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Parts of the Light Light Name. Continents of the planet Earth: titles, a brief description. Also wash it sea

The whole land of the surface of the Earth is divided not only on the mainland, but also on parts of the world. In everyday conversations, they are often confused. Perhaps because the continents, as well as parts of the world, six. However, the concepts of "continent" and "part of the world" are completely different not only in meaning, but also in time of occurrence.

When did the light be divided into parts?

To share the land on the light of the world, people became still in the ancient era, much earlier than the continent. Parts of light are land plots that have allocated scientists based on their knowledge about history, culture and these areas of the Earth.

How many parts of the world are now?

The number of parts of the world changed as a person, studying his planet, opened all new and new lands. Now there are six parts of light:, America, and. The boundaries of parts of the world are carried out in such a way that they include main students or their parts, as well as adjacent islands.

The concept of "part of the world" is sometimes considered obsolete. But this is far from that. It continues to play a very big role in the life of people. For example, in Europe, many states, remaining independent, united into the European Union for joint economic activities. This union has even its government - the European Parliament. Countries in other parts of light can not be accepted in this Union. There are other associations of states based on the principle of belonging to a certain part of the world. In America, this is the organization of American states, including 35 countries. In Africa - the African Union, which includes 53 countries.

The division of sushi on the mainland (continents) is not connected with human history, but with scientific data about the modern earthly crust. The mainland is a huge block of the earth's crust. Its most of the surface of the ocean, forming a land. But the mainland has an underwater part: shelf and mainland slope. In different geological epochs, the number of continents was unequal. At the present stage of the development of the Earth, their six: Eurasia, Africa,

The mainland is called a significant surface of sushi, which is washed from all sides by the oceans or by the seas.

How many continents on earth and their name

Earth is a very large planet, but despite this, its significant area is water - more than 70%. And only about 30% occupy the continents and different magnitude of the island.

One of the largest is EurasiaHe takes more than 54 million kvadratric meters. It contains 2 the largest parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Eurasia is the only mainland that is washed from all sides by the oceans. On his shores you can see a large number of large and small bays, different magnitude of the islands. Eurasia is located on 6 tectonic platforms, which is why its relief is so diverse.

The highest mountains are located in Eurasia, as well as Baikal - the deepest lake. The population of this part of the world is almost a third of the entire planet who live in 108 states.

Africa takes over 30 million square meters. The name of all the continents on the planet is studied in detail in the school program, but some people and in adulthood do not know their quantity. This may be due to the fact that in the lessons of geography, the mainland is often called continents. These two names have significant differences. The main difference is that the continent has no border on land.

Africa among all others is the fierce. The main part of its surface is the plains and mountains. In hot Africa, the longest river-Neil on Earth, as well as the desert - sugar flows.

Africa is divided into 5 regions: South, North, Western, Eastern, as well as Central. 62 countries are located on this part of the earth.

The name of all continents includes North America. She is washed from all sides by the quiet, north-ice, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. North America's shore is uneven, a large number of large and small bays, different sizes, spills and bays formed along it. In the central part there is a huge plain.

North America

Local residents of the mainland - Eskimos, or the Indians. In total, there are 23 states in this part of the state, among them: Mexico, USA and Canada.

South America occupies On the surface of the planet more than 17 million square meters. It is washed by the quiet and atlantic ocean, and is also the longest mountain system. The rest of the surface is predominantly plateau or plains. Among all parts, South America is the rainy. Her indigenous people are Indians living in 12 states.

South America

In the number of continents on the planet Earth enters and AntarcticaHer area is more than 14 million square meters. The whole surface is covered with ice boulders, the average thickness of this layer is about 1500 meters. Scientists are calculated if this ice is completely melted, the water level on Earth would rise by about 60 meters!


Its main square is a desert from ice, the population lives only on the shores. Antarctica is the lowest surface of the planet, the average air temperature - from -20 to -90 degrees.

Australia - occupied area of \u200b\u200bmore than 7 million square meters. This is the only continent of only 1 state. Plains and mountains occupy its main area, they are located along the entire coast. It is in Australia that lives the largest number of large and small wild animals and birds, here the greatest variety of vegetation. Indigenous people - Aborigines and Bushmen.


How many continents on Earth 6 or 7?

It is believed that their number is absolutely not 6, but 7. The territory located around the southern pole is huge blocks of ice. Currently, its many scientists call another mainland on the planet Earth. But there is no life on this southern pole, only penguins live.

To the question: " How many continents on the planet Earth?"You can answer exactly - 6.


On Earth there are only 4 continents:

  1. America.
  2. Antarctica.
  3. Australia.
  4. Africania.

But in each country there is a view about their quantity. For example, in India, as well as residents of China, they believe that the total number of them is 7, the inhabitants of these countries call Asia and Europe with certain continents. Spaniards, when they mention the continent, call all the surfaces of the light associated with America. And the residents of Greece say that only 5 continents on the planet, because people live on them.

What is the difference between the island from the mainland

And then, and another definition is a large or smaller area of \u200b\u200bland, from all sides washed with water. At the same time, there are certain, significant differences between them.

  1. Dimensions. One of the smallest is Australia, it takes a much larger area than Greenland - one of the largest islands.
  2. History of education. Each island is formed in a special way. There are continents that arose as a result of the ancient debris slabs of the lithosphere. Others - turned out due to volcanic eruptions. There are also those species that appeared from polyps, they are called "coral islands".
  3. His inhabitability. Absolutely all six continents have life, even on the coldest - Antarctica. But most of the islands so far remain uninhabited. But they can meet animals and birds of a wide variety of breeds, to see the plants, still unexplored by a person.

How many parts of the lights on earth? Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe. It seemed that each of them was his quadrant of the world. Europe - on - in the East, Africa - in the south and America - in the West. This separation corresponded to the trends of that era - then the world was divided into four seasons, four classic elements, four cardinal directions and so on.

Ancient trilateral world

How many parts of the lights on earth? In times, when people have not yet known anything about America, Australia and Antarctica, there were not so many. Before the discovery of the new light in the classic and medieval geography, three parts of the Earth's light were highlighted - Europe, Asia and Africa. As once said to his readers Laurent de Primefit (the outstanding French translator of Latin literature at the beginning of the fifteenth century): "Asia is one of three parts of the world, which extends to the east to the rising sun."

If you look through the eyes of a modern geographer, then the Ural Mountains that share Europe from Asia are a geological seam between two fragmented continents or briefs. Another divisible factor was Gellespont (the ancient name of the Dardanesely Strait). He gently separated Europe from Asia. From a European point of view, in the opening era, Asia began outside Gellespont, where the Roman province was located, extending to incredibly exotic and remote places ...

How many parts of the lights on earth?

In the sixteenth century, America was full of fascinating promises about the new world. So the fourth part of the world appeared. After official confirmation that Australia was an island continent, the topic of four continents lost most of its relevance long before the sixth continent was discovered, Antarctica. However, despite this, the "four corners of the world" iconography remained in the same form.

Parts of light and continent

A total of six continents, of which Australia is the smallest, and the largest Eurasia, which is geologically one of the whole, but for convenience it was divided into Europe and Asia. Between them was a conditional border along the Ural Mountains.

Parts of light, as well as continents, there are six. The most densely populated and alpine - Asia. America consists of two mainlands, which are interconnected by the Panaman Cleans. Africa from Asia is separated by the Suez Canal. There are such continents that do not come into contact with the rest are Australia and Ice Antarctica.

Single array descended by different sides

It is likely that some scientists believe, all continents were once one of the whole, a single array, which over time went to pieces under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth. There is an assumption that certain areas on the planet rose, while others, on the contrary, have dropped. The mystery of the emergence of the continents still remains a relevant issue in geography, people still remain only one thing - build various hypotheses. Perhaps the future generation of scientists will be able to shed light on endless secrets of the universe.

What is the difference between parts of light from the mainland?

What are parts of the world and what do they differ from the mainland? Let's deal with. The continents are large sushi segments that are on the World Ocean Low. Parts of light refer to the areas to which the surface of the planet from historical and cultural considerations is convened. The difference between them lies in the fact that these concepts are used in completely different apartments. The main difference is that the "mainland" is a geological and geographical term, and "part of the world" is a concept associated with history, culture, politics.

The continents are of interest, first of all, as really existing physical objects. Geology and geography are engaged in their detailed study, including the study of powerful processes that occur on Earth. As a rule, the continents are separated from each other by the oceans, but there are those that are fine neighbors (Eurasia).

How many parts of the lights on earth? Despite the fact that their borders and the boundaries of the continents do not coincide with all 100%, there are also six in terms of quantity. Eurasia, for example, is one mainland, but is divided into two parts of light - Europe and Asia. A little different things about America. There are two mainland form one part of the world. Only Africa, Australia, Antarctica coincide.

The mainland is a significant array of sushi washed by the seas and oceans. In the tectonics, the mainland is characterized as sections of a lithosphere, having a continental structure.

Mainland, continent or part of the world? What is the difference?

In geography, another term denoting continent is often used in geography. But the concepts of "mainland" and "continent" are not synonymous. There are various points of view in different countries on the number of continents called continental models.

There are several such models:

  • In China, India, as well as in the English-speaking countries of Europe, it is believed that the continents of 7 - Europe and Asia they consider separately;
  • In Hispanic European countries, as well as in the countries of South America, it implies division on 6 parts of the world - with the United States of America;
  • in Greece and some Eastern European countries, a model with 5 continents was adopted - only those where people live, i.e. besides Antarctica;
  • in Russia and the nearby countries of Eurasia traditionally denote 4 united to large groups, continent.

(The figure shows different representations of continental models on Earth, from 7 to 4 to 4)


In total, the continents on Earth 6. We list them in descending order by size:

  1. - The largest mainland on our planet (54.6 million square meters. Km)
  2. (30.3 million square meters)
  3. (24.4 million square meters)
  4. (17.8 million square meters)
  5. (14.1 million square meters)
  6. (7.7 million square meters)

All of them are separated by the waters of the seas and oceans. Four mainland have a land border: Eurasia and Africa shares the Suezstone, North and South America - Panaman End.


The difference is that the continents do not have a land border. Therefore, in this case, you can talk about 4 continents ( one of the continental models of the world), also in descending order by size:

  1. Africala
  2. America

Parts of the world

The terms "Mainland" and "Continent" are scientific importance, but the term "part of the world" divides land for historical and cultural sign. Parts of the light 6, only in contrast to the mainland Eurasia varies on Europe and Asia, but North and South America are determined together as one part of the world America:

  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. America (and North, and South), or new light
  4. Australia and Oceania

Speaking of parts of the world, they mean the islands adjacent to them.

Difference of the mainland from the island

The definition of the mainland and islands is the same - part of the sushi washed by the waters of the ocean or seas. But there are significant differences.

1. Size. Even the smallest mainland, Australia, is much larger in area than the world's largest island - Greenland.

(Formation of continents of the Earth, Single Mainland Pangeus)

2. Education. All continents have a tiled origin. According to the suggestions of scientists, there was no time a single mainland - Pangea. Then, as a result of the split, 2 continents appeared - Gondwan and Lavravia, which in the future split another 6 parts. The theory is confirmed by both geological surveys and the form of continents. Many of them can be folded into one as a puzzle.

Islands are formed in different ways. There are those that, like continents, are located on the wreckage of ancient lithospheric plates. Others are formed from volcanic lava. Third - as a result of the activities of polyps (coral islands).

3. Inhabitability. All continents are inhabited, even harsh climatic conditions of Antarctica. Many islands still remain uninhabited.

Characteristics of the mainland

- The largest mainland, occupying 1/3 of the sushi. Here, 2 parts of the world are located at once: Europe and Asia. The border between them passes through the Ural Mountains, the Black and Azov Sea, as well as the sheds connecting the Black and Mediterranean Sea.

This is the only mainland that is washed by all the oceans. The coastline is cut, it forms a large number of bays, peninsulas, islands. The mainland itself is located immediately on six tectonic platforms, therefore Eurasia relief is incredibly diverse.

Here are the most extensive plains, the highest mountains (Himalayas with Everest), the deepest lake (Baikal). This is the only mainland, where all climatic belts (and, accordingly, all natural zones are immediately represented - from the Arctic with its permafrost to the equatorial with its sultry deserts and the jungle.

The mainland lives ¾ of the world's population, there are 108 states here, of which 94 have the status of independent.

- The hottest mainland on Earth. Located on an ancient platform, so the plains occupy most of the area, the mountains are formed at the edges of the continent. In Africa there are the longest river in the world - the Nile and the most extensive desert - sugar. Climate types presented on the mainland: Equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Africa is usually divided into five regions: North, South, Western, Eastern and Central. The mainland contains 62 countries.

Washed by the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and North-Ice Oceans. The result of the movement of the tectonic plates was a strongly rugged coastline of the mainland, with a huge number of bays, straits, bays and islands. The largest island - in the north (Greenland).

Along the western coast, the mountains of Cordillera stretch, along the Eastern - Appalachi. The central part occupies an extensive plain.

All climatic belts are presented here, except for equatorial, which causes a variety of natural zones. Most rivers and lakes are located in the northern part. The largest river - Mississippi.

Indigenous population - Indians and Eskimos. Currently, there are 23 states here, of which are only three (Canada, USA and Mexico) on the most continent, the rest are on the islands.

Washed by the quiet and atlantic oceans. Along the west coast stretches the longest mountain system - Andes, or South American Cordillera. The remaining area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland is occupied by platea, plains and lowlands.

This is the rainy mainland, since most of it is located in the equator zone. Here is the largest and most-water river in the world - Amazon.

Indigenous population - Indians. Currently, 12 independent states are located on the territory of the mainland.

- The only mainland, in which there is only 1 state - the Australian Union. Most of the mainland is occupied by the plains, the mountains are located only along the coast.

Australia is a unique mainland that has the largest number of animals and plants - endemics. The indigenous population is Australian Aborigines, or Bushmen.

- The most southern mainland, completely covered with ice. The average thickness of the icy cover is 1600 m, the largest - 4000 meters. If the ice in Antarctica melted, the World Ocean level would immediately rise 60 meters!

Most of the mainland occupies an ice desert, life is growing only on the coasts. Antarctica is also the coldest mainland. In winter, the temperature may drop below -80 ºC (-89.2 ºC record), in summer - up to -20 ºC.

Very often you can hear in everyday conversations as the mainland is called the concept of "part of the world". Is it correct? Are these concepts or generally synonyms? Let's figure out!

Part of the light are land regions, which include both the mainland themselves and the adjacent islands.

Six parts of the world are known, including Australia and Oceania, America, Asia, Europe, Africa, as well as Antarctica. As you know, there is one mainland of Eurasia, so it combines two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. As for America, there is a reverse situation here, because this part of the world unites two mainland - South America and North America.

The concepts of "part of the world" and "mainland" are also distinguished on another basis. The division on the continent, as is well known, is performed on the principle of separation by water space, but the division into parts of light carries in itself already, rather, a cultural and historical aspect.

It is worth noting that division on the part of the world should not be confused with the "new" and "old" light. The "old" light is called the continents who were known to science before the discoveries of Columbus, and the "new", respectively, after the era of geographical discoveries.

Six parts six.
This is Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

Most of the sushi is north of the equator.
Here is Europe, Asia, North America and half of Africa.
In the southern hemisphere there are southern part of Africa, South America, Antarctica and Australia.
The highest part of the world - Antarctica. Its average height above sea level is 2040 meters.
The lowest is Europe. Its height above sea level is approximately 300 meters.
All the largest tops of the Earth are in Asia.
It is here, for example, there are the highest mountains of the Earth - Himalayas with the highest peak of the world by Jomolung (Everest), the height of which is 8848 meters above sea level.

The surface of the earth is accepted also to divide on the mainland.
The mainland is also six - Eurasia, Africa, South America, North America, Antarctica and Australia.
As you probably noticed attention, there is a small difference here.
Two parts of the world - Europe and Asia are united in a single mainland Eurasia.
Part of the world America, on the contrary, divide by two mainland - North and South America.

Once, for a very long time, all the continents were one mainland - punch.

The biggest mainland is Eurasia. It is located in the eastern hemisphere of the Earth.
There are two parts of the world on its territory - Europe and Asia.

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Africa - the second largest mainland of the Earth.
North and South America are located in the Western Hemisphere.
They will be connected by a narrow Panama Clay, thus creating one mainland.
Australia is the smallest mainland, which is located in a hot belt of the southern hemisphere.

The total area of \u200b\u200ball continents is 139 million square kilometers.
The remaining 10 million square kilometers of sushi fall on the islands in the seas and oceans.

§ 15. The continents and oceans - Vakhrushev, 2 class, workbook

1. Determine on the cards, in which hemisphere is the main part of each mainland. Hemisphere indicate the first letters of their names: C or YU, B or 3.

2. Answer questions.

What kind of mainland are two parts of the world?
Mainland: Eurasia (Europe and Asia)

What part of the world unites two mainland?
Part of the light: America (North America and South America)

What kind of mainland or in what ocean are the Poles of the Earth?
North Pole: Northern Arctic Ocean
South Pole: Antarctica

What ocean is between Asia and America?
Pacific Ocean

What ocean is between Asia, America and Australia?

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Pacific Ocean

3. Share Crossword and explain the meaning of the word in the framework.

Mainland - this is a huge plot sushi, surrounded Water.

4. You go to the flight with a subsidement. The start place is the native school. One of you will be a pilot: he chooses the direction of flight and writes it into the table. The other writes the name of the mainland or ocean under the wing. Then you are changing roles and continue the journey, without flying anywhere twice.