Repairs Design Furniture

Which side glue the plinth on the ceiling. To glue the ceiling plinth from the foam - the features of the selection of glue and recommendations. Preparation for the installation of baguette

Plinths allow you to make the ceiling design finished and give it a neat appearance. They are very often used in combination with tiles. It is possible to glue them in the event that the ceilings are plastered, separated by panels or clapboard. At the same time, foam, PVC or polyurethane ceiling plinth is usually used.

There are varieties of cartoons made from other materials. In any case, the strips should be secured, accurately adhering to certain technologies. About how to glue the ceiling plinth and talk in this article.

Preparatory activities

Clear ceiling cartel follows the main repairs in the apartment. Before starting to fix it, it is necessary to determine how much material is needed. To do this, you need to make the simplest calculation. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right glue to which plinth laying will be made. Then you can proceed to the preparation of the surface and attach the baguette.

Calculation of material

Calculate how much items need to be enough for the whole ceiling not difficult. Usually one bar has a length of 2 meters. We determine the perimeter of the room along the simplest formula p \u003d a * b, where the p-perimeter, the length of the room, the B-its width. Next, we divide the result obtained by two.

To begin glue the box is only after the calculation of the material

Tip: It is best to purchase material with a margin. By installing the plinth, any elements can be accidentally damaged. In addition, walls in urban apartments are usually uneven. Acquired later, additional planks will certainly be from another party, and therefore, a little of another shade.

Preparation of surfaces

The mounting of the ceiling plinth must be made to the maximum smooth surface. According to all the wells available on the ceiling and walls before installing, you should walk with putty. From small bugs you can get rid of sandwich.

Glue the planks only on the aligned surface of the walls and the ceiling

How to glue the ceiling plinth of foam

To install, you will need to purchase:

  1. Glue-putty or liquid nails to which installation will be performed;
  2. Scissors (or hacking for metal) for cutting and stub;
  3. Acrylic sealant for sealing slots;
  4. Rubber spatula;
  5. Roulette.

How to glue the ceiling cartoon

Now you will analyze the question in more detail how to properly glue the ceiling plinth of foam. What is better to fix it? Laying the ceiling baguette is usually produced on factory glue-putty. It can also be attached to the prepared yourself mixture. Make it from the finish dry gypsum putty (1l) and the glue of PVA (100GR).

Fasten the ceiling plinth should be on a special glue-putty

Clean the ceiling baguette is worth starting after the walls are separated by wallpaper. By installing the ceiling plinth, it should be extremely neat. Otherwise, the wallpaper will be blurred with putty, sealant or paint. In the event that the edge of the wallpaper is at the top uneven, it is better to glue the ceiling quilt with a wide face down. Installation is performed in several stages:

  1. Bashed strips need, missing them with glue strips with an interval of about 15 cm;
  2. Left a first bar to the wall and ceiling and tightly pressed. It is necessary to glue it in such a way that the gypsum blend-glue began to be squeezed out. Clean her quickly, clean cloth until she started to stick. Fix the foam strips are needed, aligning them not on the ceiling, but on the wall. So the finish will look careful;

How to glue the plinth on the ceiling. Wall alignment

  1. When installing, you should customize the ends of individual slats as carefully. You need to fix the second bar by applying to the first and cutting, focusing on the protrusions of her end. Seam close up with putty. Thus, when installing, you can get a practically inconspicuous bog between the elements.

Glue the second bar should be focused on the first end

  1. After the installation of the ceiling plinth will be completed, pass all the cracks between it, the ceiling and walls of the plaster powder or acrylic sealant.
Tip: Not too wide ceiling plinth from foam can be cut by conventional scissors. In other cases, use the metal hacksaw.

How to glue corners

Installation Ceiling cartoons along the walls of the room, as you can see, the case is quite simple. It is much more difficult to glue the planks in the corners of the room. So let's look at how to properly cut their ends in this case. When docking the angle between them should be 45gr. The bar is put in stub, tightly pressed and cut under the appropriate angle. Next, it can be glued.

Bashed strips in the corners are needed with 45gr

In such a way, the ceiling plinth ceiling is performed. Video finishes of external and internal angles:

Tip: Cutting to install in corners with maximum accuracy with your own hands is almost impossible. In principle, work is for only well-trained professionals. Therefore, it is better to glue special corner ceiling planks, already cut in manufacturing at the factory.

Coloring - Final Installation Stage

Staining is usually a process that ends the installation of plinths. The video demonstrates it in all details.

When staining foam ceiling cartoons, you should not use too thick composition. Otherwise, the layer of paint will start cracking over time and stripes will be visible on the surface of the planks. It is better to apply more layers.

Installing the ceiling plinth. Staining - Final Stage

Tip: It is still painful to paint the ceiling plinths before you begin to glue them. Then the wall decoration in any case will remain clean.

Well, now you know how to glue the ceiling plinth. The video of this process will help you understand everything better:

How to glue polyurethane planks

Polyurethane baguette is much flexible foam. Therefore, it can be glued to rounded surfaces. The material from which it is made significantly heavier than foam plastic, and therefore it is necessary to glue it when installing it only on specially designed compositions. It may be, for example, glue "Moment installation". For ceiling plinths from polyurethane should be applied supersensile. Glue the ceiling quilt for stretch designs only to the wall.

Flexible polyurethane baguette can be mounted on arcuate surfaces

Important: Glue polyurethane planks need to apply glue not only to their opposite side, but also to ends. Thus, during installation, the reliability of the attachment of the joints is ensured.

How to mount plastic strips

When finishing the ceilings, as well as for the design of the floor, the installation of plastic plinth is often performed. It is used when decorating walls PVC panels, MDF or clapboard. In addition, glue baguette from this material can also be closed with a slot between the stretch blade and the wall.

It is interesting: Sometimes PVC ceiling plinth can be replaced with outdoor. For example, this finish is used when placing the balcony.

How to fix the ceiling plastic baguette when using panels or lining

Most often, the installation of the ceiling PVC plinth is performed simultaneously with the installation of panels or lining. It is done in a few steps:

  1. The installation of a wooden or metal frame under the panel is performed. Fasten the ceiling quilt is needed to the top of its plank;

How to mount the ceiling plinth. Installation of plastic baguette on the top rake frame

  1. Putting plastic strips follows decorative tongue down. Subsequently, panels or lining will be inserted into it. Installation of a narrow undetective part should be performed close to the ceiling. To rake ceiling plinth when installing, you need to fix with a stapler or metal bracket. Sometimes the wood screws are also used.

Mount the ceiling plinth need to be pinned down

  1. For designing angles when installing, both external and internal uses special connecting elements. The consolidation of them is performed on silicone sealant.
Important: Installing a plinth with your own hands in this case is performed solely after the ceiling will be trimmed. Only so you can determine the place where it needs to be attached for sure.

How to fix plastic ceiling plinth without installation of the crate

Plastic ceiling baguette can be attached and without installation of the crate. Most often, the installation of a special type of baguette used for stretch ceilings is carried out. In fact, it is a fastening plan for harpoon, to which in the subsequent will need to be attached to the canvas. How to attach a plinth in this case? This is done like this:

  1. The pencil should be scheduled to be a line, according to which the planks will be installed in the future;
  2. The rear wall of the baguette is cut in such a way that it can be bent. Thus, the installation of the plinth in the angle will be further performed;

Fasten baguette in the corner should be cut through one of its walls

  1. In the ceiling plinth, holes are made in 10 cm;
  2. Mounting baguette on the wall is needed using self-tapping screws.

Plastic baguette is best attached to the screw

How to mount a plastic ceiling baguette can be found in all details looking at this video:

Clear plastic plinth can also be one more technology. In this case, the installation is performed using the UD profile, slimming room. At the same time, it can be attached to the glue or on a self-tapping screw with press-washers.

We hope now it is clear to you how to stick the plinth on the ceiling, as well as how to put it with a mechanical way. And in that and in another case, the installation technology does not differ in particular complexity. You can arrange a room using this decorative element if you wish can be independently.

Ceiling plinth performs several functions. First, it gives the design of the walls and the ceiling is a special charm and beauty. Secondly, the plinth can hide some defects (for example, minor irregularities of the walls). In the article, we will tell how to glue the ceiling plinth of foam on wallpaper, stretch ceiling and putty, and also how to glue it in the corners. What should be considered, and what nuances to know?

We select suitable plinth and glue

Ceiling plinth or quilt is made from different material. It may be a tree, foam, gypsum or polyurethane. Therefore, first of all it is worth choosing a suitable plinth.

Foam and polyurethane products are most often acquired. They have a lot of common characteristics. Such cartoons are made of polymeric compounds, have low cost and sufficiently light.

The cheapest option is a foam. But such a plinth has cons. Polyfoam badly bends. If you need to go like large irregularities or cale corners, then such a plinth will simply burst.

Polyfoam does not like moisture, so it is not recommended to glue it in the bathroom.

Polyurethane is more flexible and no moisture is afraid. It is not much more expensive than foam products, but the quality is significantly different.

Polyurethane can be quite easy to bend on large radii. He will not crumble and does not break.

Gypsum or wooden cartoons are pretty road. In addition, they can not be bend.

Such plinths glue only in rooms with absolutely proper geometric dimensions and smooth surfaces. Well, of course, the interior itself should approach.

If you figured out the choice of material, it is worth calculating its quantity. To do this, it is enough to measure the perimeter of the room. Then this indicator is divided into one cartel on the length. Plinths can be produced in different lengths, but, as a rule, it is 2 meters.

Do not forget to decide on the width of the cartel.

If you have low ceilings, it is better to choose narrow plinths. Also, look at the texture and illumination, it should fit both to the design of the walls and to the ceiling finish.

Now let's talk about Clee. There are acrylic and polymer adhesives on sale. Each of them has its own characteristics. So, acrylics do not possess a sharp smell (their experts recommend using when repairing a children's room), which you can not say about polymeric materials. But the latter can be used in rooms with high humidity. Choose adhesive of well-known and well-proven marks, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the fneting manufacturer.


Before you break the plinth on the ceiling, you need to do small preparatory work. First, the hallings themselves need to hold the room for at least a day. So they adapt to the environment. Secondly, the ceiling itself should be clean and smooth.

Ceiling plinth can be mounted before the walls of the walls wallpaper and after this work. The first method is the most time consuming, but more preferable. First, in this case, you can not change the cartel when changing wallpaper. And secondly, you will have the opportunity to close the slots between the wall and the plinth, which can strongly spoil the appearance.

Experts recommend to begin glue from corners. If in these places everything is neat and beautiful, then the straight sections will pass quickly and efficiently. But glue corners is a special job. To do everything right, it is better to watch video with detailed instructions.

Glue plinth in corners

So that the angle does not spoil the appearance of the entire design, the plates of plinths should be shrinking at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be achieved using the stub. This is a special device that allows you to make sections at the desired angle. You can also use decorative corners. They stick to the place of joints and cover the formed gaps and seams.

Often, apartments do not have the right geometric shapes, which becomes very noticeable when sticking the cut-off plinths at an angle of exactly 45 degrees. In this case, the cutting angle will have to be aligned at the place.

How to glue cartoons

Now let's talk about how to glue cartoons correctly. The glue is applied to the opposite side of the plinth with a trowel or a construction gun. If you have a stretch ceiling, the glue is applied only to those sites that will be attached to the wall.

Then the carter is pressed against the wall and to the ceiling (if it is not stretched). I don't need to keep it right away, let it dry a bit a bit. After a short time, press the strip strongly.

Glue sets up quickly, so adjust the location of the strip in advance. On the bright background of the plinth, traces of fingers and dirt can be left to avoid so often wash your hands while working.

If the protrusions of the adhesive mass appeared, then they need to immediately remove the rag.

Instead of glue, you can use the finish putty, adding PVA glue into it. Surplus this material often remain after repair. You can use the material of any manufacturer, no fundamental difference.

In the case of using putty, the surface (where you will stick cartoons) you need to moisten. Then, on the reverse side of the plinth, with a spatula, a layer of putty is applied. Now press the plate to the ceiling and the wall. Excess putty wipes with a rag.

How to glue the plinth on the wallpaper

As already mentioned in the article, the plinth is best glued to sticking wallpaper, but it happens that for some reason it did not work. In this case, it will have to glue the plinth on the wallpaper.

Before starting the ever, make sure that the wallpaper is well glued to the wall (or ceiling). If this is not the case, then first stick the wallpaper with the plow glue, let them dry and only after that the coolness plinth.

The process of gluing the plinth on wallpaper is not much different from sticking it straight on the wall. The main complexity is not to be swollen with a glue mixture. To do this, you can attach a plinth to the place where it will be glued and outlining its edges with a simple pencil, leaving a barely noticeable line. The plinth is removed and the wallpaper is spinning with a painting ribbon, which is easy to remove from wallpaper. Now you can glue the plinth. After gluing the excess glue, the painting tape is removed and then removed.

Hide joints

Very often, after gluing plinths can be noticeable joints, with such a problem it is easy to cope. Such gaps can be frozen white (or under the color of your quilt) sealant.

There is another way. To do this, prepare a liquid putty. With the help of a tassel, squeeze all the plinths. After drying, go through it in shallow skin. Thus, the plinth and ceiling will become one whole, and the gaps between the stripes will be difficult to see.

If white plinth is installed in the room, then it is desirable to paint. This will make it much longer to save the color. For such a procedure, water emulsion, latex or acrylic paints are used. Often, it is the first option. But if you use nitrocrats, then the surface must be pre-primed.

Coloring can be spent a day after mounting the plinth. So you give glue to finally grab. When painting work, be careful. It is better to take advantage of a small tassel, otherwise there is a risk of painting the entire space around the cartel.


Polyurethane ceiling plinth is one of the types of cornice, which is used to decorate the bodies of the junction between the wall and the ceiling. Among its advantages also allocate: low weight, flexibility, variety of forms and speed of fastening without using fasteners. To properly glue the ceiling plinth, follow our advice.

Calculate the number of plinth

Measure the length of the joints (length and width of the ceiling) that you want to close and add a stock of 5-10 cm for each angle on each side. The resulting value is divided by the length of the plinth (usually 2 m) and you can safely poison the store.

Preparing for mounting

Measure the length of the wall as much as possible, make a mark on the plinth. Insert the plinth in the stub - a special device that allows you to cut the corners under 45 °, and cut the plinth. Place the plinth around the perimeter of the room on the floor, check the correctness of the measurements and coincidence of the angles. If everything came out - proceed to install.

"Stuslo" is a wooden or plastic structure of a small size with raised edges. These edges have slits that correspond to 45 and 90 degrees.

Choose glue

Take two adjacent harvested pieces of the plinth and apply glue to their inner surface. As a glue, we recommend using specialized adhesive for foam polystyrene on acrylic-based acrylic basis 301 Ultima. It is intended for gluing wall and ceiling panels, panels of foamed polystyrene, moldings, drywall, traffic jams and other materials. Glue 301 Ultima is made on an acrylic basis, does not contain volatile solvents, there is no smell, after drying it becomes colorless and provides a solid durable connection. It is easily applied, does not flow and does not require the use of the brush. Before use of glue 301 Ultima, it is necessary to cut off the cartridge spout depending on the desired thickness of the squeezed glue at an angle of 45 °, insert the cartridge into the gun for sealants and zigzago-like on the plinth.

You can not use conventional PVA glue for mounting the ceiling plinth. Plinth simply may not stick, and you will spend in vain time. Some formulations can destroy the structure of the plinth and then its further installation will be impossible ..

We glue the plinth

Begin to glue the ceiling plinth recommended from the angle and walls opposite the entrance door, since this method will avoid errors. Fix the plinth one side on the wall, the other on the ceiling. Hold the plinth for 1 minute, slightly pressing it. Then apply glue to the next plinth, ranging from the already skled corner. Continue the installation of trained plinth pieces in the intended order, tightly pressing each other. At the final stage, remove the excess glue using a damp cloth.

If the places of plinth compounds at the corners were uneven, then you can use the corner that is mounted on top or use the decorative smear of a similar shade as the baseboard itself or putty.

The ceiling plinth of polyurethane, like the entire stucco decor, does not require special care, it is easy to clean and paint it. With the help of the ceiling plinth, set by properly, it is possible to effectively arrange the location of the walls of the wall and the ceiling, and the variety of textures, ornaments and forms will allow you to use it when designing rooms of various styles.

The best way to make the ceiling finish is complete - apply special plinths. These products are glued around the perimeter of the room at the junction between the ceiling and walls.

How to choose baguette

Corner sites where wall and ceiling surfaces intersect, need beautiful design. Especially for this, decorative ceiling plinths were developed. The peller looks like a bar with a length of 1.2-2 m, for the manufacture of which is used polyurethane, wood, plaster or foam. Regardless of which the material is made by a frieze, a similar scheme is applied, how to properly glue the ceiling plinth.

Having come to the construction store, the first thing it is necessary to determine the material of the manufacture of the ceiling plinth. The cheapest is the foam and polyurethane products. In addition, they are lungs and very comfortable in the installation. Externally, these varieties are almost impossible to distinguish. Have a polymer base. However, the quality of foam slats is somewhat lower. Polyurethane plinth has a lot of weight and elasticity.

You should also find out the number of consumables. This is done by simple measurement of the perimeter of the room where the repair is carried out. Some people confuse the perimeter with an area. So, if the dimensions of the room are 3x4 m, then such a formula is used to calculate its perimeter: (3 + 4) x2m \u003d 14 m. If the choice fell on the friezes of 2 m long (this size is most often found), then for the design of the room you will need 14: 2 \u003d 7 baguette. Given the costs of cutting down the corners, always take another product to the stock.

Another important point, how to properly glue the plinth on the ceiling is the width of the frieze. As practice shows, low ceilings are desirable not to make up wide baguettes, because It will take place even more. Therefore, the higher the ceilings, the greater baguettes need to be taken. It is believed that a suitable width of baguettes for standard ceilings in apartments (2.5 m) - 4-6 cm. As for the decorative design of the planks, the monophonic walls will look much more interesting if you use frills with a pattern or texture. Wallpaper with ornament is better supplemented with absolutely smooth plinths. It is also necessary to know that glue first wallpaper or ceiling plinth to avoid possible problems.

What glue is better

Before gluing ceiling plinth, you need to choose high-quality glue. It is better to figure it out better than the better to glue the ceiling plinth, so that there is no problem later.

Specialized departments offer the following varieties of glue for the stickers of ceiling plinths:

  1. Acrylic. The main substance here is water, so this substance does not smell. This inexpensive composition for sticking plinths on the ceiling is recommended to use indoors with a normal microclimate: direct contact of moisture it is bad.
  2. Polymeric. For this glue is characterized by strength and moisture resistance. The composition of the substance has chemical solvents that support its liquid consistency. Polymer glue dry for quite a long time (several days), highlighting the entire period of a specific smell. Despite the substantial disadvantages, it is this composition that takes the greatest popular among consumers. We are talking about such famous brands like "Titan" or "moment." Their distinctive feature is reliability and versatility. Within the line of polymer compositions, there may be a difference in the speed of setting and the degree of resistance to low temperatures.

Choosing between the polymer and acrylic glue for the cover of the ceiling plinth, the functional purpose of the room takes into account. In children's rooms it is better to use a safe acrylic variety. The kitchen and the bathroom are recommended to make a moisture-resistant polymer substance. You can find special glue to work with wet details. There are also quick-drying compositions that are very convenient when working at height. Not only glue can be used for fixing wooden baguettes, but also self-tapping and nails.

Homemade formulations

To stick the ceiling plinth, it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of glue. If we are talking about a baguette of plaster or foam, mastic for its installation can be prepared on its own. The finished mixture can also be used as a molding of butt sections and gaps between individual straps and in places of their fit to walls and ceilings.

Self-made glue recipe:

  • For preparation, water (1 part) will be required, finish putty (1 part), PVA glue (1/4 of part).
  • The ingredients are folded into the plastic bucket and are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass (like a thick sour cream). The substance should not contain lumps and bunches. After preparation, the composition leaves out within a few minutes.
  • Before properly glue the plinth, the substance is mixed again.

The finished mixture is allowed to use both the glue, and as a putty. Since the basis of it is the water, the characteristics of the self-made material are very similar to the factory acrylic glue. In very wet rooms it is better not to apply.

Preparatory activities

After purchasing Frieza, it is necessary to print and put on a day to the room where the installation will be made. The most difficult moment in technology, how to punish the ceiling plinth - dusting of friezes on corner areas. For this, the plank must be trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees.

There is a special device - a stub, in which there are special guides for a knife or saw at the desired angle. Usually, the stub is equipped with several slots at different angles (90, 45, 60 and 67.5 degrees). To cut off the bar, it is placed in the landing place opposite the cutout of 45 degrees. As a material for cutting, a sharp knife is usually used. End of the render upon completion of the operation must be diagnosed. It is recommended to clean the corners first, and then customize the product in a prayer.

The fact is that in case of an error with the cutting angle, the location of the cut has to shift, which grows the length of the plank. As a result, an ugly gap is formed on the site of docking with another element. Especially for simplifying the procedure, how to glue cartlers, there are decorative corners, which are made by the docks of the baguette.

Before glue ceiling plinth, careful preparation of the ceiling surface is carried out. Before starting work, it should be dry and clean. Wood and plastic bases are necessarily cleaned from fat spots. Concrete and plasterboard overlaps are put on several times, seeking their perfect evenness. It also concerns the walls. If the ceiling and walls are smooth, it will provide ease of installation of baguettes: the sections of their fit to the wall and the ceiling will in this case be almost inconspicuous. After drying the putty, it is grinning shallow sandpaper.

Mounting work

Ceiling plinth can be installed after plating wallpaper or in the process of the ceiling screed (before the last putty).

The second option, how to glim the ceiling plinth, gives a number of advantages:

  1. With the plywood wallpaper, you will not need to tear baguettes. In this case, the bands will be brought to the friezes, and not to enter them.
  2. Glue the plinth on the uneven ceiling is usually much more complicated. If the walls are made unevenly, blending baguettes after wallpaper will definitely lead to the appearance of lumen between the planks and the plane of the walls. In the second case, all observed gaps are gently close in a mounting mixture, without a threat to make wallpaper.

Starting the work is recommended from the corner near the window: it is more convenient to immediately glue the frieze of both walls to achieve the formation of a beautiful corner joint. The smaller the angle of the room will be placed, the easier it will be formed by the ceiling plinth. The resulting design of two baguettes will set a reference point for further work. You can choose any wall, and start increasing baguettes towards the next corner.

How to glue on stretch ceilings

Decorative backlight

To obtain the original effect of lighting the plinths, special translucent plastic baguettes are used. They are mounted in exactly the same way as the usual. The main thing is to pre-pave the appropriate wiring around the perimeter. Most often, LEDs are used for these purposes. Mounting the plinth is necessary so that the glue is exclusively on the wall: it is important to leave a small gap between the baguette and the ceiling surface.

Proper fixation technology ceiling plinth

To correctly punish the ceiling plinth, as professionals say, you need to comply with the following recommendations:

  • As glue, you can use store or homemade formulations. In the latter case, to prepare glue, it is advisable to use the same putty as for the tie ceiling.
  • Sometimes various communications are paved under the baguette. Make it you need in advance. If we are talking about wiring for decorative backlight, the baguette needs to be attached only to the wall. So that the wires do not interfere with the dense fit of baguettes, it is recommended to make a deepening.
  • The plinth sticker on the ceiling is carried out at height, so you need to think in advance to a convenient device for this. For this, an old kitchen table or a construction goal of convenient height is well suited. It is not recommended to use a ladder, as they do not give enough space for maneuver.
  • Getting Started, plots of fastening are wetted with primer or water: it will not let glue quickly dry. The homemade or store glue is applied by a thin strip on the back of the baguette (there is usually a special recess), using a small spatula for this. Especially thoroughly need to miss angular sections.
  • The plinth is tightly applied between the wall and the ceiling. After a dense pressed pressed, it is necessary to pick up the protruding glue with a finger or spatula. The particles falling on the surface of the molding are removed with a damp cloth or sponge. The docks are wetted with a mounting mixture and blur with a soft brush.
  • The use of shop glue slightly accelerates the procedure, as it freezes much faster. However, there is also their difficulties - it is impossible to close the gaps and joints with this composition: you have to prepare a little putty.

  • To plinth on the wall lay exactly, it is recommended to make markup. Robbed lines will indicate the lower and top border of the bar.
  • The easiest way to be allowed friezes that have no complicated pattern. However, there are expensive products imitating stucco: to harmoniously connect curls on neighboring details, you have to show maximum attentiveness.
  • Properly stick the plinth on the ceiling, as a rule, helps good adhesion of adhesive composition with walls and ceiling. They must be carefully cleaned from dirt and dust.
  • Punching of plinths from foam and polyurethane can be held by each other, because These light products hold well. As for wooden and plastic products, it often requires a small pause to set the adhesive composition. So that there are no downtime, the planks are usually mounted alternately from one and another end of the corner.
  • In the process of work, the hands are gradually lubricated into the putty, so they must be washed periodically. If the trail from the dirty fingers remained on the surface of the baguette, it was washed off with a wet sponge.
  • To remove protruding when applied to the plinth of excess, you can use a spatula or dry sponge.

Design of junctions


The completion procedure for mounting the ceiling plinth is painting: it reports the ceiling ended beautiful view. Most often for this use water-emulsion, acrylic or latex paints. Wood products are decorated with nitrocracy, pre-groaning them with a primer. Before painting friezes, they need to give dry: usually enough day for this. The greatest practicality demonstrate acrylic or water-emulsion formulations. For application usually use a soft brush of the appropriate width. The most convenient to paint baguettes in conjunction with the ceiling, using identical material for this. Wallpaper sticking or other varieties of wall decoration are allowed to carry out after paint drying.


Installation of the ceiling plinth refers to the simple events that can be realized on their own. Before glue the ceiling plinth to the ceiling, it is recommended to pay special attention to high-quality alignment of walls and ceiling.

The rules for selecting the adhesive composition for ceiling plinths, methods for fixing cartoons made from different materials, dusting and cutting techniques, the rules of the finishing finish.

Causes of ceiling plinth installations

The main function of ceiling baguettes is the disguise of the joints. These parts will close the gap between the suspended, stretch ceiling and the wall, and also mask the upper edge of the wallpaper, creating a smooth transition.

The second reason for the need to mount baguettes is the implementation of the designer idea. With the help of cartoons, you can visually increase the height of the room or make the ceilings wider. They are also used to create contrast.

In addition, between the ceiling and the plinth, you can insert backlight (LED tape). This is an original and non-standard designer move. True, in this case, the plinth must not be glued to the ceiling, but to the wall, leaving the gap between the plinth and the ceiling.

Features of the selection of ceiling plinths

Ceiling baguettes should be chosen according to the planned design. In general, they are made of the following materials:
  • Gypsum. Durable, aesthetic, massive, attached to a gypsum putty.
  • Polyfoam (polystyrene foam). Lightweight, cheap, distinguished low strength. For fixing use glue for panels or polymer.
  • Polyurethane. Available in a wide range of forms and colors, durable, distinguished by high performance, glue with sealant or liquid nails.
  • Wood. Eco-friendly material, such plinths look solid, have an original natural pattern. Complex in processing, fixed fasteners.
When selecting plinths, consider their width. The lower the room, the one must be the cartel to not take extra height. Conversely, massive parts will look in high solemn premises more appropriate than thin plinths. The width of the ceiling plinth in 5 centimeters is considered universal and used most often. However, if the height of the room is more than 3 meters, then it is worth using a width cartel from 6 to 8 centimeters.

The ceiling plinth also differ depending on the pattern: smooth, lace, striped, with patterns.

Ceiling Plinth Installation Technology

Baguettes on the ceiling are glued to different compositions or attached by self-drawers. The fixation method, first of all, depends on the type of material. It is also important to decide in advance at which stage the installation of the ceiling plinth will be carried out - before finishing the ceiling and walls or after. The masters usually first fix cartel, and then equal wallpaper. However, in the usual life about ceiling baguettes, only after the finishing finish of all surfaces, because installation has to be carried out on top of them. In this case, when the wallpaper plywood, the cartel will have to be dismantled.

Selection of materials for cutting ceiling plinth

For work, you will need cartoons, adhesive composition and stub (device for proper cutting). Finding the quilt, suitable for design and material, select the appropriate glue composition. It is important that it is high quality, because unreliable fixed elements will soon disappear, and the periodic lining will lead to the fact that the baguette on the wall will look unesthetically and inactively.

The main types of used adhesives used:

  • Polymer. Most often, Titan and Moments are used from this group. They quickly collapse, firmly and reliably hold the glued parts and have a good knitting base.
  • . Different with high adhesive ability and are suitable for almost all materials. Empty and acrylic mixtures of this type are isolated. The first have a sharp smell. If you do not comply with the safety rules before drying, you can harm health. Because of its water repellent properties, nepopient liquid nails are applied in rooms with high humidity, such as in the bathrooms, in kitchens. Acrylic is completely safe and recommended for use in residential rooms, but do not tolerate high humidity.
  • Acrylate-based putty. Secure, easy to use. Performs two functions at once: fixes the baguette and fills the slots.
In addition to the above, you can also use glue for the ceiling plinth, prepared with your own hand, putty and water as follows:
  1. I fall asleep into the container the finish putty.
  2. Add glue into it in proportions one to four.
  3. Gradually poured water, thoroughly interfering solution.
  4. Mix, bringing the composition to the consistency of thick sour cream. It is important that there were no lumps in the solution.
  5. Let it stand for 5-10 minutes and mix thoroughly.
The resulting adhesive composition must be used for one and a half or two hours, so it is recommended to make it immediately before glue the ceiling plinth. If there are lumps that fall on the baguette, then in this place the product will not stick and will soon begin to move. Remove all lumps before work.

To calculate the amount of the required material, divide the perimeter of the room to 2 (the standard length of one baguette) and round up to more. It is important to buy them with a reserve in case, if suddenly make it wrong with cutting. If desired, you can immediately stock with decorative angles, so as not to spend time on the cutting of individual elements in the inner and outer corners.

You may need:

  • One-piece details for sealing internal and external corners. They are presented in the form of direct angle.
  • Small elements with different cuts. Suitable for sticking both in the domestic and in the outer corner.
  • Extra long corners for installation in smooth corners.
  • Included you can purchase special stakes for the joints.

Preparatory work before installing the ceiling plinth

Preparation for the installation of the ceiling plinth is carried out in this order:

  1. With the help of a construction level, roulette and a pavement painting cord, we put on the wall of the line, on which we plan to mount the carter.
  2. The place of fixation by the stingy acrylic composition to improve adhesion with glue.
  3. We make measurements and calculate the place of fastening of every detail.
  4. If the base is concrete, and the plinth is wooden, then you immediately note the places of fasteners and drill holes.

Please note that for gluing baguettes on already lined walls, it is necessary to protect the coating from glue flux. For this, the paint tape is used.

Methods for dusting the ceiling plinth

So that the passed parts look neatly, you need to understand how to dock the ceiling plinth in the corners.

We act on such instructions:

  • Insert the profile in the stub, pressed it to the bottom and the nearest board.
  • To cut the left vector of the inner corner of the baguette insert the left and cut on the right left. For the right vector, everything is done in the mirror image.
  • Making the blanks for the outer corner, the lover of the left vector is inserted on the right side and cut to the left right, and the right to insert the left and keep the hacksaw in the direction of the right left. The lower part of the plinth for external corners is shorter than the top. This item will help you not get confused in the workpieces and quickly determine the affiliation of the cartel.
  • If the angle is uneven, then it is possible to determine the cutting angle by making the appropriate markup on the ceiling. For this we put in turn of both plinths and note the pencil of the inner contour of each of them.
  • At the intersection of the lines will be the point of the upper cut. In the same way we determine the location of the cut for the outer corners.
  • Pilets from gypsum in the middle of the wall to increase the length, cutting at right angles, as a putty will be used for fixing, which will fill the slots.
  • Foam cartoons also connect at right angles. Soft texture, clinging tightly, will not leave the gaps.
  • Wood and polyurethane products in the junction scene cut under the tilt. In this case, it will be less noticeable.
When docking the most important thing - observance of the pattern. If it does not match, then all your skirmish masking will be useless.

Rules for fixing ceiling plinths for glue

Glue for panels or polymer compositions are used to fix plinths to smooth surfaces. If there are potholes on the wall, it will not be a reliable clutch, and therefore the baguette will disappear.
  1. We apply glue to the inner side of the cartel. It should evenly host the entire surface, but follow the layer to be too thick, because in this case it will be squeezed out and drag on the wallpaper.
  2. Apply the lubricated glue side to the wall and tightly press.
  3. Hold 30-40 seconds to reliably set the adhesive composition.
  4. We remove the sponge the remnants of the adhesive if they hit the front part of the cartoons.

Tightly press foam or polyurethane products hands are not recommended. You can leave traces of dents or completely deform the plinth. For attachment, use the flaps of the fabric or, in the extreme case, put the cotton gloves.

Mounting technician ceiling plinths on putty

Before you begin to fix the ceiling plinth on putty, the composition must be divorced in accordance with the instructions placed on the package.
  • We make the place of fastening with water or primer to improve the adhesion walls and putty. In addition, it is necessary that the putty does not dry so quickly.
  • We apply a diluted putty on the opposite side of the kallers with a uniform layer.
  • We apply a baguette and keep it in this position for 1-2 minutes.
  • If, when you press the excess putty, we remove them with a wet sponge and smear the gaps in the cracks.

After drying, the putty in the joints will give a slightly shrinkage, and therefore they can be smeared again.

Methods for fastening wooden ceiling plinths

Fall cartoons can be attached to putty only if they are narrow and lungs. In other cases, the use of metal fasteners is recommended.

We carry out work in this order:

  1. In advance made holes insert fasteners for fixing a wooden baguette.
  2. We apply the plinth and plug the hats of the screws inside.
  3. Mind by putty in the tone of fasteners and joints.

If the baguette is made of expensive wood breeds, it is necessary to make markup very carefully, because large gaps embroidered with putty will be quite noticeable.

Specificity of finishing ceiling plinths

At the end of the mounting work, the cartel must be painted. This is required not only for the decor, but also to mask putty in the cracks, prevent the yellowing and giving strength to foam products.

We carry out work in this order:

  • Baghet's ground for improving the grip with paint.
  • We apply the first layer of paint and wait for complete drying.
  • If stains can be seen, the coating uneven or its color is not intense enough, then we apply the second layer.

For painting foam ceiling plinth, you need to use paints without solvents. Wooden is better to handle the veil and covered with varnish. Additionally, different gllases that give the original texture can be applied for the decor.

The following tips will help you avoid the most common mistakes when attaching cartel:
  1. On the stretch ceiling, the plinth is not attached. The adhesive composition is applied only on the plane that contacts the wall.
  2. If you choose the ceiling baguettes to the walls, the room will visually look higher, and if the ceiling is more widely.
  3. If there is no stub, then you can do without a simple pattern, drawing two parallel lines on dense cardboard and crossing them segments below the desired angle. So it turns out a peculiar stuslo without sideboards.
  4. When using production angles, first install them on the wall, and then the baguettes themselves.
  5. When fixing massive gypsum cartoons, additionally screw them with self-testers, which, after drying, you can delete. The resulting openings are putting off the putty.
  6. Solid gypsum or polyurethane baguettes need to be cut only with a metal hacksaw, since the tree hacksaw will leave torn traces on the cut.
  7. If you decide to fix the plinth on the sealant, then choose a quality composition. Otherwise, he quickly yellowes in those places where you make a gap.
  8. If when finishing, the paint is assembled in a drop, the coating must be rebounded.
How to mount the ceiling plinth - Look at the video:

Ceiling plinths are installed easily and quickly. However, the main criterion in this process is accuracy and aesthetic appearance. Our recommendations will help to figure out the types of carteors, choose the most suitable adhesive composition and not get confused when putting it.