Repairs Design Furniture

How to make DOO HOVER DOOK SANI. Wooden sledges: types and tips on the manufacture. Objects and tools for work

The avid fisherman is different from an ordinary amateur by the fact that in his arsenal you can find a huge amount of fishing gear. If he goes to winter fishing, he will certainly be needed not only a tent, fishing rod and icessur, but also fishing sledges, which can be made independently. The design features of the model and its complexity will depend on the nature of fishing and financial capabilities. However, expensive such products still do not work, because it is possible to use materials that you can find in my shed.

How to move around the nasta and ice

If you want to climb pretty far, it will not drive there by road, so it is important to think about the optimal means for delivering fishing equipment. Move on the surface of the ice is not so simple as it may seem. This question is easily solved with the help of Sanok. For some fishermen, they are in place at all for overnight stay and relaxation, because for the production of a trophy copy, sometimes you have to stay far from home for several days.

Preparation of tools and materials for the manufacture of wooden sleigh

If you want to make fishing sledges with your own hands, you should prepare some tools and materials, among them should be allocated:

  • pine boards;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • glue for wood;
  • electric jigsaw.

Step-by-step instruction

The role of polozov will perform two boards that need to be used in the first stage. The circulor will allow you to read the semicircons that are crashed using a jigsaw. For the fastening of transverse bars, the holes are done on the clamps. Their compound should be carried out using round probe by gluing.

The resulting design should be strengthened from behind and in front of the polozov, for this, the transverse strips are stacked on spikes. The design should look attractive, so after drying the glue, you need to cut too much. Fishing Sansians must have a seat, a board can perform as it.

At the place of installation of a drawer for equipment, cut the grooves for connecting to the connection. In order to achieve a strengthening of the design, on the back of the ski, you must stick bars. In places of rounding of the polozov at the bottom, it is necessary to strengthen the aluminum or steel strip screws.

Before the final assembly, the design should be considered to determine the accuracy of the connections. If there are elements that are previously grinding, they should be covered with waterproof varnish. Fishing Sansians after completion of work on their manufacture must necessarily be tested for strength. For this, all the equipment should be laid inside, because I would not at all like the product to bring to the most responsible moment.

Making a sled of aluminum

Fishing Sansians should be not only functional, but also enough light, because sometimes with their help, the fisherman has to move on ice, which can crack. For the manufacture of aluminum sled, the sheet of the corresponding material and profile should be used. Parameters need to be selected by the size of the transported devices and the parameters of the drawer for fishing.

The design will have three main parts, namely:

  • poloz;
  • bottom;
  • two side walls.

Manufacturing will assume compliance with some rules. In the paper it will take a bending device. You can do and metal corners, as well as in Cyan. The side parts should be made the same and reinforced, the rear wall is performed according to the same principle. The latter is cut out the bottom of aluminum. It is important to make the edges of the product safe, for this they are pregnant.

When fishing sledges are made winter, it should also be completed. They can be made of aluminum profile. In order to bend the share easier, in some places there should be a slot. At the final stage, it is necessary to collect Sani, for this you need to use nuts, bolts, as well as screws for metal connections.

Refinement of plastic sleda

As practice shows, fisherous plastic sledges are comfortable in everything, with their help you can move fishing baggage in the imaging, ice and snow. Such structures are performed in the form of trough, differ in a slight weight, are able to undergo the effect of low temperatures and can have different sizes. However, such sleighs have one drawback, which is expressed in the absence of fasteners for the rope. The correction of this minus is assigned to the shoes of the fisherman himself.

Fishing Sanki Volokushi can be added, equipping with appropriate fasteners. For this, the desired number of holes is drilled around the perimeter, where it is possible to insert a metal cable with appropriate fasteners. This will allow you to get strong and reliable, as well as not subject to frost and corrosion for luggage gum and rubber harnesses.

To install a pulling rope on the front side of the Sanok, 2 ry-bolts should be installed, and the rope will be attached on the carbines. Ry bolts should be installed using nuts, which will be distinguished by the reliability and speed of fastening. Such refinement of fishing skeins shows that over many years of operation, the fastening system does not fail. Everything keeps securely and tight, items do not open, and the use of sleigh becomes very convenient.

For traction Sanya, it is better to prepare the 20th rope, which develops fourly. With the help of the carbine you need to strengthen the ry-bolts. It can help not only the fisherman himself, but also its satellites that may fall under the ice. If you quickly free the rope, then you have the 20th segment in the presence of which you can assist.

Alteration of old sleigh

Homemade fishing sledges are much easier to perform if the basis of using old sleighs, which should have a frame and a row. The supplement will perform a light plywood, a sheet that will make on the manufacture of partitions for a box. Phaneur must be carefully cutting, so that it is not formed in the edges.

Sanki which will complement, strengthened on the crawl with the help of self-tapping screws, the holes for them need to do a drill. You should prepare corners for the frame. The walls of the box need to be inspired using expanded polystyrene or foam. It is placed on glue. Then the inner part of the drawer must be seen by plywood blanks. In the design there may be several compartments that are intended for:

  • fish mined;
  • warm things;
  • tackles and bait;
  • fishing stocks.

As soon as the box is ready, you can proceed to work on the lid. It should be very strong, since this element often acts as a seat, and therefore it must withstand the weight of the fisherman. In order not to freeze, the seat should be inspired. For this, the foam rubber is placed on its surface and is sewn with leatherette. Strengthen such a system with furniture stapler brackets. In order for the sleeve during operation to be more convenient, you can strengthen fishing rods and pickups, as well as other tackle on the box of the box. When you catch the fish, it will free your hands.

After the sleighs are made, their bottom should be lubricated with silicone or ski lubricant. This will exclude snow sticking. For safety on roads, it is necessary to strengthen reflective tape to the sleigh. Sometimes fishermen are improving Sani, equipping them with a folding chair. Russia is not very common fishing on their metal from metal is a high chair. Move on such sleighs can be on the principle of scooter.

To a snowmobile you can make a sleigh of plastic pipes. Their welding will allow the fastening of elements among themselves. When assembling, metal corners can be used. The dimensions of such sleigh must be determined taking into account the needs of the fisherman. Sanya can still be equipped with compartments.

Additionally about snowmobile sleigh

If you have wonted on a snowmobile, and you did not have time to buy salts, you can make them alone. A similar model was discussed above. Preparing plastic pipes for such a design, the products should be used, the length of which is 1.8 and 7.5 m. These components will be used for cross-compound. In order for the frame to be selected, it should be put on a smooth floor and measure all the values. Too high sleighs can tip over, while low are inconvenient to use to drive. Therefore, it is necessary to make a structure with a height of 30 cm, this parameter will be optimal. Preparing the racks, it is necessary to perform them in an amount of 8 pieces or more, the strength of the sleigh will depend on their number. The end size should be customized using a file.


You can make sleds for fishing yourself yourself, they can be complemented infinitely. As a refinement, for example, the backrest, as well as the trunk and even decor elements. Such fishing salts will become a budget option and an excellent alternative to factory goods.

Winter always comes unexpectedly, even if you are waiting for it: one morning, waking up and looking out the window, we will see the long-awaited snow, which so manits the kids to cut down! Yes, and adults usually do not mind having fun to cross the snowball couple, with pleasure inhaling clean frosty air and squinting on a sparkling white, not yet touched snow cover.

There will be no mistake to say that the chief attribute of winter children's (and often adults) games are sledge.

Do not do without saunas and parents who have to carry the kids in kindergarten; Important help in the farm - Sani, adapted solutions for various tasks. As a rule, any sleigh can be bought in a retail or online store: the choice of models is huge, the price range is very wide, the set of used materials and colors also, as they say, for every taste. But what if you are a creative person, and the workshops missed the tools? Of course, take a job! And saved money, a sense of satisfaction with the result and the pride of the child for his father, who "can all!", Will become a well-deserved award.

So, before making a case, you should choose the type of sled, think over their design and device, and also decide on materials. Let's just say, independently ("on the knee") you can collect the sledge of a classic type
Either Finnish Sani, which is distinguished by the presence in front of the seat with the back and elongated polls with small anti-slip platforms for the legs.

Alternatively, it is possible to consider a snow scooter with anterior turning skiing and steering, but it goes beyond the scope of this article and sledding, in a strict sense, are not.

The design and device of children's sled can be the most diverse - from simple, aimed at solving strictly utilitarian problems, to carved, using openwork elements and parts of bent wood, usually in a pseudo-lattern style. It will not be a secret that every home master chooses the design in its capabilities and technical skills, often pushing out from the available materials.

Natalia Yakovlev

Every new year we are all waiting for mandatory gifts from Santa Claus. And even at least you prepared something as a gift to this traditional winter guest? Most likely, only long letters with an endless list of wishes? And this year we decided to present the gift first. And not anything. And present Sani.!

These sani. We will serve in the future not only as a gift, but also as decoration of Matrennik, as well as decoration of the territory adjacent to the garden!

And so, for business!

For starters, come up with the configuration of the Sanoche. We make the pattern.

Do not forget that sani. In addition to the two side of the barrels have the back and front part.

After that, we take the electrolybiz and cut out the workpiece.

Since we so dreamed, you can add deer and the tree!

When all the details are cut - proceed to painting!

To sani. Highlighting on the background of snow - take stencil and decorate them with patterns! You can calculate sani.Using your fantasy!

After painting - we collect a designer!

That's all! Our sani. Can withstand a couple of fattened pupils!

Good luck to you! And tell me Santa Claus that we suggested to you as you need make him a gift!

In the old days at any time of the year, where there was no roads, and the soil was too wet and mild, where even the cart could drive, all-terrestrial sleigh were used. The simplest view of Sanya was called Volokuchi. They represented two stiffs that were mounted in one end on the sides of the horse, and the others were dragging over the ground. Among the ends were connected to the crossbar, and the load was mounted on the crossbar. When the shape of the voluntary ends improved, the sleighs turned out.

Types of Sanei

Sanya are divided into two types:

  • with high polls;
  • with low polls.

Sanya with high polings were used in the area with loose snow and a bumpy road. In the North Pole of Sanya of this type, called "NARTS". The crawls are high, so that the snow is not lit up to the sleigh themselves. In North America, "Toboggans" are used. This is a sleigh with high crawled up. The bottom of such sleigh solid. In Western Europe, Sanya was used only for sports. Therefore, the shapes in the sleigh are frightened and extraordinary, and since the snow in those edges loose and quickly melts, then the polls are set high.

At low seasons, Sani is much resistant, however, they are intended for the road with a risky snow. Such a sleigh includes Russian Sani. In the XVIII century in Russia, a ban on the wheels crew in the winter period was installed, so that the rolled road was spoiled. Therefore, the owners of the carriage filmed the wheels and the place was installed in the place of each, thus setting the crew on the shelter. Sani with a body in the form of a carriage, called "Yokok". At such a winter, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna drove into his time.

Russian sleds are also distributed in size, appointment and design:

  • woods;
  • solder;
  • sledge;
  • urban;
  • carpets;
  • chukhonsky.

Woods are workers sled without back and taps. Designed for transporting logs and firewood.

Sweets - it is a durable sled of medium sizes. Usually, the snowstock was attached from behind. Thus, transported long loads in the form of a church.

The sledge is light sleigh with a low back or without it without it, and rope weaving between the discharges and the flooring. Designed for the working purposes and transportation of heavy cargo.

City Sani are lightway sleeves with a small body for one - two passengers. Slims are thin and short, but due to the fact that they are put quite wide, Sanya remained resistant when maneuvers

Rugs Sani are a large exit sleigh with an extra passenger seat behind the goat. From within the carpets calculated for riding a large number of people.

Chukhon Sani is wide insulated sleeve for departures. Lubyan body was insulated from the inside with a cotton, and on top tightened with a thick cloth. Damged from one to the top of the horses.

Currently, Sanya is considered an exotic type of transport and within the city to see them almost impossible. However, in the countryside, where the cleaning of the snow-covered roads is produced, not so scrupulously, Sanya can be found in each second. After all, the same sinks are very convenient for transportation of firewood, hay or bags with grains. Exit Sanya is an indicator of skill level or consistency. In addition to the horsemen, they entered the wide consumption of Sani, designed for snowmobiles.

Material for Sanya

What makes equestrian sleigh? Unfortunately, there are no clear restrictions and guests when designing a sled. The masters mainly produce measurements with already ready-made exhibits or apply knowledge transmitted by inheritance. Also, there are regime workshops, where Sanya is made by experienced staff, using various wood and metal processing machines.

In the manufacture of sleds, the lightness of the material is important for the horse during transportation is not exposed to heavy loads. And since the design itself is quite overall, then the choice of material needs to be suitable with great responsibility.

In the old days, the sleigh was made of pure wood without using nails, since the metal was very expensive. Over time, Sanya began to be strengthened with metal sheets, bolts and welding. Currently, even plastic pipes are used. And so, what exactly the material is used in the modern manufacture of the sled:

  • wood (oak, ash, birch, elm, cherry, linden);
  • steel (stainless, carbon);
  • plastics.

Structure of Sanya

Sanya is, above all, a design that consists of parts, so first need to understand its structure. For example, take a sink. Why exactly them? Because, sledge is something among the woods and exit sleigh. If desired, only a minor upgrade is enough to get one or another.

Consider the structure of wooden sledges, which were manufactured by the Golitsynsky preparing plant.

Fig.1 Sani - sledge. General form.

a) side view;

b) top view.

  • poloz;
  • subsidement;
  • wrought bracket;
  • hoof;
  • bolt for fastening a cauit;
  • planck;
  • frame;
  • side removal;
  • flooring;
  • shield;
  • front bar;
  • steel rod;
  • rolling
  • crossing lateral taps;
  • rope;
  • cross boards shield.

The main part of any sleigh is the share (1). As can be seen in Fig. 1, the length of the poloz in the already bent state is 2250 mm, and the height of the bent part does not exceed 800 mm. The cross section of the bar from which the crawls are deposited within 80 mm, the distance between their average points is 570 mm is the width of the rut. From the cutter (2) to the extreme point of the arc of the polozov, the distance should be no more than 600 mm, and from the place of attachment of the polozov to the front bar (11) to the extreme point of the arc - 420 mm.

The length of the frame (7) is 2100 mm, and the flooring (9), which is attached to the frame, should be within 1500x700 mm. The distance between the extreme points of the taps (8) should not exceed 1300 mm.

Fig.2. Sani - sledge. Rama and fastening

a) frame design;

b) fastening of the frame;

c) Wrought bracket for the neck.

  • transverse bar;
  • longitudinal bar;
  • poloz;
  • fastening bracket;
  • hoof;
  • steel plank.

Rama to the clamses is attached using a spike cross section of 30x15 mm (5), fastening brackets with a cross section of 50x3 mm (4) and steel planes with a cross section of 50x3 mm (6). The distance between the polishes and the frame varies from 100 to 300 mm. In the frame there must be holes for hoofs in advance.

The frame enhances the design and becomes rigid due to the uniform fastening of transverse bars (1) to the longitudinal bruus (2). At this point, the main thing is to observe strict parallels so that in the future Sani did not lead to the side and did not overturn.

To protect a person from snow that flies from a horse's hoofs, a shield (10) is installed, the lower end which is attached to the clamps, and the top to the front bar (11) is the place of hard fastening of the curved ends of the poloz. Ahead of this bar is attached a rolling pin (13), on which the front ends of the side taps hold. The details 10, 11 and 13 in the place of contact well kept well, they are strengthened with steel rods (12) and stretch through the upper construction to the frame, where they are fixed in the polls themselves. In the side discharges, as in the flooring, it is necessary to make the holes for the breakdown of the rope in advance (15).

The steel bracket is also attached to each poloz (Fig. 1a - 3, Fig. 2B), which is designed for fastening the rugs.

Sani do it yourself

Before making the manufacture of a sled, it is necessary to solve which Sanya it will be. Since the structure of Sanya in general, we have already considered, and the object of consideration was the sledge, then the time the practical part to concentrate on the exit sleigh.

And so, the first thing we need is sizes. Exit Sanya are famous for their stability due to the width of the rut, however, the roads should be taken into account by which these sleigh will drive around. The most practical solution to this question is to measure the most narrow place on the estimated route. But if there is no one, then you can use the general size.

The width between the polls is up to 900 mm.

Length of polls in a bent form - from 1500 mm.

Body width - up to 1200 mm.

Height of a sled from the ground to the bottom of the body - up to 300 mm.

The length of the row depends on the size of the horse - about 1200 mm.

The most time-consuming and main part in the manufacture of a sled, it is a passage. They should be strong enough and at the same time light. They are made of wood long bars, steel or plastic pipes, and so that when driving contact with snow, thin metal strips are welded to the pipes.

Metal polishes for sled

Stainless or carbon steel is used for the manufacture of polls from the metal. The choice of steel depends on the wizard itself, and on what resources it has, the selected material does not affect the quality of the ride. The disadvantage of metal polozov is the instability to severe frosts, with a strong load in the minus temperature of the passage can crack.

Ideally, if the polls are sought from solid steel sheets, but not everyone has access to a blacksmith workshop. Therefore, the steel pipes, 25-50 mm with a diameter of 25-50 mm.

The length of the pipes must be 1-1.5 meters more of the intended length of the sleigh, because the polls will have to bend on both sides. In front - for smoothness, rear - to be able to pass back.

Pipe bending can be made in two ways:

  • with the help of pipe bend;
  • with heating.

Pipe bender facilitates the process of flexing pipes. The curved polls can be combined with each other with additional pipes bent the letter "P". If you teach them to the clamps at a distance of 200 mm from each other, the design will become much stronger and tough. And the P-shaped frame will perform the function of the hoofs that the flooring is welded.

If there is no pipe bending in the household, bending the pipes will have to manually. To do this, it is necessary to fall asleep sand in the pipe, it is desirable to dry and clean, heating to bring metal to a temperature that makes it possible to produce strain without much effort. The bending must be performed slowly and carefully to prevent the metal break. Also, it is necessary to strictly control the diameter of the bend, so that the use of as much as possible is identical. The role of the hoofs in this case will perform metal racks from pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, which are attached to ready-made seals with welding.

If the sleeves are needed for working purposes, it is not necessary to bend highly high. For example, in Figure 3, a simplified version of the sledge frame is visible.

Fig. 3. Drawing of polozov.

  • pipes from pipes;
  • P-shaped pipes;
  • Metal flooring.

Metal corners, profiles and chawllers are also used to enhance the metal frame. All items are attached to each other with welding. Welding places are cleaned and polished, so that there is no jar.

Wooden crashes for sled

Working with wood is very laborious and requires certain skills. The newcomer will have to spend a lot of strength and resources so that strong and durable polishes come true. To avoid unnecessary costs, it is better to consult from experienced carpets. If so, there are no surroundings, you are given some recommendations from popular masters.

First, you need to choose a tree from which the location will bent. In the manufacture use oak, ash, birch, elm, cherry and lime. The cherry is the most soft of all trees, viscous and good. The oak is solid one of all, therefore requires a longer evaporation. Birch should be fed in spring when it's the juicy all.

Secondly, before flexing the tree must be prepared so that it acquires elasticity. Most often, the tree is kept a couple of hours. Some masters steamed it in the bath, while others are soaked in water for several months. Someone even boils for a long time. There is also a method of blaming the tree in its own juice. When the workpiece was wrapped in a bark and stacked for 2-3 hours into the glowing fire. After that, a bending was made in the right place. Whatever technology is selected, in any of the options when flexing, the timber is likely. In this case, the main thing is not to stop, but to continue attempts to achieve the goal. After all, much depends on the wood itself. If you do not give in to bending elm, try the lime or birches. Also, it is recommended to make a tree (every 6-8 cm) on the estimated bending from the inside.

Thirdly, you need to bend a tree so that the bend diameter was the same on both polings. To do this, you will need a template and considerable effort that is applied during the bending process. Assistants are usually invited, but you can cope with one, if there is a horse in the farm. For the template, a wide trunk of the tree is used, painted along the entire length, which makes the deepening of the desired shape of the bending of the poloz. Or the form is created using clogged wedges, between which the wood billet is stacked. There are craftsmen who envelp wood around the cargo disk, fixing the bending end of the wire, but in this case the masters should have strong nerves and several helpers.

Much can simplify if the wizard in free access has carpentry machines. After all, the bar, whatever thick it, bend much harder than the wood plate with a width of 10-15 mm. The curved plates glue together, hold several days under the press. And then additionally fasten the bolts over the entire length. Such polings will serve in terms of no less than the whole tree.

Plastic crashes for sled

For polozov, sometimes plastic pipes are used. Although it facilitates the design, but this sled version will be limited in its cargo transportation properties. Pipes are flex with a soldering lamp for plastic pipes. But such polnesses require a metal strip covering so that the plastic is damaged during the trip.

Assembling carcass sleda

And so, the polls are ready, and therefore the most time consuming part behind. Regardless of which material is made from what material your seals are made, now it is necessary to focus on uniform consolidation of all the details so that in the future the design is durable and reliable.

If you have metal strings, but you want the overall design to make more easy, then you can combine the metal with the tree already at this moment. If you use lightweight materials in the construction of the body, then it can be metallic.

So that the sleeves do not seek under high cargo, the racks are installed on the clock, they are hoofs. Racks can be both from wood and metal. Wooden racks are brisks with a cross section of 30x15 mm, metal use pipes with a diameter of up to 25 mm. Mixed on the clock at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. The more racks, the stronger will be Sani. If the sleeves are not intended for large loads, there will be two racks on each passage. Racks must be one height and installed strictly opposite each other to further install the transverse crossbar observed strict parallels.

The crossbar can be chopped from the profile. Wooden racks to clamses and crossages are fastened with metal corners. Metal racks to clamses and crossbar are welded. You can make the racks with crossbars are solid, for this pipe, the letter "P" is fused and weld to the clauses.

At the crossbar is laid down. Metal flooring to metal crossages or welded, or bolted bolted. Wooden boards are screwed to wooden crossards, which should close to each other to form flooring.

The shield can also be a metal or typed wooden, attached to the front transverse crossbar. In the same area, only the plates for fastening are welded.

The body and finishing materials should be light, since the power load does not have to. For sides, plywood is used, the length of the slim boards.

The insulation of the body from the inside and the outer decoration is, it is entirely completely, the flight of the fantasy of the wizard. You can approach the decoration of Sani, using artistic forging, wood carving, oil painting and woven upholstery. The main thing is that the product pleased the eye of the master and used as long as possible.

Arc for horse

Sani are ready, they are fastened to them, it remains to make an arc for a horse, to which they are fastened with a gross, connecting the entire mechanism of the sleigh into a one.

For the arc you will need a tree bar with a cross section of 50x70 mm with a length of 1.5-2 meters. Preparation of wood before flexion is the same as for wooden poloz. However, after the final bend, the ends of the arc are tightened and associated with a dense harness. In such a fixed position, the product goes on drying, which lasts up to 40 days. Then the tree is ground, covered with varnish or paint, and decorates painting.

Whatever type of Sanya was chosen, there are a lot of patience, excerpts and strength for their manufacture. Not in vain it says that it is necessary to cook Sani in the summer, because time is required for this not any couple - three hours. But at that frosty day, when because of the snowdrifts there will be no one's own fence, when transportation will be absolutely useless due to the sweeping roads, the walk on the snow-covered surroundings will pay off all the works that were spent on the manufacture of a wonderful product.


Let's start our article from a small passage from the poem of Ivan Andreevich Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant".

... Summer red lost;
Lookane did not have time
How winter rolls in the eye.

Summer, in summer, but there is another fabulous and beautiful it's time - winter. She brings us cold and frosts, blizzards, as well as half-meter drifts. But, at that, the same moment she gives us joy and fun, gives the opportunity to rush with snowballs, and most importantly - ride sledding. Winter is a beloved sometimes for many people and kids, and every year we wait for it no less than summer.

Small prehistory:
It all started with the fact that winter came in the street, and this meant that the moment was the moment, that hour, when it was time to take Sanki and go to ride with the highest slide, but at that time, because of certain circumstances, they simply did not turn out. It was easy to go and buy them. But in this idea there was one small minus, this is an overestimated price tag in local stores, and monotony of models. But since the hands were from the right place, it was decided to make them easier. The existing material and tool, as well as free time allowed to do it.

There are such types of sanok:

 wicker;
 wooden;
 metal;
 inflatable;
 plastic.

In this paper, the author has chosen on wooden sleigh, as the tree affordable material, and it is easy to work with it. Moreover, they can be made from remnants of unnecessary wood, with this using the minimum of fasteners.

We will need.

- electric jigsaw;
- a hammer;
- angular line;
- wood-hacksaw;
- sandpaper;
- pencil;
- chisel.

- 40 mm thick board;
- Nails.
- crown;
- Drill.

Let's start with the fact that we take the board (40 mm) long at your discretion. Next, we take a pencil and on the surface of the board, draw the contour of future polozov. It turned out, about so.

The author then takes the electrolybiz, which begins to cut the shape, according to the drew contour.

Now that the first part is ready, we will use it as a template, simply adjusting it to the second workpiece, drawing up the contour from the beginning to the end.

And then on the same scheme, cut the electric jigsaw.

Now you need to take two ready-made details and attach each other. Thus, we mark the width of future grooves, where in the future we will install horizontal rails. After one, we make small designations with a cross. These are the places that will be directly removed.

Further on the placed area with the help of a hacksaw, we make contigated depth, an example in the photo.

When everything is ready take the chisel and remove the cutting part. Now the grooves are ready.

Then we take a rail of 25 x 40 mm and cutting it into 8 equal parts. Next, we set them into ready-made rifle grooves. Breeping nails or self-drawing.

Now we can assume that the bulk of the design is ready. It remains for small - we will form a back. It was decided to make it high. Thus, it will be possible to use it as a support when shifting the skew with a place and further movement. We use similar material - rail 25 x 40 mm, 90 cm long on each side. Vertical rails Breppy from the side of the polozov nails or self-drawing.

A little strengthen them with two short rails on each side. Thus, additional stiffness of the design will be achieved.

Now we make several grooves where you install two horizontal rails, according to the resulting size of the width of the sled.

We make several holes with a small crown at the top of the back. The attacks are also a couple of similar holes at the beginning of the polozov for the rope.

The cylindrical shape handle was made in advance, which we inserted into the hole.