Repairs Design Furniture

Winter living room decor (50 photos). How and how to decorate the interior of the house in the winter ideas of jewelry for home of paper

In this article we will tell you how to decorate your house with your own hands. Our master classes will help you to bring ready-made ideas to create your own - a selection of photos with a lot of cool decorations.

Undoubtedly, accessories are played by a major role in interior design: vases, interesting details, multicolored decorative pillows, figurines, etc. So that they do not turn into ordinary "dust collectors", it is not necessary to invite the designer. With this task, if you wish, you can cope with yourself. Here the main thing is to withstand decorations in a single style, which would not be knocked out of the overall interior of the room or the whole home.

At the same time, each room needs an individual solution. For example, for the living room will not suit such frivolous decorations as decorative brooms-carries, fruits, wicker baskets. These accessories will be better looking at the kitchen decor.

We sew a decorative cushion for the living room

One of the most functional decorations for the living room are pillows (see photo). In addition, they have a lot of aesthetic meaning. They can be made of both contrasting materials, so be chosen to tone to the main color of the interior. Such decorative pillows can be made with their own hands. Even a beginner needlewoman will cope with it.

For the manufacture of pillows, practically any material you liked, but it must comply with certain criteria:

  • great shape;
  • be resistant to washing;
  • be hypoallergen.

Other concern - competently select the material for the filler. Preference here is better to give the foam rubber and silicone. And one more point: the material for pillowcase is better preferred is dense, with its color if possible should be light, without drawings. It will be optimal to choose cotton.

Deciding with the material, proceed to the selection of the shape of the pillow. It all depends on your personal preferences, as well as the interior of the room. So, if it is designed in a strict classic style, then inappropriate will be pillows in style patchwork.

Most popular pillows forms:

  1. square;
  2. round
  3. rectangular.

Go to sewing pillows.

Tip! The most successful seam for sewing covers and pillowcase will be linen. Details we combine and sew the front faces up. Carefully starting, after which we sew them down. The sweeping edge of the material will thus turn out to be inside the seam. It protects it from shuffling.

Master class for children

Children's room gives a huge selection for fantasy and implement ideas in life, because children love bright and original things so much. And if you attract them to the fulfillment of simple crafts under your leadership, this process will turn into a real game.

Consider some ideas how to make a toy with your own hands. It will become not only the original decoration for the children's room, but also a true friend for your child.

Materials that you need:

  • fabric of two colors (it is desirable to choose the one that does not sit down when washing);
  • sewing supplies;
  • buttons;
  • filler (Singrytegon is suitable).

Tip! Select the pattern in advance or make it yourself so that the toy turns out more accurate.

Then cut the pattern and transfer it to the material. In order to make the toy ears, nose and foot, you can use the fabric of another color, you can contrast.

We perform the stratification of the head of the head with your own hands. The front of the head form three details. Stead the front and rear parts, not forgetting about inserting pre-prepared ears. Put the toy with the filler gradually, when assembling individual details. And you will get a toy, as in the photo above.

Decorations for a private house

Ideas of jewelry for home paper

We offer the original version of the jewelry for which you will need the following:

  • decorative paper;
  • ribbons, lace;
  • cloth for decorations of paper for the interior;
  • photos;
  • various firming materials.

With the help of these simple materials, you can beautifully decorate any object of the interior, but we offer to decorate the old, unnecessary suitcase. It will be an unexpected solution for the interior of the living room or bedroom, or kitchen. And, in addition, it will serve for storing various things.

Just carefully become a suitcase outside with paper and cloth. To decorating it, you can chaotically glue photos, and decorate the edges with ribbons, braid, lace. Such a suitcase, decorated with paper, can be made in any style (see photo).

Geometric wall decoration: Abstract plot of bulk pyramids of muffled colors

This post is for those who appreciate winter comfort and anticipation of holidays. We share seven ideas how to create houses Christmas mood.

1. Winter decor do it yourself: add soft textiles

From this point begins a good half of the winter lists, so what? After all, nothing makes the house more cozy than a couple of new sofa pillows, and does not warm after a long walk better than an old good fleece plaid. By the way, the latter is an exception: all the rest of the tissues in the winter house is better to be natural.

2. Love carpets

Textiles in the cold does not happen little, and if the sofa pillows and new curtains are a pleasant excess, then the carpets are often a necessity. They make the house warmer (literally) and help not catch a cold if you prefer to raise barefoot on the rooms.

3. Make natural accents

The house is not a spacecraft in a vacuum, it is associated with the outside world, and this connection is always advantageous to emphasize the natural motives added to the interior. Rule Simple: If you want to feel the summer in your four walls, put wildflowers in the vases, and you dream to enjoy in winter, sitting under a warm blanket, - decorate the house with fir branches, cones and wreaths from evergreen plants.


4. Use glass vessels

Put cones, candles and other small winter decor in glass wine glasses, glasses or vases with a wide throat. First, you can create a beautiful finished composition. Secondly, the little things will know their place and scatter on the tables, sating and littering the house.


5. Connect the smell

We tend to underestimate what you can not touch and see, but remember how the memories are covered, it is only a glimpse of the familiar from childhood or a fragrance related to an important event. This is not good way to call on the home of the New Year holidays. You only need to decide which odors you are associated with them, and choose a way to fill the room.

6. Device Warm Lighting

We mean not only candles and. It is worth remembering about the old good incandescent lamps that give soft yellow light. However, energy-saving lamps can produce yellow lights, simply pay attention to

Preparation for the meeting of the New Year and Christmas usually passes fussy and very actively. You need to buy many different things (and this is not counting the choice of gifts to all expensive people), decorate the house, think about the festive menu. Therefore, we recommend that you think about all the trifles in advance. And you need to start with the fact that it creates the desired atmosphere of the winter fairy tale - with the creation of a decor for the house.

Winter home decor: Highlights

To begin with, you need decide with the overall concept. Think over topic New Year's holiday, try to arrange your home so that it corresponds to it as much as possible. For example, if you are planning a retro party, then use stylish things and objects that resemble those distant times. And if your plans are creative and youth holiday, do not be afraid of bold and unexpected solutions.

Christmas tree with your own hands

What meeting of the new year can we talk about if there is no main festive tree in the house? The defenders of nature and the owners of small apartments immediately think about what this version is not suitable for them. But the Christmas tree does not have to be real. Consider unusual optionswhich not only will not cause damage to ecology, but also do not take a lot of space.

So the attention of many people attracted wall Christmas trees. You can make them almost from any material. There are models for both experienced masters and for those who are not enjoying needlework. The easiest version of the Wall Christmas tree - From the garland, rain, bilateral tape and several christmas toys of small size. Using a pencil apply contour of the tree on the selected wall, then mark key placeswhere garland should be fixed. Best choose narrow placesFor example, the tips of spruce "lap". Attach the garland to the wall and fix Its in the specified places with the help of Scotch. After that, the wires need to be masked with a rain, as well as decorate the resulting Christmas tree with several toys.

Council. If you are planning to make the Wall Christmas tree from the garland or decorate with it, then place the "Christmas tree" close to the outlet.

Decoration of windows and doors for the new year

The holiday should begin right from the entrance, so do not forget to decorate the door with a small wreath. Make it quite easy: You will need several twigs, wire, decorative tape and decorating your taste.

One twig neatly roll into the circle The desired diameter, fix the wire. After that, under the created form "POGONE" the remaining branches. They also need to be fixed in the desired position. Tie the resulting wreath with a decorative ribbon and hang it on a nail. You can decorate as christmas toys and ribbons of other shades.

Decorate windows - Case is a painstaking, but very fascinating. Special markers and paints for decor of windows are sold in stores, which are easily applied and is also easily flushed. You can draw a whole picture or restrict ourselves to abstract patterns resembling frost. You can do and easier - use paper snowflakes. This way of decoration is known to everyone, but very effect.

If you want snowflakes to look unusually, take not colored paper, and glossy magazines with bright pictures - the result will be unpredictable and interesting.

New Year's Spirit

The atmosphere should be felt in every room.Therefore, it is not only a living room and an entrance hall, but also a kitchen, a bedroom and even a bathroom. Small glass vases can be added with colored balls. And the remaining Christmas toys - hang on the chandelier. You beat the doorways, decoring them with fir branches or imitation, spread the candles around the house, grind garlands.

Ideas: Winter Decor

Fluffy spruce, sparkling snowflakes on the mittens, brilliance of Bengal lights, aroma of tangerines, bubbles of champagne and the fight of the chimes ... Very soon a festive tale will come to every house! In December, we try to fill your home comfortably, warm and give a festive mood. Winter is associated with us with such celebrations as New Year and Christmas, and I really want to create a magic atmosphere in every corner of the house. Here is a small selection of ideas for those who want to leave warm memories of the fabulous time of the year.

Summary of colors.

White is one of the main colors in the winter decor. It symbolizes the snow, with it combines any colors. Its use in the decor increases space, makes your home more "clean", as well as on his background, other items seem to be brighter.

Red - "evening color", color of fire, associated with energy, force. It is impossible not to notice in the interior, even if it is present only as accents. Great combined with white - "color of calm." Red is appropriate in small quantities, but the oversaturation can cause irritation. In recent years, it is fashionable to add to the winter decor to white - these two colors perfectly complement each other.

Green color - another symbol of christmas holidays. The green sincerera is considered a symbol of life, freshness, fertility and comfort. The color of coniferous trees, it looks great in the winter decor. But it must be remembered that if you move to a dark green tint, you can easily create a boring, like "Green longing", atmosphere. The combination of green and red is always a win-win.

Golden and silver colors create an atmosphere of the holiday, celebrations, and therefore, it is impossible to suit the New Year decor. These colors will give the details of the brilliance, will sing lights and light garlands, add a little magic to the interior.

Light solutions.

New Year's lights and garlands are particles of winter fairy tales, magic, they remind us of the children's "Christmas tree, Gor!", On the rustling candy candies, about the stars burning in the winter sky, about bright confetti from clappers ... Decorate with glowing garlands not only New Year's fir tree , but also room or windows. Plant your garlands in advance in advance - it is necessary to take into account the location of the socket. Prefer the LED garlands - they are safer, since they are not heated, unlike incandescent bulbs.

New Year's candles and candlesticks will serve you with excellent assistants in the decoration of the apartment, because the candles - always give warm and comfort. Decorate the New Year's table with a composition of spruce twigs, cones and candles, place a candlestick-lantern on the window, or burn the aroma candle with the smell of tangerines and cinnamon. If you have children - replace the candles with open fire by their LED counterparts, safe and no less beautiful.


Do you have a family tradition to cut paper snowflakes before the new year? But the decor of paper do it yourself is a wonderful and budget way to decorate the house in winter! You can use any paper that you liked the color you like, decorate it with multi-colored serpentine or paints - everything depends on your imagination. Such a creative occupation can be a great reason to spend a little more time with family and children!

Create a New Year's mood will help compositions made of natural materials, such as bursts of the car or juniper. They are perfect for decorating festive glasses. Small bundles made of coniferous pine branches will also be relevant in the serving of the New Year's table, and in the decoration of the entire interior.

Knitted things are one of the fashion trends in the interior in the winter season. Original pillows, plaids of large mating subtly emphasize the New Year's mood and add comfort and warmth to any room. And if there is no time or perfection for such a needlework, you can simply get knitted accessories (in our way, by the way, there are such circles 🙂

Tradition to decorate the entrance door in the house of a Christmas wreath has become very popular and in our country. Try to make it yourself: a frame from the rod roll into a circle and tie it with pine or fir branches. Add to the resulting constructions of cones, Christmas tree toys, silver or gold ribbons and secure on the door or other vertical surface. You can also decorate the wreath of "artificial snow", which is sold in the form of a canister in most shops at such a time.

Bottles of champagne or glasses can be decorate with sea salt: the thin layer apply transparent glue on the dishes, spill its sea salt, and after the composition dryness is to cover the bottle or a glass of white acrylic or "artificial snow". Even simple glass jars wrapped with cloth, Christmas napkins, decorated with spruce branches or ribbons will look great in the kitchen.

It is difficult to imagine winter holidays without their main attribute - a New Year tree. You can choose both artificial and natural beauty. Decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, vintage postcards, traditional glass balls or made by their own toys. The decoration process is always very fascinating and gives space for your fantasy, and so that the live spruce please the eye much longer, fueled the tree with a solution of cool water and vinegar.


Smells of needles, mandarins, spicy baking and delicious food traditionally accompany any New Year celebration. Try before the New Year to bake gingerbread gingerbread, cook mulled wine or make a pleasant taste tea with spices, and your home will be filled with incredible aromas that speakers about the approach of winter holidays. Candles, oils or aromatic compositions from citrus and spices will add winter mood to your home.

Let not only the holidays themselves, but also prepare them are pleasant! Cozy winter!

Text - Marisha ELONA

The rest of the photos of Via Pinterest, if you know the source - write to us 🙂

Winter decor

Winter - The magical time of the year, when nature falls asleep, the ground is covered with white snow, and the rivers screams ice. Winter - a fabulous time, it is this season that loves the authors of children's works, to remember at least the famous fairy tale "The Snow Queen" of an unsvestigative Danchanin G.H.andersen.

It is difficult to find a child who would not love this time of year: skiing, skiing, "snowballs" - an integral part of happy childhood. The kids are looking forward to the New Year holidays, waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. Adults seemingly no longer believe in miracles, but for some reason, they are also waiting for the arrival of the winter with a fading of the heart and the anticipation of something unusual. Whether children's impressions affect, or in this frosty season there are really some kind of magic.

Of course, modern winters do not always please us with snowy weather, increasingly turning into a gloomy slush, which spoils the mood. Fortunately, it's not much difficult to create your personal fairy tale, to make a bright, brilliant and festive winter is quite real in the usual apartment. For this, just some decorative elements are needed, capable of bringing the magic aura of the miracle approximation.

To create the desired atmosphere, it is not at all necessary to use some expensive items, especially since the product of Hand-Maid is now on the wave of popularity, the creation of which does not require special cash costs. It is necessary to all wish, a little effort and free time. Very simple, but with a spectacular version of the decoration will serve ordinary cones placed in flower pots, decorative moss will create a beautiful framing of the main element.

No less simply creates a decor that resembles a winter forest. For its embodiment, several glass glasses are necessary, they must be transparent, the form can be chosen completely any, it does not matter, the main thing is that the glasses would be wide and not very high. When the tanks are selected, you can start creating snow, you can perform wool, sugar, decorative sand or any other substance, visually reminiscent. In the role of trees will perform dry twigs, such a decoration will especially well look at the Japanese style interior.

If you think about what exactly the subject is able to make the room more cozy and homely warm, then the first to the mind come, of course, candles. The fire always fascinates and attracts his eyes to him, no in vain, many seeking to acquire in their home by the fireplace. Candles give the room some kind of mystical and romanticism. To create a winter mood in the apartment, unusual knitted covers for candlesticks are perfectly suitable, great if they are made personally. In the same "clothing" you can dress and flower pots, creating a truly winter ensemble.

Another option of the traditional winter decoration, because the candles were used for the festive decoration of the dwellings in the old days. Now the variety of types of decorative candles is simply affecting the imagination, the design with products decorated with snowflakes will look very solemnly, but at the same time it is quite cozy. Of course, when choosing a color scheme, preference is worth paying shades of blue.

The bumps are one of the most popular elements for creating winter jewelry. Very spectacularly look at small bumps in a high transparent glass. You can also use glasses or small aquariums as a container. Artificial snow will help create the feeling that the bumps have just brought from the snow-covered forest. As a contrast in this winter composition, you can use a sprig with flowers, of course, to find a blooming cherry or apple tree in December will be unrealistic, but artificial flowers look no worse than living.

Funny snowes from white socks and pieces of colored headscarves will look very cute, such a decoration is quite realistic to do it yourself. You can use wool, wood sawdust or other suitable materials as a filler. Make these kids is more fun to help bright butchers and bispers. Such a decor can be done in conjunction with the child, to whom this fun will definitely have to do.

As a festive decorative element, various pillowcases for sofa pillows can be used. All sorts of patterns of winter topics will be relevant, for example, snowflakes, snowmen, christmas, deer, etc. Make such pillowcases can be done or purchased in the store, good, the range is huge. If we talk about the color scheme, then blue and red colors are considered unconditional favorites with a white pattern. By the spring, they can be easily changed on the products of another topic.

Some it seems that small winter decorations - too little, they want more global changes. But it is unlikely that someone wants to cross the wallpaper with the arrival of winter, changing the old cloth to another coating with the thematic pattern. No, of course, such a cosmetic repair is done quite real, but is it worth it? If there is a desire to change any significant element of the interior, it is better to use curtains or curtains for this. In stores you can find a huge amount of coating for windows from organza or other fabrics with a pattern corresponding to winter subjects.

Snowflakes - an integral part of winter jewelry, their image is used both for fabric patterns and to create various decorative elements. Snowflakes fascinate with their beauty and perfect, never repeated shape. They are a real work of art created by nature, it is not surprising that snowflakes are so often found in the decor. You can decorate the room with the help of snowflakes from beads, it is necessary to make only the wire, the beads and ribbon themselves, the decoration will be sized.

You can bring the festive atmosphere in the bedroom using competently selected bed linen. Now there are sets, decorated with a variety of patterns, including winter themes. They look just excellent and can serve as an excellent reminder of the approaching magic time of the year, thereby improving the mood and charged positive in the morning and for the whole day.

Do not forget about the decoration for the kitchen, as decoration of this room is most suitable, of course, dishes. Plates and cups, decorated with images of snowflakes, deer, Santa Claus, Snowmen and other drawings of the desired theme will become an excellent decorative element, pleased with their views of households and their guests.

Kitchen towels with winter drawings will also serve as an excellent decoration for the kitchen, images of images can be very much, in addition, you can always order printing services on the fabric by creating your personal decorative element.

The bathroom can be decorated with a soap of an unusual shape, for example made in the form of snowflakes. Such products can be used both to buy, and independently, because on the Internet there is a large number of training rollers in soap. Even those who have no idea about this process will be able to create their winter masterpiece without any problems.

Winter living room decor (50 photos)

Winter living room decor

Winter is a period when, when the cold and frost outside the window, the desire to leave the house arises. In order for long winter months to spend in comfort, comfort and warmth, you must take care of how to decorate the interior of the housing and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Planning the design of the winter interior, it should be remembered that, as the rules, the most important in the decor are the little things.

Knitted items in the winter interior

The canvas of a major mating from the very childhood is associated with something warm and cozy: a soft sweater, your favorite children's mittens ... You can decorate the interior with a large amount of sofa pillows that have a wool texture of coarse large mating and volumetric knitted beds. Pillows need to be decomposed not only on the sofa, but also on chairs, chairs, puffs, on the floor near the fireplace. Such knitted things of bed and natural shades will give the atmosphere atmosphere of additional heat, so necessary in the winter period.

Knitted items in the winter living room interior

Fur Details in the Winter Interior

It is difficult to imagine any winter interior in which there are no fur parts. It will be perfectly complemented by the interior in Scandinavian style fur bed, carelessly abandoned on the bed, cape on the armchair of fur, the skin of the fireplace. Of course, the fur in the interior does not have to be natural, well complement the winter interior of the part performed from artificial fur.

Fur Details in the interior of the living room

White color in the winter interior

Main Association with Winter - White Color. When creating the winter decor of the white interior, it should also be in sufficiency. White objects will help easily, without inventing anything new, quickly and easily create a winter interior. It can be white furniture, fluffy, soft white pad on the floor, white tablecloths on the tables.

White color in the winter interior

Candles and garlands in the decoration of the winter interior

The lighting of the room plays a huge role in the decoration of the winter interior. An excellent option for the winter decor of the living room is a fireplace. But the fireplaces are far from everyone. Without various garlands and candles it is impossible to create an atmosphere of the winter fairy tale. You can transform the interior of the room by adding several additional sources of natural and artificial light into it. The dining table can be decorated with a long narrow garland, if you stretch it along the whole table, and cutting it hanging. Candle groups tied with ribbon should be placed on the shelves and tables. If there are small children in the house, then from the candles will have to refuse. In this case, you can use various lamps or sconces with muted light. Better, when creating a winter decor in the living room, use lighting with light bulbs of warm glow.

Candles and garlands in the winter decoration of the interior

Decorative compositions

The main platform for the placement of decorative compositions of the winter interior is not a table or shelf, but a windowsill. On the windowsill, you can place animal figures, snowmen, deer, small Christmas trees in buckets or flower pots, branches of trees, decorated with artificial snow, candles, glass balls, original decorative Christmas trees and any other winter compositions made by hand. For compositions, it is better to make a beautiful colored substrate, a little patient snow. Compositions with Christmas trees can be supplemented with cones.

Winter composites on windows in the living room

Sweets in the winter decore

Easily fit into the winter interior and sweets. Various vases, baskets or cups with cookies placed on tables and shelves will be particularly well. Flipping vases with cinnamon stick cookies, Banyan asteris and spicy cinnamon. Spices will fill the aroma room and help create a good mood. You can use not only spices, but also various essential oils, and dry peels of oranges, tangerines or lemons.

Sweets in the winter living room interior decor

Branches in the winter decoration of the interior

The most efficient and easy way to winter decor is the use of natural material. This can be the usual branches of shrubs and trees, of which excellent compositions are obtained.

Excellent winter interior will complement the branches, decorated with Christmas toys, even made by hand. Bouquets from branches in vases will be unusual. Branches can be pre-painted in different colors. Bouquets are decorated with various elements of decor, pearls, garlands, satin ribbons. But you should not overdo it. When creating compositions from branches, it is necessary to preserve their natural look. From the branches are the original decor elements: asterisks, wreaths, snowflakes. You can make an alternative version of the New Year tree.

Branches in the winter living room interior decoration

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Winter decoration of candlesticks, 12 techniques of creativity do it yourself

Mid-Winter - Time when we especially want comfort. And the candles will easily add warmth and light to the house, even if the holidays are already behind. Especially if they decorate them in accordance with the season, i.e. in winter.

In this guide, we collected 12 options for the decor of simple glass candlesticks and ordinary glass jars that can perform this role. You will easily repeat them yourself, because we will tell you how to do it.

Warm and openwork, with bumps and oranges, similar to the frosty window and on the real winter landscape - all these options for the winter decor of the candlesticks are waiting for you in this release. Inspire and create - on the joy of yourself and your favorite house!

In winter, we conceal in the plaid and sweaters. Why not make such a cozy outfit and for a candlestick?

Tie a case yourself - what could be better handmade? Or make it from the sleeves of an old sweater. Secure it on the neck with a twine - and enjoy comfort!

A small tangle of wool and tea candle is enough to create an original candlestick.

Win the woolen thread, sticking every round, around a small candlestick or candle sleeve. And invite friends to tea drinking!

Lack of heat? Make such cute candlesticks with the effect of the frozen window. To do this, you will need paint-spray with the effect of frozen glass (Krylon "FROSTED GLASS").

Apply paint on the outer side of the candlestick. When driving, led some interesting decor - for example, a silver heart on a red rope. Complete the composition with other natural materials - red berries (from the same floral store), bumps, cheese.

To admire them, it is not necessary to wait for frosts. Draw such patterns yourself, right on the candlestick.

First, clean the candlesticks from dirt and fat using a wiper. And then cut the stencil of snowflakes, attach it to the glass and apply the paint with the effect of frost. When driving, remove the stencil, insert the candle and enjoy a small winter miracle.

Winter - picturesque time of year, inspirational artists and photographers. Do you already have a couple-triple photos with beautiful winter landscapes? Or at least a selection of pictures on the topic of winter? They can also decorate the candlesticks.

Make such candlesticks easier than you think. Just print an image, cut the fields and with the help of double-sided tape glue the candlestick. Easy and beautiful!

Parents probably told you that it was impossible to play with food. But about the decorations from edible materials - not a word. Coloring long winter nights in juicy colors - orange and cranberry - with the help of original candlesticks.

To do this, you will need dried orange circles and cranberry berries. Take each of them on the twine, tie a nodule. With the help of a needle, fasten the berry on top, turn the twine around the cutting of the candlestick. It remains only to light the candle and admire.

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Patterns on frozen glass are often compared with lace. What about combining frosty lace with the present? This decor looks most effectively in large forms, so it is better to take large candlesticks.

Apply the snow spray on the top (you can buy in the store for needlework), and to the bottom glue the cut of the lace. Magically!

Such a glade can decorate your windowsill.

Take high glass jars, wrap a lace or wide lace braid. Secure it with a pin, then cover the candlestick with white paint-spray. When dried, remove the lace, take a velvet ribbon around the neck.

It remains only to choose a suitable environment. Place the candlesticks on a wooden tray (or drink a tree, if you find), add artificial snow, chew, bumps and other natural materials that resemble the winter. If you have figurines of forest animals - put them nearby.

Paper snowflakes are the perfect decoration for everything that is connected with the winter. But this time you do not have to cut them - enough paper for scrapbooking in the form of snowflakes.

Coloring snowflakes with a blue food dye, put on a tracing to dry. Wrap a cart around the candlestick to determine how much scrap paper needs. Then cut out of the paper with snowflakes a piece of the appropriate size, cut it along and with the help of glue for glass stick to the candlestick. An exquisite decoration for the table is ready!

Gentle white leaves are unusual, but at the same time refined decoration. To make this beauty, you will need white artificial leaves, silver wire (everything can be bought in the store for florists) and glass candlesticks (or cans of different sizes).

These candlesticks are made very simple. Wrap with leaves each of the vessels, secure them with wire. Graceful candlesticks for tea candles are ready!

Natural materials are suitable for almost any occasion. And as the winter decor, they are just perfect. For this composition, we need unusual material - larch cones (they can also be purchased in stores for florists). They are good with their miniature and pleasant form.

As a candlestick, take glass cans of different sizes. The more interesting the form, the better. For decoration, make a garland from cones glued to the twine. Take the twine on the neck of each of the cans, put the candles inside - and admire!

Winter this year does not indulge in snow? Make your own mini-snowdrift yourself - unlike real, it does not melt in thaw.

To simulate snow, artificial snow and English salt will be needed. And also the decor - in the form of lace bras, twine and small cones.

Glue the lace around the neck of a narrow glass jar, on top - a bow of twine and a bump. Inspire a candlestick, pour salt, in the resulting snowdrift place a large candle. That's ready your personal piece of winter!


Winter decor do it yourself: 7 principles of a cozy house

This post is for those who appreciate winter comfort and anticipation of holidays. We share seven ideas how to create houses Christmas mood.

1. Winter decor do it yourself: add soft textiles

From this point begins a good half of the winter lists, so what? After all, nothing makes the house more cozy than a couple of new sofa pillows, and does not warm after a long walk better than an old good fleece plaid. By the way, the latter is an exception: all the rest of the tissues in the winter house is better to be natural.

2. Love carpets

Textiles in the cold does not happen little, and if the sofa pillows and new curtains are a pleasant excess, then the carpets are often a necessity. They make the house warmer (literally) and help not catch a cold if you prefer to raise barefoot on the rooms.

3. Make natural accents

The house is not a spacecraft in a vacuum, it is associated with the outside world, and this connection is always advantageous to emphasize the natural motives added to the interior. Rule Simple: If you want to feel the summer in your four walls, put wildflowers in the vases, and you dream to enjoy in winter, sitting under a warm blanket, - decorate the house with fir branches, cones and wreaths from evergreen plants.


4. Use glass vessels

Put cones, candles and other small winter decor in glass wine glasses, glasses or vases with a wide throat. First, you can create a beautiful finished composition. Secondly, the little things will know their place and scatter on the tables, sating and littering the house.


5. Connect the smell

We tend to underestimate what you can not touch and see, but remember how the memories are covered, it is only a glimpse of the familiar from childhood or a fragrance related to an important event. This is not good way to call on the home of the New Year holidays. You only need to decide which odors you are associated with them, and choose a way to fill the room.

6. Device Warm Lighting

We mean not only candles and garlands. It is worth remembering about the old good incandescent lamps that give soft yellow light. However, energy-saving lamps can produce yellow lights, simply pay attention to the labeling on the packaging.


7. Add White

Let the feeling of freshly buried snow into the house, changing the bright summer dishes on the snow-white. It will naturally fit into a monochrome light interior, will be a contrasting detail against the background of dark textiles or dilute the saturated red-green Christmas palette.

do it yourself, diy

Winter interior decoration | Dombront

To decorate the interior in the winter, it is not necessary to wait for New Year's and Christmas holidays at all. When in the street gray sludge, many begin to raise in the snow and frost. So nice at least at home to plunge into a cozy winter fairy tale. To create in the interior of the appropriate mood, elements associated with winter cold and home heat use. So, white branches will remind you of January, and standing near the candles will warm the atmosphere. Mixing "ice" and "flame" gives the most spectacular result.

Winter home decoration

Knitted products

Knitted pillows, blankets, puffs, covers and other details are so similar to winter clothes. They resemble the cold season and at the same time insulate the interior.


Like knitted things, artificial or natural fur persistently associated with winter insulation. Fur decor (pillows, blankets, capes, rugs, upholstery, etc.) introduces feminine softness or, on the contrary, rural coarseness characteristic of the style of the chalet.


In winter, the bulk of the time is dark, therefore, both the main and additional sources of light are actively involved. Unlike lamps, candles have a warmth of living fire. With them always in a special cozy.

Arranged here and there, beautiful candles are decorative themselves. Even to light them optional.

If you like candles, but live fire causes your anxiety - there is a way out. LED candles on batteries look very realistic. They worship you with their flicker, similar to the dance of a real flame, and will allow not to worry about fire safety.

Candle lights

This is the relevant decor today, who came to us together with the fashion on the Scandinavian style.

For winter design, lights are especially successful in the form of houses. After all, they look like elements of installing the winter town.

Candle lanterns are made to decorate window sills, tables, consoles and fireplace shelves.


Under standard urban housing, the real fireplace is an unrealized dream. But if I really want, it will definitely be possible for imitation. If you have thought about it for a long time, the winter approach is the time for the fireplace creativity.

The fireplace flame can be real (on biofuel), ironically drawn or reproduced with a candle. For security purposes it is worth using candles on batteries.

Symbols of winter

Above we talked about decoration with a warming effect. However, such details that are associated with the boards and snow will be not superfluous to create a winter mood. Winter symbols are snowflakes, bullfinches, deer, white hares, trees in a snowy robe, frosty patterns, mittens, etc. Decorate the interior with decorative objects with the image of these characters - and enjoy the effect of winter freshness.

White branches

This is another option "cold" decor. The branches elect the paint from the canister or with a saline.

White twigs look as if they are covered with and ice. Closer to the New Year holidays, they can be decorate with christmas balls and tinsel.

Electric garland

Why wait for the new year? Garland from light bulbs is appropriate even in the summer. In the dark in winter it is the more so by the way.

Little lights of electric garlands create a magic situation, giving joy and feeling of happiness.

If the street got cold, then some people may not be comfortable even in their own home. Therefore, in order to feel warm and enhance your personal mood, you need to prepare the inner space of the house for the winter and winter holidays. In general, in this article we decided to find out what the winter décor of the room should be with their own hands.

How to decorate your winter house

It is worth noting that currently there is a lot of ideas for winter home decoration. But, as a rule, rooms in the house are decorated for the New Year holiday. Therefore, we will offer you, just such ideas. So, on the first photo you can see a snowy design at home. As you can see, it looks great. In addition, this option is successfully combined with any design in the house.

Frequently in such design appear festive Christmas trees that can be completely different forms and sizes. Combine Christmas trees with fireplaces, armchairs and other warm elements of the wardrobe.

Adjust the atmosphere of the holiday can always be beautiful white candles. They can take a worthy place not only on the tables with treat. Such elements can be placed in absolutely any corners of their home. The light of the candles in any case will make the atmosphere still warmer.

Snowflakes are considered an essential winter attribute. Of course, admire snowflakes on the street not particularly comfortable. Therefore, they are free to carry home in the form of excellent design. With such snowflakes, you can decorate not only windows, but, as well as chandeliers and other interior items in your home.

Using, ordinary twigs can be created something beautiful. To create such beauty, the transparent glasses will also need, in which the small salt is poured. Of course, for better effect, several such glasses will be required. The twigs are simply installed in the dishes, and the dishes itself are placed in a row where it is necessary.

As you can see in many photos - Winter Decor is a fairy tale. Of course, this will have to spend a lot of money. And if there are no such, then you can do and budget options. For example, if you decorate some elements and place them in your room, then the atmosphere in the dwelling will become a little warmer.

If you decide to organize a winter interior decor, our advice will be needed. Even the most ordinary branches of large size can, with a proper approach, will be a wonderful element of the interior. Such branches are decorated with garland. It looks just great.

Mini-chips and cones can participate in the design of the festive table. Of course, it is worth a decorated in advance so that it all successfully combined with foreign objects.

If you are interested in the winter décor for the house, which can be organized with your own hands, then our article should you like. In winter, absolutely all elements are decorated in the house. Fireplaces in the house deserve special attention. All your fantasy can be used in their decoration. In general, if you attach attention to this, the result will be striking.

Let's sum up

So, in this article there were ideas for the winter decor of the room. Using them, you can be unrecognized to transform your room. The effect will be amazing. In your home there is not only beauty, but also comfort. In general, in such a room will always be comfortable to be any person.

And Christmas usually passes fussy and very actively. You need to buy many different things (and this is not counting the choice of gifts to all expensive people), think about the festive menu. Therefore, we recommend that you think about all the trifles in advance. And you need to start with the fact that it creates the desired atmosphere of the winter fairy tale - with.

Winter home decor: Highlights

To begin with, you need decide with the overall concept. Think over topic New Year's holiday, try to arrange your home so that it corresponds to it as much as possible. For example, if you are planning a retro party, then use stylish things and objects that resemble those distant times. And if your plans are creative and youth holiday, do not be afraid of bold and unexpected solutions.

Christmas tree with your own hands

What meeting of the new year can we talk about if there is no main festive tree in the house? The defenders of nature and the owners of small apartments immediately think about what this version is not suitable for them. But the Christmas tree does not have to be real. Consider unusual optionswhich not only will not cause damage to ecology, but also do not take a lot of space.

Council. If you are planning to make the Wall Christmas tree from the garland or decorate with it, then place the "Christmas tree" close to the outlet.

Decoration of windows and doors for the new year

The holiday should begin right from the entrance, so do not forget a small wreath. Make it quite easy: You will need several twigs, wire, decorative tape and decorating your taste.

One twig neatly roll into the circle The desired diameter, fix the wire. After that, under the created form "POGONE" the remaining branches. They also need to be fixed in the desired position. Tie the resulting wreath with a decorative ribbon and hang it on a nail. Like christmas toys and ribbons of other shades.

Decorate windows - Case is a painstaking, but very fascinating. Special markers and paints for decor of windows are sold in stores, which are easily applied and is also easily flushed. You can draw a whole picture or restrict ourselves to abstract patterns resembling frost. You can do and easier - use paper snowflakes. This way of decoration is known to everyone, but very effect.

If you want snowflakes to look unusually, take not colored paper, and glossy magazines with bright pictures - the result will be unpredictable and interesting.

New Year's Spirit

The atmosphere should be felt in every room., Therefore, not only the living room and the hallway, but also the kitchen, bedroom and even bathroom. Small glass vases can be added with colored balls. And the remaining Christmas toys - hang on the chandelier. You beat the doorways, decoring them with fir branches or imitation, spread the candles around the house, grind garlands.