which door is better suitable for an apartment or a private house, does not exist. It is important to take into account such factors such as the climatic conditions of the region, the intensity of operation, the architectural style of the input opening. You can buy a finished design or insulate the door yourself. In the second case, you can save significantly.

With the arrangement of a private country house, a considerable role is made to pay housing security. Such an important parameter in its implementation is extremely dependent on the input door used, the choice of which needs to be treated very responsibly. This particular topic is dedicated to our article.

First, you should clearly represent what criteria should be the entrance door for a private house. It should not only provide an acceptable level of heat and sound insulation of the room, but also be sustainable to try her hacking. Naturally, metallic doors are best answered by these requirements, which have long been in demand for domestic buyers.

As we have already spoken, resistance to the actions of criminal elements should be at one of the first places. Thus, a high-quality entrance door for a private house must be equipped with two locks (cylinders and suvalden), which strongly increase its chances to withstand the attack when trying to hack. Class - not lower than the third. Note that high-quality steel should be used as a material, the thickness of which should be at least two millimeters.

In order to make potential attackers to do something with the door, it is completed with hidden loops or special anti-blank mechanisms.

As for the thermal insulation, in recent years, a lot of models with insulation appeared on the market in the market. As a rule, it is used for this purpose or its analogues. But! No entrance door for a private house of metal cannot provide full-fledged isolation of your apartment from winter temperatures.

You won't go against physics, and therefore the metal is excellent but not a full obstacle for him. Given this circumstance, never give in to the persuasion of the prudent sellers, zealously arguing about "incredible heat insulating materials."

It is not necessary to overpay - for a private house, it must be combined with an ordinary wooden. In this case, even in the strongest frosts, it will not be iced.

If in your hallway there is simply no room for such space "gateways", then you can enclose the metal surface with a wooden veneer. Unfortunately, such measures will not give a normal effect. Perhaps such doors are entrance for a private house and will not be so iced and covered with condensate, but you should not wait for a full insulation.

How to be in this case? The only exit can be the equipment of a warmed tambour. In this case, the temperatures will be aligned, and therefore the metal will cease to look out. So the entrance door for all rules is difficult, it will be better to seek help in specialized companies. Remember: high-quality installation will save not only your time, but also your money!

And finally. Many still believe that the doors made of metal look boring and too "hard." It has long been not so! The manifold of modern materials and finishing methods allow manufacturers to create real works of art.

The entrance door in a private house is usually installed on the street border and premises. In the cold season, its outer side is constantly exposed to low temperatures, internal, on the contrary, is warm. Bad thermal insulation of the door or its complete absence leads to the fact that the condensate accumulates inside, the snow cap is accumulating, go out, the door does not protect from the cold.

Avoid all these troubles helps the correct street door device. It is not only important what material is used as protection against freezing, but also in what diagram it is installed in the door canvase. The optimal design of the door for a private house is a puff pie. The first, the outer layer is the door panel. It can be made of wood or metal. The second layer is the insulation. It is important that it be with a high density coefficient. It is best suited for extruded mineral wool. The third layer is the air layer. It protects the door from through jam. It works on the principle of a multi-chamber window when the air inside the design does not give cold to penetrate the room. The fourth layer is the insulation again. The last is a decorative inner panel.


By contour, the door canvas should be equipped with a rubber seal that does not let the cold air at the junction with the door box. The box itself must also be insulated and equipped with a threshold. Some manufacturers began to supply models with electrical heated box. This is an excellent solution to protect against possible freezing in severe frosts.


Since the street entrance door is constantly subjected to temperature drops, the effects of precipitation, ultraviolet, the increased requirements for durability are imposed. The metal door should be processed by an anti-corrosion coating resistant to fading.
Above The Door It Is Necessary to Organize A Shed Or A Small Vestibule. The Canopy Will Protect The Door from Moisture and The Scorching Sun, And The Lobby Will Provide Additional Thermal Protection Of The House.
The most reliable considers powder spraying. The decorative panel of wood is necessarily processed by moisture-repellent impregnation and paint, resistant to temperature drops. The private house is inclined to some mobility, due to which poor-quality doors can squeeze. Therefore, the entrance door must be installed in metal counter.

Burglar resistance

Anti-vandality is not the most important feature of the door in a private house, because there are many more convenient places for penetration, such as windows. However, for greater reliability, you can choose a strong input node. The canvas must be made of steel not thinner than 2 mm. It is better if the loops are hidden, the door itself is equipped with two locks of different types. One of them is cylinder, the other is Suwald. The modern market offers a large variety of biometric and electronic locks, video surveillance systems, including remote, security alarms. All these are wonderful ways to protect your property from hacking and penetration.

For centuries, the material for the entrance doors in the dwelling successfully served a tree: an affordable resource with low thermal conductivity. But the modern homeowner, when the entrance door selection time comes, is focused not only on design and insulation characteristics. Important criteria are the reliability, the ability of the door to increase the comfort of household and serve an obstacle to the attacker. Given the variety of proposals, how to choose an entrance door to a private house, it is impossible to decide based on the cost of the proposed options.

Doors, like a business card at home Source

What functions perform entrance doors to a private house

The entrance door to the private house is a multifunctional attribute of the structure, designed to serve for many years. Choosing it, the owner solves several important issues:

    Heat insulation. The higher the latitude, longer than winter and severe frost, the more important this characteristic becomes. The design should not only isolate the room from the street cold, but also prevent heat leakage from the inside, preventing the formation of cold bridges (fragments of the canvas with poor insulation). The problem is solved by seals and insulation, which simultaneously improves sound insulation.

    Wear resistance. The fundamental factor that determines the practicality and resistance to weather whims, as well as random (from introduced furniture) and deliberate damage.

    Safety. The entrance metal door to a private house meets modern safety standards (including fireproof) is better than analogues made from other materials.

    Design. Entrance doors in a country house should not fall out of the general design plan. Thanks to modern technologies, the design performs its main tasks without breaking the harmony of architectural style. The choice is striking by the wealth of decorative solutions - manufacturers offer models with mirror elements and inlaid, with forging, glass inserts and a variety of fittings.

The door that adds lighting and visually expands the inner space of the house source ERP-MTA.RU

What materials you can choose

The main entrance to the house attracts the greatest attention from the street. When it comes to choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account costs, functionality and external appeal.


The material of such structures - sheet plastic and PVC profile, with double glazing or without it. The thermal insulation properties of double-glazed windows reduce heat loss. Street doors for a private house made from PVC have their advantages:

    relatively low cost and ease of installation;


    sound insulation;

    lack of corrosion.

Minuses: The design can be deformed under the prolonged action of the Sun; When melting, toxic substances are distinguished.


Popular option with many advantages:

    Resistance to environmental impact (higher than that of plastic and wooden).

    Sturdy, durable, environmentally friendly, fit well into any interior.


    Heat insulation. Provided due to thermal separation technology (polyamide insert separating metal profile and eliminating cold bridge).

Wooden model is perfectly combined with stained inserts Source


Regardless of which material will appear in the Housing Industry, there will always be consumers who will choose classical models from a natural tree. The wooden entrance door into a private house is performed or completely from the array of different rocks (no additional elements), or from a combination of wooden boards and metal elements. Their benefits are:

    Attractive appearance and variety of models.

    Low thermal conductivity.

Some serious disadvantages are prevented enjoying the classics:

    High price.

    Expensive maintenance - wood will inevitably crack and deform, therefore needs periodic processing.

    Low security level (it is easy to hack).

    Low fire safety.

Using fiberglass source


Such structures due to high insulating properties are one of the most energy efficient doors on the market. The advantages are not limited to:

    Safety: have the strength of steel structures, but without their inclination to corrosion.

    Variety of styles, the ability to imitate natural wood.

    Unpretentious in care, resistant to dents.

Metal (Steel)

Most popular models, thanks to a variety of options, the optimal price ratio and the level of security provided. In addition, they are:

    possess excellent heat insulation;


    does not require maintenance (Periodic lubrication of hinges and locks).

There are few flaws:

    possible corrosion in budget versions;

    the canvas is subject to scratches and dents.

Option of finishing steel entrance doors Source ERP-MTA.RU

On our site you can find contact with the construction companies that offer the service to install windows and doors. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

The peculiarities of the door canvase include:

    Thickness. Entrance doors for a private house are collected from metal sheets with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. If the magnitude is more, the enhancement of door loops is required.

    Move from high quality steel. The design has the ribs of stiffness, the protection of external loops (antisrepe).

    Locks. Certified options are desirable. The lock zone is strengthened with a metal overlay or a box.

    Noise and thermal insulation. The space between the ribs of rigidity is filled with a non-combustible seal - mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

Video Description

How to choose inlets metal doors to video:

What to pay attention to when buying, except for appearance

Quality of materials. The quality of products must be confirmed by the manufacturer's certificates (warranty on the product).

Heat insulation Effective if:

    the thickness of thermal insulation is not less than 5 cm;

    the total thickness of the frame and the canvas and at least 8 cm;

    the design contains thermomosts and a perimeter seal.

Security and elements of outdoor control. The burglary of the design is determined by grades 13. Street entrance door for a country house, like all the analogues for residential premises, belongs to 4 first (better - to 3 or 4). It is equipped with a lock with drilling protection, and a handle protected from pulling out.

If a model with glass is selectedUse a multi-layered (shockproof) option. The eye is selected under the thickness of the structure, the optimal viewing angle is 180 °.

Loops for street doors. The most reliable (and expensive) - cut off, adjustable hidden loops. They are made of steel and can be adjusted (overcast). If the weight of the product is relatively small, bearings are used for loops. For massive structures, an option on kanenic balls is suitable.

Adjustable hidden loops Source

Locks. The location of the locks of the locks ideally is strengthened by the bronography (protection against knocking and drilling). It is more useful to install two mechanisms - suvalid and cylinder; They must be comfortable for all family members.

Feeds and platbands:

    Calcaris The task of this element is to disguise the gap between the door frame and the wall opening, plus, protect the door from hacking with scrap.

    Fitting. The protruding detail of the external sheet, protecting the gap between the closed design and the frame.

Fastening the door frame to the wall. Door box - frame on which the door hinges are mounted and the design itself. It is experiencing a large load, so steel in her profile should be thicker than in the door canvase.

The planes of the box and opening must match. When installing, this parameter is regulated by the construction level.

Selection of swing iron structures in a private country house

Sometimes exterior doors for a private house are drawn up in the form of swinging bivalve models with their advantages:

    sashes are open easier due to the distribution of the load on the loop;

    the design takes less space when opening;

    the facade produces a solid impression.

Models are offered with sashs of different widths or with symmetrical sash, as well as with fixed side framugs, allowing to narrow out a large opening.

Bivalve entrance doors for a country mansion source

Input doors and cost

Experts argue that up to 90% of the models sold have domestic origin, which is quite explained. The quality of local producers meets overseas standards, as it is performed on imported equipment, but the price and delivery time is often less noticeable. Customers are provided with warranty service; Firms willingly make non-standard designs under the order.

The price of street doors to a private house can be varied in fairly wide limits, depending on the material of the web and the structural solutions used.

  • Economy class:

    The price of standard metallic doors of the economy class with trim from vinylister starts from 4.5 thousand rubles.

    For models with laminate or spraying, they will be requested from 6.5 thousand rubles., And if the form of the opening is non-standard (arched and the like), then from 9.5 thousand rubles.

    The doors with a reinforced canvas, although no special delights, will already cost 11-15 thousand rubles.

  • Middle price segment:

    Doors with glass and forging - from 16.5 thousand rubles,

    A variety of models with MDF finish, the cost of which will be ranging from 23 to 38 thousand rubles.

  • Premium class. We are divided into two main categories:
  1. Simply doors from natural materials - with decoration made of array, or models Wooden entrance doors for a private house completely made of wood. Price ranging from 39.9 to 70 thousand rubles.
  2. Products of the class "Elite", the cost of which is completely dependent on your wishes. There is no uncommon price tag in 100-120 thousand rubles and higher is the price for an individual approach to the client and the original design, which is developed taking into account the entire door to the space.

Among foreign models are widely represented by doors from China, but their budget prices often mean the quality is lower than that of medium domestic analogs. The remaining foreign manufacturers share a small part of the Russian market among themselves. Italian (Master, Panto, Dierre), Finnish (Alavus, Fenestra), Israeli (Super Lock) and Polish (GERDA) Brands offer premium products using advanced technologies and natural materials.

Do not have to open the doors to see who is outside Source

How to install

Whatever the doors are street for a private house, work go over the plan:

    Dismantling of the old design (optional) and preparation (alignment) of the opening.

    Check the completeness and operation of the castle.

    Installing the box (frame). The correct position (coincidence of the planes of the box and the opening) is checked by the construction level.

The level is checked vertical and horizontal planes Source

    The frame is fixed with the use of mounting plates, anchors or steel reinforcement and is fixed.

    The door is hung on the loop, the stroke of the canvas is covered, the loops are adjusted.

    Technological gaps are filled with (by assembling foam or cement solution) with a closed door protected by a film.

    Slopes, platbands, closer, locks and handle are installed.

All the cracks should be filled with mounting foam Source

On average, the installation of the steel outdoor door takes 2-4 hours. Installation can be done at any time of the year; The only limitation is superimposed by the mounting foam, which can be used to -12 ° C (without warming up the cylinder).

Example of beautiful and original doors: photo and video

Video Description

About the choice of doors from various materials on video:

And a few examples in the photo:

Door hammers few people use, but they look very beautiful source

Although half the door area occupy glass inserts, it is quite difficult to hack it Source

Forged elements will never come out of fashion Source

Doors design perfect for home with second light DEAVITA.FR source

The design of the door looks very "powerful", despite the transparent wall Source


The entrance door is usually the first and last thing that people see when visiting the house; This design is designed to give the feeling of character and style of housing. On the other hand, the outer door is a thing that will last for many years. It is important to remember that all this time street entrance doors for a private house will play a key role in ensuring the safety and energy efficiency of the house.

When choosing an entrance door for a private house, you should consider many factors. The product must meet certain requirements, important of which are reliability and high thermal insulation. Not knowing the basic required characteristics, you should not rush at the first option. In this article, we will look at several different designs, and we will also figure it out, which entrance door is better for a private house in a particular case.

The entrance doors for the country house are classified by several parameters. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the material from which the design is made. Among the popular options are highlighted wooden, plastic, metal and forged doors.

In addition, other types of door structures can be found on the market. Of course, they are not as popular among the population, especially this concerns glass products. This type of doors perform a decorative function, besides, work on their installation in Moscow is quite expensive.


Wooden doors are very common, because they have high strength and enjoy the exterior of the house. But, recently, the popularity of such doors has decreased somewhat, this is due to the emergence of steel structures in the market, which are more inspired by confidence.

For the manufacture of wooden doors, an array of wood, wooden shields or panels in combination with metal are used. In the first case, the web is completely made of wood without any inserts from another material, in the second - there is a sheet metal of a certain thickness between the shields, which makes it possible to significantly increase the strength of the structure.

Wooden canvases can have a different design and dimensions, well protect the house from heat loss.

We recommend to stop your choice on the products of the natural wood array, since the canvas from pressed chips have a short life (as a result, their replacement will have to spend a few years after installation).


Modern plastic doors are used not less popular. For their manufacture use PVC profile and sheets of plastic. There is a heater between sheets, which makes it possible to increase the thermal insulation properties of products. In the photo below you can see the standard plastic entrance door in a private house.

Among the advantages of plastic street doors for the house is worth highlighting:

  • low cost;
  • good sound insulation;
  • perfect insulation;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • lack of corrosion processes.

Constructions made of metal plastic are equipped with a double glazing. From the inside, you can stick a special decorative film, which will give the originality of the doors.

Of course, metal-plastic structures have some drawbacks. For example, during combustion, they allocate toxic substances, there is a high probability of fading under the influence of sunlight and quite high temperatures. In addition, such canvases are unstable to mechanical damage.

On video: What you need to know for the right choice of PVC doors.


To date, the entrance metal doors in private homes are very in demand. This is due to the fact that they have high performance characteristics. For the manufacture of metal doors, a steel standard sheet is used, the thickness of which can reach 2 mm. The thickness of the material, the higher the strength of the structure.

From the inside the sheet is enhanced by vertical and horizontal ribs. The optimal option is considered the combined location of the elements.

Armored metal doors from the manufacturer possess high strength. They are made on the basis of the safe. So, the inside of the frame is poured concrete, which makes the doors bulletproof. Of course, such iron products have a lot of weight and are not easy to operate.


Beautiful wrought-iron doors are mainly a metal web, which is decorated with wrought-iron elements. Products with glass inserts outside are especially popular, while high-strength material is used. This allows you to leave the reliability of the door design at the proper level.

Input door sizes

Depending on the size, the entrance doors are divided into three types:

  • single one;
  • half;
  • bivalve.

The first option is often used in urban apartments. As for the one-hour and bivalve structures, they are installed in private homes and offices. Each of these options has its own characteristics.


The semi-and-half doors are installed in country houses, in the entrances and tamburas of multi-storey houses. With their help, you can provide sufficient space for the introduction of furniture, building materials and other overall objects through the openings. Such doors consist of a narrow part and a wide working flap. The width of the first canvase is 30 cm, and the second is 90 cm.

Often the small flap is fixed in the doorway using a spinlet. With any need, it can be easily challenged. The main thing is that the loop is movable.


The peculiarity of such a door design is that both sash are workers, so they are often the same in width. Of course, in the manufacture of the design to order, the size ratio can be changed. But still the canvas are equipped with handles and connecting locking mechanism.

Double doors fit optimally into the exterior of the house of the Gothic style. To hide the cumbersome design and give her elegance, experts recommend using decorative wrought elements and inserts made of durable glass.

In style

Previously, the doors were used solely to protect the house from the penetration of foreign people. Today, such products are an integral element of the exterior of the house. They can say a lot about his owner. Therefore, when choosing it is worth considering the design of the door canvase.

Modern doors

In order for the door to become a real color of the house, it is best to stop the choice on modern designs. They are made from various materials and have certain design features.

In a private house you can use such products:

  • Modern combined doors. For the manufacture of the cloth use several materials. The composition of metal and glass will be a good option - such doors look very modern and elegant.

  • Hinged doors. The canvas is installed on the hinges. Despite the heavy weight, the door is easily rotated in the right position.

  • With extra sash. For creative people, the optimal option will be the installation of an additional decorative sash.

  • Doors with glass inserts. With the help of glass you can dilute the monotony of the canvas and make it more attractive and solid. Inserts can have a different form, size and method of placement. You should not worry about the reliability of such a door, as it uses tempered and high-strength glass, capable of withstanding various loads.

In fact, there are a lot of doors design options. Therefore, everyone will be able to find a variant that is suitable for this or that style.

Winter doors (insulated)

In regions with harsh climatic conditions, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the house. An excellent solution in this case will be the installation of winter doors. The peculiarity of such structures is that they have high thermal insulation properties. Inside the web there are several insulation (expanded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, minvat, cork material, isolon). There are additional layers for insulation - at a minimum, 2-3 contour of the seal and trim with frost-resistant materials from the outside of the canvas.

Insulated entrance doors for a private house have the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation, which allows you to protect the house from heat loss;
  • protection against condensate education and cloth icing;
  • the presence of an external finish with anti-vandal coating;
  • a variety of design, aesthetic appearance.

Finnish entrance doors

The Finnish door is a multi-layer design: the frame is made of a bar, which is trimmed with reinforced aluminum sheets, the void is filled with expanded polystyrene. Also, two-sided insulation is also used, which protects the cloth from moisture. Decorative coating is mounted on top. To protect the house from heat loss, the door design is additionally equipped with seals.

The advantages of Finnish doors include:

  • high strength;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • variety of colors and design;
  • the possibility of using decorative inserts;
  • high strength.

Doors with glass

Many people believe that the inlets with glass inserts are less reliable than ordinary analogs. But actually it is not. It all depends on the material used. Often, high-strength glass is used to insert, and forged lattices for additional protection.

Doors with glass have some advantages:

  • The presence of a natural light source. Through the glass insertion into a dark corridor will fall light from the street. This allows you to abandon artificial light sources.
  • Safety. Through the insert you can see who is on the side of the door. Especially this option is suitable for protected objects.
  • Aesthetics. Glass inserts give the door leaf of elegance and elegance. They can have a different shape and shade.

As for the shortcomings, it is worth using a relatively high cost due to the use of glass elements.

Doors with thermal survey

The door with the thermal explosion is a metal canvas that is equipped with special thermal insulation inserts. These are special elements of the inner part of the inlet door with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

As a thermal separation uses:

  • PVC insert. Allow to reduce heat transmission between materials. In the gaskets there are cameras filled with air. It is they who allow you to restrain the heat.
  • Styrofoam. Most often used to protect the product from freezing.
  • Mineral wool. Acts as an ideal sealant. To protect your wool from wetting and loss of properties, it is additionally closed with a special film.
  • Glass wool. Used in cheap models. The lack of material is that harmful couples are distinguished during its combustion.
  • Array of wood. Environmentally friendly material that has high density. Its presence significantly increases the cost of the product.

Of course, to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to carry out a quality installation of the door structure in compliance with all requirements:

  • on the perimeter of the door box, the seal is mounted;
  • installing special handles with thermal survey;
  • organization of supply exhaust ventilation.

Given these features, the installation of the door box is better to entrust professionals.

On video: Overview of the insulated entrance door with thermal survey.

Elite entrance doors

Elite doors are quite expensive. This is due to their high performance characteristics and special production technology. The canvas is made of steel frame, which is equipped with stiffeners. It is trimmed with an allotted sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 3 mm. The last option is recommended to install in private homes. Polypropane or polystyrene acts as a filler. They provide high heat and sound insulation.

As for the finish, it applies a valuable breed of wood, expensive metal, glass and other elite materials under the order.

In addition, the design is equipped with high-strength and reliable locks and other fittings. When making the door to order, it is possible to install a biometric castle. He defines the owner on fingerprint.

Parade doors in the house

Parade doors are representative structures that are installed at the central entrance. Externally, they are drawn up under the exterior of the building, and inside - under the decoration of the entrance. There is a very large load on such entrance doors. Therefore, they must meet high strength and insulating properties.

Parade doors are distinguished by their appearance. They look very massively and have significant sizes. Often they are manufactured in the form of a double design.

Among the main features are to highlight:

  • presentable and aesthetic appearance;
  • the use of natural and expensive materials;
  • practicality and reliability;
  • high wear resistance and long service life;
  • enhanced design and massiveness.

Often, the front entrance doors are manufactured under the order. Therefore, it is possible to create an original design. For decorating use a variety of inserts and forged products.

Which entrance door is better?

When choosing an entrance door for a private house, it is worth considering that it must meet some requirements:

  • Save home. The main function is to protect the house from the penetration of third-party persons. Therefore, the door design and accessories must have high strength and reliability.
  • Heat and sound insulation. The canvas should reliably protect the house from external noise and heat loss.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. First of all, it concerns hacking. The design should withstand any attempts to open.

So what kind of entrance door to choose for a private house? The optimal option will be metallic insulated canvas, you can also consider the options for Finnish production. Such products are presented on the market in a wide range, therefore it is not difficult to choose a model that will be optimally combined with the exterior of the house.

Different models of entrance doors (55 photos)